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Global Projects a-Z Guide 2007 p1-V5

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  • 8/10/2019 Global Projects a-Z Guide 2007 p1-V5


    2007 Wellesley Information Services. All rights reserved.

    A Comprehensive Guide ToPlan, Manage, and Executea Successful Global SAP B

    mplementation Pro!ect "Part #

    Dr. Bjarne Berg

  • 8/10/2019 Global Projects a-Z Guide 2007 p1-V5



    In Part 1

    Writing your SAP BI business case and determine global

    architecture Defining the global scope of your implementation Writing a milestone plan De eloping your global staffing plan Budgeting !n"boarding# training and global staffing issues Writing your $or%plan

    &onitoring the progress and ris% of your global project &onitoring 'uality ( instituting a formal appro al process Why you need an SAP BI )user acceptance group*

  • 8/10/2019 Global Projects a-Z Guide 2007 p1-V5



    In Part +

    ,he blueprinting phase

    -e eraging the standard content&odeling for your solutionDeli erables

    ,he reali ation phaseBest practices for managing the implementation of !DS andInfo/ubes&anaging the en ironments and transports&anaging unit# system# integration 0 stress testing of SAP BI

    ,he implementation phase2ecuting the cut"o er to production

    /onducting end"user and po$er user trainingstablishing the end"user support organi ation

    Post"implementation re ie$ and ne2t steps

  • 8/10/2019 Global Projects a-Z Guide 2007 p1-V5



    What We3ll /o er

    Writing your SAP BI business case and global architecture Identifying your re'uirements# scope# and plan"of"attac% Staffing your project4 lessons and e2amples Budgeting4 ho$ much5 and for ho$ long5

    6inal preparations4 on"boarding# $riting the $or%plan# etc. Wrap"up

  • 8/10/2019 Global Projects a-Z Guide 2007 p1-V5


  • 8/10/2019 Global Projects a-Z Guide 2007 p1-V5



    2ample Business Benefits of SAP BI

    9sers get earlier access toinformation

    -oad times in BI areless than traditional#custom" de elopeddata $arehouses

    Business users need a highA ailability solution

    Information Access

    9sers spend less time onreconciling data# and moretime analy ing it.

    BW is )closer* to thesource system# and moreaccurately reflects data

    A substantial portion of the data $arehouse effort is spent onreconciling information

    8econciliation ffort

    nables $eb initiati es to getcloser to the source data#both in time and consistency.

    BW is closely integrated $ith 8(:# and can deli erdata that reflects thesource system at shorttime inter als.

    Web deli ery re'uires rapid datadeli ery of high consistency $iththe source system.

    Web strategy

    Substantial cost sa ings# bynot ha ing to rede elop ne$e2tract programs for eachSAP upgrade

    BW ; 8(: integrationpoints are maintainedand tested by SAP

    9pdating e2tract programs $hen upgrading 8(: ise2pensi e.

    /ost A oidance

    SAP is responsible formaintenance of theproduct.

    &aintaining a custom de elopedBI solution is comple2 ande2pensi e.

    /ost of !$nership

    BenefitBW!bser ationArea

    Information Access

    8econciliation ffort

    Web strategy

    /ost A oidance

    /ost of !$nership

    BenefitSAP BI!bser ationArea

    Substantial maintenancecost sa ings

    Mone$ %educing Time and Effort of deliver$

    Strateg$ mproved information &ualit$ ' access

  • 8/10/2019 Global Projects a-Z Guide 2007 p1-V5


    Mone$ %educing Time and Effort of deliver$Strateg$ mproved information &ualit$ ' access

    Area !bser ation SAP BI Benefit

    6aster Deployment "?>@of pre"deli eredcontent increasesde elopment speed

    8educed de elopmenttime for ne$ decisionsupport areas

    Integrated Products SAP continues to offer ne$products and modules thatthe organi ation might $ishto le erage in the future

    SAP BI is the)cornerstone* ofSAP3s

  • 8/10/2019 Global Projects a-Z Guide 2007 p1-V5


    Area !bser ation SAP BI Benefit

    SAP Strategy It is the organi ation3sSAP strategy to le eragein estments in the SAPto the fullest e2tent# andma2imi e SAP resourceutili ation.

    SAP BI is a SAP product#and is based on standardSAP

  • 8/10/2019 Global Projects a-Z Guide 2007 p1-V5



    More SummarizedMore Ad Hoc

    Management InformationLightly Summarized


    Dividing Line

    R! D"

    What -ogically Belongs in a 7lobal BI System5

    6i e years ago# $ith ersion :.>B# BIbecame increasingly able to report onoperational detailed data. But somereports still belong in 8(: or othertransactions systems

  • 8/10/2019 Global Projects a-Z Guide 2007 p1-V5


    ,he 7lobal ,arget Architecture ; An 2ample

    Meta (ata

    (ata )arehouse and (ecision Support *rame+or






    Source (ata




    Mar eting' Sales



    Product /ine


    0perational(ata Store








    (ata Subsetsb$ Segment





    Managed 2uer$ Env3


    (ata Marts4endor Provided




  • 8/10/2019 Global Projects a-Z Guide 2007 p1-V5


    What We3ll /o er

    Writing your SAP BI business case Identifying your re'uirements# scope# and plan"of"attac% Staffing your project4 lessons and e2amples Budgeting4 ho$ much5 and for ho$ long5

    6inal preparations4 on"boarding# $riting the $or%plan# etc. Wrap"up

  • 8/10/2019 Global Projects a-Z Guide 2007 p1-V5


    Alternati e 7lobal BI Approaches

    C 0 5 T 5 6 E

    T0P7(0)5 APP%0AC8

    Build a global data $arehousefor the company# and proceed

    sourcing local data from oldlegacy systems dri en from atop"do$n approach.

    C 8 A 5 G E

    B0TT0M76P APP%0AC8

    6ocus on a bottom"up approach $here the BI project $ill prioriti e

    supporting and deli ering local BIsolutions# thereby setting theactual establishment of the globalData Warehouse as secondary#B9, not forgotten.

  • 8/10/2019 Global Projects a-Z Guide 2007 p1-V5


    ,he Si2 7lobal Dimensions

    ,here are si2 core global dimensions you must consider before embar%ing

    on a global DW strategy. Project management is important# but it3s onlyone of these dimensions. 6ailure to account for the others may result inproject failures.

    Source: Peter Grottendieck, Siemens

    6or each dimension# articulate an approach# constraints# limitations andassumptions before you start your project.

  • 8/10/2019 Global Projects a-Z Guide 2007 p1-V5


    ,he Si2 7lobal Dimensions Ccont.

    Be a$are that 9S management styles can often come across as ery aggressi e andauthoritati e. ,o get local buy"in# assign meaningful leadership roles to localmanagers.

    /ulture# language# attitudes and politics can get in the $ay of a global project

    &a%e sure you ha e a blend of local resources in leadership roles and considerlocal consultants instead of bringing in 9S resources

    ntercultural 9no+ 8o+

  • 8/10/2019 Global Projects a-Z Guide 2007 p1-V5


    ,he Si2 7lobal Dimensions Ccont.

    !ne of the first steps is to ma%e sure you ha e reliable connecti ity and

    band$idth to mo e the data each night

    )hat happens if the data movement fails:8o+ can $ou get access to bac up tapes:

    Can the band+idth handle end7of month high volumes:)hat infrastructure do each source site use:


  • 8/10/2019 Global Projects a-Z Guide 2007 p1-V5




    ,he Si2 7lobal Dimensions Ccont.

    Do all team members and end"users communicate as effecti e in nglish5

    #3 (o +e need multi7language training and documentation:;3 (oes basic conversational English mean that users can read

    and understand technical training material and documentation:.3 8ave $ou installed 6nicode on $our B s$stem:


  • 8/10/2019 Global Projects a-Z Guide 2007 p1-V5



    Identifying Gour Business 8e'uirements

    !ne of the first steps is to gather the right re'uirements. ,his

    is done in a ariety of $ays# depending on $hich methodologyyou employ. It is a comple2 process in ol ing4

    1. Disco ery and ducation+. 6ormal communication

    :. 8e ie$sH. 6inal appro als

    An SAP

  • 8/10/2019 Global Projects a-Z Guide 2007 p1-V5



    Defining ,he Scope !f Gour 7lobal SAP BI Implementation

    6irst# determine $hat the local and shared business dri ers are#

    and ma%e sure you meet these objecti es. Define the scope in terms of $hat is included# as $ell as $hat is

    not included# ma%e sure e eryone is at least heard. In somecultures# process is as important as outcomes.

    &a%e sure you obtain appro al of the scope before you progressany further. All your $or% from no$ on $ill be dri en based on $hat is agreed to at this stage.

    As part of the $ritten scope agreement# ma%e sure youimplement a formal change re'uest process. ,his typicallyincludes a benefit"cost estimate for each change re'uest and aformal appro al process.

    Change management is done to manage scope, timelines and competingbusiness re&uirements3 Put in place a process for capturing feedbac ' re&uests3


  • 8/10/2019 Global Projects a-Z Guide 2007 p1-V5



    Defining ,he Scope !f Gour global SAP BI Implementation Ccont.

    6or the first go"li e# %eep the scope as small as possiblee.g.# Accounts Payable# Accounts 8ecei able# 7(-# or /!PA

    Gou ha e only : dimensions to $or% $ith4

    f one of these dimensions changes, $ouhave to ad!ust at least one of the others




  • 8/10/2019 Global Projects a-Z Guide 2007 p1-V5



    Prioriti ing the nterprise 7lobal Scope C 2ample

    July u! Se"t #ct $o% &ec J'n (e) *'r "r *'y Jun July u! Se"t #ct $o% &ec J'n (e) *'r "r *'y Jun July u! Se"t #ct $o% &ecProcurement det'ils+ summ'ry recei"ts





    *'ster !reements


    Gener'l .ed!er

    / + redit *!mt




    -n%entory Pl'nnin!

    Source n'lysis

    S'les o""ortunity

    lue"rintin! e'li 'tion uto%er 'nd !o li%e

    2005 20062004

    ' se%er'nce +"rocessor

    Plan multiple implementations, and +rite a long7term outline3Control change +ith a formal change re&uest process3

  • 8/10/2019 Global Projects a-Z Guide 2007 p1-V5



    Selecting A &ethodology

    &any times# there are se eral potentially )right* choices

    i.e.# $hen time"to"deli ery is moderate# or $hen the impact of failureis moderate. Also be a$are of local ariations of the methodologies

    ,he diagram is intended toillustrate the differences amongthe appropriateness of eachmethodology.

    ,he decision is clearer in thee2treme. In practice# ho$e er#there are )gray ones* $heremore than one ans$er may becorrect.

    ,he diagram is intended toillustrate the differences amongthe appropriateness of eachmethodology.

    ,he decision is clearer in thee2treme. In practice# ho$e er#there are )gray ones* $heremore than one ans$er may becorrect.

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    Post this planon the +allsand in thehall+a$s oferv$oneaffected3

    (on>t hide itin the PM?soffice in adifferentcountr$3

    9eep it under.@ items

    Writing A 7lobal &ilestone Plan

    9se milestone plan to illustrate dependencies and

    high"le el tas%s

  • 8/10/2019 Global Projects a-Z Guide 2007 p1-V5



    What We3ll /o er

    Writing your SAP BI business case Identifying your re'uirements# scope# and plan"of"attac% Staffing your project4 lessons and e2amples Budgeting4 ho$ much5 and for ho$ long5

    6inal preparations4 on"boarding# $riting the $or%plan# etc. Wrap"up

  • 8/10/2019 Global Projects a-Z Guide 2007 p1-V5



    Si2 $ays to organi ing the 7lobal BI de elopment effort

    e more distri)uted t e S P -de%elo"ment e ort )ecomes, t emore di icult it is to m'int'incommunic'tion 'nd !et co esi%e

    re uirements;

  • 8/10/2019 Global Projects a-Z Guide 2007 p1-V5



    De eloping Gour Staffing Plan4 -essons -earned

    De eloper training should start early for all project

    team members SAP 8(: s%ills are not easily transferable to SAP BW

    Jands"on e2perience is needed

    It3s ery hard to learn $hile being producti e ,he 'uality of the team members is much more

    important than the number of members

    An e2perienced SAP BI de eloper can accomplish in oneday $hat : no ice de elopers can do in a $ee%,he tool has a steep learning cur e


  • 8/10/2019 Global Projects a-Z Guide 2007 p1-V5



    De eloping Gour Staffing Plan4 -essons -earned Ccont.

    Project time and cost estimates should be based onteam3s e2perience le el

    Plan on formal %no$ledge"transfer from e2ternalresources from day one

    -in% ine2perienced members $ith e2perienced ones

    Ja e identified )go"to* resources a ailable in allareas

    &a%e a listK

    (we will take a second look at this whenwe do the budgeting!)

  • 8/10/2019 Global Projects a-Z Guide 2007 p1-V5



    Sleep# ,ra el and ,ime Lones..

    People crossing or more time 1ones need over. hours to ad!ust This increases to over D;

    hours +hen crossing or more time 1ones3Some simple rules to address this

    Create a Fpro!ect timeF in the middle3 3e3 forEuropean and 6S pro!ects, middle time +ouldbe Eastern 6S time . hrs, and Europeancentral times less . hours3 5o meetings +ouldbe scheduled bet+een H7##am in Europe, norbet+een ;7Ipm in the 6S3

    *l$ to the destination the da$ before, or allo+ at least hours do+ntimefor sleeping and sho+ering at the hotel3(on>t schedule meeting times around +hen people are traveling39eep each trip over I da$s minimum to ad!ust for sleep, or ris runningthe team Finto the groundFJPlan extended +ee ends for famil$ time for staff after a long trip

  • 8/10/2019 Global Projects a-Z Guide 2007 p1-V5



    2ample4 Small local SAP BI Project for Single Subject Area

    .g.# Billing# In entory# or Accounts Payable

    7I team members and normall$.7 months duration depending on scope

    Basis and functional %-. support

    5ote These are roles, notpositions

  • 8/10/2019 Global Projects a-Z Guide 2007 p1-V5



    2ample4 &id"si ed global SAP BI Project# Single /omple2 Subject

    .g.# 7lobal /ost and Profitability# international cross organi ation

    or consolidated billing

    Basis and functional %-. support

    H7#@ team members and normall$;7 months duration depending on scope

    5ote These are roles, notpositions

  • 8/10/2019 Global Projects a-Z Guide 2007 p1-V5



    2ample4 -arge 7lobal BI Project for &ultiple Subject Areas

    .g.# global Sales# 6inance#and &aterial &anagement

    #a$i$ and functional R%& $upport

    #I7;I team members and normall$7#H months duration depending on scope

    Portal developer

  • 8/10/2019 Global Projects a-Z Guide 2007 p1-V5



    Jo$ ,ightly Should &ultiple 7lobal BI Projects be /ontrolled5

    Source: The Conference Board Survey

    ,he relationshipbet$een global controland success4

    ''( Succe$$ful''( Succe$$ful &)( Succe$$ful&)( Succe$$ful

    Loo$e *ooperation+&'(,


    ight *entral *ontrol+./(,

    0))( Succe$$ful0))( Succe$$ful

    *oordination of Multiple Data "arehou$e !ro1ect$

  • 8/10/2019 Global Projects a-Z Guide 2007 p1-V5



    What We3ll /o er

    Writing your SAP BI business case Identifying your re'uirements# scope# and plan"of"attac% Staffing your project4 lessons and e2amples Budgeting4 ho$ much5 and for ho$ long5 6inal preparations4 on"boarding# $riting the $or%plan# etc. Wrap"up

  • 8/10/2019 Global Projects a-Z Guide 2007 p1-V5



    SAP Business Intelligence Project Budgeting Process Steps

    1. Si e the SAP BI effort based on the scope+. Prioriti e the effort

    :. &ap the effort to the deli ery schedule

    H. Plan for number of resources neededbased on the scope# deli ery schedule andthe effort.

    1. /reate the &ilestone Plan and Scope Statement first# beforeattac%ing the budgeting processKK

    +. Start the budgeting process by estimating the $or%load interms of the de elopment effort. 8efine based on the team3ss%ill e2perience and s%ill le el

    ) e + i l l

    n o + l o o ,

    a t a n e x

    a m p l e

    h o + t h i s

    p r o c e s

    s + o r , s i

    n t h e

    r e a l + o

    r l d


  • 8/10/2019 Global Projects a-Z Guide 2007 p1-V5



    1. Si e SAP BI ffort Based on the Scope ; 8eal 2ample

    %emember that $our si1ing also has to be based onthe team>s experience and s ill level3

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    +. Prioriti e the ffort

    The nextstep is to

    prioriti1eand outlinethe efforton astrategic


    Ma e sure $our sponsor and the businesscommunit$ agree +ith $our deliver$ schedule

  • 8/10/2019 Global Projects a-Z Guide 2007 p1-V5



    :. 9se Project stimates 0 the ,imeline to /reate Project -oad Plan

    There are H@ available +or hours per pro!ect member per &uarter39no+ing this, +e can plan the number of team members +e needJ

    50TE %emember to plan for different vacation schedules

  • 8/10/2019 Global Projects a-Z Guide 2007 p1-V5



    H. 8esult4 7ood Input for the Staffing /osts and Planning

    Man$ companies plan a @K7 @K mix of internal and external

    resources for a first go7live3 Also, most use LI@7L @ per hr forinternal budgeting and L @7L#D@ per hr for external resources3

    $um)er o te'm mem)ers








    tr 1 tr 2 tr 3 tr 4 tr 1 tr 2 tr 3 tr 4 tr 1 tr 2 tr 3

    9se this information to plan for training# on"boarding# and staffing


    This spi e inresource needsis due to anoverlap in the


    5o+ might be agood time torevie+ thatdecisionJ

  • 8/10/2019 Global Projects a-Z Guide 2007 p1-V5



    What We3ll /o er

    Writing your SAP BI business case Identifying your re'uirements# scope# and plan"of"attac% Staffing your project4 lessons and e2amples Budgeting4 ho$ much5 and for ho$ long5 6inal preparations4 on"boarding# $riting the $or%plan# etc. Wrap"up

  • 8/10/2019 Global Projects a-Z Guide 2007 p1-V5



    7lobal !n"Boarding and ,raining

    deal NrsExperience

  • 8/10/2019 Global Projects a-Z Guide 2007 p1-V5



    Writing the Wor%plan ; SAP Best Practices for BI

    A sample $or%plan can be do$nloaded from the SAP Best

    Practices for BI $eb site

    A test drive is available on the )eb sitett":// el";s'";com/)"=)i%170/inde ; tm

  • 8/10/2019 Global Projects a-Z Guide 2007 p1-V5



    ( TAS9

    2 8 6 * ' y

    2 9 6 * ' y

    3 0 6 * ' y

    3 1 6 * ' y

    1 6 J u n

    2 6 J u n

    # SAP Best Practices B mplementation %oadmap 7 read 5otes## Blueprint Phase ' Planning Phase#; Appl$ for Going /ive Chec,#. *inali1e Pro!ect Scope Oselected scenarios14 eck ontent deli%ered )y est Pr'ctices15 &etermine t ose issues ' ectin! > -m"lement'tion 'nd 'ssi!n risk to "ro?ect16 Present (in'l Sco"e to ustomer 'nd Get Si!no o Sco"e#D Pro!ect Planning Phase18 Set @" &e%elo"ment An%ironment19 &e ine tr'ns"ort Str'te!y20 cti%'te *S21 &e ine Pro?ect #r!'ni 'tion 'nd re'te e'ms22 n'ly e oles 'nd 'sks )y St'nd'rd ontent re's 'nd ec nic'l23 @"d'te deli%ered Pro?ect Pl'n + in'li e, includin! resources 'ssi!nments24 &e ine customer rollout + tr'inin! str'te!y or S P >25 &e ine ty"es o users o t e >26 &etermine $um)er o users or >27 &etermine &'t' ccess e:uirements

    H>> to 1>>> line"item $or%plansare not unusual for mid"si e andlarge SAP BI implementations

    More (etails on +or plan +riting available here Q Writing Solid and Realistic Work Plans fora SAP B ple entation Pro"ect R, SAP Pro!ect Mgmt Conference ;@@I, tt"://cscstudentBe);lrc;edu/sB"/ er!/'rticles/P*05= er!=>ritin!'solid;""t

    Writing the Wor%plan

    ,he Wor%plan1. Write a detailed $or%plan that references the methodology.+. &a%e sure the $or%plan is detailed enough to trac% project progress.:. Progress can be measured by hours used# s. @ of tas%s completed.

    ffort# D ration and &ista%es on 7lobal BI Projects

  • 8/10/2019 Global Projects a-Z Guide 2007 p1-V5



    ffort# Duration and &ista%es on 7lobal BI Projects

    Source: CPl'nnin! 'nd im"ro%in! !lo)'l so tB're de%elo"ment "rocessD )y Set'm'nit,>'kel'nd, ' o, *'y 2006, intern'tion'l Borks o" on Glo)'l so tB're de%elo"ment

    %ecent research have demonstrated that global pro!ects thatspends more da$s

  • 8/10/2019 Global Projects a-Z Guide 2007 p1-V5



    7lobal Project 8is% &itigation Strategies

    - " -imitations C$hat are the assumed# e2isting and design limitationsA " Assumptions C$hat assumptions are made# and $hat happens

    $hen these assumptions are no longer true58 " 8is%s C$hat are the ris%s created by this approach# $hat are

    the impacts of failure# and ho$ can these ris%s beminimi ed

    (evelopers, designers and business anal$sts should beforced to +rite at least one paragraph on each of these item3

    t forces ne+ thin ing as +ell as the constant &uestioning ofassumptions

  • 8/10/2019 Global Projects a-Z Guide 2007 p1-V5



    Plan for sol ing 7lobal SAP BI project issues

    E'%in! - "eo"le en!'!ed in S P - !lo)'l de%elo"ment Bit out "ro%idin!t e ri! t in r'structure, '""ro'c 'nd m'n'!ement is ' reci"e or 'ilure

    Source /everaging resources in global soft+are developmentBattin, Croc er, 9reidler, Subramanian, Soft+are, EEE

    l b l

  • 8/10/2019 Global Projects a-Z Guide 2007 p1-V5



    7lobal Project 8is% &itigation Strategies

    Add 1F@ more project time for tra el and adjustments

    8otate tra el so that the stress is more e enly distributed on the team

    Plan to spend F"1> days at the beginning of the project to le el setand build trust and social net$or%s before the real $or% begins.

    /reate a formal escalation process of issues related to the projectand ma%e sure one culture does not dominate.

    Select a project language formally and ma%e sure all team members

    are proficient in it.Spend time re$arding inter"team cooperation and createopportunities for promotion $ithin and outside both teams C)crosspollinate*

    & i i P

  • 8/10/2019 Global Projects a-Z Guide 2007 p1-V5



    &onitoring Progress

    &anage the $or%plan from a percent complete

    standpoint on a $ee%ly basis /reate $ee%ly status reports $ith core progress metrics

    and send to all team members C%eep it high"le el andtangible

    8e'uire monthly status reports from all team membersin a fi2ed format

    Meep a close eye on the deadlines for the deli erablesand ma%e to follo$"up personally on late tas%s

    ,rac% percent complete tas%s in the $or%plan againstthe number of hours# or days $or%ed# to see if you areon"trac%.


    Warning SAP B is a complex environment that has man$ dependencies3/ate tas s can have significant impacts on the overall pro!ect3

    & i i BI li d 6 l A l P 4 2 l

  • 8/10/2019 Global Projects a-Z Guide 2007 p1-V5



    &onitoring BI uality and 6ormal Appro al Process4 2ample

    Create *unctionalspecs

    Peer %evie+



    Create Technicalspecs

    Peer %evie+



    +al through



    6nit Testing


    S$stem Testing

    Structured+al through














    h 9 A 7 d I 8 l

  • 8/10/2019 Global Projects a-Z Guide 2007 p1-V5



    ,he 9ser Acceptance 7roup and Its 8ole

    /reate a user acceptance team consisting of F"N members

    from the arious business departments or organi ations Meep the number odd to assist $ith otes $hen decisions

    need to be made. With fe$er than F members# it can behard to get enough members present at each meeting

    &a%e this team the focus of your re'uirements gatheringin the early phase# then let this team perform useracceptance testing during the 8eali ation phase

    &eet $ith the team at least once a month during reali ationto refine re'uirements as you are building# and ha esomething to sho$ them


    ,his approach is hard to e2ecute $hen also managing scope# but isessential to ma%e sure that the system meets users3 re'uirements

    Wh t W 3ll /

  • 8/10/2019 Global Projects a-Z Guide 2007 p1-V5



    What We3ll /o er

    Writing your SAP BI business case Identifying your re'uirements# scope# and plan"of"attac% Staffing your project4 lessons and e2amples Budgeting4 ho$ much5 and for ho$ long5 6inal preparations4 on"boarding# $riting the $or%plan# etc. Wrap"up


  • 8/10/2019 Global Projects a-Z Guide 2007 p1-V5




    Dr. Bjarne Berg Jome page C?>O articles and presentations 4

    http4((csc"student$$p(Berg(BB inde2 main.htm

    6i e /ore &etrics4 ,he Intelligence Behind SuccessfulSoft$are &anagement

    By -a$rence J. Putnam 0 Ware &yers

    Walt ing With Bears4 &anaging 8is% on Soft$areProjects ;

    By ,om Demarco 0 ,imothy -ister

    &astering the SAP Business Information WarehouseBy Me in &cDonald# Andreas Wilmsmeier# Da id /. Di2on

  • 8/10/2019 Global Projects a-Z Guide 2007 p1-V5


    N M P i t t % J C t

  • 8/10/2019 Global Projects a-Z Guide 2007 p1-V5



    N Mey Points to ,a%e Jome Ccont.

    stablish milestone dates# and map the $or% hours re'uiredto these dates. Include local acation schedules and holidays.Be sensiti e to local $or% practices and donQt QenforceQ yourmanagement style on the team Caccept di ersity .

    stablish a formal global )on"boarding* plan for projectresources and ma%e sure they recei e appropriate training.

    stablish a formal process for 'uality control and appro al ofdeli erables. /ommunicate often and spend time on teambuilding acti ities.

  • 8/10/2019 Global Projects a-Z Guide 2007 p1-V5
