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Global Planning on the Mars Exploration Rovers: Software Integration and Surface Testing Joseph Carsten and Arturo Rankin Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology Pasadena, California 91109 e-mail: [email protected], [email protected] Dave Ferguson Intel Research Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15213 e-mail: [email protected] Anthony Stentz Robotics Institute Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15213 e-mail: [email protected] Received 2 July 2008; accepted 6 January 2009 In January 2004, NASA’s twin Mars Exploration Rovers (MERs), Spirit and Opportunity, began searching the surface of Mars for evidence of past water activity. To localize and approach scientifically interesting targets, the rovers employ an onboard navigation sys- tem. Given the latency in sending commands from Earth to the Martian rovers (and in receiving return data), a high level of navigational autonomy is desirable. Autonomous navigation with hazard avoidance (AutoNav) is currently performed using a local path planner called GESTALT (grid-based estimation of surface traversability applied to local terrain) that incorporates terrain and obstacle information generated from stereo cam- eras. GESTALT works well at guiding the rovers around narrow and isolated hazards; however, it is susceptible to failure when clusters of closely spaced, nontraversable rocks form extended obstacles. In May 2005, a new technology task was initiated at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory to address this limitation. Specifically, a version of the Field D global path planner was integrated into MER flight software, enabling simultaneous lo- cal and global planning during AutoNav. A revised version of AutoNav was then up- loaded to the rovers during the summer of 2006. In this paper we describe how this Journal of Field Robotics 26(4), 337–357 (2009) C 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Published online in Wiley InterScience ( DOI: 10.1002/rob.20287

Global Planning on the Mars Exploration Rovers: Software ......In January 2004, two robotic vehicles landed on Mars as part of NASA’s Mars Exploration Rover (MER) mission (see Figure

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Page 1: Global Planning on the Mars Exploration Rovers: Software ......In January 2004, two robotic vehicles landed on Mars as part of NASA’s Mars Exploration Rover (MER) mission (see Figure

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Global Planning on the MarsExploration Rovers:

Software Integrationand Surface Testing

Joseph Carsten and Arturo RankinJet Propulsion LaboratoryCalifornia Institute of TechnologyPasadena, California 91109e-mail: [email protected],[email protected]

Dave FergusonIntel Research PittsburghPittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15213e-mail: [email protected]

Anthony StentzRobotics InstituteCarnegie Mellon UniversityPittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15213e-mail: [email protected]

Received 2 July 2008; accepted 6 January 2009

In January 2004, NASA’s twin Mars Exploration Rovers (MERs), Spirit and Opportunity,began searching the surface of Mars for evidence of past water activity. To localize andapproach scientifically interesting targets, the rovers employ an onboard navigation sys-tem. Given the latency in sending commands from Earth to the Martian rovers (and inreceiving return data), a high level of navigational autonomy is desirable. Autonomousnavigation with hazard avoidance (AutoNav) is currently performed using a local pathplanner called GESTALT (grid-based estimation of surface traversability applied to localterrain) that incorporates terrain and obstacle information generated from stereo cam-eras. GESTALT works well at guiding the rovers around narrow and isolated hazards;however, it is susceptible to failure when clusters of closely spaced, nontraversable rocksform extended obstacles. In May 2005, a new technology task was initiated at the JetPropulsion Laboratory to address this limitation. Specifically, a version of the Field D∗global path planner was integrated into MER flight software, enabling simultaneous lo-cal and global planning during AutoNav. A revised version of AutoNav was then up-loaded to the rovers during the summer of 2006. In this paper we describe how this

Journal of Field Robotics 26(4), 337–357 (2009) C© 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.Published online in Wiley InterScience ( • DOI: 10.1002/rob.20287

Page 2: Global Planning on the Mars Exploration Rovers: Software ......In January 2004, two robotic vehicles landed on Mars as part of NASA’s Mars Exploration Rover (MER) mission (see Figure

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integration of global planning into the MER flight software was performed and provideresults from both the MER surface system test bed rover and five fully autonomous runsby Opportunity on Mars. C© 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


In January 2004, two robotic vehicles landed on Marsas part of NASA’s Mars Exploration Rover (MER)mission (see Figure 1). Since that time, these tworovers, Spirit (Leger et al., 2005) and Opportunity(Biesiadecki et al., 2005), have been searching theMartian surface for evidence of past water activity.Directing rover activities poses an interesting chal-lenge for scientists and engineers. It can take as longas 26 min for a signal from Earth to reach Mars (andvice versa). This makes teleoperation of the roversinfeasible. In addition, line-of-sight and power con-straints further complicate the situation. To overcomethese factors, each rover is sent a sequence of com-mands at the beginning of each Martian day (sol).This command sequence lays out all activities to beperformed by the rover during the sol. The rover thenexecutes the command sequence without any humanintervention. In general, before the rover enters intoa sleep mode for the night, it will send data back toEarth. These data are then used to plan activities forthe following sol. Owing to the fact that commandsare received only once per sol, rover autonomy is crit-ical. The more autonomous the rover is, the more ac-tivities it can accomplish each sol. Here, we will fo-cus our attention on the navigation system, but thisobservation applies to all rover behaviors.

Figure 1. Artist’s rendition of a MER. CourtesyNASA/JPL-Caltech.

The purpose of the navigation system is to movethe rover around the Martian surface in order to lo-cate and approach scientifically interesting targets. Tobegin the process, engineers on Earth identify a goallocation that they would like the rover to reach. Typ-ically, images returned by the rover are used to selectthis goal. Two main methods can be used to reach thisgoal. The first and simplest is the blind drive. Duringa blind drive, the rover does not attempt to identifyhazardous terrain and simply drives toward the goallocation. The second option is autonomous naviga-tion with hazard avoidance (AutoNav). In this case,the rover autonomously identifies hazards, such aslarge rocks, and steers around them on its way to thegoal.

There are advantages and disadvantages to eachapproach. During a blind drive, the rover can cover alarger distance in a given time period because it doesnot have to process imagery of the surrounding ter-rain. However, this means that the engineers on Earthmust verify that the terrain between the rover andthe goal is free from hazards before commanding thedrive. On the other hand, AutoNav is slower but cankeep the rover safe even in regions unseen by engi-neers on Earth. Often, the two methods are utilized intandem. First a blind drive is commanded as far outas engineers can be sure of safety. Then AutoNav isused to make additional progress through unknownterrain. Thus, the increased autonomy provided byAutoNav allows much more forward progress to bemade during a sol.

Although AutoNav is usually able to guide therover to the goal, there are known circumstances un-der which it is susceptible to failure and the roverdoes not reach the goal. In July 2006, a new ver-sion of the MER flight software was successfully up-loaded to the rovers. Owing to the complexity andnumber of changes, a software patch was infeasibleand a full flight software load was necessary (Greco& Snyder, 2005). In addition to bug fixes and otherimprovements, four new technologies were included.These new technologies were visual target tracking,onboard dust devil and cloud detection, autonomousplacement of the instrument deployment device, anda global path planner designed to overcome someof the shortcomings of AutoNav (Schenker, 2006).

Journal of Field Robotics DOI 10.1002/rob

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A description of this planner, its integration into theflight software, test results on Earth, and test resultson Mars are described in the remainder of this paper.


2.1. Overview

The purpose of AutoNav is to enable the roverto safely traverse unknown terrain. AutoNav isbased on the GESTALT (grid-based estimation of sur-face traversability applied to local terrain) algorithm(Biesiadecki & Maimone, 2006; Goldberg, Maimone,& Matthies, 2002). AutoNav uses stereo image pairscaptured by the rover’s onboard camera system togather geometric information about the surroundingterrain. These images are processed to create a modelof the local terrain. Part of this model is a goodnessmap. This goodness map is grid based and representsan overhead view of a model of the terrain. Each gridcell in the map contains a goodness value. High good-ness values indicate easily traversable terrain, andlow goodness values indicate hazardous areas. Themap is constructed in configuration space, meaningthat hazards are expanded by the rover radius in alldirections before their representations are included inthe map. This allows the rover to be treated as a pointin future computations.

Once the terrain has been evaluated, a set of can-didate arcs (short paths from the current rover loca-tion) is considered. Nominally, the arc set consists offorward and backward arcs of varying curvature, aswell as point turns to a variety of headings. Each arcis evaluated based on three criteria: avoiding hazards,minimizing steering time, and reaching the goal. Foreach arc, a vote based on each of these criteria is gen-erated. The goodness map is used to generate thehazard avoidance vote. Arcs that travel through cellsthat are difficult or dangerous to traverse receive lowvotes. Steering bias votes are constructed based onthe amount of time that is needed to turn the wheelsfrom the current heading to the heading required toexecute the candidate arc. Arcs requiring less steer-ing time receive higher votes. Waypoint votes areconstructed based on the final criterion: reaching thegoal. Arcs that move the rover closer to the goal lo-cation receive higher waypoint votes. The three votesare then weighted and merged to generate a final votefor each arc. Once votes have been generated, the bestarc is selected for execution. The rover then drives ashort, predetermined distance along the selected arc.

This process is repeated (evaluate terrain, select arc,drive) until the goal is reached, a prescribed timeoutperiod expires, or a fault is encountered.

2.2. Shortcomings

AutoNav is very good at keeping the rover safe andusually gets the rover to the goal location. How-ever, in some instances AutoNav is not able to reachthe goal. Figure 2 illustrates one such situation. Inthis case, Spirit spent approximately 105 min and 47drive steps trying to get around a cluster of rocksbut was unable to autonomously do so. The cause ofthis failure was the simple method used to constructwaypoint votes by AutoNav. Arcs that decrease theEuclidean distance between the rover and the goalalways receive higher votes. This biases the rover totake straight-line paths to its goals. When the way-point votes are then merged with hazard avoidancevotes, some deviation to get around small hazards ispossible. However, the amount of deviation that canoccur is fairly minimal. When the rover encountersa large hazard in its path, the waypoint votes andhazard avoidance votes conflict severely. The haz-ard avoidance votes will not allow the rover to drive

Figure 2. On sol 108, Spirit was unable to autonomouslynavigate to a goal location on the other side of this clusterof rocks. This image was captured by one of the front haz-ard avoidance cameras mounted on the body of the rover. Aportion of the scene is in a shadow cast by the rover. Cour-tesy NASA/JPL-Caltech.

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through the unsafe area, and the waypoint votes willnot allow enough deviation from the straight-linepath for the rover to get around the hazard. As a re-sult, the rover becomes stuck and is unable to reachthe goal.


For improved performance, a better waypoint votemetric is needed; something that is more accuratethan Euclidean distance. A better metric can be pro-duced by planning paths to the goal that take intoaccount all of the obstacles in the environment. Typi-cally, the environment will be only partially known tothe rover, and thus complete information regardingthe obstacles will not be available. However, incorpo-rating obstacle information that is available into theseglobal plans typically provides much better estimatesthan Euclidean distance, and these estimates only im-prove in accuracy as more information is acquiredduring the rover’s traverse. Such an approach hasbeen widely used in outdoor mobile robot navigation(Brock & Khatib; 1999; Kelly, 1995; Kelly et al., 2006;Kolski, Ferguson, Bellino, & Siegwart, 2006; Singhet al., 2000; Stentz & Hebert, 1995).

We have extended the AutoNav system to usethe Field D∗ algorithm to generate these global paths.Field D∗ is a planning algorithm that uses interpola-tion to provide direct, low-cost paths through two-dimensional, grid-based representations of an envi-ronment (Ferguson & Stentz, 2006). Each grid cell isassigned a cost of traversal. Based on these costs, the

Figure 3. (a) The typical transitions (in black) allowedfrom a node (shown at the center) in a uniform grid. No-tice that only headings of 45-deg increments are available.(b) Using linear interpolation, the path cost of any point s′on an edge between two grid nodes s1 and s2 can be ap-proximated. This can be used to plan paths through gridsthat are not restricted to just the 45-deg heading transitions.Figure reproduced from Ferguson and Stentz (2006).

algorithm generates a path between two locations,with the aim of minimizing the cost of traversing thatpath.

Although two-dimensional grids present an easyand computationally efficient way to represent theenvironment, a major limitation of classic grid-basedplanning algorithms is the restricted nature of thepaths produced. For example, classic grid-basedplanners usually restrict paths to transitioning be-tween adjacent grid cell centers or corners, resultingin paths that are suboptimal in length and involve un-necessary turning. Figure 3(a) shows the typical tran-sitions allowed from a particular grid cell.

The Field D∗ algorithm removes this restrictionand allows paths to transition through any point on aneighboring grid cell edge, rather than just the neigh-boring grid cell corners or centers. To do this effi-ciently, it uses linear interpolation to approximate thepath cost to any point along a grid cell edge, giventhe path costs to the endpoints. Equation (1) andFigure 3(b) illustrate how linear interpolation is usedto provide an estimate of the path cost to an edgenode s ′ given the path costs to end nodes s1 and s2.Here, y is the distance between s1 and s ′, measured asa fraction of the length of a grid cell side:

PathCost(s ′) ≈ y · PathCost(s2) + (1−y) · PathCost(s1).

As a result, Field D∗ is able to provide muchmore direct, less-costly paths than standard grid-based planners without sacrificing real-time perfor-mance. It is also able to efficiently repair its solutionsas new information is received, for example, throughonboard sensors. Figure 4 shows a path planned byField D∗ along with a classic grid-based path.

Figure 4. Paths produced by classic grid-based planners(uppermost path) and Field D∗ (lower path) in a 150 × 60uniform resolution grid. Darker cells represent higher costareas. Figure reproduced from Ferguson and Stentz (2006).

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At the highest level, using Field D∗ to improveAutoNav involves two main tasks. The first is pro-viding terrain information to Field D∗ in a form itcan utilize. The second is using Field D∗ to generatesteering recommendations in a form that AutoNavcan understand.

4.1. Cost Map

Field D∗ uses a uniform grid as the basis of its worldmodel. Each grid cell contains a value that repre-sents the cost of traversing the width of the cell. For-tuitously, this is very similar to the goodness maprepresentation of the world maintained by AutoNav.However, the goodness map is always centered onthe rover location and stores only information aboutthe local terrain. Field D∗ plans on a global scaleand must therefore store a much larger map. In ad-dition, the Field D∗ map is fixed to the environ-ment and does not move along with the rover. Thereare also several other key differences between thetwo representations. Field D∗ operates on cost val-ues, where more easily traversable terrain has a lowercost, but AutoNav stores a goodness map, wheremore easily traversable terrain has a higher goodness.In addition, grid cells in the goodness map can have“unknown” goodness. This indicates that there is notenough information about that cell location to deter-

mine its traversability. By default, the Field D∗ costmap has no such value.

Using the goodness map to update the cost mapis fairly straightforward. First, because there is no no-tion of unknown cost, the entire cost map must beinitialized to a given cost value. Initializing all cellsto a low cost means the rover will be much more in-clined to explore unseen regions. On the other hand,initializing to a high cost means that the rover willprefer to stay in regions it has already seen. Here, amidrange cost value was chosen. Next, at each step ofthe traverse, the position of the goodness map insidethe larger cost map is determined. Then each good-ness cell that is not unknown is merely translatedinto a cost value and placed into the correspondingcost grid cell. For this to operate correctly, the good-ness grid cells and cost grid cells must be the samesize. In addition, grid cell boundaries in the goodnessmap must align with those in the cost map. These is-sues are addressed when the maps are created. Eachgoodness value is translated into a cost value as fol-lows. Cells with very low goodness are set to a spe-cial cost value representing obstacle. Field D∗ will notplan paths through these cells. All other goodnessvalues are inverted and then scaled to the range ofcost values to produce corresponding costs. By virtueof its much larger map, Field D∗ tracks everythingthe rover has seen, even when it has been long for-gotten by the local goodness map. Figure 5 shows a

Figure 5. The left-hand image is an overhead view of a test bed rover in an indoor sandbox. The middle image is thecorresponding goodness map, and the Field D∗ cost map is shown in the right-hand image. Checkered cells around theperimeter of the goodness map have unknown traversability. All other cells are colored based on a gradient between black(high goodness/low cost) and white (low goodness/high cost). The candidate arc set is shown in black in the goodnessmap. Note that the entire goodness map is presented, but only a small portion of the cost map is shown in here. Also notethat the maps are constructed in configuration space, in a local frame not aligned with the sandbox walls.

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goodness map and the corresponding portion of theField D∗ cost map.

4.2. Votes

Once the cost map has been populated, a method isneeded to use Field D∗ to influence arc selection. Theoutput of Field D∗ is the cost of traversing the opti-mal path from any query point to the goal location.However, the easiest way to provide steering recom-mendations to the rest of the system is through arcvotes. Therefore, an approach for converting costs oftraversal to arc votes is necessary.

To begin this process, Field D∗ is used to com-pute the cost of traversal from the end of each candi-date arc to the goal. Taken individually, these traver-sal costs mean very little. If the rover is 50 m from thegoal, the traversal cost for a given arc will be muchhigher than if the rover is 10 m from the goal. This ismerely due to the fact that there is much more groundto cover in the first case. Fundamentally, arc votes arejust a way of ranking the candidate arcs from best toworst. When taken relative to each other, the traversalcosts provide a similar ranking mechanism.

The arc with the lowest cost of traversal to thegoal is the best, and the arc with the highest cost isthe worst. Numerical vote values are assigned usinga weighted sum of vscale and vclose, which are given inEqs. (1) and (2). vmax is the maximum possible vote,cmax and cmin are the maximum and minimum traver-sal costs computed during the current arc set evalua-tion, and ci is the traversal cost for a given arc i. Theminimum vote value is zero. vmax serves as a way toadjust the weight of the Field D∗ votes relative to theother voting modules (hazard avoidance and steeringbias). The larger the value of vmax, the more influenceField D∗ votes have on the final path selected:

vscalei= vmax ∗ (cmax − ci)/(cmax − cmin), (1)

vclosei= vmax ∗ cmin/ci . (2)

vscale is a standard linear scaling of the cost values intovote values. vclose bases vote values on how close therover is to the goal. The closer the rover is to the goal,the greater the range of vote values that is generated.When the rover is far from the goal, cmin/cmax will beclose to one and all votes will be close to vmax. Onthe other hand, when the rover is close to the goal,cmin/cmax will be close to zero, and the votes will bespread from zero to vmax. Alone, vclose is not particu-

larly useful (especially when the rover is far from thegoal), but when combined with vscale it can be help-ful. When combined with vscale, vclose serves to reducethe range of vote values when the rover is far fromthe goal. This means that the preference for one arcover another is less pronounced. When the rover isfar from the goal, it is not critical exactly which arcis taken (as long as the rover is moving in generallythe right direction). In this case, it may be advanta-geous to let the other voting modules (steering biasand hazard avoidance) have more influence over thefinal arc selection. However, as the rover gets closerto the goal, the exact arc selected is more importantand thus the entire range of vote values is utilized.Generally when combining the two vote values, vscalereceives a significantly higher weight than vclose.

Once these votes have been constructed, they re-place the waypoint votes constructed by GESTALT.They are then combined with steering bias and haz-ard avoidance votes in order to select the arc that willbe followed. When constructing Field D∗ votes, it ispossible that several arcs may have identical costs oftraversal. Nothing special need occur to handle thissituation. These arcs are merely assigned equal FieldD∗ vote values. The GESTALT arc selection algorithmhandles combining these votes with steering bias andhazard avoidance votes, as well as breaking any tiesthat might occur in the final combined vote values(Goldberg et al., 2002). Once the naive waypoint votesare replaced with those generated using Field D∗, theAutoNav system becomes much more robust.

4.3. Limitations

It should be noted that AutoNav (both with andwithout Field D∗) assumes that the rover positionis known and that candidate arcs can be executednominally. There are cases in which these assump-tions are violated. For instance, on sandy slopes thewheels may slip significantly, causing the estimatedrover position to be erroneous. In addition, mechani-cal failure of wheel actuators can cause arcs to be ex-ecuted abnormally. In these cases, AutoNav perfor-mance may be degraded. Although AutoNav makesno attempt to directly address these issues, othertechnologies can often be used to overcome them. Forinstance, visual odometery can be used in conjunc-tion with AutoNav to maintain an accurate estimateof rover position, regardless of wheel slip (Cheng,Maimone, & Matthies, 2005).

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The Mars rovers are constrained by very limitedcomputational resources. The onboard computer usesa radiation-hardened RAD6K processor running at20 MHz and has 128 Mbytes of DRAM (Biesiadecki& Maimone, 2006). To make matters worse, thesealready limited resources must be shared among the97 tasks (including AutoNav) that make up the on-board flight software (Reeves & Snyder, 2005). In lightof these constraints, optimizations were made to theField D∗ algorithm to improve efficiency. Specifically,the path cost minimization step of the algorithm isprecomputed, and the results are stored in a lookuptable that is accessed at run time. This significantlydecreases the computation time required for plan-ning. See Ferguson and Stentz (2006) for more detailson how this is performed.

Another constraint is the limited bandwidthavailable to send data back to Earth. The data canbe grouped into two broad categories: engineeringdata and science data. Science data contain informa-tion about Mars that is of interest to scientists. En-gineering data are used to monitor the status of therover and contain information that is useful shouldan anomaly occur. Telemetry generated by Field D∗

falls into this category. Because the main purpose ofthe mission is to better understand Mars, it is desir-able to limit the engineering data to a minimum inorder to maximize the amount of science data that canbe downlinked.

In the case of Field D∗, CPU utilization, mem-ory usage, and telemetry volume are all tied to thesize of the Field D∗ cost map. Larger maps meanmore resource usage. Therefore, it is advantageousto find ways to reduce the map size while still ob-taining good path planning results. Each of the threeoptimization techniques described below (automaticmap recentering, coarse resolution maps, and mapfiltering) were implemented and are utilized duringAutoNav.

5.1. Automatic Recentering

For Field D∗ to plan a path between a start locationand a goal, both the start location and goal locationmust be located within the cost map. Therefore, thefarther the rover is from the selected goal, the largerthe map must be. To allow long traverses that wouldbe infeasible due to memory constraints, a schemewas developed to overcome this limitation. The con-

straint that the user-selected goal must be within thebounds of the cost map is lifted, and any arbitrarygoal location is allowed. If the goal happens to beoutside of the cost map, an intermediate goal is se-lected that resides on the boundary of the cost map.The intermediate goal is placed at the point wherethe straight line between the current rover locationand user-selected goal intersects the boundary of thecost map. However, this does not completely solvethe problem. Now the rover is being guided to a pointon the edge of the map and not the user-selected goal.For the rover to reach the user-selected goal, map re-centering is needed. During the map update phase, ifany portion of the local goodness map falls outsidethe cost map, the cost map is recentered on the cur-rent rover position.

Recentering does not alter any memory alloca-tions but instead merely adjusts the world coordi-nates of the map center. To make the map consistentwith the new coordinates, grid cells that are com-mon to both the old map and new map are copiedacross the map to their new location. All other ar-eas are cleared to the nominal cost value. Once thisis done, a new goal is placed within the cost map. Ifthe user-selected goal is within the new map bounds,the goal is placed there. If not, another intermediategoal is placed using the procedure outlined earlier.This recentering and intermediate goal placementis repeated until the user-selected goal is reached.Figure 6 illustrates the recentering process.

This approach has some limitations. There is aperformance penalty whenever the map is recen-tered. Field D∗ is efficient because it does not have toreplan from scratch when new costs are discovered.Instead, it is able to reuse the results of previous plan-ning and repair the needed paths. However, becauseField D∗ begins its search at the goal, whenever thegoal is moved, all planning information is reset andthe next path must be planned from scratch. To mini-mize this effect, the intermediate goal is not updatedevery time the rover moves. Instead, a new goal isplaced only when the map is recentered. Map recen-tering is an infrequent event, and therefore the overallperformance impact is minor.

There is another limitation to this approach. It ispossible that the intermediate goal could be placedinside an obstacle. When the goal is inside an obsta-cle, Field D∗ is unable to plan any paths and will fail.However, this problem is unlikely to be encounteredin practice. Usually, the intermediate goal is ahead ofthe rover, in an area not yet visited. Because the rover

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Figure 6. Field D∗ cost map and the recentering process. The rover is represented by a white diamond, and the goal isshown as a black diamond. Recentering is needed for the map shown in (a). Cells common to the old and new map arecopied to their new location in the lower right of (b). Shown in (c) is the final map after cells not common to both the oldand new maps have been cleared, the cost map has been updated from the most recent goodness map, and the goal locationhas been recalculated.

has not seen the terrain around the intermediate goal,that location cannot be obstacle in the cost map untilthe rover is close enough to evaluate that terrain. Themap is recentered slightly before the rover can see theedge of the map. Therefore, in general, the rover hasnever evaluated the terrain under any current inter-mediate goal. The exception is if the rover is in theprocess of backtracking a significant distance in orderto navigate around a very large hazard. In this case,the ultimate goal is behind the rover and the rover isdriving away from it. Therefore, when the map is re-centered, the rover may have already seen the regionwhere the new intermediate goal is placed, and it ispossible that there is an obstacle in this region. How-ever, for this problem to occur, the rover must be at-tempting to navigate around a very large hazard andmust drive large distances. Owing to rover powerand drive time constraints, the distance that the rovercan traverse in a single sol using AutoNav is limited.This limitation drastically reduces the chances ofencountering this problem.

5.2. Coarse-Resolution Cost Maps

Another way to manage limited memory resources isto change the resolution of the cost map grid cells.Instead of constraining the cost map grid cells to bethe same size as the goodness map grid cells, the costmap cells are allowed to be significantly larger. Thisallows fewer grid cells to cover the same area and

thus results in smaller cost maps, which is what pri-marily dictates resource usage. Further, because theField D∗ planner is able to compute paths that are notrestricted to transitioning between grid cell centers orcorners, it can be used to plan direct, low-cost pathseven in very coarse-resolution grids.

Allowing for larger cost map grid cells doespresent some complications. Updating the cost mapfrom the goodness map is now more difficult. Before,there was a one-to-one correspondence between costand goodness grid cells, meaning that the goodnessmap could essentially be copied directly into the costmap. With larger cost cells, there are multiple good-ness cells in each cost cell. In fact, there could even befractional goodness cells in a given cost cell as shownin Figure 7. To simplify matters somewhat, the sizeof the cost cells is constrained to be an integer multi-ple of the goodness cells. This avoids splitting singlegoodness cells across multiple cost cells. Instead, eachcost cell contains a fixed number of whole goodnesscells. In this way, the complication of dealing withfractional cells can be avoided. However, a method isstill needed to convert multiple goodness values intoa single cost value.

One simple and safe method would be to usethe minimum goodness value in a given cost cell toset the cost. In some cases this is not necessarily thebest approach. Figure 8 illustrates what can happenwhen a narrow corridor is encountered. By using theminimum goodness value to update the cost value,

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Figure 7. Goodness map overlaid on a cost map. Goodnessgrid cells are outlined in gray. Cost cells are shown in blackand white. In addition to a complete goodness cell, eachcost cell contains pieces of three, five, or even eight othergoodness cells.

narrow corridors in the goodness map can becomecompletely blocked in the cost map. One way to mit-igate this problem is to employ a more lenient stan-dard when updating cost cells containing obstacles.Cost cells that are less than half obstacle are set to themaximum traversable cost. Cost cells that are half ob-stacle or more are set to obstacle. This greatly reducesthe chances of closing off narrow corridors.

Larger cost map grid cells also require a newstrategy for handling unknown goodness cells. Thereis no traversability information in these cells, and pre-viously they could just be ignored. The situation is

more complicated when there are multiple goodnesscells in each cost cell. One option for handling un-known goodness cells is to not update cost cells con-taining any unknown goodness cells. This is a lessthan ideal solution. A cost cell could contain manygoodness cells with known values, but if there is oneunknown value, all this information will be ignored.This situation happens frequently in cells at the edgeof the cameras’s field of view. To fully utilize the ter-rain assessment, the unknown goodness cells couldmerely be ignored and the minimum goodness of thepopulated goodness cells used to update the cost cell.This approach presents a more subtle problem, whichis illustrated in Figure 9. During each step the rovertakes, an area around the edge of the goodness map isset to unknown. This erases old data behind the roverto make room for new data in front of it. The problemarises when obstacle goodness cells behind the roverare set to unknown, but there are still some goodnesscells in a given cost cell that have not been cleared andare not obstacle. The minimum goodness is thereforeno longer obstacle, and if the minimum goodness isused to update the cost cell, the cost will be changedfrom obstacle to traversable. This causes Field D∗ toforget about obstacles, which is highly undesirable.

The solution to these problems is to make use ofanother value that is stored as part of the local terrainmap. In addition to a goodness value, each goodnesscell contains a certainty value as well. If the certaintyis not zero, then the grid cell is in the current field ofview and was just updated. It acts as a sort of newdata flag. Therefore, if there is no certainty in a givencost cell, it is probably an old cell that is behind the

Figure 8. Here, each cost cell contains nine goodness cells (cost cells are outlined in heavy black). White represents obstacle,dark gray is traversable, and light gray is the maximum traversable cost. Coloring is by goodness value in (a) and cost valuein (b) and (c). The cost map in (b) is produced by using the minimum goodness value in each cost cell. The cost map in (c)is produced using a more lenient update rule. If the cost cell is less than half obstacle, it is set to the maximum traversablecost instead of obstacle. Note that the corridor is blocked in (b) but not in (c).

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Figure 9. Here, each cost cell contains nine goodness cells (cost cells are outlined in heavy black). White represents obstacle,gray is traversable, and checkered cells are unknown. The goodness and cost maps for one step are shown in (a) and (b),respectively. Similarly, (c) and (d) are for the next step. Between steps, the rover has moved up to the left. The cost maps areproduced using the minimum goodness value that is not unknown. Note that as the rover moves, obstacles are forgottenfrom the goodness map, and using this update strategy these obstacle cells are set to traversable in the cost map.

rover. In this case, the first approach is utilized, whichis to not update the cell if it has any unknown good-ness. This avoids forgetting data in the cost map. Onthe other hand, if there is certainty in a given costcell, it contains new data and is probably in an areathat has not been seen before. For these cells, the sec-ond approach is used, and the cost is updated usingthe minimum goodness value. In this way, new ter-rain assessments are added to the cost map as earlyas possible.

5.3. Map Filtering

In certain situations, the planning process for a givendrive step can take more than an order of magni-tude longer than usual. Recall that Field D∗ is used toplan a path from each arc endpoint to the goal. Also

recall that Field D∗ will not plan paths through ob-stacle cells. If an arc endpoint happens to fall in anobstacle cell, the algorithm immediately returns, in-dicating that there is no path to the goal. However,planning time can swell if an arc endpoint falls in anonobstacle region completely surrounded by obsta-cle cells, as shown in Figure 10(a). This is an artifactof how the planning process is carried out. The searchbegins at the goal location and expands outward.When the start state (the arc endpoint in our case)is reached, the search terminates and the path cost isreturned. Unfortunately, when an arc endpoint fallsinto a small region completely surrounded by obsta-cles, it is in fact unreachable. For Field D∗ to make thisdetermination, every reachable state in the cost mapmust be expanded. Instead of the usual relativelyfew states being expanded, all states in the cost map

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Figure 10. Goodness map filtering. Obstacle cells are shown in white. The goodness map in (a) contains regions completelysurrounded by obstacle cells. Planning time is greatly increased when arc endpoints fall in these regions. All cells reachablefrom the rover location are shown in dark gray in (b). Note that the regions surrounded by obstacle are not marked asreachable.

are expanded, significantly increasing the planningtime. This explosion in usage of already limited CPUresources is clearly undesirable.

To solve this problem, the goodness map is fil-tered before it is used to update the Field D∗ cost map.A flood-fill algorithm is used to identify all cells inthe goodness map reachable from the current roverlocation. The rover location is first marked as reach-able. Then each adjacent (eight-connected), nonobsta-cle cell is added to a list for later processing. Next,a cell is removed from the list and marked as reach-able, and its new nonobstacle neighbors are added tothe list. This repeats until the list is empty, indicatingthat all cells reachable from the rover location havebeen identified, as shown in Figure 10(b). Finally, allnonreachable, nonobstacle cells are set to obstacle.By doing this, arc endpoints that would have beenproblematic now end in obstacle cells. In this case, noplanning is necessary to determine that no path to thegoal exists.

Even though map filtering is done during everymap update, in the long run it still saves time. As anadded benefit, it also allows for much more consistentand predictable planning times. There are a couple ofreasons why map filtering at every step is much fasterthan letting Field D∗ occasionally expand the entirecost map. First, map filtering is done on the good-ness map, which is much smaller than the Field D∗

cost map. In addition, the simple flood-fill check forreachability takes much less time than the full Field

D∗ planning process. In fact, the time necessary to fil-ter the goodness map is negligible when comparedeven to the nominal planning time necessary for eachdrive step.


The MER surface system test bed (SSTB) was usedto extensively test flight software modifications. TheSSTB is a high-fidelity engineering model of theMERs. It is essentially identical in form and elec-tromechanical function to Spirit and Opportunity,with a few minor exceptions. The SSTB has no solarpanels, and some of its electronics are housed in anadjacent clean room. A physical tether provides a linkbetween the rover and these electronics. The tetheralso provides power to the rover. The SSTB is housedin an indoor sandbox approximately 9 m wide and22 m long (Litwin, 2005). A ramp tilted at 25 deg oc-cupies one end. The SSTB and its test environment isshown in Figure 11.

GESTALT alone performs well in simple situa-tions, including navigation in areas free from haz-ards and navigating around small discrete obstacles.However, the real strength of Field D∗ is navigationin much more complex situations. Unfortunately, therelatively small size of the sandbox makes construct-ing complex obstacle arrangements difficult. Test-ing was limited to this environment for several rea-sons. The SSTB was the only available system with

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Figure 11. MER SSTB rover in an indoor sandbox at JPL.

enough fidelity to perform flight software testing re-quiring imaging and driving, with the driving de-cisions based on imaging results. It was infeasibleto move the rover to a larger outdoor environmentdue to the tremendous effort that would be neces-sary to move all the support equipment needed torun the rover (remember that most of the rover elec-tronics are actually housed in a clean room adjacentto the sandbox). However, even in the limited sand-box environment, constructing situations for whichGESTALT alone fails to reach the goal is not difficult.For instance, navigating around a cul-de-sac obsta-cle arrangement is nearly impossible for GESTALTalone. Figure 12 illustrates a situation with not one,but two, cul-de-sacs. Owing to the limited size of thesandbox, the goal is placed outside the sandbox andis not actually reachable. Figure 12(a) shows the ini-tial position of the rover. The rover begins by drivingstraight into the first cul-de-sac. The rover reaches thebottom of the cul-de-sac in Figure 12(b). Up to thispoint, the behavior with and without Field D∗ wasroughly equivalent. However, with GESTALT alonethe rover became stuck here. Field D∗, on the otherhand, plans a path around the first cul-de-sac and intothe second. The rover is then guided into the secondcul-de-sac as shown in Figure 12(c). Once the deter-mination is made that there is no route through thesecond cul-de-sac, the rover drives back toward theonly unexplored region of the sandbox as shown inFigure 12(d). Eventually Field D∗ fails, indicating thatno paths to the goal exist.

Over the course of testing, Field D∗ was usedto guide the SSTB toward roughly 100 different goallocations. Initially, a variety of simple tests werecompleted. In an obstacle-free setting, the rover was

placed at a variety of different initial headings rel-ative to the straight line to the goal. Navigationthrough a field of traversable rocks was tested. Navi-gation around a single rock in various positions rela-tive to the path between the rover and the goal andnavigation between two rocks separated by a vari-ety of distances were also tested. More complex ob-stacle arrangements in which GESTALT alone wouldalmost certainly fail to guide the rover to the goalwere tested as well. Situations were constructed ne-cessitating navigation into and out of single or multi-ple cul-de-sacs. In addition, lines of rocks were usedto produce an arrangement similar to the one shownin Figure 2. Overall, the performance was extremelygood. In the vast majority of cases the rover was ableto reach the goal when Field D∗ was used, and perfor-mance in the simple test cases was at least as good aswith GESTALT alone. Surprisingly, one of the biggestproblems faced during testing was goal placement.If the goal is placed in an obstacle cell, Field D∗ isunable to plan any paths. When the rover gets closeenough to the goal to determine that it is in an obsta-cle cell, Field D∗ will fail. Although the rover does notreach the goal, this should not necessarily be consid-ered an AutoNav failure. In these situations the goallocation is not safe, and the rover should not driveonto it. Owing to the very limited space in the sand-box, squeezing the goal location into a safe area (afterall obstacles have been expanded by the rover radius)was sometimes a challenging proposition.

With Field D∗, the rover is able to explore theenvironment much more fully when attempting tolocate a path to the goal. This allows the rover toalmost always arrive at reachable goals. The down-side, of course, is the increased resource utilizationrequired. For Field D∗, the additional CPU time andmemory usage are fairly minimal. Much of the testingwas done using 50 × 50 m cost maps. The cost cellswere 40 × 40 cm, which is twice the resolution of thegoodness cells. Almost no difference was noticed inrover behavior when moving from 20- to 40-cm costcells. With these settings, Field D∗ utilizes less than1 Mbyte of memory. In addition, each drive step takesonly about 3% longer when Field D∗ is enabled. Evenwith these very modest requirements, Field D∗ is ableto significantly improve onboard AutoNav capability.


Before being approved for general use on Mars, FieldD∗ underwent five carefully planned checkouts. The

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Figure 12. Field D∗-assisted hazard avoidance using the SSTB. The left-hand image is an overhead view of the sandbox.The middle image is the local goodness map, and the image on the right is the Field D∗ cost map. Note that the entiregoodness map is shown, but only a portion of the cost map is included. Checkered cells have unknown traversability. Allother cells are colored based on a gradient between black (high goodness/low cost) and white (low goodness/high cost).The checkered line on the cost map is the path planned between the rover and the goal. The size of each goodness cell is20 × 20 cm. Each cost cell is 40 × 40 cm.

checkouts were designed to incrementally verify thatthe software works as expected, beginning with verybasic, low-risk tests and moving toward a completeconfirmation of all features. These tests were de-

signed not only to verify that Field D∗ operates cor-rectly but also to ensure that other software mod-ules function as expected when Field D∗ is enabled.All tests were performed on Opportunity, due to the

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nonfunctional drive motor on Spirit’s right frontwheel. This broken actuator results in the wheel be-ing locked in the brake position, which makes drivingmuch more challenging. The position of a rover af-ter a commanded arc is highly dependent on terraininteraction. With one locked wheel, Spirit generallyexperiences a significant level of slip. This makes po-sition estimates based on wheel odometry unreliable,and therefore visual odometry is almost always usedto obtain more accurate position estimates (Chenget al., 2005). Unfortunately, due to the slow speed ofthe processor onboard the rovers, the time needed tocompute visual odometry updates significantly lim-its how far Spirit can drive in a single sol. AutoNavis generally used when traversing areas not yet seenby engineers on Earth. It is a very rare occasion thatSpirit drives far enough in a sol to necessitate activat-ing AutoNav. This, combined with the fact that com-manded arcs (including those selected by AutoNav)are rarely executed as expected (due to the right frontwheel being dragged), makes Spirit a poor choice forField D∗ testing.

Although most of the testing on SSTB was doneusing the belly-mounted hazard avoidance cameras,Opportunity generally uses the navigation camerason the mast when driving autonomously. The regionof Mars where Opportunity is located is generallyvery sandy with few rocks. The hazard avoidancecameras are unable to pick up the fine texture of thesand, and therefore the stereo correlator has few fea-tures to match upon. As a result, stereo range mapsare often extremely sparse. The navigation cameras,on the other hand, are higher resolution and able topick up the sand’s fine texture. The downside is thatthe field of view is much narrower for the navigationcameras. Whereas the hazard avoidance cameras cansee almost 180 deg, the navigation cameras are lim-ited to about 45 deg. However, it is possible to cap-ture multiple navigation camera images with differ-ent camera pointings to fill in a larger field of view. Ofcourse stereo processing must be run on each imagepair, which can significantly slow the rate at whichthe rover can drive. To help speed things up, the roverdoes not have to update its map after every singledrive step. The rover can drive for a limited num-ber of steps without imaging, provided that it has notlocated any obstacles nearby. When doing this, therover still generates votes at every step to select thenext arc but does not update its world map. Instead, itmust stay within the area deemed safe in the most re-cently available map. This technique can significantly

increase the speed at which the rover is able to driveautonomously. For each checkout, a 50 × 50 m costmap was utilized, with a grid cell resolution of 40 cm.The local goodness map was 12 × 12 m with a gridcell resolution of 20 cm.

7.1. Checkout One: Backseat Driver

On sol 1014, Field D∗ was run for the first time onMars. For this initial test, Field D∗ was placed in aspecial “backseat driver” mode. In this mode, FieldD∗ builds a cost map, does its planning, and cre-ates its votes. However, these votes are not actuallyused to influence the arcs selected and executed bythe rover. Instead, the standard AutoNav system isin complete control and does not use any informa-tion generated by Field D∗. The Field D∗ telemetry(including cost maps and votes) is sent back to Earth,where engineers can verify that Field D∗ was oper-ating nominally and generating appropriate steeringrecommendations.

The first checkout was conducted in a very flatarea completely free from hazards. This was doneto minimize risk to the rover should something gowrong with the test. A goal was chosen 12 m straightahead of the rover with a tolerance of 2 m, for an ex-pected drive of 10 m. Only a single heading for thenavigation camera was used when updating the map,and the rover was allowed to drive up to four steps of50 cm each per map update. Generally, a single nav-igation camera heading provides too limited a fieldof view and is insufficient for driving through un-known terrain. However, in this case, the rover wasdriving through terrain known to be completely safe,and therefore a fixed camera pointing for each up-date was sufficient. Figure 13 shows the final FieldD∗ cost map. The map was updated six times dur-ing the traverse, and a total of 21 drive steps weretaken before successfully reaching the waypoint. Thedark areas represent the region imaged and filled induring the traverse. The white regions are keep-outzones set by engineers on Earth. Keep-out zones areareas that should be avoided by the rover. Shouldthe rover ever accidentally stray into one, the mobil-ity software will prevent any further driving. Thesekeep-out zones were placed to prevent the rover fromgetting too close to the edge of Victoria Crater shouldsomething go wrong. Although Field D∗ was not incontrol of the rover during the test, all other sub-systems functioned nominally with the Field D∗ soft-ware running. All Field D∗ telemetry was generated

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Figure 13. Cost map from the first Field D∗ checkout. The Field D∗ cost map from the final step is shown in (a). The roveris depicted as a white diamond and the goal as a checkered diamond. The dark areas were imaged and determined to besafe by the rover. The white regions are keep-out zones used to keep the rover away from Victoria Crater. An orbital imagecaptured by the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter is shown in (b), along with an overlay of the Field D∗ cost map. CourtesyNASA/JPL-Caltech.

as expected. During the majority of steps, the Field D∗

votes were highest for the straight-ahead arc. In everyother case, the strongest preference was for the shal-lowest right or left turn. This is exactly as expected,and the checkout was deemed a success.

7.2. Checkout Two: Phantom Hazard

The second Field D∗ checkout was run on sol 1082.This was the first time Field D∗ was actually usedto influence the drive path taken by the rover. Thetest was set up to verify hazard avoidance capabil-ity without placing the rover in danger should some-thing go wrong. The test was done in an area com-pletely free from of hazards; however, a 2-m-widekeep-out zone was added approximately 5 m straightahead of the rover. The AutoNav system treats keep-out zones like any other hazard and attempts to drivearound them. A waypoint was selected 9 m straightahead of the rover on the opposite side of the keep-out zone. Generally, using only a single navigationcamera pointing direction to update the map is insuf-ficient when driving through hazardous regions. Tosave time, and because the area was completely freefrom any real obstacles, a fixed pointing for the nav-igation camera was used for each update. As in thefirst test, the rover was allowed to drive up to four50-cm steps between map updates.

The first half of the drive went well. The roverimmediately selected a path to the right and turned

slightly throughout the first half of the drive in or-der to safely get around the keep-out zone. However,during the second half of the drive, the rover did notturn back toward the goal as sharply as expected.Figure 14 shows an overhead view of the drive.Notice that during the second half of the drive, therover did not take a course directly back toward thewaypoint. However, it did turn back enough that itwas able to successfully come within the specified2-m tolerance around the goal. There are a couple ofreasons for this behavior. The first was the limitedfield of view caused by using only a single imageto update the navigation map. The AutoNav systemwill not allow the rover to drive into regions that ithas not seen and verified to be safe. Turning sharplycan quickly move the rover out of the narrow re-gion verified to be safe. This is not allowed, and thusthe arc set available for execution was significantlyrestricted. The second factor impacting the shallowturning during the latter half of the drive was theincorrect setting of one of the Field D∗ parameters.This parameter was thought to have been changedto the correct value on a previous sol when many ofthe other navigation parameters were set. It was dis-covered late in the planning process (too late to cor-rectly set the parameter) that this was not the case.Because there was no risk to vehicle safety from thisparameter setting, it was decided to go ahead withthe checkout instead of pulling the whole thing. Thisparameter setting led to suboptimal sampling of the

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Figure 14. Maps from the second Field D∗ checkout. An overhead view of the drive is shown in (a). The white regions arekeep-out zones, and the light gray dots show the path taken. The dark gray circle represents the goal location and its 2-mtolerance. The initial and final Field D∗ cost maps are shown in (b) and (c), respectively. The checkered line shows the pathplanned by Field D∗, and the white regions are keep-out zones. Note the keep-out zones completely surrounding the testarea to keep the rover from straying too far off course if something were to go wrong.

arc endpoints and contributed to the shallow turns atthe end of the drive. Part of the checkout process is touncover and correct these kinds of issues.

7.3. Checkout Three: Everything Together

The third checkout was the most difficult for a vari-ety of reasons. The purpose of this checkout was toensure that Field D∗ could be used to avoid obsta-cles detected by GESTALT. It was difficult to locate asuitable area for this test. All of the checkouts wereperformed as Opportunity made its way around therim of Victoria Crater. Unfortunately for this check-out, there are very few rocks in this area. It is mostlyan extremely flat, sandy plain. This test required arock short enough to be safely driven over but tallenough to be detected as an obstacle. By using sucha rock, if something were to go wrong with the testand the rover did not avoid the hazard, no damagewould be done. Fortunately, Opportunity happenedupon a small crater surrounded by a variety of rocks(see Figure 15). Usually the obstacle detector classi-fies objects taller than 20 cm as obstacles. For this test,that threshold was lowered such that the rocks to theright of the crater were classified as obstacles.

This checkout was conducted on sol 1160. A goalwas chosen 11 m straight ahead of the rover, on theother side of the crater. Keep-out zones were addedto cover the crater, as well as some of the larger rocks.The rover would have been able to detect and avoidthese obstacles on its own, but because this was a

Figure 15. Location of the third checkout. Hazard detec-tion parameters were modified to make the small rocks tothe right of the crater appear to be obstacles.

checkout, keep-out zones were added for an extralevel of safety. Because the rover needed to drivearound detected obstacles, two navigation camerapointings were used to update the maps at each step.Imaging to update the navigation map was done be-fore each and every 50-cm drive step. In addition, vi-sual odometry was used to more accurately track therover’s position during the drive. This was done tofacilitate precise pointing of the cameras at the endof the drive in order to capture imagery of a sciencetarget. Combining keep-out zones, stereo vision, haz-ard detection, navigation with Field D∗, and visualodometry represents the largest simultaneous use ofautonomy on either rover to date.

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Figure 16. Cost maps from the third Field D∗ checkout. The initial and final cost maps are shown in (a) and (c), respectively.A map from the middle of the drive is shown in (b). The checkered line represents the path planned by Field D∗, and thewhite regions are hazards. The dark areas are safe.

Cost maps from this checkout are shown inFigure 16. From the start, the area several metersahead of the rover is identified as hazardous. For thefirst five drive steps, the rover selected a series ofmoderately sharp right turns to avoid these obsta-cles. For the next eight steps, the rover drove almoststraight, using a sequence of very slight left turns tofollow the contour of the detected hazards. Next, a se-ries of seven slightly sharper left turns were used toturn back toward the goal location as the rover makesits way around the end of the rock field. With thegoal almost straight ahead, the rover selected nearlystraight arcs for the final segment of the drive. Therover was commanded to drive to within 2 m of thegoal location. However, the allotted time for the drive

ran out with the rover 3.3 m from the goal (all thatautonomy takes a lot of time!). Before driving awayfrom the test site on sol 1162, a panorama was takenlooking back on the drive path (Figure 17). Overallthe checkout went flawlessly, with the rover smoothlyand efficiently making its way around the hazardsand toward the goal. In addition, without Field D∗

there is a significant possibility that the rover wouldhave become stuck at the leading edge of the rockfield, unable to find its way around.

7.4. Checkout Four: Going the Distance

With the ability to safely navigate around hazardsverified, it was time to test a long-distance drive. This

Figure 17. Mosaic looking backward on the tracks of the third Field D∗ checkout. Courtesy NASA/JPL-Caltech.

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checkout had several purposes. The first was to verifythat there was no degradation in system performanceover many steps. This checkout would also verifythat a goal location outside the bounds of the FieldD∗ cost map could be chosen without problem. Fi-nally, the ability to recenter the cost map as the roverreached the edge of the map would also be tested. Onsol 1188, a 40-m drive was planned, which was bro-ken up into two 20-m segments. In between the twosegments, a wheel slip test was performed. The im-mediate area around the rover was flat and free fromhazards, but due to the length of the drive, it wasdifficult to verify that there were no obstacles nearthe goal location. Therefore, it was assumed that therover might encounter obstacles that it would need toautonomously avoid. That being the case, two navi-gation camera pointings were used for each map up-date, and the rover was allowed to drive only three50-cm steps between map updates.

The drive began with the rover facing the goallocation. During the first 20-m drive segment, FieldD∗ consistently preferred straight arcs or very slightturns. However, the drive path actually taken by therover was not exactly straight. On several differentoccasions the hardest right or left turn was taken. Thiswas due to the sharp turn correction feature built intothe vote arbitrator. If the sharpest turn is included inthe set of highly ranked arcs, then it is selected. Gen-erally, this feature helps the rover aggressively turnto get around obstacles, but it also sometimes leadsto the weaving behavior seen here. Figure 18 showsthe view from the rear hazard avoidance camera af-ter the first leg of the drive. Note the snaking drivepath in the distance.

At this point in the drive, the slip check was con-ducted. During a slip check, the rover is commandedto drive a short distance, and visual odometry is usedto measure the actual distance that was traveled. Ifthe rover did not make enough progress, then no fur-ther driving is allowed. Slip checks are done at reg-ular intervals in order to ensure that the rover is notgetting bogged down and digging itself further andfurther into a sand trap. Visual odometry works bytracking image features between frames to estimaterover motion. Unfortunately, the flat, mostly feature-less plains around Victoria Crater make finding fea-tures difficult. Here, the rover’s own tracks are usu-ally the only workable features. Therefore, the navi-gation cameras are usually pointed toward the tracksfor the slip check. Alas, the last drive step before theslip check happened to be the sharpest left turn. This

Figure 18. Image capture by the right rear hazard avoid-ance camera following the fourth checkout.

meant that the tracks were no longer directly behindthe rover as expected and were not in the field of viewwhen visual odometry was run. Not finding any fea-tures, visual odometry failed to produce a motion es-timate during the slip check. Because it could not bedetermined whether the rover was bogging down, nofurther driving was allowed.

Even though only half of the planned drive wasexecuted, the test was deemed a success. Fortunately,right before the last step, the Field D∗ map was re-centered. This meant that all objectives of the test hadbeen completed. Figure 19 shows the cost map beforeand after the map was recentered.

7.5. Checkout Five: Preconceived Notions

Usually, the rover begins with a blank map, which isupdated as the rover sees new areas. However, it isalso possible to create an initial map on Earth andupload that to the rover. This can give the rover abetter idea of what is coming up beyond its detec-tion range or field of view. The map is still updatedautonomously based on what the rover senses; how-ever, a more accurate initial map can help the roverplan better paths. The purpose of the fifth and finalcheckout was to verify this map upload ability. Thistest was done on sol 1200, following a 60-m blinddrive. Because the area in which the checkout was totake place was so far away, it was difficult to say forcertain that the area was hazard free ahead of time.

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Figure 19. Cost maps from the fourth Field D∗ checkout. As the rover approaches the edge of the map (a), it is au-tonomously recentered on the rover position (b). The planned path is shown as a checkered line (the goal was selectedoutside the map bounds). The white region is a keep-out zone placed between the rover and Victoria Crater. The dark areaswere verified safe by the rover during its traverse.

Therefore the standard setup for driving through pos-sibly hazardous terrain was used (two navigationcamera pointing directions for each map update andno more than three 50-cm steps between updates).Figure 20 shows the map that was created and up-loaded to the rover. Victoria Crater was off the rightside of the map, and therefore an obstacle region wasadded along that side of the map. A goal was cho-sen straight ahead of the rover, off the bottom of themap. Obstacles were placed in the map between therover and the goal. This was done with the expecta-tion that the rover would make right-hand turns inorder to get around the end of this obstacle region.This would serve as verification that the map was infact being utilized in the path selection process.

This drive was limited to 10 50-cm steps. Thedrive began with the rover taking a sharp right-handturn. For the rest of the drive, Field D∗ preferred shal-low to moderate right-hand turns in order to linethe rover up to navigate around the end of the ob-stacle region. This test was deemed a success. Thedownlinked map data products clearly showed thatthe map had been loaded as expected. The fact thatthe rover turned right during the drive demonstratedthat the rover was influenced by the uploaded mapand the obstacle regions placed far beyond its detec-tion range.

With all five checkouts completed successfully,Field D∗ was approved for everyday usage. Shortlythereafter, Opportunity entered Victoria Crater. The

Figure 20. Field D∗ cost map uploaded to the rover for thefifth and final checkout. The initial rover position is repre-sented as a white diamond. The path planned by Field D∗is shown as a checkered line. White areas are obstacles, anddark regions are safe.

high slopes along the ingress path necessitate verycautious driving. Therefore the drives are generallyfairly short, and it would be imprudent to drive be-yond the areas that had been fully seen and analyzedby engineers on Earth. This makes AutoNav withhazard avoidance unnecessary, and Field D∗ has yet

Journal of Field Robotics DOI 10.1002/rob

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to be used on Mars (as of sol 1520) beyond the check-outs. However, once the Victoria science campaign isover and the rover leaves the crater, it is likely thatField D∗ will prove useful for long drives across theplains.


Autonomous hazard avoidance by the MERs usingthe GESTALT local planner keeps the rovers safe andworks well in the presence of simple discrete obsta-cles. However, it is susceptible to failure when morecomplex hazard arrangements are encountered. Toaddress this shortcoming, the hazard avoidance sys-tem was augmented with a global path planner. FieldD∗ was integrated into the MER flight software anduploaded to Spirit and Opportunity during the sum-mer of 2006 as part of a significant software upgrade.Field D∗-assisted hazard avoidance was extensivelytested using the SSTB before the upload and has beenvalidated on the surface of Mars. Obstacle avoidanceis at least as good as with GESTALT alone and inmany cases much better. Field D∗ allows the rover tomuch more robustly navigate around hazards. WithField D∗, the rover is less prone to getting stuck andcan reach long-range goals even when faced withcomplex hazards.


The research described in this paper was performedat the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), CaliforniaInstitute of Technology, under a contract with theNational Aeronautics and Space Administration(contract NAS7-03001) and at Carnegie MellonUniversity (CMU) under a contract with the JPL (con-tract 1263676). This research was funded by the MERproject and the Mars Technology Program (MTP) un-der task order NM0710764. CMU configured Field D∗

for MER and provided it to JPL under a research li-cense with the California Institute of Technology, andJPL integrated Field D∗ into the MER flight software.CMU’s work was performed under the MTP Reliableand Efficient Long-Range Autonomous Rover Nav-igation task, and JPL’s work was performed underthe MTP D∗ Integration into MER task. The authorswould like to thank Mark Maimone for his sage ad-vice during the integration and testing process. With-out his assistance this process would have been in-finitely more difficult.


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Journal of Field Robotics DOI 10.1002/rob