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Global high performance ceramic coatings market 2013 2023

Sep 13, 2014



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Page 1: Global high performance ceramic coatings market 2013 2023

©noticeThis material is copyright 2010 by visiongain. It is against the law to reproduce any of this material without the prior written agreement of visiongain. You cannot photocopy, fax, download to database or duplicate in any other way any of the material contained in this report. Each purchase and single copy is for personal use only.

Global High Performance Ceramic Coatings Market 2013-2023

Page 2: Global high performance ceramic coatings market 2013 2023

Contents 1. Executive Summary 1.1 Global High Performance Ceramic Coatings Market Overview

1.2 Benefits of This Report

1.3 Who is this Report For?

1.4 Methodology

1.5 Global High Performance Ceramic Coatings Market Forecast Summary

1.6 High Performance Ceramic Coatings Submarket Forecast Summary

1.7 Leading National High Performance Ceramic Coatings Market Forecast Summary

2. Introduction to High-Performance Ceramic Coatings 2.1 What Are High Performance Ceramic Coatings?

2.2 Why Use High Performance Ceramic Coatings?

2.3 How Are High Performance Ceramic Coatings Applied?

2.4 Where Are High Performance Ceramic Coatings Used?

3. The Global High-Performance Ceramic Coatings Market 2013-2023 3.1 Global High-Performance Ceramic Coatings Market Forecast 2013-2023

3.2 Trends in the Global High-Performance Ceramic Coatings Market

3.2.1 Strong Growth in the Emerging Markets

3.2.2 The Need for Cost-Effective Methods to Improve Performance Drives Demand for High

Performance Ceramic Coatings in Developed Countries

3.2.3 Performance and Longevity of Coated Components Driving Demand for High Performance

Ceramic Coatings

4. High Performance Ceramic Coatings Submarket Forecasts 2013-2023 4.1 Automotive High Performance Ceramic Coatings Submarket Forecast 2013-2023

4.1.1 Flexible and Other Innovative High Performance Ceramic Coatings Will Induce New


4.2 Aerospace High Performance Ceramic Coatings Submarket Forecast 2013-2023

4.2.1 Spacecrafts and Hypersonic Flight Vehicles are Potential Drivers

4.2.2 Jet Engines and Volcanic Ash – A Problem or an Opportunity?

4.3 Industrial High Performance Ceramic Coatings Submarket Forecast 2013-2023

4.3.1 The $1.18bn High Performance Ceramic Coatings Market Driven by Industrialisation in

Developing Countries

Page 3: Global high performance ceramic coatings market 2013 2023

Contents 4.4 Other High Performance Ceramic Coatings Submarket Forecastto Grow by 3.6% CAGR from


4.4.1 Biomedical and Construction Industries Need Ceramic Coatings

4.4.2 Could the Power Generation Industry Be thea Major Driver?

5. Leading National High Performance Ceramic Coatings Markets

Forecast 2013-2023 5.1 US High Performance Ceramic Coatings Market 2013-2023

5.1.1 Composite Parts in US Aerospace Industry Facilitating Ceramic Coatings Market Growth

5.1.2 Military Demand for Ceramic Coatings Subdued

5.2 Chinese High Performance Ceramic Coatings Market 2013-2023

5.2.1 How Chinese Air Travel is being Encouraged to Grow

5.3 Japanese High Performance Ceramic Coatings Market 2013-2023

5.3.1 The Key Factors of the Japanese Automotive Industry Benefiting the Ceramic Coatings


5.4 German High Performance Ceramic Coatings Market 2013-2023

5.4.1 Strong Automotive and Aerospace Sectors Vs. Economic Crisis

5.5 French High Performance Ceramic Coatings Market 2013-2023

5.51 French Aerospace Industry Is Expected to Regain Strength

5.6 Brazilian High Performance Ceramic Coatings Market Expected to Grow by 5.6% CAGR from


5.6.1 The Emerging Middle Class Encourages Industrialisation and Ceramic Coatings Demand

5.7 UK High Performance Ceramic Coatings Market 2013-2023

5.7.1 Find Out How the Aerospace and Automotive Industries in UK Affect the Ceramic Coatings


5.8 Italian High Performance Ceramic Coatings Market 2013-2023

5.8.1 How Is the Italian Aerospace Industry Coping With the Euro-Debt Crisis?

5.9 Russian High Performance Ceramic Coatings Market 2013-2023

5.9.1 Natural Resources Expected to Be a Key Driver of Russian $0.17bn Ceramic Coatings


5.10 Canadian High Performance Ceramic Coatings Market 2013-2023

5.10.1 Find Out About Canadian Government Support to Industries Using Ceramic Coatings

5.11 Indian High Performance Ceramic Coatings Market 2013-2023

5.11.1 Major Automotive Industry the Key Factor in Ceramic Coatings

5.12 Spanish High Performance Ceramic Coatings Market 2013-2023

5.12.1 Effects of the Spanish Banking Crisis and Rising Unemployment

Page 4: Global high performance ceramic coatings market 2013 2023

Contents 5.13 Australian High Performance Ceramic Coatings Market 2013-2023

5.13.1 Anti-Corrosive Ceramic Coatings in Demand in Australia

5.14 South Korean High Performance Ceramic Coatings Market 2013-2023

5.14.1 Automotive and Aerospace Industries in South Korea Key Drivers

5.15 Mexican High Performance Ceramic Coatings Market 2013-2023

5.15.1 Proximity to US a Key Driver of Mexican Ceramic Coatings Market

5.15.2 Mexican Automotive Sector Strengthening Further

5.16 ROW High Performance Ceramic Coatings Market 2013-2023

5.16.1 How Rising Living Standards and Industrialisation Are Benefiting Ceramic Coatings Market


5.16.2 Corrosion-Resistance Key Selling Point in Middle East and North Africa

6. SWOT Analysis of the High Performance Ceramic Coatings Market

2013-2023 6.1 Strengths in the High Performance Ceramic Coatings Market

6.1.1 Strong Emerging Market Demand Driving High Performance Ceramic Coatings Markets

6.1.2 Benefits of High Performance Ceramic Coating Make Them Highly Desirable

6.2 Weaknesses in the High Performance Ceramic Coatings Market

6.2.1 Developed Regions Suffering from Economic Difficulties

6.2.2 Lack of Large Companies May Fragment Research Efforts

6.3 Opportunities in the High Performance Ceramic Coatings Market

6.3.1 New Market Areas for High Performance Ceramic Coatings

6.3.2 Environmentally Friendly High Performance Ceramic Coatings

6.4 Threats in the High Performance Ceramic Coatings Market

6.4.1 Potential Economic Crisis Due to Euro-Zone Troubles

6.4.2 Economic Difficulties May Impact Industries Using High Performance Ceramic Coatings

7. Expert Opinion 7.1 Tony Collins, CEO, EonCoat LLC

7.1.1 What are the Key Development in the Ceramic Coatings Market?

7.1.2 What will be the Technological Developments for Ceramic Coatings?

7.1.3 What are the Key Drivers of the Ceramic Coatings Market?

7.1.4 What are the Restraints of the Ceramic Coatings Market?

Page 5: Global high performance ceramic coatings market 2013 2023

Contents 8. Leading Companies in the High-Performance Ceramic Surface

Coating Market 8.1 A&A Company Inc

8.2 Bodycote Plc

8.3 Cerakote Ceramic High Temperature Coatings

8.4 Cetek Ceramic Technologies

8.5 DuPont

8.6 Engineered Performance Coatings (EPC)

8.7 Keronite Group Ltd

8.8 Morgan Technical Ceramics (MTC)

8.9 Performance Coatings Inc

8.10 Saint-Gobain Coatings Solutions (SGCS)

8.11 Saturn Ceramic Coating Company (SCCS)

8.12 Swain Tech Coatings Ltd (STC)

8.13 Tech Line Coatings Inc (TLC)

8.14 Zircotec Ltd

9. Conclusions 9.1 Global High Performance Ceramic Coatings Market Overview

9.2 Drivers and Restraints of the Global High Performance Ceramic Coatings Market

9.3 Global High Performance Ceramic Coatings Market Forecast Summary 2013-2023

9.4 High Performance Ceramic Coatings Submarket Forecast Summary 2013-2023

9.5 Leading National High Performance Ceramic Coatings Market Forecast Summary 2013-2023

10. Glossary

Page 6: Global high performance ceramic coatings market 2013 2023

Contents List of Tables Table 1.1 Global High Performance Ceramic Coating Market Forecast Summary 2013, 2018, 2023

($bn, CAGR %)

Table 1.2 High Performance Ceramic Coatings Submarket Forecasts Summary 2013, 2018, 2023

($bn, CAGR %)

Table 1.3 Leading National High Performance Ceramic Coatings Market Forecasts Summary

2013, 2018, 2023 ($bn, CAGR %)

Table 3.1 Global High Performance Ceramic Coating Market Forecast 2013-2023 ($bn, AGR %,

CAGR%, Cumulative)

Table 4.1 High Performance Ceramic Coatings Submarket Forecasts 2013-2023 ($bn, AGR %)

Table 4.2 High Performance Ceramic Coatings Submarket CAGR Forecasts 2013-2023 (%)

Table 4.3 Automotive High Performance Ceramic Coatings Submarket Forecast 2013-2023 ($bn,

AGR %, CAGR%, Cumulative)

Table 4.4 Aerospace High Performance Ceramic Coatings Submarket Forecast 2013-2023 ($bn,

AGR %, CAGR%, Cumulative)

Table 4.5 Industrial High Performance Ceramic Coatings Submarket Forecast 2013-2023 ($bn,

AGR %, CAGR%, Cumulative)

Table 4.6 Other High Performance Ceramic Coatings Submarket Forecast 2013-2023 ($bn, AGR

%, CAGR%, Cumulative)

Table 5.1 Leading National High Performance Ceramic Coating Markets Forecast 2013-2023 ($bn,

AGR %)

Table 5.2 Leading National High Performance Ceramic Coatings Market CAGR Forecasts 2013-

2023 (%)

Table 5.3 US High Performance Ceramic Coating Market Drivers & Restraints

Table 5.4 US High Performance Ceramic Coating Market Forecast 2013-2023 ($bn, AGR %,

CAGR%, Cumulative)

Table 5.5 Chinese High Performance Ceramic Coating Market Drivers & Restraints

Table 5.6 Chinese High Performance Ceramic Coating Market Forecast 2013-2023 ($bn, AGR %,

CAGR%, Cumulative)

Table 5.7 Japanese High Performance Ceramic Coating Market Drivers & Restraints

Table 5.8 Japanese High Performance Ceramic Coating Market Forecast 2013-2023 ($bn, AGR

%, CAGR%, Cumulative)

Table 5.9 German High Performance Ceramic Coating Market Drivers & Restraints

Table 5.10 German High Performance Ceramic Coating Market Forecast 2013-2023 ($bn, AGR %,

CAGR%, Cumulative)

Table 5.11 French High Performance Ceramic Coating Market Drivers & Restraints

Page 7: Global high performance ceramic coatings market 2013 2023

Contents Table 5.12 French High Performance Ceramic Coating Market Forecast 2013-2023 ($bn, AGR %,

CAGR%, Cumulative)

Table 5.13 Brazilian High Performance Ceramic Coating Market Drivers & Restraints

Table 5.14 Brazilian High Performance Ceramic Coating Market Forecast 2013-2023 ($bn, AGR

%, CAGR%, Cumulative)

Table 5.15 UK High Performance Ceramic Coating Market Drivers & Restraints

Table 5.16 UK High Performance Ceramic Coating Market Forecast 2013-2023 ($bn, AGR %,

CAGR%, Cumulative)

Table 5.17 Italian High Performance Ceramic Coating Market Drivers & Restraints

Table 5.18 Italian High Performance Ceramic Coating Market Forecast 2013-2023 ($bn, AGR %,

CAGR%, Cumulative)

Table 5.19 Russian High Performance Ceramic Coating Market Drivers & Restraints

Table 5.20 Russian High Performance Ceramic Coating Market Forecast 2013-2023 ($bn, AGR %,

CAGR%, Cumulative)

Table 5.21 Canadian High Performance Ceramic Coating Market Drivers & Restraints

Table 5.22 Canadian High Performance Ceramic Coating Market Forecast 2013-2023 ($bn, AGR

%, CAGR%, Cumulative)

Table 5.23 Indian High Performance Ceramic Coating Market Drivers & Restraints

Table 5.24 Indian High Performance Ceramic Coating Market Forecast 2013-2023 ($bn, AGR %,

CAGR%, Cumulative)

Table 5.25 Spanish High Performance Ceramic Coating Market Drivers & Restraints

Table 5.26 Spanish High Performance Ceramic Coating Market Forecast 2013-2023 ($bn, AGR %,

CAGR%, Cumulative)

Table 5.27 Australian High Performance Ceramic Coating Market Drivers & Restraints

Table 5.28 Australian High Performance Ceramic Coating Market Forecast 2013-2023 ($bn, AGR

%, CAGR%, Cumulative)

Table 5.29 South Korean High Performance Ceramic Coating Market Drivers & Restraints

Table 5.30 South Korean High Performance Ceramic Coating Market Forecast 2013-2023 ($bn,

AGR %, CAGR%, Cumulative)

Table 5.31 Mexican High Performance Ceramic Coating Market Drivers & Restraints

Table 5.32 Mexican High Performance Ceramic Coating Market Forecast 2013-2023 ($bn, AGR %,

CAGR%, Cumulative)

Table 5.33 ROW High Performance Ceramic Coating Market Drivers & Restraints

Table 5.34 ROW High Performance Ceramic Coating Market Forecast 2013-2023 ($bn, AGR %,

CAGR%, Cumulative)

Table 6.1 SWOT Analysis of the High Performance Ceramic Coatings Market 2013-2023

Table 8.1 A&A Company Inc Overview 2012 (HQ, Contact, Website)

Page 8: Global high performance ceramic coatings market 2013 2023

Contents Table 8.2 Bodycote Plc Overview 2012 (Total Revenue, HQ, Ticker, Contact, Website)

Table 8.3 Cerakote Ceramic High Temperature Coatings Overview 2012 (HQ, Contact, Website)

Table 8.4 Cetek Ceramic Technologies Overview 2012 (HQ, Contact, Website)

Table 8.5 DuPont Overview 2012 (Total Revenue, Revenue from Division, HQ, Ticker, Contact,


Table 8.6 Engineered Performance Coatings Overview 2012 (HQ, Contact, Website)

Table 8.7 Keronite Group Ltd Overview 2012 (HQ, Contact, Website)

Table 8.8 Morgan Technical Ceramics Overview 2012 (Total Revenue, Revenue from Division,

HQ, Ticker, Contact, Website)

Table 8.9 Performance Coatings Inc Interview 2012 (HQ, Contact, Website)

Table 8.10 Saint-Gobain Coatings Solutions Overview 2012 (Total Revenue, Revenue from

Division, HQ, Ticker, Contact, Website)

Table 8.11 Saturn Ceramic Coating Company Overview 2012 (HQ, Contact, Website)

Table 8.13 Tech Line Coatings Overview 2012 (HQ, Contact, Website)

Table 8.14 Zircotec Overview 2012 (HQ, Contact, Website)

Table 8.15 Other Leading Companies in the High-Performance Ceramic Surface Coating Market

2013 (Company, Product /service)

Table 9.1 Global High Performance Ceramic Coatings Market Drivers & Restraints

Table 9.2 Global High Performance Ceramic Coating Market Forecast Summary 2013, 2018, 2023

($bn, CAGR %)

Table 9.3 High Performance Ceramic Coatings Submarket Forecasts Summary 2013, 2018, 2023

($bn, CAGR %)

Table 9.4 Leading National Ceramic Coatings Market Forecasts Summary 2013, 2018, 2023 ($bn,


List of Figures Figure 3.1 Global High Performance Ceramic Coating Market Forecast 2013-2023 ($bn, AGR%)

Figure 4.1 High Performance Ceramic Coatings Submarket Forecasts 2013-2023 ($bn)

Figure 4.2 High Performance Ceramic Coatings Submarkets Share Forecast 2013 (%)

Figure 4.3 High Performance Ceramic Coatings Submarkets Share Forecast 2018 (%)

Figure 4.4 High Performance Ceramic Coatings Submarkets Share Forecast 2023 (%)

Figure 4.5 Automotive High Performance Ceramic Coatings Submarket Forecast 2013-2023 ($bn,


Figure 4.6 Automotive High Performance Ceramic Coatings Submarket Share Forecast 2013,

2018 and 2023 (% Share)

Page 9: Global high performance ceramic coatings market 2013 2023

Contents Figure 4.7 Aerospace High Performance Ceramic Coatings Submarket Forecast 2013-2023 ($bn,


Figure 4.8 Aerospace High Performance Ceramic Coatings Submarket Share Forecast 2013, 2018

and 2023 (% Share)

Figure 4.9 Industrial High Performance Ceramic Coatings Submarket Forecast 2013-2023 ($bn,


Figure 4.10 Industrial High Performance Ceramic Coatings Submarket Share Forecast 2013, 2018

and 2023 (% Share)

Figure 4.11 Other High Performance Ceramic Coatings Submarket Forecast 2013-2023 ($bn,


Figure 4.12 Other High Performance Ceramic Coatings Submarket Share Forecast 2013, 2018

and 2023 (% Share)

Figure 5.1 Leading National High Performance Ceramic Coating Markets Forecast 2013-2023


Figure 5.2 Leading National High Performance Ceramic Coating Markets Share Forecast 2013 (%)

Figure 5.3 Leading National High Performance Ceramic Coating Markets Share Forecast 2018 (%)

Figure 5.4 Leading National High Performance Ceramic Coating Markets Share Forecast 2023 (%)

Figure 5.5 US High Performance Ceramic Coating Market Forecast 2013-2023 ($bn, AGR%)

Figure 5.6 US High Performance Ceramic Coating Market Share Forecast 2013, 2018 and 2023

(% Share)

Figure 5.7 Chinese High Performance Ceramic Coating Market Forecast 2013-2023 ($bn, AGR%)

Figure 5.8 Chinese High Performance Ceramic Coating Market Share Forecast 2013, 2018 and

2023 (% Share)

Figure 5.9 Japanese High Performance Ceramic Coating Market Forecast 2013-2023 ($bn,


Figure 5.10 Japanese High Performance Ceramic Coating Market Share Forecast 2013, 2018 and

2023 (% Share)

Figure 5.11 German High Performance Ceramic Coating Market Forecast 2013-2023 ($bn, AGR%)

Figure 5.12 German High Performance Ceramic Coating Market Share Forecast 2013, 2018 and

2023 (% Share)

Figure 5.13 French High Performance Ceramic Coating Market Forecast 2013-2023 ($bn, AGR%)

Figure 5.14 French High Performance Ceramic Coating Market Share Forecast 2013, 2018 and

2023 (% Share)

Figure 5.15 Brazilian High Performance Ceramic Coating Market Forecast 2013-2023 ($bn,


Figure 5.16 Brazilian High Performance Ceramic Coating Market Share Forecast 2013, 2018 and

2023 (% Share)

Page 10: Global high performance ceramic coatings market 2013 2023

Contents Figure 5.17 UK High Performance Ceramic Coating Market Forecast 2013-2023 ($bn, AGR%)

Figure 5.18 UK High Performance Ceramic Coating Market Share Forecast 2013, 2018 and 2023

(% Share)

Figure 5.19 Italian High Performance Ceramic Coating Market Forecast 2013-2023 ($bn, AGR%)

Figure 5.20 Italian High Performance Ceramic Coating Market Share Forecast 2013, 2018 and

2023 (% Share)

Figure 5.21 Russian High Performance Ceramic Coating Market Forecast 2013-2023 ($bn, AGR%)

Figure 5.22 Russian High Performance Ceramic Coating Market Share Forecast 2013, 2018 and

2023 (% Share)Table 5.21 Canadian High Performance Ceramic Coating Market Drivers &


Figure 5.23 Canadian High Performance Ceramic Coating Market Forecast 2013-2023 ($bn,


Figure 5.24 Canadian High Performance Ceramic Coating Market Share Forecast 2013, 2018 and

2023 (% Share)

Figure 5.25 Indian High Performance Ceramic Coating Market Forecast 2013-2023 ($bn, AGR%)

Figure 5.26 Indian High Performance Ceramic Coating Market Share Forecast 2013, 2018 and

2023 (% Share)

Figure 5.27 Spanish High Performance Ceramic Coating Market Forecast 2013-2023 ($bn, AGR%)

Figure 5.28 Spanish High Performance Ceramic Coating Market Share Forecast 2013, 2018 and

2023 (% Share)

Figure 5.29 Australian High Performance Ceramic Coating Market Forecast 2013-2023 ($bn,


Figure 5.30 Australian High Performance Ceramic Coating Market Share Forecast 2013, 2018 and

2023 (% Share)

Figure 5.31 South Korean High Performance Ceramic Coating Market Forecast 2013-2023 ($bn,


Figure 5.32 South Korean High Performance Ceramic Coating Market Share Forecast 2013, 2018

and 2023 (% Share)

Figure 5.33 Mexican High Performance Ceramic Coating Market Forecast 2013-2023 ($bn,


Figure 5.34 Mexican High Performance Ceramic Coating Market Share Forecast 2013, 2018 and

2023 (% Share)

Figure 5.35 ROW High Performance Ceramic Coating Market Forecast 2013-2023 ($bn, AGR%)

Figure 5.36 ROW High Performance Ceramic Coating Market Share Forecast 2013, 2018 and

2023 (% Share)

Page 11: Global high performance ceramic coatings market 2013 2023

Contents Companies Mentioned in This Report ____ A&A Company Inc

Accuwright Industries



APS Materials Inc


ASB Industries Inc

Bodycote Plc



Camcoat Performance Coatings

Carlyle Group

Carolina Commercial Heat Treating

Cerakote Ceramic High Temperature Coatings

Cetek Ceramic Technologies


Cincinnati Thermal Spray

Competition Engineering

Curtiss-Wright Corporation

CVD Equipment Corporation

DECC Company


Ellison Surface Technologies

Engineered Performance Coatings (EPC)

EonCoat LLC

F.W. Gartner Thermal Spraying Ltd

Flame Spray



General Electric (GE)

General Magnaplate

Hayden Corporation

Heany Industries Inc

HFW Industries



Page 12: Global high performance ceramic coatings market 2013 2023

Contents Kennametal Stellite

Keronite Group Ltd

MBI Coatings


Morgan Ceramics

Morgan Crucible

Morgan Technical Ceramics (MTC)

NIC Industries Inc


Performance Coatings Inc (PC)

Plasma Coatings

Pratt & Whitney


Saint Gobain Ceramic Materials


Saint-Gobain Coatings Solutions (SGCS)

Sartos Bros Engineering

Saturn Ceramic Coating Company (SCCC)

Swain Tech Coatings Ltd (STC)

Tech Line Coatings Inc (TLC)



Umesh Parikh


White Engineering Surfaces Corp


Zircotec Ltd

Page 13: Global high performance ceramic coatings market 2013 2023

Contents Government Agencies and Other Organisations Mentioned in This

Report ANFAC (the association of Spanish automotive producers)

Automotive Innovation Fund (Canada)

Department of Defense (US)

Italian Aerospace Research Centre

TEDAE (Spanish Association for Defense, Aeronautics and Space Technologies)

The Ministry of Economy (Mexico)

Ohio State University

Page 14: Global high performance ceramic coatings market 2013 2023

Page 38

Global High Performance Ceramic Coatings Market 2013-2023

2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2013-23

Sales $bn 0.90 0.93 0.96 0.99 1.02 1.05 1.09 1.13 1.17 1.22 1.27 1.32 13.04

AGR (%) 3.1 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 4.0 4.1

2018-23 3.8


3.3CAGR (%) 2013-18

CAGR (%) 2013-23

2013 2018 2023















2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023




s $b


Others AGR




Source: Visiongain 2013

Table 4.6 Other High Performance Ceramic Coatings Submarket Forecast 2013-2023 ($bn, AGR %, CAGR%, Cumulative)

Source: Visiongain 2013

Figure 4.12 Other High Performance Ceramic Coatings Submarket Share Forecast 2013, 2018 and 2023 (% Share)

Source: Visiongain 2013

Figure 4.11 Other High Performance Ceramic Coatings Submarket Forecast 2013-2023 ($bn, AGR%)

Page 15: Global high performance ceramic coatings market 2013 2023

Page 71

Global High Performance Ceramic Coatings Market 2013-2023

2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2013-23

Sales $bn 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.14 0.14 0.14 1.5

AGR (%) 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.7 2.8 2.8

2018-23 2.7


2.3CAGR (%) 2013-18

CAGR (%) 2013-23

2013 2018 2023

















2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023AG

R (%



s $b


1.9% 1.8% 1.6%

Source: Visiongain 2013

Table 5.28 Australian High Performance Ceramic Coating Market Forecast 2013-2023 ($bn, AGR %, CAGR%, Cumulative)

Source: Visiongain 2013

Figure 5.30 Australian High Performance Ceramic Coating Market Share Forecast 2013, 2018 and 2023 (% Share)

Source: Visiongain 2013

Figure 5.29 Australian High Performance Ceramic Coating Market Forecast 2013-2023 ($bn, AGR%)

Page 16: Global high performance ceramic coatings market 2013 2023

Page 87

Global High Performance Ceramic Coatings Market 2013-2023

8. Leading Companies in the High-Performance Ceramic_ Surface Coating Market

There are several different types of companies operating in the ceramic surface coatings markets.

Most companies do not specialise in these sectors. Some are global engineered materials

companies that provide a variety of different products for a variety of industries. In these cases the

specific segment offering ceramic materials is often relatively small. Some of the companies that

provide ceramic coatings are relatively specialised, and supply their products mainly locally.

This chapter introduces some of the world’s leading ceramic coatings providers. A brief profile of

each company is presented, where the main operations related to ceramic coatings are described,

and the headquarters, IR contact, 2011 revenues and number of employees, when published, are

noted. Information on the 2012 acquisitions and divestments relating to their ceramic coatings

business, until October 2012, is noted as well.

8.1 A&A Company Inc______________________________________ A&A has been operating for over 60 years, offering thermal spray coating services. The company

offers metal, ceramic, cermet and hard-faced coatings and grinding, lapping and machining

capabilities for chemical, electronics, oil, transport, tooling, power generation, packaging, steel,

automotive, and general industrial applications. The company offers plasma spray coatings, high

velocity oxygen fuel coatings, electric arc spray coatings, hard-facing coatings, spray and fuse

hard-facing coatings, cold spray solutions and metalizing coatings.

2012 Headquarters South Plainfield, New Jersey, US IR Contact [email protected] / +1 908 561 2378 Website

8.2 Bodycote Plc__________________________________________ Bodycote provides thermal processing services in 27 countries worldwide. The company has over

180 locations across the world in Europe, North America, South America, Middle East and Asia

and employs 5,500 people. Bodycote offers heat treatment and metal joining, hot isostatic pressing

Table 8.1 A&A Company Inc Overview 2012 (HQ, Contact, Website)

Source: Visiongain 2013