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Glaciares y REcursos agua en los Andes Tropicales – Indicadores de los Cambios ambiEntales LMI GREATICE, ORE GLACIOCLIM Glaciares, indicadores del clima y recursos hídricos Photo Bernard Francou

Glaciares LMI GREATICE, ORE GLACIOCLIM · Mediciones glaciares ablation stakes accumulation pits accumulation rain gauges ice cores and climate reconstruction topographic survey analysing

Dec 13, 2018



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Page 1: Glaciares LMI GREATICE, ORE GLACIOCLIM · Mediciones glaciares ablation stakes accumulation pits accumulation rain gauges ice cores and climate reconstruction topographic survey analysing

Glaciares y REcursos agua en los Andes Tropicales – Indicadores de los Cambios ambiEntales

LMI GREATICE, ORE GLACIOCLIMGlaciares, indicadores del clima y recursos hídricos

Photo Bernard Francou

Page 2: Glaciares LMI GREATICE, ORE GLACIOCLIM · Mediciones glaciares ablation stakes accumulation pits accumulation rain gauges ice cores and climate reconstruction topographic survey analysing

NGT, GLACIOCLIM, GREATICE• 1991: The « Neiges et Glaciers Tropicaux » program was funded by the French

institute IRD and equipment of the first glaciers, Zongo and Chacaltaya in Bolivia,was undertaken with Bolivian partners. This program was named « Great Ice » in2000

• 1994: Extention of the program to Perú (Cordillera Blanca) and Ecuador (Antisana)

• 2002: The Obervatory of Research for Environment (ORE) GLACIOCLIM (France) :permanent monitoring network programs on glaciers in the French Alps, Tropicalpermanent monitoring network programs on glaciers in the French Alps, TropicalAndes, Antarctica (Terre Adélie), Himalaya and Kerguelen). Glaciers are viewed asindicators of climate change at world scale.

Data are available on the site:

The part of GLACIOCLIM dedicated to the Andes is GLACIOCLIM/ANDES

• 2012: The International Mixed Laboratory (LMI) Great Ice was created by the IRDfor 2011-2015.

Coordinator: J.E. Sicart

Page 3: Glaciares LMI GREATICE, ORE GLACIOCLIM · Mediciones glaciares ablation stakes accumulation pits accumulation rain gauges ice cores and climate reconstruction topographic survey analysing

Balance de masa de los glaciares

Page 4: Glaciares LMI GREATICE, ORE GLACIOCLIM · Mediciones glaciares ablation stakes accumulation pits accumulation rain gauges ice cores and climate reconstruction topographic survey analysing

Climat - Glaciers

Page 5: Glaciares LMI GREATICE, ORE GLACIOCLIM · Mediciones glaciares ablation stakes accumulation pits accumulation rain gauges ice cores and climate reconstruction topographic survey analysing

GLACIOCLIM, observatorio, red de medicionesdir. (LGGE): D. Six (Alpes), A. Rabatel (Andes) and V. Favier (Ant.)+ P. Wagnon (Himalaya)

French Alps (LGGE)

Saint Sorlin, Argentière (45°N)Gébroulaz, Mer de Glace, Sarennes

Andes / Himalaya (IRD et local partners)



GLACIOCLIM : a global observation network

local partners)

Antizana (Ecuador, 0°)Zongo (Bolivia, 16°S) Chhota Shigri (India, 32°N)Mera (Nepal, 27°N)

Antarctica (LGGE-IPEV)

Cap Prud’Homme (67°S)Dôme C (75°S)



Global network including glacio-meteo-hydrological observations :

>50 yrs (Alps), >20 yrs (Andes), 8 yrs (Himalaya) et 7 yrs (Antarctica) m

Page 6: Glaciares LMI GREATICE, ORE GLACIOCLIM · Mediciones glaciares ablation stakes accumulation pits accumulation rain gauges ice cores and climate reconstruction topographic survey analysing

Clima húmedo de los trópicos ‘internos’

Estudios regionales

Trópicos ‘externos’(única época seca bien marcada)

Page 7: Glaciares LMI GREATICE, ORE GLACIOCLIM · Mediciones glaciares ablation stakes accumulation pits accumulation rain gauges ice cores and climate reconstruction topographic survey analysing

The mass balance network (month/year scale)

• Bolivia (UMSA): • Zongo (1991- ) Glacioclim (10 keuros / year)• Charquini Sur (2002- )• Chacaltaya (1991-2009)

• Peru (UGRH/ANA):• Artesonraju (1994- )• Yanamarey (1994- )

Zongo, 16°S, Bolivia, 1991

• Ecuador (EPN, INAHMI):• Antisana 15 (1995- ) Glacioclim (10 keuros / year)• Antisana 12 « Los Crespos » (2004- )

• Colombia (IDEAM):• Santa Isabel (2006- )


Artezonraju, 9°S, Perú,


Antisana 15α, 0°28S,

Ecuador, 1994

IRD: 1 investigador (2010-2014) et 1 V.I. en Bolivieno técnico+ MLDs

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Exemple : le Glacier Zongo (Bolivie, 16°S), zone tropicale externeExample of Zongo glacier, 16°S (Bolivia)

Bilans :• glaciologique• hydrologique• d’énergie



Station SO/GlacioClim

Vue aérienne du glacier Zongo (août 2000 )

Experimental device : GLACIOCLIM

Balises d’ablationCarottages d’accumulationStation hydrographiquePluviomètresStations météo sur et hors glacier

Pluviographe Geonor Pgeo (Pr)

Pluviographe Totalisateur PORE

Pyranomètres (SW "in" et "out")

Pyrgéomètre (LW "in" et "out")

Capteur ultrasonique de hauteur de neige

Page 9: Glaciares LMI GREATICE, ORE GLACIOCLIM · Mediciones glaciares ablation stakes accumulation pits accumulation rain gauges ice cores and climate reconstruction topographic survey analysing

Mediciones glaciares

ablation stakes

accumulation pits


rain gauges

ice cores and climate


topographic survey

analysing ablation processes from energy balances (SEBs)

datation of moraines and

glacier area/volume

reconstruction in the past


runoff stationsPhotos B.Francou

Page 10: Glaciares LMI GREATICE, ORE GLACIOCLIM · Mediciones glaciares ablation stakes accumulation pits accumulation rain gauges ice cores and climate reconstruction topographic survey analysing

LMI - Great Ice 2011-2015, Instituciones (12) y miembros (puestos fijos: 22)

Francia: 8 pers. (IRD-CNRS-UJF), LTHE, LGGE, HSM, LGP

Bolivia: 2 pers, UMSA (IHH, IGEMA)

Colombia: 1 pers., IDEAM

Ecuador: 5 pers., EPN, INAHMI

Perú: 6 pers., UGRH, SENAMHI, IGP

Cambios recientes:

- Incorporación del tema ‘clima’ con los investigadores del IGP

- Abertura a Colombia

Presupuesto: < 40 keuros / año

Animaciones, intercambios, apoyos a estudiantes… ‘Espacio de discusión’

Page 11: Glaciares LMI GREATICE, ORE GLACIOCLIM · Mediciones glaciares ablation stakes accumulation pits accumulation rain gauges ice cores and climate reconstruction topographic survey analysing

1- Evolución de las masas glaciares (ultimo siglo / ultimas décadas)

Balance de masa, cambios de superficie y volumen glaciares (satelitales, aviones),

perforaciones de hielo …

2- Análisis físico de los procesos glaciares y su relación con el clima a escalas de local a


Great Ice Organizado en tres grupos

(temas de investigación)

Procesos d’ablacion: fusión, sublimación

Flujos de energía atmosféricos, interpretación de las variaciones de balance de masa en el

ciclo anual (épocas seca/de lluvia) y a escalas inter-anuales

3- Impactos de cambios glaciares sobre la hidrológica y los recursos hídricos en regiones

de montaña, procesos de flujos del agua de fusión glaciar

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Cumulative monthly mass balance, Zongo, Chacaltaya and Charquini Sur glaciers are located in Bolivia (outer tropics), Antisana 15 and Conejeras glaciers are located in Ecuador and Colombia (inner tropics).Synthesis: Rabatel et al, The Cryosphere, 2013

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Great Ice - Glacioclim Training and Publications

• Training:

• 15 PhD Universities of Grenoble, Montpellier, Paris:7 students from Andean countries / 8 from France

• 2 « Jeunes Equipes Associées à l’IRD »: GRANT, La Paz / IMAGE, Quito• More than 20 « Maestrias » and Masters of Sc.

• Publications: more than 120 papers published in peer-indexed reviews (with oftenAndeancolleaguesasco-authorsor first authors,Nature,Science,JGR,JoG,WRR…)Andeancolleaguesasco-authorsor first authors,Nature,Science,JGR,JoG,WRR…)

• Workshop organization: ~15 workshops organized (regional and international)

• Networks: IRD co-funded the Grupo de Trabajo en Nieves y Hielos (GTNH) in 2004, agroup supported since 2005 by the UNESCOHuaraz (2004), La Paz (2006), Quito (2010)

• Data series glaciers available on websites:Word Glacier Monitoring Service (WGMS,Zürich), GLACIOCLIM (Grenoble)