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Give Us a Chance

Nov 06, 2015



Tom Barrett

For every entrepreneur in the world in 7 chapters. Enjoy!
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INTRODUCTIONGive Us A Chance Is a book exclusively written by Tom Barrett for Entrepreneurs all around the world. The purpose is to make you understand the loss that you are making for your Company/Business when it comes to hiring new people.Another special reason is to make you think in a positive way about those unemployed, hard-working people. Please take your time to read this book and fully understand the message that it carries, a message that will change your point of view about giving people a chance forever.

About The AuthorThe Authors name is Tom Barrett. A highly motivated young writer passing on his motivation and inspiration to people, whatever age, whatever size, whatever sex, whatever race. Tom Barrett wishes to provide readers with unique and new books. He is too a big fan of reading, this is why he doesnt write about random things. He wishes that you could read, and read happily. So here is one more book by Tom Barrett.

Privacy is not a sin Tom Barrett

The Bosss reality

Hi there. Do you own a Business or Company? If so than you are reading the right book. How many times in one year do you have to hire new staff? Too many times, I suppose. When you publish your Help Wanted sign, what are the requirements? And what happens when you have lost your patience when no one calls or no one is eligible? Too many times do we face these situations, but we encounter them in a very bad way. My experiences with bosses looking for new staff proves it, I ask myself, How come a person who looks hard working never gets the job? But the recommended person who is a total stranger to the boss always get it. If this looks like you, you might want to change your point of view. Is this recommended person lazy or is he/she a hard-worker or is he/she in any way a decent worker? You never know until you hire him/her. Usually, these people are sluggish and terrible workers and the result is a retirement in two weeks or earlier. You may also catch this person stealing or working in a dirty work space. But you brought this to yourself. The next stage is a case of Stress or Depression, if you fire him/her the same problem will return and if you keep him/her, your current problem remains.The third and final stage is revenge. Most bosses usually fire the new employee and also fire the employee who recommended him/her and they end up looking for two new people.So how should you encounter this problem?First, you need to get to know me a little better.Just like you, I own a business and just like you I have to hire and fire people and just like you I face these stressful situations myself.Back when I was an employee I experienced extreme authority abuse and what made things worse is that only the staff was conscious about this. When the big bosses passed surveys to the staff, the staff was cautious to not make their boss look bad and when the big bosses read the surveys, they thought everything was smooth.This is called Psychological Abuse coming from the boss, causing fear about him or her and they should be sued for doing this.Read what has to say about this.

A staggering 42% of U.S. workers report being victims of workplace verbal abuse. This means many of us face a workday spent scrambling to please and prevent outbursts from the big boss. The question is: what can you do aboutit?This list of tips can help you regain some control on thejob:Document everything:"Little" things often grow into patterns of abuse. It would be ideal to keep a record of incidents from the first hint of trouble. But it's never too late to start documenting incidents, meetings, e-mails and status reports. Be sure to record any illnesses, doctor visits or treatments required due to your hostile work environment. If you do end up consulting an attorney, such a list will be valuable. At the least, this list may be just the motivation you need to start jobhunting.Is it harassment?: Because of "at will" laws, bullying bosses can get away with being nasty. Abusive bosses may single out a particular personal feature. For example, they might repeatedly comment on an employee's weight. Actual harassment depends on the details and frequency of conduct. That's why documentation is sohelpful.Crossing into personal injury:Some abusive bosses may poke at employees, hover over them or jokingly block exits. Don't just chalk this up as annoying. Such behavior may cross over into personalinjury.Familiarize yourself with labor laws: Learn some labor law basics, which is easy to do thanks to the net. These sites detail federal and state employmentlaws:Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) laws by state