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An open letter to anyone who'd like a little personal help and one-on-one coaching to get their online business profitable and making $500 to $1,000 PER day… Give Me 90 Days or Less and I'll Have You Making Anywhere from $9,887 to $11,383 a Month... Working just an Hour or Two a Day from Home... Guaranteed! If You Don't Reach that Goal Within 90 Days - I'll Personally Pay You $1,000 Cash Out of my Pocket! I'll take you by the hand and personally work with you, one-on-one, showing you the same system I use to make $31,340 to $53,897 per month from home in my spare time. This 90 days of coaching is yours FREE... but only if you act now… Dear Friend, My name is _______and I own a VERY profitable online business that currently brings in between $31,000 to $53,000 per month for me... each and every month. And now, I’m looking for a few motivated folks who'd LIKE to get their own online business making a lot of money... but are unsure what to do. So if you have an online business that's not making the kind of money you want... I can help you get it profitable... fast. In fact, I'd like to personally work with you one-on-one for 90 straight days... for FREE... until you're making at least $9,887 a month...each and every single month. Now, it probably won't take us THAT long to get you there. I was able to reach that monthly income figure in about 75 days. But still, you'll have me by your side for at least 90 days... “holding” your hand and helping you go from zero... to $9,887 to $11,383 per month income. What's more... You'll Pay Nothing for this Training.... Zip, zilch. Nothing. It's true, for the entire first 90 days... you won't pay me a penny for this training. So why am I offering free coaching? .. Well... here's the story: A few years ago... I decided to start an online business after seeing and signing up for as many different online business opportunities I could find. But unfortunately, some of them turned out to be scams that didn't work. Some of them had

Give Me 90 Days or Less and I'll Have You Making Anywhere · If You Don't Reach that Goal Within 90 Days - I'll ... Look, the big-time gurus who are

Sep 20, 2020



Welcome message from author
This document is posted to help you gain knowledge. Please leave a comment to let me know what you think about it! Share it to your friends and learn new things together.
Page 1: Give Me 90 Days or Less and I'll Have You Making Anywhere · If You Don't Reach that Goal Within 90 Days - I'll ... Look, the big-time gurus who are

An open letter to anyone who'd like a little personal help and one-on-one coaching to get their online business profitable and making $500 to $1,000 PER day…

Give Me 90 Days or Less and I'll Have You Making Anywhere from $9,887 to $11,383 a Month... Working just an Hour or Two a Day from Home... Guaranteed!

If You Don't Reach that Goal Within 90 Days - I'll Personally Pay You $1,000 Cash Out of my Pocket!

I'll take you by the hand and personally work with you, one-on-one, showing you the same system I use to make $31,340 to $53,897 per month from home in my spare time. This 90 days of coaching is yours FREE... but only if you act now…

Dear Friend,

My name is _______and I own a VERY profitable online business that currently brings in between $31,000 to $53,000 per month for me... each and every month. And now, I’m looking for a few motivated folks who'd LIKE to get their own online business making a lot of money... but are unsure what to do. So if you have an online business that's not making the kind of money you want... I can help you get it profitable... fast. In fact, I'd like to personally work with you one-on-one for 90 straight days... for FREE... until you're making at least $9,887 a month...each and every single month. Now, it probably won't take us THAT long to get you there. I was able to reach that monthly income figure in about 75 days. But still, you'll have me by your side for at least 90 days... “holding” your hand and helping you go from zero... to $9,887 to $11,383 per month income. What's more...

You'll Pay Nothing for this Training....

Zip, zilch. Nothing. It's true, for the entire first 90 days... you won't pay me a penny for this training. So why am I offering free coaching? .. Well... here's the story: A few years ago... I decided to start an online business after seeing and signing up for as many different online business opportunities I could find.

But unfortunately, some of them turned out to be scams that didn't work. Some of them had

Page 2: Give Me 90 Days or Less and I'll Have You Making Anywhere · If You Don't Reach that Goal Within 90 Days - I'll ... Look, the big-time gurus who are

methods that could work... but unfortunately there was little help given after buying. You were basically left to figure it out on your own.

And the ones that initially worked for me fizzled out quickly and stopped making money because I was competing in saturated, highly competitive markets. So I was up against thousands of other marketers... all trying to win over the same customers in the same niche.

Needless to say, it didn't take long before I was confused, frustrated, and overwhelmed. When I say I failed... I mean I failed miserably! Everything the so-called “gurus” told me to do just didn't work. I didn't even make a single penny in my first six months.

I really wasn’t looking to get super rich… I just wanted to make more money so I could live a more comfortable life. I wanted to buy my family nice gifts, have nice things, go out to nice restaurants, or go on exotic vacations... and get to travel the world.

But after six months of trying every program I could get my hands on... I was STILL broke.

Well, it didn't take long before I realized what I was doing wasn't working. And it made me realize why MOST people who set out to try and make money online fail.

It was now very easy to see. Like I had been doing... most people who set out to make money online continue to buy all of the programs and join all the business opportunities.

But Then... They're Left to Figure it Out Themselves!

That's right... once the sale is made... you're left on your own to figure it out.

So, you do what I did and what everyone else does... which is use the same old strategies and techniques that don't work!

Well, needless to say... it didn't take me long to realize exactly how the game was played.

See... the only ones making money with these “make money programs” are the ones doing the selling! That's right... those who own and sell the programs... THEY'RE the only ones making anything!

Look, the big-time gurus who are making a KILLING won't tell you the truth. So, they give you enough information to keep you involved... but they never tell you the real secrets.

After all, if they did, you'd become competition for them. And believe me... they don't want that! So... they give you enough information to make you FEEL like you can do it... so you keep coming back and buying more.

But like I said, you're just left on your own... trying to figure it out yourself. And it's no surprise that 97% of those who start an online business will fail.

Now you know why. I learned that the only way to really succeed online is to find the real super affiliates and money-making gurus... and then wave enough money at them so they're willing to teach you the real tricks of the trade.

Let's not kid ourselves... money talks. So I knew that this was how I'd have to make my way “inside” the inner circle of these super affiliates and real money-making marketers.

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So that's what I did.

I Paid a Lot of Money to Learn their Secrets

One day, I decided to attend a private internet marketing workshop in London.

And it happened to be the best thing that ever happened to me... because that's where I'd end

up meeting my future mentor and coach.

While chatting with him, he showed me TONS of proof that he was making over $100,000 per month online.

Well, I knew that learning from him was going to be the fastest way to make money myself.

Instead of buying a ton of different programs and suffering through all the trial and error and information overload... I could cut out the learning curve and copy someone who is currently making money online!

So, I paid $10,000 to join his VIP personal coaching offer and $1997 Per Month to be part of his Mastermind Program.

What Happened Next Blew my Mind… I Actually Made $6,980 the FIRST MONTH!

Over the course of a few short days of coaching, I went from zero… to making $100 a day… then $200 a day… and it kept going up and up.

Over a very short period of time, I had myself an online business that was making $500 to $1,000 or more per day. Some days I made even more than that.

Within my first three months of working with this Internet Marketer, I made $17,619.67 selling other marketer's products for a commission. This is known as affiliate marketing and you can make a VERY high income doing that.

I made $237,563.85 running an affiliate marketing online business in just over 12 months of working with him. And now, these days, my business is consistently doing between $31,430 and $53,870 per month.

The magic was in the system, tools, and resources he revealed to me... stuff I never had access to before. And it simplified everything for me, used the power of leverage, and GREATLY increased my income while decreasing my work time.

Fast Forward To Today... Everything has Changed for Me…

My life has changed so much for the better these days. I now run a very profitable online business from the comfort of my home or...anywhere in the world because I'm free to travel and work where I want.

I've since moved into a lovely pent house apartment. I enjoy exotic vacations that I had always dreamed of. Best of all, I'm able to support my family the way I've always wanted.

I no longer worry about money, or bills, or how I’ll be able to afford things. I have no financial worries at all anymore and, I feel very secure and happy. Even if I take the day off to catch a

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movie or hang out with my family… I’m STILL making money. I LOVE having the freedom that my own business provides for me, both in terms of controlling my own time and schedule... as well as the financial freedom it provides.

The peace of mind you can enjoy, when you no longer have to worry about money... it's refreshing. Being able to live life completely on your own terms is something that I feel ALL of us should experience... which is why I'm here and is why I'm offering this coaching program.

I've learned, after a lot of trial and error, that making money online isn't difficult. It's simply a matter of finding a mentor who can guide you... and then you follow their step-by-step plan.

I'd love to be the one to help you do that.

I'm Just an AVERAGE GUY Who Figured Out the Key to Online Profits and Running a Successful Business

These days, it's easy for me to make money online and I love sharing my system with others who'd love the same kind of money coming in.

It makes me extremely happy to know I've helped someone improve their life with my coaching. It just feels right. And I'm positive that I can help you start and run a business that brings in $9,887 to $11,383 per month.

I mean... seriously... what would an extra $9,887 to $11,383 or more in the next 90 days or less do for your lifestyle and how you want to live each day?

That much money buys you a WHOLE lot of freedom where you're free to come and go as you please. No more waking up at the crack of dawn to an alarm clock. No more sitting in rush hour traffic for hours.

No more listening to a boss scream orders at you.. no more being away from your family for most of the day.

With that much money coming in each day, from your online business, you'd be free to do what you want, when you want it. How much of a difference would it make in your life? I’m guessing there would be less worry, less fear, and less stress you’d have to deal with!

Well, here's the deal. I'm looking for a few HONEST, COMMITTED and MOTIVATED folks who are truly serious about building a highly profitable online business that brings in close to $10,000 in 90 days or less.

And to top it all off... if you qualify, I'll personally coach you...FREE Of Charge!

Introducing my 90 Day Coaching Program...

I'm going to WORK for my fee... and you'll only pay me when you're making money.

And since it's all profit, you'll be paying me with that... so there's really no cost to you EVER.

After all, if you're not making at least $9,887and I don't fulfill my promise to you... then I don't DESERVE your money!t

At the End of the 90 Days... One of 3 Things Will Happen...

Page 5: Give Me 90 Days or Less and I'll Have You Making Anywhere · If You Don't Reach that Goal Within 90 Days - I'll ... Look, the big-time gurus who are

1) You'll Reach $9,887...But Will Decide to Continue on Your own

You'll be making at least $9,887 within the first 90 days and you'll be happy with your new

business, BUT you'll choose not to enroll in My VIP Coaching and Mastermind Program.

You'll decide to do your own thing. And honestly, that's no problem at all, I wish you all the

best and hopefully you'll stay in touch and let me know how you're doing. All I ask is that you pay a small coaching fee of $2,997 from the profits you made

during that first 90 days. Since you can pay my fee right from the $9.887 profit you've made...

the coaching doesn't even cost you anything, since you've already made that and more.

2)You'll Reach $9,887 and Be Motivated to Make More... You'll be making at least $9,887 within 90 Days and decide to enroll in my Exclusive VIP

Coaching and Mastermind Program because you want to make even more profit. We'll then work together to take things up to an even higher level of profits. Our goal will be

To get you to $20,000 to $30,000 per month and higher. Again, it doesn't really cost you anything since you're making more than that in profits

from your online business.

3) In the unlikely event you don't reach $9,887 in 90 days or less... In the highly unlikely event that you don't start making at least $9,887 within the first 90 Days

of your Free Fast Track Profit Acceleration coaching program.. I'll Personally pay YOU $1000 CASH out of my own pocket for wasting your time.

I GUARANTEE That If You Don't Make $9,887 or more Within The First 90 Days... I'll Pay You $1,000 Out Of My Own Pocket

It is really that simple and there is no catch. Honestly, what's the worst that can happen?

You learn exactly what you need to do to take your online business from where it is... to a point where it's making a lot of money and it's consistently profitable. And you walk away with $1,000 for wasting your time.

BUT you'll still have that knowledge in your head... the knowledge of what it takes to start an online business. That's something you'll have forever.

Better yet, hopefully we keep working together and increasing your online income from $9,887 per month... to $20,000 to $30,000 per month and more. But no matter what you decide... you'll never get any hard sales pitch or pressure from me... that's just not my style.

Just think... I'm personally going to coach you, for free, and then let you pay later on, from the profits you make. But only if you reach at least $9887 within the first 90 days!

If you don't get there... I pay you $1,000 out of my own pocket for wasting your time.

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We'll be Following a Proven System That Has Worked, Time and Time Again...

I'll be coaching you on EXACTLY what I do and what my other coaching students do to make a lot of money online.

You'll get the same step-by-step process that has worked for me and for thousands of successful online business owners who are enjoying their Internet Lifestyle!

The exact same System, Tools, and Resources that I use to make between $20,000 to $30,000 each and every month will be yours to follow and profit from.

I'm confident that if you follow my step-by-step process and have me there to guide and support you... you WILL get results and see profits of $9,887 come in, within the first 90 days.

If not, you don't pay a thing.

So Why Am I Doing This?

Two reasons, really. First of all, I want to get as many success stories, testimonials, and happy, successful students as possible.

The more success stories I have from students, the more proof that is to help me sell future programs, workshops, seminars, and other events. That's right... I'm offering a deal for you now, so that I can get as many success stories as possible, so I can use them to grow my business, attract higher paying clients, and also venture into running my own events.

When someone is on the fence about joining one of my future programs... I'll have enough success stories to help them make the decision to join.

I'm also doing this for more personal reasons too. I've been where you are... so I know what it's like to set out with the goal of starting an online business... but just hit wall after wall of frustration. I know what it's like to buy into different money-making programs... only to never see results.

I'm sick and tired of watching regular, nice folks like yourself get taken advantage of by all these slick marketers all claiming they can make you rich overnight. I promised myself that once I started making money... I was going to help others cut out all the B.S. and trial and error... and help them start making a full-time income from home.

Well, THIS is that promise to myself. I'm a teacher and helper at heart... and I hate the thought of so many people having to deal with the frustration and confusion that I went through.

I love helping regular, average folks change their lives by improving their finances with their own online business. It's easy for me to do it now, because I've already cut through all the trial and error and developed a proven system.


Page 7: Give Me 90 Days or Less and I'll Have You Making Anywhere · If You Don't Reach that Goal Within 90 Days - I'll ... Look, the big-time gurus who are

Want to make a quick and easy $2,000 to $3,000 per month in your spare time... right from home?

“Give Me Just 20 Minutes and I'll Show You the EASIEST Online Business You Can Start... One that Makes You $2,758 to $3,412 a Month... Working from

Home In Your Spare Time”

“Right below, you’ll find the fastest and easiest way to start an online business that provides an extra $2,758 in just 20 minutes a day! What I’ll share has helped thousands of regular, average folks make an extra $2,000 to $3,000 each month! Now, it’s YOUR turn to put it to work! Dear friend, Hi, my name is and like you probably have... I’ve always dreamed of starting my own business and making money.

That's because I've always wanted the ability to buy my family nice gifts, go to nice restaurants, go on exotic vacations, and enjoy the kind of nice things that having money can afford.

The only problem was... I had NO idea how to do it. But I DID know I was tired of working for someone else. I figured that starting an online business would be a start. So I tried a lot of different “make money online” programs over the years.

Each one I bought... I'd get excited and think “this is where I get rich”. But unfortunately, each one turned out to be a scam that didn't work. And it didn’t take long before I was confused, frustrated… and broke.

No matter what I tried, I failed. When I say I failed... I mean I made NO money my entire first year online. Nothing worked and I lost more money with each passing month.

Well, this went on for almost a year. Just when I was about to give up...a marketing friend of mine told me he was making a nice side income with what he called “the world's easiest business!” He told me he was selling an in-demand service to marketers and was making a GREAT part time income each month!

What's more, he said it took him less than 30 minutes a day to run, so he just did it at night when he got home... and enjoyed an extra $3,867 a month! Better yet, he said he didn't have to hard sell or convince anyone to buy. He said his service sold itself and that marketers were lining up to buy from him! At first I doubted him because I had heard claims like this before. But he logged into his Paypal account and showed me consecutive monthly payments of $2,500 to $3,500 or more.

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He insisted that I give it a shot. So I did, and...

I Actually Made Money the First Few Weeks!

I followed his instructions and did what he told me to do. In my spare time, I tried to learn all I could about this business... readying and studying everything I could get my hands on. And in a matter of a few short weeks… I had marketers interested in my service! I soon was making $25 a day… then $50 a day… $100 a day... and it kept going up. After a very short time, I had an online business that was making $2,758 to $3,412 per month! Better yet, it took me all of 20 minutes a day to make this!

Fast Forward a Year and Life is VERY Good…

Today, I run a VERY profitable online business from home or anywhere in the world I want to “work”.

That's because I'm free to travel and work where I want. All I need is an internet connection. Some days I’ll work at the beach with my laptop... other days I’ll work from home. Even if I take the day off to watch a movie or hang out with my girlfriend… I'm STILL making money.

And let’s just say I no longer worry as much about money, bills, or how I can afford things. When I take my friends and family out to nice restaurants, I pick up the tab. When I want to bring my girlfriend on vacation, we go to the most exotic locations.

Having your own business and living life on your own terms is something ALL of us should experience... which is why I'm here. I'd love to be the one to help you start your own profitable home business.

I'm Just a Regular, Average Guy Who Figured Out the Easiest Way to Start a Very Profitable Online Business

These days, it makes me extremely happy when I'm able to share my knowledge and help someone improve their finances and life. And I'm positive that I can help you start and run a business that brings in $200 to $300 a day or $6,000 to $9,000 each month to start.

Would an extra $6,000 or more each month help you out right now? I’m guessing there would be less worry and stress about money and bills!

Well, if you're truly serious about building a highly profitable online business that brings in $200 to $300 each and every day...

I’d Love to Show You How I Did it…

Now, the business I'll show you is popular and will NEVER go out of style. Not to mention, you'll be helping marketers get what they want, so there's hardly any selling involved. It's true, the service you offer is in such demand... you'll have marketers chasing you down because you'll be helping them grow their businesses.

Page 9: Give Me 90 Days or Less and I'll Have You Making Anywhere · If You Don't Reach that Goal Within 90 Days - I'll ... Look, the big-time gurus who are

See, in order for marketers to make money online, they need traffic or leads. To get more traffic, many spend hours and thousands of dollars trying to rank high on Google.

But the problem is… any time you depend on a traffic source you don’t have complete control over… you’re putting your business at risk. When you depend on Google for traffic... they can change their algorithms and do “updates” from time to time.

Well, the problem with that is, you can drop in rankings and your business can literally be WIPED out overnight. I don’t know about you… but I’d hate to worry about my traffic disappearing overnight because Google decided to do another algorithm change.

Think That Can't Happen?

This is why Marketers WANT Your Service…

That's exactly why the business I'll show you is so popular and in demand. It helps marketers bypass Google, so they don't have to worry about dropping in rank and losing business. And that's why this business literally sells itself!

All online businesses and marketers MUST HAVE consistent traffic if they're EVER going to make money online. And the GOOD NEWS is... if you're the one who can solve their traffic problem by selling them leads... you'll make a lot of money in the process!

What I’m going to show you, right now, can help you start and run a six figure or more business online. All you do is help other marketers get traffic and leads for their site.

You do That by Selling Them Solo Ads! You can start your own online business selling solo ads to the marketers who will gladly buy all they can from you. A “solo ad” is when someone pays you to mail to your list, recommending their offer. You can sell spots on your email list so that other marketers can send out promotions... increasing their sales.

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ALL of the big internet marketers use solo ads in their businesses... and you can profit by being the one who supplies them!

When you have your own business selling solo ads to other marketers... you're helping them get leads AND you can literally make $200 to $300 per day just starting out!

And it can grow bigger and bigger from there... allowing you to enjoy a six figure income, from home, while spending less than an hour or two a day on it.

Once you've got your business set up and selling solo'll have marketers coming to you more than willing to buy solo ads.

So, it takes the selling out of the equation... since they're LOOKING FOR YOU!

It's THE Fastest and Easiest Business to Start!

It's really one of the easiest online businesses to start and run because you're selling a service that's in demand, popular, and marketers want. I've been able to turn a simple solo ad business into thousands of dollars’ in profit each week… and there's no reason you can't as well. Smart, successful internet marketers use solo ads because they work and they're looking for as many as they can buy.

If you sell solo ads to marketers... you have a very profitable business on your hands. Imagine waking up each morning, turning on your computer, and seeing that $300 was deposited into your bank account overnight, while you slept! And best of all, it took you about 30 minutes to make that $300! You can take the vacations you want, provide more for your family, buy that new car you want... walk through the beautiful new home you've been dying to get.

I Started a VERY Profitable Solo Ad Business... and You Can Too!

Right now, I want to show you how to quickly and easily set up a money-making online business selling solo ads to marketers who are DYING to get their hands on your traffic!

Because I've learned just how easy and profitable it is to be a solo ad provider, I've created a step-by-step membership site that shows you how to create a profitable, cash-generating solo ad business... making a lot of money in the process!

And unlike most online businesses that take weeks to start and thousands of dollars to fund... you can literally start this business in as little as 20 minutes a day.

Not only that, but it will take you about 20 to 30 minutes to manage and run each day so you can be out enjoying your life... while you have money coming in from your business.

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That means if you have a full time job.... you can keep it until you're making more with your solo ad business than you are at your job. Then you'll have the CHOICE whether or not you want to keep working at your job, or go in and tell your boss you quit. The cool thing is, this is just about the ONLY online business that you don't need a lot of extra time or money to building and getting it profitable. You'd be looking at $5,000 to 10,000 just to start an offline, bricks and mortar business. You can start your solo ad business for a few hundred dollars or less.

And another thing that's great about this business is... once you have everything set up, you can run a six figure solo ad business on auto-pilot.

That's why it's perfect for students, those who are near retirement, stay at home moms, and anyone else who wants to make a full time income in part time hours.

Bottom line, if you're just starting out and would like a business that brings in a few thousands dollars a month in your spare time... you won't find anything faster or easier.

This membership site gives you the same exact system that took me from $50 a day... to $100 per day... then $300 per day, and then $500 per day... right from my home computer, in a half hour or so each day.

And there's no reason you can't sell solo ads to marketers and make $200 and $300 or more each day. Again, you're selling something that's in high demand, can be automated, and can literally sell itself and make money for you 24/7.

When your solo ad business is set up like I show you, you'll sell more ads, you'll have marketers lining up to buy from you, and you'll get repeat customers over and over!

I’ll Show You the Fastest and Easiest Way to Grow a Profitable Solo Ad Business!

If you're tired of waking up early, if you're tired of sitting in rush hour traffic, if you're tired of listening to a boss, if you hate your dead end job and would love to work from home and earn a full time income in your spare time, this is for you.

I don't know what your dream day would be like... but it's probably a lot like mine. I get up when I want... no alarm clock to jolt me out of bed. I stroll from my bedroom to my “office” which is outside, on my porch, overlooking my pool and green grass.

I sit down and “work” for 30 minutes... while a cool summer breeze comes through my hair. While most of my friends are stuck inside some stuffy office cubicle, I'm done work in about 30 minutes and free to spend the rest of my day doing what I want.

If I want to go to the movies, I do. If I want to go play golf, I do. I'm free to do what I want...and yet $400 or more will come in each day, no matter what.

Everyday to me feels like a Saturday. Maybe you're retired or close to retirement, and are simply looking for a way to supplement your current income in your spare time.

Look, whether you're tired of your 9 to 5 job, or you're not making the kind of money you want, or you just want another income stream so you can have a financial cushion... this is the fastest and easiest way to enjoy a great income that takes 30 minutes each day.

The Instructions I Give You are Simple to Follow And it offers you a proven way to quickly build a reliable, long-term business that can bring in

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several thousand dollars a month or more working from home in your spare time. No experience or special skills are needed.

With the step by step instructions you learn... you can build a highly profitable business that earns $200 to $300 per day and $6000 to $9000 per month... month after month... quicker than any other business out there by working in their spare time.

The demand for solo ads is HUGE... which means customers coming to YOU desperate for traffic. There's absolutely NO hard-selling whatsoever.

In this business, your solo ads sell themselves... because your customers want them and will buy as many ads as you can give them.

_________ will allow you to finally build a truly life-changing income working from home in your spare time more quickly than any other business out there.

Here's What You'll Learn in this Solo Ad Course

Where to advertise that you have solo ads for sale without having to pay a dime for advertising. I'll even show you exactly what to say so you can make sales within minutes. It's all done for you.

Find out how to get social proof before you even start selling solo ads that will greatly increase your sales without any additional effort. Let's face it, in order to sell more, you must prove that what you have can help the prospect. Well, here's how you can get as much proof as possible... which will increase your sales and profits without any extra work.

Discover the most common questions you'll get from potential buyers and exactly how to answer them so you can close the sale and get paid! How to accept payment. How to deliver and fulfill a solo ad for a client.

How to follow up with a client to help turn them into a repeat customer. This is where the REAL money is... with repeat business. If you can keep selling to your customers, that will increase your profits and lower your advertising costs.

Get a list of Skype groups to join where they sell solo ads and a list of Facebook groups to join where they'll also sell solo ads.

My personal solo ad Rolodex containing contact information of some of my favorite solo ad providers that have gotten great results. Use this list of reputable providers to quickly build your own email list with high quality subscribers.

List of recommended resources essential to running a successful solo ad biz. Forget Trial and Error... I'll Take You By The Hand And

Help You Grow Your Solo Ad Business


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Here's the fastest and easiest way to learn how to make money on the internet... guaranteed...

“Is this FREE Coaching Offer Really THE Fastest and Easiest Way to Make Money

Online... Without All the Struggle, Wasted Money, and Trial and Error?”

The answer is “Yes!”... and right here on this page, you'll learn how to leverage this free coaching offer to make MORE money online without dealing with all the ups-and-downs and set backs.

Even if you've already tried and failed a dozen times... these methods of starting an online business have helped more people reach 6-figures faster and easier than anything else. Now, it’s YOUR turn to put them to work!


Dear friend,

Are you sick and tired of watching other people make money online... while you continue to struggle?

Are you tired of hearing about the million dollar product launches that internet marketing "gurus" are pulling off... while you're having trouble reaching your first $500 week?

Do you get tired of seeing videos with all the mansions, yachts, and sports cars these gurus are buying... because you're still wondering when YOUR time is going to come?

If you can answer “Yes” to any or all of these... you'll definitely want to read this important message.

Look... if you haven't reached your goal of online success yet... don't feel bad because you're definitely not alone! A LOT of people go online with the goal of making enough money to quit their job and tell their boss to take a hike. But the fact is... very few will succeed.

Most Will Fail... Miserably and Repeatedly!

When I say “most”, I mean literally almost all. Perhaps you've already experienced one or more failures? The odds are you have.

Whether you’ve struggled with search engines, Facebook ads, pay per click, or you've purchased advice from self-proclaimed “experts” – I'm sure you’ve been disappointed.

With so much "how to" information floating around, you can become paralyzed… and extremely frustrated.

Does any of this sound familiar? Again, if it does... don't feel bad because you're not alone. In fact, I understand completely how you're feeling... because I was recently there myself.

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Who I Am and Why I Can Help You Make Money Online

Hi, my name is _________ and like you, I was always interested in finding a way to make money online.

And like you probably have… I tried so many different programs… it didn’t take long before I was confused, OVERWHELMED… and broke.

Every time I’d buy the latest and greatest “make money online” program… I’d be excited for a while and think “this will be THE one that works”. But without fail, I was always left more confused and just deeper in debt. I tried affiliate marketing, pay per click, Facebook ads, emails, and more.

Nothing worked and I continued to lose money I really couldn’t afford to lose. Well, this went on for almost a year. And just when I was about to give up… I came across an ad online written by a top internet marketing coach. He was looking for new clients.

“Huh... coaching... never thought of that” I remember saying to myself the first day I saw this coaches ad and offer. But it made sense. After all, I hadn't gotten anywhere by trying out all the affiliate programs, or business opportunity programs, or buying books or courses.

It made a lot of sense to just learn from someone who was actually making money I could just find out what they were doing and copy it. So, I bit the bullet and joined the program that this coach was offering.

Finally, Making Money Online Became a Reality!

After signing up, I followed the coach's instructions as closely as possible.

In a matter of a week… I was making a small income online. This was actually the first real money I had ever made online, so it motivated me to keep going. And sure enough, over time... and with more coaching... the small income stream turned into a steady, passive income that kept growing and growing.

Within a few months after following my coaches instructions... I was starting to make a decent amount of money, right from home, in only a few hours a day. And these days, I make a full time income online, with an online business that I run in my spare time. It wasn't easy, and it definitely wasn't “Get Rich Quick”... but I'm finally living out my dream of earning money online... giving me the freedom I've always wanted.

And it all happened as a result of finding a coach and mentor!

I’d Love to Show You How I Did it…

The fact that you’re HERE right now makes me realize you want something MORE in life.

Maybe you want an online business that makes more money… so you can provide more for

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your family? Maybe you want to travel anywhere and anytime you want? Maybe you want to take your family out to eat at nice restaurants? Maybe you want to have a nice new car or move into your dream home? Maybe you want to have your kids go to the nicest schools?

No matter what you want, you can achieve it if you have a proper business plan, as well as coaching and mentoring to help you cut out the learning curve.

You Need a Coach and a Mentor to Show You How

Let's face it. Those who are currently making money online know something and are DOING something that you're not. Because they're making money.

Wouldn't it be great to know what they’re DOING? More importantly, wouldn't it be great to know exactly what YOU AREN'T DOING... that's keeping you from making money? And wouldn't it be great to be able to learn from someone who is actually making money online?

This way, you'd learn what works and what doesn't from those who will tell you EXACTLY what to do to make the kind of money you want.

This Can Help You Make Money Faster!

See, the reason for your frustration and failure to make money online isn't from a lack of trying that's for sure.

After all, you've bought the books on marketing, traffic, writing copy, and more... but you still can't seem to get anywhere. And as your spouse is telling to cut your losses because you've already wasted a ton of money on these programs... you feel like you've already put too much in to quit. Look, the reason why you can’t seem to start and run a profitable online business is really quite simple and even easy to fix. What has held you back is not having someone who can show you how to do it.

After all, no matter what business you try to start... there's a STEEP learning curve and ton of trial and error. And there are SO many things you need to learn... it can be overwhelming.

Product creation, sales copy, email, building a site, getting traffic, capturing leads, follow up, squeeze pages, and more. With so many things to focus on... you either have no idea where to start... or you spend hours and thousands of dollars doing things that just don't matter.

Let me just say this: Running a profitable online business comes down to learning how to GET TRAFFIC and then SELL something to that traffic.

What that means is... when you know exactly what you need to do to make money online... you can spend your time, money, and energy on JUST those things!

But How Do You Learn What those Things Are?

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Let’s face it, sometimes you have no idea where to turn your energy and attention... so you just keep trying everything. And of course, as you've probably already learned... trying everything gets you nowhere.

Well, that's where I can help because I've learned exactly what it takes to start and run a profitable online business. In fact, I've learned that the fastest and easiest way to make money online is by getting a coach who can show you how.

A coach can shortcut the learning curve and get you making money faster. Why bother reading book after book on traffic, sales copy, email, building sites, and more...

When a Coach can Show You What to Do in an Hour!

The truth is, the easiest way to start an online business that makes money is to learn from someone who is already doing it! Unlike buying course after course or joining biz opp after biz opp... getting a coach is a guaranteed option that will help you run a successful online business faster and easier.

And I can give you specific strategies on how to best start and run your business. You’ll learn what really works online and what mistakes to avoid. Things like... #1. How to generate new customers. (Traffic Generation) #2. How to sell something to these customers, so you make money #3. How to profit from a list of returning customers who keep buying from you. When you follow the specific steps I'll show you now... I virtually GUARANTEE you'll have a successful online business. In fact, there’s nothing holding you back from succeeding faster, better, and easier than those who came before you.

Because right now, I’m looking for a few serious and motivated folks who could use my help starting their very own profitable online business that brings you $5,000 to $10,000 a month.

So if you're struggling trying to make money online... I'll help you skip the trial and error and shortcut the entire learning curve so you can start making money online. You'll be able to avoid the mistakes most people make which saves you hours and thousands of dollars.

This Free one-on-one personal coaching program will help you grow your online business to the point where it's earning $500 to $1,000 per day... month after month.

I’ll Be Your Internet Business Coach… Absolutely FREE!

I'd like to personally work with you one-on-one, for FREE, until you're making money online.

You'll have me by your side... “holding” your hand and helping you focus on the things that you need to do in order to make money. This way, you can eliminate the rest.

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That means the learning curve and trial and error that you've been dealing with? Gone... just like that. The first thing I'll help you do is get online fast so you can start bringing in immediate money.

Because I've already spent years going through the learning curve and dealing with trial and error, I’ve gotten pretty good at getting online and profitable, fast.

I’ll show you everything you need to do in order to get your online business bringing in cash.

This Coaching is FREE for the First 90 Days

After the initial 90 days, we can do one of 2 things....

You'll love what you've learned and what we've accomplished, but you'll decide to go off on your own. If this is the case, keep in touch to let me know how you’re doing.

You'll love the coaching and would like to become a longer client so we can take your business to the next level of profitability. After all, you haven't seen anything yet... imagine how much money you'll make when we're working together longer!

So, as you can see, you really can't lose either way. Either you get 90 days of free coaching and will learn a system you can take and run with yourself.

Or, you get your business profitable... and then we work together to make you LIFE CHANGING money.

This Is The Closest Thing To a Sure Thing You’ll Ever See

No more suffering through trial and error and a steep learning curve.

No more spending money or wasting time to learn what works. I'll cut all of that wasted time, money, and frustration out for you and pinpoint you exactly to what you need to do to make money online. And like I said, there’s no charge for this.

So Why Would I Offer FREE Coaching?

Well, there are several reasons I'm doing this. First of all, I enjoy helping regular, nice folks to get online and start making money. If I can help you improve your finances and your life in general, it makes me feel good to know I'm making a difference.

Again, I've been where you are, I've gone through all of the painful trial and error... and I hate the thought of you continuing to go through it. Especially since it's pretty easy for me to get an online business up and profitable now.

I know that if I'm able to get you making money online... your life and finances would improve and get better. Then, you'd be a loyal coaching client of mine.

It would make me extremely happy to see you reach your dreams of achieve financial success and all that comes with it as a result of the advice I give you. And sure, there's a

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secondary reason I'm doing this as well.

This is How I Get Long-Term Coaching Clients

You see, once I've helped you build a highly profitable online business that brings in $10,000... chances are you'll want to keep working with me.

So, this free coaching offer is a way for you to sample the goods, before you commit.

After all, why not let you try out the coaching, so you can see for yourself just how fast I can help you make money online. This way, I can prove that I can give you the advice you need.

It's in my best interests to show you that I can indeed help you and then actually HELP.

Once you get a taste of success and you're making money... there's a huge chance you'll want to continue with my coaching. So, doing these FREE sessions help me PROVE to you that I can help you make money.

After the struggle and trial and error... chances are, if you work with me and start making a lot of money... you'll want to continue working with me longer so I can help you make more.

Why My Coaching Offer is Different


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Attention Warriors who want to quickly build a profitable list of thousands of subscribers that can actually produce TWO separate income streams for you…

"Give Me Just 20 Minutes and I’ll Show You, Step by Step, How I Grew My Email

Subscriber List from 5,938 to over 33,074… All in Just 3 Short Weeks!”

Not only did I skyrocket my list by thousands… I was also able to create ANOTHER income stream from that SAME list even AS I continued to

make sales and profits from it!

On the page below… you’ll learn how to add 100 to 200 people to your list each and every day WHILE enjoying 2 separate income stream…

Dear friend, Since this message has EVERYTHING to do with YOUR online business and the fact it could be WIPED OUT by making one common mistake, you’ll want to take a minute to read this.

On the page below, I’ll show you what that BIG mistake is… so you can avoid it. Not only that, but I’ll also show you, step by step, exactly how I grew my subscriber list from 5,900… to over 33,000 in just 21 days!

It’s true… I was able to add over 400 new subscribers to my list each and every day. I was also able to quickly generate $500 per day in only 2 weeks. And believe it or not, as I was growing my list… I found a way to leverage that list and use it to create ANOTHER income! Keep reading and I’ll show you how I did it…

Who I am and Why I Can Help You Skyrocket Your List

Hi, my name is ______and like you, I’ve dreamed of making big money ever since I started out online. And like you probably have, I’ve tried so many money-making and list-building programs… it didn’t take long before I was confused… and broke.

Every time I’d buy the latest and greatest “list-building magic” program… I’d be excited for a while and think “this is where I skyrocket my list and strike it rich”. But every time… I was left more confused and further behind. Nothing worked and I continued to lose a bunch of money that I just couldn’t afford to lose.

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Well, this went on for almost a year. And just when I was about ready to give up, a good friend of mine turned me on to an incredible list-building system he had been using with incredible results. As I was listening to him tell me “the money is in the list” and “you need to build a big list to make money” …I just kept thinking “Yeah, this is just another scam”.

But he kept bugging me to give it a shot. So I did, and...

What Happened Next Simply Blew my Mind…

I followed Jesse’s instructions and did what he told me to do. And in a matter of days… I had a list of 5,900 subscribers! But what happened next surprised me even more! I managed to grow my list from 5,900 to over 33,000 in just 21 days. And I kept adding 400+ new subscribers each day.

But that’s STILL not the best of it! Even though I was making sales and profits from this list… Jesse showed me how to take that SAME list of subscribers and use it to create ANOTHER profit stream!

Soon I was making 2 incomes, all from one list that kept growing and growing. Fast forward a year later and let’s just say that building my list and making a lot of money is no longer a concern I have. And I no longer worry about bills, the mortgage, or where my next paycheck is going to come from. Nope, all of that worry is gone. When I want to take my friends out for a night on the town, I pick up the tab. We go to the nicest restaurants and my friends treat me like royalty.

I’d Love to Show You How I Did it…

The truth is... it’s not always the business that has the best products or service that makes the most money. The businesses that make the most money simply know how to get a TON of people to see their offer. In other words… it all boils down to getting a lot of traffic, building a list, and selling to that list. With more traffic, you attract more customers, make more sales, and earn more profits.

The More Traffic You Get, the More Money You Make

Sure, to get more traffic to grow your list, you could spend hours of your time and spend hundreds or even thousands of dollars with article marketing, SEO, and getting links. Or you could spend a ton of time and money on search engine optimization so you can try to rank high on Google.

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But the problem is… any time you depend on a traffic source in which you don’t have complete and TOTAL control over… you’re playing with fire!

For example… if Google changes their algorithms and does an “update”… you could drop in rankings overnight and your business can literally be WIPED out.

That Happens When You Rely on Traffic that’s Outside Your Control…

That’s why it’s SO important you have complete control over where you get your traffic… so you don’t have to worry about it drying up and disappearing overnight.

What I’m going to show you, right now, gives you complete and total control over your traffic and can help you build a huge list of subscribers who will buy from you over and over again… creating a very nice income stream for you. But that’s not all. I’m going to show you how you can actually turn around and profit from that same list of subscribers TWICE!

Here’s How I Grew my List from 5,900 to over 33,000 in LESS than 3 Weeks… and How You Can Too!

Right now, I want to show you the fastest and easiest way to generate a flood of targeted leads to your website… skyrocketing your list size, sales, and profits! And it’s the same exact system that Jesse shared with me way back when I was about ready to quit trying to make money online.

The thing that Jesse showed me was how to leverage the power of solo ads to drive thousands of visitors to my offer… building my list by 400 new subscribers a day!

A “solo ad” is when you pay someone to mail their email list, recommending your offer.

And it’s one of the Fastest Ways to Build a List!

If you have a high converting offer… solo ads can be VERY profitable from the start. You could invest $100 to make $200, or $500 to make $1,000… or what I do now: invest $1,000 to make $2,000 or a lot more. And unlike SEO… this hardly takes up any of my time. So let me show you the same exact process I used to go from 5900 subscribers to over 33,000 in just 21 days.

I want to give you the exact strategies for using solo ads to swamp your site with ready-to-buy customers. When you know how to use solo ads correctly… you can go into any market and niche, and get so much traffic you CRUSH your competitors!

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This same exact method has helped many internet marketers turn a simple solo ad into thousands of dollars’ worth of profit… all by piggy backing off of another marketers’ list! Using solo ads to get new customers means you’re no longer at the mercy of Google.

It doesn't matter what niche your business is in… you can use solo ads to get more traffic, sales, and profits… while building a list that becomes an asset.

But the only problem is… it can take a lot of time and money to start profiting from solo ads if you don’t know what you’re doing.

You Need an Experienced Coach to Show You

If you don’t follow a correct plan, you could run out of time and money before you make any.

So let me ask… what if you had someone who could take you by the hand and show you how to leverage the power of solo ads to generate tens or hundreds of thousands of targeted visitors to your site… exploding your sales and profits in the process?

Would you be interested? It would help you build your list faster, better, and easier than I did.

Grow Your List By Hundreds of Subscribers a Day and Thousands a Week… Skyrocketing Your Profits!

I know what it feels like to start from square one and try to build a list. I get that and it’s why I’m here right now. So here’s exactly what I’d like to do. I’d like to offer you a 20-minute coaching call in which I’ll explain how to use solo ads to CONSISTENTLY get a flood of traffic that will change your bank account overnight. But here’s the best part: not only will I show you how to build a huge list of subscribers… I’ll show you how to profit TWICE from that same list!

You do it by becoming a solo ad provider like I did. After your list is established… you can make a nice profit by selling solo ads and mailing for OTHER marketers who pay you to do so! We’ll set a time for a 20 minute phone or Skype consult in which I’ll show you…

How I built a profitable “copy and paste” solo ad business in only 2 weeks

How I use my own private email server to send my business into overdrive.

The program I use to avoid 100% of spam complaints. There’s never any risk of being shut down by companies like Aweber or GetResponse

Get access to a site full of members looking for SOLO ADS they buy from you!

What software I use to automate the business and generate 30% more traffic

In detail how I grew my list from 5,900 to over 33,000 in just 21 days

How I keep adding 400+ new subscribers each day

How to get FREE swipe copy that will fit every offer you send out

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How to set up the entire business platform in only 24hrs

What I did to double my current email list…. and how you can too…. For FREE

What I did to QUICKLY build a good reputation as a Solo Ad provider, collected testimonials without asking – then used them to advertise my business

Where I go to advertise my service for FREE

How I scaled my business and generated up to $500 per day in only 2 weeks

Find out how to get so much traffic… you crush your competition in no time

The proven traffic method that takes control out of Google’s hands

How to get over 1,000 visitors to a brand new website in just 10 minutes or less

Where to get solo ads – I’ll reveal my preferred source that consistently delivers

You’ll learn how to set up your own highly profitable solo ad buys from scratch.

After we chat…what once appeared dark and mysterious will suddenly become clear and easy! Because I’m going to show you how to put traffic back under your control… so YOU can decide how much traffic you want and how much money you want to make.

I mean, honestly… would you like to know how to build your list by thousands of subscribers? Would you be interested in turning around and selling those leads, over and over again, for a nice, fat profit? Well… THAT is what this coaching call will do for you. I’ll share the same secrets I used to go from 5,900… to over 33,000 in less than 3 weeks. This personal, one-on-one training will walk you through the very best strategies and techniques for using solo ads to explode your website sales and profits

It’s the Fastest and Easiest Way to Get More Targeted, Quality Traffic That Puts More Cash in Your Pocket!

Sure, you’re probably skeptical about some 20 minute call being the answer to your business woes. But don’t just take my word for it… (add testimonials here if you have any)


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Tired of worrying about money all day… every day?

Here’s the Same 5-Step Money-Making “Recipe” ALL Internet Millionaires Use to Get

Rich Online…

On the page below, you’ll learn the same 5 steps I used to go from zero… to over $23,600 in my bank account in less than 12 weeks!

These 5 same money-making secrets have helped ALL Internet Millionaires earn their fortunes online in a very short time. Now it’s YOUR turn to use them to create a profitable web business…

Dear friend,

If you’re serious about creating a regular and continuous full-time income’ll want to read this important message.

Because on the page below…I’ll show you the 5 steps you can use to build a money-making online business that produces a steady income for years and years.

Here’s the story. My name is _____ and I’ve dreamed of making money online ever since I saw my first “Google Adsense” advertisement.

Every time I’d see an ad for the latest and greatest money-making program… I’d think “THIS will be THE one that makes me money”.

But no matter what I tried, nothing worked and I continued to lose hard earned money. My bank balance was always near zero and my credit card debt kept piling up.

Perhaps you’ve experienced this? Odds are you have. More than 98% of those who try to make money online fail. So if you’re like most… you start to wonder if there REALLY IS a way to earn money online. But I knew deep in my heart that I COULD make money online because I had seen stories of people who were doing it!

So I refused to quit. I didn’t want to go back to a 9 to 5 job. I hated waking up at 5 a.m. to my alarm, I hated sitting for hours in traffic, and I hated listening to a boss yelling at me.

I wanted a reliable, legitimate way to make money from home… so I could live how I wanted and work WHEN I wanted. I wanted to enjoy more free time and make enough money to buy my fiancé nice gifts, take her to nice restaurants, or bring her on exotic vacations

How I Accidentally Stumbled on a Fool Proof Method

Just when I was about ready to give up…I came across an online ad featuring two Canadian guys who were making thousands of dollars per day on the Internet.

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Their ad mentioned that the fastest and easiest way to make money online was to learn from others who were currently doing it. In other words, find a trusted mentor who was making the kind of money you wanted to make… and see if they’d coach you.

Well, that made so much sense to me. So instead of buying more “make money” products… I started searching for Internet Millionaires who were making money online.

I found an internet millionaire who offered a coaching program. It was expensive… but I didn’t want to turn back empty handed. So I “bit the bullet” and joined.

What Happened Next Blew my Mind…

Over the course of a few weeks of coaching, I went from zero… to making $100 a day.

Fast forward just 12 weeks later and today I’m making $256 a day with just ONE of my online businesses! Together, they’ve put OVER $23,000 in my bank account in less than 12 weeks!

I no longer worry about money, or bills, or how I’ll be able to afford things. I don’t have a boss yelling at me, or some alarm clock waking me up at the crack of dawn.

These days, I take my fiancé out to eat at the nicest restaurants. We take nice vacations twice a year. I buy her expensive gifts.

No more worry about bills or about money at all. We’re free from that stress because my online income grows each month. I work an hour a day and make more money in a week than I used to make working 12 hour days. Now I'm not saying this to brag… I just want to stress that you too can escape the rat race, earn a great income online, and live your dream lifestyle.

The reason you can’t seem to make money online is really quite easy to fix. What holds you back are the “get rich quick” scams that do nothing but take your money.

That’s Why You Need a MENTOR Who Can Guide You

The fact is, making money involves learning from those who are currently doing it.

And if there’s one thing I learned after spending a ton of money on coaching, it’s this: ALL online millionaires use 5 steps in order to make a lot of money online. I know that for a fact because it wasn’t until I learned these steps that I started making money.

These 5 steps are like following a recipe. Follow them and you get what you want. For example, say a cake recipe tells you to add flour, eggs, salt, oil, sugar, and baking powder. It says to mix it together, put it in a pan, and bake at 350 for 20 minutes.

Follow the recipe exactly and what you’ll get is a nice, delicious cake. Making money online without a proven plan is a lot like trying to bake a cake without a recipe…you end up making a big mess and wasting a bunch of money.

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I’ve Developed a “Recipe” for Making Money online

I've taken the same 5 steps I've used and all online millionaires used, refined them, and put them in a recipe you can use to make $100 to $256 per day with an online business.

How much of a difference would $256 a day make in your life? I’m guessing there’d be less worry and less stress! And believe me, it’s possible. And you’ll do it without loopholes, tricks, or anything else that doesn’t work long term.

Make a million dollars overnight? Yeah, right. I’m sure you’ve seen those ads just like I have. Personally, I’m sick of them and it’s why I’m here right now. Like me, I’m sure you’ve bought a lot of programs that were going to teach you how to get rich fast. But where have they gotten you? If you’ve made more than a couple hundred bucks with them… you’d be doing better than 99% of everyone.

The truth is, when you’re done with this program, you’ll know the same 5 all-important money-making steps...

That ALL Internet Millionaires are Using to Make Money…

I’ve spent thousands of dollars in training from the most successful marketers. It worked so well, I wanted to create a more affordable way to get coaching without having to invest the amount of money these Millionaire coaches charge.

So I’ve developed a complete membership site, called that’s broken down into the same five steps that ALL Online Millionaires use to make a lot of money online. And now, I want to take you through those all-important 5 steps!

Your Membership starts with the guide… which gives you the 5-step recipe for building your OWN. Each part of this 5-part system can help you build a long term business that makes money for years. But you’ll actually make money when you start using Step 1. I know many online marketers who only use 1 or 2 steps of the and still make thousands per month!

Once you know the 5-steps, you need to know where to start in order to get the fastest results possible.

It takes all of the pieces of Internet Marketing and puts them into a simple “recipe”. I give you the concepts and tools to build your online business in any niche you wish. You’ll also receive personal support from me. All of this information and personal support will help you start making the money you want from the comfort of home.

Here are the 5 Steps to Your Online Wealth

Part 1 – Learn How to Find the PERFECT Buyers in the Most Profitable Niches It all starts with finding buyers for what you’re selling. This section helps you find the most profitable niches and the Perfect Buyers in that niche (PB). There are literally thousands of niches you can enter – we’ll focus on the ones that can potentially make you the most money.

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I’ll give you a simple checklist you can use to identify “ultimate niches” full of hungry buyers who have cash in hand, ready to buy what you’re offering. Once you’ve chosen a niche, you’ll identify the “Perfect Buyers”.

Part 2 – Discover How to Reach Your Perfect Buyers (Getting Traffic) You won’t make money if no one sees your offer. You’ll learn which traffic sources will reach your Perfect Buyers online. There are three traffic categories; Organic, Paid, and Social Media – all of which require different approaches. In the Traffic section, I’ll teach you which ones to use and how to use them to get the most people to your offer. Part 3 – Learn how to create offers and pages that PULL buyers to you (Vacuum) The sales funnel, is the heart of your online business. It's composed of your Landing Page and Offers. The Landing Page is where you bring your Perfect Buyer into your Vacuum. The Offers (products) are what you sell. You’ll learn how the Offer Value Ladder can make you more money. Part 4 – How to build an email list and what to send that list so they continue to BUY from you! (Auto-Responder) The more people you have on your email list, the more money you make. Just because someone doesn’t buy from you today doesn’t mean they won’t buy from you tomorrow. When you have 5,000 people to 10,000 people… you can make around $10,000 per month! This is what you use to build a list that makes sales on auto-pilot. Part 5 – Discover how to keep track of the numbers that matter so you continue to grow your Vacuum and make more money! (Fine-Tuning) Don’t let “numbers” scare you because there are only 2 numbers really matter: Your Cost Per Click (CPC), which is the amount you spend to get someone into your vacuum and your Earnings Per Click (EPC)… which is the money you generate for every person who enters your funnel. If your EPC is greater than your CPC, you make money.

These 5 Steps WILL Make You Money… Guaranteed

These are the same 5 steps I’ve used to put $23,600 into my bank account...all in less

than 12 weeks! And every rich marketer implements this 5-step formula to make 4-figures,

even 5-figures, PER WEEK on auto-pilot. And I’m sure they’ll work for you!

What I’m offering is the same 5 step recipe that ALL online millionaires have used to strike it rich online. I let you in on ALL the details. But most important, you can learn it all at a fraction of what the millionaire “gurus” charge for coaching.

If You Can Follow a Recipe, You CAN Make $7,260 or More Each and Every Month from Home

Here’s what you’ll discover inside this membership site:

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Learn the single most important step to take before trying to make money online Understand exactly how anyone can earn a continuous cash flow from home – it’s not

as tough as you think (and it’s probably different then you think, too)! Discover the secret to automating your business so you can make more money while

you travel and enjoy more free time How to use leverage to scale your business to make $20,000 just as easy as $20 How to get the most targeted traffic so you can make more money faster. How to set up emails to earn you passive income day after day. How to make a fortune with affiliate offers you can promote as your own. Where to get BIG TRAFFIC for pennies on the dollar What online millionaires do differently from the rest of the marketers who fail. The HUGE power of Joint Ventures and how they can double your earnings! How to use email the right way to gain trust and customers. How to keep customers coming back and spending more with you! The world’s most powerful online sales technique that works like crazy! The “sneaky” (but legal and ethical) way to persuade more people to buy! How gurus make more money than most people… while not working more My proven strategy for converting browsers to buyers

And that’s just a sample.


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Harvard Medical doctor reveals the fastest and easiest way to burn fat and lose weight... GUARANTEED!

“Harvard Medical Doctor Swears Under Oath that his Scientifically-Proven Weight Loss

Program Can Help You Lose 30 Pounds in 30 Days... Without Dieting or Exercising!”

These rapid fat loss secrets have helped hundreds of my clients here at Harvard Medical to lose weight faster and easier than ever before.

They've also helped tens of thousands of people online do the same.

Now, it’s YOUR turn to put them to work! From the Desk of Dr. Nick Galante M.D. Licensed Medical Doctor (MD) Harvard Medical School Dear friend,

If you'd like to lose 10, 20, even 30 pounds or more in the next 30 days... and continue losing as much weight as you want... you're going to love what I have to share with you.

Here's why. My name is _______ and I actually wrote this letter while here at my Harvard Medical School practice.

See, I'm a Board Certified Medical Doctor, an expert nutritionist, a best-selling author, and invited speaker for giving health lectures and speeches.

That simply means I've spent the last 10 years of my career on a mission to help men and women lose weight faster and easier.

In fact, just this past year, I've helped hundreds of patients here at my practice and thousands more online lose a ton of weight faster and easier than they've ever tried before. What's more, they didn't have to worry about dieting or exercising. They simply used a few scientifically proven methods they had never tried before... and were able to drop weight fast.

With what I've learned, you'll be able to enjoy instant, convenient fat loss that doesn't require any hardcore diets or a ton of exercise!

This Fat Loss System was Created Here at Harvard Medical School...

A little over 10 years ago, I was 30 pounds overweight and weighed 220 pounds.

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I was so busy going through med school and not having the time to eat well or workout... I soon found myself weighing the most I had ever weighed.

Since I was overweight... I decided to focus my med school research and studies on weight loss. The focus of my research was on metabolism and how the body can burn off unwanted fat without dieting or exercise. Through my research and study, I was able to learn some scientific principles of weight loss.

After the first week using a few methods I learned from the medical journals on metabolism... I went to weigh myself and was shocked when the scale said I weighed 205 pounds. That’s a fifteen pound weight loss in just 7 days.

To make sure this would work for others.. I conducted a few studies and asked for some willing participants who wanted to lose weight as well. The average weight loss during those 7 days for my study participants was ten pounds.

Sure enough, as a doctor here at Harvard Medical, I cracked the code to increasing your metabolism so you can lose fat easier and in less time.

From my year of study and testing out a lot of my theories on overweight patients who were having trouble losing weight, I was able to create an amazing high speed fat loss formula that can help you lose up to 30 pounds in just 30 days or less.

That's right, you can completely change your body in just 30 days.

Since that time, I've been able to refine and perfect this fat loss system so that it works even better... and helps you lose weight even faster!

Introducing the First and Only Doctor Developed Weight Loss Program that Helps you Lose 30 Pounds in 30

Days... without Dieting or Exercising!

No more fasting, dangerous diets or diet drugs. This is the weight loss system you’ve been hoping to find because it's fast, easy, and something that anyone can do.

Needless to say, my years of constant medical research and study gave me some pretty amazing insight into the actual scientific process of losing weight... and more importantly... keeping it off!

And by the way, this is NOT a diet or some hardcore exercise program. I recommend that you NEVER diet again. Strict diets just don't work... I've seen them fail, time and time again... leaving my patients frustrated, depressed, and worse off than they were! And as I've learned... diets are just not necessary for losing weight fast. That's not just my theory either... I've seen the results from hundreds of my patients... each

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being able to lose more fat without dieting. With a few key steps and you can lose weight easy and effortlessly, without doing a lot of exercise or following some restrictive diet. The truth is, my overweight patients here at my practice have enjoyed such incredible weight loss with my system... I honestly feel like I've discovered the fat loss breakthrough so many people have been searching for. I'm sure you've never seen or tried anything like this.

Imagine Dropping 30 Pounds in Just 30 days... And without giving up the foods you love and without having to do any exercises.

I understand this sounds almost too good to be true, and I get that. Really. But the results are undeniable. Not only that, but as a doctor, I just can't stretch the truth about this and give you false hope. I must adhere to a strict ethical code.

I refuse to break that ethical code just to fool you about some weight loss gimmick. I refuse to give up a prestigious career and all I've worked for, just to make a buck. This has me so excited, and it has helped my patients so much, I feel like I have to tell you about it... because it can help you lose weight fast and change your life for the best.

Look, here's all you do. You simply follow the step by step instructions that are in “Fat Burning Breakthrough”.. and then go about your day like normal.

You Won't be Dieting or Doing a ton of Exercise

With some simple things you can do right from home, you'll be able to lose fat around the clock... transforming your body. And once you start the program... your body will start burning off fat hour by hour... faster than ever before.

Even as you hang out at home, sleep, or watch TV... your body is working hard to burn calories and fat. That's when the excess inches and pounds start to melt off a lot faster and easier than ever. It will all seem effortless compared to how you USED to try and lose fat.

No more hardcore diets or workout programs... those things are gone for good. It may seem too good to be true, but my patients have lost an average of 33 pounds in just 30 days by following my system.

That's around 8 pounds each and every week!

How would you like to lose 8 pounds every single week... without restrictive dieting or exercising for hours?

What's more, many of my patients lost at least a pound or more, every single day for 30 days... and continued to keep losing it!

You can understand how exciting it is for my patients and now other regular folks, just like you, to be able to lose unwanted fat, when all else has failed.

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Now, you're probably wondering how this program can produce such rapid and convenient fat loss? Well, it's simple, really. After years and years of medical study... I learned what really needs to happen in order for effortless weight loss to occur.

See, it's all about increasing your body's metabolism. And that doesn't require starving yourself with diets or spending hours exercising. No, just some simple, easy, effortless changes can lead to amazing weight loss results.

By increasing your metabolism... you kick start your body into burning off more calories for energy. Just as a wood stove can burn more wood when it's hotter and has a bigger fire... what we're going to do is increase your internal "fire", just like the wood stove.

You do it from eating a certain way during the day... a proven way of eating specific food at specific times. And when you do, your body starts burning fat a lot faster. When you use this program to increase your metabolism... you kick your body's normal fat burning into high gear.

You Burn 10, 15, even 20 Pounds of Fat in the First Few Weeks... Without Dieting or Exercise!

Imagine losing more fat in 2 weeks than you did with 6 months worth of dieting! Even some of my most overweight patients... who've always had trouble losing weight with diets... were able to lose 10, 20, even 30 pounds in 30 days with this program. That's right, they were able to lose pant or dress sizes in a month when using this program. I'm not exaggerating when I say... if you use this program, you'll start seeing results within days... and much faster than you can imagine. Within the first week, you'll start to see and feel the difference. Your clothes will be looser, you'll have an extra spring in your step, you'll feel like you have more energy. A lot of my patients have told me they can just FEEL the difference right off... like they know something is working. They said they've never felt it before when trying diets or exercise. Now, when you're losing a lot of weight this fast, it's only normal to be a little concerned about your safety. I get that. But as a doctor... you can bet that your safety is my utmost concern. This is an all natural approach. There's nothing to be concerned about. I'll show you how to use all natural techniques to increase your metabolism and increase your fat burning. I've lost a lot of fat this way, my patients have lost a lot of fat this way, and now you'll lose a lot of fat this way. It's all natural, because your metabolism is a part of you. We're simply going to speed it up by eating a certain way. Unlike diets, we're not going to try and starve you into losing weight. And unlike hardcore exercise programs, we're not going to try and lose weight by over exercising. No, by changing how you eat, you can increase your metabolism greatly.