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Gibraltar Area Schools 3924 Hwy. 42, Fish Creek, WI 54212-9755 Phone: 920-868-3284 Fax: 920-868-2714 Gibraltar Area Schools uses School Messenger to enhance communication allowing us to deliver important information to you via SMS text messaging. This service is not intended to replace our existing means of communication. The district will only use the service to provide information that is timely and relevant. In order to participate in the service you must indicate your willingness to receive text messages to your phone. The process is simple and only takes a few seconds to complete. Please refer to the information below to turn these notifications on or off. Emergency notifications and food service notifications use the same system…… IF you turn off text notification for one, you turn off for both. IF you block phones calls for one, you block for both. To turn on notices: On your mobile phone, text the letter y or the word yes to this number: 67587 To turn off notices: Text the word STOP to the same number: 67587 For Assistance or questions, please contact Laura in the Business Office 920-868-3284 x 246

Gibraltar Area Schools

Nov 13, 2021



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Page 1: Gibraltar Area Schools

Gibraltar Area Schools 3924 Hwy. 42, Fish Creek, WI 54212-9755

Phone: 920-868-3284 Fax: 920-868-2714

Gibraltar Area Schools uses School Messenger to enhance communication allowing us to deliver important information to you via SMS text messaging. This service is not intended to replace our existing means of communication. The district will only use the service to provide information that is timely and relevant. In order to participate in the service you must indicate your willingness to receive text messages to your phone. The process is simple and only takes a few seconds to complete.

Please refer to the information below to turn these notifications on or off.

Emergency notifications and food service notifications use the same system……

IF you turn off text notification for one, you turn off for both.

IF you block phones calls for one, you block for both.

To turn on notices: On your mobile phone, text the letter y or the word yes to this

number: 67587

To turn off notices: Text the word STOP to the same number: 67587

For Assistance or questions, please contact Laura in the Business Office

920-868-3284 x 246

Page 2: Gibraltar Area Schools

Gibraltar Area School District 3924 Hwy. 42, Fish Creek, WI 54212-9755

Phone: 920-868-3284 Fax: 920-868-2714 July 1, 2020 Dear Gibraltar Families, It has been my honor to serve the children of Gibraltar Area Schools as K-12 Assistant Principal over the past six years. During this time, I have grown to truly appreciate our district’s commitment to engaging minds, empowering learning, and achieving excellence. On July 1st, my role will change as I assume the role of Director of Learning. The Director of Learning position oversees our school’s K-12 special education and Response to Intervention (RtI) programming. In this transition, I feel fortunate to have spent time getting to know our students and families in the role of assistant principal. I am already familiar with our daily routines, and feel that I know our students well. During that time, I developed my own skills in social and emotional support for students with an emphasis on behavior interventions and restorative justice. This, along with my personal core belief that all students deserve a fair and equitable education will, in my opinion, serve me will in my new position as Director of Learning. I understand the importance of accommodating diverse student needs, developing safe and nurturing environments, and bringing new and innovative ideas to the educational setting. Community is important to me. I look forward to working with you in my new role as we transition into the 2020-2021 school year. I remain committed to advocacy for the needs of students and equitable access to education for all children. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns as we look forward to a great school year. My door, whether virtual or otherwise, is always open! Sincerely, Tim Mulrain Director of Learning Gibraltar Area Schools [email protected] 920-868-3284 Ext. 208

Page 3: Gibraltar Area Schools

Distrito escolar de Gibraltar 3924 Hwy. 42, Fish Creek, WI 54212-9755

Teléfono: 920-868-3284 Fax: 920-868-2714 July 1, 2020 Estimadas familias de Gibraltar: Ha sido un honor para mí servir a los niños de las Escuelas del Área de Gibraltar como Subdirector K-12 en los últimos seis años. Durante este tiempo, he crecido para apreciar verdaderamente el compromiso de nuestro distrito de involucrar a las mentes, potenciar el aprendizaje y lograr la excelencia. El primero de julio, mi rol cambiará a medida que asuma el rol de Director de Aprendizaje. El puesto de Director de Aprendizaje supervisa la educación especial K-12 de nuestra escuela y la programación de Respuesta a la Intervención (RtI). En esta transición, me siento afortunado de haber pasado tiempo conociendo a nuestros estudiantes y familias en el papel de subdirector. Ya estoy familiarizado con nuestras rutinas diarias y siento que conozco bien a nuestros estudiantes. Durante ese tiempo, desarrollé mis propias habilidades en apoyo social y emocional para estudiantes con énfasis en intervenciones de comportamiento y justicia restaurativa. Esto, junto con mi creencia central personal de que todos los estudiantes merecen una educación justa y equitativa, en mi opinión, me servirá en mi nuevo puesto como Director de Aprendizaje. Entiendo la importancia de acomodar las diversas necesidades de los estudiantes, desarrollar entornos seguros y enriquecedores, y aportar ideas nuevas e innovadoras al entorno educativo. La comunidad es importante para mí. Espero con interés trabajar con ustedes en mi nuevo cargo a medida que hacemos la transición al año escolar 2021-2020. Sigo comprometido con la defensa de las necesidades de los estudiantes y el acceso equitativo a la educación para todos los niños. No dude en ponerse en contacto conmigo con cualquier pregunta o inquietud mientras esperamos un gran año escolar. ¡Mi puerta, ya sea virtual o no, siempre está abierta! Atentamente, Tim Mulrain Director de Aprendizaje de las Escuelas del Área de Gibraltar [email protected] 920-868-3284 Ext. 208

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STUDENT SAFETYA critical ingredient in the safe school recipe is the classroom response to an incident at school. Weather events, fire, accidents, intruders and other threats to student safety are scenarios that are planned and trained for by students, teachers, staff and administration.

SRPOur school is expanding the safety program to include the Standard Response Protocol (SRP). The SRP is based on these four actions. Lockout, Lockdown, Evacuate and Shelter. In the event of an emergency, the action and appropriate direction will be called on the PA.

LOCKOUT - “Secure the Perimeter”LOCKDOWN - “Locks, Lights, Out of Sight”EVACUATE - “To the Announced Location”SHELTER - “For a Hazard Using a Safety Strategy”

TRAININGPlease take a moment to review these actions. Students and staff will be trained and the school will drill these actions over the course of the school year.More information can be found at

LOCKOUTSECURE THE PERIMETERLockout is called when there is a threat or hazard outside of the school building.

STUDENTS:• Return to inside of building• Do business as usualTEACHERS • Recover students and staff from outside building• Increased situational awareness

• Do business as usual• Take roll, account for students

LOCKDOWNLOCKS, LIGHTS, OUT OF SIGHTLockdown is called when there is a threat or hazard inside the school building.

STUDENTS:•Move away from sight• Maintain silenceTEACHERS:• Lock classroom door• Lights out • Move away from sight

• Maintain silence• Wait for First Responders to open door

•Take roll, account for studentsEVACUATETO A LOCATION Evacuate is called to move students and staff from one location to another.

STUDENTS:• Bring your phone • Leave your stuff behind• Form a single file line• Show your hands• Be prepared for alternatives during response.TEACHERS:

• Grab roll sheet if possible• Lead students to Evacuation Location

•Take roll, account for studentsSHELTERFOR A HAZARD USING SAFETY STRATEGYShelter is called when the need for personal protection is necessary.

SAMPLE HAZARDS:• Tornado• Hazmat SAMPLE SAFETY STRATEGIES: • Evacuate to shelter area• Seal the roomSTUDENTS:

• Appropriate hazards and safety strategiesTEACHERS:

• Appropriate hazards and safety strategies• Take roll, account for students

i love u guysF O U N D A T I O N ®

© Copyright 2009-2014, All rights reserved. The “I Love U Guys” Foundation. Bailey, CO 80421. SRP, The Standard Response Protocol and I Love U Guys are Trademarks of The “I Love U Guys” Foundation and may registered in certain jurisdictions. This material may be duplicated for distribution by recognized schools, districts, departments and agencies. SRP Handout for K12 | Version 2.0 | 01/08/2013 | Revised: 01/08/2013 | |




Page 5: Gibraltar Area Schools

SEGURIDAD DE LOS ESTUDIANTESUn aspecto crítico en la receta para que las escuelas sean seguras es la respuesta en los salones de clase a sucesos que ocurran en la escuela. Los problemas por mal tiempo, el fuego, los accidentes, los intrusos u otros peligros a la seguridad de los estudiantes son situaciones para las que los estudiantes, el personal docente y la administración planifican y se capacitan.PROTOCOLO SRPNuestra escuela va a ampliar el programa de seguridad a fin de incluir el Protocolo de Respuesta Estándar (SRP por su sigla en inglés). El protocolo SRP se basa en estas cuatro acciones: acceso bloqueado (lockout), cierre de emergencia (lockdown), evacuación (evacuate) y buscar resguardo (shelter). En el caso de que se presente una situación de emergencia la acción y las instrucciones se explicarán por el sistema de comunicaciones con amplificación.LOCKOUT (acceso bloqueado): confirmar que el área alrededor del edificio es segura.LOCKDOWN (cierre de emergencia): bloqueo de puertas, luces apagadas, fuera de la vista. EVACUATE (evacuación): a un lugar determinado. SHELTER (buscar resguardo): cuando hay un riesgo, usando una estrategia de seguridad.CAPACITACIÓNSe ruega que dediquen un momento a revisar estas acciones. Los estudiantes y el personal recibirán capacitación y la escuela practicará estas acciones durante el año escolar.Encontrarán información adicional en

LOCKOUT (ACCESO BLOQUEADO)CONFIRMAR QUE EL ÁREA ALREDEDOR DEL EDIFICIO ES SEGURAEl acceso bloqueado (lockout) se establece cuando hay algún tipo de amenaza o riesgo fuera del edificio escolar.

LOS ESTUDIANTES:• Regresar al edificio• Continuar con la rutina del salónLOS DOCENTES: • Llevan a los estudiantes y el personal al interior del edificio • Se mantienen alerta sobre lo que ocurre en su entorno

• Continúan con la rutina del salón• Pasan lista y saben dónde están todos los estudiantes

LOCKDOWN (CIERRE DE EMERGENCIA)BLOQUEO DE PUERTAS, LUCES APAGADAS, FUERA DE LA VISTAEl cierre de emergencia (lockdown) se establece cuando hay algún tipo de amenaza o riesgo dentro del edificio de la escuela.

LOS ESTUDIANTES:• Se desplazan a un lugar donde no se les vea • Guardan silencioLOS DOCENTES:• Bloquean las puertas del salón (con los cerrojos)• Apagan las luces• Se desplazan a un lugar donde no se les vea

• Guardan silencio• Esperan a que los oficiales que respondan a la emergencia

abran la puerta• Pasan lista y saben dónde están todos los estudiantes

EVACUATE (EVACUACIÓN)A UN LUGAR DETERMINADO La evacuación (evacuate) se establece para llevarse a los estudiantes y al personal de un lugar a otro.

LOS ESTUDIANTES:• Se llevan sus teléfonos • Dejan el resto de sus cosas donde estén• Forman una fila de uno• Mantienen las manos a la vista• Están preparados para posibles alternativas durante las acciones de respuesta

LOS DOCENTES:• Se llevan la lista de la clase con ellos si es posible

• Dirigen a los estudiantes a la ubicación que se haya establecido para las situaciones de evacuación

• Pasan lista y saben dónde están todos los estudiantesSHELTER (BUSCAR RESGUARDO)CUANDO HAY UN RIESGO, USANDO UNA ESTRATEGIA DE SEGURIDADLa búsqueda de resguardo (shelter) se establece cuando es necesario proteger a las personas.

EJEMPLOS DE RIESGOS:•Tornado• Materiales peligrososEJEMPLOS DE ESTRATEGIAS DE SEGURIDAD:• Evacuar a un área resguardada• Sellar el salónLOS ESTUDIANTES:

• Usan las estrategias adecuadas de seguridad y para situaciones de riesgo

LOS DOCENTES:• Usan las estrategias adecuadas de

seguridad y para situaciones de riesgo • Pasan lista y saben dónde están todos

los estudiantesi love u guysF O U N D A T I O N ®

© Copyright 2009-2014, Reservados todos los derechos. The “I Love U Guys” Foundation. Bailey, CO 80421. SRP, el Protocolo de Respuesta Estándar y I Love U Guys son marcas de “I Love U Guys” Foundation y es posible que estén registradas en ciertas jurisdicciones. Se permite la reproducción de estos materiales por escuela, distritos, departamentos y agencias reconocidas.“SRP Handout for K12” | Versión 2,0, | 01/08/2013 | Revisado: 0108/2013 | Español para las Escuelas de Jeffco por MA, Departamento de ESL/DL, 8/27/2015





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2020-2021 SCHOOL YEAR

Under AHERA (Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act), all primary and secondary schools are required to develop and implement a plan for managing all building materials which contain asbestos. Included in the AHERA Act is the requirement to annually notify all workers and building occupants (or their guardians) of asbestos-related activities. Beginning in 1988, all buildings owned, leased, or “under the control of” the School District were inspected by EPA accredited inspectors, with building material samples analyzed by an independent laboratory. Based on the inspection, the School District prepared and the state approved a comprehensive management plan for managing the asbestos. Where the asbestos-containing materials are found, the District has in place an Operations and Maintenance program. The District has accomplished the following compliance mandates regarding the administration of asbestos in school buildings: ● Environmental Management Consulting, Inc. (EMC) was contracted to be the

school’s consultant for asbestos for the school year. ● The District is continuing with the Operations and Maintenance Program as designed

for the School District. This ensures that all asbestos materials are kept in good condition in good condition.

● Periodic “surveillance” in each area containing asbestos has been completed every six months by our consultant. Also, the buildings are re-inspected by an accredited inspector every three years.

● In the past year the District conducted the following asbestos removal activities: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

All outside contractors shall contact the lead maintenance person before commencing work. Our goal at the District is to be in full compliance with asbestos regulations. A copy of the Asbestos Management Plan is available for review by contacting the District Office. Questions related to this plan or any other asbestos concerns should be directed to the District’s Designated Person

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2020-2021 AÑO ESCOLAR

Bajo AHERA (Ley de Respuesta a Emergencias por Peligro de Asbesto), todas las escuelas primarias y secundarias deben desarrollar e implementar un plan para administrar todos los materiales de construcción que contienen asbesto. Incluido en la Ley AHERA está el requisito de notificar anualmente a todos los trabajadores y ocupantes del edificio (o sus tutores) de las actividades relacionadas con el asbesto. A partir de 1988, todos los edificios de propiedad, arrendados o "bajo el control" del Distrito Escolar fueron inspeccionados por inspectores acreditados por la EPA, con muestras de materiales de construcción analizadas por un laboratorio independiente. Con base en la inspección, el Distrito Escolar preparó y el estado aprobó un plan de manejo integral para manejar el asbesto. Donde se encuentran los materiales que contienen asbesto, el Distrito ha implementado un programa de Operaciones y Mantenimiento. El Distrito ha cumplido los siguientes mandatos de cumplimiento con respecto a la administración de asbesto en los edificios escolares: ● Environmental Management Consulting, Inc. (EMC) fue contratado para ser el

consultor de asbesto de la escuela para el año escolar. ● El Distrito continúa con el Programa de Operaciones y Mantenimiento diseñado para

el Distrito Escolar. Esto asegura que todos los materiales de asbesto se mantengan en buenas condiciones en buenas condiciones.

● Nuestro consultor ha completado periódicamente una "vigilancia" periódica en cada área que contiene asbesto. Además, los edificios son inspeccionados nuevamente por un inspector acreditado cada tres años.

● El año pasado, el Distrito llevó a cabo las siguientes actividades de eliminación de asbesto: ………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………

Todos los contratistas externos deberán comunicarse con la persona de mantenimiento principal antes de comenzar el trabajo. Nuestro objetivo en el Distrito es cumplir plenamente con las regulaciones de asbestos. Una copia del Plan de Manejo de Asbestos está disponible para su revisión contactando a la Oficina del Distrito. Las preguntas relacionadas con este plan o cualquier otra inquietud relacionada con el asbesto deben dirigirse a la Persona designada del Distrito

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Gibraltar Area School District 3924 Hwy. 42, Fish Creek, WI 54212-9755

Phone: 920-868-3284 Fax: 920-868-2714

NOTICE OF NONDISCRIMINATION 8/1/2020 Hello Gibraltar Families, The new school year will bring exciting new learning and opportunities to each and every student and staff member at Gibraltar Area Schools. New classrooms, learning environments, and coursework will all bring refreshing and engaging academic challenges, while new activities and extracurricular opportunities will provide social and physical outlets where all can shine. It is our mission at Gibraltar to foster a learning environment that promotes student growth and achievement, instructional excellence, and academic rigor by offering out students enriched learning experiences in the arts, academics, athletics, and activities. I am especially looking forward to working in a new role as Director of Learning for the upcoming school year to help promote this mission at Gibraltar. Policies adopted by the Gibraltar School Board reinforce our commitment to providing equal access to students. School Board policy number 2260-Nondiscrimination and Access to Equal Educational Opportunity, which is aligned with Wisconsin’s pupil nondiscrimination law, S. 118.13 stats., ensures that your child(ren) has the ability to engage in an equitable manner. Attached you will find Wisconsin’s Department of Public Instruction’s brochure covering the law and rights of children in schools. School Board policy number 2260 also outlines procedures for you to advocate for the needs of your child(ren). If you need further information or clarification, please feel free to contact the district complaint officers, Mr. Tim Mulrain, Director of Learning, or Mrs. Tina Van Meer, Superintendent. Gibraltar Area Schools is grateful for the opportunity to work with you and your child(ren). Thank you for taking the time to review the rules and regulations of the State of Wisconsin and Gibraltar Area Schools. A link to all school board policies can be found on the Gibraltar Area Schools website, We look forward to a great school year. Sincerely,

Tim Mulrain Director of Learning 920-868-3284 Ex: 208 [email protected]

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Distrito escolar de Gibraltar 3924 Hwy. 42, Fish Creek, WI 54212-9755

Teléfono: 920-868-3284 Fax: 920-868-2714

AVISO DE NO DISCRIMINACIÓN Hola familias de Gibraltar, 8/1/2020 el nuevo año escolar traerá nuevas oportunidades de aprendizaje y oportunidades. a todos y cada uno de los estudiantes y miembros del personal de las Escuelas del Área de Gibraltar. Las nuevas aulas, los entornos de aprendizaje y el trabajo del curso traerán desafíos académicos refrescantes y atractivos, mientras que las nuevas actividades y las oportunidades extracurriculares proporcionarán salidas sociales y físicas donde todos pueden brillar. Nuestra misión en Gibraltar es fomentar un ambiente de aprendizaje que promueva el crecimiento y el logro estudiantil, la excelencia en la enseñanza y el rigor académico al ofrecer a los estudiantes experiencias de aprendizaje enriquecidas en las artes, el mundo académico, el atletismo y las actividades. Estoy especialmente ansioso por trabajar en un nuevo rol como Director de Aprendizaje para el próximo año escolar para ayudar a promover esta misión en Gibraltar. Las políticas adoptadas por la Junta Escolar de Gibraltar refuerzan nuestro compromiso de proporcionar igualdad de acceso a los estudiantes. La política de la Junta Escolar número 2260: No discriminación y acceso a la igualdad de oportunidades educativas, que está alineada con la ley de no discriminación de alumnos de Wisconsin, S. 118.13 stats., Asegura que su hijo (s) tenga la capacidad de participar de manera equitativa. Adjunto encontrará el folleto del Departamento de Instrucción Pública de Wisconsin que cubre la ley y los derechos de los niños en las escuelas. La política número 2260 de la Junta Escolar también describe los procedimientos para que usted defienda las necesidades de su (s) hijo (s). Si necesita más información o aclaraciones, no dude en comunicarse con los oficiales de quejas del distrito, el Sr. Tim Mulrain, Director de Aprendizaje, o la Sra. Tina Van Meer, Superintendente. Las Escuelas del Área de Gibraltar agradecen la oportunidad de trabajar con usted y su (s) hijo (s). Gracias por tomarse el tiempo de revisar las reglas y regulaciones de las Escuelas del Estado de Wisconsin y del Área de Gibraltar. Puede encontrar un enlace a todas las políticas de la junta escolar en el sitio web de las Escuelas del Área de Gibraltar, Esperamos un gran año escolar. Atentamente,

Tim Mulrain Director de Aprendizaje 920-868-3284 Ej: 208 [email protected]

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Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Carolyn Stanford Taylor, State Superintendent

For more information: Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction


Pupil Nondiscrimination Program 608-267-9157 or 800-441-4563

The address and telephone number for the Office for Civil Rights for this region are:

Office for Civil Rights, Chicago Office U.S. Department of Education

John C. Kluczynski Federal Building230 South Dearborn Street, 37th Floor

Chicago, IL 60604(312) 730 -1560

(312) 730 -1576 FAX (800) 877 - 8339 TDD

e-mail: [email protected]

Updated 03-2020

The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, color, religion, creed, age, national origin, ancestry, pregnancy, marital status or

parental status, sexual orientation, or disability.

Wisconsin’s Pupil Nondiscrimination


more info contactadditional suggestions when filing a complaint under Wisconsin’s Pupil Nondiscrimination Law

• Make sure that the law applies to the situation you are concerned about. Some school action is “just not fair”, butit may not be prohibited by the state law because it does not constitute discrimination based on one of the listed protected classes. The action must also be detrimental to the student.

• Make sure that the person filing the complaint is a parent or guardian filing on the behalf of the student, a student who has been negatively affected, or a resident of the school district.

• If the complaint procedure lists steps that should be taken, and one of those steps involves the person you feelis the cause of the problem, request that another person respond to your complaint.

• In your complaint, identify the protected class or classesof the student (sex, race, religion, creed, age, national origin, ancestry, pregnancy, marital or parental status, sexual orientation, or disability).

• Explain why you believe it is discrimination. Provideas much specific documentation and information as possible. The person filing the complaint has the burden of proving a violation of Wisconsin’s pupil nondiscrimination law.

• Explain what you would like to have happen as a result ofyour complaint.

• Sign the letter.

• Make and keep a copy of the letter and any attachments.

• Give your name, address and telephone number(s) whereyou can be reached.

• If you have questions or problems completing the complaint procedure, ask for assistance from the district.Ask who in the school handles pupil discrimination complaints and contact that person. A community based organization or an advocacy group may also be able to assist.

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what where & howWisconsin’s pupil nondiscrimination law, s. 118.13 stats., except as provided in s. 120.13(37m), Wis. Stats., provides that no person may be denied admission to any public school or be denied participation in, be denied the benefits of or be discriminated against in any curricular, extracurricular, pupil services, recreational or other program or activity because of the person’s:

All of these are referred to as protected classes.

Discrimination is defined as any action, policy or practice which is detrimental to a person or group of persons, or which limits or denies them opportunities, privileges, roles or rewards based, in whole or in part, on a protected class status; this includes bias, stereotyping, and harassment. (PI 9.02 (5) Wis. Admin. Code)

Bias means an inclination for or against an individual or group based on a protected class which inhibits impartial or objective judgment affecting pupils. (PI 9.02(1), Wis. Admin. Code)

Stereotyping refers to attributing behavior, abilities, interests, values, and roles to a person based on membership in a particular class. (PI 9.02 (14), Wis. Admin. Code)

Pupil harassment is behavior towards pupils based on a protected class that substantially interferes with a pupil’s school performance or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive school environment. (PI 9.02 (9) Wis. Admin. Code)


• develop policies prohibiting discrimination

• adopt a written procedure that addresses receiving and resolving complaints of pupil discrimination

• designate an employee to receive complaints

• annually provide public notice of pupil non-discrimination policies

• include a pupil non-discrimination statement in allhandbooks and other published materials

• include the complete complaint procedure in student/staff handbooks. The name, address, and telephone number of the person designated to receivediscrimination complaints must be included.

• sex• race• religion• creed

• age• national origin• ancestry• pregnancy

• marital status• parental status• sexual orientation• disability


• Wisconsin’s Pupil Nondiscrimination law requires that acomplaint first be filed with the school district.

• The district’s complaint procedure should be published in the student handbook. If not, contact the school or districtoffice and ask for a copy of their pupil discrimination complaint procedure.

• Follow the directions, steps, and time lines in the school district’s written complaint procedure. There may be several steps to follow. The procedure may also impose a time limit in moving to the next step. Follow the steps and time limits. If you have questions about the procedure, you should ask who in the school district handles pupil discrimination complaints. Contact that person and ask that person to explain the complaint process to you.

• Your complaint should be in writing. (See also Additional Suggestions Section.)

• The district must let you know within 45 days that it has received your complaint. The final decision on your complaint must be made within 90 days of the date you filed the complaint, unless there is an agreed upon extension. The district’s procedure may specify shorter time periods.

• If you have gone through all the steps of the school district’s complaint procedure and you receive an unfavorable decision, you may file an appeal with the State Superintendent, Department of Public Instruction.

• Any appeal must be filed within 30 days of the date of the school district’s final decision on your complaint.

• To file an appeal write to: Department of Public Instruction Pupil Nondiscrimination Program P.O. Box 7841 Madison, WI 53707-7841

• An appeal to the State Superintendent, Department ofPublic Instruction should be in writing and signed. The following information should be included:

– the reason for the appeal;

– the facts that make you believe discrimination occurred;and

– the relief or outcome you are requesting.

Include a copy of the school district’s final decision on your complaint. If the person appealing is a minor, a parent or guardian must also sign the appeal.

• If the school district does not have a pupil discrimination procedure, you may file your complaint directly with the Department of Public Instruction. The complaint should be in writing, signed, and should contain the sameinformation as an appeal.

• You may also file a complaint with the Department of Public Instruction if the school district does not make a decision on your complaint within 90 days. In most cases, the department will return the complaint to the school district to make a final decision.

• In an appeal, if the department determines the school district has acted in violation of Wisconsin’s pupil nondiscrimination law, the state superintendent can issue an order requiring the school district to comply with the law, and to develop and submit a corrective action plan to prevent further discrimination. The statesuperintendent does not have the authority to award monetary relief or impose discipline on teachers or school staff.


• If you believe the discrimination is because of race, color,sex, age, disability or national origin, you may also file a complaint with the Office for Civil Rights of the United States Department of Education.

• A complaint must be filed with the Office for Civil Rights within 180 calendar days of the date the alleged discrimination occurred. You are not required to file a complaint with the school district before filing a complaint with the Office for Civil Rights.

the law is to file a complaint of discrimination

Page 12: Gibraltar Area Schools

Ley de No-Discriminación

del Alumnado de Wisconsin

Departamento de Instrucción Pública de Wisconsin Carolyn Stanford Taylor, Superintendente Estatal

más comuníqueseSugerencias adicionales al presentar una queja bajo la Ley de No-Discriminación del Alumnado de Wisconsin

• Asegúrese que la ley aplica a la situación que le preocupa. Alguna intervención escolar puede haber sido “injusta”, pero puede que no sea prohibida por la ley estatal porqueno constituye discriminación basada en una de las categorías protegidas. La acción también tiene que haber sido perjudicial al alumno.

• Asegúrese que la persona que presenta la queja es unpadre de familia o tutor representando un alumno, un alumno que ha sido afectado negativamente, o un residente del distrito escolar.

• Si el procedimiento de la queja tiene una lista de pasos a seguir, y uno de esos pasos involucra la persona quien Ud.cree es la causa del problema, solicite que otra persona atienda su queja.

• Ensuqueja,identifiquela(s)categoría(s)protegida(s)delalumno(sexo,raza,religión,credo,edad,nacionalidad,ascendencia,estadodegravidez,estadocivilodepaternidad,orientaciónsexualodiscapacidad).

• ExpliquelarazónporlacualUd.creequeesdiscriminación.Presente toda la documentación e información que le sea posible. La persona que presenta la queja tiene la responsabilidad de comprobar que se ha quebrantado la ley de no-discriminación del alumnado de Wisconsin.

• ExpliqueloqueUd.quierequesucedacomoresultadodesu queja.

• Firme la carta.

• Saque una copia de la carta y adjuntos y guárdelos.

• Proporcionesunombre,direcciónynúmero(s)deteléfono(s)decontacto.

• Si tiene preguntas o problemas al completar el procedimiento de su queja, solicite ayuda del distrito. Pregunte quién es el encargado en la escuela de las quejasde discriminación del alumnado, y comuníquese con esa persona.Unaorganizacióndelacomunidadogrupodeapoyo también lo puede asistir.

Para más información comuníquese con: La página de internet del

Departamento de Instrucción Pública de Wisconsin

o con

El Programa de No-Discriminación del Alumnado (Pupil Nondiscrimination Program)

608-267-9157 ó 800-441-4563

La dirección y número telefónico de la Oficina de Derechos Civiles en esta región es:

Office for Civil Rights, Chicago Office U.S. Department of Education

John C. Kluczynski Federal Building230 South Dearborn Street, 37th Floor

Chicago, IL 60604(312) 730 -1560

(312) 730 -1576 FAX (800) 877 - 8339 TDD

e-mail: [email protected]

Actualizado 03-2020

El Departamento de Instrucción Pública no discrimina en base a sexo, raza, color, religión, credo, edad, nacionalidad,

ascendencia, estado de gravidez, estado civil o de paternidad, orientación sexual o discapacidad.

Page 13: Gibraltar Area Schools

lo que dónde y cómoLa ley de no-discriminación del alumnado de Wisconsin, sección 118.13 del estatuto de Wisconsin, excepto en lo previsto en la sección 120.13(37m), estipula que no se le debe negar a ninguna persona admisión a cualquier escuela pública, o participación en el plan de estudios, negar los beneficios o ser discriminada en contra de cualquier actividad o programa curricular, extracurricular, recreativo, servicios de alumnado uotros debido a su:

Se conoce a todas éstas como categorías protegidas.

La discriminación ise define como cualquier acción, política o práctica que perjudique a una persona o grupo de personas, o que limite o les niegue oportunidades, privilegios, funciones o recompensas basándose en parte o en su totalidad en unacategoría protegida; esto incluye prejuicio, estereotipo y acoso. (Pl 9.02 (5), Código Administrativo de Wisconsin)

El prejuicio es una inclinación por o en contra de un individuo o grupo, basada en una categoría protegida, la cual impide hacer un juicio imparcial u objetivo sobre los alumnos. (Pl 9.02(1), Código Administrativo de Wisconsin)

El estereotipo se refiere a ciertas conductas, habilidades, intereses, valores, y funciones que se atribuyen a una persona sólo por ser miembro de una clase particular. (Pl 9.02 (14), Código Administrativo de Wisconsin)

El acoso del alumnado es la conducta hacia los alumnos basada en una categoría protegida que interfiere considerablemente con el rendimiento escolar del alumno, o que crea una atmósfera escolar hostil, ofensiva o que intimida al alumno. (Pl 9.02 (9), Código Administrativo de Wisconsin)


• desarrollen políticas prohibiendo la discriminación

• adopten un procedimiento por escrito para recibir yresolver quejas de discriminación del alumnado

• asignen un empleado para recibir las quejas

• provean anualmente anuncios públicos sobre políticas deno-discriminación del alumnado

• incluyan un comunicado sobre no-discriminación delalumnado en todos los manuales y otros materiales publicados

• incluyan el procedimiento completo de la queja en los manuales del alumnado y/o personal docente. El nombre,dirección y número telefónico de la persona encargada de recibir las quejas de discriminación deben estar incluidos

•sexo•raza• religión• credo• edad

•nacionalidad• ascendencia• estado de gravidez

• estado civil

• estado depaternidad

• orientaciónsexual

• discapacidad


• La ley de no-discriminación del Alumnado de Wisconsin requiere que primero se presente una queja ante el distritoescolar.

• El procedimiento de queja del distrito debe ser publicado en el manual escolar. Si no se publica, se debe pedir una copia de la política de no-discriminación del alumnado y procedimiento de quejas a la escuela u oficina del distrito .

• Siga las instrucciones, pasos, y plazo de tiempo del procedimiento de quejas del distrito escolar. Pueden habervarios pasos a seguir. El procedimiento puede también imponer un limite de tiempo para proseguir al siguiente paso. Siga los pasos y el plazo de tiempo. Si tiene preguntas sobre el procedimiento, averigüe quién se encarga en el distrito sobre quejas de discriminación del alumnado. Comuníquese con esa persona y pídale que le explique el proceso de quejas.

• Su queja debe presentarla por escrito. (Vea también laSección de Sugerencias Adicionales.)

• El distrito le debe avisar dentro de un periodo de 45 días que ha recibido su queja. La decisión final sobre su queja se hará dentro de un periodo de 90 días después de haberla presentado, a no ser que usted acepte una extensión. El procedimiento del distrito puede especificar períodos de tiempo más cortos.

• Si usted ha seguido todos los pasos del procedimiento de queja del distrito y recibe una decisión desfavorable, puede presentar una apelación ante el Superintendente Estatal delDepartamento de Instrucción Pública.

• Toda apelación debe ser presentada dentro de un periodode 30 días después de la fecha de la decisión final del distrito sobre su queja.

• Para presentar una apelación use la siguiente dirección: Department of Public Instruction Pupil Nondiscrimination Program P.O. Box 7841 Madison, WI 53707-7841

• Toda apelación ante el Superintendente Estatal del Departamento de Instrucción Pública debe presentarse porescrito y firmada. Se debe incluir la siguiente información:

– la razón de la apelación;

– los hechos que le hicieron creer que Ud. fue discriminado;y

– la ayuda o el resultado que solicita.

Incluya una copia de la decisión final del distrito sobre su queja. Un padre o tutor debe también firmar la apelación si se trata de un menor de edad.

• Si el distrito escolar no tiene un procedimiento de no-discriminación del alumnado, puede presentar su quejadirectamente ante el Departamento de Instrucción Pública. La queja debe ser por escrito, firmada, y debe tener la misma información que una apelación.

• Si el distrito escolar no ha llegado a una decisión sobre su queja en un periodo de 90 días, Ud. también puede presentar una queja ante el Departamento de Instrucción Pública. En la mayoría de estos casos, el departamento regresa la queja al distrito escolar paraque tomen la decisión final.

• En una apelación, si el departamento resuelve que el distrito escolar ha quebrantado la ley de no-discriminación del alumnado, el Superintendente Estatalpara prevenir más discriminación, puede dar una orden disponiendo que el distrito escolar cumpla con la ley, y que desarrolle y presente un plan de acción que corrija los hechos. El Superintendente Estatal no tiene la autoridad para otorgar ayuda monetaria o de imponer disciplina a los maestros o personal docente.


• Si Ud. cree que la discriminación ha sido debido a su raza, color, sexo, edad, discapacidad o nacionalidad, puede también presentar una queja ante la Oficina de Derechos Civiles del Departamento de Educación de los Estados Unidos.

• La queja se debe presentar ante la Oficina de Derechos Civiles dentro de un periodo de 180 días naturales después de la supuesta fecha de discriminación. No se requiere que usted presente una queja ante el distrito escolar antes de presentar la queja ante la Oficina de Derechos Civiles.

significa la ley presentar una queja de discriminación

Page 14: Gibraltar Area Schools

Gibraltar Area School District 3924 Hwy. 42, Fish Creek, WI 54212-9755

Phone: 920-868-3284 Fax: 920-868-2714


This notice serves to inform parents and guardians of students with disabilities that the State of Wisconsin has established the Special Needs Scholarship Program. Under this scholarship program and as further specified in state law, a child with a disability who has been denied the opportunity to attend a nonresident school district under the full-time open enrollment program may be eligible to receive a scholarship from the Department of Public Instruction (DPI) that allows the child to attend an eligible private school that is participating in the Special Needs Scholarship Program. This is a state-administered program. A parent or guardian who is interested in the Special Needs Scholarship Program should independently verify the participating private schools and the specific terms, eligibility criteria, and application procedures of the scholarship program with the DPI. The Special Needs Scholarship Program is further defined under section 115.7915 of the state statutes. However, special eligibility requirements not found in that statute exist for program scholarships that are awarded for private school attendance. Additional information about the program should be available on the website of the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction:

Page 15: Gibraltar Area Schools

Distrito escolar de Gibraltar 3924 Hwy. 42, Fish Creek, WI 54212-9755

Teléfono: 920-868-3284 Fax: 920-868-2714


Este aviso sirve para informar padres y tutores de estudiantes con discapacidades que el Estado de Wisconsin ha establecido elNecesidades Especiales Programa de Becas para. Según este programa de becas y según lo especificado en la ley estatal, un niño con discapacidad a quien se le ha negado la oportunidad de asistir a un distrito escolar no residente bajo el programa de inscripción abierta de tiempo completo puede ser elegible para recibir una beca del Departamento de Instrucción Pública (DPI) que le permite al niño asistir a una escuela privada elegible que participa en el Programa de Becas para Necesidades Especiales. Este es un programa administrado por el estado. Un padre o tutor que esté interesado en el Programa de Becas para Necesidades Especiales debe verificar independientemente las escuelas privadas participantes y los términos específicos, los criterios de elegibilidad y los procedimientos de solicitud del programa de becas con el DPI. El Programa de Becas para Necesidades Especiales se define adicionalmente en la sección 115.7915 de los estatutos estatales. Sin embargo,requisitos especiales de elegibilidad que no se encuentran existenen ese estatuto para las becas del programa que se otorgan por asistencia a escuelas privadas. La información adicional sobre el programa debe estar disponible en el sitio web del Departamento de Instrucción Pública de Wisconsin:

Page 16: Gibraltar Area Schools

The Special Needs Scholarship Program (SNSP) allows a student with a disability, who meets certain eligibility requirements, to receive a state-funded scholarship to attend a private school that is located in Wisconsin and participating in the SNSP. The school receives a state aid payment for each eligible student. The SNSP website has a document comparing the rights of students with disabilities and their families under state and federal special education laws to their rights under the SNSP. The website also includes frequently asked questions and additional information about the SNSP.

Student Eligibility

A student with a disability may be eligible to participate in the SNSP for the 2020-21 school year if all of the following apply:

IEP or Services Plan: The student has an Individualized Education Program (IEP) or services plan that meets one of the following:

The student’s IEP or services plan is currently being implemented, or

The student’s IEP or services plan was developed no earlier than September 15, 2017 and there has not been a more recent reevaluation that determined the student no longer had a disability.

Wisconsin Resident: The student resides in Wisconsin.

IEP or Services Plan Requirements Implementation. SNSP schools are required to implement the IEP or services plan of SNSP students as modified by agreement between the SNSP school and the student’s parent/guardian (hereafter “parent”). The school and the parent must sign this agreement before the student will be eligible for SNSP payments. Quarterly Reports. SNSP schools are required to provide SNSP parents with quarterly reports about the implementation and progress of their student’s modified IEP or services plan and the student’s academic progress.

Reevaluation. In order for a student to be able to continue his/her participation in the SNSP, the student must be made available for an IEP team reevaluation by the resident school district within sixty (60) days of a reevaluation request being made. Resident school districts may only make a reevaluation request once every three (3) years for SNSP eligibility purposes. If a SNSP student is determined to no longer have a disability during an IEP team reevaluation, the student will receive a partial scholarship beginning in the school year following the determination. A partial scholarship student is able to continue to participate in the SNSP at the same school, but the SNSP scholarship will be at a lower rate. However, a partial scholarship student will not be able to transfer to a different school and continue to participate in the SNSP.

How to Apply

The SNSP student application is a paper application that must be submitted directly to the SNSP school that you would like your child to attend. SNSP student applications can be submitted to SNSP schools for the 2020-21 school year from July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021. A student application is not complete until all of the following documents have been given to the SNSP school:

1) SNSP student application. 2) Documentation verifying the family’s current address.

SNSP schools must give student applicants a copy of the school’s special education profile. The student application, list of SNSP schools, and school special education profiles are available on the SNSP website.

SNSP schools will accept SNSP students in the order that complete applications are received. If a school receives more applications than the number of available SNSP scholarships, the school will notify students of their place on a waiting list. Schools may choose to give preference to siblings of students who are already attending the school.

The process to determine if an application is eligible can take five (5) weeks. For additional information on this process, see the SNSP FAQ for parents available on the SNSP website.

Continuing Student Eligibility

Continuing SNSP Student Status. SNSP students do not need to submit SNSP applications every year. A student who has been accepted into the SNSP will continue to receive a scholarship until one of the following occurs: (a) the student graduates from high school; (b) the student turns 21; (c) the student no longer resides in Wisconsin; (d) the student enrolls in another school or a home-based educational program; (e) the student is not made available for a reevaluation every 3 years; or (f) a partial scholarship student leaves the SNSP school that he/she is attending.

Page 17: Gibraltar Area Schools

Special Needs




School Year

Information for Parents

The requirements in this document are based on Wis. Stat. 115.7915 and Wis.

Admin. Code PI 49.

Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Carolyn Stanford Taylor, State Superintendent

Continuing Student Eligibility (cont.)

Residency Reverification: SNSP students are required, on an annual basis, to provide residency documentation to their SNSP school. SNSP students must be residents of Wisconsin.

Transfers. A SNSP student may transfer from one SNSP school to another SNSP school and retain his/her scholarship if the student has been continuously enrolled in the SNSP and has not been determined to no longer be a child with a disability through an IEP team reevaluation. In order for a SNSP student to transfer and successfully retain their scholarship, the student must complete a Transfer Request Form and submit the Transfer Request Form and all required documentation to the school that the student is applying to transfer to. The Transfer Request Form is available on the SNSP website.

The SNSP student must remain at their current SNSP school until the transfer request is accepted by the new school.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q.1- Is the private school required to implement the student’s IEP or services plan?

A.1- SNSP schools are required to implement the IEP or services plan of SNSP students as modified by agreement between the SNSP school and the student’s parent.

Q.2- Can a student attend any private school under the SNSP? How does an applicant know which schools are participating in the SNSP?

A.2- Only schools that registered to participate in the SNSP for the 2020-21 school year may participate in the SNSP. A list of schools that have registered to participate for the 2020-21 school year is available on the SNSP website.

Q.3- Can a private school charge a SNSP student tuition and fees?

A.3- Yes. A SNSP school can charge a SNSP student tuition and fees.

Q.4- Are there statutory procedures regarding student suspensions and expulsions that a private school participating in the SNSP is required to follow?

A.4- No. State law does not require SNSP schools to have suspension or expulsion policies. Parents should ask the SNSP school if they have a suspension or expulsion policy, and obtain a copy of the policy if the school has one.

Q.5- When can my student start attending the SNSP school?

A.5- A student will not receive a SNSP scholarship until he or she is accepted into the program and the parent and the school have agreed on the services that will be provided to the student. If a parent chooses to move his or her student to the private school before this time, the private school may choose to charge additional tuition and fees for that time period. Parents should discuss this with the school they are applying to in order to understand the school’s process. For other frequently asked questions, please see the Frequently Asked Questions for Parents document at

For more information contact: Special Needs Scholarship Program

Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction P.O. Box 7841

Madison, WI 53707-7841 Toll-free: 888-245-2732, ext. 4

[email protected]

SNSP Website:


The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race,

color, religion, creed, age, national origin, ancestry, pregnancy, marital status or parental status,

sexual orientation, or disability.

Page 18: Gibraltar Area Schools

Gibraltar Area School District 3924 Hwy. 42, Fish Creek, WI 54212-9755

Phone: 920-868-3284 Fax: 920-868-2714


The McKinney-Vento Act defines homeless children and youth as: Children and youth who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence, and includes children and youth who are:

● sharing the housing of other persons due to loss of housing, economic hardship, or a similar reason

● living in motels, hotels, trailer parks, or camping grounds due to the lack of alternative adequate


● living in emergency or transitional shelters

● abandoned in hospitals

● living in a primary nighttime residence that is a public or private place not designed for or ordinarily used

as a regular sleeping accommodation for human beings

● living in cars, parks, public spaces, abandoned buildings, substandard housing, bus or train stations, or

similar settings; and

● migratory children who qualify as homeless because the children are living in circumstances described


If you are personally aware of or are acquainted with any children or youth who may qualify according to the above criteria, Gibraltar School District provides the following assurances to parents and guardians of homeless children and youth and unaccompanied homeless youth:

● The child or youth shall be immediately enrolled and allowed to fully participate in school, even if

unable to produce records normally required for enrollment (e.g., academic records, immunization and other required health records, proof of residency, or other documentation) or has missed application or enrollment deadlines during any period of homelessness.

● Homeless children and youths are not stigmatized or segregated on the basis of their status as

homeless and have full and equal educational and related opportunities. ● Meaningful opportunities to participate in the education of their children including special notices

of events, parent-teacher conferences, newsletters, and access to student records. ● Immediate enrollment and transportation to the school of origin. “School of origin” means the school

that a child or youth attended when permanently housed or the school in which the child or youth was last enrolled, including a preschool.

● Written explanation of any decisions related to school selection or enrollment made by the school, the

local educational agency, or the State educational agency involved, including the rights of the parent, guardian, or unaccompanied youth to appeal and receive prompt resolution of such decisions.

Please contact Tim Mulrain, homeless liaison for the Gibraltar School District, at (920) 868 3284 Ex 208 or [email protected] for additional information about the rights and services

described above.

Page 19: Gibraltar Area Schools

Distrito escolar de Gibraltar 3924 Hwy. 42, Fish Creek, WI 54212-9755

Teléfono: 920-868-3284 Fax: 920-868-2714

AVISO ANUAL: NIÑOS Y JÓVENES SIN HOGAR La Ley McKinney-Vento define a los niños y jóvenes sin hogar como : Niños y jóvenes que carecen de una

residencia nocturna fija, regular y adecuada, e incluye niños y jóvenes que están:

● compartiendo la vivienda de otras personas debido a la pérdida de la vivienda, dificultades económicas o

una razón similar que

● viven en moteles, hoteles, parques de casas rodantes o áreas de acampada debido a la falta de

alojamientos alternativos adecuados que

● viven en refugios de emergencia o transitorios

● abandonados en hospitales que

● viven en una residencia nocturna principal que es un lugar público o privado no diseñado o utilizado

habitualmente como un alojamiento regular para dormir para los seres humanos que

● viven en automóviles, parques, espacios públicos, edificios abandonados, viviendas de calidad inferior,

estaciones de autobuses o trenes, o entornos similares; y

● niños migratorios que califican como personas sin hogar porque viven en las circunstancias descritas


Si conoce personalmente o conoce a niños o jóvenes que pueden calificar de acuerdo con los criterios anteriores, el Distrito Escolar de Gibraltar ofrece las siguientes garantías a los padres y tutores de niños y jóvenes sin hogar y jóvenes sin hogar no acompañados:

● el niño o joven deberá inscribirse de inmediato y se le permitirá participar plenamente en la escuela,

incluso si no puede producir los registros que normalmente se requieren para la inscripción (por ejemplo, registros académicos, vacunas y otros registros de salud requeridos, prueba de residencia u otra documentación) o ha perdido los plazos de solicitud o inscripción durante cualquier período de falta de vivienda.

● Los niños y jóvenes sin hogar no son estigmatizados ni segregados en función de su condición

de personas sin hogar y tienen oportunidades educativas y relacionadas completas e iguales. ● Oportunidades significativas para participar en la educación de sus hijos, incluyendo avisos

especiales de eventos, conferencias de padres y maestros, boletines y acceso a los registros de los estudiantes.

● Inscripción inmediata y transporte a la escuela de origen. “Escuela de origen” significa la escuela a la

que asistió un niño o joven cuando se alojó permanentemente o la escuela en la que se inscribió por última vez, incluido un preescolar.

● Explicación por escrito de cualquier decisión relacionada con la selección o inscripción escolar realizada

por la escuela, la agencia educativa local o la agencia educativa estatal involucrada, incluidos los derechos de los padres, tutores o jóvenes no acompañados para apelar y recibir una resolución inmediata de dichas decisiones.

Comuníquese con Tim Mulrain, enlace para personas sin hogar del Distrito Escolar de Gibraltar, al (920) 868 3284 Ex 208 o [email protected] para obtener información adicional sobre los

derechos y servicios descritos anteriormente.

Page 20: Gibraltar Area Schools

If you believe you may be eligible, contact the local liaison to find out what services and supports may be available.

State CoordinatorLocal Liaison

INFORMATION For School-Age Youth

Eligible students have the right to:

• Receive a free, appropriate public education.• Enroll in school immediately, even if lacking documents normally required

for enrollment.• Enroll in school and attend classes while the school gathers needed documents.• Enroll in the local school; or continue attending their school of origin (the school

they attended when permanently housed or the school in which they were last enrolled), if that is their preference.

* If the school district believes that the school selected is not in his/her best interest, then the district must provide the student with a written explanation of its position and inform the student of his/her right to appeal its decision.

• Receive transportation to and from the school of origin, if requested.• Receive educational services comparable to those provided to other students,

according to the students’ needs.

If you need further assistance with your educational needs,

contact the National Center for Homeless Education:

1-800-308-2145 * [email protected] *


You may qualify for certain rights and protections under the federal McKinney-Vento Act.

In a shelter

In a motel or campground due to the lack of an alternative adequate accommodation

In a car, park, abandoned building, or bus or train station

Doubled up with other people due to loss of housing or economic hardship