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MARCH 2012
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MARCH 2012

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Membership Applications are Online!Visit to complete the Membership Form

are you a GIA supporter but not a ‘member’ yet?

At our 2011 AGM, GIA changed its constitution to allow individual members as well as organisations to have a say in what we do and how we’re run.

If you are yet to sign up as a member of GIA, simply fill out the form available here to be considered for membership.

If membership still isn’t enough for you, consider joining the Committee and contributing to our work in the Italian youth community!

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We use facebook as a great way to distribute information on events and news happening in the Italian youth community.

If you’re on Facebook - why not “Like” us?

Simply search for GIA in Facebook!

do you have Facebook?

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The merge between and Dante Alighieri is exactly what the Italian community in South Australia requires. There are many Italian associations in South Australia that uphold the same ideas – to preserve the Italian culture and language. However now, with the impending closure of the consulate office, this may become a little difficult for these associations to survive and to continue to promote the Italian language, culture and life. Thus, this merge is a step forward for the future of Italian associations in South Australia.

As a Dante Alighieri sub-committee, will continue to provide its members and the young people of South Australia with great social and cultural events; be involved in projects and community engagement as currently undertaken on a regular basis with Radio Italiana, but also continue to provide an advocacy service to the youth of South Australia with information and a forum to engage with modern-day Italy here in South Australia, with a space for dialogue, exchange and divertimento (fun and excitement).

We are excited about moving into this new phase, as we have already established ourselves in the community, and now we will have the opportunity to strengthen those established links with the broader Italian community of South Australia.

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Proudly brought to you by Tino Films.


CALL EVENTIX ON: 1300 737 363


As "We Stick Together" (Restare Uniti) continues its worldwide success we are pleased to bring you the Melbourne Premiere screening at Palace Cinema Como.The award winning film has had international recognition and been selected at various film festivals around the world.

Recent Quotes about the Film:

"One of the best shorts I have ever seen" DC Shorts Film Festival - Washington DC, USA 2011

"Great piece, very talented team behind a story which could translate solidly, to a feature film..." Kim Ledger

Restare UnitiMelbourne Film PremiereWEDNESDAY 4 APRIL 2012

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We Stick Together (Restare Uniti) is a very important untold story (and personal to many generations of the Australian-Italian community) which will be turned into a documentary and eventually a full-length feature film.

There will also be drinks and food available to purchase at the bar in the foyer after the screening. This will be a great opportunity to chat with the cast and crew of the film and share any ideas/stories that anyone may have about this important story.

We thank you for your support and look forward to seeing you on the night!

"We Stick Together" (Restare Uniti) Aus, 15 mins


BASED ON TRUE EVENTS: When Mussolini declared war on the Allies in 1940, the Australian government deemed thousands of Italian migrants to be ”enemy aliens” and sent them to internment camps all over the country. Living in rural Western Australia having just fled the fascist regime in Italy is 18 year-old Gianni with his Mother Antonella.

War has come at a terrible cost. After witnessing his father being dragged away by the fascists back in Italy, Gianni made a promise never to leave his Mother's side. Meanwhile racial tensions in Australia have slowly been building and a local gang has set their eyes on them.

How far is he prepared to go in order to keep his promise and come to terms with his past?

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You are the lead actor in the film Restare Uniti. Firstly, how did the idea for the film come about?

The film came about through a university project at Curtin University in Perth. Daniel Tenni, the producer, began researching the Italian internment during World War II and, interestingly, discovered his great grandfather was one of those interned. Naturally, he then became even more determined to see this story come alive.

What started out as a uni project led the team on an amazing journey and took Restare Uniti on the international film festival circuit.

Being based on fact, you would've learnt a lot from Restare Uniti. What is the most striking aspect of the film for you, personally?

The fact the film was shot in Harvey, Western Australia, where one of the main internment camps was during the war was an incredible experience in itself.

Just to think all those many years ago young men like myself were physically taken away from their families was certainly striking and created a lot of interest and unanswered questions for me, especially coming from an Italian background.

Espresso con Frank FazioFrank Fazio is a Melbourne-based actor who hails from PerthBy Chris Testa

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What sort of impact has the film had upon the local Italian community and awareness of internment during the war?

It’s had a huge impact in the Italian community and certainly sparked a lot of interest in creating awareness about the internment of Italians, which is an untold story unfamiliar to many.

This has led us to develop the next stage of the project which is a documentary called 'The Enemy Aliens’, featuring first hand witness accounts of the very few internees still alive. Our recent event at the Astor Theatre last year in Perth attracted 700 people. Many who attended weren't aware of this story and were shocked at the thought of it.

As the team is preparing for our upcoming documentary, it is vital we capture any personal stories from internees who are still alive or speak with their families who may have stories to share about their experience. It is this research that will assist us in developing the full length feature film. With the launch of the film on April 4th in Melbourne, we hope to have a lot more interest and discover many more stories.

The 2012 GIA forum is being held in Perth. As a West Australian, what do you feel are the benefits of this for the Perth Italian community?

Coming from WA, I feel certain aspects within the youth Italian community are lacking and it is important to bring something beneficial like GIA to their attention.

There is potential for younger people to be more involved and interested in their family history, but it's about creating awareness and events that will attract them to understand more about their cultural background.

With the young and enthusiastic team at GIA I believe this is possible and could be the start of great things ahead in the Italian community of Perth!For more information on Tino Films, please visit

Click here to like Restare Uniti on Facebook.

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Per diversi anni Venezia è stata al centro del lavoro di artista di Lisa Burmby

Sin dalla sua prima visita si e` innamorata della città, e poi si sono aggiunti altri motivi. Innanzitutto la gondola: misteriosa, sinistra, attraente ed elegante, arredata in maniera invitante, riccamente decorata, mentre silenziosamente scivola attraverso il tempo e le acque- un luogo privato, ma paradossalmente esposto al pubblico. Lisa e` affascinata particolarmente dalla Venezia storica- la teatralità della vita quotidiana, le solenni cerimonie, i costumi, le cortigiane, il fascino degli animali esotici, gli eccessi e le stranezze, delle quali Pietro Longhi sembra un abile ricreatore. E poi le maschere, quotidianamente indossate nel diciottesimo secolo, garanti di segretezza, ma anche di un intrigante equalizzatore sociale. Ci sono le cortigiane veneziane, alcune di loro piuttosto estremiste per i loro tempi considerando l’indipendenza finanziaria, la libertà sociale e di espressione delle quali godevano a livelli quasi attuali.

Venice of the MindItalian Institute of Culture - Melbourne28 February 2012 - 13 April 2012

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La contemplazione della Venezia storica ed odierna rimangono una ricca fonte di immagini e metafore per il suo lavoro. Lisa riesce ad esaminare problematiche contemporanee nella luce, nel colore e nella vita piena di energia di questa unica e magnifica Venezia.

Lisa Barmby attualmente vive e lavora a Melbourne. Visita Venezia per la prima volta nel 1982, poi si trasferisce a Parigi dal 1989 dove rimane per 5 anni e dove studia dramma alla prestigiosa scuola Ecole Florent. Torna in Australia nel 1994 e segue il corso di Arti Visive allo RMIT.

Le opere di Lisa Barmby sono state esposte in mostre personali e di gruppo in Australia e in Europa tra le quali Ciel de Paris, 2003, Galerie Vivienne, Paris; Venezia-Australis, Australian Artists in Venice 1900-2000, curate da Castlemaine Art Gallerie nel 2005 (itineranti a livello nazionale); Slender Harbour for Innovators, 2010 al Linden Centre for Contemporary Arts e Flourish, 2011; al Toyota Community Spirit Sculpture Exhibition. Barmby ha vinto il Linden Postcard Prize nel 2000 e il Linden Arts Spectrum Prize nel 2002. Nel 2007 scopre la gondola di Peggy Guggenheim nel Museo Navale di Venezia.

Questa scoperta porta l’artista verso una direzione nuova nei confronti della scultura ed alla sua prima installazione, Peggy & Venice, 2009, in Fliners Lane, dove Venezia è vista attraverso la vita coraggiosa e teatrale di Peggy Guggenheim. Barmby si è aggiudicata una borsa di viaggio grazie al Ian Potter Cultural Trust nel 2010 che le ha permesso di completare gli studi alla Scuola Internazionale di Grafica a Venezia. Punto culminante della permanenza nella città veneta è stato l’incontro con gli artigiani della gondola dell’Associazione El Ferze. Uno di loro, Carlo Valese, la invita nella fonderia Valese dove si continua la tradizionale lavorazione del cavai, cavalluccio marino, ornamento in ottone delle gondole, secondo il metodo francese di fusione a sabbia del XIII secolo.

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NSW Ministerial Consultative CommitteeBy Mirella Mammone

The NSW Government has established 15 Ministerial Consultative Committees to seek advice from the State's culturally diverse communities. This is an initiative of the Premier, Barry O’Farrell and Victor Dominello, the Minister for Aboriginal Affairs and the Minister for Citizenship and Communities.

On Thursday 16 February, the first NSW Ministerial Consultative Committee Meeting was held for the Italian Community. The Italian Consultative Committee is co-chaired by The Honourable Marie Ficarra MLC, Parliamentary Secretary to the Premier and Mr John Sidoti MP, Member for Drummoyne. Both MP’s have strong ties to their Italian heritage.

The committee consists of Italian Community Leaders from different academic and professional backgrounds, and ages, including the GIA NSW

Representative, Mirella Mammone. All committee members have the common goal of creating a positive and lasting impact on the Italian Community in New South Wales.

His Excellency, the Consul General, Sergio Martes addressed the meeting and expressed his eagerness to serve the Italian community here in Sydney. The Committee was also addressed by the executive of Il Faro, a recently formed association providing an internet service which offers advice to young Italian immigrants in New South Wales.Two key themes which echoed throughout the room were the need to improve on the current services available for aged citizens.Another key topic discussed was Italian youth affairs, and the need to ensure Italian cultural heritage is promoted and maintained.

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Networking in NSWBy Mirella Mammone

On Friday 24th of Februrary, an informal catchup at Bungalow 8 on King Street Wharf, Darling Harbour. The informal evening was timed to celebrate the last weekend of Summer ( the weather was fortunately perfect for Sydney siders !) networking within and between the Italio-Australian youth and the nuovi arrivati.

The cocktail networking evening was a success with over 50 people in attendance, including key spokespeople from organisations such as Danilo Caspacera from AUSEXPAT, Rebecca Di Cosmo from Giovani Di San Lupo, Claudio Scamporlino from Il Faro, Marco Zangari from CO AS IT & Stefano Moritsch  From the Italian Consulate. 

Thanks to everyone for attending and making it a great night!

Mirella MammoneGIA NSW Representative

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State Name Position

Victoria Federica Cologni President

Western Australia Manuela Lalli Vice President

Victoria Nicholas Butera Secretary

Western Australia Jonathon D’Angelo Treasurer

Victoria Luca Rosati Punto Informativo

Queensland Kylie Davenport

New South Wales Mirella Mammone

Victoria Francesco Presacco

Victoria Chris Testa

South Australia Talis Evans

GIA Committee in your State

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Venetian Navigators ( nell’edizione americana ha per titolo “Irresisitible North”) è la straordinaria storia ispirata ai racconti di viaggio dei due fratelli veneziani, Nicolò e Antonio Zen, e alla loro navigazione alla ricerca dei merluzzi dalle isole Faroe alle Shetland, dall’Islanda alla Groenlandia, e forse fino alla costa atlantica del Nord America. Lavorando nella biblioteca Marciana di Venezia, Andrea di Robilant si imbatte in una mappa insolita del Nord Atlantico, pubblicata nel 1558, e sulla relativa raccolta di lettere del viaggio compiuto nel XIV secolo dai due mercanti e navigatori veneziani. Di Robilant riporta in vita il mondo medioevale, guidandoci attraverso un paesaggio animato da fantasmi assetati di potere, monaci del regno norvegese e storie magiche di sorgenti calde e montagne fumanti. Libro e mappa furono entrambi fonte di polemiche presso geografi e cartografi dei secoli seguenti.

Venetian NavigatorsItalian Institute of Culture - MelbourneThe event took place on Thursday, 1 March 2012

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 Possibile che i due fratelli abbiano toccato le terre del nuovo mondo un secolo prima di Colombo?Andrea di Robilant, giornalista e storico, ripercorre la storia partendo dalla ricerca degli archivi alla visita delle isole remote del nord atlantico, per risolvere il mistero che ha sconcertato storici e geografi per secoli.Andrea di Robilant è un giornalista e storico italiano ben noto, i cui libri sono sempre più pubblicati in inglese.Nato e cresciuto in Italia, ha studiato Affari Internazionali e Storia alla Columbia University. Ha trascorso diversi anni negli Stati Uniti dove ha lavorato come corrispondente per due dei principali quotidiani italiani, La Repubblica e La Stampa. Di Robilant ha inoltre lavorato come giornalista per Il Progresso Italo-americano, quotidiano di lingua italiana, con sede nel New Jersey. Ha viaggiato via terra da New York a Buenos Aires, lavorando come corrispondente dal Messico, America Centrale, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Cile, Brasile e Argentina per diverse pubblicazioni, tra cui il Dallas Morning, dove si occupava della fine del regime militare in Sud America. 

La sua attenzione meticolosa per le figure storiche, il suo stile curato ed elegante e la sua fervida immaginazione sbocciano in tre libri: Un amore veneziano-selezionato dal New York Times come “miglior libro dell’anno”- storia vera di un amore impossibile nella Venezia del XVIII secolo; Lucia nel tempo di Napoleone, ritratto di una grande veneziana- vivida e drammatica storia della caduta di Venezia e dell’ascesa di una nuova era durante il tumultuoso periodo napoleonico, visto attraverso gli occhi di una sua antenata; Venetian Navigators pubblicato in UK da Faber and Faber ( mentre negli Stati Uniti e` uscito con il titolo Irresistible North).

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