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G.H. RAISONI COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING, SYLLABUS FIRST SEMESTER APPLIED MATHEMATICS- I SEMESTER-I [3L+1T] Teaching Scheme: Evaluation Scheme: Theory Lectures: 3 Hrs /Week Teachers Assessment (TAE): 20 Marks Tutorial: 1 Hr/ Week Class Asses. Exam (CAE) : 20 Marks Credits: 4 End Semester Exam : 60 Marks Total: 100 Marks Course Objectives: (i) To introduce students to basic mathematical computations as a useful tool in solving engineering problems. (ii) To introduce students to differential calculus (ordinary and partial differentiations) and integral calculus and its applications. (iii) To develop ability of students to solve differential equations and study its applications in engineering problems and their solution methods. (iv) To develop the intellectual skills of students by providing different methods & probabilistic solutions to various engineering problems. (v) To make the student familiar with the use of mathematical formulae to solve application oriented problems in the area of engineering. Differential Calculus (09 Hrs) Successive differentiation, Taylor’s and Maclaurin’s series for one variable, Indeterminate forms, Curvature and radius of curvature (excluding Newton’s method), centre of curvature. Partial Differentiation (06 Hrs) Partial differentiation, functions of several variables, first and higher order derivatives, Euler’s theorem, chain rules and total differential coefficient. Partial Differentiation (Jacobian) (06 Hrs) Jacobian, Taylor’s and Maclaurin’s series of two variables, maxima and minima of function of two variables, Lagranges method of undetermined multipliers. Integral Calculus (08 Hrs) Beta and Gamma function, Differentiation under integral sign, Tracing of curves (Cartesian and polar curves), Quadrature, volumes and Surface of solids of revolutions (Cartesian, polar and parametric forms). Differential Equations (08 Hrs) First order first degree differential equations, Linear, Reducible to linear and exact differential equations (excluding the case of integrating factor), Higher order linear differential equations with constant coefficients upto method of variation of parameters. Differential Equations (Applications) (08 Hrs) Cauchy’s and Legendre’s homogeneous differential equations, Simultaneous differential equations, Special types of differential equations, Application of differential equations to electric circuits, Kinematics and vibrations (only up to second order). Course Outcomes: Student shall be able to: (i) Understand the importance of Differential calculus and integral calculus in the field of engineering. (ii) Select an appropriate application of differential equations and hence find the solution for real application in engineering. (iii) Solve and analyze the problem using techniques learnt to obtain solution. (iv) Develop analytical skills and reasoning ability to comment on obtained solutions in a very scientific approach with quantitative basis.


Mar 30, 2018



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    SEMESTER-I [3L+1T]

    Teaching Scheme: Evaluation Scheme: Theory

    Lectures: 3 Hrs /Week Teachers Assessment (TAE): 20 Marks

    Tutorial: 1 Hr/ Week Class Asses. Exam (CAE) : 20 Marks

    Credits: 4 End Semester Exam : 60 Marks

    Total: 100 Marks

    Course Objectives:

    (i) To introduce students to basic mathematical computations as a useful tool in solving engineering problems. (ii) To introduce students to differential calculus (ordinary and partial differentiations) and integral calculus and

    its applications.

    (iii) To develop ability of students to solve differential equations and study its applications in engineering problems and their solution methods.

    (iv) To develop the intellectual skills of students by providing different methods & probabilistic solutions to various engineering problems.

    (v) To make the student familiar with the use of mathematical formulae to solve application oriented problems in the area of engineering.

    Differential Calculus (09 Hrs)

    Successive differentiation, Taylors and Maclaurins series for one variable, Indeterminate forms, Curvature and radius of

    curvature (excluding Newtons method), centre of curvature.

    Partial Differentiation (06 Hrs)

    Partial differentiation, functions of several variables, first and higher order derivatives, Eulers theorem, chain rules and total

    differential coefficient.

    Partial Differentiation (Jacobian) (06 Hrs)

    Jacobian, Taylors and Maclaurins series of two variables, maxima and minima of function of two variables, Lagranges

    method of undetermined multipliers.

    Integral Calculus (08 Hrs)

    Beta and Gamma function, Differentiation under integral sign, Tracing of curves (Cartesian and polar curves), Quadrature,

    volumes and Surface of solids of revolutions (Cartesian, polar and parametric forms).

    Differential Equations (08 Hrs)

    First order first degree differential equations, Linear, Reducible to linear and exact differential equations (excluding the case of

    integrating factor), Higher order linear differential equations with constant coefficients upto method of variation of parameters.

    Differential Equations (Applications) (08 Hrs)

    Cauchys and Legendres homogeneous differential equations, Simultaneous differential equations, Special types of

    differential equations, Application of differential equations to electric circuits, Kinematics and vibrations (only up to second


    Course Outcomes:

    Student shall be able to:

    (i) Understand the importance of Differential calculus and integral calculus in the field of engineering. (ii) Select an appropriate application of differential equations and hence find the solution for real application in


    (iii) Solve and analyze the problem using techniques learnt to obtain solution. (iv) Develop analytical skills and reasoning ability to comment on obtained solutions in a very scientific approach

    with quantitative basis.

  • Text Book:

    Higher Engineering Mathematics, Grewal B.S, Khanna Publishers, 2004 - Thirty eighth Edition

    Reference Books:

    1) Kreyszig, E.: Advanced Engineeing Mathematics (Eighth Edition); John Wiley & Sons; 2000. 2) Jain, R.K. and Iyengar, S.R.K.; Advanced Engineering Mathematics; Narosa Publishers; 2003. 3) Text book of Engineering Mathematics : Bali Iyengar (Laxmi Prakashan). 4) Spiegel, M. R.: Advanced Mathematics for Engineers and Scientists; McGraw-Hill Book Company; 2000. 5) Applied Mathematics Volume 1: J. N. Wartikar & P. N. Wartikar. 6) Engineering Mathematics: H. K. Dass, S. Chand, Publication, New Delhi.


    SEMESTER-I & II [4L+1T+2P]

    Teaching Scheme: Evaluation Scheme: Theory

    Lectures: 4 Hrs /Week Teachers Assessment (TAE): 20 Marks

    Tutorial: 1 Hr/ Week Class Asses. Exam (CAE) : 20 Marks

    Practical: 2 Hrs /Week End Semester Exam (ESE) : 60 Marks

    Credits: 6 Total: 100 Marks

    Evaluation Scheme: Practical

    Practical Work Exam (PWE): 50 Marks

    Evaluation Scheme: Practical

    Practical Work Exam (PWE):50 Marks

    Course Objectives:

    (i) To introduce students to the basic concepts of electron ballistics and optics, quantum mechanics, lasers, interference and polarization.

    (ii) To introduce students to few engineering applications of the concepts. (iii) To train students with fundamentals required for developing core engineering skills so that they will understand,

    analyze and apply their knowledge for advanced learning.

    (iv) To update students on the advances in the upcoming fields.

    Quantum Mechanics (12 Hrs)

    Compton Effect, Wave particle duality, de Broglie wavelength, Davisson-Germer experiment; Heisenbergs uncertainty

    principle, Phase velocity, group velocity, Concept of a wave packet; Wave function and its probability interpretation;

    Schrdingers wave equation; Infinite potential well; Qualitative nature of the wave function for finite potential well;

    Tunneling .

    Semiconductor Physics (12 Hrs)

    Qualitative ideas on formation of electron energy bands in solids; Classification of solids into insulators, semiconductors and

    conductors; Fermi energy; Intrinsic semiconductors; Energy band diagrams of silicon and germanium and their comparison

    with band diagrams of carbon (diamond) and sodium; Extrinsic semiconductor; Dependence of Fermi energy on temperature

    and doping concentration(Qualitative analysis); Current conduction in a semiconductor; Hall effect, p-n junction diode; Diode

    rectifier equation; Zener diode, Avalanche and Zener Break Down mechanisms, LED.

    Lasers (10 Hrs)

    Laser characteristics; spontaneous and stimulated emission of radiation; Population inversion; Three and four level laser

    schemes, optical resonator, Expressions for coherence length and coherence time, Outline of construction of Ruby and He-Ne

    laser, Semiconductor Laser.

    Wave Optics (08 Hrs)

    Interference in thin films of uniform & non-uniform thickness, Anti-reflection coating, Polarization & its type; Polarization by

    reflection; Polarization of scattering, Malus law, Optic axis, Double refraction in a quartz prism, Quarter- and Half-wave

    plates, Production & Detection of Linear, Circular, Elliptical polarizations.

  • Electron Ballistics (12 Hrs)

    Motion of charges in uniform electric and magnetic fields; Electron optics: Bethes law; Electrostatic and magneto static

    focusing; Devices: CRT, CRO and Cyclotron

    Advanced Trends in Physics (06 Hrs)

    Course Outcomes:

    Student shall be able to

    (i) Demonstrate the knowledge of various concepts studies by solving application problems. (ii) Use knowledge gained for conducting the experiments to demonstrate the acquired knowledge. (iii) Demonstrate knowledge of advanced concepts.

    Text Book:

    Engineering Physics by Avadhanulu and Kshirsagar, S Chand and Company- Fifth Revised Edition

    Reference Books:

    1) Fundamentals of Physics, Sixth Edition by David Halliday, Robert Resnick and Jerle Walker; John- Wiley and Sons. 2) Fundamentals of Physics by David Halliday, Robert Resnick and Jerle Walker; John- Wiley and Sons 2002. 3) Quantum Mechanics by Shief,Tata MCGraw Hill 4) Modern Physics by Baiser, Tata MCGraw Hill 5) Lasers & Non Linear Optics by B B Laud, New Age Publication. 6) Electronic Engineering Material and Devices by: John Allison (TMH) 7) Lasers Theory and Application by Avadhanulu, S Chand and Company

    BPHP102 Term Work:

    Students are required to conduct any eight of the following experiments:

    1) Study and application of CRO : Determination of phase difference between two signals.

    2) Study and application of CRO: Determination of amplitude and frequency by Lissajous method.

    3) Study and application of CRO: Determination of DC voltage and frequency of triangular wave.

    4) Study and application of interference: Determination of radius of curvature of plano-convex lens using Newtons ring

    set up.

    Study and application of interference: Determination of Wavelength of given source of light using Newtons ring set


    5) Study and application of Hall Effect: Determination of type, concentration and mobility of semiconductor.

    6) Determination of Birefringence of double image prism.

    7) Application of diode: study of Zener diode as a voltage regulator.

    8) Determination of energy band gap of semiconductor diode.

    9) Study of activation energy of a Thermister.

    10) Application of Diode: Study of on junction diode as a rectifier.

    11) Determination of Band gap by four probe method.

    12) Comparison and study of V-I characteristics of diodes.

    13) Application of Diode: Study of rectifier circuit.

    14) Determination of Planks Constant by LEDs.

    15) Application of Interference: Determination of particle size by HeNe Laser.

    16) Study of CRO internal blocks using CRO trainer kit.

    17) Study of Solar Cell.

    18) Study of Polarization Phenomenon.

  • 19) Determination of electrical resistivity of semiconductor using four probe method.

    20) Open ended list of experiments.


    SEMESTER-I & II [4L+1T+2P]

    Teaching Scheme: Evaluation Scheme: Theory

    Lectures: 4 Hrs /Week Teachers Assessment (TAE): 20 Marks

    Tutorial : 1 Hr/ Week Class Asses. Exam (CAE) : 20 Marks

    Practical: 2 Hrs /Week End Semester Exam (EAE) : 60 Marks

    Credits: 6 Total: 100 Marks

    Course Objectives:

    (i) To introduce students to fundamentals and applications of chemistry in engineering. (ii) To develop ability to solve application problems. (iii) To develop core engineering skills among the students to understand, analyze and apply their knowledge for

    advanced learning.

    Water Technology (14 Hrs)

    Hardness of water, methods of Softening of water, chemical calculation for softening of water. Boiler troubles and internal

    conditioning of boiler feed water, desalination of sea water by membrane process. BIS Specification for water. Purification of

    water for domestic uses.

    Lubricants (08 Hrs)

    Introduction, mechanism of lubrication, Types of lubricants, testing of lubricants for i) Viscosity & Viscosity index, ii) Flash

    point & Fire point iii) Carbon residue & iv) Cloud & pour point, Criteria for selection of lubricants for I.C. engines, cutting

    tools, gears and transformers

    A Corrosion Science (06 Hrs)

    Principles of Corrosion, Galvanic Series, Galvanic Corrosion, Concentration Cell Mechanisms of atmospheric corrosion and

    wet corrosion, factors affecting corrosion, Differential aeration theory, Methods of prevention of corrosion.

    Fuel and Combustion calculations (14 Hrs)

    Calorific value of fuel and its determination, Solid fuels: Ultimate analysis of coal. Liquid fuels- Fractional distillation,

    cracking: Fluid bed Catalytic Cracking, Knocking in IC engine and its relation with chemical structure of fuel. Synthesis of

    Synthetic petrol, Gaseous fuels LPG & CNG, Significance of flue gas analysis and Combustion calculation.

    Environmental Chemistry and Battery Technology (06 Hrs)

    Pollution and its control- Air pollution ,water pollution-BOD and COD- sewage water and its treatment, Conversion and

    Storage of Electrochemical Energy:- Batteries- Basic concepts, Classification and types of batteries (Lead acid battery,

    Rechargeable battery: Lithium ion, Fuel Cells)

    Advances in Engineering Chemistry (06 Hrs)

    Course Outcomes:

    Student shall be able to

    (i) Demonstrate the knowledge of various concepts studies by solving real life problems. (ii) Use this knowledge for conducting the experiments to demonstrate the knowledge gained. (iii) Demonstrate knowledge of advanced concept learnt by them.

    Text Book:

    Engineering Chemistry by S. S. Dara, S. Chand & Co Pub. Ltd, Tenth Edition

  • Reference Books:

    1) Engineering Chemistry by Jain and Jain 2) Chemistry in Engineering and Technology vol .II by J.Rajaram and J.C.Kuriakose 3) Text Book of Engg. Chemistry by Shashi Chawla 4) Chemistry of Engineering Material by Leighou 5) Engineering Material, Venneth G. Budinski (Prentice Hall of India). 6) Polymer Science, V. R. Gowarikar (Wiley Eastern Ltd.) 7) Environmental Chemistry, A. K. De (New Age International Publishers). 8) Fundamentals of Engineering Chemistry (Theory and Practical ), S. K. Singh (New Age International Publishers)

    BCHP103 Term Work:

    Students are required to conduct any eight of the following experiments:

    1) Determination of Total, Permanent and Temporary hardness of given water sample by complexometric titration. 2) Estimation of calcium hardness in water by EDTA. 3) To determine amount Ca+2 ions removed by cation exchange resins. 4) Determination of Ni++ in given sample by complexometric titration. 5) To determine Type & Extent of alkalinity of given water sample by Warders method. 6) Determination of Dissolved oxygen in given water sample. 7) Determination of Fe++, Fe ++ and Total iron present in the given solution by Redox titration. 8) Determination of amount of Cu++ ions by Iodometric titration. 9) Determination of Moisture, Volatile Matter and Ash Content of given coal sample by proximate Analysis. 10) Determination of viscosity of lubricating oil at different temperatures by Redwood Viscometer. 11) Determination of Flash Point of lubricating oil by Penskey Martens / Abels closed cup apparatus. 12) Determination of Acid value of given lubricating oil. 13) Determination of Carbon residue of lubricating oil by Conradsons apparatus. 14) To estimate the amount of Free Chlorine present in the given Water sample. 15) Demonstration

    a) Determination of COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand) of sample of water. b) Determination of calorific value by Bomb Calorimeter apparatus. c) Determination of pH.

    16) Open ended list of experiment

    Laboratory Manual:

    1) Laboratory Manual on Engineering Chemistry by Dr. Sudharani (Dhanpat Rai Publishing Company). 2) Applied Chemistry Theory and Practical O. P. Virmani and A. K. Narula (New Age International Publishers). 3) A textbook of Experiments and calculation in Engineering Chemistry. By Dr. S. S. Dara



    Teaching Scheme: Evaluation Scheme: Theory

    Lectures: 2 Hrs /Week Teachers Assessment (TAE): 10 Marks

    Practical: 2 Hrs /Week Class Asses. Exam (CAE): 10 Marks

    Credits: 3 End Semester Exam: 30 Marks

    Total: 50 Marks

    Evaluation Scheme: Practical

    Practical work Exam (PWE): 50 Marks

    Course Objectives:

    (i) To make student aware about the theoretical foundations of computation & information. (ii) To train students to implement basic computing fundamentals and applications in computer systems.

  • Operating Systems

    Introduction, Windows, Linux-Basic command. Computer Networks: Introduction, Peer to peer connection, LAN, MAN,

    WAN, Internet, Wireless network.

    C Fundamentals

    Algorithm, Flowchart, Program development steps, Basic structures of C language, C tokens. Data types, Declaration of

    variables. Assigning values, Arithmetic, Relational and logical operators, Increment and Decrement operators. Control

    operators, Expressions, Evaluation. I/O operations, If and SWITCH statements. WHILE, DO-WHILE and FOR Statements.

    Programming Examples under linux.

    Arrays, string & structure

    One and Two Dimensional Arrays, Initialization, String variables, Declaration, Reading, Writing, String handling functions,

    User defined functions, Variables and storage classes. Recursion, Preprocessor, Structure definition. Initializing, Assigning

    values, Passing of structure as arguments, Unions, Programming Examples.

    Pointers & File management

    Declaration and initializing pointers, Pointer based expressions, Arrays, Strings,Structures, C program examples, File

    management in C, Opening and closing, I/0 operations on files. Programming Examples.

    Enumerated Data types & Functions

    Enumerated data types, Renaming data types with typedef( ), Type casting, Bit wise operators. and bit manipulation. pointer to

    pointer, Pointers to functions, Functions Returning pointers, Functions with variable number of arguments, Dynamic memory

    aliocation. Programming Examples.

    Advanced Topic

    Course Outcomes:

    Student shall be able to

    (i) Efficiently solve the problems on a model of computation. (ii) Understand the concept of Operating systems & Computer Networks (iii) Explain the use of hardware components of PC, architecture etc. (iv) Discuss the Real Time applications of Networking (v) Write and execute the programs for various applications

    Text Books:

    1. Programming in ANSIC by E. Balgurusamy- Tata-Mcgraw Hill-Third Edition.

    Reference Books:

    1) Unix & shell Programming, Yeshavant Kanetkar, BPB Publication. 2) Introduction to Unix & Shell Programming, M.G. Venkateshmurthy , Pearson Education. 3) Unix Systems V.4 Concepts & Application , Das , Tata Mcgraw Hill 4) Computer fundamentals & programming in C ,Oxford Press,Pradip Dey,Manas Ghosh 5) Thc C Programming Langnage by Kerningham amd 6) LET US C by Y. C. Kanetkar

    BITP104 Term Work:

    Students are required to conduct any eight of the following experiments:

    1) To study File structure, commands & features of Linux operating system.

    2) To study Directory structure & commands of Linux operating system.

    3) To study user connections & communication channels.

    4) Write a program to solve a quadratic equation.

    5) Write a program to prepare pay bill for the employees of a company

    6) Write a program to print the Fibonacci series for any number of terms.

  • 7) Write a program to delete any element from any array.

    8) Write a program to copy the value of one string variable to another variable.

    9) Write a program to check whether any given word is a palindrome or not.

    10) A company maintains the record of their employees as: Name, designation , Details of the pay like Gross pay, Provident

    Fund deductions, Professional tax and the Net pay. Keep the details of the pay within a separate structure, write a program

    for the above problem.

    11) Accept ten names and print the given names in opposite order using array of pointers.

    12) A program to search data from any array.

    13) Write a program which accepts 10 names from user and arrange all the names in alphabetical order.

    14) Write a menu driven program too check whether the entered no. is even, odd or prime.

    15) Write a program to open a file named INVENTORY & store in it the following data:

    Item Name Number Price Quantity

    AAA-1 111 17.50 115

    BBB-2 125 36.00 75

    C-3 247 31.75 104

    Extend the program to read this data from the file INVENTORY & display the inventory table with the value of

    each item.

    16) Write a program that will receive a filename & a line of text as command line arguments & write the text to the file.

    17) Write a program that would print the alphabet set a to z & A to Z in decimal & character form.

    18) To study the concept of Dynamic Memory allocation.

    19) Write a program to perform matrix multiplication.

    20) Open ended list of Experiments



    Teaching Scheme: Evaluation Scheme: Theory

    Lectures: 2 Hrs /Week Teachers Assessment (TAE): 10 Marks

    Practical: 2 Hrs /Week Class Asses. Exam (CAE): 10 Marks

    Credits: 3 End Semester Exam: 30 Marks

    Total: 50 Marks

    Evaluation Scheme: Practical

    Practical work Exam (PWE): 50 Marks

    Course Objectives:

    (i) To prepare students to understand basic fundamentals of Electronic Devices & Circuits. (ii) To design and implement various Digital circuits.

    Bipolar Junction Transistor and its applications:- (12 Hours)

    Transistor action, BJT configurations: CE, CC, CB with normal biasing, DC load line, Single stage CE transistor as amplifier,

    I/P and O/P impedance, Practical amplifier biasing, RC coupled single stage Amplifier, frequency response and bandwidth,

    BJT as a switch

    Digital Electronics Fundamentals (12 Hours)

    Boolean Algebra, Boolean Identities, Logic Problems, Binary, Gray, Octal, Hex & ASCII codes, Gates and their truth tab

  • les, D Morgans Laws, Sum of products & Product of Sums. Logic families: TTL, Properties of logic gates, Arithmetic

    Circuits-Adders, Subtractors, (Half & Full), Simplification of sum of products and products of sum, Implementation of

    expressions with universal gates, Karnaugh Map, Solution to problems using K-Maps Properties, Quine Macklousky method

    Combinational circuit design (12 Hours)

    Fast adders (carry look ahead, parallel adder), Sequential circuits, Flip flops, registers, counters, Multiplexers, Demultiplexers,

    encoder, decoder, comparators

    Advanced Trends in Basics of Electronics

    Course Outcomes:

    (i) To understand the basic working principles of Electronic devices and circuits (ii) To gain the concepts of Semiconductor physics (iii) To design and analyses basic electronic circuits (iv) To measure the performance parameters of electronic circuits.

    Text Books:

    1) Electronics Devices and Circuit Theory, Robert Boylstad & Louis Nashel sky, PHI Pub. - Tenth Edition 2) Digital Electronics by R P Jain (McGraw Hill)- Fourth Edition

    Reference Books:

    1) Electronics Principles: Malvino, PHI. 2) Devices & Circuits: Allen Mottershed, PHI. 3) Electronics Devices And Circuits By-Millman And Halkies 4) Digital Logic and Computer Design: Morris Mano (PHI) 5) Digital Electronic Principles- Malvino PHI 6) Digital Integrated Electronics by Taub H. (McGraw Hill) 7) Digital Circuits & Microprocessors by Taub H. (McGraw Hill) 8) Digital Communication Lee S C (Wiley) 9) Principles of Electronics (S. Chand )

    BECP105 Term Work:

    Students are required to conduct any eight of the following experiments:

    1) Study of transistor in CB configuration.

    2) Study of various gates AND, OR, NOT, NOR, NAND, EXOR.

    3) Study of CE as RTL Logic for NOT gate.

    4) Formation of AND, NOT, OR gates from universal gates, Implementation of algebraic expression with universal gates.

    5) Study of half subtractor and half adder / Study of full adder and full subtractor..

    6) a) Study of design of multiplexer.

    b) Study of design of demultiplexer.

    7) Formation of multiplexer by using NAND gates.

    8) Study of D Flip Flop.

    9) Study of SR latch.

    10) Study of Shift resister.

    11) To study seven segment for digital counters.

  • 12) To study ripple counters.

    13) To study J-K Flip flop.

    14) To study R-C Coupled amplifier.

    15) To form the IC tester on bread board.

    16) To study Transistor used as NAND TTL Logic.

    17) To study T flip flop.

    18) To form Universal gate by the use of another universal gate.

    19) To design the electronic circuit from given application (Any type).

    20) Use of PCB for making circuits.

    21) The study of Comparator by using different gates.

    22) Open ended list of experiment.


    SEMESTER-I & II [3L+1T+2P]

    Teaching Scheme: Evaluation Scheme: Theory

    Lectures: 3 Hrs /Week Teachers Assessment (TAE): 20 Marks

    Tutorial : 1 Hr/ Week Class Asses. Exam (CAE) : 20 Marks

    Practical: 2 Hrs /Week End Semester Exam (ESE) : 60 Marks

    Credits: 5 Total: 100 Marks

    Evaluation Scheme: Practical

    Practical Work Exam (PWE): 50 Marks

    Course Objectives:

    (i) To prepare students to understand basic fundamentals of Electrical Circuits. (ii) To train students to perform electrical measurements.

    Electric Circuits (08 Hrs)

    Circuits Elements(R, L, C), Kirchhoffs Laws, Superposition Theorem , Voltage source, (definition, characteristics of practical

    source, equivalent current source) Star-Delta transformation. Magnetic circuits : Flux, mmf, reluctance, analogous electric

    circuits, simple calculations for composite magnetic circuits.

    A. C. Circuits (09 Hrs)

    Periodic functions, average & rms values, Steady state behaviors with sinusoidal excitation, phasor representation, reactance

    and impedance, Series and Parallel A.C. circuits, resonance, power in A.C.circuits, power factor, Principle of generation of

    single phase & Three phase voltages. Power in balanced three phase A.C. systems.

    Electrical Measurements (08 Hrs)

    Deflecting, controlling and damping mechanisms. Ammeters and voltmeters of permanent magnet moving coil type,

    electrodynamometer type, Wattmeter, Induction type single phase, meters, Extension of Instrument range.

    Single Phase Transformers (10 Hrs)

    Introduction, Basic principle, construction of phasor diagram for transformer under no load condition, Transformer on

    load,EMF equation Phasor diagrams, Equivalent circuit, Losses, Efficiency, Regulation, Open-circuit & short-circuit test.

  • D.C.Machines (08 Hrs)

    Introduction, construction, EMF and Torque equation, classification, self-excitation of D.C. shunt generators, EMF, voltage,

    current relations in generator and motor, Characteristics, starting and speed control of d. c. motors.

    Introduction to AC Motors (07 Hrs)

    Construction, rotating field, synchronous speed, Rotor current, torque and slip, Principle of Single phase Capacitor Start motor,

    Universal motor, special motors.

    Course Outcomes:

    (i) To understand the basic working principles of Electric Circuits & Theorems (ii) To develop analysis techniques for Electrical circuits (iii) To measure the electrical parameters (iv) Use Transformers, Machines, motors in electrical circuits

    Text Book:

    A Textbook of Basic Electrical Engineering by S.B. Bodkhe, N.M.Deskar, Professional Pub. House Pvt. Ltd.

    Reference Books:

    1) Introduction to Electrical Engineering by Naidu, Kamakshaiah, Tata McGraw Hill. 2) Basic Electrical Engineering by H. Cotton. 3) A Textbook of Electrical Engineering Electrical Engineering Vol. I & II by B.L.Theraja, S. Chand & Co. 4) Laboratory courses in Electrical Engg, S G Tarnekar, P K Kharbanda, S B Bodkhe, S D Naik, Chand & Co. 5) Electric Machinery by Nagrath, Kothari, Tata McGraw Hill.


    Students are required to conduct any eight of the following experiments:


    1) Introduction to Basic Electrical Engineering Laboratory/Equipment/Meters 2) To Verify Superposition Theorem. 3) To Determine Resistance and Inductance of Choke Coil. 4) To Plot B-H Curve of Magnetic Material. 5) To Plot Phasor Diagram of R-L-C Series Circuit. 6) To Study Resonance in R-L-C Series Circuit. 7) To Study resonance in Parallel circuit. 8) Comparative study of Super Capacitor 9) To Find Efficiency and Regulation Of Single Phase Transformer By O/C & S/C Test. 10) Verification of Line Voltage and Phase Voltage in Three Phase Star Connected Balanced Load. 11) To Observe Reversal of Three Phase Induction Motor. 12) Speed Control of DC Shunt Motor. 13) To verify KCL and KVL 14) To study behavior of R, L, C using PSIM software 15) Open ended experiment.


    SEMESTER-I & II [3L+1T+2P]

    Teaching Scheme: Evaluation Scheme: Theory

    Lectures: 3 Hrs /Week Teachers Assessment (TAE): 20 Marks

    Tutorial : 1 Hr/ Week Class Asses. Exam (CAE) : 20 Marks

    Practical: 2 Hrs /Week End Semester Exam (ESE) : 60 Marks

    Credits: 5 Total: 100 Marks

    Evaluation Scheme: Practical

    Practical Work Exam (PWE): 50

    Course Objectives:

    (i) To understand fundamentals of statics and application and resolution of force.

  • (ii) To explain and predict physical phenomena and thus lay the foundations for engineering applications.

    (iii) To introduce to concepts of kinematics, kinetics and momentum and apply these to solve problems in

    engineering applications.

    Fundamentals of Statics: (01 Hr)

    Definition of mechanics, Body, Rigid Body, Scalar quantities, Vector quantities, Representation of vector, Fundamental Units,

    Derived Units, Particle, Mass, Weight, Fundamental principles of mechanics, Newtons law of universal gravitation.

    Equivalent Force System (2-D): (04 Hrs)

    Concept of Force, Unit Newton force, System of force, Principle of transmissibility of force, Resolution and composition of

    coplanar force system, Resultant, Equilibrant, Law of parallelogram of force, Triangle law, Polygon law, Moment of force,

    Varignons theorem, Couple and its properties, Reduction of system of forces into a force couple system. Numericals on

    equivalent force involving co-planer force systems acting on body, Numericals on reduction of system of forces into a force

    couple system.

    Equilibrium of Two Dimensional Force System` (02 Hrs)

    Force System :

    Concept of equilibrium, Principles of equilibrium, Equations of Equilibrium, Lamis theorem, Numericals on equilibrium

    involving co-planer force systems acting on body.

    Equilibrium of Two Dimensional Force System: (06 Hrs)


    Beam, Simply Supported Beam, Overhanging Beam, Beam reaction, Types of load acting over beam i.e. Concentrated load,

    Uniformly distributed load (UDL), Uniformly varying load (UVL), Types of support i.e. Simple support, Hinge support, Roller

    Support, Numericals on reaction of beam subjected to combination of loads.

    Analysis of Truss :

    Perfect Frame, Imperfect frame, Deficient frame, Redundent frame, Assumptions made in analysis of truss, Method of joints,

    Method of sections, Numericals on forces in the members of a truss.

    Spatial Force System (Three Dimensional Force System ) : (08 Hrs)

    Component of force in a space, Resultant of spatial force system, Force multiplier, Cartesian form of representation of vector,

    Unit vector, Position vector, Displacement Vector, Scalar product or Dot product, Vector product or Cross product, Length of

    common perpendicular between two non intersecting vectors, Shortest distance, Moment of force about point, Moment of

    force about axis, Moment arm of force about point, Moment arm of force about axis, Resultant moment, Couple

    Friction: (03 Hrs)

    Definition of friction, Types of friction, Angle of repose, Coulombs laws of dry friction, Analysis of rigid bodies on rough

    inclined surfaces

    Properties of Areas: (04 Hrs)

    Centroid of plane areas, Moment of Inertia of composite lamina, Radius of gyration, Second moment of area, Product of

    inertia, Parallel axis theorem, Perpendicular axis theorem, Polar moment of inertia, Moment of inertia & product of inertia

    about new axes, Principal moment of inertia and principal axis direction by analytical method only

    Virtual Work: (03 Hrs)

    Virtual Displacement, Definition of virtual work, Principles of virtual work, Virtual work method applied to beams, frames &


    Kinematics: (03 Hrs)

    Motion curves, Rectangular components of acceleration, Normal & tangential components of acceleration

  • Kinetics: (03 Hrs)

    Kinetics of rectilinear and circular motion of a particle acted upon by a constant and variable force system. DAlemberts

    principle, Concept of dynamic equilibrium, Rectilinear motion of interconnected bodies / particles. (Limited to two

    interconnected bodies).

    Impulse and Momentum: (03 Hrs)

    Linear impulse, Linear momentum, Momentum equation for a particle and a system of particles, Direct central impact,

    Coefficient of restitution.

    Advanced Trends in Engineering Mechanics

    Course Outcomes:

    (i) Ability to understand and demonstrate the knowledge of the mechanics of the physical systems and relate that to engineering applications.

    (ii) To be able to use this knowledge for conducting the experiments and demonstrate the application of basic concepts of mechanics.

    Text Book:

    Engineering Mechanics: F. L. Singer, Harper Publication- Third Edition

    Reference Books:

    1) Vector Mechanics for Engineers : Beer & Johnston, Tata McGraw Hill Company. 2) Engineering Mechanics ( Statics ) e - Book. : Timoshenko & Young 3) Engineering Mechanics : Iriving K. Shames, Pearson Education Asia Pvt. Ltd. 4) Engineering Mechanics : I.C. Haung 5) Engineering Mechanics : Hibbler, Prentice Hall;10th edition (September 19, 2003) 6) Engineering Mechanics (Statics): Mokashi, Tata McGraw Hill Pvt. Ltd. 7) Engineering Mechanics ( Dynamics): Mokashi, Tata McGraw Hill Pvt. Ltd. 8) Engineering Mechanics : Basudeb Bhattacharyya (Oxford Publication)


    Students are required to conduct any eight of the following experiments:

    LIST OF EXPERIMENTS: Any eight from the list

    1) Familiarity (study) of simple lifting machines. 2) Determination of reactions at the supports of simply supported beam. 3) Determination of forces in the members of jib crane. 4) Determination of coefficient of friction of inclined planes 5) Determination of coefficient of coil friction. 6) Determination of forces in the members of a shear leg apparatus. 7) Determination of velocity ratio, law of machine for Simple Screw Jack. 8) Determination of velocity ratio, law of machine for Differential Axle and Wheel. 9) Determination of velocity ratio, law of machine for Single Purchase Crab Winch or Double Purchase Crab Winch. 10) Determination of mass moment of inertia of flywheel. 11) Determination of g by compound pendulum. 12) Verification of Newtons second law of motion by Fletchers trolley. 13) Study of gear trains. 14) Open ended experiment.


    Minimum two graphical solutions (On Half Imperial Drawing Sheet)

    Verification of law of parallelogram of force & verification of law of polygon of forces. (One numerical on each ).

  • Resultant of force system : Graphical solution to non-concurrent force system & parallel force system.

    One numerical on each:

    Equilibrium of force system :

    Determination of beam reaction & determination of forces in the members of a truss. (One numerical on each).

    Determination of principal moment of inertia and principal axis direction by Mohrs Circle Method. (Two numericals)


    SEMESTER - I [1L+ 4P]

    Teaching Scheme: Evaluation Scheme: Theory

    Lectures: 1 Hrs /Week Teachers Assessment (TAE): 20 Marks

    Tutorial: Nil Class Asses. Exam (CAE): 20 Marks

    Practical: 4 Hrs /Week End Semester Exam: 60 Marks

    Credits: 3 Total: 100 Marks

    Evaluation Scheme: Practical

    Practical Internal: 25Marks

    Practical External: 25Marks

    Course Objectives:

    (i) To train students in graphic communication using engineering graphics concepts and use of software. (ii) To be able to use computerized drafting as an upcoming technology for providing accurate and easily

    modifiable graphics entities, easy data storage, retrieval facility and enhances creativity.

    (iii) Develop 3D imagination and graphic presentation skills, ability to read engineering drawings and learn drafting skills to communicate design ideas.

    Introduction ( 2 Hrs)

    Use of various drawing instruments, lines, lettering and ISI standards for drafting. Simple geometrical construction.

    Definition of scale, Representative fraction, construction of various scales such as Plain, Diagonal, Comparative, Vernier, and

    Scale of Chords. Introduction to basic Engineering curves (conic sections )

    Theory of Projections ( 2Hrs)

    Theory, techniques, first and third angle projections, multi view drawing from pictorial views.) and view in orthographic

    projections. Projection of points. Projection of straight lines inclined to both reference plane.

    Projection of Planes ( 2Hrs)

    Projection of plane figures such as triangle, quadrilateral, regular polygons circle, Plane inclined to both reference plane.

    Auxiliary planes and view: Auxiliary vertical plane and Auxiliary inclined plane. True shapes of plane figures.

    Projection of Solids (3 Hrs)

    Projections of solids such as Prisms, pyramids, cone, cylinder with varying position of axes with ground line.

    Sections of solids (3 Hrs)

    Section of solid such as Prisms, pyramids, cone, cylinder and introduction to development of surfaces.

    Orthographic Projection (2 Hrs)

    Conversion of pictorial view of solid to orthographic views.

    Course Outcomes:

    (i) Ability to read, interpret, or create technical engineering documentation that captures the concept and design.

  • (ii) Ability to communicate and present ideas using sketching, drafting and through state of the art CAD as appropriate.

    (iii)To be able to understand and use current industry drawing standards and drafting practices.

    Text Book:

    Engineering Drawing with an Introduction to Auto CAD, Dhanajay A. Jhole, Tata Mc Graw Hills Publishing

    company Ltd, Second Edition

    Reference Books:

    1) A text book of Engineering Drawing by N. D. Bhatt & V. M. Panchal, Charotar Publisher, 2007. 2) A text book of Engineering Drawing by R. K. Dhawan / P. J. Shah 3) Engineering Graphics by Phakatkar, Nirali Publications

    BMEP108: TERM WORK Engineering Graphics

    Term Work: Student should submit hard copy of the above work based on the practical topics.

    Text Book:

    Engg. Graphics with Auto CAD, D. M. Kulkarni, A. P. Rastogi, A. K. Sarkar, Apmyimate PHI Learning Private Ltd.,

    New Delhi- Revised Edition

    Reference Books:

    1) N. D. Bhatt & V. M. Panchal., Engineering drawing, Charotar publisher, 2007. 2) A text book of Engineering Drawing by R. K. Dhawan / P. J. Shah 3) Engineering Graphics by Phakatkar, Nirali Publications



    Teaching Scheme:

    Practical: 2 Hrs /Week

    Audit course

    Course objectives:

    (i) To instill in students professional and ethical values and teamwork-leadership skills. (ii) To make students aware of their intrinsic potential through self analysis and thus help them to build up their self


    (iii)To enable students to set goals in life and business and develop a healthy and positive attitude.

    Sr. No Name of Practical No of problems to be


    01 Study of basic commands 06

    02 Projections of line (inclined to both plane) 04

    03 Projections of planes 04

    04 Projections of solids 04

    05 Sections of solids 04

    06 Problems on orthographic projections 04

    07 Isometric views 04

  • (iv) To understand change management, managing time and grooming in etiquettes and manners. Orientation: Face to face with future- Need & Importance of soft skills in the career of Engineering graduate

    Change Management: Different aspects of change in life & how to incorporate positive change in ones life as per


    Attitude Development: Programming ones mind for positive results

    Self Esteem: Understanding and changing self image for betterment

    Self Analysis: Significance & Techniques of SWOT

    Goal Setting: To set & pursue well defined objectives for ones life

    Time Management: Understanding value of time & managing it-List time savers & time wasters

    Dress & Appearance: Significance & application of Occasion wise dressing. Understanding & improving self appearance

    Manners & etiquettes: Dinning & Social etiquettes

    Introduction to Aptitude & Vocabulary Building

    Course Outcomes:

    (i) The students shall have enhanced self confidence and self esteem.. (ii) Shall exercise fine etiquettes and manners and thus add style and grace to their personality.

    (iii) Developed skills of leadership and team building.

    Reference Books:

    1. Unlimited Power by Anthony Robbins 2. Awaken the giant within you by Anthony Robbins 3. Success Never Ends, Failure is Never Final by Robert Schuller 4. How to read a person like a book by Oscar Bruce 5. Body Language by Allen Pease




    Teaching Scheme: Evaluation Scheme: Theory

    Lectures: 3 Hrs /Week Teachers Assessment (TAE): 20 Marks

    Tutorial: 1 Hr/ Week Class Asses. Exam (CAE) : 20 Marks

    Credits: 4 End Semester Exam : 60 Marks

    Total: 100 Marks

    Course Objectives:

    (i) Introduction to differential calculus (ordinary and partial differentiations) and integral calculus and its applications.

    (ii) Introduction to solve differential equations and study its applications in engineering problems and their solution methods.

    (iii)To develop intellectual skills by providing different methods & probabilistic solutions to various engineering problems.

    (iv) To use mathematical formulae to solve application oriented problems in the area of engineering. Multiple Integral [08 Hrs]

    Elementary double integrals, change of variables, change of order of integration (Cartesian and polar), applications to mass,

    area, volume and center of gravity (Cartesian and polar), elementary triple integrals.

    Vector Calculus [07 Hrs]

  • Scalar triple product, Vector triple product, quadruple product of vectors, differentiation of vectors, Gradient of scalar point

    function, Directional derivatives, Divergence and Curl of vector point function, solenoidal motion and irrotational motion,

    Vector Calculus (Integration) [08 Hrs]

    Vector integration, line, surface and volume integrals, Stokes theorem (without proof), Gauss divergence theorem, Greens

    theorem in plane, Greens identities and their simple applications.

    Infinite sequences and Series. [08 Hrs]

    Infinite sequences and series of real and complex numbers, improper integrals, Cauchy criterion, tests of convergence, absolute

    and conditional convergence, series of functions, improper integrals depending on a parameter, uniform convergence, power

    series, radius of convergence.

    Matrices-I [07 Hrs]

    Inverse of matrix by adjoint method & its use in solving simultaneous equations. Rank of matrix, consistency of system of

    equations, linear dependence, linear & orthogonal transformations, inverse of matrix by partitioning method

    Matrices-II [07 Hrs]

    Characteristics equation, eigen values & eigen vectors, reduction to diagonal form, Cayley-Hamilton theorem (statement &

    verification), Sylvesters theorem, association of matrices with linear differential equations of second order with a constant


    Course Outcomes:

    Student shall be able to

    (i) Understand the importance of multiple integral in the field of engineering. (ii) Select an appropriate application of matrices and vectors for solving real life problems. (iii) Solve and analyze the selected problem using learned techniques to obtain the solution. (iv) Develop analytical skills and reasoning ability to be able to comment on obtained solutions in a very

    scientific approach with quantitative basis.

    Text Book:

    Higher Engineering Mathematics, Grewal B.S, Khanna Publishers, 2004 - Thirty eighth Edition

    Reference Books:

    1) Kreyszig, E.: Advanced Engineeing Mathematics (Eighth Edition); John Wiley & Sons; 2000. 2) Jain, R.K. and Iyengar, S.R.K.; Advanced Engineering Mathematics; Narosa Publishers; 2003. 3) Text book of Engineering Mathematics : Bali Iyengar (Laxmi Prakashan) 4) Spiegel, M. R.: Advanced Mathematics for Engineers and Scientists ; McGraw-Hill Book Company ; 2000. 5) Applied Mathematics Volume 1: J. N. Wartikar & P. N. Wartikar 6) Engineering Mathematics: H. K. Dass, S. Chand, Publication, New Delhi



    Teaching Scheme: Evaluation Scheme: Practical

    Practical: 2 Hrs /Week Practical work Exam (PWE): 50 Marks

    Credits: 01

    Course objectives:

    (i) To introduce to names, uses and setting of hand tools for Black smithy, Fitting, Carpentry and Welding used in mechanical engineering workshop

    (ii) To introduce students to components and PCB making so as to be able to do work related to Mini-Model making in Electronics workshop

  • (iii) To introduce students to computer hardware and software.


    Mechanical Workshop:-Welding: Work related to gas welding, arc welding equipments.

    Black smithy: Work of the smithy tools and the process.

    Fitting: Use of tools of fitting and the processes involved in fitting.

    Carpentry: Applications of different carpentry tools and the carpentry processes.


    Electrical Workshop:- Work related to electromagnet, wind power generation, Twilight system, earthling system.

    Basic Electrical Lab: Work related to Ohms Law


    Electronics Workshop:-Electronics Workshop Lab; By using PCBs students can prepare Smart Sensors, Smart Gadgets like

    wireless communication, display, voice operating system.

    Electronic Circuits & Devises Lab: Various Electronics circuits can be prepared and tested on Bread Board in EDC Lab like

    Regulator, Oscillators, Power supplies, Transistors based amplifier. Embedded System Lab: Project like temperature control

    traffic light control, Memory circuits can be prepared in this lab.


    Computers workshop:- Multimedia lab: Where tools like Flash Develop, Game Factory and Game Marker are available for

    Designing games.

    IT Software Lab: For graphic programming, Physical Modeling of musical instruments, Image Processing, Web Designing.

    Computer Lab:- Kits are available for projects based on Embedded System and Smart Environment.

    *It is mandatory for the students to use above workshop for preparing their Mini Model.

    Course Outcomes: The students shall be able to:

    (i) Demonstrate an understanding of and comply with workshop safety regulations. (ii) Select and perform a range of machining operations to produce a given project. (iii) Identify and use marking out tools, hand tools, measuring equipment and to work to prescribed tolerances. (iv) Demonstrate knowledge of welding process selection and capabilities. (v) Select and apply appropriate methodologies to quality control and inspection of welded joints. (vi) Demonstrate knowledge of component identification and PCB making. (vii) Demonstrate knowledge of computer hardware and peripherals.

    Text Book:

    Course in Workshop Technology Volume-I, B. S. Raghuwanshi, Laxmi Publication-Revised Edition



    Teaching Scheme: Evaluation Scheme: Practical

    Practical: 2 Hrs /Week Practical Work Exam (PWE): 50 Marks

    Credits: 01

    Course objectives:

    (i) To experiment with innovative ideas and concepts.

  • (ii) Developing working Mini model out of different themes.

    (iii) Demonstrate novel idea and concept through working model.

    Evaluation Scheme of Mini-Modeling:-

    Course Outcomes:

    (i) Developing the skills of planning and designing to develop a working Mini Model. (ii) Implement knowledge of concepts learnt and workshop practices to prepare a model. (iii) Use innovative ideas and convert these into physical models.



    Teaching Scheme:

    Lectures: 2Hrs /Week

    Credits: 02

    Course objectives:

    (i) To improve students oral & written communication along with presentation skill. (ii) To enhance power of expression, vocabulary and personality development. (iii) Students will take up responsibility for self education and life-long learning.

    Types of Communication: Verbal- Spoken communication Language lab

    Written communication- Upward & Down Communication

    Para lingual Toll, Voice, Rolling, Accent, Pronunciation,

    Pause, Repetition

    Non-Verbal- Body language

    Introduction to Effective Public speaking & Orientation: Debate, Group discussion, extempore etc.

    Vocabulary Building: Building new words from combination of basic roots in latin, roman, greek etc.

    Course Outcomes:

    (i) To effectively use English as the communication language through various activities viz. skit, paper presentation, oration etc

    (ii) Develop right body language to be able to make effective communication. (iii) To train students in using grammatically correct English and proper use of words in written and oral

    communication and presentations.

    Text Book:

    Technical Communication by Dr. Minakshi Raman and Sangeeta Sharma

    Reference Books:

    1. How to read better and faster by Norman Lewis 2. Thirty days to more power vocabulary by Wilfred Funk and Norman Lewis


    BAML201 APPLIED MATHEMATICS III [4-0-0-4] Total Hrs: 45

    Course Objective:

    1. To learn important mathematical models used in mechanical models used in mechanical engineering area

    2. Learn to manipulate the relevant mathematical objects with paper and pencil with mathematical software.

    3. Teaching of basic numeracy skills to all pupils.

    4. The teaching of selected areas of mathematics such as calculus as an example of intellectual achievements of modern


    5. The ability to conceptualize, inquire, reason and communicate mathematically and to use mathematics to formulate

    and solve the problems in daily life.

    Unit -I: Laplace Transforms: (8 Hrs)

    Laplace transform: definition and their simple properties, transform of derivatives and integrals, evaluation of integrals by L.T.

    ,inverse L.T. &its properties , convolution theorem, Laplace transforms of periodic function & unit step function, applications

    of Laplace transforms to solve ordinary differential equations & partial differential equations.

    Unit -II: Z-Transforms: (7Hrs)

    Z transform- definition & properties, inverse Z & relation with Laplace Transform. Application to z-transform to solve

    difference equations with constant coefficients.

    Unit -III: Complex Variables: (8 Hrs)

    Analytic Functions, Cauchy Riemann conditions, Conjugate functions, singularities. Cauchys integral theorem and integral

    formula (Statement only). Taylors and Laurentzs Theorem (Statement only). Residue theorem, contour integration.

    Unit -IV: Calculas of Variation: (7 Hrs)

    Maxima and minima of functionals, Variation and its properties, Eulers equations, functionals dependent on first and second

    order derivatives, Simpler applications.

    Unit -V: Fourier Series and Fourier Transforms: (8 Hrs)

    Introduction, the Fourier theorem, Evaluation of Fourier Coefficients. Consideration of symmetry (odd, even rotational)

    exponential form, Fourier series, Fourier integral theorem, Fourier transforms.

    Unit VI: Partial Differential Equation: (7 Hrs)

    Partial Differential equation of first order first degree i. e. Lagranges form. Linear non homogeneous Partial Differential

    equation of nth order with constant coefficient method of separation of variables. Application to transmission lines.

    Course Outcomes:

    Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to

    Understand the importance of applied mathematics in the field of engineering.

    Select an appropriate mathematical application for given real life query.

    Convert the query in the selected problem, solve and analyze the selected problem using learned techniques, to obtain the solution.

    Comment on obtained solutions in a very scientific approach with quantitative basis.

    Text Books:

    1) Grewal B.S.: Higher Engineering Mathematics ( Thirty eighth Edition ) Khanna Publishers; 2004. 2) Kreyszig, E.: Advanced Engineeing Mathematics (Eighth Edition); John Wiley & Sons; 2000.

    Reference Book:

    1) Mathematics for Engineers : Chandrika Prasad 2) Advances Mathematics for Engineers : Chandrika Prasad 3) Jain, R.K. and Iyengar, S.R.K.; Advanced Engineering Mathematics; Narosa Publishers; 2003. 4) Text book of Engineering Mathematics : Bali Iyengar (Laxmi Prakashan)

  • 5) Spiegel, M. R.: Advanced Mathematics for Engineers and Scientists ; McGraw-Hill Book Company ; 2000. 6) Applied Mathematics Volume 1: J. N. Wartikar & P. N. Wartikar 7) Engineering Mathematics: H. K. Dass, S. Chand, Publication, New Delhi

    BECL 201 ELECTRONICS DEVICES & CIRCUITS [3-1-0-4] Total Hrs : 45

    Course Objective:

    1. To gain knowledge of electronics devices and semi conductor physics

    2. To study the process of electronic design and development.

    3. To study fundamentals, operational aspects and applications of discrete semiconductor devices such as diodes,

    bipolar transistors, field effect transistors, unijunction transistors, CMOS devices and optoelectronic devices in the

    discrete devices category .

    4. To study the operation and characteristics of different semiconductor devices.

    5. Design and analysis of different types of amplifier and oscillators.


    PN junction, forward and reverse bias, VI Characteristics, Dynamic Resistance, Temperature dependence, Avalanche and

    Zener Break Down, Photo Diode, LEDs, LCDs, Varactor Diode, Tunnel Diodes, Half and full wave rectifiers with filters .


    Theory of operation, Static Characteristics, Break down voltages, Current voltage, Power Limitations, Ebers-moll Model,

    Continuity Equation, Biasing BJT, Different Biasing arrangement, Stability factor, thermal runaway, Power Transistors. CE,

    CB, CC Classification and Characteristics, Small Signal Analysis, Regulators: Design of Shunt & Series regulators,

    Introduction to SMPS ,


    Feedback Amplifiers, Classification of Oscillators, Stability, Bark Hausen Criteria, Design of RC, LC and Crystal Oscillators.


    Classification A, B, AB, C, Efficiency, Push Pull Configuration (A, B, AB) Complementary symmetry, Second Harmonic and

    Cross over Distortion., Design of Power Amplifiers (Class A and Class AB),Design of class A Small signal amplifiers, Emitter

    follower, Applications .


    Field Effect Transistor, MOSFET, NMOS, PMOS Principles of operation and characteristics, Biasing arrangement, small

    signal analysis of CG, CB and CD

    UNIT 6: CMOS Circuits (6Hr)

    An introduction to CMOS, Diode and MOSFET , Transistors, MOSFET Switches, Transmission Gate, Inverter - DC, AC

    Analysis. Advance topics on the subject.

    Course Outcomes:

    Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to

    Analyze and design electronic circuits and systems

    Understand the function and operation of diodes, transistors and CMOS devices.

    Understand working of amplifier-based circuits.

    Design different electronics circuits using amplifiers and oscillators.

    The students will understand the procedures and processes related to electronic assembly.


    1) Electronics Devices And Circuits By-Millman And Halkies 2) Integrated Electronics by Millman and Halkies.


    1) CMOS Integrated Circuits by Kang 2) Fundamentals of CMOS Design by R.J.Bekar 3) Electronics Devices And Ckts-By Theraja & Sedha 4) Electronics Circuit Discrete and Integrated by Schilling. And Beloove., Mc Graw Hill. 5) Theory and Problem in Circuit Analysis: Bapat (McGraw Hill)

    BECP 201 ELECTRONICS DEVICES & CIRCUITS [0-0-2-2] Total Hrs : 20

    List of Practicals:

    1) To calculate ripple factor of full wave rectifier with and without filter. 2) To plot the characteristics of clipper circuit & to perform simulation on Micro-cap. 3) To plot the characteristics of clamper circuit & to perform simulation on Micro-cap. 4) To design Zener Diode as a Voltage Regulator & to perform simulation on Micro-cap 5) To design a transistor shunt voltage regulator 6) To design emitter follower type of voltage regulator using darlington pair and simulate it on microcap. 7) To design pushpull class A power amplifier and simulate it on microcap. 8) To design class AB audio power amplifier and simulate it on microcap. 9) To design Hartley oscillator and simulate it on microcap. 10) To design a Wein Bridge Oscillator and simulate it on microcap. 11) To design RC Phase Shift Oscillator and simulate it on microcap. 12) To plot the drain & transfer characteristics of FET in CS mode & to perform simulation on micro-cap. 13) To verify frequency response of single stage RC coupled amplifier & to perform simulation on micro-cap. 14) To design a CMOS inverter using microwind. 15) Open Ended experiments

    BEEL201 NETWORK THEORY (3-1-0-4)

    Course Objective:

    1. To impart the fundamental principles of electric circuits that constitute the foundation and to acquire the necessary

    knowledge to analyze basic circuits from the time domain or frequency domain

    2. To understand fourier analysis

    3. To gain knowledge of laplace transform in system design


    Nodal and Mesh analysis basic equilibrium equations, matrix approach for complicated network, containing voltage, current

    sources , Mutual Inductances, source transformations , Duality.


    Superposition, Reciprocity, Thevenins, Nortons, maximum power transfer, compensation, Tellegens theorem as applied to

    A.C. circuits.

    UNIT-3 Fourier Analysis (06 Hrs)

    Trigonometric and exponential Fourier series. Discrete spectra and symmetry of waveforms, synthesis, steady state response

    of a network to non sinusoidal periodic inputs. Fourier transforms and continuous spectra.

    UNIT-4 Laplace Transformation (09 Hrs)

    Laplace transformation and its properties, partial fractions, singularity functions, waveform synthesis. Analysis of RC & RL

    network with and without initial conditions with Laplace transformation, evaluation of initial& final conditions.

  • UNIT-5 Network Function (07 Hrs.)

    Transient behaviors, concept of complex frequency, Driving points and transfer functions, poles, zeros of admittance function,

    their properties, sinusoidal response from Pole-zero locations, convolution theorem and integral solution.

    UNIT-6 Two Port Network (09 Hrs)

    Two port network parameters and inter connections study of series and parallel resonance in A.C. Three Phase unbalanced

    circuits and power calculations. Advance topics on the subject

    Course Outcomes:

    Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to

    Develop Capacity and ability for using calculus tools for circuit analysis.

    Develop Understanding and analyzing frequency response graphics.

    Develop for Capacity for synthesizing passive circuits using the basic techniques.

    TEXT BOOKS : -

    1) Network Analysis by Van Valkenburg,3rd Edition Prentice Hall of India,2001 2) Linear Network Theory by Kelkar and Pandit, 1st Edition,Pratibha Publication,1995.


    1) Circuit and Network by A. Sudhakar and S.P. Shyam Mohan,2nd Edition,Tata Mc Graw Hill,2002. 2) Network and System by D. Roy Choudhary, 1st Edition, New Age International Publication, 1998. 3) Network Analysis G.K. Mittal, 11th Edition , Channa Publication. 4) Network Systems & Analysis B.R. Gupta , 2nd Edition, S.Chand publication 2005.


    Course Objective:

    i. To learn fundamentals of the communication systems.

    ii. To understand analog and digital modulation techniques, including trade-offs and relative merits.

    iii. To gain knowledge of modulation techniques.


    Block Schematic of Communication System, Base Band Signals and their bandwidth requirements, RF Bands, Concept of

    Radiation and Electromagnetic waves, Mechanism of Propagations: Ground Wave, Sky Wave, Space Wave, Duct,

    Tropospheric Scatter and Extraterrestrial Propagation. Concept of Fading and diversity reception, Noise Figure Calculations


    AM Modulators series plate modulated class C amplifiers, efficiency & power calculations ,SSB modulation SSB-SC

    modulation AM demodulators ,square law detector, diode peak detector, envelop detector, detectors for SSB and SSB-SC-AM

    signals, AM using transistors, Block Diagram of AM Receiver, AM Detection : Envelope detection, Synchronous detection,

    Practical diode detection, AGC, SSB and DSB detection methods.


    Angle modulation, frequency modulation spectrum reactance tube and FET modulators, Armstrong method, FM transmitters,

    frequency stabilization methods, FM discriminator, foster Seeley, PLL detectors, stereo phonic FM, Super heterodyne

    Receiver, Performance characteristics: Sensitivity, Selectivity, Fidelity, Image Frequency Rejection, IFRR, Tracking, De-

    emphasis, Mixers.


    Introduction to Sampling, Sampling theorem, Sampling Techniques, Analog Pulse Modulation methods, Pulse amplitude

    modulation (PAM) , Demodulation of PAM, Transmission of PAM, Drawbacks. Pulse time modulation: Pulse width

    modulation (PWM), Modulation and Demodulation of PWM, Pulse position modulation (PPM), Modulation and

    Demodulation of PWM.


    Frequency Division multiplexing, Time Division Multiplexing. PAM/TDM System: Signaling rate, transmission bandwidth,

    advantages and disadvantages. Introduction to Digital multiplexers and their classification, Multiplexing Hierarchy for Digital



    Pulse code modulation (PCM): PCM systems, Delta modulation, ADPCM, matched filter receiver, Digital Modulation

    formats, Coherent Binary modulation technique, Coherent Binary: PSK, FSK, QPSK, MSK, and DPSK. Advance topics on the


    Course Outcomes:

    Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to

    Analyse effects of band-limited channels

    Implement the transmitter design techniques to avoid inter symbol interference

    Analyse effects of additive noise on the system performance and receiver design technique to mitigate its effects

    TEXT BOOKS: 1) Communication Electronics: -Kennedy,TMH 2) Communication Electronics: Roddy & Coolen PHI


    1) B. P. Lathi : Modern Digital and Analog. Communication Systems : Oxford press Publication 2) Digital Communication: Simon Haykin (WEP) 3) Digital Communication: John G. Prokis (TMG) 4) Digital communication: Shanmugh.


    Practical List (30Hrs)

    1) Generation of Amplitude Modulation using transistor BC 548 and Calculate modulation index. Perform simulation in MATLAB.

    2) Generate Amplitude Demodulation using Envelope Detector and observe the result on Spectrum Analyzer. 3) Generation of Frequency Modulation and demodulation using VISIM and MATLAB. 4) Generation of Pre-emphasis and De-emphasis circuit on breadboard system & to plot pre-emphasis and de-emphasis


    5) To generate Pulse Amplitude Modulation (PAM) and plot the waveforms. Observe the demodulated output. 6) Generation of Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) signal using IC 555 on breadboard and Verify Simulation in Micro-cap. 7) Generation of Pulse Position Modulation (PPM) signal using IC 555 on breadboard. And Verify Simulation in Micro-cap. 8) Verify Amplitude Shift Keying (ASK) using MATLAB 9) Generation of Frequency Shift Keying (FSK) and observation of mark and space frequencies using MATLAB. 10) Verify Pulse Code Modulation (PCM) using Simulation in MATLAB 11) To perform Phase Shift keying (PSK). 12) To perform Quadrature Phase Shift keying (QPSK). 13) To perform Delta modulation and observe the waveforms. 14) To observe the slope overload errors of Delta modulation. 15) Open Ended experiments

    BCSL201 DATA STRUCTURES USING C [3-1-0-4] Total Hrs: 45

    Course Objective:

    1. To make students understand and develop the application program using C language. 2. To get knowledge of software design for system using C 3. To understand testing of software

    UNIT I: Arrays, Records and Pointers (7 Hrs)

    Introduction, Linear Arrays, Arrays as ADT, Representation of Linear in Memory, Traversing Linear Arrays, Inserting and

    deleting, Sorting; Bubble Sort, Searching; Linear Search, Binary Search, Multidimensional Arrays, Representation of

    Polynomials Using Arrays, Pointers; Pointer Arrays, Dynamic Memory Management, Records; Record Structures,

    Representation of Records in Memory; Parallel Arrays, Matrices, Sparse Matrices

  • UNIT II: Linked List (9 Hrs)

    Introduction,Linked Lists ,Representation of Linked Lists in Memory,Traversing a Linked List,Searching a Linked List

    ,Memory Allocation; Garbage Collection ,Insertion into a Linked List ,Deletion from a Linked List , Header Linked List,

    Circularly Linked Lists, Two-Way Lists (or Doubly Linked Lists), Josephus Problem and its Solution, Buddy Systems

    UNIT III: Stacks, Queue and Recursion (9 Hrs)

    Introduction,Stacks ,Array Representation of Stacks ,Linked Representation of Stacks, Stack as ADT ,Arithmetic Expression;

    Polish Notation ,Application of Stacks, Recursion,Towers of Hanoi, Implementation of Recursive Procedures by Stacks

    ,Queue,Linked Representation of Queues ,Queues as ADT , Circular of Queues, Deques,Priority Queues ,Applications of


    UNIT IV: Trees (10 Hrs)

    Introduction,Binary Trees ,Representing Binary Tree in Memory ,Traversing Binary Trees,Traversal Algorithms Using

    Stacks,Header Nodes; Threads ,Threaded Binary Trees ,Binary Search Trees ,Searching and Inserting in Binary Search Trees

    ,Deleting in a Binary Search Tree,Balanced Binary Trees,AVL Search Trees,Insertion in an AVL Search Tree ,Deletion in an

    AVL Search Tree, m-way Search Trees ,Searching, Insertion and Deletion in an m-way Search tree,B-Trees ,Searching,

    Insertion and Deletion in a B-tree,B+-Trees

    UNIT V: Graphs and their Applications (6 Hrs)

    Introduction ,Graph Theory Terminology ,Sequential Representation of Graphs; Adjacency Matrix; Path Matrix ,Warshalls

    Algorithm; Shortest Paths ,Linked Representation of a Graph ,Operations on Graphs, Traversing a Graph ,Posets; Topological

    Sorting ,Spanning Trees

    UNIT VI: Sorting and Searching (4 Hrs)

    Introduction, Sorting, Insertion Sort, Selection Sort, Merging, Merge-Sort, Shell Sort, Radix Sort, Searching and Data

    Modification, Hashing

    Course Outcomes:

    Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to

    Assess how the choice of data structures and algorithm design methods impacts the performance of programs.

    Choose the appropriate data structure and algorithm design method for a specified application.

    Write programs using C language.

    Solve problems using data structures such as linear lists, stacks, queues, hash tables, binary trees, heaps, tournament trees, binary search trees, and graphs and writing programs for these solutions.

    Text Books:

    1) Data Structures with C, Seymour Lipschutz, Schaums Outlines, Tata Mc Graw Hill

    Reference Books:

    1) S. Sahani, Data Structures in C, 2) D.Samantha, Classic Data Structure, PHI Publications

    BCSP201 DATA STRUCTURES USING C (0-0-2-1) Total Hrs: 20

    List of Practicals:

    1) Write and execute a program in C to implement stack using arrays 2) Write and execute a program in C to implement queue using arrays 3) Write and execute a program in C to implement simple linked list 4) Write and execute a program in C to implement stack using linked list 5) Write and execute a program in C to implement queue using linked list 6) Write and execute a program in C to implement doubly linked list 7) Write and execute a program in C to implement circular linked list. 8) Write and execute a program in C to reverse a singly and doubly linked list 9) Write and execute a program in C to insert a node in a linked list in a sorted fashion 10) Write and execute a program in C to implement binary tree, finding the depth of a tree 11) Write and execute a program in C to implement inorder, preorder and postorder traversals 12) Write and execute a program in C to find if two trees are identical 13) Write and execute a program in C to implement graph using linked list 14) Write and execute a program in C to implement bubble sort and selection sort using menu driven program 15) Write and execute a program in C to implement merge sort

  • 16) Open ended practical

    MBL 102 : General Proficiency:-II : German / French/ Spanish Language


    1. To help students in improving their interpersonal skills with global standards.

    2. The students will have easier access to valuable literature, so that language will not be a barrier for them.

    3. They will be in a position to interact at international Fora.

    4. They may develop liking for foreign languages, which will be also helpful for them in shaping their carrier at international


    MBL102: General Proficiency-II : German/ French / Spanish Languages

    Topic Learning Goals Activities

    The Alphabets and accents Pronunciations techniques Worksheet and charts

    Number 1 to 20

    Greetings & Salutations Articles , Personal Pronoun Day timing , Daily routines forms of

    respects , Vocabulary

    Family and relations Shapes and colors , Possessive Pronouns ,

    Gender , Negative Sentence

    Relations, Day of week

    Weather and Seasons Climate , Fabrics & Clothes , sizes ,

    interrogatives , Basic verbs

    Group Activities , Paragraph writing

    including , Names of months , Seasons , Sky

    , Stars

    House & Household things Describing neighborhood. Present Tense Furniture , Household articles, Colors

    Visit to supermarket Learning the shopping etiquettes , vocabulary of

    food items , conversing with shopkeepers etc ,


    Project on vocabulary of vegetables and

    fruits , Bakery products , Group Activity /

    Role play

    Timing , Telephonic Conversions How to Ask time , converse on telephone Timing and clock ( Hours & Minutes )

    Visit to city , Prominent places and


    Nature , Directions , Means of transportations,

    Tenses contd.

    Self introductions , Role-play , preparing


    In Restaurant / Hotel Ordering eatables , Table manner .Verbs Enhancing vocabulary of food Dishes ,


    Visit to Doctor Health matters, illness. Commonly used verbs


    Worksheets , projects

    French / German /Spanish culture

    monuments , delicacies , wines visa

    vis Indian culture Diwali festival

    Vocabulary of clothes , Accessories , Cuisines ,

    Beverages , Adjectives

    Presentations by students , situation based


    Receiving Guests/ Entertaining

    people / Good Byes

    Customs , Traditions , Manners , welcome &


    Activities , Role play , Assignments


    Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to

    Read, write and understand the literature in the foreign language studied by them.

    Interact with foreigner in his language



    Course Objective:

    1. To have a thorough understanding of the basic structure and operation of a digital computer.

    2. To understand basic processing unit.

    3. To understand arithmetic unit, memory unit and input output organization of computer.


    Functional units, Basic operational concepts, Bus structures Addressing modes, subroutines: parameter passing, Instruction

    formats, expanding opcodes method.

    Unit II: BASIC PROCESSING UNIT: (10 HOURS) Bus architecture, Execution of a Complete Instruction, sequencing of control signals, Hardwired control, Microprogrammed

    Control, microinstruction format, Bit slice concept.


    Number representations and their operations, Design of Fast Adders, Signed multiplication, Booths Algorithm, bit-pair

    recoding, Integer Division, Floating point numbers and operations, guard bits and rounding.

    Unit IV: THE MEMORY SYSTEM: (12 HOURS) Various technologies used in memory design, higher order memory design, multimodal memories and interleaving,

    Associative Memory, Cache memory, Virtual Memory


    I/O mapped I/O and memory mapped I/O, interrupts and interrupts handling mechanisms, vectored interrupts, synchronous vs.

    asynchronous data transfer, Direct Memory Access COMPUTER PERIPHERALS: I/O devices such as magnetic disk,

    magnetic tape, CDROM systems.

    Unit VI: RISC Philosophy: (10 HOURS) Pipelining, basic concepts in pipelining, delayed branch, branch prediction, data dependency, influence of pipelining on

    instruction set design, multiple execution units, performance considerations, Basic concepts in parallel processing &

    classification of parallel architectures. Vector Processing, Array Processors. Recent trends in Computer Architecture &

    Organization, Advanced topics & its Application.

    Course Outcomes:

    Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to

    Understand the Organization and Architecture issues of a Digital Computer.

    Use various techniques, operation various unit its algorithms & implementation.

    Handle computer hardware and software.

    Text Books:

    1. V.C.Hamacher,Z.G.Vranesic and S.G.Zaky, Computer Organisation, McGraw Hill,5thed,2002. 2. J.P.Hayes Computer Architecture & Organization McGraw Hill III Ed

    References Books: 1. A.S.Tanenbaum, Structured Computer Organization 4th Edition, Pearson Education 2. M Mano, Computer System and Architecture, Pearson Education 3. W. Stallings, Computer Organization & Architecture, Pearson Education


    Course Objective:

    To gain the knowledge of different power switching devices available including Power MOSFETs, BJTs, IGBTs, Thyristors, Triacs.

  • Knowledge and Understanding of: the advanced concepts, principles and theories underpinning modern real-time electrical and power electronic systems; analytical and computer simulation methods to model these systems and

    solve design and performance characterization problems

    Discipline Specific Skills in the selection of mathematical methods for analyzing and modeling complex electrical and electronic systems

    Unit 1: SCR and Its characteristics: (09 Hrs.)

    Gate characteristics, SCR turn off, ratings, series and parallel connections of SCRs. Triac and its applications, Uni- junction

    transistors, Triggering circuits and opto couplers.

    Unit 2:Line commutated converters: (08 Hrs.)

    Working of single pulse converter, two pulse mid point converter. three pulse midpoint converter and' 3 phase six pulse bridge

    converter, effect of source inductance in converters, effect of tree wheeling diode.

    Unit 3: Single phase and three phase half controlled converters: (08 Hrs.)

    Speed control of d.c. motors using line commutated converters. Cycloconverters (single phase).

    Unit 4: Static controllable switches: (08 Hrs.)

    Characteristic and working of MOSFET Gate turn off Thyristers and insulated gate bipolar transistor, protection of SCR gate

    circuit protection, over voltage and over current protection, snubber circuit design, converter circuit faults and their protection.

    Unit 5: D.C. Choppers: (07 Hrs.)

    Principles of step down chopper, step up chopper classification, impulse commutated and resonant pulse choppers. Multi phase

    choppers. Application of choppers, Inverters: Basic series resonant. Inverter, half bridge and full bridge series resonant


    Unit 6: Single phase and three phase invertors: (10 Hrs.) Single phase and three phase bridge invertors, commutation and trigger-circuits for forced com mutated thyristor inverters.

    Output voltage control, Harmonics in output voltage waveform, Harmonic attenuation by filters. Harmonic reduction by pulse

    width modulation techniques. Analysis for single pulse width, modulation. Working of current source inverters few

    applications of inverters. Advance topics on the subject

    Course Outcomes:

    Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to

    Select a device appropriate to the design current, voltage and frequency specifications.

    Understand the terminology inherent in Power Electronics

    Understand the design issues for solid devices based converter circuits, inverter circuit, chopper circuits etc for the power applications.

    Implement an effective power control circuit.


    1) Power Electronics circuits Devices and Applications by M. H. Rashid, 3rd Edition, Pearson Education Publication.

    2) Power Electronics by C.W. Lander, 3rd Edition, Paper Back Publication.


    1) An Introduction to Thyristers and their Applications by Dr. M.Ramamoorthy, 2nd Edition, East-West Press.

    2) Power Electronics by P.C. Sen, 30th Reprint Tata McGraw Hill Publication

    BEEP310 POWER ELECTRONICS (0-0-2-1) (30 Hrs)

    Practical List

    1) To study and plot V-I characteristics of SCR 2) To study and plot V-I characteristics of TRIAC 3) To study and plot V-I characteristics of UJT 4) To study UJT as Relaxation Oscillator

  • 5) To study and plot IGBT characteristics 6) To study series inverter 7) To study parallel inverter 8) To study Class A commutation of a Thyristor 9) To study and plot characteristics of DC chopper 10) To study and plot the characteristics of single-phase converter 11) To Plot the characteristics of 1-phase full wave converter in MATLAB Software. 12) To Plot the characteristics of 3-phase bridge inverter in PSim Software. 13) Open Ended experiments

    BECL301 DIGITAL SYSTEM DESIGN (3-1-0-4) Total hours 45

    Course Objective:

    1. To impart knowledge to the students regarding language based Digital System Modeling.

    2. To understand the language based digital system modeling

    3. Understanding the design flow of VHDL language.

    4. Design different combinational and sequential circuits using VHDL.

    5. To understand the architectures of various CPLD and FPGA.

    UNIT I: Introduction (9 Hr)

    Introduction to VHDL, Methodologies, design units, data objects, VHDL data types, Attributes.

    UNIT II: VHDL Statements and concept of delays. (7 Hr) Concurrent and sequential statements, inertial and transport delays, delta delay, signal drivers.

    UNIT III: Programming