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Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz und Urheberrecht Internationaler ...

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IntGewerblicher Rechtsschutz und Urheberrecht

Internationaler Teil

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Page 3: Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz und Urheberrecht Internationaler ...

IntGewerblicher Rechtsschutz

und UrheberrechtInternationaler Teil

Zeitschrift der Deutschen Vereinigung für gewerblichen Rechtsschutz und Urheberrecht

Herausgegeben von Josef Drexl und Reto Hiltyin Gemeinschaft mit Joachim Bornkamm und Ansgar Ohly

Redaktion: Max-Planck-Institut für Innovation und Wettbewerb,Marstallplatz 1, 80539 München

69. Jahrgang 2020

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GRUR InternationalJournal of European and International IP Law

Schriftleitung: Verantwortlich für den Inhalt: Professor Dr. Josef Drexl und Professor Dr. Reto M. Hilty; Verantwortliche i. S. d. Presserechts für den Textteil: Francisco Beneke, Gabriele Spina Ali, Marstallplatz 1, D-80539 München, Telefon:(0 89) 2 42 46 54 06, E-Mail: [email protected]

Redaktion: GRUR International, Max-Planck-Institut für Innovation und Wettbewerb, Marstallplatz 1, D-80539 München, Telefon: (0 89) 24 24 64 25.

Manuskripte: Manuskripte sind per E-Mail an die Redaktion zu senden. Die Annahme zur Veröffentlichung muss schriftlich erfolgen. Mit der An-nahme zur Veröffentlichung überträgt der Autor der Deutschen Vereinigung für gewerblichen Rechtsschutz und Urheberrecht e.V. (GRUR e.V.) für ein Jahr ab Erscheinen das ausschließliche und danach für die Dauer der gesetzlichen Schutzfrist einschließlich zukünftiger Verlängerungen das nichtausschließ-liche Recht zur weltweiten Vervielfältigung und Verbreitung. Eingeschlossen sind insbesondere auch das Recht zur Herstellung elektronischer Versionen und zur Einspeicherung in Datenbanken. Die Vereinigung ist berechtigt, diese Rechte vollständig oder teilweise auf Dritte zu übertragen.

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IV GRUR Int. 2020

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Cabrera Medaglia, Jorge: Digital Sequence Information(DSI) and Benefit-Sharing Arising from Its Use: An Un-finished Discussion ............................................... 565

De Werra, Jacques: Intellectual Property Transactions:What We Can (and Should) Learn from ContractLaw for IP Licensing ............................................. 1095

Dreier, Thomas: The CJEU, EU Fundamental Rights andthe Limitations of Copyright .................................. 223

Gervais, Daniel: Is Intellectual Property Law Ready forArtificial Intelligence? ........................................... 117

Fang, Xiaomin: China’s Anti-Monopoly Law Is UnderRevision ............................................................ 1189

Hilty, Reto M./Drexl, Josef: The New GRUR Internatio-nal ................................................................... 1

Jong, Sang Jo: Two Faces of ’Parasite’: A Korean Per-spective on Intellectual Property .............................. 441

Ohly, Ansgar: Gerhard Schricker on his 85th Birthday ..... 671

Rigamonti, Cyril P.: On the New Copyright Protection forNon-Original Photographs in Switzerland ................. 987

Senftleben, Martin: The Original Sin – Content ’Modera-tion’ (Censorship) in the EU ................................... 339

Van Overwalle, Geertrui: Will Covid Patents Save theWorld? ............................................................. 883

Wachowicz, Marcos: Open Access to Scientific Innovationas a Means to Combat COVID-19 ........................... 783


Ackermann-Blome, Natalie: Products, Patents, Proportio-nality – How German Patent Law Responds to 21stCentury Challenges .............................................. 578

Anemaet, Lotte: The Fairy Tale of the Average Consumer:Why We Should Not Rely on the Real Consumer WhenAssessing the Likelihood of Confusion ...................... 1008

Arya, Sunil: The Value of Standardized Technology toConnected Cars ................................................... 365

Barycki, Micha|l: Disclaimers in European Patent Applica-tions ................................................................. 1204

Beldiman, Dana: Spare Parts and Design Protection – Dif-ferent Approaches to a Common Problem. RecentDevelopments from the EU and US Perspective ........... 673

Blanke-Roeser, Constantin: Spare Parts and Design Pro-tection – Different Approaches to a Common Problem.Recent Developments from the EU and US Perspective .. 673

Blasetti, Roxana: Geographical Indication: A Major Chal-lenge for MERCOSUR .......................................... 1113

Bostyn, Sven J. R.: Plant Variety Right Protection andEssentially Derived Varieties: A Fresh Proposal to Untiethe Gordian Knot ................................................ 785

Cabral, Mário André Machado: Abuse of Dominant Posi-tion and Cease-and-Desist Agreements: Risks to Brazi-lian Competition Policy Arising from the Atypical Caseof Petrobras’ Refineries ......................................... 706

Carls, Suelen: Brazilian GI s Landscape: From the TRIPSCommitments to the Real World, What Was Achieved,What Is Yet to be Faced? ....................................... 902

Chakroun, Nefissa: Vagueness of Patent Claim Language,Claim Construction and Patent Infringement – What aMess! ............................................................... 1097

Correa, Carlos M.: Impact of the Patent CooperationTreaty in Latin America ........................................ 803

Correa, Juan I.: Impact of the Patent Cooperation Treatyin Latin America ................................................. 803

Engin-Deniz, Egon: The Right to Oppose Further Com-mercialisation of Goods According to Art. 15(2) of theEuropean Union Trade Mark Regulation – A Balance ofInterests? ........................................................... 998

Geller, Anja: How Comprehensive Is Chinese Data Pro-tection Law? A Systematisation of Chinese Data Pro-tection Law from a European Perspective .................. 1191

Granstrand, Ove: Towards a Theory of Innovation Gover-nance and the Role of IPRs .................................... 341

Grimes, Warren: Adam Smith, the Competitive Process,and the Flawed Consumer Welfare Standard .............. 3

Hao, Yuan: Through the Anti-Monopoly Lens: WhatConstitutes ’Unfairly High Patent Pricing’ in China? .... 823

Ilas-Panganiban, Divina: The New Philippine InnovationLaws: A Response to the Call of MSMEs and Start-Ups 693

Kaufmann, Ulrike: Authorized Generics and Biosimilarsas Part of Drug Life Cycle Management .................... 1105

Kim, Daria: ’AI-Generated Inventions’: Time to Get theRecord Straight? .................................................. 443

Kováts, Borbála Lili: Did the Court of Justice of the Euro-pean Union Solve the Puzzle by Declaring the Rubik’sCube Trademark Invalid? ...................................... 1217

Krueger Pela, Juliana: Rethinking Unfair Competition Jus-tifications in Brazil ............................................... 28

Kunst, Manuel: Authorized Generics and Biosimilars asPart of Drug Life Cycle Management ........................ 1105

Liu, Kung-Chung: Asian IP Law: An Area of Rising Im-portance ............................................................ 249

Lundstedt, Lydia: AMS Neve and Others (C-172/18):Looking for a Greater ’Degree of Consistency’ Betweenthe Special Jurisdiction Rule for EU Trade Marks andNational Trade Marks .......................................... 355

Marchisio, Emiliano: Are EUIPO Trade Mark Examinersand the Boards of Appeal Bound by Precedent Deci-sions? ............................................................... 893

Marschall, Stefan: Concept for a Multinational PatentSearch using Elements of Blockchain Technology ........ 225

Meys, Romain: Data Mining Under the Directive onCopyright and Related Rights in the Digital Single Mar-ket: Are European Database Protection Rules StillThreatening the Development of Artificial Intelligence? . 457

Mimler, Marc D.: An Autonomous EU FunctionalityDoctrine for Shape Exclusions ................................ 567

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Mischau, Lena: Market Power Assessment in Digital Mar-kets – A German Perspective .................................. 233

Mitra-Ventanilla, Reena: The New Philippine InnovationLaws: A Response to the Call of MSMEs and Start-Ups 693

Muchiri, Moses: In Search for a Jurisprudential Justifica-tion for the Recognition of a Right of Publicity in Kenya 585

Riis, Thomas: Concurrent Liability in Contract and Intel-lectual Property Law: Licensing Agreements in Light ofCase C-666/18 IT Development SAS ........................ 989

Schönbohm, Julia: Products, Patents, Proportionality –How German Patent Law Responds to 21st CenturyChallenges ......................................................... 578

Schovsbo, Jens: Concurrent Liability in Contract and In-tellectual Property Law: Licensing Agreements in Lightof Case C-666/18 IT Development SAS ..................... 989

Stavridou, Sylvia: Collective Management of Copyright inGreece After the Implementation of Directive 2014/26/EU ................................................................... 128

Suthersanen, Uma: An Autonomous EU FunctionalityDoctrine for Shape Exclusions ................................ 567

Synodinou, Tatiana Eleni: Geoblocking in EU CopyrightLaw: Challenges and Perspectives ............................ 136

Tang, Chenhui: SEPs Holders’ Injunctive Relief under An-ti-monopoly Law ................................................. 474

Tang, Yaojia: SEPs Holders’ Injunctive Relief under Anti-monopoly Law ................................................... 474

Tischner, Anna: Spare Parts and Design Protection – Dif-ferent Approaches to a Common Problem. Recent Deve-lopments from the EU and US Perspective .................. 673

Tsilikas, Haris: Emerging Patterns in the Judicial Determi-nation of FRAND Rates: Comparable Agreements andthe Top-Down Approach for FRAND Royalties Deter-mination ........................................................... 885

Weber, Rolf H.: Data Interfaces: Tensions between Copy-right and Competition Law – A New Swiss CourtPractice for an Old Problem ................................... 119

Żelechowski, Łukasz: Protection of Unregistered Dis-tinctive Signs within Unfair Competition Law: the Pol-ish Perspective .................................................... 14

Zheng, Shufeng: Asian IP Law: An Area of Rising Impor-tance ................................................................ 249


Fammler, Michael A./Krieger, Christoph: The fate of atrademark license in the case of bankruptcy of the licen-sor – The U. S. Supreme Court decisionMission ProductHoldings Inc. v Tempnology, LLC in the light of Ger-man Law&Practice ............................................. 35

Buchalska, Joanna: Trade Marks with a Reputation inPolish Law – an Opinion on the Polish Supreme CourtCase OMEGA .................................................... 151

Specht-Riemenschneider, Louisa/Schneider, Ruben: StuckHalf Way: The Limitation of Joint Control after Fa-shion ID (C-40/17) ............................................... 159

Abbott, Frederick M.: Under the Radar: Reflections on’Forced’ Technology Transfer and the Erosion of Devel-opmental Sovereignty ........................................... 260

Endrich-Laimböck, Tobias: Little Guidance for the Appli-cation of Copyright Law to Designs in Cofemel .......... 264

Globocnik, Jure: The Right to Be Forgotten is TakingShape: CJEU Judgments in GC and Others (C-136/17)andGoogle v CNIL (C-507/17) .............................. 380

Upreti, Pratyush Nath/Vásquez Callo-Müller, Maria:Phase One US-China Trade Deal: What Does It Meanfor Intellectual Property? ....................................... 389

Kaiser, Ansgar: Exhaustion, Distribution and Communi-cation to the Public – The CJEU’s Decision C-263/18 –Tom Kabinet on E-Books and Beyond ....................... 489

Freund, Benedikt: Compensation for Remote EconomicLosses Caused by Infringements of Art. 101 TFEU –Otis and Others v Land Oberösterreich and Others (C-435/18) ............................................................. 496

Keller, Daphne: Facebook Filters, Fundamental Rights,and the CJEU’sGlawischnig-Piesczek Ruling ............. 616

Valtere, Laura: Professor Shanks v Unilever: 13 years haulto awarded employee compensation in the UK ............ 727

Tilmann, Winfried: The UPC without the UK: Consequen-ces and Alternatives ............................................. 847

Nérisson, Sylvie: The MusicMatic Decision of the FrenchCour de cassation: Creative Commons Licenses versusMandatory Collective Management of BroadcastingRights of Commercial Phonograms .......................... 852

Stierle, Martin: Artificial Intelligence Designated as Inven-tor – An Analysis of the Recent EPO Case Law ........... 918

Kapyrina, Natalia: Clarifications of the Russian SupremeCourt on General Aspects of Intellectual Property Pro-tection: A Summary ............................................. 925

Koch, Josepha: G 3/19 – The Struggle for Power Withinthe EPC ............................................................. 1027

Seidel, Andreas: On the Market Dominance of the Pro-vider of Ad Blocker Software on an Asymmetrical Two-Sided Market – Also a Discussion of the German Fede-ral Supreme Court’s Decision of 8 October 2019, KZR73/17 – Ad Blocker III .......................................... 1032

Engel, Andreas: Can a Patent Be Granted for an AI-Gene-rated Invention? .................................................. 1123

Duhanic, Ines: Rip Me to Pieces! No Moral CopyrightProtection for the Destruction of Site-Specific Art inGermany ........................................................... 1234

Stepanov, Ivan: Investor-State Dispute Settlement and Da-ta: Implications for Data Policy and Regulation .......... 1242

VI GRUR Int. 2020

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Linke, David/Petrlík, David: ‘Copyright work and its de-finition with regard to originality and AI’ – ConferenceReport on the fourth Binational Seminar of TU Dresdenand Charles University in Prague, 27 June 2019 .......... 39

Instituto Nacional de Defensa de la Competencia y de laProtección de la Propiedad Intelectual (National Insti-tute for the Defense of Competition and the Protectionof Intellectual Property – INDECOPI), PeruInformation on Enforcement of Patent and DesignRights ............................................................... 164

Jovanovic, Mina: Conference Report: Zurich IP Retreat2019 – Nationalism vs. Globalization in IP ................ 270

Petrlík, David/Linke, David: ‘Enforcement of Patent Lawin Civil Proceedings’ – A Conference Report on the FifthBi-national Seminar of TU Dresden and Charles Univer-sity in Prague, 26 November 2019 ........................... 624

Vollenberg, Charlotte: International Conference – IP Pro-tection for Plant Innovation ................................... 735

Ido, Vitor Henrique Pinto/Muñoz Tellez, Viviana: TheSouth Centre – Max Planck Global Forum on IP, Inno-vation and Access to Medicines. MPI, Munich, 9–10December 2019 ................................................... 1130


Resolution of the Plenary Session of the Supreme Court ofthe Russian Federation No. 10, 23 April 2019 ............ 928


Bulayenko, Oleksandr: Le Point Marianne (Cour de cassa-tion France) ....................................................... 415

Carls, Suelen: Mozzarella di Bufala Campana (CJEU) ...... 639

Correa, Juan: Continente (Supreme Court (Tribunal Su-premo) Spain) ..................................................... 308

Efroni, Zohar: Nespresso (Supreme Court Israel) ............ 293

Endrich-Laimböck, Tobias: Fiskars v Mountfield (Su-preme Court (Nejvyšší soud eské republiky) Czech Re-public) .............................................................. 410

Eufinger, Alexander: Generics and others (CJEU) ........... 1071

Guerrieri, Flavia: Aceto Balsamico di Modena (CJEU) ..... 647

Hauser, Patrick: Otis (CJEU) ..................................... 551

Hohmann, Jasmin: Tom Kabinet (CJEU) ...................... 540

Johannsen, Germán Oscoar: Amurrio (Supreme Court(Tribunal Supremo) Spain) ..................................... 870

Johannsen, German: Repsol (Supreme Court (Corte Su-prema) Spain) ..................................................... 188

Kianzad, Behrang: Würtz v Coop Danmark (SupremeCourt (Højesteret) Denmark) ................................. 91

Koller, Alexander: List of psychotherapists (SupremeCourt (Oberster Gerichtshof) Austria) ...................... 1057

Lee, I l Ho: Saboo v sobia (Supreme Court South Korea) ... 301

Lee, I l Ho: Unauthorized use of computer programs inbusiness (Supreme Court South Korea) ..................... 955

Lee, I l Ho: METROCITY (Supreme Court South Korea) .. 1172

Marusic, Branka: Instagram pictures (Supreme Court(Högsta domstolen) Sweden) .................................. 1090

Marusic, Branka: Iron Pipes (Supreme Court (Högstadomstolen) Sweden) ............................................. 768

Marusic, Branka: Mr Syed (Supreme Court (Högsta doms-tolen) Sweden) .................................................... 64

Müller-Graff, Peter-Christian: Unified Patent Court (Fede-ral Constitutional Court (Bundesverfassungsgericht)Germany) .......................................................... 943

Oldekop, Axel: List of psychotherapists (Supreme Court(Oberster Gerichtshof) Austria) ............................... 1057

Ren, Xiaoshuai: Tencent Dreamwriter (People’s Court ofNanshan (District of Shenzhen) China) ..................... 763

Sabockis, Dagne: v Visita (Court of Appeal(Svea Hovrätt Patent- och marksnadsöverdomstolen)Sweden) ............................................................ 197

Schneider, Giulia: Gemata v Bergi and others ((SupremeCourt (Corte Suprema di Cassazione Sez. I) Italy) ........ 630

Selçuk, Ulya: MAMÜLLERI (Court of cassation Turkey) . 636

Stepanov, Ivan: Goods in Transit (Supreme Court Serbia) . 185

Tischner, Anna: Brompton Bicycle (CJEU) .................... 969

Tomada, Letizia: Tecnimed S. r. l. v Artana S. p.A. (Su-preme Court (Corte Suprema di Cassazione) Italy) ....... 285

Vasamäe, Elise: Stainless (Harju County Court Estonia) ... 528

Wang, Tien-hsin: Delta Electronics v Sunonwealth (Su-preme Administrative Court Taiwan) ....................... 67

Zhang, Yumei: Valeo v Lu Kasi [Wiper] (Supreme People’sCourt China) ...................................................... 212

Zhu, Yanqi: HONDAKIT (Supreme People’s Court Chi-na) ................................................................... 855

Zhu, Yanqi: SanHong pomelo (Supreme People’s CourtChina) .............................................................. 1160

Zhu, Yanqi: Shenzhen Jixiang Tenda Technology (Su-preme People’s Court China) .................................. 502

Zhu, Yanqi: VMI (Supreme People’s Court China) ......... 394


(Peter Weber) .......................... 106, 329, 556, 776, 978, 1179

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Matthews/Zech: Research Handbook on Intellectual Prop-erty Rights and the Life Sciences (Romandini) ............. 217

Heath/Furuta: Japanese Patent Law – Cases and Com-ments (Ganea) .................................................... 440

Drexl/Kamperman Sanders: The Innovation Society andIntellectual Property (Schovsbo) .............................. 668

Eleanor M. Fox/Mor Bakhoum: Making Markets Workfor Africa (Beneke) ............................................... 879

Thomas Bopp/Holger Kircher: Handbuch EuropäischerPatentprozess (González Otero) .............................. 1094

Marco Stief: Rechtliche Probleme des ergänzenden Schutz-zertifikats für Arzneimittel. Am Beispiel von medizi-nischen Indikationen, Hilfsstoffen und Wirkstoffkom-binationen [Legal Problems of the Supplementary Pro-tection Certificate for Medicinal Products. Using theExample of Medical Indications, Excipients and Combi-nations of Active Substances (Ulrich M. Gassner) ........ 1287

Authors of Case Notes, Opinions, Reports and Book Reviews

Abbott, Frederick M..................................................... 260Beneke, Francisco ........................................................ 879Buchalska, Joanna........................................................ 151Bulayenko, Oleksandr................................................... 415Carls, Suelen ............................................................... 639Correa, Juan ............................................................... 308Duhanic, Ines ............................................................ 1234Efroni, Zohar.............................................................. 293Endrich-Laimböck, Tobias ..................................... 264, 410Engel, Andreas .......................................................... 1123Eufinger, Alexander.................................................... 1071Fammler, Michael A. ...................................................... 35Freund, Benedikt ......................................................... 496Ganea, Peter ............................................................... 440Gassner, Ulrich M...................................................... 1287Globocnik, Jure ........................................................... 380González Otero, Begoña.............................................. 1094Guerrieri, Flavia .......................................................... 647Hauser, Patrick ........................................................... 551Hohmann, Jasmin ........................................................ 540Ido, Vitor Henrique Pinto............................................ 1130Johannsen, Germán............................................... 188, 540Jovanovic, Mina .......................................................... 270Kaiser, Ansgar............................................................. 489Kapyrina, Natalia ........................................................ 925Kianzad, Behrang........................................................... 91Koch, Josepha ........................................................... 1027Koller, Alexander ...................................................... 1057Krieger, Christoph ......................................................... 35Lee, I l Ho....................................................301, 955, 1172

Linke, David ................................................................. 39Marusic, Branka ............................................ 64, 768, 1090Müller-Graff, Peter-Christian ......................................... 943Muñoz Tellez, Viviana ................................................ 1130Nérisson, Sylvie ........................................................... 852Oldekop, Axel........................................................... 1057Petrlík, David................................................................ 39Ren, Xiaoshuai............................................................ 763Romandini, Roberto..................................................... 217Sabockis, Dagne .......................................................... 197Schneider, Giulia ......................................................... 630Schneider, Ruben......................................................... 159Schovsbo, Jens............................................................. 668Seidel, Andreas .......................................................... 1032Selçuk, Ulya ................................................................ 635Specht-Riemenschneider, Louisa ..................................... 159Stepanov, Ivan........................................................... 1242Stierle, Martin ............................................................. 918Tilmann, Winfried ....................................................... 847Tischner, Anna............................................................ 969Tomada, Letizia........................................................... 285Upreti, Pratyush Nath................................................... 389Valtere, Laura ............................................................. 727Vasamäe, Elise ............................................................ 528Vásquez Callo-Müller, María......................................... 389Vollenberg, Charlotte ................................................... 735Wang, Tien-hsin ............................................................ 67Zhang, Yumei ............................................................. 212Zhu, Yanqi ........................................... 394, 502, 855, 1160

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Commissioner of Patents v Rokt Pte Ltd – Characterisa-tion of a Computer Implemented Method as a Mannerof ManufactureFederal Court of Australia 21 May 2020 – [2020]FCAFC 86 ......................................................... 1141


VMI – Infringement Warnings and Scope of the Claimsin Non-Infringement Declaratory ProceedingsSupreme People’s Court 12 June 2019 – (2019) Zui GaoFa Zhi Min Zhong No. 5 (case note by Yanqi Zhu) ...... 394

Shenzhen Jixiang Tenda Technology – Determination ofLiability in Infringement Cases of Method Patents Im-plemented by Multiple ActorsSupreme People’s Court 6 December 2019 – (2019) ZhiMin Zhong No. 147 (case note by Yanqi Zhu) ............ 502


Graywater – Implied licenses and damages in cases ofinfringement by the StateSupreme Court of Cyprus 25 January 2018 – 1/2011 .... 46


Protective covering [Schutzverkleidung] – Limits of theRight of Prior UseFederal Supreme Court (Bundesgerichtshof) 14 May2019 – X ZR 95/18 .............................................. 168

Alirocumab – Requirements for Granting a CompulsoryLicence for a Medicinal ProductFederal Supreme Court (Bundesgerichtshof) 4 June2019 – X ZB 2/19 ................................................ 278

Unified Patent Court – Conferring Powers on the Uni-fied Patent Court Requires a Two-thirds Majority inParliamentFederal Constitutional Court (Bundesverfassungs-gericht) 13 February 2020 – 2 BvR 739/17 (case note byPeter-Christian Müller-Graff) ................................. 943


Tecnimed S. r. l. v Artsana S. p. A. – Retroactive Effectsof Patent LimitationSupreme Court (Corte Suprema di Cassazione) 14 Au-gust 2019 – 17325/2015 (case note by Letizia Tomada) 285

Gemata v Bergi and others – Limits of the Supremacy ofa European Patent Over a National PatentSupreme Court (Corte Suprema di Cassazione Sez. I) 16September 2019 – 22984 (case note by Giulia Schneider) 630

Proras s. r. l. v Ades s. r. l. and others – Application ofthe Doctrine of Equivalents Supreme Court (Corte diCassazione) 25 November 2019, lodged on 7 February2020 – No. 2977 ................................................. 1156


Topical Ophthalmic Formulation – Patentability of anInvention with an Unexpected Remarkable EffectSupreme Court 27 August 2019 – 2018 (Gyo-Hi) 69 .... 1247


Philips v Wiko – Standard-Essential Patents: Conditionsfor Filing for an Injunction Without Abusing a Domi-nant Market PositionCourt of Appeal of The Hague 2 July 2019 –200.219.487/01 .................................................. 174


Validity of SPC – Liability for Ungrounded PreliminaryInjunctionsLisbon Court of Appeal 19 February 2019 – 236/16.2YHLSB-7 ..................................................... 506


Pfizer – Scope of pharmaceutical patents in Spain inview of the TRIPS AgreementsCommercial Court of Barcelona (Audiencia Provincialde Barcelona) 20 July 2016 – 174/2016 ..................... 51


Mr Syed – Copyright infringement through the storageof protected goods intended for saleSupreme Court (Högsta domstolen) 28 May 2019 – B5089–16 (case note by Branka Marusic) .................... 64


Tenofovir II – Scope of Protection of SupplementaryProtection CertificatesFederal Supreme Court (Bundesgericht) 26 November2019 – 4A_274/2019 ............................................ 1250


Delta Electronics v Sunonwealth – The ’teaching away’description of the prior art and non-obviousness of theinventionSupreme Administrative Court 14 February 2019 –108-Pan-Zi-55 (case note by Tien-hsin Wang) ............ 67

United Kingdom

Shanks v Unilever – Employee Invention: PrinciplesGoverning the Assessment of Outstanding Benefit to anEmployer and the Fair Share of the EmployeeSupreme Court 23 October 2019 – [2019] UKSC 45 .... 743

Regeneron Pharmaceuticals Inc v Kymab Ltd – Chime-ric Mice: Invalidity of Product Claims due to Lack ofSufficient Disclosure of the InventionSupreme Court 24 June 2020 – [2020] UKSC 27 ......... 1039

European Union

Bayer – Interpretation of ’reasonable compensation’ fordamage caused by provisional measuresCJEU 12 September 2019 – C-688/17 ....................... 70



SanHong pomelo – Scope of Protection of Plant Varie-tiesSupreme People’s Court of the People’s Republic ofChina 10 December 2019 – (2019) Zui Gao Fa Zhi MinZhong No. 14 (case note by Yanqi Zhu) ................... 1160

European Union

Club de Variedades Vegetales Protegidas – Protection ofFruits of Plant VarietiesCJEU 19 December 2019 – C-176/18 ....................... 398


Andean Community

ACAVA LIMITED – Protection of Color TrademarksDelimited by Non-Distinctive ShapesCourt of Justice of the Andean Community (Tribunal

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de Justicia de la Comunidad Andina) 16 May 2019 –01-AI-2017 ........................................................ 1254


National Intellectual Property Administration, PRC vNanjing Daqun Medical Technology – Morality andNegative Social Influence Exceptions to Trade MarkRegistrationFirst Instance: Beijing Intellectual Property Court 22November 2018 – (2018) Jing 73 Xing Chu No. 10637Second Instance: Beijing Municipal High People’s Court10 May 2019 – (2019) Jing Xing Zhong No. 1512 ...... 291

HONDAKIT – Infringement through the Use of aTrademark in Products for ExportationSupreme People’s Court 23 September 2019 – (2019)Zui Gao Fa Min Zai No. 138 (case note by Yanqi Zhu) 855

Christian Louboutin v National Intellectual PropertyAdministration – Protection of Louboutin’s Red SoleTrade MarkSupreme People’s Court of the People’s Republic ofChina (Administrative Division) 24 December 2019 –Ban-Ji No. 5146 .................................................. 1051


Radiator Grille [Kühlergrill] – Use of a mounting devicewith a protected trade mark on a spare partFederal Supreme Court (Bundesgerichtshof) 7 March2019 – I ZR 61/18 ............................................... 71

Ortlieb II – Liability for Google Ads Also Linked toThird-Party ProductsFederal Supreme Court (Bundesgerichtshof) 25 July2019 – I ZR 29/18 ............................................... 399

Da Vinci – Abusive Exploitation of a Formal LegalStatus by the Holder of a Trademark RightFederal Supreme Court (Bundesgerichtshof) 23 October2019 – I ZR 46/19 ............................................... 860

ECO-TEST I [ÖKO-TEST I] – Infringement of a Well-Known Trade Mark and Legal Relevance of IndirectInvestments on ReputationFederal Supreme Court (Bundesgerichtshof) 12 Decem-ber 2019 – I ZR 173/16 ......................................... 1164

Square chocolate bar packaging II [Quadratische Tafel-schokoladenverpackung II] – Ritter-Sport: Protectabilityof a Packaging Trade MarkFederal Supreme Court (Bundesgerichtshof) 23 July2020 – I ZB 42/19 ............................................... 1262


Nespresso – Parodies and Infringement of Trade Markand Copyright LawSupreme Court 7 August 2019 – CA 3425/17 (case noteby Zohar Efroni) ................................................. 293


Capri Sun v Riha – Technical Exception for Three-Dimensional Trade MarksSupreme Court (Hoge Raad) 28 June 2019 – 18/01154 . 405


OMEGA – Infringement of Trade Marks with a Repu-tationSupreme Court 9 May 2019 – I CSK 263/18 ............... 182


Trivium – Illegality of Requirement of Actual Infringe-ment for Application for Customs MeasuresSupreme Court of the Russian Federation 22 January2020 – A40–241863/2018 ..................................... 1170


Goods in Transit – Trade Mark Infringement throughGoods in TransitSupreme Court 6 March 2018 – Prev 103/2018 (casenote by Ivan Stepanov) .......................................... 185


Burberry v Megastar – Liability of Importers and Ex-porters of Covered GoodsCourt of Appeal 7 January 2019 – [2019] SGCA 1 ....... 77

South Korea

Saboo v sobia – Likelihood of Confusion of EssentialParts of a Complex Trade MarkSupreme Court 14 August 2019 – 2018Hu10848 (casenote by I l Ho Lee) ............................................... 301

METROCITY – Exhaustion of Rights in Case of Pro-ducts Commercialised without the Trademark Holder’sConsentSupreme Court of Korea 30 January 2020 –2018Do14446 (case note by I l Ho Lee) ..................... 1172


Continente – Legal Standing to Sue for Revocation of aTrade Mark for Lack of UseSupreme Court (Tribunal Supremo) 8 May 2019 –4074/2016 (case note by Juan Correa) ...................... 308


PHILIP B – Parallel Imports in Case of Different Trade-mark Owners in Different JurisdictionsSupreme Court of Taiwan 16 January 2020 – 108 Tai-Shang-Zi No. 397 ................................................ 1054


Y Kargo Servisi – Conflicts between Trade Mark Pro-tection and Freedom of Expression in the Case of Web-site BlockingConstitutional Court 9 January 2019 – 2015/3782 ...... 522

MAMÜLLER – Retroactive Application of the Rules onRevocation of Trade Marks for Non UseCourt of cassation 14 June 2019 – 2019/1765 E., 2019/4421 K. ............................................................. 635

European Union

AMS Neve – Jurisdiction in Case of Online Infringe-ment: The Relevance of Consumers’ and Traders’ Coun-triesCJEU 5 September 2019 – C-172/18 ........................ 89

AS – The Relevance of the Types of Use for the Dis-tinctive Character of a Trade MarkCJEU 12 September 2019 – C-541/18 ....................... 90

Sky – Community Trade Marks: Relevance of Intentionto Use and No Invalidation Based on Impreciseness orLack of ClarityCJEU 29 January 2020 – C-371/18 .......................... 527

AR v Cooper and others – Right to Claim Compensa-tion for Infringement that Occurred Before the TradeMark Was Revoked for Non-UseCJEU 26 March 2020 – C-622/18 ............................ 754

Coty Germany – Amazon-Marketplace: No TradeMark Infringement Due to Storage of Infringing Goodson Behalf of Third Parties When There Is NoKnowledge of the Unauthorized UseCJEU 2 April 2020 – C-567/18 ............................... 755

Gömböc Kutató v Szellemi Tulajdon Nemzeti Hivatala– 3D Trade Marks: Factors to Consider when Determi-ning Technical Functionality of the SignCJEU 23 April 2020 – C-237/19 .............................. 863

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Retention of goods for marketing [A v B] – Use of TradeMark in the Course of Trade by a Person Who DoesNot Engage in Trade as an OccupationCJEU 30 April 2020 – C-772/18 .............................. 864

mk advokaten v MBK Rechtsanwälte – IndependentThird-Party Reproduction of Infringing Signs Does NotConstitute Trade Mark UseCJEU 2 July 2020 – C-684/19 ................................. 1056


GermanyCulatello di Parma – Evocation of the Protected Geo-graphical Indication through Indication of the PlaceFederal Supreme Court (Bundesgerichtshof) 12 Decem-ber 2019 – I ZR 21/19 .......................................... 756

European UnionMozzarella di Bufala Campana – Possibility ofSupplier Restriction for a Protected Designation of Ori-gin to Safeguard the Monitoring SystemCJEU 17 October 2019 – C-569/18 (case note by SuelenCarls) ............................................................... 639Aceto Balsamico di Modena – Authorised Use of theNon-Geographical Term ’Balsamico’CJEU 4 December 2019 – C-432/18 (case note by FlaviaGuerrieri) .......................................................... 647


SpainRepsol – Liability of a Parent CompanySupreme Court (Corte Suprema) 23 May 2019 – 674/2019 (case note by Germán Johannsen) ..................... 188

European UnionVM Vermögens-Management – The Effects of Declara-tions pursuant to Art. 28(8) of Council Regulation 207/2009CJEU 15 May 2019 – C-653/17 P ............................ 196


AustriaList of psychotherapists – No Legal Infringement byOnline Directory of Psychotherapists with CommercialPurposesSupreme Court (Oberster Gerichtshof) 26 November2019 – 4 Ob 84/19k (case note by Alexander Koller andAxel Oldekop) .................................................... 1057


European UnionRoyalty Pharma v Deutsches Patent- und Markenamt –Interpretation of the Requirement Set in Art. 3(a) of theSPC RegulationCJEU 30 April 2020 – C-650/17 .............................. 865


European UnioniWillmar Schwalbe v Queisser Pharma – Specific HealthClaim May under Certain Circumstances be Accompa-nied by an Asterisk in a Product PackagingCJEU 30 January 2020 – C-524/18 .......................... 762


ChinaTencent Dreamwriter – Protection of Works Generatedby Machine Learning SoftwarePeople’s Court of Nanshan (District of Shenzhen) 24

December 2019 – (2019) Yue 0305 Min Chu No.14010 (case note by Xiaoshuai Ren) ......................... 763

Czech Republic

Constitutional complaint (Greenpeace Česká republika)– Obligation to State Reasons in a Preliminary In-junction Potentially Interfering with Freedom of Expres-sionConstitutional Court (Ústavní soud) 31 March 2020 –I. ÚS 3169/19 ..................................................... 1268


Würtz v Coop Danmark – De minimis exception whenusing applied art in marketing materialsSupreme Court (Højesteret) 18 December 2018 – 171/2017 (case note by Behrang Kianzad) ....................... 91


Stainless – Estimation of an Hypothetical License FeeHarju County Court 14 February 2019 – 2–18–4893(case note by Elise Vasamäe) .................................. 528


Le Point Marianne – Parodic Use of Protected WorksCour de cassation 22 May 2019 – 18–12.718 (case noteby Oleksandr Bulayenko) ...................................... 415

Musicmatic – Communication to the Public of WorksLicensed as ‘Free of Broadcasting Rights’ by a MusicPlatformSupreme Court (Cour de cassation) 11 December 2019– 18–21.211 ....................................................... 866


De 4 Jaargetijden – Infringement of Moral Rightsthrough Modifications of Architectural DesignsSupreme Court (Hoge Raad) 29 March 2019 – 17/06094 ............................................................... 316

South Korea

Unauthorized use of computer programs in business –Scope and Limits of Criminal Liability for the Acquisi-tion and Use of Unauthorized Reproductions of Com-puter Programs Borne by a Business Which Has NotReproduced Such Illegal CopiesSupreme Court 24 December 2019 – 2019Do10086(case note by I l Ho Lee) ........................................ 955


Gestevisión Telecinco v Global Entertainment – Scopeof Restitution of Profits as Criterion of Compensationin Case of Copyright InfringementSupreme Court (Tribunal Supremo) 30 September 2019– 504/2019 ........................................................ 654

Miguel Ángel – Originality of a Scientific Work notPrecluded by Experts’ Judgments on the Ideas Presentedor by Doctoral SupervisionSupreme Court (Tribunal Supremo (Civil Chamber)) 16January 2020 – 20/2020 ........................................ 960


Iron Pipes – Limitations on Copyrights based on Free-dom of Expression and InformationSupreme Court (Högsta domstolen) 18 March 2020 – T4412–19 (case note by Branka Marusic) .................... 768


Kakoma v Attorney General – Government as the Copy-right Holder of the National AnthemCourt of Appeal (Kampala) 15 July 2019 – 50 of 2011 . 964

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European Union

Cofemel – No Copyright Protection for Clothing De-signs Because of their Aesthetically Significant VisualEffectCJEU 12 September 2019 – C-683/17 ....................... 322

Spedidam – Presumption of Performer’s Authorisationto the Fixation and Exploitation of PerformancesCJEU 14 November 2019 – C-484/18 ....................... 327

IT Development – Breach of License Agreement forComputer Programs as Copyright InfringementCJEU 18 December 2019 – C-666/18 ....................... 418

Tom Kabinet – eBooks: Exhaustion of DistributionRights and Communication to the PublicCJEU 19 December 2019 – C-263/18 (case note byJasmin Hohmann) ............................................... 540

Fleetmanager Sweden – No Communication to the Pub-lic through Hiring Out a Car with Radio ReceiverCJEU 2 April 2020 – C-753/18 ............................... 773

VG Media v Google – Inapplicability and Unenforceabil-ity of Ancillary Copyright for Press Publishers in theAbsence of Prior Notification of the Draft TechnicalRegulation to the CommissionCJEU 12 September 2019 – C-299/17 ........................ 869

Brompton Bicycle – Copyright Protection for a Functio-nal Shape in so far as It Is OriginalCJEU 11 June 2020 – C-833/18 (case note by AnnaTischner) ........................................................... 969

Constantin Film v YouTube, Google – Scope of Infor-mation Platform Operator is Required to Provide inCase of Copyright InfringementCJEU 9 July 2020 – C-264/19 ................................. 1178



Caddy Keys [Einkaufswagenlöser] – Cross-Border Offerto Sell and International Jurisdiction in CommunityDesigns Infringement DisputesSupreme Court (Oberster Gerichtshof) 24 September2019 – 4 Ob 138/19a ........................................... 774

European Union

Procureur-Generaal bij de Hoge Raad der Nederlanden– Competence of National Courts to Order Measures inRespect of Community DesignsCJEU 21 November 2019 – C-678/18 ....................... 328


Czech Republic

Fiskars v Mountfield – Abuse of Dominant Position in aMarket by Enforcement of Intellectual Property RightsSupreme Court (Nejvyšší soud České republiky) 29May 2019 – 23 Cdo 5955/2017 (case note by TobiasEndrich-Laimböck) .............................................. 410


Ad Blocker III [Werbeblocker III] – Dominant Positionof an ‘Adblock Plus’ SupplierFederal Supreme Court (Bundesgerichtshof) 8 October2019 – KZR 73/17 ............................................... 1065


Anti-competitive Vertical Agreements – Should ThereBe a Relevant Market Definition and Should All Partiesto the Agreement Be Identified in Resale Price Mainte-nance Cases?Supreme Court 15 February 2019 – I NSK 10/18 ......... 659

SpainAmurrio – Constitutionality of the Financial Liability ofFirm Executives and Publication of Their Names onInfringement DecisionsSupreme Court (Tribunal Supremo) 28 March 2019 –430/2019 (case note by Germán Oscar Johannsen) ...... 870 v Visita – Narrow Price Parity Clausesand Restrictions of CompetitionCourt of Appeal (Svea Hovrätt Patent- och marksnadsö-verdomstolen) 20 July 2019 – PMT 13013–16 (casenote by Dagne Sabockis) ........................................ 197

United KingdomSainsbury’s Supermarkets v Visa – The Nature of theEvidence Needed to Prove Countervailing Benefits andWhat Can Be Considered a Fair Share to Consumers inMultisided MarketsSupreme Court 17 June 2020 – [2020] UKSC 24 ......... 1272

European UnionOtis – Legal Standing to Sue for Damages of Undertak-ings that Do Not Directly Participate in the AffectedMarketCJEU 12 December 2019 – C-435/18 (case note byPatrick Hauser) ................................................... 551

Gazdasági Versenyhivatal v ING Bank NV Magyarors-zági Fióktelepe and others – Clarifying and ReinstatingCertain Aspects of the ‘by Object’ AssessmentCJEU 2 April 2020 – C-228/18 ............................... 977

Generics and others – Pay-for-Delay Agreements LikelyViolate Competition Law Where Reverse Payments Oc-cur without Justifiable ExplanationCJEU 30 January 2020 – Case C-307/18 (case note byAlexander Eufinger) ............................................. 1071


SwedenInstagram pictures – Criminal Liability for Dissemina-tion of Images of a Person in an Especially VulnerableSituationSupreme Court (Högsta domstolen) 17 March 2020 – B5438–19 (case note by Branka Marusic) .................... 1090

European UnionFashion ID – Responsibility of the Website Operator forUser DataCJEU 29 July 2019 – C-40/17 ................................. 204

Glawischnig-Piesczek v Facebook – Facebook: Legalityof Order to Delete Insulting CommentsCJEU 3 October 2019 – C-18/18 ............................. 662


European UnionGC and Others – Responsibility of an Operator of aSearch Engine for Protection of Personal DataCJEU 24 September 2019 – C-136/17 ....................... 419

Google LLC – Geographical Range of the ‘Right to beForgotten’CJEU 24 September 2019 – C-507/17 ....................... 430


ChinaValeo v Lu Kasi [Wiper] – Partial Judgments and Prelim-inary Injunctions in Patent Infringement CasesSupreme People’s Court 27 March 2019 – (2019) ZuiGao Fa Zhi Min Zhong No. 2 (case note by YumeiZhang) .............................................................. 212

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Corrigendum to: Professor Shanks v Unilever: 13 yearshaul to awarded employee compensation in the UK ...... 882

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für die Zeitschrift GRUR InternationalDer Zusatz E macht einen Entscheidungsabdruck kenntlich, die Abkürzung (Ls.) weist auf eine nur im Leitsatz

abgedruckte Entscheidung hin, (Buchbespr.) auf eine Buchbesprechung.


Abuse of Rights

–, Abusive Exploitation of a Formal Legal Status by the Holder of aTrademark Right (Germany) 860 D

ACAVA LIMITED (Court of Justice – Andean Community)

–, Protection of Color Trademarks Delimited by Non-DistinctiveShapes (Andean Community) 1254 D

Access to Medicines

–, The South Centre – Max Planck Global Forum on IP, Innovationand Access to Medicines 1130 Re

Aceto Balsamico di Modena (CJEU)

–, Authorised Use of the Non-Geographical Term ‘Balsamico’ 647D

Ad Blocker

–, Dominant Position of an ‘Adblock Plus’ Supplier (Germany)1065 D

–, On the Market Dominance of the Provider of Ad Blocker Soft-ware on an Asymmetrical Two-Sided Market – Also a Discussionof the German Federal Supreme Court’s Decision of 8 October2019, KZR 73/17 – Ad Blocker III 1032 Op

Ad Blocker III [Werbeblocker III] (Federal Supreme Court – Ger-many)

–, Dominant Position of an ‘Adblock Plus’ Supplier 1065 D


–, Making Markets Work for Africa (Book Review) 879 BR

Alirocumab (Federal Supreme Court – Germany)

–, Requirements for Granting a Compulsory Licence for a MedicinalProduct 278 D


–, Jurisdiction in case of online infringement: the relevance of consu-mers’ and traders’ countries 89 D

Amurrio (Supreme Court – Spain)

–, Constitutionality of the Financial Liability of Firm Executives andPublication of Their Names on Infringement Decisions 870 D

Andean Community

–, Protection of Color Trademarks Delimited by Non-DistinctiveShapes 1254 D


–, Government as the Copyright Holder of the National Anthem(Uganda) 964 D

Anti-competitive Vertical Agreements (Supreme Court – Poland)

–, Should There Be a Relevant Market Definition and Should AllParties to the Agreement Be Identified in Resale Price MaintenanceCases? 659 D

Applied Art

–, De minimis exception when using applied art in marketing mate-rials (Denmark) 91 D

AR v Cooper and others (CJEU)

–, Right to Claim Compensation for Infringement that OccurredBefore the Trade Mark Was Revoked for Non-Use 754 D

Architectural Design

–, Infringement of Moral Rights through Modifications of Archi-tectural Designs (Netherlands) 316 D

Artificial Intelligence

–, ‘AI-Generated Inventions’: Time to Get the Record Straight? 443A

–, Artificial Intelligence Designated as Inventor – An Analysis of theRecent EPO Case Law 918 Op

–, Can a Patent Be Granted for an AI-Generated Invention? 1123Op

–, ‘Copyright work and its definition with regard to originality andAI’ – Conference Report on the fourth Binational Seminar of TUDresden and Charles University in Prague, 27 June 2019 39 Re

–, Data Mining Under the Directive on Copyright and RelatedRights in the Digital Single Market: Are European Database Pro-tection Rules Still Threatening the Development of Artificial Intel-ligence? 457 A

–, Is Intellectual Property Law Ready for Artificial Intelligence? 117Ed


–, The relevance of the types of use for the distinctive character of atrade mark 90 D


–, Asian IP Law: An Area of Rising Importance 249 A


–, Characterisation of a Computer Implemented Method as a Man-ner of Manufacture 1141 D


–, Cross-Border Offer to Sell and International Jurisdiction in Com-munity Designs Infringement Disputes 774 D

–, No Legal Infringement by Online Directory of Psychotherapistswith Commercial Purposes 1057 D

Average Consumer

–, The Fairy Tale of the Average Consumer: Why We Should NotRely on the Real Consumer When Assessing the Likelihood ofConfusion 1008 A



–, Authorised Use of the Non-Geographical Term ‘Balsamico’(CJEU) 647 D


–, The fate of a trademark license in the case of bankruptcy of thelicensor – The U. S. Supreme Court decisionMission ProductHoldings Inc. v Tempnology, LLC in the light of German Law&Practice 35 Op

Bayer (CJEU)

–, Interpretation of ‘reasonable compensation’ for damage caused byprovisional measures 70 D


–, Digital Sequence Information (DSI) and Benefit-Sharing Arisingfrom Its Use: An Unfinished Discussion 565 Ed


–, 106 -, 329 -, 556 -, 776 -, 978 -, 1179 -

XIV GRUR Int. 2020

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–, Authorized Generics and Biosimilars as Part of Drug Life CycleManagement 1105 A


–, Concept for a Multinational Patent Search using Elements ofBlockchain Technology 225 A v Visita (Court of Appeal – Sweden)

–, Narrow Price Parity Clauses and Restrictions of Competition197 D


–, Abuse of Dominant Position and Cease-and-Desist Agreements:Risks to Brazilian Competition Policy Arising from the AtypicalCase of Petrobras, Refineries 706 A

–, Brazilian GI s Landscape: From the TRIPS Commitments to theReal World, What Was Achieved, What Is Yet to be Faced? 902 A

–, Rethinking Unfair Competition Justifications in Brazil 28 A


–, Communication to the Public of Works Licensed as ‘Free ofBroadcasting Rights’ by a Music Platform (France) 866 D

–, The MusicMatic Decision of the French Cour de cassation: Crea-tive Commons Licenses versus Mandatory Collective Managementof Broadcasting Rights of Commercial Phonograms 852 Op

Brompton Bicycle (CJEU)

–, Copyright Protection for a Functional Shape in so Far as It IsOriginal 969 D

Burberry v Megastar (Court of Appeal – Singapore)

–, Liability of importers and exporters of covered goods 77 D


Caddy Keys [Einkaufswagenlöser] (Supreme Court – Austria)

–, Cross-Border Offer to Sell and International Jurisdiction in Com-munity Designs Infringement Disputes 774 D

Capri Sun v Riha (Supreme Court – Netherlands)

–, Technical Exception for Three-Dimensional Trade Marks 405 D


–, The Value of Standardized Technology to Connected Cars 365 A


–, Digital Sequence Information (DSI) and Benefit-Sharing Arisingfrom Its Use: An Unfinished Discussion 565 Ed

Cease-and-Desist Agreements

–, Abuse of Dominant Position and Cease-and-Desist Agreements:Risks to Brazilian Competition Policy Arising from the AtypicalCase of Petrobras, Refineries 706 A


–, The Original Sin – Content ,Moderation` (Censorship) in the EU339 Ed

Chimeric Mice

–, Chimeric Mice: Invalidity of Product Claims due to Lack ofSufficient Disclosure of the Invention (UK) 1039 D


–, China’s Anti-Monopoly Law Is Under Revision 1189 Ed

–, Determination of Liability in Infringement Cases of Method Pa-tents Implemented by Multiple Actors 502 D

–, How Comprehensive Is Chinese Data Protection Law? A Systema-tisation of Chinese Data Protection Law from a European Per-spective 1191 A

–, Infringement through the Use of a Trademark in Products forExportation 855 D

–, Infringement Warnings and Scope of the Claims in Non-Infringe-ment Declaratory Proceedings 394 D

–, Morality and Negative Social Influence Exceptions to Trade MarkRegistration 291 D

–, Partial Judgments and Preliminary Injunctions in Patent Infringe-ment Cases 212 D

–, Phase One US-China Trade Deal: What Does It Mean for Intel-lectual Property? 389 Op

–, Protection of Louboutin’s Red Sole Trade Mark 1051 D

–, Protection of Works Generated by Machine Learning Software763 D

–, Scope of Protection of Plant Varieties 1160 D

–, Through the Anti-Monopoly Lens: What Constitutes ‘UnfairlyHigh Patent Pricing’ in China? 823 A

Christian Louboutin v National Intellectual Property Administration(Supreme Court – China)

–, Protection of Louboutin’s Red Sole Trade Mark 1051 D

Clothing Designs

–, No Copyright Protection for Clothing Designs Because of theirAesthetically Significant Visual Effect (CJEU) 322 D

Club de Variedades Vegetales Protegidas (CJEU)

–, Protection of Fruits of Plant Varieties 398 D


–, Collective Management of Copyright in Greece After the Imple-mentation of Directive 2014/26/EU 128 A

–, The MusicMatic Decision of the French Cour de cassation: Crea-tive Commons Licenses versus Mandatory Collective Manage-ment of Broadcasting Rights of Commercial Phonograms 852Op

Cofemel (CJEU)

–, No Copyright Protection for Clothing Designs Because of theirAesthetically Significant Visual Effect 322 D

Collective Management Organisations

–, See ‘CMO’ - -

Color Trademarks

–, Protection of Color Trademarks Delimited by Non-DistinctiveShapes (Andean Community) 1254 D

Commissioner of Patents v Rokt Pte Ltd (Federal Court – Australia)

–, Characterisation of a Computer Implemented Method as a Man-ner of Manufacture 1141 D

Communication to the Public

–, Communication to the Public of Works Licensed as ,Free ofBroadcasting Rights` by a Music Platform (France) 866 D

–, Exhaustion, Distribution and Communication to the Public – TheCJEU,s Decision C-263/18 – Tom Kabinet on E-Books and Bey-ond 489 Op

–, No Communication to the Public through Hiring Out a Car withRadio Receiver (CJEU) 773 D

–, The MusicMatic Decision of the French Cour de cassation: Crea-tive Commons Licenses versus Mandatory Collective Manage-ment of Broadcasting Rights of Commercial Phonograms 852Op

Company Executives

–, Constitutionality of the Financial Liability of Firm Executives andPublication of Their Names on Infringement Decisions (Spain)870 D

Comparative Law

–, Asian IP Law: An Area of Rising Importance 249 A

–, Spare Parts and Design Protection – Different Approaches to aCommon Problem. Recent Developments from the EU and USPerspective 673 A

–, The fate of a trademark license in the case of bankruptcy of thelicensor – The U. S. Supreme Court decisionMission ProductHoldings Inc. v Tempnology, LLC in the light of German Law&Practice 35 Op


–, Implied licenses and damages in cases of infringement by the State(Cyprus) 46 D

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–, Interpretation of ,reasonable compensation` for damage caused byprovisional measures (CJEU) 754 D

–, Legal Standing to Sue for Damages of Undertakings that Do NotDirectly Participate in the Affected Market (CJEU) 551 D

–, Right to Claim Compensation for Infringement that OccurredBefore the Trade Mark Was Revoked for Non-Use (CJEU) 754 D

–, Scope of Restitution of Profits as Criterion of Compensation inCase of Copyright Infringement (Spain) 654 D

Competition Law

–, China’s Anti-Monopoly Law Is Under Revision 1189 Ed

–, Clarifying and Reinstating Certain Aspects of the ‘by Object’Assessment (CJEU) 977 D

–, Constitutionality of the Financial Liability of Firm Executives andPublication of Their Names on Infringement Decisions (Spain)870 D

–, Data Interfaces: Tensions between Copyright and CompetitionLaw – A New Swiss Court Practice for an Old Problem 119 A

–, Dominant Position of an ,Adblock Plus` Supplier (Germany)1065 D

–, Liability of a Parent Company (Spain) 188 D

–, Making Markets Work for Africa (Book Review) 879 BR

–, Market Power Assessment in Digital Markets – A German Per-spective 233 A

–, Narrow Price Parity Clauses and Restrictions of Competition(Sweden) 197 D

–, On the Market Dominance of the Provider of Ad Blocker Soft-ware on an Asymmetrical Two-Sided Market – Also a Discussionof the German Federal Supreme Court’s Decision of 8 October2019, KZR 73/17 – Ad Blocker III 1032 Op

–, Pay-for-Delay Agreements Likely Violate Competition LawWhere Reverse Payments Occur without Justifiable Explanation(CJEU) 1075 D

–, SEPs Holders, Injunctive Relief under Anti-monopoly Law 474 A

–, Should There Be a Relevant Market Definition and Should AllParties to the Agreement Be Identified in Resale Price MaintenanceCases? (Poland) 659 D

–, Standard-Essential Patents: Conditions for Filing for an InjunctionWithout Abusing a Dominant Market Position (Netherlands)174 D

–, The Effects of Declarations pursuant to Art. 28(8) of CouncilRegulation 207/2009 (CJEU) 196 D

–, The Nature of the Evidence Needed to Prove CountervailingBenefits and What Can Be Considered a Fair Share to Consumersin Multisided Markets (UK) 1272 D

–, Through the Anti-Monopoly Lens: What Constitutes ,UnfairlyHigh Patent Pricing` in China? 823 A

Compulsory Licence

–, Requirements for Granting a Compulsory Licence for a MedicinalProduct (Germany) 278 D

Computer Implemented Inventions

–, Characterisation of a Computer Implemented Method as a Man-ner of Manufacture (Australia) 1141 D

Computer Programs

–, Breach of License Agreement for Computer Programs as Copy-right Infringement (CJEU) 418 D

–, Scope and Limits of Criminal Liability for the Acquisition and Useof Unauthorized Reproductions of Computer Programs Borne bya Business Which Has Not Reproduced Such Illegal Copies (SouthKorea) 955 D

Concurrent Liability

–, Concurrent Liability in Contract and Intellectual Property Law:Licensing Agreements in Light of Case C-666/18 IT DevelopmentSAS 989 A

Connected Cars

–, The Value of Standardized Technology to Connected Cars 365 A

Constantin Film v YouTube, Google (CJEU)

–, Scope of Information Platform Operator is Required to Provide inCase of Copyright Infringement 1178 D

Constitutional complaint (Greenpeace eská republika) (Constitutio-nal Court – Czech Republic)

–, Obligation to State Reasons in a Preliminary Injunction Potenti-ally Interfering with Freedom of Expression 1268 D

Consumer Welfare

–, Adam Smith, the Competitive Process, and the Flawed ConsumerWelfare Standard 3 A

Content Moderation

–, The Original Sin – Content ,Moderation` (Censorship) in the EU339 Ed

Continente (Supreme Court – Spain)

–, Legal Standing to Sue for Revocation of a Trade Mark for Lack ofUse 308 D

Contract Law

–, Intellectual Property Transactions: What We Can (and Should)Learn from Contract Law for IP Licensing 1095 Ed

Convention on Biological Diversity

–, See ‘CBD’ -

Copyright Infringement

–, Breach of License Agreement for Computer Programs as Copy-right Infringement (CJEU) 418 D

–, Communication to the Public of Works Licensed as ‘Free ofBroadcasting Rights’ by a Music Platform (France) 866 D

–, Copyright infringement through the storage of protected goodsintended for sale (Sweden) 64 D

–, Copyright Protection for a Functional Shape in so Far as It IsOriginal (CJEU) 969 D

–, Estimation of an Hypothetical License Fee (Estonia) 528 D

–, Infringement of Moral Rights through Modifications of Archi-tectural Designs (Netherlands) 316 D

–, Obligation to State Reasons in a Preliminary Injunction Potenti-ally Interfering with Freedom of Expression (Czech Republic)1268 D

–, Originality of a Scientific Work not Precluded by Experts,Judgments on the Ideas Presented or by Doctoral Supervision(Spain) 960 D

–, Scope and Limits of Criminal Liability for the Acquisition and Useof Unauthorized Reproductions of Computer Programs Borne bya Business Which Has Not Reproduced Such Illegal Copies (SouthKorea) 955 D

–, Scope of Information Platform Operator is Required to Provide inCase of Copyright Infringement (CJEU) 1178 D

–, Scope of Restitution of Profits as Criterion of Compensation inCase of Copyright Infringement (Spain) 654 D

–, The MusicMatic Decision of the French Cour de cassation: Crea-tive Commons Licenses versus Mandatory Collective Manage-ment of Broadcasting Rights of Commercial Phonograms 852Op

Copyright Law

–, An Autonomous EU Functionality Doctrine for Shape Exclusions567 A

–, Breach of License Agreement for Computer Programs as Copy-right Infringement (CJEU) 418 D

–, Collective Management of Copyright in Greece After the Imple-mentation of Directive 2014/26/EU 128 A

–, Communication to the Public of Works Licensed as ‘Free ofBroadcasting Rights‘ by a Music Platform (France) 866 D

–, Copyright infringement through the storage of protected goodsintended for sale (Sweden) 64 D

–, Copyright Protection for a Functional Shape in so Far as It IsOriginal (CJEU) 969 D

–, ‘Copyright work and its definition with regard to originality andAI’ – Conference Report on the fourth Binational Seminar of TUDresden and Charles University in Prague, 27 June 2019 39 Re

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–, Data Interfaces: Tensions between Copyright and CompetitionLaw – A New Swiss Court Practice for an Old Problem 119 A

–, Data Mining Under the Directive on Copyright and RelatedRights in the Digital Single Market: Are European Database Pro-tection Rules Still Threatening the Development of Artificial Intel-ligence? 457 A

–, eBooks: Exhaustion of Distribution Rights and Communicationto the Public (CJEU) 540 D

–, Estimation of an Hypothetical License Fee (Estonia) 528 D

–, Exhaustion, Distribution and Communication to the Public – TheCJEU's Decision C-263/18 – Tom Kabinet on E-Books and Bey-ond 489 Op

–, Geoblocking in EU Copyright Law: Challenges and Perspectives136 A

–, Government as the Copyright Holder of the National Anthem(Uganda) 964 D

–, Inapplicability and Unenforceability of Ancillary Copyright forPress Publishers in the Absence of Prior Notification of the DraftTechnical Regulation to the Commission (CJEU) 869 D

–, Infringement of Moral Rights through Modifications of Archi-tectural Designs (Netherlands) 316 D

–, De minimis exception when using applied art in marketing mate-rials (Denmark) 91 D

–, Limitations on Copyrights based on Freedom of Expression andInformation (Sweden) 768 D

–, Little Guidance for the Application of Copyright Law to Designsin Cofemel 151 Op

–, No Communication to the Public through Hiring Out a Car withRadio Receiver (CJEU) 773 D

–, No Copyright Protection for Clothing Designs Because of theirAesthetically Significant Visual Effect (CJEU) 322 D

–, Obligation to State Reasons in a Preliminary Injunction Poten-tially Interfering with Freedom of Expression (Czech Republic)1268 D

–, On the New Copyright Protection for Non-Original Photographsin Switzerland 987 Ed

–, Originality of a Scientific Work not Precluded by Experts,Judgments on the Ideas Presented or by Doctoral Supervision(Spain) 960 D

–, Parodic Use of Protected Works (France) 415 D

–, Parodies and Infringement of Trade Mark and Copyright Law(Israel) 293 D

–, Presumption of Performer’s Authorisation to the Fixation andExploitation of Performances (CJEU) 327 D

–, Protection of Works Generated by Machine Learning Software(China) 763 D

–, Rip Me to Pieces! No Moral Copyright Protection for the De-struction of Site-Specific Art in Germany 1243 Op

–, Scope and Limits of Criminal Liability for the Acquisition and Useof Unauthorized Reproductions of Computer Programs Borne bya Business Which Has Not Reproduced Such Illegal Copies (SouthKorea) 955 D

–, Scope of Information Platform Operator is Required to Provide inCase of Copyright Infringement (CJEU) 1178 D

–, Scope of Restitution of Profits as Criterion of Compensation inCase of Copyright Infringement (Spain) 654 D

–, The CJEU, EU Fundamental Rights and the Limitations of Copy-right 223 A

–, The MusicMatic Decision of the French Cour de cassation: Crea-tive Commons Licenses versus Mandatory Collective Manage-ment of Broadcasting Rights of Commercial Phonograms 852Op

–, The Original Sin – Content ‘Moderation’ (Censorship) in the EU339 Ed


–, Corrigendum to: Professor Shanks v Unilever: 13 years haul toawarded employee compensation in the UK 882 -

Coty Germany (CJEU)

–, Amazon-Marketplace: No Trade Mark Infringement Due to Sto-rage of Infringing Goods on Behalf of Third Parties When ThereIs No Knowledge of the Unauthorized Use (CJEU) 755 D


–, Will Covid Patents Save the World? 883 Ed

Creative Commons

–, The MusicMatic Decision of the French Cour de cassation: Crea-tive Commons Licenses versus Mandatory Collective Manage-ment of Broadcasting Rights of Commercial Phonograms 852Op

Criminal Law

–, Scope and Limits of Criminal Liability for the Acquisition and Useof Unauthorized Reproductions of Computer Programs Borne bya Business Which Has Not Reproduced Such Illegal Copies (SouthKorea) 955 D

Culatello di Parma (Federal Supreme Court – Germany)

–, Evocation of the Protected Geographical Indication through Indi-cation of the Place 756 D

Customs Measures

–, Illegality of Requirement of Actual Infringement for Applicationfor Customs Measures (Russia) 1170 D


–, Implied licenses and damages in cases of infringement by theState 46 D

Czech Republic

–, Abuse of Dominant Position in a Market by Enforcement ofIntellectual Property Rights 410 D

–, Obligation to State Reasons in a Preliminary Injunction Poten-tially Interfering with Freedom of Expression 1268 D


Da Vinci (Federal Supreme Court – Germany)

–, Abusive Exploitation of a Formal Legal Status by the Holder of aTrademark Right 860 D


–, Compensation for Remote Economic Losses Caused by Infringe-ments of Art. 101 TFEU 496 Op

–, Implied licenses and damages in cases of infringement by the State(Cyprus) 46 D

–, Interpretation of ‘reasonable compensation’ for damage caused byprovisional measures (CJEU) 754 D

–, Legal Standing to Sue for Damages of Undertakings that Do NotDirectly Participate in the Affected Market (CJEU) 551 D

–, Right to Claim Compensation for Infringement that OccurredBefore the Trade Mark Was Revoked for Non-Use (CJEU) 754 D

–, Scope of Restitution of Profits as Criterion of Compensation inCase of Copyright Infringement (Spain) 654 D

Data Interface

–, Data Interfaces: Tensions between Copyright and CompetitionLaw – A New Swiss Court Practice for an Old Problem 119 A

Data Mining

–, Data Mining Under the Directive on Copyright and RelatedRights in the Digital Single Market: Are European Database Pro-tection Rules Still Threatening the Development of Artificial Intel-ligence? 457 A

Data Policy

–, Investor-State Dispute Settlement and Data: Implications for DataPolicy and Regulation 1242 Op

Data Protection Law

–, Criminal Liability for Dissemination of Images of a Person in anEspecially Vulnerable Situation (Sweden) 1090 D

–, Facebook Filters, Fundamental Rights, and the CJEU'sGlawi-schnig-Piesczek Ruling 616 Op

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–, Facebook: Legality of Order to Delete Insulting Comments(CJEU) 662 D

–, How Comprehensive Is Chinese Data Protection Law? A Systema-tisation of Chinese Data Protection Law from a European Per-spective 1191 A

–, Responsibility of an Operator of a Search Engine for Protection ofPersonal Data (CJEU) 419 D

–, Responsibility of the Website Operator for User Data (CJEU)204 D

–, Stuck Half Way: The Limitation of Joint Control after Fashion ID(C-40/17) 159 Op


–, Data Mining Under the Directive on Copyright and RelatedRights in the Digital Single Market: Are European Database Pro-tection Rules Still Threatening the Development of Artificial Intel-ligence? 457 A

De 4 Jaargetijden (Supreme Court – Netherlands)

–, Infringement of Moral Rights through Modifications of Archi-tectural Designs 316 D

Delta Electronics v. Sunonwealth (Supreme Administrative Court –Taiwan)

–, The ‘teaching away’ description of the prior art and non-obvious-ness of the invention 67 D


–, De minimis exception when using applied art in marketing mate-rials 91 D

Design Law

–, An Autonomous EU Functionality Doctrine for Shape Exclusions567 A

–, Competence of National Courts to Order Measures in Respect ofCommunity Designs (CJEU) 328 D

–, Cross-Border Offer to Sell and International Jurisdiction in Com-munity Designs Infringement Disputes (Austria) 774 D

–, INDECOPI – Information on Enforcement of Patent and DesignRights 164 Re

–, Little Guidance for the Application of Copyright Law to Designsin Cofemel 264 Op

–, Protection of Unregistered Distinctive Signs within Unfair Compe-tition Law: the Polish Perspective 14 A

–, Spare Parts and Design Protection – Different Approaches to aCommon Problem. Recent Developments from the EU and USPerspective 673 A

Designation of Origin

–, Possibility of Supplier Restriction for a Protected Designation ofOrigin to Safeguard the Monitoring System (CJEU) 639 D

Digital Gene Sequence

–, Digital Sequence Information (DSI) and Benefit-Sharing Arisingfrom Its Use: An Unfinished Discussion 565 Ed

Digital Single Market

–, Data Mining Under the Directive on Copyright and RelatedRights in the Digital Single Market: Are European Database Pro-tection Rules Still Threatening the Development of Artificial Intel-ligence? 457 A

Disclosure of Invention

–, Chimeric Mice: Invalidity of Product Claims due to Lack ofSufficient Disclosure of the Invention (UK) 1039 D

Distinctiveness of a Trademark

–, The relevance of the types of use for the distinctive character of atrade mark (CJEU) 90 D

Doctoral Supervision

–, Originality of a Scientific Work not Precluded by Experts,Judgments on the Ideas Presented or by Doctoral Supervision(Spain) 960 D

Doctrine of Equivalents

–, Application of the Doctrine of Equivalents (Italy) 1156 D

Dominant Market Position

–, Abuse of Dominant Position and Cease-and-Desist Agreements:Risks to Brazilian Competition Policy Arising from the AtypicalCase of Petrobras, Refineries 706 A

–, Abuse of Dominant Position in a Market by Enforcement ofIntellectual Property Rights (Czech Republic) 410 D

–, Dominant Position of an ‘Adblock Plus’ Supplier (Germany)1065 D

–, On the Market Dominance of the Provider of Ad Blocker Soft-ware on an Asymmetrical Two-Sided Market – Also a Discussionof the German Federal Supreme Court’s Decision of 8 October2019, KZR 73/17 – Ad Blocker III 1032 Op

–, Standard-Essential Patents: Conditions for Filing for an InjunctionWithout Abusing a Dominant Market Position (Netherlands)174 D

Drug Life Cycle

–, Authorized Generics and Biosimilars as Part of Drug Life CycleManagement 1105 A



–, eBooks: Exhaustion of Distribution Rights and Communicationto the Public (CJEU) 540 D

–, Exhaustion, Distribution and Communication to the Public – TheCJEU's Decision C-263/18 – Tom Kabinet on E-Books and Bey-ond 489 Op

ECO-TEST I [ÖKO-TEST I] (Federal Supreme Court – Germany)

–, Infringement of a Well-Known Trade Mark and Legal Relevanceof Indirect Investments on Reputation 1164 D


–, China’s Anti-Monopoly Law Is Under Revision 1189 Ed

–, Digital Sequence Information (DSI) and Benefit-Sharing Arisingfrom Its Use: An Unfinished Discussion 565 Ed

–, Gerhard Schricker on his 85th Birthday 671 Ed

–, Intellectual Property Transactions: What We Can (and Should)Learn from Contract Law for IP Licensing 1095 Ed

–, Is Intellectual Property Law Ready for Artificial Intelligence? 117Ed

–, The CJEU, EU Fundamental Rights and the Limitations of Copy-right 223 Ed

–, The New GRUR International 1 Ed

–, The Original Sin – Content ‘Moderation’ (Censorship) in the EU339 Ed

–, Two Faces of ‘Parasite’: A Korean Perspective on Intellectual Pro-perty 441 Ed

–, Will Covid Patents Save the World? 883 Ed


–, Plant Variety Right Protection and Essentially Derived Varieties:A Fresh Proposal to Untie the Gordian Knot 785 A

Employee Invention

–, Employee Invention: Principles Governing the Assessment of Out-standing Benefit to an Employer and the Fair Share of the Em-ployee (UK) 743 D

–, Professor Shanks v Unilever: 13 years haul to awarded employeecompensation in the UK 727 Op

–, Professor Shanks v Unilever: 13 years haul to awarded employeecompensation in the UK (Corrigendum) 882 -


–, Abuse of Dominant Position in a Market by Enforcement ofIntellectual Property Rights (Czech Republic) 410 D

–, ‘Enforcement of Patent Law in Civil Proceedings’ – A ConferenceReport on the Fifth Bi-national Seminar of TU Dresden andCharles University in Prague, 26 November 2019 624 Re

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–, INDECOPI – Information on Enforcement of Patent and DesignRights 164 Re


–, See ‘European Patent Convention’


–, Artificial Intelligence Designated as Inventor – An Analysis of theRecent EPO Case Law 918 Op

–, Disclaimers in European Patent Applications 1204 A

–, G 3/19 – The Struggle for Power Within the EPC 1027 Op

Essentially Derived Varieties

–, See ‘EDV’ -


–, Estimation of an Hypothetical License Fee 528 D

EU Competition Law

–, Clarifying and Reinstating Certain Aspects of the ,by Object`Assessment (CJEU) 977 D

–, Compensation for Remote Economic Losses Caused by Infringe-ments of Art. 101 TFEU 496 Op

–, Legal Standing to Sue for Damages of Undertakings that Do NotDirectly Participate in the Affected Market (CJEU) 551 D

–, Pay-for-Delay Agreements Likely Violate Competition LawWhere Reverse Payments Occur without Justifiable Explanation(CJEU) 1071 D

–, The Effects of Declarations pursuant to Art. 28(8) of CouncilRegulation 207/2009 (CJEU) 196 D

EU Copyright Law

–, An Autonomous EU Functionality Doctrine for Shape Exclusions567 A

–, Breach of License Agreement for Computer Programs as Copy-right Infringement (CJEU) 418 D

–, Collective Management of Copyright in Greece After the Imple-mentation of Directive 2014/26/EU 128 A

–, Copyright Protection for a Functional Shape in so Far as It IsOriginal (CJEU) 969 D

–, Data Mining Under the Directive on Copyright and RelatedRights in the Digital Single Market: Are European Database Pro-tection Rules Still Threatening the Development of Artificial Intel-ligence? 457 A

–, eBooks: Exhaustion of Distribution Rights and Communicationto the Public (CJEU) 540 D

–, Exhaustion, Distribution and Communication to the Public – TheCJEU's Decision C-263/18 – Tom Kabinet on E-Books and Bey-ond 489 Op

–, Geoblocking in EU Copyright Law: Challenges and Perspectives136 A

–, Inapplicability and Unenforceability of Ancillary Copyright forPress Publishers in the Absence of Prior Notification of the DraftTechnical Regulation to the Commission (CJEU) 869 D

–, Little Guidance for the Application of Copyright Law to Designsin Cofemel 264 Op

–, No Communication to the Public through Hiring Out a Car withRadio Receiver (CJEU) 773 D

–, No Copyright Protection for Clothing Designs Because of theirAesthetically Significant Visual Effect (CJEU) 322 D

–, Presumption of Performer’s Authorisation to the Fixation andExploitation of Performances (CJEU) 327 D

–, Scope of Information Platform Operator is Required to Provide inCase of Copyright Infringement (CJEU) 1178 D

–, The CJEU, EU Fundamental Rights and the Limitations of Copy-right 223 A

–, The Original Sin – Content ‘Moderation’ (Censorship) in the EU339 Ed

EU Data Protection Law

–, Facebook Filters, Fundamental Rights, and the CJEU'sGlawi-schnig-Piesczek Ruling 616 Op

–, Facebook: Legality of Order to Delete Insulting Comments(CJEU) 662 D

–, Responsibility of an Operator of a Search Engine for Protection ofPersonal Data (CJEU) 419 D

–, Responsibility of the Website Operator for User Data (CJEU)204 D

–, Stuck Half Way: The Limitation of Joint Control after Fashion ID(C-40/17) 159 Op

EU Database Protection

–, Data Mining Under the Directive on Copyright and RelatedRights in the Digital Single Market: Are European Database Pro-tection Rules Still Threatening the Development of Artificial Intel-ligence? 457 A

EU Design Law

–, An Autonomous EU Functionality Doctrine for Shape Exclusions567 A

–, Competence of National Courts to Order Measures in Respect ofCommunity Designs (CJEU) 328 D

–, Cross-Border Offer to Sell and International Jurisdiction in Com-munity Designs Infringement Disputes (Austria) 774 D

–, Little Guidance for the Application of Copyright Law to Designsin Cofemel 264 Op

–, Protection of Unregistered Distinctive Signs within Unfair Compe-tition Law: the Polish Perspective 14 A

–, Spare Parts and Design Protection – Different Approaches to aCommon Problem. Recent Developments from the EU and USPerspective 673 A

EU Food Law

–, Specific Health Claim May under Certain Circumstances be Ac-companied by an Asterisk in a Product Packaging (CJEU) 762 D

EU Patent Law

–, Artificial Intelligence Designated as Inventor – An Analysis of theRecent EPO Case Law 918 Op

–, Conferring Powers on the Unified Patent Court Requires a Two-thirds Majority in Parliament (Germany) 943 D

–, Handbuch Europäischer Patentprozess (Book Review) 1094 BR

–, Interpretation of ‘reasonable compensation‘ for damage caused byprovisional measures (CJEU) 70 D

–, The UPC without the UK: Consequences and Alternatives 847Op

EU Pharmaceutical Law

–, Interpretation of the Requirement Set in Art. 3(a) of the SPCRegulation (CJEU) 865 D

–, Legal Problems of the Supplementary Protection Certificate forMedicinal Products. Using the Example of Medical Indications,Excipients and Combinations of Active Substances (Book Re-view) 1287 BR

–, Pay-for-Delay Agreements Likely Violate Competition LawWhere Reverse Payments Occur without Justifiable Explanation(CJEU) 1071 D

–, Specific Health Claim May under Certain Circumstances be Ac-companied by an Asterisk in a Product Packaging (CJEU) 762 D

EU Plant Variety Law

–, Protection of Fruits of Plant Varieties (CJEU) 398 D

EU Privacy Law

–, Geographical Range of the ‘Right to be Forgotten’ (CJEU) 430 D

–, Responsibility of an Operator of a Search Engine for Protection ofPersonal Data (CJEU) 419 D

–, The Right to Be Forgotten is Taking Shape: CJEU Judgments inGC and Others (C-136/17) and Google v CNIL (C-507/17) 380Op

EU Trademark Law

–, 3D Trade Marks: Factors to Consider when Determining Tech-nical Functionality of the Sign (CJEU) 863 D

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–, Amazon-Marketplace: No Trade Mark Infringement Due to Sto-rage of Infringing Goods on Behalf of Third Parties When ThereIs No Knowledge of the Unauthorized Use (CJEU) 755 D

–, An Autonomous EU Functionality Doctrine for Shape Exclusions567 A

–, Are EUIPO Trade Mark Examiners and the Boards of AppealBound by Precedent Decisions? 893 A

–, Community Trade Marks: Relevance of Intention to Use and NoInvalidation Based on Impreciseness or Lack of Clarity (CJEU)527 D

–, Did the Court of Justice of the European Union Solve the Puzzleby Declaring the Rubik’s Cube Trademark Invalid? 1217 A

–, Independent Third-Party Reproduction of Infringing Signs DoesNot Constitute Trade Mark Use (CJEU) 1056 D

–, AMS Neve and Others (C-172/18): Looking for a Greater ,Degreeof Consistency` Between the Special Jurisdiction Rule for EUTrade Marks and National Trade Marks 355 A

–, Jurisdiction in case of online infringement: the relevance of consu-mers’ and traders’ countries (CJEU) 89 D

–, Protection of Unregistered Distinctive Signs within Unfair Compe-tition Law: the Polish Perspective 14 A

–, Right to Claim Compensation for Infringement that OccurredBefore the Trade Mark Was Revoked for Non-Use (CJEU) 754 D

–, The Effects of Declarations pursuant to Art. 28(8) of CouncilRegulation 207/2009 (CJEU) 196 D

–, The Fairy Tale of the Average Consumer: Why We Should NotRely on the Real Consumer When Assessing the Likelihood ofConfusion 1008 A

–, The relevance of the types of use for the distinctive character of atrade mark (CJEU) 90 D

–, The Right to Oppose Further Commercialisation of Goods Accor-ding to Art. 15(2) of the European Union Trade Mark Regulation– A Balance of Interests? 998 A

–, Use of Trade Mark in the Course of Trade by a Person Who DoesNot Engage in Trade as an Occupation (CJEU) 864 D


–, Are EUIPO Trade Mark Examiners and the Boards of AppealBound by Precedent Decisions? 893 A

European Patent Convention

–, Artificial Intelligence Designated as Inventor – An Analysis of theRecent EPO Case Law 918 Op

–, Disclaimers in European Patent Applications 1204 A

–, G 3/19 – The Struggle for Power Within the EPC 1027 Op

–, Limits of the Supremacy of a European Patent Over a NationalPatent (Italy) 630 D

European Patent Office

–, See ‘EPO’ - -


–, Evocation of the Protected Geographical Indication through Indi-cation of the Place (Germany) 756 D

Exhaustion of Rights

–, eBooks: Exhaustion of Distribution Rights and Communicationto the Public (CJEU) 540 D

–, Exhaustion, Distribution and Communication to the Public – TheCJEU's Decision C-263/18 – Tom Kabinet on E-Books and Bey-ond 489 Op

–, Exhaustion of Rights in Case of Products Commercialised withoutthe Trademark Holder’s Consent (South Korea) 1172 D

–, The Right to Oppose Further Commercialisation of Goods Accor-ding to Art. 15(2) of the European Union Trade Mark Regulation– A Balance of Interests? 998 A


–, Infringement through the Use of a Trademark in Products forExportation (China) 855 D

–, Use of Trade Mark in the Course of Trade by a Person Who DoesNot Engage in Trade as an Occupation (CJEU) 864 D



–, Facebook Filters, Fundamental Rights, and the CJEU'sGlawi-schnig-Piesczek Ruling 616 Op

–, Facebook: Legality of Order to Delete Insulting Comments(CJEU) 662 D

Fashion ID (CJEU)

–, Responsibility of the Website Operator for User Data 204 D

Fiskars v Mountfield (Supreme Court – Czech Republic)

–, Abuse of Dominant Position in a Market by Enforcement ofIntellectual Property Rights 410 D

Fleetmanager Sweden (CJEU)

–, No Communication to the Public through Hiring Out a Car withRadio Receiver 773 D

Food Law

–, Specific Health Claim May under Certain Circumstances be Ac-companied by an Asterisk in a Product Packaging (CJEU) 762 D


–, Communication to the Public of Works Licensed as ,Free ofBroadcasting Rights` by a Music Platform 866 D

–, Parodic Use of Protected Works 415 D

–, The MusicMatic Decision of the French Cour de cassation: Crea-tive Commons Licenses versus Mandatory Collective Manage-ment of Broadcasting Rights of Commercial Phonograms 852Op


–, Emerging Patterns in the Judicial Determination of FRAND Ra-tes: Comparable Agreements and the Top-Down Approach forFRAND Royalties Determination 885 A

Freedom of Expression

–, Conflicts between Trade Mark Protection and Freedom of Expres-sion in the Case of Website Blocking (Turkey) 522 D

–, Limitations on Copyrights based on Freedom of Expression andInformation (Sweden) 768 D

–, Obligation to State Reasons in a Preliminary Injunction Potenti-ally Interfering with Freedom of Expression (Czech Republic)1268 D

Functional Shape

–, Copyright Protection for a Functional Shape in so Far as It IsOriginal (CJEU) 969 D


–, 3D Trade Marks: Factors to Consider when Determining Tech-nical Functionality of the Sign (CJEU) 863 D

–, An Autonomous EU Functionality Doctrine for Shape Exclusions567 A

–, Copyright Protection for a Functional Shape in so Far as It IsOriginal (CJEU) 969 D

Fundamental Rights

–, Facebook Filters, Fundamental Rights, and the CJEU'sGlawi-schnig-Piesczek Ruling 616 Op

–, Obligation to State Reasons in a Preliminary Injunction Potenti-ally Interfering with Freedom of Expression (Czech Republic)1268 D

–, The CJEU, EU Fundamental Rights and the Limitations of Copy-right 223 A


Gazdasági Versenyhivatal v ING Bank NVMagyarországi Fióktelepeand others (CJEU)

–, Clarifying and Reinstating Certain Aspects of the ‘by Object’Assessment 977 D

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GC and Others (CJEU)

–, Responsibility of an Operator of a Search Engine for Protection ofPersonal Data 419 D

Gemata v Bergi and others (Supreme Court – Italy)

–, Limits of the Supremacy of a European Patent Over a NationalPatent 630 D

Generic Medicines

–, Authorized Generics and Biosimilars as Part of Drug Life CycleManagement 1105 A

Generics and others (CJEU)

–, Pay-for-Delay Agreements Likely Violate Competition LawWhere Reverse Payments Occur without Justifiable Explanation1071 D


–, Geoblocking in EU Copyright Law: Challenges and Perspectives136 A

Geographical Indications

–, Authorised Use of the Non-Geographical Term ‘Balsamico’(CJEU) 647 D

–, Brazilian GIs Landscape: From the TRIPS Commitments to theReal World, What Was Achieved, What Is Yet to be Faced?902 A

–, Evocation of the Protected Geographical Indication through Indi-cation of the Place (Germany) 756 D

–, Geographical Indication: A Major Challenge for MERCOSUR1113 A

–, Possibility of Supplier Restriction for a Protected Designation ofOrigin to Safeguard the Monitoring System (CJEU) 639 D

–, Protection of Unregistered Distinctive Signs within Unfair Compe-tition Law: the Polish Perspective 14 A


–, Abusive Exploitation of a Formal Legal Status by the Holder of aTrademark Right 860 D

–, Conferring Powers on the Unified Patent Court Requires a Two-thirds Majority in Parliament 943 D

–, Dominant Position of an ,Adblock Plus’ Supplier 1065 D

–, Infringement of a Well-Known Trade Mark and Legal Relevanceof Indirect Investments on Reputation 1164 D

–, Limits of the Right of Prior Use 168 D

–, Market Power Assessment in Digital Markets – A German Per-spective 233 A

–, On the Market Dominance of the Provider of Ad Blocker Soft-ware on an Asymmetrical Two-Sided Market – Also a Discussionof the German Federal Supreme Court’s Decision of 8 October2019, KZR 73/17 – Ad Blocker III 1032 Op

–, Products, Patents, Proportionality – How German Patent LawResponds to 21st Century Challenges 578 A

–, Requirements for Granting a Compulsory Licence for a MedicinalProduct 278 D

–, Rip Me to Pieces! No Moral Copyright Protection for the De-struction of Site-Specific Art in Germany 1243 Op

–, Ritter-Sport: Protectability of a Packaging Trade Mark 1262 D

–, The fate of a trademark license in the case of bankruptcy of thelicensor – The U. S. Supreme Court decisionMission ProductHoldings Inc. v Tempnology, LLC in the light of German Law&Practice 35 Op

–, Use of a mounting device with a protected trade mark on a sparepart 71 D

Gestevisión Telecinco v Global Entertainment (Supreme Court –Spain)

–, Scope of Restitution of Profits as Criterion of Compensation inCase of Copyright Infringement 654 D

Glawischnig-Piesczek v Facebook (CJEU)

–, Facebook: Legality of Order to Delete Insulting Comments 662D

Gömböc Kutató v Szellemi Tulajdon Nemzeti Hivatala (CJEU)

–, 3D Trade Marks: Factors to Consider when Determining Tech-nical Functionality of the Sign 863 D

Goods in Transit

–, Trade Mark Infringement through Goods in Transit (Serbia) 185D


–, Scope of Information Platform Operator is Required to Provide inCase of Copyright Infringement (CJEU) 1178 D

Google Ads

–, Liability for Google Ads Also Linked to Third-Party Products(Germany) 399 D

Google LLC (CJEU)

–, Geographical Range of the ‘Right to be Forgotten’ 430 D


–, Government as the Copyright Holder of the National Anthem(Uganda) 964 D

Graywater (Supreme Court – Cyprus)

–, Implied licenses and damages in cases of infringement by theState 46 D


–, Collective Management of Copyright in Greece After the Imple-mentation of Directive 2014/26/EU 128 A


Hate Speech

–, Facebook Filters, Fundamental Rights, and the CJEU‘sGlawi-schnig-Piesczek Ruling 616 Op

–, Facebook: Legality of Order to Delete Insulting Comments(CJEU) 662 D

HONDAKIT (Supreme Court – China)

–, Infringement through the Use of a Trademark in Products forExportation 855 D


Implied Licences

–, Implied licenses and damages in cases of infringement by the State(Cyprus) 46 D

Infringement by Object

–, Clarifying and Reinstating Certain Aspects of the ‘by Object’Assessment (CJEU) 977 D

Innovation Governance

–, Towards a Theory of Innovation Governance and the Role ofIPRs 341 A

Innovation Society

–, The Innovation Society and Intellectual Property (Book Review)668 BR

Instagram pictures (Supreme Court – Sweden)

–, Criminal Liability for Dissemination of Images of a Person in anEspecially Vulnerable Situation 1090 D

Insulting Comments

–, Facebook Filters, Fundamental Rights, and the CJEU‘sGlawi-schnig-Piesczek Ruling 616 Op

–, Facebook: Legality of Order to Delete Insulting Comments(CJEU) 662 D

Investor-State Dispute Settlement

–, Investor-State Dispute Settlement and Data: Implications for DataPolicy and Regulation 1242 Op

Iron Pipes (Supreme Court – Sweden)

–, Limitations on Copyrights based on Freedom of Expression andInformation 768 D

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–, Parodies and Infringement of Trade Mark and Copyright Law293 D

IT Development (CJEU)

–, Breach of License Agreement for Computer Programs as Copy-right Infringement 418 D


–, Application of the Doctrine of Equivalents 1156 D

–, Limits of the Supremacy of a European Patent Over a NationalPatent (Italy) 630 D

–, Retroactive Effects of Patent Limitation 285 D



–, Japanese Patent Law – Cases and Comments (Book Review) 440BR

–, Patentability of an Invention with an Unexpected RemarkableEffect 1247 D

Joint Operator

–, Stuck Half Way: The Limitation of Joint Control after Fashion ID(C-40/17) 159 Op


–, Competence of National Courts to Order Measures in Respect ofCommunity Designs (CJEU) 328 D

–, Cross-Border Offer to Sell and International Jurisdiction in Com-munity Designs Infringement Disputes (Austria) 774 D

–, AMS Neve and Others (C-172/18): Looking for a Greater ‘Degreeof Consistency’ Between the Special Jurisdiction Rule for EUTrade Marks and National Trade Marks 355 A

–, Jurisdiction in case of online infringement: the relevance of consu-mers’ and traders’ countries (CJEU) 89 D


Kakoma v Attorney General (Court of Appeal of Kampala – Ugan-da)

–, Government as the Copyright Holder of the National Anthem964 D


–, In Search for a Jurisprudential Justification for the Recognition ofa Right of Publicity in Kenya 585 A


Lack of Use

–, Legal Standing to Sue for Revocation of a Trade Mark for Lack ofUse (Spain) 308 D

–, Retroactive Application of the Rules on Revocation of TradeMarks for Non-Use (Turkey) 635 D

–, Right to Claim Compensation for Infringement that OccurredBefore the Trade Mark Was Revoked for Non-Use (CJEU) 754 D

Latin America

–, Impact of the Patent Cooperation Treaty in Latin America 803 A

Le Point Marianne (Supreme Court – France)

–, Parodic Use of Protected Works 415 D

Licence Agreement

–, Breach of License Agreement for Computer Programs as Copy-right Infringement (CJEU) 418 D

–, Concurrent Liability in Contract and Intellectual Property Law:Licensing Agreements in Light of Case C-666/18 IT DevelopmentSAS 989 A

–, Intellectual Property Transactions: What We Can (and Should)Learn from Contract Law for IP Licensing 1095 D

–, The fate of a trademark license in the case of bankruptcy of thelicensor – The U. S. Supreme Court decisionMission ProductHoldings Inc. v Tempnology, LLC in the light of German Law&Practice 35 Op

Licence Fee

–, Estimation of an Hypothetical License Fee (Estonia) 528 D

Life Sciences

–, Research Handbook on Intellectual Property Rights and the LifeSciences (Book Review) 217 D

Likelihood of Confusion

–, Likelihood of Confusion of Essential Parts of a Complex TradeMark (South Korea) 301 D

–, The Fairy Tale of the Average Consumer: Why We Should NotRely on the Real Consumer When Assessing the Likelihood ofConfusion 1008 A

List of Psychotherapists (Supreme Court)

–, No Legal Infringement by Online Directory of Psychotherapistswith Commercial Purposes 1057 D


–, Protection of Louboutin’s Red Sole Trade Mark (China) 1051 D


Machine Learning

–, Protection of Works Generated by Machine Learning Software(China) 763 D

MAMÜLLER (Court of Cassation – Turkey)

–, Retroactive Application of the Rules on Revocation of TradeMarks for Non-Use 635 D


–, Geographical Indication: A Major Challenge for MERCOSUR1113 A

Method Patents

–, Determination of Liability in Infringement Cases of Method Pa-tents Implemented by Multiple Actors (China) 502 D

METROCITY (Supreme Court – South Korea)

–, Exhaustion of Rights in Case of Products Commercialised withoutthe Trademark Holder’s Consent 1172 D

Miguel Ángel (Supreme Court – Spain)

–, Originality of a Scientific Work not Precluded by Experts‘Judgments on the Ideas Presented or by Doctoral Supervision960 D

mk advokaten v MBK Rechtsanwälte (CJEU)

–, Independent Third-Party Reproduction of Infringing Signs DoesNot Constitute Trade Mark Use 1056 D

Monitoring System

–, Possibility of Supplier Restriction for a Protected Designation ofOrigin to Safeguard the Monitoring System (CJEU) 639 D

Moral Rights

–, Infringement of Moral Rights through Modifications of Archi-tectural Designs (Netherlands) 316 D

–, Rip Me to Pieces! No Moral Copyright Protection for the De-struction of Site-Specific Art in Germany 1243 Op


–, Morality and Negative Social Influence Exceptions to Trade MarkRegistration (China) 291 D

Mozzarella di Bufala Campana (CJEU)

–, Possibility of Supplier Restriction for a Protected Designation ofOrigin to Safeguard the Monitoring System 639 D

Mr Syed (Supreme Court – Sweden)

–, Copyright infringement through the storage of protected goodsintended for sale 64 D

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Multisided Markets

–, The Nature of the Evidence Needed to Prove CountervailingBenefits and What Can Be Considered a Fair Share to Consumersin Multisided Markets (UK) 1272 D

Music Platform

–, Communication to the Public of Works Licensed as ‘Free ofBroadcasting Rights’ by a Music Platform (France) 866 D

–, The MusicMatic Decision of the French Cour de cassation: Crea-tive Commons Licenses versus Mandatory Collective Manage-ment of Broadcasting Rights of Commercial Phonograms 852Op

Musicmatic (Supreme Court – France)

–, Communication to the Public of Works Licensed as ‘Free ofBroadcasting Rights’ by a Music Platform 866 D


Nagoya Protocol

–, Digital Sequence Information (DSI) and Benefit-Sharing Arisingfrom Its Use: An Unfinished Discussion 565 Ed

National Anthem

–, Government as the Copyright Holder of the National Anthem(Uganda) 964 D

National Intellectual Property Administration, PRC v Nanjing Da-qun Medical Technology (Beijing Intellectual Property Court –China)

–, Morality and Negative Social Influence Exceptions to Trade MarkRegistration 291 D


–, Conference Report: Zurich IP Retreat 2019 – Nationalism vs.Globalization in IP 270 Re

Neighbouring Rights

–, Data Mining Under the Directive on Copyright and RelatedRights in the Digital Single Market: Are European Database Pro-tection Rules Still Threatening the Development of Artificial Intel-ligence? 457 A

Nespresso (Supreme Court – Israel)

–, Parodies and Infringement of Trade Mark and Copyright Law293 D


–, Infringement of Moral Rights through Modifications of Archi-tectural Designs 316 D

–, Standard-Essential Patents: Conditions for Filing for an InjunctionWithout Abusing a Dominant Market Position 174 D

–, Technical Exception for Three-Dimensional Trade Marks 405 D

Non-Infringement Declaration

–, Infringement Warnings and Scope of the Claims in Non-Infringe-ment Declaratory Proceedings (China) 394 D


–, The ‘teaching away’ description of the prior art and non-obvio-usness of the invention (Taiwan) 67 D

Non-Original Photographs

–, On the New Copyright Protection for Non-Original Photographsin Switzerland 987 Ed

Novelty of an Invention

–, The ‘teaching away’ description of the prior art and non-obvio-usness of the invention (Taiwan) 67 D


OMEGA (Supreme Court – Poland)

–, Infringement of Trade Marks with a Reputation 182 D

Online Infringement

–, AMS Neve and Others (C-172/18): Looking for a Greater ‘Degreeof Consistency’ Between the Special Jurisdiction Rule for EUTrade Marks and National Trade Marks 355 A

–, Jurisdiction in case of online infringement: the relevance of consu-mers’ and traders’ countries (CJEU) 89 D


–, Copyright Protection for a Functional Shape in so Far as It IsOriginal (CJEU) 969 D

–, ‘Copyright work and its definition with regard to originality andAI’ – Conference Report on the fourth Binational Seminar of TUDresden and Charles University in Prague, 27 June 2019 39 Re

–, On the New Copyright Protection for Non-Original Photographsin Switzerland 987 Ed

–, Originality of a Scientific Work not Precluded by Experts‘Judgments on the Ideas Presented or by Doctoral Supervision(Spain) 960 D

Ortlieb II (Federal Supreme Court – Germany)

–, Liability for Google Ads Also Linked to Third-Party Products399 D

Otis (CJEU)

–, Legal Standing to Sue for Damages of Undertakings that Do NotDirectly Participate in the Affected Market 551 D

Outstanding Benefit

–, Employee Invention: Principles Governing the Assessment of Out-standing Benefit to an Employer and the Fair Share of the Em-ployee (UK) 743 D

–, Professor Shanks v Unilever: 13 years haul to awarded employeecompensation in the UK 727 Op

–, Professor Shanks v Unilever: 13 years haul to awarded employeecompensation in the UK (Corrigendum) 882 -



–, Ritter-Sport: Protectability of a Packaging Trade Mark (Germa-ny) 1262 D

–, Specific Health Claim May under Certain Circumstances be Ac-companied by an Asterisk in a Product Packaging (CJEU) 762 D

Packaging Trademark

–, Ritter-Sport: Protectability of a Packaging Trade Mark (Germa-ny) 1262 D

Parallel Import

–, Parallel Imports in Case of Different Trademark Owners in Diffe-rent Jurisdictions (Taiwan) 1054 D

Parent Company

–, Liability of a Parent Company (Spain) 188 D


–, Parodic Use of Protected Works (France) 415 D

–, Parodies and Infringement of Trade Mark and Copyright Law(Israel) 293 D

Patent Claims

–, Vagueness of Patent Claim Language, Claim Construction andPatent Infringement – What a Mess! 1097 A

Patent Cooperation Treaty

–, See „PCT“ - -

Patent Infringement

–, Application of the Doctrine of Equivalents (Italy) 1156 D

–, Determination of Liability in Infringement Cases of Method Pa-tents Implemented by Multiple Actors (China) 502 D

–, Emerging Patterns in the Judicial Determination of FRAND Ra-tes: Comparable Agreements and the Top-Down Approach forFRAND Royalties Determination 885 A

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–, Implied licenses and damages in cases of infringement by the State(Cyprus) 46 D

–, Infringement Warnings and Scope of the Claims in Non-Infringe-ment Declaratory Proceedings (China) 394 D

–, Interpretation of ‘reasonable compensation’ for damage caused byprovisional measures (CJEU) 70 D

–, Liability for Ungrounded Preliminary Injunctions (Portugal) 506D

–, Partial Judgments and Preliminary Injunctions in Patent Infringe-ment Cases (China) 212 D

–, Vagueness of Patent Claim Language, Claim Construction andPatent Infringement – What a Mess! 1097 A

Patent Invalidation

–, Chimeric Mice: Invalidity of Product Claims due to Lack ofSufficient Disclosure of the Invention (UK) 1039 D

Patent Law

–, ‘AI-Generated Inventions’: Time to Get the Record Straight? 233A

–, Application of the Doctrine of Equivalents (Italy) 1156 D

–, Artificial Intelligence Designated as Inventor – An Analysis of theRecent EPO Case Law 918 Op

–, Can a Patent Be Granted for an AI-Generated Invention? 1123Op

–, Characterisation of a Computer Implemented Method as a Man-ner of Manufacture (Australia) 1141 D

–, Chimeric Mice: Invalidity of Product Claims due to Lack ofSufficient Disclosure of the Invention (UK) 1039 D

–, Concept for a Multinational Patent Search using Elements ofBlockchain Technology 225 A

–, Conferring Powers on the Unified Patent Court Requires a Two-thirds Majority in Parliament (Germany) 943 D

–, Determination of Liability in Infringement Cases of Method Pa-tents Implemented by Multiple Actors (China) 502 D

–, Disclaimers in European Patent Applications 1204 A

–, Emerging Patterns in the Judicial Determination of FRAND Ra-tes: Comparable Agreements and the Top-Down Approach forFRAND Royalties Determination 885 A

–, Employee Invention: Principles Governing the Assessment of Out-standing Benefit to an Employer and the Fair Share of the Em-ployee (UK) 743 D

–, ‘Enforcement of Patent Law in Civil Proceedings’ – A ConferenceReport on the Fifth Bi-national Seminar of TU Dresden andCharles University in Prague, 26 November 2019 624 Re

–, G 3/19 – The Struggle for Power Within the EPC 1027 Op

–, Handbuch Europäischer Patentprozess (Book Review) 1094 BR

–, Impact of the Patent Cooperation Treaty in Latin America 803 A

–, Implied licenses and damages in cases of infringement by the State(Cyprus) 46 D

–, INDECOPI – Information on Enforcement of Patent and DesignRights 164 Re

–, Infringement Warnings and Scope of the Claims in Non-Infringe-ment Declaratory Proceedings (China) 394 D

–, International Conference – IP Protection for Plant Innovation735 Re

–, Interpretation of ‘reasonable compensation’ for damage caused byprovisional measures (CJEU) 70 D

–, Professor Shanks v Unilever: 13 years haul to awarded employeecompensation in the UK 727 Op

–, Professor Shanks v Unilever: 13 years haul to awarded employeecompensation in the UK (Corrigendum) 882 -

–, Japanese Patent Law – Cases and Comments (Book Review) 440BR

–, Liability for Ungrounded Preliminary Injunctions (Portugal) 506D

–, Limits of the Right of Prior Use (Germany) 168 D

–, Limits of the Supremacy of a European Patent Over a NationalPatent (Italy) 630 D

–, Partial Judgments and Preliminary Injunctions in Patent Infringe-ment Cases (China) 212 D

–, Patentability of an Invention with an Unexpected RemarkableEffect (Japan) 1247 D

–, Products, Patents, Proportionality – How German Patent LawResponds to 21st Century Challenges 578 A

–, Requirements for Granting a Compulsory Licence for a MedicinalProduct (Germany) 278 D

–, Research Handbook on Intellectual Property Rights and the LifeSciences (Book Review) 217 D

–, Retroactive Effects of Patent Limitation (Italy) 285 D

–, Scope of pharmaceutical patents in Spain in view of the TRIPSAgreements (Spain) 51 D

–, SEPs Holders‘ Injunctive Relief under Anti-monopoly Law 474 A

–, Standard-Essential Patents: Conditions for Filing for an InjunctionWithout Abusing a Dominant Market Position (Netherlands)174 D

–, The South Centre – Max Planck Global Forum on IP, Innovationand Access to Medicines 1130 Re

–, The ‘teaching away’ description of the prior art and non-obvio-usness of the invention (Taiwan) 67 D

–, The UPC without the UK: Consequences and Alternatives 847Op

–, Through the Anti-Monopoly Lens: What Constitutes ‘UnfairlyHigh Patent Pricing’ in China? 823 A

–, Vagueness of Patent Claim Language, Claim Construction andPatent Infringement – What a Mess! 1097 A

–, Will Covid Patents Save the World? 883 Ed

Patent Prosecution

–, Can a Patent Be Granted for an AI-Generated Invention? 1123Op

–, Characterisation of a Computer Implemented Method as a Man-ner of Manufacture (Australia) 1141 D

–, Concept for a Multinational Patent Search using Elements ofBlockchain Technology 225 A

–, Disclaimers in European Patent Applications 1204 A

–, Handbuch Europäischer Patentprozess (Book Review) 1094 BR

–, Patentability of an Invention with an Unexpected RemarkableEffect (Japan) 1247 D

–, The ‘teaching away’ description of the prior art and non-obvio-usness of the invention (Taiwan) 67 D

Patent Search

–, Concept for a Multinational Patent Search using Elements ofBlockchain Technology 225 A

Pay-for-Delay Agreements

–, Pay-for-Delay Agreements Likely Violate Competition LawWhere Reverse Payments Occur without Justifiable Explanation(CJEU) 1071 D


–, Impact of the Patent Cooperation Treaty in Latin America 803 A

Performer’s Authorisation

–, Presumption of Performer’s Authorisation to the Fixation andExploitation of Performances (CJEU) 327 D

Personal Data

–, Criminal Liability for Dissemination of Images of a Person in anEspecially Vulnerable Situation (Sweden) 1090 D

–, Responsibility of an Operator of a Search Engine for Protection ofPersonal Data (CJEU) 419 D

Personality Rights

–, Criminal Liability for Dissemination of Images of a Person in anEspecially Vulnerable Situation (Sweden) 1090 D

–, Geographical Range of the ‘Right to be Forgotten’ (CJEU) 430 D

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–, Responsibility of an Operator of a Search Engine for Protection ofPersonal Data (CJEU) 419 D


–, INDECOPI – Information on Enforcement of Patent and DesignRights 164 Re


–, Abuse of Dominant Position and Cease-and-Desist Agreements:Risks to Brazilian Competition Policy Arising from the AtypicalCase of Petrobras‘ Refineries 706 A

Pfizer (Commercial Court of Barcelona – Spain)

–, Scope of pharmaceutical patents in Spain in view of the TRIPSAgreements 51 D


–, Application of the Doctrine of Equivalents (Italy) 1156 D

–, Authorized Generics and Biosimilars as Part of Drug Life CycleManagement 1105 A

–, Interpretation of the Requirement Set in Art. 3(a) of the SPCRegulation (CJEU) 865 D

–, Legal Problems of the Supplementary Protection Certificate forMedicinal Products. Using the Example of Medical Indications,Excipients and Combinations of Active Substances (Book Re-view) 1287 BR

–, Pay-for-Delay Agreements Likely Violate Competition LawWhere Reverse Payments Occur without Justifiable Explanation(CJEU) 1071 D

–, Requirements for Granting a Compulsory Licence for a MedicinalProduct (Germany) 278 D

–, Scope of pharmaceutical patents in Spain in view of the TRIPSAgreements (Spain) 51 D

–, Scope of Protection of Supplementary Protection Certificates(Switzerland) 1250 D

–, Specific Health Claim May under Certain Circumstances be Ac-companied by an Asterisk in a Product Packaging (CJEU) 762 D

–, The South Centre – Max Planck Global Forum on IP, Innovationand Access to Medicines 1130 Re

PHILIP B (Supreme Court – Taiwan)

–, Parallel Imports in Case of Different Trademark Owners in Differ-ent Jurisdictions 1054 D


–, The New Philippine Innovation Laws: A Response to the Call ofMSMEs and Start-Ups 693 A

Philips v Wiko (Court of Appeal of The Hague – Netherlands)

–, Standard-Essential Patents: Conditions for Filing for an InjunctionWithout Abusing a Dominant Market Position 174 D


–, On the New Copyright Protection for Non-Original Photographsin Switzerland 987 Ed

Plant Variety Protection

–, G 3/19 – The Struggle for Power Within the EPC 1027 Op

–, International Conference – IP Protection for Plant Innovation735 Re

–, Plant Variety Right Protection and Essentially Derived Varieties:A Fresh Proposal to Untie the Gordian Knot 785 A

–, Protection of Fruits of Plant Varieties (CJEU) 398 D

–, Scope of Protection of Plant Varieties (China) 1160 D


–, Infringement of Trade Marks with a Reputation 182 D

–, Protection of Unregistered Distinctive Signs within Unfair Compe-tition Law: the Polish Perspective 14 A

–, Should There Be a Relevant Market Definition and Should AllParties to the Agreement Be Identified in Resale Price MaintenanceCases? (Poland) 659 D

–, Trade Marks with a Reputation in Polish Law – an Opinion onthe Polish Supreme Court Case OMEGA 151 Op


–, Liability for Ungrounded Preliminary Injunctions 506 D

Preliminary Injunction

–, Interpretation of ‘reasonable compensation’ for damage caused byprovisional measures (CJEU) 70 D

–, Liability for Ungrounded Preliminary Injunctions (Portugal) 506D

–, Obligation to State Reasons in a Preliminary Injunction Potenti-ally Interfering with Freedom of Expression (Czech Republic)1268 D

–, Partial Judgments and Preliminary Injunctions in Patent Infringe-ment Cases (China) 212 D

Press Publishers

–, Inapplicability and Unenforceability of Ancillary Copyright forPress Publishers in the Absence of Prior Notification of the DraftTechnical Regulation to the Commission (CJEU) 869 D

Price Parity Clauses

–, Narrow Price Parity Clauses and Restrictions of Competition(Sweden) 197 D


–, Through the Anti-Monopoly Lens: What Constitutes ‘UnfairlyHigh Patent Pricing’ in China? 823 A

Prior Use

–, Limits of the Right of Prior Use (Germany) 168 D


–, The ‘teaching away’ description of the prior art and non-obvio-usness of the invention (Taiwan) 67 D

Privacy Law

–, Geographical Range of the ‘Right to be Forgotten’ (CJEU) 430 D

–, The Right to Be Forgotten is Taking Shape: CJEU Judgments inGC and Others (C-136/17) and Google v CNIL (C-507/17) 380Op

Procedural Law

–, ‘Enforcement of Patent Law in Civil Proceedings’ – A ConferenceReport on the Fifth Bi-national Seminar of TU Dresden andCharles University in Prague, 26 November 2019 624 Re

Procureur-Generaal bij de Hoge Raad der Nederlanden (CJEU)

–, Competence of National Courts to Order Measures in Respect ofCommunity Designs 328 D


–, Products, Patents, Proportionality – How German Patent LawResponds to 21st Century Challenges 578 A

Proras s. r. l. v Ades s. r. l. and others (Supreme Court – Italy )

–, Application of the Doctrine of Equivalents 1156 D

Protective covering [Schutzverkleidung] (Federal Supreme Court –Germany)

–, Limits of the Right of Prior Use 168 D

Provisional Measures

–, Interpretation of ‘reasonable compensation’ for damage caused byprovisional measures (CJEU) 70 D


–, No Legal Infringement by Online Directory of Psychotherapistswith Commercial Purposes (Austria) 1057 D


Radiator Grille [Kühlergrill] (Federal Supreme Court – Germany)

–, Use of a mounting device with a protected trade mark on a sparepart 71 D

Reasonable Compensation

–, Interpretation of ‘reasonable compensation’ for damage caused byprovisional measures (CJEU) 70 D

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Red Sole

–, Protection of Louboutin’s Red Sole Trade Mark (China) 1051 D

Regeneron Pharmaceuticals Inc v Kymab Ltd (Supreme Court – UK)

–, Chimeric Mice: Invalidity of Product Claims due to Lack ofSufficient Disclosure of the Invention 1039 D

Relevant Market

–, Should There Be a Relevant Market Definition and Should AllParties to the Agreement Be Identified in Resale Price MaintenanceCases? (Poland) 659 D

Remote Economic Losses

–, Compensation for Remote Economic Losses Caused by Infringe-ments of Art. 101 TFEU 496 Op

Repsol (Supreme Court – Spain)

–, Liability of a Parent Company 188 D


–, Infringement of a Well-Known Trade Mark and Legal Relevanceof Indirect Investments on Reputation (Germany) 1164 D

–, Infringement of Trade Marks with a Reputation (Poland) 182 D

–, Trade Marks with a Reputation in Polish Law – an Opinion onthe Polish Supreme Court Case OMEGA 151 Op

Resale Price Maintenance

–, Should There Be a Relevant Market Definition and Should AllParties to the Agreement Be Identified in Resale Price MaintenanceCases? (Poland) 659 D

Restitution of Profits

–, Scope of Restitution of Profits as Criterion of Compensation inCase of Copyright Infringement (Spain) 654 D

Restraints of Competition

–, Abuse of Dominant Position and Cease-and-Desist Agreements:Risks to Brazilian Competition Policy Arising from the AtypicalCase of Petrobras‘ Refineries 706 A

–, Abuse of Dominant Position in a Market by Enforcement ofIntellectual Property Rights (Czech Republic) 410 D

–, China’s Anti-Monopoly Law Is Under Revision 1189 Ed

–, Clarifying and Reinstating Certain Aspects of the ‘by Object’Assessment (CJEU) 977 D

–, Compensation for Remote Economic Losses Caused by Infringe-ments of Art. 101 TFEU 496 Op

–, Constitutionality of the Financial Liability of Firm Executives andPublication of Their Names on Infringement Decisions (Spain)870 D

–, Dominant Position of an ‘Adblock Plus’ Supplier (Germany)1065 D

–, Legal Standing to Sue for Damages of Undertakings that Do NotDirectly Participate in the Affected Market (CJEU) 551 D

–, Liability of a Parent Company (Spain) 188 D

–, Making Markets Work for Africa (Book Review) 879 BR

–, Market Power Assessment in Digital Markets – A German Per-spective 233 A

–, Narrow Price Parity Clauses and Restrictions of Competition(Sweden) 197 D

–, On the Market Dominance of the Provider of Ad Blocker Soft-ware on an Asymmetrical Two-Sided Market – Also a Discussionof the German Federal Supreme Court’s Decision of 8 October2019, KZR 73/17 – Ad Blocker III 1032 Op

–, Pay-for-Delay Agreements Likely Violate Competition LawWhere Reverse Payments Occur without Justifiable Explanation(CJEU) 1071 D

–, SEPs Holders‘ Injunctive Relief under Anti-monopoly Law 474 A

–, Should There Be a Relevant Market Definition and Should AllParties to the Agreement Be Identified in Resale Price MaintenanceCases? (Poland) 659 D

–, Standard-Essential Patents: Conditions for Filing for an InjunctionWithout Abusing a Dominant Market Position (Netherlands)174 D

–, The Nature of the Evidence Needed to Prove CountervailingBenefits and What Can Be Considered a Fair Share to Consumersin Multisided Markets (UK) 1272 D

–, Through the Anti-Monopoly Lens: What Constitutes ‘UnfairlyHigh Patent Pricing’ in China? 823 A

Retention of goods for marketing [A v B] (CJEU)

–, Use of Trade Mark in the Course of Trade by a Person Who DoesNot Engage in Trade as an Occupation 864 D

Retroactive Effects

–, Retroactive Application of the Rules on Revocation of TradeMarks for Non-Use (Turkey) 635 D

–, Retroactive Effects of Patent Limitation (Italy) 285 D

Reverse Payments

–, Pay-for-Delay Agreements Likely Violate Competition LawWhere Reverse Payments Occur without Justifiable Explanation(CJEU) 1071 D

Revocation of a Trademark

–, Community Trade Marks: Relevance of Intention to Use and NoInvalidation Based on Impreciseness or Lack of Clarity (CJEU)527 D

–, Did the Court of Justice of the European Union Solve the Puzzleby Declaring the Rubik’s Cube Trademark Invalid? 1217 A

–, Legal Standing to Sue for Revocation of a Trade Mark for Lack ofUse (Spain) 308 D

–, Retroactive Application of the Rules on Revocation of TradeMarks for Non-Use (Turkey) 635 D

–, Right to Claim Compensation for Infringement that OccurredBefore the Trade Mark Was Revoked for Non-Use (CJEU) 754 D

Right of Publicity

–, In Search for a Jurisprudential Justification for the Recognition ofa Right of Publicity in Kenya 585 A

Right to Be Forgotten

–, Geographical Range of the ‘Right to be Forgotten’ (CJEU) 430 D

–, The Right to Be Forgotten is Taking Shape: CJEU Judgments inGC and Others (C-136/17) and Google v CNIL (C-507/17) 380Op

Ritter Sport

–, Ritter-Sport: Protectability of a Packaging Trade Mark (Ger-many) 1262 D

Royalty Pharma v Deutsches Patent- und Markenamt (CJEU)

–, Interpretation of the Requirement Set in Art. 3(a) of the SPCRegulation 865 D

Rubik’s Cube

–, Did the Court of Justice of the European Union Solve the Puzzleby Declaring the Rubik’s Cube Trademark Invalid? 1217 A


–, Clarifications of the Russian Supreme Court on General Aspectsof Intellectual Property Protection: A Summary 925 Op

–, Illegality of Requirement of Actual Infringement for Applicationfor Customs Measures 1170 D

–, Resolution of the Plenary Session of the Supreme Court of theRussian Federation No. 10, 23 April 2019 928 OS


Saboo v sobia (Supreme Court – South Korea)

–, Likelihood of Confusion of Essential Parts of a Complex TradeMark 301 D

Sainsbury’s Supermarkets v Visa (Supreme Court – UK)

–, The Nature of the Evidence Needed to Prove CountervailingBenefits and What Can Be Considered a Fair Share to Consumersin Multisided Markets (UK) 1272 D

SanHong pomelo (Supreme Court – China)

–, Scope of Protection of Plant Varieties 1160 D

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Scientific Work

–, Originality of a Scientific Work not Precluded by Experts‘Judgments on the Ideas Presented or by Doctoral Supervision(Spain) 960 D

Scope of Protection

–, Scope of pharmaceutical patents in Spain in view of the TRIPSAgreements (Spain) 51 D

Search Engine

–, Responsibility of an Operator of a Search Engine for Protection ofPersonal Data (CJEU) 419 D


–, Trade Mark Infringement through Goods in Transit 185 D

Shanks v Unilever (Supreme Court – UK)

–, Employee Invention: Principles Governing the Assessment of Out-standing Benefit to an Employer and the Fair Share of the Em-ployee 743 D


–, An Autonomous EU Functionality Doctrine for Shape Exclusions567 A

Shenzhen Jixiang Tenda Technology (Supreme Court – China)

–, Determination of Liability in Infringement Cases of Method Pat-ents Implemented by Multiple Actors 502 D


–, Liability of importers and exporters of covered goods 77 D

Site-Specific Art

–, Rip Me to Pieces! No Moral Copyright Protection for the De-struction of Site-Specific Art in Germany 1243 Op

Sky (CJEU)

–, Community Trade Marks: Relevance of Intention to Use and NoInvalidation Based on Impreciseness or Lack of Clarity 527 D


–, The New Philippine Innovation Laws: A Response to the Call ofMSMEs and Start-Ups 693 A


–, Breach of License Agreement for Computer Programs as Copy-right Infringement (CJEU) 418 D

–, Scope and Limits of Criminal Liability for the Acquisition and Useof Unauthorized Reproductions of Computer Programs Borne bya Business Which Has Not Reproduced Such Illegal Copies (SouthKorea) 955 D

South Korea

–, Exhaustion of Rights in Case of Products Commercialised withoutthe Trademark Holder’s Consent 1172 D

–, Likelihood of Confusion of Essential Parts of a Complex TradeMark 301 D

–, Scope and Limits of Criminal Liability for the Acquisition and Useof Unauthorized Reproductions of Computer Programs Borne bya Business Which Has Not Reproduced Such Illegal Copies 955D

–, Two Faces of ‘Parasite’: A Korean Perspective on Intellectual Pro-perty 441 Ed


–, Under the Radar: Reflections on ‘Forced’ Technology Transferand the Erosion of Developmental Sovereignty 260 Op


–, Constitutionality of the Financial Liability of Firm Executives andPublication of Their Names on Infringement Decisions 870 D

–, Legal Standing to Sue for Revocation of a Trade Mark for Lack ofUse 308 D

–, Liability of a Parent Company 188 D

–, Originality of a Scientific Work not Precluded by Experts‘Judgments on the Ideas Presented or by Doctoral Supervision960 D

–, Scope of Pharmaceutical Patents in Spain in View of the TRIPSAgreements 51 D

–, Scope of Restitution of Profits as Criterion of Compensation inCase of Copyright Infringement 654 D

Spare Parts

–, Spare Parts and Design Protection – Different Approaches to aCommon Problem. Recent Developments from the EU and USPerspective 673 A

–, Use of a mounting device with a protected trade mark on a sparepart (Germany) 71 D


–, See ‘Supplementary Protection Certificates’ - -

Spedidam (CJEU)

–, Presumption of Performer’s Authorisation to the Fixation andExploitation of Performances (CJEU) 327 D

Square chocolate bar packaging II [Quadratische Tafelschokoladen-verpackung II] (Federal Supreme Court – Germany)

–, Ritter-Sport: Protectability of a Packaging Trade Mark 1262 D

Stainless (Harju County Court – Estonia)

–, Estimation of an Hypothetical License Fee 528 D

Standard Essential Patents

–, Emerging Patterns in the Judicial Determination of FRAND Ra-tes: Comparable Agreements and the Top-Down Approach forFRAND Royalties Determination 885 A

–, SEPs Holders‘ Injunctive Relief under Anti-monopoly Law 474 A

–, Standard-Essential Patents: Conditions for Filing for an InjunctionWithout Abusing a Dominant Market Position (Netherlands)174 D

Standardized Technology

–, The Value of Standardized Technology to Connected Cars 365 A


–, The New Philippine Innovation Laws: A Response to the Call ofMSMEs and Start-Ups 693 A


–, Amazon-Marketplace: No Trade Mark Infringement Due to Sto-rage of Infringing Goods on Behalf of Third Parties When ThereIs No Knowledge of the Unauthorized Use (CJEU) 755 D

–, Copyright infringement through the storage of protected goodsintended for sale (Sweden) 64 D

Supplementary Protection Certificates (SPC)

–, Interpretation of the Requirement Set in Art. 3(a) of the SPCRegulation (CJEU) 865 D

–, Legal Problems of the Supplementary Protection Certificate forMedicinal Products. Using the Example of Medical Indications,Excipients and Combinations of Active Substances (Book Re-view) 1287 BR

–, Liability for Ungrounded Preliminary Injunctions (Portugal) 506D

–, Scope of Protection of Supplementary Protection Certificates(Switzerland) 1250 D

Supplier Restriction

–, Dominant Position of an ‘Adblock Plus’ Supplier (Germany)1065 D

–, On the Market Dominance of the Provider of Ad Blocker Soft-ware on an Asymmetrical Two-Sided Market – Also a Discussionof the German Federal Supreme Court’s Decision of 8 October2019, KZR 73/17 – Ad Blocker III 1032 Op

–, Possibility of Supplier Restriction for a Protected Designation ofOrigin to Safeguard the Monitoring System (CJEU) 639 D


–, Copyright infringement through the storage of protected goodsintended for sale 64 D

–, Criminal Liability for Dissemination of Images of a Person in anEspecially Vulnerable Situation 1090 D

–, Limitations on Copyrights based on Freedom of Expression andInformation 768 D

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–, Narrow Price Parity Clauses and Restrictions of Competition197 D


–, Conference Report: Zurich IP Retreat 2019 – Nationalism vs.Globalization in IP 270 Re

–, Data Interfaces: Tensions between Copyright and CompetitionLaw – A New Swiss Court Practice for an Old Problem 119 A

–, On the New Copyright Protection for Non-Original Photographsin Switzerland 987 Ed

–, Scope of Protection of Supplementary Protection Certificates1250 D



–, Parallel Imports in Case of Different Trademark Owners in Diffe-rent Jurisdictions 1054 D

–, The ‘teaching away’ description of the prior art and non-obvio-usness of the invention 67 D

Technical Functionality

–, 3D Trade Marks: Factors to Consider when Determining Tech-nical Functionality of the Sign (CJEU) 863 D

Technology Transfer

–, Under the Radar: Reflections on ‘Forced’ Technology Transferand the Erosion of Developmental Sovereignty 260 Op

Tecnimed S. r. l. v Artsana S. p. A. (Supreme Court – Italy)

–, Retroactive Effects of Patent Limitation 285 D

Tencent Dreamwriter (Court of Nanshan – China)

–, Protection of Works Generated by Machine Learning Software763 D

Tenofovir II (Federal Supreme Court – Switzerland)

–, Scope of Protection of Supplementary Protection Certificates1250 D

Three-Dimensional Trademarks

–, 3D Trade Marks: Factors to Consider when Determining Tech-nical Functionality of the Sign (CJEU) 863 D

–, Did the Court of Justice of the European Union Solve the Puzzleby Declaring the Rubik’s Cube Trademark Invalid? 1217 A

–, Technical Exception for Three-Dimensional Trade Marks (Net-herlands) 405 D

Tom Kabinet (CJEU)

–, eBooks: Exhaustion of Distribution Rights and Communicationto the Public 540 D

Topical Ophthalmic Formulation (Supreme Court – Japan)

–, Patentability of an Invention with an Unexpected RemarkableEffect 1247 D

Trade Deal

–, Phase One US-China Trade Deal: What Does It Mean for Intel-lectual Property? 389 Op

Trademark Infringement

–, Amazon-Marketplace: No Trade Mark Infringement Due to Sto-rage of Infringing Goods on Behalf of Third Parties When ThereIs No Knowledge of the Unauthorized Use (CJEU) 755 D

–, Exhaustion of Rights in Case of Products Commercialised withoutthe Trademark Holder’s Consent (South Korea) 1172 D

–, Illegality of Requirement of Actual Infringement for Applicationfor Customs Measures (Russia) 1170 D

–, Independent Third-Party Reproduction of Infringing Signs DoesNot Constitute Trade Mark Use (CJEU) 1056 D

–, Infringement of a Well-Known Trade Mark and Legal Relevanceof Indirect Investments on Reputation (Germany) 1164 D

–, Infringement of Trade Marks with a Reputation (Poland) 182 D

–, Infringement through the Use of a Trademark in Products forExportation (China) 855 D

–, AMS Neve and Others (C-172/18): Looking for a Greater ‘Degreeof Consistency’ Between the Special Jurisdiction Rule for EUTrade Marks and National Trade Marks 355 A

–, Jurisdiction in case of online infringement: the relevance of consu-mers’ and traders’ countries (CJEU) 89 D

–, Liability for Google Ads Also Linked to Third-Party Products(Germany) 399 D

–, Liability of importers and exporters of covered goods (Singapore)77 D

–, Parodies and Infringement of Trade Mark and Copyright Law(Israel) 293 D

–, Protection of Color Trademarks Delimited by Non-DistinctiveShapes (Andean Community) 1254 D

–, Right to Claim Compensation for Infringement that OccurredBefore the Trade Mark Was Revoked for Non-Use (CJEU) 754 D

–, Ritter-Sport: Protectability of a Packaging Trade Mark (Germa-ny) 1262 D

–, Trade Mark Infringement through Goods in Transit (Serbia) 185D

–, Use of Trade Mark in the Course of Trade by a Person Who DoesNot Engage in Trade as an Occupation (CJEU) 864 D

Trademark Law

–, 3D Trade Marks: Factors to Consider when Determining Tech-nical Functionality of the Sign (CJEU) 863 D

–, Abusive Exploitation of a Formal Legal Status by the Holder of aTrademark Right (Germany) 860 D

–, Amazon-Marketplace: No Trade Mark Infringement Due to Sto-rage of Infringing Goods on Behalf of Third Parties When ThereIs No Knowledge of the Unauthorized Use (CJEU) 755 D

–, An Autonomous EU Functionality Doctrine for Shape Exclusions567 A

–, Are EUIPO Trade Mark Examiners and the Boards of AppealBound by Precedent Decisions? 893 A

–, Community Trade Marks: Relevance of Intention to Use and NoInvalidation Based on Impreciseness or Lack of Clarity (CJEU)527 D

–, Conflicts between Trade Mark Protection and Freedom of Expres-sion in the Case of Website Blocking (Turkey) 522 D

–, Did the Court of Justice of the European Union Solve the Puzzleby Declaring the Rubik’s Cube Trademark Invalid? 1217 A

–, Exhaustion of Rights in Case of Products Commercialised withoutthe Trademark Holder’s Consent (South Korea) 1172 D

–, Illegality of Requirement of Actual Infringement for Applicationfor Customs Measures (Russia) 1170 D

–, Independent Third-Party Reproduction of Infringing Signs DoesNot Constitute Trade Mark Use (CJEU) 1056 D

–, Infringement of a Well-Known Trade Mark and Legal Relevanceof Indirect Investments on Reputation (Germany) 1164 D

–, Infringement of Trade Marks with a Reputation (Poland) 182 D

–, Infringement through the Use of a Trademark in Products forExportation (China) 855 D

–, AMS Neve and Others (C-172/18): Looking for a Greater ‘Degreeof Consistency’ Between the Special Jurisdiction Rule for EUTrade Marks and National Trade Marks 355 A

–, Jurisdiction in case of online infringement: the relevance of consu-mers’ and traders’ countries (CJEU) 89 D

–, Legal Standing to Sue for Revocation of a Trade Mark for Lack ofUse (Spain) 308 D

–, Liability for Google Ads Also Linked to Third-Party Products(Germany) 399 D

–, Liability of importers and exporters of covered goods (Singapore)77 D

–, Likelihood of Confusion of Essential Parts of a Complex TradeMark (South Korea) 301 D


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–, Morality and Negative Social Influence Exceptions to Trade MarkRegistration (China) 291 D

–, Parallel Imports in Case of Different Trademark Owners in Diffe-rent Jurisdictions (Taiwan) 1054 D

–, Parodies and Infringement of Trade Mark and Copyright Law(Israel) 293 D

–, Protection of Color Trademarks Delimited by Non-DistinctiveShapes (Andean Community) 1254 D

–, Protection of Louboutin’s Red Sole Trade Mark (China) 1051 D

–, Protection of Unregistered Distinctive Signs within Unfair Compe-tition Law: the Polish Perspective 14 A

–, Retroactive Application of the Rules on Revocation of TradeMarks for Non-Use (Turkey) 635 D

–, Right to Claim Compensation for Infringement that OccurredBefore the Trade Mark Was Revoked for Non-Use (CJEU) 754 D

–, Ritter-Sport: Protectability of a Packaging Trade Mark (Germa-ny) 1262 D

–, Technical Exception for Three-Dimensional Trade Marks(Netherlands) 405 D

–, The Effects of Declarations pursuant to Art. 28(8) of CouncilRegulation 207/2009 (CJEU) 196 D

–, The Fairy Tale of the Average Consumer: Why We Should NotRely on the Real Consumer When Assessing the Likelihood ofConfusion 1008 A

–, The fate of a trademark license in the case of bankruptcy of thelicensor – The U. S. Supreme Court decisionMission ProductHoldings Inc. v Tempnology, LLC in the light of German Law&Practice 35 Op

–, The relevance of the types of use for the distinctive character of atrade mark (CJEU) 90 D

–, The Right to Oppose Further Commercialisation of Goods Accor-ding to Art. 15(2) of the European Union Trade Mark Regulation– A Balance of Interests? 998 A

–, Trade Mark Infringement through Goods in Transit (Serbia) 185D

–, Trade Marks with a Reputation in Polish Law – an Opinion onthe Polish Supreme Court Case OMEGA 151 Op

–, Use of a mounting device with a protected trade mark on a sparepart (Germany) 71 D

–, Use of Trade Mark in the Course of Trade by a Person Who DoesNot Engage in Trade as an Occupation (CJEU) 864 D

Trademark Prosecution

–, Are EUIPO Trade Mark Examiners and the Boards of AppealBound by Precedent Decisions? 893 A

–, Morality and Negative Social Influence Exceptions to Trade MarkRegistration (China) 291 D

–, Protection of Louboutin’s Red Sole Trade Mark (China) 1051 D

–, Ritter-Sport: Protectability of a Packaging Trade Mark (Germa-ny) 1262 D

Trademark Use

–, Independent Third-Party Reproduction of Infringing Signs DoesNot Constitute Trade Mark Use (CJEU) 1056 D

TRIPS Agreement

–, Brazilian GIs Landscape: From the TRIPS Commitments to theReal World, What Was Achieved, What Is Yet to be Faced?902 A

–, Scope of pharmaceutical patents in Spain in view of the TRIPSAgreements (Spain) 51 D

Trivium (Supreme Court of Russia)

–, Illegality of Requirement of Actual Infringement for Applicationfor Customs Measures 1170 D


–, Conflicts between Trade Mark Protection and Freedom of Expres-sion in the Case of Website Blocking 522 D

–, Retroactive Application of the Rules on Revocation of TradeMarks for Non-Use 635 D



–, Government as the Copyright Holder of the National Anthem964 D


–, Chimeric Mice: Invalidity of Product Claims due to Lack ofSufficient Disclosure of the Invention 1039 D

–, Employee Invention: Principles Governing the Assessment of Out-standing Benefit to an Employer and the Fair Share of the Em-ployee 743 D

–, Professor Shanks v Unilever: 13 years haul to awarded employeecompensation in the UK 727 Op

–, Professor Shanks v Unilever: 13 years haul to awarded employeecompensation in the UK (Corrigendum) 882 -

–, The Nature of the Evidence Needed to Prove CountervailingBenefits and What Can Be Considered a Fair Share to Consumersin Multisided Markets (UK) 1272 D

–, The UPC without the UK: Consequences and Alternatives 847Op

Unauthorized use of computer programs in business (Supreme Court– South Korea)

–, Scope and Limits of Criminal Liability for the Acquisition and Useof Unauthorized Reproductions of Computer Programs Borne bya Business Which Has Not Reproduced Such Illegal Copies 955D

Unexpected Remarkable Effect

–, Patentability of an Invention with an Unexpected RemarkableEffect (Japan) 1247 D

Unfair Competition Law

–, No Legal Infringement by Online Directory of Psychotherapistswith Commercial Purposes (Austria) 1057 D

–, Protection of Unregistered Distinctive Signs within Unfair Compe-tition Law: the Polish Perspective 14 A

–, Rethinking Unfair Competition Justifications in Brazil 28 A

Unified Patent Court

–, See ‘UPC’ - -

–, Conferring Powers on the Unified Patent Court Requires a Two-thirds Majority in Parliament 943 D

Unregistered Signs

–, Protection of Unregistered Distinctive Signs within Unfair Compe-tition Law: the Polish Perspective 14 A


–, Conferring Powers on the Unified Patent Court Requires a Two-thirds Majority in Parliament (Germany) 943 D

–, The UPC without the UK: Consequences and Alternatives 847Op


–, Plant Variety Right Protection and Essentially Derived Varieties:A Fresh Proposal to Untie the Gordian Knot 785 A


–, Phase One US-China Trade Deal: What Does It Mean for Intel-lectual Property? 389 Op

–, Spare Parts and Design Protection – Different Approaches to aCommon Problem. Recent Developments from the EU and USPerspective 673 A

–, The fate of a trademark license in the case of bankruptcy of thelicensor – The U. S. Supreme Court decisionMission ProductHoldings Inc. v Tempnology, LLC in the light of German Law&Practice 35 Op

Use of a Trademark

–, Independent Third-Party Reproduction of Infringing Signs DoesNot Constitute Trade Mark Use (CJEU) 1056 D

User Data

–, Responsibility of an Operator of a Search Engine for Protection ofPersonal Data (CJEU) 419 D

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–, Responsibility of the Website Operator for User Data (CJEU)204 D

–, Stuck Half Way: The Limitation of Joint Control after Fashion ID(C-40/17) 159 Op


Valeo v Lu Kasi [Wiper] (Supreme Court – China)

–, Partial Judgments and Preliminary Injunctions in Patent Infringe-ment Cases 212 D

Validity of SPC (Lisbon Court of Appeal – Portugal)

–, Liability for Ungrounded Preliminary Injunctions 506 D

VGMedia v Google (CJEU)

–, Inapplicability and Unenforceability of Ancillary Copyright forPress Publishers in the Absence of Prior Notification of the DraftTechnical Regulation to the Commission 869 D

VM Vermögens-Management (CJEU)

–, The Effects of Declarations pursuant to Art. 28(8) of CouncilRegulation 207/2009 196 D

VMI (Supreme Court – China)

–, Infringement Warnings and Scope of the Claims in Non-Infringe-ment Declaratory Proceedings 394 D

Vulnerable Situation

–, Criminal Liability for Dissemination of Images of a Person in anEspecially Vulnerable Situation (Sweden) 1090 D


Website Blocking

–, Conflicts between Trade Mark Protection and Freedom of Expres-sion in the Case of Website Blocking (Turkey) 522 D


–, Adam Smith, the Competitive Process, and the Flawed ConsumerWelfare Standard 3 A

Well-Known Trademarks

–, Infringement of a Well-Known Trade Mark and Legal Relevanceof Indirect Investments on Reputation (Germany) 1164 D

Willmar Schwalbe v Queisser Pharma (CJEU)

–, Specific Health Claim May under Certain Circumstances be Ac-companied by an Asterisk in a Product Packaging 762 D

Würtz v Coop Danmark (Supreme Court – Denmark)

–, De minimis exception when using applied art in marketing mate-rials 91 D


Y Kargo Servisi (Constitutional Court – Turkey)

–, Conflicts between Trade Mark Protection and Freedom of Expres-sion in the Case of Website Blocking 522 D


–, Scope of Information Platform Operator is Required to Provide inCase of Copyright Infringement (CJEU) 1178 D

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