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GETTING STARTED WITH Google+ Hangouts compliments of

Getting Started with Google+ Hangouts

May 09, 2015



Google+ Hangouts offer users tons of features and numerous benefits. Whether you are an individual or a business, Google+ Hangouts provide you with a whole new way to get your message out in an exciting, new, and fun way.
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Google+  Hangouts  

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What  is  a  Google+  Hangout?  

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What  Does  it  Require?  

•  All  you  need  is  a  camera  (if  you  want  to  be  seen)  and  a  microphone.    

•  It’s  easy  enough  for  even  the  least  tech-­‐savvy  person  to  figure  out.    

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What  Are  the  Benefits  of  Hangouts?  

•  Allows  you  to  seamlessly  start  a  video  chat  with  up  to  10  different  people  and  text  chats  with  MANY  more  at  a  Nme.    

•  Enables  live  phone  calls  from  your  computer.  Calls  within  the  United  States  and  Canada  are  free  and  other  countries  are  at  an  incredibly  low  rate.    

•  Lets  you  broadcast  “Hangouts  on  Air,”  a  diverse  public  video  sharing  hub,  to  both  watch  and  produce  content  from,  or  for,  other  users.  And  it  all  ends  up  right  on  YouTube!    

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What  Are  the  Benefits  of  Hangouts?  

•  Works  over  a  variety  of  formats  and  easily  combines  all  of  your  contacts’  informaNon.    

•  FuncNons  on  Android/iPhone  phones  &  tablets    

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Ge:ng  Started  with  Hangouts  

•  Download  this  plug-­‐in.      

•  You’re  going  to  need  a  Google  account  to  sign  into  Google+.  You  can  sign  up  for  a  free  account  here.  




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Ge:ng  Started  with  Hangouts  

•  Sign  into  Google+     •  You’ll  find  the  Hangouts  tab  to  the  top  right  of  the  page.  Clicking  it  will  open  a  floaNng  menu  with  a  “+  New  Hangout”  field.  



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Ge:ng  Started  with  Hangouts  •  Clicking  “+  New  Hangout”  

will  then  provide  you  with  a  list  of  your  contacts  and  Google+  circles.  Checking  the  box  next  to  any  of  these  contacts  will  invite  them  to  your  hangout.  

•  You  are  then  given  the  opNon  to  start  a  text  or  video  hangout…  you  can  turn  a  text  hangout  into  a  video  hangout  at  any  point.  


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How  to  Start  a  Hangout  on  Air    

•  Sign  in  to  Google+   •  Find  the  Home  menu  located  on  the  le^  of  the  screen  and  click  “Hangouts  on  Air”  


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How  to  Start  a  Hangout  on  Air    

•  Click  “Start  a  Hangout  on  Air”  to  the  right  

•  Google+  will  ask  you  to  connect  with  your  YouTube  account.  


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How  to  Start  a  Hangout  on  Air    

•  You  will  then  need  to  verify  your  YouTube  account  by  first  entering  your  phone  number…  

•  And  then  using  the  verificaNon  code  that  was  texted  to  you.  




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How  to  Start  a  Hangout  on  Air    

•  Return  to  your  Hangout  on  Air  screen  and  confirm  that  your  Google+  and  YouTube  accounts  are  connected.  

•  Now  you  can  begin  to  setup  the  Hangout  on  Air  itself.  Give  it  a  name  and  then  invite  some  viewers.  

! !

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How  to  Start  a  Hangout  on  Air    

•  Agree  to  the  Ts  &  Cs…     •  Click  ‘Start  Broadcast’  to  the  right  of  the  screen.  


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How  to  Start  a  Hangout  on  Air    

•  Confirm  you  want  to  broadcast  publicly  and  your  broadcast  will  begin!  

•  Click  ‘End  Broadcast’  when  you’re  done!  



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Post  Broadcast  

•  Once  you’re  done,  your  broadcast  will  automaNcally  be  converted  to  a  video  on  YouTube  that  people  can  watch  and  comment  on  at  any  Nme.  

•  You  can  also  use  YouTube’s  video  editor  to  edit  your  Hangouts  on  Air  video.    

•  You  can  even  download  it,  and  use  your  own  ediNng  so^ware.  

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Tips  for  CreaCng  a  Google+  Hangout  on  Air  

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Other  Pointers  

•  Have  a  friend  or  colleague  try  hangouts  with  you  first  so  you  can  get  the  hang  of  things.  

•  If  you’re  using  a  computer,  your  conversaNon  could  be  heard  by  everyone  around  you.  Don’t  forget  headphones!  

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Other  Pointers  

•  Don’t  forget  to  set  up  your  Google+  profile  completely,  so  people  can  learn  more  about  who  you  are  and  see  the  links  to  your  websites.  

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•  If  you  join  a  hangout  with  a  number  of  people  already  present  you  will  enter  muted…  don’t  forget  to  unmute  so  people  can  hear  you!  

Other  Pointers  

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Other  Pointers  •  Add  some  creaNve  apps  and  plug-­‐ins  to  hangouts  to  make  the  experience  even  becer.    

•  Popular  opNons  include…  –  Screenshare  –  With  Screenshare,  you  can  share  exactly  what  you  see  on  your  screen.  This  can  be  fantasNc  for  long-­‐distance  training.  

–  Symphonical  –  Symphonical  is  a  project  management  add-­‐on  that  allows  you  to  assign  tasks  to  hangout  members  and  create  offline  project  boards.  

–  Cacoo  –  The  Cacoo  add-­‐on  gives  you  the  capability  to  create  collaboraNve  diagrams  with  other  hangout  members.  

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Other  Pointers  

•  The  “Customize  New  Requests”  bucon  in  the  drop  down  menu  of  Hangouts  allows  you  to  alter  your  preferences  as  to  whom  gets  in  touch  with  you  and  how.    

•  If  you  make  sure  most  groups  are  set  to  “hang  out  with  you”  as  opposed  to  “send  request,”  you’ll  get  a  lot  less  noNficaNons.  

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Take  Advantage  of  the  Bells  &  Whistles  

•  Chat  –  Bring  up  the  chat  bar  to  the  right  so  you  can  conNnue  to  communicate  via  text  as  well  as  video  at  the  same  Nme.  

•  Screenshare  –  This  is  where  you  can  show  whoever  else  is  present  what  you’re  working  on.  

•  Capture  –  Take  a  snapshot  of  the  video  chat.  •  YouTube  –  Create  a  ‘mini  YouTube  channel’  and  watch  videos  with  those  present.  

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Take  Advantage  of  the  Bells  &  Whistles  

•  Google  effects  –  This  licle  extra  can  add  hours  of  fun…  put  a  Nara  on  or  a  beard  and  watch  it  sNck  to  you.  

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Now  You’re  Ready!  

•  Start  test  driving  Hangouts  today.  

•  Download  our  Hangouts  and  Hangouts  on  Air  checklists  to  help  you  prep!  

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About  Jackson  MarkeCng  Services  

Jackson  MarkeCng  Services  helps  clients  improve  reach  and  increase  leads  &  sales  through  .  .  .      •  Social  media  planning  &  implementaNon  •  Social  sales  support  •  Social  media  training  •  Content  planning  &  creaNon  •  SEO  (Search  Engine  OpNmizaNon)  •  Google  Adwords/Microso^  Adcenter  •  Email  markeNng  

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