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Get Motivated Or Stay Fat by Roshi Health ©2010, All Rights Reserved GET MOTIVATED OR STAY FAT Read this free report or you’re throwing away your time and money

GET MOTIVATED OR STAY FAT · Get Motivated, Live Healthy, Be Happy 2 Introduction Everybody wants to lose weight and live a happier, healthier life, but most people are still as depressed

Aug 26, 2020



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Page 1: GET MOTIVATED OR STAY FAT · Get Motivated, Live Healthy, Be Happy 2 Introduction Everybody wants to lose weight and live a happier, healthier life, but most people are still as depressed

Get Motivated Or Stay Fat by Roshi Health ©2010, All Rights Reserved


Read this free report or you’re throwing away your time and money

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Get Motivated, Live Healthy, Be Happy



Everybody wants to lose weight and live a happier, healthier life, but most people are

still as depressed about the way they look and feel as they have ever been. Why do

millions of people every year decide that they want to lose weight, but fail miserably?

The answer is simple:


Without it your life never changes. You never get to feel and look as great as you know

you should be. When you have power over your motivation all your goals are within

reach. Staying motivated to reach your healthy living goals means the difference


Wasting your summer hiding away in an air conditioned room, or proudly

showing off your new body at the beach with your family

Coming home from work so exhausted that all you can do is park your butt on

the couch, or finally having the energy to spend your free time playing with

your kids…or working on your golf game

Feeling grumpy and cloudy headed all day, or attaining levels of energy and

happiness that you never thought possible

The fact is that you can own all the best diet and exercise programs in the world and

never achieve any of your goals because you lacked the motivation to stay committed,

follow through, and get the body you really want. This free report is filled with solid tips

and advice that will help you stay motivated no matter what’s going on in your life. If you

follow all the advice compiled here your journey to health and happiness will be a heck

of a lot easier than for someone going in blind. Use this information wisely and you can

achieve anything!

Good Luck on Your Journey,

Roshi Health

P.S. Motivation without a plan is useless. Check out the last page of this report where I

suggest some great programs that will make the most of your new motivational skills

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Table of Contents


3 Weight Loss Motivation Tips to Keep Your Weight Loss on Track…………………….4

Weight Loss Motivation - The Carrot Or the Stick?..........................................................7

Motivation and Weight Loss - The Biggest Key to Weight Loss Success…………….....10

5 Tips to Maintain Your Motivation to Lose Weight……………………………….…….…12

Look Good Naked - A Motivation For Weight Loss……………………………….…….…14

3 Ways to Find Motivation to Lose Weight………………………………………….…..….16

5 Tips for Keeping Motivated to Lose Pounds As You Lose Fat………………….….....18

How to Use Rewards for Self Motivation in a Weight Loss Program…………….…….20

Bonus: Make the Most of Your Motivation……………………………………..…………..22

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3 Weight Loss Motivation Tips to Keep Your Weight Loss on Track

By Jennifer McCay

If you want to lose weight but have struggled to follow through in the past, you can

absolutely slim down easily this time around, but you do have to ensure that you don't

fall into your old diet traps (at least without having weight loss motivation tips that


To ensure that you stay focused on even the toughest days, it helps to have weight loss

motivation tips on hand that remind you why you're doing all this great work to get your

body healthy, fit and fabulous.

Here are 3 powerful weight loss motivation tips to guide you:

1) Make the time you spend concentrating on losing weight as fun and interesting

as possible. Whether you're a single mom with little outside help with your children or

you're a married mom simply juggling the busy schedules of multiple kids, losing weight

tends to be pretty low on the priority list of things to accomplish every day, which is why

it's likely been a problem in the past. However, my favorite weight loss motivation tips

involve fun because if you can find ways to ensure that you're enjoying yourself, you'll

find ways to want to press on even on tougher days.

Combine food prep with kid time. Recruit little ones to "help" you in the kitchen by

chopping fruit or veggies with a dull knife while you're making a healthy dish. Use small

kids' body weight in your workouts instead of barbells, or let the kids be your spotter

during your routine if you are using small, safe weights. Or simply turn on some music

and dance away with your kids or on your own. The best part is that being active helps

you feel better, manage stress and increases your energy level, so find ways to be

active that you love, even if it's not a normal gym workout.

The simplest weight loss motivation tips are often the very best ones, and this one alone

can be all it takes to get you focused.

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2) Set a goal to simplify your focus. Do not simply say, "I want to lose weight". Be

specific so that the goal is attainable and personalized to your needs. You will also need

to set a time frame. Saying ambiguous things like "by my birthday" or "by the winter" will

not help you achieve your goal. The less specific you are, the more weight loss

motivation tips you'll need because you're not telling your mind which direction to go -

which is the equivalent of saying "I'd like to go to the grocery store" and then driving

around aimlessly trying this road and then that one without necessarily getting even one

mile closer to your goal.

I don't typically recommend goals like losing a particular number of pounds in a week

simply because we cannot control the rate at which our bodies lose weight healthfully,

but at the same time, we can absolutely set and achieve goals like taking care of our

bodies with healthy, weight-loss-promoting foods for 6 weeks. Aim to achieve things you

can control rather than things that are out of your hands, and you'll feel more steady

throughout the process.

This is one of the most powerful weight loss motivation tips of all because if you can get

focused on a specific goal, it's much easier to achieve success.

3) Partner with a friend who's also looking to slim down and you'll find that your

motivation stays much stronger due to the accountability factor alone, much less having

someone to keep you company. You may even be able to ask your husbands to take

turns watching the kids while you and your buddy work out, prep food or brainstorm how

to handle tough situations. You can also share recipes and weight loss motivation tips,

as well as information on local resources that support your weight loss.

The most important thing to keep in mind is that you want your healthy new habits to

become part of The Flow - which is what I call it when you hit your stride, and suddenly

it seems much easier to stay on track without needing a lot of outside weight loss

motivation tips.

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Following these weight loss motivation tips should help you reach The Flow even

sooner. Give each idea an honest try even if it initially seems too simple to make a

difference, and you'll be getting results in no time!

Calling all moms! Want to achieve truly healthy weight loss that energizes

you as you lose weight permanently? Moms get FREE weight loss advice,

motivation, recipes and more geared exclusively to your busy lifestyle at

Now's the time to take care of you. Live your personal best life in your best

body starting today!

Copyright Jennifer McCay and LeanGreenMama International. All rights


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Weight Loss Motivation - The Carrot Or the Stick?

By Sherri Frost

Your weight loss motivation can dwindle unless you understand what moves you to take

action. It helps to understand if you are motivated by the carrot or the stick.

The Carrot

If you are motivated by the carrot, then you think in terms of moving towards your goal.

You find your goals exciting and look forward to achieving them.

You will be looking forward to how great you will look and feel. You'll be thinking about

how it will feel to have loose fitting pants.

Ask 'Why is losing weight important to you?" and you will likely hear:

"I will be able to buy new clothes in a smaller size"

"People will notice how great I look"

"I will have more energy"

We often see 'carrot' people as seeing life through rose colored glasses. They tend to

look at the good and ignore any potential problems. They can be perceived as being

naive by others.

The Stick

Not everyone is motivated by moving towards a goal. Some are motivated by moving

away from the stick. If this sounds like you, you will be moved to action when there is a

problem to be solved. Deadlines are your friend and threats work really well.

You're focused on how you feel right now. You'll be thinking about how you will avoid a

heart attack... or how your pants are too tight.

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Ask 'Why is losing weight important to you?" and you will likely hear:

"I won't have to squeeze into my pants anymore"

"I want to get rid of my gut"

"I want to prevent a heart attack from happening"

The 'stick' people are often too focused on problems. They tend to drop their priorities

and focus their attention on the crises of the day. They can be perceived as cynical by


The Carrot AND the Stick

Some are a little bit of both. This type of person is in the minority. You'll hear them say

something like 'My clothes won't be tight anymore and I'll get to buy new ones'.

What to Do?

So why do you want to lose weight? Is it because your clothes are too tight or because

you want to look good? Determine what your weight loss goals are and then...

If you are a 'stick' person, tell yourself: 'You won't get anywhere if you don't have a


If you are a 'carrot' person, tell yourself: 'My goals will take me where I want to go.'

Combine these statements with your specific goals and repeat them often. It's a form of

self hypnosis that will help to keep you on track to achieving them so you won't be stuck

where you are.

When it comes to weight loss motivation, which is it for you? The carrot or the stick?

Sherri Frost is a Certified Hypnotist, NLP Master Practitioner, Reiki Master,

Neuro-Linguistic Coach and Trainer providing helpful self hypnosis hints and

ideas at where you can get your free

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report "8 Simple Steps to Gain Control of Your Life and Enjoy the Freedom

You Deserve"

© Pro Power Services, Inc

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Motivation and Weight Loss - The Biggest Key to Weight Loss Success

By Dorota Antosik

75% of the developed world is overweight. And the weight loss industry is worth billions

of dollars. But, there is really one key to successful weight loss - Motivation.

Diet plans, exercise, and healthy foods are all important for weight loss. But, without

motivation, any long term diet plan is doomed to fail. The weight is going to come back.

The problem is that motivation is not that easy to come by. And certainly not that easy

to keep. Everyone tends to be motivated at the start of any fitness plan.

You join a gym and buy a bunch of fruits and vegetables. The stock up on supplements

and swear to your self that this time, you are going to lose the weight. And then keep it

off. But, a couple of weeks (or days) later, you are back to eating the way you used to.

You no longer have time for the gym. And you are spending your exercise time on the


The good news is, motivation for weight loss can be simple. Not easy, but simple. You

just need to set a goal and plan, reward yourself for the successes, and forgive the

failures. In order to be motivated, you need to have a goal. It is not enough to just say

that you want to lose some weight. Or to eat healthy. Or even to go to the gym every


You need to be specific. Write down your goal, whatever it is. And be specific about it. "I

want to lose 1 - 3 pounds per week, for the next x months, until I am down to my ideal

weight of x". Remind yourself of that goal every day.

Next, you need to reward yourself consistently for meeting your goals. If you are trying

to lose 100 pounds, and you have only lost one, it might not seem like that big of a deal.

But, if it was one pound last week, you have met your goal. Reward yourself, with

something other than food. Only you can decide what that reward should be. It doesn't

have to be much, especially for the smaller goals. Maybe just allowing yourself an extra

10 minutes for a nice walk. Or skip washing the dishes that day.

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After you have met your weekly goals for a month, maybe you can buy yourself a new

outfit. In a size that wouldn't fit you before. It's up to you. The key is to reward your self

with something that is not going to damage your weight loss goals.

Finally, and this is the big one, you need to forgive yourself when you slip. Maybe you

actually gained a couple of pounds this week. Or you couldn't resist that burger at the

fast food joint.

You need to recognize it, and then let it go. Many people see that extra pound, and then

give up. And the next thing they know, they have 10 extra pounds. Think of it this way.

You are a Shepard, and you made a mistake and left the gate open. And one of your

sheep gets eaten by a wolf. Are you going to give up and let the rest of the sheep get

eaten? Or, are you going to close the gate and save the rest of the sheep?

That comes from a Chinese proverb which I am not going to go into here. But the same

principle applies. Little slip-ups should be recognized and forgotten. Use the fact that

you recognized the mistake as motivation that you are growing in your commitment.

If you can continue the cycle of motivation, goal, reward and forgiveness, you will find

more success in any legitimate diet or weight loss plan you choose. Without the

motivation however, it doesn't matter how great of a plan it is, it is doomed to failure.

Set your goals, starting right now. Write down what exactly it is you want to accomplish.

And then go for it. Reward yourself for your weight loss success, and move on from the

set backs. Motivation is the key to success in all things. This is especially true for weight


Dorota Antosik of Fruits 4 Life Network writes about health and fitness topics ranging

from Acne to Weight Loss. She is extremely passionate about all of the benefits of Acai

Berry Juice after experiencing the difference it made in her own life.

She has published a free report - Why Acai on her website.

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5 Tips to Maintain Your Motivation to Lose Weight

By Gerda Peter

It can be hard to maintain motivation when you are trying to lose weight. There are

many different things you can use to help you keep your motivation strong for losing

weight. You just a few tips and then you can choose the way that will work for you. If

that is what is needed to keep you going you can also use a combination of ways. The

point is to find something that will help you keep going so you can finally be the weight

you have always dreamed of being. Here are some important tips for helping you keep

your motivation up so you hit your weight loss goals instead of giving up.

One: Know your reasons for losing weight and write them down so you can go back and

reread them when you are feeling like you want to give up. Seeing your reasons in black

and white will definitely help remind you why it is a good idea to keep going.

Two: Use before and after pictures to keep you motivated. Because seeing a visual of

yourself and how you are seeing results is a big motivator for anyone there are many

people that use pictures.

Three: Take your measurements so you can see with your own eyes how much weight

you are using. Viewing your weight in measurements is much different than seeing it on

a scale.

Your measurements will help you see just how much weight you are actually losing and

this will keep anyone motivated to keep going.

Four: Find friends that are also trying to lose weight and join up with them for support.

This can be a big time motivator because when one person is ready to give up the other

one can step in and remind you why you need to keep going.

Plus losing weight with friends or family is definitely much better than doing it alone.

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Five: Give yourself a reward - Take time to reward yourself for a job well done when you

see that you have lost weight. This will keep you motivated and will also give you

something to look forward to when you reach your next weight loss goal.

Now that you have read these tips you now have the best tools for staying motivated so

you can achieve the weight loss goal you are aiming for. If you want to reach your goals

staying motivated is crucial, so use one of these ways to stay motivated, and do

everything you can to not give up.

Are you desperate to lose weight quickly? Gerda Peter eliminates the hassle of losing

weight. Pick up a free copy of her ebook on how to lose weight quickly so you can get

started losing weight today.

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Look Good Naked - A Motivation For Weight Loss

By Kevin E Graham

Finding your motivation for weight loss is of the utmost importance because without it,

you will easily lose impetus and succumb to temptation. Many people would admit that

they are unhappy with their body shape if they were honest and that there are certain

annoying lumps and bumps that they would like to lose if they could. But you have to be

careful that you are not overly critical of your shape because this can lead to feelings of

self-doubt and a lack of confidence. Your motivation for weight loss must be sufficient to

help strive you forward with any new health regime but not too much that you start

feeling unsure of yourself. Wanting to feel good naked is the perfect motivation for

weight loss and it's much more effective than keeping a watchful eye on the scales.

These motivations for weight loss tips are perfect for helping you to succeed:

1. You know deep down you would like to lose weight and shape up so take some time

to justify exactly why you wish to and what you want to achieve. Endorsing the reasons

in your mind will really help you to stay firm in your resolve and work hard to complete

your goals.

2. Create powerful affirmations which are statements of intent. They work extremely well

when used correctly as they help to re-iterate your goals and your intent in a positive

way such as 'I will lose weight and I will feel great'. The more that you repeat your

affirmation, the stronger the sense of vision and the stronger the motivation for weight


3. Write down just how you will feel if you don't lose weight. Make it an itemized list such

as I will feel depressed or I will feel unattractive. Make it personalized, it's about you, so

be honest with your thoughts.

4. Stop making excuses about losing weight; you can really do it if you want it badly

enough. Try to look on your diet plan as a positive and not a negative. How could it be a

negative if you are going to feel great as a result?

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5. Take a photo of yourself naked and put it somewhere safe but visible so that it

reminds you of your desired shape transformation. This is a really good incentive to

stick to your diet and you could take a succession of photos to show the changes to

your body.

6. Try to incorporate a reward scheme for your weight loss goals. When you reach any

particular goal, treat yourself to something really nice, a trip to the hairdressers, a night

out or some new clothes.

Always try to see the positive as you embark on your weight-loss journey and remember

that to look good naked, you need to keep your motivation for weight loss alive.

Kevin Graham serves as the Managing Director at Empower Me Photo.

Empower Me Photo provides tools to help those seeking to stay on their diet or

exercise program over the long run - by showing how you are going to look

AFTER you lose the weight.

You will be amazed at how you are going to look - and your empowering photo

can be in your hand as quickly as tomorrow. And you will be inspired,

motivated, and yes, EMPOWERED, to stay on your program over the long run.

You are welcome to download our free 7 Secrets to Visualize Your Future on

your way to help you on your weight loss motivation journey.

Our Weight Loss Success Stories are impressive.

Let The Vision Empower You!

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3 Ways to Find Motivation to Lose Weight

By John Davenport

Finding motivation to lose weight is often hard since wishing to lose weight usually

comes from a negative feeling of not being happy with a part of yourself. This is

particularly sad since finding motivation to lose weight is a crucial part of any diet


So how can you make yourself feel motivated to follow through your weight loss

process? Here are 3 ways:

1. Be proud of yourself - There a lot of people who wish to become thinner, but do

absolutely nothing about it. You should be proud of yourself that you've decided to take

things into your own hands. Being proud of yourself will give you great strength and help

you to be motivated during your weight loss process.

2. Find role models - When you start your diet, it's often hard to believe that you will

ever get to your weight loss goal. Disbelief is something which is very detrimental to

your motivation. One way to find motivation to lose weight is to find role models, people

who were once overweight and managed to lose a lot of pounds. And these people are

all around us: at work, the local gym, on TV. It doesn't have to be someone you know

well. It needs to be someone you can keep at the back of your mind and say: "If they

can do it, so can I".

3. Keep your goals well in mind - if you wish to lose some pounds you must have an

ultimate goal for yourself. Think about your goal and imagine how your life will be when

you get to this new weight. Imagine the new clothes you'll buy, the way you'll look, the

way you'll feel, and the compliments you'll receive from people. Now that you have your

goal firmly in mind, you'll be able to maintain your weight loss motivation until you reach

that goal.

I hope these 3 steps will help you to find motivation to lose weight and I wish you the

best of luck in losing weight.

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Weight Loss Motivation Tips.

John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his

life. To read more about weight loss, click here: Best Diet Programs Review

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Fat Burning Motivation - 5 Tips For Keeping Motivated to Lose Pounds As You

Lose Fat

By Ben Hannan

If you've ever tried to lose weight or trim down a little, you'll know from experience that

by far the biggest challenge is staying motivated. Many people are inspired at different

points in their life to lose weight or slim down a little, whether from a sudden realization

that they are rounder than they used to be, or because their clothes don't fit so well

anymore, or for a special occasion such as a wedding, or based on medical advice.

However, here's the big trap. Feeling inspired is one thing - but it's another thing to stay


Here are 5 great tips that will help you to keep motivated during your quest to lose fat.

1. Set Small Goals - one of the biggest traps is setting massive goals and finding that

after such a long period of trying, it doesn't seem like you're all that much closer to

achieving your goal. The result? That's correct! You'll lose your motivation! The trick

with setting goals is to set small achievable goals. This will give you a clear sense of

achievement, satisfaction and ultimately show you that you are making progress. And

when you reach your small goal, set the next small goal. Example: Instead of setting a

goal to run for one hour every day till the day you die, make it your goal to run for 30

minutes, 3 times a week for the next month and re-evaluate how realistic this is for you

and whether you can then increase your running activity by a small amount for the next


2. Reward Yourself - when you set yourself small goals, you are much more likely to

achieve them. So when you do reach your goal, it is important to give yourself some

credit. You will decide on the appropriate reward for achieving your goal but it must be

something that you really want or enjoy that you don't do often and will motivate you

enough to work towards it. Example: If you go to the movies every weekend, then

setting yourself a rewards of going to the movies when you achieve your goal is not

going to be very helpful. However, if you are not a regular movie goer, this may be a

worthwhile reward. Again, you can apply the same rule for going out for a nice dinner.

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Other ideas of rewards may be buying yourself something you've wanted for a while,

taking a weekend holiday, going out for a coffee and your favourite piece of cake that

you've been consciously avoiding during your fat burning period, buying yourself a DVD

or a new mobile phone. The list of ideas is endless.

3. Get Some Accountability - now whether you sign up with a personal trainer or

simply enlist a friend or family member, it is important to have someone who knows very

clearly what your aim is when losing weight and can provide you with that positive

feedback and encouragement throughout your weight loss program. You could try to "go

it alone" but you have a much greater chance of success when you have someone who

is on your "team". No soldier is ever sent on a mission without a partner or a backup.

4. Go For The Early Wins - make some big gains very early on. You can jump start

your fat burning program by losing 5-10 pounds fast. This can be done just by changing

what you eat. You will feel great and you will see results, which helps to keep you


5. Measure Your Success - This is not hard to do. And there is almost nothing more

rewarding than looking back over those days, weeks or months and being able to

clearly see how much progress you've made. They say that success breeds success. If

you see results, you'll be motivated to keep going. Example: Some very simple things

you can do include measuring your weight once a week and recording it, using a tape

measure to regularly record the size of your tummy or waist. Something a bit different

you can do is to take photos or video footage of yourself at regular intervals during your

fat burning mission. Then compare yourself monthly and see where you have improved.

Remember to take action and keep focused on your goals no matter what and you will


To set yourself apart from the 50% of people who fail in their ambitions to lose fat, you

will absolutely want to get hold of the amazing fat burning information available to you at Don't delay!

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How to Use Rewards For Self Motivation in a Weight Loss Program

By Audra Solsby

The thought of the time and effort that you need to spend if you are planning to lose a

large amount of weight can be intimidating. It is no wonder then that so many people

"fall off the wagon," so to speak, at one time or another on their weight loss journey. To

make the effort less tedious and to keep yourself motivated, you should make it a habit

to reward yourself for your efforts every now and then.

What you can do is to write down small, short-term goals that you want to achieve. Let's

say you and your doctor decide that a loss of one pound a week is something you can

do, or that doing some brisk walking one hour three times a week is your exercise

regimen to start with. If at the end of the week you are able to meet those goals, then

treat yourself to something small and yet significant enough to make you feel good.

A massage is a good example of a small yet satisfying reward. Or add to it a bit and get

a manicure and a pedicure too, something that will make you feel pampered. Or maybe

you can purchase certain items that will inject more fun into your efforts to lose weight.

Examples of these may include new exercise clothing, colorful new workout accessories

like dumbbells or exercise balls -- maybe even some new motivational books or DVD's.

Some people reward themselves with a serving of their favorite food after they reach a

certain short-term goal: a slice of cake, perhaps, or some ice cream. The reasoning

behind this is that it prevents negative feelings of food deprivation. Others believe that

such self-reward methods shouldn't be attempted very early on, when the weight loss

regimen is only a few weeks or months old as they can be too much of a temptation that

can lead to overindulgence.

As you progress on your weight loss journey, you will find yourself ticking off more and

more short-term goals on your list and moving closer and closer to your ultimate goal.

Remember, you also have to have a long-term weight loss goal reward, one that you

will only indulge in after you have reached your target weight. It must be something you

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Get Motivated, Live Healthy, Be Happy


desire enough to work hard for, something that will reinforce the satisfaction you will feel

in having achieved your goal.

Showing off your slimmer, healthier body in a smashingly sexy new swimsuit at the

beach is one example of an excellent long-term goal. A tropical holiday in a place like

the Boracay Beach Club or other Boracay beach resorts is a fantastic way to reward

yourself for all your discipline and hard work.

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Page 22: GET MOTIVATED OR STAY FAT · Get Motivated, Live Healthy, Be Happy 2 Introduction Everybody wants to lose weight and live a happier, healthier life, but most people are still as depressed

Get Motivated, Live Healthy, Be Happy


Make the Most of Your Motivation

So now that you have a small arsenal of tricks and techniques to keep you motivated on

your journey to a healthy body, the important question you should be asking yourself

is...Where do I start?

There are thousands of diet and exercise programs out there clamoring for your

attention, and it’s almost impossible to cut through all the crap and find the real gems.

I’m talking about the kind of programs that will actually make dramatic changes to the

way you look and feel now that you have the motivation to actually stick to them.

I’ve spent hours looking for products that I can recommend wholeheartedly. Based on

hundreds of great reviews and testimonials from satisfied users, and my own personal

experiences, I’ve come up with a list of 3 superior diet and exercise programs that I

think offer the greatest chance for you to finally start living healthy and get the body of

your dreams. I’ve tried out each of these programs, so stop by the Roshi Health site to

read my own reviews. I’m just gonna spill the beans right now and tell you that I loved

all of them and they get my highest recommendation.

The programs are:

The Diet Solution Program

This “diet” program is not like other diets. This is a long-term plan that works to

permanently shift your eating habits so that eating healthy is as natural and simple as

breathing. This guide to healthy eating works great in conjunction with any workout plan,

especially the Fat Burning Furnace and Truth About Abs programs. Even on its own

Page 23: GET MOTIVATED OR STAY FAT · Get Motivated, Live Healthy, Be Happy 2 Introduction Everybody wants to lose weight and live a happier, healthier life, but most people are still as depressed

Get Motivated, Live Healthy, Be Happy


The Diet Solution Program will have you dropping pounds and feeling more energetic

than you have in years.

Fat Burning Furnace

Fat Burning Furnace is a diet and workout program that will have you looking slimmer

and more toned than ever before. This program is designed to raise you resting

metabolic rate (RMR) so that you burn hundreds more calories than normal, even while

sitting on the couch. The workouts are hard and short; you shouldn’t be in the gym for

more than 25 minutes, so say goodbye to wasting hours in the gym. People have been

getting amazing results from this program, most without even following a strict diet. I

really think you should check this one out!

Truth About Abs

Cardio is a waste of time. You’ve spent countless hours of your life on treadmills and

stationary bikes, but you still don’t have the body you want. Clearly something is wrong.

The Truth About Abs program is designed to force your body to shed pounds, in a

fraction of the time. By combining resistance training exercises into one circuit you can

burn more calories in less time, all while building the LEAN muscle that it takes to stay

in great shape for the rest of your life. I think the Truth About Abs program is one of the

best opportunities out there for normal people like you and me to finally get the flat

stomach and healthy body that we have dreamt about.

Page 24: GET MOTIVATED OR STAY FAT · Get Motivated, Live Healthy, Be Happy 2 Introduction Everybody wants to lose weight and live a happier, healthier life, but most people are still as depressed

Get Motivated, Live Healthy, Be Happy


One Last Word

These programs all go above and beyond everything else that is out there, and I

encourage you to check out the Roshi Health site for my in-depth reviews of each one.

Take the time to read about each program, check out their sites, and choose the one

that works best for you. If you stay committed amazing results will come. You won’t be
