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Get Her Back in 7 Days – Copyright by 101WAYSTOGETEXBACK.COM

Get Her Back in 7 Days

Apr 20, 2015



Lynda Smith

How to get ex girlfriend back
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Page 1: Get Her Back in 7 Days

Get Her Back in 7 Days –


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Get Her Back in 7 Days –

Free 7-Day Course Reveals What To Do And Say

To Make Her Want You Back For Good...

How to harness powerful reverse psychology so she returns to your

arms... Even if your situation is hopeless

How to beat the "hungry sharks" swarming your babe... The 1

method to quickly stop her rebounding to other guys before it's too


4 proven quick-fixes to INSTANTLY feel great again after a

relationship break up... Tactics especially effective if she left you

this week

FREE 7-day mini-ecourse to get and keep your ex girlfriend for as

long as you want...

And everything else you need to be together again...

Page 3: Get Her Back in 7 Days

Get Her Back in 7 Days –

So you've recently broken up with your woman. You probably can't believe you and her are no longer together. Maybe you saw the break up coming all along... or maybe it was totally unexpected, you pictured a long and happy future with her... and you don't quite understand what happened. Either way, it hurts... and you want her back. After all, you're not together right now... that's your current reality... but it doesn't have to be your reality forever. You CAN change your reality... and that's exactly what you plan to do. You're going to do whatever it takes to get back together with her. ANYTHING... even if it means BEGGING her to take you back. However, let me tell you something I've learned from hard experience: Begging is NOT going to bring you both back together. In fact, it's only going to make her think she was RIGHT, if she broke it off with you... and it will actually push her further away from you. That's because BEGGING sends out completely the wrong signal to her. It makes you sound weak, needy, and desperate... someone without a backbone, who can't stand on his own two feet. OK, you might FEEL like that right now... I know that's exactly how I used to feel just after a break up... ...but you must understand that your woman wants to be with someone who is confident and sure of himself, and who won't crumble at the slightest problem. That is an attractive man! Begging will just push her further away from you, and then you run the risk of pushing her into the arms of another man forever. You might be thinking, "How can you be so sure? This isn't going to happen with me and my girl."

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I can be sure because this is EXACTLY what I used to do. I've had my fair share of breakups. I used to plead and beg, and in the end I realized I was just throwing away my self-respect, along with my chances of getting back my ex. What I *thought* was the right thing to do at the time... and the perfect way to prove my love for my ex.. only pushed us further away from each other. This happened with all the men I knew. Every one of them thought that playing the "desperate" card and pleading with their woman to take them back would get them back together. It almost NEVER worked. As I talk about in my course "Bait Her Back" - available at - I discovered that I was doing just about everything wrong (even though, at the time, I *thought* what I was doing was right)... and begging was just ONE of those things. However through trial and error, I found how men can get their woman back... ...without losing self-respect... ...without going down on knees... ... all the while making yourself highly irresistible to her, and making her realize that letting go of you is the biggest mistake of her life... the point where she'll get down on her knees to beg YOU to take her back! After I figured out how to SUCCESSFULLY get my ex back, I shared my strategies with 4 broken-hearted men I knew, and every one of them got their woman back. The key thing to take away from my message today, is that we wanted our partners back, but instead of us appearing weak and desperate by BEGGING, we got our ex to beg US to take them back. This is what you should aim to achieve too. In tomorrow's message, I'll be exploring some of the deeper reasons why your woman may have left you. You may be surprised to discover that what you THOUGHT was the reason, might actually be disguising a deeper reason... and once you know this deeper reason, you'll be in a better position to know HOW to get her back. If you'd like to know how you can get your woman to do the begging and still get back together with her... I encourage you to read "Bait Her Back"... where you'll learn how to effortlessly make your ex girlfriend beg you to take her back forever:

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There's a 56-day guarantee so if you're unsure about getting the course, you can get it, try it, follow the advice to get your woman back - and if you don't get her back within 56 days - you'll get a full refund. Fair enough? Get the course at the bottom of the page: Always Success In Love, Paula Scott

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In our previous day, we talked about why you should NEVER beg your woman to take you back... because begging sends out all the wrong signals to her and it only reinforces to her that she made the "right" decision to break it off with you. BUT you and I both know that it's the wrong one. It's just SHE who doesn't know it yet. And it's your job to make sure she knows so and begs you to take her back. Before you can do that however, we need to go back in time for a bit... to search for the reason why your woman left you in the first place. You'd be surprised to know that most of the time, the reason your woman left you can be boiled down to 1 of 5 reasons. Now you may be thinking... "what do you know Jenna? My situation is unique. My woman left me for a reason special to us both. No one else has experienced what I have." Well , you're right... to a certain extent. It's true the reason your woman left you is unique to your relationship... But this reason is only on a superficial level. If you dig deeper (like I did), you'll discover there are ultimately only 5 reasons why a woman leaves a man. Regardless of how unique your situation may be, the core reason is ALWAYS 1 of the 5. Here are 3 of the 5 core reasons I learned from talking with countless women about why they left their men... 1. Emotional Abuse According to Willard F. Harley, Jr. Ph.D., "When legal grounds for divorce have been stated, about half of women report they have been emotionally abused." But guys, this is NOT because you’re literally abusing them with a barrage of emotion-striking insults. A woman leaves a man for emotional abuse typically described as indifference, a lack of communication, or other forms of emotional neglect. Emotional abuse equals emotional indifference. This reason is a dangerous one because this sort of neglect doesn’t register on a man's radar as a reason to split up.

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Men tend to believe their partner is simply too demanding and too hard to please. This typically isn’t the case. Your woman ISN'T "too hard" to please, you just aren't focusing on the RIGHT WAY to please her. Your woman needs to feel emotionally connected to you. Aim to please your woman emotionally, and you're one step closer to keeping her around. 2. Uncalled for Jealousy and Overprotection There's a fine line between being protective and being jealous. It's when you're overprotective that your woman will run for the hills. There's one right way to handle jealousy when a guy checks out your woman or when your girl flirts with another man. This simple one-liner leaves your woman wanting YOU more! It's revealed on page 63 of Bait Her Back: 3. Lack of Love There's a great book called Love and Respect by Dr. Emerson Eggeriches. In it, he describes the “Crazy Cycle”. The premise of this is that the woman withholds respect when the man fails to show his love and that the man withholds love when the woman fails to show respect. Crazy, uh?! Once this vicious cycle gets going, it's hard to break. You need see this pattern to take control. Give her the love she wants even when you're NOT getting the respect you need. She'll likely change her reaction, the cycle will be broken, and she’ll start to respect you. The tricky part is re-establishing her attraction for you, but I've never seen a guy not make his woman love him again when he follows a proven formula. Don't take this as an excuse to shortchange your partner on respect. A woman leaves when she isn’t appreciated and respected as well. There's no need for a woman to stay with you if she isn't loved or respected. There are too many choices available to your woman these days. These are just a summary of 3 of the 5 core reasons why a woman leaves her woman. Have you identified yours, ? Or perhaps it could be one of the 2 other reasons you'll find on pages 10 to 12 in "Bait Her Back".

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A break up usually happens for 2 or more of the 5 reasons women leave men. So for example, if she left you because she felt "emotionally abused", she may have also abandoned you because of jealousy. You noticed she was becoming distant to you so you became scared and pushy. Until you understand the reasons she left you, you CANNOT get her back and fall in love again. If you try to get back together without following a proven system to win her back forever and fix the deep reasons she left you, you won't keep her forever. Unfortunately, asking her why she left you never works because women are afraid to tell the truth why they leave. She'll say something like "It's just not working" or "It's not you, it's me". If you'd like to find the remaining 2 reasons women leave men and how you can effortlessly get your woman back for good... with her doing all the begging for you to take her back, I encourage you to read "Bait Her Back" at: Always Success In Love, Paula Scott P.S. What if 1 of the remaining 2 reasons IS the reason your woman left you... wouldn't you want to know exactly which and what you can do about it? It's all on pages 10-12 here:

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Now you're aware of the possible reason your woman left you, you want to reconnect with her to see how you can make amends and move forward together. Because you've dated your girl, you partly know how her mind works. Use your knowledge of her to assess the contact method that'll connect with her best. Is she the type who prefers to speak indirectly via messages? Or is she the type that will want to talk it out face to face? If she's the type that prefers to connect via message... then you'd definitely want to check out the powerful response- grabbing message templates I have for you in the book "Bait Her Back". Using these templates will massively improve your chances of getting a positive response from your girl. If however she is the face-to-face type, it can get a little tricky because when the time comes to meet, what do you talk about? Here's an excerpt of some of the proven safe-to-talk-about topics from "Bait Her Back" that will start breaking down the wall between you and your ex girlfriend... * The weather – Have you ever noticed how people resort to the weather whenever they have nothing else to say? Let it be your crutch too. "Don't knock the weather," said Kin Hubbard, "If it didn't change once in a while, 9 out of 10 people couldn't start a conversation." * Current events (especially the sort of things you’d find in People Magazine or would hear on Entertainment Tonight) * Recent family events – Did your sister get a new job? Did your cousin make the varsity football team? Did your best friend appear on a game show? (That one actually happened! It might happen to you too.) * TV shows/movies – If you don’t watch TV and haven’t seen many movies lately, scroll the entertainment section of the newspaper or ask your friends about some movies before you go. It could prove helpful and maybe even jump-start a bigger conversation. * Funny or bizarre things that recently happened to you – Did you wash your cell phone in the laundry? Did the cashier at the drive thru give you change for a hundred instead of a twenty? * Ridiculous news events – Watch the news. You’ll know what I mean. * Your/her day – An easy one.

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* Your job – Unless this will either bore you or her to tears or get you heated. * And of course people-watching is always fun - and a great icebreaker! These are some of the fail-safe topics that those who have read "Bait Her Back" have used to successfully reconnect with their ex girlfriend. Use these to keep the reconnection meetup light and fun so she sees you again as an interestingly fun guy she wants to be with. Knowing what to talk about is not enough. You need to know what you have to avoid talking about AT ALL COST... the topics that may DELETE any reconnection hopes you harbor... forever. These topics to avoid are what you think you should talk about because you're trying to get back together, but don't fall for the trap! To immediately find out what topics you have to avoid at all cost or lose your woman forever, and how you can effortlessly get your woman back for good... with her doing all the begging for you to take her back, I encourage you to read "Bait Her Back" at: To make her even more interested in you, you should also checkout: 1) the 8 mistakes in the first contact that kill your chances of getting together again on page 39 and 2) 13 reconnection mistakes on pages 44 to 47. There's a "get her back or your money-back" guarantee so you have everything to gain including your woman! Go to: Always Success In Love, Paula Scott P.S. Remember, it's not enough to know what topics to talk about. You need to know what topics to NOT talk about... that can erase all chances of you getting back with your woman. It's all in "Bait Her Back", go check it out now:

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As I mentioned in a previous day, your break up is unique to you because it happened to you. How it went down with your woman is exclusive to you. BUT as I've also mentioned, women leave men for 5 core reasons. You still might be thinking your break up IS different and even hopeless... and I don't blame you. However, after 10-years helping broken-hearted men get their woman back, it boils down to the 5 core reasons (page 11 of Bait Her Back). Your separation is not all that different from other breakups in history. I'm not downplaying the gravity and immense pain of your particular experience so don’t think I’m being a heartless bitch :-) I say this because it should be comforting. There is nothing fundamentally wrong with you. I care for you and want what's best for you. Breakups happen and they always happen for the same reasons. The dirty details are what make it seem one-of-a-kind and like something that's never happened on the face of this world except to you. Think of a hurricane. A hurricane has specific telltale features. Spiral winds, heavy rain, thunderstorms, and the eye of the storm. The precise speed of the wind, intensity of the storm, and exact damage of a hurricane is different in every instance, but the fundamentals NEVER change. The predictors, the symptoms, and the final results are ALWAYS the same. But that means the rebuilding tactics are the same as well. That's the secret to Bait Her Back and good news for you because I've become the "scientist" of breakups and plotted an exact method for you to Bait Her Back forever. All girls are hard-wired to respond in similar ways. Use your woman's genetic cravings to become what she wants and keep her. Countless men have been cheated on, left by their woman, heart-broken... you name it - and have got back together with their woman AND fixed the problem that caused them to break up in the first place. If you want your babe back using the proven system mentioned in this message, read this page:

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You still might be thinking, "but mine IS different". From my experience in dealing with "break-up-ees", it's not. That should be the last time I need to tell you this ;-) The things men like you describe to me are deviations (direction of the wind, temperatures, etc.) of bigger fundamental issues. A break up is a hurricane that tears its way into your relationship and rips it apart. All breakups share the same features. When it comes to getting your ex back, despite how out-of-the-ordinary your break up was, there are surefire ways to get around those peculiarities. Anyway, grab a copy of "Bait Her Back" RIGHT NOW and read pages 48-51 because I've provided simple answers to these peculiarities and laid out everything else you need to get the babe you love back. There's a "get her back or your money-back" guarantee so you've got every reason to give Bait Her Back a shot. Read about it and get it at: Always Success In Love, Paula Scott

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Today's message is a quick one but something you really need otherwise you won't keep your woman forever. I also have a confession to make about Bait Her Back never revealed before. Hope it doesn't shock you too much. You see, getting her back is the EASY part. You read that right! Having your babe in your arms again is dead-simple with the system in Bait Her Back that men around the world are using to "re-seduce" their ex girlfriend. The difficult part you'll find is KEEPING your woman forever. For a few years my "ex back system" was almost too good at getting ex girlfriends back that men kept hooking up with their ex... but they wouldn't keep their babe! What's the point of getting an ex girlfriend back when she's going to leave you again in a few weeks or months? I had to build on the system, which later became Bait Her Back, and now helps men get and keep their ex girlfriend forever. This make-up-break-up cycle can happen to you when you don't bother with the second journey of keeping her forever. The pain during a break up is immense that you're so determined to get her back... this is okay! Once you get your copy of Bait Her Back and get her back, your tears will go away, you'll relax, and you'll feel loved because you're with your cute girlfriend again... You'll almost feel too good that you won't work on the relationship anymore! Once you're immersed back into the relationship, it's easy to become complacent and overrelaxed. You get to that point when you trust she’ll be there. It takes constant practice, presence, and some prowess you can incorporate into your relationship to ensure she stays committed to you and only you.

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The two of you can be "meant for each other", but even a couple with deep and intense connection need to practice good things like expressing needs in their relationship if they want to keep it strong, healthy, and happy for years to come. That's why the first section of Bait Her Back gives you a step-by-step guide to get her back and the second section lets you keep her for as long as you want. There's proven ways to recreate that "just started dating" feeling on page 53, 6 sizzling secrets of a married man on page 56, and more of the best advice on rock-solid relationships! Download "Bait Her Back" immediately by clicking this link NOW! Always Success In Love, Paula Scott

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I hope all that we've talked about in the previous messages have shown you CAN get your woman back. You're only a few steps away from getting her back and keeping her for good. You can find out the steps to get your babe back here... But what if you still feel your situation is special and unfixable and that what I've shared with you so far cannot help you? And is it too late to get your ex back? Firstly, well, you're right in thinking your situation is unique because it happened to you and no one else will be able to understand your wretched feelings. BUT as I've mentioned before, on the surface, all breakups appear different. No two hurricanes are the same. In all of them though, there's only a few predictable core reasons why they happen no matter how destructive. Once you know what these reasons are that caused your break up, you'll have a clear picture of how to get her back. There is one trump card though that I was saving until now... Did you know that all women are wired the same? I'm not kidding. Science has shown us so. All women want to feel sexy and loved! Just as an example, but see what I mean? So even if your breakup situation is unique, your babe isn't. This means that the successful tactics I discovered to win my man back that were improved and transformed for men to get their babes back for good can be used by you in the same fashion. The blueprint needs no modification on your part... It's yours to follow to a "T" and get your woman back. Hundreds of men have used this blueprint so you should too. Now, is it really too late to get her back? I don't care if she's even dating that hot muscle head you hate. Have you ever missed someone like an old friend or family member overseas for years, and when you finally meet them, you instantly feel amazing to be with them again?

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Humans remember relationships and positive feelings - especially girls and that includes your girl with you! So there is no reason to worry about whether it's too late to get her back... because it ISN'T. All you need to do is follow my lead... read about the tactics that have worked for hundreds - even thousands of men... and copy the tactics to win your cute woman back. Because all women are wired the same way. It's never too late. Just follow my lead. If you're ready to start applying the tactics to win your woman back... you have to grab a copy of "Bait Her Back" RIGHT NOW at: Get her back in 56-days or get your money back. That I promise you. Instantly download the course now at: Always Success In Love, Paula Scott

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Get Her Back in 7 Days –

Congratulations if you've already ordered "Bait Her Back"... But if you haven't... I must say I'm very surprised. I know you want to get your babe back or you wouldn't have signed up for this training series. So what's standing in your way? I know it cannot be the tiny investment. Because at just $37 for 97 relationship-reviver pages, you're paying peanuts compared to the lifetime of happiness you're going to get with your woman back. This is totally a bargain in anyone's year! You have to remember you're not buying a book. You're buying the guide to getting your woman back... ...without losing your self-respect... ...without going down on your knees... ... all the while making yourself highly irresistible to her AND making her realize that letting you go was the biggest mistake of her life... the point where she will get down on her knees to beg YOU to take her back! There's a "get her back or your money-back" guarantee so instantly access the digital course now! It's time to take the first step... to a lifetime of happiness holding your woman again in your arms. Go to: Always Success In Love, Paula Scott

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Do you want her back or are you satisfied not having her in your life ever again? You better decide right now because the window of opportunity to get her back is closing every day...

Always Success In Love, Paula Scott