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German Strike Spreading With 700,000 Now Idle in Berlin, London ...

Feb 26, 2023



Khang Minh
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Page 1: German Strike Spreading With 700,000 Now Idle in Berlin, London ...


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▼ • • t iM r : O o o d j r t o a i p h t M d

t o n o m v . 5 f e w 0 . LAST EDITIONVALL STMBT OOMKITI


NO 10 629 'VlUHClf ^ ______ N EiW A BK , N . J.j T ^ U l^ p A \« JA N U A ^ Y ^ jl^ ^ ^ l916^^^^^WEyTY^^PAGl^^ TWO C E N T *. T«;!


Fifty Otben Wounded and Ma­terial Damage Done in German

Aviaton’ Attack.


Ptddic Service Companiet to Aik Industrial Power Rate Increase

\ Neat Tuesday.


n > ir» e irt- a t T ta ta * m t t NaS* P rla - < l i f - r ~ T . - H arlae a< V aH aaa M a l a te I 'a a lla l aaS la ta S a rk a .

’ n t f l la n a ta f ia Ac< aa naeH aal la ■Wrat S ia la a u lla A ttack tn a * Air.”


M 'aat M ak* *a C aU ad Vm a l T w c a lr- n * a C aala a M aatk fraa i Kack Caa- a a i a Mlvk Cm* a f r a a k kakac aaA ■ a«a*M a Vaa« la B aaaaa a ia a a k r u a rv e a a d e e la r P laa l a S tate MaarS.

Braiiliaa Fleet to Co-opente With Allies in Europe’s Waters

mo JANEIRO, Jan . I t (»> .—A Sm lril r e d ro P ron ll h a t kaan apaolntad tlia i. 'm in a n d tr o f th a Braalllan flaat w hich w ill opera te w ith th a Alllaa In E uropean w a ta ra

Ror a Inna *!*•• 1** Snownth a t th a B raa lltin fical would aaium a th a raap o n ilb llltr ef p a tro llin i tha an- l lra coaat llna froai tha G uiana border to tho B oolhom boundary o f Braall. b u t th la la tha flra t Indication th a t tho B rsa lllan flaot would co-oporato m R uropaan w atara w ith tha w arablpa of th a Alllaa.


PARIS, Jan, SI (IP).—Gorm an aoro- plaiioa raided Porlo loot n ich l, hllUng tw tn ty paraono. wounding fifty and io u i ln f m aterlo l dgmaco. Tho alarm a aa f iv tn a t 11 :IS o'clock. Bumbo woro throw n a t varlouo poliito In Porlo and tbc auburbt

Ono of the German m a rh ln n w ai I.rough! down, end tho oecuponli of Iho a irc ra ft inado priaonora, aaya tha nfdclal otatom ant.

Tha announcom ont followe."F lra t Inform ation tn d ica ia i th a t

tour on tn ir aouadrona croaord tho llooa north of t'omplogna, proceeding tow ard Parla. T hanka to the eatretn* d r a t - noaa a( I ha atm oai'hoi o, th e machtnoa w ara able to romoin at a oery high altitude. They opproochad from Iho north and noribooot and ihraw projec- tlloa Ovar oovrrni Porlo eoburba. Then thoy flew over Parla. keeping for Iho moat part to Iho r ig h t bank of iho Vlvof, and dropped aln loat all th e ir bomba In a few inlnntoa.

'Savorki bomba failed to oiploda, hut otbora found viotimo, chiefly w'omen bud children. Two hoopliolo were ktrgck. Sevorol bulUInga w era burnad or aerloualy domaged.

"Some th irty French aeroplaneo wont to m eat Iho enr-ny oa aevn aa tho alarm waa given. Seeeral combata occurred to tho north, In which ono Germ an m a ­chine waa downed. The av la lo ra woro made priaonera. One French inachlno. ill a ttem pting to m ak" a londlng In i'a rla , on account of motor trouble, f e l t Tho pilot and gunner were wounded."

Roprloal. Oaya BerHa.BKRLI.V, Jan . »1 iv la U m don), f^ » . I

t-"A» a reprlaal," aaya tha offtclol V lalam cnt laened today by th e W ar C*fflcw, dropped fourt**n ton* ofbomba on P a r le " The sta ta inon t ad d i th a t the raid on the French cap ita l waa Iho flrat ayalem atlo a ttack from tho • I r .

Gorman a ir raldo on P arla have hoao Infraquant du ring tho laot year. Lnm- ing lb* flra t two yoaro of the w ar Jtoppoilna woro In tho hab it of bom bing tho French cap ita l, but dofonalvt meaeuroa proved too much for them.

Tho loot raid on P arle waa m ade om She Bight of Ju ly : i . Two bombawora dropped w ithout doing any dam . aga. Befora th a t tho laat a ir ra id i alarm waa given on tho n ig h t o f Morch (* -l? , b u t tho raldora did no t roach tho Id ty ,, Oil Ja n u a ry » , l* l« . P arle wa* r a l ^ by Koppollna for the iM t lima. tw antlT 'faur paraona being killed and Iw apty-M van Injured.

EXPLOSION AT FRIEDRICHSHAFENr n iB I C H , Jan . « < * ).—* ouvoro og- plotfop, aceotnpanlod by fu u flM gud followod by a buga culumn .«t n » y . . '* y h o g rt la tbu dirgetlou oflafkn th la m grntiig, a t a l ------------t B t Gall from Roaanborg, on Imko

ineraaoed ratoa for oloctrlc Induolrlal pow er and Iho r ig h t to colloci a foe of Iw anty-fW o cento a month from all gaa conaum era oa a aorvlco charge will bo oougbt by tho Public Borvlco Corpora* tlon. Tho appllcatlona will bo made to the S ta le Board of Public U tility Cem- mlaalonera by tha Public Service E lec­tr ic Company and tho public Borvlco Gao Compaay, roapoctlvaly, n o it 1'uas- day.

Tho h lgb coat of fuol. labor and m atarla la uaod In th a corperatlon 'a bualnaaa la given aa tha raaaon fo r lha Joint application . In a atatam oni laeued by Proaldant Thom aa N. H eCartar. thla m orning, aa well aa In tdvorllaom onia, no tify ing conaumoro of Iho propoood app lication , tnoerlod today In moat of the Btato'o nowopapors.

Tho tncreaaod ratoo for electricity. If g ran ted by tho u tility commlaalonors. w ljl no t effec t ligh t conaum eri or tboee who drivo am all m otora on light clr- c u tta T here a re iaO.SOd conaumoro of oloctrlc cu rre n t a e r v ^ by Public S er­vice, b u t It waa oatlmatod thio m orn­ing th a t tho prepoaed Incroaaa would b it only abo u t t.SSO.

Tho am ount Of the Incrcaao to bo waked for olectricity had not been fixod a t th a tlm a H r. UcCartor laiued hla ala tem ant. b u t eonforenrta of tho co rpo ra tlen ’a offlclala a ra ba ln i held and aome announeam ont la aipocted before nex t Tueaday. I t la likely, how ever, th e application will ba raaroty racelvod by the U tllttla i Board In o rder th a t conaum era ntay ba hoard latar.

T e rrito ry W hich I t Btrved.Tho Public Service fum lahoa elee-

tr lc tty to ronaum era In JM of the atate 'a m uniclpalltlea. and e lth ar alactrlclty o r gaa in th irteen rountlaa, aa followa: Kaaox, Hudaon, Bergen, Paaaalc, Union, MIddleeex, Someroet, llonm outh, Uor- cer, B urlington, t'am dan, ( llo u c tilo r and M orrla In a ll of the countlaa. w ith tho exception of Morrla, which takoa only gaa. It aervoa electricity, while In H onm euth lh are la no gaa aervicc,

Uaora o f e lec tric ity for power pur- peaea. w ith th e exception of thoae who drive am all motora. Including houaohotd appllancea from the light current, pay a ra le vary in g from two to e ight cenla

Four Others Wounded When En­emy Attacks Sector in France

in Heavy Fog.


All R eeeol CaagalMee ABiaeawred by W aoklaw toa W ere lu Thla gecilow Dcwfha Bomg Cwweed ky Bkeltflre. Ewemy'a Laaaaa Eguol w . If Nod Growter Tkww Tbeae e l Amorlewwa.

W ITH t h e AMERICAN ARMT IN FRANCE, Jan. *# (A>).—An American poaltlon on a ra rla ln aectlon of tha F rench fro n t waa raided du ring a heavy fog ehortly a f te r daylight th la m orning. Tho a tta c k waa preceded by a violent a r tille ry barrage.

Two Americana were killed and four wounded One aoldler la n l ia in g and la beliaved to have bean captured by the enemy.

C aaualtlea have been occurring al- moat dally lor aeverti day i on thla aactor. 11 la now parm lttod to dlacloae th a t all the recent caaualllea given out from W aehington occurred In thla eector. The dealha w ere cauaed by ahellflr*. moatly ahripnal.

!-aat n igh t w ai fairly quiet th ro u g h ­out tha American oector. The uaua. num ber of ihe lla came over, doing no dam age, and there were the cuatom ary o u tb u ra ti of m achine-gun fire from both aldea at polnta where the oppoaltig linca a re neareal.

At daybreak thla m orning tha heavy fox w hich had been enveloping the whole poaltlon and the country for

Ilea around for aeveral daya became


Pending Demands Before Wage Commiuion Aggregate Average

of Forty Per Cent.


name Prepaaed Advaaeaa Sewght «■ BaaW a t M ahlag (W rtala Txadea aa a IWrHy w ith Baupiayeea a t O ther Iwdwatriaa aad la AddlMaa Call fa* ■ a h e ta Meet High Caat a f U v lag .

Newarker Badly Burned by Fall On Live Wires at P. S. Plant

Ukf .VffA'V-KBW BBrNBWlClC. .Titil. l l .- -C U rv

•fkM N liU y o f II Pvtbody ptfto*. itrha finp lo r^d Ih •l«ctr1chl tU tlM i or tlio Publle to rv lro Corporolloii horo» w o t bodly burnod lod«r wh«n bo foil on ooworol w iroi boovUy chorvo4 w ith o loo lrk ity . Hlo r io tb ln r woo o^t on flro hul ho wao rooruod boforo ho bocont* unconocioui- Four docioro foopondod 10 tolophono foUo for aid. N lion wnn romovod to 8 t Fotor'a Hoopitol. w ill ppohftbfy rorovor. Mr. Mxeri tnorriod and hoa tw o chlldron.

WA«HINOTON. Jan . I I IJT) —Do* monda for w o f t lucroaaoo pondlnc bo- fora tho Roltroad W afo OoromUoloo a r« for an o cc rad a to avara«a of fo rty par c a n t, i t waa diacloaad today- Tha demandti rapraaant a to ta l e f noorly HDA.OOO.OM th la yaar, or about h a lf of lha railw ay oparm tlni Incoma of loat yaar

A num bar o f raquaato for mora pay af# atUI raachlng th# ronimloalon. In ^ ta r ly avary es»* tho labor union aaaki to rapraaant a ll mambara Of th a p a rticu la r trada w hathar o r« a n to » or iinursatiUade and th a w aa* coinmla- alon U aald to ba prepared lo accapt thU prlnclplo.

Many of th a damanda ar# fo r much m ora than forty per cant Thay aah In lom a caaaa an Incraaoo to placa car- tain tradeo on a parity w ith employaad nf o lhar Ipduatrlaa and. In addlUOa* A flat Incraaao to provfda for h lchar coat of U vlnf w ithin the laol year L*Ot than half of tha 1.I90.00* railw ay em ­ploy ec# ara orpaiilied. W ithin tha laot faw waoko. howaver, tha unorganliod men hava mat In groupa and aant p#tl- tiong (g the ratiruad adm lnlatratluit or Wiiga OommlOolon aaklng dafinlta In- craaiao. /

W ith tho aid of Ita a tatla tlc lana and .ajLHmlnara tha W aga Commlaafon a i - pccta to datarm ina certain rataa of In- craaaa ren ildarad Jupt for yarlouf c la u a a of railw ay labor and probably will acala down Ih# damanda In m any In- atancaa. An attem pt alao w ill b# made to m ake tho wage gratila l>roportloiialv to pay In o ther InduatrleA

Tha commlailon waa notlflod by a nunihor of railw ay axecuUvoi th a t rep- raaentativea of tha am ployan uoulG ba nainod to a ttand tha haartnga of the commfppion In W aihlngtoh and to give any aoalitanca poaalbla In tho way of


Board Considers Putting Closing Rules t o Save Fuel in Form

of Ordinance.


rw el A gatlaletia tev P aalarea Ceal StlS- atlaw la O lker Flaeea la aertewa.Owe ■ H ag W libaul Cewl lav Tkree Weeka. t t a r w SuMvaga tHaekarg* OrgerA g a taa f-rla rg T M ag E ipgiareee I 'o lll

batw igar-

r i in th icker, b ic m n , out - ll th* ) .^ e V i '; ; '. ’' i n ' l ’h . ' . u . ; -neareet .enemy poalllona. At 7 o clock th ree mufrieU report* eouncled th rough

I"kla f tn th la rn g n liig , a talggW B r*ealv»4 t B t Gall Reaanbarg, an

. 'oSgtonoa, rtp e rta . Vha a ip lea lo a p w - AMf waa th a raaoll «r an aeria l a tta c k ou the Eappelln w orka a t F rla g rlch t- h a r a a . ____________


* - - —

Three Days Left to Bring Total Here for War Camp Work

Up to $100,000 Quota.


(Conllnucg on Id page, t th column.)


Changes in Reqiurements Make Many More Men Eligible for

Military Service., '' ' t '


FW ith th ree daya to go, SlS.OtO la tha

ecoM of the K ntghta or Columbus cam - Igu lo date. Since the ra lly held

Uetiday n ight, hundreds e t volunteera kavq come forw ard to help the K nlgh ta vrin Id Ihc lr figh t to ra lle tlSO.OOS In Mewark, and tlO.OOd hae been eub- terlSed gnd tu rned In.’’ 'Otricial re tu m a frnm Jeraey City ahow th a t tba to ta l glodgod thoro waa ttH,dS<i. I t la aaid th a t Mayor H ague ot'-jrereey CItjr collected m ore th an ISlkWS of th is n n o u n t hlm ihlf. I t la Ihd purpoae e f th e general com m ittee U K aw ark In holding a m eeting to - n ig h t In A chlel-S tetler'a to b ring ou t th * eommlaalonerg' and heada of de- ggrlw enta to w ork fo r th e rem ain ing tkraa daya to b rin g ~ N ew ark’! to ta l f k t id -* th a t o f Je rae r-O tty . J t la ba- U O v ^ th a ro ara anough in tla a n tta l m an In N atrgrk w ho Hava n o t w o rh tg an got and who a r t m an h o ra o f tha o rder to go 0^ a n d collect a t leant tlS,MS.

- Ammal ky Ceainrtttee.Tha follow ing appeal hae been m ade

hy Barnard H. Shanlay, c ta irm an , and lldw grd . J . O 'Brien, traa iin rer o f the cum m lttae:

. "To the People of tho C ity o f N ew ark;^ ’'The com m lttaa In chnrge of the

HnlKhta of Columbua d riv e Cor IIOP.OOO 4f«lr«a' to m ake Ita final appeal to every m an,' worann and child In th a r i iy o f N ew ark. Tha cam paign w ill rioao Baturday avaalng a t th e Colum bua f lu b . I f Naw a t r a a t By th a t tlm a w e hhaU have to collect over |lS,aoO to p u t K "O tar tha top." E very c ity In Naw dhm t# w hich haa had JU cam paign, ox- aaadai lU g n o u In ona w eek’a t lm a W d aatondad our cam paign an o th er w o tk la o rder to ondenvor to raloo th a IMuagaary IIM.SSS., "Muwark m nat no t fa ll down, Jiiut ' itflontinuea on Sth page. Id eolninn.)

CLOUDY WEATHER AHEADProbably cloudy to n ig h t and lom or-

HW ; m odam to no rth arly w inda kecom - Um v u rlab ta I* tke official w aa th er fypqggat for N ew ark and vicinity. „ T « « p a m lu m togay : • M-. 1* do.grm *. 1 A. SI.. I I d tg roasi noon, I I do groaa. H um ldlty i T A. H., S t por oant.; a w e , IS por e o n t W ind a t noon, north , |S a l t mlloa an hour.VTomparaturo yoatarday: H igh, 14 do raga; low, I I dogroea: average . tS .f d e . l e e i . H um idity : H igh, IS par conL; |w , IS PM* can t.; average. S t por cen t.

yallDlE wind, an rlb aae t; m axim um jclty , aU luUea p e r hour. C h a rac te r

1 4 |a r. cloudy, r - t :Tom pm «t«ro ohO y e a r} a g o ta d a y llglu SI degreaa; low. I f dograoa; aver, fa i s d e ilre a a ' C hargetar e l day, Bk<y-

WAVE COVERS WIDE,AREA’ W A iH IK om JH . J ob- * ti td w ave a rag today w ith ta m fo m te iw

and below a g t o ^ (ru m JA o U k o rS flS h v t in a lll» ae .^ W ld . BBd MhUMOota o n w a r d M d

u n tw a H a s Bar aa O antie l O U a- U P a t , »eahatidiew M >'in» ai» ad

amtm dw ynga hatoV aare.d h tr ESnorat

th a n u a k yt h o * 6 k t r y _ iCMfward

dalHug.But lh a anow h ad

th o N orthorn

WA8HINOTON. Jan . I I ,—Changea In tho physical requirem ent! for man of (he N ational Army by which thouaanda w ho have bean or would be rejected under the f i r l s regulatlone can now be accepted to r aervice, wera announced todny by Provoat Marabal G eneral C row dtr,

T he m odU tcatlona Indicate th a t th a W ar D epartm ent la determ ined to hold fo r oorvlee, o lth er genarel m ilita ry o r apodal, a ll men reglatered except thoae Whose physical condltloh can n o ra r be rem edied to m ake them fit to r any kind of aervice.

F hyaleal dafecto th a t can be remedied and m ake the men fit for aervice w ill be rem edied or tb e men put Into eome apeclal w ork, not to rigoroue aa trench figh ting , Crow der aaya.

H eigh t and w eight requ lram enu w are both ravlaed. P la tfo o t or club and claw foo l and aeveral fool treublea no longer a ra cauaea for re joctlog and local boards a re ordered to ''rdjoet no tool caaee." Any rejection for thoae troub len ennat be by tbe medical a d ­visory board-

Chancaa lo r rajectlona fa r eye and t a r de lac ta w ere g rea tly leaeened: and th a den ta l reoulrem onU were modified. H ern ia and sim ilar trouble*, th e oauae of m any rajectlona under the fire t call, m ust be very eerloue to win rejection. Only com plete naeal obetruetton w ill re jec t; w hich m ean t (h a t adanoldt and en larged tonal Is a re no cauae.

The m inim um height for men of th e new arm y wan low ered from elxty-one to f lf ty -e tg h l.ln c h e i by the new regu- latlone, a lth eu g h al! tba caima ot men betw een f lfty -a lg b l and alxty Inchet m uat be re fe rred to th e medical a d ­v isory hoard by the ibeal phyeklana,

F ra e tiea lly a ll tba maximum .helghS rea tric tleu a w are removed. Indicating th a t Uncle Sam naan ne reason why" th e g ia n ts should no t fight. Tha old reg u - In tlons p laced the lim it a t alx feet th ree Inches, bu t the new Orilera provide th a t men above alx fee t alk-ltP‘’k*‘' f a r be aeceptad If they ara well p roper- tioned.

The weight minimum was lowered from l ie to lee pounds Although thoae whoso walght Is loas *han IM pounds bacanaa of lllnoao *J» to ho bold for *#rvlo* p#b41iis botttr hoalth* Only oxtroma easoa of oboalty ^ t o m u m ovorwolght rojoetlon, Hoglitt'anta In good physlexl condlripo hu* JJJ*wotght rogulromomt for ooruin bolghta aro to h« aooopto*

■Ptnal tiuuM oa m ust latorforo sort- mwly w tth w eig h t bearing pow er to re je c t end tho w earing of a p la s te r ^ c k o t w ill M t of ItioH dlatiuallfy th e

” T hooo"w ho oan h w w tlb « o M r spoken w ords a t a dlatanos of tan *oot w ill ho acoo»tod, only eemploto doU - nooo being a ground fo r rejection by

pbyoiolans. DoafnoM In one oar tn roferrod to th e Adrloory Board.

C olor blindnoas no longer w ill be a cauae fo r rutaetlon and *>0— * * ?* „* ?* troub les cau bo well eorrw tqd w ith sHMttp ■tnnMn w ill MOiytMl** * j? a MiM hag al* *ood lo a th M aaahj a w .b a w ill ba ta k tn . Porm arly 11th f ia w a t t m lasisg lha s u n w ould bo

T w w e e l ilgaaaoa w ill ro joct only w hen th ey M h o a mkn porm anonOy u n f it fo r aorvlao. O ther ro t^a tran lg w ith thooo ^ o c t a w ill bo advlotd W necopt troalm oB l popdtnB receip t o f • r « a n tb n p w S (O '

A a tr in t s a d carafg l ax am lit^ tan o f th e Inngo l i ordered, w ith a vtaw of kotRiInc »• mlbUnkw num M r ^ pneum onia M d tuborcator c ta o t In r to Munpa. OondHIOnS a l cam ps now Indl- i* te pkyaielM a rttaO d ho m o a t _ ^ u l

t t o pgw M

th e fog. There were three wMatle*. followed quickly hy three phcUburelx Tho projectile* exploded on three aide* of on Am erican lliten ing poat Juat out- alde th e wire, within fo rty -five fee t ef on enem y litten in g post.

‘T h e n hell broke loo«e," aald one of the men there. For fifteen m lnutea the enem y broke hundrede of high explo- alve 77a around the po it and th a aur- roundtng ground, ru ttin g off th a man there. Two of them were killed In the f lra t faw mlnutea.

A nother man who waa o t the post to ld th e correaponilent la ter, aa ha waa ly ing on a cot tn a field hoapital. th a t ha aaw four O orm ant approaching out o f th e fog aa tho b arrag e Ufl«d. He b ro u g h t hla au tom atic rifle in to play and saw iw a e t th e Oormana fall. He k e p t ila f irin g un til ahell apllntora hit him In tlio head and arm ,

-Tho laa t t raoMakaf* Ui th a Maio bofere I reached tho boapItaL" aald a n ­o th er wounded m an. ’ a a te lng aoma- th in g moving through tho fog. I do- torm lned to g e t aome Germane and put

(Continued on Id page, l i t column.)


Some Lesding Bankers Archibald Didn't See Say Securities Could

Be Floated If Needed.


a ta te iu c a t a f D In cIa r o t Stevooue ang F la a n re Gave Im p m s te u CeareaeBa a t O ptalaa W as A galaat laeaaaee a f r i i a i a a i a l BaaSa a l T h is Ttaw. VtewB a t Tbeae News CeaaalVeg Varteg.

.thb b g g tteS i m g r m o S T m » k y M ^U g H gnUr wtMB lha raglMniMt u u mS S T k i a S t a l a M goujlUgBgi


gM itgM bggjmP*®****

b g i f t .ii ia r tg

kgat a t «

irtgf. w t

a b p g t irepget Ba any i

11« m ako a t

■M V_ __aufbgt la ta u a d jfB tab aaaondltlM ally

> th a f i r s t call-

W hile DIreclor Archibald the De­p a rtm en t o f Revenue and Finance re ­p o rted yeaterday th a t opinion among "aoma of N ew ark '! largeet financial In- a tltn llona” wee unanim oua th a t it would be unwiae to laaua perm anent w a te r bonda until a f te r the w ar unlrea N ew ark waa faced by famine, fu rth e r Inquirlea made by tho N ew t among loading b a n k e rs not aoen by Mr, A rchi­bald, ollcited exprcaatona th a t w era favoroble, w ith quallflcotlone, to the project.

Hoade and o ther repreecrttativea of fo u r of tho largeet banke In tha city w hen aaked today w hat they had told Mr. A rcblbald^-lt being aaaumcd th a t th ey would be among thoae seen by the d irec to r hecau ie of the etandlng of th e ir Inatitu tlona—replied th a l they knew nothing o t *uch com m unlcutlon from th e city 'a F inancial D epartm ent and had not offered any advice aa to th e altuatlon.

Executivee and othara of th a four banka oxpraaaad tbomaolvee a s anr- prlaod a t the sto ry comlnx from H r. A rchibald because ‘none of thani had boon aohod about tha m atter. M d aoma o f thorn w ont so f a r a s to expraao tho ep lg tan th a t ne such dlscuaalon of th e c l t^ a noods would bo llkoly to ta k e place—so they had th o u g h t—w ith o u t th o ir Inatitullono being ooniuHod.

Oh B aplaaaH en Offered.Ono bonkoFa notion w m th a t Mr.

A rchibald m ay have liad two conversa­tio n s ab o u t a w ater bond project. In raforonco to g e ttin g a la rg e r supply, au d had g o t th a p u rp o rt o f the eon- v o rsa tlons mixed, perhaps. In the to ll­ing . Ho dsclsrad unhaslta tlng ly th a t If N ew ark waa really In nood of b a tte r o r n l a r g t r w a te r supply, and m u tt to ll bonda tu go t th e same, there would be no d ltn o u lty gbeu t It th a t waa Inoupor- ablo. ^

A nother UigtMhtt N ewark could dg bo ttg r hy berrUwIng on tumpetwriow— H bM da m n a t. bo I tu o d and w ork begun to aequtro m ore w ate r—o t looat fo r ono yoor. and tak o g ip tho quoattau o f a porm anonl hood liau a la ter. Ho d id n o t know how tho c ity is altuatod an to tits noooaotty of m ore w a te r now o r In tho U ior fn ln re , bu t If a f a m ^ waa th roatanad or In t ig h t, ho th e u ik t th a t now w a t th e tim e to hogln to pro- vtdo w ays and m oM i to got tho wmtor in to tb* n ipaa Th* bonds eould ho ooU, ho added, b u t II a long-tim e taouo ^ uuntnrod a t tho o ta r t I t would bu tho • u r o m b u m Ivo w ay lo do H,, ▲ th ird k ankur aald a f « • • " » *5*

vary H ut th a tM fuagog , ha said, th rough a a b o r t- tm o la M t lo s ta r t w ith.

■■ h M k a r doelartd there would

ni#nl# of employ##!K fforlt to compromtiO d ifftro n eo i In

the HoiiAto IntetRtate com m erce com m ll* lee on the edm lnlskratlon rellroed bill w ere made tod!)', w ith votee ea d poll* Hhowlns e m ajority r»f one In fA*1>r o f ■ ppeclflc tim e limK on fovern m en t ope- ration end for hev ln v the In teretate <'’om m erce roaHUleelon conilnuo to d e ­term ine retee. Tho!* fevorln g th e lim e llm ltetion end rete m ek ln s by tbe Inter- ■m ie Commerce Cotnmleelon eeld they weTe prepered to m eke eome coticee- elone II « com prom ise could bo effected .


WKetliK Lrttef If Acceptonce or Reiectioo of SuperrotendeRcy

Offer He Will Not Say.


B sfero leaving for hla homo In Rlcb- mond. V a . th is afternoon. Dr. Ju lian A. C. Chandler, who wao olactod aupor- In tandent ef achoola laat weak by th e Board o f Education, called on M ayor G lllsn In th a city hall and than ro- turnod to the Hobart T rea t lloloL w here he Has bean (topping in th la city , M d w ro te an o tflctal eom m unleatlen to tho Board of Education,

W ljjGier the maeaoge w as on ac- coptanco or rejection of tha auperln- lendency Dr. Chandler would no t sta le . H a aald the communication waa an olll- clal document to the board and th a t he fe lt It would ba diacourtoous on bln port If ha ravealad i l l coutchta befora It waa racalvad by tha board. Dr. C handlar announced Monday n igh t th a t It waa hla purpoaa lo occapt lha post. Tha la lta r w ill bo road a t to n lg b t'a m eeting o t the board.

Dr, Chandlar rafuiod lo m ake any com m ent whan ha w,aa aakod It tbo new snaper raporla on tho eontam platod o rtto n of the l» l l Board o f Education to rescind hla appointm ant had changed Ms mind In any way about accep ting the suparliitcndaDcy.

"I'd ra th e r not ta lk about th a t," Dr, Chandler aaaarted. "I have ata lad my porltlon In my la tte r to tho board."

Called ee Mayer.On em erging from tho M ayor'e ofllce.

Dr. Chandler aald ha m erely called to m eet the Mayor and aald th a t he liked him very much. They d idn 't dlacuas echoet aC aIra he aald. b u t ta lk ed about th ings In genarel. The m eeting only lasted about flvt mlnutea. W hen th e Mayor w as tacn la te r about h li con- varaatlon w ith Dr. Chandler, he said:

"Ur. Chandler la a (Inc, court roue Rout ham gantlam in. bu t I don’t th in k the N orthern clim ate will ag ree w ith

Aid of (he CHr CommUalon (o make hla closing order* rffrc tlv* wa* snugbl today by Blata Fuel A dm inistrator Jankln*on. H e will iuhm lt recommen­dation* for a ganaral closing plan In th* coinm lealonari et a m e*lln i thla afternoon, and there are Indication* th a t they will be adopted In the form o t ail ordinance.

Ml* Jenk ln ion not only w anla th* Monday closing ru le obeerved by itorea, saloon* and Industrie*, not exempted, but In a diacutalon of tha m atiar a t a meelliiK of the City t'ommlaslon thla m orning he said h« favored a plan 10 h a re elorea, laloone and barber ahopa open la te r In the m orning and d o te ea rlie r a t n ig h t aa a fuel and l l |h t coa- eervatlon m easura,

C erialn barber ahop* which kept open laet Monday have been reported lo tha national fuel adm InU lratlon, and Mr Je n k ln io n aald th is m orning tha t It I* probahla thee* will be deprived of heal and light to the end of the war. In thU connection he said th a t eome quee- lion had been raised a i to h li right to tak e defin ite action, but th a t he had the aanctlon of Mr. Garfield and th a t he propoied to make w hatever a d ju s t- ment* he deemed necesatry.

■eetlewe l.aek Fuel.Mr. Jenkinson laid th a t the *ltuailon

In Newark la adm ittedly bad, but he claim ed th a t It la much worse In many o th er pari* of the «lale. He to ld that M illville, w ith a population of li.OOO, h a s bean w llhoul coal for thraa w eeki and th a t Kayport anil M atawan are alao tn a bad way. In A tlantic Clly, he aald. I l t t l t co-operation In tha fuel sav ing movement had been shown dur­ing th* rx rly days of the famine, but th a t the conservation effo rt Is now on th e re In full awing.

As an Indication of hla efforts to n t fuel fo r those In seMoua pllghla, Mr. .letiklnaon said he had lea rn td th a t th* e n v Home had only a tw o-day supply. Ila haa directed a carload to th* home, and It w ilt be dallvarad w ithin tb s next faw b*ur*, and ala more cars will tot- low

Mr. Jau h laaea said h* had found g in - e ra l co-eparatlen In hla w ork am ong th* departm ent stores ef the city , but tb a aa«M m arabaut* and etbera had fallad ta asalat him and he llopea by m eaba of action by the City (Tommlf- slon to defin ite ly reach all. A saving by every on* of tw enly-flv* par cant.

German Strike SpreadingWith 700,000 Now Idle

in Berlin, London Hears«

Semi-Official Statement, However, Puts Number Out in Berlin as 120,000~0bservers in Hidiand

in Diyibt on Genuineness of Movement*Some Newspapers Suppressed, State of Siege at Hamburg

Moat of the repori* rtichini London retffdinc ihe unrcM in Cdfmdny agree that the alrihe movemenl la ateedlly ipreyding, pattlcularly tn the Indud- ififl aectieti* In the north. One eatimitc from Copenhagen reportg 700,000 idle in Berlin alone, SS.000 of these being women.

A semi-offlciil ilflemeni, iaaued in Berlin yeiterday, put* Ihe number of striker* there at xboul 120,000, ity* that Ihe city if quiet and that tbere hat been only tn inconsiderable increise in ihe movement.

Striker* and aoWier* ire reported, according to pte»* ditpaichet, to bgvg cltahed In a suburb of Berlin, and live* wer* loat. In eome Inattnee* troop* ire said to h*ve refused lo fire on the workmen.

\umber» of SociiliM leader* have been arreiied in virlou* town*. It I* reported, and ihe Gorman Government la pictured M continuing other ttpteaalv* meaaurea. Three Berlin newapapera, including the Sociallit Vorwierta, htv* been auppreaaed. Vorwaerli primed an ulfimaium to the government, de* manding on behalf of the workera a general peace without annaaflloni, amelioraiton of the food aiiutiioo, the democratization of atate Institution* and the leaagning of military law.

Field Marshal von Hindenburg and the head of the great Krupp works htv* appealed to the workera to remain at their taaka and support ilio army. Hm* denburg declared in hia announcement that iiriket muil cea*e.

The cities that appaar to be moat seriously affected are Berlin and Hamburg. The workera In government and private dock yards at Kiel have toined the movemenl aa have more men in the Induttrial cities and town* along the Rhine and in WeatphaUa. In the important Bavarian manufaciurini towns of Nuremburg and Furth the workmen are out.

Britith newapaper correspondents In Holland ate uncertain whether Ihe strike movement li reel or menufactured. One uya thei the government is behind it in the hope that It will effect the Entente allied countrlee eiid brini about peace while another betlevea that the government deelrta to use ibg movement to break off the negotiations with Russia. Germany bat closed herSwita frontier. , i j-

Waihingt®" it cautious in eccepiing the reports aa Indicating unuaual dii-troae in Germany, but I* of Ihe opinion that internal condiHoni may poialWy be much worie than appears on the surface.



(Continued en Id page, td uolumn.)


Four Esk x A tfosblynieti Vote for

M etfure, Seven Ag»init—Move

fo r RecontiderBtion.


p v a r E x p v ia u ii * ( -L e ttlu g Oewa Ih* B ara tee Ueuiaeetelallseg fp e rts .- l lc x r ie g *■ FT*»***d F reh lb ttleaCaw atitutlaaal A aseM aeut Called te r H aaday—G aata F a v s BUI Defeated.

him."Dr. Chandler 1*tt for th* South un

th* 1:01 e'elock tra in en th* Fennayl- vanIa R ailroad from New York. Asked whan he w euld re tu rn , he sa id be did not know.

“t can’t Just say w beii. T w ill be back. My te rm deean 't begin un til M arch I. I m ay n o t be back u n til than and I m ay be back next weak,” be aald. and then. In a jocular way, reinarkad: "I may n e t bo back a t all. My re tu rn w ill depend en cenditlon* th a t develop."

Market Favor^ly Affected by Wilson's Note to FannersNEW TORK, Jan . 11 ( # ) —F raaldent

W ilton’s la tte r to the Farm ere’ C onfar- anca today txpraaelng tb a opinion th a t th a laau* o t the w ar would be data t m laed tb i t year, favorably affee tad tb* ctoeh m arket.

Gain* a ( I to t potnta d u r in g lh a faronooa wer* aubsU nttally lM r*g**d a f te r tk a pubUeatlbo o f tb* le tla r , ra lla t a d repfeeeata tlve laduatria la ( ta tu r* Ing th a m avam enl. Thar* w m u rg a g t eavarU ii o f ahort e*Mra«t*, and buying o t a tan d a id ftooka tra a r tp o rta d to b* a t M lnipraa*lva e h a ra o ta r .________


R tSIcs) r td is l lo i i la t ie a o f BMgiB,tnS fgii It u fisd ky OM fM4 adn la ttm tlda .

gtWMrvMiM egR « « r

im k l* InI r t f I

nary toettr. W* bogun

a kafM pi 'w S ita lT

eueh a bond rea lly naM**

w gfor angreuy for th e w are to ba

SIS!'ittaa. • Ik* aiuualaBU«B | i u t l t t f i o w *«M tT Uig B H ttar I .1 j ’

O a \f ky a tM tfv a n M egR « « rAWm m 4 Mr ngimat faroMkd kep t I t HMolRiSRl., gfllaitHKy.

M o j ^ y s ^ 1 T a 4 w d « y «"ViM^tu Day*.’' TiHtdRyB

~ t p r ■“Mgiilm Dgy ■rS jStfRriayiDtys.**


Starr remrpaadMKV.TRENTON, Jan . 31.—H ard and aolM

w ork t i the program th a t M ajority L eader Plereon of tho Aaaembly ha* la id out to r Iho House nexi w erk In conjunction w ith Speakor TVoIverlon. The mcmbcra concluded the present week'* Isb o ri la i t n igh t a f te r a s tra ig h ta w a y aestlen th a t began a t 3 o'clock yaito rday afternoon. The fe a ­tu re of the day waa th e defeat ot (he bill by Mr. Badgley, Introduced for th* Easex County F ark Commlaalon. to par. m it game* and concerts under Ihe com- m lsslen 's eupervlslon in Ihe parka on B undayx

Pasaago ot th* local option and liquor regu la to ry blit and thoir en ac t­m ent by th* Governor ht* not ended tllacuaslon o t th* liquor quedton. It w ill come to tbe foretronl egaln next week, when th* Judiciary commute* a t noon Monday will hold a hearing on ono o f th* tw o Joint reeolutlon* oltered Tueaday providing for ratification of tho propoead prohibition am endm ent ot th a Federal Conatltutlon.

T ba reaolutlon on which th* hearing haa been called apeclflcally la tb a t o t ­tered by Aaeemblyman Lewi* of Mon- m outk County, who la atfU laied w ith th* Rtgte Anti-Saloon lAoguo Aasem- b lym M Agane of Hunterdon County o t ­tered en* e f tb* **tn* purport, and both probably w ill b* dl*cu***d. There U l it t le donbl th e t th* Pleraon plan of miYing n referendum on the eubject alao w ill be brought up In connection with th * o lan for ou trigh t action w ithout appeal t* the v o u ra

P ifteen Fete* la Favor.Raven of lb* tw elve Eaaex Aaaembly-

m en voted agalnet th e Sunday park- recrea tion Wll. U received only ftr^ toen votoo. w hile th lrty -en* wer* caat la oapoaltlon. Tha Ea*ax man who aup- ■ w M (be b ill war* Meear*. Badgley, B u le c h . Lord M d H aritttll. The nay* n p a lileierB, Abbott, Clcma, E atoa, H obart, Prudfaa, S tew art and Tarrow . U r Champion w m abaent. Betldee th* fo u r E*»a* m»n. «h* aupportar* wer* Maaera Dugan, Foahall, Hayahflald, H irachbarg, MeOevarn, Nolan, Smith, Snow, T atta rea ll, Vrealand and W hll-

"Y ii addition to th* aeven Esiex men the opponent* 'War* M aw ra Agaas, A lllnion, A m em an, Blair, BorreughA C oehrM . E dgar, Oaed*. OtU, Glover, n a g—**"i K*ll»™. L ttchftald. Morgan, P i S H r « * * t Ita#v*a,Itab*rtjh Roblit- ■on, Rtont, W arner, Wllaon. W inn* m 4

'^ A f t iT th * b in W ii benUn. Mr. B adg- ]*y find th* b ill planad In poaltlon fo r T«ooo*id*r*tlon. D uring dlaonaatan t f tb* bill, th* B*«** d e la f tfta n wa* r* . ta r re d t* a* eompaeed o t ’T n ti ta n pr*«

______ _ *”S w n k ln g WhiR tb# Ml) w m e a lMfB rk lM S up, Mr. ^ t a » **«y t o < » **•

l l l iy o f v a r le n i tarinn: t f Bundky

Fioai Ike W#*kl«»Ki» Serve* of (k* BVf-'-.\f.VO JfEWK.

WASHI.NOTOX, Jan . II .—Although tha S ta le D epartm ent haa rarelvad no au th o rita tiv e conflrtnallon of Ih* pub- U*h*d report* of dleordera and uprla- Ing la Berlin M d o ther tnduetrla l cen­te rs o t O arm aoy, there la * genaral opinion am ong govam m ent e f tk la la th a t condltlona Glare m gat be idor* aarlou* th a n tb* prea* report* Indlcat*. W hile CM tlen* Ui baM ptlag r*p*rtath a t th* m ilita ry pow et * f O artnM y I* crum bling, th e t* aeam* to be bu t lltll* doubt thMt condlUdin tn O^rmany dr* w o n * th an they have been ainc* ah* en tered the war.

The S ta le D epartm ent ha* no direct ■ouri^a of In term allon In Oarmany and for Ihl* reason I* unable to check up on the publlehed rep o rli. Confidential le - porta from bordering neutral counGles. how ever, a r* being oonalantly re ­ceived her* aa w all a* eabi* roium ea ef w h at aome ef th* O erm M paper* are p rin tin g about condition*. Thla In ­fo rm ation a ll polnta to th* g ravest In­te rn a l condition*, d irectly aftac llng the w ar power o f th e empire.

I t wae pointed ou t by a high govern­m ent etric la l today th a t th* cu rren t r e ­port# of etrlka* end uprising In G er­m any p o iie ss th* g re a le it algnltlcance, when It la born* In mind th a t all during th* w ar G erm any h*« m rin talned tha m eet rig id contro l over outgoing new* th a t haa been eetab llihed by any bel­lig eren t country. According I* thi* o f­fic ial w han such unfavorabis newa. from th* Germ an standpoint, finds Its w ay acroaa the border, oondltlonx a re probab ly wore* than they ar* pic­tured.

Bellev* Genwany N ear rria l* .T here la no Inform ation her* as to

th e cauae of the w idaipread German atrik*. W hether It Is a po litical demon­stra tio n egalnat Ihe Pan-G erm an party , or w hether It Is bocaua* of nation wide food shortage. W ashington official* do not a ttem p t to say. But they are convinced th a t Germany, as a w ar power. Is passing through her most severe crisis, and they ar* w elching fo r the re su lt w ith anxious Interest

Th* repo rts from Germ any and Au*- tr ia do not causo any au rp rlie to ih* governm ent her*. Bvor einc* the p re s ­ent w in te r began auch news ha* been expected. As t a r back as last fa ll It wax not believed here th a t Ihe C entral Power* could carry th ings through un til nex t sp ring w ithout severe In­ternal disordera.

The food and health conditions w llhin G erm any w ere understood w ith ap- proKimale sccurscy , and It w as be­lieved to he only a question *■ lo «hen th* grow ing suffering o t Ih* Ocrmaii poopis would begin to m anifest I te d f In dem onstrations. Added to th is is the m ore recent belief th a t H ertling 'a reply to tba peace te rm s of the United fltatea and E ng land would accelerate an up ris­ing ag a ln e t th* German w ar party, he- caut* It Feinted to an Indefinite p ro­longation o t th* w ar a t a Gm# when th* G erm an people wer* crying lo r peace.

B ut i4hll* the Am erican Government has looked fo r such new* 0* la now rindlnk It* way acros* Ih* German fron - tlera, It haa been forced to be on Its guard ag a in s t any relaxation of Ila own w ar n rep ara tlo n a I t baa acted on the prlncW * th a t th* w ay tn which to m ake th* moat of German In ternal troub les has been to accelorat* It* own m ilita ry program . There haa alao bean th e fea r In W ashington th a t tb* effect o f new* th a t Oarm any la aariaoBly crack ing m ight b ring about a re laaa- tlon In tho w ar aplrlt of Ih* Am erican paeple, and fo r th is reason th* govarn- m in t has been extrem ely ronservativ* In g iv ing credane* to eueh reim rts.

AMUTERDAM, Jan. 31 (B ritish Ad­m ira lty per Wlrelao* P ress) ( * ) .— The Germ sn sirlk* has b**n exteaded In d la trlc ta near Berlin, e ip ec la lly In Tegel, Alderihof, Bpandau and H arlen - dorr, w here loo.oeo men have q u it w erk . A sim ilar num ber of w orkm en a re an e trik* In th* rem ainder e f IM e n g f n .

Im pevtant w ar ludnatrlaa a r e loekied In ftpandau, a c lly of asm* Te.eee Ik* hab llan is. Hint m iles w eal e f Barlln. Th* governm ent baa le r t* eetabllak* m ehta th e re to r tb e rngnuracture e t ar* tllle ry , firearm s and am m unition . T a f t l , A lderahot and M arlenderf a ra sm aller tow ns, all w ithin a few mil** o t Barlln.

CGFENIIAGEN, Jan . t ls ta le of slags hae been declared a l H am burg, Alton* and W andsbeck, ac­cording lo th* H am burg Echo, a Be- clallet newspaper,

Alton* and W andsback a re In the H am burg d la trlc t; A lton* ad jo ins H am ­burg. It* population In lieo w as l i t , - 000. I t I* tho sea t o t Im p o rtan t In- du tirlee . W endabeek la th rs* mllSfl northeast of H am burg. In 1H>* Its population was 3l,eoo. I t hae larg e brew ing and d latlllltig eatab llshm snta.

Only a few telegram s have a rriv ad tn Copenhagen from G erm any, an E x ­change Telegraph d ispatch from th* Danish capital says, and newa la acaro* ow ing to Ihe feet th a t m oat of th a Im­portan t Berlin new spapers have n e t been published.

The m ilitary au th o rities In th e Berlin d istric t, Becoming to th* Borlln co rre ­spondent uf the Copenhagen Polltikan , liBve prohibited a ll m eetlnga convenad tu discuaa public quesUona, aa wall aa w orkm en 's m eeling* and d em o n stra ­tions.

F ifty thoueand w orkm en have ceaeed work a t Kiel. The a trik* I* now g en ­eral In th* Chemnlta d la trlc t, w hich I t

(Continued on 3d page. Jd colum n.)


American ComroantJer and Bliu Present at War Conference

Held at Versailles.


ar»TR M dtya•rBWehlHB

i t y • " V a i t l t n Ba f t l . . . -

VERSAILLES, France, Jan . 30 t ^ ) .—. General rm li ln g , Ihe Am erican com ­mander, attendril today a m eeting of Ih* Supreme W ar Council here, to- Kcther with General Tanker H. Bllaa, the chief of s ta ff o t lha Atnerlegn arm y.

Til* nesslon today aroused m ore In ­te rest Ilian the preceding m eetings e t rhe body, a* wa* evidenced by th e crowd which gathered. T he BoulevsBd l>* La Hein* w as so th ick ly th rongad ■ h a t the police guard waa re in tereed to keep ih* crowd ou t of th e T rignn I’alaco, where the seaeton took place.

Th* m eeting opened 3 o 'clock Wl(h Prem ier Clemenceau presid ing . G en­era l Petain, General Foch and G gnsral W eygand *ol a t tho P rem ier’* left. David Lloyd George, Ihe Britlsl) P re ­mier, bad General tllr W illiam R. R eb- ertson, chief of the g enera l a ts ff , and M ajor General BIr H enry H ughes W ll­aon. BUb-chlef o f sta ff, a t h la left, Ogn- e ra l Blls* and G eneral P erah ing war* In fro n t a t th* righ t, w ith F rofggtor Orlando, th* Ita lian P rtm le r , Baron flonnino. Ita lian Foreign K in istg r, and G eneral Cadorna beside them a t th* left. T he m eeting wae concluded n t nbout t o’clock.

Man !• A^yxitted in Room Rented Only Few Hour* Before

N oting a s tro n g odor of gas, hoarder* a t 1* E ig h th avenu* today broke Into n room ocoupl*fl l>F Joseph C alher- ■ wood, fifty -seven years old, and found him d*sd. Accidental asphyx ia­tion w as given ag th e o a u it o f d ta th by County Phystolgu W arren. A w all 1*^ WM dteoevered p a rtly open by th* iM r d e r a .. .

Cathgrw eod bad moved ta th* E ig h th avenu* addren* only la lo yeo- t o r ta r , os th a t eome d ifficulty w m t g ^ t n e o d a t f irs t In W entlfylng him. An In v ^ lg a t lo n rilowed th a t ho hM a e ltfa r. M rs HolOmn.Joftaroon avoRua, Fagaalc, W ord h M huNi annt to m t by tho poHoa. Tho

k H i t a H uU lt'o g targuod r wdndtaR

Sailings of Spanish Ships Suspended by Washington

AN ATLANTIC PORT, Jan . *1 (#> .— The ialU ngs of five psaeenger staain - sh ip i m aking ready her* for voyage* to Spain wer* sutpendod today, It waa gnnounegd. on orders from W ath lng ton .

Special oftloera repreeeo lln* th e gov­ernm ent wer* placed on g u a rd In th* vicinity of the pier* w here th# R p an M veasela ar* berthed. Beyond poatlnR a puMlo .bu lletin anaotinotaB th e *b s- ponittm . offlotola of lb*, Ita*w ithhold Intarm atton, T h e W U otta a M tb* poetBsaemont w m to r m todtfMMM tlw * .. ■ I .

WASHIRG’TON, $ a f l . . .n W *r T rade E « r d hag g U g » ta ta i l t a lf )M llgonso* ller • » I » ^ W foetually am bargoei n tl aR lr^ th a t eobntrw W * fonuoita.

................ b u t I tMr*. HoMoon.

____ fu lly dioeleegd,th a t th e staW o( eidiaMiSpath I*

DhnMgO 'enuauB

AM VataRn »pM.«tamota I au I t-

Page 2: German Strike Spreading With 700,000 Now Idle in Berlin, London ...

n x m


l im e Effickacy Rfly PerCcat.


• I I m

mtmmm m M u A H M IU *- I— ■ i» ii»» a >it w iT» !*«»

Hm ■

M W«n m llw w«ale of i TOTAL nSO C IC B O V B ISMtMOt

PrwMeetC 8 M . U ¥ a * U U >

Vto*A lkart IL~ aS m

D«*t« a H crritl Ow. F. ltM «*F rkah &

■PCNCER a M A t u a CMhIW AAtUUat CaakUrt

CaurtlaaA O. U tm lacw A r Jamaa W. P ltU a ca r

AtkaR. Martla■Is

Fr*A«rt«k L, Cahk



Fonnalbr Anaomct Hm m Cou M M ie Sayi Hiey’li lUce

‘Tlew LicbkaechtC w .*'

t«ra towticolon*l la ia a A atasL

a s ba v a a ts lla w ln * hla

Tliraa man w art k ll la i br ana ahalt, w hich fall In a traach, a s 4 anothaf diad from au an d a la a haafUal. Qalta a few ar tha man aant ta feaapitsla w ars w D u ad ^ la tha uppar part •> th a body at »n tha l>aa|l frani ihcap- nal. For in i l lu r r raaaana It haa haan InadvIaaLla to aaad aarilar ar M kai do­ta l la

bS i

r -

W AW tNOTON. Jaa- II .—f a a l la f a l aUfO aafrriaff traoH •» * lib P 'la* from A «arlca ta Kurapa. »»•» staa o f AlUad caairal, usdar A aarlsa 'a laadarthlp, » f tnaroaailla m srliia spa- ratlan in world lasaa d s r lm w ar ll« a , Is aSBorai bp tha c ia stla n o f • c o a a l t - taa an abtpplBf e o ilr a l nawad bp tba r a lia d H alaa ■ k lpp lat Ronrd.

Thia saaMklltaa. oompaaad aC P. A t . P ta sh lln . prsildant o f tb« Iniarna U sb s l M a ra u tlla lU r ln a C an p asp ; R. a . lU p M tid , prsatdast a t U a Clpda •a d H anarp tta sB o h lp U naa sa d af tba Amartaaii etsaaiahlp Aaaaslatlan . arba raaaallp w as a ta ia ahlppln# ooa- tpallsr a t tba F art a f Raw ta r k . «ad Mr Canbap Oathrla, rapraaaalatlPa In a i a aMtatrp a t tb a A llltd Chartariaa S ia a a t iv a . w ba h a t baaa la akarga at AlHad ahipplag an tb u aids a t tba A t- laatiL. la to k a ta uaaaaatiaaad dlraa- ttaa a t Iba aparatlaa a t a ll ahipa, Aiaartcaa, AtUad and aaatrai. an iarla* aad laav lag A « a n a a n p a r ts u to aapactad th a t faraw l apprarai a t tha p laa abaftlp w ill ba giran bp tha » r lt- Uh, Franah aad lU U a a gaaataaM ata

Raw RaHamp ip an at.O f apaatoi bnpOTUnca la eaaaaotton

an th tkto ••aapBoaniM it la iba g a ia g la ta affact tadap an tk# rnllwapa o f dM tn tii o f a canaprabaaaira uaaap arta-

Added List of C w uilties In r t^ by Pershing

W AIHINOTON. JRs I l .- 4 a a a r a 1 r a ra h lsg raportad paatardap tha w ound lag a t thraa Am arlcaa aoldlam Frivata Carl Johnaoa, latantrp. w a s aa- aaralp wauodad Ih aotlon on Jaauarp I f . JabBton'a laothar. U rn A uguala Johnaoa, llvaa a t IM Faurtaanlk atraat, •a n Fraaolaoa.

p r iv a ta P h ilip P . Hamplalck. ta taa - w a s a llgk tip wawsdad an Januarytry.

not m aah aiara th an tha auai tota l of lha r ia a tt tanaufflad bp ataal ahipa. In thia trap th a pradurt a f tha ataal tnlila oan ha dipartad la athar tataaU al par-


asp addraaa w a s H ra

apaadta g -a p toad ’ tM gM ta tar a a g la a d , Prabaa^

tta lp . Tba ardsr far th isth a R atlaanl Itoitraad Adatlaiatralton Tba naw apatsai Inaladaa th a tw a lln g a t aaonitoa tar lb s AUlaa ta A llM Ito parts ta lb a t . aalld traiaa. and tba toad lag a t b toPga naatbar a t ib ipa dirastlp a t palUwad

I t to flgnrad tbbt tba b sw plan a f ja d ltln g abipa r a a tln t aad a lla ta tin g th a n , tagathor w ith bat tar ta s b a g e a m t

M. Uto aaargan i .T lc lorla HaatMTtok. Canthrldga, H aas

P r lra la Rajnnand Orarar, latantrp, waa alIgbUp w avadad In aotton January I t . H la ta tb a r It H on or Otoarar, SIT jam aarlU a aranua. gpraouaa, H. T. Na Satalto w ara g lran a t tba »rtton» I" w hiab Iba n a n wara lalurad. T M ta l- lo w in g p n tn n a n in d a a lh s all o f prt- rn tn t. w ara ra p a r t^ ; , . „

M illar, K anhoth gtam foN . conn , M ogortoy, Ooarga D . I l l Twaatp-aae-

•n d n r a n n ^ C a n a e li B lu ffs I sS n gd ab l, Cnrl A-. I t* Mount C lllatt

•aan n a , O atralt. Mleh, - • , tA llan, W allar R.. B a it Oraanwloh,

RIah. Pau l, •nU m , C »s „ , . A ltragga , Albart. Claranea Caniar,

Ka T .Patrick , O IU H . w a i h t n o ^ Rapnalda. Jaha J.. I I W aal g l i ip - im h

atraat. Raw Tark. ITha ta ltaw ln g othar taatkd wara ra-

R a n fa n ln P» n a a ln s t t la i I II W aat lU d atraat, Maw Tarfc

Caahraaa. Itranh W -m a n lM U to - •*« U rtn g n ta a a r a n n s * • PanI, Mian.

HnhbM d. P ran k M.. earparal. ^ r l a t farnri T « * W nndU w n n r n iu s g a n ttls WMII'

W lllla ia s H a r r is aarparal. gnmahat wawnds: M arrall, Ark-

a f •Mptnaato an twnta ta aad nt tar w ill ibcraaM m a r m t ila

a d to ltn a y (TM* tarty ta f l f t f In a a n ana Mnrtor at

trow tarty ta n f t f par I a a n t wa rlnp O n " I f CbMi

„n rtop a t iba MHppinp ObblS Fotoiad an t th a t tb a d tg m a a t a a n M I *a ba t a -

gk Iliad labor l i not ntadad, oaea tba inattar o f daaign la aa ftlsd u p a s Rawlabor, lha aam t a s usad far pouring eoncrata In b u ild in g land stm cturaa w auld ba a r a l la b ls

R apid ity a t oohairnctlan. A raw al or four, r ira or a ls thanaanda tana can ba pu l Into tha w atar attar a psrisd n e t aseaad h ig alb m a n th s In a tulip davtlopad ptont, w btra tha prinolplaa of m ultlpla production would obtain. Ih li parlod could bo raducad la (braa m o n th s

Tho eonerato ahip to Itgbtar than lha woodan aklp. and haavlar than tba ataal ■hip. R ut It to olalm ad th a t It would ho much chaapar to bu ild than tha alcal or woodan alp.

P tah law l a CsnaMor.At th is paint, haw avir , aa tar i tscb -

nical prwbtama w h ich oauaa tha ghlp- ping Raard to go ila w to and handia tha nu satlon g ingarip . Tba m o it aarl- o u t a lanw nt v t doubt s t i l l ta ba aalaad II th a t oancaralng tba a ltaraatln g atralna a t can iractlan aad tip an a lon th a t c a n t s w han a aawwl la paundlng th rsn g b tha a a a s I t th a .ea n cra u ahtp acnM ba ta tu ra d a f am oath aaltlng, I ti tu tura w ou ld ba aatllad. hu t Maptnna w on't ba acnulaaoani an thIa aoara, not ■van la help boat th a aubm arlns

Thia doubt g lraa Haa to tha taar that a eoncrata vaaaal w oa ld craak under ■ trass I f a sanm wara opanad, tha aalt w atar w auld g a t a t tb a ataal bars, ruat th a n and th a t w auld Inaura an a i- panalaa th a t aoaitar or totar would m aan d lils lr a g a tla n .

It to not improhafala that aaan I f tha Idas a t a h u ll, antlralp a t oanorata, tu rn s out to a s unaasw arihp, lha Ih lp

F A ' ,

^ SensthkI r g g y tta M 7 M MR • M < ittlM yM ^ k iN ite d l ftaO M ^ t h a t b p M i i ^ f a t e ^ M l l a h

rST R O O ltA D , J a s II .—Tka Work man'a and RoIdlarP gop arn n an t ha i torm allp annoancad appolntm ant m Jahn Road, an AnMrIean nawapajar s u n and io e la lto l, a t C a n t« a t tha W orkw an't aad saldtara RapuH lo in Naw York. In aucoaaalon » tha Conau> Oanaral appointad bp tha • '• /W lm a -

K. T ohltobartn. Oaputp Mlnlaiar oi F oreign A ffa ir s h a i aaht » to t t" '® David R- P r a n o ls th a A narlcan Am baaaador. h o t llp la g b l n ^ H y *»>” *"*' m oat a f Mr. Road. *to. H a rt h w In R uaals for aaroral n o n th a J ^ l « ' ‘ p atln g In tha m aailnga a f tha BoWha- vtka aad d u rlag th a t l l a n haa n ad a•avaral a d d ra isa s ____

Mr. R a id to ld th a A asaclau d Ptaaa that ha wanM s ta r t n a i t w eak ta faea an Indletaiant a g a la a t klm In **•* York In connaetlon w llk a llagod p aolflo lii propaganda and th a t th o Rusalan go- e la llito bad daolsrad th a t lhap would m ake a naw "Llahkaacbt cata" out of th o p roeoad in gs

C O N C R E T E S H I P S ’


ping R aard w ill adap t an Invaaltoa th a t h a t Ia t oama In ta ba lag as a raaa lt a f tba ■tudlai a f tb a p a ta lb lR tltt a t oan- s r t t s

T h is la v a a tla a la ta r th a fU U ag af oanorata bow# and a la rn i to vasstto w blah w sa ld bava M tal a ld as Tha ad T sa tag a to tkto: T k a haaalaat daisy tk a ra la In p rad u c tag atandardlaad ataal ■hipa la a aa iad bp tha e o n p itn task af tab p tea ttn g tk a ourvad n a ta r la la tar tha how and th a ahapaa for tha atom — and p a t thasa p a r ts conatlta ta Is m than th irty p ar c a s t a t tb a hull aonstpuc- tisB w nrk. T kara to a r a r s a ra n tp par cant, ha i t ra lg h t a ld a s

arotoad bF t u ’ ablp a a w a ttto a w il l W as e a n p lt ta tb a t It w ill not ba b an -•arad bp aap l aatrtattoas T lw tntan- t t o s t o t a bava iba aasMalttaa'i ^ a r

. a w ar AlUadI diraatiaa.entogtawNaw a t • ig b r tn a a la .

! I t to asgastad Ibat tba tn ltast a y 'a g a r n tto ii lB ik a w ork in g an t a t tba ' S m i ^ I ka g tvaa bp [ba W w ^

K v p Banartinanla and bp part afft.

DtHniu ActMm by Sh^pot Bo*rd M to CoQitntclioB Now in



a s a tn r a p ra ssa M *Pt a l Iba part a f Maw J T a ^

t t la a H d th n t n a a a p w in ba aangh t ^w a r

IRa Mbvp O apartn aat Ibat lla paraaa; ■al n a p ua laara a a i i ta tba aad a t

K' m , frM gkt aaa- la s t e d la bat-

l a M s n S «blp a a a .

In a a a in g oartala abipa now s a t sp a r .I aiad h r n iv p n s a .; A aeard iM W t t e a lg te d nkraad wUI

* u L a w kaoavar a v a lla b is . t iw l s a n n it ta a ann dtract abipa la p w t t

" • • T ' j r w ' s ' t T S r wUMn R aw T arb tak a a todMF a f arar aapart ea apam U tn ta t tb a m llw npa tb* TIM ipWilWHi IM rw iw aj

^ 1 fbto to aaaantiat, sa d w to b a a -di % • . It t o l a l l . aaa ba b r a i ^ i ' t b r a u b gavam aian t aabtlwL Tka

• b a a trail'th ran gb gavam aian t aaatiwL T1

;paad a d n lg a tm U a a , tt to a m a a n a td . !h aa praaitoa* ta da aU paaatMa in tha iw ap a f r a n titg


I ta da a ll paaatl‘ an aad tilag tra lg k t

t a CMvp a g t Iba prslacw d a rm a g a - 'n a a t s K ta anptaiiMI th a t ea ttn a and '•U ta r dtotlaatlvalp t e n t b a n praM uta w ill ba n a v ad t a r anpart Iw g a lp ^ ta

•aaak pact* a t C karlaataa, g. a. and m n n a k Inaiaad a f U MCw York.

R a tlw a r f l a g la P ra a m R itaa t T ha naw tn llw np igatam a t as-ap-

^ a rn ttaa In. tb a ta rw ard ta g a f tfM glu f a tx p a r t paintA w ant p ra n p ttp Into •M nct tk to m arning. Advtaaa tram R aw Y ork s u ia d th a t fa s t tra in s toadad w ith anppUia t a r tk a Alllaa had stortod, bp dlraatloB a f A. B . Mnitb. rag lanal d iraa ta r af raltw apa a t Maw Yatlt. ta r

' t h a t d tp tram tb a MUdto W ait. Tba aa ltd t r a in s H to antd. wilt ru a an a in tp -b au r acbadnia ba tw srn t t Lanla a a d C b iaag i and Maw T arb . U . |s a n . gnrntand tb n i t t bna u k a n anpw hara to n ta r tn lg k t to g a t luah f r d g b t nwto Middia W aatarp p a in u to Maw t a l k . Ona kandrad w aamativaa w tu ba iraaaiinrrad tra in a tb a r porta a f tb a o ab n tip to R a a ttm U nta to tba a t rwidibig tralghL ,

I t la atotad th a t lha toh ing a v a r a f ra llw ap M ats a t Now t a r k ta r tka im m adlata Isadlng o f sh ips w iu a u k a paaalbla to load tw aa tp -flv t ahipa a t M na, Pravlaualp lha Isad lng of ahipa baa baag asMaipUahad m ad lp hp lig h t a r s a pracaaa Involving mneh dalap, as- paolatlp undar sach w aathar condlllana a s iMva raeaatlp pravallad.

C k a tk w ill ba k tp t on tha fra lg b t from tk a tlm a i t toavaa a faotorp a r B iaraga bauas u a tll It la plaead in ah ip 'a hold, Tba Idas la to have four g ra n t aaaam bltng ta d 'diapatoh yards uraatad a t B ast i t Louis, ik lcag ,^ P I tto b u r th aad Ruftalo. Tba dlractor a f th a m ovam aat a t ira la a w ill ba j . B ta a s vtea p raa lteo t of tha Brla, a a diapatchar will racalva hourly p o r t s

Jaaeap Ptora T ak as Ovar.Raw Jaroap p la n tak an avar ta r the

d irec t loading a t ahipa lacluda to u r W aal Bhora p la n a t W aahawhan, te - com m odailng n lna a r tan ataamahipaj fo u r B rio plora a t W aahawhan. thraa a lta ltad to R alglaa raliaf ahlpe; two L aekaw aana p la n a t ffabokan, accom- n o d a lla g thro# otasMahlpa: a Labigh Yaltop p lar a t C oaftahla Hook, aceam- la ten tiB g four ih tp s and a C sn tra l R n lirM a a t Maw J i i t t p p lar, scaam m a- t e t l a g two Btaantohlps p r a t a w ab ly n t Cnvnn Point. At tho laot M p la r aam t d radg lag n u t t ba d a n s ■ altlo tora aad Ohio plor aacorn- a tadatlaaa n t I t Otoorgs I ta to n I tlaad . n iaa hnva boon u k a n avar, i t to atotad.

.< All tha p la n u k a n ovar, It to aald, hnva basn n tlllssd bp tha n l lw a p i for un ­loading f r t te h t from c a n for domaatic no# o r to r tranofor to l lg h ta n o r to r loading f n ig h t fo r damoStla oat.

af lAi i r g -g fir g ggiFB.

WAIMIMOTON, J a s IL —Dafinita a o n s trn tttv a neUan hp tha ghlpplng ' B oard a a tb a gnaailaii a t aanatrnctlBg a a g a f te s A t o - f i M a a lp a a R tt ia n to M p ra sp a a t T h a d a U M to a tlM to l th is gnaatlan m ap kava a rndlaal laflaaaca a a tk o sh ip bu ild ing In d u ilfp and, II tk a Idas OM ba m a te whoHp ateptohM . w ill p ro v tte n qutoknr and elualvn nnnw ar to thn anbm nrtm p an i th n a can bn vonebantad bp tba aon ttrnc- tto n a t a taa l an d w nndin to n n a g s

T ^a p a tglbUKIaa a t tha sanavsta sh ip

T bs straas a l tha aasa agatnat vaaaaU la a g a la a t th a atdaa n t h a r than tha

to. O a a a n ia to baltovad to b w a ln a tanough tar tha tarta laa l p o in t and tha atgn m ant to th a t II should ha uUllaad for th is purpaaa a s a a to apaad up can- atructlen . Tha m o tto s a a g ln a a n a t tha gh lp p lng Board hnvb disoutsad tho projoct aad Indlestod a fa v in b lo Judg- m oBt

In th a m attar o f o a g ln o s th o cen- a n t o sh ip canid ta k a sn ip ana tppa, ta rM a a s R aelpraeadtog anginas would n o t da haanuaa th ap m aha taa mack vibratlan aad a n p th to g taadfng ta cauao ern ek t to to ba avaldod, obvionalp.

Tka Idas a f o a n a n ta abipa to not saw . T h a n a n aam aront smaU b a sts and hargas a f aw tetata la th is cauntrp and B u m p s It to tka apM laaticn of

John Rood, w ho baa racalvad tba Rot- akavlk l app ointm aat o f Ruoolan Consul O on on I to Mow Y otk , wao horn h i Fajrt- land. O n - tw ontp-oovon r o a n a g s Hia fathar, tha la ta C J. Road, waa one lim a poatm aatar a f th a t town.

Y oung Road w aa graduatod Wbn H arvard w ith h o n a n e ig h t ponrs a g s At th a t ttm a hla am bition waa ta ba a post, b o t t i n t ha aought advantura and traval bp v o p a g la g to KngUnd on a ea ttla sh ip , hla fa th ar U tar supplying tha m a a a i fa r a abort m ar In F ra n o s

Upon ra tn ra ln g and finding l ^ r p tnadaqaato ta aolva tba coat o f liv in g . Read toaap U d tha h e lp a f U a eo ln g tof- tana In g u tt in g a p osition on th# t t a n of Tha A m arlcan Mnansina. Qalokip abaorbtag th a radical Idas# o f g u tfO M ho saom t to have gona eraa tarthar la onthnsiasm for "Tho R a v o in tto s” much diaousaad b r rad tU g adh aran ls

ia n t to n p o r t th a Pataracn allh w arkarP o t n k s ka go t la w troaU a w ith th o authprltloa and aarvad a term In ta ll. totOT m ak ing litararp uaa a f hla o ip artan oos Ho had eonoldorabit auc- eaaa a t tio tlen w r itin g and waa aaat •m plopod hp T bs M olrap allu n H ags ■Ins

A ta lgaod to M oxloa for a aarlto o fartlolM an tha ra v o ll aga laat R u tr ls Itoad gb va fu ll r t la to hla pcatio fanep In d ap M In g tha harato nualltlaa a f V illa and th a lattar'a to lta w la g , and aeoard- ing ta h lf aceaunt, g e t Into aavaral tig h t p lsoaa In a cloaa-up v iew o f ona or tw o "battloo."

In I P lf Tho M otropolltan oont him to rapart th a R uropean w ar, w ith a (oUaw raMoat. Boardm an Rahlnaon, oartoonlOL ta l l lu i t n t a h it a r tle lo i. Tha pair v ls- Itad aaarlp a ll th a aountrlaa a t war, gatU n g Into d im c u ltta i , on one or two oocnalona rtportod la praaa d tapatob is

Apart from daoartpllon o f advaatura b it artic isa w ara charaotarload bp a ton a a f alaatnaaa or saparlarltp i t thapapular v iew o f th a prohlom t or IdaalaInva'

tho prlaolp lo to aoa-go in g vaoooto that la a ip ar lm atiU l. gh lp p ing man a rechary and avaa pra|udiaad aga laat tha Idas aa d p a la t ta th a fact th a t large oOBCrata abipa hava not aa p a l baaa aacaaaatallp aparalad seraaa a a a s Tha N a n r a g ia n t hava baaa tha real p laaaars R aglaad haa fa llaw ad nulta alawlp and w ith la to g iv la g and now tho United gtsta a haa token hold.

U am p b o th a t Aaaarteaa tavanttva g tn lu a w ill la m th a trick. Tba paaii. M lltlaa a r t tn m a m g la g and tha n a it f a r waahB ahaald dam anatm ta whathar hapa w ill ba caavartad Into aam otbtng m ars ton glb la . A. J . g.

M U M i i S A D D T O '


fn n lm tkn» fatpiOTBA


BOM B. J s a . t l ( * ) , —Tha ItoR taF ■aw p o a tu a n w aat a ( tba Pronm la VaJ- top a a th a a ion n to la fraat w as Im . ^ • v n d paatardap, tha War O ffice a a - nan na ad to d sp . Tba Una wna nd*

• U g M p nartbnnnt a t <M - M



Will Sem to Support Coming Social Revolution in Eur<^,"

Sayi Official Notice.



K E E P U P t l A T T L E S

Stockholm Hean Gov't Forcci Score Sttcceaaea, Howwr. Over

Rad Guard Generally.


o f O roabarg lmmtoOBt-.^to-Aloo D ow n lo ll a t

RaMraa to B aahgvnaag a f Aattvitp-

Rtapatabaa ia p

aim ttoo t o R olabavIhP Mooa, ta t to .

■aHptloa R i po o lid P rova lRog Now,



a ro 'an ch tb n i to o M ilpplag Board baaan g a g a e far w ath a la an Intanalva

atudp a f Its davatogatont A m onth ago thoro w aa craatad a aapnm to dtvlalaa to handia tb a s ^ la B L In to la dtvlalaa todap a r t w orktop tw untp-tlvo or morn ing tn ooro and m artna a rob ltaets Tbap hava go n e tb rau gk a grant danl a t pm - llm innrp w ork and aantrncto hava baaa aw ardad tar oaa a f tw o aiparlm aatal

fC aattoaad from P i r t f P a g s )

Up to dato too a ip a r u hava tn bttontto l rtnaan to taal ap tlm to tls bat thapare n o t raadp to ea r tb a t caaorata ahlnt a r t to o sa lu ticn o f t o t toh aaga a r l i lsThap hopo to ba ablo to tap a s aaanarar totar, but a t th is tlm a thara are tw o ar thraa .alem aato a t unaartaintp w hich ooaatM in tham la ba aaa ia ivaU ve aad to ea p ra o la u th a ir a w t o t « t ca n tlu -S iM h

Tkaaa a ip arta bava prapared tar to tI h top ing B oard a de tln tta pragm m ta r eanatm otlan w o rk . , R ut t t la canilngantw b a llg o a th a 'raantta a t oartoln tiad iaapot laaow n loto a a d ,a a too tr ia l o f a« p a r ta ia a u l ohtpo naw la to o oanraa a to m itm c tlo n . Par a ia mpto, • a a n tn o t haa Alraadp keen aw ardad to too L lb- arip ik l p B ulld tog Campanp a t la a ta nfar aaa vaaaal o f m lntoread oonerots t tU dem on otm tee ItaeH to bo otnworthp

I, too com -


undor a ll oonditlona a f i t r a t s panp w ill g e t a furtbar contract for tortp -n in o n i p s

• to rn Comgnnp n t Rfook,It I t anpaatad, btw avar. th a t bafam

tb it sh ip II put a f t t o t w a r s tha g o v ­ernm ent w il l have aa nnawer from a n - athar dunrtar ta tba gnatU on w te to a r aanepau , n o t ataal aad waod, la tha aa- lu ticn o f to o tb lp p ln g prohitm. A t Ian Pranelaco a band a f ptenaars esUad th e Ban P m n c lsea ghip B nlld tog Cam- panp, h s t atnrtad ana a t f iv t caatrate enrriart o f l . t t t t e a s Thie h u ll w ill ba toppled Inta the w ater net la ter than H areh I.

Then w ill cam e the decisive t e i t aa to th a teaw arih ln eaa a f th ia tppa o f een - Blructlon. Instead o f fit t in g out Ihia hu ll w ith Its ow n englnat aad pm-

a t to o ta a l norm altp uiad, in hla aptolaa , la abaaintolp naceaaarp n n tll th e attnatlon la pallevaA

R aoam m andattoai alm llar to toaaa to ba pratantod to tha c lip cem m lttlan h art w ill ba m ada bp Mr. Jtn k inaen In •v er y m n nielpalltp In lha stata and ha beltavoa It w ill tw nacaasarp to m ako toam atfsoU va m t l l AprU 1 a t laaat.

Plea too Plapgvooai Melp,A ttor F m n k M cTagua and C britta-

phar A. te h a m te h a r bad spoken at U n g to hetara tk a eam m lailon on be­h a lf a f th a tw antp-on a pU pgronnd em - plap aat w ho warn ta have haan dle- eh arg td tom orrow on to e gronnd of oeonom p, M ayor O llU n decided to lu a - pend tk a dlacharga ardtr nn tll hn cauld eca fa r w ith a ll tha racreatlen em - plop aes Saturday m aralng.

Itr , M cTagua uuaatlanad tb a tagnlttp a t dropp ing too om ptopoas ta p in g th at th f lr r fg b u undar olvit lervtea w ere not h v liig p re lected and th a t toe ir n sm ee had not baan placad an a c iv il tarvloa praterrad H at Ha daolsrad th at to o iw a a tp -fa n r am nlapota ratoined


nvalvad to to o Oraed War.ta p Ho PIrod T es to a Bna.

II te m id th at w hila v ltU Ing a Oar m aa front II na tranoh, Itoed tooted the enparlencs a t f ir ta g a m sohtna gun nt tba Preneh, tor w hich roaaoa. It allogod , ho bae n o t tin ea barn par- ad ttod to v la lt F m n e s

A friend a f Man B n ttm n s he olaaalp Intem aied In th e career o f Tha Maaaaa from tha atgrt o f tb at waaklp. Tha Msoaaa wna autpandad bp tha gov om m ant oom o m onths ago, ita adilor. Baatm an. aad t u f f , Indud lng Road, halng tndletad bp a P tdara l Orand Jury undar tho ooplonngo not.

goon th o m a ftcr , Itood'a aftorta to g e tt in g a p aatp ort to ilaak h a lm again brough t h it oam a bafsra th a p n b lls Tha pnaaport wna tlnaU p g r ia tad . It la ■ alS upon hla plad ga to rotu m In tlma for b l i t r to t

B aatm an paatardap m id th at Road wna aaat to R uaafs W The H neem andcarried w ith htm *k maennge from the •ocln lla to U Ametirim to the R ueelui •ccln ltoto .’ A lso Ib a t R eed had bean ‘ loaalp idan tiflad w ith eveip move mada by tb a R alab av lk i In tbair revalu- tlsn , and antorad th a W Intor P alace In F etrcg m d w ith th e f ir s t la la b ev lk l troops'*

Rood a t a o m i to tha m eant A ll-R u i- aton A em m blp a t g o v la ts a carreepond- ant o f a N aw T ark popar m ferring te tt tbue:

"A m ong th e epeecboe of greet tog warn ihoaa o f B erts Ralnoieln, Albart Rpa W lllto m i an d John Read. Whan Ratnataln Intraducad Hoed aa go in g hama to stand trU l. ha rtcetvad aa ova- tian o f apmpathp."

T hough aianllcn ad a t a gac ltlla t. R aid am m a te lik e to r tfe r to himeott and thoao o f Tko Maaam follow ing, aa *wo rtvo lu tton ifts '*

PSTROORAO. J a s t l ( » ) . —An o ft l- d a l atntom ont Isauad today by ik e Bel- ■hevlkl O ovem m ent m p e th at the "new W erkm en’o and PeaaanUf Red Army w ill oerve to eupport th e com ing ooelal rovolutlOD In B u m p s"

LONDON. Jan. II ( « ) . — A Rolobovikl docroo o ita b lla h in g an 'A U -R uioU n Collegium " tor gu id an ce to organlalog tho "W orkm on'i and Poaaanto' Rod Army o f th e Ruoolan CounolU’ Ropub- llo" to onnouncod In a RuooUn offic ia l wlrclooo otatom oat rocclvod bcm . Tho com m ltloo w ill b# compoood o f tw o ropm aon tativm o f tha W ar Fommio- eer la t and tw o m p m oon tativr i o f t i t ganaral a ta ff o f th a Rad O u r d i .

A nother docroo eaolgno lO.tM .IM rublM tor th e erg o n lia tlo n o f tha Rad Army from tho monapa In tho war tunA Tho m cnap la to bo Intruotod to tho eo llog lum and muot bo m lu m od oub-ooquontlp-

Tha P ravda printa a rumor th at R u­m ania la U lp haa m ade a oopam to agm om ont w ith tha C antm l Poworo aad tu g g a tto th a t th is map Inelnda aom panm tlon tor R um ania la m r a b is

Tha B ctahovik l Oavornmom , accord­ing to diopatohoo from P otrogm A con- tlauoo to c la im conaldarabU ra lllu rp luceaaa In to o V hratoo and tlia w h o ra It ta anaouncad th a t a tta r tha Bcl- th tv lh l traopo eaptn m d Bachm alach Station to o e tfleo m o f tha nobility w ithdraw to K iev , w hich la aormundad. Tho C k m ln la n R ada la aald to hare lost oonfidonco In tba U km lntan oa ld lars W orkm an are aow o rg a n li- la g a W h ite Ouard In tho U km toa undor R o ia ia n and Peltob ofNaom w ho had boon roduood to th e m nko to tho Ruaaian 4fn ip -

ctatano Do m ere B ofm l.Tho ca p tu m o f to o tow n# o f Kortch,

Thoodooto and T n lu . In tha Crimea, la olalm ad bp tho B o la b a v ik s I t to aald tb a t th e C doiaek Oanaral D u tatf haa boon dofm tad and th a t tha eaptura of Ocoaburg la Immlnont. g p o ^ l dlo- patobaa from P otm grad eoneur In tho ballof th a t a ll th e Coom eko w ill doolart ihom a o lvm an tba aids a f tha Bol- a h t v ik s Tha m porta g tva Inataaom a t g m w to g ad h a ilon aad fo ro e ia t tha d o w n fa ll a t tho govoram ont o f (toaoral K alod lB s

Thooa opposed to th e R a lsb ov lk s ae- cord ing to too P otm grad oorraspeadant of tlM D a lly E zp m a s adm it a g m w ln g eaavletlon tb a t th a B s ith s v ik t bava cam s to s top , " tf not parmanoutlp, at

gTO C K H O U l; Jaa . M (M l.—A ll to au U t a t H a la to g fa rs a diapatoh from tbat e ltp r o p a n s k s t fig h tto g to under vrap a t othar patoto to P ln laad batwaan tba Rad Ouard, w hieh to auppartlug tha rw alu ttoB , a a d tho W hita OuarA w hicb la up baldtog th e F to ito k Ctovara- m o o t T ho 'Wktta Ouard la daciam d l ig h tin g w ith o a to u sla im and aoatin g gaecom oa a v erp w h a rs aatab lp a t Kami, U lm b arg , X ajaaallaM to and i t Mlahal, dtoarm lag lh a Rad Ouard.

In f ig h tto g Tuaadap naar K aam ara • u i l a n to o B od O aard Im t o igbtp-aavoa ktitod and m M JumA whUa to n V tolto Ouard loot o n ly o fgb t kUlod aad one w oondoA

LONDON, Jaa- *1 (M l— P ln laad la g a ia g to ro a g h a aactol m vo la tloa oimt- lar In atoM to too Novombor m valB- tion to Pol f t g t aA m pa tk a P strograd oorroapaat e n t a f Tha D ally N ew t to dasarlM ag tka P la n ls a ltaa llon . Tba roreas api ooad ta aach atbar In P to - lanA baw avar, a m vary aquallp bal- anoad, ba s j i s aad a aam paratlvalp pain lam ravalatton . Ilka th at paahsd through bp to o R uaalaa R alahaviks to unllksip-

Tba totport aaa tlaoadto P la to a A hu t graph aad to lapbana Unas la p m vaatin g much nawa fraai com ing tbpcugb. Tha rallw ap tatogragh apotam to a tlll In

tT A U A M «BA D«U A R TBIIB NORTHRRM ITALY. J sa . H (A >— ■ p aw ttaaasaa a f too Ita llaa a ttoak a t to o to s t fa w daps an too Aaiago P to ta a a taU a sto ry a t torlU lag la to r . m l. P ram ih a lr aacauato tt app m ta tk a t tk a f ir s t lu U a a raeh waa to to o d arkaaaa a t • a’atosk H oadap m aralas. T ka a la a g to g saom p ferem warn takan aam p la to lp bp aurprias Tba Alpint w ara la to o th lak a t to la fig k ito g , and k p d a y lig h t thap had sw aat tb s firot H as traaoh m a a d had toiton a a aid eh a reh wblafc tarm ad • atratagla p a la t la th a a a sm p Uaa a f d a fa a ss Tkap w ara v tg o ro a a ip aapparU sg tha h trs lc Raaaarl B r tg a te . w hich took and ro- ta a k th a h a ig k l a f Col Dal Raoae to m a tlm oa a g s ln a t tha otnbbal's doapamto raalstnaaa a f tb a an imp.

Thooa a a tip movam anto w ars a dlvar- s la a to seraan tha main m avw M n t,o t thn r ig h t, w h tr a a s lm k a waa dollv- arad fo r to o dom inating h tlg h t o f M a n u D l V al B o ld s It waa ham th at tb a m o st aavara fig h tin g oacarrad Mnn- daP n ig h t and la too oarlp bourn o f T nosdap. I ta lia n storm ing troepo took th a a sa torn aad waatora ila p o s aad bp I t o 'c lo ck T uesday tn om lag had cut th a ir w ap to tha sum m it and warn ee- is b lia h ta g th a n sa lv a s firm ly (a dafl- n lto c o n tm l o f too hep position.

R B R U M . J a a . I I (V ia Laadon) ( ^ | . — T ka I ta lia n attoaka whiab from laan cb ad paatardap aaalnat tho Aaa- lr « -O a n a a a paaltlono ica th w o st a f A atoga. o a th o N orlbtrn Italian front, b ro k e d o w n aador tha Toaton f ir s the (M rinan W ar Offloo announces to te> -

.O ar-in th a raaant f lg h iin g tba Auitro-C foreaa Inaraatad tk t e u o iter a t

prtoanora ta k en to m om than Ite '

British January CasualtiesShesow Slight Falling Off-

had n o t boon k ep tloo


British Lose Nine Big Ships To Submarines in uut Week

au io a f thair

LONDON, Jan. 11 (JP),—An tncroaaa to B r lt lto sk ip p in g l oi a i i la ihaw n In too o tt lc la l oiunmarp liauod lo s t n ight, w hich m parto th a daotruotlon kp mlno or la b m ^ n a o f n ine voosolo a f m ars th an L i t e tana aach and tto undor th a t to n n a g s Ona fish in g vaaaal w a s sunk.

T ha s f t ie la l ata tsm an t soya th a t am r iv a ls w ara L i l t and la llto g a l , l t A B ig h t B ritish m an h aatm an w art tta* aaacasotultp a tta tk ad ,

PA R IK Jan, I I ( # ) , —Thraa Praack ahipa o f laaa th an L*M to o t warn auak du rlag th a w eek en d in g January lA T hree P m nah v a ia tla w tm unauoaeaa fu lly attoebwA

aftle len op , aa bad baan aaaartad bp Bu- ta d i'

'Any tllna the oom m laalontrt w an tB r o w s

F O E ’ S R A I D K I L L S

T W O U . S . S O L D E R S

(Oanttonad tram P i n t P n g s )

S ! %

■ r tW a to my to a u lta r . b u t navar p « n td Iba trigge r. Tkara waa a deaf.

•S fla s la a behind m s Pm aan In s ntonaa n n t ab tll apilntors

I « p ' wnp."inapacllna o f to a scans a t too raid tw nS H ite t e a granud m s ptowadi b g t o a i B lM ta b .o tt e c - t o t e a oaaanl M i t t o g to

paU lng g e a r s It w in bo tahon ant on to o P ao in n and ~towed to Pugot Sound bp a tu g , In ofSnr ta d aocnatrato toa ■ oa-go lng aualn iaa a f oanorata ean- a tm e t la s Tha fa ta a f th e aanorato •h ip , aa n ta o tcr In thn paw ant war, a t loaiit, w U l ba datorm lnad bp th is a n . parlm on t I f th e hull partorma a a tla . faetortlp . tkara vrtll ba n great ruth la build oaaerato ahipa bp guantltp pro. ductlan. I f th a bull falla to hoop tha H s toa hopoa th at a m now rlolng abou t th e peoolbllltlon a t b a stin g toa

to m aha a aurvop o f tho p lapgronnds' Mr. H oT kgua voluntoom d, 'Vra w ill to ll U In g o n ad or oath th at w ill apoa thair apas"

'Tt’a p ou r d u ty to to ll ua thoao faota naw," mpHad Ceram iialanor Raymond, ‘%nd n o t w a it for a aurvap."

Mr. H aT agua than o tU ckod Buportn- tondont B row n, aaplng ho had dans nethInB to bu ild up tho plapgm nnda alaaa ba oaaia horn from O iteaga; th at ruloa m ade bp Mr. Bm w n had da- m araltoad toa dlaelp llna o f to o gm undo and th a t a t ana tlm a during Maper R aym ond's adm lalotratlon thora had haan a m avam ant a f plapgm und w ork- a r t to a ir tk a baoauoo o f htrdehipc irn- potod an thain.

Pnrfc Lakao Aar B ato lag .A nothar ch argo w aa tk a t Hr. Bm w n

seldom vloltod to o g rau b te aad thom - fo m w aa n e t guaU tiad ta ainka up a ff l- olonap raoarte. H r. K tfk g n a bailavad th a t It am plopsaa w ara ta ba dropped Hr. B raw n ahantd a it fa r n aut in hla U ,t H aalapp. H a a d ia d U a t thara waa no obsek an w b n t omptopaaa bring in to or u b n out o f tb a p iapgvnnnds

W lliUuo J . H orgnn ngnkn a wnrd for

oubm arina thto w ap w ill bo daobnd.Tbio particu lar eonem ta sh ip i s toa

o n ly vassa l bu ild ing In tha United • to tu s w hich th a gavam m aat doaa not onntmL Pptvata oag ito l has baan g iven free m in , avan from raanlaltlaa. The

lavamnM nt Is g iv in g cansldarnbla helpriavam nM nt Is g iv in g cansiaarnbia help n a so lanttfla and angtnaaring wnp, bat

to a f in sn e ln l r isk la wkatlji th a t a f tha T b fp wra m -■an P m nalaon ■ tonatrs

p artin g thnir p r tfm a n w n tk kp w eak to W sa k ta fto n , and t ta ir b a w amaueh U a t um p am pm paring piano for co n o ir ie tiB g oven largo e a r r fm o f co n . c m i s poootbip ap to TJM tana. Tko largo aonom to earrior la maah m am o f an anporlm ant th a t tho t.H d or 0,d«« Ion beat. I

Thara la au tl anatbar tost w bieb w ill daubtlasa inntataaa toa g o v a m n a n t's daatstoa. l a Marwnr to tra la n B ite bnlldar and apartesr nnstod Mto Pnngor.

la wnU kn aw n to to la a ta n tr y T M I bad aan iP ito b te ta p ip ing to a ifa r to k M s baa te a t fialabad

g a ia g aarrlar a t c a n o n '

0 ar ato walks nnt t e tow trip nvar. U t t ba f a n g rant m p toward

Tba s in k in g a f flflaan Britloh mar- chan im an a x o a tte bp asvon tho toU lo te r th o prav lou s tw a w a a k s In hath o( w h ich a l l la rg e ahipa and tw o omnii on to w oro loot. Tho Admlrnltp mpnrto o f b oth Januarp t aad Jaau aip t g ave tba s in k in g s a s tw antp-an a m erekM t- man, o f w hich alghtoan in each ca ia maaaurad m a r t th an t . t t e to n s

•IP-I latoat ndvlcaa from P ttro a rsd ra- aantlnaad f ig h t in g and diaordors i la a A b u t th a dastonctlon o f to la-

oporatiea . b u t a t m any piaaaa th asaw im fa c llit to s era la tba bands

w 9%MWj nvw p«rmteib«Eiurilaaat for an Inconvontonllp lan g tim s" Ha capo th a B o llh a v tk i hava won tha cen tidan ca and support o f tho paopio a s tha P rov is ion a l O ovam m ont never MA and hava aloe otruok a popular note aa th a g sa a tlo n o f p o a c s Ho nddo:

"It to m om or lo ia gonorallp aobaow l- adgod h o r s w ith m toglod JoF nnd gloom , th a t th e pawar a t U a ■oldlaro' end W arkm an’a Counella Is ao em pty b esot, a s m aop k n ew to thotr e a it"

Tba eorroapandaat m pa th a t tba bourgoota m em a lm oet to hava co u o d to o s lo t In R a a a ls A poraon mop tra v e l th e len g th and breadth a t Ruaaia end aaa on ly sw arm s o f posianta aad w o r k a ia s

ArU Oaoraap la B at o g t o a a i"Tka artatocraep." ho m r s "dlo-

af toaRod Ouard. It l i baltavsd that toe oxpoUad mambam of tha RUmaalan Lagatlan, wke itortad far Btoobhalm, (ot^na farther aa thair wap through Plnlaad than Tarljakl. abaut thlrtp mtloa from PotmgraA

Many of too woaUbiar roottento af Patrogmd fled Into Finland to aaeapa tho mvelntlonarp troubUo to toa B u s- alaa mpltal. totoklng to find a aafa re­treat. Mma t e tola elam isab toair entlm fertunaa with tosas

Tha mambam at tba Plnnlah Banato nra aald u hava taken mfuga to Vaas.

Aaarakp PiavaBBBp Thma FtnniJh slaamara arrived In

Staakholm Wadnaadap- Oaa af tbam m - ■arta wlM seaaas and extreme mtaorp among toa paputotlw In Aba ^ Vibarg. Anarokp ahnaat bapaM Ha- ■orlptlon aaoma to ppovall tvarpwhars aoearteng ta toaaa aaeounts

and prapartog to

LONDON, J a s 11 ( * ) . —ir l t l t b caa- nmUMa ropiortad durtog the m e n u a f Ja n u a rp to la la d lA tlT . Tbap w ara d l- vidad n s fotlow a:

K ille d ar d ied o f wouado; O lttcam . IM ; m en . lA te l-

W oundad or m lottoB: O fficers I J t i , m ea. IT.TM, ‘

Tba Jaannrp e s j^ t lo e showta i l in g n t t tram toaaa raparud , ^D aU m b ar, w hich m aebad a t o u t a t TAItT, T h e w i s t te r Navember wna IM A M , m f la c ito g tb s aavam fig b tto ii a a tb a C am bral tiw n i to tou t m aa iA

Britilh, Frcach Tske Capdrtth Purol Ateanhi ia West

LONDON. J a s t l ( P ) .—T b^ e f lk t o l ^ t a m a i i t f r « n B rh iab b e a ^ r t o r n to pY snoa an d BSlglUm, l i a ^ tkdap. m a te ; patral eaenrad prisanaratoa t n ig h t in ton n a lg k b o r k a ^ a t B pahp . B sp an d aama bastlla artltlrrp n a t M t r nou to nad north o f L Sni n M In th a nnlighbarkead a t Paaoekto te a lo to m a to p a to to g tarth or to roport,"

p a r ir T ^ i la t a m t la g n t varlanp pntola an too M a t tan k a r to a b o k " aald totep 'o a ftle ln l ropnrt. nK k arw ton toom warn nn t e - vnlopaoM ito dnrtog_tbo nlghL

“On Taaadap a Pmnan ngnadTan, th­in and Bnb-

Bopaonmhilhlpo ta toko aut mnap andnngnrtd Ito anUnats Bwaten oaa me at

oraatlp haa retired to tho baokgrannA. . . - n e h ploaoant

Jotning Honest Ihllot Utgue, Tumulty Ptsoss Its Olqccti

T hey a m to ba found In ouch . placoa aa th a Crim ea nnd tho Onnoasus w hom th ey form m la c t oomm unltUo o f tha boroa nnd tk o barnA Y alta wauld ba to larabla bn t for tto tr e a d d n k ts K lalavedak la cram m te w ith ratirad aaaarnlo aa d govam ara and nlm ost ^ T f l l l io . prln teA w ka poia U a tim e p la y in g pokor to th e casin o and tha

Tko C onatltntlonal Dom oorallo party, tha eorrcopondm it o d d s I* * ^ * .* ? '^ m rlouo nw naeo to tho pew or a f t t e W orkm en's an d geldlara’■kut though. Ruaota Is » land t e m ira c le s tt w ould bo a nUraeto Indaad It to o co n a tltu tla n a l Oam octato tu rn th e ocalo n g a to st tko otronuana B clahovlka"

D am obiilaatlan t e f a i r m are cIh m of tk o a rm y hM baan ardarod bp toa g a vu m m an to f a g e a laa a re to ba ffU ovad t e arm yduty.

n m saat ta eontom plato na IntarSoraaea r r i i n n i s h a f f a ir s but toa sltu atlah fa a n g a g la g toa e losaat a ttan tloa t e Ik s gw aS iih O o v a ro m tn t _ .

Tba oarm epandani a t MalstogfoTS t e th e O opanbagaa I M U te te a W d ^ ttla g ra p b s a a totarvlaw w lto S a n a ^ Mannar, hand o f tka p w M e n a l am to l dam aeratta g a n m m a a t Jute darmad a t B oU ln tecrA tn w hich ha d a c t o ^ th a t toa p latform t e F in land w nnid ba to koap upon tarm a t e friandip latarccuraa

X h e r M ighbare to Baandtaavto IS d w ith Buaala. w h ile m a i n t a i n ^ H n lan d ‘0 farm er f to o te m and i n ^ pan daocs Tha Intornal poHep a t to a govam m ant, ba aalA would M l bn whaUp aaatoMa t l s but it wontti ba ear- riad a u t b p ia B dfoano n aeiosarp , avan if u ra n u ttr f In f lg b tln g batw aw i tbn Rod o u a rd and r tv llla n s

T ba food gnaatloA S tn a ttr ^ n t rM ia ta d au i, w a s one a l gtaat_dlltjanlto> bu t ha bapad fo r th e holp o f .R n a ^ nadm a i d bo g rn ta fu i to r BaM dlnavton a lA

Tbo canauto a t HM aIngfars t e tb a iean d toavton natlouo npa arran g in g f e r a v a a la l tra in to rniM va tkalr oann ttp m an tram P la lan A

_____ of tto Ngtra,

w a s h i n o t o n , J a s 11.—Pm oM onra■ sem U ry T um ulty In a lattor to MarkTewnoond Jr. o f Joraop Clip, organ lia r

“ “ ' o f H i

koaplag tba grounds apan and odvo- the use of park lAbaa aa bathingcatad

placaa for ehtidra'n to tho tummar."U la a aarlaua mattar to put ihsM

chlldmn out on tho atroais" Mr. lUp- mond doolarad. "I nm enra toat tho poopio af Nswnrh don't want to lavo a taw aaatt oa thair tax blUa g t toa ox- panaa of the childran."

la 'b auuoM nt last weak Mr. Brawn aald tkat t e lha ton plapsihmda at toast sin aad paaMMp aavan aanld ba kept apan • • ton SSAftl apprawdnUan tka SteArtaant kas rnaaIvsA ONp ana t e t ta aaatoto to b* alaaaA ton* at Mar- ton atraat. haa any aansidarabla tetond- M ss ka patatod ant

o f toa H oaast B a lla t Loagua County, tak as a stand for tha allm lnn- lio n o f e lection eorruptlon In H odoM County- Mr. Townoaad roeoatlp w rote to Mp. T u m u lty M h tog him to haooma a mam bar o f tk o B o n w t B allo t L aagn * Mr. T nainitp 'a anawar la aa tollowo;

T k n n k yon alneoralp for panr la tter t e tk a t i t h o f January, in v itin g mn to bocow n n mombnr t e tho Hoaoot Battot L oagua d f H udson County. O f oourto, I g la d ly aaoapt tb o to v iu tlo n and tonnk yo u fo r k n v ln g beam ganoraus anangk to w r its m a regard in g pour aftorta I n th is vary im p ortant mnttar.

T T h lla w a a ll ra cm t tha nseoasltp tar tha In itiation o f n mavamant o f th is k in d In H udson County, ovorpbodp in u rootod In to o onuso o f dooont g ov - ornm ont roaUtoo th e obviaua naad a f aaa-p artlsn n action a ll a long too lino to p roaorvo too lavtoinbiU tr o f too b a lla t an d to pm vant n m patm au a f w k a t b a p fia a d a t tk a slaattaa raoantipkaM uTJm w cup.

‘Tka v t e a n t e both pgptlas e igh t inunito tkntr farooa in m aMuman aftort

thdlP mambafsMp te toaaa tea-topnrgalmantn w tth la tk alr p a rto Rnaa wapan tib ia fo r « t o d ld a n a n eo a n t w hlak

Ftincii D ir e ^ toM toTlireDevelopmenU retU


sam m arfsad tbgs' Tha ■

atoe a r t m

WABKIMCTOM, Jaa. t l {Jp)---4ntrn. u r p td w s in g haa instrnetod bsM adar P raaola a t P a iragrM to

• t o t s O a p a r ta m t m p davalto eannaatlnii w lto U a to n .___

a g s ln a t kkR bp A anrakitia h a ­t e tk a aakviatton a f MaMw O a llt la d fla g M S a r B a U m aa . b u t t t

h « b ean ta lt t t Ika Aptonaieder t t P iU H r M P c a n r s i ba m ap o o n a lt ir nd - vtssh to . Tba danartoiaat k a s s d i iM U th a t k a k a s rap M od u * inaM ant t t to o B aiabavlb l a lam tn t and i m p kkra boh on fa r grnttnUnn.^ o m m i n f t U a dapar u w bt v sp b

tiad t t r e ta rd U n AgUnanMnr'a attn • t to n M sa r ia n s b a ita ttiP tt prnbnbl a th a t th a g o v ara a mn t agcM rlttta w ould t t h n a f a b BMnw r w nn p u w i s rr '

t . ' 1 I

eharnctorttod U o votn at Ua taal aaoi- miialan gavnrnmont olaatlan. Thtta who aUnd opouoor far ihlnga af thia kind and who mako thomaolToo tka bsnaflolariaa t e a dlihonant nount of toa haiiota, am to t anomlia af good

Bvammant u i kelp ta daatrop tba ito af tha paaplo to thair sori tostl- kittons w s tbarnfsts mnit u itu to grivn ant te pnMla Ufa ovary furoo or taftoanaa whose damineiea mar^maaa A ratnm to ttyi aM aandtttoM, Wblah ^ paapU ■

tto tto aandtttoM, Wblah te K kdm OMitr toS

V ta tto Halaa* pnaA•Tott OM a a w t M SM to bato Pto

t t ntoty paaaibjp wnr-

T era d a sl Iw pfO Y W W t B o n d i k A i n N ew Yorii M eo io K s

elndlng Captain Cnniamln U aatonsnt Laabmnx. bamkardad fraao a vary tow aUltndo tho raltwap ;eta- Uaa a l Tblnaaonrt, wharo a large} Am WM shaarvnA"

N t v a l D i n i i U e t D R n h t

Over N ew iork and Brook^

ton a to a s t-- _ ®WWWWWto

to tk lpn p t s ia i f s p d f- bp i ia n to a M t Oano-

lUA D. g . M- It to ft a

ALBAMT. Jbw- M t t

rta a tormlaal impravainotit eawala- atorgad with to t duty af attampt-

ing t t aatva Maw Tark tnw t- aartattoa M d tormlnal praUamn withpairtottoa H d tarmtoal prab iip iilfit infatanaa ta aaa toMgoa bp tooJfav Tark Cwiit

infatanaa ta a o n is in n l^> Maw T ark C to lr i^ B a ll .

rand M ton ellira watt aids wvra Igtto"

PBTBOORAD, Jan. » (T ).-P W « sn Htntaiar Trotaky. nacardlM t t too aaml-cttletol nowo ogonep. haa aant a letiar to tha Pamlan Hinlotor at totra- •roA whom ho ngdmoHS “ *«ltlaon Iiltwaadsp." inlormlnn him tko gavammaat af tha Ruistan Bapabllc makaa this iaolamtlans

‘? h a Anglo-Ruaalan agroamant te m i WM nroctod agatoit tto Hhartp a to itotodManoa te tto PortiM naa- pto a t o t o n u ll a to vaM tar aU I to s Koraavar. t to govaraatont d a n e a i^ j ^ ureem onto pr*noSI*B **d fallawtog ttoanid'agrum int. wblto a»ap r e ^ a t t o e righto t e tto Poratan paopla to s Arts Md IndapMdont ailatonca."

TroubP procoada to aasura the Por- alnn Mtalator that nnp Inaasvmlanaa StMsd t to Poroinn paapid bp tto Bam oiH tfunpa to Pnrnln la oonU nnrto tto intaatlcno of toa BaaalM Qomrn- manL whWh la taking avtrp stop to

of CaarlaM •"< U n to p sn n to w banr-

dnaaS m to a L agla in tw a to d a y bp la M to r O ttlngap m d M nlarttp to a d a r Adtar te tto Aasambip.

T to O tttngar-A dtor an arnt aa w a iM r a ^ t t o t t w s t e t m M d HIT. w k ^

a a tto r tta d U a R aw T ark B o a te t e M U sM to to eam pal U a altoit- n atlrn t e tra o to « g n ^ m r » ^ U Avaaus" M d g a v e t t o P a W * OfT *?? cam m iatlaa o a n m m a t jnMsdteRon approving M P iM pfavnaw at a a n tn e tr th a t m ig h t t o u oad s

• a t n t e SsSMpR

gMds w to are toa onamlas at toto U a Bnatu^aaitM and puw im paaptaa." ,

TfteSiP dUa pronttaon t t psntoh aap BumriMa n m * ) ^ •* Wragularbrutal to t i ig U M avnanadaii BrlUak

to Panto, t t da tvsrp-A BM UM wpaw ar t t t n m n - .

a t P a r tla bp T n rk itb nad

Convention of Ruwiiitt to in New York Tomorrow

NBW TOBK, Jaa. Tt (JMk fPMa nuap aaattona af toa M itadWni ntttad a oa>n**»^

Jan. II .—A rtoam m an a dlvnm a ta r PPMfc p a r u i

t e B lvnrdata tm m H r * J a m la Partar b M bda* sm d o la C b M cailtr W nlkor b p Jwdgn V r n a sli B aatt ip tc in l a tta ttr to aHa n ta ry . Partar naananS bla w lto t t t o i |w |id M ^ ^ n S n a a Hanad tom a

wwuur>.**dlnnit ^ - _

Su T h S m s * P U U aUMA T to B d iM d M P i t t o aadv ta V a*. IS

w M a P t o f S t o t t% ftoR . U t m t t t tag te iS e i i t e iM n t aw n t o iint to B m * a to m to t t a U nttad S to la ii aaaanA U aanaldrr a g iU tn t lt* frani to la eovatry

Es-5emce Man A n Wiatsd AsWUclMMiiot"

V A SX lJK nO M . * » . i t ag ed m an w t o t o t o toMi oorvtoa ta t t o

-mp. » * p t t ttw y * t t f yMr*

•‘ T S W W f r -

In urgaii* n n te t o e » t t * a p m i <•**••M m t o t o t o u u j i B S K i r * * *'*• tatobd*** t t U n bnlMtog*

You 4»al with prscikri wstchuoksn tt Ttek'A nm wiwio liftowork is watchsA mta who un4erstsa4 wtttfws to tbo Isst wbssl md acfiv •sd wbo sdd nu|t svsry wsM « • offsr is ^Ibtty nado md pgpfoet bdfors you |s t • disiict to buy Ib

You nssd m no tortblir n»ii rock'd whoa you took ik furfoct timskispsr md yodr monoy’s wwth.

O o^ wttdUA tlO to I2SQ|

l l l K h l f a ^ e k l « t t U l e h n n l H e

For yotfo brWIom burindso mmcm m b i|tfrd tM B rw > sto n o y d o a 't t o t e . Nord o t e y d a t e t e p n t e i t i i a m d l i l B i i i i « t

H U G H E S ’S


U e U .S . n u t - J M i C

m it t e e fra d i


SpaMnl Birolii af Bi PATBBBON. Jo

vtoaa tot U sita i SI M ngbos w to dlod wtu t o bald S t aJtamaon at Si CkuroA Blghtoanl wnp, tola eltp. Tl t o procodod bp a hasw. fTT Bast T Dnvtt Stasrt Hu F ast's will oiBoi Hurlnl will be ii

lu so im rp pel IIJosonh P. Tumul rmaldant:

TO R K . JSB. II.—A___ _ _ d ir tg ib is nnvsl bslloan■ tt f s a t lo n g atelad avar Maw T a rk an d B ro th

P ila tad 'm n n d ar w . a CkiiA aa a a t to r t a t S :t* o'olaak and enw a to o v e r B rsteU pn. ^ g naraat M sn b s tts n to tb a lla tra p o m M 1 a t M adtaan B quars Than t t to b M k a a d pasaod e v e r Oovnrnar'n I Bond a n d O su tb Bfacklpn. A t m paik t la I ts f l ig h t t t o dlrlgtbla roachsd an s t t l - tu d a r t n .H # fast. .

hemu nurhor; form er tionator O llle Jem g m sem en Thome

- to n g m eem en Bi rh om ae r . McCi m a rth e l o f New ’ v e i l a f th e l-eeee ■ Isa io n . Jen iee t T m n ton Tlmee^ 1 A tlern ep Cherlei O'Brian, nacrcter) C to r lo a H. HcN oIi s a d A ndm w T. PI. M ortim er UIge t e Mow York.

Tka tsa illp to s- p lan a t e th e Unit n l t t o s nsm od to w en to o u g h t thi s tv a n bp tha foe l la to a u t o Batur

T bo body o f b ro u g h t hero t n (a h i t homo a t I f I t arrived a t Naw R nllrand trntn Ol trnnefarrod ben hearoe. Acoompe th e Penalar’i wli C otton t e Tronic

.\c t lo n on Br « e o tak en In it n

. fhg o f lh a Uail C ouncil hold et A (Citor o f cond( Ilu'gheo and tho r ll exproasod lie o f Banntor H ui to ba tb o otanch labor. A comm

‘■truw maolutlam rVvoi Iht WoeMeo e NJ.Vfl PgW t.

WAItHINOTOh T u m u lty , aoom t io n , w ill bo n w h ich lonvos Wi tognoon to ntte Inta Banetor Hu urdey. 'M r . Tu fo n a ra t ae the P m oldant and t th e govorn inen l

T ho lo tn t com R npraaontetl vox P r u ld e n t Morel w il l lonvo tho ( noon. Tho exec n e t been dednl gO ant-et-A rm e w h o le to bo I Mr. H ig g in e e u ' m oei lik e ly Ite' th a t th e mombo r lv a In tim e foi

B ecreU rp Tu tk o Congreoelot a b le to nap lot teO ola lx o f tho g o v o m m en t wo

T horo w ae C apito l todap < c ta n a * in tho tlm .B onnto caui a to r H u g h es : O avornor Bdao l l t o n to xuccoot U s a w o sr ln t N ugun t o f Idht S a a p U r Brady, baan flllod 0X1 WAlah o n u l l t t v * t s tha Bona tw o I>omo«rsti BapubUoanx.

Assembly BIX Deplore Se

M s y A r m t n O v e r B S cB cd ^

l i o a d s y i a U . S . C o w t H m

M am t t o a a M tta t e n m lg n a H g t t nn lu d lsU M n tA naw and alA am a » m d t t t o m a d s by U a « s ^ a ffto a t o u a United S tttaa D U lr lo t C ourt hara M o«dap. I t w ttl t o t ta t ls * d ^ t o t t o t tu r t .rariu ttiMos apt tt be ttotett-

t e iBdni • • ttawsiM M l aad itom M v t a t t d a f aalUSB InioKlM sta to a te- g ia m tu w u lfttm . n a lattar era M t u -

iimfr I'oTRBNTON, Ji

to k en In tho sd an tod raaok U o death of H M b oa and Ini to n to panto n kafa to attend rgpraaantntivoi coeiithittoo coc

WInno,M cO avars tho aerate. Rapre t o Bonatora 1 ep ah . RIohnrdi

T bo raooluth uantad bp Hr (ttk n tp . Mr. I tp oh o far It In L oader Blrapot Am ortoan m u i a f th o Banatoi th a righ t lid o t e th e paoplt pragrooolvo po t t o Dom ocratl w a s aaa o f lie t t o on ly apoal

A s ecan aa o f to n a to r llu i t t o fo t la w la g M rs H u gh a i:

"I daapJp api g r e a t le a s 1 norvi t ea t e i rapm aentatlve a ta an a paran bp um tak in g ■ Y a g M ia to d I uuafljlaa t e hi

Bodola liana th e o»urt and p r a e fld n g (k O altad f t a te s a fta m e o A fal Jnd ga iT w a r B onator H ngl

baaalai A s i ls t M t DU B adinS a f T i D ginop t t e I D a U a t e Nat b p Jnd ga Dot

A t th e tov O tim ant govt BaiiatM 'a oar t t spank .fa i w h an aspiuo

■hla I•jnjifteiktMlgw b a mild in :

'n a m in g fi v a ry bnmbU H ttgkaa aava w aa a lw a y s enraar, th at P lato f tu a w n to g . Thara hu A n t t tb i fr ian A Ha awhaaebs balldeal b U

wtp knai uA tojastlaa

g* anal

tw w M B to l

t o thin ttma 1' ‘Wori aaaU; Bitonda 1

V m v s D i f f

i; D w l » I

to Rsaatoi UlrA to adanast Ua Ml- toral intarpgto ad Bnittato to ApiMfta;fM trih, u t o n u a t t o r im * * .M d to* jto

Page 3: German Strike Spreading With 700,000 Now Idle in Berlin, London ...

) T 0 N O R IH

• D C M M iE

^T h « lU H M rf I r rM H i* V « l' *•■1 « M ! « •r t r O ftle* n * UM w u a#*M « t (M - M

M » m i . wML I* (* > -— a i u tU M k * t n tk* A fU «a tkrllH a* mi«r* * u It ap v w ra ■III w M la tk a ■ a ia r R M ralag ' DM w a n ta k a a a Tka A lptat a t l« k t la |, and n raa t tka f i n t

taban a a aM a tra tac ia M ta t dattaaa. Tfcar

t i a i tka karate I taak and r t - M l Itaaaa tk ra a kai'B. danparata

■ w a r t a d iv a r- n a ia v a M a n t,e t aka v a a dalW - fna h a ld k t o f

w a t k a ra th a t t e a e v n d M an- a a r i r h a a ra a t a t t ta o p a ta a k I alaaaa. a n d by > rn ln f h ad c u t I t an d w a n aa- t ln a ljr U d a f l-

paaltlaa . a ta M aaM . L aad an ) ( # » .—

w hlak w a n a ln a t th a Ana-

laa tk w ad k a t n I ta lia n f ra n i. T au ten ( I n , tk a ineunoaa tad av . tk a * u a tfa - ( ia r - tkd D uaikar a t a th a n l td ;

^uiudties t Falling Off--V().—B rltifh eaa- I tka m an lh a (

T h a r w a rn d l-

n n d a : O ltlaa ra .

omcan. MU.

aa ahow a a ltfk t rapartad d« rw d

)had a ta ta l a ( Maramkar waa

a a a a n fld b llad t th a t tnaatlk

i C a p d m

H m i t t i B W a t

i ) . —Tha' a R k ta l t h aad d ia rta ra la I, laaaad thdajr. a a u n d p rla a a tn natdk k a rtM d - a t kaatlla artlD crp

irth a t L ta a a M a t F a i t eliaadp ila t f ta n p a r t ," - T r a a a h p d t r a la alhia an tka M a t

tadar*! affla lal Mra warn na 4 a-I a lfh t.lan a fu a ifn a , ta -lanUa and M k- kankardad t n a i

tha r a lh ta r a ta- h a n a la r ia ) A n

^ 1 ^

” A « tm r- d k a lla a s a h a a a t

av a r d a n a la v al*B y a a t a r t a r i t - i l a u t a a a a t Oaaa- D. a N„ I t ^ a laak an d e td w ha $t aaraM ropaU taa k

T h aa t t , t4 O a a a ie a r 'a l i

A t o aa p a ih t la I n a d M d a a a lt l*

a Scort ’I. S . C o w l H a n

t a m lfn d M a ta a a aM. a n aapaatad

UatMei a tW ra a fa I t u r nIt w in ba U f tta a

i i a j a k aw a n f aa lia a than a ta k lta a U t a aU - a la tla r a n A h n -

aa a t d a M y ^

rith p r K t k a l : Tddk'i, n i « I Ji w tichd i. •tiad vttdMd • I a p d d C fw r Itdvtnrvat^ itly Mddt M i

ftm fd t «

p B« fa r th a rM 7M dddltiiipar M i f v t t

'llI. n o td

; K ot - M

L S e !


p m y

H ix a i^ 'F lk R A LSATURDW, 1 P. M.

L « t e U . S , S e iM d o r 'd F a m i ly A w a i t

f U a a o f H id C o U c a « u e t ' C o o i '

m i t t e e f r a m W u t m i t o i i .


a>tet al a tn taa af Mr BBirf.rA T B aaO N , Ja a . ru n a ra l tar*

alaaa (o r C a ltad tta la a •a n a la r W U U aa ■ a d b a a , w ho d ltd In Trenton rea ta id ay , w ill b a haM a t I o'clock S a ta rd ay a f ta rn a o n a t t t PnuTa Kplaaopal C karch , U d k ta a n th s u m I and U rasd- w ay, th ta city- Tk* church a tr rlo a w ill k a praoadad by a chart tarvlc* a t tka h oia a. ITT Boat T hlrtla th a t r a c t Rav. D avid f t a a r t H un lltaa , ractor o f A t Pm U fa w ill alflolntt a t tha aarvlcaa R u rla l w ill ka In Cadar la w n C ana-

pmllbcmran w ill J e a tn h f , Tumulty, M crcU ry to Ike

inearat Wk a u t t ad ta

“ l . T i J O T - w a a . I a . I l r a - t a i . th a t th a O avaraar baa tha a a tk y M ta a p p a ta t a ta m p a n ry n w eaaiar . b a t t k » | a a n iB c a t a p a n a a a a a t a a a e a a a o r p n - aaa la aanpU eatlB aa kacaaaa a t a paaal- hlo eaafU rt batw oM tk a a ta ta lavra aad t i n vMM tituUaaal a e e e d w e e t

T h a caae tltaW aaal a a n a — a a t t a l l - flod a a d n a d a attaediva f* ? :vtdao th a t th a ta a a ta a t th a W t a d W ataa ahall ba campahod a t Iw a S aaa-

aaek a u ta . •h U rtad ^h y th a paopio Iharoa t ta r aln yaara. T h a a la l- law a a parap rap h w hich p n v td a a :

-W hanavar vaeaaelaa n p n a a a ta t lo a a t aay a ta ta ! • 1 ^ d a ^ a t e f t h a aaacatlva muthaHty a t aaidt p U ta ahall Uaua a t a l ^ l a a Un i l tu ah vaeaaer, p ro rld ad th a t th a % * g tsle lh n a t aay a ta ta aiay a n p a w a r th a BnaeutlTa th a raa t to m ^ a t a n - w a r y n p p a ln tn a n u un til th a pdapla t i l l th a vacancy by aUcOvo aa th a L ag• In la tu n m a r d in c t "

O aa eoaatraaU an ptacad upoa tha canatltu tlaB al previvtane n f a r r a d t a la th a t Ladlalataraa may au th o rlM O av- e rn a ra t a nm ka ta n p o ra ry mppolol- n a n U t la w hiah tv a n t th a ptaoaa w ill aab n aq aan tlr ba Ollad by Saaatora • lac tad fo r tha lu ll U n a a t atm y a a ra Boma o tb a rr who ha*a ax n n in ad tha •u h la c t hoM to tha ballot th a t tla c tlo a a

Ineliida ^ ' ’*** *® “ “ ‘*™'a t B anatora

a u th o r ; (orm ar Ambaaaador O arard, ISapator Ollla Jamaa o t Kentucky, Cou- praoam an Thomaa J. Ihnilly, t a m e r

. d ^ r c u t n a n Eupana F. KInhaad, .kham aa r . McCarthy, United Itta taa ■narabal o( New York; Jam aa 0- B lau- v a lt • ( the P a a n k T runk Bower Com- ■ laaio ii, Jam aa Karnay, adltar o t tha T n n to n Tlmaa; Cultad Htatea D iatric t A U arnay I 'h a r la i F. Lynch; Jam aa O 'B rian, aecratary to tha la ta danator; C harlaa H. McNair, Ur. Henry A. Cotton an d Andrew T. F letcher ot P ataraon and M a rtla ie r C. Mlgal and Otto C arm ichaal o t Now to rk .

Tha taa illy I t awalUnp word an ta tha p lan a o t Iho Unitad Biataa Bonate oam - m ltta a namad to a ttand tka n r r lo a a . I t w aa thauB ht th a t aanctlan would ba a tv en by tho tam lly to h a r t th a body Ha In a ta ta Saturday for a tlmo.

T ha body e ( Boaatar H ufhaa w aa b ro u g h t hero (n n i T n n to n laa l aiB ht ta h la homo a t HT Bant T hirtie th ntraaL I t a rriv ed a t Newark on a P tnnay lvan la R a ilro ad tra in a t 7:10 o'clock and wan tra n a fa rre d hero In an autom oblla kearna. Accompanylnp tho body w are th a Bonatar'a widow and Dr. H enry A. C otton o( Tranton, hla medical adviaar.

A ction on Banalor H u tk o i'a dea th w an tak en laat n l tk t a t a ipeclal m aat-

. Ihp o t tha Uditad Tradaa and Intbor I 'ouncll held a t Ike Labor Inatltu tn .A le tto r o t condolanca waa cent to Idra. I lu p h ea and tha m em kari o t tho coun­cil eypranoad Itn deep r a g n t In tk a I a n o t gann tor Mufkaa, whom they hold to ba tk a ntsneheat friend of orB anliad labor. A committco waa appointed to

'd ra w raao lu tlonaJVm iha WajAhiflaa Bvrtaa t l Ida BTB- a N/.Vfl HSWK.

WA8HINOTON, Jan. I I .—Jo taph P. T um ulty . aaeraU ry to Praatdont W ll- oon, wlU bo a mambar o t tha p a rty w hich laavaa V aah ln ito n tom orrow a t- tarnooB to a ttand the funeral of th e

'l a te B enator H uchei a t P atereon Bat u rday. --Mr. Tumulty will a ttend th e fu n e ra l aa the reprenentetlve of th e P realden t and the eiactttlve branch ef th e poverainenL

T he lo in t com m ittee ef Benetoro and R epreeenta tlvea appointed by Vice- P resid en t Marahall and Speaker C lark w ill leave the capital tom orrow a f te r ­noon. T he enact hour ef d epartu re h a s n o t been detin itcly arra n p td by Bar- se a n t-a t-A rtn a of tha Banatc H lpslna , w ho la to be In eharpe of the p a rty Mr. H lfB lna a u te d today the party w ill m eet llkaly leave on an early tra in ao th a t the raembere would be eure to a r- r tv a In tim e for the funeral

B e e rcu ry Tum ulty wilt leave w ith , th e Coudreaslonal party. Ha w aa un<

ab la to aay today whether any o th e r o fA tla la o f the executive branch o t th a BOvamment would accompany him.

T h era wae som e dlacuselon a t th a C apito l to d a y concarnln i Iba poasibte chM B * In the political complexion of tka .B en x te caused by the death a t Sen­a to r H n sh e a I t la aoaumed here tbaC Q avsrno r Bdae will appoint a R epub- lleAh to succeed Senator HuBhea. W ith t i td a w a s rln s In yeatarday o t U r. N udan t o f Idhha, xuooeasor to tho la te S aap ta r Brady, a ll the Ya/cauoita have baan flllad axcapt th a t In W lscoaaln. WBloh a n ta lli the lose «( a D ataaeratlo vwta, th e Senate now eU n d ln s A tty - tw o Demoernta aa a fn ln a t fo rty -one Rapubllonnx.

U nder nuthorlty ef the cana tltu tlen n l nm andm ent the L estiln lu re a t th is a t a u In I t l t pnaaed n lew (C hapter (l> au - Ih o rlf ln d the Uevernor to m ake tom- pornry appoln traen ta such appotnteea to eorve until n apeclnl alactlon o r B*n- ern l niectlon ahall have been held, and •he aucceoaora alactad have race iv td th a ir e a r tltk a ta a a t aleetlan.

T ha method proocrlbed by the F ed­e ra l Conelilullon and th a a c t o t l i l t seem tu (urtilsh a deAnIto m ethod to r fllltnB veranctea In tha Benato, b u t tha •I tu a tlo n w as aomewbat com pllcatad by an am endm ent to th a alaettan law s (C hap ter lOU. passad In I t l l . T hara w as n lueplclon th a t tha rani purpaea a t the le flo la ttan a t l l lA ta ia a d by a Republlenn House, w ai to c u r ta il the p e w e ri of form er O avem or F laM ar, In th e event o t n vacancy occnrrlnB d u r­ing hla term , by m ahind It m andato ry to ca ll a spooal alactlon. ih n u ld • v a . caney occur moro th a a t lx m oatha before th e exp iratlen e t th a tarm a t a U nited BUtea Senator.

The am endm ents o t I I I I eonlalnao n •peelflo provino th a t If tho vaonney la tho Bonate ahall happen w ith in th ir ty d ay s o t a c e n e r il election It m ay be rilled a t the second eurcaodlnd eloc- Hon, “unteaa the Oovernor of th in a u te ahall dotm It adviaablo to call a epe- clal oloetlon thsrofer, w hich he I t au- thortsod hereby to do."

T he IsBlxIatlon of l i l t wax not epocirically repealed by anbaounent lap- lalatlon and (he question e f Itn ropanl k y Im plloatlon thero to ra h ln d sa aa w ho thar It la Ineom patlkla w ith tha la te r IsBlxIntlan o t t i l l .

Aa doneralty vlawed by law yers who have given the subject a ltan tlo n . th e tw o ac ta a rc not Inoom patiblo and hence the power to appoint a tam por- a ry aucceeaor to Senator Hugh** I* *tn^ v e tta d la aovernor Bdga under th a act of l i l t . Then. It the la n s u a se o f the act o t t i l l le given Its a p p a ren t torre . It le argued by some law yers, the elec­tion o f a succeeior (or th a fu ll term or six yoare w ill lake place nr th e next g en e ra l clsotlon la Novembar.

f r a o i O aaav u t s d s id s th a* O m ta w * hooB e le d k * k a tw aaa a aM M S a iMe t r l l w w t o U H M k w k a a t w k lc h H w a » a * a U g t T k a d lw a te h a d d s t h a t th a t ia a p s l a eanaa U s ta a o a x re fu a e d t a f i r s a a s tr lh a ra .

B w M F ia a t l i f C laaad . ■Me a n a h a s k aea p s m H ta d t a c ro sa

t h a Bartas t ra n lM r t ra m O a rm s a y a ia e a T u aad ay a m ra ln g , a ee o fd in g t o tk a D a lly K awa ea rrex d o p d en t a t O an av a . p H v a ta ra p a r la taoa lvad In d w lla a r la n d re p ra a s a t lh a a tr lk a e l tu a t le a a a h a v in g U k a n a a a r la o i tu rn U ta ] ^ a * ^ B igh t. T h n ra fu a a l a t H a r r W n irn ff , th e H ta ta le r e f th e A a te r lo r, l e c o n fe r w ith th e i t r l h e lendfcre I* en id t e h n v e In fa r in ta d lh a s tr ik e rs .

T h a o a n tra l a tr lk a o o m tn lttaa In B a r - H n now h a s a a l aan U au au aly a ln ea a a o n H a ad n y . A epurancaa a t B a lld a rlly a r s •aM ta hnva raack ad th a c a m m ltte e TuaSday (ram Lalp idg . D o eaa ld o rf a n d B arm en , no tw U h e tn n d U g th e r ig id ro ll- I to ry c o n tro l th ra a g h o u t O erm an y .

(M ln lao in O anava. th e c o rre e p o n d en t m y a , la th a t (h* i t r l k e m o v e m a a t w ill r a a o k a c rle la a aa a . t t la (e l l th a t th e m svaaM nt e lth a r w tll oo lin p m o r tn h o a t a r a w hich m ay to rco th o O o r ^ ng o v s n u a e n t to Ha k n e e a

T h a re p o r t a t a s t r ik e In th e w o rk a n t B n a n l i n e t oanA nnod . h u t th e M unleb F o i l aaya t h a t Dr. K rupp von B o b itn has laeuad n a ta te m e n l to th o w orkm on In th a K ru p p w orks u r g in g thorn " ta keep a laad y n e rv e s In th is


(C tallnuad tram F ir s t Fage.)

Aucmbly and U. S. Dutrict Court Deplore Semtor Hughes'i Death

B u ff I’em cpeadm te.TR E N T O K , Jan . l l .~ F a H o w ln g a c t Ian

ta k e n In th e B eeate, th a H en aa a la s a d a g te d raao lu tlo n a o t condolenco on th o d e a th o t U nited B U tes B enn to r lU g h e n a n d in s tru c te d S p aak ar W o lv a r- t $ iT to iian io a eom m ittaa o t Avo m a m - k a i^ t a n tta n d lh a fu n e rn l a a fo rm a l

la n ta tlv e a a t th e H ouse.S Ittoo conalxta o t l l e s a r a H a rx ii-

W lan e , L ltch tla ld , B Im pm n a n d IfcO a v a rn , th e la t te r two b e in g D o n - n e n t s . R a p r e n n t ln g th e S e n a te w tll k a B en a to re M ackay, U c O ltn n o n , H e - C fn a . R luhnrde an d F lo r ta c e ,

T h e re so lu tio n In th e H ouse w na p re - n a n te d by H r. H erxh tle ld o f P axaalo C d k n tr . M r. B lau t a t H udeon C o u n ty s p o k e t a r I t in th a abeanea o t U ln o r l ty L a a d a r B lrapaen. He sa id o v a ry t m a A m erlo an m u s t p ra ta u n d ly fs a l th e looa a t th e fla n a te r . t o r hovw as a h r a y t o n th a r ig h t Bide In re p re te n tln g th e bod y o f th a p a o p la a fa s t av lso ad w h an p ra g ra a a lv a p o lld s a w a rs ean n ld arad ky tB a D am o cra tte p a rty . S e n a to r H «g% flt w a a a a a o t tb s leaders. U r. S ta tu w a a l h a o n ly sp aa k a r .

B av e a n a r B i prem ea S y m s a j ly .A a M an ne ba le a ra ad a t th a d e a th

o f .S en a to r liu g h e e , O overnor B d g e a a n t th d (a lla w ln g in tm n g a o t a y m p a th y l a H r* . H n g b a t : i

f t d aap ly aym paUilxe w ith y o u In y a u r s r a a t la ss . T h e n a t a la b a r a t t a t U»s M t v r t aa o f a lo y a l a a d p a ln a tn k in g r a p r a a e n u t iv s In th e U nllnd B ta taa I n n - a tn a d d p d n o n a l tr ia n d s a r e a ad d a a n d b y UM ta k in g a f t a t a p a ie aM U tF t h a t e V a H M ia fa d goad n a tu re a n i t)w t ia a M q a a lw a a a t h u m an com panlaM biB * '

B edohilioB a ax p rsm in g tk a a a r ro w a t t h e e k u r t a n d tk a m a m b a n o t th a b a r p raoM cIng th a ra w are ndept ad In UM O n ita d B ta te s D Ia trte t C o u rt y s a ta rd d y a f ta rn e c iL ta l lo w In B a n n au n o a m a n t k y J n d g a J . W a rra a DavMi a t t | a d aaU t a t g e n a l a r Hpgfcaa.

T h e ta a a la t lo a a v a r a pr x a e i i ta i b p A s a U ta a t D Ie trte t A tto ra a y J e a i s k L , B ad in d a t T ra n ta a , w ho , w i th w a p M D k m a n t o t F a ta ra a a a a d W U Ham A . D a ld a a t New tax , h a d bean a p p i m d l kgf J a g M D a v li t a d r a f t Uwm.

A t w a ia v i ia i la a a t th a a a w l . V n D u m o n t g k v a a b r ie f ra eo m a a t th a B an a to F a e a ra s r . In w h ich h a aaxum ad t a ip a a k . f a r th a paopla a t P a ts tn e n w b a a a x p rs sa la g th a d aap aa t ragBwi avar-'h l* p a m ta g . O tk e tn m ad a p e ra a p a l e iw e a l te P A In c lud ing d n d g a O av la , w b a auM Id p a r t ; *

W lainlBg tra m th a ra n k g a n d Arcm vdTF h p iP b la WBike o t U fa. * B I ^ M ag h aa n a v i f f s r g a t h la b a m w t F - l w W M W « a y 4 tb ro u d b a u i h la a aU p d u t

Essex Newsdetlert Seek Profit Adjustment with Gothem Dsilics

Follow ing a repo rt th a t the Now York newapnporo would Increaee the price of papera to the re te llere , fifteen newedeaJera of E ieex County, headed by John Braun of th li city , w ent to the m etropolis today to andaavor to a rra n g e a conference w ith the publlehere. I t ta underatoocl th a t the p a p e ra w hich now cost (he dealers f i l l * hundreC w ill be Increased to IMO-

I f th e increase beeamee aftecU ve It w ill ro « a a « laaa In p ra f l t t te the deal era unlaas they a re p an n lttad t a ralaa th e p rice to three cenU a copy. I t I t understood the n sw ip a p ert a re oppaaed to th ia If a aatlaCactory a rran g am an t can n o t be reached they m ay em aa to h a n d it Now York p apera

T he eommllteo w ill explain th a au l- com a of tho conference, H one le held, a t a m asting of county denlara. which m ay ba called (or tom orraw n ight.

T he Nenm Stand A m oelntlvn a f th is e tty la axpectM to m eat to n ig h t to con- sldor tho subject.______ , ,

Alleged ’Hoover Chib’ IVomoter Held in $KX) or Fraud Cherge

e a t o f c r l ^ e n d to rem em b er th e i r b ro th e rs In th e fie ld ."

R x teaa leo od l'n ree« .The c ee ia tle n o f w o rk In H a m b u rg

la n o w * v ir tu a lly com plete, a c c o rd in g to n D ally T e leg rap h d H p a lch fro m R o tte rd am . T he i l r lk o h a s e x te n d M fram th e V ulcan B h lphu lld lng W o rk s In H am b u rg t* th e w o rk a o f B lohro * Voas, an o th e r la rg o a h lp b u lld ln g con-

'" o e r g y m e n v a in ly e x h o r te d th e ■ trlko ra In H am burg to c o n tin u e w o rk , The ( ^ lo g n e O aae tte eaye. T h e w e r k - e re p roceeded to th e tra d e s u n io n h e a d - a u a r te re and adop ted n re s o lu tio n op - M s ln g th e P an -O erm an F a lh e r \a n d P a r ty and d em an d in g lin m ed ln le peaee w lth o n t nnnexntlono o r in d o m n illo n , b e tto r lab o r eand ltlono a n d im p ro v a - m a a t o f th e food oupply. A d o p u ta ila n w a lto d on th e g o n e ra l In co m m an d o f th o d l i l r lc l an d enld th o ■ in k e r s w o u ld n o t rO M rt to vM lenco.

B oth In B erlin and th e p ro v in o aa th ee tr lk e a a r e L*Wednnadny*e ed itio n o f th e K o e ln lech o V o lk s E allung , w hich fe p o r la t h a t rn p - roM ntn ttvoa o t lab o r lu th e v a r io u s c l t le i In th e In d u e lrla l re g io n w e re e x ­pec ted to m eet In B erlin on T ueoday .

A g ita tio n fo r a g e n e ra l e tr lk o m M unich lx oald to h ave (a ile d a f t e r a s to rm y m eeting , b u t (ho o p read to N u rem b u rg a n d F u r tb , th e ta rg e e l m a n u ta e tu r lo g to w n s in B a v a r ia . T h e now opaper eayo th a t th o d em an d o f (h e F a th e rla n d p a r ty fo r th e c o n tln - u an ee of tho w a r and th o b ad food aup - p ly In the tow ns w e re th e re n a o n i g iv en fo r th e i t r lk e a t o ev era l m e e l-

* "5 h e B octaltit P a r tv Isad o ra In O er- niftAy» acco rd ing to * • la ld m ^ n t In tM BarWnnr T agA blatt fo rw a rd a d th a A m atardam o a ira ap en d an t a f th a C an - tm l N ew i, have n ak ed P re a ld e n t K eem pf of th e R e ich s ta g to su m m o n Ik s R o lc h iU g Im m ed la ta ly in v iew o f th e n U rm tn g ev en ie o f Iho p a s t few dayi-

A t n m ee tin g o t th e B erlin o tr lk e r a on W edneedny, T he T a g e b la t t ad d s , a re so lu tio n w ee panaed d e c la r in g th a t th e a tr lk a fa w ould oppdM to th a u t in a i t o f th e ir pow er any re p r is a ls a g a in s t th a ir U a d e r i o r rep ro aen ta tlv ea .

T he R h an lich a V e i t ta l ta c h a X ottung o f B teen , a copy o f w h ich h a s boon ra - esived hare , te lle a b o u t F ield M nrah al von H in d en b u rg 'a w a rn in g th e e t r lk s r e In B erlin . He to ld tbpra. ao ce rd ln g to th is new epaper. th a t th e y w o re b e in g mlnled. add ing ;

"E v e ry hou r you lose m e a n t th e v e e k e n in g o f O eym nnya d e fen ee . You a ta co m m ittin g a c rim e a g a ln e t o u r a rm y and an a c t o f c o w ard ico a g a in s t y o u r b re th re n In th e f r o n t tro n c h e a ,"

p a r kllaw atL lh a IndivM M t chnrga ka> tn # kneed «pa« th e g a M tllv ceaaveaed a a d tk a ooatlntilty a f aarvlam and H la from tkeea u a trs th a t a Banaimt Bd- v aa sa la ssugkt.

l a support o f Iba ap p iiea tlaa t a r a‘aadlnaea to eerva" ch arg e la g as

oanaam ora, th a FubUe Sarvtoa vtay a tta tw o raosu t facial aa a o t th a UtUltleo Caaiatlaelon upholdlag thIa p tin e lp la T he caaoa w ars thooa a t th a New Ja r- aay Oaa Company, w hieb nuppHan aav- a rn l m unlclpalltlee In Bouth Jorxay, and lh a New J treey N orthern One Com­pany, locnied la H unU rdon County. In eneb case th e r ig h t to Ineranao rn to t w ae aeughL tha te rm e r nnaeunolng th a t In lieu ef thle, how ever, t t would he w illing to nooopi n ’rendlnoea to earvu' charge e f fifty e e n u n m outh.

UeCurtoim ttn to m la * .T ha atatem aut o f H r. U oC artar (ol-

lawa:"Booauw • ( tho atoadlty Inefenelng

oeat e t labor, fuel and n il k inds o t mn- t tr ln la which en te r Into th e production and d tetrtbullon o t oloctrlonl energy and th e m anufacture and d letrlbu tlon uf gas, Public Hervlcs finds It neces­sa ry (o secure sdd itlo ae t revenue It It la to continue serv ing the g re a t bulk

d l t h a fu a p la a t Mdw F d rw F IB th a l a d w a f tM a n t B ta aa a r ifed* I t h M la th a p o B i

<T)dnfUiaea h a v a h a a a g ra w ia B m e re burdiaaO B ia each m a a th a la a a th a w a r h a fa a . P r ta a s h a v e h a a a a d v a a d a d kayaiM a l t p ra a ad a n ts a n d th a r a la a a la d laa llo n a t a lo t u p . ' T h a t o v a ry o th e r buBinaaa b aa t a i l t h e a t t t t d d t th a e o a d l lta a e w h ich th a w a r h a s b r a u f k t a b o u t la raA actod la tk a b ig k a r p r lo a i w h ich p a ap tf m u tt p a r f a r *11 k la d a a f ooau nad itlax .

"U a tll r to aB tly p u b llo w tllltlaa h a v a h a a a a n ax cap tlan t a th e g a a a ra l ru l* . T h a ir p re d u e tlo n M k ts h a v a h a a a f a t a g up , k « t tb a tr s a l l la d ra ta a h a v e kaan flx ad a ad t h e r h a v e baan eem p a llad to b o a r a ll o f th o a d d it io n a l b u rd o n a th a t h a v a been Impoaed. U n llk * o th e r kua taeaaes, th e y h av e n o t k eea a b le to a h a ra th re e b u rd sM w ith th e puk tie . T h e u n fa irn a ta a f au eb a a l ta a t l a n ka* bean to obvioun t h a t d u r in g th e laa l few m o n ih i h a n d ra d s a t u t i l i t y a sm - pnn iaa th ro u g h o u t th a c o u n try knvo been g ra n te d re lie f In th e fo rm o f re n d lv a ird rn te e b y th e r a r u la ta r y bodies of th a aovoral a ta to a

"P u b lic Borvloo H a s O om pnay a n d Puk llo berv ico K loc trlc C om pany h a v e u p to lha p reao n t m a ln U ln i f th o lr p ro -w a r r a te a b u t th n tlm o b a a nam e w h en they m u it hnve m ore Incom e It th e y a re to p ro p e rly p e rfo rm Iho fn n e - tlo n e fo r w h ich (hey w e re c re a te d .

"Ax s la te d In th e cem panlee* a d v e r ­tis e d n o ilrea o t th e ir p roposed n p p llcn - t lo iu th e re la no In te n llo n to a sk (o r an y Inc rease In (he n in e ty -c e n t r a t e to r g aa o r th e te n cen l r a te fo r e le c tr ic c u rre n t. T lie only c h an g e s o u g h t l a th e

p n a t a l a w in k * p s m a l l r i a d l a *** ta - g g m d h a w *1 tw tiM u O v * a M ta p a r m ad tb a aA tb * * i ^ M M a n a a * l a th a a la c t r t t ra ta* w ill m tb a a * ap p IlM k la to to w e r u M ra U a k tla d f o u a |* a w r i, InoludlBB d U a tt U dkirnB . w tl l n e t b* • ( - (ac ted . ___________ _

AwBiid $1,341 to E i i t^ id h ManW h o M U f t H a n d W a s C n » M

n i* M t b a n d e rudhdd h a tw n a a U * M i la n * t a e n le a d a r p reda l a th e p la n t t f th d l a r t a t t C em p aay . I I X lieab e th nvnnan, XUialMth, Jndnpk Banlyn o t 111 CnepUw i t r e e t . H u t c ity , w a s aw ard ed com panan tlan to ta lln B l l . l t l . M b y R ef- e rad H a rry J . O o n i o f lh a W o rk g H n 'i C om paoM tlon B u re s n y n a ia rd ay . The noaM aal a rc u rra d A u g u it SI la s t .

■ av a rly E m ery o f n i l C lin to n nve- nna, I rv la g ta n , an* o t w hoeo fe e t w aa o ruU tad When a In rg * g n a r fe ll upon I t wbU* be w ae w o rk ln # fu r J . U. M undy on M ay lA H IT . w ill r s c o ire IH T .I* . W illiam O ab b u rd a f Tt« P o a th N la a ta e a th s tro a t, t h a t o lty . a r i g ­g e r n t th e B llver l a k e p la n t o f th e B dlaon C eaipnay , w a t a w a rd e d I I I * eem penM tIon . T he aecond A n g e r o f hie I t n h an d w ad c ru a h ed w h e n a heavy tim b e r fe ll on It A u g u e t I I .

T h e com penen tlon o f U a u r le e M er­r i t t o U M Q rn n t a v en u e . J e ra e y C itr , fo r In ju ry to th e f in g e rs o f M s righ t h and In a ro lle r b la d e eu e la ln e il w h ile he w ae w o rk in g fo r th e B u ite rw o r lh . Jlideon C ^ p a n y on B op tem ber I I . w ill be IHT.SI.

mm p ffiS G iiiP iiiirFoii I K m s

‘yer many y e a n d ra g g tsu have walabad

wHh auMh taiareai u e remarhnMO r t ^ walnUkiad ky De. X llm era S e ra rv B s A the i » « kidney, liver and Madder m e«-

II le a yhyaMoFe Iw uM -ltaet (a a imringtkenlng WtdMnp

II kelpe' the hldneye. liver and M aatw do tha work iwinre latreded they ebeuil div

Pwnmp-Heet bee Heed Ike (eaa e< yw ra Ii H eeld hr all drvggtHa'en he m r h nod II ahenld help yea. Ne ether kidney aeedl- Hne fcaa ee many (rleada. . _ j

Be sere te get neem g-B est and Halt

wMO Arm U t ^ IM.

bctile. When wrtilag be ear* and bhOIM (he Kewark Evening N te s .—Advertlaeasot.


a n y aad Wi»». • • « « If*? hileiem e ig ^ i^ •pel, ea (Self leel «*eey raalala eoe « • « » L ! T ****'

test eedthe utleeelh ye-jw - V*. *****J?!?J?*(resStee tin. I1«d. T M in lild ierfkeel, Wlelers aad *■« •»*<*■.Cia>v Mtesel edele- ■ « , "

see ef Veol keH. ieW im y e M " . AdicrilHaeai.

F o r p ro m o ttn * a n n llo g ed ( r iu d u le n t "H o o v e r C lub," P a u l A rc h ib a ld o f 1*7 P la n o a tro e t w na he ld to d a y In IMO b a ll (o r th e g ra n d Jury . In tw o com plm tntg h a w na fo rm a lly c h a rg e d w ith o b ta in ­in g m oney u n d e r fn l le p re ten eeg .

I t w ae B llegad b e fo re J u d g e Q u ig ley In th e F I re l P rec in c t C o u rt t h a t A rc h i­b a ld received t> fro m a n u m b e r e t honao b o ld e ra on (be re p ro a o n U tlo n t h a t h* w as inaU IU ng th e n i a a m em - k o ra o f th e "club" a n d th a t th e y Would-

n # he so ld g ro c e r lta an d m e a ts a t radnoed ‘ p r ic e s by M orris K a h n e f t * J a n e *

s t r a a t K ah n n eg artsd to D o tec tlv ea H e lle r an d K uhn th a t A rc h ib a ld h ad re q u e s te d h im t e e p e ra to th a "H o o v e r C lu b ” echem e, b u t t h a t he h a d tu rn e d th e p ro p o s itio n dow n.

I t i t c la im ed b y th e po lice t h a t m o re th a n a aoor* o t hou aalu iid o rs h a v a p a id llM occusnd m an t l f a a a o n ly to f in d t h a t th a "clUb" d id n o t a g le t

UNREST TOUCHING MANY INDUSTRIES(G on tlnnad (ra n i P i n t P a g e .)

th e HM*( Im p a rU n t la d u s t r la l s ao tlan In •n n o n y . F ie ld M nrsh n l v a n H ln d o n - b n rg 'g p ra e la m n tla n o p p u U n B to th a w a r k a n to i to p s t r ik in g n p p a a rad a n n i l th a s tre g t co rn a rg o f B e r lin y e a ta r - g*y. T h e O arm anU t o f B e r lin a ayn t h a t H a r r W d l r a f t M In M a r o f th * ta ta r io r , B till luA isaa t* m * * t d o la g a ta s o f tk * w o rk m e n n n d th e a tr lh * c o n lln n e e t*

tlMtt'anm*'flA*>t ta t M VM In <

ntag- TMfU wm ^ ntarMtadMIa Iw------------- M k* a a v a f fk e* B l bh a d , a n d tkB* « M ----------- --------

( r ir tM . K * er«BM bIM i to MB f r i s M IB h e k # m « Id th k t e i T I n a t AM baan w ith U a i f t tk * P r g i l

I kakdU o | pkepuB f « ( k au w , k u i t* v k « B k *

Ilti4 Ml'

I t e B 'U k d ts a t i ft o s t M VKvMfv

a n d kd u *

I (M tn itrr h g f* kMt a J fkla tAu* of Bd*d.

“FaruoaaU y. k* w u s (m * o f t k * I M d r ls a d * X av a r kaAi* saaM ap ad P a l f * S a v io , B ^ g M k* o w td tk * B w f m

' w k l M k a M t » g & t B i t iw t d l d W trla l a tu rd a y w H iv lM s iM l a lA* la A u an a* * t P l a n t e r H n g k a a

Vmwi Dtffar in FDSm V«c«w^D lw to D im f f S iM ta v H ip iii

M nltad llB tdB M w lS S fu lWidL dlkguuii** n» I

kk « i i k a ^ t* a « H « r F ** i -m m H ilm a k a n k*

d l tfeB: k r i i i Bt *di---------- tlM

r t d t w k

th e re fo re , t t h o ld f u r th e r

A ll- I

td N n W M , In n . t l ( J F > . - ^ a O orm an s t r ik * I t a t t l l g rew tn B In m a g a l lu l* , th e B g eh k n g * T tu g r a p h a * rra M * * ^ < R ** C a fa n h a g o n r a p a r t a l a B u rltn p e rn o n s e re on a tr lk a b* re p o r ts . a f th aa* b a ln g w om an. A g r a a t n u m b e r a f B oaU U st la a d e rs h a v a k a t a a r ra a ta d in v n ifa n n O arm na ta w a a , a o e o rd ln d t* th in a n th o r lty .

B nrU a In w rap p ed l a a th ic k l a g nn d th in hna m adn R tm p o a s tb la f a r U * an-; tk a r i t la a in p ro v a n t th * d leaaa ilb n U an * ( p am p U atg , th * ro p a r tg i tn la .

l a m an y c trc liu th * a t r lk a a n d * p ro so n U U sn a f *■ n l t |g w tn a i

t e th * a a v a rn m a n t d am an d ln g l a w * - d ta te aM M la tlo n * fo r a g a n o ra l p eace • a th * B M it e f n a an n ax a U a n * t a d n* In d a m a lU e a b a t te r ( a o d ^ a n u m t e a f H karn l d em o ad s o r* ta k a * o a a n M k - n a ttu * t h a t th * la k s r m o v a e n a tt la O a r- m a n r to *1 M *k k a p w M a c a m to n ^ th * davur n p e n t d to u u io fu d * ^ m a -

S rM w a p n p a g n ia a in d in g u * T ag ak to tl, T a r p a a r t* a a d U *

■ n r u a a r P a s t n a d f i e l d M aredw l v u a S lM a n h a y r g w y » j n.B t h a t t M , ^ r i i t a igjiiiM a ta * •***■ ^ »UM >H a l tk to

~ ’ a tr ik * ■ l u w i g i f am k ra o ad l a v - A t M t o p r i n t * i Mb k a i i i i H r

m r i k th * m la lM a e a t a n i i M a u m a r- S S t o r t e a t T i t a r i * * l a ^ J N ; ^ d M r i a t T h a r* to s i r e n o w * a l th a to r - ” ^ ^ 0 1 iW o r h m o u * CtoUMO m t t *

* 1 t h a W o r k m ^ ^ B a l d l y tn lU M sM . n m W a M n t t . t h *

MiBiBggr a i t t a I n ta r i a r , Ir mP B t a r s g r g t y aM v n a a j d M P S B l to afB M lt to g th a

V niiBih i i ^ P l g w

w to ( h i t I S * th e n a m r * m 'a a r t t l t o a t e r u k a * h ^ * * t ^iu p N d . I I to p a t d t iM w h a M . a ntrifeU a t d a tk d k d frn tto * k F j H d F *

See German Government i» Exploiting a Demonstration

LONDON. Jen , I t ( .P L — A m ong th e v low s sx p rrs sa d In ip e c in l d is p a tc h e s from H o llan d in re g a rd to th e O o r- n u n e tr lk o le ono th a t th e a n r m s n O ov- a rn m e n t i t i ip lo l t ln g w h e t h a rd ly am o u n ts to m ore th a n n p en ce tlm e d e in - o n e tra tlo a w ith th o o b jec t. If peasIbU ,, o f p ro d ac ln g n m ore l e r lo iu m o v e m e n t In n ll t id coun trlae , w hern It a p p a r e n t ly believes the g o v e rn m e n ls a r e le s s a b le th e n lu e l f to c o n tro l su ch m ovem on ts .

A no the r co rreep o n d en t g a th e r s fro m th e O erm sn preen th a t th a G e rm an O ov- a rn m e n t in ten d s to a u k o Ih e i l r l k o m ovem en t a p re te x t to r k re n k ln x o ff tho B re a t-U to v ik n e g o tia tio n s e n d la n e e rib in g It to th* m n o h in n tlo n e o f th * B olshev lk t, w ith whom, w ould be Im poselbl* to conferences.

H i* sem i-o ffic ia l N o rd d eu lsch o g em sln* Z e ltu n g , co m m e n tin g onth * p o llllc s l nlTOi e f tb* x lr lk * com - lu ttle* . w a rn s th* e l r ik e r i t h a t th e y w ilt ochtev* n o th in g by th e i r a c t io n In re fa rsn e* to th * n eg o tta ilo n * a t B r*» t- L lto v ik . In s tead o t f u r th e r in g thopeace m ovem ent, th e a t r lk e s w ill p re ju - dlco th * nego tlsU on* a n d e n c o u ra g e h e r e n em le i to re e te t O s m n n y 'a J u s t c la im s. Th* new spaper o dds th a t th e g o v e rn ­m en t expec ts th* e tr lk e rn , n s th e r e e u ll o f cn tai co n sid e ra tio n , to re a l is e tb * fo o llih n esa o t th e ir sU U u d e e n d ra - tu m * w ork .

A m eterdom ropo rtn t h a t th * B e r lin co rreep o n d en t o f th * T e le g ro n f s e n d i th * (o ltow lng :

"N n l n e lg a o f th e a lr lk o an ii be o k - sorvod In th e B o rlln i t r e o t a T h e g M * o rn l Im pression Is th a t It le n s o -c s I lM ‘ho liday ' e lrtk o , w hich . I t I* xa ld , w ill bn lIm fU d to th ro * d a y a

"T he oaryoepondont g a ln a d th e im - p raselon a t a m e e tin g he n tte n d o d th a t th * e lr lk a ra ra g n rd It m o re aa n c h s n g * ottuT h ao v y w ork , a n d t t h e a r* n o v itu le n t choraateT. T k a w o rk a ra g a th e r a t ploeae, w h e re m e e tin g s * r* con­voked, b u t a re d ire c te d b y th * pelliM In to t id e e tM std , w h a r* th e y a re d le -Fkrek*-" ^ .A m sterdam re p a r te a lso t h a t n eco rn In g to th * V o rw aer ts th * m o e a m e n t a r tg in a ta d w ith th * w o rk m o n th e m - eOlvae^ b u t i t woe reao lvod t h a t b o th secU tw a o f th* BoeUI D * (n o cra te eho ttld o o -o p e n to , S* I t w oe no t im e f a r th * l i s o tn e * Of c o n tra d ic to ry a r d a r a T h a fu ilw a y m an a tta m p ta d ta k a ld • m o a t­in g y aa tard ay to oen v ld a r t k a q u a e t la u e f a e tr lk a , b u t th e y w a r* d tap e raad by tk * poUc*. M any a m a t e w a r* m od*.

tfH B n e ta* a f ^ p S k

I* B rkdOMT tk* m top triOto

id UNMMW----


a t

Strike Not %>reftding Much, Beilin Snys Sem ^fficially]

AM STERDAM , J o a . I I (M L — T h* a u i ik a r *1 a tr lk a r* l a B e r lin 1* *M l- m a ta d a t a b o u t in ,M d . o o e o rd la g to a sam l-a ffle la l a ta to m a n t Is su e d In B orU a y ee terd ay , T h a ra h a d b e an o n ly a n ineen eld a rab l* in a n a a * In U * a t r lk a rtiW t TWAftefe

T h a B arttn naw apoporn , w ith (a w on- eo p tiane. h a v a b ean p tfk llsh ad . T li* • t ro a ta t i th * O o rm a a e n p itg l, tk * i ta ta m e n t add*, ah aw a n o a Ig M o f B* a trih * . k l l t r a l f l* to p r e a eed tn g d u la tly nnd n n d ie tu rk a d . T h n a u t a - o m n t aay* th a t* h a v n k a an a * d in - tittS n aa e a H ty w k er* to t k a ami

h a r i d e g e nH m m V i O lf dk r f C dBtof

a n lr ow nlt tk * BidtMmt waam to w eakeaad b y ta ta ra o l a trh h

BBd riM* U f

Facts!■ i B w I i i i h n B O tiB M B i,

B V t l t k «r t M 4 tilT d r- v B fp , ] « « « d B t IB k k p v tb * M a il M s t b m t M f « M o ftN iB .

W Vb* M r OBtoantoTi f t ba iB frtB M vs s a l « • M ibMMN ta |l* ta | M r w *•M ta n s bM I dB M l RMfo riMMilH-

TiMt M i M t M fMllMp r i s N s H S M t t a r l i t f t a w

ta t

i i w i d S t i. - 4 t 1

• r * B Hsrt"

S t y l i d i S T O U T C O R S E T D e m o n s t r a t i o n

NtoB M. Ndtaa, Kxprit Cnnatiare. In Hare la Hrtp I*« Cka*u lb# P ( ^ r Stylish ftont Ckraet far You

w ith a S ly lloh e m u t c o r s e t—a m p a rly n tte d —e to u t w em en e sn look from one to live In ch es m o re s ls n o tr nnd m any pounde i ig n ie r ,

Miee N o len w ill be h e re n il th is w eek s i th * C oreo t D e p a r tm e n t. F In e le —Seeend n * # o

For FridayOn SaU WHU* Qmahiitia Latt

Tailorad Hata, t9 0Ueually 3.M iAd 4.M—about

too tetln end i t« w ttllordd bet* emartly trimiitod with grot- ■rgin, in dtvsnmkd effeett. Block and colorp.

pleuto—Second Floor

Womwb’b BIim m i, 9ScWhite Baliet* iport bloueta

with linen collar forming vtat; fostcni with pearl bultont. Aloo novelty voile blouxoe trilh pleat of plain voile, trimmad with throe tiny pu rl buneni. Styliab collar and enug lining culls.

Piautt—Mam Floor Aoncx

4.00 Uaioii U b b r Dinner Napkins, S p e d i l 2 J 8 Doz.Heavy weight eloptly woven

damaak from a mUturs of linen and cotton yarna. Handsome permanent luiter in a variety of attractive floral and conventional deilgiia. Slio 22x22 inches. Vhlle they laat.

Piautt—Main Floor Annex

1.95 W iah Salta , S p « c ta llJ )9

White and colored wash aulta for the linle chap of 2%‘ to W ytert. Neat little modele for ihe coming Spring.

Pleuie—Mein Floor

1,35 iRittatltMi FU tt C ortaiiia, P a ir 89c

Fiat net curuine in twet d<- eigne; eill lengths. All whltt wiih neat edgaa.

Plsttia-^econd Floor

95c HfH W ata r B otttaa, 62cChocolate color, warranted

perfect. No. 2 hot water bottle. Whilt they laet. No mail or phone ordcre.

Pleuie—Mein Floor Anfiex


WEEKU nder th e DiractidB * f th e

L, 8. PlMiI ft Cb.Edacattoul DepartBwnl

Dafly. Beftanlng et tOdO AJL

Thil exposition was ar­ranged under the auper- vision of

Mr. Frank P. Fordmerchtnt representative of the United Statee Food Administration lor the State of New Jersey.

In addition to the num­berless interesting feat­ures which have attracted universal attention and tribute, wc announce for Fridey;

LactniM, accompanied by demonstrations, on the melting of food substi tutes.

GnpWe ExUbita of food prepared in accordance with plans of the United States Food Administra­tion,

Exhibits of fruits and vegetables canned by pa­triotic Newark women.

Lantern Slides of actual war scenes.

r U u U — T h ird , F to e r

MEN’S SHOP—Men’s 2.S0 and 3.00

FLANNEL SHIRTS, 2.19Desirable flenaet ahirts for men who apend most of

their time outdoors.Made in Gray and Blue, single or double breasted

styles—one or two pockets.These shirts cannot be duplicated at this price.Reduced for one day's selling to 119.

2.00 and 2.25GRAY FLANNEL SHIRTS, 1.69

Heavy w e i^ t gray flannel shirts taken from our regular stock and reduced for one day's selling.

Made in a neat tailored style, with single pockets.

Boyi' 3.85 to 5,00 WOOL SWEATERS, 2.95

just the kind of awceters boys like!Splendidly made, with large roll collar, in Maroon,

Navy Blue and Oxford. Thia it an unusual offering when yon consider how the price of wool is advancing at the present time.

Reduced for quick ditpoul, at 2.95.PtaalB—At EntranM to th* Jttght

Curtains and Curtain Materials at Prices that Are Special

Affording women who take pride in their homes unusual opportunities to beautify them, M prices that arc low:

25c tnd 35c Curtain Fabrics, Yard 18c

2« to 38 Inch Scrlpis, Voilrt and Msr(|uiteltes for long tnd sash cutialna.

35c Cretonnes,Yard, 25c

Fine let of cretOfmea for tlip covers, overhinglngs, etc. 38 Inches wide, extra fine qualitygo^ i.

1.50 Bdarqidsette WindowPaneb, Each 98c

sill lengths with lace border and picot edge.

Ptoma. Second Flear

TheL.SvPlaut&Co.Specialized Trimmed f / a f s , 5.95

These specialized trimmed hats will be featured through­out the season, when the new­est conceptions will appear daily. This special showing In­troduces one of the fashion’s i favored coloi schemes for Spring.

“Field Troop and Navy”

a r.iOhi interesting color blend­ing. The shapes are unusual

turned-back and short-back pukes, sailors, mush- rorjms and turbans In new straws, cleverly convblned with Georgette Crepe and Faille.

The trimmings arc dainty wreaths and flowers, wings and fancies.

The colors are Black. Taupe, Brown, Nutria, Rose, Purple, Navy Blue—all appropriate for present time wear

FlattU—Sscaml KI(Mr

/ / •

Friday Domestic Specials6J)0 Satift Flntah Bed SgrMds, f^ c d a l 3.95

Madium wdigbi, Chol(;e of good attraettv* MdTBtillea dt- ilgnt. Site to covtr full lixi daublt btdi.

WkM* Winter Btanketa, gpKtal 6,00 Pair

n a k and Mu* bordert. Mo­hair Wndlui « *dge-Mm* • I t •Hghtly aotlod, but all art perfocl.

HauMd Mdrrariied Table . CIoOm, $#Mlal Mido from baal cotton

yania, rich Initer, full bleached. Siiafl3i63 Inrtwa.

gO c H m t a B d M I t


ri^^ M d * ^


N ^fnfli dftmi#|L fill Mtaebed ta variely. r t d * ^

i4eSiM, lie Taid

DedHdMe t n d t f w M g m e ra l N t . M t a M f* r M a itM tor « r dtok w w rt* . N n wMto w tik f a i t fw tot i« i

iMliy ertlM

H etaat

gMlIiy i«Bdy ta


Ftacy Dim s Ginghaaia, S p e d i l '25c Y w d

Xi iochta ‘ wide. Varioua colorad atripea, chccki and fancitn; alao plain chambray ibodta. For child ran'• and miiiea* drcaata.

30-bKh C otton C haltiid , S M d sI ICe Y trd

■dduiifnl PenU n Moral and ftney panemt, light (o dark colon. Splendid quality. Suitable for emnringe. etc- Saklect to iligbt mill hnrti.

WUte Mercerisid PofMln, S p c d s l 27c Y sn l

27 Inches wide; for drceeea ■ad w eitu, Pcrfcei full piece go^e.

U o f M l e N ainaO B k,

U 6 P k n38 Inchee wide: 10-yard

plecei. Soft Sae liaftrio Bn- Ifh, dainty undarvear asd nightgown nalMOok.

PtD aw C beN ialiB , flNecy 29e Ywi

4S loeboa wide. Comet width tar Piltaw eaeae end M eeanlag m « n m ta r f«n elH bad ahaata. Odw wom, Bm guMMi oiltalp i i l itaif.

$ |M iB lU H e 1 M 3BH.taclm wtaa; 3 ta 16

■nl ipkiOtoi fUadlMi e ^ t nu hMtata vita iM k i id ^


Good Clothing for. BoysBoy»' Blue Serge Suits in tlio coming season's newest

models—suits for all dress occasions Priced OJS to 15.00.

Mackinaws at Special PricesJu it t lu u f r i ia n l Buy now for next lesion—ilie sn'dngi

arc werih w h li^1MB aad IBfS Mackinaw*..............Special C.SSH-BS and IM S Mackinaw*............. Special 9.7S

B o jy TroOM ni Joat now moat every boy ti

In need of extra trunacri. Our aaaertnwnt ta moat complete, tnetuding Corduroy, Mlxiuree aad Blue Sarge. Slice 3 to 17 yoare.

Priced I jN IB iM .

Wash Suita for C h ik I r e B Splendid wash euiia /or Itl-

(I« boys of 2'A to B ycart. Made In th* newest ttylos, ef good qualily maierlelt.

Priced 1.50 to 4.SS.P la n ts — M ain r io o r


IIF ir tt Paym ent on Thiu*‘ White Rotary'Sewing Machine i

The bttaace of our scientific, graduating plan, which mikes It M easy to bay this wonderful machine.

Come in and let ns explain.

Only to o MaeiUneo On Thii Club Plan

lODI MOW ,I b o C W b l t P I l l t a i P ^ItM B jrC aH O B tA m rtlaft

lO c

T h e p i t a i s « c a i l i d M d a n d f d i t ii f o M n d a g y m i lOc o n e d c b p e y f lw e t f S d In a d v M c e .


Page 4: German Strike Spreading With 700,000 Now Idle in Berlin, London ...

s s i a v A n k » \ ' K i E i Q h e w s . tC'jAirtfsafj' f f '■


Won't Give Son to Mother. Abo Refines Gruxhnotber's

SimiUr Applkatioo.


I i

Com plete Facilities

w w k i« e is e w n m • u u k ^ ' Wtla fM lnrtJW M l th a aeialM M M ttoB’B

•h jM t o t a ■kart ■■■■I w 3 1 * B lH S. fiaiwMr had M»7 w ill* * ! •* IW»I tntanr*. Ittt feo|i< iblM* SlnarMt

, 1 «rb*n W cam i to oBotlior b ill w hich h*e I apporoBlly been doalsBod 1* aaom pt1 aiockhoM«r> o f i ia ii l i i frow th* footrlo-

lob ol

A M tbar chap tw WM added today to be aanala *f the m dfrbnnnlal troublee d Dr. J. LetlU aiid M ra A nna O. W hite, lb* tlm* *f * ae t O ran « a I t wae all ibNeled belere Vto* fh a a c e lle r B lereoa r ith two appllcalloiia for the coatody if tb* Iwo chtidrea of Dr. and l i r a Obit* a* Ibe leadln* n to tifa and a n ap- tlleatlea by U fa W hile for perm anent luppart throw n In by w ay of mab«- M laht.

Tk* appUeatlen* for th e coatody of ho eblidren failed of ib e ir p erpoaa MIe the rice chenoollor flaed the atini

hat the doctor la to pay a t I t* a week, la d ltm lealn t an order obtained by

^ .hom ae A. D arla of O ranae In Mra. 'w M to ’a behalf, ra tlln a upon tho doctor J o tkow cauae why one eon Iloberi, okouM not be turned o re r le hie Btotkar, the rice chancellor bated kt* ru linc on tb* around Ibet b* her proceeding* neither Dr. W hite nor Robert had baan brought la lth ln tko furladlctlon o f tho court- M r a W hile had baaed her application f W the cuttedy of her elder eon e a lb*

ground of the alleged unDIneea of the father.

Tho o ther application to r ih* ehll- dron‘1 eeetody waa by M ra C arrie Z.

IW hIta Dr. W hite'e m other, on the ih u led ground the l ne llher paren t wa* i.efU ta be intruated w ith the ce re and ;p4acallen of the children." Aa with dha e th er appllcatlen, the cou rt ruled J k a t the grandm ether'a petition eoulu S e ta terta lnod ae to Ijoula only, aa he waa the only one of the children w ltbln

j A Jurledictlon of Iho court, d Cheater W. Palrlle. who, to r Iho

grandm other, obtnined the o rder to pbow caoee. Urged th a t the vice c h in - « a llo r 'i paat condem natloti o t the m other waa aufflcleot p roof of her an- tlliMaa la ratain the cuatody of the

-yoangar ton. But from th ia th e vine cbaaeellor d leiented. pay ing th a t the

'm o th er “m ight have reform ed." and l lk a t the burden of proof w na on Mr. I*ali1le to ahew her preaent unfitneaa.

Bow Keep* R ooeitag R ow e.Caafeaelng hla niipreparedneao to

pruyo pay th lag having a p rta a n i b ea r­ing a g a lh it M ra W bita, Mr- F a ir lie awvortbeleae pul her on tho etand and bad bar te ll th a t ah* la now providing (or bar aapport and th a t of h er younger ton by keeping a fbrnlahad room houe* la tbia a lly . When he d id no t even taeey t* ehow any w rong conduct on bar part aubaoeuent to l i l t , tha vice

'iriMtBooUor dIamUaod tha g raadm othar'a nM**r.

la the dlacoatlon o f the m alntan- .nc* pbaaa of the caaa. It waa atatad !hal Iba tm m odlata eauao of Dr. W hita envlag Kast O range w ee th e tnatU a- Ion *f a coaiem pt proceadlng agalnat

jIm . baaad on hla fa llu ra to pay a r ra a r- ihtea o f u m p o ra ry alim ony and a conn- 'M foo of tT«« aw anU d to K allach * % aliacb . who dafondod M ra W hite la

ha d leerc* s a l t• The m alntanance o rder mad* today

rtod w ith It a fu rth e r allow ance I IH to Mr. D av la an allow eacc of

j am ount having baen given to Mr. via bafore, wkleh, a s athlod by him,

'iwiu pal* by the deeter.Tbo aarilo r ehap tera In th a W hite

iMvorco casa worn w ritte n a* ta r back ta I IK . In th a t yaar. Dr. W hits, a t the Inia In th e an la riiien t * t a good prae- te* la B eat Orange, hav ing hla homa a t

i P H alalaad a t r a a t b ren g h t a sa l t fo r ' Itrpreet nam ing tw o co-roopondanla. i M U ooromlaolon m ortihanl o f P h tladal-

dkla apd the e th e r a P Itteb u rg h asle*

and the attention given to the require’ menti of patroni are esaentialt vdiich have helped in the steady growth of this bank.

OOR new quarters in the Prudential Insurance Company Building will enable us to offer patrons additional banking facilities and afford greater oppor- tumty for cultivating close and personal retationihips.

Iteoa of a aectloh o t Iho crim os a c t th a t ■I p rcocal forbid* any aueb atoekholdar from bolna a mem ber ol a m usic lp a l or e th e r pabllo body hav ing d ea lin g s w ith Ilia bank.

The Senate had paiecd the etoch- holder bin before It waa diacoverod isiat Its provlelons would no t only to- move ihc atoekholdar from th e penalty a t Ih* Crimea act. b u t the o fficers and dlrecioi * of a bank a* well. M ajority lA sder Hlehard*. who recalled thecae* ot a olleill who, he tald . had eerved jt »lat* prleon aem enr* under the term* of ihe Crimea a r t aerilon, had the bill reroneldered and an am endniriil a l- (ached, which wa» the ao b ltc t of a de- liale hefore II waa fina lly doclded to havo tha bill laid over un til Monday.

Henata Preeldenl McCran litraed over the aavel to Henalor H ackay to ta k e the floor agalnat any am endm ent of the Crimea ac t th a t would perm it bank- ere to become mem here o t public bodice and who would h e re an y th in g to do with the ris in g o f In teres t rate* th a t m ight be charged to aueb public Imdlci. There ta likely to be loitie Inlet eeilng Ih lng i eald when the bill coTnei up H(*ln for roneldera tlon .



Would Give Trolley lines R i^t Of TrsntporUtion of Merch*ndize

R E so u itcu Over $20,000,000 Sate D eposit Boxes

Rsa.' n c tyansgnaalone alleged In th e M H Iaa wece toand by Vice Q u n caU o r

derw ear w ere received from MIse Our- yea and Hr*. P eter I'lmpbelL

A rep o rt Iron, Mra George H lil W right, chairm an of the wool com m it­tee. s ta te d rh a l r-.ure than 4.*00 woolen a rtic le s had heeti 'a lien In a t her d e ­p artm en t between .im u ary l ( and t*.

M rs W allace H. Heudder, chairm an of tb* m ilita ry relief commlUsa. a n ­nounced th a t chargee had been made th a t the Ked Crote th roughout the ceun try . Including the N ewark Chap­ter. w e t not doing a ll th a t waa *s- pected In rtspending to call*. She eald th a t In vettlga tlon had been going on q ^ c t ly , and she read a fe tte r from John McOce. d irector o f the R ureeu of Mil­ita ry Relief of the A tlenllc Division, e la tin g th a t th e Infantry realn tent a t Newport Nawa wee fully r.qulpied w ith aw aa itra , m utflcre, wrlellete, helm ets and eocka

A nother le tte r rend by Mie. Heudder wae from O. H, A ltsander, field d '- rec to r of th e A m ericat Red Croei a l A niiliton. Al*.. lay in g th a t l . l t l iw aa t- ers had been delivered to th e heavy field a rllllo ry .

Prom J. P. H ellw tg, cominandor of the r . H. li.'’ Pocahonlae, came a let- te r to Mra. Heudder, reading: *i wleh to than k you again, and th rough you the Red C ro u . for Ihe tine o u tf it given to th le ehlp by the lied C ra ii w o rk e rs"

Tbo report o t,M ra. Heudder ehowed thnC 1*0 woolen arllclea had baen sh ip ­ped to the battleelilp New Je rsey d u r­ing th e peat week.

T he chap ter ha* received a le tte r from Andrew Ten Eyek, m anager nf the Jun­ior m am herehlp onrolroont o f the A t­lan tic d iv lilen , e ta tin g th a t a junior m em bership conference w ill be held nt the R obert T reat Hotel tom orrow a f te r- noon a l 4 o'cleck. Preparation* will be m ade to r a cam paign between F ebru- a iy I* and IS to enroll public, p riv a te and paroch ial schools

County and "elaco E**o* has eont a delegation of P u ritan* to (he ttou**" he would vote In accord "w ith the P u r i ta n s "

Most a t the b ills on the calendar yes­terday were of a m inor charaeler T h irty w rre acted on, two haleg d e ­feated and the e th e r tw enty-eight pasted. The defeated m easuree were th a t of Mr, Badgloy and one by Mr. H agam an of Ocean, County to give ti.o es to purchase m ore land for Ihe a ta te gam e (arm a t Forked Rlror.

R odartloa la Nam bcr o f M ilsAt the close of the soeilon Ite t night,

the lim it of lim e for Introducing gen ­e ra l b ills the to ta l had reached 4S«. lASt year the to ta l Introduced wae I ds for the en tire en e lo n ThU year the appropria tion bllla rem ain to be offered, end a few additional onea may coma In by unanim oua conaent, but the reduc­tion In any event la regarded as g ra ti­fy Ingly au b itan lla l.

D uring Ih* rem ainder of the ss iilen th* mam bere w ill ha able to concen- tr s t* on tho eonalderatlon of bills wlCh- oul h av tag to tak* up new onaa. Ma­jo r ity Lsadar P le rten ih inka th a t It may bo poatlbl* to b ring the naalon to a cloaa w ithin the n ea t three week*. There I* little doubt th a t alne die ed- journm enl will come by the end of F eb­ruary , unleaa aome am ergency should In le rv en s

*(*(( Cerrwpesdeact.TRENTON, Jan . I I .—Mr. M artu lll o(

Ksaea put In a hill In the tlouao y e s te r­day to au tho rise e iree l car com panlea to carry m erchandlle . «uch aa th a t " to r which lb* serv ice I t adapted ." It is designed to help tow ard th* tra n sp o r ls - tloii of goods ae f* r as ponalbl* du ring (he w ar congeitlon on the ratiroad*. The thought la th a t the tro lley com ­panies. especially those w hich operate between c ities end through coun try (llslrlct*. would be able to carry du ring th* n ight when there I* Utile or no p a s ­senger tra ff ic m any ton* of good*, th u s llghtenlhg th* burden on the ra ilroads.

R egulation of rata* and of achedulo# 1* placed In th* Public C lllity C om m li- *ion. T h a t body would be au thorised 10 clsaslfy m erihandl** from tim e to time.

Would Create Controller forCommission Governed Citie*

sintf reereepoedfnre,TRENTON. Jan. SI-—Among th* now

hill* Introduced In the Henal* yesterday was a aerie* of five as d rafted by Ih* Joint Judiciary com m ittee w hich Inveetl- Rsted the financial a ffa ir* of Je rsay r l ty . On* nieniure would c rea te the position of i lly contro ller, under civil service regulations, for commission gov­ernm ent cllle* rscep t those which have not yet adopted the provisions of th* civil service law

The o ther hills are repealeie. on* wiping out th e ' so-called "'one-ninth appropriation act w hich Jeraey City had, w ithout au tho rity , avcordliiu tu th* judiciary com m ittee reim rl, been operating under lo r many year*.

Motonaan Deniet MaatUughter In Death of Woman Hit by Car

Civil Pension System for Slate Employees Devised

Fiiheries and City Manager Bills Changed. Reported to AssenJaly

a rro a a te bava beaa comoXtled la A t- g a t l t C ity, b u t ha danled th* dpetor a N a rc a e a th* g reund th a t he conplved Ihiaia wMe-B going to tb* reso rt, know - ■g th a t tb * nrouM In a ll p reh ab im y k jet th a rb lla d a tp h lg m an thaaa.

AM*«a Mlgwa pSng Bgnt.' A la ta r chap ter h*d to d a w ith th* Oleged b l in e p la g by Mr*. W hite of Isr eon Lm U*. new e ig h t year* oM. '(MB tha h«i»* e f Dr. W W ta'a parenta, ■r. sa d M ra Jaoob V rblte, a t 111 Mam- Ildn a* *nua P a te raea , and h er reteit- Mn o f th* boy ever etne*.

S l a a ntor* reoent c h a p te r It we* al- M iged th a t Dr. W hit* left E ast O range an d d en ly , and th a t Hr*. M arlon R. E ly, i l l wMbw who lived w ith h e r tw o son* In ^ sB srtaM nt bcua* In H arriaen stree t. B hU gen* aw ay alaa, and th a t Dr. W hile W i4 Mra, E ly and the doeto r'a e lder son llie b o rt war* liv ing in O reenfletd, Haas. gt^M ra Ely had F ra n k J. t-aw ler of the

eaatle ld b ar ap pear (e r her. and Mr. iwlar p u t Dr, C harles W. B anka of (at O range on th e s ta n d and had him

ill th a t he had tre a ta d M ra Ely fo r ve or ala yeora fo r a ((orvoua b reak -

dkw n caWBod by h er u n rem ittin g care i f her husband d u rin g hi* lUneea of iabeut e ig h t years, . Dr. B anha fu rth e r 'n l d th a t In Octobier, I l l l , h* w as auc- Ibeeded by Dr. W hit* ae Mra. E ly a bhy ilclan . , ,i i

FoBowIng th* death a t the City H os­p ita l o f M ra Mabol Fbrd of t t l Bread ■ trset. 'w ho was struck by an E lisabeth ear a t B read and C ourt atroete. Decern- ber h i , W illiam Wain of *11 M agnolia av o p u a B lliabeth . m otorm an of the


diaff roernpoodraraTRENTON. Jan . 11.—Form ation of a

pension system fo r tm ployece ef Ih i e la te I t contained In a bill, Introduced yesterday by Aseerablyman Pierson. It would giv* present em ploytes Ihe right (o become a m ila tc d w ith the syetem, bu t a ll ihoaa employed a f te r passage would be required to comply w ith the provlalena The s ta le and the employees would conlrlbut* equally. Employee* could wotlre a t th a ago o t sla ty years and would be com pelled to do so a t th*

, age of aevonty.Th* fund would he m anaged by five

trust***—iw e named by the Governoc, tw o choton by the employees and th*

Mr. P ier-

.-lo/fTRENTON. Jan. II —O rcslly modiflcd

In form and subetance, a auhstitu le w tt reported to th e .tiiem b ly la s t n ight for the atst* lleherles bill -\* pro- sented by Ihe com m lllrc- Mr, Plcr-eon declarrd the hill w as a s tls fac to ry to both the I'ominlaeloti on High ofM ving and to the O tluns in tc rc ils . He eald It w as agreed upon nfl.-r the hearlnt! In Aabury I t r l i on Monday,

Th* city m anager hill wna alsu amended by the qomnilllei- prior to being reported. >fr. I'leraoii an il thc ■ubatanlial fc s lu rr* of the .•riqlnnl bill were no t afleclnl.

tro lley , w aa a rra igned befer* ------ . . . .M artin th is m orning on a ohang* of | f ifth •'T V * m aaa ltu g h te r . • •*« eaplalnad tim t iho blU w as dovlse-l

W ain 'en tered a plea o t not gu ilty ' on a avl«ntlflc plan figured on aand waa alated for tria l F ebruary 14. « T * u .t ld Ih*fopfl t il l or !• ♦ in n i* t« o , in#

Bridge-Tunnet Bills Amended; Final Vote in House Next Week




(Continued fram F irs t Page.)

lot Tamblyn RepufU Chap' ter Heads List of Those Out*

side of New York.


T h a t tb* N ew ark C hap te r o f the Red O e e a stand* in grad* on* and la the J^argest clly ch ap te r outside of New iT e rk City, la th* luform atlon contained ;la a le tte r from A lbert Tam blyn. d irec to r of th* ch ap te r developm ent of t ^ A tlantic DIvlelon, which wae read

I yattarday afternoon hy M ra M’a ln . ‘hvright Ripley, chairm an of th* pub­lic ity cem rolltee, a t a m eeting of the bgteutlv* com m ittee. The le tte r reads:

“At M rs Tam blyn’s request 1 sm *d- Itflalng you th a t th* N ew ark C hapte, 'MtlMw In our g rad* on*—the l a r m t « tfy ubApter Outtid* of New York Clly —-Wblob m eans not only larg e member- •k lR b u t excellent w ork In surg ica l RreeMngs and hospital garm enca

“t hep* Newark w ill m ain ta in 111 Rpeaent high eta tiding."

Raporta w ere aubm itted by Mra. M'. A lbert Benlater, chairm en a t th* aur- arleal drasainga com m ittee, ehowlng Mkat tS.tS* aarg lea l dreaeinge had baen made during the week ending yea. Racday. The num ber waa divided Antuag auallla rlea and churchea aa fo l­i a wa:

Cllnlen Hill au x ilia ry , 2,b»«: Cellu- ilald auallla ry , l.lT Ii F irs t P resbyte- Irlan Church. 3.MI*; F irs t M ethodist Jfptacopal Chureh, l .S lt : H igh Htreet i^ esb y te rian Chureh. S it: F ifth Avenue Preabytarlart i:hurch . i.SeS: Mi Pros

tu n itle i fo r r to rta tlo n to th a poorar people w ere limited. Th* bill w eald affo rd , he said, clean am uaem ents for thouaande In the parha under regu la- tione laid down by the County P ark Commleeton.

Gaasea A trsadp Allewsd.M ajority Leader Plereon m ade th a

f irs t a ttack , t te Inquired It gamaa w ere not now allowed In N ew ark on Sunday. Mr. Badgley, who la a M ont­c la ir man. understood they took place. Mr. Plereon then declared Ih* bill w as an a ttem p t to legalle* w het had been Illegal for hundreds of years.

Uri Cloaa called a tten tion to th* com- m erc lillaa llen of baseball on Sunday and BSid Ih* opening e f tb s park* to gantae would be only a step tow ard recognition o t th* commercial aspect e f th* m atte r. H* feared alee th a t If tha perm taaten waa given a s to th* p a rk a motloB picture coneerni would use It as a precedent fo r privllegee they would seek. Above all, he said, ha recognited Ihe commandment to observe th* Lord'* Day,

Mr. R taw art thought those who f re ­quent th* parks went there fo r q u ie t­ness. m enllonlna Incldenislly th a t golf wae played In W eequahic P ark on Sun­days. If baseball, football, tent(l* ami o ther garaea were perm itled (he preeent pa trons o t th e parks would be die- lurhad.

Kear wa* expressed by I>r. Yarrow

balance o f the reserve would be peld to the person dealgnalad to receive It. For dlM billly In perform ance of duty, the *(T(ploy*e would receive an annuity baaed on con tribu tions in addition to a pension of tw o-th irds of the compensa. Hon at th* tlm * of dlaablllty. For d isab ility e th e r than In perform ance ot duty, the employee woul^ receive an annuity on hla contribution* and one- fifth tb* com peniallon ha w as receiv­ing.

Th* e ta ie would bear th* cost of sd- m ln lstering th* fund. A ciuarlal eead- Juelinents of th* fund* would be made every five years. Th* coat to Ihe slate. It has been estim ated, would be 111.0*4 a t once fo r accrued liability , while the an nual appropriailon would be about |S4,4«4.

Moff f'nrccssoedewce.TRENTo N. Jen . I I .—Tb* b r ld j* and

tunnel bill* w ill come up for (Inal action in tho .taaem bly next week .411 thre* were reported to th* House Uel evening In the ju d ic iary com m it­tee w ith aniendm enti. but they were of a (nlnor c h a ra iie r .

(.'halrman IT-TOon sta ted th a t m> a lte ra tio n had been made to advance tho tim e for the levy o t Ihe eperlol tax *0 th a t conairucllon in ight be ev- pedlled. aa recummendod for th e J e r ­sey r iiy -N cw York tunnel.

Statf Police Advanced,Tumulty Opposes Bill

To B rsodea tc h a s l B oard 's ra w e r .tilaff Carrcxpoadcnfc.

TRE.NTO.V, Jan . S I— A bill Ivilro- duced In the Kenste by Mr. P ilgrim yesterday would perm it the N ew ark Hoard of E ducation to do w ork and purchaae m ateria ls costing ntore than IS44 In cases of em ergencies w ithout’ advertising . Th* em ergency r.-ould hsve to be explained In Ihe resolution a u th e r liin g such work

A'toff rsrrespeadraci.TRENTON, Jan . I I .—W ith the s ts le

constabu lary bill ready for action In the Aeeembly n ea t w eek, Joseph F. Tum­ulty . secre ta ry to Prealdenl W ilton, ha* expressed hie sn tagonlam to the en ac t­m ent o f euch legislation on principle, and reinforced It w ith the contenllon ih s t th is I* a bad Urn* to auggest a«th a co itly project. Th* views *f Hr. T um ulty w ere mad* know n In a la tter ha w ro te In answ er to one from Henry F. H llfera of New ark, sec re ta ry of th* S ta te Federation of Labor.

Th* bill w as reported and re a l a ■*<• ond lima In tha House las t avsning. so th a t It w ill be on Monday's calendar for (Inal action In th* chamber. Tne Judi­ciary com m ittee reported th* m eaturo unchanged. All week Assemblynian W ilson of Suaaes County has been w ork ing to g e t votes among his col­leagues. W hile supporters of tha m easu rt claim H Wlir he passed.opponents a r t equally certain Ih si It

th a t the bill would let down Ihe barn I w ill b* defeated.and roaull In a violalloii of the C hris- I In hla la t te r In Mr. Hllfers, Mr. tian Institu tion of Sunday. He declared I T um ulty s ta te d th a t Iw had taken the

p ec t aukillary , ! ,* !• : New York Avenii* fletorased Church, 411 NeighborhoodD enter of St. Thomae, 1.114: P ruden tia l kuktilary . I l l ; ProepocC S tre e t Preaby- (e rlan Church of Maplewood, l ( i ; Proa- aae t H il l■ auxiliary . M U : Roseville M ethedtet Eplacopal Church. 1.544: Bauth B apllal Church, S lI: Springfield waxHIary e f H lllburn , l .S i t ; Third n ae lR tle r lan Church, I t* : St. Stephen'* i# |a * * v a ) Church, t t ; W e ^ u a h l^ P re s -

ih* parks would b« Infected by "gangs th a t follow th* sports."

Mr. Rostock w ant to th s defrns* of (he hill end ssld the epeeches of th o ia opposed to the bill m ight have been made appropriately 154 years nr mora ago He referred to the fact th a t one cs.i now w alk Into a "sacred" concert In Newark, aa he peraonally had done, although he did not see much th a t w as "sacred " H* contrasted th* rerrea tloqa avsilgble (0 the wesRhy and th* poor end to ld th a t in hla youth he had w orked a* a mill boy and found hla recraaiton on Sunday, and th s bill would provide means o f clean recraa- tlon for youogitcr* of the preeent day.

.Agetaai >1 e a t lu B ta l Saaday.’5tr. H dgsr of Middlesex regarded the

tp lr ltu a l tide of mankind more Im­p o rtan t lhau the physical, to which Mr. Hoatork had referred.

Mr. Prudeii thought there w ere few person* of the present dsy who do not have tlm * for game* on the S atu rdsy half-holiday. II* ta ld It would bo toe bad If (he "C ontinental Sunday" waa recognised her*.

lit Mr. H obart's vlaw tha presen t w ar period would he a bad tim e to let down th* bar* and would b* only a firat move fo r fu rth e r openings. Thar* exist a t present, under th* labor laws, he said, am ple opportiinlly for gam es

VINOLimiKS i m

PoNtive—Convinciag Proofh i t sU T*ry w*U t» m ak t cigims,

but c tn tbiT be pravtn? W* pablith tb* (ormsls «f Viaol ta prove ths stattsHBU m m tks sbent i t

p Cod Liver sad Beefy* ye* as*, tree a ed *r M eegwiM P w leeslee , Iroe eed Am-

Q w t t , l iw i

Any doctor wiU lsII,*oa tb s t ibo ia^etllonts of Vinol as pubUahod som e, coablno tb* r t ty elentsfita nosded to mako ttr tii( th .

A n m t k , m a -4 o w n , ov erw o rk ed n e m o i m on a n d w o m tn dhit p rovo th is a t o u r e ^ g n a e .

I h t f e ia Botbins Uko IHroI to fo- and v ita litf to leebtoftofo gtrgiitA

o ld poopto. d o t t e d ck ild rg n an d a ll B sad BI nora atrantth.

liberty of sending a copy to Astern b lym tii A lexander Hlnipeoii. The le tte r of Mr. T um ulty vCai a t followt:

"I wa* glad te ge l your note ef the I4 th of Ja n u a ry w ith reference to the leg islation crea tin g a s ta le ronstabu- tary . I have n e t had an opportunity to exam ine th* hill, but I need not tell you (h a t I am opposed to th* fundam ents, pu rpete of It.

'I tried, wtall* a m em ber o t the .New Jeraey l-eg |ila tu rc , ta keep in riot* touch w ith public opinion in New .ter- e e j, and 1 am aur* th e re la no dentand to r leg itla llo n of (h la radical character.

"Even If ther* w ere a public demand for It a t th ia tim e, th* g r«at expense ef It ahould cause thos* Who favor it to heallta t* befer* onaottag It Into

IbyterlaB ^ a a e l i , I t l ; C lark T hread t w ithou t invading Hunday. He (*ar*d dTaOipahy, ‘ 1,110. and headquarlera ' th a t the next move would be to Icgalli*

If D uring tlM wadk l .a H hosp ita l g a r- bMnta w ere la h e n * « t s a d ITt wore m - itansad. laa lad lag IM plUowa and M« ^ | * v eaeas. M m H enry Young J r . iekalraaaa U th * heaglM i ganw eats eosa

T nr I t I f fOB a r t no t gntirely eat-Ufiad, m m n ir t ts m yoor taosep wldw l queatioo; th a t proves owr falfBWi and your protaetioa.

fMi«rnutcr. Job# H. fMior. Ll<> lUliYr t>rut At«r«fi, L. C,

Hq^njr, Mvnlt'i PhartDAnjr, DmC C*.,U. y, T#mpfl. T*rinln«l l>ruf At«r», CbM, WutnMli. A IH^I U«.. A. P*IriariulVTi PhErin«r1«4i. Ml* Prot*p*i r PbdrnidfT* Hcbrolbtr'd Drof tUr#, b«v1d ftmiiAOv P1r«fMn'a PKirmMjr, H« I9« Hafny. Otrar bclMlil. K. lAfaMla, Fiitd'a FharniAor. Lawlti Pbam ary. P. T. Catrl- C«n. Ws P. bruddar ai iba ba«i drug »t#r* In avarr fawn aM cUjr \n tiM voantry. —AdvarUMinani.

Electric Power and GasTq Public Service Electric Power Users:

As an emergency measure and to enable the company to meet the abnormal conditions due to the increased cost of laWr, fuel andall kinds of materials that enter into the production and distribution of electric power. Public Service Electric Company will, on Tuesday, February 5, at the state house, Trenton, make application to the State Board of Public ptility Commissioners for a readjustment of certain of its power ratw.

It is not the company’s intention to ask for any change in the base rate of ten cents per kilowatt hour for current, nor for any in­crease in the rates now charged for public lighting or for commercial or house lighting.

The rates which the state board will be asked to modify applystaila*only to such patrons of the company as have power circuit instal

tions and arc being served with current at less than the ten cent rate.

Public Service Eiectric Company

To Public Service)Das Consumers:As an emergency measure and to enable the company to meet

the abnormal conditions due to the increased cost of labor, coal and all other materials that enter into the manufacture and distribution of gas, Public Service Gas Company will, on Tuesday, February 5, at the state house, Trenton, make application to the State Board of Public Utility Q)mmissioncr$ for permission to collect a readiness to serve charge of twenty-five cents per month from each of its cus­tomers.

It is not the company’s intention to ask for any increase In the rate of ninety cents per thousand cubic feet now charged for gas consumed.

Public Service Gas Company

Important Fact* About Your Income Tax:Many wa(c etrnera do not realiie thii the Inconie Tax appUca lo theni.All tingle peraona earning $1,000 or more muat file a aiatemeni.All m a r r^ persona earning $2,000 or more must file a sialement.The word “Income” includes wsks, salaries and Income derived from invesimenis. For

paiticuiara call at Mr. Duffj's office, Kinney Building.


• >1 m f

6 9 3 - 6 9 6 B r o a d S t r e e tO p p . P u b U c S w r v ic w T w r m l n » l

Extreme Reductions-Tim ely Event!

Choice o f

286 Smart Winter SuitsIncluding Every Fur-Trimmed or Tailored Winter Suit in the House

Sizes for Women and

MissesTake Your Choice

Absolutely No Reserve

Every Suit Included

Not a single garment to be carried over from one season to the next! Therefore these tremendous price-conccssioi^. Many of these suits, especially the plain tailored models, lire utarly adaptable for spring wear.


Choose from Splendid Suits at Enormous Concessions!

20.00 Suits now 10.00 2Se00 Suits now 12,50 29.75 Suits now 14,8835.00 Suit* now 17,50

39*SChSuiti now 19.7545.00 Suit* now 22,Sd50.00 Suit* now 25-0065.00 Suit* now 32,50

o ionw from betutiful modeta of Broidcloth, Wool Velour, Serge, Gabtrdinc, Velvet, S j C / n T B u J e l U M «y ere trimmed with HudMO Seal, N u tA , Kit Coney. K enm i;while othert *re plain tailored and may be worn for spring.

TUfd neat


Two Trainloadi peeled to i



aWHb Thle Ma«*< ('e ,* v * l Mb m J

r tu 4 ( nmAA !• r l t f S,

Two solid trsl ria l and coal a CbUago lo the Boat rorporaiion shipment ts utuli la sapectad to ai of n a it w««k T slffNmsnt, part ol baen Uad up by will maan an caUon at the lo>c

tnlalM iance ra m ant cama to c Wof4an yrsterda M ualltr. traffic marine Cumpsny to aaalil J. V. Railroad irirteto tUa movatnant «. ahip yards. Tha roraived th a t mU iNawark would b a* posalibta, not tha la tte r part

'T ha fuiura l< aalchanad opera ram arkifl Mr, "All that ia n« work is tha ma ordarad for mon haa been on the thia m aierlal coi raady io runh Thara will bs r cangastlon a t II fast aa It ta r llverad althar ti and either plai dlataly or mad facilities at-c i various operatl will be fontlrnjd


mads a t the ti den mentionti baen laid ibis able flooring olhar throe I waa formally axplalned tin been recelvat but that It w as fa il as ii -Tka burnlit

dan said* w<9t<la the ship waa prlntarll Jtiant of tha | e sevaral i io ttom la pti Bte mean tir 4a<'aSMry ra

It Is ex| b ill Work wll dsry lumbar ^ e n ordarad m a corepany at t 340.son; I tall upon th* Oia ftuhitiaMn datarmlnad.

Comnieiitln fir** Mr. W • nd ,plaaeui m orali of hii waa not an among the I that nil wen tion of tha

te< Mr W< Wiarine off Tl Bslilnato an livalgh problem ai the expeiii If he wa tlgatlori t>3 ir lt le e of 'and eacesi ^laland pla tlonsl Trirl lierevt wai did not th spon tn gi (he e ffk i Ills n I.

lleporiA geem lo ' at Ihe Ih dared tha out regar lahof inu port) wa#Jft actuul

ia t the I H dlfflrul tranuporl

t'hatrm i Stales tif iianair^r CorporatN a d ean \ dlllons ui cant Insps

Building Col' ‘ ShipF


Denude Istio m srlne Rost n o rk ers tor re rd i. ohsrncl ager R. L. Wc is on ir Inter money h* cm ■•ration by D th* atenm fl worker* a t ' atrencly pro entered tb* v .pot* touchei m i ot tb* R'

Plan* were e f p re tee t a ,

‘ ed* ot h irint eh«rt*e kt«vrlth a ire e m i ■ok and Sntn Ih* Ameriemi detnonet ratio tho apprevni form o t a pi Birthday. D woakx hone*.

“All wo B«: J. *n i rewielL ‘ le p tk y A* *■ ' la ■evanmi* •Md* by Ih* deal w Hw h oept (he ell unlea eMl* < If th* Pedei c u t de-lt, ni ceatnuttore, d* It. tee,”

Ceneerntni workera, wh Mhy T te rn , •b o u t Mmu wee • t t r ih a the u u n e ll cMBpany wa Ici tbrM B b I ampmnnmM -Superln tei

Senate Favon THifd Couirty Judge, Balk* on Ptlgrun's Ban^ Meature

staff CefTWpeedenc*. -TRENTON. j*D. I I .—Senator Fll-

srlm 'e b il l 'r re e tl t iR n third Ceinmon Plea* judpoehtp Pek both Eeoex and Iludaon eountleo we* p u **d In t h , Son­e t* y re te rd ey aftom oen a* a part' o t •

IN CKANCSRY OF NSW JKIteiST—Te Catherina O rcii. John iMuinir. Bridiel

thioii.r, hie wit*. Nannie Dooni-r isictev Mery (lelsrteD, her unknown heir*, drvleeea and penenet*eentallv.*. Meeearet Doentr Tl*h*. »lr. Tlihe. hueb*nd of Me-- ■*r*l Dnoner T lih .. her unknown heir*, d#-

Itoea and pereonai r e p r e a e n ta t l'F r a n ilt ■ enka ■--------- - —

tn)B laade I'L ijgnssL__

Ih* taw* *r M*iite'»lT..r*uBt»

LEGAL NO IK ISA ty p le y s ri. . ^ya«

j cesnelL egij

T.M>onsT, hise*i__

.Tsmes Gresii)

_ _ ^gown hslrs, devisees sod p tr ■onsi rtwrsetfiLfttlvss. FrBBCls Urssn (sett ef .laniM are**) M d Mr*. FtMcte Oreen, Me unknewB heirs, devleen *nd ponoeal repre-■entail***: deoiw* av^eo (ie*^ of Jamee Orooa), on* Mra. Oeorii Ore**, hla unknownhelra. i.vl**e< and m rioiitl r*>r**ent*tjvae; Joseph Oreen <*** of lain

Sunday labor,Xtr. Wilson of Suaaox oppotod the bill

hoexuae h e ' feared th* Itifluenr* tb* bill, while ap p ly tn , only In Baeex County, would havo In o thar pert* of th e etat* . H* th p ash t th a t. It th* MU w*r*. made n tew, Sundey bnaeball

«MUtS ,r*( Sfililf (th* ' work, but W , lte tr , W V S i M U te r s e r qtter-

y , iSM d y o se h te .» B t*»t m n ,.

v o f o f U i t h a t tb ro u sh M m ' R e u r 4teem b«n t h , ttediM f s * , -

•lilS ffwftet/ *^’ th e V a rtk ... I M o r p it i bbridi i l d eM trtbm tdd th irty -e ix bedm irth, rtve

. t h r miWelv* dedfbU

iH ls U i , e b l i th atnetedu

I v tX W S R

y*M*.In. liddltlen ,te th* o lh e r reaapn*

effered , Mr. A bbett ^oUreKl hi* wiehed to *•* th * ' p » h e m a ln u ik ed (o r :IHb purpooe (or Which ib d r w ere d e n ie d , (e r en iey tn tn t by. m e , «nd exemen, nli opportenU y which would be s r rn t ly leatened uader the kill, (o r “ite " !* of rew dloF ' would U b * ap apeoe new uttlU od by m en hnd w o«*n. >- *

Ih thee* 'Mdritelled' Phrla tten p * « |f , w h , deny t e ether* m* , m ot etifeytedsb ........ hhite. « i Sm dfty.- Mr- .BtetKiMur.

T .-


That it. ir«n is tji dtsentltl cm- etitotst of purs, Iwslthy blood.

PtplIfOR, Ibo sow Iron ionic, com

___ ________ ____ lame* Oreoal and Mr*.Jeeaph Oreea, John Kirreil *ad Mr*. Jeha Farrell, hie uaknewn hetri. davlseei andtereonel r.preaentBtlvt*. Uarcarst arseh levlae and Mr, Devine, busbend e t Haraerel

lireen Devine, her enknown helm, devisees and pertonal reprasentailves: Mary Oreen Reilly nnd Mr. Nellly. husband et> Mary Ureen neiliy, he* -nnkiiewB k t ln . devleeae and nereonal mpeeaentatlvea; Rtlle (.reen

'aliy and Mr. HcNelty, husband et fnile

Mary Oabriell. yeernakw 'vn Deeaer (dfitw " « r ^upruMBIaltveJ;

helm, deeteeee JjietekFarreU.

H T T eha FalrenldaT- *i* m ^ p a f tM * d*. fendaale becew. .'on have , rw ht *( certaey R m aS. JT S S :. ;tV*r„W W d. in the .b a r . , of wklek ym r r e t e e c ^ wtvea are

^ ‘^ ^ “ “ ( ^ ^ aISI& f . m tlo

a«d hr vMn* ih kev* taai* Tatep

. . . . . . . MTLOO. ( t th t l ) - Belletter for CompteUtMt,* t i l f * » d etreet. Newark. M. J.**

tha p rop* , a n d dloohSM e l m e ( tb reeted , t hi h*U -d*M , 1 tm te r in t ."

‘ ■ b* O

HeNaTi/ and Mr, HeNeUy, husband et ■ Crew M< Nelly, har.nnknowa haira, devb

btnM popiis, iron, nnx, nltry sbd ............................ " ...... tlMt

and aerewel repraaenlailv.s: Franeli (Jreeh - - Mary O r*n l, aod Mr*. FraOrik

otbor. blood tsd steiiuGh toiileo phySicliiu proocribo

o ' wooltrfBl eometivi of

(ae* *( Mary Or**al, and Mr*. Praeelk 4 r M . Ids wife, hi* nnknewn heir*, dn i eem ih d peeesaai repnwBlMlvH: l iw n e l^ r e te TSSo f t Francis Oretal, aad Hiw FranlB Oeeta, Oeerie Oreen (sea ot F raM * Oentel,

M Ju n ta Oreen), rear unwwnu.

Osort# i n . Ossffs

•MBlIS, poltnost, 1tS| iwM—whctbor caioed worrioo—ovoMioo

itssiMr, ood w boi of ults 01

oontow* 'bbO Hr. Oreen,'iT O r -------------

a Otbor o nblood-dsplotlBf

doliit 00 b n o i hprfn to motiy poopio Is it now-Hit ■■)( other conio. Popt-doliit to' hnA hprOi to motiy poopio I s i t now -H it ■■)( o th e r com e. Pept- iro o wHI 'to e t t f o (be iron itTonglb

a p ^ ii ftlrsuM sf sn i e-ev. ____ - -_______' her ■ hniband: ueeree Oreen (**• ot Oeer, ® ■ w j and Jekn rialeaeyi . .

r(rwe ot a* erdar *( th* .Ceurl o l tootjf *( New .Jersey, m.ade en the dap

Ih s t yon ty M ^ ta v o for choorfol por-rerntenos.4„,__________ _ - - ............. ,

Popdron lo In ooopoi loiH iHI tom ,--------------

ratlfct t l M « f t Mjltlb OS


■* .■ ■ - . , N ss t wm

ttePorsdr' $IB.' K «« '« '

Page 5: German Strike Spreading With 700,000 Now Idle in Berlin, London ...





. 7 5

. 5 d

.00L 5 0Velvet,'

(eram i;

IM in M li .n i . II . 1 ^ .

E V B SrSG MEWB. fH T O iP A Y . JANUABY 8 t 1W&

omiH*« • 99 W99f Hotel l« MUte te «oM ■on<*t.


Mm . l ^ o r l T l i J. <

» fO«M WMWI n M Mte f«« 999 99i te esow, pN IM Ml OCmM oc._

MU k» «*tW* M « w

ayiiAwa* j p W iCTt


Two Trainloadi fron Chicago Ex­pected to Arrive by Fint

of Week.


•■Wltb TM* MBHitel C>alBa W t t « e M l M u a e w W a rera « t fa

b « * u k r iM « , R « M r . •NaMi W arti-—.M a B -B ta H a n P rl- •rl< r l a d * . OrBtra f ra a i U In c ta r M rA ia*

M««Mi te ae iw am e e ^ f l lM ef«r aeailttMM tt.kata ta Um lA a rte «b«aWi a o Wb« w M M Bte l« tbaaMpalan a r . antae to MmmBnteaia with tM taeat aMMmltt.* !■ chan# a t tiM Bkia at tba kaaha •»< thajr win M •MliaW ta a aartala tartUory ta iril (ha boaha


fColUlruM from Flrot Po(«.>

Two Aolid trftin loodi o f sh ip m *ti- rU t ftnd cowl a r t on tbn W 9f front CbU'4§* Mlnnt of tb# 8ul>iY)Rrln4Bojit ro rporalton n t P o rt N ew nrb. Tbo oblpmont to utidor p rio rity o rd o ri ond l4 lApeclod to Arrive here by the flre t of tie it week The receip t of th i i con- elfHnient, pun of 1,000 cere which be«e been lied up bjr the fre ig h t coiigeetlon* will meen an eerly boom In ih lp fubrl- (ihllon At the lihcel yerde,

InlilHience regerdliig the ruib ihlp* ment cAine lo UeiierAl MenAg^r B. I* Worden yrgterday Afternoon from W. C. Mueller. trAfflo mAiiucer of the Hiiba mArlnt Cutnpetty, who hei been AABigned to Aulii j. K. lloldeot Appointed by RellroAd f'lrector MoAdoo. to expedite the roovement of niAlerlal to MAxiern ehip yards. The liifornii^ion wag also received ih it other lolid trAlnloAils for Newark would be dispatched a t Quickly At possible, uoiabiy one front Buffalo the latter part of thla week.

'T he fu tu re looks very b rig h t fo r a aalcheaed operation a t P o rt Newark," remarked Mr, W orden th la m orning. "All th a t It needed to ipeed up the work 1e the rtia ierlal, w hich has been ordered for m onthe and tom e of which hae been on the way fur weeka. W ith thla m aterial com ing lit stead ily we ate ready ig rush th e fab rica tion work- There will be no delay o r fre ig h t car congestion a t the sh ip yard. Almost as fast as It la received u will be de­livered e ither to tile w ays or the shops and either plsi*ed in poeltlon linme* dlately or made ready fo r use. Our facilities a te so lom ple ted lh a t the various operations w ill be rapid and will be rontinued w ithou t a hitch- '

P w l h K e*l U Lwlg.Indicating th a t progrcan is being

made a t the tjubm arlne plani. Mr. W or­den mentioned th a t a fou rth keel haJ been laid th is week and th a t cotislder- able flooring had been riveted to the other throe keela the f irs t of whU-h was formally laid r>ec«mber 50. He explained that a little m ateria] had been received du ring the paat week but th a t It was being used practJcally as fast as It reached th e yard.-Tke burnlag of the dock. Mr W'or-

dfrf said, would not m a te ria lly Im­pede the ship building T h is struc lu re waa prim arily p lanned for the equip- flient of the launched ab lp a It will | e several m onths before the flrat bottom ig put Into the w ater, and In |he mean tim e It Is r e f ta ln th a t *.he deceMary repair* will be made. In bict, It Is expecleil th a t a ..I'ontract for 0)ls work will be le t today. The nerev- Airy lumber and tn a ie ria l have already been ordered. Mr W orden estim ates tea company'e dam age froin the fire at IStO.aoH; hut w h eth er the lose will tall upon the governm ent, the city nr the flubitiarlne C orporation has not been determined.

Commentlns on one aspect of the fire. Mr. W orden expresaed surprise end ^pleasure over the prevailing morale of his em ployees Ke eaid there was not an InstHnce <»f Indifference annung the thousands of w 'orkars and that all were open In th e ir condem na­tion of the Huspected Inoendlarliin .

t*olag !• WaabiBglew- Mr. W'ordeo and several other Sub- TTiarhis offirlii's are planning to go t>> Wsshlngton next week In order lo get sn Insight into the iranepurialion problem and other mattera concerning the expediting of Shlpbufldlng. Aak^d If he was Intareatfd In tlw Ipvex- tlgatlori by the tAcnate cowNnerca com- ■giltlee of the chirges of Inefflclemy 'and excesalve expenditures at the Hog island plant of the American Interna­tional rnrporallon, he aaiil that his In- fercst w'4s onl>' tiasalve and that he did not think that he would he called epon tn give romparallve testimony of the efficient oper^itlon of the local lllSTlI.

lleporiA from Wahhlnjgtoti would |cem lo dlscloae s ia rtU h g condltlooe at the Hog ta lked ^yarda. It is de- dlarert th a t m ateaial wa* ordered w ith ­out regard to im m ediate needs, tha t labor m um herlng l€.hhd men la a re­port) was engaged In such q u an title i

as actually to h inder th e w ork and 1s t the Isolation o f th e location made M difficult to house w orkm en and

transport supplies prom ptly.t'ha lrm sn H urley of the rn lte d

States Shipping B oard and Oenfrnl lianAger P le i o f the E m ergency Fleet Corporation gave th e Hubmarine plant s clean bill of< h ea lth reg ard in g eon- dlllons upon tl|e occasion of th e lf re ­cent Ifiipection tr ip to P o rt Newark.

must live up ta the alogari th a t *New« a rk Knawe How.* O ara ta iha prtnci* pal city of Naw Jersey^ and bacausa the governm ent, th ro u g h the Kacre* tary of W ar and the S ecre tary of the Navy, by th e ir commlMlon on tra in ing camp activ ltlee have au tho rised th* Kntghta a t Colum bus w ar cam p w ork, ws In Newark a re expeoted to do our ■hare-

•*’Everybody 'Welcom*’ Is ihe slga above the door Vf ovor ssven iy -five K- of C- buildings and clubs a t the dlf* fersni camps. The sign m eans w hat It says: no racs, creed or color b ars the soldier boy tb e ro —Htvtnrbody Is w el­come- WIiat is home ta you* Why? The place of all p laces, for there li your family, your friends, your papert o r books, your gam es o r muatc-

Order Mss kpeat fg.M l.aM ."W hat about the boy w ho w ent aw^y

to keep our flag and co u n try aafe? He In there to fight fo r us, lan 't he? And he ga^* Itis borne to do it. th u a It is up to aomehody to aoa th a t some boms cem forts are given to the so ld iers and sailors a t th* cam ps and clubs, both hers and abroad, and to th is th e T. A1 C. A. and iho K. of C. have done and are doing w onderful work.

"The K nigh ts o f Colum bus hava spent of their own funds ll.6*P,00d In bu ild ­ing. equipping and m ain ta in in g over ssvsnly-flve bu ild ings fo r th is purpose and the sign above the door la 'Bverv-^ bedy W'tlcome.’ O ur arm y and navy have officially bid the K- of C. to ex­tend their w ork here and abroad, henoo th is calL

"In reverie, from your fireside, le t your mind go out to the boy* who a re «wn>' »nd p ic tu re If (hey could have p a rti of the com forts of home, w hat It would mean to tham.

"There a re over l.OOO business houase In Newark who. up to tho praeent time, have hot con tribu ted to th is fund. It is impotslbl* to reach all Of them by personal visit, and w a tru s t th a t a fter reading th is a r tic le they w ill im ­mediately show th e tr p a trio tism by either sending In a chock or money to iho headquarters, 7Tt Broad street.

"W’e desire to ta k e th la opportunity of thank ing all th e business houses stores and m siiu fac tu rln r p lants, and

who have con


CouMel to Confer with ComptoY Ml Boud’i Deciuoo Afhnninf

$5,194.S78 Additioo.


A w n aiB f.( *1 M nB lI * t WOTh•* ttM** ••

PMpHtr .• LtsHwln C!«-,MnHM AtflTB*!—AMMtMU rUcI*■uttalat CMWMr WIM M u llM .

t in * « •« •« •* M l M laU lB «M*(icM t O-M M tM M 4 It • l*re*

p a n of u i tn c '.n * !• •(•M o n ir u k o a BW,y to B«]r (BIM , t h t N n l t l WlU M mar. mMom tta a t Mr* I* *Ul*. r* m f (•■Hn**M.pit fer 0*m *iM ».

T h . * l.c trlo c*4Bp**r p r .M a ( U1 MB n t M tl.'

b* o .nrludM , ‘t o l ( t m onureotvror*timiMinc po«*r wb*a <

-111 <- preboblltljr b .t . k w to th* S toU B o .rd of T a i . t lo n bjr tb* P ublic B*rvlc* EU elH e Com poor from tb* docUlon of t h . (^ u n ly T » i Boord. r**ob*d y«*l*rd»lf * f l .r noon, •* •nnouneod In n l . t . r .d lllo n of t h . N .w n n ffir tn ln c t h . ]u * tl.« of i h . board'* addition of fS.lM.S7* ** to tho a*a*»m *nt* ag a ln a t th* p rogarty of th* company In alftatMD munlct- palltlaa of th* co u n ir.

"I luppo*. It w ill,” **ld P ra n k Bar- (*n , counH l for th * P ublic 8*r*lc*. wh*n M ktd thi* m orn ing It th* a p ­peal would b* taken . Hr. B*rg*n **ld th a t b« had not heard of th* U* board'* drclilon and would tak e It up w ith tb* company. More th an | 100,000 I* added to th* tax b ill of th* com­pany by Ih* Increaeae w hich Ih* da- clalon affirm*.

Aaseeamanl* m a d . by Ih - local aa- • taao ri In tb* tw en ty niunlclpalltle* of tk* county lo which th* elec tric eye- tem reach** w*r* ralaed by the county bM rd on th* b a d e o f an appralaal aub- m ittad to lb* Public I 'tllllle* Commie- ■Ion by Jackaon a Jackaon , expert ap- p ra iie ra when the commloelon waa con- elderlng a reduction In ih* electric company * rate*. Two of lb* tncr*a**». tho** mad* In C*1dw*U and W eet C ald­well. wer* not iiu e tllo iitd by the com­pany. but thoe* In th* o th e r « lg h l« n communltl** all w ere nppoacd In full.

W hen Ih* ip p -a l wae heard Ja nuary IS, U. C. Ja .'h ion of the nppralalng firm tc iilfled th a t properly of the com­pany vitued a t more than 11,0110,0*0 wa* not Included In th* appra laa l which Iha Tax Board had conaldared In add­ing to the aateeamenta.

Pr*a«nting in* arg u m en t of the com, , pany on* weeK la te r. P ra n k Bergen

Iho people of N ew ark, who have con- | j^ r tho Puhtlo Service, con■ ' *’--- ------ WS I a a , . 1.,-

wb* are engaged In p erfo rm ing oon- traet* for m unltlanB mmI m ilita ry Ma­larial r*uulr*d by th# goyaram anl. Tb* cempany *1*0 ittppll** p o w tr d iraa t to the govornm ent a t th# P o rt N aw ark ahlpbuUdlng p lan t, and alaaw htr* In (ho •U l*. Th* 8*cr*t*rt#* *f W ar and th* Nbvy h tv * a l r ta d y f*U conatralned to commandeer p a r t o f tb* pow ar of Iho company and tb o lr ordoro m in t, of uour*«, b* prom ptly oboyod-

"Thl* li » c*** In w hich ‘**lH»popuH ■upr*ma lax **1'—the w elfare of th* public I* th* »upr*m* law. T hat m axim ie abundant a u th o r ity fo r th* d*cl*l*n which thi* board *hould render."

Among o ther decliton* reached by lb* Tax Board y*»l*rday wa* on* a ffirm ­ing th* eeeeaament ag a ln a t th* h*tl of Ihe W orkmen * In itllu t* . a t !I-M » r - clay itr**t. Appeal fo r •xem pllon from Ih* M,SS<1 a*»*«*m*nt wa* *nt*r*d on uie ground th a t th* bu ild ing t* ui*d for Ih* m o ra l phyelcal and In ielU ctual up lift of th* 1,100 num ber* of tb* r if- lean fcranchee of th* W orbm en'* C ir­cle. which own* It.

An a***»»ment afllrm od wa* OB* of 110,000 agatnet I he l.*xtngton Motor* Corporation of New York, w hich w aa ■ppaaled on the ground th a t lb* au to- mobile* aaaee.ed w hll* Ih N*w*rk were houae* wer* ac tu a lly In tran e lt from Indiana to New Y ork, and, being In tiil* rita l* commerce^ not taxable. Th* board held lh a t th* m achine* w*r* held her* Indaftn lie ly and Ib a l N»w»rk wae actually th e ir lnt*nd*d d e ttln a - lion, although they w *re •ub**qu*ntly run lo New York on Ih—Ir own power. Th* ],* ilnglon co rpora llon becam e In- oolvont in December and wae rcorgan- lied.

Iteductlon from ItO.lOO lo SIS.OO* wa* granted Ih* A m erlian Chicle H efining Company In Ih* aeeeeam eni ag a ln a t It* pl»ni, form erly th a t of Ih* Itlvereld* Company, In H lvarild* av e ­nue Th* ellow ani* wae mad* In the veliiatlon o f the hulWInge. w hich wa* lowered from IfO.eo* to tlS.SOO. Th* land I* a*t*a**d at IlS.tOO

Five Fire Alsrms Late Yeitenky Follow Lull of Morning Hour*

Pollowing y e il- rd a y m orning'* lull In fire report* c»m* five alarm * let* yceterdey afternoon end la .t n igh t In almoet hourly *ucc***lon. Tho report followe: J : i P M. bonfire In c*Mar a t


Jcnkuuon Allowt Ttventjr-Five- Cent inemte a Ton on Do-

mertk Size*.


jaah la a a a D*rlae«a p liM a t a All lit a ea a t Baalaea* W ill B*' t a I tThey Attrata* t* W'aiHi O oeettaw t a H ake I p fa t ■*■** Laa* *■ Ctaaed Day* O rdend by OarOaM .

trihgted to th is w orthy esuss. snd ^ i t ru it by H siurdsy i zmtvu ui in«Tvachsd ths am ount ’ l th« Fsdersl ro n slliu tlo n . In th s t 11 dsv^snd N sw srk w ill no t fall nlvd tb« comiYsny equ^i pro tscilon uft

lit hov* I rhal ths s s s r ism sn t w ss * vio-‘ Istlsn of ihs K ourissM h Am sndrnsnt to

ItStsil rosi msn of E sssx C ounty w ill bs gltowsd to Hksrgs tw o n ty -flv * esn ts mors s ton for cokl In ton lo ts snd ovsr s f ts r lontorrow. T h is com prom iss pries w si fixsd todsy by B ts ts VSisI Ad- m ln lttrs to r Jtn iilnson . And cu U down ths dsairsd in e rssss t by f lfto sn oon tt s ton. d t i l s r i Asking thAt th sy bs Allowsd to c h irg s forty ts n is a ton sddUUnAl sftSF tomorrow.

Nothing Is ssld About th s so-CAllod fAOtory tlsss Ahd dssIsrA Avs In s quAndsry s i to lu st w h s t th s l r fu tu rs gfltlon will bs. O ns p ro m in en t rs- tAllsr Slid th is A ftsrnoon th a t h s ox* pselsd All dsAlsrs In th s c ity wqsjld e o n c tn m ts on thd d s llv s ry of do- n ss tlc i l l s eosl. Is ttln g the fACtoty ■ItSi Us Idls tn th s wholASAls p ocksts rAthsr thsn esrt It s t Ih r p rss sn t priess.

Robsrtson K. W srd. chA lrm sn of ths Bsssx County fuel sdm ln lstrA tion , w as formally notified th is a f ts rn o o n by Mr. Jsnklnson ih st ths hsw pricss would bscoms effsctlvs tom orrow . Thsy will bs SI follows B reksn an d sg g sissa M-19 a ton; chsetnut sn d sluvs slsss, 91.l i • ton; psu sits , li.lG a ton.

Ovsrtlai* W ork N«t P avorsd - Tn ordsr th s t b iisinsss m sti and o lh srs

should not rem ain In d oub t as to doing ovsrtirns work In n n lsr to m ak s up for time lost during ih s f iv s-d ay shut* dijwn period an d o n th s "W 'orklssa Mon* days." Mr. Jsnk lnson jh ia mornlDg mads II plain th a t suoh o v srtirn s w ork Is not i^ountsnAni.'sd by th s fusl admin* latraiion, aa It Is voristrusd to b s s dl* r s r t \lo l4 tlon uf ih s O arfis id ru ling . ManuUi tu r lh f conesrna a r s no t singled oul by Mr. Jsnklnson, b u t h s m ads it pistn that Ills opinion rn v s r s com m sr- r is l and Industrial o rg an laa tlo n s as

m New York avenue, house unoccu- *Vle asW th is m orning i h i t an y rep o rts pled, dam age a ligh t; 4 ; lf F M . caused | ^nmlog lo him of any f irm s or o rgan l-

sailona of any n a tu rs w ho w ere w'ork- I n thslr forces ovsriim s In e f fo r ts to make up for lost time w ould be rc

WIUMbt M-«gM»ttM g*w. tkar Nta«MiMt b* Mtrgriag* l» tIM (bataMlYM atth* bottom of tb* pTloriiy )l*t l« tb* t a -

Negro Accuied in Sixdi Street KiHing to Get Heariof Sitofday

An a u m ln a tla n erill b* hat* (« tb a g*cond Precinct P*ll<* C ourt Saturday m orning Into tho chargo of m urder proforrod yeattrday agalnat 8 amu*l Cook, ealared, by C aptain C affrey of Ihe P Itth I’reeinct. Cook I* *ald tn havo contaaaod to Ih - m urder a t Kd- w ar* Bmith. colored, W -dnviday Bight In a Sgkt In North Sixth ilre e t.

Two other m -h who wer* a t Ih - *c*n* of Ihe m urdar and four womeu hear* ara lg n rd thi* m orning bofor.- Judg* irA lo la In Ih - d-cond r r e d n e t C ourt a* m at-ria l wltnea***. R ohi'it fk h u y ltr and R ob-rt Kdwarda. catorr.l, wer* placed under t i ,0** ball each. K llta and Nancy Cook and Mra. All. * Ihnitb. a lt colored, wer* plac-d undrr l»M ball AS matsHAl wUrtsssrs. and Mrs. Msmoils Heddsn w as psrolsd.

Bchuylsr snd Rdw ards wtl) bs ar- ra iensd tomorrow m orning In th s hsv- ond Prsvioct Court on chArgss o f ro b ­bery. T hs pAllcs hAVS bssn looking for th s is two men for ssv sra l m onths Irt eonnsH lon w ith th s five sucosaalve robbsriss o f Iks Phoenix Lock W orks. Third Avsnus Ahd Fourth s lrss ts . Fa- trolm sn O’Neill And H lblsr of the F irt^ Prselnct hAd trAllsd the msn lo Ihelr rsndssvoAS In KdUon stree t. lUoom- dsld. A Short tim e Ago And hsd sui - csodsd In A rresting PIsASant Robinson, ano ther m ao allsgH i to have bssn con- hsetsd w ith th s rubbnry.


y« Im Hi ESnui m bwl I.

Your T o o th Outwith leee pain than you avtr IhuUghI poaelbl*.H on't pay m* unl-a* wall pie****,

M-dM** leieBt—H-dlcal (r**t. m rn l precede* evtual work.

SnW ^rti’GiUCrtsssTS1EETIl9w'lFiBa|i50c.9l9Dr. McBride’s

Local** tar I* Y*«ta • • ■am* Ipat

173 Market SIlloo ra i • ta A Up-* Taeadapi

Yburaday aa* ft*tar**y **-* l*^ ■ Bill U *'rl—b.

We Hire Ht Eatnicc n Sl

Building Council Denounces‘ Ship PUnt'* Hiring Method*

D-Tiiiiiclaltorrof method* of Ihe 8uh- marlne Root Corporation In employing worker* for Ha Port Nawark ihlp yard*, charactorlaatloil of Oanarxl Man­ager II. L. Worden a* "a Canadan, who I* only Intoroated In hi* Job.for (bo money h* can get oot of It," and *#«. laratlon by Datagal* Fr*d Bcboll Jr. of th* Iteain flttors that he knew four worker! at th# plant who had been atrangly pro-Q*rmai( before Amarlca anterad tba war. war* among Ih* high gpoti touched la*t night at th* matt­ing of th* Building Trad** CouncU.

Plan* w*T* made for a demonxratlon • f pretaat agalnit the company'* m*(h- oda of hiring men. which the council ebargei are unfair and not tn accord erith agreement between Prealdent WIN ■en and 8amu*l Oomper*. pr**td*nt of Ihe American Paderatlon of Labor. Th* demonatratton. If th* plan meet* with th* approval of th* loeala will tak* th* form of a perad* to b* bold Lincoln'* Birthday. Declelon will b* made tw* week* heneg.

"Atl w* aak,” Mid Fr**td*nt William J. Lym a *gplalnlng (h* attitud* of th* coimeU. "I* that th* Bnbmariti* e*m- paay d* a* all other ooneern* engaged la gereriiibant work her* ar* doing— abtd* by Ui* agrMinant b*lw*«n Preil- d*nt Wtlfon and Hr.' anmiMr* and ac- e*pt ih i elo**d Phop oondltton* and nnloa peal* of wagon that prooall bora If th* Podoral Ship Bolldlng Combany can d*-IL and IfcHnrray Brothera th* ooatrnctor*. and th* eth«ra they can do IL tao,**

CeneoTftlng th* mathod* of hiring workera whieh war* crltkitaad by Tlm- •tbr Ttaraan, to wh*m th* r*marh about Hanagar Word**'* ant*c*d*nt* waa gttribnied, Fr**ld*nt LgoM-tald lb* oounall woald bo-oBtlaftad If th* company would ongag* all It* mechan­ic* through th* r*d*rul-Btat*-Munielp*l ■mpl*ym**t Boroa*.- Sup*rint*nd*nt .Virgil K. Brown of th* Aty ptaygrwund* wa* oritlclMd hr ih*

1 cAonoil. 19 M1 want on rocord ogalu t th* grop«**d cl**lng of th* groiM * -and dtoehntg* *f •mployoea Th* «ritl- CHW «t th* *lip*Tlnt*iid*ttt wa* dl- rtotoi at hi* nlldgad *npi*rBiaiit of a

' hall-d*Mn inangorteiMad » * a to do « r - p«nMrlii«. rnuldrt ««»« w

• * b* n**d*4. Tho work dono hy -- - ehargdd. eo*l* twlo*

eleter clflee In Ih* U nited S lit** .T ag P a y T o m * m w .

Tomorrow and Saturday w ill be ta g day*, and avery one In c ity I* «»- peeled lo b - la g g ed by rflrl* w ho w ill -top them on th* * ir e e ta It I* expected that lU .oeo w ill be rea llied tn thi* «.«y, Th* new ib oy* o f N ew ark »r* w orking taday to help th e cau*e. Bank* »nd l.aekele have been placed on all of Ih - new» itan d* In th# center o f Ih* ,-ltj. r - t l - r d a y ISO w»* turned In from -lx of the** -u n d * .

nev. k'elix M O'Neill, p eelor of SI. Mli-hael'" ch u rch , received a I d le r and check for U S# from B*v. John Carey. r»i lor of SI, M lche-I'- f'hurch, P»ll*ad* Perk. y**lerd*y. F a th er Carey eald h* had h-ard o f th* cam paign for Ih* pur- PC— of aid ing th e eoldirre Ihrough Ihe K iilghla o f Coluinhua and had aaked hla con gregation lo g ive toward thi* fund. Ha -a id h - did not know where lo **nd the m otley u ft-r he loN lecled ll. HO contribu ted it io Newark. The collection w aa Ih* largest ever taken up In the P alisad e Park chun-h_

flsv . W illiam J. H lchm ond. roc lor of Ihe Church o f Our Imdy o f Odod Coun­sel hearing of the d*fl hurled at him from Father O'Nell o f St. Michael's Church, ca lled out k ll o f th e w om en* -oe le ilrs o f hla ch u rch today lo scour Ihe Forest IHli s ec llo n o f Ihe city for money. i:p to da le he has used nothing but m*n lo co llect m oney and h*» l»d the c jly church** In ra isin g money H le expected by h is henchm en that Father R ichm ond's church w ill now pull sw ay to a sa fe lead for the re­mainder of Ih - cam paign

,tn unexpected contrihu tlon of If.sHll was received Ihl* m orning from Ihe Mutual B en tflt I .lfe Inauranee Com­pany. Frederick F re lin gh u ysen , p resi­dent of Ih* com pany, alao »ent hts per­sonal Chack for l l« 0 . The W est Side Trust Company a lso cam e Into the fold with a check for l!»0- Other conlrlbu- tion* received einc* yeelerd ay m orning are: Blanchard Brothera. lin e ; z ie g e l Klieman, 1*6; H, B. Good Leather Com­pany, (1*6: R oblnaon R oders Company, |t« ; Am erican B utton Company. 110; Ualbach S m ellin g g R efin in g Co., 1100.

The rac* betw een th* t'a ih o llc par­ishes o f th e c ity Is a* fo llow s: Our [.ady o f Good C ounsel, ll.OOi.lO; St. Ml* cln*r*, 81. P a tr ick 's ,M .lt l.41;SI. Columba's, H .O tT .if; St. Jam es's, II 110; 81, A nton inus, ll.O tl.M ; Sacred Heart, N ewark, t l . l t f . t t ; 81. Brldget'a, tl.oOD; SI, Mary'*, I t0 4 .l l ; St- Boa* of Lima'*. 1444.

der th* law w ith other twxpayere. whose personal property, he declared, was BSaeeaed at a m uch low er percentage of It* true value aa com pared w ith the electric com pany *. He contended eleo that Ih* com pany's fran ch ise really gave th* property Its great va lu e , that with ths value of Ih* fran ch ise suh. trseted, the property w a s w orth n o th ­ing more th a n " »cr*p ," and that th* franchise wa* taxed hy Ihe a ta ie and noi taxable by th e county and m unlcl- pallllei.

Vrgea ktay of OpeeariaB.That Ih* electric com pan y antlel-

pated the decision of the f a x Board would h* unfavorable to H i appeal was Indtcated by statem ant* o f Judge E.A. A rm strong o f Caraden, w h o appeared with Mr Bergen. In p resen tin g th* nr- gum ent. and In a b r ie f filed iuh se- quently by Mr. B ergen In th is brief he urged that Iha d a d -io n . If a ta ln n l th* company, be perm itted ti> remain Inoperative until th e return o f normal condltlona.

Endeavoring 10 Induce th e board lo lake th is .-our-e. Mr Bergen em ployed as sn argum ent th a t th* u tility rom m lselon bad su*p*nd*d It* Inveeilgatlon of rate* becauae t.f Ih* abnorm al con ­dition o f a ffa irs r esu ltin g from the war.

"They reallied ." he declared nf III- tom m lselon, "that w ith th* Increaecd price of fuel and oth er co*t* o f opera­tion, federal w ar I axes, and other hue- den* put upon Ih* com pany, that It could not bear any reduction o f rate- and b* expected to d ltch arge Its dntlas to th* public, and lhat con- clualon o f th* board wa* baaed upon the m ethod o f a**t**lng th e property of the com pany for ta x a tio n that pre­vailed In form er yesrs."

Should Ih* Increaaed aasesem ent* be upheld. Bald th e brief, th* e ffec t would be lo bring abou t Ih* very ronJIilou w hich the eomm1»*lon *ougM to av.ild, ( ''because It 1* p erfectly c lear that the Injury to Ih* e lectric com pany would | b* the sam e w h eth er th* rates are ; dlmlnlahed or It* l» i* » Increaaed."

'T h e a ltu allon o f th e com pany I* | much more em barr»*»lng now (h*t It i wa* r ig h t month* ago." Mr. B ergtn con- ; llnued, “whan th e u t ility board declde.l j that th e Income o f tho com pany should not b* curtailed . Bine* th a j itm* the m arket for io cu r ltla # o f Irilllty cor­poration* has ceaaed to * i l* l . It hax ho mean* o f o b ta in in g m onay lo con-

hy defective con stru ction , first and second floor* o f "I Seventh avenue, occupied hv J. r a la x en la and A. Baeao. flamag* sligh t; t:0 t P. M„ defectlv* chlnirmy. hom e o f J. K ehoe. It* S ey ­mour avenue, s lig h t dam age to furnt- lure l : t i 1' >1 ■ cau**d by eoW erlng, I,Hire of W B W ood Com pany, s ligh t damage; I 10 H ; i ! l .

fa lse alarm , box

garded In an u n favorab le U gh l. "If they are not w illin g to oatan .l co-op- srallon lo Ilia governm ent at th is (line, he eald. "they may find w hen ib ey ar* In need o f fuel that such co-op eration , hurl II b-en exlanded. w ou ld h ave been s powerful argum ent In (h eir favor.

Civil Service Dispute May Delay Effort to Nunc Elmer Day ClerkE ffort ta hava BIibAi' A. Day, form#rlT

c itx (reaturar.appointed a« chtaf d a rk In (ha traaaurar’a o ffica prohahijr w ill noi ba ma<ta u n til (ha r itx rommUHlnn a«i- tlaa Ita (Jlfputa w |(h (ha Civil Si ieviiat Commlaalon* It waa alatad toda)’ liy D1- raoior Archibald o f R atanga and Fi- nanca. Tha dlracter a ip acta that ihr city rulara aventu ally w ill win on ih«lr contaniloh (hat thay ahnuld ba am IIled lo itiaka crrtali* app olh ln irn la w llhu ul raf#ranca to c iv il aarvli-a-

Since November, whan (he CKjr Orm- mlaeion took offlre . Mr, Dax haa gone to the city hall dally and Hpeni (he tim e In (he treaaurar'a o fd ca . w ith out, of rouraa. perform ing iht* dutiON of poaKlon and w lthutit being: paid. Archibald la tha traanurer. a t w ell the controller and tax recaivtr, The duty of ilg n ln x about (S.Oita rherka a month, form erly parfnrmed hy Mr. Hay. now devujvaa upon Mr. A rchibald and kaepa him biiay at hla hom e n igh ta and S u n d a y at certain (Imea <|f (he m onth

A d ifferen t ailuatlon eala la tn Iha lax rcceiver'a o ffice. T here, R ichard J. Fraha. who waa receiver u n til commta- ■lon governm ent took effect- decided that he waa out o f o ff ice fur good when he lo ii hla place and vlalia (ha tax o f ­fice only occaalonaily for aootal pur- potea.

mw i p i a

Uie Soothing Muaenlai «WhtB tKogg ghMp .

tkrougfa your bead, wbea m r ae«iD* u U it vouM ^ n b i bnl4 Wuatcrolg ca your Moviig H i Back. U drgwi out tb t M iW"***". gootbM gmar IhB pHai M u rtr (M ig tluick r*U«L

llnsuroU b a eUga, «M b tb im m , BiBto wttb eO M BiiHUid B M tarthaB n iu tird pbgbr and doM se t U bbr.

llg m docton gnd Bwgtt tnakly IB9>enuMBd Muatarob for gorgtbrgBVbnta

Mr p»> C 0 « * 4 g ^ M e u M ) aa Iinbg tO ,II^ IB dB E faM iTh-1 ointg. ion iM t e n bm

•GfaM cl WabBiaHrointlkcbUblHc^ tRM bd f g b ^ i cbMt <tt <Hm pnvegM r b alwayg depcMgbto

^Swinging Info February With ValuesRood Let WaDpaptr

0 £ R

Ten alngle rolla alda, alx a ln f l# r o llt cellin g , lit yarda cu t border. P A P auitabla for any room, w ith w ork com plate «-.«sss>*h*p»4

WaUpaper DopI-* rptetdb n##rI ST A I L ST.

|--€LEAi;njj ^ Amazing! 59c 54-in. Table Damask QO a0 4tB*^iriea Wool I Pofifively priced at let* thin preient mill cott. Beiutirul quality s*tin, pur* bleached,1 "®™***,*^\ , , I highly nitrccrlied; fall 84 inche* *'ide; every yard cut from full piece.—the very newetl openB ItBaalltle* ------

W omen’s $3 an d $4 W ool r n d e n v c t f

silk snO Wool Union SuH»-r^n. Wo«._rn,on^^SuR.,!on __dlum aDd heavy At verynatural grn> w..ol v«*la of ^ ry fina quality^ *om* IIrift* tolled from handllii gr«al value al

M en’s S h o p CobIsFor t h * f a o t o r y - , n o t h i n g b e U e r

and ver> I n e x p e n s i v e , f u l lw u r l h d o u b l e our *** , . ,( I p r i r e , - l l K h l l y s o i le d . l . t l un u t h u r t i h * w e a r ; s p e o l s l

ChUdren's Co»to^"^"’‘.om.“ 'are"*’rR ltU mu taid

f r o m

! ; i * „ r ' " a i u e . “ “ o ' , ^ ‘l t " r i o r V * S : i e .

„n ,y . r o m e _ r ; Y , ' . d “ u m - |.19

2.98 Dozen 22'In. NapkinsBleached, heavy weight Imported

ntpklni; full dinner aixe; good aasoriment of patierni; »p«- 2.00

C’OTtlCh a v e oD ly a l l m l i e a bar ..............................

In fsn ts ’ Cl _Infant. Inrw4l _Uaps. *>1 « * mor.

or less niuaa«d from Values to 60C.. rior* •*l«a unly; while lh*y U»t. ah'- L'lal sl

ChUdren’s D ressesB r o k e n * s . o r i m * n t e “ *',4 s4esXoiam Dcbaiai. atXAs S (4 «

Positively priced *t lea* thin preaent mill cost. Beautiful quality satin, pure bleached, highly merceriied; fall 84 inche* wide; every yard cut from full piece*—-the very newetl open bordered pattern*. Get your ihare of tbit remarkable offering. Yard ..

29c l^ire Linen TowelingMill lengths of this fine toweling;

bleached and very absorbent quality; lengib* of I to 5 |Q ^ yard*; yard .........................

69c Huck TowelsThe flneat towel you have ever

aeen ai or near this price. Washed Uniqn linen; gras* bleached; aiie 28xJ9 inches wide; satin borders,with creal for iniilalt; 49c 16c Tnrkiffh Bath Towels

Bleached; henmied; good alie; absorbent weave; buy them in this event at much lets than 12 /xc

cial, dozen

39c Heavy Huck TowelaSuperior Union linen; hemmed;

on sale ai lea* than maker’s cost; full 18x36 inch size; buy '1 Ci­thern while quaniiiy laati; ea riW v

6.59 Table Linen SetaAll pure linen; doth 86x68 Inch

eize, and half-dozen pure linen nap­kins to match; wonderful valueat this sale price of, 4.98

regular; each

1.39 Table Padding54 inches wide; quitted; aavea lbs

poUahed table lop from tcrstchlsg or scorching; wears and | M b waahe* well; y a rd ............. l# U v

1.59 Hemstitched Table Cloths

These cloth* hare Ihe paiiem all around; not cut from' the piece; spoke hemstitched; full mer- | Jgb cerized; for thla sale, each 1 * v 7

1.39 Heavy Bed SpreadaPure white double iwtited y tn t:

honeycomb weave; hemmed; full tlze; well worth SI,38; for | QQthis sale, each


QUYNEMER’S OWN AEROPLANEand OM b ig A lb a tn iH b n « g h t dow ii by th e d ir in g iv l i to r

e r e o a view fo r th e f ir s t tim e in A ieer ia i at

ESSEX TROOP ARMORY■ggaeUle AreiiM. Newaik

January 25 to Frimiary 4T O D A Y ’ S P R O G R A M :

Caacert hy Lgctl UbIw Ne. 18 BaHd OfflciBl h e« c li War HetloB F tetum

DaBriuf te ABwrkau Rad Cnaa Tee Room

AdmiMloB-35 Cents', Children, 10 Cento

? » r . " ‘ v r i " . ‘'io 'V a c ; . t o r . ^ Q r I L leo only; whllo q u an tity U 7 C |l*ste: apecUV ....... . ........

M em ’ W ool llnderw eor■Wool Mlieil Shlrla *n0 UraWOja,

lajl. priced...........W o n e n ’s G ood B toek lngs

fi4b4xl flUAllty Uxl* Flnlih*^ iJot- ten Hoad', wlih glrong looa' ageondn of Ahd Wt? quAU-

borgoln lh*l u no‘ t y i U p likely lo bo roBO*l*d for

® many month, lo com*;aDl,M en’s sn d W o m en s

H andkerch iefs

ItHrtwa « .mbHo, ri>n» b*vo 1 / / ^-light hurla; worth Ic and 0 / ^ | l()r, cAA.'h - • ..................................

uo to 1 Bhriri ,5ft!!,

Famous "Beacon” Blankets on SaleJuit received a case lhat was delayed in transit. The price since thcie were bought bis

risen considerably. Buy now. Full double bed size; while wool Rniah. While quantity lasts,p a ir ................... , ...................................... .................................................................... ' .........................

3 J 8

39cFor Friday oiiw 75c Cork UnolenmOnly 30c for (hia splendid floor covering, and it ia not the usual tar back product

offeied st about this price, but i* the genuine Cork and Linseed Oil product, full two yards wide; popular detigns; will give a world of service; slightly water toiled; choice, iquare yard....................... .*.....................................................................................................

Extraordinary! 1.2S Inlaid LinoleumAn extraordinary value for Friday. The last call for this grade to sell at $1. Heavy qual­

ity; colors dear through to the back; full line of patterns; square yard.....................................EXTRA FEATURE!


A llm lled nutnb*r of *lB*6-lnclil i'*ei* all gu*r««i**a MTfet'l. only I i»htly aoTled from b * '" * Q fig v I

whll* quantlly V O L I


ralM. ihoSa'uMk, It w aa eh pa iSSeb a s a a W A tf

S ( i t e $ e ( ( o r


. Nagt wa«h -has haao d aa ltaa tad by ttatoniar' p a h a M aMll«mB «(>• W*ak la. Jaraay , ■Brttaag* berita hav* Mail plaead th th * h aaO i * t I«obI e*iu- W h laH ta a i t r i* th * t u t ^ »M a * aeN vf t am iMoi* * • «Ut p fttmm b taks in tag ■iwaamig *< m n r ■aMtar lia. «h*. e*M hhy 4a .> la u u « d . I*

4 'Htaash th * ta tah a sa in b* t a t *n J n S i M b htafM; wwia la o t ^

vtaytnnr w m um ehi |h*Vm th a l 4 m 3 ^ W i * r g.'gi a qaiistL w m m 6|MN m bm tMv-

Men’sShirteR e g . s i , M t o * 2

g ^ . l S

ftUfhtiy on dliPlAy; lA i t i . eAfiv .................

39-lnch U nbleoched S h eetin gHill lengthe, 1 t* 14 " “

yard*; wbil* quaBlIty tasta. yard ............................... .........

l i O P a n SU ksRamnuit* of all our 1.14 g ^ i * .

14 to 40 •” ‘’80* w ia*; ta tlb* . do Cblno*. T affoly . O A -Milk* *ii<t o thor* ; longth* of 0 “ C 1 to S yard* ...........................

8 9 c t o $1 D r e m G o o d #Romnant* and odd aloe*"

*r* all-wool, plain color* *n<i ^ Q _ fancy wo*v**! whll* qu*n- 0 7 V ti ll l**u, y»rd .....................

15c 2 2 - In c h N l p k i mA taortsd lot ftn* HBTC*r1e*d a ^ |

Napkins whll. 5 C | quantity laat*. **«*................

l2 W c H eim nod N tp k h uM*r«*rU*d. ll-IncJi. h*in- p I

m*d: wbll* q u an tity la it* ...................... .......................... ..

29c t o 3 9 c S c m f i and S h a m itx>t of llxI4-tneb 8e*rf* and 14x1

14-lnoh Bham* and Round*. | A - I Uc* (rimmod wtth iniarU; | y f ; l Ml* llfian d*pt„ *ach ...........

W iah G o o d i Renm antoDatnty coioiwd »»*h

t ' i s a ^ q g t y i & r y r : i

7 5 c W o o d G ra in

R u g B o rd e rThis 1* *n exact r»-

:>roduc(lon of * liard- woud door, strongly ,n*d* wllh a h-*vr burlap bxrk ; 14 Inch** wide: heavy„ n » m e I * d *urfac-, m-kea * lln« g A nnleh to your rua*: y » rd .. .

South’s $25 Royal Anoiiister RagsI Room Size 6x9 Feet !

Wilhdut question on* nf th* vrry btat rug value* in wreka. Famous .Alex Smith make, neamed or Meamleu, high nap—in the heat Oriental and floral effeela—Huitable for amall partorn and dining rooms—actual SZt'i value a t.....................

17.50$2 & 2.25 Nottingham Laee Curtains

On* *f th* greatest value* in momhi. Strong overloclwd edges, while and ecru color—3 yarda long—<opie* of Antal hand-made curtain*.

k FeMvt af Ov A A AA i d i t a W i L n J IUpMiUni.Piir

sue Affleriean BoUiuid Wiodow ShadesEach Shade complete with slat and fixture*—have alight factory

hurtt that do not affect thelt wear and are hardly noticeable. Special.

(“ iJ niud lioa* p1*co with largo aDhiTlcal I s n a H . romptele—o v e r y

, u i r gu»r*nl*ed. Including fr** *x- imlnallon of your eyaa by our r*g-

|lai-red y*duat*,optometriat.Optle*l B a lm r

88c Swifast Cbtored Madrgi

A wonderful arrAV of thlB Itlgh irrAddi curtAlnlnir, In coLirA to lAAlch ^ny room; (Ivn diAlintt doAlqnA for choice;wonder vbIuoJTAfd .............4.50 Rope P o rtitm

will make ytkur room look b+audfiil At IKtIo roAt. of pr«(ty grtAAnx, tolut* ADd roao; h»Avy cti**- nlllA cord with pcAt- iy vAlftnco top. Rp«- cUl ............ 2.98

Hand Made Marie Anioinelle Bed Setn

SftinplA ofth^to boAutlrut 1>d KctA. French nol. HOLHTKR HIKCE TO W ATi'll KACH HIST KUhiK. vaIua m CA iij i z u . AAib / g y price)

tAc ranfl CurUlaftiVhllo And rcru.

choh'if of throe t l f ■Ixiir; h AV)f ov'fr* lorkAd cdK ie ofjpikA of hlqh sradiClAl A t.............

EmiiiidWareXiiWonilerSalYemen by the score will lake advinta|e of Ihtae wonderful bargains, all high-grade

aDtlitlas dirtei from the factery—“Run of *h* k'l"-" . „ „ -e w - i- gf whke W an, Rebia E g | H iie. Blu*. Turqudse a*d Grgjr Em h c I W art. Alt larg*


M iA N I a r , CsCoa RMIsr. CoBi- ■ I SoBaa F i b aat, D n iA a n Paa, Mtong TVai*. Ifl ki.t

I t o W C s ia o P ita , S tn lg U lo B to

g i , ! S 3 g i a V

69cL 25 to ValiM s. . .

Oval DWi Paag, 11 qta-s LatA SlaiiA. a ^ a a i a ln : S tn ifU PM, 10 q to tK r l to K a ttk 10 q k s Tea K o ^ 0 sun; R k o M lo r , Wt/m PaU. 14 q m i Ctmtor. T OBbiCa^ m PM, 0 Mat; P rw a m IgtUa,

1he.Chcr|» Cr . Brud&Cedar Stoe

Z-ZSiolM Viloes. . .

UrA SbuMliy h t | e gtoss'Chafli- bar Palla, M Paaa, Cask PMa, l l god 11 qta.; Haagrtoai Rleo l aBaai, ,I auA Aqdnt Taa KatUoi, flaiadwa .' ' 8 * 0 qtot UMi Paaay IT A n «to

3pta E3HMLR9l9LalMB9BJHL BibPRi

Page 6: German Strike Spreading With 700,000 Now Idle in Berlin, London ...

i f E W A B K - E v r a i n i a '


G E T T I N G N E W A R K N O R M A L D I P L O M A S , T H E S E B E G I N T E A C H I N G C A R E E R

W a rtim e E c o a o n ie e a n d Siiiq>licit)r

M ark E » iff i» e« H e ld m M o n i '

ia g o r th e A f te rn o o n .


Warllm* tcanom lti. (■ p cru H r fual M vlnc. Icnd*4 lo ( I t* Ih* r r^ d u m lsn

* • • • rc lx * >t Ih* •l»m *nlar)' Khooi* art- iUIPOal cImpUcIty thl> y n r . >nrt lh« t«r*nty-*l(ht achool* iilvinc diploma* a l ihl* (Ima allhar omltiart form al pro- fra iaa or lav* lham In tha m o rn ln f or ariarnoon. T *o arlioola. Kohart T reat ■art llam burc PU re. rtalarred tha lr cammanremanu. Tha to tal num ber of Janukry fra ilu a ta i thin year la M il . a* t ta la a t >,1H laal January .

G n d n t la a a I m r r d a y .Pupil* a t flftaan arhoola rareivad

ttplomaa yaaiardayAt Avon Avanua f lt 'y -a ia pustll* look

part In a program iita le up of relai-tluna frapi thalr ra fu la r tlaaa work itamual H. W.'Uroy. prlntlpal of Martlion H< hool.^ prpaantad thaiii with thalr rtiploma*.

The praaantailon of a allk flap by tha (n d lia ta a of I'arlo rat p. hnol » a* ilia ellmax of a patriot It' p ropiain In whl..-h Ib ty look part. An ailrtrana b> Kav, Kar) K. Oulnby. jiaator of iha M rtbodlai

‘ tUnUfeh, Iraln tto ii. waa a featu re . I 'ha pirtlclpal. J . Altrad 'H'llaon. preaenled rtlplm aa to forty puplla.

■hnar K. Itaiton. aaalatani auperln- U adant of achoola,'t*** <l.plainaa to I ha fradaataa a t tlhaatnut Utrael. e lchtaan la auialMr, and made an addraa* Tli* yapdiMtaa aava aavaral rec itttlo n a and Mualral nambara.

A lin p la p ra iram of llla ra ry and mu- ■kal aalaotioni p a a taken part In by forty-on* traduataa a t Fourtaan th Ave- aaa, who raealatd th a lr dlplom aa from tb* Principal, Staphan a Ullhuty, la tha aftarnoen.

“Tha iJilld In U ta ra tu re and M uili-' WM inadt tha thama a t OartlaM In the aftarnoen, whan th lrty -flv o s ra d u a la i ware ( la tn d lp tonaa by C ity Couttaal Jaronia T. Conxltlon. who alao ipoKe.

A Utarary pracrani w llb H enry Van r>rk« u Iha Ultma waa clvan by fifty - M l CMduataa a t H aw lhorn* Hcliool. Raa. Charlaa K W alli m ada an addraaa ai)d praaaatae tiM dlplomaa.

Taatarday anarn ao n tha ( ra d u a tin s niaat of John < ^tlln School trialtert place! of Intoraat In Now York Inatcad •r hoMInt rooimancawent a ia rd o aa . Tha principal. John M. Olhba, *ava tkatn ihoir dtplotnaa In tho m ornlnp.

Mo« PaM oO a Ponpa.

A w ardins wf dlplw nan ihia ottcriuoj.' a t the Htat* N orm al Hchool bar* atartad 111 rrad u a ta a on th a lr itacb ln p caraar. In almoat avary In tlanc* tha lr actual prtifaaalonal w orh will bapln promptly aa alm oat all w are a n ca fed for dafliilta poaltlona befora (rad u a tlo ii

The com m ancam eni program Included an addreai by R obart l.ynn t'oa of Montclair, m ainbor of the Hiaia Board of tSdurallon, and the ooiirarrlng of dlplomaa by th a p ra tlden l of the board. Halvin A. Rica. A forew ord by tha claea prealdenl. WHlIam P Koroylh. waa tha only num ber given by an Individual mambar o f th e claa*. Two mualral aa- lactlona war* glvon by Inalructori, a plaao aolo by Mtaa Kleanor Hendrlck- aon. a i* la tan t In th a muatc dapbrtmant. and a vocal aelacllnn by Mlao M. Pbana

Patriotic aopga gad r^ iio t io n * were

Slaan hy tw anty-olght gm d u ataa a t Ilford Ichool Ip tho afternoon.Arnold vo fo t. form er principal of

lloath Taath Rtraot. m ade an nddreaa and g tv a tha dlplomaa a l th a t achool. tin t* worn th irty g rad u a to p

Al South E ighth S treet J W llm ar Xannody, an aaalatant aupdrlntendant o f ochoolp gar* dlplom aa lo fo rly - Olghl puplla. Tha clea t took part In a ptegram Inalndlag mualc and phyaicnl t ^ P h i g drill*.

.:iu;r*,''t;vr;Vnd i x ; o i o r . . « : | « o i> on-aonga and dancei. u r . .n - o o d

TIicao reo ilv inu tllploinart w aret C a r­olyn M. Albano. Jeaa* J. Alllaon, Blal* M. Andaraon. Bthcl M. Bnattla. F rieda Rerkor. Miriam B onatar. Oraco A. Barg, Baalrlca Barry. K a th a r in e , J . Barry, H art* K. Blelel. Kdna C. Brann. Agnaa K. B ratlow . Marlon U Chanca, Ju lia I.„ Clancy. T h y ra M. C laufan. C orrllaa ia r W. Cobb. Baaala P. Conklin, Cathorln* U. t:oon*y, M arjorie M. Cooper, Adalta J, Col. Viola T. C raw ford. K otta A. Currcy. Sam uel E. I>anutiky. Alice O. Daai'}. W ilm a H. D allarlng . Barnadatt* M. Itclanay, Marl* F. Daniaroat, M. Helen P an n lito n . K llaabeth C. Poyl*. Kva Pranow . Helen A. PuBoH, Agnaa n. Ereklna, Marlon T. Vlrehocfc. H rton M. F itap a irlck . Sam uel S. F lalachar. M argaret J, Flynn. W llllaiii B. Foray tb , ftarah 8. Foalcr. R uth C. F ure t. Alice

H o rria t B. t.r*gory , A. Clarii liruo , Marlon E. Pawllk, Dora L. Padlooky, MS^guerlt* A. Hatkig. Mary V. H all, 1 | |; | |( p- A leiaiidar ParUnah.P rlacllla B. Hamlltop. Ilabacva j M yrtle E Rica, Krina U lUat. R oth IHI*Miriam Q. Heddan, Helen H an ria tia L. Hoahl, Jaaala J. H offm an Rowana M. lioppar, L iv ln la U. Houa- man. Pauline Huborman. E dna H ubach. IJIIan A. Jaoabl. Ida M, K antor. M ar- guarlta E. Kelly. Pearl d. Kaaalar, Sophia Klala, G ertrude K raam ar, Katalla <t. Lambert, Grace M. O, L aw ­rence. Klale Lewie. R uth F. Lowla, .Minnie LIpoon, Hilda M. Loahmer, R uth T.oewauborf, Regloa C. Lynch, C h a r­lo tte M. K. Maguire, FrancM B. K. Mahan, Ruth F. Marino, Mildred L. M aruhall. laahel Mawha. H elen Mc- la u g h lln , Dorothy Mlllman. A gnei M. .Moffllt, Emily M Moore, Haael Mor- riaon. Kao Mufton, Joaophln* M.

tenberg , Eatellu I. Itogglo. Anna M. Rotonda, Florence M. Hefienar, L aura L

B tla llav an D ora E. GIttlonian, l a r o t t a i Nuaachaofat. W argaral P. N'oun, Lualla

* Ur#*nwood.

SUhmIlt. 0 . A tk * T.Se«UDd«r. Mvrcftr^fhft 0 . Hftr*r!at Shapiro. Honora Q. Sheehan, Roaa Hllberman, Helen E. Hlnn» B«m I* Slobodien. Florence M. Hmtth, B e tile Solomon. Lillian E. Bonn, Sara B- Stein* here. Dorothy O. Btrelb, Florence A. Swain. MIldrfHt A. Terrill. Deborah R. T ierney. A lberta B- Tompkins, H en­r ie t ta van Tw iik, Jane K W alsh, Huth G W arehsw iky. N ithalle B W eln- helm, HosamOnd W ilkins, E lisabeth B- Wileon, May E. W Interm ute: kinder^ garteii, Kate 8. Breweter. Nelda Btirv* dor!^f. Virjrlnla B. C arberry, H lldegard Howard, Aanes R. McOovern. Grace R Rake, Florence H. i^hellerg GloriaW 'alllnr-

J. O raather and aeveral of lb* woman of th e BableF llo ip ltaM .uU d.

The young woman aaeletlng lonlgtii will b* tha Ml**** M argaret Matr^ha*. Amy Condlt, M iranda Thomae, Helen* H aw kina and Mr*. Ih.vcM Parker.

Hoamany raqtiaai* for an npportuniiy to r a g n t r r fo r tha Red Cro** mambar- nhlp have b**n mad* during Ih* pe*t few day* »t th e exh ib it th a t Mr* For- raal F. P rydon . chairm an of lb* niani- barablp com m tlt**, announced yeaterday ih a t a reg la tra lio ti booth would be aractad In tho te a room. ,

La*t n igh t th a local L attar Carriar* Band playod for th e dancing and to


Twelve Talks on War Subjecto to Be Given in Next Three


night tha O ctavo DoubI* Q uarlei willaing* la* room a t l;S* o'clocly

Each evening a !*<tur* I* given in




Orchestral Performances of an Ex­cellent Order Enjoyed by a

Large Audience.


w X ;.“ri,‘S s r ™ r c i? .v . r S i r r s : i i - x itwa aMjHBtinv c la u o f th lr tv -fo u r du- re lative to the varloua ciaaa*iW g rad u a tin g cUa* of th ir ty -fo u r pu< g ill a t BUMmar AW nu* Bcboul. Tb« griacipat. Clinton P . Brow nell, p r t- gWtad tha dtplotnaa. follow ing atmpl* ggarclaa*.

RtOllallon* and m ualral ncloctloo* ware given by tw anty-al* puplla » t Waahlngton fitraat School. Mr. Heaton guv* tha diploma*, tnoludlng one to (ou lsk cirrlo , a Mind pupil. Thla pupil, arbo la thlrCaan, aapoct* to en te r Bodili Hid* High tomorrow tor a cotlega pre- ggrntory oourt*.' “Rabacca a t ftinnybrook F arm " »** givmt aa a play by the g rad u a tin g ol*«* of' twanty-nin* pupil* a t Moiiinouth Utraal School. Mia* Jcan iie '.te Naltman arraagM the play and d rilled the pu ­pil* In ton day* In aftar-achoo) lioiir*. Tha principal, W illiam A. Dotigall. gwardad tha dlplom aa

Egcrctaaa war* hairt th la m orning by

Twelve *drtre*»a* on w*r aub jac ti will be delivered a t the arm y re c ru it­ing office. ■* P ark p lfc i, during tha next th ree month*. One aubjact will be trea ted each Thuraday n igh t, be­ginn ing th la week. The epaaker* w ill be member* of the ntaffa of th e locol and branch rec ru itin g office*. Peraona who have vlaltcd any of the b a ttle front* 111 E urope are lnvlt»d to ta lk

I l l X f A T l U M C T I I I I axperlance* on thea* occ**lpn*r l l M A L a l t l v O l l L i - a i a f te r the oonclualou of Ih* announced

led urea.Schooll

tb e tr *lgnlflcanra and a lu re ty on tb* eXBcuilvr aide iliat eccurad adm irable effa .'l* In all It* parforniancaa the or- i he*tra showed marked Im pm vem aht In quallly of tone and a alncerlty th a t re- auMed In viiatired work.

Mlaa Everainan waa heard In the "More llcgal In Hla Low E a ta lc ' a ria

from Gounod'* "Queen of 81tcba.'‘ the P ra lude from I,andon Ronald'e "C yclt of Life," Ncvln'a ''W oodpocker,” llu a ’i " J a i pleurr en reve." K aihm anlnoff* "Klooda of hprlng" and Phillip'* "Spring

__ Flow er*" a* an em ore num ber Pow er-’ fuL when abe evert* It* full vnlume, and

ALICE EVERSM AN. TH E S O L O IST ( fr«sh »)i(I ijIsasJng In quality , her vMc«_______ _ I Is ao wall inATiiAifed 1h*1 h«r sk ill In

” I producinK ro n tro llln r h»r lontftG lT ln t 11" Hrst <^tir*rt In the cu r- ; («v*»mineiuls hpr nn h vurnlisl. F u rth* r-

r ro f s tns*rortl©n. Thla l» d*na lo sUm- u la ir liilaraa t In Ik® cl»#i®i ®nd with Ih i hope th a t tho*a who Intrraatrd In III® w ork do icribed In Hi® l® ctu«i vrill join a llh « r a t ih a booth or s t R*o Crofs b®®dqu®rt®rOw


g al«a* of fllty-aovan pupil* a t Bergenititroot Schaol. who were aw arded their dl|M*maa. by Morria.,, B am bargar. tha grSMIpal. Tha graduate* took p a r t In

-tggokal and gym naatlc num liera and ggr* ^ Ic lu ra a from Rom an t lla io ri ''

F rank H. Itanaon, p rincipal of Burnet ■cbeol. gav* diploma* Ihia a flaruoon to Ihirty-Ofl* boy* and g ir li. The clan* took part In a m ualcal and U tarary

_______ for Soldlera" w ill he theBsyonne Msn, Naturslizea After { topic tonight and in* *pa*k«r win b*

I . r» • • T U U M .» ’ I 'riv n te Hchuette Word w*» receivedLaw S Revision, lOW tie ffUlSt , J . ^ , , e , nougan , p rincipalof the Boye’ V ocational School, who

, „ __ T h ^ . i . r more, hy Inlalllganity adap ting It toran t aea.on In Proctor a Roof T h ea te r , ceewya. .h e .da*r% eon-l«0t ntflH. th« N®w*rk 8yiupho*iy j vqjs 1h®1r slgnlflriAnre to h®r h®arrr®. cii«4tr» wis gr®tt«d by »n audlenc® j -------------•

Start All Over Again. *1*0 waa to ta lk , would be prevented j

la rg e In * i» as to m ake a brave allow ­ing In the hall. Ubllged by tbe fadeial fuel ragulatlona lo imelpon* lw li» the o rig ina l date, Iha m anagem aiii feared th a t the change* in lime in lgk t reauU In Ilm lling the attandunce. Tha *lie of the audlenc* w*a ih c rtfu ra g ra tify in gt o l l . I

The aololal was Miss Alice Cver*- | men, noprano, of the M etropolitan i Opera Company, and her co-opeialion in , ■ he a rtia ilc *chenne prom oted en jo y in tu l |

I o f li. Haglnnlng tbe mualcal proceed- I I Inf* by playing "The S tar Bpangled j I B anner." the orcheatra. under Con- I

Bills' Serial Numbers in Order, Woman Held in $1,000 as Thief

duetor l-oul* Ehrke. nhowed Ita a ccrL -w iku ' rlT IT t'h lQ U ID ")A » d c I ****"• *"^*’'*''*' T com pllshm ent* la te r In perform ance! of t ‘***‘' ' ‘** ’*’SEEKING C i r iZ E N o H lr i o iL A lU j o th e r lactur**. m tb* order m w hich ....... .. _____ th e ft of 15

--------------- i they w in b* given, follow ; "F ir* P te -II waa th a t 1 vam lon," S ergaan t Driacolti "Army

b® Iwanly-niu* graduate* a l Berka- l»y llekool received th e ir diplom a* Ihi* Btoriilng from the iirlnclpal. Ml** S. Iioul** Clark. In place uf exarclae* the atae* v a« taken l**t week lu vl*li the Malropolltan .\r t Muaaum. N'c'v York,

rtav, George It. Broenlng

T w enty-ala year* ago Barney G allagher atarteii out to become an Am erican. Today, although b* da- clarca hi* avory h a a ri throb beat* to the tune o f Amarle* and th a t II*

I g iaa tea t prld* In life I* the fa rt th a t bl*Iniwo e la lw a rt aon* are volunteeri

Ihc rauh* of tha reg u la r army of tha l.'nRcd Biataa, legally h* 1* “lil.h m an . And a t l l f ty e lg b t. Gal- U®h«r Is e g n tro n u d w'lth Ih® n®G®siHy of a to r lln a In *11 over again lo a tta in

Vh'” ''‘h'd.foyi"llnll"l!;c«rl«i olt r i l AvaeS.' Ihl.J alteruuo ,,. a f te r m ak- | Hm through d e la y , and mlacarrlag*.sgsl infts'hlncry.“It's for Ih® ®«ks o f m® boys I p* j

wNiitin' II," t j s l ls g h s r plip®«l®it wKh j t®*rs In hi® ®y®®- Th®r® w®r® 1ill hm vo1c«, loo, s i lim ss, _bs ITI^ I

■ slioN firtdrc^^- Th® f'liMis IlhjI- isn't kPi ft proKrpm. Iiifludliin <J;niics«4fUI® snd putrLotlc popiufl.

iB fo m sl l'^®r®lsc*« , jn vnic®, xvo, bi snn»**, . g w * m*m1i(f«rmsl exsrulsos m arkod ih® n rH - J to iH l his sto ry yesiordsy to | Announc®m®ht of o lh tr w sr tmlK®

lliitlon of forty jMipH® s i C htttlion 8 tr«®t | sstlon K xam lnsr J. B. i*l®s®r. > b® mad® lat®r. Th® public l i tn-fliis moriiint- Th®y ilielr j lkC\i»lon of th« -naturslt®atl®a^ laj*®- j ©f ihfDi. tlffo rls #r® b iln x

tishllaHoii. ’ M ajor K rak cr and 8®r- C«ant H enahall. •t;u®loms of ihe 3«r-

B crg tan t Byder and Corporal la s n tb e r i , "U nlU d S u i t s Food Admlfi- litratloTi." Prival® B osart:Club® and P a trio tic Socleilei, ' Prlvat*® F rU s and Butchel®. *'Army Bugle W ar I’a l l i , ' C orp u rsli Broyl®a and Lang* b®r*. "Th« W orld W ar.” Major Bloom; "T e(hnlcsl T roop".' M ajor Bloom;"Army A utos and Kngine®. ’ P rlvatoa

Slaehl* and U m itaed ior; ''Arllllery.** S«ri® ant DftscolL

Pabll® la lavltrde

dlpl«m»s from i Ik< principal, JuliiiMetasupy.

At tb« Moies Bigelow School, In FH- avonu®. exsrclM s w ere also in ­

formal, when diplom as wer® g iv tn lu thirty *on«-

Th®r« were th irty g rad u a te s ni Franklin HaIiuoI th is aftom uun. Fol­lowing an easay on ‘'In flue rues of j w h rrf h® lives ulbludy of Oroat A m rrkan rharucterN. passagrP from iid ilrrssos b> Llni.'<»hi w®r« gtvon Ahd iU eU h es o f W arhltiglon aa'd nooM velt, kfrlOi-ted viiicrs Kaua ton gs by 8(®ph«n i' Foster, l itvelilha *it a puTtrilt of President W ilson, with tJUQtatlons from an address by him. ami til® anv®iUng o f a plctur® o f Booker T. Washington* wlHi extract® frum one of hhi addrossss. w ere other feature®.

s X S X r ' ? r ;

; ; S = ■ - 1 H M s

ark will have ''School* to r Soldier*"*3 W**tj l i e e l , and w here he I* » watibinau , . . Ki— , .h* f . hliiirney • IDs su b je rt on in® l . lp .

I BImILarly a public m « « lln f w ill b«for ih® Hianilavd Ull ConipsnG allagher I* beT dlonfoht in the Dover HlSh School.

w itnosies yesterday were ready to tss tiry . And If you should ch%no« to disbelieve, th e re are lb® two boys. Ml- rhesl, tw o n ly -Ih rrs , In th® Twetily-

ninth In fan try , and Coroellu®, tw®nly


The majority of the tluty-flv® pupils | t/O®. in th e N lnsioenlh Infantry, both a l Madison bchool will m to r the junior I is itim u n la ls to Hie sp ir it of patriotlifh high in the same bniifiinit louiorroM', j Invultated In them by Ihelf fiither. and b®A* u-'re of (hi® th® cxen lser w eir ] tiluniPJ you w siii fu rther proof, ju st simplified. Th® g rad u a tes reielved ' t„i<r n g lance itv® buttons iha i c o v " thalr diploma* (h’s moru'ln*: * |>i4* lapel uf Harney's ••oat

The tJrtflIiteiH of ih® alum til i»i .Monr i u jabowlng l ontnbuH ons to the Lib- j tsm®o. J"*"gomary ilchool leadure VValt?iuimkci i ,r iy Loan, !h^ Y. M. f*. A , Ihe U®d , lug s ta tio n In ih ls city.

be addressed by P riv a te Hchuette, who will explain the opportunitl®® offered In the tra in in g and vocational schools of tho arm y- A special cam paign la j>ov®f, to la s t fo u r daya, opened yee- lerday, when, w ith ftorgeant Joseph lla rsm xs of Pstorson. F lr« i L ieu tenan t Joseph IKirkelbarh of N ewark o a u b -

llio overture to Spohr's opera, "J«s sonda /' Ih® ' ‘Angelas" and Ih® "Fot® Boheuie" from Msssen®!'® "Bocucs P lt- lorasque" and Tschatkow sky'e Sym ­phony No. 6 Ih K minor. The co n lrasta In musical Ideal* siy les and w orkm an­ship In these creations were so m arked a t (o prsvent tbe concert from ta k in g on a monotonous character.

How many of the tlussian com poser'a varied product:} will survive the te s t of time and ihanges in tas te s as long a s have tbe finer creations of P a lestrina , Bach. Handel. Hsydh* M oiart, Bee­thoven. Schubert. Schumann, C'hopiti sod Brehm®. only coming generatlona may say* Outside of Flussia, h is op ­e ra tic w orka hsve received scan t a t te n ­tion. Rvtti "Cugen O negin/' the best of them, Is l«ss well known than It de­serves 10 b® H|8 songs In frequently appear on recita l program®. B ut much of hi® chamber muelc. p a rticu la rly the s tr in g quartet, famed for Its m elodic an dan te canU blle: hts p iano fo rte con­certo In B fla t minor, and ce rta in ly his fourth , fifth and sixth sym phonies, a re unlikely to disappear from concert room®'

Bine®*Wassill Safonoff conducted the New York PhUharmonIc O rchestra 's perform ances of (he sixth or “P a th e t- Ique*' symphony sixteen years ago* and thereby ceused a sensation com parable lo th a t excited by a b rillian t p rlm a donna, the work has bben m ore In- M nim entai In m aking T achafkow sky'a ■stilus known to Am erican audlencas than any of his o ther creations. In a ll likelihood there alw ays w ill b« tboae who will Insist th a t no th ing he hae done equals In poignan t feeling th a fine e of the sixth. Today m any of bis adm irers a r t show ing a p re fe rtn ee

' t'oikviiiced that, as th® nerlal nijm*; bei of a I.J bill she had ran In coiiaecu*I live order lo a nuinher o f o lh er Si>I bills pcrSH®®B®d by A woman 'roin

u h . tr one Iia'1 hern atu|®ti. Ibcr® van NUfDcJcnl tvui«hL-c I.V Mrs<'ohn" fur til® cuuiIm, Judge<jwlg|ry tod4}- jilaetfl h®r under luill. Th® wuhiait Jidin(ti®d Hih I the name she gav® as well a local ad" dt«,as, waa riclhM'm®,

Two fornial Citar^es were preferred Ihe w >m \ l•■Ug{ng th®

fro..i 1 H.irc:u> Nerlna *.i C W inlhroj. C iange,aiici th® uther vna i '.t l.k'" w.Ui tfieal*Ing three babU.i *h® store »rI*. Bam berger Fo She was arr®»i®dby D etective Jos'-uh F »‘ i*!l Tuefcday aflernoon, wnxri, h® eiv®. (*•* ^aw her d top her muff i.o::ta uli.g lIm- diccvnea.

toflidea the fS Mil. thf-*' wAda ut money were fojii I Ir* t>.® w om an's

i purse coinclUvt.g w lh *r« am ounts I biolen from w >m in sh o p n Tuesday

M e a t U n n e c e s s a r ySAYS J. H. WATSON, M. D.

naked h ead q u arl.r* In t i l . fobky of t h . m th a n i Ih e rl .% in u . l ' P'"* '> po.tofflv*^ T « « j who declar* In favor of th* 'f " ® " into it,

1, 1b- Iiiued . who will he . . . i t t* th* r .c ru u - j ,o ,ie * iiy d*- u l tc Aiuific (douMe B treililh)

tnpde en addrens ut the xymimoiM rinrni ihers th is aftcMi«>wn and pr«tu<nird i>j the sckiMl M trophy res®< I” 'b e n»nyv of his orgunlaaUon. The ria ss recrlve® their diplomas frotn F rank Bennes, a tegoher. who la about to b® tran ifo rred te Lafayette bchool. The th irty -eix graduates took part in a jja trlo tlc pro- grern.

Raymond R, Hurley, the principal, gwapded dlplomaa to th 1r |y -o iie pupils a t KouUi MarVtl Htrset

At iiuiaex Avenue tb«re w ars no fo r­ma) sxercisea owing lo th e Hinesa of Hie principal. Jam es Kggoriberger. . There wars tw enty-tw 'o g rad u a iss , j

kelectlona represen ting phases of | their class roern wotk were given by I Wenty-elght graduat#® at A k u u id r r | iHrsel, this afternoon, when they le- < lived their diplomai» from the prln- iipnl* Kvan D, ^ Iw anin ,

Rabbi boluiiiuii l''oat«r a<J>1i®jis®d forty-five graduates th la a r irn io o n hI .loMph K.®" Hrhool. in Muilou street. The princliMl. uilu H, l^’hult®, awartlefl the <llp1omAN.

‘Th® Developouut of ihe American Fkiig" W'l a topic Hi the f-xarcleea at !lid(ie Hchool, w lure ug^hic«n g rad u a te ! lectlvod illploMUB. Tableaux repro- aenllh i the forging auU th® ring ing of the Uberty Bell wri® <lvon by the MUplla Anaon laeary. in charge of North Knd com m unity boys' work* gave an addresa.

Hev* Dr. H arry T. M orkland, papior of Cetttrgl Methodist ('hurch, addreaeed The sixty-tw o g raduates a t Miller Htreet IbU morning. Th® c lass took pari In g patrio tic program .

Thor® were six ty graduetee a t Robert Tragi, uearly all of whom will epU r <ha Junior high In th a t building, ghd tlilrty*f»ur,gt H am burg flgoe.

c 'roHH and th e K nigh ts of Columbu?* war (undK

l a a ir Her® ta ISM.)-rom Founly Donegal, back In 'll*

OaMegher cam# io America He su r­vived Ul® g re a t b lltaa rd of '81, and In

Applied fur and received his firs t Llirxenahlp papere

H urlns the next doten years or SO O sltaghor traveled about the country* not rem ain ing long In any one place, and It w as not un til itSS thaL having re-eatab llshed hla residence In KuApon ('ouht>. he applied for his second pa­pers. Om Septem ber 21, IIM. the p res­ent nstu ra llgarlon laws became ef- fei llve, a l ls f ln g sligh tly and adding lo Ih® requ ire inen ts to be met by would'hr t itlse iis . On Septem ber r i, |*0S, Judge B lair of the Hudson County Court made G allegher a r.lt1s®ri under th® lew th a t had been aupsrseded the day he Core-

Then follew ed a difficult time for Barney 11a w as notified th a t h is papere w ere of no effect end roust be returned. F or m ofithi he refused to b®l1®v® th a t It (ould be ao. and despite repealed ca lls by an agent of the .N’u tu rs llaa tlo n Bureau* he refueed to tu rn back the papers th®t on their fgA# eaiabUshed k u s ta tu s a i a fult-risdged American-

After fina lly relinquishing them. O allsgher re g re lte d and consulted a lawyer, who advised that their ra tum could be obtained. The liw yer took up the case, bu t before he had pushed It to a oonclttslen he died.

niecQuraged. O allaghef praodlcelly gave up hope of ever atta in ing hla am ­bition. Friend® persuaded him* how-

Wmrni* M lllila MlgU*A hope la expressed by Major Bloom

that m em bers of the S tate M ilitia rom - panlee In th is loc®l!ty will volun teer to a tten d fu n era ls of any N ew arkers w ho may die In eervic® and fire th® usual Hatute. Being w ithou t guns, membero of th e rec ru itin g sta ff cannot ca rry out the cuetoitt*

Sergean t lU n sb a ll and f 1v« men from Hie office a tten d ed the funere l todey of p riv a te G eorge 8- Boeder of 2i t ■South O range avenue* who died in B al­timore.

There wera ten enlletm enln hi the reg u la r arm y a t th e recru iting office* sg Bark place, yesterday. Flv® vhose the av ia tion section of the signal corps* tw o th® cavalry and on® each th® *oasi a r lllle ry . In fan try and m edical d epart- m ent. ^

U nilotm enta follow ; H arry F. O orski. IT W Inans avenue; W illiam M, C lark , ftIO O range sireeL bhd F rank J. BchtlUng, 74’ K om ora gtrdSt, a ll of K sw ark ; AnihoBy CIrullo, lU H arrlaon avenue, and B ert Juliano* 111 H arrison avenue* both of G arfle ld l H enry Hcheppler. 124 P a terson aveave. F a s t ilu lh srfo rd ; Michael J- P alhe , 7#1 H a r­rlaon stree t. F’aasalc; W arren W. Rud®, H am burg; P etijam ln A. W ilson Jf>« HouUt Btooktoa street* T rea ted , and H arry C. Fueba. Pena* Grove*

Red CroM Day FeatureAt French War Exhibit

OrdiuDce DepKrtnwitt in Need Of MeteUurgicel

A nnounc.m eftl o f tfc* n*i*, o f llWt—1*_________ _______ ___ lu r t l r a l chtRilata fo r th* O r ,n a n « , P , -

•v*r,"t* u n L r ta b * «h* tiiThf anirw. and t partm an t of Ut# DnH*d Btatoa k u

■AtUntiM fodax « t Ik* Frenvh w ar aikIM t k « ln t kaM a t th* RoiaTin* JlTMiu* A rm *rr la e*iit*r*4 on th* R*d GfM* t*a room a ^ tb* v arlo u i d*. parta iM t kaatka. Krnoat Do* B*lll*ia liM eMtKkktad th if a a n * d Cro** Day. A H M f *f r a a a e «nd*r th* dir*r- «ltk Mfa. M b W. H ow all and M ra Jkr'S tm W tkk w in a*rv* in th* t*a raaai la tk a a f t trn o o a an d *v*- •MM " , \ 1 I *1

Tia —MitMM (■ til* <•* fooiH mi*afunwaa afo Mfa Taanc, Mm.raftkC ijtiB, lanil

Mlaa R tth R a ta a . Wfoa M a r ,a r« t Rtk«r.‘ " WMh. Mlkma»a*li.-m# WuiM

W atk ln a tan , Rtk«r, im Waida

four inan tha a a o b* annodnuad hi* lo- tan tlon to th* authorlll** of apnlj'lnc aaain fo r hla to rond nap*r*.

Rut raa ta rd ay E aam ln rr Glafor brok* th* n*w*—and almoat hrok* Barney'a h o art—th a t ondar th* daclalan Ja it f lvcn by th* oourt ho tnu it b«fln a t th* v*ry boalnn lna, r*d*olaro th* Inloatlofi th a t ha* ca rr la d ov«r tw*nty-ala yMr*. and ***k h la f lra t paa*n. For Ih* oourl'a daelalon waa th a t a diaaulod etaua* In >h* law of 1M ( llmllad tb* validity o f f lra t pak«r* laauad pravloua ta tt* baoom lna ^ fo r llv * to a parlod of tavan y*am from th a t dato.

racolvad by 8 . F. Ito l.m u ad , r«pr*B antatlvt In th ia oUy of tbBi da-^ parlm ant. Salarlaa w ill ra n > i I r a f o '

to I l . tM a yaa*.AcoaptabI* men w ill b* as*lcn*d ta

w ork In th* O rdnanea D apartm ant, th* W ar D apartm ant and varlena m anu- rao turliik p lan t* In th* Vnlt*d S ta t* ,and Canada. Th* *ntraim a la la ry la da* pandadt upon th* quallfIcatlaB a *1 th*

vetopad and Ihorouchly Ruaalax In It dltcloauro of national tra it* aa he undaralood thtin.

If for no olhor r*a>on, Ih* fifth would hold It* own w ith any o lk a r ■ymphony of tha otaaalc, rom antto o r tnodorn prrtod borauM of U t m alodloua oharaot*'' Malody a trtam * th re u a h Ita four movomontt, hut it la c o n tre lltd by an a r t In waavina harm onlea (h a t a tvaa an a ir of ,ran d * a r to th* work. T h a t Improatlon r.«rt*lnly follow* a h aarln g of th* final*, r t r ta in p ac t* In w hich tak* on ro*l m ajeaty In am otlonal * i - praaitoiL Th* m orbidity th a t to ofton affaol^d tho compoa*r'a u tta ran caa ■Ivto a* o m li,r ton* to th* In troduction ; bu t tharaafto r th*r*M* n o th in , aavor* I n , o f potaim lim In Ih* tcor*. Tho andant* cantabll*. In wMch th* F ranck horn apoak t m ovincly In th* oponing matBuraa, la a* (raco fu l and In g ra tia t­ing aa any th ing In B chubart'i "Un- f ln lth td " lytnphony, though a* a m ol- ody It la not to haun ting aa tho alow movamont (n tha q u arta l Th* w ait*, tak in g Ik* plat'* of th* uaual *ch*raw I* appM lIng In It* rhy thm ica l aw ing, and th* final*, with It* varl*d rhy thm and amoifonal outpouring. I* a auporb climax, Inapirod and laapirtng.

In a laak th a t taxad both ro n d u rte r and playara, th* o rek ta tra acqu it t*d Itaolf BO wotl a* to m arit th* applau** th* porformane* prompted. A nton Soldi told tho w r it tr n t t r ly a aeor* of yoara ago tbk t w hm evar ho approached th* -P a tkMIqqo" nnnphony ho fo il th a t ho m uat a* d eodkl n t out o f U mor* th a n b* had obtid lia l ay any e f hla provloua roading* of th* work. C aaenotor E h rh* uadouhU dly will achlov* m or* w ith the tIDh r f to r long p r a c t lu In fo tling fo rth Ita Opntanla. Th* Wcond andan t* w an t am oothly and tb* ap irit In tb* w ait* waa avoked aaatfuny. In th* au rg ln g Dnal* ihor* waa ooeaalonalty a a lu rrin g a t la*trnm «ntal voleta, a lack o f to n a l hklane* and m odttUtlan th a t Intcrfapod w ith th* colortpl aekama an d g ra a to r •aaoTtlvanaa* than fla lsh In m ark in g th* lompl and in iw U Ilng th* fortliw lm o

.Meat is the most expensive ariicic J t diet, and the If ant netessary. Add milk, cheese, fruit, fresh fish, to vege­table articles and you have a good diet. The rheumatic should abstain from meats, or eat very sparingly, it it a well-known fact that in gout serious organic disease of the kidneys occurs. Such scientists as Futcher, Minkowski, Hans, Vogi and Reach have shown that uric acid in eacesa is retained In the blood when the kidneys do not help excrete this poison. Unc ■cid retained within the body Is be­lieved to be the preceding stage or cause of Bright's disease. The ex­cessive use of nitrogenous food or meats often incrceses uric add.

High living, intestinal Indigestion, constipation, diatarbtnoe of the liver, frequem chilling of the body—alt re­sult In retilning within the body an excete of uric acid.

Tbe best way lo overcome thia con- diiion and prevent rheunittiim, and gout Is to drink plenty of water, aay, a pint of hot water morning and night

and three

limea a day. This can be obtained at any drug aiore. This is my invariable prescription for the rheumatic penon, and it usually follows that iHc rheu­matic pains, the bcckeclie, such as lum­bago, pains in the beck of the neck or limbs, will disappear. This Anuric by its tonic effect upoi^ the kidneys encoursges them to greeter activity, and thereby tht uric ecld is thrawn out of the syslcm. It it aleo well to pfe- vem constipation and that greater ovii, auto-intoxication, to take bending ex­ercises every morning, plenty of water between meals, ind et least once a #eek lake a vegetable laxative. Such a one Is made bf May-gppte, eatrset of vegetable calomel and root of lalap, epaily obtatwd at any drug store be- ciuse sold for fifty ^ a rs under Ihe ntme of Dr. Pierce's Pleassnt Pellets. —Advertlismsnt for Terld's' Dispen- len ’ Medietl Association.

v r a a e Jw rp «■ l a aportloa Trip.In th* tea t a tag* of It* long aoatlon,

th* g ran e Ju ry l*(t ihl* morning o* a four of InapoMlM of county Ipalltu- llvlit. I t waa unearatood that tb s triph which la p a n 'o f th* Jury'* re o n a s e u ilo a wpuM com prlta th* e su n tr penf- u n U a ry . la l l kpd th* I ts itl l* * “

HefttBPo. 1 IpU hl h i Mo. ,v , ..- I ► ‘/ r ; '* .

■ ppolnfo* and th* liaporlane* of th* duty lo w hich b* m ay b* aaMgaad.

Applicant* m uat Ira ahl* to anatye* ■(**1 ue td In th a m anufactu r* of aholt, th rapnel, ra r ir ld g * caaaa and o thoy ordnano* m a ta r la la Bx«cutlv* abllKjr w in h* requ ired In many laataneesi Ho civ il **rvte* •a a m lm lla n Is r*qulr*4 . tb* quallfloatlon* ewrantlal boing odu- oatloB and prollm lnary tra b ila g sp d •ip*iiMMev . /

Paraews lnt*r*at*d lo ll^S' poait teup n a y proeur* fu rth a r Hr. turtoMUBd's efftc*

f t -1*1 hard lo holltv* now th a t ■pohFa "Jtaaonda'* O varter* one* r l v ^ td . In p tpu la rlly Ib G erm an ce n ­t s ^ tdWBa th* latrodtselloti te W ebeFS H nsr ITeleohuota" I t I* molodlou* In p f f e te W s -M artha’' wqp, an d a a t wrlch- hat^ehann , h a t In r oma a ttc s tm tsa ile n


NATIOIIIkLOffers Four Wonderful

Bargains for Friday and Saturday

'q Sugar-Cured Smoked Hams(Whole or Halt)

Best Cuts Prime n QRib Roast. . .28Lb.

B l a d e C u t^ ^ ^ b a s t • • • • • • 24C

Lb k

Top Round I ^ o a s t • • • • « • 32C


•*# I'ltnion Ave., Newark, N. J. SfPVi Orange SL. Newark, N. J.1U2u South Orange Avr„ Newark,

N. J.4 Moulter Place, Bloomleld, N. J.

Glenwood Ave., Hloomlleld.N. J. 200 Harrison Ave„ Harrison, N. i. f l Kearny Ave.. Kearny, N. J.1 Highland Avc„ Maplewood, N. i. Millburn Ave- Millbum, N. J.140 Cheatnat St., Nutiry, N. J.Jj South Orange Avr„ South Or­

ange, N. J.

2T» Broad S t. Newark, N, J.Wii Penn Ave.. Newark. N. J.142 Midland Ave., Arlington, N. J. 184 North Park St., Eaat Orange,

N. J.84 Main SL. East Orange, N. J. 1011 ’ SpringBeld Ave., Inington,

N .J .231 Bloomfield Ave.. Moniclair. N. J. $51 Btoomfifld Ave., Mpnietair, N. J, dOli'i Valley Road, Montclair, N. J, 53 Kreeman St., Orange Valley,

N. i.376 Springfield Ave„ .SummiL N. J.

Men can buy^30. Overcoats

- f o r

$ 21.”in


l^ioeial for 1b~Morrov, Friday, Feb.' lot

Extra Special tor Friday and £afiirtfaif. Feb. let andSii]rHmTHa.\Tr t;HVJCRRn4mm not la«Nir rirli. frBgrsBt, PuiilX' Tbsp® mr®TWO DAVB ONLY.

CBBdjr-rmn tbs® Hmmy m m * WmrsfcBiwIlow —4 , hd4v«l|r ChsrAlst® «tf smsxrsllfB^j jrhmfl® 9 Q j i w nrUmr Emdm. EXTiA 2 V C .

A ttra c tiv e O f le r in g fo r T h u rtJa jr* Jsn * 3 1 i tHII.K rH ocot-ST K c ttvK itpn rn * sM p

' tln**l e l she uperle*. n H »a ftp*, and tadiwatr partiaaa. and afiar a orrllatlaary

Cnom, they a n taierktmly rorarod Pramhwn MUk CtranhU:

WE ALSO o m u i

M I D O B T 8 T I C X 8 HD—Dalaty, «>*nd*T paarll •hop* -*llrh* *f dehrlew*. Per* Paaar Caady. for tewl*d Iw foa afoealaatraH ead apk* fimior*.They alwoya

19c I S T U s S L l I n m hFBtt TtN

CNOCfHUXn Ia v m a tu u s p ’-^

• f t te ^ t ir a H , li *f Mias goad

tag* af to r a fragiaal, ml- **ty CtranSa**.

rovH D m ax

ral i Ht i d.

34cTh* ipccltlad w dshi iMlud** th* »nt*la*r.

This KinItUlf pr.*ar*ll«n p n a p t l r kill* all d«tln .far walikay, h**r ta d othar lo- tMriaaat*. t t can b* *It** I* Ih* horn* •*- rretly. N* atalurtuat •xyoaw. No lam a t ItmM.

We *r* a* aun that Qml** -HIIf, I f lthat w* ta r t* n *a. It, stt* r a trial yaq

(all ta 1*1 aay *«Mm, r*vr awaey wUl he Tcfaadtd. D**l* anfo II.IS a hat, *ih a* (•* fr** htifoht afoot Orriat.

Ufs*U-tUb*r-ll*a**w* orac Stele*, tH Bread *t. **d Horlwi end Waahteetm ttw) rhariH ■•lahainr, ISS Bread at.. Nawerbi Abram Ufolar. Oraag*,—A4.«rtl**m*at.

— ■■■' 11 ^ -P - ■ m ---- ’ ---aoa* Itai, with kUoUIhlr pavtmtal *■ a TiTlmdi aowwet* roondatlmi;

o n A o m r e i i i i j iT s

gritBBT PAVlKpI .

all th* ewaete * l .r il th* laaZT'Mit ‘d *<(au ta th* ally *1 K n arh . mMlIa!“ ■ ■ ■ - —------nrali la


Ih* eaid

e r any «(hM a ttr ib u te H le f a r roam ved (ram Ih* “F ra lsohuatt'-avertB r* , Maa

ante* ky aay l**M ba. elly, la yreponkm M atarir ta laty Ih* Bdttniag* «*rh «** deinrad ta hev*

teneVa taohal«*l poliah in In a lm m en ta - Hon, sene* of atyl* o n * fPsUng fo r m end a re hM fU y ompteyod tn bo th '"Til*-AiUPrtfia* ah* tlM .T^aolM aa*.-

fM h B lygMftfi I w I t M

bar* mad* aa, *■ of foatAla **anri

*ww*r* ol th^lshd* *ad ktty *r Ntwarh p*r*f!*rly *r th* '

ad opih an th*N.w'A'm^*turr fo^Ji^M fetlewtig .tmy(ey*si**l* fo.W»l *tfo,

mnra tfflSi|»alB*ataShiyndmaata ^ IS > ■*.......

ew '■ sew aS hlL wS

flott** laI T t h l ^ w & ^ ^ S n i f o M-

ft«K Marvry *trrat 1# Ortmtal | l ^^ i T s s ^ s a » s s a

C a s h ' r i i f b o o k srartl«ul*r1y watitrd—llth rdlOwi BrlUnnlca

T h o m s 8 e E r o n , I n c . 'I® j»h« fltfs®). 1*®w Tsrb. Ttitpboft® 4iH -4i t i J®hb.

a n A D V E m ss iE im___.aak WteraUh

t t n r y M a k f


sometimi M i l l i o n D a

T u l l t o o v j i n g s . T h r j

— W e r e s e r v e j

TSFORD AVENIJB,■ran B aifteid *ven« I* th* Baat Ortaae Hat. w m hltoHihlr iMvcnnni ea a ala <i| ioTfc ooaerat* founealion;

••**•■« M g a u t u STRKKT. '■dgMh»k ainphosi*ttom Bmiitk Ot*nx® sv«nut t« Rscklsmo l®f'S??, V n i bMuiHTiK. I>»**»*"‘nrm 1MIIS BllUflgnit ■J«vvnsmnw am « mam i-y

i r M l h'S?

o n A D V U tT M N E IIT S

tb®■aaaa^fo^gaff S*7'2'IWlSSarV. tSl'S^ iPm VcIfohTrUM.fmV'mma Hi the «fp«

tawrmr «. e*.was tb® Uf*® «INl lilt tbftt mur bt

inth tide* *1 * . ..1 THOMAS irrhBKT, '

frani th* tertnleiui e t th* praeeat a afotrt m M **■( *f n*w*M *tn«i 1* i n e 'D i ea Mth •Wa* at-

OKDAR A vm tu a .

UlTM Ion LAMM, w - frem bivMew yl*** w*atoiit; - • a s i t *


tT a n angl*. > » aeallrarif t* a * rek*rt£T & i n*rfo Pork tireati.eq h*th

MAPiMi.eq.hetfc a tM a l A ^ f l l l . oiwA <M ket

— af m ofm p t-aiTk

The Silk 81 of Such It®



i Ii for Todiv I ctnn (lorter ipuldn' fiunibiaBnd c lale.glpSc.

-Thougig ■ pie; it

. sports I" wide.


W onWit)

Re^ H E union 1! and sle< .gptuded. R'


1 Low neck at . Regular and regular size:

50c Un<J9c Un

-Union Suits f ferfecl.t M u i

-i®reken size 240 garmen

—White cotio25c 29c >

M—Low neck i

Reguli79c C

Nem< f i U S o Q—Beginning

4, the Net sets, now !

-The Self-R S4.50, will

Stampa t H

V LITTLI ^ covers lo|g, kUnor

aipers, etc _ kind. Xdton for w

WereNow 1HAlIXK'l

r W f(top ul e i i t a th

IfBertiir: l-Dtnhtp:

-M kkdl I T -J8e 1

. #|B. 1

freai hiiriaw *tr*m - 0* Seth <>UM *1

'1 t-vi

Page 7: German Strike Spreading With 700,000 Now Idle in Berlin, London ...

■ n n n v i m

' 1



2 L b .

N. J. rk. N. J. InRton. N. J. Sut Orati(e,

ige. N. J.^ IniitftMi.

Mlcbir. N. J. Bnlelalr, N, J, >ntclair, N. J uifv Vall«]r,

iummil, N. J.

■ 1

' f t ' — ■■ ‘• h Mu Mm «t

•O* 19cl i t aiti• Uiwlillfctt—’

g iie.3 1 i t V

jm im w ia £ - W H T-^ » i -

Ii•ir Miai (w i

Mr —MiHlit,



VHakf• M M Otavtsvt

s e w a b k e v e n i n g n e w s , T H T J B S D A T . J A N T A B T 81. M W .

n hahne a ca I ./ I h ahne & ca

sometime pays to save money by spending It. Hahne s Million Ddar Thrift Sale for example. The stocks are ;full to ovSflowing with fresh new goods at great sav­ings. Thr|t Sale signs point the way—look for them.

—We r a e rv e fic right to Umit q aan litk a . ' '

The Silk Si1e Is Full of Such It^ns as This

Inported Corduroy at

Qioted Today at from $1 .00 to $1.50'T H I § standard Corduroy is imported from England. « Ii former years we sold it readily a t $1.00 a yard.________ yearsToday f cannot be imported to sell for less than $1.50. The im­porter ouldn’t do much business on that basis, so he gave up this numtafand closed out his stock on hand. You can buy it in this -Thoutb heavy and firmly woven, this Corduroy ia toft and aup- H • pie; ideal for ill manner of skirls, suiis, children’s clothes Md

. sports wetr. White, crestn, street end sports shsdei. 27 inches ^ wide.

iiA R Sters—w in sT f l o o h

Prices Is Just


r; YMoney »

Final QearanceChildren’sCoatsPrices Clipped a Half and More

-Variously in caraculs, zibelines, corduroys, chinchilla and winter coatings. Black and colors. Sizes 2 to 5 years. Not all sizes and styles at every price.

$4.98 and $5.98 Coats at $2.98 $6.98 to $8.98 Coats at $3,98 $10.00 and $10.98 Coats at $5.98 $12.50 to $21.00 Coats at $7.98

Clearance of Children’s Winter Hats-M ade of corduroy, silk and velvet, in white, navy, black, tan and

copen blue, all daintily trimmed with ribbon, flowers and fur bands.59c to $1.00 Hats, $1.98 Hats,

$2.98 Hats. 98c$3.98 and $4.98 Hats, $1.98

II < iiii-iiH»:va w i; ib —hkmind f i.uor

omen's Lisle Union Suits With a Glove Silk Top at

$1.75Regular Prices Are '$2.50 and $2.75

IfH E union suits are splendidly made of pink lisle. Low neck 11 and sleeveless with tailored top. Two and three piec;p styles .igtuded. Regular and extra sizes.i White Cotton Union SuitsLow neck and sleeveless styles. Viriously with shell or lice trim knee. Regular and extra airei in all numbers save those at 69c. which are it* regulir sizes only.

59c Union Suits, 38c 75c Union Suits, 58c69c Union Suits, 48c $1.00 Union Suits, 69c

-Union Suits at 38c are subject to ilifiht imperfections; ail others are i perfect. .' Munsingwear Union Suits \

-.Xroken sizes in women's Munsingwear Union Suita. About i § t / L / 240 (trmenis in sll. Regularly Sl.M to $1.75, choice at I

Women*8 Knit Vests—White cotton; low neck and sleeveless.

25c Vests at 16c 35c Vests at 25c29c Vests at 19c $1.00 Vests at 69c

$1.10 Vests a t 75cMunsingwear Vests and Pants

—Low neck and sleeveless; pants shell or lace trim at knee.

' " ' “' " " “ • ' 5 9 c " ^ ' £ L \ 6 4 c

T h e s e R a w W i n d y D a y s C a l l f o r

Veils ^• r.

59c V db a t H i—Shetland and * fancy meahea, In yard vfili; black, taupe, navy and purple.

$1.75 Veiling a t $ 1 J» -S tlk net, . 72 Inches wide, good heavy qual- •< lly, in all the evening ahadea.

$1.69 Crepe Vella, $1.29—Darkand evening ahadea in good qual­ity Georgette crepe. 40 inches wide. RAU.VK’S—KiniT FLOOn

FREE!S a m p l e o f A l b a d o n

T o o t h P a s t e•TY) introduce the ir aplendld ^ dentifrice to * a wider

clientele (he Albadon Company, through us, wilt distribute 500 sample tubes Friday to adutia only.

HAHNR'ti—rin sT r to o n

Mountains of Towels at Tumbled Prices

T H B Y arc the biR bath towels, those g ian tT urkish fellows that soak up water like T , s i^ R e ailli rub one dry in a twiiiklitiR. They look more like hath rugs thantowels th e v arc so big and thick,

- The sale started with 12,000 t.wels all new and perfect, " “ ["J’"white centers with colored borders in jacquart patterns. M o sto fth e to w e lsh a v e sp .e efor monogram. Three big lots, divided thus.

79c Grades Jn.AHjreni—rta sT f i-oor

39cFor S9c & 69c Bath Towels

59cFor 79c & 89c Bath Towels

Boy’s Corduroy Kniikers

$1.19Regularly $1.50

—300 pairs Boys’ Corduroy Knickers, in drab shades. Their wearing quali­ties make them the most desirable knickers obtainable for school wear Sizes from 6 to 16 years.HARVK’»—FIRST Fl.oon

$1.25 & $1.39 Bath Towels

t?e>ftennsi fn r Slfllp * cotton and labor force theii€€l80ns to r OUlC . p^gnufacturcr to discontinue these numbers.II All Kl»4M>R


An Assortment of Envelope Purses . ,—Many styles of top and back purses, all

with mirrors.The L fa then are

—Pin Seal —Ecras-se—Panther —Beaver

—I’in Persian Morocco Color Range

_Blue —Green —••ray —I’aslel—Black -T a n —Khaki shades

Practical Little Tub Dresses at $1.50

'Made in the bright plaids that are so becoming to the small miss of school age. Some of the colorings are light, others dark, relieved hv » hiie pique collars. High waist line; smart litile pockets, hires b to 14.

Middy Blouses, $L50-Plain white or smocked in colors, with colored collar, .cuffs and pockets. O i l or slip-on style. The mate

rial is a Lonsdale jean. Sizes li to 20.HAUAIC'I*—SMCdAU K l.n o l l

White &Colored Wash Goods19c and 29c Grades 19c to 25c Grades

15c-Llron Liwni—In useful lengths,

called Mill Ends, 2 yards and over. 4(1 Inches wide. The grade for dresses and aprons.

25c Percales

17c—Many colorings from light to

dark are Included in this lot of firmly woven iW-lnch percales. Good designs fnr house wear and children's clothing.

m e-Remnants of Voiles, Lawns and

Organdies. .46 Inches wide; all good lengths for various uses.

39c Japanese Crepe

22c-Different color stripes woven In

the goods and positively lubproof. JO Inches wide.


Nemo Conets Soon Cost More

-Beginning Monday, February 4, the Nemo Wonderlift Cor­sets, now $.\00, will be I6.06.

-The Self-Reducing Corset, now $4.50, will be $5.60.

Stamped Goods at Half Price

A LITTLE lot of corset covers, dresses, pillow

loM, kimonos, scarfs, doilies, ronpers, etc. Only « few pieces oFa kind. Ekch complete with t^ o n for working.

W ere iSc to $2.00 Now l i ^ c to $1.00H AIISIB**—iriR » T FI.OOR

Sale of Warm Blankets I—A clean saving on every pair

of these warm, lofty blankets.

—White wool blankets.—Full double bed site. —Bordered with pink or blue. —Bound with mohair.—Four grades for selection—

$8.00 grade at $&50 $8.50 grade at $7.00 $9.00 grade at $7.50 .

$10.00 grade at $8.50

$2.75 Comfortables '. $1.98 -

—The beat of maierlata and work­manship: pretty silkollne for cov­erings, pure ssnitary cotton for tiller.

$2.25 G im fortables $1.68

—Full size. Filled with soft, sani- tsry cotton. Silkollne covers in ■ttrsetive colors.


for discerning homemakers w h o (ran appreciate the service and beauty of Hardwick & Magee Milton*.

Qu it e a few rug mills weave Wilton rugs, hut Hard­wick & Magee stand out as one of the foremost.

And one of their finest Wilton rugs is called the ' Hardwick" grade, after the senior member of the firm. .

I i is seldom we offer the Hardwick grade Wilton under price; we do so now only as a feature of our Million Dollar Thrift Sale. Discerning homemakers i»ill be quick to share. Three aizes, in a wide aasorimenl of patterns

9 x 1 2 f t .

8 i /4 x l0 j /2 f t .

2 7 x 5 4 i n c h e s

$ 7 1 .0 0

$ 6 6 .5 0

$ 7 .5 0


GENUINE IN U ID UNOLEliM-Colors go right through to the back, hence the desigri* ire always fresh

and anriclive. Sold by the square yard. Three grades:__$ 1.95 grade at $1.60. | —$1.20 grade at 95c._$1.50 grade at $1.25. ! hahte’s—third fi.qor

Bleached Pattern Cloths98c

A Headliner in the Million Dollar Sale-Made from highly mercerized thread; snowy white,-An oval pattern on cloth. 58x72 inches, hemmed ready for use. -Because of the limited number coinc early. Only two to any

one customer.

Heavy Tabic Damask $1.25

-Made in Ireland. A heavy, dura­ble quality, with particularly good designs. 72 Inches wide.

Crash Toweling, 19c-White or while with red border.

Soft and absorbent.

Bleached Muslin, 19c—Full pieces of snowy muslin, soft

finish, 36-Inch width.

Extra Grade Scalloped Sheets

—Bleached, eeamleis aheeta mada from firmly woven cotton yarns. Enda scalloped.

72x99 Inches, $1.69 81x90 inche*, |lJ t9

Bleached Pillow Tubing, 25c

—Full pieces. A splendid grad* for wear. 45-Inch tubing. Tha right width for (he averaga pillow.

HAH’vsrs—first ki.oor

$1 “Wizeml” Mop $1 can “Wizard” (M

B o t h f o r

$1.00(None Sold Separately)

—Mop of untreated whit* yam, can be used as duster, or, satu­rated with polish, for finishing

1 floors.—When needed, mop can b*

washed and re-oiled. Just as illustrated.

, , —Note demonstration at the store.

' i/**Wear Ever” Alumimim Cooking Utensils’ itop and have this were demenatrated by the factory repre-

itative now here.Special Valac; for Tomorrow

^Berlin Sauce Kettle, 6 quart, I U 6 .^Doable Lipped Sauce Pan, 2y^-plat, |1.M.f HousefurnuhingB on the Special List

50c 8«H Boxok 99e ‘H ^rw n a0d whlft; top coloied to

Sad IroM, 1 2 ^—Mckal finlthed. Set of 6 plaoca.

16e Bread w i ia r A U ctoe shape! t# toast four sUeea


12.00 Waih Itoiknk 11.7$ —Nay 7 slsti nude from perfect

tla; copper boHoni.

t i l t WMh Boikn, |L8»— A h e av ie r w a i ^ t .

lAMnaainr .

L500 Boxes of 55c Stationery

39c-Fine white linen-finished stationery is becoming

scarce at reasonable prices. Better stock up when It ii offered so fir below the usual price.

-Each box contains 24 sheets letter paper or 24 gold-edged correspondence cards; long or square shape, with envelopes to match.


E yeglu$s€8 a t $1*25-A ll A t lenses— with gold-

fllled fram et.-Prescriptions ftlled accurstely

and all kinds of repatf work done at moderate price.


S w u r t l^ k ’ltS tk iD gliam T ra PotsrrhBRT.''*

Ik* arVMSt tsmm •w tM (ti«M u Am * .

VRM'UR. ! "VMM to MOMtl la V ' Mm et ^

I'M ot M W WM»>, ^ ':

lacb,' ‘OrlMtOl 0*00*. ' >•04 riRl «••*• 40. S

’«• Mt OMMOntMt 4f0 .p .t i n JRogoi^ _SO■ >». ■-■1$•

? ]j8 S e .A 3 tr luM. « i

35c-49o-69c-79eBetter Get Them Now

.T:hln M ^ 'froB t to g ta id ’t fantraa ptmtfy. Na n era to he


►Thin fotB from M glanU i A choke of four sixee.

"*7 i H i l n P o r e i l i i n'\M AjDfauMr 8 « t i '

la nwqr dUtHw Mfderii, aB wli

Bm t B m h, 16elaatt i4aiii etoet

- V ’ "

*I '

[ .C-5 5 5 S IS K

CRETONNESAmeritMti Made Cretonnes that Embody Ideas From Every Age and Clime

IF you atilt htve any lingering doubts that wo ere dependent upon foreign countries for dyes

or deelgns, see these cretonnes. As alluringly at- tracUvo a t any we have ever seen from abroad, and • great deal lets expeniive.

* V—A moon-glow Chinese pattern, for example,

that coats to import $1.50 a yard, is here at 85^ Almost priceless tapestries are reproduced in cretonnes, designs that look like the real! while Cnbiit, Oriental end floral patterns ads here galore.

j ■Amrve—vwmo r to o n ■

Oneida Community “ Par Plate”

S i l v e r w a r eA W onderful Sale Offering

—Two well-known patterns that many of our customers are watching for, to fill out the home equipment.

“Bridal Wreath” and “VernonReduced Price* for This Sale Only

Set of € . \ Set of 6 ] EachTea Spoons 75c ' Medium Knives S1.9ft!Sugar Shells ^ Oyster Forks « .10 Salad Forks $2.00 Butter Knives ^ Orange Spoons $1.40 Soup Spoons $1.7.i ^ I d Meat Forks ^ Dessert Spoons $1.45 Bouillon Spoons $1.75 Pickle Forks 40c Table Spoons $1.50 Butter Spreader $1.75 Gravy Ladles ^ Medium Forks $ l i» Fruit Knives $1.89 Berry Spoons 90c

Buy Furs NowT h e Fur Auction liow going on In New

York shows extraordinary price ad­vances. Whoever buys furs now proRta by our present reductions and escapes the advances (almost double) sure to come next season.


Form the TJirift Habit,-.pell)^ et wsrtly. buy s CRitRlR nmnbef of i

Thrift Stamps at 2$e,le deiat help yen peowmlM; better, k hilpi |BW

_aiMMg itsmie and dn eutni Us M f $w sWm

Your Sewing Machine Should Last a Lifetime

Sewing Machine—He* the quality that assures

durability.—Before Investing In thla permS-

nant piece of home wqulpmenl, Inepeci the “Free" and tne how niuch mote it offots for your money. ‘

—The pric«?-W ,ell, we only u k tbnt you oome In end learn how iw - pAdngfr geoeTOM they a n . j

-Y tm win aave e aubrtsetial pert of w tal yeu would have to pay tor e u ^ h to g much Infarler to our wonderful

New 1918 Criilii«t M od«l“Fre«^1|iwatliii‘t*-| •didM. Shot uad tfauwl wefi wall »d quiddy tgecmqi to6w «<*>■

Hear Jascha H eifetz in Your Own Home

—You mey have read of how Jascha Heifetz heg captured alt New York with his mervelone playing.

—The same inspiring music can be heard to per­fection on the new records just made. We shall be glad to play them for you.

The Victrola—the musical genius of the world, bring* to

your door* grand or comic opers, the star per­formances of stellar artists, dance, vocal or inatrumental music—all are at your command with a Victrola.

$1.00 Down—with the purchase of $5 worth of rocord*

(which you need tnyway) puts almost any Victrola into your home. . ' ^

New Victor Records Have Q>ms . tor February

—They go on aafe tomorrow, whenbo glad to play them for yon.

■ A k m p a - iM iio n B r tA


1 1 ^




Page 8: German Strike Spreading With 700,000 Now Idle in Berlin, London ...


K s d o i I i C w i i n B STo m

g l k I f t ^ N m N M U h Cm h b Tf tlM H » ■«**» MW** litra k . N. J.

M tfe* N m r i t . N. J . r«l*fflM u h m *4- B • Miwi M tu r .? V ili»k»* Il4irli*lt rrlfM* ■»«»* C "«rti»f *11 fcp*!!""**-

IS k i w &IIK BlfBHINO SBWS d«llnr«l ■»>»»•>•• ! >• N«w»rt l»r II « » n • w«k

Kvf nlfilItAIC. n rS ir tltF T tO N i—Til* N .m nd a lim fitly oat r»«r n>i iaii*'*

( f a n l t* *«*i»«*. fo“f i*»U •

■ I f .- Tark Oftl<*. •r«»w(rli tulldia*.* r in k anvM . T»1 MH-Mli Wm JTiwuoi!. D. C_ lurM v. M« «

.4M*< TwIb O rann I8(*. * t«


h t '-


i c

|»»4 Tala Oranfa I®**; .Prtvai« traneb aacbbM* tanaf^etiaf ill « varimvfiti.

- 111? n i t u a a at^*»ua (To»n i i a t i n i * '

liLarftttbwVBraa«b Otfic*. H iayih irr*«i^ Ulllbam-fertacfuM •rtach Offir*. ‘

» 4n»c atara- Bank buUdttn, Hiiibwm aviauf " r« 2 l ' 'k r l» Ik ’i> tlii • P iri p>»'« ■'■'I '‘■'•J:« Pirk pti'^ ........ ^; i i i iM kiiiwk OffVrt » « •

ta« Hraarb

tWuMkHVn ‘N**aaca avMui TaL l i l ' l Waabiafion *T»«fm>V B L 'B K A l-n WMI illl* t irm Til

’j m Sbt". iiraat n-»ftha*it roraar Biiiai iven-**w M uiaccr'i r»al • f iV ^aaataffici T*l 7?4 Aibyrv P*fk _

I ATIiANTir riTY ■— Tki Dorlitid! AJv«nmai AdiPrir. Wahfr B Bipa


tJM B a n •» *W w r Mr. t w w o f Nkw T a rk or hto rub'lMiWM to nipport tho kulhor of r*or Ood ond T*k» Tour Own Port larh political evolutloiu hava boon wUnaaaad.

•allpvllla ava«tt«. 1*4 Wa>'*r1r iTaaya. m

• J tonan atfiat, «lt.

laOCAL BKAftrU O f^lCEf. Taltabdiki **0* blirhtt

Wairan ilrfil ll* Mvni* »v . II Knuth AJilh tUMl T14

Tbia aavaMDif It • m»mb#r of (K« 4a«»(*Jatt<l• ta a P nII* SuK uchil S S W 4#> AiaaeUtaA

*>8kl!L iM f b« lawfuhr rtprintat *ir«pi 'Z S m U n V t 3T>ALot%t*< F t t J li«cal' iSealAsaaes arlAl* hartln priatad it lubjpct ta Ibt •ARM ra«(fi«tlaR M %* r«tybU«btlaa.

t h i ' r b d a t , j a n u a r t I I . n i l


t . MARKING AN ANNIVERSARY.Xmt a y ea r a fo today O arm any luddcnly

iHiMd Ita (Inal aubm arln* •diet, to taka •ffo c t w ith in tw an ty -to u r houra—lha edict w itkout q u e ftlo n laadinB to tha au traoca of tk a U nited S ta taa in to tha war. By the l a n n i o f th e announcom ont Oarmany aoufh t • f a in to Im poae Ita m lllU ry will on th e use o f tho aaaa. T ha Intolorabla taalrtctlona w hich B e rlin tr ia d to place on tha commerce o f th lf c o u n try follow ed ouch oo trafe* v ita lly Invo lv inc A m orlca aa the a ink in i of tho L ualtan ia , th a A rab le and tha Buuaa,

I t waa th o a ta k ln f of a lt on lawlaaaneaa, on lu th l ia a n i i f T ha an n lv o n a ry of th a t aub- Morino d oeraa la m ark ed in a way th a t O ar- m any will ram am b ar.

TeBsy p lan a fo r In terallied aea control, u ndar A m arloa 'a laadarahlp , In tha w ar on O aroiany a p p ro a c h Ihalr InavlUbla cllm aa I t waa w h a t OarmOBy r e c k lt ia l | courted; p aw O arm any w ill hav a to roekon w ith It. Tho c laa r oxpraaaton of th a davelopm ant la faund ta th o craaU on by tho United Stataa B hipptnc B oard o f on Interallied comraHtea on nh lpp lnp c o n t r ^ .

Thio la a com rolttoo to handle w ar'i buiN p aa i OB th o aoa. D oalinc prim arily w ith tho o ip o d ltin g o f m o rch an t ahtpa from Amarloa'a A ttaa tlo p o rta a n d th a rou tlnp of theee vaa- aala, Ita acopa w ill ex tend to tha allocatlna of Allied to a n a io ta n o ra lly and to Iti employ- m aa t a t m ax im u m otficlency. U n d c»- •raUBallon. th rouB h tho ■overnm ent o p e r i-

-tion o f A m ortcan rallw aya, will bo p rov ided ; jtbo h o tte r h a n d lin g of port te rm in a l'fk c lll- juaa la Im p lic it In th a arrangem ent. I t baa ^pikan tim e to b r in g ab o u t auch an evolution 1—tim e a n d th e atom bidding of nrceoalty. j i n t no fa u l t la to be found with praoeqt itaekdvoi i o ge t re a u tu .■ Aa th o H aw a h a o pointed out, would be tha «aoa. th a ex tenalon o f Allied marcmntllo im illn e d irec tio n a n d regtilatlon followa upon th e A m o iican ayaiem of m erchant ah Ip con­tro l In w am tip ia . a f d la indeed, baaed upon t h a t ay item . U !■ a pooling of aea re- lou ivoo , w ith th e con tro l of thoae reeourcea In th o h a n d a o f expert*. I t haa a apeclal b lew to th e nen d in g and provlulonlng In HI W y a of th e req u ired num ber of A m erican ^roops aaaigned to overaeat aarvlca and to M o p ro v id in g o f o u r w ar partner* w ith th e p m o u n t o f food th ey m uet have. It alao la to iw tabttah w orld aea iranaportatlon In w ar |lm e , w ith re g a rd to ac tu a l world neada, and p v ld en ca i re c e n tly have m ultiplied il.a t neu- in ila ace th e fu ll logic of the altuatlon.

T he co m m ittee on shipping control plan irtlll la to be offic ially paoead upon by our a l l lf t . H ow ever, tho Inelualon In tho com - m lttea 'a a b le m enibarehlp of Sir Connop U u th rle . rep re aen la tiv e In this country of th e A llied C h a rte rin g Executive, and who h as been In c h a rg e here of the ehlpplng In- tereate no t only of U reat Itrlla ln but alao of K rance an d lu ly . I* apparently suffic ien t aiw urance o f fo rlheom lng co-operallon.

In a y aa r 'a tim e U arm any's aubm arlno cam p aig n h a a fa iled to starve England; It h a a n o t p rev en ted a large increm ent of A m aiica il w ld ia ra from being U nded In P ra n ee . I t h a s stim ulated silled unity to a poin t o f w hich G erm any evidently never d ream ed — an d all th is In addition lo helping A m erica eee Us ce rta in way In the g rest w ar fo r deinoeracy. Due aimlveraary pnseea; th e re shou ld be no doubt a t to what tha next o u g h t to tell,

THE LATE SENATOR HUGHES.To sp p re ls a th e character of service th a t

B enatur H ughe* gave to Ins nation nt W aah- Inaton la no t d ifficult. II* waa a palnsU kIng. lo n ee len tlo u s legislator; he had high ab ility an d ha w aa forceful. To p icture him to Je rea y m e n Just aa hr waa ta not *o easy. T h e ra a re p a r ts of the slat* w here m en w ould be Ineraduloua ware they to ld th a t H u g h es w as not sn a itrem a rsdlcal. Ha h sd w orked In the nillle snd sfle rw srd . for a period rem ain ed active In s w orkingm en s aseocia llon . H aving become a law yer he d e fen ilrd , am id turm oil, aeaoiiates a rre ile d fo r p ick e tin g

jto. since he w as first eleiled to C ongress in 1»02. b ack ed by sn organisation of I 'a te r - son la b o r m en and an unwilling D em ocratic m ac h in e , w hich he had defeated before he won th a nom lnailoii, a Irsd lilon persisted lo som e q u a r te rs th a t ho held a>ime desirucllv* view s. P’e rh a p s th e ex trrm a sia n d p a tta r ■till th liih e eo, and judged by the pellllea of f ifteen veare ago, hi* political beliefs at th a t lim e w ere som ew hat radiral. But Hina has n iade m ost of the opinions of th a t day look co n serv a tiv e . Ilughes'e with the fc il.

I lu g h ra served no apprentleeahip in s ta te po litics b e fo re he waa th ru st on th a national • ta g s . P ataraon . the chief iiiunlclpallly In th e old Blxth D istrict, which he was chosen to re p re se n t, was usually a center of tab o r tro u b lo a and ag ltsllons. But tha d is tr ic t in- e lu d ed th * rest of Psssalc County, a lso B ergen an d Sueeex. And It waa hailed as on* o f th a w onders of politics th a t H ughes d e fe a te d a very w ealthy opponent backed by a s tro n g organ isation , while meiiy of hie own p a r ly leaders sulked. And Hughes. Iikniself,It wa.s Just tak en for granted, was an o th e r E u g en e V. Debs. The .National M an u fac­tu r e rs ' A asoclatlon had th a t obsession till th e last, a p p a re n lly . The fact that he was r e ­elec ted fo u r tim e t from the Blxth D latrlct d lfco u n ia such a view. His record In Con- g reas soon proved tha e rro r of it.

H e w as a very p ractical lag tilator, w ho knew how m uch of s program to push a t a p s r i le u ls r tim e. It l* not possible fo r a C on g ressm an to have much of a c a ree r In o p position , w here Hughes served until H I " B ut w h en h is own party cam e Into pow er hla q u a lltlea were prom ptly re ro g n lied by hks a p p o in lm e n i to the wsys and m eans c o m m itte r . Hla aarvlca with the m ajo rity sh o w ed th a t he wa* level-headed and knew th e valu e of team w ork; he was ab le to ach ieve . '

N e ith e r waa Mr. Hughes s m ere d iam ond In th a rough. Ills speeches In Congresa ha 1 polish . T hey were filled with com m on sense. I.K)gleaUy ha wsa the candidate for S enator of h is p a r ty In W hen W oodrow W il­son am arg ad on the field of Jersey politics H u g h ea cam e prom ptly to h li s ta n d a rd on h la p ro g ra m being threatened. It Is well k n o w n th a t the Prealdenl-to-be conceived a g r e a t ad m ira tio n for him. P robably th a t w as d u e to an apprai istloii of his h u m a n ­ness a s m u ch as lo ihe holding of com m on view s, ftn ee th e President referred to him p u b lic ly aa “ th a t g rest hum an ch a rse te r, Billy H ughes ." That, and w hst it Im plies, fitly describ ed th e Isle Senator.

ta tlnaaly. I t la bM kad ap by M r d to d a a a a a a llo ii d u rin g th a pas t four years . I t sh o u ld a llm tn n ia from th e m inds o f o u r n a lg h b o ra an y llngorlng fea rs th a t th a U n ited S ta taa la less d iain tarestad th an It a p p e a rs to be an d knock I h t rap id ly dying O erm an p ro p a g a n d a In L atin A m erica on tb s head.

DONE TO THE QUEEN’S TASTE.W hen Kranee, supported by B rIU in 'a

rneafe> forcaa, was staving off O a rn ia n y 'sru shes lo the French and B elgian ro as t* lo tho f l r i l year of the w sr. th e B ritish coin- m under m odestly reported, "All wo can do la to lak e advantage of the enem y 's m is ta k e s ." m August In passing an In ad eq u a te food

fo r rolalBg m oro troopo an d how m o o r , ad d , in fac t, a ll th o phma. te n ta tiv e o r p r o ^ a c - Uva.

Is th is a lto g e th ir wlae In th e w ay of sp read in g Inform ation T la th e f ien a te m o re com batan t to pass upon m ilita ry p lan a a n d g rand strategy than th e a rm y s ta ff , w h ich Is In dslly te legraphic tou ch w ith P e rsh in g an d th a AUlea s t Ihe fron tT W ill 11 h as ten th e vast arm y to have to exp la in ev ery lh jn g In detail to a gsng of dou b tin g T hom aaes? H ave Secretary B aker and th e g e n e ra ls In th e W sr D eparlnicnl such u n lim ite d tln ie to ta lk as those solons Who sp e n t f ro m A pril

What Baker*s Figurea Mean. {

In our unpreparedness we have done th e sam e thing, w ith the happy resu lt of ad d in g over ha lf u intlllun Ions of su p e rb tr sn s p o r ls to o u r sh ipp ing resources at Ih e tim e they a re m ost neeiled.

The eierm un siiperiiien d ropped ih e lr | w aterm elon when they ea tim aied th a t th e ir ] ships, dsniagcil by Ihelr crew s a t lh « Im ­peria l O erm an O overnm enl's o rd c ra aa th ey ■ w ere about lo bs selaeil by th e “ Idiotic i t i n - j keas." could not be repaired w ithou t g e ttin g j pH lterns and part* from Ihe sh o p s In whJ' .i | they were built. They estim ated th a t II W‘Ould tak e at least a year mid h a lf to put them In iigable shape Hy new proi esaes of i w elding th is has been done In abo u t h a lf th e lim e Ihe superm an set for It an d w ith o u t an y I aasLstaijce from tlcrtnany. The ije r iiia n schedule has been tllsarranged and Ihe sh ip s a re re tu rn in g from a successfu l trsii.e- p o rta tlo n of troop* lo ^’ranee, whlt-h e x ­plains, In part, our rapid n ioblllxailon o f a su b s tan tia l arm y on Ihe w eatern fro n t.

Not only have th* ships been re p a ire d bq t they a re d e iia red to have been m ade speed ie r th a n U erm an skill w as capable of m a k in g th em . T heir m achinery, allow ed lo de- to rlo rla la under O erm an efficiency, h a s been th o ro u g h ly overhauled T he rncllltlee w ith w h irh O erm any had equipped th o sh ip s In ad v ance of the day when they w ould w an t lo use them for tran ap o rts then iaelvae have been em ployed for the tra in ing an d ax erris* of o u r own troops, and. th an k s lo G erm an y 's u n d e rh an d scham lngs. our tro o p s a r e e n ­joying Ideal transports.

A handsom er present could h a rd ly hav e been m ade lo us, bu t credit m u st be giv en th e Navy liep artm an t for Us p ro m p t tu rn in g nf th is presen t Into prscllval use. O nce m ore It show s how wall B e cm ary D an ie ls d e ­se rves Ihe clean bill of health C on g ress h a t given him and his d epartm en t. T he navy has been on tts Job, It has not h a d to ru n to effic ien t c iv lllsn i for help. I t h a s done w h at w as expected of II and done It up to the queen 's lusle

b l i rH as the Benste no th ing else to do th a n

to listen to Mr B aker an d la k e u p h is lim a an d *ugge«l Its im provem enH on th e busl- nass he ha* lo run? I* th e fienate expo- tilting or delaying th e w ar an d d o lp g l i t own Job In whipping th ro u g h Ihe n ecesaary leg­isla tive measure* th s t a re now pendingbafoTo U? •

Aa these a re the day* of Inveeliga tlon of w ar tim e efflrlenry . m ay It be p ro p e r Id propose an adm in istra tive Inveallga llon of th e I n l t f d Ktatei Hennte, f irs t on th e g rounds uf how insny tim es befo re th e w ar II tu rned down and m angled a p p ro p ria tio n * to r ordnance, etc , th a t It Is now d lstroeiad because we h.cve not go t. second , on the ground since Itic a 'lc began how m uch lim e, money, food It bus cost us by slai k a llcn d - ance, leisurely m clhods, u n n ee rsa a ry d e ­

la y s 'On the record of the food bill th e Senate

as an exponent of expedition la a Joke.

T e sand s mllU«n m en to F t m o s t* be added i« (he i e i .d d t w e hav e o r eotm, w ill h e r e sen t aerpee, n stM dy e t r e u n n y en g lB glO.OdO m en a w eek, w o n e fu ll reg im en t e day every day w ith B undaye Inplndcd. m ust be kept flow ing d u rin g th o y ea r 1 » li . Boc- r e u ry B aker prom laa* th a t It w ill be dona.

Is 1s passible to do It? T h e a d m in is tra ­tion did not th in k so w hen Jt bogen sh ipp ing soldier* over seas. C olonel (Jardk* . a O er- n u n m ilita ry expert, rid icu le s th e Idea. He a rg u es that since It lo o k B rita in tw o yawre lo send l.OOO.OOU m en lo th e n earby b a ttla - ttfdd, It will tak e ii*. h an d icap p ed by d is­tance. m uch longer. He m en tions IPO.000 a s a m ore reasonab le fig u re and ssk s ; "B nl when 0*n they he gotten ov-rr?" l i e th in k s th e E n te n te P-sders w ho expert th em by au tu m n will be illsappoln led and inclines to th e opinion of ncu lra ln th a t It will take Six m onihs longer.

The answ er as lo w lie lher we ia » d.v w hat we Buy we are going to do Is th a t we have done It and a re doing II. On th e clevenih day of laat Ju n e G enera l P ersh ing , sen t ahead us a scou t to spy ou t tho land, reached Paris. Hlam llng III fro n t of I-o- fayelle 's loitib, he m ade h is m em orab le re ­m ark. "W ell. lo ifayelle , wc have com e."

We had hard ly begun to ausem blf an arm v or to crea te Ihc fs. lliii.-" < »r m oving II. W* did iml know wb.vl ..-'Uld be ask ed of us In the way of men T h a t w as less th an elglu m onihs sgo urn! vve h .w e o u r firs t hulf-niillloii 111 K r .. W e are six m onihs ahead of th e IJnlerlle e ip e c ta llo u an d a ahead of G erm any 's schedule. Out of our uiiprep.iredriess we havw i om e very close to Ihe speed of fo rw ard ing m en th a t w e wilt h tv e lo m ain tain th ro u g h o u t th a yeur. and



D E D IC A T E YO UR M ONDAYS.o r w ith th e msasulwa fixed V ,J ( ^ ^ jb lV ,h s t m ight sppeM

to th e locel com m ittee on national defensa. W h y not enlist for n stlonsl service e m ­p loyees In th is section who, while receiving p ay fro m Ih e lr employers, do not w ork on th s M ondays deelgnsleil for fuel ronserva- llo n ? H er* is on* m an. ao situa ted , who m a k e s th* p roposal to th e News as follow s:

1 w onder If you would be Intereeted lo s ta r t a m ovem ent to put to w ork ail m en like m yielf who, though laid o ff on M ondays, ge t paid for It by our firm s, a n d w ould he willing to do our bit g ra tis w h erev e r we could be used, w restling f re ig h t, coaling ihip*. doing any th in g w e can, In fact, to help win Ihe w ar. 1 be lieve th e re are a good many thousand auch , w ho would respond If appealed to. T he Idle Mondays of Industry, enforced

by neceaatllea of war. a re nol tru e holidays. T hey a re required, nol to give em ployees s reap lte fro n t labor, but to speed up Itana- p o r ta tto n an d lading of products T he sto p ­pag e o f th * factory wheel*, the closing of n u n -ease n tla l businesaet. have bu t a sing le a l m - t o f ree fre igh t congestion, lo speed good* upon Ihelr way to points of w ar co n ­su m p tio n , W hy not supplem ent the restric - liv e o rd e r with free, helpful co-nperatlonT W hy not tu rn b ra ins and h a n d a am bltlou* to a id th e country , directly lo the task of g e ttin g needed things n ea re r to th< d e e tln a llo n ?

By Ihe plan suggested a new o p p o rtu n ity I* opened to give power and skill. F o r a ll th o se concerned It would m ake th e re m a in ­in g Idle tionday* days of dedication.

MR. BARNES OF NEW YORK.A rch ib a ld C lavering Gunter w rote a sto ry

som e year* ago en titled "Mr, Bernes of Nevy Y ork ," w hich had wide populsrlly. An In­genious, reso u rcefu l perton was Mr. B arnes. A n o th er Mr. B a rn e t of New York, eretw hlle po litica l hose, not shorn yet of all hIs m ight, will soon have an opportunity to em ulate Mr. O n n ie r 't he ro If It be true th a t both Gov- o rn o r W h itm an and Theodore Roosevelt In ­lan d to Bcok New Y ork 's support a t th e Re- pab llcn n N ational Convention In IJIO. T h s t co n tes t Is com ing, according to politicians, a n d oom ottm e* they are ortcle*.

W atch th e strew s. Wllllaiti L. W srd. ITe- pnb llcan ov erlo rd of W eslcbester, h ss quit ttw W h itraen ra n k s and la Joined by Georg* W . A ldridge, a sep len trlonsl chief of m ore th a n lo ca l fam e. W ard wa* a Teddy R ear In 1^13. G eorge W. Perkin*, whose sustenance m ad* th e Bull Moose ram p until he te th ered It In l i l t . Ie edg ing away from W hitm an. Ion. Bo U com as th a t the eltitude of Mr. B am oei w h o w feud w ith Mr. W hitm an la of rooont m otnnry . cause* speeutatlon.

P o rh a p s th e r e Is light on th is point in W h o 's W h o w here Mr. Roosevelt's au to - b to g rap h y re la te s ;

W a s d e fe n d a n t In suit brought by W illiam B a rn e s .J r . of Albany fo r p l a t e d libe lo iis Itttem koe contained in a

* M t e in e n t m ad e on Ju ly I t , 1I14, charg- ' id d ; w n o n g d th e r ih lnge, th a t th e 'T o t-

y iiin eee" o f th e H ew York Mate te v e rn - e n e a t w as d u e d irectly to th* dom inance

“ m B fe p n iiiie n t o f C h arles .P - H urphy , .Hin(W>RT H a ll lender, and hla sub-

. t'4 idM sak h ldad M d abettad h r Mr. B arnea i j iM id m * Bdh-hoaaaa of H r. B am aa: an d

' . . 't i n t Um m w aa a n Invisible governm ent ' ^ a f f s tH r hoaaee w t r h i u th rough a lll-

MMd lM tw *«i ow ahod bnelnes* and r& * V W W fcH d i HMWi; th a verdict of d ie Jury,

M a ia n A H rra s w a . N. t „ May l l ,

WILSON’S PLEDGE.T he U nited Slate* will In no case ba

th e agg resso r against e ith er the pullilcel Independence o r the te rrito ria l In legrlly of an y o th e r slat* o r nation.T h is pledge, which P re ilden l W ilson gev*

to th e A m erican dem acrade* sn d th e re s t o f th e w orld yesterday. Is a sum m ary of th e fo re ig n policy he has been bu ild ing w ith th o u g h t sn d care ever since he becam e th* n a tlo n 'e C hief Executive.

Ae long ago as October 20. 1913. In sn sd d re s s a t Bwarthnnor* Collegs, he expresse.j th e hop* th a t "now here cen any g overnm en t e n d u re w hich Is stained by blood o r s u p ­p o r te d on tn y th in g bnl the consen t o f th e g o v e rn e d " Two day* later. In ht* m em orab le a d d re ss to th e Bouthern C om m ercial C on­g re ss St M obilt. he gave th* explicit p ledge Ih e t th is country "will never again seek on* a d d ltlo n s l foot of te rrito ry by c o n q u e s t" Y este rd ay he wove these tw o to g e th e r In a p ledge th e t sum* up th* w ar alm s of th e E n te n te an d give* our Am erican n e ig h b o rs a c le a r u n dere tsnd lng of th is coun try 's se t pu rp o se :

W hen th e pledge was first g iven th e re w as som e lifting of eyebrows and *dm e q u es tio n in g of th e rre s ld en t'a pow er to b ind th * co u n try to any such prom ise o f *#II- ab n eg x tlo n . Today w* read It In a c le a re r lig h t. G erm an aggression h as given th * w ho le w orld a new understand ing o f th * v ita lity o f A m erica's trad ltlonel ph rase , "T h a oonaen t of th* governed." and of th e n a ­tio n a lis tic righ t of self-determ ination . T h ree- fo u rtb e o f th* world 1* xrerring ag a in s t th * a e r m a n m lllta iie t* tn d tfeae* of theee p r in ­cip les. By Ihelr atetem ents of w ar a lm t, W Ueon an d Lloyd Georg* have m ad* th e m th e (oundatlone of th* peace p rog ram th a t te to be w ritten . R evolutionary R ussia Is fo rc in g th em upon th* G erm an peace dele* f a te s a t D reet-U tovsk. Even ih* O erm an R e lc h eU g h aa adopted them by reso lu tion .

U n d er theee clreum itanoes It Is m ee t a p ­p ro p ria te th a t P reaideal WUeon should m ak o

ep io tftc inneuneam ont to r th* A iiierlona i t w h s t they advoedt* fo r n t b m

T he spirit of some uf S ecre ta ry U .ikcr'a m ost confirm ed crlllcs has som e valu e In getting s tru e perspe<iive of Ihe cond ition of a ffa ire In the W ar D i-partm ent. A m ong ihen i none has been m ore pera lslcn t th an I he New York Times, w hich In h ead in g s and tone of news artic les ha* en ip h aa tied lo th e m axim um the chargee laid a g a in s t Ihe departn ien t. while le tting th e rep lies th e re to come after. It It to bs c red ited w ith hav ing printed Becretary B a k e r 's own rep ly In full.

II Is Inleiestlng. however, to note th a t on th a t sam e day The T im es eaw n o th in g in the reply edilorlally but d isc rep an c ie s th a t had to be eip lained , and on th e fo llow ing day while adm itting th a t th e B ecreU ry hed m ade a good Impreselon In an " a d ro tt end b rillian t" brief, It e ip resaed th e op in ion th a t the whole trouble w ith B aker w as th a t he seem ed lo be too com placen t In th e past and m ad* hie friends w orry lest h e d id not rea liie th e size of th e job he w as u p ag a in s t. T he .New York Bun on T uesday *atinned itself hy quoting from a life Of U ito o ln how g rea t a secre tary Blanton w as in Il\|;.,t4iicolit CiifU W *|rjl>blP*l|., Door old BtantoW: A fte r a ll i h * « ?*»r* how p leasant such *' vlndlcU- tltm must seiind. rem em bering Ih* t l re d e i of r iv i l IVar days!

B enslor i.'haniberlaln Is m o re g e n e ro u a H e adm its having been Im pressed, a n d yes­te rd ay he and B aker were ta lk in g th lnge over. But th* Benalor esn hy no m ean* free h im self from fair charge* of u n reaso n a b l# tactic*. Those letter* charg in g a very ca llous case a t an unnam ed cam p. Did th e B enetor on receip t of those letter* re fe r th e m w ith h is tu th o r i iy fo r them to th e W er D e p a r tm e n t? H e did not He kept them u p hi* sleeve to sp rin g on the Secretary In h is sp eech sn d m ak e a popular sen ia tton th ereb y .

A nd when Secretary B aker a sk ed fo r th* nam e* of Ih* w riters. C h a m b e rla in m erely sa id th a t he would have to get th e i r per- mlselon. Now In the firs t p lace . If th cas le tter* w ere w orth Ihe w eigh t th * S en a to r a ttach ed to them In hla speech, th e n p a tr i ­otic and national considera tion ! o u tw eighed perto n a l. and th e Senator, In th e In terest* of hla country , ought I" have seen th a t th e fac ts w ere In th* hands of th e a u th o r lllo a so th a t punlahnient could b# m e ted out w here ll was richly deserved. As he did no t do »o, the evidence If th a t th e S en a to r wa* m ore Interested In "g e ttin g " B a k e r th a n In correcting Ihc condlllons-

On th * nulhorlly of T he Tim e*, a g a in It 1* declared th a t the Bcnata In tends to keep on, dem anding th a t Mr B aker lay befo re ihem th e governm ent's plan for th e e n tire con- d u r l of the war, Including all a rra iig en ien l*

Jual 10 show th e slzi of th e g o v ern m en t s undertak ing under the so ld ie rs’ a n d aallo rs Insurance act, apply th e C am p Dlx reco rd , thus far. to th# en tire N ational A rm y, leav ­ing Ihe regu lar arm y for tho m onieru on one Fide. According lo th e ru le o f th re e , live calculation would rim llho Ihle.

E ighty-five per cent, of o ffice rs and men a t Cam p Dlx have tak en m il u lo liil of3200.000. 000 In Insurance. T h e re a re about15.000 men a t the cam p. In th e N ational Arm y ihere are upw ard of 1,057.000 m en. A* etghly-llve per cent, o f S5.U00 la to3200.000. 000 »o Ie e lgh ly-ftve p e r cen t, of1.037.000 to—w hat?

T he answ er reads; 3*,t5S.OOO.OOO.In other words, If th e C am p Dlx ra te of

Im uranc* 1* m aintained to r a ll th e m en a t - cepted from the selecttvo d ra ft, th e su m Just nsm ed will be the face of the In su ran ce c a r ­ried by the governm enl fo r Ihe b en e fit of th e men now in service In th e N ational Army.

T here 1* no way of le lling w h e th e r or not such a ra le will be m aliiia lned , th o u g h th ere a re reason* for believing th a t th e C am p iJlx puce IS exceptionally fast. Men from some o th e r sections of th# co u n try will nol, p e r­haps, perceive and em brace th e ir o p p o rtu n i­ties In like degree. But th e C am p Dlx show ­ing, rem arkable and en co u rag in g In llaelf. will aerve lo Indicate, a t leas t, th e p ro p o r­tion* of the federal Insurance buelncFS under th e new law. every m an who ap p rec la tea h is o p p o r­tu n itie s to r p ro tecting h im self an d hi* de­pendent* lak e full ad v an tag e o f a m easu re which, for Its generosity an d com plete dem o­cra tic equality, Is w ith o u t a p a ra lle l a n y ­w here In Ihe world.

SONG.. 1 picture you In niy d ream s of the niglU. dear

tew e te da lly Im proV lit^ 'eiir flAclUtlae fo r sp e o d lo f up.

a e c re U ry B a k e r 's cetTkat* erre , If a t alt, on Ik* side o f co nserva tim . H e pees tk*d ifficu lties a a d m ek es n lttfl* boaete. Tk* question o f tro a sp o ite t jo t |* (he g rea t d if ­ficulty , sa I t ka* been, f th e u g h th e gov­e rn m en t h ad d o u b le th * m o u n t of tonnage a t Ita d ia p o n i th a t It e le c te d . T en n aee will con tinue to perp lex ui un til th* etend- ard leed ahtpa beg in to leaV^ th e w ays, w hen th e sh ip question o u g h t togrow easier and tro o p dellvertee sh o u ld b* mUa m oro rapldlv. T he ex3iec ta tloh c u r re n t I t t h t by th e end of th e y e a r wo w ill be aen d l^ a t least two reglm enta a day Instead |f one. n ea re r 30,000 th an 20,000 a week. R a k er'a 1.3t0,- 000 by J a n u a ry . 1313, I* ourjn ln lm um .

To th e a rd en t an d Invpaljot thi* ta not enough. In New Y ork '^eeday night, -Major KraiicLs R useell S lo ^o rd 'J r,, ye-

cen lty re tu rn e d fro m th e fitml, clam ored for A m erica to p u t 3,000,000 p th e figh ting fro n t. "W e’ve go t lo p l t rh in and really help ,” he said. W ell, w* b ek pltchln* In. W e've p itched lo eo h a rd th* o u r f iio n d i and enem ies c a n ’t believe It. y e 're helping us fa s t as sh ip s can fe rry th e ^nn over and as aoun as we h it th e s trid e Ih ad m in istra ­tion Is a im ing a t. wc will be gndlng men a s fast as th ey can he used. V

"A nillllnn men. " Miijiir B lodqrd to ld hla hearers, "Is n o th in g w hen you ipnsider tho losses a re 20.000 a week " . ^ r ' t they'.’T hey 're enough lo m ak e up tH ■thirds of Ihosi. losses nod If all goes as t% ad m in is­tra tio n has p lanned , we will be tiaklng up all th e lussea nnd add ing a reglfam t a day Id th e Allied fn rrea before the y « t la over.

T he w ords "T oo la te ." so o ften h u rled a t our partnera . now apply to G erm an . W e’ve got tho Jum p on her. tk-orii ouvarm y as she may, It ha* m ad e It* land ing . T h e n u ­cleus nf 500,000 Is a lread y on h a i l an d u stream has been s ia r te d th a t wU. aupplv fresh blood ounce fo r ounce fo r all Hat our p artner* lose. They canno t be "b ledw hite" now. T hat Is w h s t S ecre tary la k e r 's figure* m ean.

hr^rt.In (..stIfF of roH you a re w lih me by day.

Tl.uuKh vcaiF that have died can rv lu rn but ti, ihoughls. dear bcart,

&n11 viiu are the u lrt of my youth alw ay Done arc Ihe dayf wh. n we met at the g-iiden

BiliP.And w ithered ihc ro»« th a t you wore »l

your bremti.Vet sweet a re the visions th a t com* In the

ifte rw h lle(If Ihe girl of m ' dream s, of Ihc girt of "'V

drcMit»P-Th^ kmI tha t w pv .fclcr th an ftH of I tc


Birds and 1918 Crop^S p rin t la com lns hy and by* in d w i t l l t a

greater demand than aver h«fdr« lAitha

Min ra ta

Oerm an strike new i m ay be a form of a p ­peal to ^ tia Alllea no t to h il adverw iry w hen ba b dowru As th e re le no re fe r to io to il o f f tho roun t th e re thOUlU be no re taa in g of vln ilahra or will.

c h o ru i'l-’iir o f f th io iiK li 'T** <

colden dtiyc. d ra t .Ttif tune tiieii paaaed but a n e e l ln l

h o u r r » c in c ,'‘viTiii wPh you. dear, love dream a come

\ rut*, ilcar —Tliai ■ hQ-w I p icture you in m>‘ dTcain».

Lari niRhl I dream ed of Ihe g ladness tha t nHKht have been.

Of psnidlsc here w llh you c er by my side.No sadness nr m rrow our haven lo enter In.

And loviii,( and keeping you » hale 'e r belPIr

Surely the eilver has frosted your golden hsir,.Mid time now hsa touched your cheeks

thru like the rose.Tet years cannot change In my heart the

sweet picture thereOf the girl of niy dream s, of the girl of

my ill cams,Ksr fa irer than anv fair flower in s l srow s.

In view of the av erage la b o re r’s p re fe r ­ence for agreeable te m p e ra tu re , th e Im m i­nen t Ice fam ine will .*1'” ' '’*'^’'"'tn cold w eather. '

Th* most In teresting casu a lty of Ihe year will be th* b reaking of th e b aek h o n s of winter.

fo r f im id iij and Industry the present w in­ter win K'J down Ui legend, laureled perm a­nently, no doubt, an IS the g rea t h lls ia rd of •h# Ami. aecordins to apprehensions whicn are said lo be excrrls ln g Ihe couiitrytldc. where Naiore and her work* are closa s t hand. II bids fair to go rav arb era lin g along llie lo rn ilo ra of nine SB the fira l winler. known to the records of m an. In w hich Ihe

failed lo m ake his annual *p- rill bo dlM ipatod on

T he ro llap ie of g arbage dlspooal ra il* for * m ile m ore rigid H oovering In th e k itchen .

groujkdiuiifpejir»ni'P- fcsu»peiii<*HRfurdRv. t'^ndl^rPHi Tiiy. by anciftiitcustom llB live "n ie of the gruundhog's emergence from his cavity lo obaerv* If hla shadow IS cast upon tha ground- Thera I*

The Passing.3'rom out the shadow of the shore.

Blow moving w ith the fa r d rsw n swell. He Journeys through the golden door

Of suneel. st the curfew 's knell.

Forever sllll Ih# s tra in in g ttdeWhose flow snd ebb w ere Joy and grief;

Henceforth through w onder's m ansion* glide The dresm* th a t wer* hi* pur* belief.

Bllenl. he drlfl* from deep to deep.From life that w reck* to death th a t heals;

The ealls of striv ing fu rled In sleep.He passes where the s ta r lig h t s te a ls

reason lo fear. II la reported, th a t the ground- iiehog hss been frtAen In. trosen to death, or

both. In the abaenre of any of these ev en tu a li­ties Ihe sagacious woodchuck seem ingly would have bette r sene* th en to v en tu re from h li enus e icav a iln n and thua Im peril hla reputation s* a sagacious besst

Our object subllw *Wf ihRll achtrvo In Umey To (be punluhm fnt f it the cHm«.Thf> ijunluhmenl f it tho crtMi*.And Uicu wo‘11 sw iftly U r Thf nmn w ith th^ riMAT,Tho man who nu rkoM It on th« car. Who n u rse i It on iho w .

country 's h isto ry for r^ rd o n crops tn d ^ l * cu ltu ral p roduefi of overy kind- This aun^er will undoubtedly b« a record br««ker fo ftho gardener. As we R«t deeper gnd dcoper 1|10 the war, th e need fo r Increased foodstuffs comee alw ays moro urgcn t*-for tho cannot be woit w ithou t food. 3

No person or o rgaiilia tlo ti In tha atdo realises th is naresolty fo r food mord th ^ tl.o New Je rsey .\udubon Boclaty—tha •OClftr th a t pro tects the blrda th a t they may piiv form Ihelr fu ll service In the g rea t schemwo! Nature. That service la nothing more or lite than tho proaeoution of a relentleas wftrftro on (he IhfteviR and \e rm ln th a t If left 9 * checked, would undo a g rea t ahare d f %e work of lha farm er and gardener.

Therefore, tho Audubon Society aeeka lie f j lle s l co-operation of the poopVo o r th o «iate, to the end th g t iho natu ra l deatr^e r* of tho enem ies o f farm produc* igay ba |o i - niltled to live and do th e ir work. '

An exam ination of the oevenih annual re­port of the aoclety, ju st pubtlahad, dlicl^ urn fact of ou ta tand ing Importanca. highly la h s fa c to ry record of achlavatntnt f js been accomplUhed In lh a (aca of a Mrlaui^ hand lcap '^a moat m eager financial i u p ^ t on Ihc part of Iho New Jersey public. Of.the 2,^00,0110 population of the state , less t i tn 1.300 adult m em bers hava contributed to b* fltiancfs of tha o rg an lta tte n .

During tho pmat y ea r tha aoclety, w ith ip- celpta of VIsMO, in tha faca of w ar condlltDis, increaaod tts m em berahtp, establlahad a^aad - q u arte rs office In Newark, succesafuHy met th e Increased ob ligations thereby davolrlng upon !t, conducted a g rea te r and mora afoc- tive cam paign of education through th e puss, lectures and lji th e achooU than aver bet>re, and organised ATB c las tes In the echoota « |th a to tal m am barship o f 14.SII.

<>ut of tha eo d a ty 'a fund i there waa aa%d for work In the achoola—which the aocldv belJevca ta about the m ost ImportarA wotk It ran poaalbly undertak e for the comlqr; year—a little moro th an |ls4M . iTde, hoi'- evsr. w ill ba not naarly anough to aCQPn- pllsh th is w ork of education among the young people.

IsclUcH a, tho

Tha mlals of dawn, the flame* of noon.Allkii a r t gethered to th e y ea rs .

Adown tha gJory of the moon He fares, beyond defeats and fear*.

Beyond the bar of f re ttsd wave*.Beyohd tha shallow , n e a te r peace.

He goes wh^re fa rlh e s l ocean laves The boundlesB beachaa o f release-

Unconquered, steadfast, n igged , lone, fMlIl buoyant on e te rn a l seas*

Coma thou a victor to th ine own.A will uhbiikned. a h ea rt a t oa«a.

T. C.

Another Torrens Law Measure.

House bill 30. In lrodured by Mr U osto tk of Essex, bring* bejor* th e New Je rsey L eo lslatu re for 'h * th ird tim e a m easu re rte- ■Itned In enact a Torrena land t i t le rcg la trs - tion law such a» now exists In m any s ta le s an d countries. The prim e ob jec t, of course. hs slaew here. Is greatly lo f a c ili ta te th e ch ange of ow nership of real e e ta te by *c- co m p llah ln i th a t m uch q u ic k e r th a n by processes employed her* a t p reeen t, an d to ran d a r th* tranafe r of auch title* m u ch lee* cxpenelve. In addition to th l i th e p la n I* to Inaur* th e tlH* I" * ''• " « * <” vner w hen a ll th e eafeguerd* fo r tran sfe r h av e b een tak en . A h earin g on th* m easure h a s b een eet fo r M onday. F eb ruary 11. befo re th e H ouse lu d lc lo rr com m ittee, to w hich It haa been refe rred .

F orm er Benetor Charle* O 'C onnor H en- neeey of Bergen County woe sp o n so r fo r th* f t r r t tw o Torrena law m eaaure* In tro d u ced . Aa to ld by him . w hile they d id n o t a p p e a r to a ttra o l m uch antagonism a t th * o U r t, be- to r* th ey got very fa r eome ob e tru e ttv * In- tluencoa appeared , o r accom pllahed th * w m * reeuH w ithout ap p earin g on th * e u rfa ce , end Ihe m eaaure# w ere le ft dead In co m m u te# .

A* In New York R a te . H w as su ip a e te d her* th a t title e ta ra ln a tio n an d g u a ra n ty com panies wer* oppoeed to e a r lla r T o rren a law .nteaauraa. In any etreot, som e o r m an y euch InatHutInne, tn m k in g th a t th* bill. If It becam e law , would tak e aw ay a consldarab l* p a rt o f thalr buslnea# an d profit* , e i th e r openly o r eecretly oppoeed euch change# In m ethod of tra n sfe rrin g lan d title* . Lea* oppoeltlon of thl* sort M k been m an ltee ted of let*, end w ith propoeed m o d ltie a tlo n i. to e lim inate alleged Joker* In aerted In th* In ­te re st of opponent*, th e N ew Y ork law le eald now to prom ise to be o f re a l benefit, i f th e New Jersey m eesur* I* fo u n d to follow eloeely th* im proved N ew T o rk o r th# H###achua*tt# T orrena lew , m u ch good

.m ig h t follow It# •nao lm en l. < 'Tb# plan. In general, I* to ha-v# »>pallllott

by an ow n«r' of te a l «#tal# IU«d wItJt th o Douct nam ed te r U u purpopo; n p pgpmlivg- U d p .o f till* l»f ordep e l ‘ tniM iaetoey; fegM lM ldii

The rrsu ll of * newly Invented process, it Is Clslmed. Is to trip le the yield of gsioleu* from crude oil. This Is good new* to m o to r­is ts but o f keener In te ree t lo a Isrg e r num ­ber of person* would be the developm ent of a means whereby a bicycle Income could be pyrsinided Ihlo, ssy. a flivver one.

™p.F- uT hrough the record* of the United Pf3t.'S

D epartm ent of A gricu ltu re experts, th e so­ciety has no d ifficu lty In eetsb lish lng IfiaVsct

YE SCRIBE SAID SOMETHING."Miss flrsc* Kimble, who h ss been laid UP

lo r over a month w ith abcesee* snd bolt*. 1* ImprovInK end her m any friend* hop* te soon see her In her iccuslom cd w alks ef Ilf*. This young lady ba* suffered some."— B urlington Dally U nterprlie-

We lagged our cool shovel yesterday, but superfluously. In our house th* coal ahovel has been "ll" fo r a considerable lim e past.

may be sold by c s rtlf ica le of tr a n s fe r bslng registered, and a t once. T h e fee* charged for the service a re no tab ly sm a ll in com ­parison w ith th e cost of ch a n g e of lilies under th e preaent aystem . w ith exam ination , guaran ty of title an d th e like.

■What this m ean* In p ra c tic e 1* show n by reference to th # recen t w o rk in g of th e Torrens land UU* re g is tra tio n law of M ani­toba, w here they have a real one. T he speed and sm oothness of one re c e n t tran sac tio n am azed sn E aste rn beh o ld er, w ho to ld th e story. One S atu rd ay a fta m o o n a m an bought lots costing 333,000. T he public transfer office had th a o e rtlftca le read y th * aame day and th * p u rch aaa r w aa In posaaa- alon snd the m oney In p o y m an t fo r It w as In the bank by 10 o 'clock M onday m orn ing , tw o days later. The coat o f th e o a rtlflca t* wa# $10. Including aeareh , f ilin g fee* a n d g u a r ­anty. If the deal hod ta k e n place In N ew York the coat would have b een 1371 fo r ex­am ination an d g u a ra n ty o f ti t le an d th # la tte r would have req u ired th re e o r four weeks' time.

Under th* am ended N aw Y o rk law th* coat on a 33.000 p ro p e rty . It Ie sa id , w ould be 111 for lha laau* of th * o rig in a l ca rtlflca t# i of titl*— on Changing t i t le to th * T o rr tn a aya- tem —and Ihe coat o f aubaaquant cartlflcat** of trenefers only I t . Inc lud ing th e eU t* guarenty.

U nder an adequate , axpad ltloua , aconom l- cal T orrens law rea l aa ta t* Invealm ent ought lo be g rea tly a tim u la ted , fo r thAt would m ean real eotat* b e in g eold and turned over to a new o w n ar u n d a r a ll aafa- guerds aa expeditiously a s b a n k ftock .

Judging by th * w ay som e o f th * UU* an ­am ination and g u a ran ty com poole* h a ra - about* ta lk ab o u t a proaptctlTO T o rre n a law , there le m uch Isaa oppoeltlon to o n e In New Jersey now th an h e ra to fo ra .

N avattkelees. Mr. B oatock a n d th o aa back o f 'h im , who e ra 'friendly to (b * paesog a of a Torrena taw to r N aw Ja raay , w ould d a wall to .hava aom* public, eom * b u ild in g a n d loon and e th e r h earln f* o n th * e u b je e l. o a wall oe thp**.ln1*gl*l*UY* oom m itta* . t l t h a pub lle

Nothing long p uailes th* Inveatlgatlng and persistent mind. T here Is Van. to Illustra te , who ha* discovered th e o rig ina l B olihevlk In Oliver Twist, who alw aye w anted more. Branch has oueted It* Mayor and elected s new on*. W hich Is only by way of proof th a t H IS * Long B ranch th a t haa n«turning. __ __


th a t In these w ar lim es of compelling nges- ally for conservation and lerreaa* of ^od- stuffs, pro tection of b irds Is an Im portani in ­dustry In the f ig h t ag a in s t Ksieerlsm . I 1* on th is bnsl* th a t the society pleads for tur- Ihcr support.

In discussing lb* soclaly * work end It* needs for the fu tu re , Beecher B. Howdlsh. te-- re ta ry of the New Je rse ; loc le t). hald: " th e Audubon Boi'lety does not pellev* la Iho accum ulation of fuiule «a monumenl* ol egl- cleney, but ra th e r In th e ir effective dl*bur«e- inent for the ob jects for wirich the eotlety stand*. T he l,#gl*l*iur* I* sgsisi tn sessten snd there Is th* yearly ilemund for iK* orm n- n a tio n ’s effo rt* tn th is field. bqiH le f u r ^ rthe passage of cerium hills nnd to opm*«

............... — ‘'t |lo nthese w hich would tend to remoy^ prot*c|l from bird* In tb* fullest sense.

"C slls fo r lecture* Incress* yearly, M do Individual appeal* from Ihos* who iielt counsel *• to m ethods of Increasing bird life In th e ir home nelghborlioodi.

"W ithout doubt people a re proila to ten- elder such appeals aa th a t of Ih*'AuRtbon Boclaty ae ie** • • •e n ila l In these aurewieu* tim es th sn many of the o ther demands Ipon th e ir p u rsea y«t these ar* th* valp times w hen the rssu lt* of fu ll financial au lM rl of bird p ro tection a re of th e moat Impwlapcc, D ifficult though It b* for avan a b ig w i t - lightened poblle to fu lly graap th* pum e Im­po rt of th i i naad. w* m ay wall bopi th a t tb* aupport accordad th* Haw Jaraay AUubon Boclaty d u rin g tb* year m ay b* ra f la e U tn an even more aa tlafy lng repo rt a t lb# i^ar * cloae."

oabU W . g im ktM dl 3* th a M m M U t r o t

«C Ib im e b a I , Ha tM o P w r b f l i M R gw toiM

L A U T E R - H U M A N A

,0*. Irf:' -V i#* ;


The Ideal Home. Enlerlainmenti

NO T H IK G «Im in •*« — i a ( " • . I * ? ** S S * a a ,LAUTER-HUMANA. think whM It to bg <W* M pipy

own *ccom p*nlm *nt w h |l« y tw .p te j . th g woU ptoproinptii d*nc*, with i Itvaty Iw-trot w w*‘y i ; od th* oinole if fiol rttndMod Ib ■Ii«I»»W*i htrt, *™ u tw fifXii iB iBd *iiap pr tM oHgmal. _______

w tt

h iv * *nilo n l A sde*pr**»loi BBd *iiap 03 IB# o n g m a i. ___________ aa aa—

Tho Uutor-HiimtaB l l modortto lo ooii, booBiMO toW dlwoe w ^ ^ th ttnakon- Ebbp tO fm



Dealer! at Co I'romue'ti

G ty


A w llllngngt' e lty a u lh o r llf t ' p rice fo r chf«i pawr waa ag P noon by mlgiei th e city h a* 'i H ealth Offlf w as called ' th If m ilk couPnt p rice th an h' P b ro u g h t to* 11 a awrlalii entii a ted fronvouxh igh c o a t/o r t j ca ses invJgate wore buyf

Fred lcd was Heller o f Her B tied m lfsold cen ts a ta r i n< reduced* • “■'•1 m onth J attli *m niithsoni nov

The 'y®r decg e s t lo ih a d b* lo o se fh be sol th* c r * » w as I th e rammendai to sd>liah rr.ui n , ft s ec 1 lons*< tn t 1

and In th; the'lty. where fraijarge fla e s

w ould br atid a faun

roy W. Lon •*'>. p

ttja u g h in g »t( i ^ n a d to tli<

” l f a r i i lM f Jifaria.** IP*

Ui Ihw k r |«aii telifl '

dowIn thiai* dm* ,1k d^aierivi h prrjfif. l|p ithorltia« thut ,ry i-ondltion a the can ur t

■focery alor*. liatbin, b«i Hatcl(Mfireiice uf nionH n t T h e b«tl tkta bottle, be I f r e i i cc -

CiUaiTUa Mayor tat i l iU h t o l d of M 10 bate of IwuN i r v e d ^ l n l o i t o

atlOM!!'Vw>rltlea. |V» i t e a d ttutkoOM

tlie |por< lo rr lM i^ l ie i

t'Aipany N ( » a r kf f m a t j v i t h l i i lUbtiO cattta l t<

peo i le . ti a A l l c a t b n foro K a n l a a i o n .dway


r+rtp * quart w t l ^y touW bF ui t’entrior^TiK to tfpTii ( b e ca n

bat nobot ai k b i i aw .

y r t i le U h o f 1hi

p^fi Maid, th e vsTcM d hard ti

^ ^ ' lan d a t i pr#< 't1oji of 1 i i » t o o m u c h o fb i i ih lM g , Ilk llir} 1oPxOliiifc m i lk

iS b t^aU h uf d l n u t t h i n k I

o f t h e atift G onfeea It

nui apiH Ihe eu

I f p a r t p e i i t i l

f(t of U bat’d I lk t l t h e b

{ H a r t y F. P ariA#on TRlll.Close l i i t k a D Ate M la t l tal p m etd-tioript


C aritable ■ ■ Controvi

i, R(in’s a

.BWIM3 O'd. hop ti [ to a to

« *k

; B rushing i< 4ral contesjiboth execyom id H y off I lep R. w n e "tb th e fr»h Ofiaocelle O' rued, gift, I m ltte* Ih table iMlety also byilty ' ton f o i ^ cl Iht* ^ t buM l|ib*r*i

I t n o be a a y e ^ a t tl " tra* * li’ fu A* f • • « la llN aw or nnrjM uni

Aid (a lf to ahoe

sn t tuni appaari

r c b a r l t i commi

irark app




a ■■‘■A.;,';

th* wht

I* • Iba . an pnrpol

Imp falls

•baritj ,w ." h*

N th

, dhalpurpoiI «k*o la a t

I s f W to II rail*' aaya -uugM U I 'partwf tb* t* umlnltiitti|outtr thsi wall-h bqjty W|! •tdaelallg a J i t ofW


'59.|-S9f'BROAD 8TREEJ , V l O R O i A l


iTBhipod m l oMPtfc tiigggntnmilrilufic hbViU, tl

■AiJTtw.;,-wUl B p p i/ ta UMHMtvaH Tb*

' 'I' 7^

Page 9: German Strike Spreading With 700,000 Now Idle in Berlin, London ...

....... ' r ' ’■' '^ M

ftelU tlM for

m , It ot olt. Ho 0000 tlM boooU. Tho bo sroot att-ifh tlio t m - tt of tonnofo 4. T onoofo III tho otond- I woyo, wfcon w ooolfr ond m oro n p ld lv . by tho end of o t looot two one, n e w e r

oker'o I ,ttd ,* Inlmum. il th ie lo not eodoy o lsh t, w d J r ., r e ­nt, r lan iored 1 th e f l ih t in s n ond really

pllchln* In.

Vour frlonde e’re helping

ten over and It odm lnlotru- I ODdlng men 1"l%rd to ld bla u onolder the

. ^ r ' l th r j iH -th lrd a of

» 1% odmlnle- be noklnc up eg ira itt o day » y o r le over, iftonhttrlod a t rm an . W o've ■ u u ra rm y a* lin e . T ho BU- >n h a .|| an d u a t wlL aupplv 'o r all ho t our le "b ledw hlte" e ta ry lah e r 'a

Crop^, and w ItBit a bafoto In the

rropa and ^ 1 - 1. Thia oun^er breaker (orth e end deeper d foodetutfe te- .*for the t^ r

ti In the atde oed inoro that ety—the aoetetr they may pen

( r e s t eehemoiol na more or Itie entleee w a r fv e hat. If le ft k i­lt ahare o f %e tnor.iclety aeek i lie

peopio of. the tu ra l deetrw ere ICO may be |ev- ■ork. ■ ' 'en ih an n u a tre - dlahed, dleel^ mportanca. achievem ent l ie ice of a se rh i) ' liianrlal a u p ^ t y public. Of,the elate. Icea Itaii >nlrlbuted to bo

dU mThe

lociety, w ith Ip- f w ar condltl&ee. tabllehed a Boad. aucceetfuUy met lereby dovolrinr

and mora efo r- hrough th e piaae. than aver beftre. the echeoli Mtli

I.there w ai oatrd

rhich the aocldv Im portant wotk to r the comity;

l.tM. Thli, hov- iiou(h to acoODf am ona tho young

.he United Pilti'e experte. th o eo-

abllehlng tfia fac t [<otnpelllnc ncee- lacreaee of l^od- an Im portant in- Keleerlam, B la

ly pleada for [ur-

,'e work and lla r It. Ilowdlah, t c - ji 'le tj. held: 'The I believe la (ho ontnnenli ol otM- ffective dlaburte- *-hlph the eotloty

aaaln In aeaetan ind tor iha o rw n- d. bm h lo funlM r le nnd to opfooe reinova jirotecBon enee.aee yearly. M do Ihoet who oeelt

i r r t a t in r bird life,1.ire pToite td don- t of the AuAlbon n thooe etraw oun her demadda tpon a tha vofy 'tlinee nanclal o o u o rt of

moat ImpfftaBO- avon a b l e w tn - aap tha putSo lm> !y wall bOH th a t iw Jarooy AUabon ay ba ro tla d ld In •port a t tbo S a r a


if ■»■

i m e n t V* i'uncut Be «,; ■

M m « f t e r -tc play yo«r ,t: n f n>ltr->-to 1 : id M l Mrtae- .BV

iii 'if

^ A B K E V E N T X G N E W S . T H T T R S n A Y . J A N r A R V 31 , 1918.


D ealen a t Co^rence wilh Mayor I'romiBe’ t v o ^ r a t c with



A wllllnan^*® co-operele with the e lty au lh o rll|ti> obteln mllU a t coit prica fo r chr«n whoie parenta are poor waa aal* “ b” " yeetefday a f te r­noon by m lC 'a lr r ' conference at th e city haw ltti Miyor Ulllcn mid H ealth Offlf Creoter. The meetliig wee called ’ the ptirpoee of Irern tna It m ilk couBot he eupplled el a to«or price th an * prevalU Reporle were b ro u g h t to« H ealth Deperinient that a ce rta in .h tlty of milk waa clliiiln-

troirtouieholda bocatiec of ite h igh co a t/o riy -o n o per cent, of tli* casea Invd tated thawed the fanilllea w ere buyf l*ie milk than formerly

F rad lrlt * » • made by Frederick li. Haller o fH er B rother,. Inc,, lliet b o t­tled mUeold In etoree a t thirteen l Onta a to n now would probably be reduced* twelve centi In about a m onth t otHI another cent lower two m niithaom hv*-

Th* 'Yor dacIftT^d th*t a^veral »ufi>mud* lo him that

ool'l. not dippfd from th* c r ^ formeri)r don*, 'in e uf tha ffintnandalIon* to th* Ma>or wu*

^ l lB h munh'lpal atatlona Lii four fyf f1 sei-liona'clf ih r cU>. p irticuU rly In t VliBt. Third *nd Fourleenih

4nd In Iha Ironbound D'.-^rlLt of iha^ty* ^ h a ra milk would ba sold

flaiia kontalnera or alphonB, whi would ba equlppad with an agi*

faurct No acUoB «'aa takanonll'-

foy W. Iwonf of tha Nawark Milk 1*0. PfBifl Newark would b*

f>^auchlnj( Mtot'k of lha rountry If it ii|^nad to the eala of dippad. tiil1k

”lp*ru lhf what w» lia^a about hifarla,“ <ontand*d It would b*rApar In Mi* *»d for *v*rybo«ly to m clean and wholaanm* fniih which Aild kaap down lha itoctor'a bill,{n Ih k tr Mmaa, Mr heilar nald. tha jlk ilauiera ware not IryliiE to n;aka a Ah p^o^l^ Me -iRraed w ilU fh* health Ithorltiaa that milk la in a better eanl* .ry condition aervad In tha than tha can ur lontBlnc-r of the corner tocary atora. A r.tuTu to th* old

jUtoirie ha aald. wt-uldn'l make a dll- flranca of more thun a cent or a half Hilt Tha better uujilly oi milk In ti« botM«v he fccld. waj* worm the dlf- frciico.

l l t r a Mahtalair'a Actlaa. iTb« Mayor lead a iiawapaper clipping ibU h told of M ontclair noting lo allmv 10 sa le o f l*OKe m ilk there If it w aie *rb-ed In l oiturinlty with r*aiiiiaf> r»*g- latloniii an yea* rihod b> lb* health au- V^rltlea. |V-‘ then apoka of the pro- Ua*d station* for Neciioria of the city ^i^re til* iporer tlaa,»ea ll^e

|o r t la C*h®n of Ihe Newark Milk r/kipany i-lvlned the Mayor lhai the Is'iwftrk lAbrew Kroo MiJK Fund wan ffmeU vMhlii the laat month wllh lljbOO cap ta i to d iainbuie milk among fapr peode. t*o far. he eald, only one nA llcaibn for milk wa.n made to the o k an lta io n . The milk itlvtiitway f** (he applicaiM afte r In* UAtlsalolb He beli«veti, however, th a t St pafPle f^'lt that milk at thlriet'ii

m u a r t wue loo hlaU and Ihnught tl^y y*>dld he belter ec.llitfled wiUi U a t e laen cenlw Ho oppoeiii to riu ritn it In the !*ule of milk tllpprd Ip n t the can The Ma>nr Infornifd

hat nobody had that idea. aR far ai h kn*w.

Y’r tlie lart ten year*, Ur. K. U. Hk ttti.ui o f the New Jersey Milk <’om-

the health authorltle* have wral< d hard (r y in i in get the milk up tu “land anl where il i* today The pr#<tlo{i of the ri»1lk, he deBlar*Ml. Ij* nn^too much ui present To JMs way o fh ia liln g , he ndtkd. it v.ould bx foid- lijf*} I'* go buck t'j the uld mcilioil olfc-lli lig iiuiU

A beaUh officer, Ur I 'raater bald he (IMiut th ink the cll> eUnuld lakn down AF of the aatefuardb It had erected.

confeea that Ike aale oC log** milk fP* nut appeal i'j me, even If II In u<lAr the HUperviMlun of the Health Ifp artrie iit, ih e id U alw uyi more dnii-

fir of U becotiiliiff i'oiitamtnaliMi Mtan Ifk ll th* boLtlc.” hr nald. t H arty F. FtacUui of rahlw ell Maid (>■'«

rugon mill. deal<**n opposed th* nal* of oose lillk wae l>A'bu>'C it would “ ,* m * n vale hoitU milk tn ccr-

m etctlona of <■* <-Hy.

G E T T I N G 3 A L K Y ?


/ "


Young Women of Bible Cla*ies|

and Association Residences

Join Canvass.


' / iI sh e

V / %%


J .



metit lo r e r ry l b . sw ia lo r» Inlentlon tn io c f fe ri, or even Ih . entire onileeloii In any wey lo Indicate n pereon or cor- Ijonitloii to whom iieymeiil of In* rum! could prim arily be made, will nol d e lea l i-uch ii e l t t . If M e teatalo r'e uHl- nialG object U l.nwlul and le definitely Indli'atcd Ih iu ilj »d! not perm it a iBWUll irita l to he ikfeiiled for want nl nil orsh’Leiii iruetee "

'■|[i the c*ee c ited ,' Ihe vir* chBllc*!- lof aeva In <om!Ufion. "the hody dealg- n e t r d ' l y iho Im ta io r did iml e ile tI oua*-.,uenll>. the heiiue t etood. a . U .fnea lie-e v lili no Iruhice appointed Blit If Ml. io u ri hod Ihe power m ep- ..ollil ib f if , II mual b a te here, The b.'- oiieat le in all reapeda epecifh - aa apeolfn- aa Ihe ordinary ca«e nl he. ,IU.el In the poor of a (Icalfltutted lowirII la the 'FreBh Air Fund "f Newark tliut la nam ed—e fund for Ihe needy eaaea In th a t m uniripalltv The boohe are lu ll of (.rei edonm 111 whicii the poor of I . town b a le been Ih* ohjerta of a tea in to r 'a bounty, and where im truatee hui. been named, or .onie one ha-' heen ,named ............mild t:ih", Ihe .o u rtbv*e niuil* the apT.**>rritrM*n1

%% * fr C*»*ipl*J**«t*-■•The a iio rn ey geiienil h am ig been j

made a p a rly . )t will be piuper fa t me to he*r counael on the iiipolntnient of a trui»l*f ■

The i*ai*trtr. wh«*» hw'i b*^ri for >**r* a reatdenl of Hart oraiilt*. ow ning a homo at H i Hiilnted airc il. In that t'lf). ill*'l 1*1 th* 'lerm un Itopiplliil of

■ pociim onla on .'lay ill of Ine! year, hie I l.i inc hnvins then for aboul a year heen

at 331 Broad elreet. The hill a tt|jck lnu j t i* validity of tho bequeat to the 'Freeh Air Fund of Newark " on the trou iid of "vagueneea ' and for o ther reuaona, waa filed by Boon ijennan and named aa eom plaliian ta Noleon W hile of Weet O range. Individually and aa eie.'U lor; W illiam fh e e te r W hile of Oran.lvllle, VI . and Clarence I.eallc W hite of Ihia il ly , all th ree helnR aoiia of the le.vtator.

At the tr ia l Kohert tl M n 'a rle r co n ­tended th a t the fund iii dlapute ahoubl go to the th ree aoiia. but gave It uh hla opinion th a t aa belween the reepecMie . lalm a of the c ity and of Uie Newark Fem ale C harllab le fkn lety to Ih* fund, th a t of th* la tte r organleallon. ad- vanved by WHIlani M F arte r Jr., wae "by fa r the itrongeal."

Meat Men at GinferenceSuggest a City Abattoir

!>tablljshm*i»i of * imJ*ils-lpkI Hbattolr Jill H mftth* T«>r the proper l:-(ip*t'tlnn of m eal S'olsl In tiv* « iiy aiMl Hi* tJenlTur* Mnii ..f ■||^rH^ell riie*ui vviia hUggeatedy«ssl*r<1ny uf^einnon ,i! a confer*nre h*- 1 *\*‘*ii <ilJleii and >ev*r*l m*atflHal»>r pi. Iiol'l al 'H* city hall. Ati nr • jIiiihM'* i*uu lnrig Ihdps'tlIon of meat ami til* slejit m et inn of rlihcased meat* U'KA finl*r*<l Hll*r*cl b*fnr* H !■ »uh- mittviii 1 ' Hi* <*uy <'ominlHPlon for ■diiiHinn Th* infHt rlrnlT* <l**lar*d Ihe whol*«al*rv w«*uM n-fu*-* to aeiut in*iH lier* if th* If*'' w*rt t i i fo n c d a* pr<*- poaeil

Th(k nrilinan*’* provlrt** that no b**r. v*al. I'UiMfsM. Uiiih, pork, nor any patt of Hii' ariiiiul frO’ii vk Im li tii*«l la uh-

taln*rl *hall be ■olij f^ r foufi purpo*** *>r eiiM>«*d for eal* or held In p«»pMf- aloii In a isiore uni**" th* animal hka b**n *xaruln'*d a fte r *laught*r hy a meat Inapm tor rn th* rn lte d Sl*l*s <iov*rnin*ni or hy aonu* oth*r public official appoliM*<l f«»r lUch punHsi* b> tb* Bitat* or I'My and lias heeu pa 'SeU «(• fit for food

Iiiatead nf ii*ivdinB the i-iircaeitrr h*r* drcaa*d. Ih* h*aini au ihorttlea recfsiii- menil*d that h* h*re In «'ii lia s ta te that I'lppre-tloii could ahr'W If Ih* meal u er* dla*Ha*0 The inrHl rl*al*r« roni*nd*il that If ih* car' ase*Fi w *r* l*fl Im ihni .'ondltlon iliey a o illd n t keep my] ib* pa-k*r*i would refuh* to whip tb*rn lo thle « ll>

AaslHlHlH rTo**futor fvdwurd 8cho*n r*pr*pent*d th* firm* of H*cK A • auv- field, the W averly ra i'k ln g rnm pan j. Morris Herhal Khd rhflrl*a MK>baUin kt Ihe ronf*r«nce U*| r*sci"Hatlv*a of •ii'li rssnips'iy. * <*ept .ylr. Mayl>aum, vv*re alHfi rr^o^nt

Impetus was given (n ih* member■hip cam paign of th e T- 'A t ’ A. by Ih* t.rgatiUailon last n ig h t of the mem- | | her* of the W edneaday night Bible cla**ea und the > oung women from the aeaoclkuon r**ld*iic*a l i lo I'aTiipalg There * e r# ahoiit Kill prfwnE g1 a supper given by ih* HIUI« dae**-'*10 th* r*aldonoe g irls , aoil H bass ar

I ranged to m sk# a spo' lal underi (ll* aup*rv1iilon of Mr* I'heiiter It

llosg.The adoplod plan ra |l» for u division

' of the v rgsn lsstl^ 'n Inin five tesins. t | I wlilrh m il h* In m a rg e of aids Th*' \ouiig n o m m ho *111 s< t In th'** 'c a p a c lu are Mi*s Klorem * U -u ih e rlj

MIS* Mas> M arti. Mlae I'iilKy frane , ,M!«n U U d it W ell* Mm* Melvllia Wvfnaiii and Mlsa V.lvle l.iillil. The> B«il1 sondui'l an Imloi^eiHieni lampnlgn ee|i*i-l,ill> am ong th* g iil* ai'd voung v.omrii of tho oHv. in an rfr<.r1 lo oh »aln |iii'r*a*ed In te res t i i tho aesoola Mon work.

In m aking the antiounr*n^*t>t ihls morning Mrs. Jay Ten Kyck, wh.» It In rhjirge rif the drive, said IhM •■l*taiii*e of these new worker'* would n* mnlarlkl and ih e l pU»>* ‘‘V* being •leBlMed lo have o ther slm lU r crKiinlta Mon*

•The g irls wer* very *nlhu*ia*ti ; over the possib ility t»f aiding in th*

drive.' ren iafked Mrs Ten V:y*k. ’and r iim ■nitfldem th a t not only will <h*y

' oliiHiii fm apprerinb l* number of h* N ' maj»ib*fy I'u l th a t they will inallll In

(h* minds of a gr*f*« nmny ulhef slrln ihr benefits and advaiitago* of Joining th* aBMrH'latInn.**

AMeiidIng (he Bihli* ilatec* Is^'t I niflii wkH a g roup of rig l I young

w,fMii*ii ffom th* lliifh Street I rfslij •; lerU f i hur*h. Arrangetri* nly »r* being I mid* fi>r the atlehdalic* nf olfi*r 1 rhuff h groups a 1 th* weeklv iTieetings ' A r*t r*atlon period iii Ih*' i|iymna*ilUfn.

iinC.^f Ihe *up*rv|*lt>n Vis* i ’laraI'./iUmvin. p h ji 'h a J d irector, concluded |]ir I'i ening

( '1.10* f*‘* speeding up th* cHmpalrgn w err dlscu"i*ed th is m orning st a meet- iiit’ "f the executive lom niittec Th*

' a*-i *Piil lam palgn . part. pr*i«*iii and ! future, u aa considered, and while It I w SB- agreed lha l gfu>d resiills had been

- fthtkined, an even g rea te r nffort ehoyld b* M\BiJ* to a t ta in tb* goal of iRi'Sn new membern, Thl* riumher has noi been r*«*hed. and yet the cnminlltre anniMih. ed th a t It w as imi dlm'ouT.»g*d o 'e r the progperte. P*\*ral new ideas were hroa*-h*rl, and u ltli more dellh.

I ersiinti (hey may he put Into p rs 'lp a .

RWS«®-iR this lot wc have just 42 Rugs. In sizes to!2 and

8|4 x10'/2. All grades perfect and patterns up to the minute at savings from 25 to Wfo.

Durable Velvels)vaiiia Wo(ri.Brussels J®.Axmiusters )

Size ftxl2. In OrientBl. Alluvcrs «nd Florals.


Smitti’sIleatiiAxininsters)Beaultiul VelvetsS iz e s 8 M l O i . a n d ) x I t )

Unusually fine colorings »nd designs. Regular $34.50.


$4.25 27x54 Body Brussels R ugs.................Q 4 Q$4.25 27x54 Axminstcr R ugs.........................V a A v

We W 111 HoM Any Rux Purchaied on Dcpodlt

L ”


23T H E D A V ID S T R A U S C 0 „ 685 B ro t t l S t

I RABBI S SERMON TOPICS The eiihject of Itetihl Sf«l* nnifi I i*r h diAi ouree |'>mnrMiw lUKht e( Tem­

ple M okl Jeeh u n iii w ill l»* ' Nev. Viewa ; nf S*'m* O f the iild Triitlif-' r»n Salur* I day morning he w ill r*p*.ik on •.Sii AHwr of Karib '

Kahhl Koa(er w ill g- 1 t'anip iMx next week tf» tak e chiirge of lb* Jewieh work (her* for (wri weeke ['urliig hi* ghh*iii-* Rabb! Jonrph SII'eHTieti of New York w ill o ffli'U te Ml III* tempi*

A( (he iih eb Hhalnni H'liugogU* in Miorrnw iMghl HubbI I'hurl*! ' llorriii.iii will fpenk OM “Th* Kuri h*r .m. c nf .1 u ■ daimn Ii* Amerl*-e

C aritable Sciety Wins in Legal Controveny Over Gift in C.

j, R.,While Will.


. Bruehliia )*l<l* e* untenable the eev . 4rel contenjen i raleed bjr couneel for k ith e e e c ^ r and helm agatnat th a reaidlty o f | teetam enU rr s i f t by Chaa- l«a R. W lte o f lha Intareet o f I&.0SS “tb tha trth a ir fund o f Newark," V ice Otumcallo Btavena, in an opinion Jupt r a ^ . h o * that the teetalor m eant th* a i f l to a to Ihe Freeh Aid Fund Com­m ittee 7 th e Newark Fem ale F h arl- lah le IHlety. Tile bequeat w aeola ln ied a leo b)£lty Counael Jerome T. C u n flc- ton fotdie clly'a "treeh elr fund,” but to Ihle (>Un the vice chancellor m ak es b u t tlf barest allualon.

It n o be noted, the vloe rhancellor aayajhat the gift le directly to the "trav air fund,'' and not to a truatao. Aa f as the court la apprlaad, there •a liNtwark neither an incorporated porjui unincorporated body called

, Aid Fuad," and the evidence faljta ahev lha ixlatenea of any par.-

ant fund of that detcrlpUon. All I appears Is that the Newark Fe- if Opartlable aoclety hae a fresh air

j committee and that the city of bark appropiiataa tIt.ddS each year

' “gr puTpust out ol nonoya ,m taxatloa.

qiHStlon. under tke rlrcum- the vlo* chancellor geos on to

'whothor a alft to a froah air 'Ta a gift to charity. ThIe guoa-

ha . anowora In tho afflriiliallve. purpeat bolip 0 o physloal and 1 improvotaijit of tho poor. It y fall* wotl kvtthin tho daslcna- oharlty as th* torni Is understood

4ew Membert Admitted to the Newark Music Festival Choir

More th an 100 n r w ap p l lcm n la for incm berahlp In the Nrivavk M ualc Fev- t l v a l A r a o c l a l l o n ' a c h o r u a q u a l i f i e d f" i odmikalon l o It durliis llic l a a l w e e k , w e r e a c c e p t e d a n d a t t e n d e d the re ­h earsa l In I h e K u r i ic t F t r e e t B rh o o i l a a t iiiglil There h a * been a n uneepecledly heavy ehro lm eni of men. T h e b a r i­to n e and tenor a c c t lo n a r e nearly filled, bu t th e re le room lor baaeee.

Aa n early Ihe requisite num ber a t wom en fo r tho rhorue ha* bee* ob ­ta in ed : the m anegem ent etataa th a t no new ap p llcan ta (or places In the w om an’* section w ill be considered a f te r W edneadey night, F ebruary 11 The m en 's aectlon will he cloned 10 new com er* Weilneaday, Fehruary J(i, . F ea tu re* o t the fe»tlval program ih i* >-ear w ill lie unacrompanleO choruHc* for woman'* volhwi and (or the mole choir. Tho women will alng Mai- keiiela'e "Oome. Hlater*. Come!" and the men will bo heard In Conductor W ilke '* ‘H elling of Tennyson'e ‘'B reak. B reak , B reak."

D u rin g the lntermt»elon last night, Mias F lorence Robrecht, soprano, en ter- ta lned th e cho rus hy singing several solos. _______________________


Musically the Wofld*$ Greatest Fhonograph-witha Fascinating New Feature

4 irlharlty as tWt t he says.

Ns TiWea Bnnsad.. irea Ihe queilod arisea whether.

dhef^rpoee bclig ,a obsrl table ono, < S k li la in y >•» dl»fl«vHy »" ■'»"*« mitJk to it. As I thi* (hs vice chaa-

says that 11 only dlfrieulty that ^ lu Itealf «•* *>* *h»

W tho losta' r 1* appoint a trueteo itmlalatar tl Jund, but that thin euiie- baa a foroa In tha (aca o(

riiTwoll ltnowa Mils that "a oouyt of ty Fill aatpormlt a truei. ^ olallF a f l i i j y le truat, to fall (or

S t o \ p M s t IM wWw*. lha vW>s___iM ilor e s a w « agStactiM T oFm «Uu u oiiarttr

orally and Aids ta dharllabis ob- ; ^ K r t j » d t e a i s * WMra a t M .

■Ivba tl eaarliy caagpally, M‘ A m arM n tow. oauk

Iko ahAaotgi

T h e C e r e a l F o o d

3Tod should use thete days is

G r a p e - N o t s1* • *'

' ’T h l t l o o d u a sugar- ' ■ *r t '‘"C0PtMiia over ^)0% eaigu by vragkt

clevdopad in thainwc- ing fnNB liciliM and tnalted fairly.

RpadyCookedK o W a tto '

H IS superb instrum ent plays music— every m anner o f music— w ith a tonal b e a u ty w h ic h is n o t m ere m usical

_______ im itation, b u t w h ich is actual musicalrealism. T h e deeper tones— bass and baritone, *cclio, bass viol and tu b a — are reproduced w ith a n ew and rem arkable richness and “body”. T h e high notes o f soprano, violin and flute, come fo rth from this w onderfu l instrum ent w ith tjie sw ee t' ness and pu rity o f th e original renditions.

T here arc tim es w hen merely to listen to music, how ever beautiful, is n o t e n o u ^ . T h e re are times w h en w c long to express our o w n musical th ough ts— w h en w e must voice th e w ordless em otions w h ic h music arouses in all o u r hearts.

A n d th is longing d \c A eolian-V ocahon Batts' fees. For in a simple device w hich Ijas been nam ed the G raduola, w e find th is means o f musical sclf'cxpression. W c are able to participate ourselves, in th e m ab n g o f beautiful music.


ToncQtid/%—of unequglediuturelnegggndbeguty.F

Tht GiaWuo/d—by meing of which the ‘eg- preMion'' ol the record may be varied at will,

fVniM m l r«ng.*(n»—BAking all recortU avgil- able without any additional ittachncntt.


-# « • - I JtfparAfy

iTenw' $f •

BmuIv mI £)g(0n~catet, iiuahca and work- aan» i(i a r c ^ unqueationed lupcrionty.

V V V V V VAaaBgN-Vgdgfait pricag m w i r ig p ia Hi M t giwWe,$4$ tm SSrt, FitUSmmJtU, SSIM tg#dSd.

Slyit - I -

MtutUf 1 Tmw


'■ ' ■- ' 1.-. ■ -< .•I.-: ■ ■ 'I '

Men can buy Our 22'“ Suits

fo r$ 1 4 . 7 5


N ew ark G lass Co. 273 M arket St.

I Mail or I’hone Vour Order. I’rompl Altrntion (liven.

Window Glass.Ml sliaiuLirrt nl*** i‘;irrl*tl In itttK’k

frti n 's li lul sl»*i or1-h.tpr-s f ' l l (o ort1*r

Glass Towel Bars

H envy iclwi** rod# w llh hraww nri k*I pimt*d m oiknis; 24 Ins. 1 . 0 0

Haili* »i5i^ rod* in i lonB ..IJffl

Glass for Windshields\W‘ « 111 iu«l h* ftLis* lor

\Ntn4 pM'‘lds H id r fa i tory ht rvk’e

G lass to r I’u rn ltu reTulil*. I»i«‘hji*r. *'liifTonnlt‘1 U«‘>k

Top*, iill wiz' s tir *iiu$a** i:U( lt»f>rd«i'

N £ k » k i w' ' l a s s Q

273 Marhtt StN B W A IIK

JEWELS((•» pithily

B*M«r Ihaii • rap* et »jarl"(*r * n*'‘klju* of (Jl«irktaai1« H !■ to hav* 1 row of at(r*rUvF. imunil t*«th. The? ■r« Ih* br*t pomtlld* ■4or*ifn*at rt«r ytriir f«4# B*«ld*B UBaUTY. th*l m*xn UKAIeTH ■ml tlAPPlNRM.

To 1«*or* looij 11 I* Ti»c»>*sry111 k**B In Trptit h ulth (h* BKWT DKV- TAL MKILL-

Plai**ftitblAMsdrnpl# a«m* 1* d r M f ***”"Sf*liyamlnortoft and EtiimmtM FrmI'uM Set* o( Teeth............. |4.0<l n|iBridge Work, per looth. .I4.6A «pCold t'ro«M .................... A4.AA upfluid Killing* ..................ll.AA »pSilver KilHnga ..................Sfc ap

A il W ork 6 » « r » i ( e * d tO T e f iOp.* • A. >1 « t k • r " •IWae*ye. *• A. M. U I p. M.

Woodbury Dental Offices7 7 e B ro a d S tre o t■ ■ O •‘rllv'a IIOM Bter*.

RESORTS Atlaatk Gly. N. J.

1 lu S I*.M.—RtSS.. I V M. It*w*rv*d kn*l« C«II B* farurH (Mx W**kP In Adritrir* Phtm* 71*4 •ninAV—Th# R##l Wiir In Rfn* M nl.lJR EING^IMINITA d I fM SKVKN^rAnfllOhiH A LA r UtTL.

Rttio -InasTfi—aiTIIICfl A< riinruf -il hikI Thurditay’

h i i l i e h l i i * K i i i i e i m r l «U n l I I a I m H i )i ; i * V l p | n r S f l t i e l # t r t \ ‘MII S - ' d l

p'lrM-i»R Ur ’lUflee Ilf Ktiin Tflumi'hd

V I I l l s ' l l I l a o d 7 N I i A i n A

‘ ' 1

Aabttiy Park, N. J. MONTAUK HOTEL

P H I N ' A L h .M e M rsM Kvef n iM d .

[ l ( [ i * n k l l W l n « * r r t r . M i n l i t B I . n i o <llbM lb F. MILLCII

lodarat* rat#*.

Grsn(#*i __“f'HKATtNO THE rtB IJC ."

Feed FrelHeere EepMOl BKEAU M O Til MWIEE neENKlIl

Thrllllag Aate-Tvalu HueelN A HOnriTAL.-*

riE£7 RS'-*. t a I I P . H.

R D O A D S T .T H E U R t

NlekUy e i r ^ Tnjeduy.

r O l ’ N_T | l ' y . c o n BIN."Week Feb. ♦—Tke Oieot nyreee

•■TL'EN TO THE EIOHT." . Oriflual N. V. fbe* eo* Fredurtlio

S T R A N DTodar-^ ontinnou" fw * * S;.****IU | Trlpl* r*»*nr# W«- H A V A K A W A

In *'Th# Hnrret Gnwr." . - h

i*\\'.** I*a(h# Nsw#. InmnifSmhJn Con- em \ OrrhnMM. _ «

Ig^la, ID*. ntl_ ■■■!$»* * fat B(M#n aw^ ^

Lakewapd, N. J.T l f . T f t N A l L L A —S#oth#m • k f o t n r f

lwrt*v ««M h*at#4 roovna 111 to tlo loutil* MR0V K. J. TILTON.

WeraaravOI Pa.


Om ell yaur. Dry elr. Fine m eisT eenfwt for longer eheet wloler rest _t e S ' Pallfnane iLw Terk sndrl^h.

H o w e b b H. WiMU. H i




‘/r k|

■ W '.

N E . w a r i c :STEAMSHIPS

K E E N E Y ’ S- -

Page 10: German Strike Spreading With 700,000 Now Idle in Berlin, London ...


« * • _____ * • ■ — - -



Duree Eiccptioiii Made—CityruMniiiiiinfn Rehucd to Grant

bcruaoci Appropriation.


». C*itfront»d w ith a a h a r tu * a t (and. ■ad th* raluaal o f Iha C tly C<____________ Commlulcn

I ta f t a a t an Ineraaaad aparaprlatlan, the board o f (ruataaa o f th« Navark Vraa P a b lk U brarjr baa dai-ldad to rloia taBnadlatatr a ll o f tha branrh hbrarlaa la lha c ity , w ith th a a icap tlon of tha baalnaaa man'a branch In Haavar alraat and tboaa at th e C leveland and I M * V

. •a tta achoale.Thia a c llen * » » tak en at a mcatlnc

S e c t d A c t t v t t i n i n l Y z w a i i t a n dJ L . tn n n o M w M Q u m n u u tlR s ^

Laalla Qayta C handler, aaa iin aa ta divlalan h aad au a rirra , liea retu rned ta Camp HcClall*!), Ala., a f u r a fu rlo u il. ■pant w ith hla paren t* . Mr. and Mra. o ao ria A. C handler. *1« CUtlon avanu*

illaa lA ulae <1. Gray o f : Myrtla ava- nuA who haa been lh a » u a it of friend*

w ill return <« herIn A ufuata, Ga. boma tonarrow .

baa la iu tnad from Boaton. whara ana ■pent lavaral daya w ith friandi.

Miss Ethel M. B. Harriman Weds Ueut. Henry P. Russell in Paris

I toft n li lit . a tten d ed by Mayor Glllan. ! RIcbard C. J en k ln eon . Lathrop Andnr- I aaa and J. H enry B arheller, end wlf aifert lha K erry. Iloeevtlle, Spiln ifla ld .

f^latan avenue, W aet Bida and Vall*- iM rth branrhea.

Tha library truateaa aoupht an Inrreaaa a f abaui tS t.oea th le year, making the total appropriation tlST,hoh. Thle hi. eraaae, Mr. Anderaon o ip la ln ed to tha aaam laiton laaC w eek , w a i well under tha iltn il of app rop riation allowed hy law.

Tha tru ita e a c av a w arn ln c that tin- taai lha add itional money waa allowed Uia branehen would have to be < lo*ed

I Mayor Olllan'a an aw e r la th a appeal wa* I ta l In tb a ia w a r tim e* many peraon*

I m t ^ t claaa lha llb ra rlaa aa ainonc Lha ! •aa.aaaantlala.t Me. P aiwa'a ■ tateraeat.j la • ata lam ont tod ay by Librarian j A hn CoH*B lian a , prepared at the re- i f«aat o f tha trastaaa , ha aeU forth the I apaelflc reaaona for th a cloalntf o f th*

braacboa and rav lew a the Inetllutlon'* flnaaclat anparlanrea lead in g up to Ih*

i rapnaat fa r th e ad d itio n a l approprla- Uan.

R afarrlng to th a tn ia la a a ' daclalon ta claaa th e b ran rhea , Mr. D ana aayat

T h e y did th le w ith ( r e a l ralurtanra and only a f ta r a r a ra fu l aludy, wtih-h

rABIK, Jan SI l . t ) —Mlaa E lh*l M. B. Iltrrtm iin, d a u flittr o f Mr». J. B or­den Karrimftn o f S ew York, w a i ntar- r1«d at noon )aBl«Mioy lo ldi«ul*n*nt [U nry PoUar lluKtall of N iw York m

*« \i^m iLnisiMl Boolow of Am ^rlcin Church on th t AvonuaWr and Mrs K am uil B ailow , |*roiri».* aru E plicopal B ishop of Ui* i'hlllr»P‘n«a,

o ffh tsite j.Th« w ad d ln i w afllm s

riKr^mony. at w hich on ly a f iw Inti- mate frieiida of tha coupls w ere praatnt,


This Is Last Bay to Get lerest Bearing Certificate

at $4.12.

bEOTIME STORva y H O W A B O m . G A R I B



Houth F ou rteenth atreai have an nouncad tha en g a iera a n t of Ihelr dauphtei. Mtea leabel !J»bIo« to Mur- ria tieiiiel uf th le c ity .

J!enr> H Irkenhauer Jr. of thle '11/ It at San rue*o. C a l, for the winter,»(Ur v ltliln c friend* In Lo* A nselti

• * •There were Ih ir t)- th r e e U b lt i in

play y c ile td a y afternoon at a lard parly f iv e n e l the hom e o f Sira Iloh. fr l If ll l i i i» * o r lt i, !• 1^'ilnul i lr te l , by Nova ('ataarea 'T u p ier , 1> A II, In *ld of the war fund o f th e Y. M < A- Tl.nae receiving w ith Sire lllin gw orl'i wore tha reaant of the . heptcr,Henry It l•‘^M• ley. O ran ie , Mn

amoiiK them Ambaaeador and Mr*. Sharp. Mr, and Mr* W. K Vandarbllt■ nd ilrnata l Lewie. Mr*. V incent Aitor of New York acted • • m atron of honor■ nd L ieulenant Minot a* beat rn*n

B tC K E R -A T Z

Ihr ch*[*trr. M'S- Mr«. I'hsrl p II ’I !■ I Annie Tli.ln‘iioi. Mrt.

n .r e n r e A iling, Mr* At.r.vm t e n I' 'O' I c Mr*. II. 1. U oertiet. .Ml* J l'■enk Havi* and Mr* Arthur l.. bkueihcr

Tiw »*» aerved folk iknc) pr^tidinKKpurr. Mrt UkvIn pud

t h i i a itanded over more than alv ■tonlba. a* to th e boat pointa at which

I I* bafln to r u r ta l l eipenae* Th* traateaa havo long know n that lh*y aroald bava to m ake radical changta ■alaaa the lib ra ry '! Incom*. w** largely In rrtaaad .

T h e Income o f the lib ra ry I* derived I from tho procaod* of a m andatory tax : «f atio-lhird o f a m ill on th* aaaeated ! tntltwllon a f th a H ty , Th* aanaaed ‘ v a lu tlo n of th a c ity haa not Inrreaied

rapidly In racan t y e a n . Conaequtntly : Ih* Ineomo of th a lib ra ry ha* not In*

ertaaod rapid ly . In ItIO, It wa* lias.* a«l: In tin, |«: isis. s i H.h *;ISII, I lS I .td t Id ecroaao l; iS lt. IISI.-

: US; t i l l . 1114.771; ISIS. tllO.SST; HIT.lItt.lST , pin* a apoctal tS.OOD; ISIS. ap.

' paranlly, Illl.S S d nal. lea* than IHL*

,w thi lit** bhi-re Ur». J

Korr^Ml K I»r><!•'».M lii Tn-h^nor. ARAliliny

w#re >1m \VpU<‘r .Itsiuir*. Hranir Mri ri^orB* Gardnrr. Mft- W illiam Mtr. I lob frl T lo r-born. Ihi» Mic* H* Irniamfton and Man* Slpb^rlann

Colonial fo itum aa w era worn by ihote rataJvliia and iha d^coraUuiia nur* A a ia r i c a n f la fi. T h rift aiam pi ’iv#ri- |W #n ia p r ia e r

Thp hiarrlafi of MlaR KUl P diuiilti^ r of MP. and Mr* lioul" A. A |i of a Nairn pU ia, and Edward L Rpt-kar of Brooklyn placa laainiahi at lha W .iahitifion. H«v. Andraw iR /.immarman pa«f«r of Maniorlal I'm Liytariari « iuirrh. prrfprm ad tUt (■Piam.m> Tho brld** waa ilv an in m ar- rURp by ln-r fa ther, and waa atiandad tsy n^T -iflar. Mi-<a l‘*dna Atg. wbila (‘htrT'jk S r frrav of Brooklyn lerveda i i 'i- t r..Tii

A iliniiai daiica foJlowrd »hai'prin.ony Afia- t a^ort wadding tn p XI- m;h1 $lrii Bt-rkar w ill H '** lindalck a^a♦lt^l•

Ura. E radarkk H Moonay w ljl glvo a card party for tha banaflt o f ll*-'Kait HIda Day N uraaiv W ednatday ava- nlng at lha W »*hihglon. rolhiw ink tha card pariy aha h*a Invilad about th irty aoldlarw from a t \a r a l <ani|»a for a danri. Thoaa aPAlRiini; Iti raccivm s will ba Mra C hnilaa f\. Auahn. Mr^. Hanna II. ToaU r. Mra. W tlham H#H- man. Mra. K ra i k* yuJnn. bira. r im rla i kUdar and Mra. bimma Volt- Th# float- a n will ba Mlaa t 'h r la tln a Bf'dall, Mlaa Anabal Mayo. Mip» |s*ab#l K#er. MIra MUdrad tiu tharland . M^an Uulh Scott, Mlaa E laanor Johaaon and Mlaa V ltclnia Haald.


Thta u tha ia it day upon which war navinga atam pa can ba purchaaid for 14 i : Tha coal of tha largo atampa InFebruary will b« 14-13. and an addi* llonal 4 ant wtM ta addad «ach monih In vlaw of th ta fact tha m im barf of Ml# a ta le w ar aavlnga rom m lttaa mad# an InUnalva d riva fo r (he fiata of th rift atampa today

Dwight W. Morrow* a ta to d lracier of the cam paign, amid th a t ha btllavad New Jaraay la hold tvg Ita placa vrtih oth«r Blataa In the sa la of th r if t itafnp^* hut added (hat he hopod It would more thim keep the pace and th a t when tne final nccounMng comaa. it will no found th a t New Jeraay hge, In propor­tion lo Ita poputatlon, w en a high place in the liai.

Home of the wom an cannerted with *he w*ar eavinga cam paign a re now try ­ing lo periuada the clerka In e lo re i to ■ ak s'uatomera to ta k a atam pa In lieu of rhang# from purchaae# and they hop# to have the practice generally asinpted.

"In our big m illi and faclorlea

Annnouncemeni waa made today of the m arriage In Miami. F la . on Ja n u ­ary 21* of M lii (Jene Roth, daughter of Mr. and Mra. Joaeph Roth of 7 n^nUin aireet* ih ia city, and Kol M. (Iroodiinaky, p rop rla to r of a d e p a r t­ment ptore In Miami. ‘ Tli# bride waa Mleiided by Mlia Mary lirood ilnaky of Allenta. rip . a elater of the b ride­groom. Ml. and Mra. flroodalnaky are enpri-ied In tiila c ity during the la tte r pari of F ebruary bride's parenta.

for a vialt (o the

**ln tha sama yaara lha eapeneea of tha library* owing to lha rlaa in wagen tnd tncraaaa tn all tha incidental ex- panaaa of a going concarn* have grown tapldly."

a e w lH e dggag Balate.Tha HbrgrlaA raatawa tba afforte to

elaaa the Roaeallla branch mare than a paar ago, *Tiollng that tha library's in- coma would not be ahffldant, within th# atat yaar, ta moat aj^neaa* unleaa axpandituroi war# vary varafully re- atMcted.**

*At tha aarnaai aalicluilon of Rom* fUle citliana,** Mr« Daam contlnuee. 'The trgataaa jolnad tham In mahlng a re-

; gaait la tha clly govarmmant for an I aitm appropriation. This waa grantad [ to tba aitani of 19*009 only. The true- [ taaa at that time wara well aware (hat i If they aceeplad and uaad ihla appro*I priatlan for tha rontinuanca of Mie ( Baoaellla branch* they would not \ tbaraby moot tha gawarai difficulty of

iba fallura of tha hbrary'a Income ta naat Ita aipanBaa* In tha hope, how*

s.*gaar, that within twalva monthn thera would ba grantad to tha library p Igrthar and iargar awaclal approprie- t

A egrprlee Un show er was g l 'e n laat night by frien d s of Mr and Mrs. Charles DuiWI of 7t J Houlh N’lneH'cnth street In honor of th e ir ten th wedding anniversary. G sm es wer# played and THUiical num bere so n trlbu ted by (he guests a f te r which a bufrei nupper was dCived.


find th a t (he In taraa t In the th rift moxrrr.ent la g ro w in g rapidly,*' aald l*ouis FlatnUergeri chairm an of the local savings lo m m ittea . "B eports Indicate tlwtt III# rnen tham aelvea sre buying ih iift etam pa and a re porauadlng thair rhiliirdn and wl%aa to Invest In them Th# women’a th r if t stam p m oveniant In Newark haa In It g rea t poaslbllltlaa a hit h 1 am iu r e (he women w ill raaUaa. r)fi«n wem aa keep a r io te r eye on tba family bank account than do lha man>

A lj|g m eeting under th# auapleat of the National W ar Rsvlnga t^omnilltaa w is held In C arnegie Hall. New York, lent Tiighi. T ha m eeting waa addraasad Uy Klihu Root. L le u te i j^ t Joaaph 8 Sniiih. T'. B. A . r o m m a n ^ r J. K. T au t iita. l '. H. N*. and Mra. F Loula Rlada Louis B am berger and A. B. Johnapn, the iRlier ih a lrm a n of the grorers* commit lee In the l04-a1 cam paign, repreaanted ihe Newa rk orgatilaatlon at the meat log

Campaign On to Raise Newark s Quota for War Hulnient Work

Here and Abroad.

More than IlOO waa realVked at th# dance given last n ig h t by (he U lrls’ Patrlo tle t r a g u s a t W est Kr\^ Hall. Tha oom m lttae in charge, of which Mias Mae O'Toole la chairm an. ha»t been aaked to a rra n g e a altn llar dance within a short time. T h is w ill b# done, but no data haa been fUed.

The F orest Hill Bewing Guild will meat Monday a ftarnoon a t lha home of Mrs. ClareTH-i U. Fay* 947 1*ake s tre e t The regu lar m ee tln ta w ill be continued on the flraU th ird and fifth M ondayt throughout th e aeaaon a t the home of Mrs. Fay.


Belgian, Who Escaped German Camp, Seeking Relatives in U. S.

The au k llla r) o f lh« Karah W ard Da/ Nureary w ill m ta t lum orrow aftarnoon a l Hie home of Mr*. R andall I) W ar­den, «7 T raa. y avanue.

(Uwi, thay peocaadad la ra-aau'bhah tha Ma«a»...................

^ •m in tMbrary'

XflM t It S t t a i i b r t

lYllla k ran ch-Taavard th a and a t ItlT , th a Iruataaa

aaam lnad n d a ln w ith ( r a a t cara lha Ib rar/'a Incoma a n d o pIbo and daalded

wnmiM be Im paaalU a tn RMlniaIn d l lb ra y 'a d lf tr lb u tln ia c e n c la a a a (hey

Ikan w ara w lth a d t a au h a 'an tltl In- eraaaa In th a Itb ray '* Income, an In- oraaaa th a t cou ld ha caunted on. not

—•■ ly to r ISIS, b u t th a r a a f ta r "Tha oloaing o f tba braiichaa, - >'on-

i'^tbiua* Mr, D ana, "w ill m aka It poiilbla ( ^lir th a tn ia la a a to add aom av h at le lha 1 latora a t baoka an d to tho atrictanry of

Ik* a ta ff a t th * bualnoaa branch on • a a v t r a t r a a t w hich w ill undoubtedly baaam* a l a r f o r d ii tr lb u tln k center for bM ka of a n a n a ra l rh a ra c ta r than Ith»a.b**a fa r a a v a ra l y a t r a

"Tha au ran k an ian t w in alao anabjav ,tk a Iru a taaa to m ak e mora complete and ' l a hand le m or* c ff lr la n lly lha llbrarlet

" “!■ th* C lavaland and I.a fay c tta achool*. — - "F or m any yoara ilia lib rary haa lent

to achoal room * em ail coltecllona of boaka fo r th* uaa o f le a c h a n and pupil*, far uaa In th a room and for home read. ttik. or thaaa achoal room llbrarle* Ibora ar* now SIS. w ith a to tal af 11.040 volume In th e achool buMdInfa of iha city. Tha daclalon of laa t avan in t will porm lt th a lib ra ry to ■ tranalhrn thia dapartm ant a f lla w ork ."

Th* f l r i t III a earla* of roorlhlv raadinaa by Hr*. N athan W alnberg ef Nf*' Torli. fo rm er praaldent of the Mawarh aectton o f tti* Council of Jaw- tah Women, w ill be glveii tem orrow *f. tarnaun In th* W aahinaton. under th* ■uipir** of lh a oeatlon a ptaaa com m u­te*. Mra. W aliibara will read from Hie worlia of M aeterlinck , D* M*upa***ni and Dunbar. T icket* may he pro< or»'l from Mra. Mamual IV W alter. SIS Broad ■treat, or a t lha W aah in ilin i

About ISS m am bara and (rlanda of 'h a W aaquahic P raab y ta rlan Church *i- tendad a pur* food auppar laat n iah i ■Ivah under th* auaplcaa af tba l*d l*a‘ Aid Hpclstv snd follow ad by m uttcal number* alvan by A rthu r Vouna. W ill­iam Stiller. Mlaa Klal* Uoapfarlch, Mr*. Joaaph Ooff and MH* N ation Hein Mra Dora Hendereon » a * In fhara* of <h* ■upper.


Sooday School Heads HearAddress by Dr. Lttlefield

A com m ute* of th irty niembara the m. Vincent * Academy Alumna* Bo- rlety. In cha>a* ot a rt*na»m «nli lo r a card party to be held Monday eveninf. February II . a l tha WaehInatOn. wll* meet a t Academy Hall Tu*aday niaht. to rem plet* detail*. Mlaa Klleen Parry I* aenera l chalrtnan , aaatated by Mlaa Jan* F erauaon and Mlaa C atherine Mc- l.rf>uthlln. Th* proceed* will he for Ih* Chaplain a Aid Hcwlaly

Thera la a a ta re lly of apple pl* In Franc* In feet, there la alinoat non* a t a l l ' of th* toolhaoni* adible. and the American aoldtera are deprived of their accuatomed luncheon deeaert. But th* deprivation w ill not continue, laid U rlfad ltr (leora* F. Caaler of the Salva­tion Army th ia m ornlna. If Nawark will contribute to ih* arm y fund, which la about 11.500 abort of the c lly a 16.004 alletm eni. Money I* badly ntadad with which to e re r t and m ain tain th* fifty hutm enta In th* Am erican campa In Franc*.

Accordina to B rifad le r C ellar, apple pie hae bean reco*nli»d by General Perahlna aa a neceeeary food lor hie trooper* He has eslabllshad army rang** in two o t th* Salvation hut- nienta. and tw o of th* arm y laeala* ai'O bually engagad m aking plaa fpr Ihc aoldlar*.

"Pie may not be a facto r In the war. rem arked th* b rigad ier, "b u t I m tntlon th* pruvlilon fo r d la lrlbu llng th* Yank** food Invention almply te *m- pbaata* the fac t th a t the Salvation Army I* doing oTorythlng poaalble to k##p up Ilia raorsla g f 4la the homo touch th a t eoutil*. and wlisn oiva of U»a ^oya obUIn * pi#ce of hom#*in^da pie In s country whore no pl* at a ll « •" found. H I* Ilka a m aaaaae from horn*. It la the ram* w ith a ll eu r work W* aim to help 111* boy* bodily, m entally and eplrltua lly and m ake b e tte r eoldly* out of thorn. They will thu* be betterbrepared lo go Into the trenches

While not d leiouraged. Brigadier Caaler and hla tw elve w orkers were no! favorably Impreaaed w ith th* can- vaaa of Ih* hualn*** aectton yeatarday- They reported th a t th* reaponaa we* not very generous. Augmented by a few m ore officer* from Ih* etat*. Ih* drive I* being conllnued today In the hop* of be tter ronuU*.

til an affo rl to m ake up Hie city quoia. le tter* have been sent to the ineiiibers of the iiidorsenient coRimIUe*. requesting them peraonully tO aid 111 securing contribution*

The aiinouncem eiil Is mad* that lub- atrlpHona can be sent liidepandently to A S W ard, treaeo rer. a t ih* Howard Savings InalUuHon. "S* Broad sireel.

Spertol flervlri of iSe SfiWM.IIOBOKt:.'!, Jan . J 1 —In Ih* hops of

finding hie paren t* and alatera. Julea L laudat, a Baigtan, living a t 1075 W il­low avanu*. le m ak ing a wide aearch of Ih* country He le a vetaran ef ih t R utopean w ar and a wounded vic­tim of the H un Invaalon of hla coun­try. He clatm a to hav* In hla poaaee- alon docum enta o f aoin* value, which he took from G erm an offtcere while im prlfoned In a Teuton camp. H* **ld that one of hla b ro thers was kittad In the elegr of L iege and th a t another waa badly wounded a t Mona

Th* B elgian 's a lory la that h* *n- listad at the ou tb raak of th* w ar and wee woundad th ree tim e* tw ice In the

houlder. once In th* left hand and one* in th* neck Th* last wound wa* a bayanai th ru s t and reaultad In hi* cap ture , and In hla dlacharg* from th* arm y. H* ram aln td thra* month* In a prison u m p . w here he waa Ihraat- enad w ith d aa ih a* a apy and whara h* aaw m any of hi* comrada* dying from s ta rv a tio n and m alnutrition W ith f ifty -fiv e companion*, aom* of whom w ere ehot. he made a break for escape In F eb ru ary , 1011. and h* mad* the IDO-mIt* leu rnay to BwUaarland by h id ing tn ch u rch a i du ring th* day and by a d a p tln c th* gala* a f a 'm u t* . L ater h* w ant to F ranc* and then cam* to Now Y ork aavaral months ago. II* ha* baan liv ing In Hobakan about a weak.

"T**, I think 1 w ill g a t her on*," aald Unci* W Igglly Loiigeara. th* rabb it bunny gantlam an, t* h* liodd outild* In front o t an alaotric lig h t ator* looking In "It win b* a good presen t to go w ith the hand organ coffa* g r in d ir I got for bar th e o th e r day I 'll go tn and gel one."

■'.MyI 1 wonder w hat Uncle W Igglly s going to gel now?" eatd Jum po

K Inkyleil, Ih* llllt* m onkey boy, who happened, Ju tt than, to paa* along th*• trae t behind the bunny uncle, and who heard w hat Mr. Longaaro aald

Oh, h o ‘ 1* th a t you, Jum poT ' eaked Ih* bunny, tu rn in g around; for the monkey chap had apokan ou t loud, a* he wondered w hat Uncle W'lggaly waa going to buy.

'Yea, It ta I," aald Jum po. "Do you w ant m* to com* a lan g t® your hollow ■tump bungalow w ith you. and help fU another roff** g rin d er fo r Niira* Jana. Ih* way my b ro ther Jacko d id? ' aaked Jumpo.

'Thank you. It la very kind of you to offer lo do Ihei. Jump®," spoke the bunny uncle. "B ut on* coffee grinder Is enough for N urse Jane."

'I thaug lit I hesrd >ou, when yon wore ta lk ing lo youreelf luet now. Uncle W Igglly, aay you w ere going to gel her on* aom athing." apnke Jum po.

■'ga I did, and so I am. " want on Mr lyingaara. amllliig a t the monkey chap-

But I waa th in k in g of som ething else. Com# hare,” and h* drew ih* U tile hoy to the abew window of th e elect rlu light atai* . "Do you see tlial eliliiy' thing, Jum po?" and I'licle W Igglly pointed.

"I *e* It," aald the m onkey chap."Well," want on »lr Longaara, "that

I* tn alactrical loaaler Yon ecreis' on* and of a wire In a place w here you tak e out an electric ligh t a t your house and than you tu rn on the sw itch sntl you put aome allca* of bread In Ihe ■htny th ing and p re tty aoon ihey turn Into loaat."

"W hat m akaa 'em ’'' asked luinpo. 1* It m agical Ilk* a fa iry atory *"

"Bomalhlng Ilk* th a t, yea." answered Ih* bunny rabbit gentlam an. "Klec- trlc lty , th* aam* th a t make* ih* trolley car* go. Is vary hoi, like ligh tn ing In th* aummer. and when you tu rn II Into a ahiny machine. Ilk* th a t on* In Ihe window, H make* allca* of broad loio toaat Jual a* If you brow ned them over lha gaa atove or the k itchen fire. I think I'll gel Nura* Jane one for a auf- prlae, so ah* may have toast islih her coffee "

"Fin*:" cried Jum po K lnkylsil. ihe monkey chap, as he stood on hi,* left ear In a anow bank. "Arid ma>' I > i.nir with you 10 your hollow slum p hung* low and see how you m ake eh c lric toasl, Uncla W Igglly-"

"You may," aald Ihe bunny uncle, ss h* tw inkled hla pink tioaa m ini M looked like a diamond In bii eur of corn. "Klrat, we ll go In and buy the a ltc iric toaster, and then «*'1l gn m

th* b u n ts lo w sn d try It. Nurs* J tn « is o v tr St Mrs. W lbblsw obbls's houH . Bh# snd the duck IsdK s r s k n lt t io f sw ss is r t for th# sn im st so ld lsrs te w ssr wh#n th#y Vo to tb s m esvulte wsr.**

"Thtn w s'li lu ro r lts b s r w ith (h i io s i ( # r ." ssid i ’linpo.

"Vci." Nsid Uncis WlvvHjr.Into th# electric t l fh i s to rs (h#y

w«nta SAd tCFOn (hf)^ hsU bought w hst (h#}‘ w snted . and w sr# on (h tir way back to (he holLnw slum p bungalow. T htr# Hncis W Igglly put on# and of the wir* tn the placs wher# he tuuk our an electric light* and (he to aste r was ready to m ake iHces of bread nice and brown.

"W on't N uri# June he a'prle#d!“ ]aiigh#«1 Jum po. a# he and I'ni i# W ic- glD ''Ut the bread and gal ready

"J Milfik Rite w i l l s ' * said the bunny.Th# bread wa# nicely tna iting , and

everythliig w ar nil ready fur the mui- priae. when euddenly (h# rloor of ih# tiollow eiiiinp bun ia iow opened and in rum o—nol nit'# Niua# Jane. i»ul a had old b ear '

■Wufff W u ff" grow led (he hear I am in tm k today, a rabbit and a monkey! 14n' Ho!"

"Oh. are you going to take ua*" a#ked Junipo. rrem bllng.

I am!" gruMied Ihe bear."I'lesRe donC" begged l^ncle W isyilv "Yen I ahmlt, and you neadn't a»k inp

not ro!" Raid th# bear, and he got ri atity to ta r ry Uncle W Igglly and Jumpo I'ff to biH den.

"Well. If you w-iii, ( Ruppone )> u will. • Raid r u d e WIggJIy. sort of re n c - natlon like. "Hut tiefore you take us away please g ram ua nn# last favor

'W h a t la U7 Speak uu lrk ly ' growled th# bear.

“I JuNt Ro( \urN e Jan e a nli#. iirw, eleotrlf tfiax ie r.' went on llir huiiov. "nnd Rome bread toanllnE In It now \4'IM you (vleate inko out Ih r bllir-. 1m • fofr they burn?"

"Yes, I'H do that u nil f'tl e^i 'L-iri ion '" grow led (he bear

.So he opaned (hr loaRter to lake <"Ji 111# brown Hlirce, but uIhr f<ir him ' Hi didn't know how |4» du it himJ he if -k hold of the w rona h<>t pure nf lit*- loaNtir. litnl buriu’d Iijr p4Wr4 dn-ail- fu lly '

‘‘< Y h . h f i ' . O h . w u w ’" h o w l r d

the bear 'n j i . fhla 1# a n ick vi<u played on m r ' I'm Rhucked by eU' - t r lu iy ' Vm h u rn n l ' oh. h i in# a rt out ui A Rtlow bank und luoi ni> ft'orflied paw *"'

And out of the bungalow hr rnn, ii>>i h u rtin g Uncle WlagDy or Jumiita a Lm And (hen Nura# Jan# cant# In. and rIm WAR pleased and Rurpri-^ed In ### th# #|ri-tT|i- InriAier Attd I’n t l r W1g$:ily kuf!#' lion In liikr riu( Ihc IfkAHl with- Out biirninir hlmeelf, and hr nml Nur#* Jane and Jum po liad toARt and It-a and Jam Arid (lia (>ear had nntliirik.

Dot I f Ih r oyRier pie doean't B" >h(1 rldiiig with (lie o f hul^u rKdi-ihrihI rupi from ibe airAwiti'itvnliort rake. I U (rll yi'U ftt .vi uhout Uncle VViggily and the clam ihowdi-r

N«wirk Yount M aonin P ro r ti Value of P ucn tA ib ice .

Prolsea 1W.

That a m otbar’a vord i glw aya th« w iic ti haa a fa ln been l ie d by Fred S chaffe r, 42 R Idiew ood NewarlE etnplnyed by Baker & C tM urray ta d Auatin ala. M< aaid retdy:

"It waa my mother ar read the iiatem cnttof local people.the papert about thia Tanltc. I | stomach trouble tor about aix monttnd treat- mem didn't help me. I tally took mother'a advice and (o t T%c. Rich! off the reel I betan to in^vc.

“Today I eat heartily an%n dijeat the heaviest 5lnd of food ti|oui suf- terina from Kas, belching aipgina In my left aide, a* before. Wad of being leallcaa at lughi aniLrn out every tnovniiig, I sleep greatnd feel fit as a fiddle on rising. 1 t 'l have a coaled tongue and foul Mih any more, eirher, thunk!, lu Tanlil

Clogged digtsiivo urgutis heralty causu th..| liicd-uui. worihleaWlIng. resllessncs* and nervousnes*.Obtain a bniile of Ionise inday and ib how quickly you rccuptiaie as tfwrgans respond 10 lla "niJ. eleanoleiinfiu. ence luiilae is beitig explaid at Menks ilfug siurt, 101> Mark si., where tlic Mall is UtingintcresleJ I'snics daily. Adisi**. men! for The New jeryev l>istri|in>; Co, Newark

C oitR h N « a r ( |f (n 24 H tm n

n M '# th*IIMM—try h®

ADyoD* «ho triaa th ia p icaaaa t ta. lea huaii-luada co iu h syrup , ft quickly understand wnT I t la uaad mot* ham et in tb a U nited Rtate* ar Canada than any o ther MUgb frm ad' The w ar i t taki-a hold o f a a ohatiM i cough, giviag Immediat® relief, will aiak YOU regre t th a t you B n o r tr ie d I t be loro. I t I* »I t I* a triilT dewndabl® eougl Temedy th a t tliouhf b* Kept bandy in

FIY borne, to u n n t tk® llra t t i n of a c o u n during tlia n ig h t o r day timever

Any druggist esn tapply you wt!i

Mayor Folsom Won’t Accuse Woman Who Got Coal Load

Local Boards Take Eleven Of Eighty-seven Examined

Dover Told Jeney City Rtody To Begin Tnink Sewer Work Soon

I On* of Ills la rg a s t racord* for a l- . landsnc* a l a ra a u la r m aetlng of Has

ijflanrtay Bchnol Superintendent* ' Aa*o- ' ( elation of N aw ark waa aualned laat 'n i t b t w hen 145 auporlntend^nla and

d*par4m *iital bead* ot Sunday achoola im at In th* F lra t rraa b y ta rlan Church . parter* fo r » au p p e r confaranc* and to

,I hear an a d d r ts* by R*v. Dr. Milton B. 'U ttla f la M on “How to Fnllat lha Co­operation o f P a ren ta ." Rtv. Frederick L. Halt, a s a lo ta n t pasto r of th* F lrti Church, a n d praa lden t of ihe aaaocla-

.tlan . praatdad.I F or ea tab llah tn g a re a le r l•aula^lly land co n tin u ity In th* work of Hi* asso- d a llo n , an am endm ent to Ihe lOnaiiHt-

I tian waa proposed, to ba prcaenie.l id I the axacuilv* con im itlee si a siienal

m a ttin g S a tu rd ay n igh t. Thia provides far m onth ly m cetinaa frotn Uctoljer un til May, w llli tha exerpuan of He- Mmbar.

Th* e a a ru llv * com m ltlse Includes, In sddltlnn to Mr. H all, th* vice preslilnii. Gaorga W. flhonar, who la ala* chair­man of th* cam ttiilt** on mambarahlp

' aud p u b itc ity : oacretary , Frank W.iBlall**'. tra a a u ra r . Charlaa B. Brewer, and chairm an of boya' and girls' work rom m itteaa. Dr. E rn es t C. Btanaback and Mlaa M ahal J. Hamburg, reapac- tl ia ly : alao Don fk Oatea, aecretary of CUy-Wld* C om m unity Boy*' Work, aa

' laam bar * i o ffic ioA apeclol m ea lin g e f th* aasDClaHoii

will b* ca lled fo r February 77. Hie plan* and n a tu re o f w hich w ill be an- ■ounced In th* near future.

A bargain aal* to be given hy Hie Auxiliary of s i M ichaels Hospital Tuaaday n lg h l a l ilolunihua Hall la Ihe first appeal lo Ihe publlo by ihia o r­ganisation for aeveral yaars and Ihe commlHee In i h a rg a la hoping lo clear a h sip fu l aum for huapHal work Th* next m aetlng of the auxiliary will b* at Ih* hom* of Ih* chairm an, Mlaa May Davin*. 14 P a rk place

Officers of Ihe aux iliary recently electad a r* ' <?h*lrm*n, Mlei Davin*; vie* chairm an. Mr*. John F. Blnnotl; aacretary. i l r a J. G. Cooper, recording eecretary, Mlaa Agnea G arrlgan, and these chairm en . PuhllcHy, Miss M ar­garet R eilly; appralaem ani Mlaa Marv- roe* S to ilh . p rin iing , Mrs. John K. Kelly

Striking Sheet Metal Workers Returning to Clothe) Co, Plant

b'yeclal Krivlr* of (** flEWK.DOVER, Ja n . 51.— M*mb*ra ef Hi*

H*w'*r t-omnilnalon. H ealth Board and Board of A lderm en were Informad laat n lfh l by Clyde Potta , spaclal engineer tor Jaraey C ity, th a t th a t munIcIpalllY la ready to a ta r i alinoat Immediately on the work, which has hung fir* for more than five yaara, of building a tru n k aaw er to p revan t tha pollution e f th* R ockxnay River, ih* c lty 'i potahl* w *i*r supply

Mr, P o tta Inform ed those presant th a t h* had prepared a comprahaiialv* plan by w hich Ih* an tlr* w tta rsh ed from W harton, th rough Dov*r, Rockaway and Boom ed w ill h* *«w*r*d. and th a t a connactlon w ill b* provided lo taka car* of H ibern ia should lha occasion aria*. T k li plan. Mr. P o lls said, will b* aubm lttad to Commlaalonar Fagan of Jaraay C ity In dm * to be preaantad 10 th* S ta t* Board of H aaltb a t th* m aetlng Tuaaday in T renton. Th* ao-•p tance by (he atai* board of the plan,

ha aald. inaan* th a t Jeraay CUy will hegln Ih* w ork of Installing lha aewar and disposal p lan t a l one*.

Th* concrri b h d ii Iasi e g h t In th* .Sunday school ronnis of i'Union Av*- mir Reformed I 'hu rch under Ihe aufpl- , r s of th e l-adle,'" Aid Society was dr- . lared by Ibo** faiiillm r with ih* af fslra a rra n g ed by ih* s o d n y lo have heen Ihe moat auccassful and enjoy-

en terta tiim em ever given h>

S trik ing aheat m etal worker* a t the plant of th* Clolhel C'op.pan}. »* Weal Sevrnlh s tree t. Bayonne, are returning 10 work today as the rsault of an xareem ent reached last n igh t betwean .Snperlnlendent I 'h a rles K. Nellla and th* execallv* commlHr* of Ihe Hudson

local union of the metal

»b1#the ben*fli of Its work About 714 per eons llslenod lo a varied program of vocal and Instrum en ta l aeteettonv rendered by Mias May C. Kerb, ao- prano. Mrs G eorge W Barney, oon- Ira lto ; K rnest A. D urkhardl. tenor. Elmer K Bosa, base. Cornallu* Jack - son, vlollnlal; H enry W. Jordan, 'eel- llsl. w ith B og*r Carson and Homer J. D letendorf aaalaling In th* rnal* uuartel. ''W hen the Boys Com* Home." and Jam** Phillpeon, o rganisl of ih* church, a l the piano


II Th* call fo r tom orrow In ihs eounty eouria fo llow s:

r Buprama C ourt CIrcull, Judge Adams f —No Ju ry eases

C ircuit C ourt, Judge Dungsn—774, Yfllllam A. S m ith vs. JuUus Melrick; i t i . May Craadeii vs t%rk Hetity Comiiany; 545, K*lly A Co vs. Wllkln- ■on. Broa, Co.; 415, Orange National

L Bank va. H * rb « ri Ltglilbipe; 504, Jacob H etnoehow lla vs. hlarlha Onlnns:

I 551, R achel Hosanhaim ra. Jacob Ja co b so n ; 542, F ra n k tsivenaen ri. I'ub-

I lie aarv le* R ailw ay Company; 505, Mary Ju k o a k a va. Public Servlca Rail­w ay C om pany; 54*. M aith lai Fralbott V*. A ugust W. B arney J r .; 60}, Michael K ulpur V*. laadore B arng ll; 54L Du par-

■ ' quat, H uo t a Monaua* Co. vs. Hugo j) S. H au f: 54t, R dw ard M. Waldron vs. U J® **^ J. R e illy ; 5*4, Jaiaae Capoiil

v a H arry M ayer. 510, Benjamin Ksul D vn. C harlaa A. M ark; 5)1, Harria VogalII •»a M orrta T a ffa t.

lira . R obert Corlle* o t W illiam *tr««i. Kail O range, will en te rta in an a f te r ­noon card club a t her home. Febru-

and Mr*. J. r’ G raft of Olenveood avenue, E**l O rang*. w ill sn ia rla in In­form ally a t card* a t Ihelr home S a tu r­day night

Mr, and Sir* Andrew W. Ford u ' P ro tlin d road. O range, will be In New York un til ea rly apring

Mrs r a r le to n B. H iker of navel* in l street, o ran g e , w ill leave Wednesday to chaperon a f ra te rn ity houa* party a t W illiam* Collaga. guasta o f Dudley Fow ler of B erkeley avenue, Orang*. Kh* will be acrom panlad by th# Mlaaat Jean W ithrow and E leanor LlnJaley of E ast Orang*.

County work#rR.

l.Tid#r th# ferm# af (li# ifr##m #nt.Ihe Hlirty men who have been out tor i.eailv three weeks see lo conllnu* .voikm * * t Iheir old e.n ie of wsge* until th* fomplellDii of a ro n ira rt for rcfi iK crstlng machliieTi- in be Inslallad

„ a iv destroyer.- When ihe roniraot Is fiiilahed. • new- w*e«- sgreem eni will he rffcc 'ed beiw m i, th - . "m psui and Iti# wnrktr#.

M fdlallon of the dlen 'ile was con- dtu'ied hy Thom as J B'lrns. federal d. rector at Ih* F cdersl SUte-Miinlclp* Kmplovmont B ureau here, anting In Ih* absenrs ef Jam as I, Hugh**, ipeclal renreaentativ* of the Kmergency Fleet co rpo ra llon . W ith Mr Nallla, h* m*t th* union axacutlvea at I47 Nawark avanue. Joraay CHv. Tl.r, commlHee of sheet m a u l man was mndo up of Denial Mills. John T rosouthick. William Daisy. A ugust H ekt and W illiam Pag-

huperln tanden t N ellis showed th a t the governm ent co n trac t h*'l heen e ia - ru led Auguel 4 and th a t 11 fixed a Hm* limit for th* com platlen of th* work. As Hi* dem and of ih* men for an In- , reaa* from 55 40 to 17 A day was no* mad* un til O ctober 15. lo bacome ef­fect Iv# Jan u ary 1. Ih# com m tttaa agreed to send th* men back and to auppir aa miinv Dthsra as m ight b* naadad lo completo th* work w ith in In* tIm* specif lad.

W ork on th e co n trac t w ill now u* proeecutad n i g h t and day to maka up Ih * Hm* lost th ro u g h the atrlK*.

Verdict o1 Not Guilty Returned In Exemption Conspiracy Case

tialt forreepoedeiicf.TRENTON. Jan . 51 —After dallbarat-

Ing nearly tw o houra. a Jury In th* Unlfed S la tes D istric t Court raiurnad a vard ic t e f no t g u ilty yeatarday attar* noon In tha cenaplracy cas* agalnal Jam a* 8. Shotw all, Mr*. Alice Johnaon. hla m other, and Dr. W hitfield Gray, a ve tarln arlan of Nawton,

The dafendan te ware charged With p a r tlc lp a lla g In tha m aking ef altsged fraudu len t affldav lia designed to obtain th* exem ption of Shotwell from iiillltary service on Ih* ground th a t h« waa engaed In farm ing.

Follow ing a h ta r in g a t the 5'ourth Precinct Court th is m orning before Judge B oallner, Mayor Edw ard R Fnl- aom of Irv ington, alao president of the IrvIngten-H lU on Coal Company, d* dd ad th a t It would be Im practicable le m ake a charge of receiving atolen gooda agalnal Mrs. Helen Wltlner. proprieto r of a saloon a t 474 Houlh Tenth atreel.

Th* case In which Ih* Mayor is con- nactad was p a rils lly se ttled last Mon­day tn the Irv ing ton I'ollc* Court. Ac­cording to tha avldonc* th a t was brought out a t th a t tim*. Ray Averre. a coal d river fo r th* IrvIngton-H lH on Coat Company, sold Mra. W llloar Iw'u ton* of coal w hich should have been dallversd to an apartm en t house at R o ttv llla avanu* and six th sireat. This apartm ant I* owned by C hristian Fleles- nar of 74 Johnaon avenu*. prealdem of th* Broad and SSarkat N ational Dank, aad, according to a alatem anl made by ' th* Mayor Ihia m orning. It haa boon lh« cuatoTn for hla com pany lo deliver coal ihara In tw o-ton lota three time* a weak.

At th* hearing Monday Averr* teatl- flid ho w ai unabla to find th* a p a r t- manl and aloppad Inlo lha saloon for Inform ation. Haro he found th a t Mrs. W lllnar waa w illing lo purchase the two to rn for 170 and accordingly sold It. Mayor Folaom clalm ad. bowaver, th a t tha man w as unable lo produce th* money. Avarr* w as held under bond to pay II a w eak to r a yaar.

The aacond chap ter of th* alory came about Ihia m orning when the Mayor *p- poarad a t Ih* F o u rth P recinct lo pres# a charge of rn e lv ln g atolen goods against i l r a W tllner. Judge Boeltner lU ta d th a t h* would w illingly taka iuch a com plaint, hut fe lt th a t the evl- dance waa Inaufflclenl. Th* judge ex ­plained th a t a h a had paid th* uaual price for (ha coal and th a t a charge of atolan good* muat be mad* when ihe artlete* w*r* bought al a radocad price. Following Ihia tx p lan a llo n . Mayor F o l­aom raaolved not to m aka lha cooi- sla ln t.

Th* Mayor atated, how*v*r, th a t he has appealed to Fual A dm inlalralor Jenklnaon lo have th* saloon cloacd up. "W hat buolnes* have thea* people lo In- ta rfa ra w ith our leglllm at* hualnexe?" h* axclalmed to the judf* . Thia repre- aanla th* oocond c»*e of thi* nature In which Mayer Foleom ha* figured-

Form er Alderman H enry Hahn. *Hor- noy fo r M ra w in n e r, clalmad ihal *hc would never have bought Ih* coal had ah* not heen prac tica lly w ithout any horaalf.

S S M iin t o( P in e i (M cra te w ortli. Pour tk i* in to a p in t bottle god All tohottia

. . _ J*w ith plain Kranulated auAr

arrup. 'Jh* to ta l coat i t about d.1 orxa ■ nd T o u hare a fu ll piM of tho B g | cflectiv* remedy yotl ever used.- - - . J ' -

Tho quirk. U atlng relief Yon fhia cxorltent cough_ arn^ will nagaurprte* you. I t . . „iaflamed mcmbraiiM th a t l^ e th e t h r ^

Klfv#n rn#)h have b«#n fouiirl fit foi (f#n#r»l mllltRr)' ## r\lt# by ih# ijb.v- Rif'l#n« of two li'Hal Relccllx: servluc boirdi*. w ha #xiimiii#tJ kfl4(h.(y-ijev#Ti tnen )e#(erdt)r.

of the 5#v#nty-f|v# r»(U I ruiiltt «xamln#il b> the L21|(hth N#w«rk Bount wet# #cc#f>(ed.

Th#>' w#r# WilliAin Rum*, ^9 D#)#* v#n #v#nue. Jo##ph BhmuksI. 13G V rrona av enu# : Jo##ph JuilanOy $ii7 North B lith K r##!. Frinc#«co Mai#, xy W lnthrop R trert; Joseph K. I'owcll. W im hrop Rtr##t; Gluaeppe Vlnclqu#rrn, 3$1 Ch##t#r avchu#.

Tha T w elfth N ewark Board #x5imln#J iwelv# and acceplsd Thoa# ac®c#p(#d w#r« Kdward J. W eifch, (3 Berlin s tre e t. John ^ukofsky. I I Ox* ford a ir#et: F rederick Urader. HAmburg place; Chart## B#dner. 37d F erry # ir te t. Henry A. Koenig. lUa B nll etreet.

Announcement wa# made by the F ire t D istrict Board th a t physical exam ina- (ionR would he reRumed by It# phy* tickana on Monday and continue T ues­day and W ednetday In the niran lime th# m em bers are engaged in cUssIfykng other reglstraTklR.

The Ninth Board will rcaume exam- Inallona tom orrow afternoon a t o'clock. Flf(y-#lx C las t-t men hax« been ordered to present thcmiselves ut th a t time.

•■d «ir pMggm, 0top« annojtat throat tirale. looarat tb« .bhtcKUL U ■ooa jour cough atopa entvclv. Sa-gvdid for bnmehlili, croup, wbaapuqt cog^ agd bioschlal aathBa.

Platx la a highly couerataM Me M a d of Norway plae r i t n ^ aatlia famoua th* world ovar fur » hea|qt tffecl on tba nembraara.

To avoid dlaapDotntmeat aal for OQBora ot Pinex” w ith full Uractlh# aad don't aeccot anvthiag eloa. jh guF* ■atn of absulute aatiafactifla ai ippHaptly rehiuW gua* with th i pi*, aryioa. Th* Fiaak Co., Ft. Vi



HEADACBY, SiaDon’t Stay Conatipatcf) w t

Breath Bad, Stomach Sour or a r^ild.

Enjoy Life! Livea Your Liver a#< Bowek Tonight and

Peel Rne.

Democratic Board Quits, Ending Middlesex Freeholder Dispute

Stone Says Leaders Did Not Advise Against Recent Speech

Mrs. Phebe H* Browne, Ninety, Dies: Had Sewed for Red Cross

FjWClof Arrrico of lA* VFITg.NEW BRUNSWICK, Jan . 51—A* tba

reau lt of a com prom laa batw aan th* tw* Board* of Fraeholdara—Ih* bold-ovar Democrat ic board and th* nawly alaetad R epublican board—Ih t hold-evtra will ad journ aln* die th is aftarnoon and lu rn over a ll county p roparly to th* u*w heard of flv*. which ha* Ineraaaad It* m amborahip to aovan. to comply to tho law, h r appo in tin g F. W illiam Ifllkar, R epublican, and Chrla Jorgenaon. Dem- o tra t, both of P e rth Amboy

Work Begun on War HospitalTo Be Located at Colonia

Ur*. Phah* H alnei Maaker Browne, iilnaly year* old, who had sawed aril- .'1*1 for III* Rod Cro«* during her 111- Tiena ainc* the aummer, died laat night from Inflrm lllas incident to ago a t th* homo of her daugh ter. Mra. F ils E d­w ard Bant of 55 Grove place. F,*al Or- ftng#. w ith whom ihg Mrt.Brown# w #i Ih# widow of Chari## E. Brown# and a si#t«r of (or,m#r Aldci iTiin C. Edgar 0utph#n of th is city.

WASHINOTON. Jun. 11 i.T ).-.S peak Ing aa a <|U#stton of peraonaj privlleg# today, 8#na(or Btone charged th a t pub- lkah#d rep o rts Kaylng D fm ocrgtli )#ad«rihad sought to diaguad# him from m aking Ii Ih r#c#nt a ttack on the K#pub- lii'ant*. had b#«n calcuiaiad to break (he force of hi# charg# th a t Colonel Hoo##« v#|t and otb#r Tlepubhran leaders had b«#n p lay ln f partisan politics In (It# war.

Mr. Stone denUd la teg o rira lty th a t any Dem ocratic leaders o r Fostrnsater {general Burleson, # i pubtlihed, had conferred with him on the subject #t all

D ispatches sent out lo the new s­papers of the country on th # l day. say- in# Dem ocrats ware advising Mr. Blone not lo deliver th# sp##chr w«re bated on Rtatementfi several Dem ocratic toad- ere a t the Capitol, mad# to th# d#w#- pap«r ro rre tp o n d tn la , in w hich .they u n rss trv cd ly dscU rsd th#y w#r# sppre* hensivs o f th# effect of th# #p##ch and w«re advising th e M itsouri B snater not to deliver It,

Th# House Im m ifrsU on com m ittee tabled th e R ankin bill to g ra n t lo American women m arried tb foreigner# the righ t to reialii the ir citlvenshlp. Thia m eans the com m ittee will not act on It.

New York Retires Dr. Maxwell. Thirty-Five Years School Head

Belleville Man Succumbt after Being Injured by Erie Epgine

W hile w alk ing on th a tra c k ! of th* E rl* R allraad In th* F o n t H ill aacllon ■t I o'clock laat n lgbt, Tboma* Falnai g tio of I H Iteckel atraat. Btllavllla, waa a tru ck by a pga**n |* r tra in and raealvag In jo rlas from w hich he dl*u Ihia m oralag in tho C ity Moapltal. Hla akuti waa fraoiurad.

Bureau Sends 100 More Workers To Submarine Boat Co.’s Plant

Fprrlal berate* ef 15* FX Ift,WOODBRtDOE. ran. S t—W alk b a i

been bagun an th* R aconairuction Haa- pltal No. S, w hich w ill b t locatag a t ro ton la , on th* fifty -flv* acra* of ground givan tn th* govarnm ant by Mra. C harlaa D. Fraam an. Th* hoapltal win coat •1,1*0.444 Th* w ork of hutld- Ing w ill am ploy 7,50* m*H.

EMANUEL HERZFELDA ftar ■■ lllnaag * f w ar* th an two

yaara, S aranual KarsfaM , a ratirad

laattsaw ll aMtql ky ilanW rg.Many mualc taachara In this city and

ntighhorhooa and many iludanl* of mualc Bltandad tb* laatura.raellal givan kr agqadMtUiM marnbarg, plan tat, ot FbUqOalpliUi Ip VglUc* Hall laat night.

I Tk* 'TfWf roaatv* Bart**" «t laaaoag In ' kMFtna, a* ailt*4 by aavaral

virtaaal. wa* U>* tgbjaci of Hr. Hk*(«'a talk. 18 tMatOMlratlDg this

ka opRsrattlan* by Ch*>

GL£N RID(£ SOCIAL DOINGS 11.__________ ______________ ^

Mlaa B taudingar, who haa baan th* gueat of Mr*. C hart* ! R. RUudIngar of Applaton plae®. h a t raturnad to her home In Sum m it,

Mr. and Mra. H arm an F. La* *f D«iigla® road hava baan tpanding a f*w daya In A U antl* City.

One hundred m ore labnrar* for work In lh« Subm arin* Boat Corporation'# >arda w»r* ta k e n from th* Fadaral- Biala-M unlolpal Em ploym ent Bureau Ihl* m orning. SltU other* war* hired ihl* a f ta rn a an T hIrty-on* man war* aent from th* bu reau to th* Oraanvill* p1#r«.

Bargaant DrUcoll of th* arm y rec ru it­ing atallon * l 44 P a rk place rtpo rtad th a t hi* a ffa ria a t Ih* bureau yesterday nstlad tan man for d ifferen t brsneha* of the m ilita ry aervlce.


IhiMlEk, Amur Oargh and # • gayaarad- gndar th* qua- m MbHe Taachara* A«*oclatlon

' Oatgay. Un alxiy mam-___M« *«a*aaasg of uiaiS grtg* ." M t wggg* • ( Ui*g*

. J iMWirtd gtOMlildtM Ik*woraaw wlqqn

Ht4. W llllgm Jew att. w hat* huahand hs* •*■* a l l i e d In Ui* gavarnm aai aarvlof, 1* tha ■•**! ®t her motbar. Hr*. J. I t S'vfllR a f Malroa* plaa*.

Mrs. Jo h n A rth u r a f W avarly av*. N aw ark, w ill t a t t r ia ln a M*al- k*Ma* cluk at hgr kaan laaesr-SB-.

‘Siwa«tt • * « M


C onogt® PTh® aum of I14S wa* axpandad by

th e panalon fund e f th* C trn*«t* Btaal Company for lh a banaflt a f am ployaat of th* W*v®fly W ar* Houaaa o f tb* company In Newark during l i l t . A lo la l axpandito ra of Sia*it*S.45 for all It* oftloaa la ahown In Ih* panalon fund'* an n u a l raport.

Fyerlal Ferric* af Ml StWM.PLAINFIELD. Jan . I I — O anaral W ill­

iam H S ta rltn g dlad a t hi* ham* In F lra t pUc* yeatarday a f ta r a th raa- month illnaaa tra m pnaum eaia and oam> plication# H* « * a tlg h ty ra ln * yaar* old and waa born In Phlladalpkl*. H* wa* g rad u a ted from W est P o la t la t* In th* forttaa an d fa r aom* ttm o w g i a captain of In fan try , atatlonad In lha South. H* raalEiiad from Ih* arm y to aocapi t n a p p o la tn a n t aa aid* an th* a ia f t of G ovarnor Oaorg* B. HaClallaa. A ftarw nrd h* rataovad t* Ftalnflaid. D urlB i hi* tarvlo* t a r th* a ta ta h* wa* alao a a laapoetor o f r lfla praaUoa when tb* a ta to rang* w aa loeatad a a a r tha N aw ark tnaadow a

daalor In a iarb in ary , dlad a t h la home, IT Ronth O rang* avanna, Ihia city, yaa- torday a ttarnoou tram an a t ta c k of apoplaiy . Mr. H arafaM w aa tlg h ty - ■avan yoara old. Ho la agrvlvod by hla w ita Mra. Carolina H arataU . aad four

NEW YORK. Jan. 51.—Ratlremtnl of Dr. William H. Maxwell aa auparlntand- ant of the New York aoboola waa *t- ftclad yeatarday by th* Board af Edu­cation, which than voted unaniraeualy ta nam* him at a aalary at 111,HI a yaar as auparlaiondant amarllna, a paaltlon craatad by aot af tb* Lagtsla- turo last yaar. Th* Board of Eatlmata I* aipacted to give Its approval. Dr. Haxwall, who la slxty-alx yaara eld, sarvod as suparlntandant thirty-ftva ysgrs.

Dr. Maxwsll. who haa long boon HI, mat with th* Bupartatandanta for th* laat Hm* yeatarday aftarnoon and waa In th* building whan th* board Irak Ita action. It waa announced In th i maatlng that Dr. Haxwall hlmaalf raoegnltad the fact that hi* return to haatih la llkaly to b* too alow <o per­mit him to conttnuo longar In oRIct.



Tunlffht kurw* K#ni«b« 'Uie J(v*r ^v( tMw«l polSoii vkick (■ k e# ^ f ^uur hhd dlfty, your tfrnguo cmstnl. ofr«#A-#ADd RiOUMClT lOUr iHin l RIS hilloUR,tkAxdachy. eonstlpstod #nd cold. WWdun'i y## g#t s bos #f rsMgita from tM dr«f Kor# now T J£#t en# lon^nand 4nj9f tii# t#nll«#t irkr and bwwvcl«#n#lnf Vugwaka u|» (tsiifig fit ##^ i.'a###r*tsn«v«r grip* ^ both## roo n#x| fle.yMka eulsnitls nits »nd pillSv Tw act fiagiijr but tgorougkly- Molh«r« Rkuulwiva rtw*. atcli. bitlous OP f#vprlRh chlldrC a wh«!* Casrar#! sny (Irni Tkcy ■r* htei#a« aid rhl1dr#n io # ih#m—Ad'’»rll*4pn( »r «t#rna| Remedy Co. *

f ( ) l ( i M SN f a !


W - R L j g e ;

daughtora, Mr*. Roa* L am bert *«« Mr*- E W ortbalm of New Y ork and M lw *

Comfodet of Gen. Gnifab to Erect Granite Monument at Hit Grave

O t . n T*H1 Ti ( I'li C !!'■ Ul JIF

nRiFNfAi. i?u( nt, I f. 4h t ! 1 • . ( N I y A K N

Ida and Jannl* Uarafald o t tkla city, ■anjamla HarsfalO, a aon. who waa a lawalar In thia ottf, dlad thra* yaar# ■go, and Henry HarafaM, another aon. dlad abnal a month ago.

Mr. Haratald waa a marnbar at Orian- tal Ladg* af Haaoaa. a charter mamlw of Baablal Lodg* Nfc M, L O. M m. ■nd oao af tba araanlaan af *ha Phoa- nlx Widow and OrpbanE Aid Boelaly

**Punar^'^«rvle#a for Mr. Mwxftld wilt ba ooBdueted at tho Bauth Orang* avanu* baiaa by R^W Paatar Tampl* at WMal■ u n A y a ltaraoan . "Bvargraaa Oamatary, Ellgilath.

BURLINGTON. Jan . I t .—A m anum ant to tha Bsamory *I O anaral B. B ard Grubb I* lo ho troe tad over hla g rav* In 8t. M ary'a Cburob y a rd h aw by aar- T lvort o f tb* T w anty-lh lrd Naw Jaraay V ainntaara. on* o t tba com m anded du ring tb* Civil W ar. Tb* m enum aat la *1 g ra a lta w ith b a g a a b aarln g th* Inaorlpflan; YSaatral E. B ntd OriibK P raaaatad by hla aam - rndaa o f th* T w anty-th ird Haw Jaraay V o lun laara" . ,

O anaral Orubb w a i eom raandanl a t th* Naw Jaraay BoldlarE » » * a t K earny a t th a tim a o f hla daaOi.


■all, .

***' 4 'im »AIL->M

Gvit War Veteran SuccumbTo Apoplexy in Morriitown Shop

M R S . A. LYMAN KMIGHr DESI W l i t BOWf. ,

'MOItlUSTOWNi, Jan. ll,-^7AIfr*d I*

tindevtaeora' T*®4 la MaU.Under lb* aaapleai of tb* itata Board

of Em balm ing, a w rllH n aaam laatlon wa* held a t th a oattrt hana* tbia m am - In i fo r app ilean ta fo r undarCahara' oar- tif lea to a A bout tw en ty a a i ^ M tb* axam liiatldn. w hich w a i k*M fa Am f t a a k a M a g a ' i », i i

af * a jrVW*.PL A W raL D , Jaa. tL-J*a*ab Palos.

nMotaaa yaara aid, waa tobaa tp tha Unfaa Oawaty Jail ywflardar la await tb* OitSaa *1 tba e n a d lo fy aa a obarga jw r ta w ^ ky a ygeae womaa

W ard wa* r*e*lv*d yaatarday byMra M illilK aK l* Oarritaa ^ lyn P a rk , i W aal O ra a g a m th a r , Wro. k . l ^ a n l t S g h t had dlad ^ i ^ ^ a t tb * a* « a . a f b H Ifa ik a t a u a H « h H u S l*

lag. With k a o w r- “ * —

' ' a oarailt

^ V • iiSiSISSra

Mra C. a . ntaart, al.Wawark, M. T -H r a Malebt was a fc r w w r ^ ^ i *f

af thia I

O raaga, kM a k M t a to k t yaara M * m a tI* Ilya a t **E3J*»J* j f e lS ’ rai'raJSJSK


m i l

' i U '


I a f BpaaiBWT-

In: V«^UI \v t%

I w S a M M M w u m vM aM rttg:■ 'T'.. 1--- I

Uniquembbana ara t*

than la maay a trimming bath fl ot th* falll* ribl ara parilcttlnrly 1

Honlton lac* I altar sn ahtenci moro. Rlckrack, •ought.

T a ttin g mada In laahlonlng aoi Tha lacs Is o t w t traa tin g polor.

Evanlng tc«rf laa llna ara oftar w ith apanglaa oi

Tha kid glova I Inaraad of bullon to ■ old w aathar

Aroon* tha si! ra la c o tta poplin

U tn la lu ra ulati ad gaa ahaped ll am * n not* to a

Adapt* Hons I w bathor on hloui a r t good.

Bom* of tha >1 vot have a alng c tn ta r back.

Baakat wcavlr pockota and coll rata tport coat* Muff.

Tha broad h a l ■ad o ther coata. hug th* w alstll

VoUaa In v tr l •d ly to lha for*, onaa ahown, la i ynttarn In Peru

yabrio COT* m atch ing th a h th a w him ticalll

Th* middy aul b laa tlo aa la tp p

Y. M. C. A. Our B<

G ut o f lha fai f a lh a r t and mo< coaBaetlona tha tIma. Ihara haa m e a t of lh a Yoi aoointlon, tba b' la g M ldlar and

To tha folk* b ig tragadla* < Ihara la no wa dfar tana Into i way. avsn. of rr Ilona rem ain U' fam ily reads si and p re isnds n ih* usual loiter a le tte r full < ligh t-hea rted r « f eamp life, o ibipa, eottvlcllt tk* war- Th» doesn't com a It has been d< fo r th* postmi m te t each oHi, man h as com* dregs hy and t Ih* next, and t

He may h* have been tra r a prisoner of v though they hi h is ileath. Thi th a t aoilc* aon to r th sre I* n. Terrible uncert th a t they enn i have been bro th e absent boj

Then they r home have t Men's rhrleliA w ith the r*ml rocner. I 'erh rlV ls tlsn A«en ■bout ihe lr e w rite sncl lmi Info touch w ll tim es It le th( Ing th a t th* I ha kepi from time* both fl unknow n to • oeva tha olhei

Raw I t waa thei

tha home fe! led to the cri o f tha Young lion. I t foil aallor boyt ■ ■qfaetlinaa. to aarety to thal even Into th< tain t h t i r w laat month, 11 five lettora , ai ty-ono of the

K» datocllv tuch m eager mlaaing aoldl do. Bometlm g lv ta . Often bile a s tha*e: Y sla In 111* America, on "Th* lad was but dropped tlon."

W araaa 1 I t ta h a i ll

such eluaa t com fort te m othora hac woman could how o th t r 1 aoldlar boya *-or tha ha* mlaaing to ld la a woman, who for a, KlUdto Club "My boya” diera and aa ooma* from ronsldora p aoon aa ah* > tw e r la wall

Tha m ath' psiada large given In t t time* tba U

O i talay 4 toatallkonn UOtbar Cell pfly ay la i bran hard i frail* than .brick house had aaveral and a # g 1

prlMkL |f*r e f pid dr* b tu n y g irii had keen y to e 4 " Am on ly ta k ra hang *¥*17 tk * lr k**ki

' i a i a a t i k n aay kayi *a4 i t A * fo r tb a b* ik o u g k i tk h ad yald t Mtiw tavah akaat.

'Whew Ml

: ana al**•4**) kwrant aiiAlE t iWB

*«M iir . »4

# 1 & 1

Page 11: German Strike Spreading With 700,000 Now Idle in Berlin, London ...


II Provtih l c e .

I«'»yt til*1 by Fred

NewtriL urriy tnd

r t i d th e he p e p e r t

s to m tch end iree t- lelly took |c. Rifki ^v e%n difeet ^ o u t etif- ■tpeins In j t e e d of

i^orn out <^4nd feel I V t lievc b»ih any

m idns h c r ilty ‘Its Veil np. es».Obtain md H hott’ ' fh e y jjtis ineliiinflu- t'xplaid at Mark si., is^ ^ ttin g

.— Advtjac- hitjfrltin tj

pirteaak ta.ayrup, •

H l« uard rd K la tn u

ru sh TraMd.'an ohatiM t

rllef, will a i ^ nr tr ie d U be lendabl* eouel kept kaady tnf l r t t a l n of n

F day tliM . iply you w f i e*at« w ortH .

tie and Alt « • nulated tu p r about dS aeH P of the B « | I uted.■fyoo i i» will __ p I t heata _ th e tb a threp « • anaoyhl

lO y h le m , u l otbeW . S ifB p b e i p i B i t c ^

pxtrait, OL. fur la keai

a t ^ f o r fiillUreetlte

I r i M . J trfttom « Bcdtr • f t h tkk pita*

F lT y a » B

IVER! ILIOUS, HY, s i at ip a te d w i nach Sour 1

bur Liver bt and

i1v*r i l l >t)ur

1 W«th Aff«4bPr« HU MllbUt. Rl«t,

t fvf^r cold. Wir :'as««|la frontsIM ■« 5»|lwe idinivn l««t llir and bpara ri«n««\ Yug d fiMd «*LVItv Tw acl r»*lrtljf

bhvulf^iva crarg. ctilldrC a wh*!*

f ar« htairag «ad ^dfftrt!i4ent ^.r

-----------iu rsg m

i ' SSN } i\ \

» i i '


#9Vii u

Unique' Notes Aplenty m Fashion’s Spring DisplayBIbbMia are te b e v a a t n o r t freely

tb a a la maay Haaeoa th la year, te r trlmnilnf be th f re e k a aM beta, aem e b( the faMIe ribbene already fealurtd are parilcttlarly bnautiful'

Hontton laee la r e to m la i to favor a f te r an ab ienca of n aen*rallon or n o re , R Ickrack, too. !■ t f a l n belne aougbt.

T a ttin g mnda of i l lk th read la uaed In Inahlonlng aoma dre iay fancy baaa. The lace la of w hite niounied ov rr con- trea tin g polor.

E vening acarfa of p rln U d net and aiallno are often libera lly beaprlnkled w ith apangtea or aetiuina.

TPa kid glove th a t a trapa a t the wrlal Ineeead of buttona la p refe rred by many r* ‘ old w eathar wear.

Among the allka to r eulta end aepa- ra le eoata poplin la ex lram ely good.

M iniature u laler b reaal pocketa with edge# ahaped like rhevrone give the em art nete to a m edlah rid ing habit.

A daptallona of the ahaw l collar, w hether on blouaea. coate o r w alatcoat. a re good.

Soma of the aleeveleaa Jaeketa of v e l­vet have a aingle boa p la it down the center back.

B aaket w eavlna trim m ing la uaed for pocketa and co lla r i and cuffa on aepa- rata aport coata of aa tin or o ther allk etuff.

The broad belt la uaed much on aport end Othar c o a u . It deflnea but doea not bug the w aU tllne.

Vellaa In varloua w eig h t! a re decid­edly to the fore. Among the very ihear enea abown, la one w ith a rich alt over pa ttern In P eruv ian dealgn.

ra b r lo covered a w ag g tr allckt ■ talchlng th e k n ittin g bag a re one of the w hlm alcallllea of th e moveraenl.

The middy lu lt in allk and clotb oom- b lnattona la appearing .

Y. M. C. A.'Helps Trace Our Boys “Over There"

Tgplc tk l r t i bold aw ay In th e ana- p itee freoke of g e e rsM te o r a ilk ikow p for ip rln g w eer. The tu n ic la m ore often than not decoratod w ith h a n d ­work of lo n e kind o r w ith fringe .

Orald vary ing In w id th from m e louiauhe to wide herculee la uaed to r irlnunlng aerga frocka a t w all a t Jereey aulta and gow na B raided aa lin crow n fa r kata la ano ther faehlonable whim this spring.

U ndergirm enta of checked g ingham are new and It la believed they w ill be goed fer e p o rit wear.

Smhrt for Sporti' Wearc»lor«J woolen c lo th hae been

uied to m eke a ch erm ln s m ldeeeeon •porta aet.

The hat ia a plain aallor ehape, ra th e r h)fh in the (Town end w ide In the hrim, untrlm m ed eave fo r a narrow t»and, bound In b lack, and bu ttoned •nugly about (he crow n w ith one black bUttCDI

A high etock end com plete buck m ake vest wultahle for cool tlaya, now.

and 111 the rp rltig The b lack eaflri

On* of the neweat p e ttic o a ts hda an attachable buitle of ribbon; Its d a ln ll- neat may appeaL bu t ihero la l i t t le Indl- eetlon th a t the buatle e llh o u e tte w ill be em phatlied In coming faeb lon t.

I’harm ing p s lg n o ln to m atch one a faaclnallng allk pettico a te lu re the lover of dainty th in g s They a re mode up of ruffles snd lace bew lldoring ly comhmwi. Ihs sleeves a re p r s c th a |ly nothing but rufflas of g r e a u r o r Icse depth.

Dots, rings and s trip es s lo n s or In cvm blnslloni era sroong tb s t s v o r lu designs In foulards th is sp rin g , espsc- U lly those In w hite on a b lack , dark blue or brown background.

Among the d a n tls it o rg in d le e a re those printed In te sc ln a \ln g g ingham checks.

Llngerls of glove silk , trim m ed w ith fine cresm fllol mesh w ith m o tifs dons In color. Is quite Ihe th in g of the hour In undergsrm ents.

Chsllls end printed o r ta n d le s s re used for some of the n s t l le s t co llar and cuff sets.

Bedford cordi a re e itre m e ly good for separa ls sk ir ts and am ong th ese those of whits with a cord In color woven a t Intervals a r t quits s tunn ing .

KIsres or pokea a t Ihe elbow a re th e features of soms of th e long sleevee which 111 the arm quite sn u g abo u t the wrist.

Fabric glovea will rep lace thoee of kid for itenerel w ear th is aprlng . Borne of tbs silk glovea are em bro idered In color, hut It ta not like ly th a t novel- tte i of this aort will hold a firm place for any length of time.

One-pisca frocka of craah, w h e th er In white, natural or soft colore, a re to be worn freely thla spring and aum m eri with thsin the aw oaler o r sleevoleas Jacket will ha the correct th ing .

O ut of th e fea rs snd th s sn u le tles of f a th tr s and m othsrs, ou t of th s broksn eennsctlens th a t a r s in sv ltab ls In w ar tim s. th sre h ss g row n up s new dapsrl- g is a t of th e Toung Men's C hrlstlsn As- iso la tion , tba bureau "for trac in g mlss- iB f soldier end ss llo r boyo."

To the fo lk s b s rk horns, en s of ths big tra g sd is s o f w ar la th e fac t that th sre Is no way of fo llow ing the sol- d lsr sons Into th s tn sm y 'a country—no way. svsn, of m ak ing su re th a t connec­tions rem ain u nbroksn . One week the fam ily reads snd rs - re sd s . laughs over and pre tends no t to w ipe Its ayes over tb s usual le tte r from th e boy In France, a le tte r full o f b ravado sn d gaiety, ligh t-hea rted recoun ting of th s details <■( esm p Ilfs, cockiness about Its hsrd- Bplps. conviction abo u t th e outcome ot th e war- T hs n ea t w eek the letter doesn't come. They te ll each e ther that It has been delayed, try not to listen fo r the poetm an 's ring , and refure to m eet each o th e r 's eyss when th e post­man h a i come and gone. Bo th e week dyagi by and th e n ea t w eek cornea, and the neat, and th e weeka a f te r that.

He m a y b e In th e hoepltal. he may have been tran sfe rred , he m ay even be a prieoner of w ar. He m ay b e dead, a l ­though they have received no notice of hla d e a t h . They w ould e l m o e t w e lc o m e tp e t io tice e o m e t i m e e . In th e ir enalety. fo r there l» no g rief wore# than euch T e r r ib le u n c e r t a i n l y . T here la nothing th a t they c a n do b u t wait- C o n n e c t i o n s havs been broken s i o o m p l o t e l y as It th e abssn t boy were In an o th er planet.

Then they rem em ber th a t hla Isttsre home have been w ritte n on Toung Men's ChrlsUsn A seocistlon stationery , w ith the fum lllsr lied T rlsu g ls In the locner. I 'e rh s p i th e Young Men’s riV lsItsn A ssociation know s aom sthlng shou t the ir son. T hey daterm lne to w rite and Implore Ha help In getting Info touch w ith him ones mors. Boms- tlm es It Is the fa th e r w ho w rites, a sk ­ing th a t the bad news. If the re ts any, ha kept from the boy 's m other. Soma- tlm es both fa th e r and m other write, qnknow n to each o ther, each try in g to gave the o th er pain.

New • tn o sw C reated.I I t w as these b esria lek te tte rs from

the home folks, m ostly m othera, th a t led to the crea tio n of the new bureau o t the Toung Men's C h rls tlsn Assocls- tlsn. I t follow s m issing soldier snd ^ l o r boys slm ost around the world stupstlm ss. to b rin g hack word of th s lr Bsfety to th e ir people a t home. It goes evsn Into the prtaon camps. lo sscer- ts tn th e ir w hsresbou ts. D uring ths last month, the bu reau received th irty - five le tte rs, and w as able to trace tw en­ty-one of the boys.

No detective agency ever worked on •uch m eager clue aa the bureau of m illin g eotd ier and aa llo r boy i must do. Bometlmes only th e boy’s nsm s Is gIvSB. O ften, th s so ts h in ts a rs such b its aa th a n : "My boy g rad u stsd from Y s li In 111*.” •D hsrley sailed from America, on th e B sp n g n t Ju n e I I ' "T h t lad w as In A m bulance Bectlon i l , but dropped out. lo t r y lo en te r av ia­tion."

W M s a D treo ls lav ostiga tleas.'I t ta k sa In fin ite pntlence lo follow

■uch e lu ss to th s and. Just to bring com fort te I bo h e a r ts o f snalous m others hack heme. Perhaps only a woman could be ekpscled to understand hew o th e r wom en worry- shou t th slr soldier boy a A t any ra ta , a t the bead —o r the h e a r t—o f th e bureau to traos missing sold ier and sa ilo r boys, thsre Is a wom an. Miss A. Evelyn Newman, who fo r seven y e a rs directed Ihe Htudlo Club fo r U lr la In New York, " ily boye," she ca lls th e m issing sol­diers and sa llp rs . sn d ev e ry le tte r thet ooaaea from th e ir fam ilies a t hem s shs I’onsldsra personal, and an sw eri as soon ■■ she can, know ing how th a t an sw er Is w aited fo r a t hom»-

T hs m ethod of ta llo w in g clues da pends largely upon the Inform ation given In th e p a re n t'e le tte r . Some­time* tb a tln lv e rs lty C lub In Paris, I

blndinia and b u tto n s m ak e a very • m art finish.

d lrlp rs of ellver lone a l te rn a te with plain stripes In th s rose m ateria l.

The •w sgger stick h a s been w ith us for some lltne—quite long enough to iTOnvince most o f us of Its u tte r Inspproprlaleness to m ost cosiurase snd mo*t occAJlona

ThI* hfct v«»t »r# a v iry •tro ti* grru tn«nt for ih« o th«r iidg. A

c»n* r»rri*(l w lih th*m would bt both Bm«r( grid BUltable.

Just a MomentDslly ftvaiagth a ad Cheer.

('oBStlsd by Jehe U. Qslelua tbs •sssbiss Hss.

tVs are ap t to feel as if n o th ­ing ws could do on e a rth b sa ra a relation to w h s l th e good sre doing In a h igher w orld: but It Is not so. Heaven and e a r th a re not so f i r sp a n . Every d ls in tsrse tsd act. svary sacrifice to duty, every eacrtlen for m e good of "one of the least o t I’h rls t 's b r s lh r s n ;’ every new Inslsh l into tiod 's w ork, every new Im pulse given to Ih i love of tru th sn d goodntss. ssso c ls tss us w ith Ihs departed, brings us n ss rs r to tbsm , snd la ■a truly hesvsniy as If w s ware scllng , not of ea rth , but In heaven. The sp lr ltu e l He be­tween us snd th s departed ts not felt as It should he. Onr union w ith them dally grow s stronger. If we dally m ake our p rog ress In w hat they a re grow ing tn .— W illiam E- Channing.

Saving dial 75,000,000 Bushds of Wheat

Rus Richelieu, cgn g ive a id ; aom stim ee the Iteem ehlp com pany reco rds a re of help, sumeUmes tb s av ia tio n headquer- le rs siipiily the m issing Inform ation The Army R egister hand les s h u g s lo­cation departm ent, In help ing th e home- folk to keep the t ie t unb roken , and th t , Red t ’roM has cab inet eases fu ll of filing cards on the problem . Both co­operate w erm ly w ith Ihe Young Men a C hrlitlsn Aesoclstlon In the e ffo rt to trace mlaeing aont, and a day never goei by w ithou t metiy in q u irie s being sichanged.

Addnaeee O rten %’ertfled .Ijy far the g re a te s t num ber of l e t ­

ters deal w ith boye whoee co rrec t ad- dreea la aupposedly know n as. for In­stance: "Is there any m ilita ry reasonwhy my son In ------B eglm enl. -Engineers, can not w rits me. or re ­ceive le lte r i from hom eT’ In these cases It la a question <vf verify in g the adilreee. Often the Voung Wan e Chrle- tlan Aatoclallon b u reau flnde th a t the address la correct, and th e perilous mall service accounts for th e anxiety of the fa ther or m other. Or the fau lt nay lie w llh the eon, w ho h as failed lo w rits through neglect.

The V. »l. O. A w rites both to th t boy. ashing him to w rite noms. and to the mother, say ing th a t the son has | been com m unicated w llh. and waa ' found aafe and wall.

Boms le tte ta come to th e bu reau th a t hava knockad nearly a round th a world.A Canadian boy w aa traced to Franca, then to Palestine, theft to O alllpoll, and on board ano ther t ra n sp o r t fo r Egypt- Then the tra il w as lost. Did he go *own on the H lspanolaT Is he sh ip ­wrecked on an Island, or a prlaoner In » German L’-boat? A nother lad came lo F rancs as an am bu lance driver. At the tak in g over of the am bulance by the American arm y he dropped ou t of sight. HIS chum had rscs lv ad ■ posta l from soms hotel In P aris . W hen la i t assn, he was co n so rtin g w ith soms m ysterious woman. Could th s T. M. C. A. possibly locate him sn d got him horns?

Another sort o f U tte r occsslonslly comes to the bu reau from the Am erican girl. She w an ti to know w h eth er any men In the A m erican exped itionary forces would enjoy rece iv in g le tte rs from th s g irls a t home, sn d request* th t names of any such goldlsrs- To all ■uch Inquiries th s T oung H en 's C hris­tian Association rep lies, th a t th s w rit­ing of such i s t t s n Is ab so lu ts ly d is ­couraged by th s associa tion , as well as by arm y oCtldaU,

Nation’t Home Servaob Scarce And No Relief Now, Say» ReportNBW TORE. Jan . I I ( » ) . —T hors Is

a ehortsga of house s s rv a n te th ro u g h ­ou t ths country , w llh no r s l u t tn s igh t snd w llh BO posslb ls w ay of roaeting the prohlsiB. acco rd ing to a sta tom knt Issttsd hero today by th s U nited B tatss EnployiKOnr B trv lcs o f th o D epartm ent of Labor.

This ts tha only se a ro ltr a t praaont whieh canno t bo ovoreom s by U bor d istribu tion , th s s ts ts m s n t sa y i, aa tb s rs Is BO section w hich h a s a *ur- plus from w hich m ay b e d raw n do- m estlrs fo r aorstes sm sw bsro , In d ian ­apolis. Omaha. MoblU. P o rtlan d . Ore., and Uosco, Idaho, a re th s c itie s w here th s ah o rtag s Is m eet fe lt, according lo figu res rscslvad hare.

Improved s ta tu s o f fem ale w orkers, Increasing rn n g s o f em ploym ent opened to women by w nr condlllonn, end the decline In Im m tgrnllon i r e g iven ae the reaion* to r th a sh o rtag a .

Directions for MakingSimple Fireless Cooker

The home-made fire le ss cooker, as dem onstrated by Silas M- A nna U su ssr, who Is devsloplrg the home econom ics rxtenaloii work in th is s t a t s tor th s New Jereey Btsl* Agricultural College,■ I a local food eopeervation expoeltlon.IS mad* aa follows.

P r l s r l p l c s t t h e F I r e l e e e C e e h e r .The principle of Ih s tire le ss cooker

* to retain Ihs bes t ob ta ined by fl™ l bulling the food for a few m in u tes It I* then plahed In the cooker w hich does not allow Ihe heat to escape Tho food must be heated In th e sam e veaeel In the cooker. This vessel triuot have ligh t cover and be moved from fire lo looker aa quickly as posslbls. O th er­wise, heat will be lost. Hot eospstones are eometimee placed In th e cooker w ith the food when h igher te m p e rs lu re le needed or longer rook ing desired. These may be purchseed from a h a rd * are dealer at fifty c sn ii each.

B nllilng (he Coohev. bslect a lightly built w ooden box. an

old trunk, barrel, la rg e Isfd o r b u tte r tub. or tin lerd fan for th e o u tild e con- la lh fr Thli inuel be U rg e enough lo allow at leaal four In rhea of pack ing all around khe neet. A box long enough lo contain two com p artm en ts may be secured. H Ihle Is done th e r e should be a t least i i i Inches of p eck in g be­tween the two nests, and tw o cushions to cover each nest s e p s r s te ly so th a t one veaeel msv be rem oved w ith o u t d is­turbing the other.

The Neul.The neet. to contain the v es ie l of hot

food, must be considered nex t. I f no hot stone is to be used, th is nes t m ay be made of s trong p as teb o a rd eYl|n- drlcsl In ehape and ns sn u g a s possible to allow cooking veisel to be m oved In and out. If too larg e the a ir apace will coot the food. The card b o ard fo rm ing th is cylindrical neat shou ld b s Upped and faelened Ughllv- If a h o t stone Is to be used, a m etal or aabeatoa lined nest must he ueed. A tin b u ck e t will do, or, better still, have a tin n e r in sk s a galvanised Iron one deep enough lo contsin a eoapsiono sn d th e cooker vessel. This m etal vwssel m u st bs wrapped with asb esto s to p rev en t the hot elone from scorching or bu rn in g the packing. F or Ihs m ost p ra e tle s l uss In preparing foods th a t req u ire long, slow cooking, the h o t so sp sto n es are not neceiisry . They a re necessary If one wishes to brow n m ea ls or bake cakes In the firelese cooker.

pw eklag.For packing betw een th e neet and

outer container some m a te r ia l which heat will not pees th ro u g h quickly m ust be used. F irs t lin e th e box or other container w ith Isy e re o( paper to keep out cold sir. L in t cotton , wool, ■bredded nawapsper, S pan ish m oss snd sxcelelor nrs good fo r pnc-klng. Ths package ahould f irs t be p laced In the o u lild ) container to n dep th of four Inchte. Then place th e card b o ard or a ib re tos for th a bo ttom * ( the nest. Next pUes th s ca rd b o ard cy linder or th s ssb ss to t covsrsd can and held steady white pressing th e p ack in g tig h tly around II, leaving no a i r spacee. W h«i Ihle h ss reached th e to p o t th s neat cut a place o f ca rd b o ard te f it the space, cutting t u t a Clrcla to open the nost Thie cardboard co v e r ihou ld be fie:ened teeurely to Ihs n e s t by pasted strips of th t cloth o r heavy paper. It Is well to ir.awt a pap o r cover i.> keep tho r s rd b c s td c lean and hide the peeled e trlpa on top. The dpsev between the top of th e n ee t and the lid of Ihe otttelde contatney m u st be filled with s cushion o r pad. M ake th is Ihe exact alas of th e space and stu ff with the packing ra a le r ia l. I t ihould be St leaet four Inches th ick and should til sgalnst th s t " P t ig h t ly enough to cauee pressure when th e Hd U closed, ir ■ Box la used th e lid ehould be on hingee wUh hook to fa s te n It down. The tid of barre l o r lerU tu b m ay bs fsitened by m ssn i o t sc rew hooks and eyet a t In tervals n:ojti<l th s lop. If a wooden con ta iner Is tisod It w ill be more elghlly If s ta in e d o r pain ted a

dull da rk brown or green- The cooker will bs complels when c a e tu e have bean pul on the bottom lo m sh t It eseliy moved

Feed ( •n la la e r .For th is any u lsnsll which has a

tight cover and w hich will fit the tisst msy be ueed There should he no s i r ei'si-o left to c iu ee loss of heat A veeeel having e trs lg h l ildee and having the same depth ae d iam eter is best A Special enam el or alum inum (Irelete cooker veaael can he purcliaacd tor fifty cents to 11 SO. depending upon the else and m sts rla l Aluminum le the beet, bacsu ie It will re ta in heat lor a longer lime.

E flir la n t cooking w ill depend upon the ic ten llon of heel. .A em ail quen- ttty of food will not liold eo much beat aa a la rger one and w ill th e re ­fore continue cooking for a ehoriar tune. The more nearly ftiH th e veeM ' >■ of food, the b e tte r Ihe beat w ill Be retained. 'When usin g the aoapetonsi. be careful not to let thoin become red hot becauee of d an g er of crecking.

More Bluefiih of Good Quality Now Comins to Center Market

To help oavo the Ti.OCt.Ot* kuohols of wheal we m ust save w ill come hardcat on thoee who ere de­pendent upon poor cooka The capable houeew lfe who d o st her own work w ill not be oerloualy tneon- vsnlenced; n e ith er w ill th e houeekeeper who hae com petent help In her kitchen. All good fo o k i know how lo uee one cereal ae a su b s titu te fo r another. A good cook can m ake a s p s ls tsb ls bread from osis, rye o r w hole w heat ■■ from w hile flour, Moreover, she cen w ithout difficulty put a p roportion o t m eals o ther than w hite flou r Into nuraeroue psis tsb ie dlehee she makee. a t the same lim e td d in g v arie ty to Ihe fam ily menu.

Two enem ies Mr. Hoover hae lo con­tend with er#f poor cooking sn d pre)u- dtee In fevor of w hile flour. There Is an elamenl of th s piiblle so restric ted In Me culinary eapsrien cs as to he un- sequein ted w ith o th er floure. The houeewlfe hoeets th a t h e rs la a white flour fam ily obllvloue of the fact that she le confessing to th s llm ltallone •he hss put upon Its d ist Shs h ss con- demned It to a m onotonous roulltie or while Bread u n til. It e ith e r does pol know Of has not c u ltlv s lsd a t s i t e for any o ther Not un til she la forced o su b e u tu ts o th er m eals w ill her family bs perm itted lo know the deligh ts of a more varied tab le of • 'readetufta

Poor cooking Is p roverbial w y te AS soon ae the poorher lim ited rep erto ire o f foods snd he ■Ins to experim ent In the unknow n r {lone of good liv ing , she has h 'r talluree w hh li a re dum ped Into the garbage psH She h se no kiiowledg*

Fruit Spof ieof h«w tft t«k« A llttU of U lo o r tlio t M i o v •^ ( l i tt up w ith le m o th tn i otoo •nd p roduct 0 cuU norr ertoU on nu- trtttouie gppttU inff ond dlfttitk lO e T h li i t t h t proTloct of th t food cook, who con Bovt bteouM t h t k n o w i h t r Job wtlli Bnoufh not to wB«t« &nd con Bdapt hiroBlf to thiF agmondo of th t food coniro tU r htcouB* •‘Hb hoo moo- (• r td tho prlnrlpt^B of pood oooktno

Tho onW NnBwor i t; l.oon\ to cook* If th t i drinond iB m sd i OH t h t h o u it- wlt«. It M no mAr* than lu oBktd of hBr huttkond III h u n ir td a of w*>B. f)ur buoIntBB men havft had to IrBrn how lo •ub ttitu lB o n t u r tlc lt of m onufoctiirt lor atiothBr of wtuch lha wor hon d t- p rlv td th tm . Dyta Ip rn lth a t tr lk in o lllUBtrBlIon but th t i r damn la lootnn. tt i t a ll a p ro c fit uf ad ap lad o n and vor ■oilU wvnmn ouoht to ba iiioro BuccetB* fu l a t It than mriv

Baked Indian PuddingItti lah ttopooni ro rn m ta l, ona cup

cold wjiier. two and nnc-haif cupB mllli. q uaricr cup aupar, holf riip mnlaaaan. half iA«ji|»oon gait, half taaapoon o in f t i , ihalf (<>Anp<ton cinnamon I H eat Yho m ilk rarofu lly , add tha corh- mtaL mixed w ith t h t to ld w*t»t. Add th t o tlirr inoTodlkMiti and b rin e m tt iu r t c ra d u a llr (n th t Imillno point, i*t|rrhvi II froqucnMjr to p ro \«n t lump- iiir-Tour It into B oraaBtd baklnp dlBh • nd b a k t It in a Blow pvan fur two houtK- T h t pudding Is improved by Ih t addition of ralitriB.

Tw* UBtnRHMstosked In ofiwlhird «up m U v s i t t . M t pint elsbbsreA n llk , *B* «UF gURB*, ons teaspoon vtnlUn, m o our g*M M 4fru it, two ogg whltsA

Mix ths dlssolTSd gsIntiBO v ttB thgclabbered milk, add Ihs SUgor. WfcM It begins te ihKhon. b o tl I t w e ll «Itfe s Dover egg bsstor, add vsnlU g **4 Ihs frutl, fold In Ihs wsU>bo*U« w tt t* of egg end turn a t ones In to * B old. Apple esuce, a trsw b srrlss , rhakorb , ptneappls or rsepb trrlo s m ay b* lltod for fruit.

In the fru it apongs tho loft-orvor ■our milk ran bs utilised. F ru i t JuJos msy bs used If you have no ooar B ilk .

Evtrj/thing in Rubb0r 32 Yean on Market St.

; 1


Blustlah St C enter M arket th is weak Is as fine In quality »■ any shown there this sessen. L a ix e t supplies are row coming In. a lih o the demand still g rea tly sxcssde the supply T hs fish sre oUghtly larger th an has been lb s ca ie snd s re se lling fo r J i esnW n pound. , ,

E xtra sm ells s re 15 can ts th is w ssk. together w llh fresh sslm on, w hile ball- hut shone no varia tio n from Ihs do­cent pries w hich has m aintained fo r monthe. Be* tro u t snd Hpsnish mackerel ere te lling for 30 te n ia a pound, w llh codtlah, s«s bsee. fresh mackerel snd k ing m ackerel s i !5 cents.In the I t-cen t division a re clscoss, [inunder*. haddock, w esk fish and but- lerflsh. Tomcode s re I t can ts a pound, two pounds fo r f t cents. H errin g Is priced St If cents a pound th is weak as usual. . .

Scsllopi are sa iling fo r Tl cents ■ pint and II.IO a q u art. C lsm s are a r ­riving In ellghtly la rg s r quan tities and are 10, fa and 10 cen ts a d o isn . opened oyeleri are 10, f t and 10 e s n i i e pint, snd so, to and 65 e e n u n quart. In the ■hell they s r s II sn d f# can ts a doisn. S tring clalme a re 10 and 15 cents a hunch, tw o and th ree bunches for renta.

Why Not Make Scrapple)tv e a r s ssk sd to b s sp a rin g In tha

uee of pork, b u t If one raakas scrapple el home It tsk a a bu t l i t t le pork snd (loei use consldsrsbl* cornm ssl. and the resu lt Is a b re a k fa s t d ish thor- nughly nourish ing and one w hich con­form* fo tb s request of th e fuel sd- m lnlstvsilon—only do not serve II on ea tu rd sy . for th a t la now p o rk lts s day.

To rasks th is illsh, w hich It la said orig lnslSd In P M lsdslph ls. g e t two pounds of pork sc raps—"and m eat" it II often called. H w ill sn sw sr the nurpWd quite BS wall a s a m ore e ipan - elve cut. Boll the m eat u n til It all but drops apart, tak in g care th a t th e re la St I s s tl th ree p in ts o f w a te r In the kettle when Ihs m eat Is dons. Remove th s m eat from th s liquor, run II through a food chopper, re tu rn It lo the kettlA and w han th s w a te r I t boll- Ing vigorously s t i r In su ff lc lsn t corn- m eal to m aka a th ick inuab—about one end a h a lf cu p i w ill b s about right. W han th is has cooked up wall pour Into a greased mold. H m u st bs very cold before It Is used. C ut In th in slless snd fry a deep brow n. This recipe will m ake sb a u t four p o unda I t keeps well for days In a cool place.

P a y Bills b y C h eckThere tre miny conveniences in having a per­

sonal checking account.It obviates the necessity for keeping sums of

money in the house and taking chances of having it lost or stolen. You arc saved Ihe bother of get­ting a receipt when paying a bill; your check canceled and returned to you by the bank is sufficient receipt.

These are only a few of the conveniences or a checking account. We would be pleased to have YOUR account, large or small.

3 Per C#»/. M tr t t l «h Salameee *f $1,000 mmi Over SaA Boxm $S a »sr. Vaiiffa Opvt

8:30 lu 5 ; S e ra n fa g 8:30 fa i

Aulhorlud t>y Ihe Federal Reterve Board fo at! ae Trustee, Eteculor, AdmMstrator and

Registrar o/ Slodtt and Bonds,

Merchants National Bank7 7 0 B roed Street, N ew ark

(ep ila laad Smrplsu, $1,300,000 Rusattrtts, $8,300,000

Rubbera and Arctics

Don’t go around with cold, wet feel. It ta dan­gerous to healih, to aay nothing of tho dlscenfort.

The demand for Rubbon exceed! tho supply, so if you need a pair .get thoitinow,

\k’e lell GOOD Rubbtra lower than other atorct ■nd stand back of ofonr pair.

You can save moner on iny of these here: SKAT­ING STOCKINGS, ARC-TICS, CLOVES and all HOUSEHOLD RUBBER NEEDS.

GoodyearRubberStore202 Market Street

Opp. Newwk Theate*E lf. H . H . Thoutpsoa

Rkiileni DentisbyEvm kbown meUiod la i m A le

ELIMINATE PAIN.Up-to-date aaaitaiy hrM unnik,

ahtMOtely abowlpg no goM, thld doc* not looatn. /


Rooflei iVlRIo

• i » r


PUlen, May ItBly In p inn » More the nalnni gipreaatwit m M l drop when yon eaL Ungh nr^ lU b fs In Poftolaln, G«U

and alWi.Special Attantlan In N cm na Pnafit


IlM rei p A. !L •* T r . M.I by AppMatneont-

Itea la l n*iM * la AU ndoaSPp


Bslweo* Bnab nod AeoSsBy.


NEWTON’S EGGNOGu*r*ntt*<l under tba Pure Food Uw«.

The Cobteiiti of a 25-e»nl Paeka^ Can ^Plnee of Three Down tresh Lfi« in Baking

and Cooking al a Great Saving.-DHf*rtnl irecerV eame* e*p«*r htr*.


Wetek tht* •peri Mutual OrorsfV ell ■lore*.J IVallera. I l l W*rr*n •!., ’orl Bro*.. ID ftflulh iJranse eve. Hnlllene Drue, n Kerry •<•1. t]«lii«r II Perrow pt.. Orenge. Uebon»V 'Bros. If* O**"**

D U irlb s trraBSOKUiryniag

Phoa*u n M ulberry.

CM.Baney&Co.99 S o . O r a n o c A v C e

A l l Kinds oi PorkNOW OPEN


Mads of Cultured Milk nnd OroMn of Nuts. For ante at 1 CENTER MARKET FLAGS

BBA ORANGE STREETWsabissteu Harket. New Ysflb

Hansman’s Semi-Annual SaleOF INCOMPLETE LINES OF

Women’s Shoes and SlippersSTARTS FRIDAY, 9 A. M.

We hold a sale like this every six months in order to clear our stocks of all .coumuktions oU<ld 'in*s and •» - k ' ™o;" ' r t h T Z « T t h ’ fs 'ak a " S r 'n K we„ aa ,6e alaple .e r -




OR talnr days when the s is litti* Cot- tentsll bunnle* bnd I* star >" the houaa, UBhar Cottenlnll always left them t« p^ y «p la the ntue and tt would have Mpn hard to find a nicer place for a ffdllO than tho top room of that llttlo hrlek hous*. TboM lltUo bunny klddlot had Mvornl hoxoo ot tap* to ptnjr with and a 4 n box of snad to reap la, bat Ikg grant troubt* was that thg toys ^ o fg nwrer put bad* tn their * ‘ and w

tho fl* m «r

*"• I*le a n t- _. . dreadfil hMr onrelCB thore

bonay ehtldr*!! are g*ltlng tp her Aad tt wan no wondor She wne mir

priced. $ae In on* cemer lay a bH (die of eld 'dreea** Juat where her llilt* huany gtrte had fleng them ^ they had bean pUyIng a g«"M t*n4" And, mind you. It would tmT* only taken a mtnata or twe to have ktti« every end a t tkea* dnaaef ontkair koaka alow th e w ^

Aad aet aaly t a t . knt tker* weretk* b n a y keyw Uiaga a a a t l ^ ead a( t a room te tk* alber. tor tka baa ^ a n n d . Yf" »**“ tkaugkt t a t klastary Mr. Nertfc Wlad kM paid Ik# n*Ue a elalt Jnet-te •** Mw »Mh ot |h* mh4 he oenld Mewr rW ken M atker O a ttaa teU 4am* dewa* P l ^ a M ^ d B nn ty M t t l ^ la t t e

fwku* tlB eand wne alwnra eentlered lakaat amr the f|*or..r^Qeedaaea m#l *aife jK ' ''« w.• W t It d r e a d t t l how

b u n t y c l e a n s u p t h e s a n dt* rem em bar t a t tn a t a tow day a be- to re th a t h e h ad b a a a p te y ta g v p t a r * himaelf, a# b e Ih a n g h t ho b ad b te te r

"I’ll te ll yea w h a t Fm g o ing t a de," •aid H o ther C o tten te lL ‘'I 'b g a in g te ae* If aoB * an * w ill i t ra lg h U n every-

....................................................................j?\jruS-“K r ^r h w r ta i gdatalra i t a t a

a tha sm I SBiute a k

R au t a


W AwlSa uSSn ha had R nu MeiiBw and ImoIi t» t a

Me Uttie Swmy hiaUiw

told th iB w hera h a w a a tar < __npetalr* te tho a tU e t e toU him a h a a t tho now gaB * th e y w a re t a j l n g .

g a t tha ta n a y p a r t a f I t w aa t a t they a ll otnyod a p la t a ■upper timo. n ad R a th a r C a tte n te i th a d to go npetalre to ea ll th e n a A ad WMn aha epened t a a l t io door iM waa ■very b it aa B o eb etirprlaod a d t a had hoan whoa t a lookod teW t a t room

**r 1T a r e o t a t e w an la tin

M any P a irs

M e n ’ s ShoesAT

Greit RedactionsWe have grouped our men’s shoes Into three lots, at«.95 0.95 R.95If ymnr sixe it m w i then roa can w$cn fron 12 to 98 p « pair.

The values are the usual Hausman standard.NO MAIL, PHONE OR C. 0 . D- ORDERS

Not all sires in every lot, but all sires in the entire lot.

Below Arc Listed aFew of tlic jle ii^726 pairs women's 9*inch lace boots,

in white kid. tan calf, brown and gray kid and combinations, in high and lowheels. P a ir............................ ................... ^

640 pairs novelty boots in high and 1 t t « O 0 low heel effects—all the leading colored 1 leathers and combinations.P a ir ........................................ ...............

465 pairs high cut lace and button boots, both in solid colors and combina­tion effects: high and low heels.Pair ...........................................................

602 pairs women’s high lace boots in white nubuck, black kid and patent colt leathers; also some combinationswith cloth tops. Pair............. ...................

1,020 pairs women’s black lace and button shoes, both high and low heels, in patent colt, black kid and dull calf.Pair ............... ..................................... .

V ainra «P • • •!••••

V etera e p t* H*.**

. 9 5



Silver and Gold Cloth Slippers, hand turned; all sizes and widths. P iu r ..................- ......... ...............

V alare a p t e PM #

t a vbL «A«

J50 pairs of l i t t U G cB tir Shoca. S iie a »-iaV 5.

1 . 7 9Valaee a p t e gAM

310 p a in Boya' SIM M t a hU leathers. Six** 2Vi t e BH*

2 . 4 5Vatea* ^ BUM

230 p a in w id ChU-droa’a Bln oa t a d lEoFM l le a th e n . S iM k t to 3,

1 . 9 5

p*gi k i t a t a W R .. A lta M t a r t a

S j x s s f.T L s w e s A w a r s i

? ^ ^ ^ ' s a s a r « s

AU Can TnuufartoOwr Store. Spend

5e Carfeure aadSaoea


em arsm vs|« I 7 S B P R IN O F IE L D AVE.*B k e O M B A « M I R C k k g T S .


f o C m ^ w ith i lu V .8 ,A d n M 9 ^ tratiomC h m A U J k mMONOAT


I t . -flfe*

Page 12: German Strike Spreading With 700,000 Now Idle in Berlin, London ...



. , '1

Rviiioa Bdimcu Office Mn» to Relieve CapUim of Much

! Compuy Red Tepe.


H t/fCAHF O IX J*n- | l . —CulUa* lh« r»4

tae* u muck • • ponlbl*. p trU cu lirly M It kffkcti Dtttckr* and lo ldU rt who

t MW kitttt 4o*o(* >nuek timo le papor Wtfk, la tk a aapoanc td aim of Ik* Na> Uaaal A im r bualnaia offlca a t dlTlaloa ^M eattarta ta a t tba Bavantsrt'alahtlt- Wara aad n a tn a hava baan undar con* dlaratlO B to r aoma tlma for tha lift* la g at tnaeb a t tha clartcal work which te tla ta cap talaa o t eompanlaa aapao- laUp. W bataaar tha burdan can ba ilitftad ta tha clartcal forca a t dlalalan k aed taa rta ra It will ba dona In tba tn - e tra la partBit tba captalna to apond ■ a r t Uata w ith thalr mao in tba tiald.

A m y rafo la ttona praaerlba th a t cap- ora raapanalbla ta r tha papar rao-

• f d a t p rao tkally aao ry th ln i th a t a t- I I m U map of tb a ir oemmand. Tbay not lA t ooBnaal. hauaakaapar and eanara l i a a r t l-w*'' a r tha aoldtara with ra ta rd ta I th a lr pa tional dlfflcultlaa family m at- I elathloc. anppllaa and food andI i i l f lB f Thia antalla a tromandouaI ___ a t raoard kaaplnc. which fall

tba cap u ln . It tha work waa ^ eaaa during tha day ba would haao |a ipaad part of tha night a t tt, and th ta f c o ln upan tha conunandar waa aoma*

ratlactad lu tha m lllU ry handling

Big SIww WiB Be Gven at C«np DU Tomorrow NiglitBy Men of the 3 l2lh in Hono of Major General Scott

imlf CarraapaodniiC.CAMP DIX, Jan. t l .— A raro nppor*

tu n lly fa r tha iragad lana romadlana, b u rlaaq u an and mualclana of (h r 313th In fan try to axtand thrinarlv to will ba offarad in a apaclal cniartainm ant lo be p lran tom orrow n ight In honor of tha ilavonty*aluhtb National Army divirlon fom m andor. Major Uanoral H urh I* gcolt. Tha a ffa ir will ba hold In Y M. C. A. bonding No. 4, In lha raglm anial araa. and will ba attandad by tha num-

Nawark la down on lha bill to » h ^ how -Koma atappar" may parform. Ha la vary handy w ith hla fart, h a rlb g tariiod a living In tha paat by bla ^ n c y atapplng along Ihr foalllgbU . fra lu raa will ba: T h* Oraal HadiJawn." by lha tho rua: "A DutchUoohlr. racllallon by Corpora! Hoaaa* th a t of Union Hill: "Joan of Arc, by tha choroa: "R aiala P a u la Ja iila , by th* Jw n m iMrltonw iol«^ Prlvi.t*Ahrana of N ew ark: piano duct, by Aa*

bar*o *m°IMary“dlgnltarlVa t ^ alatant Band Laadara Niaahia of Nawark; " lo n g .bccompany tha ganaral on auch a*padl-

tlo n a Tha fame of lha l l t t h bctora la now a m a tta r of cauraa In llha canlon- m ant and lhay a ipact to gain new laurala a t lha b ig abow.

L lantanani l^w la of haadquartara com pany, m anager of the I tJ lh Ulee Club, will be m a tte r of cerenionitt. and r i r i l Claaa P rivate P rank Bhay of Kart O ranga will ba itag e managar. ■Vine Thouaand pounda of Harmony" by the ) a » band of th a raglm ant will a ta rt the procaadinga. a f la r which the regim ental q u a rta i will alng "Don't Try to flieal the B w aalhaart of a Soldlar."

M uilclan U oraaua of Eaat Oranga w ill p lay a violin eolo and Ilia ehorua w ill follow w ith "Onod-by Broadway. Hallo Pranca." prtvata Hllvertnan of

LAiiig T rail" and "hand Ma wway with a S m l l r b y lha ehorua. "Tha Wop It p ra t la d . ' reclU llon by Corporal Dolan of Ja ree j C ity. "Homawboro In Pranca.' by the ehorua; "Kaep tha Hoina P “ ** Burning." by tha q u arte t; "Tlie l l j th ^ and "Hy Uncia Bani'a a K lghtlng Man, by th e rhonia.

Babearaata hava been held w ith all tha teal th a t m arka tha 31Itb p rapara- llon lor auch an aveni W ith the dl* vlaion com m andar looking on thare will ba a flo rta to placa tha perform anea abova any th ing yat a llam pied hara. Tha aoldlara t t y th a t a man w ith h it Job needt r t t i e n ttr tt in m tii l tn d a good laugh onct In a while, and they propote lo give It to him and h it gueata.

T h e B « g | H d i l lla Tkc W o rld

:e e n h u t ^> * T H E B I Q S T O lU B r i

tUOHAVBmlgaTDIilltTM N. V.

b i k d U U l w1W * « M » k b >t P d l a F o u r b o w d l dtbiw igk tba Uvor, to actM dlanB f. a t m

d a f t

Taba( ■ e p a e a l iu n tl ly o a i

Tomorrow (Friday) Will Be a Lockhart

Mill-End Friday Bargain Day


tbear wltbeot troabla OTU B O fenca.

Roosevelt Speaks at Dedication 01 Camp Merritt Memorial Hall

tb la bu rdm th iftad ta (ha buil*atrica of lha arm y dlvtilon, train*

a t man will ba fu rtbar ap a ^ a d uik______J^g ggpao'tad.' and a ganaral all-round

ij i^ n u o a l of tho toldlalt' work roault.Camp P a u rtb la |.lai.

P lenroa publlohod a t haadquartara a lo v t t o l tha arm ed forcaa In eampa of thin country h a ta tubacrihad fo r SlktSS.Sdd.SM w orth of w ar riofc Inaur* MOO. Camp tiowlo load! w ith . t l t l .*

Wbs^lSt: Camp Vplon. oocanl. S ltt.tdd,* Camp OaronA third, 1110,400.000. Camp DIa. fourth, 11*1,000,000.

W htia tho DU mon probably will ba toppad la tba final Inturanca flg u ra t

.ga (a ioguad whan tha campaign clooao JM ru b ry 11. harau ia o thar campa ara ham arteally itro n g a r, it I t a ipactad H o t thap *U1 laaka m goad a show ing g i guy In tha par capita tah u la tlo n a * b a gvatogo valua o t p o lltita w ritten

Era will ba e ra a ta r than lha avaraga athar earn pa. I t tha Inauranra bureau rkaro lu camp hava thalr way.

" ’ Ofiloafo and man who ara In doubt hg ta thalr abllgaltong under tha new f l i t — Income f a i tow w in ha. given

am nailaUJica free of. charge. Judge aaogta Brown of tha dlvlalon and h ti

aU M will taka up Individual problama ag (hay are praaantad and oat tha S M Iar taxpayoTO atralght.

Mata Meu ta u t ta Sahaol.

Preparing Now for 2,000,(XX) Men In France. Pershing Aide States

T W ah u tlp u ie f u rM ]

' Twelve additional man am ong th a

«lactlvaa hava bean given an oppor* Blty to win oommlaalobi by tak in g lh a oouraa a t the dlvlalon oftloorir

ihU B lng ochool. Tha Iran ifaro or pro* m otlont of a t m any man who had boon ggglgnad to tha school when It w ns

CAMP MEBIUTT, Jan !!.—kornial dedication of M errill Mall, lha new rcr- raa tlon can ter atlabllahad hare by Hra. Waalay M orrilt, widow of ilanerel Mer­r itt. lha nqtad Indian tigh ter and Civil War veteran , for ahom the camp named, waa m arkad by lha preaence of Colonel Theodora Booiavali. » ho v igor­ously donouncod lha "conecleniloua ob ­jec to r to w ar" a i one who ought not lo ba perm itted to vole becauaa he will aot r ig h t for the wall-being of hla louniry.

Colonel Bootavelt waa the gueal of Mre. M erritt at the dedi altun eaerrlaea w hich wore held yeaierday afternoon, Ha waa g rte te d by the 1.040 u ffkera and th a lr ra la tiv ra whom he firat ed- draaaad In (ha new club houae and lha 4.040 anllaled men to whom ha apoke la te r In th e Y. M. C. A building

"F ig h t hard, hit herd, and when you do h it, h it ao you will put the Hun asleep." he charged the eoldlera and they showed (heir appreciation of the advice fay repealed cheering

"You have drnw'ii the great prlae ot the genaratlon ," the colonel told tha of- flcera and men "In the fu tu re you won't have to e ip la in to your children o r your children 's children why you did not go to war. 11 will be more com­fo rtab le to ex pirn n why yog did go to w ar-’' '

M erritt Hall la a reconat ructed cafe- ta rla , convertad Into a club houaa th rough tha axpetidlture of 114,444 do­nated by Mre, M erritt. The treiieform e- Hen of th e building Into a coinforluMy furn ished recreetloii center wee d i ­rected by Chaplain Aston and Major S lly a ra Among the fu rn lah lng i are tw en ty pool tablaa. two player piano* and aevoB phonographs. There eru com fortable w riting Uhl*" «H h e lec ­tr ic lam ps and club atattoncry. Plenty of boobs occupy the ahelvert and euey chaira arranged about the room provide fo r com fortable reading.

Tho In tarlo r of the club houae bae boon decoratad end 114 pairs of cu r­ta in s fum lahad by lha woman of Hack* enaack added to Ito a ttre c ll e eppaar- ance. Polled p lan ts and ferns had bean placed w haravar thare w as available apace.

NEW YORK, Jan. 11.—Preporatlona are now being mad* In France (or the landing there of contingent* that will bring the American expeditionary force up to 2.400,400 men ThI*. and the vital need of treneport, were among th ings dieclosed yesterday by Major F rederick Palm er, heed of the Intelllganre section o f G eneral P errh lng 'a staff. In a a le ia- m ent made w ith the aulhorleetloii of the War D eparim anl a t a eeralon hero of the executive com tniltre of Ilia League for .Valtonal Unity.

Concerning the m agnitude of A m er­ic a s preperatlona. M ajor I'etm er said: 'T wee a lliile ataggered when I firs t saw ttie project for our baeea our airdrom e* and our llnea of communlca- llon. w-hlrh waa to provtda for a m illion men. wHli rapanelon to two million. To carry out th a t projact m eant th a t wa mual b ring to France a ll the k inds of m eierlal th a t an arm y raqulraa, wa must build railw ays and docks and ram pt. It proved at laaot we were not going Into the w ar In a sm all way, th a t

tg Ib M iB llM lI rM P M s

-wgafted Ja n u a ry 1 made tb s opaning for th a o thar doian. Tha new studsn ta In

e w ere not to m ake a patchw ork busi­ness of our plans, th a t we had a pro­gram "

After declaring Ihal "In Franca wa aland or fall by what W ashington and the nation do to iupply our needs,' M ajor Palm er added' 'T h a meeaaga which our arm y aanda home from France la aa d istinct as a black (unnal against lha skyline. It la the aaini plaa that every arm y ovareeaa In all history has mart*—a Pl*a for Iran a p o rl"

G rners l Perhhlng. anti no politician y t group of poUllclana, la directing tha Amerbai i for .ee abroad. Major palmer asKured bl" audience. He .ontrae tad the culm a»purnfu*e of the ulrcitif-J*we4 Aruerlfun rntnman<1er h(«i he»d-qunTtere l« F ranre with the pankekr KHtherlnffp lit the lohhlen of NVaehkuE*


Small Bottle of "DanderiM" Helps Keep Hair TMek,

StronK. Beautiful.

Girts! Try T1ii»—Doubles Beauty of Your Hair In a

Short T iae.

Mr. LoeUurt ggyg; "It Hag Bm b Tmtlifallr Said HMfg Aw N* Tw# Tklagg Jug( Alike. Hew Tnw e t My Bueiaeia! You N ow Sew g*Sgl# Jugt Ukg MIm ; iu Feet. Nom C«b Cew am »Hh It.”

And Here’s the Greatest Sale of

Dinner WaresThat You Ever Saw

It will surely toigbilih g record in the Chiitk Deptrtment.t7 ShMl Dinner Sets—Ml pieces; with gold line border C d

decorgtion, including bread and butter pUlei; i t ......... tP le lw$».A0 Dfniwr 8«g—56 pieces; choice of pink or blue spray ^

decorgtion.......................................................................... dW .laJtlAVu AMcrkan PoreeWn Dimaer Seta—100 pieces; blue I I QC

floril sprty snd gold design decoration*..................... w* laXiytl7.M Dbiurr Set» 100 pieces; choice of two decortiiont C 1 1 QC

—one blue, the other green hair line............................. ♦ 1 0 * 7 0l2 « J i Anwrican PorceWu Diunet 8*t»—100 pieces; blue t I d CQ

floral border decorition ................................................ dflTtW V121.50 Aiwrlegii PoreeUlii DiiuMT SeU—100 pieces; pink e •1-C

rose border decoration .................................................... 0 *O**O121.95 Open Stock Dinher SeU—100 pieces; gold lace border

decoration, with gold handles; a t.......................................... qJ I •luclion


Hour Sales9 to 10 A . M .

Cat Mit Uw oU haMt af gleepliii lata Ib (ho MUraliif. I efer hert ■oano aeaall Ma ant) npecUl valau fi*m 9 (41 to o.'cloek t'liday awming*Uw«aw Tairwm—

ksrgs «Bn; lOc10c

iiiaurtad odor* h l4 t P lB v a B d T b ^

3-oa.b o t t l e ........................ ....

viva’B MbM tbwfw—about 100 paJra In patent laa thar »nd dull cglf- "kin. button styl* only; aisea t to7 4 ; C ■ ...............Kllghtly pair

VI (irade Kbukl w (anyH 'on ivd Knittlwg SatB— Q Z Cper h a n k ................................

Wuain*B tf .** to'ael b w e a ta n —aa-"ortrrt (oJora. choice ut aallor or "hxwt collar; full belta or hair bells;

PUllDIt BAXI* Ufiijr, i i s ra » guC to E w ldlha: to a ly Itiiparfact; a t. a


$29 Nippon China Dinner SeU—the decoration la i reproduction of an Old English pitlem in ipple blossom snd birddesign .............................................................................

$24J5 ABieric*« Pooeelain Dinner Sets—100 pieces: choice of plain Wuc or green border decoration; with gold lined snd IQgold htndles ......................................................................... q )17

$29.95 Antoric** Poreelain Opon Sfock Dinner 8e(g—100 pieces; W»ck border with pink rose* .........................

$33.50 English Poreelain Dinner Setw-lOO pieces; choice of M J three exQuIfitely rich border decorations ..........................


lOcW—» 4



IhlldrvB'a Faai l l a t a - r e d of navy;nnlahfd w ith la llo rtd bund;•laa* 2 lo I yrs;at ........................ .. ■

toaaivn’a *11 B ark .v Arvtla*—It* p a in o f the** f l r l t qual* liy. I bucki* a rn ic a ,"U*a 3 4 lo 4 only, lat'

4 h l ld m 'a ■* Arvlkw—3 bucklai * | ISO pairs , nrat quality , sisr*8 4 to S only, aal*,................. ^

atrJto Grand AparOwaw* Hmn* Mr- f r tav ra iaT a-n iad» by Ih* iidorlaaa ItcTrlgfCator Uo.; hsighi 52 Inchaa; width II Inch**; d*p(h IT Inch**; Ic* capacity on lbs., whit* t-nain«-l provlrlun cham-b*r ............ ................

M r aolld C aaafart llaa J« l Hva4* n t any *as H xlurr; throw s lha h ra t to th« floor;


clod* g a rg tan t John (I. Griniii *( Ho- kakan. attaohad to Company K of tha Sixth Infantry.

Chaagaa Jiav* b**n announerd a t T. 'M l C. A. haadquar ters In camp. Harbart A t Lsndidal* of Itorhvatar, N. Y„ who v 4 M boat! ganaral aaer ttor] ' har*. ba*

toft to asaum* command of tli* Eaalarn departmant of lha araoclatlon. H* will

,dMi luparTlaor of alt t ra in ing camp 'Mtivlt iaa of tha aBaoelaltoti In Eaatarn ttolltonauhla. Form»r AaaoclMtd Bac- rvlary John T. Ailing of Rochaatar will t ^ a Mr. Landadala'a pfaoa nl D ie

H. A Towtiaand of Nawark. aducB- (tenal diractor ut tha V. U. U A., will accompany a nunibar o t Oldcara lu

cjoqwark tomorrow (or Inatructloii a t the • qbgoctatlotra autoihublto achool lii Hnl- " " A ona or two day

Hurt Defense of Second Group Of Accuted Election Officer*

toil hot«lH thut n-iavnlfy wkikip^r* Hilo wild Hlurrti®’


Editor TelU How (iermany Ordered Lusitania Warning

Htrritt of Jtf'WH,JERSEY r iT Y . J in . ! ( . —Mindful o f I

NEW YORK, Jan. SI,—ExpUnatlon of how H«»T|hi I'onvayid lo A m baasidor von Bernalorff In Wiihknfltoit knafrut- tlona 10 wtirn p fraiin i ag iln a t t ih ln c irHftiuice on the f,ualtonl« *■ j tven by John R* lU thom , H lto r of th« Provt-(ient'f! Journal . In an »rll*'l< In the ru r re n l la*u« of The World s Work- T ran i in m ed b> wlrelei* from Nautn, Uermany. to Sjtytllle. IgOtiff let ind. Ih i lualruiTloni were roded IrY h i lphe r te u hi' h Ihe key NkHa The World Alinkhac.

wordH Here d€»l«n»led bv • line*word** nolilloni* Ikftiied

the ! Noi i -el gnt fb' anl wordi I \*ere 't*onii;2U>iloited In iheir GenriiJi

Ik ly t h i i citygidiirM, gcoonUnc; to the titn i which lb* ig l^ c ir i iparo* w ill be given. The

III IQ f im f l l t r i i i them e^lth the

th e te»(kfnon'y yeelerdey of thirty iU ie w lln eeeee th e i lh#y did not voi* Ov- tober \ t and IhHl ilg n a tu re i purporttTig to be thelra were forgU i. Ihe Jury in- day g ev e M rici ettentlo ii to proreodliigy nt the certtlTiuinloii ot the ddfenee # f th e aecond group o f He**ilo»i offirrre en IrU l, cherged wUh fraud uL lUe •pecAnl e lection lee i October

The defenduiila n tt John E Jonee Jr ,ton illam A. Bommt. Wllllum SB-Vb-ker , , ^ ,[ . o'clock In lha'and Frank J, 'M-HI '3* ?ba. lha op ar .tor

' . 1 N .iu'n. Hfl»r Ihra* gnauccaiBful a l-rcm |il*. rain'd ih ' Bayvllla alallcm. Aa

OJaterttlval and practical w orking of gqum o b lla parta ao th a t thay In to rn to*y giva tnatructlon to man of th a lr nfebiinanta OfTloora of tha heavy (laid .S rtlllary w ill ba aalaetad lo m aka (ha tolp. which la In llna w ith a nom bar of 'BIlMr a a to tn .lru c tlo n Baatlona th a t ''llAVa baao and w ill ba held, Kvantgally lha an tlra tra f tlc aqu lpn i'iil of I h ' n S tv r f l 'ld a r tllla ry In tha N ational A nny w ill ha motorlacil. It ta tapacted , and w ill uactaalta t* an Intlm ata know I • •dgo of m otor trucks and m otor aqutp- nm nt on tha p a rt of o fficart and man.

v i'r ' contm unlcat'd form.

Thr ineHHifre waa lU ted April t h l*l&a o'clock In Ihe'

i Biibop L B. Wilton TelU Men ; Al Gunp Vail of Wgr Front*

poHt In tha Fourth Hl'IrP Ward, thia city, J u d * ' Mark A FJiil van la proaldlng al ih ' l r trlnl and Aa- aamblyman Aleaaiidcr Hlmpaoii, wlih fo rm at Altornay General Hobart 11. Mc- C ar ta r and Lawla Hansen, are ih* coun- *al (or tha aocuaed men. Colon' l George T. Vickara to conducting iho proaocu- llon.

I t look the sta le but * short t im ' to put In lla case yeiierilay and ili# de- (ansa had almoal hnlf fl iitili 'd at S o'clock, whan Judge .Sulllvuii adlourned court unlll thia morning The Jury, lu Ihe mean lima, wa* aeni lo I'areiyH Hotel. Journal Bquar*. lo pan. ****_V1“ time In cuotody of court officer* ThI* morning Ih* defane* wa* roBumed.

Aalda from the teil lmony of M e e k e r and Bonnot, two of tha defendanit. th*

the message .'am* In al th* Long lalund atalloii, an o p ' r a lo r a t th* Provldanc* Journal office picked It op.

Wlih Ihe vortad p a r t i preaarvad, but UeMiian-Hnirllah translat ions mad*, lha nieuaiBo Hvtie

"Front Btrlln Foreign Office, to Em- basa.v. W'aahinglon.

"OS'J (4 l iW i World nlnataan-flftean warn <ITr,-:».li i1Ti- l-2J through | i«2i-3 .4 i ilS-T-lSI <LIX-U-l-4-5-*)." I

The key lo the mraaage *ae not die- I

In My Friday Sale I OfferWomen’s $1.50 to

$2.25 Gloves At $1.29 a Pair

C. A. LbckhArtTh* prlo* QUOtwl !■ than

th* p t* i*n t market quol*lloi».Vour I’holk^ hu'lurtw:

t CiMp UImfr 3 CtaMp KM *il*w

mm4 nkmri t.rBgth rhmatdH#

n i Sell

“Firestone” Tires Complete With Tubes :

Mi .................. $8tlfi 99

iH ‘MO- mlleiAK*.

E v e r j ^ a l r perfrrl . AH

“87cFor Umbnllaa of Thif QiutHy la My Mn of a Bargain Friday Ittgi”—i*ys Lotkhart.Th# Mill-End MuglrUn ab»i>-

|ut«ly rorroct. It li* h iriairvel. Th#*# uTnhr#lla»' nr* rovfr#<l with waterproof <loth. tap# mhImoPTlird oh.DMrMOD fr*Mn«. Th« roKUlftr prlc® und#r normal condi’ lion* I# then th# Lock'har t Mlll-Knd Halo 1b the excuiw for Ih# wducUon. <.liofc# of Men# or WoTDOP # «tylpi Vorlou# diet for choice.

Th# r c n j U r h i t pr1i‘# liTheifl ar«

o m U '^ n o i:ui(nuil#e for Thti eiAni# KCriidrM havr given won­derfu l eeivlt^' lo liundredii of our ^Mtron#,

<in# 30n3 rUlfi CJIncher Tire#— Hiited 114

Uft# IP*3 Urey li intr Tub*—llited at 43

( HcffuUi'ly LLHted $K 9b ) for tomorr<fw Pw,

r)nl>’ 51 tlr#H for thin pale. No l ire Hold without a. tube.

hiMv45 V#lr#B f y l lM er Uft»

lit $2.50H *at"> - -b la ck flniah. _

rSc to'laard Trlaagl* Fallab Map*



N*w Ybck'g Itowosl Pri*«i On

Fine Silks

‘Tm Out la Beat the Town In Thia Sale of

Men's & Women's Rubbers”

rhallenff* LockhartAnd h ' has certainly gun* Ih*

r i | h t vt'#y (u do li. |jook at th### two item#. Th#>'r# beyond t|ue#- Hon. Th(>i very b##t value# thatVuu (.an rind In the whole of New

ofk- no n i j l l e r where you look

WoimnV S3c StonnRubbers—at ....... 59c

tho I rn ra r ' i l linlll It wai r 'cal lad later that on the m orning of April I*. Prtne*

'Upg(4al Sarrltv af to* .VJ 'B*.I CAMP VAIU I-ong Branch, Jan. It.— 'Blahop LuUiar B. to lleon rec'lvad an ! ovation har* last night when It* gave tan bour'a talk on hla exparlancaa laat ^August and September on the French jaqd Italian war front*. Th* addra*. {(^ahad Ita climax whan th* speaker ibvonght home to Ih* Bolrtlara of Camp jTatl a maaaaga from General Parahlng, |t*hO told Blahop Wilann lo tall th* aol- • dljira of Anarica "that Germany mutt )bM will ba dafaatad. Tall them that It <to rank haraty to say Garmaay cannot) Th* blahop told of how, whan h* wa* iaitoag tha front, a pl*c* uf shall. Juat Jaaough to draw blo^. pierc'd Ma arm. jH« alao told of hla visit to Vrrdun and jth* desolation that hir wllneBt'd. Ha iptid a trlbut* to th* aoldlara of France. Idaelarlns that non* was superior.

"Franca," h* tald, "has put har all In 'tk* fight. On* only baa lo visit th* ’tgara* to as* th* acarrlty ot man of ! draft ag* and conaidarahjy oldar." Th* bishop aiaa paid a trlbut* to th* llal- Itag for thalr bravery.

Th* blahop daclarad h* had vlaltad .'llaltaB towB* that had bean daatnyao •M r*bq|lt sine* lha war atanad, WhtI*

i ta ItaJr th* blahop took lonchaon with . iw lan offleora on a mountain peak IM N (oat hlqh. At tho tIm* thar* was ;ita **011011#* of shot* batwaan Italian* ‘Bad Aostrtan* In flrat.llo* Iranohaa

Tollowlog th* addrasB of Blahop Wll- ■aa thar* war* five real* uf motion ptotoraa, thra* antartainara from • Had k*ak theater and th* Mandolin Club

• from lionf Branoh.I Toatahl Chaitar Arthur's band from------Branoh will fit* a concert Th*

win b* Hto* HyrtI* Blcklaa of •Itjr.

ch ie f faaturo o f Intaraat yeatarday wa*th e colloquy that look place betw ain Judg* Su llivan and Mr. Hlnipaoii. Mr. Slm paoii w as opening lo Ih* Jury (or Ihr defanse. but the opening w*B never fin ish ed , bacauee the court ohjecied to counsal arguing. Mr fl1mp»«e auld b ' could Riot |>rov#e«l w llh ou l arru ln c. in u Ihe court advlsefl roundel pro­ceed *t a ll with the openlnv, but to - a l l hi# wUf##### M*"' asked

llaiEfcldt. attached to ih# German Bm* ttanay. had h##n pearchin* (or a .W ortd Alniaiiao Thin report came from a ##cr#t line of t t iformitlon Into th# Emba #,v.

aat»il#fi #f C«#«aApplytnii the coded pari#^ by th#

"itaife-llne-word" #>#lem to the 1415 \V(Hi(| Almanac, gave the following re-HUlt

'’Woilil 4Alman«r> 1915. Warn Luil- tanla par##nireri throuab pr##i not (to) voyaRB aero## tho Atlantic, '

Th# notation ‘‘«$9 (41 "W)" at the be

been an Ihdek for fU ln c the meaeaRa. A touch o f Irony wa# f iv e n the m e#M fe by th# fact that the advartleem enl

to ffrant the requcit. and record will have to -euffioe for Mr. dlmpeon.

(outioel wen try ln f . apparently , to ■how th# Jury th a t lU# defepdani# could not have bern a party, know lnfly i «<> the o fr tn i# th# atuie all#c*a they coin* m lttod. T h li th# court objected to. coun- ■el beln* told In effect ( h i t an opening w as not a iummlng up.


Ntw Jersey OFficert Recently I Ranoted Atagned to Command*

''prrrnP grcriiT 'if 1*0 Vf.'WF.NKW BTirM ’V'T'Ni Jan 21 —Th#

fnJIoa Mig n i'ii In..* bean chnyau to rap- reernt tiu lger* on the varally debating taam Bowman, IS; H andrlckion, '!». and Roba«oii. '1*. w ith Dayton, ■:4, a l- t f r n a t ' Tha freehman loam w ill con- atat o f Hoffm an. .Mathot and W hlta- haad. w ith Roth aa alternate.

Th# Junior prom itomtnltlae has da- etdad th at th* dance coula not be held th is year at th* regular tim e, W aahlng- ton’e B irthday, b'eaua* of (h* ahortag* In fuel. A data In April haa bean aug- g'Bted

Th# Hatharaallra O uh haa voted to present to tha collega library a volum e aon ta ln ln g the proceeding* o f the Amarlcan Xtethamatlcal Society for t»17.

P rofetaor Alva Agee w ill deliver a l*t;lur* ton ight hefor* tha New Bruns- w ick Bclanttfic Roelaty on ■'Hcieuiif|c F arm ing and Ih* tVIniilng of the War. "

Wlihls a ekert tim* altar aa appHsgtln *( tentarlB* laa aaa aat ftod a Magi* trie* af dandruff *r tolllBg hair aa* year scalp will sol Iteb.

A little IJenderln* help* tb* beaaty *1 ,our halt No ilitfaTenre hew dill, (ade^ brittle and erraagy. Just metaten a clelh with fvanderine end carefuMV draw It throufh yoar heir, tahlim one anmtl atraad at-a thne The effect i i amaalag—yeot hair win he light, flultr and wavy; an lacsm. parable luair-. eofineea and laaartaiioa.

Oei a itnall bottle of Knewitoa'a Dan- dortao tor a few riata at any drag aloe* or tollal counter, and prove that year hair Is ** pretty end eofi as any—that It ha* been neglected or Injured by carsleaa treel- maat—that * *11—yau surely can have t e a - tiful hair H you will Juat try a Itttl* Pan- darlni—Adverileement tor Knewltoa Daa- dertne Co.

C. A. Lg I M Italia Meeaallue — lb A Q ^

Inchaa wide: full line of y O G colors and black ; yd ........

g I JS Geaeitatte ; - i l tcheswld#. t^lnra an<] blacit aood quallly;yd.......................................

•IJto Caepe ' dr I'bta*—44 Incheawide; full line of ool- • * “Y C ora and black: 9 1 a t o uyd.............


A (IuiaII)- Hold Ml !### than whotv- #nl<r Hal lArli*# today, and th# mar- kei 1# c!#kin. a# rt gard# rubJ>#r foot- wetii Th# finest (jualkty of niorm rubber#, with hlah h##lt Ev#rv pair i>#rf#A’l- No •■catid#. AH alsei

to ^ 4 . M and F width*.

H cu’b I I S tndtl R ubben—«t . . . .


Th# rubb#r# lo 13.

d r a tlow oatidal i7loK

quality. Htie# ;?^$2.95

Orfqil* • f Of*#y #.'f Fridt0 Bvgmlti SptvM* Im Omr Adot. ta r«tajf'* JV#if Fw* * * * ta j

ret# In th# corn#r#. a1#o a HotUr of aAc WUar4 Olll 4 y CsprcUl f o r .............................

3pgt Tabl# D anaa fc 'B S Inch## wide; hl^arhod ro llon; a ttmlt of 4 yard# !u tt cuitomer. atu y a rd .....................................

!)!#■'■ aa«l Baj#' Wlntar 4 mmM Hato—450 And cap* to puU ov#r ##r#. al#o hat# with oar-lap#i Wlvcl#, Macignawie »#r*^a Rixd HultliiKP. 40l b^nd 75c valu**#; #al# a t .

M ra 'i Me aaepeadeva—etrong elaa- llc webbing in neat it rlpea; leath­er enda: reinforcad caat-off. | A - Every pair l “ VRUarantood; a t ....................

Nea'a * I J » F a !*■*■—Only *0 pair*, iiiontly champ*gn* color; ^ A — finished with loops and P 7 Vlarge pearl bultons; a l ----

4de H a u a B t a a l Nepwaaet t laolewta Flaw* I weertagw-IcngthB ranglPR from 1 to to square yard*. « 300 reinnantn In lb<a lot.»q y d ................ ................. ■ ■ •

Kum tte l iage aatyra* to ■ ^TABag*—elte .tnxfj) 2 1 . 1 7bale ...................................

gltod Japaaeee lira** M*t- 4lag Bua»--slac 24xi.- prelly folorlnge. sab

gbr aaafwai Material— nicrcirU-il e f ­fect; aullablB (or overdtaperlca and tu r la lna ; variety ot rnlora: 46 Inches wld.vard

•leJS I# 4 r r l ta P i* ^■ ulUbU* for c(rap-r1k-H, cui-l.(in# (And r#'uphol»t«irlni(i. va* riftty of colors*; 5ti incht#w Id#: vard . . ................

-Mtll-F-ad" **la *f Bfd Tlrli-la g —another typicalotTerlng. Light wejghi bluealrlpe licking- While thta m lot lasU. limit of 10 yard* toa cua tom ar; y a r d ....................

S ir H*a**»**eb»A gidabward | A - g«ar«B—A limit of two to acuatomar; each a t .............. ,

ga-as aukwltoa 4wv*»d Camfaito™ —cotton filled; limit of t o * A m 1 to a cuatomar; each .........................

98cS'-d cf-Bperlca



‘F lM bookr^f "BperrV’ (i«M StaaiFg a n rci|g*iiabl« far $2.59 «arik M OTrckiOTta^a say rfepartatoat ar far 12 ta cata a$ Uw a g f aa U | | ^ ^ r ia n . ^J M Gnaa Tiadlag Staaipa as aaaaL Ask far Ikaah DaaUa a# C 8tato*a tU) 11 a rjacfc ^ 04C StaiaFi Ibaraaftar. Sfagla -Spain" Gali StaMpa taatarriw aatll l la c ta tk .


from which the laat (our worA . wef* eelactail waa that of a marina motor manufacturer, who had headad It: "The Kaai of rtafaly *i He*."

The (iallng of the massage a weak before It wee dispatched la ballavert to have been for th* purpoa* of dlagulilng ItB connection with the advertleemeut pviiile'l 111 New Turk paper* May 1 hy Von Hernatorff to n e rn pereona agalust Inking paaaage on Ih* rtoonieil Bhip.

A* to Ihe .manner in which Vo.i Beta- Biorff received the new* of the Blnklng, Mr Rathoni *■ riles, 'to hen word came that th* Lualtanl* w* b sunk and Berh- e to r fra preaa agent* reported him as being 'overcome with grief and ragre l' In e fathlonabl* New York hotel, ha was at tha t moment acfualfy giving a aup- per par ly alaawhoT* In New York, and during thia auppar party the destruc­tion of (h* Lusitania was hailed a* a f lo r lo u i tr iumph for Oarman naval prowess During- th# evening Von rapan. touching glaB*** with hie chief, mad* the remark: T h le I* the end of tha mlalraa* of th* a**A‘ Captain Boy-Ed, who waa not a t this (unction, alone among th* antlra group of I!m- haeey official* paralated In declarln,; Ijiat the s inking of th# Lujl lan la wa. e blunder of tha wnrat rorl

If Your Bick Hurts or B tn d te Bothers Y'ou, D rii* IxiA

of Wftter.

-When year kidocye hurl and yniir b*.^f•Hl HIT*, finn’l *>*t iTHToai anfl pnirtoott I#Iftirt yoMT #t(»ruo* h *ltJt * 1«1 nriijB I tVn ewM* Ih* hian#yj Irrttjitr til##i|.llro «rin#ry irit l > Dur kwlri'rloan Itk* J ou fluihJo* ih*m wKh M inHrtl. Uirm(#»i ahich f#mnipp ih« body •» urtnou# w##!" «tid •ttmulit# lYifm t# their nor*rt#l Th» fuactloii of Ih# hldn#yH li fUtr r blood In -4 hourA th#y #iraln front Ji &H ■rain# of a*-!') w»#l#. #o w# o#n rto#4tlyurtd#r»uM vtul Iraporianct of th# urfiv*. ^ . a. .

Drink I#!* w#t#r—-yoo c#nt Qrlftk If#muth: a ^ f*i from aor pharmaoltt ab#*t four ouoeei of Jntt Salt#: Uk# n tablovpooR- ful In ■ ■!*■■ ot OTattot ti#for# bfoakfM •»ch morklftl for • f*w day# and your hid-

will a t riQ# Thlt famauft salU I# m n * from lUo acid of rrap## and l#trt#n jutcB. c#atbln*d with lUhla. and haa Ttcfn Vired fof |#Titoritl<MV lo <-trin and ttlmlild# rloffrd kldacya. «!■*• lo ncutralta# Ihc a d l i 1»i tifJ«# •# 11 no lonfcr lu a aourco #f Irri* UMoti. thui #ndlni bladctrr woakQcpB .

AhA KftK* U itiaapovHtlvr; raiinot tniu#»i tm$k#o A dallthlfiil #rvA(M>tof*( Hi IiJot waifr drink which to»e r>n»*B ahouhl lake now i*i^ than (o ko#p thalr kl4a#y# c)ran and an]va.


Meutfc yaI Them to is


This rauafry ) \ saviag Davte

Pvt Maa Tha Telia Have G< Lmbs. grade

and no dauM y*u will aioarter what haca; o.'.your kirthey Iroubie aad backaaka.—Af vertleement laa Jart Salta C*.

DDE. Jga. It.—Maw Jarsay •(- ffates at tba National Army wh* war* pgaaaatad qp«n tb* racommandatlon of Ptejor Oonatnl Hugh L. acott hava bean ggl lt i iad (• oommanda with thetr new rqab. Tb*rlnelad*«g« major, on* cap­tain and Blna (irat llautananta.

V ain Fgnl Dabavolt* of Ellaaboth 'itakot ooglHtoiid of a battalion of th* 'Ittta ImtagtiT. Captatn Norris M. lOMBpar at SsMioiiHtek to givon a com- 5 5 * 4 to tba m t b Flold Ariftlory.

FIfsl Maatsttoata tra asolgnod aa fel- 'IMPM IhitUstr I I Brow** af lUmasr,

e w t lafabtry; Malson Dackar ot Eaot Ivaaffc PpMOor ■. Fnlmor of Oloai

'i; Utlps a*d Cbbrig* B. Btod of Now

MM. Toibn of Bloom- Mwards of trvlngtaa.

at Moboken and Rob- of Catontown. UM

jts toltowod tbo formal tba saw cammtoslooo br


ta A* n tw a .

fCK. 4a». t i . - t m t o Paid, ttto « tt |. « M aLOpartoqtaiiw. B. C* ta. Ho w*a MtlMFe

* l | .

Now is the tim e to buy


Footw ear at 10% Off



WA8HINGTO eulmlnatlnf crii (laa i^m# and t year on th# ont 4«tarniln« th# t Wllaon today firmar# of th# th«lr is tU tanc 4'b« metflac# F arm tr t ' Confc Lntv#rnity of M

iTalaih* Ih# farincMe the P to wb#t th# K< 1r dolpf to aid Hhowlnv mad# He #ac##dod (h

Th« rroolder ifarmer* «r thli tnor# an acr# t ■«f Europe, th# thr## or four i unit of labor farm«r* of any a ra moro al# aerod# tb# leai

The rneoMge deni Jam## lUlnolP. In the AirlcuKur# Hi repreoantad th d«ni had «yp*< Petition mad# t i t # d Mr H#u / rom particlpi

'Atantportal ion T#i

Th# rr##id#' 'f am v#ry i

b« pr«*«ni In I lerepceB I #l VenofK of ih« ,of countel wh tain, tnjt In i #e»m#d Impesj and Lboreforo Very #ariirEt I n t t r a e t 'a n d < a eonf#r«rvc« Into #v#rv mil

•1 need iiM >'4vi rcitio# h* RTc I f a hall ■ real u#k. Macrifle# end iifl. \5'e car M##dcd with and tvcti #ali jrcl of lha V g * i " i I* Ihc

ihav* ever uni ^ h » life of t ifrmlnert *nr everywhere al iTillllary' ruaw Iniercst snd Xhroughoui t inenie Ihej u

.coiitrnl-"Yofi will

thal 11 «*» I penple In la Pied rained 1 The rulcre o

' t e c i r t e e ilieliI .) Bhui off o b u t rtnlerrour

'i-erned. snd Within Ibe to “ hey necum 'would have I Inipcdert ever life and ha America at i Governmcnl

.threat H hi bang of viol bu r own peo fn (lagront ' lice, bu t oflong-slanrtlni t lona l law Sn t Plgbft* ! ‘ We lire f1 ifnr Ihc liher the I'nltcrt F J>wn JlevoliH again, and ei In th* Unit' (hi" t lm f th* Has. In the I and our wh vein pass un of foreign co must win. tf I need not ai and (o rtun t i Th* nation tjiat g rea t a;

<»Tott will (ban on both that the cull gl* ha* com! df.thia year must datarm out tb a t the dam, the tri world aa w4 UB In an a*f degra* forof tba m*1» llv* and to glorp when hsvo aupfXli pii*4 t h a nall th* morethem, w q .h fo rt ande'ae

"la th* XIageiiciad’ ar nalely. j u c h Ih* worid 01 AgrtoiiUgito fraoHoat aa gaalgatlen banking la| thraa year* Gtss tw lb* I country an both of tbo a r i l f taaa r t h a 'F b n a I to U t h a t tl botb abort whtoh th a r vrbhoh It A opld b* a *4itita*ka o q tttaqlr pa:

"Ootb by tn d h r tbi prodite* m dalia Ita u lam of (oi of Afriru l 'aotivoir a*tataBuata' quaita a«n pavtaMBt


1 _ ' .,-S ,..... .. y 'l ■

Page 13: German Strike Spreading With 700,000 Now Idle in Berlin, London ...


l ym


Itt iwJri I jii c«ir> l i c i t (a

S1.69-62ct«r»—a»-t M llor

$3.98or B«vy;

" lOcrttw—>(«$1.49‘klo;ilsroI4MM

odorloM IZ Ittchot: T IneliM;

r SI

$ 2 ia |l.k Ma»«-4 9 ch.* wide:

- 25ct sM aadpull over oir-l«.po;k: 29cong e U f‘


" I9cf 40 palra,or;iod 69cMaolmi*

10 r«nHlr<

u.f: 26c $1.79

98cct rlA' d»rilrap0rU>0

69c1 rrlonao—'. cuiUUna

69cM TIrli-

Lockhart (h i blue

Ihtirde to I C


' $2.95•r

s ? '


4n M m «|f III Finom , Appuls to I Them to bceed Their Record

-of 1917.


,T h le T M atrr a i m I'ae* M ar. L sb m - (WTiaa D artoa . aad P ta d a w a Mata Par Maa T ta a Aar E ataaaaa WaMaa. Telia Haw l^ aatraaiaal I . A ld lac b j Laaaa, Irada aad O lbrr M tibadt.

___iab ar prablaia la a a a o f g re a td tfflou ltr and MBi. a t tba M at aganelaa ' a t th e M ilan am aM m aalag Iham aalraa ID th e taak a t aolalng It. ao f a r aa It la

■» — paaat bl a ta aataa It. F arinara M a a a a tM an aiam ptad from the d raft- I k n ^ th a t th a t would n a t wlah ta ba. I t a b .It lo r g ra n l.d th .y would not wlah ta M put In a c la n b r lham aalvaa in tb i . raapact. But lha o ttantlon of lha lAar Dopartmanl baa b.*n very acrloualy centered upon the teak of In le r t .r ln * with the labor of lha farina a t llltia aa poaaiblo and, under th* new d ra f t r . ( u - latlona, I believe (hat the farm era of ih . country will find th a t th a lr lupply of labor la v .ry much laaa aarloualy drawn upon than It waa under the firei and Initial draft, m ad . before wa had our p tM .n t full *»p«rl.n c . In tb .a e por- plealnp m alle fa The lupp ly o f tabor In a ll Indu itrle i l i a n ia lter we m u.t look to and are looking lo w ith d ili­gent care.

"And let me lay that lha elim ulatlon of the aneiicie. 1 h a v . enum erated haa

WA8 HINOTON Jan. Jl ( i f ) .—The been re.pondrd lo by the farm era In culm inating crla l. of th e world airugg le t ; . 'V a ™ :? a ‘ o?‘haa com* *n«l Ih* *<-M*v*ni«Tita of Ihl* ^re *0 efficient ma o th er

on the on* *1d* or *h* o th er m u it farm era In th r world. They do not detarm lna the leaue. declared Prealdenl produce morr per acre than th e farm - _ , (ira In Kuropr. H In not n*c**«gry th a tWItaon today In a m ew age to tho .pould do »o. It would perhapafarm are of th* country, appealing for be bad econmcy lor them lo tt io h ip t It. th e ir asiU tanca in w inning I he w ar. But Ihry do produce by two to th r .e T he meaeage waa eent It rougn the , than the fa rm .raFarm era' Confarence being h rld *I th* Kuropean country. They areL'niverelty of flllnola at I 'rh an a . more aleri and u*e more labor-aavlng

1‘raUlng the work so fa r done by tho d e v l ic ihsn eny oilier fo rm er. In t hewopiit tod their relponae lo tho da.

farmera, Ihe I 'rc ld e n l called a .t .iu io r , ,h . p re .em em ergency haato what th# governm ont h * . dau# and been iri every way rem arkab le . I.a .1 te dolpg to aid them, and a .k . tha t lha .p rliig ilielr planting r a c e d e d by 13.- ahowlitg made laal year by ih* taenicra poo.iniii acres Ihe largest p lan tin g of he oaceedod Ih li coming yrar. previous year, and the y ie ld i from

Tho rroaiden i aiated th a t while the ,b* crops were reco rd -b reak ing y ield ., ifariner* Of th is country do not produce (b* f .u of HIT a w heat ac reag e of more an acre lhaji do the a g r ic u l tu r l iu 70,000 was planted, w hich waa ona o f Europe, they do produce by iwo to m'nlloii larger then for any proceeding th ree or four tlm ee m ore per m an, per j««r, three m illion , g r .a te r th an th* Unit of labor and cap ital, than Ih* p s j t 'tg r f e . t , end .even mItUona g re a te r farm ers of any European country. They j ju n the preceding five-year average." e re moro a le rt than ih e ir b ro th e ti lleeord Be E ieeede* ,*cr«ii tb« 1**1, h* **fd. ; ■!..» vt' The m «H «ie w .* delivered by P re il- | ‘ But I ought to **y to ynu U I*dent Jam** of Ihe In lv e re lly of I not only neceaeary th a t Ihea*Illinois, In Ih* absence of b ec r . ta ry of | ments aliould be repeated, but t i

■AgTlcultura Houalor. who waa to have I they should be ey eed e d I know wna repraaeniod Ihe President The | Ih.s edvlre InvolveT ’ ’ d*nl h id «3cp*ct*d to *U*nd. but Indl** ' mity i«bor. hut 0a. nflce the ro*ltl*n m*de It lmpoe*ible *nd he dele- ' inp applioallOH of every 11 ’ 'gated Mr Houilon. who wae prevented | iifli- Knowledge and every tejei*., pra / rom particlp*iih|[ by the ueei.ip in tranapoMalion faeili tte t.

T eal *f Meaaag*.Th* rr** lden t‘fl me*Mge Aald 'T am v*ry aorry Indeed lha! 1 cannot

ti* preMni in peraim a t the Urban* eon* larence. J ehciuld like to an)oy the ^ n * f l t of the Inapiratlon And «achanae pOf couneel which I Know I ahould ob ­tain. but In the eircum atancea It h*4 aeecnad ImpoMlbl* for me to b* preaeni and Ibdrefor* I can only 0*nd you .■%Very eariieet nieaeage expreaaliig my IntarAAt'and the ih o u g h ti w hirh auch a eonfer*ivr« mu«l b ring prom lneiuls Into *verv mind

-1 need not Ull you. U*r I am euie ynij realia* ** keenly «>* 1 do. th.vt we ftTc 00 a natloi) In the pu**eri<e <it a g rea t u a k . which dunande eupr'Oie nacrlrtc* and eodenvur of fvery o re i>f 110. We c a r give ese ry lh in g ih a l I* needed wilh vhe greaiei wllUEigiie**and *ven Aatlsfactton. h erau ie the o b ­ject of the ttk r 111 which we are en ­gaged i» the g rea lea t 'h a ! free men

^ a v e ever underiaken. Tt 10 to preveni | flh* life of th^ wntld from b*-ing d v ■ rermtned and the fortun^'i of men | everyw here affei ted by email groupe of • tn illtary ' m aaleie. wln> seek ihc lr own Iniercat and th* atlfish dominion ij^roughoul the wnrld of Ibe goveru- ineni* they unhappily for ihc momcnl

'Yon wlU nnt need to He ronvlnoed that II a« recfeaHry for ua aa a free ))enp]e !« l«ke part In Ihl* war U piad ralaeil ita evil hiind again*! uf T he rulerp of Germ any had aouaht !«►

'^xcTfda* their power in Hir h n way ■ 0 iihiji off OUT ftoiiomU life 00 far aa |)ll^d^^ler^our^* with Europe was ebn- Ferned. and to confine our peopi* jjalthtu the \%’eAtern tlemlaphere, while %hey nccumpllahed purpo*** which would have i^ermanciUly Impaired and Impeded every proceea of our national hfe and h a 'e put the fortone« of Americft at the PTerev of the imperial ijoverninent of GoriiVany This wep mi

Athreal. It haii become a rcalMy* T betr tiand of v iolenta had been laid upoP biir own people And our own property (a flagrant vlolailon not only of j'lP- IjcCg bu t of the welf rerogoliod nnd long-standing covenunls «P intArna- llonAl law and treaty t F Igb tiag tmr I aUed - We nre flght\i<K. ilierefore. a* truly iffir Ihe liberty and ^elf-government of the l.'hlfod Stale* an if the w ar of our hwn Jlevolution had to be fought over again , and every man iti every bualnea* in th* United tfKate* mnal know by th lflllm e th a t hla whole fu tu re fortun*U**'ln lha balance. Our national Ilf* and our whole economic devtlopraent nrlM pa*p under the aln laler Influenc** of foreign control If w e do not win. W*Tttuai w in. therefore, and w* *ha» win.I n«ed not aak you to pledge your Jlvea and fortonea w ith ihoa* of tha r**t of,Ih* nation i« the accom plishm ent of th a t g rea t end.. will rea llia . a* 1 th in k ata tea-

tlttn on bolh #ld*a o f lha w a te r rea llie . th a t th* culm inating c r lila of tha a trog - gl* haa com* and th a t th* achl*vem *nta df thfa year on the on* aid* or Ih* o th ar inuat determ ine th* taiu*. I t ha* turneo nut Ik a t lb* force* th a t figh t lo r fra* •

dam* th* fr**dom of men a ll ov*r th* world a* wgli a* o ar own* depend upon u* In an a jttrao rd lnary and un*ap*c!ed degree for guatenanc*, for th* aupply o f tha matiMlala by w hich mon ar* to live and ta IH h t, and It w ill b* our

when tb* w ar U over th a t w*

N G W A B E E V E N IN G NEW S. TH CW 8D A T; J T A N P A P . Y ' 19M .




Added HandicAp in Eut Likely Unieu OfficUl* Overcome Con­

gestion Caused by Elements.


WAeillN'aTO.'I, Jan, 31 ( * ) —Furlhar (U*l ahorU g* In U fg * lec llo n a o f th* Ka*t w»» lo im lin n l toD .y u n it s , th . ciillroad »<*tlon found * w ay to •peed UP c o .l inovcm eiite drap it. snow and Ice .to rm a which lo iiiin u * lo h am ­per truffle.

Korecuale gave little buna for hope, • a anew la promtaeJ In moat . .c i iu i i . euat of I h . SllMlaaIppl. end there » r . In- dicutiuna that m in y Itidualrlul piunia In N .w K nglind. parvi o f P .n n a y lv .n l . and the A tlin lU aaaboird d istr ic ts iiiaj' b . forcod ID r lo a . for luck of (u .l.

In rMponae to *n appcul ffom J J Storrow. New England Fuel A d m ln l.- tr»tor, t h . Whipping Hoard prom J.d som e relief for th s l a .ctlon by d irecting coul p ier . »t Mumplon Uouda right o f w .y to the lo .d ln g ■ h ip . w a llin g there lo t . k .Etoston The |>r1r>rli) g l u i i England ahlp nieni. Is for u tw o-hour p.riod beginning

' " no new ordera for Itidualrlal shut down* are plunned by th ‘ K ud Ad- m lnletrution. hut p re ler .n tl» l ru ling* of coul ih lpm enta for d o m -.t lc con- sum ption, for eh lin and caaeotlBl In- d u itr lta w ill conllnui-

An eut.nalon o f the fre ig h t em bargo may b* eon a ld .r .d , but o fficia l* polntad out that vary llt llo general fre igh t I* being accaptod now by any lines.

Irvin^on Defen Action On School Plan Changes

ConalAaratt«n # f a f la n to placo th* low er grad** In w hloB th e a lta m a tliig or ntodlflad Gary ayataat I* In operalloii an th* convanttM al p lan anti th* p lac­in g o l any gm da* in lb * Other achool* on the t-a pl*6. iDW -hDlirinO Tnlngeee- atana and fou r-hour afIM nooa a*a*loii*. waa given by th* l iv in g to n K u r d of Ifdurwttvn *1 a aparlal m a a tln f last nlgh l. Th* tom m lsalonerg fin a lly oe cldcd not to i**k* any cM n g * during th . p r . . .n t a.maaiter a t OroV* ktreei H.hool, w hich would he I h . o n . a f ­fected by ahandoplng th e a ltern a lin * sy .te in lii the low er grades So action BUS taken on t h . propoaod M la b llih . oient o f the t - t plan In t h . other schoolH.

Crrek» Had Community Singing. Herman Epstein, Lecturer, Say*

Community alngltir anrlent Oreekn. from derived th* ecal* on miialc 10 built, aald

itf iflve.or fiCiy 1 onl ’u til New

u Beil tltv-Ihl0 nt«>rj3-

, tice that I . a v a i l a b l e . I t n i c a i u ih e ' u l rn o a l • co n o n iy . ev e n to the point I n h e r . the E>ln> li comes l! loi-ans th*I kind of roncentra lion nod .,-If-vs. rlflca ' which h lovolvetl in tlir ficM of h a l t l t I Itself, where the object s iw u y , loom*

greuter than the Indlvidunl."And >el Ihe government will help In

every way that It i* poaalble The Im- preislon which prevulla In aornc .ivur-

I tors—that while the government haa I sought to flu the prices of foodstuffs.I II ha . not sought to fl* other prices i which determine the expenses of the

farmer—Is a nilelaken one. As a mat- ' ler of fact, the governmtnt has acllvsly , and successfully regulated the prices of

many fundamental m aterials underlying .11 th* Industrie* of the roun trv . and

I has regulated them not only for the ! purcl.aee* of the government, but also 1 ror tli^ purohaBfi of th* frn*rAl public, i thd ! hAS* *V0rj‘ r*Ai*n to b*Uev« that j III* <'ongr*B0 will th* po**r** of th* fovfrnm^nt In tM* lmporl*nt* tind *v«ii e i0cnll*l n»*ll*r. •& !h*i ih*

t*nd*ni>' to profi t**rlni which 1* nhowliif Itielf 111 to* m*ny quArt*n. may b* effecllvtiy ch*rk*d

"In flxlHi Ihf prlc*0 of foodituff*. ih* jjovfrnmeni h*i Plnr*r*ly irl#d to ke<*p ih* lnt*r€*!0 of ih* farm er *0 much In mind ab Ih* lntef*slB of th* cornmunltlBB which *r* to b* B trvtd . but it I0 BBrvInif m*3iklnd *« w*ii *• ih? fsrm^r. and *vcrylh lnf In th*»^ tlmcA of wmr i*k*a on th* r i f id *0p««i of duty

■ f w ill not ip p e i l to you to conllnuy ni\rt rrnfw Hnd intTCH.*** your ^ffor.B, I do hO! ItBllFVf (hat M is lo d ■BO. I bcUr\#> ih*.! vou Will do It w*ih- our yny ' •t'rd or app**l from n h** c*u»t you und*r*t*nd *0 w*Jl am I do (he ii**dB *rid opportuniil** o f th l0 rr#ai hour, when the fortu n es of m*n- klnd cvpryw'hprr *e*m aboti! to nr d0-!crn’Hit*d, Rnd when Afft*Hc* h** th^ jcretwai opportunity *h* hws *vcr hA(i to mak* Aood her own freedom *:v1, In makip;; It lood. to lend a helplniE bend !o Dicii Mrugtfllu* for th*!r freedom B%Rrywhrrf. You r rm em ber t i u t 11 w jah fjrrner* from whom *am« th* ftrfl Bhorr *1 Lexlnifton. the t P*t e f U o * th« RpvriumTi thei mid* America ft**-

hop* and belltve thAt the f*rm*r* of g^rntritA will wlllincljr «nd conspi 'U- ouily blend by lo w’in thU w»r Also. The loll, the Inielllrewc*. th* efitrvy, the fcrevlitht. th* *«lf*BAcr1flc* and d e ­votion cf th* fwrmeri of Amerlru w'lH. I believe, bring; to a t r ium phant cooc-)<i- ■loTi litis urtAt lAAt w ar for th e *nian<I- petloa of men from the control of a rb i ­trary govArnment and th* A*lflihn*Ai of claHu ]r lilhlRiion end cofTtroi end then. w'Krn III* (iid llAI CnnlA, w* may look «*fh other |r. tUe face and b* g i l l t h i t w* «r« AmancAnB and hwv* hwd the privilege to play aach a part.'*

Silent at West Orange PlantAs to Wherubouts of Edison

Mr. and Mrg, Thom as A. E d lsen are at (he Royal Palm H otel. Miami. KI0 according to a d ispatch from lh a t pJaca. At fh* laboratory la W eal Orange this report rsuld not b* confirm ed, a* the ch ly Inform alton g iven out w as ih st Mr< Rd>0< n Ib " le iftaw hfrt In America.*

Irvington Board Retaips Budget Items Objected To

Illsregartlhig the expressed desire of iKspayerii who attended the hearing m week Ago on the miinl« lrAl bodgrl. the Irvington Town CommiABloii U r t night retained an item of lU . lsn for street r e p a ln and another of for play-grouTtd equipment. The action waa not unanlmoua, however, t'oiainiBSloner of Hevanue and Flnanc* I 'svld II. Greene and Director of Public Safety Leonard !**tAro votlikf In ih« n tgallve. They declared that the taxpayer*, by a vote of tS to 10, having recomtnendrd the eJinilnailon of both llemB In view of rondlHone brought about hy the war. the rommiaalon ws* In duty bound lo teBpert their Ai'tlon

Th* budget mn tentAHv«l> approved rarr lee approprlaUunx aggregating t:71,l44 RA. a cut of 110,670 in me o r ig ­inal ATnount. Including reducf loni of H.iTO In Ihe Finking Fund I'sMTitnleAlon appropriation due to an e iror In addl non. 14.70 In the atreel maintenance lleni. I6i0 In the senvengrr rccoi.h1. II.OOO In (he water approTMlaGon aivd an Increase of lAOO for the Hcallb De­par tment

East Orange Gets Fuel.But List of Needy Grows

A fourth carload of wood and th* f l rn , two carload* of coal r n c e 8um!ay ar- i rived In Laal Orange yemerdRy. hut th* | t Ity’i ro a l nepar im ent in Meting fuelleie | homeR *0 rapidly that RllKtit relief was 1 afforded The Wood Itepuri menf. l I 4-hArge of Uliy Kngineer William f* 1 WllllKerod. ha* received requeatp for a I • upply from ie\en1y horDoa, while, witti ; aeveral more carloadR exported befori* j Saturda>. It W'a* antiouncod lod i) that thoa« rai ling OrAiige HOP will prsiH j ably be taken care of In Ahort order In all. nineteen additional carLocule o; wood have bean ordarsd.

Several rAAldent* of Orange have re- quoitr.rl « supply of wood, only lo be Informed that the wood Ir tor dmtrihu* tlon among E**t Orangelte* only. Th« AppllcuntA claimed they are unable lo secure wood In Ortfig*.

began with th* whom *1*0 WA*

which modern H erman KpiUln

last nlghl. in th* f ifth of hla t*n lac- lure racltalR In ih* Kaet Orang* iHlth gcKools Hia theme was, "H<»w MubIc drew ■ The lecturer ta lked mor* than h* pUyed. ** ih* na tu re of hi* iUacuA*1cn demanded lltl l* of l l lu t t r a ’tlijii.

Not niui^i I* known. Mr KpaiO'D naid, of iHe sound of cir*ek muBic ‘" 'd UgipiiRti mw*i«' 0IIII lea* The e<l0t- e.n<> of the l an e r wwb p rac t lca lb onlv Inferred. becau*e. he pointed out. the Kgvptlan* exi'*ll*d In o ther art* and u 1b known that th«y had harp* and tdt>eB. TIib chancoB are. h* argued, ih a l iheir mitalc wo* beautiful.

Beginning *1 th* point where Ian- giiage reach** th* limit of e ipra*- *lven**B. muilr. th* lerlxirer contended, 1b Ihe true *rt of today Modern mu*(c. he aald. date* from the *Tid of th* alx- t*€hth <*nlury, when Pop* I’aUalrIna introduced four-part alnglng as A step beyond Ih* «*rly chanting man***. b*B«d, in the ir turn, on earlv Hebrew muilc

The impelUB to growth fun i l ih*d by Paleatrlna led to the development of the violin and laid the loundaUona «f nioderiv inBtrumental n^ualc The be- ginnlOK ef opera followed in U09. Folk Rongf. Mr Kp*i*ln •i»(l. date back ft if thir Ihati ar t music. Hut he omitted (hem from th* dlACUS*mn a* they h^d no Influence upon It. Thry will. hoW^ ever, form the lubjecl of hi* ne*t talk, when he will be asalsled bv Thom*4 Wilfred. Binger and lute pUier .

Five-Ye»r C«mpaign in Jersey Is Outlined at Convention in

Atlantic City.


fptiioi kmlfT at tk. \lf1fF.ATLANTIC CTTT, J»n, 11.- A f lv . -

y .« r rsnipalgii t» rl*I New J . r a . rw .s outJIn.a to . l .y At tti#

fiflli . n n u . l . . . s l o n of t h . S Ig t . Mos­quito l.^st.rn.lnslion AsMcUllon. i t t h . Hol.l Tr.yiiior.,

T h . u su i ' l . t lo n IS u tg iog * s l o t . HPi.roorlslu.n of 1100,00® * ) . . t for f n . } .»rs for Ih . p ro g r .m which li** b.eii r .fs rrod to Ih . budget co m m ii t . . . of wlilth 8i»ie T t .» s u r . r N .w ton A. K. U ugb . . Is . 'hxtrni.n t.lov.rnor kklg* Is on r.roril In f .vo r of i h . H.m, end Ih . mosquito f lgh i . r s . . . s u e c s | .. . 1 log

i>«ii*Dci.* fco Mia. “*»a It wDDia mW ill w orth an InvMtaSDht » t I1M ,H 4 bjraar (or tiv* yM ra"

About loo.Ht hor.s «t J.rMjr M rah land has bMn dralnM and thorn ara stilt about too,0*0 nvrM upon which In work. Th. counlgr appropriation! last voar totalod ttl*.*** and to Ihia aam III.SOO was add.d from tho siato. In sotting forth uladstlrs It wa. slalad that Now Jor.«y might l>« ntostiulloo- Usa at a roal of twolv. o .n t^ ^ r cap­ita for the ooxt fivo years.

' ■ '■ #



In prosafter nrvcial >ear* of manoeuver-

.Mrmberi* «lo nut quRlif)' *l*te- menlB lhat New Jer*ey could b* tallo-

rid Pf 111* monquilo witli ade- •juair lap ita i In Ihal perhMj. Tlie bulk BUMi IV wahlC'l (f» U> the fuundatltTH In thr wtuk, w’hli'li wouJ<l later be cAUied i>ii by CsMjnty Hpprvprial luiiB

The work of ridding New J«r*ey of the inOBquito haa beeti sme-thlrd fow - ivlei*d. Hebert K. »7ngle nf Heacli Maveii, pre*!d*ni of ih? in ^ a n I 'ouniy Moaqulio JCxler mlnailoti I’ommlaalon, *r»t forth In a paper on the sla tu* of th# inoaqulirt control In th* Btate. H* ahld that lost year I.OOd acrea of aalt marsh land had been added lo th* a&,d00 pre* vlously drained, making 194.R09 acr**. and that ail this a rea I* now being patrolled during lh« breeding **aaon II* aleo said tha t IIB.OOO err** of up- htnd *re being patrolled and many breeding plarca eliminated.

Pfwbtriii t* N«rta ie iwry.•The frenh wftler moequHo 1*

prjmanly ihe pn-hlem in North Jersey. .-<'1 fur ha* the w<irk in the Ball maraheB Ailv R(i''Rd.’’ i 'iimmi0Blt>n*r Kftgle I'on

I liMiiAd "In South J e ieey Ihe w arfare I’MMi be c.-irricd l« Ihe baIi marBhe*. Thrre in UtlU- irouble wHh Ih* other IjiersI hecauHe nf the n*Su1> »oil

"The draiKHge in dia inarNh land at the end of 1»17 tntaled 14.lll.A7l linear frr( t»f Ireiuhuig, Of 2.44* mile*. Fieri utg In New York, the d lirh would reach liF tiver. There *re y*l from 3l,«b0Accuse Irvington Man ol nj.Ot'O feel to b€ drained

Attack on Array Service Law ' th. .t,.r.h .ch-m. i . .«.u u-nch orI Arrepied today Ui Irvington under the ] diNorrterly i d I 'e ter Mlekrll of U ' '

rm o n Nveuiie. that town. l« l-elng held j fnr n h»*Ar1n« h«fore n*<'<^rds'r llenPy 7'I Heiifocfl loriiKh: ^f^Bkell te xileKPil tot \uxt rii.silF v i l f I 'finlllkM m ^ i t l v e In

rp« liotorlHg t i n d e r t h e Relectiv*' f c r r ^ n e iii’f He w»N i . i k e n I n t o lO s io d y

d i t c h t h e m a r n h t h a t a l l ih « w a t e r o n li n i l ] a w in g In nnit o u t w i t h t h e t i d e Hod ihHt t h e Restt m l n n o e n lah p e n e ( r a t e nil p a i tB of t h e m a r i l i w i t h t h e w a t e r inirl e e l Ihc w r i g g l e r * a* Ih'^y haU'ti T'h^B HMiite plais li' u v^d h ) t b * ^overIImeMI a r n o i u l r a n t o n r iv e n i* f o r ■hf p ro te iM o i i o f !h« c a m p * '

. I L v e r y iO im ly In New Je i* e > is r * p -I ■*' ........... - ................... „ s e t ' ! reaeii ie i] *! th * t-oin en1 Ion. T h * p r o -I S|.eciitl Officer Herber t Ba**eO of O '* j y,„ ,„ „ >p.nes| wHh an addreNR byI ii ,Kion, w h o r U i m a t h a t M m k e l l r e - i , , n r l n k e r h o f f of J e r n e y

^nried tn profanity In rt•^«^lblllK V’"’ ' i iiv. [irc«i.ierii 1 h* >iudBon UountyI ily. fircNiiieriiM>'N«1ulto y^tprinlnatlon i'onimiA*1'>n

.\ 1 fi ed < la"k ill. dir eel or of the I >rpkTl - uri t f*f t'oimer > nl Inn and l>*vtIopni*nl,

omiRht will dcllvtr • paper, entit led 'MoKi|inio CkIiI idI a* 1'rarei|Ul*il« to (he I rHAii AKN<'ultur*l And ImluBtrlal Hevelopinenl f»f New JerNCy."

^ewarker • • I'ragraott K rer te r i tk 1. H o f f m a n nf N e w a r k .

I*!at 1*1 li'lAjs nf (he IM u d e i i t l a l l i i e u r a n r e <'ompariy , w i l l be A n o th e r a|>e.tKer t o - h^aht J u m e - J l r n o k s of G l e n I t i d g e . fo n e u l t l n K e n g i n e e r of t h e LSS*X I ' u u n iy MoAquKu I ' o m m i t i l o n , w j l ) t* l l Iff I he m o o q u i to p r o b le n i of Ih * U p p e r I'BPaHU V a l l ey *( t h e *e*i*h»n t o m o r r o w m o r n i n g . T h o in a n M- l i o f in e l l y o f J * r - >e> i ‘iiy, Waller B Hud*un and l>av>d Y oung , b o th »«f I ’a i e r » o n . s r * a m o n g o t h e r p p e a k e r h l u i e d .

her ku*t>»nd | New J* ih*> ha* well under i-*nlrnl -ommltted to the peniteti- I ||to im-nl bi'4-«de of imioqiilto**. Pr*il-

-Mr. Gaotoyn* reponesi the n* ( - I dent Wdlmni hdgar Parnall of Allan-' I 'll ). Hei furlli IM n repoll. Hr,

mail deo-lared t h a t If New Jersey

(oiilempt for the law and tolil how Ijc Intended to beat It Hy leaving lown

j 'J hr 4 see w ill be In-ooght to (he rr.M'e I nf JsOcal Hoard No. of i 'cmshU.

io \ e n n g lr\intfl<M.. Millburn iih-l .Sonih ‘ 1 (range Township, lo deferitiine vhetl icr ' ih* niRb ii Bubjert to r eg ia ir* (lun

Woman Is Held on Charge of Threats Against Judge Martin

rh*rg*il with making th rea t" agalnat Judge Marlin. Mr* Mary K I'oltrsn of2hl WitrhtlPg avsnue. We*t urange. WA* arrerted IhiB morning In the Hr- Nn>:e l ’*-lic« *'‘Ourt. Mr*. CoHoi'. M 1* jcahl. YkCnt 10 the home of ProhAtlfn OffliMlg John J, riaecoyne, Bradford NireeL Orarvg*. Tu*Nilay nlghl. and mmljiL Hiie threa** beraiiae h a a ^ M Gais*r'’i# th* Orange police »tkti Mr* Coltofl was sufnmoned before Polh e Judge Hdward W. Woodman She wilt he (pminl(1«d to th* county Jail th ' i HftovW^n-

M*I * ere free nf mopqultoes, It would m ran ! tilt IriT-vR'e r f pmperl.v valu*» of 1 Su*'h **n o u t l o o k Ib Wi


Caldwell and Verona Aim For First Dry Town Honor

In a friendly cempttUlon t* b* tha ftrsf dry municipality In KAsex County under the pfovlalona of th* recently enacted local opiloti act, clUseni of CaldWffll and V*roiia plan to circulate petli loijf fsir apsctal eUaciLoni for voter* to d*(-iil* th* queetlcin Fornter A*A*m- blymao ('hafle* A Nutting ha* charg* of the drive In Ueidwell, while ih* work In \erisna will be don* under direction of licv t'harle* i". I'fcin. A Bentley i ‘e Camp and other*

Caldwell Borough Council will meet Monday night, and Mr. sNutUng expects to Necvir* the requtr««1 number of alg* nature" hefor* that Urn* Verona Bor­ough i i»uncM will meet Tiieadav night,

I which time thoRe having the P«t1- llon fur Ihal plac* expert to present It. ItcKh rounclle will be urged to fi* (he e ln tlou^ a( (he e a r l l c l roi^venlem dttie

To Graduate Nincly-lhrce At Park School. Bloomfield

,C r ' l . u of n l i i . l ) - t l i r r . ho).B and gir ls will b . ^gr»du»t-d from i h . Park Uramnsar Bohool, Hloomfislrt, a( .x - • r c ls . s Monday aflsrnoon In Hi. high . . h a u l T h . a d d m s (o t h . g ra d u a te , and presentaHon of dl|>lom.. will b* hy llov. Dr Cliarl.s T. Hork of Ih . Hoard of Edur. t ton H«« I 'h a r l . s R Waldron, i ia. lor of Brookdal. Re- formed rhurc l . , will m . k . iho Invo- i-atlnn

The program wlU tnclud* AelsctlortA by the r a r k School orthe*t?A and nom* miinliy .Inglng. Mrs. Wllllani J . r o l . - mmi will g i s . a r .citalion. A .fiorl l>)ay, entUIed " Our HH." »IU l.r iiroffiilod. T h - r . will b . a market a. »n . In th . p l « . , .xhlbll lon of vhysical ■ raining under direction of Julian W -l t - and eight g i r l , will knH Sev­eral sung* will sloo he rendered.

South Orange Man, Conte»ting Father’s Will, Secure* Order

FpWV.I ...retire nf l»- Vg»'a.NKW VliBK. Jen II —.Surrogaf*

rt .l i .iar i l».ufd an order on I..- half nf Thomas K.wllnsoii of W Fair- view tt.enue. Snulh orange. N J.. d i ­recting Ihe appearance of Marian H Hawliiison of Urooklvii hefor. a referee ne t! T h m sd .y for evam in .l lon In le- lallon lo Ihe will of ‘lh..nia. U.wllii- soii T h . laiiei. who was ih . la iher ol ■ he petMloner. l . f l h i . es tate lo Marian Rawlinsoii. an adopted daughter. It Ir as .eried Ihiii Ihe e . la te , willed "IS exce.h of Jl.oOO.ntil'." has shrunk to bul IlG.OCn The widow of Thomas I t iw lln- son and her two children a r . ro n le . t - II,a Ihe will and (h . lasu.s wilt be passed on by a Jury

Jail Warning to Six Accused of Loitering in Waiting Room

.Vrrcpifil laBt niftht In tha Public KcrvliR waiting room. FU tfan ih Btro*t, h as t Orang*. ami ctisrgBd (hiH inurn- Ing wlllt loU^rlnU. *ix younR man w*r* fllBi’h i rg rd bj' Il*c«ir<ter Noll with a warning Itiai If HtroAtrO agsiiii pom- icntiary lannn will hr inipofvfl

Th* acru"Crt. who wrr* urn-^trd by rohi-rman BneohBr r'lark lolorad. nn f nmpliilnt of tMiarle* W KaiiliniHin NUprrlnlBnUaiit uf Ihf Lamp, ar* t«- gatlirT at the Platlon nightly, fore- mg paaBBitgrra to wait in the ruUl: They gave iheir iiAm*" *" Harold Ftr1|c man, eigbieeu y*ars old, of U* Noiili Nlreet. Albert Bhauger. lh lrty-lhr*c. Bieubcn street,\ Orange; Georg* ltTor»ki*. fiftj-fotir. l i« Bopeullp *»v*- nu*. Jtarfy JohfiBun, elghtaBti, Warren plreH, J cpb* Paugh. ib f r t j - nine. 32 South Fourteenth rir»‘*i. Harold Boy. s«v*nteen. inO Bank Btioet. (hla I'lty.


Used Uprights 'and

Player Pianosat

Greatly Reduced Pricci

-1 3 8 eachYour choirs ftf any of thSAS flM

piano*. Kvary on* lii apleiidld oogdliiloti.C ap en , Mahogany Upright W e te r Broa.. Oalc Upright Jacob D olt, Walnut Upright SchlcN cker, Mahogang L etter. Wutnut •W in g & S on , Mahogany

GRIFFITH PIANO CO.6 0 5 B roa d S treet^

Put it to the test with butterl


hlv T au D B IH thoM m tto r la l i and tu n - p ll.4 i m " .b iw O n tly . and It WlU be .11 th ! »« r* "* |o ry bocauM . In aupplFlnK IheM. w *.Ii»y« m ads » u t « u p r .in ! e f ­fo rt •n iM M e rlf lc .

"iB th* field of ogrJcuJtu ra wo h«vd sgoiirio# ond tnoirom .ntoH tl**, fo iiu - nalsly . lueh *o no o th e r g o v .rn m .n t In Ih . woHd oan ohDw, Tho O op*rim ont of AgrlouIttiM 1* uadeubtodly I h . « r .a tM t n u t t c a l ! b4 doU ntino a v r lc u ltu ra l ore ggnlM tton In th* w w ld . • • * T h . banking l i^ i l a t t o n o f th* laa t tw o or thr*o yaar* haa glvon tho f a rm .r i ae- ' c s s tw tho g r ta t loadabl* cap ita l o f t h . country and It haa b«com« I h . du ty both o f th* nion In charg* *f th* F .d - «ral *«#*rT*. h an k in g ayatorn and of tho 'F 'nrn i Idw n b ank ing sra tem to m . t e U th a t lha fa rm .ro obtain t h . cr.dU , bata hhDrt farm a n d - lo n g t .rm , lo whfeh th * r a re ontltlod—not only, but whtoh It 1> Im p ara llta ly nooonary ahwUI bo *x(and'o4 no th .m If th e p r .a - oot,'tM ka o f tho ed an try a re to bo *<]!■ g tt* d lF p*r(onn«d.

‘ W h«t O a m s » t * t I* D atag.- ^ a th hy d lr to t purchaiD of n itra ta*

an4 h r tba estah llshm .nc o f p lant* to prodae* n ttra ta a , th a g a v a m m .n t i t datag Ita a tm aa t t a a a tla t tn th* prob- lom a t fo rtlU ia tlaa . Tha D opartm ent a f A grteulturo and o th o r a g .n c l.o uro ao tivo ir aaafatiag th a ta rm ara ta l o c t . , a a ^ u * f 4 ' aa d aacur* a t aaat aa ade- g a a u M p p lr a f aaand aaad. T M da- partaM al h as tX H M H a a a tU h la .f e r

IRVINGTONAl Ih . request of a rep re o en ta ttv . of

I h . W ar D epartm ent t h . hearing on lha omnplalnt mad* a g a lr iit K r .a u t . r a Co. Dt N y. avenue and T w .n tl. lh stree t, for v iolating the s ta te heslth code hy operating d rop ham m ers a t nlghl, will be held to n ig h t Instead of tomorrow tvan lng s s o rig in s lly pisnned. Announcsm .nt lo th is o ffse t waa m ad . last n ight by Com nilaalon.r F ra n c is B. Green, head of th . local H ealth D ep art­m ent. a t whose liisisnce I h . com plaint w as lodged against tho concern.

Plana havs bean cam plated hy the ladles' m ight com m lttea a t Irvington Lodga of Rika for a m asquerade dance In th . E lks Homs g a tu rd ay night

Tot Hit by A ato, ia y a hfad H avt, Whlla crossing Main street at Green­

wood av.ntM, lOaat Orange, ohortty bo- fore a o'clock laat nlghl. Edith Fnn- nlng, eight years old. of IS North Sev- anieanlh atroot. that city, waa hnockad down by an automoblla driven by Idnx HIngal ef lOf Johnaon avonua. this city. Th* child said ah* waa not hurt and wan: horns with har slatar, Alma Fanning.

Waat Ofaag* Kaw Oat* ta Caaip.Patar Hartln of IT Longview avonua

Watt Orange, was sent to ramp DIx this morning by Ih* Kxcmptton Board of th* Fourth Dlalrlfit ef Eaa*x In ro- apo'na* to a rtqueat for an additional man. A memhor of tha laat contlngsot had bttn diaquallttad (or g minor dts- ablltly.

N u t M a r g a r in emade of delicious juice pressed from the white meat of cocoanuts, churned in pasteurized milk—

It contains no animal fats—

A purely vegetable food which we ask you to put to the test with best cow’s butter—at much smaller cost!

A tempting spread for bread with a delicious taste. Made dean, absolntely wholesome — an economical, satisfactory food artide that cuts ^ high cost ^ butter almost in two!

O lder a print today


SERVICE BACK OE EEWith th« sudden chgntu of MB*

pcfgiurc customary ai Ihls lime of tN year no home should be wiihoul t n* liable preventive tialnsl coldl ggd other kindred ailments. .■

For rheumdilsm, sprains and brttigio there is no more reliable remedy thin Wahoo Liniment. Ai the first fndict- tion of at atiick of rheumitiitn, aptly Wghoo to the iffecied pirt. Rcliot fs fell imniediatcly. •

Wihoo Llnimeni Is ilM in exeolitm remedy for neuriiis and sleepleaanoM.

Wahoo Llnimeni, a reliable fatillr remedy, founded on merit, has prortn a panacea in checking cougha, coMa, sore fhroais, lung congestion and otlier ills prevalent at Ihia aeaaan.

W ihoo Liniment it tcieniificjlly pro- pared by expert chcmitis.

For tale at all druggtsia, 25c ■ bank. —Advcriisement.


\ ________ - t-M

F in t Done of “Pipe’t Cold Coi|i> IMHind'* ReUevea All

Grippe Miaeir.

Bloomfield-Glen Ridge MakePlani for Alien Regialration

T h . r .g l . i r . l io t i of i l .rmaii al l .n fn .m l .n In Gl.n Rlrtg., wtil, h will Main M,ind«y BnO TOhltnu. <n K .b ru . ry 0 w in h . Ill c h a rg . of PorlmaBlrr l i r l . i i Mylod. T h . munlrlpslliy h .v ln * . population 1 . . . than S.ooO, th . r tg ls- t r .U on will l'» * ' Ih . i.oslufflc., lo- c*t*n In Ih . I j ickaw ann . .U l lo n build- in* In llldg.wood »v»ru». T h . hours for rcg ls l .r lng eoch day will h . from 7 In Ih . morning unlll S at nlghl. Mrs Mylod snnounces.

TO REGISTER ENEMY ALIENSn .g ls l rg l lon of . l l . n . n . m l . t four-

t . . n y . s r s old or ov*r In K e .rn y nnd Arlington will h .g in Mond.y .1 Ihe „„ l l r . ht.tloii T h . work will h . con- i inu .d all ih . » .* k from 0 o clw k In th . niornin* unlll S o'clock .1 nlghl. .l iens In North Arllngloii wM. b . I .qulred to r .g ls lac .1 the Arling­ton l•<nloftl^e. I*oslm s.t .r James J. •McAvIn.y hs" Invlt.d t h . < o op.i allon of th* hornugh officluls In notifying th n s . suhl .c t to r .g in try

pATi ( Btay *tuff*4l'Ur>( g*ii biowins **«1 prkurfiins! A 4wm *r

"F*p«'a C*ld romuouiid" (akm «v#fX to**kkBur* until ihre« d(>*** *r* lakta Will insa* rnl»»ry and y taak up « atttr* tot<l vHh*r In lti« h«a<t, ch«al. M y Of ItViDi.

U promptly opm* clnfs*d'up n«*trlls Mil *1f a**'ufrp; ■lt pa n*«(y tllpe-hart* «# Mo* runnln*. r*ll*h** pick h**da«h*. d#lhi#lki* fghrTiPhnFpg. otyr* IbioaL auo**U»g, *#tMts* and Gllffni'"*. . . . .

"I'Gp* * I’old f'nmpnund" I* th* qwc|^*t, *urnpt rclipf knnwn and c»*t* oaljr ■ fVW ^•nt* al drui ilore*. I* •''!• WIlhOBt 4 ^ ptaianr* t*afpi nir*. *nd caiiae* n* iMSD* vantpm* t • GuHPtUut*,—M -v*r!la»m*fiii fi>r Ppp*'i Tho*np»*n A BsM O**



Vl.l'T. DWIflMI « H ^ . I*•" *a*7-’» *and J«n*Brook I:wfk—-(.or. fTxnaiiB ano •vww.


S«nd rorl'»l*los A’Skir. *** m K*irGHt* f:k*TiB'

fdrJhmvilifingriieNAV r


O Y ST E R S R‘‘Hospitality’s Crowning Touch”—the memory of their deliciousness lingers long after eating.

Th* Right Kind Th* Right Rric* A t

E FF E N B E R G E R ’S268 Main St.


NEW SfiKEtl FUll s m

Dyplex fireless Ceekers;;Tlic modern housekeeper’*

ally. * 'Wc have a laij-e stock no*,

our future deliveries arc no- certain.

We arc fully equipped to car* for your every Firelcss Cooker, need.

T h e D u p lex C o o k v 18 all Aluminum lined. Millioiw of people are using Firclegg Cookers today, rcaliiing their, great economic value.

The Ihiplex has the l*rM |^ capacity of any on the tnaruTS' will not overcook. elitnlniU* smoky, smelling kitchens, an * will make any cut of m eat tender and juicy.

Made in the following size*; Nos. 25, 30, 35, 50. 55 and 70,

e u E m u i rD (|utaatSh#<fthi(k«|it ,>

Main and Prospect StBe a st o r a n g e


‘I I '

Page 14: German Strike Spreading With 700,000 Now Idle in Berlin, London ...

ten thtw , Mar*if Parttr, M

U , IIU . »r 111* R*v.k, A ltr^ w * n c tw r .


N i . Rtnala* U r»ln»n«irt C tIM Im

rtbrMHf ». » l I f - M.

o n I**Cluii'U

1 M eelar. jM M fr S«. ■ur*«*. i l l i" Iwm*. •>

■MM. riWI*Ol »*lli»4«)' m*rnlli* ill*• Oh* L*dv of Mi. C*rai*l i^Oiclli • ^ n i v Ki(k O il b. u if .i.a

• WPM* of kor m »L

B|U>W NC-»l h*r homo. “ % " ■ M OniK*. N. 1- }* tn »rr » . l*l*' | X h Ntokor Bm nio. In h*r t l i i

*t t u * n l ktm tlor.

_ H A N —Oa JaaaaiT H, 1?*■•* of h*r ■l*r*, M o i’’ Iho lal* ICoaal* onO ioroli i.oll*lionT ttnori. Nolloo of ftm*'*! hirooHor-

KKR — Ob Janwrr f M t II y**™.• t IiIbiiI* Clarho. Bololi*"*

t n rooBooiXullr la»ll*il ui »iioim ffgni Ills n r t i t r ^ Ntitvik pin*'**^ r d . T M M I^lofnonlCtBMUrjr,

QSaHALl/—At Summit. K J . *[» »ry !• Itito J*rimt«1» B. <-occMh*ll.

«*lHf n u V w - run*r%i >fK*i*ii

SlfPlT—*1 Wool Oroa**, I* J . oa '''»!■■ h r /■■Bur !♦. l» il- Bull* **•[ Wllhurtofoo OB'I Bmm* 1. ronJit. In

-| tioiic* *1 luiwril htnofi*r-

O im C K T —Oa J*nuonr i*.■MitiM*. H i Hlakload arnue. 8nd(<-i. k iS k T ck a n iB Qiiffooy. Keilc* of funorol taM M *.

k. i lS S w . 1* kii IM yOBT. •o rr to o ^ i knL o w y - i i n t d . a r i * ; .


I ki*u* oo*y.NO—On Taoodar. J*"«*fy

_ Harlaa*. IMaoral o o^ .**kta SmiMo U H«cior MrMi. on Kn>

• ^r\o<k. R*UUt« oIiJ . - itmnkM Ko. H. T* »*<41 Valaa Cka»t*r No-

m J WokMor CbbboII No. 1*». do- o . U. A. InrUad. tat*rm*ai ki (oa»*Bl*<io

rifc* farnUr.■ B B ireL D —On Wodatodagr. doooorr •».

IBlC H uayol. bolovod huoband of Cayollao ^ ^ ™ a d talkor of M.a Row

Warthala. Mlaooo Ida aad Jonnio i ; wTlVik roar. Kaaoral aon^o

Hid *1 kla r«Md»B«, *1 N»a^ py: ■MM BToaaa. an laBda/. yaWiiarv ^ ai 1 I T ^ k^IlT** and Wonda ol»o Sw kl'l t f S * KbT *. I. O- B- B . “ • t»yll*d 1* a*' «mZ lalotta**! M»*r»rt«o ComMaty, «ll*- • M k .K J.

■illTIMAJOf—B*at»fally f*ll koloaii'WaMmdai, Joauiffy •*. m l . p. .fay®.'’ mMMBaaa. bolooM haaband of Mlhnl* ■SEelaBB inao OoNonkaimorl. ap*d II

NalalliBO aad frlaada Tontofiia W B l n ? n i l . O O. r . and cabin, t jO w N Ual*a. IamiI IJM. ar* la»U*d to at_ S S I ^ a n * — ■ — rrMoy. Fobrnofy 1. at ■ T If., at raatdaana, »J rarlay av.nn. In-

at C Kairnioaal Com.Ury al con«a- >«f CanUy.

I*, m * . I'all* HlfTod H. KllowkailMCKB—On laauarr

, h«*d II. ■•■ « Al■■ ’‘I S ' t i l i i r f M V - .a . U B l . b . . .

.'jfjli''illm ckV <R»u C\mtk}. StisiUM Trlradftu 5 f n . M . 1 w , s * j ; ; ‘a ./r 'j !" i,* ‘MM Mivata* va* -- ■

haol'a Chtirfh. Bbaro a h lih m***i$M «W ia*wiri V I'ititrM at » A.'M. lb-

TOIoTM AN-riatad a»ay, •« daaaanr II, l l l l , Oitkarlaa Valfiinaa, ■Mbar af Mm Aaaa Holl. raaoral arralaM at fcar korna Tl Wakamaa aymoa « rrtday. raliraary I. al S:l» P. M Btlailtja and frundi nr* kindly lmH*d. Iiii*riib.nt la W**dland C*m*t«ry at loavtnMm-a uf tk* family.

VOK Al'—K nl.f.d Him r**< WrdnoMay. dananry It, Itl* Adam Von An. aaad It ■aor*. runWBl aarvlgaa al Uolhany Horn*, rvinfloii Prtday, KaWuarv 1. J P M H*la-

llvaa and frt.nda ara hiimrd Inlrrinaiit Woo<ll«n4 rurikMfrr

tVU.L«AM»--Su44»itlx »Ti J*nu*rr 2*. I t l l , l&dluari, •on nf th# 1»«* T»mni*o II anil Ah«U f.liu Wllllami.KunftsI Mill Ini h*M ffninBrtsr)*)’'* lilcrfHurir rhap»*l. ••2 BfnoA tfr**!. on JsnuBri 31 •( • !'• *1- t4vM unrt frii ndf. kiudiv lnill#d. InUrto^nt Al fA’nIlj'* ri»nvr’nl«ni'^

M ONTH’S MINDU’AUD -Mimth * mlnil WM«

nlll l>* offrreil lor 4h» nf 1h«of ih* lAi* K*i-« U. Oh THiliiy.iiury I *i > *'• J*m*»ii * horriil>iAiUr» biid fiiMHh •(« inv|l«U lu•ttf nd.

a n n i v e r s a r y m a s sN< Ih >Uo--Klrtl innhrfrrrtTy ihaja will h*

otffrfj for rhf r»podi of th*' «»y1 of TUi ab m-hiiM nt Nt Jaw -b'ji Cliurdu MsturdAy j UArjr Al I A



IN Intin* ri-mibrnDfinni '»f mnlh^r. Am liA llprinur.

11. ]»l S

f.ur d^tr wlfA AnJ lAhQ died jADiurr

^ ^ B L A KD,. . S ® a a** OOOD A iyLT nONAL ELD AV!

■MOWN * iH A hP * AND **■ OOOD NATM.



aT-t o m o iiil b •TMOOL.WhT nay at* nionar. whan you ojn l“ ™

for i f l f Drlia and rraalrlat on Almr*at car*, aalf-tlarlara; llotnat juarnnl*^ nrm oi»y‘ T»tun'iad day • ""I . • ' ’•" 'i*Mancaal. 11 Nlalo *1 . B.«r tAfkawannn »la


t'OuriHp 1a n«w rnf*. ••if-«art«rAr■0ArAni**4; •pAi'l*!.|iiArAni**4:

CJkRrBNT£B ArTOTil<»filI,l! W HOOU 1*; ftKTaloKVILldK AVU

"ArT'»MOSUaK MCHIHIL.ATTo DJtlVlMI. rnpAlTlfi#, •Ihi'i now. lAAm

A BfofliAlil# llcAhA* *UAi^nt*«d.fAll Ij l« 4. Aulo Mfhool. IfS Uarkai ai.. room jOU. npfHiAliA •lAVAtfir _________ ___At'TOMOnildlS m*rhAnlc UAnl*«Ja

Jfthnton ■«., clif. ____Apply Ik

A<‘H r P*‘R»CW MATMINB OPKHATOflR Huai Hw •xp#rl«>m nd Apply lonirW'

row at th* TboniAs A EdiAun Comp»nlAi for ■laadr poalllon. i^hh food p**y Lmplojr* mcnl offn *. ldAl|A«1d* At» . Waat Ctrofipo.

ft*>i mnthBr H'Oii h«Bi lufl u».And OUT l'd*»h>jt ila liiHl liaa l-Brwrt u».Ji*> iBti mH I’nr »<'trii«v h«-al.

T*t Atalh • • l.iH'*' lo m»Bi thP*.W »i*h III* day «d llli* 1* I'r.d,

Wh*ii In In J«iV M»M.TV i.wr i |i., Nrowrii ir»r t" an*vi.

Wu'-p not lliAt lii’r inlla •fr iiYAfi V\aap iiAi ihAl rav# i» run.

Gwl *1*01 "lAy r*Bl Ai lilmly. Wjian our work. Ilka hara. la don#.

■Til Ih^n • • >l«*ld wllb pladriaaa, t.iur uiothcf IA Him lo ktap.

And ralolfa in tha aweat aiauaaneA* Ha plvatti HI" m

AirtnUATir ^Flni-^Ito* niAA. rApAhIa of auporvtoln#

Ar*« AUiomaftc •(■raw mAchIfia dapArtmAOt, UiavAland. Brown A PhArp piAchlno*.

Apply At onea.ntomatlftniil Armi And Fui4 S'***"'

Paid aad Clrotra »! . Uloomfiald. N. J.

BCREAVilvatti HI" Invaii onaa « « » .


nVERTIHtSO SOUCITOBS f«r prnpoiltln.. only wldt-awAk" man of *o<^

.•Mraaa Aud aIiIa 10 furnlih "AtUfAClory rof- ^r«n?*a Ai let iDUiriiy nood kSPly,'Ami ramuharAtlYA amploymtnt H p»tant. Apply 111 BfOAd. r«H>m


AiHtMTANT bill rlarN wAni*d; mj"t to f ^ At flruroA And writ* food bond, ajao

drittor; o*porlanc»d Orififr

THB trltoia of floral off*rln*a and oth«rmAPilfMtAtion" of "Hup^ihy ahown on lha

ftccAAlon of tha danth of my danr brother, KrAncI" PliiiulnnwaA. la Arknowlad**d by mai i u ■r..llb .. Ul ,b . d a .^ l^ amHIuda

AMIUT’aNT ahlcpln* f lark I ana nat a fnM af hard wark (Wear Hamait Faundry t.*.

Dyena av». and Irvliiftan_______ARMATCJIK WINDER,

aiperlani-adi yaad pay Can. aEli* ay pnaha


EIHIEICA LOtHTK Nn If. K, AND A M “ Aa Amariaat lomrtiunlrAllMii will m bold

rrlday aI f ; « B M at ‘k® room jOHill Atroot. for th« purtioa*" uf rondurtin* funarnl »«rv1oo" f>tr our iai* bruipar. Arthur B, KAyluair 16 Hot i‘*r "trool . „WILLIAM It OKAT. W. M-

J ^ n W rNMlrnot. _________ ___

BriTS OFFICE tVOriK,Thktmaa A Kdl«fin CmiipAiiy r^qulra Iho

p rvii**# (if ■Avt-rai •nerioti** younf man In Imporiant uffira. Apply toraurrow. l i t

Balruunt ava, blooinflflu.




la A titndnn»_Our modortta taI«i and amrloftt aattIoa,

day rr alfbl. ata vilumWa puloU U «»k-M «r whoa aniAflnf mu uodmAhar

EwnarAl pirUri and oiiutpmoTit of ibolAttot And TD<wl modorn 4«alin.

AtilornubUo* fur Ion* dlftAUCto Lady AitapdAdi.

o I a KT BURIAL IT» HruAd SL. CoTDtr Elfhth AtA

PAodo BnacA Brook ItlE

IMF SiBalchra Conotory-. n r - O n TwwAnr. ^»»»yT U l i ,

h Lankay (n** ra«kl. balovad wtfa . J L u B a y . tn har IM ymr. Rala- ■•d W*B<U » « kliMly In'dlal *® tha tnaarnl Imm Ika f*a1d*itta. JM

J Mr. ft M<mar Fanrtaantli avanua. Trl- r S a w y 11 lh*t«* U it . L*^a

• t t Wdlaek n maaa af ma^am will ba _ J t*a th* r*E0«t af her wul. lntarniri.1 m. Marr'a CoMtmY.

YANC»—On Jannnrr *». m * . J«hn. < n w ^ n d *f CInyn Ua VMco 1 ^ ^ A). ak*d f l yaari. nt hla hbina. 3*1

■nnna. Fnnaral *arvl»a will ba _ Mia nwel*"! rnaWakoa. Tama BWar. , an Friday. F*bau«ry 1, ni I F U

I kt lUvrrtlda Oimaltr). Ton«

,J*A—On ian w ry I*. IH*. *■" J a kar Ttih y*ar Bartlma at har

, Wallaea afrwi. Oyaai*. H. J., F*h-, at t F. H.

i lU m n —O* Jannarr t«. t t l l . Hn«h. ^ ^ ^ f B u t h and Annia HeMamia

._ J lt a aativn af County < avin. ■atatirtf aad Dlanda araalUad tka^tnaar^ from lha rial

It*'*aa|ja. Mm. Bkmh Mnrphy. aa FrUar. Fahmary 1. al l .3»S ranmary

'■ Chnrcil, whtra • ( rnqatam will ha offamd far a | kJa p*nl. Iniarmant In tn*

t l tk* Hely lapulchrr. N*w Terh

lU A —o a January l», m l . at hla IN Chapal aliwai, Httka*l. ha-

jbaad al lha lata ktary Haalla. > ad fhaaral hanadtar.____ J Jaanary I*. I»U, Mat»ta

dl (aaa Raddlnd*. halniad wtl* of w HItchall. al har raaldaata. 4* Tklr- i aynaaa. NoUca uf fnaaml haraaftar.

31._ a p e « —In W*w T*rtt City, Jaaaam n B T iia fr LdUlaa. dan«hlar nf kuaan H. and S a V a Thaadora M. Back. Funaral » r - U M win ba haM a l tka raaldanca of har ■MikN. i* Oraaa aranaa, Madlaam N. J.. on ■MMMday,' Fahauary 3. at t : l l r . U„ on ■ artw at tmln laarlnc Habokan at I *3 F. Mj'li.tekawaaBa Rallread.

__ BMB—Oa Jaaaary if .J„ widaw »f Daalal F.

m i . Ptr- Fawtharn

aifTlota ntivata at har danahUr'a Mra William T. Von ,Bart*H: '•

a*. Arlliidloo. I.

N. J.. an Ftl-

IM TILL—At Qian Xlda*. N J.. on Tn** " m l . TD*nl*l, daaaly. ba

1 S S S I ^'Eae'n 'Hooro Pnotlll R*l«' frtodkOa okM roombori of Kino

.a a And A. Mr. Unton Cluptir nml CdtMoU. At« livltod to Atlond Iho tor® Ai lU* feonti, I t AppUtoa ruad. Gl«n

o rrldAy. robrtMrr 1* At I f U. it At tfio ooBtOdloAco of tb« fAmlly.KRT®^MdAAlrp on Wodnoodny*

I . k k f B k . i \ , vaa>*n aatnn H a v - o -WILL ^I RMBH FOR Mi

a i im n i a Mark hro*dcloih. whli* or Mlyar ■rny piuik r*ak*i, wHh m**#l'* bar kriadlaa anarnvrd naina plnl*. oaakai Uktd nllh naa illk or a*tin; oulald* maa. ndrarilalBd ambalmlnt. driaalnt. aknvind. OTurlfli. canl.Iabra alotaa chalra ki and ihro* cnachaa to any yt'y..i**^*i?J3' FEOFLU’k BL'RIAL I OMf'WT

WILL FfitNlBH FOR |4I tnnarali that mraaura up ta any aiahjaloa uBdtnakr.'a 3)3 funaral Fjfj®"


PRONE t i l b r a n c h BROOK


4*t Broad al.

Eon of lha Lata Jsahua BrlMi«T.

Mortuatlaa.Tal B B IIN.

EHTAB. l l j | , TKI.. y»41 MKT.A. J. and J. IIOLXL.


l t» BRANFORD PI... COR. BHIPMAN BT.Aulonobll* •orian* for loa i dlataaoa.

A. BTaNLBI' COLB.114 OrniNa aL Pkoor H43 B.B.; 1*4 Oyanc*

WILLIAM MULUNf u n e r a l d ir e c t o r . . _ _ _ _ _



ELMER H• — * ■

14T KUutotb ki".


Phono f0 1 WAvorlr.joB S pa J. ha2<QB£ PtmRP.AL DIRIOCW


UKDBfttAKBR. . . . . . 44 TMOMAS »T TEL 7Tt WAVEELT.

I tt Brood ot.J. OTLROT. m e .

U n d ^ u ttv .Phono M il Mnl.

JOHN D. CRANE. UNLERTAK I tt HirrlimA mvm., anrrltoA. N d ll Koirnr nvo,. ArltAfton. Mn

joaEFH p. m u b f h t .FUNERAL DIRBCTOR, „ .

1*1 Fitminc av*. Phoa* *14 MuL

___y.33, m ij_J**a hnakaud at EliiahatkP, «■•«. #VWP* «

t (no« Trodthor). M*d prlvoto.

II y«ui»

BH0DEi>-At Onmp Oroono, CL to Jtouory H. Itll* ^

rhnriotto. M. Richord U Rhe rOa

. of Coropony 1* tlih Infaiury.ItolBUvo* And fritod* or* Ihvltrd to Attend iliPtnnorAl from Iho rooldonoo of hl« undo. John J. Keonon, 341 UrWhortor otriat. on M to y , r«bru*ry 1. At I A* M*. lo SI. Co* t■ivA'• Chnrohw whom m faish itiovo of rtdi^Ntn «U1 ^ offorod for ino r*poa« of hit AMl. IntormoDt in tho Gomotrry of tho a*ty Itpnlchri.

[>IM0^^At Bloomftold. OR jAnunry tt,_I f t l ChrMlHA V « dhUfhtor of WJUlom ond yCMaorlM liltorn Rldlnif. RoUtIv*# ndfrilhtr nro Intitod lo otiond th t funornl ffnpt Iho homo of hor poroiito, II OUowood •vtono. on FrMoy. FibruAry i. I t l l . «t I A* dCii Ihoneo to Holy Naiha Cfaun'h, Biot Oftofn. wtoro A Mgh r»mo of roqotam will to oBorid for tho r«poi« of h«r oonl. tn* Hftotttt »t Ut. OUvol, Bloomllild. N, J.

BOHANK'*~WlllUitR, In bit Sith roor, ot • t lllchAtl'A HoopRaI. on Jonunry U , t t l l . R^Uvoo nnd fHoM" Aro tnvltod to funom] front PonnlRffton Btroot a , E. Eion

VVlday. ot 3 oVlock. Body r#ala At j . X* Churohmon'" Bonk "troAf (unarol por« tM Intormetit Ev«rrr«an Ctmvtary.

WILBITR B WHITE. Futotol DIrMtar. tU ninton ovo.. phuto t i l Wovcrly; CuMrmu

M O URNING GOODSHOURN1NO OOODfl dyad M akort natta*

CallacI rut aad dallrarad hr Bay** * I| t t Fitry At

______________, Soyor Inhon. 4133 MarRat.


Analyai a. a.

wanlad nttk tkanneh ■ ^ 2 ! T ,of irttoi w lpP to . tlltrofnil fAttlotilM* _ (rnlnlos ond o«p«ri*Mo And ;.AUry o itoctod. Addrof" tTiotolot Ho* IIA Now* oWcOaCARMJRR. nM ovor II. for fiotol, no tor,

• l . t o l iA"h Miortt|r foitolradi toloryond "boro of profli# Biumintoto tlffbl porty; totol ojporfonr* nnnor’-------Hotol. Bv* Jt. Niwo offkn.


fY)rtK—Otdor eoob; ona who rAfi niAho rorn ninffina; **••«. |I4 lo alArt. Addrooo

I'noh, Roi i l l . Ntwt offico.COPPERSMITH. •■parl«ncod: food w a m to

Apply 211 lUlMy ot. NOW*right iinrlynrb, N. dV.DRAFTSMAN- - Eiporlrnood diUlUr ond

irotor uf mArhlh* pAni; a food oppor- tu n ilf for n young man who daoUto to Liom M wall A" •nrn; In r«nly ctvo ogo, on® oorlonr* ond oAlAry oapi<'t««. Addroio Habu- foviurln*. Box 23. Nana uffloo.d r a f t s m a n W0Bt«d, thoroufhly oiporl’

•ftrod oo tror«r. Apply iHna MAnufoctur® Ing Co.. I l l Slilh AVa.. NoWATlt. N. J.


TION f o r m a n o f ENERnT. RIdRDBN A XEARNTa 1 WRBHTER ST.. CITYDRIVER—Young man on laundry rout*, who

haa hod riparlanra on dollvory wagon: ■tala Of*: r*f*r*rio« ranklrto Addrou Da* llv*ry, Ho* yi. N»wa offlc*.

A . N M . u k . S S ' * " " " ^WncRitoltRgiCTAnewaB.CblpRopfaMiai'hlnloto,ICotdafo nM CoromakMtkortndora nnd PoHsborf,Tool Knkarf.

o m o w m A mRfHanlHoQ tn Inrfo

bnaltfAf iMrtliiitttoL __________ _____nro pcorlAad: liHwIlto otovod to o ip l iyiai; w nfto sand nnd onrlronmont tool po«)wo}

tor wrlUto appIIoaUm * O. Ba. Bon iK Nowo offloa.Intanriooro

Factory Hom bitd f man Car Intortnf woriLAloo td

No fooo nor chnrtOA for Jato Apply

CITY HALLMunicipol Boroau of Bmployinaat.

»-11 PfAnhUa M*

O m C B B 0 7 w u tod for largo ntototno* irlnf Boneorn tn IrTtiurtaa: good opnpr»

tnniiy for hrlfh i toy* AddroM B. Y.* B to I f, Now* o f f l c * . _____________ _



m e n —Lanrn to oprrata lAllia, drill nrooo, rood bluo prlhlo. grlntl drill* and looJa:

both dor ohd avaning ooura*: Ukaa only four wooba; grant domand and big wogao for mocblnloto: wo goamntM MtlAfactloii. Sbow Bluo Print Hachlna Co., t ComptoH st*. city.

DRIVERS wontrd for Nawarli Aad Naw York wAgafio. Pcopla'a Eeprrao Co.. 104 Poooolo



.N H. C.. H Hickory

, rood pny liarrulci Pondrr Co., M Park


STDID MAKERS, mnrblnlata and IoaI makofO

waini«d at rpnc* by Irrga Tnanufacturlng i^oncorn. Addriaa V. M.. Box 44. Nona offiro,DID MAKKRS and tool makara wontod:

ataody nn<J parmanant wark; no munlUona. Tho H*glno Co , Hahnay, N. J.DIE MAKERS and tool SAkoro wnninii

otoA^ and p a r n n i t work: so ■ •s ltlo enTbo RaglDO Cu,t lUltwnp. M. J.DIE MAKERA. He. hour t l ttart. niao ethor

io«1 mnkar*. Call II OAkland ara., Jaraay City.DBVO CLERK, RBOISTBRED. OR ASSIST­


riaaa atoro; no traning hour*; waga* |&. Arpty ot Llhfiotl'g. Clinton av#.

mak*r*; good 4y work Uonn«y*Vabuag<

Tool 4'o.a f t Now Jiraoy Railroad nvo., N«w N. i .

M EN -^ov»m l tlckol punoh mak*r*; go wagoo nnd *1004/ work Uonn*y*Vabnla




HAN, drnR oxvmpt or totwoon •t®t4, wUh ovocwtlva nblllty. potantl«l or #ipr*oMd;

prafar ono with thduatrlal *xp«rl#nooi toeb- btrnl trnlnlhf valkhbJ#, but not •■oantmt, pooltlon roqulr** on* with Imagination, ro- aouroofuliinca nnd analytlral taD(l«n«f: work in prodnoilon dapnrtm*ni of larga locnlod In J#ra#y City, long nod wall Mtnb® llabed; r#ply dofinlUly na t* ng*. roUfL>it.

“ lion In — ‘■•dui'ailon, •iparl«n<*«, nmbltlon antnry connloomtlan, r*p1y In own

work nndng* do I Ha D.,

tvpawrila; ronfldantlnL Ad-Box 13, New# offlc**

DlPPhRS.A''M ciporlani'a; gooil pay. Hrrrulia Pow-

dar <’n.. II Pnrk pt. ___

0OT—Want n hny oho 1* amMllnu* and bnn ■ommoii *an** » hl<-h ha ran not r*c- lartly brlUlani. in w«rk hw, way

flea whara aakary to atari will to fair, but whore opportuijMy fur future *houM and will to rirat lonaMoratlmi: make a;ipl!rallon in «h h*n(lwrliln*. Addreaa AntMtloua. Ho* 4l. New* offl<*e. ____

BoTS wanted to learn tool mmking I’f Jew* airy trade; arxvt uppoftiinlly with id*

vancemenl lor bright and wlilJuf toy*, mtiet II yegra nf age and re»Jd* with parama.

Henry Blank A t^.. Liberty and Lafay* etta ita.

enaral nffi*** work, muat hnnJ

writing, otatlng age and rer«r*hi‘e*. Dnvln Whit* Market t o., l i t South Thirteenth at.

RdV anTitod fnr .to areurnie at rigufee. apply In o

BOY-rBrtght toy tor general offlre work; good chance for advanrantent* jS***good chance for advancement.

once, F. H. Lovell g Co.. Arlington.

BOYS wanted for all amyod factory work;■ nd •leady work. Clerk Hladegood par

: Haaor Cn ] I* Huaeei eve . city.POTS—Two good boy*, beiweefi IT amt 1«

year* old, to help nh milk wagon, goodhom*. lotjulre Frier Kmeat. Stuyvcaaiil eve.. T*nlnn, N. J.BOY- 'Brlghl. ictti* . good elaed toy ta nr;

" ■ V‘d.4> Cheatnst Kt.

aa Naif York manaengar and aaalat jn ®f* fire, refaranre* re<tulre< KrriTieoli E Co

Dt'TS. U ttt yeaV for^milling and drill- Ing machtn* work. >®c per hone end piece

work. Kraeuter A Co. I l l Eighteenth aveBOY otor H t* learn rultllif. chance of

advannrrrvent lo right party; eteady work pgtay Vaderwenr Co. MI FlfleOiiih gve


EASTERN teiltie mill want* reprraenlatlvo 'PI rommlaaioti, ac(|ueliiled wiih any of th*

following Irftdea: Hat. ahoe. or cloak and auJt manufaclurera. dry goodF Jobbern. 1«I1- ura' aupply houae*. riate wkicb trade you know ond Mw long Addraaa Trade, 114 Brood at . Newark. N J

ENOINEER. Iloenaad; mutt do bla own fir­ing and repnln. good pay and atandy

work for Ika right man. Richard Bant. Inc.. Iiae drove pt., Jrvlnglon, N. JENiM.NKER wanted. luiiat uhdcfatand ataani * m tlng, moat be aotor and ateady. Saldan-

berg Co., 114 Central' av*KNH<iS.SDRS wotile4V eiperl*nred on lanthvr

elipa. Apply .Mcktlaburg Broa. Co,, >|eo.1oMr el.. I'll),



MAN to operate telephone ewltektoard and do light clerical work nlghta; ateady poal

tlon with good p»y; apply In own hand writing, gUlng full partlrulara; Inairut-tlona to operate awltcbtoerd will ba flvan. Ad dreea Telephone, Boa 31. New* ofiifice.MAN—Oood opportunity for ambltlnua young

man. fginltlar with up to data offlca rou line: inuat be neat penman and typlet; atait ogruphy not necaaaarr. addreaa full parlluu' 1gr« atid bOiary deeired lu I’urcbaalag. Box 14, New a uffica.MAN—Reenonalblp married man, living In or■*p< . -

near Irvlrtgion. with aorna aaperlanca on



rOtlNDRT WORKERS.Furnaea i-nder and halpar for braea

foundry, goml wage#; full week, giKid rondl- tJnni. report *i once, i l l Frellnghuyacn eve . Newark. N J.

FIREMANFireman. elth IJoanea. axperlancad In han­

dling buckwheat roah Apply Employment Rufcau. Eftiaon Lamp RTorka. Oeacrkl £lac- irli: Co.. Harrlaon, N. J.

. _____ __ ____________chair# al planL A^ply Cont-, . p»iy —

pany oi Nea Jaraay. Xeamy, N* J*, In par* 141.aon, or pboao Arltngtoa

DOTS, between the age# of H and If |*am ahoet metal work Apply 114

Croaa a*, Harrlaog.BlUtnga Union

Trowel Work*, Cult at. and Berbanira pi..BOT wanted, call before H 34.

Trowel Worhi Irvington. N. J.BOT to learn plumbing and tinning trade:

eleedy work, $4. with advancement 4 il Waihingtnn et _____ __BOT for errand" efler ar hoot and Satunlayn.

Anapaeh Broa, 474 Broad a t, cof. Cen­tral ava. ________ _BOYS wanlad to work on haga and atHt-

\mmtm. Max Danim. St. Francla and Ko- morn ala ___________Bf'T viaTited. 14 yegra old. experienced. Na­

tional Orocary Company, >? Main at.. Eaai Orang*. ____BOy—Wanted, tirong boy; muat be tbia 44

read and write. Apply 174 Plane at.BoVS VVA.NTKU. API'LY tinOBBE-ML-

fiUVEKN t'lL. 15 CLiSTCN bT.

FIRST*AID MAN for nlfbt work In roanu- facCurtng plant haapitnl* g1*a expeiiance.

eaUry txperied and rafarancaa. Addraan Hoe- piial. Box 20. Nawa afDoa.

ghnp timekeeping, to work aa ahop tl:ue clerk; alate age. wage# and expartenca* Ad- (Jreaa Alert, Boa 14. Newt offlciHAN—WantiK). a ahaar fitter or niileber.

one whu underetanda flnlahlng of inlaid and aoMd eteet aheare: good wagon to right man; "late age and rxperkanca Addreai D., Box 7T. Nawa offlcaMAN wanted for tool crib batwaen the agea

of 2K and 44; only men wUh,M3 ■l iv* w i i ' j i.In thU lino need apply. Kawa ofnee.

Apply M.rlanc*


m a n wanted, expariaacad. diraot ctuTtot ronirnulator huUoer, eteady work and good

Wagra Addreea M. W.. Box SI. New* office.MAN wf Inl^lligtnce and heat appearance

can earn good money during apare time by aelling life tnauranca. Apply Ulrardleuratica Co. 4I3 Kinney bldg.


PA om iNs4n*st •» -dowgtoWR N«w YwfctoutoTtanf J faeilUlea

IdlraasTOOL llAlKER»®®.ririt®elgag Mly$ fhllUme;

toto Mhdlllto*: ito d rftlM la good mmu, BStotkHr rtodnetg Ca*. «Si M«ltorry wLTOO)

tniFrallttghgyaak gy*.. Newark*

OFERATOHE—Anttoiatlc and kgadmachlna operatorg; Acme aiachlae. Moaroa

Caknlatlag Haoklaa Co.. Mitchell at*. OrangeTOOL MAKERS—TwI tool aiakem. on Jkg

and flKturo work. InlarMUoiial Oxygon On*. 114 FtoitiigkayBan are.


WANTED. Tl MUL-TOOL MAlCERS (|> wanted en guod dlea

no othara noog apply. 333 B e m n at,, Harrlaon.

FIFB FITTERS.moody work: good’ payi ovartlii

cnleo powder Cg. 4f park pL: call, phono 7M1 Market.

A Uar* write or

t o o l m a k e r s , osaarlanced on metal ihi'/ Tna J. kL llargoU t’o., «1

FRRSH FOREMAN for power praaa depart* inanf; muat be man capable of handling

help and gattlng out productlea; nUta whara employed for tn» paat two jraara. Addreaa Foreman, Box ItT, Nawo offlca.PURTEA In 'cafe, muat underatand hla boai-

aoa, not afraid to worki wages 111 weak,. H. J. Mayer, 141 William at.

PORTER w a n t e d f o r CAFE. ST.. CORNER BOim>N.

PAINTER wantad ft>r outalda oonlract; na toola required. Addrate Painter* Box It,

Newa offU-e, Irrlagton,POtJBHERS for ataal artaaora; alao man lo

"01 up and glut wheela Compion Bhaar (*o., 314 Camdan at.POLISHERS and grlndere; tioed ta wark on

pllera, gtaady work. Sixth naoTr 14 John> aon at.PAPER BOXES—Man wantad U hale arrg|

and handla board. Apply SMlay TubaBox Co.. 144 Ctotral ava., city.POCKET m a k e r o n MEN'S COATS.


REPAIR MAN,Mas thoraugttly axpartaaead la repairing

time racardlag clacka; goad opportunity f^ thorooghly familiar with thioaa clacka.

Cloak. Bog Jg Now# offlcgHEPRESENTATIVE wanted to aell a good

iiaa of aoUuaa on commlMlan to depart- meat atoraa; atate axperleaca and mantlan Haa of gaade you now carry. Addraaa Notion#. l l4 Broad at. Nawark.

RIOOEA FOREMAN, Rxparlanced. good pay. Htreuira Powdar Co., 14 Park pL Call, phone or write Har ket 7447,





ealebl1>hcd territory In metropotllen dia triri; any man thoroughly famlllgr w|ib ■ifflc* routine and doable entry booking can uae the knowledge to good advantage; we train our mvn and pay aalary during train ing period. Writ" Baker-Ford Company. 354 Broadway, New York City.SAI*KHMKN for New Jereey, New York; call

Ing irh cueiotnera for publlaher. Call I A. M.. room 2 11 . IG4 Market at.SALKHMAN with 1254 aa

taltlon. Anawar Saleaman,poal IOfllr^.

McurHy; Box 12«,


BAWYKRFor box-making; wood working thap: g<M

nay, full week; good working rondittona. Report at once, 414*410 Fretloghuyien av*. NoWAVk. N J.


BERRY CTMAN; uaeful around bakery; heap up and

t«rtd to furnare. U Houlh Eighth *1 . riiy.

MACHINISTS.Muat be experlancad men.

FACTORY HELP,For general work.

LABORKR8. Huet be huaky man.

FILE CUTTER—Experltneed an m askur* ftlea. Buchanan * Buma Ca., 44 Auitln at*

FURNACE TENDER for oil furnaraa'wanted at once. Hedgu A Bro., 14 Rallftod pi.

f ir e m a n f o r o f f ic e b u il d in g .GLORB BUILDING, M4 BROAD ST.



|Y4.a u t o m o b il e w a s h e r s , 114-111. DRAFTSMEN.HANDY MEN A LABORERS. II4-|!4 .


HiiLDKRRRH A RAWTKRS. lU - l l l . ---------------- A HHEET m e t a l WORKERS.

BOY to run errand* for print Wolber I'ompaity. 254 Plan" at

■hop. C.

BOY wanted to help plumber* good wage*. 144 Fiend el _______ _

BOOK-KEEPER’-Competeivi book-keeper.■•rage, underetaudlng prlnrlple§ of doubto

entry; experience tn typewriting preferred, ■taia experience, og* and aalary. *3»rk In Newark. Addreaa r . rhepman, 27 Wllllani al.. New York t'Uy.___ _________BOCK KEEPER wanted, double entry: lake

-----iher. refereneed, Ab-®EMxabatli.


D cU w u o ., N. J.; o* tn ll*r Ha,. N *wuk ,n 4 r a .n lc i f lm i lay«tual C.T, frw: tal, of leur «rav,K

FLO R ISTSFUNERAL daaigaa. palow* deoaratloM far

all ogoaalou. timely dellvanr. CuMotly A pluBkatL 141 Bloomfield av.; 44 BaliRoAt aa, Tel. Branch Brook i lU : Waveriy 44i. *

THE ItOSERY f l o r a l CO*.147 lUrkat at . near Broad; floral ftaalgna

dallvared on abort notice. t*hoii« Mki. 414.Wa sh in g to n .

Floral dHigga for ail oc l----- --Corner Broad aad Cantfil are.: MJ^ 4I*#.

FLORIST.leloha. low prtoaa.


#0IILEY—Suddenly, January t l , I t l l . at M ^tw aod, N. J.. ilalan Hardk. daughiar a fn a rr la t L. and tha late Robert Hardi* ScMey. aged H year*. Funeral eervlcaa at fiW hama. S4 DqrauU road, Friday, Febru* STF 1. a t 4 o'clack*

SCHtELER—tin tVadnaaday, January 14* 1414, Helah Schtaler <naa Ohinali). beUvedwifa of peter Scklelar, In her 4tlh year, at IMT raaldaiic*. tl4 Narth Fourth atreei. New S A N. J, Notice of funaral hereafter.

•COTT—At Eaat Oram

K ill, Mary A Funeral m

In atreei, Fiat • a'claek.

ige, N. J., Januanf Alke. wwaw of William W. aervleaa at her rraldence. 11 Friday evening, February 1,

WE flatak your illvarwara, ckandallara aad brao# badataadf like new; asiytklas la the

Oietai lina reDnlahad and repaired; ti^ aa, NEWARK NU'KSL PLATINO CO,f

Write or phoae 1547 Mul. Rear 44 Walnut at.OLD LKa KT nOOFb.

WE paint. lepa^L ar, alag, eavarj ittan

_ ll ■ *kfnda; gutUra ate , work guar^ aad,



CRACKED HEATING HOILEHH REPAIRED BhutMng down iyatem not neceeaary;

guaranteed ■atlafarliort, or money refundad- Wellar A Grub A Dro., t i l South Tenth at. Newark. N. J.; tel. lift* WaveriyOFFICE Wo r k done by

week; temporary or Meadr. ntw ■ mpanawllon. Mode". 14 Killaonla

Weal Orange. Tel orange 444IJ

tha hour, day or ntoderata


MAAON WORK—Chimneya rebuilt, rapilrad;piaatarlkg. alleratluna Jobbing a apeclally.

T H. Dermody. 41 Bank at.; itL 1441U Ukt*

StESROLTX—'On Monday, January II, t i l l . Bernard SleahoUt, aged 24 year*, to* tovbd aan of Mr. and Mre. a . I. Hleaholta, tolpvad huabanU of Mollle (nee fkhom- a tm l, fathar of Helen and UlrUm. Fvneral wtU to told from parama' home. 4bl Fair- iM U t gventia. on Friday. Fabruary 1. m i . to I F. M. Ralailvaa, fiiemU and aoektlee

Invltad ta altaAd* Interment at Garech* tiSiHitg’ Lodge Camatery. Pteaaa oinll

SM O L E TO N -^ Janeary 24. l l l l , WatkaA beloved hueband of Ida Singleton. Rglgttvea and friend* are invitad to attend tto funeral on February I at I; 14 P M ,4ra» SL Luh«'e A M. E. Churoh, Bald- arUh Kraat, ReniaTb* may be earn at the JWMnl pai^*f^of David D B'oody. 44


BRASH BEDS and furniture retlnlahad; new fum ili re at wholeaale. Crearent Reflntah

ifig Co., I l l Springfield av#.. Irv.; Wav. 4IM.MASON WORK—Piaalerlng. ntiMn gabbing

a epectalty: wat callara made dry. 8 Mar guatte. 4 Want Park aL Tel 4534 Market.

full charge, atanngrapber. ily .loo, W. North A Son. Inc., f J ____________

BASS en4 lanor alnger# for a Boaf'horua lo retoDe private lre*ona for their

•ervlote; muat ba ahla to read muak: anawy at fince. Addreaa Medley. Box U . Newg of­fice. _________ —

TINSMITHS fi7 - |2 i.

TOOL A DIE m a k e r s . n i*e ’44c CLERKS, ROOK'KKRrERS, 412-121. WATCHMKN a FTREMEN. KI.KVa TORH * ja n it o r s , *44-144.

THOMAS A. EDISON COMPANIES* Lakealda ava.* Weat Orange.

MACHINISTSLTael and die mak«rt. all-around machln-

Igta; machlnlala fer repair and axpartmentxlwork: Mtlhe, planer aad boring mill hand#; fVK>r hande and aeBemblera; radial drill andgrinder handa; J. A L. and Alaholt nper tore- hraoe rinleher: Fntter A Johnaion and MTown A Sharpe xutomatk arrew inachlp* uperatora, lathe, ahaper and ton>'i) handa on tool work, gnod wag** and aivady -mploy- rnent to flrft-claaa mechaoka. Apply at room 4, 41 Academy at.

CHEPB A COOKS. M4-II4. iVAITKRS a nd BITTLKRS. M4-*44.M ILUNfi MACHINE HANDS, 44c.-«to.s h a p e r h a n d s . 44e.-4fc.




IjRJNDER wanted, call bafere 1:14. B11I-tnga Union Trowel Work*. Colt at. and

Berkahlr* pi.. Irvington, N. J,

roan wanted for caahopportunity tor one

with a ilttl* eiperlance. Apply Davla WhIU Market Co.. 416 Orange at.________________

BUTCHER—Young market. firat-rlai

OARAGE Man wanted; houn T A. M to 7 P. M Addreaa Oarage, Box 14. Nawi

ofDce. ' _______ _

HACH1M18TRmachine*ha. planar, mmtag mien me* horini

mill, vlaa naoda, nnly tlret®r1aN roea; gi>o4wagea. tranaportailon Itaa.

BETHLEHEM STEEL CO., Batkiahem Plant.

Apply Padaral Employment Sarvira Offlca,t J — » a V.* A ■ H^a,a A l l Jl A a*■nkllB *1.. Kmark. Opan kll dkr.

m i.t . n.EK K w»n(*d, * ,p ,fl,n*«J; tnu,l b , oulrk and eorr.rt at f;,ur*a; r,ply In own

handwriting. tUl" aalary Mil „p,rtai*oO. Addran B . Ho, 11. W»wa nmc*__________81.1'EPBINTER, n*nH1*. a ip orlin cd with

arrhitrri,, ,n fln ,«r ,, Ittopty hsUM; tlj ln ag,_ aalary. *ipnrl,tic. Addr,A Ftittir*, Boa103,' N«w, offlna._____ _____ m.

BELT BOT In cooat and hraaalar* foctory - * ——— tr.d*; m -

Agply H.hanr, to Inrn good pairing tr.d*; mu.t

■altry to itarl IIba bright w . Co.. 33 CUnlon it.BICTCUE BEFAIRBR. BXFBBIBNCKD.


wanted atexparlenred

onto; afeaay ^wHedgee A Bm.. HI Railroad pi.

braai.ork, good pay.

BLACKSMITH and bla<'k*:n1th helpers Klarher A D*< kerman, Kaat Rraad and

Cheiinut ate.. Bilaabeth.llAKBER or half barber for Salurday aft*r-

nugu or all day Seturday and Sunday; g(wd pay. 114 Washington ava.Ba r b e r —HALF b a r b e r

HTKADT w o r k . 144 HOWARD ST..CnllNER SPRINGFIELD AVE^______b a r b e r —FI rat-cli

tipa; at. ___Box ]04. Newa office.

•leady man: wagea

UARBER w a n t e d , st a g b a r b e r SHOP, 141 HAlaSEY ST.. CITY*

DON'T eift your aeh*" hut uae Liberty Coat Haver. Saa It operate al 71 Halaey at.,

baaament atora.

M t t i l C tttm gtBATONNB HXTAL CKIUNO CO.,

I I , Bjiringfl^ldPHONE I t i t w a v s r l y : t r y US Ftl

METAL CEILINGS AND WALLS, O allln is,n|l up. Fred Bock, )7 a 4 Blllg

pea., neiar Clinton ava.j phone 11*4 Waveriy.ESSEX METAL CEILING CO.

ftraat. tniermani Bluomfleld Cema*Bath room, /‘alllnia, |7 up; klicliana, J i t up>

44-71 Norfolk al. Tel, IT*3 B. B.

SPELLMAN—On January 14, Itl*, Sophia, h4*pvad tofa of John ipallman. Relatlvae

CEILINGS AND WALLS Erected Ih all kinda of bulldlngi.

JAS. V. MAGUIRE, 11* Halaey at., Newark.METAL


b a r b e r —A Bgtod barber for Saturday a ^ Kuadur S. HafauaLoon. I l l Main at, Or

ange. N J- _________ .

HUB and die eulter In Jewelry aetabllab- mani. firat®cla#a man for flna work; elate

wagaa and exparlano*. Addreae Huh. Box to. New" aftlca.HELPER wanted for a wagoa: about 11

veara old. Apply Tl New at., New Jeraey Toilet Towel Supply Co. _____HELPER an motor truck; muat read Eng-

llah; wage* *4, Call after I. 749 South Twentieth eCHARNESS MAKER wanted, all-round, for a

country ahops E. Y. WlU*v#r, Blairatawn, N. J.jeW ELER I^R lflg experteaca^^^

heavy atgnata aapedaily, ran oaeura _ poHtlan with parmanaxf manufaeturari raf- erentea required. Addraii J.. B oi II. Nawaoffice.JEWELERS—Expertaneed man en link but*

ton#; aloe man accualemad to ehell work* Shiman-Mlllat Mff. Cm., Murray and Anatlaate , city.JEWELERF tool maker* wanted; ntata

dnaa of wark artruatomad to and wagaa wanted. Addraaa A., Bo* *4. New# office.j e w e l e r s w a n t e d , e x p e r i e n c e d


etegdy poaltieo for right man. PUhar E Co. 14, Oliver at.


MACHINIST.e x p e r i e n c e d in b r a s s ie r e



UAWYKKH, box maker* and mailing ma hire upereiore, axparlenced only. Rlvat'

■Ida Box A Iiumber Ca., foot of Cheater ava.

' I

IL MAX E EB a tew good tool mokera cm toda. twa goto tetto knnia. Call 11

Ity willfr aV'



Full week Ooed parGood conditional report at onr*.

•44-444 FraJliigkuytea ara.* Naw- krk. N. J. *

TINBHITH—Eldrrly, i t tu l f mui ter liulU, work: raaoonabl* wagea Apply at onto.

Ward Baking Uo.. Faurtb ava. and PKimuiii at, Kaat uranga, N. J.TOWERMEN wanted, who are ttlagrmph op-

eratorau Apply chief dlapatcher, C, R, k. of N. J., room 12, Terminal building, Com- mualpaw.TRIMMING CUTTEHS on hlgk-graSa ahoea

wanted, with eiparlenee with akait knife. Apply t Band a t, Newark.

WOODWORKING maokbia ____■taady work wUh ovarttsasj In

light, warm aha^ Apply Kw m U - ‘*1 Prall ‘•cbwarm Ca., I l l FraUnghtijraas sf4a

anioW'ANTBD—A good repair man tot an (ruck*: one with eiperlance aa paetard c

Plarca-Arraw prefarrad; a good Maady Job for a good, reliable man; elate wagea ex­i s t e d and exparlence. Addreag Cantral. Box 111, Nawa office.WATCHMAN wanted: night work: aCdady

pocttlon, with a local manufaeturlng ewm- peny. no ammunition factory; rnurt to Amarlcon born; e lite age and refaraae*. Addrae" W. W.. Box tl, Nawe office.WATCHMAN, muat be abl* to taka oar* of

upright toller; refereara ragnlrad; only ■toady and aotor men n*ad apply; na aleep- era wanted. J. Q. HetMl, 4T Main# etWATCHMAN—Mtddta-agad man wllk a ape-

clal offirer'a peitnllj refareneaa raanlrad-.......... “ -- -Apply Watchman. Box tl*. Nawa

y o u n g m a n . 14-34, aa Clark and'maaaanger In New York law office. Apply In own

handwriting, atatlng age, adueatlon, quallfl® cat lone, eafary |14 per week; good ehaaoa t« advanva* Addreea Lawyer*, Box t, Nawa af- flea.YOUN0 MAN wanted with knowladga of

book-keeping; etate eg* and aalary ax- poGled; iniiat be wall raceamiended. Addreaa U.. Box Tt. Nawa ofnaa.Ym 'Nii MAN 11 year* of age. far afflcaand

general work lo wholeaale houae; give ref­erence and eatary expected. AddrMa Steady. Box 72. New# offlre,YOUNO Ma n wanted In manuftoturlng af-

n<e. muet ba a plain and rapid writer; ■o4>d wxx*a. Addraaa Rapid. Box T, New# ofrica. Orange*Vot'NG Ma n to loam trade; good chtnra

Apply 4 a'cloak gtivancoThoniav 4'ox A Hon'. Bi ('llatoti at,YOUNO MAN to learn marhlnloc trade tn

hraae ahop. Hall Mfg. Co., WUUani at. and Darla ave., Harrlaon,YOUNO MAN tn work on

helper; with or without Headley, Union. N. J.

milk route aa board* A, B,

YOUNG MAN. with aoma axperlanca on tool and die work. Fore* A SiaaL Ina., 43

Cheatnut "t.YOUNG MAN, about It, ti> Work la wa"h

rnom good rhanee. Howell * Laundry, 31 Marvhall at

SOl^lt^ITORS^For | l monthly wa g4va I"# monthly when alch or hurl. v« want no®

llcUore to f i t member". Addrae* lleuiLer- ahip. Box 41. Ne*-i offlc".

YOUNG MAN to •"■!*( "hipping clerk- Frlta DIrkeriCh<M‘olate t'n., Jay and DIrkereon eta

SAND BLAST operator wanted. Apply *4 Madlaon et., city.





: TG>RTt'N®










YOUNG MAN, atoul It, a* palaa dark In re­tail "ture. 4 t'nmmeroe at.


rinear'h ef naveral arhiwl toy* nho dillver toplee nf the Ourtla publlratlan* 4’Uj?tomere. Only eehnal toy" lelaan, gentle­manly and amblltou"—need apply* Th>i $1.40 la In addlllnh to liberal vavli prnfli.% and many other advanlagei* Apply to Mwx Knmlehane. 74 Bank at.. Newark. N. .1 ; Ifiadore Finkal. 114 Mouth Fourteenlh at. Kaet Orange, N, J .: Garrett Davla Byrne**, 21 Maplawuwd ave.* Mapleeood, N. J*

H E L P W A N T E D -W O M E N




b r a s s i e r e o p e r a t o r s , s t e e lSTITCHERS^ CLASPERS, Zlo-IAQ AND




UACHtNISTS.Oarria aeraw maeblna apafatan, seoto*

tamad la mlcrnmatar meaaurtmaktA vark- lug ta blue grlnta; latoern faetary: aa« toola; 41-hnur ihep; gaud wagaA ^ th prem­ium aad overtime. Amartaan Maohlaa A Foundry, Plftr-aliih et*, batva«s Plrat and Harond ava*.. Brooklyn* ____

MACHlKtffN 1F»General axnertatiea: good pSF: flfat-elaM

men. llernJlea Powder Co., *4 Park pU ca ll, writa or phana 74*T.


JANITOll wanted, wjik aiparlanee. far hl^ -claM elevalor apartment, Addraaa

Janitor, Box Bl, New* offloa. ___JANITOR. Svrtdieh, ta uk a oar* of a high-

claM nina-famliy aparimant, Ingolra St Sayre at*

BARBKR wanted immadlaieljr: et^ dy O. Devlngo, $7 Taylor to. om ng*


BUTiZHER—Wantad.axperletiee. Apply I3l Ntnetaanth ave,.

Irvltigtoa* N. J« _________________b u t c h e r to aall flth; muat

,nd BWHl ,,l*iTB*n. Blfln* FUn Co., 3t C*nt*r ' ___________________■IITCHSII

t l ( 8i»rinBfl«Kl *''0.ABpIr FmIVo )lu k * l,



frioad, t n Inrlttri la oiiauil (ha (unoral h « r*oI4«nc*, S3* W uhlniton

K. InCcrnunlMBOQM 01 tMT r**Jd*i.c*, sM « n . •« At s r .M "WIBIWA CAJAAlAr,.

i r ^ M —It u S E r $».

B S S k j ^m u itr t t* * 1

UNITED BTBEI. CEILING CO, JTI-lti f c f .B*A ft., n ffr Booth OtAhBo Avo. TaI. HI*

Wa*. <3*1 our pricot; All work fwrAAlAAC

BUNCH And fnfln* lith* tiAhdi ^Arch critwn Mlg. Co.. CAinp And OrchArdArch

CHAUFrF.UIl, Ford dflUAtT. o**.t*iA trn iL III w*ck, l^rfmAn. I l l : ilr*tnAA, lAotorj.

■ 91 * » h : dork, mirklnd caaai, t U «M kl

_ , i ^ l ^ t * t * n d IniA r « t, V*dAMdAv, Mm E t, H, V*-'? otAAiin. A d H i iH. l l l l . H*Ary BOniB. u , 4

lAloHd hUibAnd of KAr, A«n*f K lflfl. nalfllvoA And frt*ndi

t* AittAd CuMnl AArrlOM, Fri- F*hrfArr I, At I •■clock, *1

I Borfon ftrott. ImUrBunt At (Andlp.

CEILINOB AND BIDE WALLS,•e, ,q. ft, ond up, hlortltt. II AcAdABIF ft. Tfl. 1**3 _ _____

ch*ck*f, iinw hf*p»r. n>*»*t .“ hSnuT-1,1. Kc. hour. Urn* And hAlf ,o a o l m*ti. If*'" trfdf. I l l dWlAl.fcnln*; bullor; 2 S 2 ?building; handy mnn,. fnotary. 111 waa«-




HACHllflSTE—Saearal Istka. tosem lining machlna handa nwa nil* -------------- a ^ yflral-eliM vaebanlaii APpL _

Fifth at* gat«. Edloan Lamp Warka of G*n<_________ S AOhaa. Kaffman,

W IaoBI Ho* a oHf F*93A*iifAaral Elactrla Ca.. KarrtecnfHACHlNISTf—Sevaral gead, all-arannd ma*

ohinlata, aoenatomed ta cloae machlna wark. Compatant, Box 44. Hew* aEoe.ItACHINtST—Oaod* alLaraund nnaWnlto

wanted. Nawmrk Hat Block 4 Maablna f^p 124 Ogdan tor oernar Clay to______

LAtKB OR SHAPER.Wa taaeh yau lathe, ahaper ar aegaw ««t-

tlng In on* af th* iii-waah avanlog aaitraaa; wa hava an all-aoulppad taat ihop, with ax- poiiaaead Intoraator; tlma paymonta can* aldarad; wrlla'for SHI alradlgTi aanraa apaatioin now; alaai Is llailtaA P, O* E a i IL larrfaan. N. J.

l a t h e and vlaa hand wantad; aacnrata work: "mall akap. Addraaa Latha, Bax t l .

Nawa otfipa- ___


D ISSO L U TIO N N O T iC BNtoArk. N. J., JAAUArp t l , t i l l .

To fh t Btockholdfra At Th* A m trleu FlittA_ltnK ..O B W<WAdMfdAjr, JAAUAnr 3*. l i l t ,

■ httibAnd of J fu U AUrn hl» f:d r»Af. FunirAl

t f hAld At hit retidm e, :•*O taiia AMBM, Ah FrtdAr. F«t.ruar>- 1, »t

K .M lA ttfA i AAd trinui,, f i » m,m-

Rlnr NAltA CotBpAni: rotlc* la htrfhy flTtA thAt A n u flln f of

th* •tochholdtrf of tho AratricAti Platoh Hlof Ball, CompAny will b* hold on FridAF, ■lurch 1, IttI, At 13:1* o'elfok A. M„ At

w rift'lM cAft; wiiiAfi•fin ; Junior drAfUmoA, 1*1 wA*lt, ■ul|. • ' ' * oteNEkAL AMBHI0*K AOENOT.

i l—CtdAf A t^ l*EMAhUAhtd Almoft Fifty toATA.

OOOD FAT. b o a jid a n d BlWEEK: r u n JOE.


HBRCVLEA POITMR CO., II FARE Flu° ’’Sff.F’S8S&Vfaiw!t."-

c h a u f f e u rwith N f

Frank', o ip rw .

nr d r lw w ut*d . AOdAAlhted NfwArh And Now Toth. ^ > F

) l PAtaCfoA ft.. HArrlfoa

Iho rcAl>'«rfd offlc, of Ihf rompAn* tn Ihf cUy of NfWArlt. N. .J..,. tf lAkf Action upon

CHAUFFEUB witilfd. for Fnekurd tnavlnf man: food w f f « t» <A* HlhJ fu r tf .

EuRvlIli BtorAif Lo., 31 rAhlnH »f.

LARORBRE r u r FATd And vonftrtKtlon work: |f * d *af . ThomAf A. Editon CoMpAHita, 111 R*la*a«l- - — ‘iid*

MACHINIST wantad, on# familiar with hat.taFa marhlnary* Apply.Eaaax Hat Mfg-

Ca.* t l Blum at. __ __________

WITH HIGH SCHOOL EDUCATION; l l - f t TO fITARl, RAISE APRIL 1 I fs a t is p a c t o r t : e x c e l l e n t o p ­p o r t u n it y TO a d v a n c e alo n g

a h --------------KNaiNEBBIMG U NE8.



BILLINQ MACHINE OPERATORS.PLAUT A CO. rawtora «f axparleai'ed blinnf


TOUNO MEM—PTIOH 11 TO 11 TEARS, TO WOREN I O ^ ----------------------------------—NIGHT ON RECTIFIERS; WILL RE p a i d 114 W H tU LBARMIKa, 111 WHEN EXPERTIT


n e a r w e s t ST.| 4 BLOCKS SOUTH OP rOURTEBMTHi




DAT w a t c h m e n .GOOD WORKING CONDtTIONE. g o o d w a g e s a n d 14% BONUS


MACHINIST wantad, tirto-elam Utha linna* T. c. M. Mfg* - Hantardaa and P M

alA. Harrlaan*MACHlNIi

flla wall.STS, Tla* hatidA «h# nan hnsdin nI. l i jiMan BraAi i<4 Chrttoia it.

SPLITDORP ELBCTRICAL 0 0 .. 41 w a r r e n i t .. NEWARK* N. J,

U 8* aartocaarhina apamtart; parmaaent poal-

aaiArlaa aaasral ta ' . Apply at I

Mnin naor itofiM 11 Ad T'

tlana andthaea wtaafntAiidfn t’A A l


rAAAlrf tk . aar-letA uru wall fdnfdtfd pwmsWfiBAH with « p f ( f t i i» la b**k'kffFlaE aad naat and a icw aU Af a typtfL ,

T fF IS iE ba fKpfilfdffd.

TRfniM A. Edlaan O m p sata . Lakfalda kfl^, V fdt OrM ff,

B o o i t - m l m Airf fieat^disMisBttin . f f A larcA

but h ft A bi^ talF lull lanlcqlAfu. by ■ BraAoEAkfry, t i l SaulBOOE-KBBFEE waaI.

full chAifa; aifAfciAlN ffth

Atadi dauMa airtfirt MkA


A TBall naotrla

MILL BANDS VANTED.FIrat elAfi r a ilc t i karlAf Adll hAAda far

ciaaA lAdtal irtit praai hA sis farA likt wark.

A r a n i A and N*rCOMPAMt.

A ra n * A and Tfarth al** YtoyaanA N.


M IL U M h a c m in e , h a n d e ,flrat4lA A AHAMtinad ta ifAdlaf M s. prinla And wArklss t* mictaiaatar intaauraataAU; madam faatary, naw taata, **-h«r a ^ . ■aad wasdA wtih wamlAin. Amarlmn Ma- rhlna A raaN W . Illk a t, balwaaa F ln t abE it*n«id ATAA., Eaaaklya.

FlrAt'ClAaa lAMktnlei an Jls, tMufAl ssEIfll

m h io h et._________________ __________

iaa Aifkt ilitfta A l uMA. A ssir A, m J*m « A.A

Is klibiAl rut*aElmtiapAfRae i

f x w F T O iia m t o r u A T o aU SAHBBROER A CO. IAESVA

AS aAP*r1<An« i caAUtMMfar n i t h -tar n a Ifcair auHattcAl dapArt* m aat ■■iilAnM at AfflaA, aaTCAth flaar, AffA t n a t i l l A. IL ta inI r . K.


TOOL OEtHDEE AtFfTtAAlty tar flnUdiaa:

AnAAd BtAA.Alt-

A n ly Al I IntamAttanal ArtAa A F e a Ca..

BlaasHlald ata aa4 O tun t t BlaantM d, K. J.

. typlatAI'kaaiwni,

aa-aua. m m iw w m A muMcacwM. raa taa ' Autf, batala. atA: wowM Attandanu la (Iaa FAR Ika bAAl a t larTin; IM tar tha H am rr

• ^ oT ^ A O H N C T .Main at., EkH O nata.1*1:

Fatah ar BwadMi, Add hAva ffad rat-

pjiiun. lijma wHw***JdA l l l l IfUBdraaMAriar waldriaAttriaaA H r . Hunt:. Aaandy,

00O % M l. ^ a r ta a .maat ba aarartaaead

fTAaota: mar t m a a M

TOOL MAEERI aa J t|i AAi Rmtuiaa ; Ala*OrfdlaF and Aeaw AUlalMtl* AMralani

flTAt-elaai aat-up aaan anly; RAM trAMAi niaaty i f arartlBA la ta n a in n a XAlAr W , InAlAtMd, N. J.

COOK. WbHa; i«fankM radauud: na UAk- ^ A laai b d t h i^ l . * DausTdF

rd., Olaa B id s.: rtana l l l l . ___________C O O K ^nnS otok wnnt^

rotortnoM im lr td . AppllllnStdR nv4d» BM4X>fHM<i ;

d: whU4 tratorma;pplg.41 llnrih

CLEANINO MAtihid r •'i Menpftnl

KMERGIpRRT^fog emtoeWnry

e r s s :a iy



for hd Heady




We need ntodJ* epori twn ••edie.

We have itm l I•cnt1er plenty of

C H * /Hriana

far IHa aaad t* laaraWa ray > n vnluabh ceptlpBnnj

Appi THE At 1 Multor


GIRD TO WORK O WORK. IN OUl LATED FAf TO c e n t s PP.R III rOR PIECR W YKAJM OLD 01 I aW 4 a . M P. M KDIfl*.>: t c e n t u AVfa:. K. J.




RLCe m pl o y ;

d im

Ne *]Light. cl«<

Boglnner* pain r *•• Qttl

API4 Fran



rllho McrFAT; LIOKT FTKADT P08I SRABURT A a %*b . e a s tP1E1.D OR OS CRpiSTOWN 'OIRldS—Kent

did, wanted rheetonta; no ' emit* 47 44 n gone Ca.. N u « north ef Lathi

g ir l f o r 6 e r a l o ff


GfELB—Wnnii ngtd waoMd

eiperlenen renIng: IlghL iJIlia. ^Apply te Ka INewnrka

OilAUe le epei

elenn w«rh; gi tow hefffnnm* tfrgt Rear.


CURL wnnled. ting mom;

fly eevehth rh liNB nnd Aci

GIRLS far « teeii; nine i

taelfk gendi i Me.* 471 Biflht

GIRLS wnn\e n e n g p i i^

ArtotnCa^ UQTELE t* ap

aHa tharaa Laathtr f i i 1O t f t lJ l t d m

vataa jM I A, HaiAEgiCA.


OIRIB—Stotr while lenra

Hnloer to* f<


; o ^ Nf

O M kaatar* IV d llM M


OIEL far Iikd Adiiu

O ttL , aTm" * J £ 5 B S 2 I• ■ g fE A L ,

Page 15: German Strike Spreading With 700,000 Now Idle in Berlin, London ...

J A N U A R Y 3 1 ; 1 9 1 8 .^

i n r w A i f i i i ^ w o i i E N w p w A in iD L -w o m f v p l o h i i i t w a n t id - w o iu i i FO R S A U

t«l1 Uim; U food 1MO, flWrry wLool fiftkvro o«i fd i. roll 11

Mllioto. 0(1 Jif Uoiiol (uygoo

on food dlo«3 n o m n »l„

on molol iHwrfolt Co., i i \

l«v '

cEiANIKO MAID Tit* Hm i m <MOiWI. IM lAWtHwi mrti________

m kR O IB R kT —CapartoaMA » • » « waalaA faa • e t f i w r r W*H| m (m n o , ! • iMi*

ImMt AMdatU. CM at > lti AavaMA aaa., ajlj. BST Aaaala tawtt a . ___________r o o t ’ , MANpA—ItXPklllKNriCD



'ed part Al Olir*.vn.*

nndfor Iruild*

•I onr-r, FlfUouiJi

» tolHrrmfli op- ch«r, C, R. h. bulldUkf, Com^

|h*frodo nfeoooIk diort knife.

«n.iinoj If Xm m U njrtnf ftfb

mnn h« omo M Fmeurd or

»od Mondy Job Into woMo OX' IdroM Coftrni,

ifnotfriiif com- »ry i miwf b* nnd roforoMo.■ offlco.lO Uk* CfTO of rofnlrodi only ppljr: no nloon- Mnlf ntfion wlik n np#-•neoo rMilrod.Now*

And HMMOAfor Apply In own

KMIon, qMillfl' good cliof<w I*

box t, N ovi nf-

kno«lodfo of ond ooUrr ox - endod. Addrono

Oa foe offlco Andhenoo; glvo rof* A d d W StOAdF.

knnfgctorlBf of- d np id wrRpr: I. Sox Now«

»tl Bt,r d cbtnro


r'hlnJoC irodo in !«a, WlUUni »t.

mUk routo to koArda A, Ba

porlonco on tool Stool. InCa, t3

t Work lA wt*H >111 LAundry, siilnf dork- Frilx lrki*roon otAlAltf elork In ro­ot.


boy* oho will I puhtlf'xilono (o fO—<|OAO. gentlr-rd Apply. TIvi rml <a»!» profile u Apply <o Mowork. S. .1 : Kour(*en(h at.,

tt |>ovLj Byrnes, ood. N. J.



d; oiriaB ttho riNa MACHiNta CR iEWlMO HA-



Ofl0, BTSBI. I. ZIO-IAQ ANlis t b a d t w o r ktNT SURIIOUNU- . CO.. «l CUN*


OPSflATORt.). raaalra tita t WWai ina- maaaiit aaat- at aaaaraa ta •P'7 at I a llaar i

TTPIfT,>UON Ctapaalaa all a4aaatad paaa« baak-kaapta« aad

■iiL ,

L1aaaa«.Oaapaalai,• t OrMfa,

w aaM laat U <i j r A J S T O t

aalp, O n a ta a '* raaXM att a t ■■ .4aaMa aMart

e n u T o i i .k CO. ia<a> a

n 0 00.

r J n v h p ' a a f M iM .I tt: M ll- lM i tTpteta.l l l i Paall>kaapai*, Mtatlaaa. raacaar- attaa4aau ta (tv*

M far tha t m p t r

g S U a .ar •tradlali.

tMThava tao4 fa(-i t t l j laaadraaaaar

rt, Haaca Apaktr,

g ir l s a n d WOUtHfor llfkt foctory work.

ftoAdy work: food p«y.APPLT TOUOIIROW.

TKOMAS A. EDISON raUPAME.a. Lokooldo AvOa, W u l Ornngc.


Wo nood M oxptrlonr«d ilngra ntodiA oporAtori At one#; oiM i few two AOOdlO.

Wo kovo A Ifodol fgetory 1« n eon. (rAl locAtlon And wo cad givo >ou floAty of work.

Atnly gittk Eoor,CHAI. It. DC BEVOtSE CO..

PiAno And AcAdtmy oU,

OlllLf.for oAgy work tkot pAy«<

Wo feood n nnrtihor to loAf* foot proto

of fLrlt Opoi^tlnf.

Wo pty you WON—wo Utcli you A YAiutklo trodo; you torn ox- costfOBAlly good wtgoo.

Apply tmmodloMly (o THE ART SlEtAL WOKXS,1 Mulktrry ot., Nowork. N. J.


girl for sowotAtt a l l y g l ltur«g Adttu. Ap-

city,l io m w o i iK B m — '■Uportibio WAAMf;

rkAffi of kWAiot roltiwAcoo. M rf U o . rMw Ha td Pork pn.h B L ^ T wo trotepd Isfnirt nonog, I

kinwildi AAd weUfOgooo. two epAinkor- ■wMs ASd ooAMroaoo. 4« kouMwktrfL IroAplog rook nnd bvtiar. Apply Mm W oi^ AH BloogtfloM nvo.. MontclAtr conur. P lM t IHG l l o w i l t H I t ________________ __



E ADEBS—PAndnttfng kom* bu»ln««. llrttlng pOAtcordi, pioturtH. etc., ipor* ilTn* lor

rroCit; | l on t t t . no oompleote. ttttM ptl: portk-uBari free. Artlni.

ttlE , ■inilon A, mooklyn. N. Y.


„ af ealtaraarinnlxm ania

far popalar aia«taw : raaiaaaraUYt t n . a**- •&l a a i l ■ — ------- ------liar ■ ta t. 'AMir t i i atMA. rtam

W O u m T S T CMa »* a aaa aparata aaviat maaUaaa «- ^ a aw k km a: aaar « .rk :

Aplrir I laaih Orpata a n . Ilratpar.

WOMAN ia vaak dlaku aa« anuk O w n, NatiJaN nark. Naaaa Laatk. t l .^^w it.

^ I T I t X U m t a k far anvatt raita-raM (aa4 relaraaca^ kaara I ta t 7. H .; u l -

■OL'tewONK^'atarad (Irl atakta aaaHlaa far itaaral MaarwarA ^ P lr t i HItk a t .

Naiaark. N. A ; Jaala Jatt. *pprtni.kt t ____fiut'PtKlUit'KK a lia ia rtiarfr a( m athx-

law hanw. Ad4ra« OaNrablr. Bat St, N a w atfica. ____________________________LALNUHim —InwtM^ati. kr kt>, talara*.

ThurtJar. IMAa>. alwalak. k tl • i f f Hl«k >1 '

■tar ri n

MATNn.MTT ANP IIOUMTIt'' ■ ........... ■ -------------- r ii»

I arflc4ica.__________WAtTNICaB waattA: kaata a i|h it; aihrr

llahi' wark lartaAaA: rarwam;u, a ia i- mrlaw. W Hlpk it. ______ _ _WAtTNUMM WANTBD. AP7I.T AT ta

WAJMIWUTOW r i , . HOTr.l, A»«ltDKlt.N.WAITNAM waatiA fraat tl A. U. la i I' U.

It Batlavtila art.: raitaartai

WDItKiIMN I'ofl i Rla-'CNC.'irlla WR* f H .

PBAtTK At. VUBkK. l i l t BBt AU BT___NX'KPR-Uldilt>'U»l iKlt. aiatrittiad a .

aitd .‘aiupanlaa la Inraltd. ran far. aUh bail nf ralart'iraa. Addltaa U. D.. Nul II. Naaa alflrr.NL'ME—( antlaamaat nuraa.

■pata. ;vt I ta it at..Tkl. NlaaRinalil fl« (N .

. . Ulaa Jokanaa •ItumflalA. N. i .

HbhA bH Cm A m 4 F n ila rtLRATHICK l lk n n aalta. tl> , l i l t A aala.

Mi, llt^ H inrdi grton Wm«Motrfoi. ^owao. M. 41 HiilMy iL

ftlAMlXIANT pMrIor o«Mr. 4 9M- HotIH , brunt* oiociroHof, %l% jRnkofony

dr*«*lng tgblo, l i t : Metinnol Imobrnfeo. t it fino prnyora phuii*. itH . Uo>*«> tl.

SKWINO NA^CHINKS—New Murnc.^ll. Sin- gor nuichin*. l i ; AmoO' iia M Whtrlor A

wilooM, l l i . e ie .; r«p«lrini ratu«r A Herr. ling, a i l Norfkdk ot. Thono i m Nkia ^VTPCWAlTlNa tieek. • not Mt. mtt fnr tU '

bfWM bodi, f*oot t t f . Kll I'l. *itSnit.- >Hi hodt, I'Oot |U . m»n tor tt-l*a Ur. • i»h. .->4 Vk aohlngtoB ota

AUTOS o i m t



NATO (w hiui te rook, oorv* «nd do down •tntro work. n<> loundry: referrncoo n*<-oo

Mary, wtgro I :o to 111; prlvilo room and bath. Mr*. Ruherto. 43 Frtnkhn pL., Mont- f-ialf pkon* 1749

XURIfC—T|ung gin (whito) to oootfl nura* InHoklng rar« of ektldron nnd otbor light

dutiea. Mro. A C. Hrholor, 114 CMnliwovoM'RSK—For two iklldron, nfternoono itr all

day. homo nlxhlo. Apply S3 UliilAnd avo., h:aot Orarigr ll74J Orango.Nl'RSE. rompe*enl. to (aka rare of child

two year* old, ftforepceg roquirtd. 11 Walnut ot., rliy.


tho Mrvbeg nf oioorlonrad o^ratofo (Ml awning* and •ll* covors. Employ- Euont offico, oeveiiili floor, open from 4 14 A. U. unlll 4 P. tf.



OfRLS. DO TOU WANT TO WORK ON CLEAN. INTERESTINt; WORK. IN OUR MODERN. WELL VBNTf l a t b d f a c t o r rr l e a r n e r s e a r n uCENTS PER HOUR. WITH OPPORTUNm f o r PIECE WORK, OlRLft ML'Ilt RE ll TKABB OLD OR 0 \ r.R APPLT BETWKIuN I A > ^ * A. M AND BETWEEN 4 AND » F U. KDlfl«.>N LAMP WuHKS. SKVKaNt c b n t u a v k . a n d Bo yd st . .Ne w a r k . K. J-

g ir l s—WOMENw a n t e d .





OlfttaS AND WOMEN.l l ta IB yoara

No eiporlenc* necaMar}- Light, elenn an>l inter*aUng work

Boginnere p*ld 14c. p«r hour while k irn- Ifg- wItU 14 ^ r cant, ooniu for attrndance.

* Gvlrk advancement.

TOUNO L A D IU —YVANTKO, a number of

T O U N O L A D I E S , botwoon tkn ngoo of 11 aad SI, to leara

T B L B p n O N BO P B R A T I N U .

' Vfor Control Offlco work.■aiarite paid whllo loarnlAf,Fooliion* to ihode who qualify; pormanoiit employmonl and maid advanromont to the compotool.Apply botwton f A. V. and I P. U. to Application DopgrtmoaC*

KBW TORK t e l e p h o n e COMPANY,H i WMklagton it.. Nowarh, N. «J.

NURSE, practical, wuhri I'Ohfinrtiiedt ca»e* or olhera Phene Mra M. V. Shearer. I4M

Branrh Brook. __NURSE, hoepitel tretnlng. w;u tab'* * few

mor* hkaieriili> cnee*. Mi*. Pap*', l i ' ,Nur(nrk i L ________________ _STE.NOo Ha PHEH. iompet«nt age :i. live

>aar.-' ae«'rctar(*l ciperteriv*. ulealrm t« make •-hange tlawniown prelerre«l. aaliry III. AJdrra* Stenographrr. Bon 11. .hen* affU*._____________ ___________________ __TVI'l.'ir W(phe» typewHlIng (n do overiltigi

if home. Addro** L- 8.. Bes 14, N*ni nfftce. ^ ^iffXNTED--roaHI<‘n a« mather't he’per; un-

d m la u d i all Hindi of <«Klng, al»o rare nf childrm; vrty fund of them, by rrflnetl wltjoir. i'l. whrre ih# Umlly will apprwlete 4 wemuii of al'Uuy. und«retandk all kindn ■kf hnuaekeeflnc gocMl loferenri-v Call 13 Gouva.rtieui __________ _WllHiW, thoul~it }«ar« old aeiT T I T at>d

Kualr.ea* ebUltv and good aalaalxily. uDhe* .hUdff-ki K., Box K’. Newa d fU f

Oh * u 4 CallA HOME rtiR D»>OS AND UATS

Boarded. Hlppeil. waaiiad. eematb yoar. Kay« t* Tbwinai at. Hlioinfleld. l*l*“ “ i>“ il!^iiTNUEir itoksrs

h o s p it a l Kt>tt IKJiS AND CATSIB. IS, H vlrrlierM *t. IVl. 414* Uo^er^.FflE N rit bull pu*plea. 4 nuvfitUa old. rliaiii-

p|i)(k aim k, 144 Smith il. _VLMA1«E AfttEDALK P1 P8 KOH SALE.

3v4 MAHKE)' ST.________________ ______^ W A K K KENNEL CLUB def ahew el

Kli^t Regiment Armory on Helurdey, 4 -t* f. IBII. eperi fton* t A. ¥ to » I' M. AJ mlaelen 4* letitanLGlrtTKRhP Airedale terrier,

year old; 4.all alter a:S4 I*. 41. Ekialith it., aSaaark, aN .1

mil# * 111 boUMk



ita a( iraakla “b a a tw r - « i i l%V-aaT1Kpoooiblo co»i. TUo antomoblVw

Im Ikowo tliRgn of irtsblw **E«n«tgip^a^ceonsflly b« ‘ “ “U eraaatnicalat rke lowoet poooibl......................lioa koeoni* a noeooaltr. Wlllya-OvorlsM aviuraneo ana WNO*-Overland prloot twak* our Mood var bargaia* tSo acme of enosoMy*


l i l t _■mootkoat motor built, latoot

RlUyo-Kaighi t-paaoa^y^.^tO|ta^;

1414 uidprrnhti* readoter. boMlod by ue; Uroo good.


1411 Cwuniry Onb l-pdao, reaSetoTi popular (uodel, excollonl nundllMR*

ft44 down buy* 141T modola.

•u y wlib our swarantps



aiaH w a t fakaM ar ktta« r i w (

SloamRaid. M.

4t.. at F i^ lM fkw m ^ a U, MiaCuM 411 TwiHy-Orel

riBKPROOr garago," Fmlln

l A C•OPTII ou w q a AWtyB OAlUtfa i

iM « HKt: i

UABAOK BrMA a m a ct; ra u raai

I t t—Lira aa« . •la Call IIH k ;

' • ' " • • i aaafa t* t atk cA» . at. Ownar, tU S afkW al.

A W w eM w W aW MW * fA T a ir a tktn alkar Aaalaia far

wrodmd ar Bum..................................Sana; oe«otid-Ba»d oaobangod, wo buyhor or metal, phono or ipoetnrbrli

- Wro*'-

wroefeod wr _^rwod nnarw for "‘s allraa k a a g li t ---------

erytking t« oonp rk

Vm S Car Dopla Pk«wo f i t s Molbnrvyk



KINDS OF KXPfclllENf'ED OPE* RATORb TAKEN AJ'PLT W B.onASsiitnK CO., u i h ig h bt.





trlrameri, lace runnere. button bnlore, ftllera. Mbbener* and preeeer* on ladto*' mue* iin underwear; eteody work all yoer Dalay Underwear Co, 44t FIDeenth avo-OPERATORS, Fl.SISIIERP.'^UTTON HOLE


TOUNO WOMAN, H-14. Chrletlan n*#t, good appearance, me file Nerk end ntn**

aaeletam. New York law olfico. 1)3 p*r week, pernanent poeitien and ailvaivcemeni (o capable and wllUni party; apply In own handwriting, firing age. eJurailon. eelMrl erica. Addreaa Lawyer*, Boa I. Newe office.

TOUNO LADT for clirtral e»rk In offlco of largo mdrcaatlla houae. with excellent op­

portunity far edvancement. m\i»t bo oc ctiralo at Dgur#e ood have experience at operating tolopkene owltehboard: ealary to •tart, t14 weeHly Addreee Toung. Box 41. Newo office.T or.vo iliR L i w a n t e d as LKAHNKRR.

14 TEARS OLD OR OVER: IK'. PER h o u r t o START; ALSO EXPERIENCED OFEBATORS, h ig h r a t e s on PIFd'E WORK m in ia t u r e INC. LAMP COBp.. f i EIGHTH AVr*.

WnMAN tirou| a'tive, deairea rmpioy- mcnl, T or S h«uri e ilay, nl" * ‘»old »i<»

night work, rcf*-i«‘ii'-ce raibayiged. Biown. t (‘beetnot at., K*«''r.y. _________ _____w o m a n wlehre d*? a work to a flrvt riaea

leun'lrrae: can fumleh t**et of rof^rem'* pr*f* In Emt uriut* diatrlrt. :t Mortle at . L il t Orangr- ___WnyjAN wlehei nealihig to lake l.n.n*,

vr v(fit*. Mr* L tv Wiiaou. 143*% clay it., third floor. Newark.


WOMAN wanti gfuerel ligniiework: w-a*hlna end Ir-iniog. three kaye a ucek. 4 a clo< k

tn 1. .M<M>r«. 3*4 ** ^l\nMAN erani work waehkng or cleaning,

with referenco. Julia Jtden, H i Roe# at.>A a s h in g and Irenliig tah*u home. Write

or caj;. Mra Salle, 14* i Ke^iaul_et.___ _WOMAN. «a«d a*, higli echool grad,

uate, «orjiiClektlouJt, aoibiiiouji, wlehoa a poaltluii l»t driail'i'e ur m*<L'Al docluCa o f­fice. ran furnlel) b^l uf rcirn'ncce.\f.. Box 4. Sewe offlco.


ro l'N il u iO T -i.k M forttir... „ rMhI.r 111 theater ur cfn<-e aeaLateii- i-an furnlah

refCTon'-a will work for email ealary In •lart. Addrew J. C. 0 ., caie Knee, 434 Bank •(.. rity. _______ __

TOLTVO LADT ly flit with knowlodgo or geaeral offlco work. Apply Chao 44

Docker A Broa„ IT Broad at.. Bloomflald__TDUNG GIRL or middle-aged woman, to dn

light hoQaowork aad help with cbiM. Hamfiton at.. Eaat Orange.YOUNG white girl, neat, to aealat with g*v»*

era! hooeework, 41. Madlgan, 347 William el„ Eaat Orango.TOUNO W'OIIAN to care for rhlld part of

day Call moralnga or efter 4. 6l» Mt

OPEHATORS—Experienred ob union apoclal (-yllnder marhlnea,. aleo elnglc needle

Ninger eewlng machlnee. good pay. Apply High Clothing Co. 313 HighOPERATORS, experienced on litfanta' white

dneiCi. Ughl work room; eteady work. B. Libman. SioutedlMirgh building, i-ur. Plano end Ak-adcray ate.. Newark. ___OPERATORS, etperleiued an betb 1<Kk and

rhain etitr-h marhliiee. for Infante and rhildr«n‘a whit# dreaere. Apply Brahmen A • o., i l Ccoter eL___________orKRATOR. axpericnred on Singer buutm*

Tioli aiwing niachln*, eieady work, good wage*. Apply i'ofiwoll A Boatter Mfg. Cu.* *4 Vllghth ave.

l*arn on fine •crtlon Work.

HEIJ WAHTED--SEr( AND WOMENt'GUPLE, while; man to work around plave.

woman, rook at d do general hooetwork 44 Hamilton at., city. ______lJU R N TELGGRAPKT—ligy- ovonlng; t*i-

egmphora wanted; wlroleaa, comoaorcUl, railroad: Invpoealb]* to fill demind. aalartoa tlS-fSO, tuition I maatka. III. Including traa typowrittng courgo; rgfgloguo fre*. Breoklya Tolagyash School. H I Fulioa at., Byooklyw,m an and wifa for dairy farm; cxperien'od-

Wflte H, J.. 41 Second at,. H obol^. N. J.

YCiVN'# GIRI*. roinred, deeUte dcntlet or dottor'f office work, lady'f ’’a id 4r part

(Inti work Addrfi»i A.. Be* •'•. .Sewe of- fl-*. _______Vfri NG LADT «|ili*e poaJtleii «a tj plel. o»

riorfeal work, -an tak* *l'»’‘ dirtuiloa. .A'ldrcM Amerli'an, Box "> New*YQl’^ i ONlL want* ieuerel heupeworB,

Cell e»*nlnge. 4 lo I u'l-’ ork, Jli*. Fpengloy^744 Harriaoti ave.. Barrleom______ _yon5ir~\S^MA.N naiMe work. Wir1i;»-ed*y.

Thurade). rrtde;, Al laundtre*. J* Mor­ion *1. trear*. < H > ' . ________________YOCXG WOMAN wlahee geacral hounrwofh;

plain revoking Addreae Hellable. Hux 11.Nc’*# office ____\(»VNG would Ilk* waehlrvg and

ironing. LU Ie Uanck, 4* Jrrf<r»on at..

EMPLOYMENT WANTED - MEN _ _ AND WOMEN_______ _roi'FL E want pciluon, wife a* nouk, m in

handy around boue*. whli rhild. Care ],»lti«. 4j l>o()d >t.. Watew e a m g ._______ _I HAVR f-uok# ii>d g»-nrral hoU*>* '‘>orkere#

aii'» niai> end wifo. wUU flret-cleM refer- *-nc*R Plmnt in*, JU" ^weng*-. Main

T r y m itm u d Svpy&MAM. m .li«

wilA Und.rwnwl, <lllv«». R .mIIi*I0M,up, m1ru.«r«ph*. ,dd*n< in*-r(iInM K.»!» i N ■fipowrlur '.V. U i ■ruud«*r. Stm T«l( Ph«ll» *«I

AI.L*”MAKes TTIT.lVniTC««KM),4 . • ! up: •'>1*.

K»:WAnK TTPK'SIllTEn M t HiNttB., | i , , „ r ruAT of 3PI Hurk-t it-

Tutupliou* liAfk.t 4 f» , _ ___A ijTw A lU u'-f i-bum cJmppM

«irlutn(M In J*rM7: r»nl»l*. Ij U 'i*;** nt.'iitb,, rppairlnf. Tlwininn't Tn>»*'-t-r K t . I4t Broad ■( : Motkll HM. room II.

Laddm, Danicki u d FUiytk*A COMPf-ETE and hlgh-rlaia line, laddara.

oraffolda. manlla rwp*. oi*- for buildora and fariarfea; aek for i-aulogo* and prtco,

THE R<X K A-WAt LAl>l>KA n * .O. 1.. XIMMERLEB BRO. Propiiotera

111 BprlAgrtold avo . Newark Tel. Wav. 4444ALtr kind* gteol, wood Dagpolm Samlori'

laddere. ocuff^lda. wajhpolco. jacka PorUand 1 Adder Ca , tel. 4M B. B. _

Vf^AGPOLES SET UP.CleiKagtlao I’oum. rieitiM Dflora


EMPIRE l.ArM^KR A POLE 114 Firal at. Vh<>n* Riwnok Brook 1114.

ScresRSf Awmings, Stwn Sssk, Etc.ATTENTIOIf—Save coal; have yoir ttenu

eeah. glaaa voatibule and porrhe* med* by The Newark Screen Worke. II tcMay »t___Gi.ASS poRUHE-*. vagtibulaa. etnrm oaah.

aarago doom and glaan gardene OraMgoSoalb OratMT* rh<'ne

HCK.4 lAL WINTER CAR SALB.1917 ( halmera eedah lllk* naW; l* l i Ifudeoii ecden tn l l lu Marion <-oim*1411 t.lberty. touring.141T ].4b»rty. ^huiwiny1414 Col*, l-cytlnilar, I pavaenger1*14 Abbot Dctrall roaileter. a-cyltndtP»1414 Stud*baker. I'Cyllndor. 9 peaaei'iWr.I lia t'olr. I lyl ioad*t*r, letialnicd1414 Dodge louring, extra fm*IlUt Paige roadeter. 4-<y]|hd«r.141 4 H'ltrk roadeter1414 Winter, g-cyllnd*r roadeter.14H Kunruoblla. 4 paeaeager touring.1413 OldamoMlo. Six. 7-ii*aoaetiger teuriMg> 1411 <'adHlac 11mi>u*lne, rcpelnled.1411 Ford madnl*r Ford eporial ra wtAleo Dabland 4'paeoeiiger; 1144 and Up.

I You ekould eeruf* on* of tkeeo Kaygatn*.W AU*ACE MQTOII CAR CO .

COI^t a(Vd LIBERTY feed Car popt., 114 Broad at Fkoae 4414 |iarko4.J. W. Gifford. Ufod Car Hettager.


WE ARE tbo sao f lo who buy dan In nnp ,hnM i pMUi w iiWm km ea

nmnintlp VIU cn«h. H . I I . A - WinPMr,, ICim ■!., MnnlcUil; |

• M npHtilAM* A«ln Wrh'kAn, Y le e B '

f u K » « . . u i,> bm bp . w. / T S w w iiiT ^ ' : .

AA T raN T ion. a u t o o * M i * s r ~ ^ 1

p riM fur c«ra. iiii i i i i i l l im ,,*»r mnlia. Bnfbn «*l1tu , ^ | e i r r g g ' * prawn. r>n Canpn,. m O lk

m TUB OCT iMklna ( • bup inMto tMlb piranura ©nrn, urrabw] or burnnk, kbv raup

« n,ra ,l. I urn pnr,„( l i i u MM. Tbn a « 7 tAutoL ,.. n B«) , 1.. MnnieiniPi jth n i l ,

I M TUB OVT luvhini tn W M fW b T w lf- '•( r s M P in * m «• I « « p n ,O * ? !

Autn Ka , I t B i , nl.. Mnntnintri Pb,

WANTKD—Aainnoblln wnnt(4 tb inrl I f ra„u«t rral . .H i , " "

• rir,l-Unar> mit bn tuhiIlAildrran t,H.n,t. Bm 11|. ,( ,w , nfOnn.

* I l f JVn nun wbn ta InnblMr fnr niA*•* . bla^mnt prienh HImrh A Iatiiua,

f •*

•41.S- F**n Co.. Soalb (irang*-__ __ __W INDOW and porclk wroeDe mad* lo order,

order ea aoos ee I'oee^ble. J>>hn KJpp. 4St South Ninth #L Phone Wav. 414.

StfetTWri mcdlUTn a1io mail a. oultabU for build­

ing end loan or t'iu)r>«»i va*. jn<;ulr* A Gi-^nflcld. 194 Market at.


OPERATORS, flmt-cleae, to (lint*; f t and f i t to elan

Kraft irean, IN Franklin at.


ni-w manager, dcalroa poalUen wllb pro- greaolv* t oncem; flret-rlaae refrrnicrr. AJ- dr*«a M. B.. Box tt. New# office.________ACCOUNTINO. audita ayotem tnatalled.

flnanctal raparta InvaollnUawa. AmcrloaaA gdltCo, t S ^ m i e t j ^ W UM M kt.... ...........................BAKF^R^Rocond hand far cakae, p!« *' '1 * * j*

paotry nlehax pwaltleo. I,iOiili l»binayor.?TJ plana ei.. Newark. X, J . _______

AI.L kl-'da *>r plumbing material for eaia at low prlrci, nul nfceeaary lo ba a plumber

lo pur<'.«*» eani*. bath tuba, lavatorloa . kUiheti ainke. rang>je, twUere, laun­dry ira>a. ei*ani and hot water hearing builere. radlaioro. valwa. pipe# and

t ARPKNTER. flr*i-l»re, tion, factory piref*rrrd


like po-iL- work. In-

IT.F'ranHa and Komorn eta.opKHAtORS and finlahcr vn dreeara.

Cohen. 3* Mercer et _____________________o FfTc K g ir l wanted at f i t North Six­

teenth vt. for light b<M>k-kc*plna.

LG’KRATORS and glria lo wurk on lining p-................... .tor hage and aullcaaoe. Max Damm, gl | ||lk * Troy. H Saeeex avr ______ ___

t'ARPEXTKR for factory: nan do pipe fit- } ring. M'sftbg and glanng. Addr«4« Car

penter. Bo* H4. New# office.___* i HAL'FFKl K. mechanic, atngle. uiahe* p«*l- 1 lion; elx year*' expertenc*. Addreaa M*-

(hanir. Bo* TJ. X«w« offlo*.I'fihlTlONS. Salary. Permanency, W'c pre­pare you fur ibcac. Why work ten hour

day* for tl4 4^* AH> will get you |S4 44 for j e*%*n hour*. 14 day*' va>-aUon at full pay.1 light, pleaaant work; no ahutdowna U * ________

guuranloa Inveatlgat* our referencat Call I FOREMAN daalvM A'pMtloil la weaS Work- 1t'venlnga Half our rrcripta for two

A»ply MUrranklln at.

I O'Shea, aacead floor.

t weaka te the Knight* of Columbup fund. I CIVIL SKRVU'K BCHOOIm

GIRLS w a n t e d .BOTH b x t b b ib n c b d AWB i n b x - PBRIENCKD. TOri INC:^DBA- r»NT LAMP WORK. a p p Ct • ^ M., AT BPISON 1.AMP WORKA OFaBNCMAL klfk n iu : c o h p a n t .

■ b r o c k «t„RARBIAON. K J.



e * . n n u A (nr vrap*lnf And na-'klrc rhneninin: nn mb-rlnncn rwtdlrid. nngra to unrt. IT M n wrak. M hour,. Br*««»r linnn Cn.. Nuntu A Rhaffinid M>.. too bloih, nnrtb nf LncmwAim* gutlon._____________


ROME KXPKRIKNCB; RBFERKNCKS RB- OUIREO. APPLY R. I.ICBUA-NN HFU. CO., 11 BRfEN *T.______________________OfRlA—Wtnlnd. 3i rnur.i flrla nnd mlddl*-

AgfA WA1MA tn dn Flnln bsmi nw ing; nu

t«I Murhnt ni-

lllAt-TFEL’R troloMd) wtah*. pMlItnn. I VCAr*' «,F#rt*nrr; f-ftrfnc-,. Toppln.

ITT MaRi rt- E*"< OrAiig-.

hig plant, will) a raliabl, (.anearn; TT yoara’ oipoiiama handling halp and ma- 'hinnry. ability provan and not afraid or • nrb: talka aavtral lAnguagat; undaFatanda

r-paralrly; all gnnda now and aailniAt,, givan on ntalrrlal tn I'OtAplota naw hutidtnaa. E. R. Innnanl. It l.nTnt.ardy at., npp. Waahlnglnn Park. Tat. tyai Uarkrha l l hlnda n( aaphalt raoflng. front 11 up;

111 aq. ft. par roll: nail, and ratnant tn. I ilndad; payfo.t r.-IIa: aaphait and niatalll'' , pninir. l l r . and iir. Aaphalt FItnl tlooflng I fo. . IL i ('«» A Nona, I rapi., Ua-ltf Naw ‘ Jaiany HnUmnd avr. ______

ALL klttda nf atna-a fiiiurM ihaap: •••, ™"bnfurn you buy. Sotudirr. i l l Sprtngflalu

ava.. (al. Wa»erlr IMI._____________ ^CA^I ~RB*11STKR. Natlnnal. l l i , htHohar

blanba. AaooIa bar* rail Inf. fIS; offloa - - " . , hollAnd ay.





WANTEDHIGHKST price* paid for ladle*’ and geiHO'

cmal-off rjuiking arnd abo*e. alto full draao and Twx*do aiillai »eod puatal or t*l MkL 4ll«. Ur. Cabn. U) South tiribgo *v*.BEST rfllCKS fnr iadlea' and g*ntF ca*t-off

clotklng. abvea; *i>erlml prlcet fnr mem'a aulta. overcomla and ladlea' drerooa. **ftd Metal for prompt call. Sir. Cbarl*^ 4l4 Bread at. ________

|7 A S K Tfor eld falae tooth: hJgkeat prlc* for nld gold, Oliver, plmtlnurn and bridge werk. a eet with platinum. I l l and up; gold. 17; robber, 91 and up f Goldman. If* ifulberry at.

S.kTB 94%BBT.



NORTH NEWARK AUTO C0„ __________ t4-?l MAtaSKT ST.___________

1414 FORD 4el)varv7^I99: 1411 Ford low ­ing. 9334: 1411 Studobobar. | l t l : 1411

mitde) 3J HuGaom, |ITI; 1113 Bwick romd* aier. | 30*. t« |j 4| Lnew Imadeulat. 9144; I fU Stutx romdator, wUh winter top; I tft t'adillme romdoior. rwnmbout 4.H4 mtleo, ooll romoenablo; tkedo car* are all tn Al cow* ditlon: d*mofio(Palle«xo fUaw; your old oor lonalderid Oa^o Attto Rxchango. It Bay ■I. Monirlalf. Tel SIlTi open Sundays

alt (^ r ip ita b A tarP ^ ; higliaat prlca>E I___UalAgatan at., pbona Wavnrly l i l t .*^jr.Vl " f • ' l ^ g a rna'dMtt. AAly lAh|

WIXEB. U FrallngfcMyaes st*. 4193 WANTED, Fof*| owdan ur louNmg ugr; will* Cafe, Spf1txd?fl*lil sve*W ^ T lo buy ooeoudahind btiMiMastai w ' n'H.' ™*‘ •"“ * 'TiiSLIS

NEW OLDtMOmLF.S riiiiy thre* mer* left; mil I t t f omfS A

Sedan, roadeter and louTlng r«r. A Mg i'Ut from (ho Hal price. a»d w« gwsrantao them Atiu a few uaod vara ai low prior

ua a< (>sro.l>N*i Aulemobtlo Co., Inc.,Araeon Truck Dialilbwtera,113 Broad at. Nxoork, N. J.

____________ Tel IIH Market.__________CrLBKRT HIGH GHAoVuSKD CAR CO,

I4|a Klaool Kpr coupe, 4 pOho. itiT rhuvrotoi. A-pama,. touring 1417 ( hfvrolet. ronsbouL with wire wheels ifelb xiidemohlle. l-eyl., 4 poeo. tourini. 19K MuUeop, 4-41, 7-paaa, louring,1114 Naiiciaa!, 4-cyl.a 4-m m , tourlwc.1411 Ford, A-paaa, touring.CaJiliwe, eptA-ial •p*cJ»t«r.

4H Bread at. ______ Tel. H i t MkLHOMIOR, 1417 roaJatar. Vlaaey............... | f |4m a x w r i .Ip. 14)4 tour., fully e^'p'd. bargain. OVKRlaANtX U 14 tour., like new . ,.1144 CHKVKuLtfT, M-444 tour, tool bdr.. ilS InUICK M IL tour., very Ifni ioa....... l3 : lSAXiiN runabout, |I4«, Ford lour. 111! TOWNSKNIVS, 114 Kalaey at. Ual, 1444.

NKW AKRIVaLA d ail y .

J I T ^ r bndr waniMl II nr t* pum

WANTED, Pnr* car; muat bo ahasSa U

• y r " C ' -tavi ilcSsu^

^ \ oogo, fl4 Me*am*r‘a Storage

eond for Mr. Caeb: l*t m* gW* yea an oail male. If tha price eppaala lq rma. «a 9*y you In caah. no checks Tel. *444 Uariot, or ( i Academy ot.

' ■ raa.-ii,'.. * drawlngix: ronridanllal, Addroaa Confldoi.-laaiaa tnuatm .PElKIUIERa. eyparlan.adunderwear, aiaady work. DaUy Underwear 'J

Co., 441 KltloenCh ave, > GKNTLRMAX. middle-aged, 14 year*' buai-I naaa oaporlonct, can Qualify In almuat any

J. D . BoxSTKNOGRAPHKR—SepalhJ# modeat aienog- raphfr of axperlenc* and education; one

who know* cerro<’t rule* of puniluailen and paragraphing, dictaphone experience dealr- able but Sot aaeantlal: alrwdy work, pleaaaiit eurroundlnga, in buay offb*. houra 4 3o to

Apply Srott L Bo«ne, 44 Urange at., N. J.

:44a Apply > nioom/teid,


t riinten at.. Newark; lif*ur»a 4-4.14 iSeiue- day. 1-131; jrermeneni tlv ll Sorviuo poaitioit nithout coippetHt''o AKBoilnatlon, ealary month; aooual advan<.-«; repHea coutldcn- Dal. Addreaa Secretary. ________Sl>:NO<iRArilKns. lypiaia, offica gaoio;

aaie, book-koepera and awiicbhoard opor aiota; Cbrlatlana; aaperleuLvd as4 b a n ­ner*. good opoolngl (ur aducanla redpad mppllcaata. Clark Agency, room 4 j \ i man *ta Naw York.

naaa oaporlonct, can rapacity, Addrea* offlco.

|S£. Nowi

DOUriLAh ateam tHiller, Dv* radiator*, Gvevalve*, Dv* glr valve*, pipe*. Dttlngw, 9144.

er plant* at aoually low prIceoL Thoinaa Dnvglan. U3 HMlbiim *v*.. Mlllbucn, N.

other plant* at A- Dnvglan. U3 _J.; eptab. 1143 writ* for particular*.KLUr^TRIC, gaa flxluraa. altorod, ronnlahod;

llgbttag fisturo*. all deacriptloua. Kraoaa..__llag _______ — . .Chandallor Work*, loc., I l l HalooyeL

SALE^444.444 light hard brick, oult- ahle tor walla and foundations iJtrniap

PlUx, phone l ; t Perth Amboy, N. J. _____ , FOR

JKWKLIER daolreo poaltlon aa pattern maker. | a.h1e tor walla andknowledge nf a|eel engraving and d*Klan- ■ KlUx, j _ ____ ________

hig. Agrtran. Ja.-U r, Dga »■ _ [ y.77„— HAt,r_BTuir.t,kk »alb . ramWnniim.tahia, )•().( m l . libn naw; l»*.

Phuita lal. South <>ranga. ___

BTaiNOORAPHKR—Bright ynting lady, nnal an* w l^ airaka: abla to laha charga of

nifim: lAlary iniwiaratr, Aldraaa, aintlng nnrtlrutara and anibry dtalrad. A. W., t l . Ntwa nfllcn . ________ _________ ______STKNUQHAPHKR and IJfpnarllaT ».

n igaflig an rnatiirad— llgkf, iSfFj

Dtj' aahlta laarn- liig; light, airy, corafnrtAUa work ruum. AMHf t* K, • . kaata k Cn., I l l Ogdan at.. Nnwaak. __

OIRLB AMD WOHRN.Afel* I* asarata t n l u machina far light,

e la u warh; giwd *nr all* - ■ -- - pf, -fa* bagfnBati. tin t (ianr.

£iar rntind; ainu a tUk O naga ara..

r v w V f S^ A01 kaiTi t



CURL wfsiMod. H (o It yoara. to kolp In cot- ting room: oxperlanr.e not rooulrod- Ap­

ply aovonth floor. Ckarloa R. Do Bovolao Co.. Fiane Md Acadomy at*.

■ 'F 'OIELI for wiping and packing on otool

ttoiai awa a ntrong, ftittlUgakl woman lo faetan m d a ok dlaplay board. Kraoiitor A Olo., ITf Blsktaafttk av*.

OtRLS ■tor w yasslsj bard aaady; gtoady work, rsarsw CO s S lAfSpoU# at., oornor Bread.

m “ ■

antod. idly;

ankerwho la tapable of taking dldallon rapi

pOrinanenl poalilim auti g«Fod ealary. Ua Dutfliting (.V, III Mark*t *«■_________




CONBRHl TENTERS, l l . l t LAPPBM TNVreKlt. lt.t* *

CorwiNbEM L lt.a« *RRBLEKS. I h .M

IMTERKE TE TKNTKH*. ILa# ^ ” ja c k ’fE.VIERg. iL r .La p CAIIRIErtM. Il.ta

DRAW PRAUB TIU.rk.ltS, I f f -n7.Tti.SDEt-4 iS.r

WkStad tn work In chocolatr fac-tnnd par. Ftln‘ .oroon 41m,

tm t i *WAt7 work tug gnn. Cksrafcts Ciu J .7 nnS PiranO t f t l *a«r I* to Sa tlkknnl

3 $ lle* . negareaer; atangyL-nggawair Ce„ Ml Ptftaanth

avar M to ia tlkbaalag an lagita- «ark. Dalay ava

GfRLf wantag ag Inapactura nn mnabt rolta;nn ttnwnanrn ntintanrr: will taach. Tha

Artatn fV , U Mill at.. Sallarllla


GTRLS tn nttarata Ungar anwing raachtna;nikn laarnan aa Inrallag hatga Eaaaa

Lagthtf Mag Ca. I Cunshall aLk la aacUng gapaatiMiiC: aond

tahIU Iwrabif, Hollar-llan I sL AadsAvanaa L. aiRLS WANTBO.. 0. mknnkn.

, ■ W ORAKUK ST.OlRLii ■■!«. Blaan *Mta coata; aalarr (I

wMIa laaialSf. Tin Oordm Coat Cn, 1)1 Mataag St., fanrtli naor.__________________



MAN. gMiaral koaloaM training, rurL-rarful ■upervlaor of labor, proven executive abil­

ity. ^ y ln g and eelHag eaperloncn. wmota field or office poaltl'm. beat refarentjep, mar­ried, American, age 41- Addreaa Workor, Boa 13. New* offlc*-____ ___________MAX."handy In all line* «f bu*lneaa. lewelry

and furnituTO. movie;, wiaha* po*)iion, t^o* Mll.'hil. U4 Ferry at.M.\N wiaheo poeliion al anythlni. hcM rof-

er*nr«*. Kanfley, l;idg*wood eoafl. South Orango. X, J.UACHINtST^wIM, experianc«d on Glaboit

l l year*’ prarticsl ex


TRON. trrr.EL a n d m a c k in r r y . WAL8U S SONS A CO.. i:LAY A OtiDEN.OUU LARIfl# . 1.444. 44c.; other p r im in g

aa r«aaonahla; guli-k> neat. Roao rraao, Malaov and Market at*. ^ . n _ONU pair roe* velour porilera*. on* piano

In good condition, old fOM electric floortamp. bargain, offlc*.

Addreao L. IL. Box 3. Newa

and torret tnachine; porloQca. Addroaa Foreman, tfffleo.

Box 4, Now*

MIDDLE-AGED American man, reofivlng, or rioek In hotel ataward'a office. Addrc*x

M. B.. Box 131, XowB office.____oFTiCAl. Workmaii d*alrea ■ poaltlon with

uianufacturer or wllolaaale ho'vae a* a gold worker, truer and blldga hend*r Charled rtoveyc. 147 DaWHl ave., Penovme.rlANO and N m ltiro ropolring and pollak^l

■t your roaidancm Bcbd puolal to S. Platek.M Bo>d at.SAW MAN) oxpart In all kind* of aaw work.

machlntat la all klnda of factory repairing, aloo MW work, lookt for o aiaady poaition with a voHablo firm* wlth^ooddfooa Saw Mah, Box l i t , Wtw*TTBIST,

wanU opeal WMa buUdIng.

traffic iralni ■afag; draff

t^ollego edwiatlow, aiinipt. H., 14)


To6L HARDENER: flrpt clam*; would like poottlon. Addreaa Hardtlier. Roi If,

New* oHlc*.

flURBER STAMPESignature aiampa, aeal aran «. TT4 Broad

ft. Btagardno A liOMtpgtoS; (ako afowator.BEL'OlfD-HAND bulldlAg matoriat: building*

bought *nJ romovad. A- P, Hanibllfi, 114 M*ln at , Kaat Orange- I3I4J Orange.SOFT HATS, l l . l l ; flight Imporfenllone;

worth t? and |3. A. Nlaanaoti, :il William at., near Droed. hat manufacluror.

A in n e>wk», fine wat'kaa, >«w«iry *nd oyo- rUaxae rapa'red at low pricov. old gold,

■liver, platlmiin and falae teeth boughl. J. Seldornan, t f l Cllnion avo.; tel H74 Wov,HIGHEST grleea paid for tadlaa' aad cohtF

rart'Off clolhlng, tkoaa fkra and eld fow- a)ry. aand pn«t*r and 1 will call. Loul* FTeomah. 71$ Bank It . A*at Wlckliffo n .

MR. MAXSOX. 174 WARREN BT. HlghMt prtre* paid for genii' rlothli

hate and *ho*x, mere than any drValar town. Ph< ne Market 7114

fiCASH f o r o ld FAldlE TEETH SETS;

AIJK) OLD GOLD AND SILVER. JBW- EtgEB. 11 c e n t r a l AVr.. NKAH RROa D-JEWRLRT—0)4 told, ollvor. plattoam.

b r l^ a work; old faiaa loath; pay 91 (» I l f oat. 141 Market ■(.. room 313. n«xl Lyiio.HIGHEST pric-av for old gold.

- ‘ ; Jewelry B. Lubln, ilR Market ot.

BriBum and fall*

whllo you wait.WANT to buy a t.-nal and gaa rarige or any

thtnc that can be uard In a raatauranl. r. G. Box iS?. Wharton. X. .1.OLD GOLD, allvar. diamondr and platlhum

bought. Balavfo, 144 Market at., eppoolto Nowork Thoaier, aocord floor.


Ffwde, M*x«at1a, Dodgoa, Chovrolpta gad ether make* r*n bo Wugnt SI bargee oriroa, tint* payment If dealrad. If you aro in tho market for a bargain «ci at aBco.

Dl: I iu /h s MOTOH CO.,;o b h a Nf u r d PL.

fE MONAL™J.* *■ ' • •V'**' K'F'ra 7»»l» «»gi

iES/'JT.'**" ........ .. « « ‘F"-*'ehkln diiv* irwi; wfdi n , » ragnif l lr a 7l"‘ liT ,'* '? ,*.* M E 8 *«^*rak^ i V i X T i s i iI- J M E r il OHDOWKii. h,r7kV kM I , gft, n r u T l..*****. t»'D-ra*ilg k ,i«H * J M M * ' Oegawor and Jgi;iib Handel baa mom d w j* raiv.g , i Kl I * m nut bu riuiwnllM, tiF

.J jk l, liKurrag by bin,.JOSEFH OKDOWIB,

>1) Sumii .NiMirawarsL'! 1 TO •kan i II m*jr ranrant; Vy wif*

lu . l s g l ,f ( niy k*< u d u i r l I w i S i f f ^ rooMnot^a fop gn* Sabi* ooBirsuieM HE her. Jom» Browop. t l So«Md a t, «itT> *?B|*HAMRr IIACMSTKIN of l * | HwtardMt

ally, kai *old hi* grocery otoro be tlMtawwai Akoll«ii k Ptarnltur. Co. All e U l^ statalT'^prarawt (o jBMira h , Stinwr 111 S sttI l T ' W Olrt^ Ilk* pkriy t , i r r tlllnA T t '„ • • • • i f manth*. C a U U lik w S r .iMra. Ray WDratan, l*K -rhamu M. *

d e a l e r 4m ha* autov, naw and *Oe*hd> hand, for Bala, oloo parla. wat«k my ad-

vortlaomrnt* for burgalnaDKALKR 444.

Papaalc av* . opp. Ceniar at . __________ t HATyAM. N. y

I TfAVF a lirnouilnv. nuat ho void al wfico;H i t Hutch haa he«n overhauled, olaetrie

light*, brand-new Urea, one extra llr*; will 0^1 to the nr«t man with a reaaonabl* offer. »l KflcK; Wavarly 7341.FriHD coopeloi. in f1r»t-cla«* roorhgftleal

rondllton. ju*t out of paint abop, Hawlor *he*-k ahaortser*. other extra*, price llTk; If you .are Interealed la thlv. do net dalar- 4>e4or1rS Sadler, flS Oluoinfleid *vo, Hloomfleld

In srivaio favMir lor la Riptitbr *-ta*— — ‘ —Nawa offlco.

14 m ^ tba ald. ' A ^ ’rVM'

f in w i l iLADtES* fall and wtfiior a«1la n.. _

your tneaouro of your own maioHsL u to |14; akirto from |M I to lf.44; draaao* and *osarale c-eat*. 99 to tld i i faatlott aaaurod. Bwrn«u CokoE 14 m rark al.. opp. north ontranoo P. E T k taS

HUPMOKI1.E, 141T, 7-p*ao*nt«r; porfeet aae- rhanlool coadlUon: look* Ilk* nowj ruMi,l*4

mllwa, poatllva bargaJh: tIN Motor Ralea Agency, Main aad Cilaiun ala, Root Orange; phono 1394: opeh evanlnga.

SDFERn.tTOUS ItAtR roipOvoda"* JT** *' otperloMoo. ,MISS C. A. DUNBAII. ruoreaur In IflfM. s£


H A T T R ^ K S KKKOVATMD , 1 y ,w d u e , by ImpTov*! mtihod: fgll Mm . tC lM ^

<•••>"•- rw idralrt''* Ma t t r e s s R E N o v A T ^ a ceS -lU Murcl*. ,1. PboiM w ,» . TAT*.

~ CHIMNKTR T f rI guraiU ra to mAh* u y c k ln s n SFsW-'

I Sjl'*''**' *“ • ^Alra* "••7 u : F. A, 8 d 7 t* ,W '' 4 DtSra At. nrar urlAnt ALpkAii* B.

HEERLESS LIMOL'BINE Iu 'iitrtect «n'- ditton, newly painted, will o*JI vary reao-

enable; good funeral car. Apply Orange Uarriago Co. H I K**ox av*.. Orange. N. J.

AUTO to f£ ^ « b a t c o r i u " ■ I tair sptoaa.___ ALSft ET.

Tol. Mil. t i iFrorr^t, etiflcloot atrvlea; rop»lrai •E A 'f COVERS MFU. 00*. 139 M,

J. B- LASKET. Frop. “ ‘WE make a apaciMity of grindlhg eyllhEata,

crank ahafta and plalona: wa (klaa 4w i l l aktomobllo machine work. Edward H. Fredrick. H lleddan pi., NowarR, ff. J,

good running coadlllnn; elan H H I'adlUa^ touring i-ari call be-

inoeii 7 and • I*. M. InaulfO J. FriOdrean, Xt South Utghleenih at,, vlty.

I4H RKO JItnvy — r*din

for raal-otf rtolhinf.IIIGHI^T price* paid . --P. Tlachler. fS! Waal Klhney at.; tend

pootai. of phono Wavarly 1774.OldP UOIdD, e11v»r, arrap* of Jewelry and

falM l*eth bought for oaoh, F, W, far- 117 Broad a t . I Branford pLeon*.

OIaD rotha Rllver and gold wanl*^ price* paid for old aola of tealh.

Evk-hange, 137 Broad *t.


I 8ANITART typewriting deakt. prarli- cally now, 9i4 ea rb; roll top deok and

awlvoT chair, 939. H, 6 Waltero. 447 Mar­ket ot.. Newark. Tat. 4714 Market.34 LOADS of manuro, fr*« (or tarttng.

and Hackatt at*.Flatio





ATM!-. H.

dk s ra .taAiag AtgSU If snfAtsW*.


THM Wa m K ratriisl 0 * « i t m ksra # s«^ is is 'fk r glfta Aiig VASIAS rr*m 11 to It

yran s s hISfl-tFsd* k*Hh'«*rfci Asrapthw-Ally f**K t b s cASdItlASt; go* i takgt* p*l)twklta Itsnjjfc. r is l ls gSsytAS tra ./N sw ur

TKAOim tr MW-- .s ss iK i f-r**ra U sr tn its ti t

U77 v llk sr w libw t wsMilsa. 4IT . sitMS.

ta ttas ttalwfctassrg s sS towsTfe. kMkm ostMMF. a*k n.

i tarn-


aaff________ _ Ill tasM t ir kitetoa wsrta, s s t

tf s - I S F **~wilt*r iR.

TRACERS*N sm ksr'tf youag wetMan, otparioacod In

t r a c ^ Mua priaia. will find aapoilont op* pormaltF bi tko Thamaa A. EdlBoa Cota* p a a l^ Its EtiMSBt ava., BtassiflolA

u t il it y m an . care for horxe,, furnace. In Groog*-. .iddren*

Man. Rox P7, New* ftfllira. G ra n g e .___ __YOUNG SIAN with ten yadka' etiwTlenre In

plumbing, healigg aad Irinxmlaalon aup- plteo a* order clerk and eallntator dealro.4 Boaitloii with competoat firm, ihorougnly UmlHar with priHog and ordering material: Al rofaroncoe, Addrova 3t., Box 7t. Xawa offtco. *TOUNO MAN. Itatlks. would Ilka paaltloQ

a* rhauffour; Juat Uft auto achooi: f04 1411 IkdB**; would Ilka to drive Chaliaerb car. Vito D« Nicola. t3 l Sheiriold ri.. Now. ark. N. J. _____TOUNO MAN. 19 yepra oxporiODco on rukbor

' ' ' m and rubber ml ‘Horak. Mlllhum,

iubatliutoa and rubber mixing compoukda. AloxaAdot

liMM bd* Gm A ui Twr tma t Iff* Oaah'a, 344 Waahtngton au. corner

Ana^my; thro* or (Ivo ptoco parlor pult*, (Oil ITi. ooll for 911.94: goldon oak dining room euHo, alx black loathor chair#, bulfot.

! round lop table, coat 91il9, mII for 934t rug*' voat 9^- 0*11 919,

LED ROOM SUITK, hraa* had. golden oak Urcaoer, ohlfCunnler. ciraaalng tahl* <*cwt

|4U aoll for 9:0. At Mr. Caih’a, HA Waah- lagion *t.MORRIS CHAIR, coat 9H. aell for 93. vow­

ing machine, coot 944. vail for 94: kli« hon chati*. S4c., foatkar ptnowa. 90c. Mr. caah 74i Waahingtaa at, gCOTTON TOP MATTRESS. 93: gprlnxo. 9J ;

folding rota, c(Mt 94, veil for |3 , like new, roll U s daak, coat 994, toll far tlO- Mr. Caab, 344 Waghtngton at.CRUX rngi. coat 913. oall far |1 : Turklab

ro^or._oo#t 919. veil fw 99; gnphopbone,

N. J.YOUNG MAN, In groetry itoto or butc-hor

■hM; long oxpariarnca, 3 Eaat Paaaalc

EHrLOTVEirr w anted - w o m e h- - - —

COMPAlflOK to InvAltai f*od hou*ti»AS*r, ' AT sny Msei of tnioti i*r«vitaoo o i- ckassod. AMrato Coisssstaa, Bo* I), N o s. olfta*. __________COOK—Oo*« cook vlth (ood rtftraseoo

s s s t a tsM Iosi rail St ta w n t omptay- ratsl, t«) TWtar ra*«. O P ^ Montdstr.

fo s iw y At; ta tsra of Kltssfcy.____________

llstbsytAS tra.. SSAk.

.J C M flm or korwsi v s s M » tasrs t * ie kpslitara: HM for

iS iw __4nii-iI t Cntar

s s IkfssM ss4 «kU- A tfl7 a n k s is s C s,


WOMW em>

« A «rVK rAorrar woiuctMO ram ok cMARom.

COOK, flrtt-rtosi. »ii4 rtasik«rm»W-w*lt- nsA wsiit sooltloH tuotkor. Adrartlt*-

moBI, Ikl Mol most sv*.. Ktwork _______~ ON HAND

froMEN RtHO I; w E aXND Ir r o u n d in u

IN HMW JCKOTt n.BANKRK iMMiK M T C .iim CHAiOM TO ^ S H T WfOtiM <Wt> W WILL <• AT oMCK. oem —

WANTED, to buy. cook atove, gnofl <ondt- tlon: aUle prli-e. AdJretia Htnve, l|ox

tH . New* office.OLD black pony akin r^at eanted. A<1-

dreea Ho* K. PTfIc**, Orance-TWO chair barber ahftp ontfU o«nt*'1 ai

im<-e. Addrea* Barber. Rv* 3*, .NNwa office. _________________ONE CORD of 34-Inch wood waotoil at one*.

F. A. Marah, 44 Dougla* rd. Gian Ridge./EWELER’S adcond-hand bench and tool*.

Addroaa Jewelry, Box 77, Now* office.

HmitkaU Go«4i WuXwlAT Mn, CASK’S, M Ac*d*m£ at,—Whal

have you to **tl (or ca*h7 wa buy «ny- thing and avarytklng for caah: tecond-hand fumliuro and evarylhing you wunt to aoll for raah; 1 pay more Iban any dealer nf auction hnuBO in the rity; u* agetil* to pay <omnl«- vloit. 1 call mr«elf ptraonnily: Ihar* why I pay more than eihera: get my |•rice firat: *and pOa(*l: 1 will call Bi (inr*: hualnoaa ■trietly oonfldtiillal. Tol. 4S94 Market,a l w a y s paring Ihe h1ghe*t caah price* for

contahta of knuava, port or full flat* of furultiiro; houaokold gooda. rug*. brlc-a-braa: clothlim. unpaid atoragr ranelpta. alorett atoclvi of ovary dopcriptlon. office furnliuro; buataaaa cDH(1d*h<l«l ami prompt tltanllaai •etimolaa glveo fra*. Write, call, phuno 4144 Waverly. J- Bllvarman, 371 S om oyt at.

99. Caah. 141 Waablngtou st*

ABOUT MUTIHO NKW rUIfKirURM.Wh*n tn doubt s b « t s rat* Fisc* i« » , s

plsc* v h * n no iw , prir** *r* ukod, s pLscA v h * n orary Arllcl. 1* in,rk*d In pistn risurw s t tks IawaaI praslbl* oui<k ral* pne*; ovr tu ck 1* st sll IlntaS Isra* snd vAflAil: boufbt sn* raid for ra*h At Ui. luv- n l po^ bl* AApAA*.: Volk IsHnd lAt po*t*d. f t ^ n k PtifcAW. racr.A.Ms lo CommArelsI T r a in s Co., di Bniiford oorn*r of Arl- Isiu is M. OtM IsL i- t s . aalfl • o-olACk.

ANTTHINO lo s bora III furnllnT*. houoo- kold goodi, corrato, rug., tmAll or lorgo

quABtUy, He mo sofon you mH; poolilvoly I ta .t crab prtr.. pAld; n i lm .l . . gl.#ii f . . . ,

all bualnou t'onfldonilAl and prompt .(l*n . tion; HRd pnatol, H, Isrman, ;t lllflalil. pL.; roll or pboso It 11 WivHly. ____

am CAOd A* SStai m*.l bA'AAM At s Asert.flcs, AApsrataly *r toSAthtr; AlAiASt psr-

1*0, b*d r**ra ssd dlnlsd room TsrsliDn, rsd, cuTlsIiu, *«t tISM. Avocrtblm liko nos.

todoy Asd tamorrow, 14 Buoth Tbtr* lAonth At.AT BAROAIN—B*d. i-oBcbA*. droAHt*. rblt-

(ABntar*. AtdtbAArdi, tsb l.i, v**bA(*adt,psolAr tsIU*: Istory bulldinc full of turel- I s n Arary dAserlpllon. If**rni*r'i ktArAg., t HAllAnd «L, SASr kprlsttiold *ra.; oprn ATAAlsfl.^___________________________ _

OVTAIM HMD p m d n iO N S OiAMBB l i l t


ALMOBT bsvalao BlaBO! f

■L, t in t SfsrtmAnt.jACObAdS dlnlns

nOrm fii. l lr*«Ri SAt; EsAt P ir t


WORK,A O m aiB DAT-om cB .

Msitaollls « « . __________

t ----------rAMtI.T WdJaUMO.

IS pAssds fra TM* t«sr H insndt s t lo

a s -'

D f in m b o o m Ubl4. «g«t 939. lull, tw IS:or " ■ “ -

j4L f«U for’ 99% Mr.

r black lasHMrr oaot r k a ^ oooi r 9t.M: Mv#»f»ort, coalr|S% sail

Cuk, ^ w siihliigf^ sc*

WE BUT oacond'hand furniture In large or email lota ar anytktng you wlah lo aoll (or

raah; wo pay f l per rant, more than dealer* er any auction houae; n«od lh«m f'lr ruomlnv houaaa* that'* why w* pay tn* mfiai; *#n<i paatal; w* will call at onea; bualnooc ceafl- dantlal. Mr. P*nr. HI Wa»hlPgton at.AEEOLUTELT tho klgboet price* Mid tor

oltbar part or entlro furntahinga of houMa «r flalo, Mora, offlco Rxlur** or motebandiao • t s sp daarrlptlon; will pay opot caak a»d ysMw rt promptly; got our offer bofot* aoll* imm Write or phoM Bold'*, 4-11 Arllngtoa it* Tol. 4141 w l u t .SELL your aecoad-kaaS fvrsMsrs to Amorl-

sw i t a o r : wo b v ! » * « • • « • •a ll i ^ i got my fotlmat* baforo trying otbon, asd Ir iny srleo appeal* to you wo will pay you apoi eMlL lo o ^ v a t . 7t4 Waabrnglos at., T h. 444 Market

FORD OWNERS—Have your egr oggipped with demountabla rime whti* yoa wait,

loweat price*. roUabi* work guaraaiood. Motor Tiro Mart. : * Hal*ey atCMEVRGLET aodan, 4-pae*.; good res4l-

llon; <**h *alo, 9444: wrllo «»r lolophona for ■ppeintment. rrank L. Armatrong. HI Lenox ava., Raat Oraago.

SEW ING HACH1NEM ^paired rtgkt la s i SMlichAll. M TbtftSABth sra .i UlTiH IP lijI -tr TTPEWRiTIN-rt; l.itAr, l l s .1 M L * ' . ■'‘drantns. m sm sraphlss. * ts Mm, VIo SK iTuip. Tia n r ^ e s ’a Mdg.. Markat s E i w ih w ' -®^EDISII mgvogge. manicuring,

oxperlancad oporstora. Mlaaa* mw Prior, U 7 Mow at,, oppoalto HkdweBWEDIEK mgaasgo; oboally,

rkoumailosk* Pboso Oi Kunthoack. 444 Main at.,MASSAGE and oratp treatment by

oncod oporstora In IVIaonor lUU: ' to 7- 443 Broad at. JohsaataiUAMAGK and hath*. MeRwas R AMirmiifS^

911 Ctlnlon ava,, cornor F aria , |lb«sS&N. J.; tol. 3T4t Waverly.SWKf>lS|| and olectrie niaaaoxHi oil

cabinet haike- TUhaon 4 C o7 ltJ Cl!

1417 FORD louring. Mrfeet condition; all tins tirea, 1 oatra. 9339; IIJI Ford lour­

ing. fine vhape, good Grea. 9l7l; real gain*. IT* Springfield ova.


FORD 1111 touring hodlea. abenlutaly new, price 194, thtv Includet marx, lamp*, wlnd-

«h1eld, etc. Frarlerirk gadlar. 41* Bloom­field Bvc., flloomflcM.99 IS the profit we make nit uaod Ford care;

wo have somo givod bargain*; U will say you to *«o them. F. S. Motor Co,, 11 ElU- obeth avo.

LOSTBOX Faafaboard box, largo elsa,

litnov from tuboa to Re# Hlvt; naiwatf box. Allwn ..............................Co Return lu jjanbattan Cloaali

3 77 rilnloii a \e

STGRAOB BATTERIES — tltTR MOTTO.'k e k f t h e o l d b a t t e r t w o r k -

ING EXIDK STATION. 144 HALSBT BT.ALL kind# uf Ford car*, builder of bodloa,

Ford car r ^ lr o : sll kindi of automablls pointing. J. Kopyta, 144 Bo Orango av*.Fo h D—Now lourlbi. runabout; and datlvory

uaro; torms to rospoiwlblo partlaa Ai* dreao Roneo, Boa H i. Mows office.FORD for agio, cheap If void at one*. Tostk

■I., eoraor of Elov*nik avo.; phoa* Msr- kot 1471.AUTOTAR


roRD, i m ,HT

Coam reuI C mGOOD second-hand commorcls) cars on lime

payuipnta. Fedoral Truck ComPSoy ot Newark. U l - t l l Kalooy ot

rpiaj bodloo; largoai otoek In F.xaex Oottsty; pricoa 14. Mr rent, lower

than Newark prtcaa, out of tho high rent dlatrlcl. Pfodwriek Sadltr, 414 Bloomflald nve.. Bloemflold.FO RM FOR SALE: H ll. 1494 AND i l l f

FORD RUNABoirrS. TRUCKS AND TRUi'K a t t a c h m e n t s . HtCE-MAClUB MOTOR TRUrK CO.. tU RALBlT ST.D-E 1^-ton worm drive, only uaad about

thrao month*: In Mrfoct running order, prico modoratr. Apply F. Kraako, Fairflofd, N, J.; or phono ITlFf.

714 WaahlAflos poets I will vav* dwlafo*



FORD dollvory. Incloond body; good running oonditloa. rhone 196 Oranga or call 93

MI, Floaaanl are., Weat OrangeTWO Ford tractors; flral-cIaM rondlttos;

onosbalf orlglsal price. Addrooi A., Box 39, Now# offtca.

TirM, Actwnriii. RiaBin, Etc.A FULL Use of part* for ovary known make

rsr, laeliMllBg a 1411 asd 1413 Morcor, SluU, CadMVsc. Colea, Bulek* Chalmara, Lmo , end all klsdo of truck parta» ^nagsoto■. gsn- oratora. atartora. ciri Guy's Aulo Nxehasgo, I t Bay st., Moatfflslr* Tel. tllT ; epos Sun- days*

BRAYTELET WATCH-^U»ai. lady* .bracsiot watch Sunday r>n Urung* *4,,

toorn Bathgaio pi, nnd Hrani'h Rronk l_ nptit«. Reward if returned lu *9l StWE at*.

rapbhlrM, Ti a’ da a y ^ , sr ta d ''

DROCK'H with four whit* i day. JUborty ami lUlUldc . , , _

ProapQct esr , reward. N llt, 34T VtmnS Slds^ifb a n k b o o k Na 34111. Aniorluss i.-.-'S**

Dank, lost; namo on book, Jan.94 Bolmoeit av*. Return to bask.

BANKBtXlX No. 13414, IronbotiiHl Company. Ple*M roium to offivo n

company. Market snd Parry vts.


MA«A—Soslahin aiuf gold cloth bag, at* I'lsiier return t« 3H HawthorW

top floor.Cl'KF LIN*KS-ra-Loa1. Huitdsy innL

Sfrlogflobl av<b. rrslnaron. pal! craved gold cuff link- t-warrt vale Mtih Lna. t ll willny ler., Irvlnniiwi


Lk]G—Firayed nr i>(uirN, junaM ramnr *.i« roaenibihig da bdiund. i\nAy ilark ma

with while on foci, noae and tall; r*i Jvrtiey f'lly lu-cna* lag. Reward (or roCw 41 South Maple ave., Eaat Orango, uosi*) trwl SVC.DOG—Oolllo; black and brown,

around ares, whit# chest, whits ayea, «ighi month* old; reward. Carter. 194 Central av*.. cltr.DOG—Lori largo apotlod hound. ttinlfA

Moyoravll]*: rgi-w,stuyveonnt nvs., I r v k ip ^

- - -- ----- ——*4, SitaUWGroat bwampo. Moyoravll]*; rgiMjPj_Walior Momtn. 411 •*---------- * -ton, N. J;DOG— Lost, Fronch poodle: snawora isi,

of ’'Bate*''' Howard 1( retursod ^ R(oR Amhorat at.. East Orango. - . muiDOG—YorVahlro Urricr, atmyod " 5 ^ lS 5 iC *

(r*ni 11) N.ta It. flAwtrd It r*l«nNt Bta WllllABi CumnilBA________________LAR‘n.lNO. diamond, loat. elthar

cars botwoon Broad and Markot Littteion avo., of In departmosl stasis Broad and Markat atb. Kindly miSM Ma|n *(., Orango; fowarfl.

*Gk iwp ^ r ^HAND BAG, binrk.glasaos iMldo, on flprlagnsl

longing to lady. II yoara Wuiborry at.; r e w a r d ,_____KRTS loat. going from Tontb s t

field. o>vor Bergen to l | t ChSi aooond floor; reward.

DO YOU KNOW Itiai yos enn have thnl anor*d eyIWidor rOpnlrod WITHOUT rw-

ffltid lagr Snvo money by kavlag yosr «yl- ^ o r rsRalrod by L. Lawronoo Patastni

ocoaa. at 9 tl Halo*y s t , NowsTk, N* J.

-Konvy btack and whlH s4 •

• E i t H. 79 Aendomr ri-i fursHuro, ^sntbriv. r n ^ iA bitl^* fmtnroa and tvory-

thtng. amatl or largo lot*; ssya full valM< spot caah. Tat 4T11 MarkaiT ___

CARBURETERe a t p i AM j^^ggnr]

r o t *T0V»-0*M -*!ta itAT* for ta ^ lM » U n -ro o m ; SAW *r racAiut Mn<. (tall 11*

yiArri* , .t ,.

dinin;•r raWh u dA fc*ij AdlAll. ValkAr, i l

FOR 7AI.B—H*ho|tair wAAlHtait*, n *m itbl*, Imiuttan l*A(k«r

taM*. fh*l ra , k* w u * l*t, r ghtnoABtar; m ad Mfl qalsKly. CAMArlraill*. *7*a S. HUKT ta taliu*. *»>■* Wkr (■•>. k u• t m ktaW t t tMw B*4a « l* « ikaa aAit.»Bf tak»lM» 7 « 9t

trti, ■ta*


InilrartAO.a. rncHBR k co.~ratiui« w< u iw -

^-*".** tAAiewktai firat .taw ■wfe iw r - aitaSr. H i BUaIaw W-: m . Wl W»;*rly.


PBONK B. B. 4ft*. . t l l . t l l njM BX AVB.» 0 « a ( MAOBBTOB-OfflcM Btack ftallM ;

■II m*k*A r*p«lr*4; AtknwH flwi* tkra ■ad takra. T lf, T.A<IHt Oa., >1 W llllm At,111 BOTH I t t l nAdlllAa FA lAliw, tra«>tl7 *.*rlratiiM: madakltid; i4.iV ••*■And Ilrat. i l O rau* it.. WlABwIlAld._______AtlTO ndlAt*n «nd takw* rataainaikr >•'

■Art ■■ArlwAlra. Au*rlni. A At* Badtata. WATfei, 44 Wllllara it-T Irtl. I H t

Aatwefcgw fw HVerACKARD tJ M O V flM ^ B B S T .cU A N B n

• B im c B . MOtfll, M T OR WBBX. F d ^ R D RBNTIXO CO.

n i k t rr„ c i Orntrai ■.*, i s r m h aVlVB tad ■*.*■ IMWAtW

KIrw By M p* Eiy or ' n. 41S-1I E OriMfsTtSrusJRN svw: ♦MdTfinBl.

MUFFLER'- _ . ___muffler, loot botwoas Iffland's a sg Fssiw»*

tor'*; roward. Rsturs to Msodsla, 111 Hdi^B•y •<>____________FCCXETROOK—Black Mstbor

containing keya and tbrn yoaterdny. from 417 Plsns now Ntolveln alloy gbd Hill at., ovor4Mgnnd, Branford pL; rwwnyd, 4 |f FInsd sl«r o c k r T B o o K , buck, im i w ltaradar, h if

twAAB 11 u d 1, AoTiMr B*lnl«at to t , u i i R*d* At,; cutaiAFd 14.11. rikdra ataW nm*~

ta TM B«uth KtahtAAaik tt ,, tktad ftaUK^POCKKTSOOK—Lsd^a krawa iMikta

AtbMlc. rofttalninf'111 and oikAf ekaArab.-h bulldlna taaa r « .]a (» .a iaak i. to u ,a*Sun PIraAA ralani Ita Mt. l-raapAct *v*., cHlfw A iZ ir

Ik Awatb*i«AAn H akakn and lii(ktaiHl Kraf , itaa. wajift AAaiatnlAf tAlukta *arit ■tatwr. TTIII fladta klndlr' ■*-—■awa aa *a*d, a ( o t u i* .

Page 16: German Strike Spreading With 700,000 Now Idle in Berlin, London ...

' 7 . . . ^ABK EVENIlrtt NEWS, THXJBBpjfcT. JA N U A B Y tt



n w m

a r - a ? -a s i , i s f i v T ? t s r « —

• i m t

t U B t A U B l M U TMr3i!asur%*.i»T

— I * r M tl * r t < T

r g s i • I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -, » . i .i < i r ‘ - ' * * " I r M i ( a k o a T1 taM tkkfkM ■*"

a M r a i k M , - - - - - - - - - - - . - ,r M u l t f k k

c a a i k k k I B k c c o u k t k k ^ y k k J k * l k «

!lK y « r l i ^ m « * c « f t » r k i i f i n c Mt n a t r u r t « r «

m o s i c a l nunuiBPrrsr h M * V U ( A f * M

r A C T O K *

f k l H t


M i M i m iff xmmM, m * * - -w S i H f m mm‘t ■ • • . * *— " l y W S t l N I . | A N t > C O M f A J f T .

C O B . A r ^ O I I A K D X ) H T H * » B O A > » .


rU M B .1* ^ . i - - w n t i H A

b M B t l f t t l M M m * l 111 d b I I f * r « M v t

h o t a n j r f r m m 4r -

L O A M W A M T i r » » l l A L I S T A T I

W A W T « P - t » « . W *« ( « a w n u i O k

W > i n o f p r *

■ O R T C A G U F O R . a w< % r i H R T F M ) i M i a t * M « i 4 i .

i A V M t O r ,

n t ^ c im i

T M t i U A )4 F I A N < » C * < » M r A N T »

n O R , A U T o i ’ ; U ^ D ^ i i o U T V B R O A D .

W * « » r , H r i i i -U M E t J r i A N C > I L ^ I > A ' n . P m # * . - - - - - - ^ - a t ,I U i n « . K n . k . . ‘ A ^ A . r l . B « i • < A * f

f f H i k l u u n f h t r - l # r i M t o f » * i t i n o M l -

M t ' l w l i i M > M r o U t P f I f t V M t o r . I J M , I I M . | J . * M * m M » U . W = * f ^ * * '

ggutr tj*"* *’* ■

H O M I S . C A 1 R I A 6 M , n t .

r I t i M t o f l r .1 r k t o l k W « y . « n » " » * » * • 1

J | L


T A T L A I I I ' a B C I I U O L O F U B M B C O T T l j


C H A T T I L L O A W S — P t R S O W A L

WB LIINO rUBBOHi __ _“ ' - , C T l ; B A B l > L ' l l B D I T

t f c . » H * >


I I ♦ • • • l Uo f l o o t r u c t ^ f t w ^ l t * O F A C C O r . N T A N C T

’ ( N r v A r h T . H . C , A . ». T O W N U r a N U . R O t r o l M ’ . * * !

I I H j I b B T i t N K W A R K ^ • > _ _ _

M t o k l t l t • U l l l . . .r A R R • C H C M i t

D A T B f U o o I . t o t o t a l * ' * * - * • » • '

^ l o H T S J ^ H W ' L l l t o n t a r . T k . t o » r , T I i b t . J . /

| k k ' i i * l . * Mc , I. r. A'. '•*«••>■

B i r a l l ■ * ' • t o ' .c u t , * l i n B « . o f k ' l t o • <

6 r a K K C O I - I J B I B . M . « * r k . * l t o B m < O r t t o * .;wo, l.ARGBrr. _

U . V . I .1} ) *

i i J u r i N o .

r .A t o i

C O L B J I A . IN A T I O B A I , C O I X I

l i t tB O B T m ' .

w i n 1 . l > I l k ' t " i r t o f * t o r n . *r . . p » r . . t o l . p o r l r . , h o

nr';.v,'."‘.'.' ."r"'" x i v . . . i i . . p o B . i k i . .l i n k ^1. S * O i o M K * .1I»Vf 3«0 f i i T o n u R r l g l i l p l o o o w M O

T ' n l > » . » 4 , • l i r k l l > . ' « * ‘ l I fnr I t P*f m o n t h T I * . J ¥

! i R O S A # # h i n i i w n * t

W 11 V) ' ( k | | I I

n i ^ t i t h ' m - T i R ^K T K J ' . A A t • “ “ ' " I • ' A j ' A P t o " ; -

l»l* 11~. » I'l. f"' OUl'k tol'S i i l B o y o i . n * o f < o * i r t h o u « * .


A K O l . l A V p l o n o t o . * " t o ' ' ' " " f ' * ' * " ,i n ' . l t . * o . I r . ' l n t I k * t o l l * ! • ■

f k . U r . W . i f i f i m n i nO n i i i i * P h * > 0 * I l i W

\ u »0 » v » . , R n u l b

U o o l o i ' f U h t l * ‘ o n # o . • > » < * ' “ P ' l. I I I - . k j # l L - e l « * H l u n U i g o n 4p i , , . t p i o n o I I * ; . b J » k c i . «

N J r SMofog* *■•*>.. IM Wort-r i « i i » U t n fI n p i u n

o u > K r rg t m r • i »«3 • ' l t o i ? / * . ^ ? i r « r» T . I a A H O E E T

■ p o o l o l m l 4 * T * * r■ r * 4 w o t M . F * h r « o r T I t o i a

o l o m S t l r o A w o l # t * •V a l M M V t l « » « -

M i n o r ^ m n B r o r r C o l o m o - - - - - - - - - -- .

m t o f I M I ' o k o t n o o « r * t o H ,i # o * l . 0 * o 4 » * o l U i » n * w * r *S i o « f e o w C o l l o r w r l l # ( o r

* * j r B U Q L B W J B * F H I N C l F A i . _ _ _ _ _ _

N B W A I U C ^ ^ > R 5 f { T ' T O M

r “ S i V a . . s ; * . s -c o i i o # o « o o i n i t i f l o o ^ h o o lI M l l f o . O » l » o o o l o * “ m 4 * I W * U 0 r l i M i T 4 o p > f t M r t t - - - - - -

a r . A C T i r v L .m o n t h * . V I

r « , 12 ^ s V o o B

I I n o t * H o r o r :I . u R ^ M i r t l W r f t l o . B o « * f B o n i b « r | * r ^ o .M l . U R ^ M I I O

l o p t o i i « t . 0 * | I l o

r i M i n i n t r i * n w . t o. o l d . 1 • ! « . • » . n o l ^ T w I T r i k t iC o l l h * l » * * n 7 ■ o d I ¥ I I ■ | H 4 - T w o i n R i * l

D o w r . A D O W B . B X P B B T r t / T l B R BI ' A l l l I N l l A M > T l N I M Q . T B I . I i n B . u .

T K I B B W A B I l

lB A M l P n S o 4 T M e o 4 M O t S M I m

mSStL » o > f c — » 1m : t a o t r o c U M k .

; ' « » l l « « « « * » t o » o A


r * p * l r l * « . » o l t o * r * t » t o l 1n f .

;*•„** s,“NiTw*:w.ii|rr ^ W ( t o * * . I l l B r « * * w t o f c *1 . I l l w n f .

r l A N O t u n i n g A I I B l o k t o k * .

* . " A I t P * < > r * * p l

o r O O O L ‘ ' ‘ ‘ A j ' Y o I I Hr.M MOTS WITH LIBB OI'ABANTOII, OK " o k k i T J n i t l ’ h b b i t h o u t B B M T ^


f A C T O R T S I T U F O R S A U - O U T

OrTOfMr A C T O R T M M * t l *11 • » • * ■ . C S * * t fi*4l*t*. c**«ptito*l to WolMl ^p u d i t o i p p f t o * . I * l t o B . * * “ * * „ ® * u * • ■


r O R S A U

P A R T B R I I T M R O O W A M r U I S


r i £ ! - i J « i A * A ! f f l * — W A J WI T H I h I i A T I . .


B t o l l t * « » K ‘ 0 » l ' l * « O M « » p « * i * i t r .

T h i n • • ' l o i r t o r i n * » c # a * * 4 ! l * » * t * * I k f B t o » t » W o f ' t l t o O A . u

A l l L H . I I " * * r n i f . P r i r m l o .c * l T , » r l t » o r p l i o n * M r . B n l a ,

U n r k o l H W i

A . X C R O K B * f A R K M T .

b u t H U . T B U < 1* M i | l » * t o > * * ' B B O A I X

B . A LH B N T r 0 1 . I . H - T I 0 N » , l l - l < C L I N

B B K B m - I A L l A l A K t O C U f T T . I l l M » r k * t l i i r * * i , T k l r d > l * * r .N . J . B « » k O o p i . M * . ! > .U ' l t i l n r N » * r 1i M ' n r a o f T r * t o .

u r « * d U o n d o r * M M i l l u r l h o r o o t i c o .

I t sC p o o r d

I I IU C O A l i B A T B L O A N * t ' p w * r d

im h « f U o c R * # i ^ r o • « ( u r * U « * r * * n d w i i n u u ^ i l * r « p u k i k l i r i r « » * • » f o i t o *

“ “ “ * ' ‘ i t o f f u , U B C I D B Q U I C B L T •1 l l l ' t o m o n l h l r p » r i n * i i l * i . .

o . I l l « ! r I f , ^ » ! « !r o o t l n i * r # t t .i l l e o l r

| 7 l o t t i

f I 4 | M p r u i I » * r If 1 1 . M | | | U * I P « r Iy I T I I p t o * S p e r I

i V I I I d ;O . M , « , i r . i i i ^ ^ t o •

Y o u " t o i * * I k ^ t o l l * r a i u * t * * f e * d t o r * * d

Y n i i ' U B o c o W . O u r P r a r n p t A t i o a i t o n .

■ o w a b p m .I l l P M T O K K f l A I .

L V M .. . . . . . . . . . . . ■ D I L O I N O .I r -


F O R S A L E - O U T O F T O W N

F U T I A N D A P A R T * • » N A # W WU l d B

N H A I . L m o r l i l n * » h o p I n | M t w k # n ; t n u * l ' r i i M < L m « k . P h o n # B * L l # v l * l *



! V i l ‘ ' T i ' n t i

R E A L E S T A T E F O R S A L E - C T T Y

r u n B A L P - D o p o r l m o n t h # u » # l i t o .r t * r t * f f n o . n o r t h « n d M c L l o t i . A d d r * o *

O w n o r . B « n l > 5 . N # w * o f f l r * .

D w e U i B f t

A N D N U i U A l , O P P O B T U N l T T

* 1 U N C O L N P A R K .

D E t H I A B L i B f # « t

t a l B Tnrmr N e w o r k

{ i D J H K I i 0 F U r M

b « 114 l w < i l r « i n 1 * V * V

j m i f U r r A v m . * t o - F i » e — t o t o * J J g J • I I i m p e e v e i w i M t e t M e e g l M s t i ^ w 4 f

r w U d i a i M M J l f E H U l F e g l f .L A K E g T „ I t s — r r e . r e w w t o S h . L ^ f

p r e v a u a e n U ; a * ; h a a t : f l r a t k e e v k j j w s t o P a r k a y * , a a d i u w N ^ l d a v O m . « « * • ■ t o ■ l e a m T l a l d * « r * : * S B * * l l « . E t o o e k ■ r e a A F o r k : r a n t t l T . l a u i H r * J a a l u r . F U l l H H a D r u n a n d A P A g T r

M X N n T O U T - O C T O F T O W NL A K E S T . . I I I . b a t w a m t » —

B e r k f l k f e e - r e e i M • f e f t e g B t # m HI m p t a . e x e e p t b e e t ; t m t 111 *

M U T I x i i i l i i b i l i 1 r a a a n a a a d b a t h : 1 * i 4a - a l a a R w a E a a t O r a a g * t t a l t o e . 1 W t o e t o J

f r a o i t r a U a y ; F e b e u a t y l ® Q e t a b a r ; r e a l | * > m e a i b l y . O a a r f * F . M a c k , * F F * * > t o — k^ - h l r r h I S H t l l i U K g T F S r . - - - - - - - - - -

m h u i b i i b t # T , a m — n w i i g w « w w «b a l k , i t l . I n q u i r e o « p r « R R M *

M T . F R O B F E C T A V M , T t l — n e t W a a H a a ;t u a r n k * . l i g h t r e a i u ; r u a t I I I .

P I M H I H B a v e , , l i b — • t e y e w i t h t w * r e e i M f a r i l v l e g p e r p e e e e ; t e p r e v e i t t e a U ' I M -

q u l r e 414 C U a i e n e v e . , t a p f l e e r .F U R N I S H E D P U T S A N D A P A R T ®

M E N T S W A N T E D — O U T O F T O W NR O S E V I L L E — T w o a l t i a * * * ■ > • ; . • ’ “ " ' . S i l l ;

g a a a n d w a i a r ; r a a t | 4 f n o u l h J y , p r a l t o a l d a r l y l a d y ; r # f * r * i K * * - A d d r a t a P f i v a l * F a m i l y . U o a I t . N a w a o l f i c t .

A r k k ' n p it t o a l * * « t t

M M t o W a *M A f T O B A I r a

I t o M l l r M l

l a M a il u n I

f l a i uO B A M m

^ i l T ^ l i S t o t f c t o f t o

l » « m U i M O R

B A i t O B A l v a ] M w w p f r o f t t

V v w ! M o o r € H B o l h r w o * ,B A I T O l U M a

T e p o i e h * * n t n s t o o o d \ n i \

C a i t o b a n c k * * M l a ^

I Ia L K M B I D U l

t o r t * , t a r a l i * * M , a a l t a M


THKKK-STOIlt B l’lLUIPiO.K i r l f i r f p y r p « * e i • q u l p m o o t * . • I r t t r l t # p *

p I t U K r t , • l * v * l o f . * r ) P ' P * . . ? / U I - :i p l t i * . - - - - - - - - - -A l c o n d i t i o n , r * » t f L S S O ; w i l l * * 11. . . H i p *

— “ , d • ! . ,m o n d ’ W r Y L i S V B t o n d * 1 . B U r t ^ t h . N . J .P h o n o o t f f . l E M ; _ r M l 4 * h t i _ T \ * B .

L I B B B T T B u h I * t a l t o i i t o £ * 11? “ u b t o n o a ; a a r l p l i t o , M l a n d u p a . r d . " J *

p. I l i ^ * Co,: i l l Waaklatton *iIII! Mark*!:* uprlgkt

onth. H. *• F‘1 * 1.I B H O » o * t o l ^ b t o n a o t o r o n i . I I t o r m

■ i w a i . C « . _ I M _ B ’ a i ^ « ' * ^ * ^ .' c T m m Vr L A T K R r i l W O ,

W r i t , t o r n i tp l a p a r . B o a I I I .

p a r i l r a l a r * fr,va

a n . , * * r .

, C k a f a kr a f c ^ » L ? ^ S i ^ K .*1 i C *

T m i m» R p M t V w - - - - - - - - - - - - -

_ _ _ _ _ B u l i i l f t p o i i i a .f t i p i r t r i f M M J i M • (

o f T I d * .M A K B m a r u t * f ' r . r f o r n i a * B l a a O j

n i l f o r l i l t P r a M T M a l M

f t , m A h * ! 'C M * * C ' d l i # p R f i m # n l 1 , P l M n f l * T d

t i l l f t e u l h H r r t d i t . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _n e t *

U P R I Q I I T f ' * » ^ l | « « ^ “ , r w i l S r i i M n

P B o r u i ' B r i N A W C B r o n P A K r , III M*rB*l ■•■■ loUfth daw.

" M i i : r u ' ’ i ' r A ' ' M ' ‘ ' t o T p ' ‘ S i . * -W I I B B B T O B O B B O W M O I J B T ,

T U B N B W A R K d B O V I O E N T U ) A N A M N . v a a l a c o r p o r a i M i n t o * f * B ^r l a l a a * r t l » B n n k l n * D n a r l w a n t a t N a » J v r v r . 1* n i t o r a n o a j p o M a a l t r t o b o r r * w « t o , * ( * 1 1 l o a n . U p I * I M d k i f i y T * * ! ! * * * u p « a I t * n « u r U | r a l h a u a a h a l d l a r u i i a f * .

C l l i i l o i i a a d * • *P r t a i d a n t . H a n r i r M t J a a a a a . _ _ _ _V I r a P n a l d a n i . B a n j a m l n A t h ^ r i t a p r a M *

d # t i t R m * i O o u n t r N « l l r t # l T l « f > 1i .T i p u u r s r . D w e l d H . M p r r i t l . p r # * l 4 # w E

N t i i A t i A l N * » # r l l B d i i h l n w C o m p a n / - . , , . A l l c o m m u n l c A t l o n # « b * « i l d b * * d d r * M d i ! •

W l l l k a n i F . P w t I a M A n A g d r R o o m * I t s t n E r t * i h t d f . t h i r d p m r .

- - * - - - - - - - p i | i # f f o r f M t i t l U pt # ( A l o d t t f « r I M D I T I V .

I N T E R E R T R A T * .

A t h r * # - i t o r y d « u b l * b r o » n * t o n *I n a n a o f I h a f l n a a l n r t a o f N » * * ' k ; t o f ' i — I . I n r o l n P a r k a l a a a f l o t M t l l l .

I n t h a r . a r I n u u l r a a fH # n r y H [ > * w » 4 n , E r t c w t # r , S I S K m « ( h w l l d -m g . ^ ■ * ' W # r k . J _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - -MM < A«M hu># Mro.fpmirjr hourt. Thlr-

l##nih *t . n**r OrMR# *1.. Pt-lc* fl.lSO. d o r i i l k B l K - r M o m b t i c l R h o w * * - , n * * r R o M y t l l * I>«pot. (or IS.SID; Irt* All l™pr*v*m**t*, tn- rliidlng atoAm h#*t n * * r r r t ' M l o w n i r o l l o p ; f # n y * i i l * ^ r » l t o B d l M M ' l U e l o r j ; t w o * f A i * l l y


h o w a * . p r l r * • n i j r | 1 . T | V ; r * i » t | J l M t r y « n * . i T R C * » t r d l r t » -

m B i a R t h .

T I I R S ; B K A M I I a T h o i i M , H r i w m * . I m p t o r t * m « n t a . I n b # t l f t n t i f i f l o c n t l o n I n W * w * r » .

n * v * r \ t r B H t i w i l l • • I I « ; h * * P . l P / J * ? *e a t » < e f i v e

U K R T L O C A T B D L O r X i I B T w # b i r t h * f r * r t m i a m * 1 M m M

p « n f , i t n 9 t m m

i a m m m* * « t i io u b . 11 • « I .* ™ ; *F W i m . B l * w # r * > V o w t l l f c i o r p l a f c w h .

PAI'TOBT floor ito '*o n d a n d I h l r d i T o o r a ; • . * « » t t o l , 11^ . t o c -

o r . d a n i l t h i r d f l u o r . . " i l l ^ ' ' i d a t o j u l l . A p p l y P . H . * • * " T “ k * C * . . b u u l k a a d l l u l -

gOL'TII KINBTBBNTH KT., in -H #11 I m p ! * - « j i r « p t h * h t ; r * R l 1 S T .

( l r * t f l o o r . r * * r ,I n q u l r #

B P H l K U P l B L b A V B . . S T . < O r t « Tpl.—Thr*# 1*F|*. light jrronl

m il SID.

• r o # ( o r dr w b m f t .

F U R N I S H I D R O O M S T O L E TI R F f l f O T O M *

R T l v m f w l K t w w w f l l r t .

S H C U U A H A V B - . T S ’ - I M » r o o m * , h * l h * b 4 H » # i . I n q u i r e t l H l d g e w o O d # # * « _ _ _

T H O H A f l » T . a U t - ' T h r r t r o o m * . i # * i

t « o o r i h r » # p o o p i * .

^ l l f h t i i u w w p w # t r f R f t d t r f l i t l r t h l V D . f o *

WAliaNUT ST.. 42t—Flv* llRhl r«om* MMd r # t h . #11 t m p r o y t m o a i g . ^

A F A R T M E N T S . R O O M S A N D P U T S W A N T E D

B B O A D P t . I l l * — i t a a l l . t l M r t r m o m b a l k , t o r a n l l a m a n ' . a l a c t r t a l t y .

h a a t . P k a n a W a r a a l i r l l l l .

B R O A D * T . . n i l — B a a i t l t o l t w a l a k a dr o o i n a , t u l t a b l a f o r I v a a r t h t a * • a a t l a -

P k « j ) ; # l M * i n | l # r # * m * ^ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

H D i r r c L i f n .

w c r t i r t , :a n a a l M r a f .M O M T C L A I B .

B a a a a a r l l K A a a t l a l a a i t h n

C E N T B A L A V E . . U , * * * ' .f r a a t r u u m , r u a l a p h a t * * i * * M " a t o f *

w a l l h a a l t d ; a a l U M a t a r t o u r m a n i 4 * < W * k a d i ; a l a o a t n p l a r o o m ; m l n a l * t o t a k a a .

U l ' A N O B . P a a k l * f a r t «

W a r d .

b . r r r * 1* .a n d 1.1 v b f n A M .

■ . . . . . . . . . k b m t .

A d d r a a a W i d o w , B o n H I , N a W B o f -

WEBgllAHIC TBACT-BaautIfkI. •*•! *■«». n d d a r a h o * * , w i t k f ^ * * f , * h , 7 J V a l * I S ’

r , “. r p r . " - 6 * » ? *k a i k a r a l l a l a p B u B a W a a a r i T H I .

i « r r . n M p K T B .

k i o t a a r * * • • ^ k a r . ^ i • I . , n * * t t * l t # m l > * r g * f h

i M i b b t t . . W * W M * » . " • 4 . - - - - - -_ _ . , a ^ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _u i i i a k T ; k i y t i D i i

t * M i J l l k B a k a r ^ ^ . • * 'A t M i l I d B w i n h w i P C * *

t i l_ _ _ _ _ _ f l h *

W M f c l M t D *

la Bamkanar'a. __


a t t e n t i o n - ! n b u t i d t

f e o m I

‘ q u i c k r # * u l t * . M l n u i £ t r h g n | i * i

I d *t>«M, fnr

trtdlngi l l . T«i*Dhon* t(TT

M D U r o » d * U u r h e L .

O A B A O K i k a a r t a t . i j n w a t k : h o l d i n * a p a j * .I M C a r a , a a m i * l . * M a n l l o n a p a a m o n i m p t

l a r a a b u a i n a a a . p r l < - a | 5 . » * * . l a c m t . H I T ( T ( E I . 1. ' E . M * B r o a d * 1 .

I.ABOB tlwo fam lij liouM tor aala. all Im- uTf>v#m*nl* wllli **rM’# for S fAt*, #U

r r f i i n ! ; I t P # f r e n i m * # » l , n i * i i l * I * W * ’ i i d - i i # y » . n * u # T m ^ v J- » # < » o # d B u o p .i l . l N T U N H ! L 1 . H f i < l * T n • I g h t

i M f * \o i d n v * w # y ; w o r t h U . l t f ;p r i ' ' # r t l t l # S 4 . 1 S D , m i l # c # * h t # *

c . J i K J e r # r i . i W ' l l M Q M H . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

M r t 4 A M H - ^ ^ o u a e . r t y # n r o o i S B d b M i h l f l i“ ' - - - - - - - - - - - -* . t c M d l t l f m ; N n r l h E o d .

» H : c r M lT lK l e r t n ,

h # r « # l n .C l i p i u n « ( .

U V U I V B A T ■ ? u r > * l " i . * a ! ^ i ' A V . • J J ? " * * *i r u e d l l f > t r u a r y 1 .

a l . T a l .

a t a a p * k a a t : f r a * B a b * ' A p p l y B a k a c B O r a v a r . t l d B n a d I t l l M t r k a t . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

o N K - B T O B T b r i c k t o ' t o i T . t o n l M . p t o ^ l i g h t : g a a a n g i n a , h a l l a r a n d m a i no f

g h ^ f M n ^

F A C T O R I E S A N D L O C T S W A ™w i t h | o # d U g h l . * r

l # a l # * w * i l w * r # rE . O D D T O I D . D D D * q .

C O U P I u K w i # h 14» t « n t # p * r t m # n l # r f l # t , # i l i n i p r o v # i n # « i * ; g r t d a * l g o h o f h o # d : n # » r

■ u i l o t k . « , | D 4 N o r t h B # v # n t h r t . , H # w # f h .with linpfwy*-

m a n U p e # a v # n i * n t t * l A c h i l w u s hF O V K . f i v * * r R l * r o o m f l ^ .

E , F W * # t o D , n * S u m m e r # ' ^

i m p r < • U i l g B .

c i t y .

T W O o r f o u r r * « m * l o r l i g h t h o a * t l i # * p k # g ;i m M l e r r i I m p t * . ; n e a r t r o l l e y . I D » ^ u i # »

C a n l r a l g t a t l o U a A d d r # * * ^ i D l o d g ■ o # f , N e « * O f f l r # . ■ ■

C O C R T E T a p D i H m B D i h D D R l M » : i w w ■ w n M t *I n g f r o n t r M i n # ; # # c o n 4 * M f *

i i l r t # d ; h a t h ; | * a ; c a n t r a l . n o c M U o f O M t( w ' o U H T M T , ,

E f i E P I N O E O O M ; A b U L l H O N L Y *

i s - < W A K l C . C L B A M l l O b f E -m r i i o v E M i i m ;

B A i T K I H N K T R T . * | l ~ L * P i * f l i r M E g l i w d room, wnh rwhnltig WAt«ri *mVU*4d fur

t i g h t h 4w * e k * # p i m D i r t t P w M t M d l l K M M B .V l h DELUAHETH AVE, SD%—Two VlhD ftwnt

r o o m * . * u U a b l a l o r * * * • h s * * r t a r * #f e n t l # m e b . h a t h , b * a t . l a w d r y . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

T H R E E t o f l ^ * r o o m a p a r t t a o b t w A l i l e d , a l t h l r a p r o v * i n * n t * i h # * r B r o ^ e a r U * *

p r e f e r r e d . W r i t e f u l l I n f o n w a t l o n p * t a l e w h e t h e r f u r a l a h e d . p a r t l y f u r n l e h e a o r u n - f u r n l a h e d . P . O - B o r M I S . P a K r e o n . S . J .THREE or four room*. *11 ImgU-:

Broad preferrwd E. L. Domo w*. IS • » - _

W A N T E D , a f l a t , f o u r o r f i v e r t w m e , f r t t w o a d u H * . I n c i t y . A d « l r e a a B . . B o * I I ,

N e w * o f f l e e . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ — _

E L M i T . a I S ^ L a r t * f r o M f o r t w o f o a t k m D a : D a a r

p r u v e m e n t e . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _c i t y

• M l U h l *M U j t m -

i h M p I n g e l « « t r l < ,

O O U V E R N E U R r r . g L i g h t h a w b e d r o o m a n d h i t c h # # : • t e a m ,

fa t a t n i w a t e r e u p p l y * M r t l i M * p r t p l * P n t r r o d : r e a * o n a h l e . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

i w a i a a w # j 4 w * i * iprteaur*: room (or eapwnaion deelraW*. Ad- droM Factory, DP. New* nffloa.

I v O F T w a w t e d : l . D D D l o K 'w i t h o r w i t h o u t ^ t w w o r . g o ^

N e w a r k M a c h i n * A E o g t w r t r l a g L o eve. IrylftMtlR

iuare feet.LooaUonSI ElU*


M . MMIrth* llkD h««


D A D f , 1 « . .p B tM M tiet a a * * p d T b * «

paan feaMf t Iha

M . i .

Vt HhL

B a m b a r t a P * .

r i a M t , O r f B H , E t c , W t i l B i C A S H P A I D ( o r * o e o a d ‘ h M d p l g n o * , " ^ 1 1 B ,9"- WMttoita* **.;

will call.U P B I O H T p l a a * . e B * * I >

AMciM D|a l f S l

p i l e * .aaak; aawd laaha

^ h T l a a I I . H a a r i

■TATIONKKT. cigar*, ppnriing guort*. main avanuc. naa.panaf*. to'''"*, ,4'

raralpla Mao waakTy; p n r. H.500. UITl.ll- BLI.A, Mo Broad at., room IK.C K I A H H . r o o f * , t l o n a r y , p o o l r n .

town; r.*clpto |1M '" k ly ; lain; prtca tioo-ai.

M I T C H t U . ' M .

m : c o a a t r yo w n f u u i i .

t o o B r u a d

T H n E B - F A K t t . T b o * * * , p * * 4 t o a a a « * a a t i a n . I r o o M I f a m i l y h a a a a ; p 1a E W - : T T i g i T n P h l S h I d E V * V w f D A d w L

w i W M t : h i i i S . Jr o o m # , g r t . w a t e r : t I D M J M V e d „ ' i i V V "

T a y l o r J r . , I H l a A l t e e t . : p h — ♦ M S t M . m

1 « D * C A I M . h a l A B c a

f l . t l D — E O g l v l L L E , t w t K f a i n l l y . j * ^ T l f t t b a t h e : I * i e a t n ^ l e r e . ? i . “ ? • • • * • * ■

■ a t o M M l - a w e a r W e r t h g e y a p t e a M i h i t

D B L I C A T K S S K N ; f l n a J a r a a y ' a w n , t a a c y f u t u r e * , r e c e l p i e M * * w e e k l y ; p r l o * I I , I W -

l i t T c l l E l a L f t . E D O B r o a d * 1 .

L L ’ N C l t l l O O l f . n e a r F u a e W i i r U e ;e A i t i p T w d , r e c e i p t * | 4 D D w e e k l y ,

I I , I M . M I T r U E L L ' M . I D D P f o o i l _ _

fullyp r i c e

T t S d a g M i c U m *B I A , l a r g o m k h e f a n r c a b l i k * t . t l H

p l a y * a l l e r t o r d e ; w a * c n * D h H » a l l o n r a -V I C T O ]

* r * d u c * r . ” t u a * i M d i f l o f i a a a p h l r * t o t o l . ' « ■ aed Jhelvo* and recerda; l*D for all Cable a g i V ? ! : i i C . . I l l P l a n * it - . " * * ' V * ' h « ' » «

■ u r,11COLVMEU OewphoMelrt eM .

g r a p b e a n d p l a n o e : Wvv d m * [ * J J * ^ e a e h o r f f e d l t i a l g e T a l e d r e i w e r a e a r e , r t ap C l J l y f l a C * . , I l l B a n t l i O r a B f *

a l l k i n d * n f w a n t l o b u ;

E R r h a n g e . I D :

b u » l n e * a p u r e * e o l d . I f F * » u I * o r * e l 1 • * # N e w e r h B u * l n « * i M a r k e t e l . T * « M a r k e t S 4 * * -

m « c a B H . M » ™ « ' h ‘ y i h u y * J - f M m h ® “ ^ all tmgravement*, heaithp locatlea Owaar,

room M f r 1«4 Market *tI M I C A B H — D a n d y b o m n . n * » * n r o a m a . b a t h .

. t o k . n ; l : . M » . b i g a n a p . R u m v I I I * . I . J .K I r r a n . I I C l i n t o n a l

p o H B A L E — O B * - f * m l l y .room*; okay torrar. Add

H I , N a w i n f i l e a . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

»ntra1: *****•rt Owner, Boi

Pr>R BA LE—Two-tamtly. cantrw), M.»M.A d . I i a a a O w n a r , B o x I I I .

P a r k iMb gy*.

■ A C t t l P I C B , M l . a l a t h j lB h o a a g r a p h a a d r a c a e d a ; t o ' I * c l t o n *

f « ! ! d H l S . A I t o ' T h i r d a t . , n a a r O f a n « a a t .


a I t t Bm H . wmI


, 1* 1. W a t * N a a l M » « l » l

■ t c a H o i l f , M . T B o w a *

. h M . ' * B u L a I l a a a d S f i l t .k N O l a t t r a c u a i i : h a « l i » * # f * m I p :

rMla*. Pfcoii* CfBiii* I llJ .

l l O R K I f M A C M I N S R T C O .

r O w R R t r a k V h i m i o n > n d


gI.XCTBtC r f o r S H V l^ T I *l*D BWCOND" I. C M B T N C t *T.

» * " S H " o m M V . M - U ^ v v a s f '

C O N P E C T I O N E R T a n d c l f a " . * n ' ' n ' R < ' ! " • r a t l i m . w a l l c a t a b l l a b c d t r a d . , t o n l M " .

f o u r r o o m a ; r r c a i n t o I I I * w c ' k i i ; p D c I I , I M , r a a a n a p a r l n . r a h l p a n d d r * H b e * e e i i t o b e a ^ h p r e ^ l a t e d S * e B i M l n e a * E i e h e N g « a 10 * U A r k e t a t .

i n u e lNewark

i L l I t F O R I h l * t r a l l r l o c a t e d ;


| r o e1 s t .

• t o r e :r o e e r yI n c l u d i n g

c e n -f o o r

boautl/ul w m " ; In'ga and rlaan •lock, dura a. hMsiatwaw- hwrKaln for roung iiMIple.h u a l n e e * ; b a r g a i n f o r y o u n g . m o p I p e e N e w a r k i i u e l n a a * B a r b a n g c , 1*1 M a h o t * i .B A K E R t ; e o m p l e i e . f i n e a e r l i n n : *11 * t o r * ^ t r a 4i * ; e e t a b l U h e d f o r * n u m b e r e f y ' o i ' j r e n t M * : r o o m * , l o n g ! • * » * ;b a r r e t * f l o u r w e e k l y ;o f H I D w e e k l y ; p r i c e I S a D D d . ( U # N e w a r k

» - a - - . - - - - - - - - - - - M a r k e t a t .

Mey term*. N e w ^ J f lr e ^

R E A L E S T A T E F O R S A L E - O U T O F T O W N


d a m a n d a f o r ^ u t b E n d , C l l j i ^ J J J * * J J J W e a a u a h i c P d f k p r e ( > e r t l e a ; M O . t w o a ^J h J T J f a m i l y < * : ^ ^ * f V * * * I ? ‘ S h i ’ u l - q u i c k u i e a a a e u r e d I f p r t c a a ^ r i g h t . U p e l t f t W e l f . t n C i t n t e n a v T e l U S W a e ^w a n t c o r n e r h o u e e ; « * e y » * > * * ' ' •

R r m i l a n d M a r k e t * 1* . ; w i l l p a y *11 r * » h .m r t t D * t h r t r * n » p a r i u u u r . I n I j t u r « r n * a t l e n l l o o p h i d - A d d f e r t C o i n , B o i I S , N e w * o f f i c e .

a p a r t m e n t s , r o o m s A N D P U T S

T O L E T - O U T O F T O W N

a p a r t m e n t — F o u r b e a u t i f u l r o o m * I n r e a r o f l a r g * a p a r l i « * n l h o u * * . * l e a m h e a l a n d

l ^ o t w a t e r a u p p i u d . o u i y H * l u o a t b l y . R u a h t o j M n l t o r . I 7 l M a i n a t . , E a a t U r a a g * -b a i t ORANOE. Nerih Flfleeath et..

irtond floor 1 all improvemenU; r*oi I tLR . M e n t e L I I t e l o a p 1- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . ..F L A T S m o v e d I n p a d d e d v a i

p l a n a * m o v e d , V I . i D .4S I M a i n a t . . O r a n g * . t e l * 4 l T I

■ a , I * C y C e a k Ovaagw

Q O U V E R N B U B S T . * I S — L i g h t h a m a a h a g g l t i g r o o m * ; f o u r t e a u t l f u l f u m l i h e d r e a ^ l a

c o t t a g e ; p a r t l m p r e * e i B * a t a : f o r r a c t s a d p e c - o h j e c t l o n t o c h i l d . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _pie;

O K K E N H T . . I T — R o o n w . l i g h t h o M s a k a a p i n g .I Z l u u p , h a l l r o o m , I I . I S . c e n v e a l e a o e i x .

O a U t w o d a y * .M I L L N T . , t l , a a a f c l l y h a l l — L * r g D r a b m

f o r t w o t e n i l e m e n o r c o u p l e ; w i H a h i D l o r r i g h t b o u a e k e e p i n g . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ ,L > 1l O L a e c e n d f i r t r f f o M r o o m , n e a r h a t h .

i u U * b r e * f 4> r t w o : n e a r C l i n t o n a a d E e r g e a . h o u e e k e e p l n g I f d e i i r e d , A d d r o a * J r n v a t t F a m i l y , B e i 111 , N a w * o f t l D e , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _D T T L f c t O N A V E . . H 1 i | . » e a r S e « t h O r -

a a g e a f a — N I e e l y f a r a l a b a d i i a a m - h e a l e U h a l l r o o m ; y w > d l e e a t i e a , r a a a a a a W a

IRVINtlTONg Cllnlon ave., IIT^—ITat, t il * lateat imppov*ment*: new houee* new*y

decoratvd: fine neighborhood. _

i n * s e a r W a l a w i d l —K v r n T a h e d r e e m a f o r 1 e r 4 i d « s i M e a l y

f u r n l a h e d , h e a t a n d g a a . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

M U L B E E B T S T . . J * h e d

h a v e c a a h b u y e r * f o r b a r g a i n p r o p e r t i * * ;“ t ; * k S r i o r i v e n : * * 7 ^ :

t e e n t h w a r d a i u v e n * . 4 - I « - e e t r a 1l o a t l o n * f o r t w o - f a m l l pHAVE numerou* appi

houae* In th* Val ferahly room for garage.A t ' u . . 121 B r o a d a t .

h a u a a . I n l b .

(IhAN'lir., Pauaraon a t , , t l — S a o o n d D « ' . * r n o t i u . b a l h . i i ' a m , i M ; " n i M l - B r u t n ,

I t T f a a h l a g t o a g l . . B a a t O ' a n g * .

M l ' L H B R R T B T . . J t » — L M t C k I h t K I k a a p l n g r o u r n a w i t h r a n f t l n g w a t o r . r k g i i a

U a l . M » : . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

t h e gTEDBEK COURT.B t a u b e n * ( . , « ' « • ' * “ « * * h * ^ '

f r o m M a i n a t . , t w o b l u c k i / ' * t o * * ■B t a l i n n ; f l v a - r o m n a p a r t m a n l ; t o ' 2 “ ‘ ‘ " “ f " : l a b l n a t r k * t * a ; h ' t l ' “ ' p t o h a d ; h " ‘ ■J a n t t n r a a r v l e a . C . H . W a l k * , . M l t n l o i i b l d g ,

“ l i

W E B U T f u r ( g a b w h o l # n t o t a a a n y w h a r * a n d e f a r y w h a r a ; o n * , t w o . t h r a *

f a m i l y h u u a a * . P a r k a r I t o k l l y L o m t o n y . 1* r i i n t o n a t . , r o o m 24 . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . .

E a U O n a p

IIOW.TWOOD to a n d a i a l i a n ; »

m a a i a : i t o a m h a a t : t o t • * ■ ' * ? . “ k l w M . w . e a i T t e f m a a r r a n g e d E . f c . B o n d m c e . * I n o a . I M B r o a d a t . , N e w a r k . N * J *


Buelneae EvchaageX N T I O N — A b i t m e r e i h a * i k e

FOR DOCTOR—Elmwaod *v». (nomar): raam*. I balhi; atoain, ®hfv

p in ... lot «®xlM; ll.M I. *■ ■■ B®"4 * ^®-'I n c . M * B r o a d * 1 . , N a w t r k . N . J . . , ' .

W A N T E D p l * ' * a r o u n d H o r r l a i o w n , f l r a l * r i a n I n ' i c h a n g * t o r a p r o m l a i n g p r o ^ -

a r t y . A d d r a a a O w n e r , f i r e .

B o x 111 . K * w * o f -

" " p r o C r j r ' n : : r v i r r ' S - V a t sciTntoli at: tra« llatlitj*..

t h r e e l i g h t r o o m * . H p D i i f a t . . O r a n g a

w a t e r a n d g a a -

W B B T O B A K O E . l U x a l • ' » . l * " ^ ™r u o m a a n d U t h : a J i i r n p r e v a m e t i U . l a -

A P A R T M E N T S , R O O M S A N D P L A T S

W A N T E D - O U T O F T O W N

W A N T E D , b y y o u n g m a r r i e d c o u p l e * 4 o r I room*, with impt*.; Raei

B r i c k T h u r c h P U H o n . P h i > n e D r a l g e U M W , o r a d d r e a a C o u p l e . B o a S P * N e w * o f f i c e .

b a t h .

F U R N I S H E D H O U S E S T O L E T -


t B O O H S A N D B A T I l i S T E A M

U h t . l l l l .

a i H r K D * k * ' t o ® " t o l b a i l e r ; c ™ - g a ! . * l t l i I * f a ® * B m a b a H a c k , a l m a a i


a a d l B u ! ( r t t o ^ * ir a l l w r e i j

' l U j ip m e e h t p i m ; a

4 4 » f ^ r h e t . _ D A N C

ONE 41^ e i e -

a b » , • M J , V

O M K 7 x 1* D P l - D C . t h ' l a t o " * ' ’ ^ V 7 C 5 ^I w l a t l a B ' a B i a a - « * ' i w t a g a r i t l a c h a d ,

O K E t l H , F - O a d f r a y • K * ® l * c I x l l T ® i d i n * l" ’ J n t l h V c . » , l . i a ;Hon On.. 11 Park n'n.. W«w Turk._________ _

„ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A N D B A T -!o a T, OBCHEBTRA; Cl AJSEP MoNDATB■ " ' i i . ' c . w c H A B W i D A N c * i r i i p i w .

M d a l ? U a t l * S i d e . T a l . M a r k a t • • • < > .d a h a d c l a a * m t o b i * * t o *D A K C E B . i H c l a d l a g T h a T t o * J ® ? « ■

i n * F r l . * « . . F » l > . * . • » T h ® W a a b l n g t o a .

routeriu *f *toree and ,kind*. Winner, iO _B raafo^p l _A T r i s N T I O K - n e g i p r t r i i p a i d f n r

a l l k l a d i : • * * m e b e ^ r u t i l ipriagflelV^ ave.: phene Wav. S D D a ___A O O R B f l ^ V E b ^ n a a a m e U . w i t h e f f l r e f a -

c l l M t c * l b m e e t a l l r e q u l r e m e n i * a g e n c y p r e p r t l U n n g f a n y n a t u r e , l o r r e i D a a d e a e e w U h a n y o n * w h o c a n n U H n b o t h * * r v l r e * a n d f a i ' l l l i l e * o f f e r e d , w i l l I n - j

c a p i t a l I f p r o p « ; ; l « n e ; r r * n u M m * , w h e t h a v e y o u t o o f f a r T A d d r e e a U u a l n * * * . B o « 16 . N e w e o f f i c e ^

N R B ' e « T n l - b u n g a l o w , r e a d ; February 1 larch it; bullla l a a t r o o m h o w * * , r e a d y

d a y ' * w o r k I n e a r C e n t r a l a r e . a n d u n c a4‘ h u r f h 8 t a * l e n . g a r a i * r b 4> m , e l r t t r i o l i g h t * .o p e n f i r e p l a c e I n l i v i n g r o o m , b e a m r t c e l l - l u g d i n i n g r o o m , l U e o h e a r t h i n h » * ^ h e i i . o a k f l e e r a . a h e a t n i t U lm i t h r e e M g b e dmeme. with extra irunk room and linen rioeete; tiled balh. pedeetal w**h aiand. neire IAA4D- Blevaoe. 4TI LeMral aw ., Newark.

H E A T ;F i E l ’ V ’ a R Q V E T n a O O H H :

F l R E F l i A C B A N D O A R A t l K , 4 T U . N 8 C O A L . ^ i O f l D W ^ D A N D T A N K L C O A L

C c LUBICH * - rw n M K V I l . L K S T A * N . N I W H . I T

w a n t e d — A p a P l m e n l . * ^k i t c h e n ; I n 4l l # l r l c t N a d a a u f t c h o a l . A d d r e a a

LI Webaier^pl-, Eaat OraDgai____


O P T .


u o d e r n . s a k i t a b t v a u l t b o o h s

■ * * th o U M b u l d *01

D E O R A W a v e . . 1 * 1— N I B * r o o m i ; » U I r n m a ■ u a r a u a l t t o o r l ; i B i m n d l l t * p o a a c * -

. l a ” * | * i . U j . i a y t ® . M I R ' l l * ' ' " ®a v e ,

a c t q r i c i c - 1 m b t o r i a t " e y ®l o r y c o r • t o r a a . “ “ ' M '

g l r a a n . I l l ■ ' • * * • * . g h a a * i M t y a c w l y .a l w a y s B E B T B r i t * * l o r » ® " e ® i A k l J ^

a n d a w r e h a a d l * * ; • * • « "C l i n t o n n L . ' o a m I M i B k a a * M a r h a l H M . _

TWO-Fa MILT. It rwma. 1 bnih*. wpayal® h n a i e r a , e r r e e a e d p o r e h e a , e l e c t r i c , g a *

k i t c h e n * , e v e t r c o n v e h l e n e * Q a r a g * . P r i c e • H D D . R e a r t i i i b l e t e r m * A n n u a l r « B t • ' • • • O f h o r g e y . M a c k , e p p B r i c k C h u r c h S l a l l e a , K a a t O r a n g e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

C l i n t o n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _B L u T i m T H a n d

rBONE HARKET xU l ***» •*!*.

■ D M A B O T M A B D T A i i A T A H t ® 3 * n i a n d l a t o ' » r * t * i l w * , < * » ? i M . . i t O T t * C W W n i A L A T . ! T E l . M M M K T .

a y * . , h WU ■ H l l i t o l . W a » i m .

L t i f i t f aF R B M C H ( b B Y C ' x a H a * c l a * t * * i • x t o ' l a a c a d ,

g a a l l f i t d p r o t o a t o r ; 11* l U n l B k i n a j l x ^ ; f a ' - a r n f x r o a . B l u d l p , x u l t a I M , 1*1 M a ' f c a l a l .a r o A ' ® * . r h « B ' M i l M k t .

_ _ _ _ _ _ l b * T i c h l * K o * a l 5 ® t o y ‘ ® ,i m d . A d y a B <®4 d a a t T a ® ® 4 * r * v ® a l a f

u a a L C l a w a M e b d a y a -

* . a r n m a m j a W E D I M d .m o t o A

L A I U I E B T S T O C K I Kw a B U Y . B E L L , l * * * ^ * ^

v b n i k o , b h 6 b . C O . . H A M n . T O K r t . , ^ N E W A R K . M . 1 .


~ H O T o R * A N D D Y J I A B O S .■ a , . r d ' ^ t o ' S T l Y y d a l a j ^ c « . • « . M

l i n w a c « n a u l l u * b a l o r * b u y l a * a l a t w h a t o a ^ I v T j t u I ? M I N B a M O T O R C O . , I K C ^ , A l f l B K t S FOR W E S T I H O H O U S E M O T O l l s .

M - l t H a c h a a l u * 1 . P h a a * H a ' l i a l t l i * .

" * a i a ' ^ * f ' * y 4 * « 1 . N ® w * B f f K * .territory, no opp04rillen.

AddrtBiG A R A U K I B c a B t o r ' " 7 ; I t o t o a 13 1* ' * *'?;Va'’ toOd rapal'Ing hu.lB*M; *a«d chaj'* J , k . ' t o h t n a r i r . A d d r a a a ( J a r a * * , B o xf o r i h e r i g h t p a r i y

• 7 , N e w * f l f f i f * ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ai T a T h T O H E ; a i r t h a t c l e a n i n g

' l i n g ; I ' . n a m a * a . p a ' t o ' l y . b u a y I s r a l O O ; f u l l y x t o c k a d ; f i n * t l i l u r M . d « * a n • i c a l l a n t b u a f n a a a : w i l l " t l t o ' a r a a g o n a b i * p n m . B c h w i r U . I M B p H n g t I ' l d a v a .

13 4 * * ; a a a y l * r m * b u y * I h l a c o x y I . r o a i n h u m * . m » » m h a u l , B « r C * o t ' t l t r o l t o y A

B r i c k C h u t T h B i a . A r t 0 * * < T * T -B r l c k C h a r c h B i a . , B . O r t a f a

h i - M H E R a v e . . 1 11 . n » * r B l a e m f l t l d * » • — B r i c k h n u t o . . * * r y l n > l > c : . U x r o o m * , g o o d

o r d e r . I l l B a d . l l , i t * B « l l » > 11l * * » * - _ _ _ _ _

H 0 1 ; B E B h a i l t O B y e a r p r t o k , f l a r

B u i r a e r . M a r k e t « t . ,

l o t * a n y w h e r e , a n y niahad

r o o m D l T ,

V O N M O U T H S T ' . 1 4 4 — ' K i n a l i g h taAe-family; reME Mew; hc| nlf; ghM

B a r n e t t e S m i t h . 14 r i l n t a * A . * * t y -

n d m t* k * e » U g « f y e u fW e I n v i t e t h e p u b l L ' : I n -

ipevlken e f oar ware Uuuae* a t al l t i n e a . u i ua nhow

N irK L V furnlahed roam*, the ceovewldaee* g( a hon.e in a i t '

fined American g in t fem an ; hreakfaDi l■..g♦- alred.

g a n t ^ m a n ; b r e a k - - - - - - - - - - -A d d f e m B e o m , B o x T 4 , N e w a a d f t c '

n o r t h 8 E V B N T H B T . .B l e e p i n g rooma; ona perena. il.lD®M; light

houeekeeplng It daelred: three llnan csia. _P E K N I N O T O N B T . , * . o p p . L l a ^ M S » t E “

L a r g e f r o n t r o o m . * l e c l r 4a U g h l * . f a r T w o o r t h r e e g e n l l e m e n , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,P L A N E B T . M L a * a r N e w

l a r g e f r u n l r o o m f « r l i g h t h e a l a n d a n i m p r o v e m e n t * .

i i a — ' E a a w t i t u i k a t M a k e e p l i i f r

B U M M E R A V K . 2 i a - * N l c e i yr o o m , * t e * m h e a l ; b a t h o t t t a m a f l e o r .

• u l t a M e o n e e r t w o g e t i U y n e AB r a a d ^ L a r g nS O I T T I I B T . . 4 f , n e a r B r e a d — l ^ g D w e l l *

h e a t e d t o o i h . e t t H a W e f # r D a t * r t « e g e a - t i e m e n . p r i v a t e ; f l r a t f l e a r * _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _T W O n i c e l y f u r n l a h e d o a n n a a t l a g f r e n t

room', koaaakaaaliij. kalh; k*Mi laun­dry; r e f i B a d . Addra*. Bummar A»*.. Bo* ( 4 , N e w . o f f l r * . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _W E S T K S K K Y W T . , U , B . * ' » r * » 4 — ’ ‘ t o ' V

r u r n i i h - d f » B t h a l l r o a m , w a l l h c a t o d . I S . r S : f i v e m l a u i a a r e n t r a l B u t t o n .w a l n u t BT.a n —Large fr«*t conaaetla*

houaebeeping raome; Improvainaal*;near city hall; aleeping roem, |L __________

a lw i l l h e p l e n a a dc a r e g i v e h t o e a e h l o t o f g n n d a .

l a r g e , e s p e f l e n e e d , w e l l o r g a i f u r n i t u r e a n d p l a o o m o v e r * m a k r e

atleatlaa and

A l a r g organliad farce

i M d e r e l a t h l a b r a A c b e l l h a b w a l a

K N I C K E R B O C K E R S T O R A G E C O . .i 4 # A t D « A r t k i g t e n a t . ,

P h o n o M k i , I t o p . N e w a r k , N , J .

W R I O H T S T . * 47— « * a m h e a t r d r o o m o n ■ e c o A d r n e r . P D a t l o h a t h ; r e a a o a a h l e ;

n e a r r i i n t o n a o a

F U R N I S H R ) R O O M S W A N T E D

Ttlapbon* n i l Marktt.

L O D g r M a i t n c * M o v i n g O u r H p a ' l a l t y . R a n i t a ' y C a r p e t r i a a n l B * .

M a r k , o p p

B E t X E V l L L E A V E . M L i m p r o v e m e n t a ; r e n t

E o a e t b l d g ; _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

- T e n r i H » m a . a l l M e n d l 4 D a n a .

I 4. u a — T W D - F A M I L T . I I r w a a i * . t «i v a h e a t a r a ; n a a r c a m . B . M e n i a l . I I

E a t e n p l * n e a r M a r t h B e v a n U a n t h a t

, f KBHUART—H o u a t . al* n e a r B l o a m t l a i d a v e . ;

ket IDIIJ.

r o o m * a n d b a t h ; I t s . P h o n e M a r -

M « p l « w e « 4M A P L E W O O D . N . 1 .

' " f h a T o w n B a a n t l f a i . t o v e r a l n e w h e u a e n f a r a e l a


A p p l y b a t w a a a 11 . 3 .E E M T E S C H O O L l I F . i a N O U A O ^ ^

l lf ia u I t . Oraag*. All laBiaagM 1 ur prtvat*. 0 . F. CgBibraliiir

n E N C K l o a t r u c l o r w l i h * * r a o n t I n a i e h a n g * ■ r t u l l l o B ; a x f a l l ' B l o p p o r t u r i l t y . A d -

M r * * a R a f l n a d . B o x I * . N * w * * f f l ' »F ^ K O H l e s s o n s

L E M A N .B R O A D s , ^ '

B Y P A R I S I A N O E K -r t i e n n b u a n b o n e .

N E W A R K .

S k t r A t i d b b I T y p e m r i t i B i

e l e c t r i c m o t o r s R W D E O U i r M B I ^

l i ti : M E C H A N I C S T . F B o B *

i T V o i n . . . t m , n t o i t i . * * j r * : * * ' » , ® n n d a r i a k l B g w b i c k w i l l

l e i > ( I n i e r e e i t o y o u c o m m u n i c a t e w i i n n . i i - . H o i 121 . N o w # o f f i c e

p r l c a a | 4 , T t D l o l l l . I D DfwiMii Budal bnlldtiifa atmown* 4 Co. Moplewood ttaiton* |

I W A N T E D n i c o o n # o r t w o f a m i l y h o u e o , C U n t o D M i n a o c l l o n i ’ * [ ) * • * ^ 5 * “ * *

J O ’ B r i e n . O f d w a y b u i l d i n g .l o t e .

“ ‘ ' ^ p T C v l B ^ ' t o r t t o r t ™ t o ™ : ' A d S r . . . i m ;l l a t o , B u i I I . . N « w l u t i l e * . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

c e n t r . l l o c * t l « i ;

L A B T c h a n c e — C a B d y , c l g a f * . * « 1» , n o - - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . c l w * p r e B l ; t o u ri l n n a : I I ! * , w o r m

r o n m i . A m e r i c a n n e l g n b o r n o n a . 40 Unwar'L

M O T I O N P t m ^ R f a t h e a t e r : b u y ; n n t l e e a t h a n 600_ # e * t *

u l a r e A d d r e a e M o

W i l l r e n t o r ■ t a l e p a r t w -

B c i X 12 , N e w * a t f l e e .

ELEI'THIC MOTOR A •'■''^*1* .K Pjlu lV H a l a * P it . B » t 1* f * r t e r T B > * I * T l B a l M 1* t l * * * ( l ■ ' g • • t * l * f k » i c o n a r t * r l r * » ; w * b u y . * * l |toJtoB L Call M il Maffal.

S o r d e r , e r e B i l " i ; ’ ^ r t d .

A . R o g e r * , 16 D B l e o m -

S T E A M . « * S , , * £ ' P I I J U W L WA l K O F t M » ' T F R E H B K B - M i . . U R K w w

F I E L D . I l l D A V I H * T p H A R R I S O N , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

I F E I V A T K i n B l T U C l l o n l i i * h n r l h * n i l . I n d t v t d ® V a a ) I n a t r u i ' l h i P i j p u p i l * a a e U i f - d 1®, 1< 1B : P U * r . . - a a — a — • - ’ I . r ' B B

L ' V . D r a k e . 137 M o r t m o u l h b I , R * v 6 J S 4

M i s c t U t B c o nB U R O r E A N e r t l e t w i l l g i v e p f I v a T F t F B » . i n e

! p o i l p a l n . t M ' x a t y » » u r h o m ^ . r t a i r m e h l e I t l o n A d J r e e * A r t f t , B o x 1 A , N e w o l f K : * .n i t t o n

W i T O R C T C L E S A N D U C T C L E S

■ I C Y C L U B — C A R L O A D S O F B I C Y C L E S — O O L U M B I A , m * a t a n d a r d u l 1h * w o r l d ;

F T B R O E , I W A N K K R A M E R ' S C H O I C E ; S o h a l U V E L O D R O M E b l c v t l a a . 111* o B l y o r t ” ; S i C R O W N , R A C T C L t . u I a M I , t h o u - ■ a n d * M n ^ r * « f t i m a a t t h e o l d p r i c e * . F o r

n S a ^ a a l g o t o _ i C M U L T r . * * j 4 D M j ' Ua a n a r a d a a i g o t o n e w u A a . ^ r a n g a a e a . * c o r H o w a r d . P b . U k i . ;

J O I N o u r c l u b H * " “ v a 1 » % ; i # t u a F A A A A i ^ B l o y o n . t H a I D i l e e r i e * L X C k L -

t t O R M O T O R C T C l u B i e h e r o , t h * m o e i I m -

K e o d m a c h i n e i n a d * . a l a e t h e P H i r H T O R W H E E L ; a l a r g e e l o c k o f e e c o n d -

h n n d m n e h i n e e ; I I y o u w a n t a h l g b ' g r a d a k i e y e l a w e h o v a i t , w e e e l t ( o f c a e h « > r n a y *

H a v a r l o r d C y c l e C o > , D t t E r o a u e t .

n V w a i l K S o * ' ' - ' f o o t a n d H n n h i n a C o sw r u f , ’ a * ' ‘ k t o . t o " » ; r ' . f r ; ’ M T r i r t " * * "m - l l t M a r k e t * * _ J * ^ - „ * ! * * - , . - * * * * ' —s X « T a ' b L E s ' X b I < . m r r u M d

W vjI'y TIdey. 1*> Flftti •'■ ,7,*'.'“*' ** ® H h k i t h i * , h a n i * r e . p ^ l e y e , h e ^ t l a g . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _M I I l , M UIHIIT r n a r b l n ' W ' l k w y n l ' d .

A r t l n g t o f l M a . - h l n - C , ' . . 31 - ' * U r o o i i i a t l - . N ' w a r k T r l M t r k ' l 7 * H _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

r e t a i l c i g a r b u s i n e s s

f a y a u l a , c o i t o H U n * e f v e n d i n g m a r h l u * * ; m a c h l f l a * m a y b * u p a r a l u d t o o f f l r * b U i l d * t o t o * n r t S . B t t o n m r o o m . ; a f l ub u ' l a a a * f o r a n e l d e r l y m a n . o r a n y o n * w b i d a a i n o l w a n t t o b * H a d d o w p t o ' * | u l a r k o u r a A d d r a u R a U I I , B o * 4 1 . N a w a o f f

a t t r a c t iv e , camfanabla km**i a ^ « r o o n u . b a l k , a v a r y » B * * e l * n « ; i w a f l B i

b o r c k . b a r n , l a r g * a n d t m a l l P ® ' U t ' T k « * * i a i C a l f a m . h l t l i I n c a i l a n j w a n d a r f * » l w .

J t . C M o o r * . « l W y a i a l n t a v a , M a p l a w o a d .

m o d iw a n t e d t o r e n t , D n r t l * h o u e # w U h

I w i t h o r w i t h o u t i m p r o v e m e a t n . A d d r n i i“ * • o i lH o u e e . B o x _

T W O 6 D - f i . i o t a , r e o t r i c i e d t o o n e - f a m i l y .f o r a a l e o n e a * y t e r m # o r w i l l e x e n a t k a *

fnr I n c o m e p r o p e r t y . H e n r y F . B u e h . I T | M a p l e w o o d a v a . . I d a p i e w o o d , N . J *

T O L E T - O U T O F T O W N

O N R - F A M I L Y B o b . . ; 4 » • * " « • " «

J O S E P H J , K R O B O K R , P l a n o a a n d F u r n l t u r a .

M e v a i . P a r i n ' i n d B h l p p * ' - H U T O R V A N S .

S t o r a g * W a r e H a u a * * * n d O f t i « , 4 I 4 - 44 I C E N T R A L A V E . . 4 7 I - 4 H T W ' E L F T H A V E . ,

N v w a r l f , W . J .

C O U P L E w a i t t u m l a l l i d r o o t n * t o r I l g M h a u M k a t p l a g : n « a r i k » H w m i l l * « '

karri. Addras Rnoma, Bog M, N*wi afflu*.^ T n f l T rM d T H K R a n d * 0 * d a a l r a I w o r o f l i n l

T U ' h a n o ' a t . t l l o r l o B . T r l - C H y K l a r t T l ' C o . . I I M a r b a n i c a l .T H R E E o r f o u r f u r n l a h a d r o o m * ; k i t o h a n n r

m i . b a a a u * : l i g h t B * * * * h M p l a S I , • * * *n a l l h b a r h o o O ; f o n v a n l a n t l o t u b a ; * d u l a : r o f ' r r n r w a . A d d r a a a C . . B o * 4 4 . N e w * a f f l tW A N T i i t . r a a a o b i b l * ^ c a d o n a - l a m U r ; H i

r o o m * _ * B d ^ j r * ' ^ : I t o r a a t H I I U A d d r r —B u y e r , B a x M a w * o t f i c aTOUNO MAN want! lumlahad raam with

•lortrirtty and haat; *4*1* irtoa, AMn** Rooir. Box |4. Nrwa alRc*.

IN addlitnn to our ragular lotal moving aorvto* w* hav* a now Farkard auto van.

'omplatoly Im-lonad (not caavaa^ovaradl. aoulppad with ipaolil heavy imddad *llp cover*, for k-da. pl»no», -to., and la charg* of a maairr ruroUure handler, which wo uao airtaxivaly tor long-dlaianao ramovgla; large or .mail lou dallvarad anywhar* at tmall caaL Talaphon* Market to44.

r o b eVILLS STORAGE CO.,Frash J. McGrath, FraaldanL

Naw Condrria-stoel Startga War*34, 14 Cahlnat lU,Newark, N'. J.

F U R N I S H E D R O O M S T O L E T - O U T


b a s t o r a n g e * N e r i h P a r ^ W f t g , I I * — F u r - n i e h e d r o e m * ; w i v n t e f ^ l l y i g e n i l e r a f ' i

o r g o n p i e ; a e a r W e l t e y e M d t t A U e n * T * K I g H W Q r A t i g e .

g * « t h W a i g o t e t a , 4 T , T ^ e

H o t a e f e ,

e a s t O R A K O E , - - - - - - - - - - - - - -r u l v e r o M r ^ U t g e w e l l h e n t e d r e e m » e e r

b n i h : k o t n e l l k e a n f r e w n d i n g n ; f e f c e n g J d .B A S T O R A K O E , N n a a a n p U 14 — F e r p e w .

h l r t l y f u x n l i h i d f r o n t r o e m ; r e a e r a n M e :

O t m i *STt'CCOEP HOrSK, with arery modarn I m -

prevement. and Ui Al *hep% will be eutn qnlvk buyer;

h o u s e s

modem koute tinderp r e v e m e n t .

a t r e e l t e h o u e e c o n t e l n *

l i c e *

11 r o o m a * I b a l h r o o m A l e r g e h a l l w a y * * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . h e a l t h y

0 . / n t o , _ G t o . ^

w i t h « * c o l 1» B l c e l l * ' ; D o * h n l i h y l o o a t l o o a n d a m p l e g r o u n d * A p p l y o n p r a m t i a g , o w t -

> r . * 4 P a r k * v * . p h o n e I I

G a o r g * F . M a c h , o a p - B r k h B u t Q r t a E * .

N E W R O O M S , N E V E R O C C C f r l E a W h e n y o u a t o c e y o u r g e o d e w e u l q B t y o u

I l k * t o p l a c e t h e m I n a n e w . o l e a o , e e a - r r e t e r o o m , a b e o t w t e l y e a n l i a r y a n d n e v e * b e - f r t e o r o u p l e d : y e n c a n r e n t J u e t n u c r a r u e i n i n o u r n e w w a r e h o u * # , a n y v e r y m o d e r a t e t a t e i : y o u c o u l d h o t a t e r e

. y o u r g o o d * I n a b * U * r p l a c e t c w i t i e , i r t , j u d g e f o r y a i i r i e l f ; p h o n e f o r e e U m a t e * U o 4 B r a n c h B r o o t „

F A H K A V B . S T O R A G E C O . ,P a r k a v e * . a i T w e l f t h a t . * N e w a r k *

W m . D e c k e r , G e n e r a l M a f i d f e r *

a l l t m a U a i k f I v a L e f a m i l y ; a * a r t f e l l e y .B A s V J R A N O B . F r o * P w t * t . . 1 * “ ^ ®

i u a n y , e t e a m h e a t e d r o e t t n ; c e a r e e l e a l t o E r i c k C h u r c h B t a d e w .O R A N 0 k 7 ~ B « I I * 1 . , I I — T w * l a f g * R i m l t h * !

r o o m a ; b o a r d o p t i n n a l .W A N T E D l m m . d t * l * l y . r t f i a a d y « n S '

o r 2 f t r l f r i e n d * t o * b a r e • N p f b r t I n r t f - n l * h * d r o e t n * » * t h 1 f l r l e j n d h e M a * k e e j j r . l o e a l l e n c e n t r a t A d d r e a * R . M * F # s M a p l e -

ark ave . phon* 12 Orange

s a l e s m a n W l i h i s n a * ■ " “ Sp e a f t l u n . A n * w e r B a l M m a U a B o x l ! 6 , N e w *

f i n #v x y i . n r r T T K l t . P a r a g o n :l o t i d i l l o M . r w - K o n a b l e ^ 1 *5 H a w t l u i r n * a v » .

S T E A M E N G I N E f o r * * l * . I * I n q u i r * 41o r l n , 341 E l m a t .

t o ; s M . F . ,

M b c U b s i ? W « B t e db o i l k r s - 4 } m lO ^ t . to , i r ^ B . ^ u p h u ^

„ n a 40 t o 4 * I I . P . O D r l . h l , ' • t o p t o i o w l l n r t i t i n i * : h o o d , b a a e a n a p f e c * o f * t ^ k . * W * p T l r e . A m e r i c a n Z y l a « - ^ U « . i G l o r t e a x * t . , n e a r F r a n k l i n L ^ i m b e r t f » . . I r v l n g t e h . K - J <

B I C T C L F u l — B I C r C L E H .H T B C I A L P R I C E S F U R W I N T E R ,

I ^ W H E E L f l , d i 4>44 U p ' G u a r a n t « e d b i k e * w I t k b r t M g u a r d , t t c . . n o w | 2M « R e g .

I t U t l r * g h i t i . I I . A U S T I N , U W U i i a m i L . n e a r b r e a d ; f i y e a r # » « t a b l i a h e d .

C A L L W a v e r l y 4 7 11 b e f o r e M l l l n g e e r a p I r o n a n d m e t a l * : K w H l p e r y o u - C o l o m ­

b i a R e f i n i n g W u r k * . I n e . , I r v i n g t o n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

TIIFUSIOPTAT Hiperta—!/*! u* dfi ynur ^lenrit* rf^palring nf thermneiai*. va' uum

rt*«(|pre **v»Uia marhin* *notor«. U1s.wrre, - I - p b « n * : i m C . l e n H I J f e . # < r * r i t # ! • .

K m i l h A T » H £ ^ n n ^ ^ a y e ; _ K * i L J ! i £ i ! l l ! ! jl ’ r » r * e _ _

H O R S E S , C A R R I A G E S , E T C .

B U L L ' S H E A 1 >T M o B . H , M O T , F B Q !


I K , N

O R A N G E — E i g h t b a o u t l . f u l , * H a o h > d h o u a a a ;r a n t a 1140 p a r m o n i h : a w n t r w i l l t o l l a t a

b a r g a i n . B a a B . K . A A . J . B o y f a , I T C a n t o r • t . y O r a n g e *

; ? 7 r t o 7 r p . ’ r ‘ . J f : , i s : ^ * A " d d " ; . v . n - " * ■i t l N e w * e f f l o e .

A d d r e k * M . E e x

NEWARK Surrat* War* Monm, 1 4 1 ^ 1H t l a t y g t . . w i l l • * * » • a a y I S '

a l t u r t t o r t l m o n t h l y ; r 1» * o o I I ; i o n * d l i t u c o m h i l i i g o u r M t a l ^ ; c i t y m o r t o g ; g u t o h " r t t c o ^ g a d J J f • M a r k o t

F U R N I S H E D R O O M S W A N T E P - ; -

O U T O r T O W N

S o b I L O r u f tS T O R E S ,

P . a N D T C e l i f o r n l a b u n g a l n w . w * v * t i r o o m * .I i a i h M t e a i i i . g a e , e l o i ' t r l H t y , o n t r i 4 , 4 S 4 :

t r r r r . n , ' B e e O r b i - n , H 9 F l r t m e n ' i b t t l M l u g , N n > E i r k .

D A N D Y n * w h o m * . n i n e T o e m * . t w e b a t h * .■ t e a m . g a « , e t e i ^ t r t e * B g l a r l u m , i l r t p l n g

p o r c J i : t e r m a , O r b * n , | 1 4 F i f e m e n * i b l d g o

p s i f T R A L A V E . , c a r * H e y t a t , k n d a d j ^ - I n a - T w e i t o r e t . i e p a r a t e e r f l M

l e t e R M ; l o w r e n t . A p p l y i h e j w ^ C e « - p t n y * I I I U n i o n h o l l d U i g . K e w a r t ^ W a J * _ W A H . r K N T d e * k r g e m I n K i n n e y b w l l d i n g i ’ ^ f f . t o n c * . r a S t o l c T A d d r a t a i C , B o x i f t .

4 T H d a y , ' a a d i M g ' h t p h a b a I 4 I S I I Y I t o a a g t Y . 1o r t t * d r o o m * , f l ; a g r a a m o B l t o w r t U j B , ^ "

T A I B T r t u d l n g v o m p l a t * t a n t i * . b o l o r * * » T W n i H S r *S S x - J M - - - - - - - - - - 1 ' ■ f n a n k s . m o f f b ' W , F R o y .

H O U M I C E .

I f u r n i s h e d r o o m s - m a r d w c

r e f e r e n c * *N o w * o f f i c * .

1 7 -1 1 E S S E X S T . , N t i W A R K i . M . J . W * w i l l h a v * ® « r “ f f i f ' J S ' V * " • • F R I D A T . F E B R U A B T 1 .

v f E c i a l .J a a t r t a a l v a d . t w o c a r l o o d i o f

• i t r a o k o l o o d r a f t w d o x p r a a a h o r a n t h a t w o r a ^ o r a o a a l l y —l a c t e d f r o m t h e

W £ e r e r e l i a b l e d * a i * r » i nl e a d . I r o n a n d o i h a r m e t a l a H .

B o l i h m a f i S o h a 2 *2 F a r k k e r e t * 1F L A N T S b o u g h t a n d d 1* m * n t ! e d ,

P l * ( ( 4 K e u d e l l . F e r r y a n d F o u n d r y e i a . . N f w a ' h . N . . 1.1 p h o u # M u l . 1 11 * . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ^

I M I V E H J O H N S O N , p u r e * . T a l * a n d R a t - m e o t b l c y e t * * ; • * ( * 14 h r a a l a v U n g y o u r

d k * n o w i B O W I * t h a U r n * t o l i a v * y o u r b l - i . e l a S o r m o t o r * p u t l o a h a p * . U r l m u n t C y c i ,

' o . k n o w * h o w . 33 * -1 3 4 B r o a d a l .

O F t a r r l v a i l . l l l l M a r h a l m o t o r w h a a i . I I * O a v a l a p d l - a b t c d l l g h t w t l g h l o i o t o r r y c l a .

i l f i : “ • - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. H e r l e y - D e v l d f o n n i e l o r < - v c l « * * T i d w a y * • I w i , I I L S g U p k C . W . H u * b C u - a I I I B r e a d * t .

M A J a R — I R t t . ^ w U ; e q u I p p M wf M k o n e O r a m

| ^ p < h # d t U r l e y D a v j d » e i i _ C a l l I 4 n O l e n u e o d * t f . .r a n g e 44 M W e f l e r R P _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

m e k e *l , \ U l 7 L I N i i t i v e c h l n # w a n t e d , ■ 1R ’ * „ l u m l l l i e n A n d p r i c e . A d d r e * * L . K . t

B o a 2 T . N e w * u f f l ' « ■ .r A F R H u r T T I C h a n d p r t n l l n f p r ^ ; f i v e * A d d r t M C . . B e x 119 .l o « e * t < « e h p r K ' i N e * - * e t f l f - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

f a r m * u ’l O u t f o u t l K o n n a F l v a a T h u w h o r a t i a r * l a A l * a a i l t l * a 0 .4 r a a d y t o r I m m a d l a t * u a a . A a r t i o B M l a a T M t * ^ a i M ^ I - 4 a y . p r i v e t * e g i e e n t » U t i o M M

• ‘ g S K t T . W ' "

C O S T H O M E , a l x r o o o M . b a l h , i t o a m , a s l y J p a r k ; r * a d r F t b r t i a r y 1 1 , 1 3 4 ; h a n d y l o a i a t l o a a n d i r r t l o y . O r

h j n j ] 0 j n r o i n r g ; ^ | | y j j ^ ^

P R O F E i S I O N A L o f f i c * * t o ' • J * , * ' • "modarat* rahtol; ov*rlo*ktog Hlljta^

p a T k T r i a d y F * b r t i a r y l . l o g u ' r * I F a r h p l .

E S S E X S T O R A G E W A R E . . . . . . . . . . . .I t S - l l t B a l m y x t . P h o n * * ” , * “ ‘ ' S f * -

S t o r a g e I n i o p a r a t * r o o m * . | l m o n t h l y . O p e n e U i r a g * . U m n n l h l y .

R a m o v a ' * b y ^ m o l o r v a p a * * c H a l * * l y t o P h l l a d a l p h t i . R * l t l m o r a . W a i h t o l l o o . ^ * w H a v a n . H a r t f o r d . B * * t * i i a n d P r o v l d a n o * . L o n g d l a t a u c * i n o v l n g o u r t R a r t a H y .

C H A D W I C K A V X . „ l t S - F r o n ^ ^ r o o t y .w t i h p r l v a t * f a m l 1> : i H - - - - - - - - - .

a b o r t h t a a l i f r o m C l l f W * t r a l l o y ; b r a a b C a x ;

I B B t h * * " * 1 1 l i t t i * * l o r * l o r r a n t a t I I I ■ r o a d g t . ; * ^ « > * t o * L

F O R S A L E O R E X C H A N G E - O U T s f O R E S , O F F K E S , E 1 ^ ‘

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ O F T O W N _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I O U T O F T O m

n e w c o n c r e t el o c k e d r o o m s , | l E O N T I I W : t W K J U

h a n d l e r s ; J l S H S m r S i M iM F E G I A L R A T M f o r I X i K G ' D l R A W J M O V I N O . M O D K R K B T O R A O B C O . . 01 ^ F I C B l i A C A D K H Y S T . ' i W A f f B H O U 4 K , W

T O I F T — C A M ^ P L . D A T A N t o A T . T B U t i l * M K T .



p r l v a i a r * B a * d f k m l l i ^ J

i t « W . ‘ t ;

■ W J t E J

n e h e a t , w i l l a t

C e n l e r *4

I . a l l o r a x o h a n i * f o r « » M l * r P r « F * r t I S I m m d : m t t ' i S . > T " * ' u . r t i r r x i i a bargain 8*t B. F. A A J. Sayra, IT | uMn'a butlj|ISK L Jl6S llS Jit!laL lIa

O r a a g e ,

S A M T O R A I I C H i C e n t r a l M v e . — S l o f f c t e

M a r h y r o i . .

, NEW war. houat; lo « ^• a r v i c * f a r l o o a l a a d l a n g . * ! * * * * m a v

I l o g ; g a l o u r S r M a b a l a r * m a v U E * r a t a r i M

^ “ o & B o w o W A M i j o c i aI 119'ltl Tefk aeb, tel. IlMl. TM.

• O A R O I N G

R E A L E S T A T E F O R E X C B A N ^S T A I U S . E T C , T 0 1 1 T _ \ J i i UI a I M . & . I I

W M . A . F A R E H U B B T . S a l o a m a * . a ■ O N M A a S N I A A i H U a a a t r .

m o r t g a g e L O A N S - R E A L E S T A T E

A U C T I O N S A L E S/ - A UI JyiAi^ ■

T B K T L A R G E S A L E O F F U R K I T U R E ,

h o .n e t a d v a n c e d g U I C K L T I

T E M P O R A R T L O A N S N E G O T I A T E D . U o o n y l a a n a i l o n f l f * i , l a c o n d a a d t o i r *

m a r t g a g a * H u a l n o a i i M n a l t o f l n * n o * d , N O T E S P U R r H A S E D .

i ' e n a u KH E N R Y H . G U O I B M A N . _ _ _

M O R T U A O K U ) A N S P E C U L l i T I I C l i n t o n a t . P h o n * 4114 M a r k t t . ^

• a l b A N U ^ ^ ^ y * « f f ? T A ' a n d 1 * B R i D o a * t.

A a y * B > t o a a * . o f w b a l I h a y w a n t a t m | l a r g * n u ‘

* * eif e t e b i e e g M . ------------

iii r to eelcet from ee^ » .•*"

a r e you c ^ j a g fraftqy.thA t Ma r i L a S F l « a j , * f ]d a r f U a s p l a r ^

a n d b a i t * * F * u r n a a l U gh f i w i at a J i S H s t o ^

a b t ^ S i T : . - .

» t ; T n V ' M W ’ * f r t t i ; a u t * m f a r l a w a r A i o r t d l * t a n c * . T*1. lilT H a r h a t .

F O R B E S .H a r i n g s o d * 101* * * t o

- - - - - - - - - - - m o t o r v s mt r u c k * f o r

F O R S A U O R T O U T - O U T O P


a p a r t m e n t s , R O ^ A N D F U n I a « ^ t o j ^ ^ > f a n s ^


• a d d a B. . . h w t - d l

n i e k a a r y l a * . 1 41

C O S T o n a . f a m l l y h o u a t . 4 r o o m * * * 4 b a l k .a n d a l l t h * U l a a t I m F W m a a t t ; ^ a l a e -

t r i e l i g h t ; o n l y t w o M o c k * f r o m t r a l l a y 11a * . I n g u i r a t ^ a t e f S c h a U e r , 4 M a r l o n a L , V a u u H a l l . N . J .

a u t o v a n s —Ph o t* n l l h t a r 4«F. t a n g x * m i M r l e e i b e e t e w ^ l c e ■ W M S M t e e M *

4 l i - |

m 1 s s S

■ s s s j i & k i i a y s a r a a u r w

* d i _ 0 n c m a a f c T i s — B a A r t W • ;( T M l r a a m t «

~ a i l a a l a i i n l k H g f t e w S s M e g t

M * M 1r U R N I T O E » A N D F I A M O

• T o i u t a i l ,

1H l U , S T .

l a m i a : .I atriF krtakfiilia k f t i U g a e d W s * . ._ _ _ _

R U G g . B T A I R C A R P E T , B E D -

I N G . E T C .

W . W . R E I D , A U C T I O N K E R .

T O M O R R O W . F R I D A Y . T E B . I ,

31 . | g , | | A . n „ a t b a u » r o o m .

' . » - l T A W i N a T O N F T . .

T h t a * V s r t g k l Fla U n a . p a r l o r g a d L i b r a r y * r 5 l W « r C l N A r o i * a * , H l v a r K ^ . U m p t .

. . . . P t c i t o t e e . D l e D i g R o o p iBtSir'lfi»*^i"Chtili Ctnuei*. Ril*n*lon

J T i t S l I i S H a f r l g e r w t e T * , J i n aB r t f r o g m F u r *

■ n i t o i_ _ _ _ _ _ _ F M k i w e .M B l e r * . O t t i o e b e m U e t e *

' 1 1 4 T t f d f t t e i r C h n » * f i * * • • * « ( « *


N O B o N U g ^ O R f ^ M M I I M I O N C H A R G E D

n c K I M . t o ^ ? . \ ; W D \ f t ^ i ' A t % U J L D ^ ^ ^ ^b i O t m i A G B H O N K T . B % . N O B p M J A

F l r e t . S e r o n d a n d ‘ ^ ’ o n * t T i ^ 1 l e » L o ^ ^ A A n V A i l O l f H T . m i V A T B . | f c * 0 I . P .

e n L H o r r « i n o A D . PLOOMFirLD _M O N K V t e l e a n o e f l i w t b o h i a n d T T > u r l f a g e

• I & p e r c e n t ; e e m e e f e h a r g e O n S r i i a f r l p c h * « | * n * H a r e p * i i * e '

- ‘ . l a i y , « | B r g * d e i *

_ _ t o r i m i S M d i M i ii p a e d b a e d h e r e * e

r * a d ^ i k e t

m * M A .I t l S M u l b a r r r .

i i u r * * y e a j r a J ^ ^ y

S t « m a* atM la tka

E L I Z A B E T H , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -r a i l r o a d a l d l a g ! o a o t a h

f u l t a b l a f o r t o p o a t * . A d d r a t a

M . J . — F o r r a n t , p r o v a r t v i f t t k - - - - - - - - - t t v a r a l k u n d l a g i

A g u r i r i , B A P E M T F I . ; T B L . r a t a I t h * . K m a w . ■ * * * . ? ? ^ J j * I

m a B * f a r t u i i » o r a w r a g * g u t - H E l l i a h r t h , B a i 47 , N a w * t d i o * .


u r r a a t l i e .f u r n i o a ; w l n t o r " * r o a l l u

f r u n t ; t a j * I L I t S ,F A T t E M g l l i _ _ _ _ _ _


NEWARK HORSE A MDDE mCMAHaB.I I B r i d g * * 1 . . N a w a r f c . N . * •

N, E. fmith. irnartator.WORK HORfEl TO

a n d f o r tA L t HORtES ■OARDED.

H l R l

, , a m aaw>llV ArRF.S. li-room houaa, gaad b u a ta d

n u t b u U d l n g a , » 4 f t u U l i r a a . I t * g y * * * Vlnaa. a l l k l n f l * f t i m * l l f r u H S i I m r j * ^ I t a t o r a i l r o a d a t a l l a a i o n a t a l * r u a d j g t l a * S l . t H . 43 . 4 H o A u k

w a n t e d — O l d . h u r n m a l m u t h ^ a n d j ^

u n u g u , l l - r C n o i r H a r k u L

i t k t n I n i r a d a . l « r * l l » w I h t t nw l i h h a m * l o t i h a r t a n a t r a c t t n a g t jA S C H B N B A C K , I t t P l a n * a t . ,

I t A C H E S , a t i - r * * m b o u n , l a r g * n a w b » * a ;f o u r m i l o a t ® r a i l r o a d i t a U u u : H ' W t l t o t o

a t e n * ' u a d ; o n * k * t i * , t o m t r h t o k a u M d a l l f i r m I m a t a m a n u ; F r * ^ . M ' J * l . F . I t ■ * * « , j R u y v a a a n t a a d S g f l S g f t o l d a v a a , I r r l a g t o a ,

________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ioH N c L M i i t . e . e » f » .L_.

J g S t t o ? T r t i 7 o n r t i i : S r ^ u E M k I a « . t h M t k * 4.1 S h d U * V a r . t l t t . M a t . J M f .

B t a r a g ar a n -

l l U i * 4.1 F h a n a

a W M i r o M Y D w i i i e t e e f f c _ — i ^ g r r e n f e m e n U a B e w i eWHMMI I S?Brow5!% AHutoS *<■ T*Vj’M •“***!-j 3 S » r ‘ a i i A b d t k

I jt'ft'n. *nr-.ii' ^i M l i u * a a rI k o n T i i

I l » l i | t | g a a r

c o u n e e l e r e ^ a l 'p l U V A T K b w l l S l n f a M * ^ ^ X 2 2 5

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - i « t e e i i i c H y ■ ' ^ • b p b * *

d r a i r b e i i i e g r w e i g h C L f H e a e V i T S * 4 C l i B i u * r M A U i o i i : g l e e t w e e l k B i 4 t o t e h c eTWO te e n u ------ -

w flrat claa* rondlMua; ala* two truck* am) haraata. raaaan for mil a*. bIm - lag motew irwolte Into aeryira. NAUoeel Oil 4 A e p p S y r e . . 174 P T e U h t h w m h g v * . I M B K t U F , 1 *7 M a r k a t * L

< t > N d t n , T a * f a r n o r m s * t o a a * t o■ a A ; •ran irt. caiaful t

• h a r g t a .• r a n i r t . « * ’ « » 'Oalaar A Flam. 141 EtUad M

raattaabl* n r w a r h h a i a * . j s l l i a o m l ! w * r k h o r i ^ M S ;

" V n l :I t UR ' Maatnat'a gterMA • Htllaad■UltS af ILH *

■ . A t * . A * * * . - Pauhal. cat aat t t Y

to *‘»i»** e‘ » i a w oCkaA

I I I A4* w a g o n * .•not* I t u .at.. n « r gprlssflald axA F A R M S W A M T I D


S . W

M O N B Y m t e e n e n k e » 4 mpA ▼ a l e a « 4 b u i l d i n g l e e h . 1 » * « '

eeseheler 4 t (ei▼ a i em e n . g W a l i C t i f t t M e f t

FOR dAI,B. to tl waiyn. Ja. ^ lje f j w i l l a r i l e h a a * . J a h i • e h a a l d t r , 41 ■ ! • >

■ t . , N a w t r k , N . I .

w l a h M I * r * * l I S f w i d l a t o R l e t ^ u r H I I u t a b a r M a r . A d d i u a a

. MAVM~m 7SH. S4,tol, ^ toi i ^ t T i s r i t ! e & t o W U S :

W H O w i l l b o a r d C h a t h a a a r

I t r y , I I I W » r t T i S S r 3 ? ^ _J «!S E J 5a H S IiSa a - t " , g g ^

F A O T O » V ; l^ a a i e a , i l

M k g S M M B s

M iM ta uTik, m to ttp la a y . e s —

j ; .

I t *

. C M F a iI f . '

I auto f« Itog ar *h*t 1 xiga itrtlngi I hAV* u* I » * v #

1 m n im t S > d |

gi y : I 0 * 0 » « * I W t o■ r t , . r . i i - M ^ a r a t -

M y ;'ik s to ira .iy r^ ...... .......... ,

h a d d .

r i y ^ . i ^ T ? S S ^ ^ : - J S L ' t S S s J K F U R N I S H E D f U f t A N D A P A i T ®M B N t t T O U rU A o a w t

f i T E i t K . r iS B f f & t

I4U< I

re e p g l. w T i

I * .

to |U t kwd d«st I

' 5 ® ’

a M B *

e m p i

m U I B H I D f U n A N D i P A K f r ^ ^ M E N T l t A m i D

r t W H F r t e " " “

m A ■ * V 3 ' • !

t O A I D W A X t D '

“ ' t t u s i s s t . ’ B d s t e s i

O f t o d B

T K P B E L V I I B S i t O r « M

e w e y r e e m e .M b M i S i i h l n e i ▼ M P e f h i g h



November Cent, in

W A R R I O R ;

TV ASH INC lirleaa *f f t h l O B I p a Ndvam bar c hops th a t t k* h lfh OM

Of tw enty prloea ar* ],Abor Stal coatljr In 1 c td lng mon and elEbt d

KeE* abi h in t par < Advanced t milk, U rd cles* A ftar ta t d acrae i polsioaa, a p r u n a a bel lower prlci

t - o f f e * r a i n i In th* yi

Dacember, w hol* edvi ro la to a a i artle laa •h i

In tarp ra l coat | l In aum* food tw o canta ISIS and n

HI n e t thl price* h*v low er level

Farm pr th e ir k l th i k ln a 'p e r m ru e l , ligh tIdly gince o f J a n u a rj toon.

Inoreaae arm y and tnir. Th* Ittuc* a c feddlnK ai th a t th e I rwnta d a w hile th l canta da Th* dally 1*11 and I navy ratio cen ts dail;

ChargesS I

NEW T< HenalE, o IRH Feder Mm w ith KOroyasn* Karl dura(n>QM 4 ▼elsAlEie nig'*, tegl trial toda

Hennlg, th e R. ntgoufact tampered InE tippi they wot mark. H oaaray a!

Th* wl' aa ld he • th* gyroi U onnlg II Ideiitonai mtml In t tAklRE hi or lealtin

VDId 1 F au l H

•..lljilted S "I did,

told m* ahoE t th •Fvsmm


Mm A)• ' M n i

. ' rA T X.■rlnn, to o f T 8*« k r | w a t * d kIKllt In

laltoM . I ' a K R t t a nThOMSdlo h u sa ttl

I t t o < > F allte rti f t r « m w l

•evdrn l • t o r s l i M at*„ I ClfFk.

• AoeoT •I te r « ■*«Ml WRs nu T htosb;

I t t o .

i i a s 2 Stroditu

Suadk;> . . $ 6 0

I « A T I ehtam I h » * « Jf p r k t t i t s r E ti » I 4M « f wltfcto w s s k e t « t i t t M w t r

I t A l t o f ]severald l f w t i i


Page 17: German Strike Spreading With 700,000 Now Idle in Berlin, London ...

s o m , 'ra^ B S D i.t. J i ^ x s s S t’ i m B

» ATAIT-or TOWI kKtki I ■»•- IMI. I B h lM •k«r: nal f itW wUi M ck

ID ATAIT. r OF T O WllUkts. Bkii*. ASdran A.

T O U Tifct VMIR. MATetrMtr. ntwm

INI Nrmtofei4r thn« f«»tU-

o«U «»Ur« if am i 4«W)* U u iob—>Lf: l«f» «MOMt-Mr; MMy nr*BOLEAK IIOCEK- PEOVJIMiltTE;

Nr*tifc«i ffi W*UM« tor It Eall rOWATwo (IM (r«ot

«1N ^ irr>

room, m uliifeHf iMllj Im-

bt bo«Mk«*p1n< •lo^oit olootrl',


lbt boiittbitplni viibid r*ooM iR ; (or roftbW #•>■■

h( boOMlMWlniiP. ronroolaROrii.

toll—Lbrc* r«0!n owU«*io for

room, PO»r tetb. nton oodi Borvoo- AddrOii JMvMv

a«Or Bobtll Or- hOd ■iMIb'hMtOii roMooiblA«r Wblbirt •*.— or 4 ia«b| blMly

jrf«» liffbt (m—p.LiDf wilor, Pboii*

tb« eoAV0«t#ae«4 M UmllT (or r*- ; broollNM If I#- € T«, pipwo offlpv

m--Tblrd-itOrf Mb. ii.4o*n; im i iroo UbM o np. Llboflarle Upbta. tm lw»

it.—'BMbtifiil fbt boMMhMpiiif r». ___siy farnKktd trim h DB uia* flior.atn.B-_____TMd—Lu-f* ••tl- , H •H *r t»»

oanaaMla* trant talk. kaMi Uun- himibor Avi.a Box

loor Broid—Keaili oom. Will k*blod. fcl button.• fro at oonbMilbS

lmprov««wt»i oom, |L________n hootrd room on > both: roMObbbIr;

MS WAIITEDd room* for 1isl>l lh» RooOvmo t-or lOM M. y»wo Offlco.r« iwo roomli RMT lb. TrhCltr EUctflf

d riMmo; kltchfn or ObOOkMplOfl #o*dIt to iubo; odttlla:Boa Ha Ntwo officiced ono-fublt;•root nilU afflcOkjrnlohod room «lth olAto prloOi Addrofa

STOLET-OOTW______rar^way, U»—riu-

• lamll/i ■antlam-i aad ataUaa- Tat.

Walaot at., <T, "Thl »U bobtod room, Mor dUm. for cobpN.0 pi, 14—aVorr oonr. ,t room; roMOMbto; lly; b—r trolUy.tfpoct It., l#-~Tbo roottia; cobTObloot to

^ > 0 koffo NnUahol1. rofiMPd rovnc M r ibbro oipoboo m fbf' trio bnd booMkootor:ooo R. Ha fa. MbpIO'

AliTi 111 Adiroon

m s WANTED-T O W ' A

laaaa waiaa a>Mi>i f . a r « .a r s s r t ? 4

m s - k ia id in cI*—rranl halt raaM. f, a)l InnareramaWti: tan trallar; biaaktai:


tpnic »

4 + ,

j s y s f c s s i s u s s L

* « £ , s r i ! a x “ s s ^ t ts s f: s . - s i t j r a s iB u e r sfkiat Orf a tw r -----uS t o w k S .

fhMl rawk. MWt»a (aanaMaa ar


‘t t ’i i f - 's : -

r* ii* It i i «

»%a.ta atetlaa.

»ann»«*< a»A.haalaA, aitt L____aaa»la; flaa alaalaa

■AJT ORANaA •edtk Walaat «., i l—tAna iw ar (raat •••■• «ttk kaarl. aMuMa W tva; Mar Oraaa* llaa aal Larkawaaaa

Rakrial. ___ ______■AIT u RAMOA laatk ArllaBlaa aaa.,

larataM nana and_^r<t ■«# lataalaaIf—

o. itat.

iath. • — ). M. .. Caal. Malhar la ... CiMa. * O. avt. IRa nu.. A A A ia..

l2.AM.P.av«t4a CW. A Aa. «Ua.... paa. A A O .la ..■■DtatlL lae. la.........■rta laa. Ilati ta .

aat. 4a. A.T.l Otaaia tilt.trala mat trollar._____________________

SAvr OHANOR. Atrh at.. I—Raani aad kaaM ta ^aata laaillir far baalaaaa la Jr.

I I f«0f WOOfca ___ ________SLDf ItnHlA ■aldwia it . IM—Wana.

tart*. taraUbad rMat wtik ar arttkaat kaaaA aatlaMa far lira; irirata faaaUr:

ana OwtraaM. jHtll- atn— au «Hh friTala IBM iitaaAtkia

4Mt UHa baWAhtM lyi iiaiR . * > iwiaMa iMMi laMbr. ‘i.laUar tm t raa» tafb m r S a J G i s ^


f‘pinak&*ff Mtnaii JMV

f c S f T s e r - i s S

IRTIIfOTOW—Itoore wllb boordj fooll ETlobU fbmilra Addrooft Wa C. V, I

Kowa ofBoba tia

MOtrrCLiAtll, cibr bObrit It «fa diAiM

mi orb, ttl KimWMh (m

air Ibb:MaWTCLAIK, IT North Hooitolo oro..-

oldnwllb boord bt bbovodontibl oortlob, BObr trollof.Ul AMOK,

obit (orbfbrii


Ft.. It—Lorio roooi. witb bobrd; «it<>


T U MLVIDBlkiL l l - l l North MMb bOb., M it OTEbdo BororbI Woflo bad dobblo•bbor roomb vonr oobr bbtbo. at midorm

tbUo; > mlnttoa trmm otbUoo. Ubio bad oar vko of blfb ebbrbdori uWo «moU


N ovem ber DecHiie o f One Per

C ent, in R eta il Price Regained

in D ecem ber,




JCrta erta Imot-.mot-MoI. 44Ai .. laror. Bop. Tr. td.. lUa. CltrBa. |o Kob. ciir iow lb.

IL * f . «■•Ho. Pbc. 40----- ..Ka Tr A. Brtbo U . N. Ta CoRtrb) 40. .. Nor. Pbiiflo 4a,...

T. A Ta lO. a .. Pa Eaorttkbrd To.......pabtlo Eorvtco la .. •t. U L M. 40 u I. w. lo........ioabobfd adj, lo ...da. Par*. Par. m . to......da. P*c, rrl. l i Rjr. R/. lo...............Ualob Pbb. 40. ■ ■ ■ Uwtoa Pbo. cvt. U ,L*. i. Btoal lo........U. A. Bbbbor i t . . . .WobboAa Id lo......WoBta Ubkoo l«......


l i l t * r »i


NEW YORK CURB MARKETTka foUeaini qaalUMiu "rra faralahad

kr Cliala A KIb(INDUirniALA

l.liPraT'a Hick. iA» e.if. c iw .

AatM Eaalaalvaa .. JH _f JOkatralat Motata .. lit tl* HJ >•} llarraat af A«. . . .S'* -?'*tf T Traaa........... Ij 1}■milk llatar TnMfc JH ,JS lab Bwl a. t. air.. 11% H%Trlanf. r. » t. <Mta lt-1* *V’* ir A Slaainaklp . • * *L’Hltad Mataia ....... t*%



It ItiH 1%

11% . . . . 11-1* .. » •

t i UR

WABHtNaTON. Jan. l l ._ (A ) .—Ratcit prinaa «t food ncalnad In Dartmbar thf on* par cant dacrakaa which In Ncvamhar eauaad antna hauaaholdara ta hapa that tha tlma of dallvarknca from ha high ooat of llvinc w u approcehlng.

Of twcnty.aaaan irllclaa for which prlcei kra racalaad by tha Buracu of Labor StaltatICA alxtcan wara mor* coklljr In ttacambar than In tha pra- cadlnc month, thraa ramalnad tha um a and alght droppad allchtly.

K n a ahowod tha crutaat Incraaaa. hlna par cant., and biitlar and hana advgncad Ihrea par cant aacb. Rloa, milk, Urd and chuck roaat followad oloaa aftor. Onlena ahowad tha craat- aat dacfoaaa. fourtaan par cant; braad. potaioaa, lucar, pork cbopa, (lour and prunai bainc othar tooda aallinc at lowar prIcaA ChaasA corn mail and t-offaa ramalnad aiatlonary.

In tha year from Dacambar. t i l l , to Itacembor, ItIT, pricaa of food aa a whola odronrad Iwanty.four par cont. I’otatoao and onlmi" "-.ra tha only artlelaa •AowId i • tOOllM, ]

Intarprotad In Uui...i.. iha food that coat $1 In t f t i coat II.SI In IIIT. Tha nama food could hr boucht for aovanty- two conla In IffT, alghty-two canta In Itid and nlraty canta In tilt .

Slnca tha hoctnninc of HIT Iho ratall prlcai Itava fluctualad at a ralativaly lowar laval than tha wholaaalt pricaa.

Farm product, ohd clothing raachad thalr hicboat prico In Novambor. thlrty- ntaa'par eont. abova tha January price. f*utl, llchtlnc and matal* daellnad rap­idly ainca Juna lo larolt balow thoao of January, dua to coVtrninant racula- ilon.

[ncraaaaa In llrlng coita hava aaiit army and navy aubalatanca bllla aoar* tnr. Tha Bureau of Labor Ptatliticf laiuea a comparlion of pricaa paid for foddlnK aotdiari and aailora ahowlnc that the army ration now eoala t t .t i rwnti dally and t l t l . l f annually, whita tha navy ration coata t l .t l ewnta dally and f lt t .l l annually. Tha dally army ration waa tT.ff In

Bamatt O. A O ...t'aadaw A Ca........Clk Ba^n P.......pvtaral oil Kaaava tpraapactlMldwait Oil .......Okta. OtI ..Okla. P A R . . - Papulpa RafInina aaquoyab O. A U

Ml.ttNU BTOCHa,■oatea A Mnnl. Caladonla HtnlnfCalamat A Jat. Caoa. Aria. Pai*l«Emma Copprr ----Oaldflaia fontHacia Mlalac ----laroma Varda, pr. Jamba Eitaniloa .Uarak Iflnlna ----McKln.-Dar..........Maihav Lkda..........Nlplaalna................nay Harcn'aa . . . . .Rochaalar M........ ■aucaaa Minina .Tanapah ftaimoai.. Tanapab ICatan.. I'nltad Varda Ell fnliy Oald ...........

49 94 4949 41 4»r* IS3 1% ISI'll i-ie 9-l«T-I9 T-I4 T-1*

3Sh H s

IT IT IT1 4 4S

II 19 99U 3« 24OH !a4^ IS

S9 ftb 19f 9^ e




P . R. R. S a a k t 2 . t « 0 i 3 t U

State, KeefMBg I7 9 .6 W At- •

leued for Slate Roadt.


TRBKTON. Jbn. ll.^ b ia cW eb t with thb flltnc of wrlH of cortlonrl bl* IbWbd by JuiUcb AwayDi In Ihb tfu- pron* i.'ourt» bttbf'klng lh« tb l l*vy Mpon th* tlghlotn rwllrobdb. prlncIpbUy comprUlng the Ponniyl- YbUtb oyblom. But* Trbb*ur*r Kbbd tbfUy rocblwtd b tbbck for |S,4<#,314.47 from thb P«nniylvbiilb Company.

Thii chock roprbuntod Ihb uoubl tbioo of thi conpbt)y> 1*** |7t.4l*T^. thb bipotitit IntbadoA for the itbU road fund bfid which bmount 1» In contro* vef^y III Iho Biipromo Court lnvcbtlS4> lion.

n (hb oppUcbtlona to Jufttcb Bwbyio for writ* lo roolow tho IbTylng of ibWfb (of robd purpooof, iho I'bllrobdb bl- iogod Ihbt Uto inclmlon of * Ibi of ono mill on obch hundrod dolU n of VbluA- lion on (Irpt. tl\lrd fend fourth cUoa proporly w«i lllogbl. It Wb« oo( forth Ihbt bpphcbtlon had boon mbdo to Btbto Conlroilor Buvboo for pormlMlon lo pby Iho ibAOi duo. loib tho binouhl r«p* robonilng tho ro^ Ibs, but that thli hbd heoii rofuMd. U w«« Wld tho con­troller had tnolfttod upon full paymonl bolnir mado.

Blnco tho proparatlon of tbo papbw In tho varlooo ll(lfbllonR« conforoncbb havo boon hold botwoon th* oontrollor and tho bUornoy Bonorb)'i offlco, with tho rooult Ihbt an avroomonl wm robrhod for tho paymont of oo much of Iho U ko* bl b ^ not Iti dlpputo. Tho Importanco of (hli to tho rbllroado 1i In tho fact that thio 1i tho Imit day for imylng rmllrobtf taioo, a tenuity of one por rent, a month bolng impoood on and aftor Tobruary 1.

Ill addition In tho fiftoon rorpora- tlcfia roproaomlng the Fonnoylvanla •yotom, rortlorarl proroodlnga hbvo boon Inotltutod In hohalf of iho Nbw Jorioy Junction, tbo Woit Hhoro and tho Now Tork and Fort Loo rallroadf.






L'nobolruclod by iho war In Kurop^ Mraubo It la confiuoA ihoro. haliod oiily by a rolativo abortaco of ot’C*o nato duo la the war. our irado with loading i-aUTlrlrii lo iho nouih of uaually roforroil to aa lAilln ■.\rnorica, haa conllnuod lo luwoato during ibo progroaa uf tho conflict Thia la Juil aa iblghl hove booh auppoood when



Inquify B road eit ia W eeks t a d

Som e L e a d e n Gain More

Than T w o Point*.



NEWARK SECURITIES MARKETTha fallawinf qaalatlcna Imlar wera fur-

nlihea by J. llll>P*l * Ce ■ratloloia .ConHlIdataa Tract on ...OvnaallJaUU Traction M . rai I r A HuAaon Oao Co . l iu A wire, of BorJocC®.Iltta A Bloc, of B. fo. Ut li Oaa A Elac. of B. Co. aon.Harkanaack Walrr la^Kudaon County liao c» .Hudaon Coualy <Hi Co. la..Jaraay City. Hok. A Pit. *•Nowwrk Conaol. <laa Jt o _Newark Caaaol. <-ai Co. ia N.vark Pwaa. Railway Co.Nawark Oaa C*. M. ........North Jeraay it. Hallway «Pat A Paa. <1. A Bl. Co.. .S i : A o. A El. Co. H l..,bllc Barvl.-* . .. ■Publlo iarvlro Carlltlcatao fulillt Uarvlco Oon, la. Itlt


1.1Hit! Afli#d149 194«; 4Tei 14

It* 13419 b4

1., It9ft . 14 N l i

19 \ l 4111 ITSH »T

1. . . 4T 74t& to17 144

i i * M 144tie 115«i 71Ite 14

1 . . . »i:e« 109IT »>U

*0 . . US i:o'd. o4 H 931. . . . i i 74i«. . n 14


ftnuah Jmei Kapi. Union Horn Union A aa».

rl«r I^ llflcatia qnotrd ’and Inlaraal.

E nterU inm ent t l Cnmp Merritt P tu in e d b y Orange Com m ittee

U nder tha jo in t auapleei of i»* < ^ * t f a l Roldlara" and Itallora' W e lfy e C ^ - m itlaa of the Orkngaa and the Boldlera C om fort Committee of O rknee an en- ta r ta ln m e n t will be f l « n

. n ig h t a t Camp Marriti, Tenany. Tha i n i and th e annua) ration t l« 3.W. The j , j , ,.,n ,p will be made by autom o- Hbvy ra tio n In thb oamo y«ar wao I 7.4B j which will leave Orange a t 3


A rrangonion tf are being made *®^B*^* thb bntbrtalninOPl in both the Y.

East to Pacific G)ast Rate Raised, Effective March 15

WASHINOTON, Jan. Jf I.T).—Rail­road rate Itu.reanea of about fifteen per i-enl . effnrilve March l i , will be applied lo commodity nhlpmenta from F.aetcrn poInleTo I’aclfic Coaet m ien nn the re- ault of a dacliloii of the Inlerttate Com- morr* ('omrnlooion.

Thb doiiolDti wao roarhr-d by the oom- iniiolon yootrirday in adjuotlrtg rat^o In « rulins whlr!i waa made luat Juno in Iho BO-oallad intorniountaln rolo i'aoo and ealabllihed that the dlfferenca In ralaa between coanta and Intermountain citlee ehould be removed. The ruling, however, left open the nueatlon of whether through ratea to the coaii ehuuld bn rnlaed or Interinedtala rntea lowered The caae had arlaen from protaate of Intermounlain cHlee that they had twen diacrimlnaied agalnat by lower ralee to the coant Inatituted by rallroada lo meet water competition by way of the I'anama Canal.

When the rallroadi were informed bv the commlealon that the raten were to be made thi aame they filed application for tncreaaea In the through rates to coincide with the ralee to Intermounlain polnta. The commlaelon yeiUrday granted this Application.

eania daily and I1S7.41 annually.rblch


tf the weather entertainers will

provesgo by

C harges H ennig Threatened to S h oot Him If He Inform ed

NEW TORK. Jan. It (^ ).—Paul O. H Henaig, on trial for treason In Brook- i tyn FaAaral Conn, threatened "to plug I Mm with lead" It ha ravealed t« tha | EOearaaiant'the actions of Hannig'k eon _ Karl during a ttat of torpedo gyro- ernpaa on July 3, Itlt . Frederick Ifetaalawyer, a subordinate of Hen- nlg-B, teatlfted at the retumptlon of tha . inat today. 1

Hennig. a foreman In the employ of I .the R. W. Bllai Company, torpedo I mgDUfacturars. la accuatd of having tamparad with "gyrotcopee." the ateer- Ing apparatus of torpadoea, so that thay would be unable to reach their mark. His aon haa been Interned aa an aasray alien.

The witnata. who llroi In Jaraay City, aald ha saw Karl Hanning tampar with tha gyroaeopa taating tabla altar Paul Moanig bad dtatractad the attention of rjeataaant Shea, U. B. N„ chief govern- maal Inapeetor av tha Biles plant, by taking hint to a window on tha pretanaa of leaking gt a gatbarlng etarrn doud.

vfHd yak hava a bonveraatlon wtt)h Paul H tnalg gubseiiuently?” aekad

'.-lljiUad Btataa Attorney France.■■T did,- the witness replied. “Paul

tsM ma that If tha company found out akoat this, or It t told anything to tha ggvarainaat map 1 would ha plugged


Man Amsted' is PbIcisob oo r J MMsachusetts Murder Charge,r rATgnaOK. JA«1 t).—Antonie palH- .grlno, twaaty-elght yaara old, tertaerly of 1 Ooutb Morgan etraat, Boston, w u nrtogtad hara on a murder charge l u t ntfht la A boarding houia at ITS Oliver

I atraat. Ho<la being held at gallca h u d - Vuunrtan upon a warrant supplied by ^ o k u r . BuatAoa, chief of tha Mu s a - ohusaltA state pollen

_ ............................. M. CA. and’thrKnigVta of Columbus bulld- Inga A targe supply of French books and phonograph racorda will bo taken to camp. , ..

Tha committee In charge of the en- tertnlmnent conslate of L. Howaid Brumbaugh, chairman of tha wellara commlttaa; Romla Thomas r iu in and F ru k E McOulgk.

M ayor D elays Naming M ember O f MfMitcUir School B oard

Indlcatloni are tliat the Montclair Board of Education will organita to­morrow night with four Instead of five membori. as Mayor Louis F. Dodd lias not aitnouncad his choice to gucc';e<l Otto F. Berosch, whose term ss a mam- bar anplres todays The Mayor said this morning that he was not prepared to announoa any selectlnn at this lime and would not fill tha vacancy this wbbk.

Mr. Bomsch was appointed for a full tarm by formar Mayor Ernast C. Hinck and has aarvad as chairman of tha building commlltaa of tha board. Other matnbara of the board ara prasldent. Union Nobla Bethell, vice-prsaldenu, Hlat Louise C. Hinck. Frank Ferris Jr. and Hanry M. Robinson.

N eg ro A r r e it« l m T en n eu ee F or Not R eportm s at Cam p D ix

It In ekargad that on January I t l u t iPalltgrtao shot and kUlad hla wife, < CrONi whuk ha had baan estrasgad tar

aavaral months In a small grocery stars la Bwanlon itroat. WInehastar. Maia.. where aba waa ampleytd u a clpfk.

‘ AoooraJag to ths pollca bars tha prla- onar saM that tha ihootlng w u tha aaaaal U aa attack which ha allagaa was ma4a apon hiss twa w u k s pra- v to u by an adaitrar of h li wife.

It da saM PalUgrlno slgaad the oan- fmalaa and *«Pg *M< hla wllltngnaw to' latara to Wlnehagtor with tho Ifsasadhaiitlr aathohtlas wlthoal ax- trafUUaA papors. ,

Sm idK )r1Jq«»r Seller M m t P ay . $ 6 0 0 F in e in Period o f S ix Ytean

VilATO L A K p S a T ien . It.—J W # •hkm haa Just laipeaod » « * • • * »•** BBMi .Ispahi ratobaaa. g t naiaas*ntan for Bwnday UaaPr ualUsg whan tha lat- tpr BtasOad a u volt, withdrawing a pifa f t aac eatlty. Ha has to pay II** wlUUn A wtah and tharaaftar U a waaCfbr m waaha ropwttag in pam u I f Hia •%«( pratatlon aWear at tha codiitr. .. .

f arohaag. candacti ,a hotal « Rawgli-JB-tha-l'Inaa, which w u raided aavaral weeks age an a Sunday by dlfiatlM M Prwaealor Moort.

LaenI Exemption Beard No. 4 of Hudaon County, covarlng Harrison and Waahawkan. w w advtsad ysaterdav that Jaau Richmond, a nsgro. who had failed to rapoft at Camp p lx In Saptamber, whan nrdarad to do to, had b u n nrrutad by the fadaral authorl- ilas at Springfield. Tann. Tha board will forward lha nootaaary papara to bava Richmond plaood In n Soutborn camp. Richmond raglttarod Juno I at W uhawhsn and pasaod tha physical onanslnatloit. aftar which ho loft for tha Oauth. with ardars ta ha at Camp DIX at tto tIdM sUtad.

W ar Service Exdrnt Set fo r’ tU argy-E a il N ew ailc D btrict

Fkysleal axamtaatlog of man la tha K aam y-E ut Ktwark dJatrtot to do- tarmtno wbatlan-tbay ara gaalltlod tar urvloe wtll be rataamd Moaday at Iho lowB ball. Twenty art to be axamlnad that day at S o'alotdt, tlttaan at 4 o'clock and fiftaan at t a’oloek. Tha m im nehodula will prevail 'thuradaya and FrldayA - ■xamluliotia Tnaadnya and Wadnaadays will, ha conducted at I and 4 •'Plfck. Ey tbld^PlAB Ml trill be u - amtM t wMkiy. Tha oxnmlnors nr* Dr. S, R Ooldbarg, a mambar of tbo ox- anspUoB board, and Pr. A. A. Mutter.

T w o Arreetcd on Charge o f V . B ellev ille H iijliw iy R ob b ery

d b a m ^ trith htghtray robbery, Hleh- frd BaMoakl. twgaty-Miru yaara old,

fraAk HtMrdrhi. aged twaoty-ata, bath a t U HoaliiomaTr atrool, Btum -

ar« boing bold for a hiaHpg to- -w night in tb* BoUatllU Pollca Court.

MDMFSS W * l« RAIEvIllA lAit laturdny bIgbL a fbnrt dla.

• drpM hla htMA and baatlac. .and «d|tt»d.b wimU at ■

P d c k e n ’ H earing S u ip en d ed W hile H eney Secure* M ore Facts

WASHINGTON. Jan. JI (V ).—Hear­ings In Iho Fadcral Trade Cominla- slon's Invasllgallon of the meat pack­ing Industry are suaponded today while Francis J Heney.spaclal counsel for lha government, goes to ITilcago to direct the search for mors documentary avt- denca against the pachara.

Mr. Haney, who for several days has bean reading Into the record of the Inveetlgatlon correspondence from the perkere’ confidential flics, was In­formed yesterday that Henry Veador, counsel for Kwlft & Co., had refueed to permit further essminatlon of the con- tente of hie vsult.

Hoarings here were postponed lo allow Mr, Ileney to take charge of the Chicago altuatlon, when Hugh Me. Isaacs, the commission's agant In Chi­cago. telegraphed that he had sealed Veeder'e vault pending further govern, ment action. Hr. Heney eald thet un­less Mr. Veeder. who Is characterised by Mr, Heney ae the "clearing house" of the packere' Joint operallona. re- considers hie refusal lo permit exemln- atlon of hti papers, tha courts will be appealed to.

Joseph W . Folk R erig iu t s C om m erce C om m ission Counsel

WASMINOTON, Jan. It (V ).—Joeaph W. Polk today aanf to tha Intaratnle Commarco Commtpslon hit resignation aa tho commtaalon’g eblaf counul to taka affect before February II. Ha win return to hla bora# tn St. l«ula to bocoma tanaral eountal of the Cham­ber of Commerce there. It waa eaid the commleaton may not appoint • suc- cesur during the war. or aa long sa government operation of railroads con- tlnusa.Mr. Folk has torvad aa tha commls- alon'a counaal for four years. Pre­viously hs was Govarnor of Miaaourl and for a short tlma In I*IS was so­licitor general of tho State Depart­ment. He dlfocted Inlaiwtate Com­merce Comralaalon Invaatlgmtlona Into boalnaas conduct of tbo New Haven. Bock Island and Louisville A Nashville railroads.

Orest Britain. Oormany. France Italy had to lay down ihelr Interna- ttonal commercial activities with the peoples of South and Central America and Meilco.

This Is mada plain by offlclpl reporta that gains were ntaOo tn the velue of trade between the ViilUd Btalea and Ijitin America, bothlaat and for the ----November tit, 1*17. conlraeted with like periods 111 t*l4 Ai the largesl tncreeee of Ihli nature laat year was lo Novem­ber. the Inference !• made thet the movement of our totele of etporte to end Imports from the countries to the south of us hai been growing fairly

Our exports, ee referred to, at I a1 nod a total valua for etaven montha of Iasi year of |7»».4II,eW. In contraal with 4177,41*,*** In lha llha parted lha year

Aa to Importe from Latin America, (he total value for eleven months or l i l t la given ae |1,I4*.«I4.8M, In coin- parleon with |l.ell).fll.«»» In the llhe portion of 1*14.

The value of all ahlpmente In both dlrecUone during the eleven months ended with November last waa. t««" ' fore, tJ.lSI.il7.00*. cnnlraated with tl,itl.l>l7,«l)a for the correapondlng period In the preceding >eer.

While the November trad* of LOlin America with ihit cminify, i s loIJ, showed a large Increaee over prevtoui rnunlhe, ihla » ss due principally to heavier exporie Ibither. because our Imporle during thet period were atmut ten per cenl. einaller than in November, ISU, In the face of the Jump In eiporlA

llegardlni galne 1" vslnca of »hiP- rnenls from the t'nitod Htaiei lo lAUn America, Ihe more notable were for .hlpmente lo Argentina, Mrailt, Chile. Central America, Mexico end Cuba, to which places Ihe export veluea.wers iibout Ihlriy-elght per ceiii liirger In eleven inonihj of U*t year ihan In the year hafore.

The tiggeel. In .-rease In evp.i r la was lo Mexico, which c a r r i e s w i th It eoma eignif icsnee. the ga in b e in g a lmut tW per cenl . over th e e lev en iiumlhe of 1*14. While i l ie ie was a fair g a in In sh ipm en ts In Cei i l ra l America , It waa p ropor l lona le ly the l e a s t of any of Ihe locsl lllee nam ed The more e l r lk - Ing receselon In In ipor ia to th is coun- Iry from cou n tr ie e re f e r r e d in w as from l l ra i l l and Cuba T h e va lue of goods shipped he re f ro m Argenl lna , Chile and Mexico s h o w ed enn i lde reb lo Increases In 1*17 over Ihe eleven m onths of 1*14-

These reports of our trade with l-etln America are all the more intereetlng In view of Japan's expansion of Its mer- canllle marine and Us efforts tp do a largely Increaaed hueiireea w-lth South America on Ihe west coast, and with Mexico, delslled report* of which are no! at hand for Ihe preceding year. In short, while It 1* natural to congratu- late ourselves on the Improvement of our I rede relations with the principal countries to the south of ue. It le elao of moment lo keep In mind the Import- ance of retaining Ihla trade efier the war.

NEW TORK. Jan. It <«).—Trading In the stock market switched largely to rallg In the late forenoon today, tha Inquiry being the broadeet ef recent weeks Htandard Issues gelned 1 ts m points, minor rells nleo diepleying un­usual activity The movement followed ennouncement of a grant of Increased ra u i to irenecontlnental roods and pubitctllen of a summary of the re- uuseted railway wage Increase,

Industrlala under lead of United Btataa Btael, alto extended Initial gains with popular equlpmenta and apeclxl-

Ltberty I S t at 47,44 and Moondatiaa."November •! *4-7* recorded new rnlnlmUBis

In'^'mnnih* eiid-d I'’*'*' *' repeating lhair low ai t*.*b. aleveo .vdv.i...ea at the opening we\<lv»ho«i »i th« op«tiini fairly wen dlutrlhuted ktoodb ataalp. copp*ra. #qu1pin«<hl«, rallt and war

a whulc. Ualna In theM froupa ril«nd«<l to m point, in ••varal Inntaitota approtllaallns two polnta

Mp«i7talU*a raprooantad at th*•tart hy Tosas <*onipatiy. Induatrlal Alcohol. 0«naral Molort and lnt«rna> tlonal Papor. Unlud dtaUt ilM l ro»« a point and oihor loadora indkatod further •hofi covorlnff.

CKicago’r G)m Trwsactiws Are Held to Narrow Limits

CHICAGO. Jan. 41 (JF).—Adverseweeiher eondlilone tended todey to iirengthen corn prlcei but the effect was largely offhei by repcrli of an In­creased supply of empty c a n and by announcement of energetic meaeuree taken lo take care of new deliveries from fwrmera. The market held within narrow limlle both aa le volunia of huelneee and ae lo changes In valuea Opening quolailone which varied from the game a* yeaterdar'e finish lo a *hade off. with March I.J7 end May I 2i%. were followed by a slight up­turn that, however, failed lo last.

t’roapecta of an increased movement made the market average slightly lower the greeter part of Ihe day. PrleSi , lowed easy, tx 4f % to % net lower, with Manh I J4tx and May Llita.

All deliveries of oata reached new high price levels, aovernment buying ;«i Interior points hart much to rto with the upturn. Aftvr opening at <4 lo t* sdvanca »Uh Mxy 41% to *114. the inarkel scored eubetantlal gelns before lieglnnlng to react

llcallilng sales by holders more then counter balances In the provision market Ihe Influence of higher prices on hoga There wax no iggreeslve sup­port.

Ralltes, which snstisd. wars not well msintalned.

ITIces In delsll:rorn—No. J yellow, nomlnsi: No. *

yellow, 1.74; No. 4 yellow, 1 IlgM l i uata—No. 3 white. I lff lf ix

ard. MOs*.Bye—No. J. :.1»B ar ley— 1.40* l.7i.T im o thy— 6.SOB* Si. ■Clover—21.004* 30,00.P o r k — Nominal.Isird—11.40.It Iba—2 2.449^4.10.The following iiuolatlooa from lbs Chb-lgn

Hoard of Trads wers famished by J- M. Birna t C».; _

s ta id-

gln« guedglleue (• Iggt i>Im7 for the News by ><

le given below;*llgh

Advance Rutaily UJ<AWks Geld........ 2)iAliefce Jeneee.... J AJIM-Chel 20J|Aa. A|, C hoa.. lb Aa. Ig itS e v i.. 7tHAa. Caa.............Aa. Cea, pr___ *0A a n C a itF - . . . IJHAa. CetO il...... J2VAa. H. A L...... UAa. H. it U, pc. i t Aa. UeessdOiL JJIJ Am. Lia. OU,|«. 74 }tAa. Loco......... StAge. S a d L ....... ISAa*. Steel Fdyt.. K2)|Am. Suger. ...... lOb VAa. Sumetrs-..... *6VA*. T. A T____Aa. Tobacco.^.,Am. Wooten......Am. WeiL Pep.,prAm. Zinc...........’ Aiuconda.........Akk.......... .........A. ft. W. 1 . ......leldwia Loc«v.„.XA U ................Belli. Steel, A...Beth. StiK, B ..„B. R. T _ ..........Bures B n t.........Buim A Supotw.C*L Fat..............Can. Fee.......... 1Can. Lattha.....C. A O — ..........Lhi. 0 . W..........C.. M. A 3l P...Ckl. A N’wak...CkUcLoppw.....(3iiiM> Ceppei.-.Col. F. A 1 .......•CoL U a A DecConiv Gm ..........Coen Fipd..........Core Fred., pe..Ctndblc Steel.....Cub.'Aaer. Sug..Cub. Cane SogiC.DcL A Mod------Den. A RioO.pfHDiet. Sec.............Lne....................Eric, 1st pc-------Eiie, 2d pc.........Gen. Elec Co....Gen. Moton......Geodneb (S.F.).Gfsnby Coni.....Gt Nottb., pr....Gt No. Oie........Ulinoia Can.......Inspirstion.........Intel. Con..........Inter. O a ., p r ..

Teduy'*——. FrwVa I. Lew, (Jtoae. CIs m


S h a w - W a l k a r S tea l L atter FHoa

Rigid? ymi a•ky • acraiBr

won't aat. Or A lolM Rlaca «f wan’t u « - SAdv- WaUttra ara *k¥- tcniB*n piM M M oloel,

Bldciric wdMiaimiltet *(»>•file o n e twIM place. Nj BUta— no bolt*--a* rtr-

eft—M rode- no Krewi.Drawer* will ryn iiltnti

amoodk, *P**dy • hundred yoarm Nofl-ffbourtdinfe toOe SUy *nut wittaovi lu^tfTuou* mechanitm.

W* Art N**irk AftwU

• # W j/ V 7 7 V G C O |

2 S 1 M a r k e t S t r e e tJ u a t BeWw M a O r r r y .

U2M m2oh i m

lU H 111 20)4 l*K


*<* ‘ W

dM g TuMdan and TAiirw-da« mt 9 a'Clac*

140 IJl 140 IJOM IJ9J< 114H 1J7X I14H


Senator Su bm ih In fo m u tio n Cor­

poration H ea d ed b y Raker s

Brother O vercap ita lized .


OftTW — Opa»i. Hlfh.M#rt'h . 12T IlfMar 139S 1J9\9

U#L# — R9 1919March . *4S I4SMay MS IIS

Pork—Jati. . • It 49May . 44 94 44.10

iMirO—Jan. 19 17 :;9-»9Mar - >9.90 19.9}

South Chin* R ebe

4T.TO «• 19


41.19 4t 91U.ii(t.4«


Jewelry EcottMnyTh**o ar« the 4*y* for

ecoflomiilttl. *0 why not luc your iranifcr itid viilt our store xftd ate how much y w pgn ggvo on Itiantond and Cold V

We have no enurmoua over­head expenwa Ithe ihe dowa- town slot** and our eua> lomers profit by it.

CkraAil Oftkml Wart e f Modarat* efiaif a*. Brlm$ miroarAnaerdpflaaa.

EsfaWisJWd 39 ft*ri

aurnhammerJeweler and Opllclen.

l i t Bprlnafleld Avs.

C ity K ey o f Upper Y angtie

PKKING. Jan. *1.—Tochow, Ihe strategic key to the upper Vgugtse Ttiver has been captured by the gouth- ern revoluttonlete, according to a report from Hankow.

It la believed here thet the activity of the revolullontita brought about the southern Journey of Acting IToaideni Feng Kwo-chang and lhal he will make an effort to effecl a compromise on th* basis of reconvening the old I’arllsment, and thua avoid a declara­tion of war. Feng Kwo-chang la sx


celpla l l .W ; alrong; bulk. H.ISE re**; light.*l*.«l>: mixed, U.15D 14,70; heavy. 14,0i*l4,70; rough, If.OjO 1*10; plge. IJ.SS®!*.*®-

(.g ltle—11.04*; strong; native sfMr*. I . l id lt . i : ; etockere and 10.7S: eowp aTid h9t(ari, *.BO01*s.O9, calvaSg

Sheeit—Recalpte, 16,000; fj™ ; w**h'era, 1*.»0#11.6*: •»«»■ ».<l•l*•14•laihba, lt.7t#l7.l*.

WASHINGTON. Jan. 31 <A*) —Inler- eet of H. D. Maker, a brother of Becre- lary Baker. In an aeroplane plant at Nllee, O.. which had, but lost, govern­ment contracts, came up today bsfora Ihe Senate military coroniltlee al Its Inquiry Into the aviation service.

Hecretady Maker ordered the con- ................... ........tiavte canceled ea soon as he learned I peeled to arrive In Nenklng todey that the aviation eervlce had awarded ' them to a concern In which hie brother was Interested,

Henator Frellnghuysen of New Jersey submitted Information ha had racelve.l lo the effect that tha corporatlon-Ylhe Kiigcl Aircraft Company—of which II.B. Baker la preeldeni—had been over­capitalised w-tlh I1.4M.OOO of a 11,000.- 000 cspltalltalton representing “good , will" I

Colonel Deedi of tb* aviation service | teiUfled that H. D. Baker conferred ,With him lael June about securing a [ contract, but had been “flatly turned down" because the plant waa not reedy to produce. Later, Colonel Deeds said, whsn the plant was equipptd, contracts were given for aeroplane parts on a "cost plus" baste.

A. J. Engel, vice president of the company, whose original plant was taken over by the corireratlon. wa* an' expertenceif aeroplane builder. Colonel Deeds added, laying:

•They are doing a very good clan of work now."

Tho profit allowed to the company.Colonel Deeds eald. was Ihe same ae given to other corporations.

Chairman Chambarlain asksd If the company had been organised epecltl- rally lo eecuce government contract*, but Colonel Deeds said he thought not. ae Engel had been making airoplanea before. No money woo advanced by the government.

flenetor Frelinghuysen eleo Inquired regarding the Fowler Aeroplane Com- pany of California, Colonel Deed* aald Ite president wae an expert svlxtor. and that the company haa been given contrgoia tor fifty training machines at tlIB,644 for tha Ban DJego Aviation School.

9ktt ITaOMTOir. JM. tl.—A* fh*

• r A m a* « mui. tiiA Rniiid miHutu■ iB llin 'If- aurtltldt Mt xMi«* !■- .■ a siwoi ■ e ^ i w i w iM tiiiM m xen«» w

M T A K tlP ^

p o iM iiM a a iM B a p > - 4 ) 0 f O f - T O i l


M r» WBWr OMBdW.lAiAgr tha rgvtsrt deobUon thg board

Aaa g jif iT ifl tha i w »iii*d atAaial* Ctr bieatar gaRfeiM ihroafb atMartx • biIbI* ' I ^ M p r u a r biDFi ^ b *w g( M il*

4 * ^ «M guM re.' Th* b*i»4 gjoF* th* fUing of Ure aabadals

. sMtw f*» buWdlng gurpam i M roval aM aafcjact t* tha r o i|r OtHhatal BMitF. H la- m f iTf th* rai

igir ia Nudqr b ;-t lb|MNl«l I I Achi« Toeby


Bxehang* guotaa laad sisady; apot. j,**0T.ti; agolter, qut*f; East BLlmuls

**A4 ^ n £ n : Coppar, apot. tU t; fu- tured. 111*; aiaetrolytin m i . Tia. w i . t:» i; futurae. fW*. sP»t. HJ t** ifuturat, ft* IW. Bpaltw. »po*. turae, ft*.

FINANCIAL POINTERSThe Phlladalphla Slack K**liang*

Block Hat eoiumltta* haa admitted to tba regular list of tha qachsnge 17.t*4.» TM expll*) utoch *7 ih* Westmore­land fllMl ComaauF. •* •*>» B*r value oMW. . . .

An advance la wagaa uf lIH pur cent, tu li,*H »HI uparatlvap tv nfautarart ul Shll River, Mpaa, hi a feir Uttar, Chart** tr. Mill*, (*d*ral arblur. ■•at thara te aattl* tha wat*.cuatr*- varay. daclarad In a repart tiled tMay. Tb* ftadlnga were r*purt*d offlelally to mamilhotiHwr* and r*pr**intativa* uf S . onluBi. buth r t t o aenaut • • » • • RbbI- Th* liter**** will %• *«*ullv* I f rtx^iwrtith*.

Th* Iron Afu 1* K*w Turk eara to­day: "Hew Iprsa ha* baoa tM vutaiM

tuuarBiBMA**5*uhirtT ttr |h* fabrtcatad^rtMp p u -

1* ladl ia ttd by tho .leaag ‘ S , a i i ; . h^.hrid y end o i M rt DortiArt, FtrVSSm ffOrti CABMiif- Ortr MMktlllri

X - a * b S h S l wa* dUB* l ^ h .than .twMily puruutM vrhu Tfr* jrtara spo a * i ^pal wpf* 'Um *i *s**T fr* « S (J pigpt axUMlosi*. g*v* * tetel n

4*1*. t f WI.44* 4e*K h»* '■Mm* butMtac wa* •S S m th*tl h* B*W.“

McCumber Says Riveters Are Holding Back Ship Building

WASHINGTON. Jan- *1 (A>).—Citing Ihe need for ihlpe to win the wgr gnd roporti that xteel rlveferi employed in the shipbuilding yard* are refuelng to aeoompllah at much work aa formarty al higher wage ecalea, Banator McCum- her of North Dakota today callad th* Senate’! attention lo Ihe labor altuatlon.

“It la about time,'’ ha aald, “ that wa asked ***ry Amcrlean cltlsen to do an honaat day'* work for an honeat day's VMI9e"RIvatera wha fornurly drovo about t i t rivatu a day, tha Senator laid, now rotnplala about driving more than IM to tM and tho* Impod* ship conetruc- llon. K* also eentanded all Americaaa batwaan alghtetn and atxtyiw o ahouM do aonio kind of war work, along lino* propoftd In a bill h* rooontly Intro- ducod. _______' _________


Hit paper. i t i i lM i; otorlla*. M day will. 4,71 ( coniMorclal,. *♦ Olf btlll, 4 711.1: denxand, «*H «.4*74 T-tf: franoa, damand. I.TB: dablea, i'7*; gpalMar*. domand, 44H: Oahl**, 44:I ^ ' d w n d . Mt'. cahtM. MT; rubla*. g J S a l in S : aaWa*. H K ilih r altver,

hPn*h IfFHPll*''! ro O M l bond*,atrsoB- ____loan*, iiiww M nawo. r

mon*T> ling rat* S t 4: laat


-Strong; fair to good, 11.34011.43; choice to fancy. ll.t lG It-t i. nominal, Juie spot and to arrive.

Bye—Strong. No. 2 Weetern. 13.34. coit and freight New York.

Barley—Firmer; feeding, IM I. malt­ing. 41.44(441.74; coat and freight New York.

Lurd—8tr<ing; Middle Weel. 36.24# 34.44.

Straw—Bteady; No. 1 and 2 rye, 314B«I3.44. ,

Hope—Eaey; atate medium lo rholco, 14U, 44064; 1414. nominal; PacificCoaat, 1417, 31634; 1*16. lt#17.

Butter — iHead)-; recelpl*. 11.414; creamery higher Ihan extrai. i30B2ti; exira (43 score). i14t61'.li: firsla, 41)4# 64 4 : aeconrtx, 44 0 44.

Egga—Firm: recelpte, 4.343 c.aaea;freeh gathered extra firsts. 44; flrati. 43#434; aeconda. 44043: atata, F’enn- aylvanla and nearby Weetern hennery, white, fine to fancy. 44041; elate. Penntylvanla and nearby hennery, brown, 44047.

Cheese—Firm; receipt*, 1.417 boi4*, etet*. whole milk flat*, held, epeclal, 3401144. do. average run. liH O I*.

Potato**—Weak; Maine, 144 tha . 1.64 BS.77; Long laland, do., 3.62#3.42: itate rennaytvanla and Wealern, do, 2 43#I.7T: others unchanged.

Cabbagea—Bleedy and unchanged.Beeves—Rocelpta *36. no trading.Calvea—Reoelpta, IM, eteady, veals.

li,44#l».44; cutia, 1144H14.S4.Bheap and ‘^T^*“ ****i'’r*L .Vifa ■steady, aheep (awee), 4.64#13.44.

Mege —Receipt*, 1.S44; no Iradin*.Poultry—Llv*. etaady; chicken*, 34#

74; fowl*, 11#44; turkey*. 34; dreMjd, firm; chicken*. 24#2i; fowl*. . .# 1 2 . turkeys. 3*#l<. ___ ^


of a continued demand for cotton out of the local etocka, caueed covering by neir-month eborta In the market her*

The opening waa eteady at an S pointa* and March

foUw iTOoMtrtrunn W curh Wbwo •inns twH HiBiMfWbl* (• PMdlh M*l IVom say • t tlw HutitF dealer* M Ui*ir •umi|r (g panaprtrt. ,Owil w*. uit*« T a n u m -Mt**r-aad AvoadaU Ost-

- — m u a * dhaxtltyt m t


•Th* TratBBfT ag g la » » h * s t ! i* f i y t h a

4;*B d piw M arfhr lM « !**»■iM iK r' ■*. -4 i -' if w-T:

. « . ’i s s « n e e s " a . " . “ ’*.T S L p ;


tiOMDOK'. Ja*. • ! <J#lc*aar rtlvar,par wSB*4t HgSMT, lid **hh

dS U mK m M , Mm#I hllM. 4 j-4**4W tithT *e iwpeUw h#l44 * i

S k . 0 * a » e * a * ^ # i U r t« i« A I* 5 4

d ]

today-advance o( 4 to I polnU. rontract* noM up to '* *"5*.*'**Mrly uadlrtR or IS polnlD net hlfher. whll» later monthi *howed advance# of 12 lo point* with Mar ianinT at 9ft *2, The ftleody rullnc of Liverpool, hu'lllsh overolght ;pOt »<lvlcee, and a favorable view of foreign political ad­vice* wer* alao faeter* on the advtnm, but Intoreit aoefitod to center on th* near-ntonth altuatloa.

The advanoo oxtended to 14.11 for March and »*.»* for May befor* th* *nd of th* mdrulog with tha gtnaral Hot selling about 14 to 11 point! net higher. There wa* (aougb raatliing to check th* upward Movement at this level, and conelderabt* oslllac of May and July for New Orltoni aoo**iit. but th* vol- uma of buain*** taporad off sharply on reaettonn of 4 or id point* and th* mar- hat w ss eteady around tnld-day. Tha ■arty advan** was ao*omp*xi*d by talk • t an Krersaalng »«*rcfty *f whit* e*t- t*tt a»d th* dinieutty of hrlnglng aup- plla* h*r* for d*llv*ry on «*ntra«t

Tb* lOtaranM to pHoo-flxlag In Prao- (dost WIlaoB'g k tu r tn IlllnUa farmer* «ao*«d r*now*d-B*rv*u*n**» lit th* o*t- tea worttrt durle# th* *arty aftonMoa and Ibdv* war* toaotloa* ot 11 i* II potalU to 41.44 for Man* end 24.77 for May «>d*r a flurry of liquidation or nnottortng proaauro- Tbo rapdrt* of oo- rlooa W wr Iroobl** to Gonwnr tat- oMsragod tho Mdro optlmlMte vlow ot ptoco pros# ****, howwror, whilo thoro woro nau>n that, •allosi la tbo looalotoak aitrt* bosM M fdan ie# l*r iM pISTat M^Kaw. p g i a i mllla, andTre Z arto i a ie e d iin S w r t , t o;**** . rtHi prt«dd Hwwiaf ■altrat* nlU**-

ln. Hei.of N .J .. 122 Into. U. U ...... 2S)InUi. M.M., pr.. djjilo. Ntckel.......... 29)1l. Fepei.......... JOKen. City So,.... 11 Kcl-Spnni Tire.. 4SKenneoolt........... JJjLack. Steal.-...... 79L « Tire............. HLehigh V*U«r-... MU t N ............ IWMax welt ........... JOMex.Mot-.litpc. S9 Max. tioL, 2d pt 2JHcxicia Fet..... 92Miami Copper.,. JJ Midvale Staal .. 4SMo. Fee............. 27M., K- ft T........ 5M. ,Sl.P.ftS.S.H nN etEn. f tS ... . 44Nevtda Con*..., HN. V. Air Brake- lit N. Y .O n t . . . . . 71 S .y .,N .H .ftH „ Jl H y ., 0 . ft W-,Noe. ft W.........Not. Pacific.... Ohio Ciliei Ois...Penn.................Feopla’e Ga*., . . Fhiladalphia Co..F. ft W, R. R..Pitta Coal..........Ft, S teelC ii.. . .•FuUmta..........Ry. Steel Spring.,Ray Coo*..........Keatting............Rap. L ft Sta#.. Rep. I. ft S„ pr. iiaxoo Motete..,. ■Sean, Roabock. Shat tuck Aite.,—S l o i o ^ . « ......South. Fee—......So. Ry...............So. Ry.,pr.........Studobsker.........■SintteirOU... Tenn. Copper....1CI4* Co............Texas ft Fecific.. Tobacco Prod..,,Uuioii Stores.. Uallld F n it ....U, S. Cite 1.......U. S. lad. A l...U. S. Rabbet.....U . S.Rabbcr, W.(J. S. Start.........V. Utah Cooper.....Va-CwoUaa.......Wabart,pr. A- W*bHh,pt. B ...W ertM d...........West Uaioii........Wtetiaghoose. —. WhmTLk. Erie- White Hotott.... WilMD Cotepcay.WiOyt Over........WaolwMth.........


C h M if u l N w f # I C o ld WrtTW CorrO n#

But There’* Coiuoletlon In

HolzKauer*a Hot D rinks

Everybody know* wd d*rvd the mo»t perfect Hot C h ^ late and Caffe* vUh nen cream and Hot M itirt Milk- CIbm and CUebcn Bnlfc. Beef T*a *iid Tomato BoBlHny.

Ocllclouf, ffeihly mad* Sandwiche* every noon hour.

Broad St'fSCt'Sr' f t f ' ' 1

teOTlCK or LMJOtPATlON.Thi gawx Csaair Nstlsaat.Baah. J _ at l(#*arfc, la lha otat# of Wtw JftaftVi elsteii* Ite affslr*. *» sthsr fTsdllsrx it th* aseoctaUen are W W . *■ aattfisd te *na*at laslr aswa ar o tw rtatere fa* parntsal.

Ratrd Jaauarr 2, l* iy

104H 103H 104H lOJJi tSH is;< #4)f

ANNUAL MEETINGSitt. PLBAiAN’r c B te f^ ifr q i .

Ta* snnual awsltng «f the lol osm *f ta* III. Flssaani Csmstsrr Oo. of Hsw*Will b« hsid In Ihx w rd ?{.VDuna tetn’a ChrtjtU* Aswttejteii In K*It., Nswark. i.s Mondajr, Fibrusry It, IW al 2:24 P. it., t" biar th* report, sf L bmtd of nunsgsn. to slssl *hrre tl) ■W ' hon ol said board, aod Wsnaoct orwh MW liyelaas# M myr *'ofi>a hafsjra "am moaiiair CHARLES tl BURTOK. S^jratafr, *


isi> i17H 17

SSX 56 S*Hlid iw v 116 1147on 70H 70HWM 95 94 If126 IZJ 125 121J5

14 >*« ........122 121 121 120HSdH iSH S6M HH•6K ttH 96«n MX 9TH MJi

M H 11015 m u UOMUH tzx t in41H ♦IX 42H ♦fX42H 41 42 ♦IX22W UK 22H 2213« 13H u a 13H92 90H 92 90X42 ♦IN ♦OX10}< tK lOV ........40 » )i 40 ........

i i 5$ . . . . .l*X vtH MK »X

uo lU 120 ........

Munkriptl Public Service





J . S o R IP P E L & C O .1« CUnton St. TeL S ttf Milbnnr

privsia Wlrst-

J. M. BYRNE & COLMawbsre Na« Vork Mterh BsrbaagO.

Gineral Investments, S to c ky Bonds, Cotton, Grain and v

Other Commodttits.Mamban prisrteal Krehaaga*


■atesrey.NBW V4HHL

P O S U F U f f iMcmbm N. y . ■*••# Mi ihnte#*,

STOCKS ft BONDS790 Broad 8t


attack *t unusual sovorUy waa mad* Tuoaday attarnoon on Zoabrudw*. tho Oannoa sobmarlno hao* la Hortharn ■alglam, aocordlag to tbo Tataftaaf*fpputlor eorroipopdwit

n ew cREPrr to g reat brttain

ITABHINQTOHt J**- *t (* )-” rt ■ •» gpotit of |4td.»ddA*d to bo paid da Oreat Urttdiu durlM NobruaiT. waaoa- tabilrtMtd wday # ytho Tre*«ry. I* * jaBWWy oNdlt dC UMftdMdd w uadW - ■lottiA wttii ^

, l r i S r ' « r o ‘ 2 l U f K S f " ^


Msmdsr esaasIMsMd W A IX. of W. T.• OUNIQN n . , SNMkN BI JM ,.

Itnlkarry Idtl-lttd. Mewa*.

FOREIGN BANK STATEMENTliOHOOM, Jan. II < a » . - ^ d w«*Uf

•tatdnmat of tho ■•Rh df ■nglMMl •how* th* following ehaa#**i T«d*t twrervo doeraaatd tllt.ddt^ clroulal tMr*g**d lltM fd , bualM UtT.Tt*. otliM' gooerlttod docreg**#' IMM,dddx puhUo diteoali* doerongdd

- ■ d»nro»#Bi

doeT*ft**d- f.


itATI,*d*, oU*r dipddl**rendm * * w

••», gwvarnnMat gtenrtttog m {tt4.NI. Tb* N ^


Page 18: German Strike Spreading With 700,000 Now Idle in Berlin, London ...

isiW A llK '' i t i s w . JA i



Famous Doubles Pair Split

. Jersey City B ow lers Running Neck Are H appy lo r a but Lose

aod N eck Hith the Leading

N ew York Q uintet.

Tiieir Sm ile W hen Truck 3

Spills B eans L ater.



1 A le jc a M d e v j

Form er Eastern League Q uintet Is

B ooked for Gam e H er e^ T o m -

m ie B arlow in LineAJp.


Mnatc . ..

Im* I M II I ^u • i t i i r.. > };»!II II !♦*» 11 1‘ I "» 9 1013 rnlor T II

glvltif« h»n l ruL



JtfAry t ’tl> l.riUiUr puffi-wtfckltig Tork^nIqf kU(b Jtirltoi't m ihi' AthLlt

NpW Yiifk t-i^ktrem r*«uUc U»t 1*' ru*nal<',itn » t CIIX m»n»K«J 10 ""Xin•trlKlnv dl»uui« o1 0'» Unnhkltniiil** ky in.»l.rin« 11'- ''"o.'«k«*B In ihr«^ s''Uiit«fttn.. pam ic. V 'X« r*««u "• 'rlpl*

aafMt dropnr'l Iron) l»» Hi lli'fo pm” U> a IJ- (Of »h»‘ twill lull • ll'i iXi I X Rovtvlllo rrt« . iXi I K ' - f o"*’' ‘ with Bai'onne. •chololMl U<r U-t mikH'- hlTlni ' “ o ■rX'"''' ' o)ith«r chailB"* 1" ''‘O ''laiiJlIi*

Tb* ■fOrMi

teutat . l it »»S ITIH1"'''"'' •fWh , .. I»IM m l h-'-afl"/C n ia Ill IJ« 3iJI "I'hraiOit,S S l . . . . »II(l*lSS|U*r<lM ■■l i l Ml llk |e law .

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HI tl- t«t HI III n i111 1*1 mIII 114 Mlin 114 in

Oark.ikiiu ii.. .. i i i i i i ir* e ,ri« l i t I I I n i l

Sr«M»»r.i«T jjt I Ml kM*rri47 itlj Hn-rit

TBUH a tMItffilHl

fckiti. 1*1 n r INaahK'B. iMiriSM. . . H in t l it I.. 1*4 m t u|( i u i t l l H I


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i-k I I I M* MSIMMI tSWChwa

Tsui* . itr in m■AST oranuu.

SUAkir.. Ill II’ ’Mi oiTkw .............. ’ •I'rr'

■sMM^h i l l I n >M u K u .............. 1*1 mirsK T ; . . n iiM Ml ,■Dun... Ill in n i T*ui.............. . i>ti

l l e n i b f r i . f Eni f in* C'nmpan)' Xo l i [j.ltldl th * '» i* lv 4 - on Ih r t a . ’h Af ' r r th«y UM ihe t.'oinpHnyNo 11 bti>" in li Klrrtti«ii'« LaJkKUCintt.-h In i ni Jolm’a alUia.Lia was fhori-lii-.l. tor Trucki onii ’Cy .t j '.na and rsv*1 1 ,. .M.I i ; lads a in n im n iK 111 to Si : , . HTull i..;.ruln. lull J0»1 bl« rnuu*h la brill* viciori

TrU' l. 3 a a s m n i l i l s r o d " tb s r t a i s " uriMl i ;o*li> 11 !l*r»iil»<l t b s hook and ladder r ' .onjpany In t h a o p rn lbB tilaah. Thsn b'o l ! to o k th« m s aa o r* nt No. II. Ily lliat (Inic T fU fk 1 Bol b a r k In to II* I,III (I.rm and h a n . l r i l I h r l l r ln ion l ava- riue fir i ' tn rn I h r l r a a tb a r k . Th* rollttiB In (h r I r a c u o la Im p r o v in * u r s d u a l ly . and lira f l r r n i r n hojM- ba lu r n l n k In •om r n if ty si i>r*a r r a Ion*.

The a c o r ra 'TltUClt I.

MIIHcNIah 11(1 noysr


r ' . S

11 * 91 (•■ J.U .II ■ »■1 1





National T um verein R ule P rereota

M embers from P laying w ith

Other T eam s.



Henry Charrlar, pilot of th* K*llon*l Turner quintet, h u aacurad tha Laural laan. ot Tranlon to oppoia hla N. T. V. raprraantativaa Rundajr aftarnoon on | the .National rourt. Tha l.aurcla art ' forinrr menibar* of lha old Rafttarn Baiketball Lea»ua and wera ronaldarad to be a pretty ankppy oomblnation when In ibat circuit. Tommie Barlow, a . veteran of the IJaatrrn Lauu*. * ” 1 he wltfi I ho iJrurela when they appear I Irrre, and io will Johnnie Watt, Jr.hnnie Kinney. Bill I.loyd and Arthur Smith

The National Turner Junlora, wliuse lonk sirlnf ul victories waa brokan last week by the American riva. will aiatn tackle that affre(atlon In tha prrUin- Inary conterl.

C.NOINB II.W»1f#r..............J. Conion.... 4HnPkmu —Htitr ...

«t|U'l>iinMU 114 Lyni-b Slllilflrrty

TotnlKNOINC 11.

W»lMr ...........J. r nlrtn . . . . . .DoftAhll* .a-.......fiNrIimaii..........HqNy ..............

•6«i T-!«I■ fi.SUl.NG 1*

Ito'^Uiin. c .1 t.lHh-ftsiW. ......*• Oliitliy ......... .Itii Cottrv'tT .............

]HlL<r.irid ............T»lV

KNaiNGfiftiin l.l«b«no« OlTfeBjr

ct IS.I!*4l Tulal ........

I T Ilt’CK Ic

I ll Hoy#'T ...............Til Lynch.................

Twiftia m iH lU l l NORTH ■HP',,. 191 l it IH

l i t 149 l i t^ Ifl 111 199 m iH ttT 111 111 lit

tk U Ia .. SM tlSM Ti T t a l a . . IM H IM T

Titfuiy T e n U Defeated . .iniree Tanet by Hyatt MenTlftkar UBiMTs •«

•Igiit when tlio^ • a U th* i*m *m „«aHilat TirfMar *»•• cwMlilarad to h»M At iM kt a a *T** eh*ne* aBkl"** tha

Mil la wktdi th* TinABjrlt** hav* b**ai(gSartBB • ( hkl*.

" • S S t. ........

c « n « r .iTVad.

■ Pi*bi

MOKTCLAIR BEATS VERONAThe Montclair Acadamy sacond bas­

ketball team defeated the aecoad atrinc Playere of the Verona lll lh School at Montclnlr yesterday afternoon. It-S. The lame echedulad between the Acad­emy varsity team and 8t Francis Xavlar fur yesterday waa canceled

The National Turn Veraln’a enroroa* mant of a yuta that pyavanta roaniban of that ortanlsatloii'a bukatball quia- tel from compellnf with other local baekstball teams has resulted practl- celly In Ihe breaking up of the crack Whirlwind A. A. camblnatlen. Three luembera of ihe Whirlwinde art also mentbera ct tlio .Nallonal Turners' senior tesiu. They are Jake KIchen- buech. Ltutch Hchellliia and Willie Boub.

This trio baa pracilcally made the Wbirlwinda invUu.lble In light aanlor baiketball ranks, being dsteatad only by the Newark Oentare, whom the Whirlwinds handed a worse trouncing than they racalved.

Hevarai days aao Manager lianry rharrlar of the Natlonala noUtlvd KIckrnbUBch, Schallliig and Iloub thatunleas they severed all relatlonah]^with the Whirlwtnda they would h a u to part Wltli Ihe N. T. V. The boya were up a tree. They.all thought well enough of Mickey I>elt, the Whirlwind pilot, to stick with him, but they didn't wlab to losa out with the Nuttonala.

when word *** ‘the ‘ '"lely to recrivetn«mbert of iho w ere In eervlo#. recognlt lun.

I cotn.Mild, knci«l«iiiall)'a ntur*



T*ur[iUJr«7- •


B00NT<'N. j*n Sr^By defeatlnf fluiTiTnU High Bchool n LwelielbuU legni. the Uoonlon High School five l»it nlj^t evened up »t Krwwmen'i hell here The •core iMt nighl wee 4S to 1®. Boonton

I never being he»d#d The ggmi wge the iUteenth In g eerlee In which the locml 1 t9gin bM '*1 ihree.

O N E V s ^ O F L O O K I N G A T IT



r>«ll went around to nee Charrler and had a chat with the Turner magnate Kulee are ruin, wnd there wae no other wfty out of It. Charrlors however, did •ay (hat the boya iHiuld pUy with Ihe Whirlwihde In that cluli'a gamea away from home. That didn't niter (he fact that the Whirlwinde, an a home com* blnadons wlU be broken up consid­erably.

Dell Intends to dig up a few live ones to replace the boys lost, and he hopes io have his new men on band for to> night's game with the Kllaabeih Turners at Ironside llatL Dell orlgi* nally had the Orange Armory booked.

Will S tage D oubles M atches at

ScTMith R egim en t Arm ory for

T raining Cam p Fund.

IM tl* l i t t*l U l It* IM its t it


D*hM*a..Markack.i .1Mabsri. r . Wakart-

USll* = iH iiim 111 lU 111 ■*« >•> 111

je ta M .. IIStllSM

Ibsy Bowlers Seod in Entries tiFor Big Laematioiial Tourney

Any collei* president who triee to restrict a profesiorW How of Untutge on any lubleci finds hlmtelf to the middle of a foil grown riot. The college pgpere, and megasine* boih Inside end ontilde college*, are filled with torrid aniclea ibout freedom of academic ditcutiion and research. It never fall*.Thare It hardly a member of tny college or univcralty faculty In this country CHAMPIONSHIP TEAM IS SPLIT who doesn't priie his privilege of saying anything on any aobject, any lime,CoInmbU’i recent anempt to curb some of its instructori caused an explosion.

Vlth fncnlties so untnlmoua for unretiricted writing and speaking, one would naturally expect them lo be tolerant of other persons' desire* lo indulge In the eame thing- Are they?

Harvard, Yale, Princeton end the Univertlty of Pennaylvanit ire conspic­uous Enatern example* of oppoelng theory and practice. No student, coach or __ ....... _ _______ether person connected with coltcge life in a subordinate place can write for ' and Tarried over to waehinaton • newspapers without havtag hi* ttorlot censored. Pennsylvania has been the mvthday. with praetica y »v#ry #v* moat tolerant ao far, but now even that Institution is trying to enforce Us cenaorohip rutea.

Originally the censorship was designed to prevent any unconsidered criti- ciein of college athictict. Tlten it developed Into a act of rules, whereby all correspondeatt have to bold their atuff up for release ai certain times. Uiu- •Ily, the censor doesn't realiza the value of speed and half the new* matter

Another boost ws* atiured tho traln- Inq c ^ o athletic actlvltlee fund yes­terday with the announcsroetii, lliai tennis men are preparlne a three-day tourngipant, to b«gin Lincoln • Blrlh- d«y on th® indoor court* *l the &*vejilU t Astawimnl Armorv. MeW TOfk. 1'ImX will

l«4H«g1ro«nl Armory, N®w Tork. I’Uy bo contlnuod AoturdAy* Kobruory

IMATI, Jan. 11— Bowlare eon-ig aotartng th* *“**^y*

ta^ltois**"• bava iheir ' the leading colleges is thrown into the wtste basket, because It isIn at nUdntfht w m otw . lu ^ j, ,eaches the newspaper offices.

■ t«natry tin* r*o*lv*d *** anlrts* 'q44|— qll^ssk and It la eipaetad Ihla non her will h* Increased to

-ble player of merit wllhin reach ot the metropolis seeklne a finals berth. Included In the list of early entrants are: B. Howard Voahell, Indoor stnsles champion. Frederick H. Alexander, Nathaniel w . Nllee. Theodora Roosevelt I'elt, Harold A. Throckmorton. Chariot. 8 narland, national Junior champion; Arthur B. Craoln, »r. William Roecri baum. Irvin* Wrifht, Harry Johnson end W. Dixon Cunnln«hstn.

Doubles competition will have the nd the palrlnae will be such thatT|iere it no Individuality to it. Some of the cleverest young writers are rtouid h* keaniy conteated. *

Loula lAfkowlti, one-Ume star and ■aplaSn nt Cantra! Hlfh'e baakelbatl team, who enlisted lad December In the quarlermseter corps hsa not only .erned a place on Ihe baskecball teem i t Cemp J K. Johnston, Jacksonville. t'lA. but he has been elected esptsin of the quintst. Lstty, In s «sme In Jarkeonvllle lest Ssturday a«slnst the V »l C. A. teem there, scored tan batkela and aight Held goals Army life appaars lo agree with Lefkowit*. He seldom did better then that here- xbouis.

Jerk Lowenetsln, another Newarkar and prorninent In aeml-pro basketball i-lrcles, who enllsiad with Darkowlts la aleo a member of the quintet nnd did (ood Work In winning for Camp John­ston laat weak. The boys write that Ills game was wlinsased by 1.00* soldleri.

In Line-Up, D efea ts $ t . M onica

The ruinflehl Fiv® l«it nltht wot) a cloR4 from th® BL Monlea teoiiiof New York, id lo 19, At Plulnfivld.

i Jftke Klck«nbuoch( th® IocaI Ud. plAy«d A forward poilUon with Flalnfl®lde and accounted for («n of hi® toam'® point®.

Th® 9core:rialBnelds O.

Rlck'b'ch, ir. 9 Melilvr. r . f . . 1MatiKun, c... &t.| s fH«rrlf*A,r.®. t

r. r.l Pt. Monica. 9 191 PmoHek. l.f... Q 4l Belfort, r.t, ■.a 19! Evini, c .......9 11 Sh»rk«r, L f., 9 4| Wnllacb, r.f..

o. r. F.t 1 U 9 1 71 9 4 I 2 • t • 4

Total I . 29 0 40| Totals. 19 4 14

iC ngiley S chool V ictoriousO ver W est O range H i ^ Team


i la expected that nt least 100 team* Se Mt*r*d from tha Clnrinnatlrf-

BLAND, Ck. Jan. II,—Th* t Dairy* of Toledo brok* the

Ei i


made mediocre.It aeemt ■trnnge that Peniuylvinit should suddenly attempt to put this |

old-fashioned practice into more vigorous operation at the start of a period o f ' reform In college aihletlca. It need* (he lervicea of all the young writer* to popularize It and make the alumni and the public in general familiar with It.

Governmental ccntorshipi are auppoted to keep information from the Why college faculties ahould consider the public their enemy andenemy.

twearO for fl**-man taams last In th* Ohio *ial* bowling toums-

r**a h*r*. with -In MOffl__ ^, of MIS. 'Hi* pr*vlo«s high mark a,U l, mod* by th* KroUman* of

mil nt Colomhua tournament iii Th* To1*do qnhit*t roll*d scor**

II, ta* u « «*i.

■ m o im o r f t h h a aW elM srth A W h s lte o ^ le r f ;

IS* t*T t « lUckeH. -. IM is; 1* ■as \ts lisicunlirte... ti; • • • ’iJ ,p. u* IS# HtiMsndIcep, »• >• **

One of Ihe tiitereslliig polnle in Ihe early arrangements 1. the breaking up of the Aleiander-Throckmortoii combine, the national doubles team. In the coming touriuimenl the veteran Alexander will be paired with Dr. Will­iam Koaenbaum, marking a reorganisa­tion of th* team which won the Indoor double* championship a year ago Throckmorton's partner will be th* na-

ercatc the wldeapread impression they have something to conceal la a mystery.; 'ion** Junior champion. "Chick" oar-. o r e J 7 I rttl.burgher Is on* ot th*I .teadleet among the younger players,

and with Throckmorton to lend hi* !■ married, ®nd both cin^t claim t> b® | brilliancy at th® net, th® team ahould the aupport of tbalr widowed tnolh«r ' prove a atrons contender.In Toronto. Their removal from th* | « ' ' « • '« ‘ • ‘ I" *'*r i___ , . . . . . . . who waa hla partner In a recent effortcycling rank* would rob the racing down Alexander and Throckmorton of a lot of Interest, because Ooullst i tn exhibition play tn Montreal. Tha la already In the service. Bike rac- i P*ll-Voih*ll force* , have gleo been


New ark B oy A n nexes C am p Logan

F eatherw eight Cham pionship by

Scoring Q uick K nockout.

Drse Heraian’i Caan

daU ,. SVT « ;r l l ’ l Tetale. *«t ’ »

Iri arm w sA N LiAfliiB.

w?*T‘'n**ns j e s l V * ; nj’•*ausaUag IS* 1*’ MU KeleWnger 1(1 IJI Ul

ilflBher,” 1*1 tel ITlj Nol.n .. ’MtHlMI ' ^ l a l * . . STlSreSH! Total*.. 41HI14M

OKANUB c m ' lJ!A«tE. Uewellrn alley*.

KI,Ke. I MOVnOE,. 1»( JJS l» l P.rklBKm, 141 !JI1M14. 1»4 14*1 »f«nn. . . . I t ’ M J j ’ l1*1 US l*4l th j ty ... . . . m i l l Its3!1 tie l4«tN..l.n 17(141144IT! Ml 14*1 Uon.dle4., Ml JOO 144

4-ght.l* (■( (7J •44! Tol.l* ■ (44 11**41

Montclair Man Near Title In Antateur Billiard Play

Only two more opponente .land be- IWeeii Ferdinand A. fnaer, MonU'laIr'. i|sver cuel.t, und the 1. i' sin.leur btlllard till* being conteele'l at Lawler Mothers' room In Brooklyn Mr. linger sobred hi. eixth rnn.ecullve tourn.non.t win yesterday afternoon when he look

Il's a great HI*. It you don't weaken, matca. 11 you don't-believe It, **k Pet* Herman, bantam champion. His young eilstsnc* Is Just on* exemption afur another, with the war still going on and his chances for she ring tn It steadily Improving, When PI»lro regis­tered on June 5, he elslmed exemption on the ground that ho was supporting s mother, father, aunt, a couple « f sisters end a few cousins. At first ths exemption board dsolded that a coupl* of wards of New Orleans would loin ths broad line If Pole went Into the army, and told him to go home. Then, after reading about one of Pele’e li.OOO purees, the hoard decided th* relativea might not bo In want st thst. so they certified Pet* for eervic*

The bantam champion took an appeal and Indulged In a couple of more fight* and was exempted again. Then along came thoee qucellonnalr# thlnge and fete waa elumped. There was a blanks spar., for him to indicate Just bow much of his recent earnings of ■tU.OO# or |S9.0ui1 had been given lo tho near and iltstaiil Hermnna who were depending

matched fo r GALVESTON BOUT

H i|^ Street P rep B u k etb n ller s

K eep S U te Clean b y D ow ning

U p u la C ollege, 6 6 - 2 7 .


Kingsley School last night won an extra period gam* from West Orange High, ts-is . Th* game wa* played on th* Kingsley School court st Essex Kells. Tb* score at the conclusion ot the second half wte even with a ; l count Oroat enthusiasm was msnl- felted by the supporter* of both team* Field goals by Held end Csvanaugh snd a foul by Cavanaugh won for th* Kingsley team. Doggin. Cavanavgh and Dunning playtd In good form for th* victorious outfit Oarr*n and Dunn fsatured tor W**t Orang*.

Tha scars:W.OrsBse. tl, r. p.| KIBf.ley, O, F. F. Ziegler, l.f . . 1 I tI Csv.ti'fh.Lt. I S SI

laws, r.t__ 4 * t>, r.f---- I * >ci.rvsn, c , ... 4 * si held, o.......... I *Bol.rd, l .g .. . I t tiOoggln. * *Duse, r,g. . S 4 Si Dunning. r,g. S

‘n .I.i..., 1ToMl*...

---------- lihl.ln,le 4 III Ul.k*. r.g.

Ins iroenecti .111 csnie,- .ho..t Joined. Th* two othA team* are msil* ing iroepects will center about thslr „p uv,ighi and Johnson, both hailingrelallrna with th* eelectlv* service i fvom Boston, beards fir aome time to come. t Cralgln.

C h a n m to r K x cd tem rn t

and Cunningham snU

It Is to be hoped that th* road horio- men will lake kindly to th* Idea ot holding horn* races on the Ice at W#e- quahlc Park. A matlnee-race on th* lako on on* of th* tuelleae Mondays when thousande are out In search ot amusement would be a big attraction. Ico hori* racing has been found to bo on* of th* most exciting forms ot win­ter sport In soms sections of the coun­try. Conditions have never been so good for It her* before. At present Ihe Ico la thick enough le hold a railroad train and thouiand* have got the habit of skating on th* park lakea regularly. All reoorda are being broken In this respect. Without a doubt th* akatera would be willing to move one aide to clear a course tor the horeemen for a few hour* It would be a welcome novelty tor them.

lle.U es the tournament play, eihl- blttofl matchee will alio add to Ihe at- tractlvenes. of Ihe program Vincent Hlcharde. national boya' champion, will have two boute with Harold Taylor, the youlh who finished runner up In th* national Junior Indoor lournameiil. Miss Marie Wagner, holder of Ihe women', national Indoor title, and Miss Molla BJuratedt, women'a national champion, have alec been entitled and wilt be featured In mixed doublae matchee which will have a place on the Washington's Birthday card.

Th* new Alexander-Throekmorton feud will be aired early on the first day of the tournament. Taylor and Rlchardi are Hated to play the first ot their exhibitions st (:J0 A. M.. Lin- coin'* Birthday, and they will be fol­lowed lo the court by the Alexander- Roeenbtum and Throckmorton-Oarland teams, Cragln and Cunningham meet Pell and Voehell

Richards and Taylor also opsn the Baturday play, followed by a tiff pre- aentlng th* Hub duo lined up against

' Freddls "Pug" SeldeL Eddie Wood's former Four Corners’ nswsbdy boxing champion, won th# featherweight box­ing championship of Camp Logan, Houston, Tex , last Friday night, whan he stopped Kid Hlgglni of th* ISOth In- f&niry In th* third round ot a battle elated to go ten round* Seidel la now In ths Sevsnty-nlnth Field Artillery. When be enlisted In tbe army he was assigned to s cavalry regiment i t Fort Riley, Ksn.. but waa reoenlly sbiftsd to Camp Logan, his regiment being turned Into artillery. At Fort Riley Freddie did fairly well, but when he hit Camp Logan all the other puga began bitting th* canvas.

According to newipaper cllpplnge. Seidel floored Htggins three times lo the third round before the affelr was ■lopped In Freddie's favor- SeldsL In addition to winning the featherweight crown, te claimant of the bantam tttle. He clatme he It able to make Ihe weight. Jimmie Ktneloy, another New- arker and now a corporal, le Fred's manager and trainer.

"I had Seidel In great trim for tho Higgins match and Freddio nover fought a bolter battle In his life," wrltei Kinsley, "Higgine wee no match

Ihe winner of th# Alexan*er-Ro«en-] getdel ha*bau.n end Throckmorton-Oarland sot- another important match to tako placoto. Nile, and Hall tackle the victora In th* Cragln-Cunnlngham and Petl-

lele.Voshell tuealion him ii> keep the wolf outolde the |

0 ' EXPEQ CARRIGANMl John LsBDKe ®nd handily f'fMin A »i-or« <tt TSD to 97.

Of th® ®l*ht olh®r m®ji In th® mtitluu, only iTeor*® W 8p®ar U otm-

fe chanr* of tying th® Monlklalr |i9liy®r for fltit plac®. Mr. hA«vtori four of (h« ®1t matrhi-H he hat l^yed . »iii3 ®houl4 h® oonrludo )il«

without ®ncDUnl«rlng another tfl9fegt while Mr. rnr«r w»® loBlnr both wuuld stand even at the ronclu- ®|0Q of th® roc®. On® win in hla rft> iTkalnihg twie hout® would aaiur® (h® j m o®y ®ri of firot hnnor®.

p" ^VolldWlig or® th® aC5ir«® of th®'i niOl' h:

n t. fnger—I, 1. 7. h, l< 0. II. 1, 1, 0.l; I. I, 4. 0. 1. l. 4, 3. I, 4. 4, 7. 4. 0, 4,t, 0, I, I, 1. 4. II. 4, ■-». ». Tolftl. 140 ppilnts. Average. 3 34-31 llifli runs, tH It e«4 II.

Mr. Lange—I. 1. 4. 1. I. 0. 1. n. o. 7. 0. •j't, I, 11. J.S), 7. n, 3, I, 1, I. t, e. 4, It, t, 4, I. 4. 4, 4, 7, 0, I, I. Total, 47 points. AVsrsgs, t :i-17. High rune, 14. H and

Bums, hut when liivastlgalore began to round up the reUtlveo they couldn't re- member tmvlng received Ihe doiiallona And now I'cte goes into e lse . 1.

K m ner • Husy ,Han



In th* near future. I have him matched with Jack O'Burke, a popular buy st New Orleans, for a bout to taks place at the Oelveeton A. A-. Oalveiton, Tex. The distance le twelve round* and the date February 1. O'Burk* wa* to have met Georg* Chaney of Baltlmar*. but the latter canceled th* engagement."

st. Benedict'* haaketball shooter* last night rang up their fifth eucceselv* vic­tory, In a* many etarte, by trimming Upaala College. II-J7. Th* conteit wae staged at Caeino HalL Th* Kenilworth paaeer* couldn't break through the prep ■chool's defenee and, at th* earn* time the High eireet aggregation ran wild on th* court, ehootlng hasketi from all angle* until th* vleltore thought It wee Juet raining baeketballe.

In addition to chalking up their fifth win th* St. Benedict ihooier* complied a new high ecor* for the eeaaon. The former high ecor* wae alxty point* mad* agalnet Seton Hall Prep In th* firet game of the eeaton.

The local team played better than In any of the prevtoui conleets and It waa only occaalonally that tbe ball waa Intruated Into the hande of Upaala. Th* pasa work ot the prep bewildered the Kenilworth playera, and tt wae an easy matter for Su Benedict to ehoot the ball In tha net.

Donahue itartad th* icoring by cag­ing one from the field. From then until th* whiiti* the homeiter* were making shou from all directlone. Af half timo St. Benedict had plied up a lolal ef forty-two counter* agalnet nine tor Upsal* In th* second teaslon th* prep mad* two more points than tn the first and Upaala doubled lit count of the tirat period.

Non* ot th* memhara ot th* ftrat team on th* prep fell below ton polnta. Thomaa Nelson, who (vae placed la ^h* gam* with abomt ttva mlnutea to go In th* eacond halt alao mad* ten coant, *r* Jam** Donahue, William Reilly and Ownia Carrol «ach acored *txt*en talllei. Waltar F*l*r*on played will tor Upsal* Hs gatharsd thlrtten polnta.

Th* toer*;at,B*iwdl(I.O.F. P.| ^ t s .tuUtvsB.t.f.. T 0 14iW.I>et's*n, l.f' > 7 1>

T els ls . . .Beer* by ptrlede:

Xtnteley ......................................Wm( OraniQ. ............ ............... .h®f«r«»'"'Andr®wi of Newark.

11 «II—n

' u t FinUh Earn* M orrutow n D ecisive L ead on O ran fe High

CJmrlal dindc* fh# A'gWg.MORRISTOWN, Jan. II.—MorrtaUwn

High School scored a declstv* win on the baaketbsll court yeeierday aftdr- noon by dteposlng ot Orang* Jll.h School fiv* at tb* local T. M C JL, by

score of 44-:S. At half lima Mor­ristown was Istdlng, II to IS, but de­veloping a htiret of epeed with th* opening of the eecond period th* home boy* aieadlly drew sway from thdlr opponents, compiling twenty-aavan points against twelve for th* half. Bauer, Micheltetdcr and Searlea all did tin* service for Morristown.

Th* score:Orang*. O. F, F.

Fwtertcl, l.f. - * I *Roffl. r.t....... I I *KIckA o ......... * ' * I

Neleoe. l . f . i a tiij^iienaee. T.t.. 4 • “ ' * ie|N. Nllesa, c ..Boyle, r.f.. .. i tcbwelk't.t.f. Ia I

41 ii.Aiid'gB,Lt. * •Reilly, a....... I * I* AJobneea.Lg. * •Carrefa, 1.f .. I It l i W.MIlisB.rB.. I •Denahue, r.f. I • II L.rwt‘*o* r.f. * I

Q u r le * EUis H olds Lead inA m bulance Billiard Tourney

rllK'AOO, Jan. JI.—Charlra Ullln of Milwaukee won hi* fourth etraiahl vi«tury yeeterday and retained his Iqqd In the Anibulaiic* Fund billiard taurnamem when h* defeated George l& r * of New York. S* to 14.

Ikugust Kleckhefer ot rhtcago, chal- Iqager of De Oro for the world'e cham- pi^ehtp, defeated J. Moor* of Chicago, bl to 41, and made a high run of nipe, tbq beat mark ao far. Clarence Jach- B«fi of Detroit loaf to hie team mate. Mny Falmar, 14 to It, and Fterr* Mau-

ef Ctevaland daleated Falmar, S«

Frank Kramer's desire lo win back Ihe nstlonal championship ti no mere longing, no Idle day dream, ll la the arrloui object of hla Ilf* and he le pul- tifi* in one of the llvelleil winter cam­paigns he hae ever Indulged In. Sksl- Ing has become one of hie hobMea He finds It keeps hla weight down and keeps him herd. When th* weather Isn't enltabl* for work on Ih* Ice at Braiirh Brook Fark he appears at ths Palace Rink. The Spencer* are buey In the South riding over tb* roads, trying to get down fine In the mean lime.

Kramer proceed* on a different theory, lie believe* in keeping In gen­erally good condition without too much hard winter work, so that when the eprlng campaign begins he will have a little surplus weight to work off:' II* believe* tbi* will prevant him from golne stale when th* hot weather ■•U 1*

F on iier M anager o f T eam , Now

L ew iston Banker, M ay Take

B arry’s P la ce During War.

S ilver P lacq u c. w ith Nassau Shield

In B lack and O range, to Be

C ham pionship Prize.

Bantam Champion Herman E li^ le for War Service


BOSTON. Jan, II.—William Carrigsn, former manager of the Bosten Red Sox,

Tb* Princeton Club st Newark has donated a ellver plaque, with a Prlne*-

NEW ORLI1AN8. Jan. II.—Dlgtrict Appeal Board No. J ha* plwed Fat* Herman, worW* banUm walght eham- plon. in CI*M I- OlvUrtun A. a *11*01*1 division anbject to lmm*dl*ta call Herman may make aaathar atUmpt to gain eiemptiun ai h* rocanlly cauoalad all bout* bioaus* of allaged dafaoUv*

* Th* dlvlglon In whiuh Harman I* listed must furnish *14 men by F*b-

Tmals.... it 1* 1*1 ib taU .... i* f *7 ■•ei* by parted*:

■t. BeiMdlet.................................. 41UpeaU ........................... ............ •

Raferee—Aatbear Feasttbr*11—17

Physical E ducadon T o t te nDefeat Newark Nonnal Team

msy lead th. Hub organliatlen next i ton ahl.ld In black and orang. I s ! I & “ i i /m a l l ? ? eeaaon. For several weeks It hae been I center, ae th* championship trophy^for United Btat*a **4*10* th*rumored (hat "Bill" would forget hla > ih* nstlonal Interscholastlc titular aet banking business and return to (he j of athletic games to be held March 1 diamond aa pilot ef Ihs Red Boa. He st th* First iteglmsnl Armory by the

Th* Ktwarh School ot Fkyalcal Bdu cation and Hrgion* qnintot jrastariay vanqulabod tha Nawark Nonnal toaaara In tha gjrmnaalBm ot tha lattar aohool, 14-lT. At half tim* th* toam* war* ••adl*ck*d, •-«, but a apart by tb* Pbyaleal IMucatlon toaair* *w*Pt tb*

f**t Intb* ■•ooad ••■sloiL oompUIng twenty,

• ll


KpcMxr* IB (JiiaBdarr

staled over the long distance telephone from hie home In Lewiston, Ms., ysster- dsy that hs waa ready to help out th* lied Sox In the war emergency.

Jack Barry, th* prseent maitager, who succeeded Carrlgan when th* lattsr retired from baseball. Is a y*oman In the navy and will not be able to play ball this year. Harry H. Prasoo, pnol- dent of the club, said that the manager­ship matter was still undecldsd.

Frase* hs( a plan by which either tha Ked Cross or some other war relief agency will benefit from tbe gate ra-

i celpts at the American League game* played In this city. He telegraphed Iten Johnson, president Of th* laague,

«ATL . Jnn. I t — Manager MathMilMei ol the Rad* ha*

I All hU play*r* t* b* vacelasted • • that tkyy irill hav* no dif-

ilat In m ining at L-BMit •prliifi Vaa-

___ urg­ing that the plan be adopted In oihor major league ba**baU clllta

Whon Secrotsry Lansing anneuncod in egplanatlon Frats* tald that th* T*vterday th»t aa agreement between prlo# of a twanlj^nve-ejnt bloacharthe United tUtOA Canada and Eng would b# added two cent* for tholand had r**eh#d th* point wbaro tb* Croaa thu* making th* price of only thing that remain* to be don* : bleaebar seat* thirty o*nta Tb* plait, ta to attach a low olgnaturo* ho upset j •'** •“ *‘ '

Central High School. The gift wa* donated through tb* club'e athletic eommlttee, Ooorge R. Swain. Jack Eleete. Harold Short and Uttlaton KIrkpstrlek.

L Bambargar * Co. and Bihn* A Co. have UIBO com* forward with gtit dona-

i tions. Th* former has put up a trophy to be awarded to the army or navy unF srorlng th* Isrgeat number ot poiiile In the eyonti doted for loldler* and uallors. Tb* Hahn* firm will give alb three pritea for th* 444-yard epe* clat handicap race, open only to army and navy athlatpa First pria* will b* a apllt (ooond atop watnb, tb* MC- end a rasor and allvur ea*o and tb* Ulird a fountain p*A Thea* gift* will BB UM* uoatul t* tb* wlBBtr* tbaa gold Biadala, J,.

onterlng tb* -----------bantam champion aaya h# would Ilk* to d*t*nd hie tltl* agalnat Johnnl* Brtl*. Frankie Burna^or Pal Moora

l*rry Hassen. fighting Dana wM known In thM city, la to oppoa* Charll* (Ktd) Tbotaa* tonight In a ten-ruund bout at Allontown. ^

Louts tana olfsia tP Biah* sa y wsightfb t^ L v B e h . B* w*4itd poat B ferfott to Mnd a BMteh wttb th* Raw Torbar. Kid WHUans wa* Inoky to oseapa a knoeliout at th* hand* ot Isnlatann.

Nonnal School playom oft tbalr I laloiL

lint*N*nnaLtbr*o point* against *l*v«n tor th*

Tetalt.... It 7 41

■iorrletewn. O. F. F.■flchTder.I.f. 7 * 14 Bauir, r.f... 4 1 ItDeUroot, o .. • * 4 -----leerleim.*... 4 4 11 Redtera Lg. Osbuob, r.*.. 4 * 1 DuetBer, r.g. *

ToUJa.... 14

t A t *I U

Hi| Street Cadets Take Close Court Battle from Avon Midgets

The High Street Cadet* last night defeated the Avon Midgets. 11—It. •" the Cadets' court. Raep gathetod f*ur- teen point* for tho victors whll* Hani* fsatured tor th* losora

Th* scor*:Csdeta a. F. P.| Mldgeu. O-X-I’j

Deueber, Lt. I * *1 Moutt, 1.1. - .. » 1 1 n'chm'Isr.T.r. • * 4 DeLed*. r.f., t iumi.e........ 7 t 14|CohB, a . . . . . . *Allflsr. Ug... « * !| 2.i“ f'jr"j i;*' JRmuf. r*g

T®Ul®,ee* 119 ll W®La«r, r .f. — —49 111 T a U li..

1 9 • 99 4 9 9

I t i t

West End Junior* Vsnquialied By Frog) Basketball Combine

Th* frog* won from th* West End Junior* laat night, t t - lt . A foul oau**d th* Frogs to loop along to victory.

Tb* acoro:West Bota g. r . PJ ^Bl***h,l.l... J I 1 w iB ley.i-t.. 1 J it

S53?lil(ilVli,& * S KHofi’o.I.'.'.'.L 1 t to x « . , . , . . . . . t * * •n, r.g.

Telals.... i i »brm'l



H I* lb*

Bqnnl* Sebwarta. fotm*r|y ot Central High, wa* th* atar ot tb* eonuat Ban, at* aeoauntad for *lxt**n talllM. Ra*, nick ala* Blay«d wall tor tb* winner*, making four baafcot* trem th* field. Saldman. a formar Halt Sid* High baa- h*t *b**t*r, M In db* point aooiing tor tho HotmnL Ho mnd* two go*U from tho floM dnd akot nlno f*nl* Into th* bathat for n total of thlrt*«n polnta.

Tha ooorqiNormal, O,.

La R otaA r o tn a t ic a C ig a r

4 •7 »

Mods hi Ftv*•a I* * )*r ISA

Fhrdoal. 0. F. p.B e k ^ i^ t . I I* 1* Bsoiloh,r,L I 4

triah ratals Cllns and Johnnl* Dnn- d*o will BTobaWy appoor in a twonty- round bout at Naw Orloaa* Vobrnary U. Th* boya nr* to wolgh 111 pound*.

SaluHM*r,r,g 4

Durham, r.f.. 1 ------------ 4■nvsrmaa,*. 1 1 J Wll**(*f«. 0.

■ ‘ * ‘‘SSSW S .v* i

OqSlTISiiwhy H la

P ET T Y 'S , ITt M ILstAMB n s t n sm m noq®,


V , a «

n lot ot coloBlaUons obout bik* (Be­ing boro Boat atunmor. A* aoon ao tbi* agroonnBt goo* Into elfoct hoth Spqnoor boF* MU ba aubjaet to pdUtaryaor- n e t laiUrig ooaatry, uatos* Ihoy qhOdM in to M n to Canada. Haltbar

Ill obTlat* th* nscoaalty ot making Chang* In ponnisa

Annouacomsnt wa* atoo mad* by Fra*** that Conal* Mack had antll March IS to doold* what playorg ha would teko from ih* Rod i n In *s-

CaflCAKKl, )aa. t l .—a H. n tneall of tho Chleago Athlotle Aaaoelatlan brok* th* world'* record for tho ality-footniungo Ih an indoor awtoimlng maot ■t loU Chleago AthteUd 'Aiwo^Uoalast alsbt.14 4-d no:of I f )•*

ebani* for JackJftelnal*. who wao re- i uebtar. ft-A . A. o a n t lg f iB ^ byi» lladi| i>tfc'ta » i s t iH i A. A. U. ~

Ho mad* tha dtataae* In


I u »aunhoal SmlO; and _ Itld_ Wa^iar,

* 4 H

Wiifcao-Hnrtu **tddl*walght. haw hookMl np lor a tan-ronnd boat vrukoa-aaty* rthw ayy i*-

at Newark Nstmal.., S !HT

carl llorrM aitaONE GAME AT SE30N HALL

Daaver ar* to eUafa at tlmA. e . Sutfalo, X o a ^ atakb

D*ar Himinir Chleago Ughtwalght. haa oBongk *< tho ffottenff gama ^ tenta hav* h*4a to* numaroua rooanUy-

ssiassittM M

Only ana haokotSaa gnaM « n t ba Playtd at Som t MaU OoRtgo tenmat l a a t ^ o f IM : 3iib la,bbm M d fnaa prtmload. towBlb caUaga of M U - mavA 'wan W . w a W»*" d tb# Spnfh Ih*

ograpMo 4*wmnnlggU*B t ^ h«L***i ** iB m a r th* taaos kni.kdan dJa ^ Md.

•SmignlaMi. ,i:*4 .11

1 WEAR ^.Pei body Blm® g» im isilss fb® yw* diWi

bsM sbsut tavs.T l e i l l • B w o b

PEABODYS h o w k i r t o l t e i


B E c x n r s

Coming fn High Bshool afUmaon k*i by dofootlog ot U* Newai roottlt. Hast hold oa first Mlgb School thro* victorli erodlL

Th* Host ^during tho tnklng odvan nflor two min lag th* geoL and football i ale* shot fr South Side's th* fsurtsenti ett mad* Eai tiod th* scon not* befor* II

East Orsni part ot tb* BOSin ocarlni aner five ml Three mlnul Keener he m game.

Th* llna-ui Bset Orssg*

ieisen .....T ..1 . N .ldiinger .P.oeii ..........B.CK4I1 N. N.I«UB**r Bsetler . ..rylnAiii.......

Iic®r® 9 / 9®riOr®Af«.

i®M(tk Rld«

t. l ie s nlildt. lies n#ir • t® mlnults, I md9.

jersey DoTo'l

N«w J®r»®f®9lUT® ®t th<K®w®rk K®j) ru®ry 9. ®| JjdChis will rfiaUttu® unti terrltm l®®d rlud®® tnor® i f«mu( of fifi fifty fjoston 111 addUloii t •Ifht loonier rtOf®, la®®dl rnlt®9 lilont.

.\rnofif th®rdi ■

Krinrl® Q J A. K«ltv. Vulldoffii, Ml »l®n®, rakln .MitPftd k®nn € ||l®a; Mr® Mob®rt rrili nikn. Boitoni Tlokbir, rhoi I*din®r®ti1®r)® Mr®. kf®t*r •TMhiit«l®. Mr btiKlftof®; Mr f*om«r®nUne fl®f. ®nd n\ hav® ®nt«r®d

W, L. Sne In a

N'swark ho T ork S ts te 1 up" during t lo loam that m anufaoture: Ih* fa s te s t E ndicott, sis Johnson haa •U l Grandcharge of tl

I ahould oendlt |w lU be held

n*r. Snow I Ih* b * it-k n I fount ry and |e liy .

f t I* und4 I (old tho H oi

"go so fa r a[ t ra c k suU at [ record* and 1 t«ra and pa<

In ttn d s to I a t an Endic lh a S ta te F: th in g 1* pc p u rchsiod tl to be tb* ta Syracui*.

I t 1* only th a t John**: bscom* Into: ow ner of thi baaoholt fra In hasohall Ing he turn n t a n i o f pr arm y of omp sen City, B

UnUs* th* b a ll lo N*v a sp s r t of a t am aU n r l*< season to p o f th* mo*<Sre u n d a an

ors* raelni ical*.

Four wool eludtd Janu CIsvoland.I* now In Mich.

S*cr*tsry Clomoui hai Fort Huron ing ot Can talning that out any d( Clmnan* m« runry I.

■ta* Rritli t* oxttnd tl son In 1411.

SIxty-twe Mat of 1.14 4f IIIT.

A n n y A t'Now ii

. WASHINl >. Rayerofi War D«p*rl lag Camp . hi* hondqua ally .for the log th* last

VqqrqaUsn I Ihlriy-tw*

v S tr shav* boan i1* qmfhaiboammary • faetboU u •porta that Ittle tralnh

at'*- ■ *r9r r‘s— T.-e

Page 19: German Strike Spreading With 700,000 Now Idle in Berlin, London ...

L A .’SlEARED:ule PrcYCBtt jring withA.


r«ln‘a atitorM* rnta nuuiM n akatball «ula>:h otktr loeal nultad pr««tt>> of tbo crack latlen. Thraa tnda ar* aUo mal Turnon' Jak* KIckan*

id Wllllo liouk. ally made tho II llfh t aaalor dotaatad only

m , whom tba era* troanctnc

ianapar litnry enala noUfIrd and Doub that II rclattonahlp ay would bari

V. Tba bo> rt II iboualit writ th« Whtrlwinil but they didn’t tba Nutlonala,

Ikcly to racciva daiitally, ntura

ae Charrler ami urnar macnatr ra waa no othi'r ir, bowaver. did I play with the li'a camaa away t alter tba fart la a homa rom- in up conald-

I a few tlva onaa It. and ba bopca on band for lo-

tha Kllaabain all. Dali orl(l- irmorr bookad.

kenbutch ftts S t. M ooicd

ftst nlcht Wat) » St. Monlea uani

at Plalnft<>ld. local ltd. played h Plainflelda and It taam'e pointa.

« II

ctonousDge H i^ TeunIt nigbt won an nm Want Oranga la waa plajad on

court at Eaaax tba conelualon of la aaan wttb a itlaam waa manl- ira of both taama.

and Caaanauch lugh won for tba ygin. Caranatlgb In good forta for t Oanrak and • t Orango.

Klngalay. 0 .7 .^ . »an'fh,Lf.. I a II Ifaro. r.f. . . . 1 a Io i^ n . l . ( . . . t i l unnlnc. r.g. I t ! hlaln.1.1.... 1 a I lakt. r .( .... a a aTalala.... 11 I I I

.............. If 11—11.............. II 11—ISMawark.

Morrutown on Oranfe Hiffa•SWK.1. II.—Morriatown a daclalva wla oa . yaaiardar aftdr- of Oranga BItb

cal T. H C. by it half lima Hor.

II to It, bat do- r apoad with tba d period tba hoaia away from tbitr

ng twanty-aavan vt for tha half, and goarlaa all did rlitoWD.

Oranga. O. P. r . radarto. I.f. • 1 I S torn, r.l....... I I *tleka.e........ 4 # Ikadtara, Lg.. * | * laaanar. r.g.. a t a

TtUla..,, i l 1 «

[i T«ke Godc »m Avon MidgetsCadaU laat night

Ifidgeta. IS—It. «n laip gathtrad taar- tictora whlla Manta ra.

Midget*,M.vlt.C L mI*. r.(.. ' i iC«)lin. *'....... e s sN«aFa*r, La, 1 • * 1 s *Walaar, r .f..

Tatal*....... 1 1 It

I Venquished sketball Cotnbinerom tba Watt Cnd t - tt . A foal oaaaad long to Tletory.

Proga. O. P. P.



Seburbia Hockef Tctn MumIubs Lend in Leeguc bjr Defeeditg


CoaitBg fraoi bahtad Batt Oraaga Higb Saboal pack ahaotara yaattrdw •ftaraooB kapt ap Ut.wlanlag alraak by dafaating Satith Slda KIgk'a aavao at tka Nawark lea Pataca, 4 -t At a raault, Baat Oranga alraaftkaaad Itt kald OB firat alara la tka Ntw Jaraay Higk School Horkay Latgua. It baa tbraa trictarlaa and na dataata to lU eradlt

Tbo la a t Oranga taamwark waa pear daring tha t in t aaaalan. South Slda, U klag bdobataga at tbit taot aoorad

A t L ilt B o fiii, 1 1 2 th AitSlciy'i Sphun-Uke P lm t ,H « Spoken, and It's a Meaiage that'i Qear and Fmal

•ftar twa ailbuiaa al play, Hagnay aoor' lag tha goal. U ll gaainan ^ baaaball Md football tama aaina through with a mica ahot front aerlmmagt, briaigtag eaalb Sida'a tcoro to two goala. At tbo fonrtaantb-Bilauta oiark Alan Back, ott laada Bait Oraago’a firat goal. Ha Stag tha tcora by tallying a halt-mln. laata batora tha and af tha firat half.

Eaat Oranga nada two In tha firat part of tba tacond aaailon. Baokatt again tearing, Ha mada tha tin t goal aflar riva mlautaa had baan eeatumad. Tbraa mlnulaa laiar on a paat from Koalltr ha mada tha final tcora at tha gam*.

Tha lInt-up:Eaat Oraaga. gauih Slda.

•alkan ................... Oaat...............WtimallarU Vtldllngtr . . . Palki................... CahaaPattan ....... . .Carar palm ..........BarryJla?k*u . Laft wind.............daantaa. .r*n(tr . . .. Vrteinn

.never. .. . .. Hinitli lUflii «1nt .. ,.Penre hy perlnde

N, NftnUnctr

feetkr . ..utnein

leiith side leek—K f. Ila« n

I 1—41 *—1South

Sidetleeh—Ceet Orei«i«, Beekett

pidf. llft||n«y nml tii enikn. Time ef hnlvee— It raliiutee. HeTeree [>een Ptreene, South ISd».

Jersey Dog ExhibitorsTo Feature Local Show

New Jnreny eihlblton premie* to feniure *t the nlxih nnnunl ehow of the Newark Kennel Club. Raturdny. F«b> runry p. al the Flrnt Herlnient Armory Jjdflnk will etart at tl orlnck and roatinue until B o'cloc k at niftht. Hoalon terhere lead in (he entry llti. whleh in* eludee more than SOti deaa end rune the pamut of fifty-four breede. More then fifty fjoaton lerrlere are to be dbown. In addition to forty rektngeee, thirty- eight ronteraniaiKs, twenty-five bull- rioge. leading kennel ownert fn the I nlted gtatea have eritered their thain- plone.

.Among the New Jersey exhlbhoreere:

Krencia G Lloyd. Sioltlih (errlert; J A. Kelly. Borttone; Thomas Pervln, Vulldbgfl; Mlea Kleie llydou, PaTnera- niaiie, reklngeee. i'olliL>a and chowa; .Mateed kennela, rollirH; Patrick Tully. roHlaa; Mra. Mey McCurdy, colllra: Hobart f'ralg. Bnetone; JuUua Keng- merii Boetone end French huUdoga; A. Tlolber. rhowa; Mre. O. K taakeleod. pomerwnlent; )lobert Height. Alredelea: Mre. Hetey h'Ucke. greyhounde end ifyeiilela. Mre. Mabel Hidden. French btiKldoga; Mr*. Clarence IL Horetmenn. Fotneranlane: f'harmlon kennele, bea- glee. end meny other large kennele have entered.

HBAOQCABTnS BUTB AKD OBAY DITUIOM. camp MaClaUaa, Ala., ian. la.—Bogaa baa apakaa. After ala moatba af talklaaa aalataaca ha baa aaloaS la aaa phraaa hta ISaaa Ufa That aaa pbraat. aad tha Saap- aaatad Slagaat with wklah ha ydlsad It— they tail tba Mary. Or aa bit aoUtar frlaaSa la tha n l t b ArtUlary baUava.

Parkap'a yaa'va narar baard at Bogua nawar havlag hag a chaada to alalt tha firat targaaat'd taat In lha baadquar- tara aoaipany at (ha raglmant wall, hPt tba big graan parrot with lha yal* lew topknot who alta thoro la a cage and leoka about him raoyoaoly all lb rough tba day.

Thar had him gawa at Soa Olri laat Bummor whan part of tba Jariay guard wai thara Frad Altaandar of tha Valla, burgh aaoUaa at Nawark brought him along aa a aaatrlbuUon to tba graad army.

Bogua eoalda't talk than, aad (ho man at tha oetapaay tornad thair taar^aa (a taachlng him how. Thay uaad (a Una up la front of lha eaga and looaa eholaa phrataa (or the bonadt of tha graan and yallow Bogua Tha roan triad ttraryttalbf. from tha alphabat up to LInceln't Oattyaburg addrcaa, but It waa not for triand parrot. It aaarood.

Than thay cama South, tba gnnnaro, and brought Bogua with tham. Altar thay wtra aattlad la thaIr ntw carop Ihay bagan axparlmanling on tba bird again. But It wouldn't go. Tba parrot rofuttd to ba quatad.

Whan tba man of tba coropany fallad, Captain Frank Sooy of Atlantia City, who aald ha knaw aoanathing of par- rota. triad hli hand an Bogua. Ha taok tha bird Into hit comparatlraly lux- urloui quartara acroaa tha way from tha rtglmantal company airaatt. Ila gava tha cage a auiaptuoua parch and bagan to raaaon with lia Inmata. Uka tha man of hcadquartara, bo triad ovary known davlco front cajolary to thraata, but Bogua remained obdurnto.

Al langib tha captain gava up. an' Begui went back to the firat oergeant tant. By (hla lima ha had acqutrad th naw nama—tha boya fait ha waan't raal parrot altar all. fa r

Than tha Bunny Beuth atartad to pinar Iti tricka. All ktnda of wild wl^ien. waathar broka over tha raoarraeaap- And Bogua watebad with an avar f Thia oning aipraaalon of dlaguai. Btoroa, camp Ufa might ba all right far Jttat aa but Bogua hsgan to regard It mllpox. ha undoubladly ragarda lha amm. Bogua

Than one night tha apall brokn ut him waa In hit cage and round a ^ h t mam- wera gatharad a half doxan of A any. It boro of tba haadquartart coiqf tha taat

■wqqtsar af tbo qaBUaare, wka Mdatoakad aqrriow

Aaothar plutnga In tka tratalas oanp (amity partonaal waa naeadtllalad by tka fact tkat Uaqtaaabt Frad C. Daw- Bon of tko llt lk Infantry, who waa originally namod, haa not yol rotarnod from Toaatt wbaro ha la at an aTlallen camp Llaulanant Katiaobdrgar, a Haryland man. haa kaan aaatad aa m - glatant tafanuy Inataaetar tn hte plaaa.

Ututdaant Blckard Paitth af Hta I lllh Infantry, who far a tima waa with lha lOtIh Englnatra. haa baan mada atalatant InatructAr of rouikatry In lha dlvtalon achool of m uihtlry aad arma. under Captain Hillard Tydlaga, a Haryland man, tram tha tilth Infantry

Corporal WlUlam H- Parry af tha divlalon'i erdaanea rapatr ihop haa baan ordared la (ha ■prliigflald A rm ory , Sprlngflald, Haaa., to taka a oturta laatrucilaa tn tha maeblaa gun.


Would Give Control of Budgets i First-CUtt Couaties to



bllla w h lc h > ^ ':" '’'______ ^atarloua and unldaottfladiOaie ^

Twe newrapartad for duty Columbua building, J. K. Phlladtlphla and Barnard Provldaaca, B. naw dutlaa Ihia

mlnga at Caaay of up thair

L. Snow, Circuit Driver,In Charge of New Track

N'ewnrk kenemen who five (he New Tork fitet* helf^mHe rinfa e "'eheklnc Vf** 4urlnt fkli" ln(frtRte«lto leern thet George F. Johneon, shoe Btenufeoturer, hea conetmeted one of the feiteet irecke in the country et Endlcott, ete mUee from Blntbemton. Johnson hes etifefed W. L* Snow, fern- etle Orgnd Clrcuii driver, to teke tiltArge of the treck end eteble, end

Lekould cohdltlone werrent (wo meetlncd |w lU be h*ld during the coming eundf

ner, Bnow haa for yean been one we [the beet-known cempaicnere Im |r*unlry and hae meny friendi In lelly. A**aa

It la undarttoed that Johnaon/ar to Itald tha Hornall tralnar and driving a ["go aa far aa ha Ukaa'' In provlAng of [track aultabla ter tha ahattara Iret- [rtcerdt and In obtaining younfobnaon 1 tara and pacart of promlaa. g hortat

Intanda to hava Grand Ctrruitlr aflar at an Endicott matt naxt y t f auch a the Btata Pair at Byracuaa, lUraeantly thing la peaalbla. Johnaon Jim, aald purchaoad tha pacer Taiaa ^wnad In to ba tba (aataat pacer aver Byracuaa. I< »o y«ar»

It la only within tha taatgUnatlon to that Johnaon ahowad an ln<fc«. Ha la bacoma Inlartalad In lha ga a la L,aagua ewnar of the Binghamton B * n Interaat baaabalf franchlia, and wima of wan- tn baaaball ahowad avldcn*n to othar Ing ha turnad hla attenlje<*nt (or hla maana of providing amuiclndt In Johti- army of ampleyaaa and (rl#ngbamton. aen City, Endicott nnd BKunday baia-

iralano tha lagatlxlng oflchangaa tha ball ia Naw York BtuItJwlII hava an aapact of atfalra, Johnooifl taama naxt amalanr laagua of ahofon Flald, one aoaaon to play at Johngminor laagua af lha moat parfact o fp g a will glva greandt. and (or a cUig a pratontlout horaa racing a turn oi icnia.

waa onowlnx out and avangwarro tha atove waa having trouble to almoaphara Insida. d and aald

Ont of lha man turiroglaaa parrot aoinathlug that lha taffo hint- Bogua thought waa addraaacd Ha ahook hla ruffled hla (aathara. JV»rglad once or yallow thatoh. Ha ' awica. And apoktl ,'montha of allanca.

Attar nearly alijt juat three wnrda. ha broka out wltrocpeatcd thoaa worda Hlnct than ha haa mi the air of dtaguat dally, alwaya wits aald: and finality. Ilptliat waa all.

■TJo to h—11" —.yman, membara of lha

Two JaraaAIgnal Battalion, Llaulon- lOtth Field A. Woode and Sergeant H. ant Allan /a, both of Jaraay city, have G. HawkliyUvancea In grade, lha former received afn, the latter to aacond lleu- to capt^ Woodi, who formerly waa tenant. Jleutenant In Company A of the Junior § Corpa, la temporarily In com- Slgnal/o( Company B. mada up of Dle- mandjpf Columbia man. Captain Oliver trlctyarry, formarly head of Company B. C. Tf recently honorably dltrharged

the lervlca for phyalcal dlaablll-froi“lleglawhini waa tn Company C and aa

leutanant la now In Company B, ra- a prlng Lieutenant G, M. Landaa. who pllka Captain Terry waa dlarharged, IlNawklna waa one af tha group of

wanty-flro algnalman who under Lieu- 'tenant Van Waganan PIngry cama te Camp McClellan Auguat It with lha vanguard of Jaraay troopa.

Lieutenant Henry B. Rooa of Cran­ford, a mambar of Company F. latlh Englnaara, la on daty aa engineer In- alruclor at tha divlalon offlcara' train­ing camp. Lieutenant Roaa la a raaerva oKlcer, having raealvad hla eommlailon at Fort Kyar. Aa training camp In- atructor ha auccaada Captain Erneit 0.

------ kg havaaoalatant aaeratarla^ta af

duty at tha K |Aninaa at

I. S e t h i s ' ^ weak. W

----- , Bray'a own vauda-Whan tha Blue ar^jf, |ava tn antartaln-

villa troupe raeai^Kani. among thoaa on manl at Blrmlniptha lll th fntantry'a tha bill wau|uartat la lad by Anthony quartet. The A compoaad of Privntaa A. Qraaeo, andi^d Frad Bana of Newark, R. Bataa oKly of Oranga and George "Rad" Raw Harriaen. Blnca bacoming Hatter Camp MeClallait tha quartet

ttlad lavaral antartalnmanta bothraglmanial axebanga and at tha

at th y l around Annlalon. Private Joaeph towiiMalo la manager of tha organliallun. Ilai

erieym en in B aking UnitSent to Fort O glethorpe

rpMif I * n f f f f ***J#»w.H eAD Q l'A RT lSR R B U F AND OHAT

IJIVIMION. Cftmp U€Cl«11*n. A U . J*n. 11.—About 100 m»n, m any fr*n ' J * r w y s m o p y th»m, who lo m a Lima a c o w ara fo rmed i m o * field bak ln ir d* taohm *nt xn<| a t t a ch ed tu t h e b a k i n i pum pany of th e dl> l iian . hav* baan t r a n s f a r r a d lo F o r t O g le thorpe T ha J e r aa y m a n all fo rm ar ly be longed to N*llon* l Guard uni t* friiTTi t h a t a(*te, and war* i r a n e - fe r red ear ly in th* fa l l to th* b a k in g delAOhmant. r r i n o ip n l ly th ay came from the I l l l h an d l U t h I n f a n t r y reg l- manta and* t h a 1041 h F ng inee re . Men from M ary land and V irg in ia aleo f i g ­ured in (he ehif t . an did a few re g u la r a rm y men w h o had been m am bar* v t tha ba i t ing com pgny

Newark wee atrongly repreaentad In lha group. Thoke froni (hnt city wbo went In the Georgia cartip were Tfobart Krauaa. Juice J. Flemming, Matthew Fitaaiinmoni. John F- Hlgglna. J,e«> Juntuavli, John J. Matkln, lAealla K Mickena, 4'harlea Oadranlep, Frank PfelfCar, Jpeaph Sherlaan, Matthew K Ward and William Konrad. All were once tnambare of (he l llth Infantry, iranaferred to that regiment from the Firat New Jersey. All were privates except Krauaa, who waa a corporal.

Other Jrreeymen in the detachmeot were Prlvalea Genrga A. Kivin, Kearny, once with tha lllth ; Walter J. (Jeliler. Pateraou, onre with tha IMth; Joaeph J. Idler, (!afnden, one* with (ha 104th Kngineere; William J. McDonnell. J«r- aey City, one* wUh (ha lllth ; Henry Klghtlngal*. Pateraon, one* with tha tl4ih; Joieph J Auaao, New Brunswick, oiue with the Ullri; Albert Rchuldt. Hackenaack; Stanley Bobiak, t’amden, once with tha 114th; Joaeph ff. Borcher. Bloomfield, once with (he 104(h En­gineers; Adolph Demberg, Midland Park, one* with th* 114th; Chartee Kaealar, flunimK, one* with the llXh; t'arlelon M. Lane. Bradley Park, once with the 114(h; Howard HaoCracken, jeraey City, one* wKh the lllth .

Privatee Harry MorattJi, Hoboken, once with the lllth : Thomae tl. O. O'Connor, Kaw Brunswick, one* wKh (ha lltth ; O«org* W. Rau, North Bsr- gen, once with th* tlSth: Thoma* J lawyer. Freehold, one* with the I04th Enginaem; Hobart Rchlois, East Or­ange, once with the Engineers, David Tarnstrom, Hackenaack, once with (he IWih: Edward A. Taylor, Jersey Clty» once with the llltb ; Vbari** W. Touag, Hoboken, once with th* llJth; WlHigtn J. Johneon, Nutley, one* with th* lllth ; Orry Marlell. Belleville, once with tha lllth , and John M. Morgan, Orange, once with (he headquarters of the 114th.

•ourc I*gt*l*ltTe hopper wh*n^ifltial rush comes, ta that whioh has

introduced by Senator Nackay of ^ - r g e n County. proTlding for the crea-

(lon of a board «f estlmato a&d ap* perUonm*nt In f ln t claaa eounlleta lie provlilona will not *ff*ct th* Ben* ator*g county and he *gtd be could not recall yoaterday who gnv* him th* bill Report had it, as told yeaurdayt that the m*aaur* Crlglngtsd In Hudeon County.

Under tba tergsg *f (he hlLt th* pro

flnf war* ceo* anweod Park, Ice roc* m*et VI. Clemtni,

iTgytar of Ht. gembnti at tbo

le for th* hond- §9, (hereby ob«

Four week* of (c* rai rtudod Jonugry H at Claveland. A fotir*w**:|g now In profTou i Vick. a a a

Baqratarr Alhart W.Clamani hat made arrui Fort Huron Cuatom Houl ing of Canadian horaf tha atataa with tatning thair anlrjr intoMnaa. Tha Mt. out anp Salar or axf concluSad Fab Ctamana maat ta to rnorp I.

a a amant haa dacldad th a Brittih aovariiSf tha racing aaa-

ta axtanS tha langth I ■on In 1111. f

a • fare aSdad to tha SIktp-two nanat aAurlng tha aaaaan

t ilt of l . i s trotian i St IMT. I------------

^ a la jr .l .t ., t t It

MP m i tha tmort ^WAB an Hte Iw tH , JI. H la tha .... -h - / ’'

^OBB r , V

c a C i q a f

Anny Athletic f "*!*****?!!??■ sL i .

____ ____Jan. II.—Or. Joatgh, WASHINOTON, 4ic aaparriior af (ha

a . ItAperoft, athlafommlnlan an Traln- W ir Dagartmant d a ., gaatardap meiad •■S Camp AellvltW m Prinoatan ta thIa hla honsqnarurt lion of tha wnr. Oor- •llp .tor tha SuraLontha tha aamrotoolqg hig tbs Ihot (aw S proiMtog athlatlq

___ _____ _ HUiSa at hHh In thafqgfMtfan far i

feboh iwinl

law w iflitglgii .1 _ mtmiMiip • ( r' f toalhhU n i

ia that ha im la lh iu

I hotwoon ootnal ana oparta (hat

Ih thg qhatoiunmta ■tataw nt g liing •

rarh dago. Boxing, or orq nnnng tha

haan oalaotad far ath-

m 1 M i n i m'NextSesion

171 u n n i lL "3f.-

y S t u ^mliRt' l0VRh

jS dyB irto lld iS M S t

njisa I

a r 'I'lpii


HOnp t l tk# fhrgBla pngtoriap Saaliras that

I it thaRta H h u r t l,ajgnrcartoSctih g . iBm*A k o-

win OMIMg* fhs lathli

J ropartaS at trorlong titMt bod bptn paM. (Irti U tha wr (a tha Bad SIX. It w u I (hat hp nrfwlS WMOgq (ha

Harry E. H oy, MtHrii County

P layer, D e fea ted b y Smith

PAIJI BEACH, Jan. >1.—J. B. Elwall. Apiwamta, wat yaaterdar dafaatad by A. W. Cameron of Huntington Valley at tha twantlath hola In tha annual Laka Worth golf tourney. It waa aac­ond dlvtalon play, Elwall waa winner of lha qualifying round Monday. Harry E. Hoy of Horrla County teat to Wllmot Smith of Oakland In aecond dlvtalon rompatlilon. I up. In ninataan holae. John Khepard Jr. of Frovidenca won from H. Pamblaton of Caledonia by de­fault In lha baatan eight claaa

Following la tha rhamplonahip acort:A. W. Cameron, Huntington Valley,

defeated J. D. Elwell, Apawnmla, 1 up, Ca holeali Paul Cllfft-rd, Brae Burn, defeat ad A. R. Glbaon, Roaedala, 1 up; W, H. Walker, Balmont flprtnga. da- ftatad H. K. Wilcox. Oranga O. C., S and t; Walter FalrbanHp, Danvar, da- ftatad O. W. Palga, Ballaport, 1 and 1.

O ne Goal E n o u |h fo r H arvard T o B eat N aval R eserve S even

boston , Jan. 11.—Finding tha oppo- alllon goal for a aingla aea midway In tha aacond half, tha Harvard hockey oayan laat night marked Ita firat ap­pearance on an Indoor rink thia aaaion by dafaating tha Nawport Naval Ra- oarvaa. Tha Bailor boya fallad to scora at all. Although nalthar aaptat dta- playad a taam work dtvalopod to any grant attant, tha Individual work waa brllltant and b Id Intaraat In tha eon- taat at a high ,ch. rtaraan tcorad (or Harvard. T. alkar, Camhrldga point, had mada a hard driva which Chllda, tha Nawport goa’i, itoppod, but Plar- oon, making a fin" pick-up of tha ra- bound, ahot tha dl.k Into tha cage for tha only acovo.

Tha llna-up:Nawpart N. R.

.......Oaal.................... Child........Fatal.............. Bull.aCavar p*lii(- , a.,Center,...,.a • .never.. . .,..Left wltf^a

Right WiBge

Curtii, Knetzer a n d Chappelte Put on th e B lock b y Joe Tinker

COLl'MBUS, O.. Jan. II__Joe Tinker,manager of the Cotumbus team, has a reilabl* catcher, a pitcher or two and an outfielder for eale or trade. Tinker has them for trading material. Bob 4'oleman tn on the market, ae are r iiff Turtle, Elmer Knetser and Larry Chap- pelle. These are the only real veterans left on the Columbus club and Manager Tinker propoaes to trade them off or get rid of them before (he aeason opens In May. Il‘B a ca«* of new faces. He wants a new team.

Pet* Johns was in this list until aotd to th* Bt. Louis Browns. Shovlln also may be Included.

Tinker has his heart set on getting Bob Bercher and Bill Hlnchman before spring. He wants Hob In the outfield and Bill for firat baee. which fs vacant altice Johnnie McCarthy haa enllsterl Chfppelle will not be retained. He may be traded back to Milwaukee, where he won Mi beet success. Hlnchman always hss been popular here, so If hts' broken ankle of last seaaon Isn't up to major league epe«d at Flttaburgh. Tinker It willing (p Uke a chance on the man who broke fences here two years ego before he went up.

lUrvuril, Laudarbai'h Welker ... atubb* ,.,MPSareon ,f.,Cabot • . c . rR ise .........Rrtfkt

tfumphrlaa J. Howard T, Howard

. retteraen ...a ,. Cana

Goal—nareen. Babetitu(les*"Qlbba forCebet. Boltarg f*r Rlea« far Pwiter-

ilerean ter Ball. Tliii* of helves

Steel Corporation G ave $ 7 1 2 ,5 0 6 T o R etired E in iJoyees in 1 9 1 7

PITTBBUBOH, Jan. Il (JP).—Tha aum of |Tll.S(ia.lf waa dlitrtbutad during HIT among tha ratlrcd amptoyaaa of tha Ualtad Btaiai Bleat Corparatlon and Ita lubaldtary companici, acoord- tng to tha annual raport of tha United Btalai Btaal and Carnagla Panalon Fund mada public hara today. At tha olota of HIT thara war# T.tlS hanarielarlaa of (ha fund, which I. darivad from trutt funda amounting to |I2,d(l«.O0D. aitahllahad by Andrew Carnagla and tha Unitad Btataa Btaal Corporation.

Tha avaraga pon.lon now paid, ac- rerdlng to tha raporl, la C a month. Tha mlnltmim panalon la |1 ( a month and tha maximum llhd par month. Whlla tha graatar pan of lha fund waa dlitrtbutad in tha nttaburgb dli- tricL lalga amounta wara lant to tha Clavaland and Chicago dlatrleto, tq tha Atlaatlq and Poolflo aaaboardi, fo (ha •ra rangai af tha Northwaat and to ■HI worktig and minora of Tanaaaoaa.

Bay a a -


I R iM M i t

a - '

■■ Iff.* .

W IO rT S IG NM. ig ig a a i' eaa.

, _ „ j i ^ a » r ja q WII- F-qpgpg iwaairad n i ^

rM w T irk Olawta Yka

Four Tallies b rm il Period . Wb (or A n ^ Hockey PlayenWEST POtKY, Jan. t l .—Jamaica High

School -akatira wara tinabla to* hold Boyd and ouphoat la ehtek wbaa thay appoNd tha Cadati at hookop hart paa. terdap, and aa a raonlt Wagt Faint wtB, 4 ta *. Ail af tha oeariag waa Oaaa la tha aaoaad h a lt whaa >ayd taluai tbraa Umaa aae tha varaaUla Odphairi drava h a m tha athar aaaater.

Tba Uaari«i

iB«uee*a»« .............

Ikr EaMMi,____ ___


4g^M RMAlgRMf VMS flMB

a 4 * a vISHeVaaia a «*•» aa*e

e l mere hSelSA-

B hS r ]

CoBYbeed EiQiloBioB at Newport Was Not die Work of on Enemy

TVAOBimiTON. Jaa. 11 fF ).—Tha rt. aant axptoalon at tha naval torpado ata- tloa at Nawport. R. I., waa not tha work of an antmy. naval offlctala ara now rally oonvlnccd, after a caroful In- vootlgatlon. Heporta to tha ardnanca burtau ahow 111 pounda of fulmtnata

' waraarp wara daatropad bp tha ax- , which occtirrad In lha dry laeatod la a larmar bwab-pracl

giDtlPB."Tha ralatlvaa aad (riaada of tha

M IM nnot onrad ata th# hiet that tbW t e n Blvca thair Uraa Car thair oaaatrp In a maaaar dai Nvia g aa ma«h pnUoa a i If thay wara la lha tranehoa oppaolla anamy faraao." aald Raar Ad­miral Earlo, ehtqf a f ordnaaca, In a lat­ter taday aataadteg tba govaramaat'i vyapathy aad caaMlanca ta tba (am- Ulai at u a aaaa.

BRldHTQNFOOLTO^CU»CDa i oai Bi (ha aHNeoaNBi hag haaa

m n EETm f o t dolflg lw l oodl It S a S s S ^ b W tea a W M ir M d l i r

RitM RT M MetrwpwftMi liB sH iR U tfSi M tmn m i i mm mu It

tiae v u i m a m i i m -. jnwir RR M y

* • M « | t M ig

, JM N e t / g U 9t m

p*e«4t b ^ r d would be eompeeed of five mambTn. three of whom would be *p< poln(*d by (he Oovernor. for e term of five years. The rem«1nlng two mem’ b*re would be (be couhiy *up«rvleor and the director of tho Roerd of Free- holders. It ts further provlgod that the three member* named by (he Oov« erner be paid eo «nna*1 sslary of •I.OOO. *nd thhl nothing In th* proposed se t should be conetruod to entlll* th* county *up«rv1«(>r nud lr*eholder di­rector (o sny edditionnl compansetion by virtu* of membership or serrlo* in the proposed bosrd.

Wide powera would b* c*nferr*d upon Burh s boord and addltionei jobs would be crested ss (be boards de- elied Hetstlva to the duties thxt would be tntpoaed upon these boerda the meBBura provides thst not Isiar then thirty dsys before the beginning of (he ftacsl year of Uie county, (he i Hoard of Freeholdars would be com­pelled (o file with lha proposed board a true copy of any budset requirad by lew. which would be sui Ject to chsngea by the new body. Th* Eatlmste end Apportionment ^ s r d *ould have the authority to determine the amount of money necessary for lui'h county for the ensuing fiscal yssr, which smount would be final end binding upon the county fovernlng body.

There la e proviso, how'rver. that the freeholders In (urn would hsv* the power to sJter or smond any pertlcu- iar Mem or Item* In th* budge! *a ap­proved by the other board, but In an amount not greeter then ten per rant. WMh this authority the freeholders would be pinned down so that they rould not increee* the total amount of appropriations determined by the lloArd of Eatlmst*.

Any mnliition nr ordinance oe other prnreedliig ihsl s board of freeholdera mlyht undertake Involving (h* borrow­ing of money for any purpose. Including (he Isflusnce of bonds, would b* auh- Jaci to approval by tha proposed board- Tha aame supervialon would apply be­fore the freeholders could enter Into any formsl contract In their conduct of county affaire. It la further provided (hat all Recounts due to or preaentad against (ha county would ba subject to examination and audit by tha new hoard. -The propoeed board would be empowered lo compel the attendance of wItnSasea and (he production of con- irscta, paper*, books and all other documents In any undertaking that might develop In the performance of the duties Irtipoeed upon the board.

In a statement eccompanytng the bill (he object ef the meeiure te set forth, and M le declared to be particularly th* result of an effort to aecure "a more aelentiric and business-like preparation of tha county budget."

Baker in M ore Libera] Ruling On M arriage Under Serv ice Law

NEW YORK. Jan, t l <JP)._8acraUr)" of War Baker. In a letter to Charles Evana Hughee. head of a local district aelactiva aervlca appeal board, upset tho rating evtablTShad by tfi* board that ell marrlegea contracted alnc* May ]l, last, by men of service age should be regarded ae "slacker mar* rtages’* and emphasised th* need for local boarde considering all such cases on their merit*

The District Board's ruling was based, It was announced, on service Uw ruling No. 4, which wias Issued shortly after many marriages to avoid service.

'Til* ruling was carried over Into the new regulations with the eipreaa statement that the effect of the selec­tive service law waa not to suspend th* Institution of marriage.*' (he Bee* rciary of Wsr said In his letter.

The new ruling, while authorising exemption boards to disregard clearly established slacker marriage*, nays lh«t "a marriage (hat carries with It no equivocal circumstances other than Ita date Is not to b* disregarded'* a* ground for exemption. In other words. It Is now necessary for the board to establish proof that marriage was en­tered into for the purpose (if es<'aplng military service.

C om m ittee, Including T . F. Ryan. T o R em ganize V atican 's F inances

ROHE. Jan. 31 (JP).—An Intarna-tional committee ta to b* formsd to re* organts* the flpancea of th* Vatican, which Cardinal Qasparrt, Papal flscre- tary of 8(ats, reports are In an alarm­ing condition. The committee, one of whose members Is to be Thomas F Ryan of New York, will be called upon to devise means of obialnlng funds, possibly by the utiderwrlUng Of a world-wide Ioak.

Tho Vatican's usual sources of reve­nue, such as rentals from properties, gifts from Mexico, Belgium. France, Auatrla and the I'nlted fltatea, have b*en reduced or cut off by war condi­tion* At th* aame time Pope Benedict dally espenda thousands of dollars In war charities. Including the sending of food and clothing to prisoners of war In Germany and Austria. Appeals for contributions are received In large number at the Vatican from majiy countries.

Under the present system of financial admlnletratlrui (he Pope acts nn treas­urer of the Vatican, having In his office a safe In which' b« deposits the funds to be diebureed. When the safe la empty the Holy Be* nornlrially la bankrupt.

D onieU C om m eixk C ook on Skip For R e icu e o f O fficer O verboard

WASHIKOTON, Jon. II Baera-tniF Oanlali (odaj earomandad Ship'! Caek Jamal Marclo for kraiarr in raa- qulnf Chlat Quartarmoatar Robartaon, woahad paarboard from lha V. 8. B. Bmlth Dacembar IT, whit* andiaaorlnn (o elaar a jam in (ha .taarlnc faar dnrlnr n haavy tala, whita (ha ahtp waa rolltnf at flfly-tlira daqraao. Rob- arioon baoBma axhauilad by tha cold and ronth ooa and wai nnabla to halp hlmtalf, whan Harcio (lad a Una to hla wolat and Jumpad Into (ho water otter bln . With tha oiolataBM of UaatenHit Rlpkora h. Connalljr, lha tw« n m war* R*nl*g ■knerd

Itnrclo iivaa at Tf* Wonwik atraat,m iateiph te. nod LteateBont OmoollF at WaakaBho, til. Ltaatanaat J, it , Ktola Jr.. H i Eaat MeUlckm hToua, ClaelmiAtl, 0-. and Llautanoot J, C. Bymaa Jr.. 411 Balaaaratn aianoa. Nor­folk, To., wara Mmmandad for oxqaUant aaomanihip.______________________

i w r

p t n j i i f » n m s

.UNI i m t m s

K n n m i H i , i . um rnrnrnfim m im im m

The Joy o f LivingThe full joy of Uvfog k your right To have yoor heritage of health you oiust do eomethlng to get it

The health of the body depends largely upon the conditkxi of the blood.

If your Mood b strong in iron and rich fai red ceUs, eachday's tasks are delightful adventure—3rou e joy life to the full.

\But, if your blood b thin and sluggish, energy-draining

poisons accumulate and prevent brain, heart, kidneys, Ihrer, hmgs—every vital organ—from working properly. So you only half-live. To get well try a ooutm of

^ode!s‘pe|>t'o-/\an^K•*J1m lU d Blood BuUJmt$$

l u lI w H I # 111

’'iRrpilpntiidi-*'S f A YORK

la t i

P a p te -H n fM i r tB ter a s th a hoahh b y tnvifon ting tha vary o o tm e o f h a a lth ~ th a b lood It chorgat tha bkiod w ith inm , and croatea mJlUona of vigoroua im w rod tdood oolla.

Unhoollhy Mood lllaa cartoin danfar aifnala. Som of tham aiat a loaa af interaat bi weih and play. Bnrafimfalnf ■loop, naraouHitea, ancailah) tampar, loot of appadte, aadly-proToliad (all^.^ and loo many ‘'otf.diya"

A cootaa of Fapnii Mamin win halp .ym aa It haa hatpod adltiona dutinf lha pool twanty-ftva yaoia

Stood that la Mnof tn Iron and riah In rad calla dlivaa oat tba lUa-aippfaig poloana and woote tiatna oa a aprtne flood Koaip dahlia froB a ilaot’a bonk.

For thaoa naama—baeoaas It r«- build, (ha body by rtboUdlnf tha blood —Fapto-Manfan la a aaloabla took (or thaonaralc, tba ovarworhad and worriad, lha wook, lha afad, and tha polo, pony cihild.

Fapto-Montan cannot dlotarh tho nool ihatIdloDa otomach. Ita Mata ta axcaodinfly plaaauit. It can ba hod at ■II dnif awrao.

rfltelFXfti (fteteiitMillaairla S4a W ■ U in ew d te wdid ae*eea a o e* iV

Fri«Hf(y tVamlnd.’ Than ara many coonwifalla. Rqjact (bate aR AccaM only OoiWIi Papio.Manftn in l^tlloa and pockotaa oa pktorad hara. It la iwrar aold In nqlh.

PtoipMana** I* ro*d* aolr hr H J. ORUTINOACH COMPANT. MaaoteMarteq Cb.wtela. Naw Tarh


l i




Our Final ClearanceO f T h is S ea son 's

Suits sold OvercoatsA t C onqfpelling P rices

15.0016.50 O v e rco a ts 13®®18.00

I | °;gg O v e rco a ts 17-’ »

fl i l o o O v e rco a ts 21 «>p 30.00 _

32.00 O v e rco a ts 2 6 ®®35.0038.00

„ 40.00 O v e rco a ts 34^® i 42.00

50.00 O v e rco a ts 41*'^®6s !oo O v e rco a ts 49*®®

These Overcoats, it is almost needless to tell you, are all up to our high standard of excellence in quality of fabric and tailor­ing. They are such garments as any man would be proud to wear.

Men’s Good SuitsGoing at Low Prices

In the Final ClearanceMen's 1 6 .6 0 to $ 1 8 Suita, 1 4 .50 Men's 2aOO to $ 2 2 Suit* i a 0 6 M en's2 8 .0 0 to $ 2 8 Suit* 23J26 M en's3 0 .0 0 to $ 3 2 Suit* 2& 80 Men's 3aOO to $ 3 8 Suit* 3 1 JIO

EXTRA—In Small Sizes8 7 Overcoats

Fancy Mixed Effects.Sizes32,33p 34^35 Only

Now ^8.T SRegularly $15 and $20

94 SuitsMixtures, Blue Serges, Black Thibets,

Piodibick flsd plain efTects.

Sizes 3 1,32p33p340nlyNow «9 .7 S

Reg. $12.60, $16. $16, $1660

Neckwear OfferPoitoin-luuidfl—p n tty p a tte m and colon.

R agulailr 80e. etod $ 1 jOO20c e a ^ 6 for $1«00

■ . / ■'K.

Men’s GlovesCray Saadfl, Gbenoist Waabablt Cap«

S R O O b $ R 6 0 b $ R O O K liid e hily l'«8 8 aPair


V. •••-' V 4' r .


s o l ^ i s S o b Q v e s d R

..AV V 'JkM

Page 20: German Strike Spreading With 700,000 Now Idle in Berlin, London ...

riSrATltRANRIOffet «Mm 4MT M i WM t M

mnrAiuc.• n m i i «•••«*> •• *

• • W^MI* ar «* n ■ • tr **•

i t Whov C ■*••'**■ iW- * *t M Ml fl • • Of*»t* ••• ItelH H,aML

m utt • •**■> *• ttW’ a*** f****^ M. MM I t ifw r . H.V*' ' „ ^

•MMaM* 8* r*‘“** «i ■> to ViaMiM OMV it Bi. • M • » to! 11, Mtok « . 1*1 It, Mir M M ■Mr.’iM M M t iiit . II-

«,-n- AIMM to I A HMlUir C«. a « f«r aM M M lUlM,•UMr toact. II

* *M J« M IM«la»BiM^Ca t i ftHI Mrnaata. w i tiaaI Orm i«r'|iR ft

trart. II., _ WWMIat-lU ft « fr CaWiM M.*m « I I

''toiSMii M U O to *to<M o i m m , * HIIW|i a» IM It • • It citotoa a», l*«llII.AktokBM MtfUaw

(r, 11..• i n t o rark CtaM C*.

'* 9 tm SSS^i> V !■» C* to AtoatoM Mala M a iM a la ta l at *ar toU i« ••4 I*. 14»

aiAai F ftaaaMtto *1 ai ** jU*l T f to K T , « ! ! f n « « a . •» aal Ctoa. M.u u m . l i .AMtoiAHfa# qrayaa at aa to r*rlli*a'la D1 CaMA, a a ftatraa al HI ft a ft W Baak ai, llaMA It. 'ftimiDB o r NBWAAK.

krk Hatofnat, aar. to Jaka Haaatl. _J. • ■ k a M ra y a» Ml ft a ft Uto

•aVi'***'* to Malika 1 *•»••ka «*r» at 111 ft w ft Myrtla •». H»AkmMI ai aa to Mary J Wallk. ■, a a UMaa a* >U ft a ft Oak ai

O MTk. to^ l^^lU li-ft;II n to MaaM * M II. it. at at to

„ a V a iaB aa, lialto, V*-, ■ UamMaa •* •• .,.***tL» S lS S i: • • MUIatoa M M ft a ir

iff l>*lial|rM at al* to Chaa • *'• a V awalaat M Ml ft a a ftmat- TTi Ii IM. aal aotor jatat.. H,-

I V i "to to S Oy^ Waaakaaaa Braak al ft a a f t H*-*’-‘ -* ’ 'wa'A Ce to rtaiM|M Bw- a a Canaaa aa Ha ft ai tr

Ca**ta Atoaham lla lM . I ^ a a r DIalataa aa aal M WHi


naaa toaH*a*aa aan ftlali MBWAMK.

, «aa MMia


Haala.M n ta .A a a a ^ ^ ^ ^ " .? «a MalMaa aa H ft r aa,

Canfctto at aa to OMaaa B A_I at (Warwick atl IH It a f t •Mr. lAllA,j Faaca H aa U lalk at III ft a

taataala B A L, • ft Otoara M.

. „ ----- ----- MI ft a ft Mk aa, aal

•I Bk to Alftal CaaflaM. ta aar lyMIackanas laBA


. • V Tvrk

« Carn.M.» to|f.j«l, a a Baraaa at IM ft <

aa BB ta MiH, t i i ft a ft

• f l Baa

« a H to Cfcaa H MrC_____ - _________k» w a oakto at Ml n a ft TMaaa M, IIH,aa *rlotm iPB o r xBWAiut.

r j r r ? T s s .% ^ r r % ‘- A ‘5• jOanalla to K M F B A U ■ ■'QalaBikaa M t i l ft a ft aa

. wiB> rawiwna at aa t o .T i^ ik B I U S (daBB«a. W a HIIMA M H ft a ft W^•*2rSu.*ss:>“,.~ t’j5mall*lleaBlB« to Faal»«_kaataaa. B

----- , • • C«ter t it ft ■ fr * 1, **II*Itowa*to*WllUa M^ Bl - , • a OUawaaB a* al ft a f t laatynaa

^rJS ssrS iA tim jsr : .:

“ - r I

t t

Gnafanteed I uists I

Q O R O O **^2Ii**J2^

A M m« M * « 1


* . C i * . .





CbcmIiii Ihit they a n all r l ^ will not make

Vrtma aa If they nud •lltaHoA—kimwinc tbkt ttic]r are all riiht will not product diciy if

tlitre it noltiini ()ie . miticr with them. Bui y If they ire not ill rifht you should know it at the cirliett powi- hie pioment. That ii

I the advantaic of havini an oMmlMtlea aiade at IfMi twlca a year. Sllcht eor-

toMIvt mtaauno may he naettaaty that will save you oeiuUorabie later

lie, or,, e o 'th e other hand, aiay ho aothini wronc with at all. In either caac It ii

to know the truth. Contuiti- olwaya'frto.

IDS. NINE, D.D.S,i f WkHc OaaMal Fartoae

I ll aatai I to 1 IlaeaaB nio <


Bamberger': Original Store in ETerytimg1 5 0 0 P h U i p p i n e N ^ s h t g o w n s , H a n d - M a d e , H a n d -

E m b r o i d e r e d - E x q i m i ^ - i n a W o n d e r f u l S a l e

niwMn ri/viffi thi> \Wl^iWith Curtailed Shopping Days the Morning Hours Grow BUSIER Daily

“I hive made it a practice for years to shop in the morning," a woman r to another. "It always afforas me more leisure when I have

re­cently remarkedgreat deal of shopping to do.’ j « . ,

Now, with a temporary condition of five shopping days instead of six, most people will find it to their advantage to devote the morning hours to their pur­chases.

Learn to Make Baskets from Southern Pine Needles

An Interesting handicraft and a very simple one to matter. You will readily learn—with only one or two lessons—to make simple articles, and in a short time will find yourself an expert.

Instructions Begin Tuesdayy February 5fh, Artiifs* Material Division, Sixth Floor Hours for lessons will be from 10 to 12 A. M. and

from 2 to 5 P.M. A competent instructor will be in charge.- Simples of articles which you may learn to make will be on display.

UkBiaa a n gniia. Vfu pay auly far yBwr toiMflala. IDanll aaw.V ■/

\i 4



f t , ; .■*! can lemedy looit-iWPTOtt to esoapa vma ad-

if you eve meftndf"r.watum pffcw

.. ., ’’IF '•

i 1K'-i


BAHBEROISR’B—atX T H f l o o r

Should buy some "Thrift Stamps" every week. Buy them systematically, and by ten ding your money to the government, help win the war.

2 . 2 5 2 \ 5 0 2 . 9 5 3 . 4 8 3 . 9 5

A wonderful shIpmentLjust arrived, straight from the far-off Philippines, whose women embroider witi a skill to which all the world pays tribute.

Made of fine nainsook, well cut in slip-on styles, hand-sewed with beautiful hand-embroideries in solid an«f open effects—floral. spray, basket and conventional designs, some with inserts of laci . Finished with single or double scallops and rib- bon-nin hand-worked eyelets.

Wonderful Purchase of Girls’ Tailor*dWhiteLineneDresses

on Sale, 2.00W o u ld R e g u la r l f f B e ^ , 5 0 a n d 3 ,0 0

Middy Dresses in Two StunningStyles. A Long-Waisted Plaited

Dress, Very SmartMade of the famous collar linene, with al­

most unlimited washing and wearing quali-f ties. They have sailor collars and cuffs trim-| med with substantia! white embroidery, and in every dbtail arc far superior to the average middy dress.

The Middy Models Are in Two Pieces, the Skirts Plaited on Body-Waists

Two are sketched. One a Norfolk middy with double belts; the other a straight middy that laces in front with a red silk cord. All of

' these dresses are splendidly made, and fin­ished, with good pearl buttons. Sizes 6 to 14 years. 500 dresses when the sale begins, at 2.00.


These Sale Piriees Are Actually Less Than It Costs tb Make These Garments

Come in and judge for yourselK.liow much you may save. Buy for now and for the future—these gowns are even^vmore beautiful than the French lingerie you have so long almired. Suited to stikpwer gifts.

Five great sale groups, 2.23, 2.50, 2.S& 3.48 and 3.95.B.\MBKRUKR'S—S eto N D ITLOOn

Is Your Income Less Than $5,000

VIf so, we shall be glad lo

advise you on the manner of filling out your return blank. This service is without charge and is rendered by ex­perts.

Apply at office, seventh floor.

Two Remarkable Reductions in

Children’s Sleds

Watteau HatsMillinerg*$ Most Picturesque

Mode Revived

7 .5 0 1 2 .5 0

Sale Children’s Leggings,Ruldtert and

Moccasins, 39c

BOYS’ SOc POINTER SLEDS, S0C—Welt mide of telected hirdwood klock, and varnithed. The M ite ere nektly pkinted. Come with round steel sprint runners.

The “Styma” Raincoat••Styma** I s '^ Leatherette, Light of Weight and -.Verjf Good-Looking,

s "eatured at 6.98

(As Sketched)

lu can wear the "Styma" rairfcoat directly over your suit!or coat—and when it stopa raining ypu will find it light Md easy to carry over your Vrm —no bulk, no weight.

Absolutely wa t e r t i gh t . Shown in laather color. Fash­ioned withV detachable belt and large poakets.

The skctchl gives you an idea of this caat’s smart cut. A remarkabloip garment at 6.98.


They lilt up jauntily in the back, with the space between the hair and the brim filled in with flowers, fruits or loops of

, ribbon.• They tilt down saucily in• front, casting becoming shtd- * o w s about the eyes.

— • They Are Altogether Fascinating

Developed in lisere and fancy straws combined with georgette and satin under or top facings, some with loops of wide gros grain ribbon and wreaths of

*••■0**''’ vivid French flowers; some with(One as Sketched) narrow velvet ribbons and clus­

ters of cherries or grapes. All colors and ail color combina- tions-brow n. beige, black, light and dark blues, peach, rose.scarlet, khaki, taupe.

RAMBisnyi'.n 8- Tiiinrs

Footwear to Keep the Children's Feet Warm and Dry-Reduced Prices NOW

INDIAN MOCCASINS- Just 308 pairs of tan side letthcr Indian moccasins; sizes 6 to 10. They were made to sell for 75e. On sale at 3 ^ the pair.

JERSEY LEGGlNGS-171 pairs of white and gray jersey leggings; sizes 4 to 9. They were made to sell for 75c; on sale tomorrow at 39c the

GIRLS’ 1.75 SLEIGHS, 1.25- Sturdy stei(hs, made of fine ma­terials. The KaH are painted. Remarkably low priced at 1.25.B\MBER0S;R'»—SIXTH FLOOR

Quaint Jewelry

from Japan— PB«a»A trBto. tlow- eri. *ork«d In D";, tlKiio In Bold nnd bl«'k • KAmrI. r«.nltlnK tn b«r „ln*, broach.K. brnco-

1 IpU. cuff tl»rIaiDB. •I'd .i-nrt P'"" that nr* u tnteroitins

. u* they »r« Altr»cttvy.I Rtctivtd Too Late ter

CHILDREN S RUBBERS— 04 pairs of children’s rubbers, sizes 7 to 0 only. Made to sell for 60c, we are selling them at .'Wc the pair.

No Mail. Phone or a 0. D. Orders


Chrlttnat SeUiag ThBt !• our r«»Aon for

morklna thorn to low.Bur (or your own u h uid ni»k* your ioloc- tlona for EAOtor AndaZOIJM awr, MMWW. ----ernduatlon e lfu .

Fe.turo rrcod, TSo tof ir s t FLOOR

N ew !

A Moire Silk Hand Bag

M'lf/i flexible gilt mounting.10.S0

It is an accurate copy of a very high-priced bag and its lines are charm­ing. ,

The deep flap which comes over the front has its edge bound flexibly in gilt. The lining is of very good silk, and the vanity mirror and purse are nicely finished.

Just the bag to accom­pany your new Spring frock, 10.50.BAMBERG ER‘»—FIRST FLOOR

Nftant(Fridajy Only)

lu lualoum •hi* nlKuu u runuol Biuniutl rruMto ou lal* •« the hottoui•WMIo tlwr 'or C. O. D. •

Lherr the tola la aaull. a«a wo that th*r will

J l Bar. wa atato lo t aaeh ttoaa.

aa aulL phaaa

Men's HamsMrn'» Romeo

BHpBen, 1.SS' slippers, eahy

find comfortible,fredueed for dfie day

■ ■•s win (vpi hsi u|ir, ■ t touuwu avs w|ivay nnljr lo the vfery low priee of .!§ the pelr. A ll liiM In the lot.

Second floor. 1Mcn'e N

mueUn_____ SWrtoa 7le<00 mueUn anA cambrir night

Rhirte, "Untversall make," that were made to atVl fqr 'fl.til) to 13.09. They coiu^ trlmnirtd and plain, aamplee amd small lota. A wonderful chanw to’secure a eeason'i lup^y. V n aate while Mief last at fir* mo mall, phone 4»r C O. D. ordera | Flret floor.m HackshflckKliie huckahaek tj

l.irv<' alie. neatly flnlRhed with red tomorrow only at First floor.

rcis, 12t|«^wele of The lemmed and ordore. For kiaiis each*

Lctthtr m iaw s,__Th*s« pillows art

uItic iealner and (rOindHalf PriMIda of ••n -la two dlf-

p l|.


M'bat a wonderful thing it would be if the human brain Were so constituted that it could never forget.

Think of our efficiency— our INFALLIBLE efficiency. What smart Alecks we would all be. What trains of fact we could marshal to meet alt ar|iim enlt. (And HOW we

. would h«te each other before v c ^ long. Thore are so m iw y things it is WISE to^, forget.)

However —we cannot af­ford to 'fo rget in business. And since our brains DO play us trieks, DO embsrrsss us by cilnrty forgetting what U w y M y * o i l l remember,

tor M to do tB T A K E NO'TES.

Do you carry t abtebook?, . ,, A eaieU uotHipek talm up

■ very Bttlu foom-rwd h *» bot Sp: *t gS dWcttU to Jot down the

fhhiSk one bea to i th ^ to.Bo a not* takor-it will

•afo yea «iar a pkric.

900 Pairs of Women’s Very Fine Shoesto Go on Sale at 5.75

Sheet Made toSdlter ».00to 12.00SOO Pair, Reduced in Price Directly from Stock <00 P air, Repreuat an ^ r t m P ^ c h a u

In both instances values are the same; the shoes would regu­larly sell at 0.00 to 12.00. We obtained the purchase only becauw a certain well known manufacturer was anxious to dispose of all floor'goods at once—«> here they are—and here are the actual reductions: ' ■ ,

600 pairs would regularly be 0.00 Sals



150 pairs would regularly be 10.00 150 pairs would regularly be 12.00

Shoes of a n y svmlo; ts« e d f vrith fawn suede tops; all tan calf; gun metal calf with tan mdf tonn; H adt kid with gray kid tops; patent colt with gray kid topa; patent colt w in jp sy svaJ* **P*-

‘ Lace stylci^plain and tipped toes—welted soles--4witary heels-^eatner Louis heels.

All aimn la dm hit-B et dot in tvery,atyla. Included are about lOO ^ira^•f Raa tampla ihoaa, akaa ^ “ 4 . • '!

> h a iMU. pfcaae or C O, h . ordara M ed. /------------------------------- I .

uiHv irHiner nna irwiitw zh-sww wit*ftrtnl •Ih *. R«ful«tl Ita.M all* lew* reduc«d to M il t]t.M ptltow* on wl* M u a , On •«■• fta Mor.

Mm ’s Munam and iResran aa Safe at l.d

Ftitor illk and all all T*doc*d ter qolek cM tk* lew pffM *f 1.SB, n«at atrlMa an# ael« alao wait* wlui llwdk an t h * y ^ t at M l . ^ 1 •P C. O. D, ni ■. nrdara. f l n t l

s e t Ggak Btnki^ _"Good LIvtns," a pfSeUl

of reehory. Contatna 14# f cholet nelp**, koua# w w Alt eloth. Fykltatwi Jm ; IS.tS; on Ml* Friday bnty Book balcony.

aaTiablo ,4lt tot [a ia so .

Watota'a T Jf , . . SwaatofB, SM

Fibdjr ailk awoatatft «cdriiM eottoa back# JRgyjyjLi ia g K *n a patoa BF-aara wfMton ata .w rtlft. I

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