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Geraghty, Carol From: Sent: To: Subject: Johnson, Candy on behalf of City of London, Webmaster Friday, January 23,2004 3:39 PM Geraghty, Carol FW: City Council App Form Importance: High Candy City of London Concierge (519) 661-4500 ---- -Original Message----- From: City of London, Webmaster Sent: Friday, January 23, 2004 2:45 PM To: City of London, Webmaster Subject: City Council App Form Importance: High appname: Denise Brown position: Greater London International Airport Authority appaddl: 52 Craig St appadd2: London, Ontario appadd3: N6C 1E8 phonday: 519-663-2222 phonres: 519-439-6764 occup: Administration Manager workexp: In Tranpsortation industry for over 15 years, both operations and administration. educatin: High school graduate with some College degrees skills: I have been in the transportation industry for over 15 years and have served on several boards & committees, including Tourism London. I have also managed a past contract with Air Ontario. interest: I believe that the airport impacts tourism and our economy and therefore needs to run in a safe & efficient manner. contrib: I would bring my past experience and fresh ideas to the comittee. pastcont: Tourism London - past board member London Rotary Club - past board member World Transplant Game - transportation chair exchange: I exchange views with others and appreciate and respect the skills, abilities & knowledge of others daily. intrview: yes emailadd: mailto:[email protected] 1

Geraghty, Carol - London, Of...2004/01/28  · Geraghty,Carol From: Sent: To: Subject: Johnson, Candy on behalf of City of London,

Jun 10, 2020



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Page 1: Geraghty, Carol - London, Of...2004/01/28  · Geraghty,Carol From: Sent: To: Subject: Johnson, Candy on behalf of City of London,

Geraghty, Carol

From: Sent: To: Subject:

Johnson, Candy on behalf of City of London, Webmaster Friday, January 23,2004 3:39 PM Geraghty, Carol FW: City Council App Form

Importance: High

Candy City of London Concierge (519) 661-4500

- - - - -Original Message----- From: City of London, Webmaster Sent: Friday, January 23, 2004 2:45 PM To: City of London, Webmaster Subject: City Council App Form Importance: High

appname: Denise Brown position: Greater London International Airport Authority appaddl: 52 Craig St appadd2: London, Ontario appadd3: N6C 1E8 phonday: 519-663-2222 phonres: 519-439-6764 occup: Administration Manager workexp: In Tranpsortation industry for over 15 years, both operations and administration. educatin: High school graduate with some College degrees skills: I have been in the transportation industry for over 15 years and have served on several boards & committees, including Tourism London. I have also managed a past contract with Air Ontario. interest: I believe that the airport impacts tourism and our economy and therefore needs to run in a safe & efficient manner. contrib: I would bring my past experience and fresh ideas to the comittee. pastcont: Tourism London - past board member London Rotary Club - past board member World Transplant Game - transportation chair exchange: I exchange views with others and appreciate and respect the skills, abilities & knowledge of others daily.

intrview: yes emailadd: mailto:[email protected]


Page 2: Geraghty, Carol - London, Of...2004/01/28  · Geraghty,Carol From: Sent: To: Subject: Johnson, Candy on behalf of City of London,

Geraahtv. Carol

From: Sent: To: Subject :

Johnson, Candy on behalf of City of London, Webmaster Friday, January 23,2004 8:31 AM Geraghty, Carol FW: City Council App Form

Importance: High

Good morning Carol, can you please respond to this email?


Candy City of London Concierge '(519) 661-4500

- - - - - Original Message----- From: City of London, Webmaster Sent: Thursday, January 22, 2004 11:55 PM To: 'City of London, Webmaster Subject: City Council App Form Importance: High

appname: Jeffrey H. Brown position: London International Airport Board appaddl: 253 Vicotria Street appadd2: London, ON appadd3: N6A 2C3 phonday: 519-850-9500 ext 13 phonres: 519-673-0672 occup: Chief Investment Officer workexp: I have spent 19 years in the financial services industry. The majority of my experience relates to investment management. I worked at London Life from April 1985 to July 1998. At the time of my departure I managed a team of 6 investments professionals and was responsible for managing $2.5 billion in equity portfolios. In 1998 I founded Highstreet with two partners, opening our doors in the summer of 1998. As the Chief Investment Officer at Highstreet Asset Management, I am responsible for the management of all clients' portfolios. Previous roles over my career have included portfolio management and investment analysis. educatin: I hold my Chartered Financial Analysts designation (1990). 1 am a graduate of the Honours Business program from the Richard Ivey School of Business (1985). skills: I have experience at governance and policy development, essential board responsibilities. I bring strong teamwork, communications and interpersonal skills to the table. I am an experienced business builder with strategic planning and execution skills. I am a thoughtful contributor to the discussion process. I am energetic and enthusiastic and I strongly believe that London is a great city. interest: I have lived in London since 1980, when 1 entered UWO. My children were born and raised here. I have seen job opportunities in Toronto, Vancouver and New York. I turned them all down because I believe that London is a great city in which to live and raise my family. Serving on the Airport Board provides me with another opportunity to enhance the quality of life in London and, importantly, to give back to the community. contrib: My main contributions will relate to governance and policy development. However, as a business founder, I can contribute my entrepreneurial skills. As an investment professional, I can contribute my financial analysis skills As a senior executive, I can contribute my leadership skills. As a proud Londoner, I can contribute my energy and passion.

pastcont: I have contributed my leadership, investment knowledge and teamwork skills to Highstreet, a business which today employs 24 people (1998 3 employees). I have been on the Highstreet Board of Directors since inception in 1998. Much of our work at the board level was to put the proper governance structures and policies in place.


Page 3: Geraghty, Carol - London, Of...2004/01/28  · Geraghty,Carol From: Sent: To: Subject: Johnson, Candy on behalf of City of London,

I am in the first year of a 2-year term as the Chair of the Business Relations Committee of the London Chamber of Commerce. This committee runs the annual Synergies Conference, one of London's top think-tank sessions delving into the issues of how to grow London's economy. I have been involved in a leadership role in organizing the last 3 Synergies Conferences.

On the charity front, I chair the committee for the joint Brain Tumor Foundation/Epilepsy Support Centre golf tournament. I have been on the committee for 3 years, the past two as Chair. My wife and I are on the organizing committee for The Meal in support of the Canadian Diabetes Association.

exchange: From my experience as an employer, manger, director, chair, committee member, coach and parent, I have honed my interpersonal skills, making me a good communicator and listener . intrview: yes emailadd: mailto:[email protected]


Page 4: Geraghty, Carol - London, Of...2004/01/28  · Geraghty,Carol From: Sent: To: Subject: Johnson, Candy on behalf of City of London,

January I4,2004.

The Corporation of th.e City ofLondon, 300 Dufferin Avenue3 LONDON, OIL. NU 4L9

Atlrt: The City Clerk:

Re: London Airport Author& Commission

Enclosed please find my appIication for appointment to abovementioned Commksha &SO amlosad is my ciirriculum vitae as Q reference source m d background hfmmdzbn.

Tlie dve&emmt in the London Free Press indictzted upplicrmts should provide their rearon for upptyirq for this post At present, 1 am serying my second term rzs 0 member of the Committee of Adjustmt, which was hten fionally not r@erenced on my C. V., but this hus beept an extreme& rewaxding aperiertce for me and warranted specid mention.

My incentive for applyilrg is predicated by a strong desire to see London Airport become a major city airport, which its recmt addifion wtd upgrade lies gone a long way towards accomplishing. If appoin fed, at the appropriiate~flnnnchlly sound time9 1 would work ve y comcientiowly towards elimilrating exferrral' exposure to both aprivitig and depariing passengers. My background in leasing, both as Landbrd and Totant advocate will prove bm2ejEciorl with a i i ihg Timan& m d iifand when the Federul Giwerwmmt deterpm'nes it

' wishes 10 claanpe the currefit arrangement with Airporfs i ~ i Canada, whethe9 fhat be a n-ew lease agreement for London, such tu Toronto 3 or the sale of the facility fo the munfc@alily, my experience i~ negotiation could prove errfremei'y beneJciul.

Yours truly,

c dmald chamberlain cdclft:

JAN-14-2884 18: 34 519 432 2345 977: P.04

Page 5: Geraghty, Carol - London, Of...2004/01/28  · Geraghty,Carol From: Sent: To: Subject: Johnson, Candy on behalf of City of London,

*. .L ,


(Personal information on this form will be used to assistthe Board of Control and the Council in selecting appointees for the various Civic bodies and is collected in accordance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act)




4. *



Application for appointment to:

0 & r / . a O / J //449&7- 427k+&!/7-+ (Board, Commission, Committee, etc.)

Name: @ - do- /d ~ ; / L ~ . / P T & F A >- Home Address (please include postal code):

I f if is easier to attach your resume in response to questions 5, 6 & 7, please feel free to do so,


Describe your work experience: & 7 4 c ? M & @

8. What skills, abilities and specialized knowledge do you have that will assist this body?

T46c 4 7 7 4 m A d e/

9. Why are you interested in serving the Cif$ of London on this body?

I O . What contribution do you believe you can make to this b o d p

I I . What past contributions have you made on a similar body or organization?

12. What experience do you have in exchanging your views with others and. in appreciating and respecting the skills, abilities and knowledge of others?

7n 'J ChC7 7Ci7 ETC ' nh l VU'J

Page 6: Geraghty, Carol - London, Of...2004/01/28  · Geraghty,Carol From: Sent: To: Subject: Johnson, Candy on behalf of City of London,

fO 'd .4*

%L6 SPfZ ZEP 6tS

- 2 -


At the discretion of the Board of Control, and dependent also on each applicant's expression of interest, all or some of the applicants may be invited to attend a short, private interview with the 6oard of Control. The purpose of such interviews is to allow applicants an opportunity to elaborate on their application.

Are you interested in such an intervie* YES / NO

The Board of Control then submits recommendations to the Council on appointments. .Th6 final approval of appointments is given by the Council. AI1 appointments are at the pleasure of Council and all appointees will be asked to acknowledge this fact in written form.

If you require any additional information about the appointment process or if you have any questions about any of the bodies to which appointments are to be made, please contact Mrs. Carol Geraghty at (519) 661-4599.


Please mail to: City Clerk's Office Room 308, City Hall 300 Dufferin Avenue, P.O. Box 5035 London, Ontario N6A, 4L9

Or fax to: (519) 661-4892 '

Or e-mail to: cg erag h t @ci ty . I o nd on . o n . ca

Date Signature of Applicant

cn 'J

Page 7: Geraghty, Carol - London, Of...2004/01/28  · Geraghty,Carol From: Sent: To: Subject: Johnson, Candy on behalf of City of London,

-------*-- ~ I "*̂ ",. _ I . .,_.-. ." .,. .I " . - I. I - --

JAN-14-04 WED 1 8 2 7 chamberlain mgmt inc FAX NO, 519 432 2345 P, 05

Address: 103-I5lO Richnzond Street, London, 011. NGG 4V2

Educatwnal B d g r o m d

Gmde 12 - Six Adam Beck Cdlegiut'e Wells Academy - Commercial Course Atexantlet Hamilton Iltitute - Business Administrution Univetsity ofMchigun - Shopping Centre Mgt P b s e X U ~ i v e ~ & y of Michisglre S b p p h g cm&e Mgk Phase 2 Cemijkd Shopping Centre Manager (CSW - May, I973 Appraisal I - Farahawe College R e d Property daw .r Fmisliawe Coiiqe Business Law - Funshawe College R e t 4 Malragement - Panshawe College Phase I , 2 & 3 Real Estde Courses - Fmhawe Colkga Commercial Real Ektate - Fruzsltawe Coilege Mortgage Finarpchg - Fanshawe CoUege Real Estate AdmbtiWation - Ontario Real Eshzte Associatiort

Business Background

Military Bperience

1st Hussars - OJicer Cadet c0.T.c camp Borhn Windvor Regiment - kteateaalrt

Commrut ity Activities

JAN-14-2884 18:34 519 432 2345 97% P.05

Page 8: Geraghty, Carol - London, Of...2004/01/28  · Geraghty,Carol From: Sent: To: Subject: Johnson, Candy on behalf of City of London,

--I-- "I__I__"=--~..."",.. %Il.--s -̂I""-... "l"̂ "._"I^, I I " . ^_ ~ _ _ _ _

JAN-14-04 WED 1 8 2 8 chamber 1 a i n mgm t i nc FAX NOl 519 432 2345 PI 06

Chairman - Boys Work Committee, Windsor qPtimW Member, Onftwih Lodge> W h d ~ o r Parst Master, Merrill Lodge, Dorckfer Vice-Ptwident, Ward Seven Ratepayers Assac- Clr airman, Urban Development dmfiiule Lije Member, Scottish Ride - 14th, 18th and 32nd Degrees. Chairman, Ways & Means, .London Shrine Club Clruimm, Jsmior Golf Committee, W e t Haven GovClub Member, fiecuiive Committee, West Haven Goq Club Director, Western Fair Association Chair, Western Fuir WaU of Fame Commitfeo Cliairmun, Downtown Bwiiress Associatwn, ( 4 yeam) Director, Orchestra London Member - Communi@ Housing Advisory C o d t a , London C h i m a n , Member Senices Committee, Chamber of Commerce Chairpnorr, h a l l Business Committee, Chamber of Commerce C h i n n ~ n , Brcsiness .4fier Five Comm'~@e (aka ttuthur of concepo Chairmari, Round Table on shopping Centres, I, CSX. Member, CSM Examination Commiitee, 1, cbs. cb

JAN-14-2884 18: 34 519 432 2345 97;: P.06

Page 9: Geraghty, Carol - London, Of...2004/01/28  · Geraghty,Carol From: Sent: To: Subject: Johnson, Candy on behalf of City of London,

Geraghty, Carol

From: Sent: To: Subject:

Squire, Tina on behalf of City of London, Webmaster Wednesday, January 21,2004 4:02 PM Geraghty, Carol FW: City Council App Form

Importance: High

-----Original Message----- From: City of London, Webmaster Sent: Wednesday, January 21, 2004 3:33 PM To: City of London, Webmaster Subject: City Council App Form Importance: High

appnarne: Kimberley Ann Chesney position: Greater London International Airport Authority appaddl: 365 Queens Ave. appadd2: London, Ontario appadd3: N6B 1x5 phonday: 519-672-7710 ext. 223 phonres: 519-438-1180 occup: President, Prime Management Group Inc. workexp: Executive Search and Recruitment services to a wide range of clients on a local, regional, national and international basis educatin: Graduate of UWO - BA Administrative and Commericial Studies CPC ( Certified Personnel Consultant) skills: Large network of professionals from across Canada, US and various countries. Ability to assess and evaluate people relative to positions required. Public speaking/training/public relations Enthusiasm for the advances made ( and to be made) by The Greater London International Airport Authority. My contributions would be related to the Human Capital perspective of the organization. In addition, I have successfully built a company over the past thirteen years. interest: This particular initiative has excellent leadership and will continue to require expertise to sustain and grow the organization. The City of London is on the verge of becoming an Internationally recognized city and I believe the Airport can play a major role in this. contrib: I bring no pre-conceived notions with respect to this body. Perhaps a new perspective will be of assistance. I have the ability to facilitate, ask difficult questions and develop fresh or innovative ideas. My contacts throughout the community may assist in various initiatives of the Airport pastcont: Having served on several Boards of Directors in a volunteer capacity I have learned the importance of listening and engaging all who are on my team. As the President of the London Club, leading a diverse body of various professionals, I was able to engage many individuals and harness their abilities. In addition, I served on an International Board of Directors as a Canadian and UK Director. The Canadian perspective and dealing with others from around the world has broadened my abilities and appreciation for diverse ways of thinking and conducting business. exchange: In my work as an Executive Search consultant, I have dealt with a wide range of professionals. are investing significant resources in hiring individuals has strengthened my abilities to listen, exchange valuable information and appreciate differences. intrview: yes emailadd: mailto:[email protected]

Working with others who are making major career moves and companies who


Page 10: Geraghty, Carol - London, Of...2004/01/28  · Geraghty,Carol From: Sent: To: Subject: Johnson, Candy on behalf of City of London,

Geraghty, Carol

From: Sent: To: Subject:

Squire, Tina on behalf of City of London, Webmaster Wednesday, January 07,2004 8:47 AM Geraghty, Carol FW: City Council App Form

Importance: High

- - - - -Original Message----- From: City of London, Webmaster Sent: Tuesday, January 06, 2004 5:58 PM To: City of London, Webmaster Subject: City Council App Form Importance: High

appname: Richard A. Coates position: Greater London International Airport Authority appaddl: 54 Laurel Street appadd2: London, Ontario appadd3: N6H 4W4 phonday: 519-675-4209 phonres : 5 19 - 6 4 1 - 4 7 4 5 occup: Banker (Pacific & Western Bank of Canada) workexp: I have 15 years of experience in various senior management positions across Canada with the Federal Business Development Bank (now the Business Development Bank of Canada). I have 13 years of experience in financial intermediation and consulting on project related financing and business strategic matters in my own company (Lynco Financial Corporation) and in the past year I have joined Pacific & Western Bank in London in their Head Office and am working in the area of Public Sector Finance and Corporate Banking. All in all I have just under 30 years of business experience. educatin: Two years at Queen's university Arts and Science faculty and I am a 3 year Business Administration graduate "with distinction" specializied in Finance from St. Lawrence College of Applied Arts & Technology (Kingston, On). Graduated in 1975. skills: I have knoweldge of financing, business planning, strategic planning, budgetting and forecasting, .administrative issues and policies, general knowledge of legal, human resource and governance issues. interest: I am interested in the economic development and growth of London and I see the success and evolution of the Airport Authority as one of the important components of successful growth and ecomomic development in London. I wish to contribute by participating.on its Board. contrib: I believe my general business background can be of benefit to assisting the Airport authority in continiuing to maintain a successful and balanced business plan and strategy that is mindful of good public governance and ensuring it is in tandem with the growth and development objectives of the City of London. pastcont: I have served for 3 years and am serving for another three years on the Board of Directors of the London Convention Centre. I am a member of the Executive Committee of the Convention Center Board and I am the Chair of the Finance and Administartion Committee of the Board (two years). exchange: Besides my experience on the London Convention Centre Board I have also served on the Board of the Rotary Club of London and I am currently the Chair of the Rotry District 6330 International Youth Exchange Commitee which is comprised of Rotarians from across our Rotary District 6330 (includes US and Canadian members). In these volunteer positions I have had the pleasure of working with others to achieve a common cause and objective while recognizing and allowing each individual to contribute in accordance with their own particular skills and knowledge. I work well with others and am respectful of differing and varied points of view. intrview: yes emailadd: mailto:[email protected]


Page 11: Geraghty, Carol - London, Of...2004/01/28  · Geraghty,Carol From: Sent: To: Subject: Johnson, Candy on behalf of City of London,

Geraghty, Carol

From: Sent: To: Subject:

Squire, Tina on behalf of City of London, Webmaster Tuesday, January 20,2004 2:51 PM Geraghty, Carol FW: City Council App Form

Importance: High

-----Original Message----- From: City of London, Webmaster Sent: Tuesday, January 20, 2004 1:36 PM To: City of London, Webmaster Subject: City Council App Form Importance: High

appname: Copp, T. Bray1 position: London International Airport, Board of Directors appaddl: 126 Hunt Club Drive appadd2: London, Ontario appadd3: N6H 3Y7 phonday: (519) 679-9000 phonres : (519) 471-4743 occup: Businessman workexp: Copp Builders! Supply Company Limited 1952 - Present President and Owner since 1962 educatin: Grade 13 skills: Wide knowledge of our City. Business knowledge. Investment in several past and present Corporations in the City. interest: I have the desire to give my ability to help our City. contrib: My experience in running successful businesses. pastcont: Past Director of St. Josephls Health Centre. Past President of St. Josephls Health Foundation. Past Director of Junior Achievement of London and past Chair of the Board of Trustees of Junior Achievement of London. Chaired the 1988 and Co-Chaired the 2003 Mission Services of London successful Capital Campaigns. exchange: I have been a Director of several Public, Private and Non-Profit Corporations. intrview: yes emailadd: mailto:[email protected]


Page 12: Geraghty, Carol - London, Of...2004/01/28  · Geraghty,Carol From: Sent: To: Subject: Johnson, Candy on behalf of City of London,

January 22,2004

Claudio De Vincenzo 10 Redford Road London, Ontario N5X 3V5 51 9-964-5598

City Clerk City of London Reference: Application for Appointment

Dear Members of the Board of Control and City Council:

I am submitting this application for nomination as a member of the Greater London International Airport Authority (GLIAA). I am a resident who has lived in London for 40 years, I take pride in this city and I am convinced that it will continue to grow, yet s d l remain one of the best cities to live in Canada. As a person who has worked near and used the airport extensively I believe I can contribute to the its continued growth. The airport and surrounding area is critical to the economic well being of our city and I wish to participate in its future.

I believe my education (MBA from Ivey) and work history (General Motors/General Dynamics) will provide the type of input that the Arrport Authority is seeking. I can bring the view from both an industrial/manufactg aspect, as well as a citizen that has invested in this city, including properties in North London and Downtown for the past 17 years.

I thank you in advance for consideration of the attached application to this important position.


b- audio De Vincenzo

Page 13: Geraghty, Carol - London, Of...2004/01/28  · Geraghty,Carol From: Sent: To: Subject: Johnson, Candy on behalf of City of London,

Application for appointment to: Name: De Vincenzo, Claudio Address :

Greater London International Airport Authority

10 Redford Road, London Ontario, N5X 3V5

(5 19) 660-01 95 Telephone Number (day): (5 19) 964-5598

, Telephone Number (residence): l e-mail [email protected]


Describe your work experience: Deputy Program Manager, General Dynamics - Canada (GDLS).

I have worked at GM Electro-MotiveIGDLS in London for over 20 years in various positions of increasing responsibility, including manufacturing, material handling, project management and start-up of warehouses in London and Mexico and program management of defence contracts.

Describe your educational background: - - - -

Master of Business Administration - University of Western Ontario (Ivey). Honours Bachelor of Arts - University of Western Ontario, Industrial Management Certificate - Fanshawe College. Human Resources Management Certificate - Fanshawe College.

What skills, abilities and specialized knowledge do you have that will assist this body? -

- -

Excellent listening, oral and written communication skills. Strong analytical skills for implementing solutions to complex problems. Experience in preparations of budgets, forecasts and performance measurement matrices. High level of customer focus and ability to determine customer needs

Contract fact finding and negotiations (Supplier and Customer). Numerous company training programs in various aspects of industry.

- - Bid and Proposal preparation. - -

Why are you interested in serving the City of London on this body? -

- I am a forty-year resident who wants to participate in the future growth of the city. I genuinely want to give back to my community for the opportunities it has provided my family. I am a frequent traveler, as are many of my colleagues, and would bring a unique perspective due to the proximity of my employer to the airport. I believe that the widening of Airport Road will be a catalyst for more growth opportunities for the airport and surrounding area. I understand the need for commercial/industrial growth for our city and believe that Skyway Park is an essential component of that growth.


- -

Page 14: Geraghty, Carol - London, Of...2004/01/28  · Geraghty,Carol From: Sent: To: Subject: Johnson, Candy on behalf of City of London,

What contribution do you believe you can make to this body? - I have the interest and knowledge to contribute positively to further expanding

the airport and its surrounding area. I have a strong work ethic and am known for completing tasks on time and on budget. I am known to be a quick study on complex issues I believe I can bring unique ideas to the growth of Skyway Park As a person who has worked near and used the airport for 20 years I wish to be part of any future growth of this facility.

A current member, since 2002, of Brescia College’s Planning and Facilities Committee, involved in the recent addition of new offices and classrooms which opened in September 2003. A current member, since 1997, and past Chairperson of St Mary Choir School Council.


- - -

What past contributions have you made on a similar body or organization? -


What experience do you have in exchanging your views with others and in appreciating and respecting the skills, abilities and knowledge of others?

- As a Project Lead on several capital projects it was important to listen to various contrasting views and ensure that the team’s decisions supported the goals of the projects. I have had extensive experience in Canada, Mexico, U.S. and Norway in listening and arriving at consensus on various issues affecting our dealings with our partners in those countries, recognizing that decisions are arrived at differently depending on the culture. I was chosen as my MBA class representative because of my ability to work on and complete projects with many of colleagues. Part of this is identifying others’ strengths and then determining a method of using those strenghts to the team’s advantage. It has become evident over many years of school and work experience that everyone can contribute something to solving an issue, it is matter how each of us makes use of those contributions that adds to the success of projects.




Are you interested in such an interview? - Yes

Please include your e-mail address: - [email protected]

Page 15: Geraghty, Carol - London, Of...2004/01/28  · Geraghty,Carol From: Sent: To: Subject: Johnson, Candy on behalf of City of London,

From: Sent: To: Subject:

Squire, Tina on behalf of City of London, Webmaster Tuesday, January 20,2004 8:35 AM Geraghty, Carol FW: City Council App Form

Importance: High

- - - - -Original Message----- From: City of London, Webmaster Sent: Monday, January 19, 2004 9:17 PM To: City of London, Webmaster Subject: City Council App Form Importance: High

appname: Louie R. D'Orazio, MSc.Eng., MBA, P,Eng. position: Greater London International Airport Authority appaddl: 58 Rossiter Road appadd2: Ingersoll, Ontario appadd3: N5C 4E1 phonday: 1-905-575-1212 ext. 2240 phonres: 1-519-425-2618 occup: Chair - Mechanical & Industrial Engineering Technology workexp: 4Engineering Diversity (Engineering Materials, Metallurgy, Mechanical, Industrial, Management) 4Scholastic Excellence (Graduate Level Degrees) 4Management Excellence (M.B.A.) & Senior Management Experience 4Manufacturing Excellence (KanBan, Cellular Manufacturing (LEAN) , TQM, Inventory Management ) 4Technical Excellence (2 Patent Pendings) 4Extensive Background in;

a> Manufacturing, Operations and Total Quality Management Systems; b) Fabrication, Stamping & Bending, including Tool & Die, Machine Shop & Welding; C) Metallurgy, Heat Treat & Cryogenics, including Material Substitution; d) R & D. , including Detailed Project Mapping (Management & Execution) e) Extensive working agreements/partnerships with business, government & educational sectors.

educatin: Bachelor Of Applied Science In Engineering (Materials Engineering) University Of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario, Canada 1983

Masters Of Applied Science In Engineering (Mechanical) University Of New Brunswick, Fredericton, New Brunswick Canada

Thesis : Microstructures Of Niobium Low-Alloy Steel

Executive Masters Of Business Administration (MBA) Kennedy-Western University, Thousand Oaks, California, USA

Thesis : Marketing Plan For Micro-Alloyed Farming Implements "Published & Copyright with Library Of Congress (USA)

Doctor Of Philosophy (Engineering Management) Kennedy-Western University, Thousand Oaks, California, USA Estimated Completion Spring 2004




skills : interest: Although I live in Ingersoll, my entire family live in London. born and raised in London. least offering my skills in assisting city council.

My wife was also \ I want to keep a close attachment to the great city by at


Page 16: Geraghty, Carol - London, Of...2004/01/28  · Geraghty,Carol From: Sent: To: Subject: Johnson, Candy on behalf of City of London,

contrib: People Skills Management Skills Diplomacy & Communication Skills Technical Skills pastcont: I was extensively involved in Sault Ste. Marie from 1985 - 1990. At that time I was a member of the Parks & Recreation Advisory Committee and the Planning Committee. exchange: I would be more than happy to submit my resume however, my job involves the daily exchanging of my views with others and in appreciating and respecting the skills, abilities and knowledge of others.

For example:

Responsible for: -10 post-secondary programs - 5 apprenticeship programs - 1 applied degree program *35 faculty & support staff ٭ Designed & Implemented "1st Applied Degree" For Mechanical & Industrial Engineering (Tech Management) ٭ In-Process of Re-Designing & Implemented "Metallurgical Certificate Program", emphasis on Materials Engineering * Working with International Department on articulation agreements and degree completion with China.

intrview: y e s emailadd: mailto:[email protected]


Page 17: Geraghty, Carol - London, Of...2004/01/28  · Geraghty,Carol From: Sent: To: Subject: Johnson, Candy on behalf of City of London,

Geraghty, Carol

From: Sent: To: Subject :

Squire, Tina on behalf of City of London, Webmaster Monday, January 19,2004 9:32 AM Geraghty, Carol FW: City Council App Form

Importance: High

- - - - -Original Message----- From: City of London, Webmaster Sent: Saturday, January 1 7 , 2004 11:09 AM To: City of London, Webmaster Subject: City Council App Form Importance: High

appname : Eadinger , Edward (Ted) William position: Greater London International Airport Authority appaddl: 21-681 Commissioners Road West appadd2: London, ON appadd3: N6K 1B6 phonday: 519 657 7635 phonres: 519 657 7635 occup: Retired - Part time consultant workexp: Former President of CFPL-TV, General Manager of that station for 1 0 years, most recently Managing Director of Jesse's Journey. educatin: Partial University at the University of Saskatchewan. skills: Business background, media and public relations expertise, veteran traveller and tourism promoter interest: Our continued growth in passenger air travel is key to successful growth as a city and area. The challenges of the air industry appeal to me, and London's position in future planning will have a lasting impact on success in all areas contrib: Reflecting both the public opinion, and the need for positive and accurate fiscal caution would be my strongest assets. The importance of government negotiotion and funding support are similar to my experience working with the broadcasting regulators for som many years. I feel I could add judgement and counsel in these areas. pastcont: I served on the Convention Centre board since 1993 until 2000 and enjoyed a two and a half year term as Chair. I have been president of the London CDA branch in 1990/91, and was the Chair of the Management Committee of London 200. I also served as Chair of the Opening and Closing Ceremonies for the 2001 J e w Canada Games exchange: As demonstrated above I have led several volunteer committees and staff for successful London and area ventures I feel the ability to accept and share ideas and points of view were major reasons I enjoyed success in all these endeavours. Similarly in my work at CFPL-TV the need to interpret, choose and support the brightest talents was what made the best product come to air. At the Convention Centre I chaired the Marketing sub-committee and led to the improvement of short and long term planning for the centre's good.

intrview: yes emai 1 add : mailto:[email protected]


Page 18: Geraghty, Carol - London, Of...2004/01/28  · Geraghty,Carol From: Sent: To: Subject: Johnson, Candy on behalf of City of London,

Geraghty, Carol

From: Sent: To: Subject:

Johnson, Candy on behalf of City of London, Webmaster Friday, January 23,2004 3:39 PM Geraghty, Carol FW: City Council App Form

Importance: High

Candy City of London Concierge (519) 661-4500

-----Original Message----- From: City of London, Webmaster Sent: Friday, January 23, 2004 3:35 PM To: City of London, Webmaster Subject: City Council App Form Importance: High

appname: Dawn L. Erskine position: London Airport Authority appaddl: 19 King St. appadd2: London, Ontario appadd3: N6A 5N8 phonday: (519) 663-2222 phonres: (519) 663-2222 occup: Self Employed- Graphic Design & Marketing workexp: 2000-2003 - Self Employed- Graphic Design & Marketing 1998-2001- General Manager of a Marina 1985-1997- London City Council's Board of Control and Ccluncillor

During my time on Council I was; Chair and Vice Chair of the Planning Committee

Chair and Vice Chair of the Environment Committee

Member of the Community and Protective Services Committee

Chair and Member of numerous committees (I would be pleased to expand on any of these committees if required during the interview.

1994-1997-Owned Absolute Office Services Ltd.

1972-1987- Sales and Marketing Manager -Interior Designer and Upholsterer

educatin: Education H.B. Beal Highschool

Fanshaw College -Interior Design

University of Western Ontario -Mediation and Conflict Resolution

skills: I have 12 years experience analyzing the City of London budgets and making critical decisions on a variety of issues that affect our city. Having the knowledge of running my own business and being involved in economic development in the city gives me the experience to analyze the requirement necessary to maintain a strong corporation. I understand the need to balance fiscal restraint with the needs of the community and the


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growth of the business. I also believe there is a positive economic benefit for the City of London to have a well run airport. We have made a lot of progress in this direction and I would like to see it continue. I feel that my abilities and experience will assist in continuing the positive growth at the airport which in turn reflects on the city.

interest: As a mother, businesswoman, long time citizen and also having served as an elected member of London City Council for 12 years, I feel that I have the knowledge and experience to bring a positive and necessary perspective to this important body. contrib: I have traveled a great deal throughout most parts of the-world and.have gained alot of experience about the customer needs and experience within an airport. My experience on Council, numerous committees and my professional business and mediation abilities would be positive contributions.

pastcont: I have contributed on a wide range of issues, projects and budgets during my 9 years as Councillor representing Ward 4 and my 3 years as a member of the Board of Control.

I have also served numerous committees of diverse types throughout the city in which I have made significant contributions. I would be please to expand on this during my interview.

exchange: My business, environmental, political and mediation experiences over the past thirty years in London have provided me with the skills, abilities and knowledge to effectively communicate and interact with a wide variety of people on a myriad of issues in diverse circumstances intrview: yes emailadd: mailto:[email protected]


Page 20: Geraghty, Carol - London, Of...2004/01/28  · Geraghty,Carol From: Sent: To: Subject: Johnson, Candy on behalf of City of London,

Geraghty, Carol

From: Sent: To: Subject:


Good morning Carol, Thanks

Johnson, Candy on behalf of City of London, Webmaster Thursday, January 22,2004 11 :55 AM Geraghty, Carol FW: City Council App Form


can you please respond to this email?

Candy City- of London Concierge (519) 661-4500

- - - - -Original Message----- From: City of London, Webmaster Sent: Thursday, January 22, 2004 11:37 AM To: City of London, Webmaster Subject: City Council App Form Importance: High

appname: Hart, Gordon R position: Greater London International Airport Authority appaddl: 183 Pinebrook Place appadd2: London appadd3: N5X 4C6 phonday: (519) 675-1177 x 103 phonres: (519) 642-3953 'occup: President & CEO workexp: From 1993 to date I'have been involved in owning and managing insurance brokerages specializing in the employee benefits field. Currently I am the President and CEO of Selectpath Benefits & Financial Inc. Selectpath is one of Canada's fastest growing companies for the past two years. 64th in 2002 and 50th in 2003. Higher than 1,200% growth rate. educatin: Graduate of the University of Western Ontario - BA Economics - 1993 Various Insurance Industry Desigations including, Registered Health Underwriter Registered Employee Benefit Consultant Group Benefits Associate Re skills: Hands-on, grassroots understanding of the needs of the business community in the greater London area. Personal first-hand knowledge of many similar facilities all over the world. Higher than average knowledge of the industry through minority ownership in a private aerospace company. interest: The Greater London International Airport Authority will be London's gateway to attract and retain the highest caliber of individuals to work in London's growing business community. contrib: With our relationships with over 600 employers in Southwestern Ontario, we are constantly in contact with Human Resource departments, top level executives, and owners of small, medium, and large sized businesses. Through this contact we are constantly working on strategies that will attract and retain new talent to the various positions available in these firms. industries, we need to ensure that our gateway services are exceeding the expectations of the popluation it serves. pastcont: Served as a board member of the London Entreprenurial Education Association. Serve as a member of the Innovators Alliance. Founding member of the TechAlliance. Board member of the Boys and Girls Club of London. exchange: As a member of the Innovators Alliance and the TechAlliance, I am constantly in an Advisory Board position with many of our fastest growing companies in the province and country. These organization deal with the day-to-day issues of maintaining and expanding their businesses in a global economy, with global workforces to manage. The skills

Due to the competitive nature of the IT/Biotech/Advanced Manufacturing


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involved with working as a advisor with many CEOs and leaders of high growth businesses requires diverse skills in change adaptation, conflict resolution, team management, change management, and strategic thinking. The open exchange of views and ideas is paramount to positive outcomes. In my position of leadership at Selectpath and the exponential growth we have experienced, has given great insight as to personal strengths and weaknesses which create a unique self-awareness that is a positive skill in any form of collective partnership. intrview: yes emailadd : mailto:[email protected]


Page 22: Geraghty, Carol - London, Of...2004/01/28  · Geraghty,Carol From: Sent: To: Subject: Johnson, Candy on behalf of City of London,

J O E H A W L I K M A N A G E M E N T c 0 N S U L T A N T

January 2 1,2004

City Clerk’s Ofice Room 308, City Hall 300 Dufferin Avenue London, Ontario N6A 4L9

Re: Application for Appointment to Greater London Int. Airport Authority

Dear Board of Control,

Appointment to the GLIAA, outlined in your advertisement of January 10, 2004, matches my career interests and is strongly compatible with my skills and experience.

During the period 1998 to 2003, I attended the London Chamber Transportation Committee Meetings as an LEDC representative to keep informed on the progress of the airport. The presence of an International Airport in London was very helpfid in our strategy to have companies locate in London.

Importance of additional revenue streams at the airport are crucial due to the possible loss of an airline. The Co-Venture between the City and the airport offers the opportunity to be a revenue source and my LEDC experience would help in this initiative. A Trade-Free Zone might also be available.

I look forward to discussing this appointment opportunity with the Board.

Very truly yours,

1102 The Parkway, London, Ontario N6A 2x3 Tel: (519) 433-6060 Fax: (519) 433-0954

Page 23: Geraghty, Carol - London, Of...2004/01/28  · Geraghty,Carol From: Sent: To: Subject: Johnson, Candy on behalf of City of London,

Application Form for Appointment for the City of London Boards, Commissions, Commi ... Page 1 of 3

Home I City Hall directory I Contact us

Application For Appointment To City Of London Boards, Commissions, Committees

Please complete all the fields in this application: 1

appointment to:



Telephone Number ll (day):

Telephone Number I, residence):


background :

What skills, abilities and specialized knowledge do you have that will assist this body?

Greater London International Airport Authoi

Hawlik, Joseph C

1102 The Parkway

London, Ontario

N6A 2x3

(5 19) 433-6060

(5 19) 433-6060

; Retired

:See attached resume.



I l i

I I : See attached resume.

See SUMMARY in attached resume.

1' 1; ............................................................................................................................................

http ://www. city .1 ondon. on .ca/Council/appform . htm 1 /2 1 /2004

Page 24: Geraghty, Carol - London, Of...2004/01/28  · Geraghty,Carol From: Sent: To: Subject: Johnson, Candy on behalf of City of London,

Application Form for Appointment for the City of London Boards, Commissions, Commi ... Page 2 of 3

Nhy are you nterested in serving he City of London on his body?

To a s s i s t t h e C i t y i n e x p a n s i o n of t h e a i r p o r t and m a i n t a i n i n g t h e a i r p o r t a s an i m p o r t a n t key i n t h e economic growth of t h e C i t y o f London.


I f

..................................................................................................................................... Nhat contribution do : E x p e r i e n c e g a i n e d i n my p o s i t i o n a t I . :I; /OU believe you can II ! t h e LEDC would a s s i s t i n deve lopment

o f l a n d s i n t h e Co-Venture Agreement between t h e a i r p o r t and t h e C i t y .

I I: ahat past zo ntri buti ons have jou made on a similar body or organization?

/ S e r v e d on t h e S e r v i c e D e l i v e r y jAdvisory Board i n 1 9 9 7 .

I 1:

What experience do you have in exchanging your views with others and in appreciating and respecting the skills, abilities and knowledge of others?

Managing a b u s i n e s s f o r 15 y e a r s and LEDC p o s i t i o n working w i t h many v a r i o u s d e p a r t m e n t s p r o v i d e d e x p e r i e n c e i n r e s p e c t i n g a b i l i t i e s o f o t h e r s .

I f

I j : >I


At the discretion of the Board of Control, and dependent also on each applicant's expression of interest, all or some of the applicants may be invited to attend a short

private interview with the Board of Control. The purpose of such interviews is to allow applicants an opportunity to elaborate on their application.


Are you interested in such an interview? i:@:i Yes :.I No , .

The Board of Control then submits recommendations to the Council on appointments. The final approval of appointments is given by the Council.

if you require any additional information about the Committee appointment process or if you have any questions about any of the bodies to which appointments are to be made, please contact the City Clerk's Office at (519) 661-4599.

Note: By electronically transmitting this application form, you are consenting to the release of it to the public and the media.

Please include your 11 address and j [email protected]

thank you for your submission.

f Submit application 1

http ://www. city .1 ondon. on. ca/Council/appfom . htm 1 /2 1 /2004

Page 25: Geraghty, Carol - London, Of...2004/01/28  · Geraghty,Carol From: Sent: To: Subject: Johnson, Candy on behalf of City of London,


JOSEPH C. HAWLIK, P. Eng. 1 102 The Parkway

London, Ontario N6A 2x3 Phone: (51 9) 433-6060

Fax: (519) 433-0954 E-Mail: jhawlik(

VE: Appointment to the Greater London lnternationa Authority.


SUM MARY: Proven strong record of managerial experience running a successful and profitable business. Acute attention to detail facilitated the decision by companies to choose London over other communities. Results-oriented, self-motivated team contributor. Ability to establish long-term personal relationships with senior business executives.


I998 to 2003 LONDON ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Partnership between the City of London and the private sector to facilitate the process of attracting and retaining investment.

Director, Business Development Attract new businesses to the city and provide site location assistance and analysis for potential new investors.

0 Directed team to successfully attract three (3) customer contact centres and three (3) medium automotive parts ma nufact u rers.

0 Participated in successful attraction of three (3) large au tom0 t ive parts manufactu rers .

0 Deveioped relationships with key decision makers and influencers.


Management Consultant

0 Developed marketing plan.

Completed feasibility study for London Commercialization Cent re.

Restructured procedures for locating companies in Research Park.

Assisted in transfer of technology to private sector.

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1981 to 1995 LAKESIDE CONTROLS LTD. London, ON Manufacturer’s Representative providing sales representation in SW Ontario for Fisher Controls, (Div. Emerson Electric $12billion annual sales). Leading worldwide manufacturer of control valves, pressure regulators and process instruments.

President and Owner

1967-1 980

0 Founded company in 1981.

0 Designed and built 16,000 sq. ft. sales and warehouse faci I i ty .

Increased sales from $2.6 million to over $9.0 million in ten (1 0) years.

0 Devised innovative sales and marketing business plans and earned eleven ( I I) Fisher Sales Achievement Awards.

0 Increased staff from eight (8) to sixteen (16) concentrating on customer satisfaction and quality control.

0 Negotiated long term purchase agreements with customers.

0 Company named winner of 1993 London Chamber of Commerce, Outstanding Business Achievement Award.

0 Selected by US based Inc. Magazine as finalist for “1994 Positive Performer Customer Service” Award.

KAMBRIA CONTROLS LTD. Toronto, ON Manufacturer‘s Representative for Fisher Controls.

Vice-president, Sales 0 Developed sales and marketing plan for the Power


0 Recruited and trained sales engineers.

Initiated and managed joint research projects between Fisher and AECL.

Customized and created new products to meet customer needs.

EDUCATION: Mechanical Engineering Degree University of Cincinnati

PROFESSIONAL: Professional Engineer, Province of Ontario Completed Commercial Mediator Program, Level I and II.

Page 27: Geraghty, Carol - London, Of...2004/01/28  · Geraghty,Carol From: Sent: To: Subject: Johnson, Candy on behalf of City of London,

Geraahtv. Carol

From: Sent: To: Subject:

Johnson, Candy on behalf of City of London, Webmaster Friday, January 23,2004 3:39 PM Geraghty, Carol FW: City Council App Form

Importance: High

Candy City of London Concierge (519) 661-4500

- - - - -Original Message----- From: City of London, Webmaster Sent: Friday, January 23, 2004 3:Ol PM To: City of London, Webmaster Subject: City Council App Form Importance: High

appname: Michael A. Lake position: London Airport Advisory Committee appaddl: 39 Markland Drive appadd2: London appadd3: N6C 5J9 phonday: 519-672-5666 phonres: 519-672-3033 occup: Lawyer workexp: Partner practising exclusively in the area of Commercial Law for 24 years with McKenzie Lake Lawyers LLP and previously with Ross, Bennett & Lake educatin: Bachelor of Arts(Economics) McMaster University 1974

Bachelor of Laws (LLB) Osgoode Hall Law School 1977

Called to the Bar Province of Ontario 1979

skills: I have considerable business experience, acquired in my practice and from my clients' businesses.

My activities on boards and committees and particularly within the aviation industry should assist me in gaining insight into the particular challenges and opportunities presented to the Airport. interest: I believe that the London Airport is a vital infrastructure component in the growth and development of our City For London to advance a commercial center and provide amenities that Londoners require and deserve, the continued success and improvement of the Airport is imperative.

I have a particular interest in aviation and have served. on the Board of Directors of a private air carrier. contrib: I can provide the benefit of a wealth of legal, management and business experience.

While I believe I possess significant leadership skills, I believe that my greatest strengths lie in the ability to analyze complex problems and work effectively on a team. pastcont: Member of Finance Committee of Covent Garden Market Co-chair Canadian Bar Association - Real Estate Section Chair and President of Beaver Valley Ski Club Corporate Secretary Vistajet Corporation Corporate Secretary South London Non-Profit Housing Corporation


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Lecturer Ontario Bar Admission Course Lecturer Canadian Bar Association Annual Institute Lecturer Canadian Real Estate Institute Corporate Secretary Beaver Valley Ski Club exchange: My experience as a lawyer, business manager and participant on various boards and committees has taught me the value of questioning and listening.

While I am confident in my own values and approach to problems, I do not hesitate to adopt a contrary position that is well-reasoned and articulated.

I believe in achieving consensus wherever possible. intrview: yes emailadd: mailto:[email protected]


Page 29: Geraghty, Carol - London, Of...2004/01/28  · Geraghty,Carol From: Sent: To: Subject: Johnson, Candy on behalf of City of London,

Geraghty, Carol

From: Sent: To: Subject:

Johnson, Candy on behalf of City of London, Webmaster Friday, January 23,2004 3:39 PM Geraghty, Carol FW: City Council App Form

Importance: High

Candy City of London Concierge (519) 661-4500

- - - - -Original Message----- From: City of London, Webmaster Sent: Friday, January 23, 2004 12:45 PM To: City of London, Webmaster Subject: City Council App Form Importance: High

appname: MARTI LUSSIER position: GREATER LONDON INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT AUTHORITY appaddl: 212 MARTINET AVENUE appadd2: LONDON, ON appadd3: N5K 4V2 phonday: 519-439-3031 phonres: 519-659-8853 occup: PARALEGAL workexp: As a paralegal for the past 14 years I have extensive experience in the following areas :

Advocating, mediation, research, management of personnel., presentation of information, organizational skills, prepare, research and represent clients at trial, work with individuals from different cultural and ethnic background. I also have extensive experience working with developmentally disabled children.1 am able to handle high pressure situations and meet deadlines, multi-tasking, experience in tribunals, commissions, and board work along with the Ontario Court. As well I have extensive experience with the Federal Court document preparations, extensive knowledge of the law and the legal field. I am a Commissioner of Oaths, educatin: College graduate - Executive Administration (Flestervelt and Fanshawe), law courses and mediation courses. skills: I would be able to provide a valuable perspective to this committee. I have very detailed knowledge of how to access and deal with various governmental organizations and ministries. I am very capable of working with a team to achieve a mutual goal under quite strict timelines and guidelines. Thinking outside the hox is a tool that I utilize each and every day.

Time management is crucial in working to meet specific deadlines with a group of people.

I understand and accept what is necessary for a city to grow. Having the London Airport designated as an International Airport was an enormous coupe and vital for the growth of the city and for the recongition in the international world as a destination.

interest: I was a candidate in Ward 7 in the 2003 Munici.pa1 Elections. The experience allowed me to learn a great deal about this city. I want to continue learning and contributing to the betterment of London. I actively campaigned on my belief that our community and city can work together to maintain a high standard of excellence in making London the city to visit, invest in and to live. My first hand experience has allowed me a unique perspective of understanding how vital this is.

Before the 2003 elections I had never had any political experience, but I do know how to 1

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make things happen, how to meet a deadline and how to work as a team to a mutual goal.

Community involvement is vital to the growth and vitality of any city. This is a wonderful opportunity offered to the citizens of the city that I wish to take advantage of and be part of. contrib: I believe I can offer a unique perspective from the point of view of a business person, and parent of a child with a developmental disability. I have definately learned to manage my time and skills. achieve the goals I set out to reach. busy legal office environment along with the ability to represent and advocate for others allows me to have a unique and untainted perspective.

I have the ability to work quickly and diplomatically to My business background in working and managing a

I am cool under pressure and have the ability to encourage others. pastcont: I am a member of the Autism Society and a past: member of the Paralegal Society of Ontario.

As a member of the Autism Society I am actively involved in advocating for children with autism and promoting the education of the public to this disability.

I have worked extremely well with other members and I have been extremely successful in working with various businesses in the community in having them assist in supporting the Autism Society. exchange: I believe I can offer a unique perspective from the point of view of a parent of a child with a developmental disability. I have the ability to work diplomatically to achieve the goals I set out to reach. My business background in working and managing a busy legal office environment along with the ability to represent and advocate for others allows me to have a unique and untainted perspective.

Through my extensive experience as a paralegal often I im required to work with clients and opposing parties in obtaining a mutually satisfactory settlement. critical in these situations. I work in an immigration law firm and thus I am required to work with many different individuals and appreciate their various backgrounds. I respect others and the various contributions that they make. I conduct myself with integrity and respect for others. I treat all people with dignity and respect. I believe in the equal opportunity for every person. Due to my experience in obtaining services for my son, it was necessary for me to exercise extreme patience, faith and diplomacy. My skills enabled me to be successful in our challenges. I have always been a person who listens to others with the hope of learning more. I gleen from others marly things that I often transfer to my own life and experiences. intrview: yes emailadd : mailto:[email protected]

Mediation is


Page 31: Geraghty, Carol - London, Of...2004/01/28  · Geraghty,Carol From: Sent: To: Subject: Johnson, Candy on behalf of City of London,

Geraahtv. Carol

From: Sent: To: Subject:

Johnson, Candy on behalf of City of London, Webmaster Thursday, January 22,2004 1 :44 PM Geraghty, Carol FW: City Council App Form

Importance: High

Good afternoon Carol, can you please respond to this email? Thanks Candy City of London Concierge (519) 661-4500

- - - - - Original Message----- From: City of London, Webmaster Sent: Thursday, January 22, 2004 12:59 PM To: City of London, Webmaster Subject: City Council App Form Importance: High

appname: Charles Steven Miller position: Greater London Internation Airport Board appaddl: 1657 Gloucester Road appadd2: London, Ontario appadd3: N6G 2S5 phonday: 519-657-5339 phonres: 519-439-3096 occup: Real Estate Broker / Developer workexp: Specializing in all aspects of Commercial real estate development including site selection, lease negotiations, site design, city approvals, construction, etc. Consultant for the University of Western Ontario Research Park development. Full range Property Management. educatin: 25 years of continued real estate professional training, real estate brokers courses, high school diploma. skills: As a business owner, I believe the skills I possess as an entreprenuer would be useful to the board. The Airport Authority operates as a Landlord for a significant number of businesses and as such my expertise in dealing and negotiating with tenants would be valuable to the board. interest: I believe the London Airport is a significant economic engine for London that should be realized. The skills I can offer would help the Airport Authority capitalize on their opportunities. 1-believe that the City should have a representative on the Board who would be accountable to the City plus be a valuable member to the Board. contrib: I believe that I can ensure that the Board,can crystalize the maximum profits available through its real estate holdings. With the intimate knowledge of real estate development thoughout south western Ontario and 25 years in London 1 am confident that as new opportunities come forward they can be presented immediately to the Board. Good opportunities are quickly obsorbed by the real estate industry. To ensure success it is critical to be on Itthe front linef1, recognize the opportunity and react accordingly. pastcont: I was a founding Board member of IIAdvance Londonf1 which initiated the formation of the LEDC. The LEDC was designed to move the challenge of the City of Londonls economic growth away from City Hall to allow its members to focus on their specific task. exchange: I consider myself a Ifpeople personll and therefore enjoy interaction and respect the views of others. In my profession it is absolutly essential to have and maintain these communication skills. Having successfully negotiated hundreds of leases with ranging views and personalities I can boast a Irwin winf1 completion to all of my negotiations. intrview: yes t

emailadd: mailto:[email protected]


Page 32: Geraghty, Carol - London, Of...2004/01/28  · Geraghty,Carol From: Sent: To: Subject: Johnson, Candy on behalf of City of London,

Geraghty, Carol

From: Sent: To: Subject:

Squire, Tina on behalf of City of London, Webmaster Monday, January 19,2004 9:32 AM Geraghty, Carol FW: City Council App Form

Importance: High

-----Original Message----- From: ,City of London, Webmaster Sent: Saturday, January 17, 2004 12:42 PM To: City of London, Webmaster Subject: City Council App Form Importance: High

appname: SEMOTIUK, Dr. Darwin M. position: Greater London International Airport Authority appaddl: 1348 Hastings Drive appadd2: London, Ontario appadd3: N5X 252 phonday: (519) 661-3088 phonres: (519) 660-0870 occup: University Professor workexp: Full Professor School of Kinesiology Faculty of Health Sciences The University of Western Ontario London, Ontario N6A 3K7

Past Chair, Intercollegiate Athletic Program, UWO

educatin: Bachelor of Physical Education(BPE)-Alberta(l965) Master of Arts (MA) -Alberta (1967) Doctor of Philospohy(PH.D)-Ohio State(1970) skills: Proven record of leadership at the institutional and community levels Senior management experience at The University of Western Ontario Strategic planning,budget preparation/monitoring and human resource mangement experience (institutiona1,local national and international levels) Marketing, public relations and public speaking/presentation skills Communication skills(written and verbal) Proven record of having developed corporate and community partnership opportunities Personal motivation and team building skills(from athletic coaching and sports administration background)


interest: As a citizen of London for nearly 33 years, I personally feel that it is important that we all do our share in playing an active role in improving the quality of life in our community.Participating on this committee would represent a new and very interesting opportunity for me.Indeed,I would welcome the challenge that it would represent and am confident that my personal and professional contributions would be both positive and significant.1 am especially intrigued with the potential that exists for growing and expanding the economic potential associated with this important community resource. contrib: I believe that I can bring a lot of things to this Committee which will allow it build upon its current position of strength.My thirty(30) plus years of institutional/comunity experience and involvement would be of benefit to the GLIAA.As' wel1,I am particularly interested in being an active participant in developing and articulating a long term vision and plan for the Authority.1 would see myself as being,an effective member of 'the team' charged with this important responsibility. pastcont: University Professor- 'a proven record of 33 years of teaching, research and


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service Senior administrative responsibilities-the preparation of strategic planning documentstbudget preparation and management,staff supervision and motivation, and human resource management Past UWO experience includes a term as Chair of the Senate Committee on University Planning(SCUP) and the Senate University Budget Affairs Committee(SUBA) Some of my recent/current involvement with Community Boards would include the following: London Community Foundation(Chair,Grants Committee) ,Cornunity Spirit Foundation of Western Ontario, Southwestern Ontario Children's Care, Inc., Board of Directors(YMCA of London, Executive PLanning Committee) and President, Board of Governors, Sunningdale Golf and Country Club. During my career, I have also had significant leadership roles(senior positions, Board memberships and Executive Committee responsibilities) in provincial, national and international university sport organizations. Over the years, I have had the opportunity to play a major leadership role in London bid committees seking major national and international games(Pan-American Games, Commonwealth Games and Canada Summer Games) I

A more detailed and complete resume is available upon request exchange: My simple response to this question is ..... LOTS!!!As I reflect on the past years, a lot of my time has been spent in meetings ...... It is my view that I am most comfortable in working in a small group environment and consider myself to be a loya1,team player. I also consider myself to be tolerant and respectful of different viewpoints and have very good listening skills.

Thank-you for your consideration of this application and I would welcome the opportunity to discuss my candidacy for this appointment with you. intrview: yes emai 1 add : mailto:[email protected] and [email protected]


Page 34: Geraghty, Carol - London, Of...2004/01/28  · Geraghty,Carol From: Sent: To: Subject: Johnson, Candy on behalf of City of London,

Geraghty, Carol

From: Sent: To: Subject:

Johnson, Candy on behalf of City of London, Webmaster Wednesday, January 14,2004 11 :I 7 AM Geraghty, Carol FW: City Council App Form

Importance: High

Good morning Carol, can you please respond to this email?

Thank you

Candy City of London Concierge (519) 661-4500

- - - - --Original Message----- From: City of London, Webmaster Sent: Wednesday, January 14, 2004 10:32 AM To: City of London, Webmaster Subject: City Council App Form Importance: High

appname: Janet E. Stewart, Q.C. position: Greater London International Airport Authority appaddl: 830 1/2 Waterloo Street appadd2: London ON appadd3: N6A 3W6 phonday: 519-672-4131 phonres: 519-434-1950 occup: Lawyer workexp: I have been associated with Lerners since 1969 as an associate, partner and Managing Partner. educatin: BA, University of Toronto - 1964

Called to the Bar with Honours, 1969 skills: I have practised in the business law field for 35 years handling a variety of matters including contracts and leases. interest: I have a history of involvement in the community and would like the chance to be part of the Greater London International Airport Authority. contrib: I will be diligent in asking the right questions and well prepared for meetings. pastcont: I have been a member of the Board of London Economic Development Corporation and the London Convention Centre. I have sat on a number of not for profit Boards. exchafige: I have led Lerners as Managing Partner for 12 years. I have also been a Board President of several organizations. I work with young lawyers in my firm and am a resource to others in the community. intrview: yes emailadd: mailto:[email protected]


- LLB, Osgoode Hall Law School, 1967


Page 35: Geraghty, Carol - London, Of...2004/01/28  · Geraghty,Carol From: Sent: To: Subject: Johnson, Candy on behalf of City of London,

Geraghty, Carol

From: Sent:

Subject : TO:

Johnson, Candy on behalf of City of London, Webmaster Thursday, January 22,2004 9:00 AM Geraghty, Carol FW: City Council App Form

Importance: High

Good morning Carol, can you please respond to this email? Thanks

Candy City of London Concierge (519) 661-4500

- - - - - Original Message----- From: City of London, Webmaster Sent: Wednesday, January 21, 2004 7:31 PM To: City of London, Webmaster Subject: City Council App Form Importance: High

appname: David Travers-Gillespie position: Greater London International Airport Authority appaddl: 371 Princess Avenue appadd2: London. ON appadd3: N6B 2A7 phonday: 439 0165 phonres: 433 6951 occup: Architect and Mediator workexp: 1. 25 years of International professional experience in Ireland, Scotland, USA and Canada. Canadian experience includes Ontario, Alberta, Ontario and Nava scotia. 2. Experience in London includes all categories of project types, 4 municipal design awards and 15 years of practice in London as a business owner and manager. 3. Teacher at Fanshawe College

educatin: MA B.Arch(SC) Dip Arch Dip Arch Tech Member of the Ontario Association of Architects (MOAA) Member of the Arbitration and Mediation Association of Ontario (MAMIO)

skills: 1. Organizational structures. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6 . 7. 8 . 9.

Mediator. Lateral thinker. Organized. Good humoured and relaxed. Understanding of business plans and the need to have developed time lines and goals. Appreciation of confidentiality, when required,Good communication skills Experienced with public communications and responsibilities. Understanding of the physical environment and man/technology. requirements.

10. Appreciation of environmental issues. interest: As an immigrant to Canada, I selected London my first choice in which to live, raise a family and conduct business. This decision was arrived at through a recognition of Londons all encompassing community represented by many nationalities, its academic and sports facilities and opportunities and its special geographic location within two hours of a major industrial node in Canada and North America. Communications and transportations sytems are key to the future success and the realizations of investments already made by industry, medical facilities, individuals and municipality. I view London as a national asset and want to contribute to its realization contrib: 1. Extensive experience in working as a team member.


Page 36: Geraghty, Carol - London, Of...2004/01/28  · Geraghty,Carol From: Sent: To: Subject: Johnson, Candy on behalf of City of London,

2. Ability to project images verbally. 3 . Facilitator with excellant listening skills. Recognizes positions and arguments on merit. I have extensive experience working with all levels of Government as well as major corporate bodies. 4 . I have a global view as a result of my international background and have a positive view of Londons position both nationally and internationally. pastcont: 1.City Appointee to the Dearnesss Homes Advisory Committee 2. Member of the London Chamber of Commerce (Planning sub committee) 3 . Rotary club of London. 4 . President of the Irish Canadian Chamber of Commerce. 5. Board of Directors to the Middlesex Community Living. 6 Founding member of the FiaMa Fail youth party. 7. Founding member of Norview soccer club.

exchange: As a business owner and manager in the design and construction arena I have extensive experience interfacing with federal, Provincial & Municipal agencies as well as private service suppliers while communicating and directing private industry and subconsultant service suppliers. Additionally I am the local communications representative for the Ontario Association of Architects with Provincial and Federally elected local representatives. As a mediator I have learned and developed listening and lateral thought processes. As a teacher, understanding others and their contributions and skills is a necessity. This applies to all the fields I am involved in. As a board member and organiization president there is also a need to show respect and appreciation of others their skills knowledge and contributions. intrview: yes emailadd: mailto:[email protected]


Page 37: Geraghty, Carol - London, Of...2004/01/28  · Geraghty,Carol From: Sent: To: Subject: Johnson, Candy on behalf of City of London,


(Personal information on this form will be used to assist the Board of Control and the Council in selecting appointees for the various Civiebodies and is collected in accordance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act) -




4. *





Application for appointment to:

Home Address (please include postal code):

Telephone Number:. (Bus.) 6 7 (Home I P it is easier to attach your resume in response to questions ti,


Education: I I '

What skills, abilities and specialized knowledge do you have that will assist this body?

I W A h ' 11. What past contributions have you made on a similar body or organization?

and respecting the skills, abilities and knowledge of others? '

Page 38: Geraghty, Carol - London, Of...2004/01/28  · Geraghty,Carol From: Sent: To: Subject: Johnson, Candy on behalf of City of London,

I ’-


Residence: 87 Park Lane Crescent London N6K 2V1 (519) 641 - 4047


1998 to Present BOARD MEMBER Assessment Review Board

Toronto ‘-

Decision Maker with this Provincial Tribunal. Conducting Hearings for Assessment Appeals around Ontario

1991 to 1998 REFUGEE CLAIM OFFICER Federal Immigration and Rehgee

Board - Toronto

Comprehensive and diverse experience working in the Canadian refbgee determination system, highlighted by the following assignments:

- Counsel to Board Members

- Acting Senior RCO providing administrative and Hearings Assistance to staff and Members

= Research Officer in the Senior Analyst Unit of the IRB’s National research program, establishing domestic and foreign sources for the acquisition of information for use in the hearings process

- Served, not only in Toronto but at Headquarters in Ottawa and in almost every regional IRB office across Canada.

Page 39: Geraghty, Carol - London, Of...2004/01/28  · Geraghty,Carol From: Sent: To: Subject: Johnson, Candy on behalf of City of London,



Ontario Association of Medical Laboratories - Toronto

- Liaised with the Ontario Government, the medical community and diverse organizations

- Held the Senior Administrative Post, preparing position papers, budgets and investment portfolios

- Guided and managed diverse volunteer groups


- Established a general law practice


- Program host, news and sports announcer


I have derived great personal satisfaction working in the following volunteer capacities:

ONTARIO CUSTODY REVIEW BOARD Conducted hearings in this Young Offender Appeal process

UNITED WAY - LONDON Involved in the establishment of the “Mayor’s Brunch”. . .

VARIOUS Youth sports

REFERENCES are available upon request

ROGER D. WEST - Resume

Page 40: Geraghty, Carol - London, Of...2004/01/28  · Geraghty,Carol From: Sent: To: Subject: Johnson, Candy on behalf of City of London,


(Personal information on this form will be used to assist the Board of Control and the Council in selecting appointees for the various Civic bodies and is collected in accordance with the Municipal Freedom of lnhrmation and Protection of Privacy Act)

1. Application for appointment to:

6 WQ+ sr‘ Ld&, A%- p*A AdLcldk (Board, Commission, Committee, etc.)

2. Name: LA0” G lcawvi, w; \ a s 0 I

3. Home Address (please’include postal code):

* If it is easier to attach your resume in response to questions 5, 6 & 7, please feel free to do so.

8. What skills, abilities and specialized knowledge do you have that will assist this body?

v C~~~~~ fi-3 eq2 In\r * e, n.. I P m d e 5 WA& ol kwledga w R;, c, il. I b t \ i p & f G,,,, i a e, &5&J +a Sb&lZ c4 b o d , .

9. Why are you interested in serving the City of London on this body?

I I. What past contributions have yau-made on a similar body or organization? * VQV\rL. I

12. What experience do you have in exchanging your views with others and in appreciating and respecting the skills, abilities and knowledge of others?

depvee +F setvd-;it+-q a d a 3 - k r - h h e 5 J r 5

j&L .J-L e-w a wd GlFe sborn-+;*b 0-c Q SA$ ,I ed po s3@yef o i $ ck&c b. C r f , d b