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7/26/2019 Geothermal Energy Resources in Spain 1/12 AKADEMIA GORNICZO-HUTNICZA W KRAKOWIE Geothermal Energy Resoures !n "#a!n An o$er$!e% on on$et!on an& on&ut!on-&om!nate& #lays' Blanca Ruiz Morón

Geothermal Energy Resources in Spain

Mar 02, 2018



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Page 1: Geothermal Energy Resources in Spain

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Geothermal Energy

Resoures !n "#a!nAn o$er$!e% on on$et!on an&on&ut!on-&om!nate& #lays'

Blanca Ruiz Morón

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Geothermal energy !s the energy that !s store& as heat (eneath the sol!&sur)ae o) earth' It !s e*trate& to use !s &!retly as a soure o) heat or totrans)orm !t !nto eletr! energy'

Geothermal energy !s a r!s!ng +el& on rene%a(le energ!es' The &!ret usage asa heat soure !s one o) the most an!ent, $ersat!le an& also ommon %ay o) 

ta!ng a&$antage o) th!s !n& o) energy' A$a!la(le &ata sho% that, at the en& o) .//0, the num(er o) ountr!es that e*#lo!te& geothermal energy %as 12, %!than a$a!la(le a#a!ty o) 3/'324 M%t, %h!h means a gro%th o) a 12'05 )rom&ata )rom .//3, %h!h also means an a$erage gro%th o) 6.'445, %!th aa#a!ty )ator o) /'.1, or .'473 hours o) )ull loa& o#erat!on #er year 8"9nhe:et al, ./66;' The a#a!ty )ator !s

Capacity Factor=

Yearly energy use(   TJ 

 year ) Installed capacity ( MWt )

 x 0.1317

Figure 1. Installed capacities worldwide in 2010

Aor&!ng to an art!le (y <'W' =un&, there !s a relat!on (et%een the shorten!ngo) the use o) )oss!l )uels an& the em!ss!on sa$!ngs asso!ate& to the use o) 

geothermal energy, (ase& on a a#a!ty )ator o) /'43 !) the same amount o) energy %ere ut!l!:e& to generate eletr!!ty, an& o) /'1/ !) the e*#lo!tat!on %asnot as heat-l!e energy' The sa$!ng !n )uel (arrels, aor&!ng to th!s art!le,oul& (e hal) 8=un& et al', ./6/; o) %hat %e use& to&ay' The e*#lo!tat!on o) geothermal energy !s not neessar!ly e*#ens!$e, s!ne !t !s )a!rly susta!na(le'

Geolog!ally s#ea!ng, !t !s !m#ortant to ategor!:e &!>erent ty#es o) geothermal reser$o!rs aor&!ng to !ts tem#erature, &e#th, geometry, geology


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an& ?u!& hem!stry' We all eah o) th!s ategor!es @#lays' A @geothermal#lay !s a one#tual mo&el o) ho% a num(er o) geolog!al )ators m!ghtgenerate a reo$era(le geothermal resoure at a s#e!+ #os!t!on !n a erta!ngeolog! settl!ng6' The t%o #lay ty#es I %!ll (e )ouse& on &ur!ng th!s re#ort areon$et!on-&om!nate& an& on&ut!on-&om!nate& #lays'

In a on$et!on-&om!nate& geothermal #lay, heat !s trans#orte& )rom &e#th toshallo%er reser$o!rs o) the sur)ae (y the u#%ar& mo$ement o) ?u!& along#ermea(le #ath%ays' Th!s #lays !nlu&e all @h!gh-tem#erature geothermalreser$o!rs shallo%er than 4/// m, %h!h !nlu&e #laes near to #late teton!marg!ns or !n reg!ons %!th h!gh teton! at!$!ty, h!gh $olan! at!$!ty or young#luton!sm'

On the other han&, !n a on&ut!on-&om!nate& geothermal #lay, %e !nlu&e allo) %hat oul& (e alle& #ass!$e geothermal systems &ue to an a(sene o) )aston$et!$e ?o% or ?u!&s or short-term $ar!at!ons !n ?u!& &ynam!s' These #layty#es relate to #laes %here there has not (een reent teton! at!$!ty nor

magmat!sm' In these ty#e o) #lays, tem#erature !nreases stea&!ly %!th &e#th'In "#a!n %e an +n& (oth !n& o) #laysB lo%-tem#erature or on&ut!on-&om!nate& ones on the #en!nsula an& alear Islan&s an& on$et!on-&om!nate&on the Canary Islan&s'

"#a!n !s a ountry %here rene%a(le energ!es mean a 6/5 o) the total o) theenergy onsume&, (ut st!ll a $ery l!ttle #erentage o) geothermal energy !sonsume& 8aroun& /'/65 o) the total o) all the rene%a(le soures o) energy,(e!ng eol! an& solar energ!es the most onsume&;'

E$en though, geothermy !n "#a!n !s a &e$elo#!ng +el& an& the ountry ee#son !n$est!gat!ng an& e*#lor!ng th!s ty#e o) energy' It !s thought that (y ././,

geothermy oul& su##ort the energet! "#an!sh system %!th more than 6'1//MW'

Conduction-dominated plays on Peninsula Ibérica

Con&ut!on-&om!nate& geothermal #lay ty#es an (e su(&!$!&e& aor&!ng tothe natural #oros!ty-#ermea(!l!ty rat!o %!th!n the #otent!al reser$o!r ro, an&the a(sene or #resene o) #ro&u!(le natural reser$o!r ?u!&s'

 The tem#erature (elo% Earths sur)ae !nreases 4/ C )or e$ery !lometer&ee#' Th!s therm! gra&!ent, generate& (y the !nternal heat ?o% o) the #lanetan& the &!s!ntegrat!on o) the ra&!oat!$e elements )rom the rust, #ro&ues

%hat %e all geothermal energy'


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Ne$ertheless, the su(sur)ae o) the I(er!an Fen!nsula oul& #ro&ue u# to 1//GW 8Chamorro et al', ./6; !) the resoures %ere e*#lo!te& %!th eng!neer!nggeothermal systems 8EG";'

 The e*#lo!tat!on %!th EG" reu!re the !net!on o) a ?u!& J %ater or ar(on&!o*!&e- to e*trat the thermal energy o) the ro, loate& a )e% thousan&smeters (elo% the sur)ae, an& %h!h #ermea(!l!ty has (een st!mulate& %!th&!>erent )ratur!ng #roesses' A)ter th!s, the heate& ?u!& !s taen u# to thesur)ae, to the geothermal #lant, %here the energy !s turne& !nto eletr!!ty,usually %!th a (!nary-yle, %!th heat e*hange (et%een the %ater an& anorgan! ?u!&, an& then !s !nete& (a aga!n to the &e#os!t'

 There are e*#er!mental #lants l!e th!s, us!ng EG", !nountr!es l!e the Un!te& "tates, Austral!a or <a#an, (ut onlyone !s really onnete& to the ommer!al eletr! netB theone !n "oult:-sous-orLts !n rane' The rema!n!ng ones are

on the )e% :ones o) the #lanet %here thermal anomal!esha##en an& there !s hot %ater at shallo% &e#ths'


Figure 2. Heat fowmap on the surace o the Iberian Peninsula

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Figure 3. Geothermal Plant in oult!"sous"For#ts in France.

 The resoures o) EG" are %!&ely an& un!)ormly &!str!(ute&, so !ts #otent!al !senormous an& oul& #ro$!&e a . h energy ?o%' The 1// GW %e name& (e)oremean, a##ro*!mately, +$e t!mes the urrent eletr! #o%er !nstalle& !n "#a!n,a&&!ng u# )oss!l )uel, nulear an& rene%a(le energ!es'

E$en though the I(er!an Fen!nsula has a great geothermal #otent!al, there !snot any Geothermal #lant'

Not%!thstan&!ng th!s )at, there are small other %ays to tae a&$antage o) th!sgeothermal energy o) $ery lo% an& lo% tem#erature' or e*am#le, !n thea#!tal o) "#a!n, Ma&r!&, the #u(l! trans#ort om#any, Metro, !s +nan!ng&!>erent metho&s o) us!ng geothermal resoures !n &ee# su(%ay stat!ons tol!mat!:e them'

 The (est e*am#le o) th!s !s set on the Fa+o Metro stat!on, %!th a &e#th u# to/ meters, %or!ng s!ne .//0' The system hosen )or th!s !n& o) &e#th an&tem#erature %as a geothermal heat #um#, %h!h taes a&$antage o) theau!)er loate& at th!s #o!nt'

 There are 4. h!gh- &ens!ty, #olyethylene tu(es that tae the %ater to the

su(so!l, near 63/ m &ee#' There, the %ater loses heat an& ools &ur!ng thesummer or a(sor(s heat an& gets hot &ur!ng the %!nter'

On the +rst ase, the ool %ater goes through a re$ers!(le #um# 8ool-heat;an& t%o non-re$ers!(le #um#s 8ool-ool;, %!th a a#a!ty o) 6./ K%' On theseon& ase, the a#a!ty !s ./ K%' The annual &eman& !s (et%een 64/ MWhan& ./'3 MWh'

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Figure $. %etro de %adrid geothermal heat pump wor&ing scheme.

%ap 1. '(uier location map or the use o heat pumps on the )omunidad de %adrid

Convection-dominated play on the Spanish Canary Islands

Ne$ertheless, the real #otent!al on geothermal energy omes )rom the CanaryIslan&s'

Canary Islan&s !s an arh!#elago o) $olan! !slan&s, %!th se$en maor !slan&s,one m!nor an& se$eral !slets, )orme& (y the Canary hots#ot, (el!e$e& to ha$e


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+rst a##eare& a(out 7/ m!ll!on years ago' These arh!#elago !s the only #laeo) "#a!n %here $olan! eru#t!ons ha$e (een reor&e&, so !s an at!$e $olan!#lae'

 The ne!gh(or !slan& o) A:ores has u# to ..5 o) geothermal energy om!ng)rom on$et!on-&om!nate& #lays o$er the total, (ut th!s !n& o) energy !s not

so use& !n "#a!n yet'

Nonetheless, the use o) geothermal energy on the Canary Islan&s !s om#letely$!a(leB the e*#lo!tat!on o) geothermal energy %oul& ha$e a maor !m#at oneletr! energy, s!ne !ts #ro&ut!on !s #er)etly managea(le on the !nsularsystem' It also %oul& mean a &!ret usage as a heat!ng resoure to many#art!ulars an& enter#r!ses' It oul& also mean the eas!er usage o) &esal!n!:at!on #lants, us!ng lo%-tem#erature geothermal-?u!& &!st!llat!onmetho&s, %!th near to :ero eletr! onsume'

%ap 2. *hermic surace potential on the )anar+ Islands

"hallo% E*#lo!tat!on Possibilities on the Canary Islan&s. 

Canary Islan&s, %!th a #o#ulat!on o) o$er . m!ll!on #eo#le an& se$eral +el&s o) 

!n&ustry an& s!ent!+ !n$est!gat!ons (e!ng hel& an& &e$elo#e& on thearh!#elago, ha$e maor thermal an& eletr! neess!t!es'

 There are many metho&s o) e*#lo!tat!on o) th!s shallo% #lays, &e#en&!ng onmany )ators' Ma!n e*!st!ng metho&s to get &!ret usage to geothermal energyareB

6' Aor&!ng to the ty#e o) soure an& the &!str!(ut!on ?o%'


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.' Aor&!ng to the #ath o) heat e*hange4' Aor&!ng to the om#ress!$e energy 8Heat #um#s;' Aor&!ng to the &!str!(ut!on o) the terrestr!al olletor system'

Anyho%, the most !m#ortant use %e oul& g!$e to geothermal energy on theCanary Islan&s !s to use !t )or eletr!!ty' In general terms, the geothermal

energy that !s use& to #ro&ue eletr!!ty an (e o(ta!ne& )rom three &!>erentty#es o) ?u!&s, %h!h, at the same t!me re#resent three &!>erent ty#es o) resoures

1. Dry-steam reservoirsB geothermal reser$o!r %here su(sur)ae#ressures are ontrolle& (y steam rather than (y %ater'

2. et-steam reservoirsB the same as the #re$!ous (ut a l!u!& #hase!s #resent, not only $a#or, as !n the &ry-steam reser$o!rs'

3. Moderate-enthalpy reservoirsB %here (oth gas an& l!u!& #haseso) %ater an (e )oun& ontroll!ng the #ressures'

Aor&!ng to eah ty#e o) reser$o!r, there are three &!>erent ty#es o) #lants to

#roess th!s !nom!ng energyB6' Dry-steam #lantsB us!ng a &!ret ?o% o) geothermal steam'

Figure ,. -r+"steam plant wor&ing scheme


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.' lash #lantsB us!ng a m!*ture o) %ater an& steam' These are the (est#lants )or h!gh enthal#y &e#os!ts an& the most ommonly use& aroun&the %orl&' Usually, the resoures are o) h!gh tem#erature, (et%een 62/an& .3/ C' The ?u!& that gets to the sur)ae !s a m!*ture o) steam an&l!u!& %ater, %!th a s#e!+ #ressure an& tem#erature le$els %h!h&e#en& on the &e#th o) the %ell an& other )ators'

Figure . cheme o a Flash Plant /agel 200

4' !nary-yle #lantsB they %or as a lose& !ru!t, ta!ng a&$antage o) m!& tem#erature resoures' In the U"A, the (!nary yle use& !s alle&Ran!ne Cyle' The allo% us to e*#lo!t m!&&le tem#erature 86// - 63/C; an& h!gh sal!n!ty &e#os!ts'


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Figure 4. cheme o a 5inar+")+cle Plant /agel 200

A)ter e*#la!n!ng all th!s #oss!(!l!t!es an& &!>erent tehn!ues o) shallo%e*#lo!tat!on, !t !s also !m#ortant to get to no% some ase stu&!es on theCanary Islan&s' The area %here most o) th!s geothermal &omest! #lants areo#t!m!:e& are hotels, malls an& resorts' or !nstane, !n the !slan& o) uerte$entura there !s one o) the most #o%er)ul !nstallat!ons, on @=asFalmeras sho##!ng mall, %!th a a#a!ty o) 6'22. W, or !n =an:arote, on@Arre!)e Gran Hotel %!th a a#a!ty o) 6'/17 W'

 There !s an est!mat!on o) more than 1'.// W !nstalle& on the %hole !nsulararea'


Geothermal e*#lorat!on on the Canary Islan& !s a ste# )or%ar& om#are& %!ththe e*#lorat!on on the rest o) the ountry, g!$en that there are many!n$est!gat!on #roets, lea&e& (y the ITER an& %!th the eonom! su##ort o) Fetratherm, one o) the most !m#ortant #r!$ate om#an!es on the e*#lorat!on)or geothermal resoures' Th!s )at maes the #roet on the Canary Islan&s atthe hea& o) the geothermal &e$elo#ment !n "#a!n'

I) all the #hases o) the #roet go as #lanne&, an& the !n$est!gat!ons ulm!nate%!th the )oun&!ng o) geothermal e*#lo!ta(le &ee# reser$o!rs, the !slan&s oul&ha$e the +rst geothermal #lant o) the ountry, as the ones %e e*#la!ne& alongth!s #a#er, %!th a a#a!ty o) ./ M%'

 The #ro(lem !s that the anar!an a&m!n!strat!on !s not )ully su##ort!ng th!s !n&o) !n$est!gat!on, so the susta!na(!l!ty an& sel)-su##ly !s st!ll not #oss!(le'


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 To sum u#, the $olan! or!g!n o) the Canary Islan&s !s a goo& soure o) geothermal energy #otent!al' Also, sea%ater !n+ltrat!ons #lay a $ery !m#ortantrole !n AC systems )or (!g sur)aes, as malls or resorts'

We an a&& that the l!matology, lat!tu&e an& alt!tu&e o) the !slan&s #re&!t agreat )uture an& h!gh #otent!al )or geothermal !nstallat!ons )or &!ret usage'

 The (est ase senar!o )or the e*#lo!tat!on o) geothermal energy on the CanaryIslan&s !s a %ell sta(l!she& regulatory )rame%or, %here the 6//5 o) the #oolsan& rereat!$e auat! #ars are al!mat!:e& only %!th rene%a(le energ!es'

It !s also neessary a more ?e*!(le leg!slat!on to ease the author!:at!on#roesses to get rene%a(le energ!es, an& geothermal energy !n #art!ular, toe$ery house an& (us!ness on the !slan&s'


CHAMORRO, C'R', GARCPA-CUE"TA, <'=', MONDQ<AR, M'E', =INARE", M'M'  'nestimation o the enhanced geothermal s+stems potential or the IberianPeninsula. Rene%a(le Energy 77 6-6, ./6'

5est Practice Guide or Geothermal 67ploration

KAGE=, A' *he tate o Geothermal *echnolog+ 8 Part II9 urace technolog+.

Geothermal Energy Asso!at!on' <anuary .//2'

=UND, <'W', REE"TONE, D'H', OD, T'H' -irect utili!ation o Geothermal6nerg+ 2010 :orldwide ;e<iew. Froee&!ngs Worl& Geothermal Congress ./6/8al!, In&ones!a;'

MEDINA WARMURG, ' 6studio de la energ=a geot>rmica en )anarias? @ageotermia de baAa entalp=a + somera.

"SNCHEZ, <', "ANZ, =', OCAA, =' 6<aluaciBn del potencial de energ=ageot>rmica. 6studio t>cnico P6; 2011"2020. IDAEB Inst!tuto #ara laD!$ers!+a!n y Ahorro &e la Energa' Ma&r!&, ./66'


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