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Georgia Performance Standards SS7H3 The student will analyze continuity and change in Southern and Eastern Asia leading to the 21st century. d. Describe.

Jan 19, 2018



Brice Boone

SS7E8 The student will analyze different economic systems. a. Compare how traditional, command, market economies answer the economic questions of (1) what to produce, (2) how to produce, and (3) for whom to produce. b. Explain how most countries have a mixed economy located on a continuum between pure market and pure command. c. Compare and contrast the economic systems in China, India, Japan, and North Korea. SS7E10 The student will describe factors that influence economic growth and examine their presence or absence in India, China, and Japan. a. Explain the relationship between investment in human capital (education and training) and gross domestic product (GDP). b. Explain the relationship between investment in capital (factories, machinery, and technology) and gross domestic product (GDP). d. Describe the role of entrepreneurship.
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Georgia Performance Standards SS7H3 The student will analyze continuity and change in Southern and Eastern Asia leading to the 21st century. d. Describe the impact of communism in China in terms of Mao Zedong, the Great Leap Forward, the Cultural Revolution and Tiananmen Square. e. Explain the reasons for foreign involvement in Korea and Vietnam in terms of containment of communism. SS7CG7 The student will demonstrate an understanding of national governments in Southern and Eastern Asia. a.Compare and contrast the federal republic of The Republic of India, the communist state of The Peoples Republic China, and the constitutional monarchy of Japan, distinguishing the form of leadership and the role of the citizen in terms of voting rights and personal freedoms. b. What is the role of the citizen in autocratic, oligarchic, and democratic governments? c. What are the similarities and differences between leadership, voting rights, and personal freedoms in the Federal Republic of India, The Peoples Republic China, and Japan? SS7E8 The student will analyze different economic systems. a. Compare how traditional, command, market economies answer the economic questions of (1) what to produce, (2) how to produce, and (3) for whom to produce. b. Explain how most countries have a mixed economy located on a continuum between pure market and pure command. c. Compare and contrast the economic systems in China, India, Japan, and North Korea. SS7E10 The student will describe factors that influence economic growth and examine their presence or absence in India, China, and Japan. a. Explain the relationship between investment in human capital (education and training) and gross domestic product (GDP). b. Explain the relationship between investment in capital (factories, machinery, and technology) and gross domestic product (GDP). d. Describe the role of entrepreneurship. Mao Zedong: His Rise to Power His Influence on Culture, Politics, and Economics in China Mao Zedong (Mao Tse-tung) Dynastic Rule Powerful ruling families called dynasties ruled China for about 4,000 years from about 2,000 BC to AD These rulers received the right to rule through a Mandate from Heaven: as long as they ruled justly, they would remain in power. Dynastic Rule in China The last of these dynasties was the Qing Dynasty 1644 1911 Shown here is the last emperor, PuYi, who came to the throne at age 2. Former Royal Residence Emperors lived in the Forbidden City. This complex was the imperial palace and home to twenty-four Chinese emperors between the years 1420 and The Forbidden City is now known as the Palace Museum and is open to Beijing's visitors. In front of the palace complex is a large public square known as Tiananmen Square. Forbidden City The Forbidden City is the world's largest surviving palace complex. It consists of 980 surviving buildings with 8,707 rooms. The Forbidden City (forbidden to all but royalty) was designed to be the center of the ancient, walled city of Beijing. It is enclosed in a larger, walled area called the Imperial City. The Imperial City is, in turn, enclosed by the Inner City; to its south lies the Outer City, the area open to everyday citizens. Looking Down the Emperors Bridge into the Forbidden City Tower of the Forbidden City Palace of Celestial Purity In front of the Forbidden City is Tiananmen Square, which became an icon of freedom in This shot was taken from inside the Tiananmen Gate. Tiananmen Square Massacre June 4, 1989 About 100,000 students and workers were protesting for freedom and democracy at Beijings Tienanmen Square. 2,500 people died according to the Chinese Red Cross, and 7, ,000 people were injured. After that, the US and EU announced an arms embargo on China. Information about this incident is restricted in China. This video is dedicated to the young people of generations that followed as a reference to the learning of their histories. It is forbidden in ChinaSbupH4H6qgLg7YW8BQ&q=Tienanmen+Square &ei=DhVg SbupH4H6qgLg7YW8BQ&q=Tienanmen+Square About 100,000 students and workers were protesting for freedom and democracy at Beijings Tienanmen Square. 2,500 people died according to the Chinese Red Cross, and 7, ,000 people were injured. After that, the US and EU announced an arms embargo on China. Information about this incident is restricted in China. This video is dedicated to the young people of generations that followed as a reference to the learning of their histories. It is forbidden in ChinaSbupH4H6qgLg7YW8BQ&q=Tienanmen+Square &ei=DhVg SbupH4H6qgLg7YW8BQ&q=Tienanmen+Square About 100,000 students and workers were protesting for freedom and democracy at Beijings Tienanmen Square. 2,500 people died according to the Chinese Red Cross, and 7, ,000 people were injured. After that, the US and EU announced an arms embargo on China. Information about this incident is restricted in China. This video is dedicated to the young people of generations that followed as a reference to the learning of their histories. It is forbidden Tiananmen Square - June 1989 End of the Qing Dynasty By the end of the 19 th century, the Qing dynasty had become very weakened by both internal and external problems and war. Powerful warlords had taken over in various areas of the country. Colonial powers were determined to carve up China and weaken her through such techniques as the Opium War. Chinas Descent By the late 19 th century, China had been weakened by weak central rule, powerful warlords and civil war, as well as threats from other countries, such as Japan, Russia, etc. In this 1890s cartoon, China helplessly throws up her hands as the United Kingdom, Germany, Russia, France, and Japan each try to carve a piece of the Chinese pie, showing the imperialist desires of these countries toward a weakened China. Chinese Warlords Control China The warlords were powerful, autonomous, local cliques that controlled China from 1916 to the 1930s, during the reign of the last weakened dynasty. They were happy to fight the communist forces, as they did not want to lose their power and lands. Communist Threats In 1917, Communist forces had overthrown the royal family in Russia. China was the next neighbor they set their sights on. Leaders tried to set up a nationalist democratic government. to fight the communist threat. Role Models Lenin and Marx Peoples War The Chinese Communist forces engaged in what is called a Peoples War. First, small groups win the affection and trust of the peasants in the countryside. They may help with the harvesting, dig wells, etc. Thus, they have local support to fight their enemies. A People's war strategically avoids decisive battles, since a tiny force of a few dozen soldiers would easily be routed in an all-out confrontation with the state. Instead, it favors the strategy of long, drawn out warfare, with carefully chosen battles that can realistically be won. A revolutionary force conducting people's war starts in a remote area with mountainous or otherwise difficult terrain in which its enemy is weak. It attempts to establish a local stronghold among the peasants. As it grows in power, it establishes other revolutionary base areas and spreads its influence through the surrounding countryside, where it may become the governing power and gain popular support through such programs as land reform. Eventually it may have enough strength to encircle and capture small cities, then larger ones, until finally it seizes power in the entire country. Techniques of War used by Communists Guerrilla warfare is the unconventional warfare and combat with which a small group of combatants use ambushes, raids, etc. to combat a larger and less mobile formal army. The guerrilla army uses ambush, stealth, and surprise to draw enemy forces into terrain unfamiliar and unsuited to them so that the enemy becomes the defensive target. This term means "little war" in Spanish and describes a conflict between armed civilians against a powerful national army. These tactics were used by the communist Viet Cong in the Vietnam War. Today, most factions of the Iraqi insurgency are said to be engaged in some form of guerrilla warfare. Mobile warfare was another technique used by Mao, who had a regular army that was far too big to hide, but made a point of retreating, conceding territory, and avoiding battle until he was ready to fight. The most notable example was the Long March, in which Mao marched in circles in until he had confused the vastly larger armies pursuing him. Long March of The Long March 1934 The Long March was a massive military retreat undertaken by the Red Armies of the Chinese Communist Party, later the Peoples Liberation Army, to escape the Chinese Nationalist Party army, led by Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek. There was not one Long March, but several, as various Communist armies in the south escaped to the north and west in October of Chiang The Communist Army was on the brink of complete defeat by Generalissimo Chiang Kai-sheks troops in Jiangxi province. The Communists, under the eventual command of Mao Zedong and Zhou Enlai, escaped in a circling retreat to the west and north, which reportedly traversed some 8,000 miles over 370 days, passing through some of the most difficult terrain of western China by traveling west, then north, to Shaanxi. The Long March began the rise to power of Mao Zedong, whose leadership gained him the support of the members of the party. Mao The Long March was survived by only one-tenth of the 86,000 man force that left Jiangxi. Out of this group, several leaders emerged, among them Mao Zedong, who eventually became the first chairman and head of the ruling Communist Party of China in 1943 until his death in 1976. Propaganda Poster Featuring Mao as the New Hero Young Mao Mao as First Chairman of the Chinese Communist Party Cult of Personality A cult of personality or personality cult arises when a country's leader uses mass media to create a heroic public image through unquestioning flattery and praise. Cults of personality are often found in totalitarian government systems. It is similar to general hero worship, except that it is created specifically for political or sometimes religious leaders. Do you recognize these guys? The Little Red Book Contained 427 quotes of Mao Studied in school and workplace Reinforced the Cult of Personality The Mao Must-Have 6 billion copies printed Maos attempt to change Chinese society All comrades had to own, read and carry the Little Red Book at all times, especially during the Cultural Revolution Little Red Book Photo of Mao and Lin Biao Mao on Party Unity We must affirm anew the discipline of the Party, namely: (1) the individual is subordinate to the organization; (2) the minority is subordinate to the majority; (3) the lower level is subordinate to the higher level; and (4) the entire membership is subordinate to the Central Committee Whoever violates these articles of discipline disrupts Party unity and will be punished. Mao on Women in Society With the completion of agricultural cooperation, many co-operatives are finding themselves short of labour. It has become necessary to arouse the great mass of women who did not work in the fields before to take their place on the labour front.... China's women are a vast reserve of labour power. This reserve should be tapped in the struggle to build a great socialist country. Enable every woman who can work to take her place on the labour front, under the principle of equal pay for equal work. This should be done as quickly as possible. Mao on the Purpose of Art [Our purpose is] to ensure that literature and art fit well into the whole revolutionary machine as powerful weapons for uniting and educating the people and for attacking and destroying the enemy, and that they help the people fight the enemy with one heart and one mind. Propaganda Poster "Take steel as the key link, leap forward in all fields" Mao on Learning and Study Reading is learning, but applying is also learning and the more important kind of learning at that. Our chief method is to learn warfare through warfare. A person who has had no opportunity to go to school can also learn warfare - he can learn through fighting in war. A revolutionary war is a mass undertaking; it is often not a matter of first learning and then doing, but of doing and then learning, for doing is itself learning. (Intellectuals and educated people were distrusted and often executed, as they disagreed with Mao.) Mao on Revolution "Carry the Revolution Through to the End" A revolution is not a dinner party, or writing an essay, or painting a picture, or doing embroidery; it cannot be so refined, so leisurely and gentle, so temperate, kind, courteous, restrained and magnanimous. A revolution is an insurrection, an act of violence by which one class overthrows another. Maos Great Leap Forward An economic and social plan used from 1958 to 1962 which aimed to rapidly transform China from a primarily agrarian backward economy, dominated by peasant farmers, into a modern agricultural and industrialized communist society. Seized all private property and executed the wealthiest peasants in all communities as enemies of the state. The Great Leap Forward is now widely seen both within China and outside as a major economic failure and great humanitarian disaster with estimates of the number of people who starved to death during this period ranging from estimated 20 to 43 million people between 1959 and 1962. Basic Concepts of the Great Leap Made grain and steel production top priority Backyard steel furnaces (melted pots, pans, doors for scrap). Banished all religious institutions and ceremonies, replacing them with forced political meetings Distrusted and purged all intellectuals (such as trained engineers), thus making many poor decisions in terms of ineffective infrastructure improvements Great Sparrow Campaign killed off sparrows as pests, thus causing a great environmental imbalance and huge locust plague that year that destroyed much of the crops. Forced farmers to work at steel production, leading to failed harvests. Unfortunate drought and flooding so severe that mass deaths and cannibalism occurred with failed harvests Cultural Revolution Struggle for power within the Communist Party that resulted in wide-scale social, political, and economic violence and chaos, which grew to include large sections of Chinese society and eventually brought the entire country to the brink of civil war. Reaction against intellectuals and anyone who disagreed with Mao, as he feared losing power and control. Deng Xiaoping was an economic advisor and more open to new ideas that were different from Maos. Deng was sent to the countryside to be a common worker; his son was thrown out of a 4 th story window. Deng was rehabilitated after Maos death and became leader of China from s. Power to the Proletariat! In Communism, there are two classes proletariat (workers = good guys) and bourgeoisie (upper class, factory owners, intellectuals, etc.= bad guys) Purge or destroy the bourgeoisie and turn all over to the common people (in reality, let the government control everything Change comes through the violent class struggle Keep it going! Form the students into groups of Red Guards who will attack the Four Olds" of society, that is what is believed to be old ideas, old cultures, old habits, and old customs of China. Red Guards and the Four Olds Destruction of Chinese cultures and traditional values As a result of the Red Guards and their activities, examples of Chinese architecture were ransacked, Chinese literature and classics were burned in public, Chinese paintings were torn apart, and antiquities were shattered. Many families' long kept genealogy were burned to ashes. During that time, many ancient Chinese cultural things were destroyed forever. People in possession of these goods were punished. Intellectuals were targeted as representatives of the Four Olds, and sometimes they were mocked, harassed, imprisoned, tortured, or killed. Upon learning that Red Guards were approaching the Forbidden City, Premier Zhou Enlai ordered the gates shut and troops posted, knowing of the Red Guard's reputation for destroying cultural objects. Pop Quiz 1 1.Who were three of the colonial powers trying to gain control of China? 2. What was the Mandate from Heaven? 3. Who were the Russian role models for Chinese communism? 4. The communists fought what was known as the ______________ War. 5. The name of the item that contained Maos ideas was ____ ________ ____ _____. Maos Well completely pulverize and destroy Deng Xiaoping poster of the 1960s Cultural Revolution Of Interest Historic picture taken in 1972, near the close of the Mao Revolution, President Richard Nixon was the first US President to visit the Peoples Republic of China and begin the process of normalization between the two countries. Communist Command Economy Under Mao Under Communism, China converted to a command economy where there was no individual ownership and the government had total control over the factors of production: What to make, how to make it, for whom to make it. Prices and products were determined by the state with no concern for supply and demand or competition, as in a free market economy. The Great Leap Forward had converted all peasant farms to communal, under-producing state farms. Resulting problems = underproduction and lack of motivation for production. China needed to find a way to produce a surplus to sell and become economically strong and to become a part of the global economy. The New Way Post Mao Maos pure command economy is rejected. They called the new system socialism with Chinese characteristics or a socialist market economy. Deng was responsible for these economic changes, and he is credited with making China one of the fastest growing economies! His ideas and programs lowered the poverty rate from 53% under Mao to only 6% in There is movement toward mixed economy with characteristics of free market, such as private ownership of businesses. Do You Know What This Is? Sams the Man! What Would Mao Say?!! Wal-Mart Opens Its Fourth Store In Beijing January 4, 2007 | By Editor This is the fourth Wal-Mart store in Beijing, following the opening of Sam'S CLUB Beijing in Shijingshan District and two Wal-Mart supercenters which lie in Zhichun Road and Xuanwumen, respectively.The Wal-Mart Jianguo Road Supercenter is a one-floor shopping center which provides approximately 20,000 kinds of goods. This new Wal-Mart store will increase its offering of cooked food in order to provide more benefits to white- collar workers in the surrounding office buildings. Entering the Chinese market in 1996, Wal-Mart has operated more than 67 stores in 34 cities across China. Now, thats the Global Marketplace! Beijing McDonalds Anyone for an Egg McMao-ffin? Modern Economic Reform in China As of 2005, 70% of China's GDP is produced by private ownership. Business are allowed to succeed or fail, based on their ability to make a profit. The relatively small, government-owned public sector is mostly in utilities (water, gas, etc.) heavy industries, and energy production. Although some say this look like a return to capitalism, Chinese officials have insisted that it is a form of socialism, as this would discredit the entire idea of the Maoist revolution. Today there are few pure command economies that are totally controlled by the central government: Cuba, North Korea, Libya, and Myanmar. The US Economy? People often describe the US economy as a capitalist economy. Are we really a capitalist economy with a laissez faire (government hands off!) structure? Can you think of ways that the government interferes in the US economy? You might begin with the $700 billion Wall Street bailout! Think of the ways in which government influences business. Consequences and Side Notes of the Maoist Revolution in China Chiang Kaishek Chinese Nationalist Leader Who Lost to Mao Forced to the island of Taiwan when troops defeated, weakened from first fighting the Japanese invaders, then the communists. Fled to Taiwan, the island off the coast of mainland China, and became first President of Republic of China in 1948. Domino Theory Following the fall of such countries as Russia and China to the communists, then numerous countries in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, the Free World envisioned the possibility of a communist takeover of the Asian continent with the countries falling just like dominoes. The domino theory then became the reason for the US (and other free counties) becoming involved in wars to fight communism in Asia during the Cold War on such battlefields as Korea and Vietnam. The idea was the limitation or CONTAINMENT of the spread of communism. Cold War Battlefield in Korea North Korea Helped South Korea fight off North Korean communists aided by Chinese and Russian communists Armistice signed in 1953 Border between North and South Korea was held at the 38 th Parallel Was never a declared war by Congress, but a police action Cold War Battlefield in Vietnam Also known as the Second Indochina War French involved from US followed French with aid and eventually troops until South Vietnam taken over by Communist North Vietnam. Fall of Saigon (now Ho Chi Minh City) and complete withdrawal under President Gerald Ford. POP Quiz 2 1.Name the first U.S. President to visit China. 2.Deng Xiaoping converted the Chinese economy to a ____________ __________ economy. 3.Chiang Kaishek fled China to the island of ______________. 4.The concept of containment is defined as ________________________________. 5.What was the Domino Theory? Deng Xiaoping Rehabilitated Vice Premier Deng and President and Mrs. Ford in 1975 in Peking Deng Xiaoping was Chinese Premier from 1978 to He was a reform leader who promoted stability and opening of China to foreign investment. US Trade Deficit with China Since 1985, the US has been running a trade deficit with the Peoples Republic of China, meaning WE are in debt to them! In 1985, the deficit amounted to about $6 billion. Nowthink of how many items are labeled Made in China. The 2009 trade deficit with China was over $227 billion! Seems that China has become very successful at being what we have wanted her to become: a free market economy! Human Rights in Modern China Personal freedom in China? Human Rights? NOT!! There we have a long way to go! The government is still very much in control, and there have been few improvements in personal rights and liberties. The media are always carefully supervised, just as during the 2008 Olympics in Beijing. Forced relocations, one-child policy, and job losses and punishment for disagreeing with government policies are common occurrences. Unlike the democratic countries of Japan, India, and the US, voting rights, free speech, freedom of religion, the rights guaranteed citizens of a free country, are not yet a part of Chinas modernization. Tiananmen Square Protests There has been no public reference to the 1989 student demands for democracy in which thousands are believed to have died and been imprisoned. Recordings of the event are forbidden in China. Harry Wu Political Activist Harry Wu is an activist for human rights in the Peoples Republic of China Wus family were landowners in China, but lost everything in the Chinese Civil War. Now a resident of the US, Wu spent 19 years in 12 different labor camps, mining coal, building roads, clearing land, and planting and harvesting crops. According to his own accounts, he was beaten, tortured and nearly starved to death, and witnessed the deaths of many other prisoners from brutality, starvation, and suicide. In 1995, Wu returned to China with a legal US passport, was seized, held for 66 days, and accused of stealing state secrets. He was released because of so much international attention to his cause and deported from China. Tibetan Freedom Protests Chinese security forces barricaded behind shields in Lhasa, Tibet, after five days of anti-Chinese demonstrations in March (See link for Buddhist demonstrations against totalitarian regime in Myanmar.) Chinas Economic Challenges Economic development has been more rapid in coastal provinces than in the interior, and approximately 200 million rural laborers and their dependents have relocated to urban areas to find work. (Why people live where they live!) One demographic consequence of the "one child" policy is that China is now one of the most rapidly aging countries in the world. Deterioration in the environment - notably air pollution, soil erosion, and the steady fall of the water table, especially in the north - is another long- term problem. China continues to lose arable land because of erosion and economic development. From Mao Era Industry In the Mao era, heavy industry was emphasized, with the government supporting large infrastructure projects and industries such as steelmaking and heavy machine making. Large factories were like cities unto themselves, with hospitals, schools, housing and cradle-to-grave social programs for their workers. Factory management and work units in many ways served as local and community government. Industries were heavily subsidized and profits were regarded as an un- important consideration. The production cost of some products was three times their selling price! To Modern Industrial State Today China is the world's largest producer of steel, coal, cement, grain, cotton, meat and fish and the worlds dominant manufacturer for a wide range of products, including toys, fax machines, sports shoes, furniture, laptop computers and cameras. Chinese industrialization began with textiles, and China remains the leading producer of woven fabrics. Other major industries are chemicals, electronics and armaments. Steel, nonferrous metals, cement and chemicals suck up 29 percent of Chinas electricity. China is by far the worlds largest consumer and producer of steel. It consumes and produces about a third of the worlds steel, more than Japan, Germany and the United States combined. Even though it is the worlds largest producer it has to import steel to meet its demand. Chinas Government Today Communist dictatorship, unitary Single party or party approved candidates and groups President (Hu Jintao) is elected by the National Peoples Congress. Only members of the Communist Party may be elected or be a part of the Congress. China Stats PCGDP - $6,600. GDP - composition by sectorGDP - composition by sector: agriculture: 10.6% industry: 46.8% services: 42.6% Labor force - by occupationLabor force - by occupation: agriculture: 39.5% industry: 27.2% services: 33.2% Food For Thought 21.5 million rural population live below the official "absolute poverty" line (approximately $90 per year); and an additional 35.5 million rural population above that, but below the official "low income" line (approximately $125 per year). China has the worlds largest labor force over 813 million workers! These are some of the challenges of building a market economy. Discussion 1) Describe the impact of communism in China in terms of Mao Zedong, the Great Leap Forward, the Cultural Revolution and Tiananmen Square. 2) Explain the reasons for foreign involvement in Korea and Vietnam in terms of containment of communism. 3) Compare and contrast the federal republic of The Republic of India, the communist state of The Peoples Republic China, and the constitutional monarchy of Japan, distinguishing the form of leadership and the role of the citizen in terms of voting rights and personal freedoms. 4) What is the role of the citizen in autocratic, oligarchic (small powerful group), and democratic governments? 5) What are the similarities and differences between leadership, voting rights, and personal freedoms in the Federal Republic of India, The Peoples Republic China, and Japan?