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Geometry, Topology, and Mathematical Physics · physics and Solitons, geometry and topology: On the crossroad, published in the series Advances in the Mathematical Sciences, Amer.

Jun 01, 2020



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Page 1: Geometry, Topology, and Mathematical Physics · physics and Solitons, geometry and topology: On the crossroad, published in the series Advances in the Mathematical Sciences, Amer.
Page 2: Geometry, Topology, and Mathematical Physics · physics and Solitons, geometry and topology: On the crossroad, published in the series Advances in the Mathematical Sciences, Amer.

Geometry, Topology , an d Mathematical Physic s S. P . Novikov's Seminar : 2002-2003

Page 3: Geometry, Topology, and Mathematical Physics · physics and Solitons, geometry and topology: On the crossroad, published in the series Advances in the Mathematical Sciences, Amer.
Page 4: Geometry, Topology, and Mathematical Physics · physics and Solitons, geometry and topology: On the crossroad, published in the series Advances in the Mathematical Sciences, Amer.

American Mathematica l Societ y

TRANSLATIONS Series 2 • Volum e 21 2

Advances in the Mathematical Sciences—55 (Formerly Advances in Soviet Mathematics)

Geometry, Topology , an d Mathematical Physic s

S. P . Novikov' s Seminar : 2002-2003

V. M . Buchs tabe r I. M . Kricheve r Editors

American Mathematica l Societ y Providence, Rhod e Islan d


Page 5: Geometry, Topology, and Mathematical Physics · physics and Solitons, geometry and topology: On the crossroad, published in the series Advances in the Mathematical Sciences, Amer.



2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primar y 00B15 ; Secondary 58-06.

Library o f Congres s Car d Numbe r 91-64074 1 ISBN 0-8218-3613- 7

ISSN 0065-929 0

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Page 6: Geometry, Topology, and Mathematical Physics · physics and Solitons, geometry and topology: On the crossroad, published in the series Advances in the Mathematical Sciences, Amer.


Preface vi i

The Secon d Hal f o f th e 20t h Centur y an d It s Conclusion : Crisi s i n th e Physics an d Mathematic s Communit y i n Russi a an d i n th e Wes t S. P . NoviKO V 1

Interview wit h Serge y P . Noviko v INTERVIEWER: VICTO R M . BUCHSTABE R 2 5

The t^-Functio n o f the Kd V Hierarch y V. M . BUCHSTABE R AN D S . Y U . SHORIN A 4 1

On th e Zet a Function s o f a Meromorphi c Ger m i n Tw o Variable s A. CAMPILLO , F . DELGADO , AN D S . M . GUSEIN-ZAD E 6 7

On Almos t Dualit y fo r Frobeniu s Manifold s BORIS DUBROVI N 7 5

Finitely Presente d Semigroup s i n Kno t Theory . Oriente d Cas e I. A . DYNNIKO V 13 3

Topological Robotics : Subspac e Arrangement s an d Collisio n Fre e Motio n Planning MICHAEL FARBE R AN D SERGE Y YUZVINSK Y 14 5

The Initial-Boundar y Valu e Proble m o n th e Interva l fo r th e Nonlinea r Schrodinger Equation . Th e Algebro-Geometri c Approach . I P. G . GRINEVIC H AN D P . M . SANTIN I 15 7


From 2 D Tod a Hierarch y t o Conforma l Map s fo r Domain s o f the Rieman n Sphere Yu. KLIMOV , A . KORZH , AN D S . NATANZO N 20 7

Integrable Chain s o n Algebrai c Curve s I. KRICHEVE R 21 9

Fifteen Year s o f KA M fo r PD E SERGEI B . KUKSI N 23 7

Page 7: Geometry, Topology, and Mathematical Physics · physics and Solitons, geometry and topology: On the crossroad, published in the series Advances in the Mathematical Sciences, Amer.


Graded Filifor m Li e Algebra s an d Symplecti c Nilmanifold s DMITRI V . MILLIONSCHIKO V 25 9

Adiabatic Limi t i n th e Seiberg-Witte n Equation s A. G . SERGEE V 28 1

Affine Krichever-Noviko v Algebras , Thei r Representation s an d Application s OLEG K . SHEINMA N 29 7

Tame Integral s o f Motio n an d o-Minima l Structure s ISKANDER A . TAIMANO V 317

Page 8: Geometry, Topology, and Mathematical Physics · physics and Solitons, geometry and topology: On the crossroad, published in the series Advances in the Mathematical Sciences, Amer.


The boo k whic h th e reade r i s now openin g i s a collectio n o f selecte d talk s give n at th e famou s Novikov' s semina r hel d a t Steklo v Mathematica l Insti tut e durin g th e years 2002-2003 . Eac h tal k give n a t thi s semina r wa s no t jus t a talk . Th e topi c an d the speake r wer e th e choic e o f S . Novikov , on e o f th e leadin g mathematician s o f th e 20th century . Diversit y o f scientifi c interest s o f S . Noviko v brough t abou t thi s book , which (alon g wit h th e tw o previou s volume s Topics in topology and mathematical physics an d Solitons, geometry and topology: On the crossroad, publishe d i n th e series Advances in the Mathematical Sciences, Amer . Math . Soc . Translations , Ser . 2, vol . 170 , 1995 , an d vol . 179 , 1997 ) present s th e state-of-th e ar t idea s i n th e mos t vivid researc h area s o f geometry , topolog y an d mathematica l physics . Interrelatio n of thes e seemingl y unrelate d topic s i s th e tradit io n o f th e seminar .

The boo k open s wit h th e pape r b y S . P . Noviko v wher e h e analyze s th e positio n of mathematic s an d theoretica l physic s a t th e beginnin g o f th e ne w millenium . Th e article i s addresse d t o a wid e rang e o f reader s an d characterize s wel l Noviko v a s a n outstanding scientist . Nex t follow s th e intervie w give n b y Noviko v an d publishe d first i n th e Newsletters of the European Mathematical Society, nos . 4 2 an d 43 . Thi s interview itsel f i s th e bes t prefac e t o th e collection . I t present s th e genesi s o f man y ideas o f Noviko v an d hi s scientifi c school .

The author s o f th e boo k dedicat e thei r work s t o Novikov' s 65t h bir thda y an -niversary.

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Page 10: Geometry, Topology, and Mathematical Physics · physics and Solitons, geometry and topology: On the crossroad, published in the series Advances in the Mathematical Sciences, Amer.

Titles i n Thi s Subserie s

55 V . M . Buchstabe r an d I . M . Krichever , Editors , Geometry , topology , an d mathematical physic s (S . P . Novikov' s seminar : 2002-2003 ) (TRANS2/212 )

54 S . G . Gindikin , Editor , Li e group s an d symmetri c spaces . I n memor y o f F . I . Karpelevich (TRANS2/210 )

53 M . V . Karasev , Editor , Asymptoti c method s fo r wav e an d quantu m problem s (TRANS2/208)

52 Yu . M . Suhov , Editor , Analyti c method s i n applie d probabilit y (TRANS2/207 )

51 M . A . Shubi n an d M . S . Agranovich , Editors , Partia l differentia l equation s (Mar k

Vishik's seminar ) (TRANS2/206 )

50 V . Turae v an d A . Vershik , Editors , Topology , ergodi c theory , rea l algebrai c geometry .

Rokhlin's memoria l (TRANS2/202 )

49 Michae l Semenov-Tian-Shansky , Editor , L . D . Faddeev' s semina r o n mathematica l physics (TRANS2/201 )

48 L . Lerman , G . Polotovskit , an d L . Shilnikov , Editors , Method s o f qualitativ e theor y of differentia l equation s an d relate d topic s (TRANS2/200 )

47 R . A . Minlos , Seny a Shlosman , an d Yu . M . Suhov , Editors , O n Dobrushin' s way . From probabilit y theor y t o statistica l physic s (TRANS2/198 )

46 Vladimi r Arnold , M a x i m Kontsevich , an d Anto n Zorich , Editors , Pseudoperiodi c topology (TRANS2/197 )

45 Ya . Eliashberg , D . Fuchs , T . Rat iu , an d A . Weinste in , Editors , Norther n California symplecti c geometr y semina r (TRANS2/196 )

44 Alexande r Astashkevic h an d Serg e Tabachnikov , Editors , Differentia l Topology , Infinite-Dimensional Li e Algebras , an d Application s (D . B . Fuchs ' 60t h Anniversar y Collection) (TRANS2/194 )

43 A . Yu . Morozo v an d M . A . Olshanetsky , Editors , Mosco w Semina r i n Mathematica l Physics (TRANS2/191 )

42 S . Tabachnikov , Editor , Differentia l an d Symplecti c Topolog y o f Knot s an d Curve s (TRANS2/190)

41 V . Buslaev , M . Solomyak , an d D . Yafaev , Editors , Differentia l Operator s an d Spectral Theor y (M . Sh . Birman' s 70t h anniversar y collection ) (TRANS2/189 )

40 M . V . Karasev , Editor , Coheren t Transform , Quantization , an d Poisso n Geometr y (TRANS2/187)

39 A . KhovanskiT , A . Varchenko , an d V . Vassiliev , Editors , Geometr y o f Differentia l Equations (TRANS2/186 )

38 B . Feigi n an d V . Vassiliev , Editors , Topic s i n Quantu m Group s an d Finite-Typ e Invariants (Mathematic s a t th e Independen t Universit y o f Moscow ) (TRANS2/185 )

37 Pete r Kuchmen t an d Vladimi r Lin , Editors , Voronez h Winte r Mathematica l School s (Dedicated t o Seli m Krein ) (TRANS2/184 )

36 V . E . Zakharov , Editor , Nonlinea r Wave s an d Wea k Turbulenc e (TRANS2/182 )

35 G . I . Olshanski , Editor , Kirillov' s Semina r o n Representatio n Theor y (TRANS2/181 )

34 A . KhovanskiT , A . Varchenko , an d V . Vassiliev , Editors , Topic s i n Singularit y Theory (TRANS2/180 )

33 V . M . Buchstabe r an d S . P . Novikov , Editors , Solitons , Geometry , an d Topology : O n the Crossroa d (TRANS2/179 )

32 R . L . Dobrushin , R . A . Minlos , M . A . Shubin , an d A . M . Vershik , Editors , Topics i n Statistica l an d Theoretica l Physic s (F . A . Berezi n Memoria l Volume ) (TRANS2/177)

31 R . L . Dobrushin , R . A . Minlos , M . A . Shubin , an d A . M . Vershik , Editors , Contemporary Mathematica l Physic s (F . A . Berezi n Memoria l Volume ) (TRANS2/175 )

Page 11: Geometry, Topology, and Mathematical Physics · physics and Solitons, geometry and topology: On the crossroad, published in the series Advances in the Mathematical Sciences, Amer.


30 A . A . Bolibruch , A . S . Merkur'ev , an d N . Yu . Netsvetaev , Editors , Mathematic s in St . Petersbur g (TRANS2/174 )

29 V . Kharlamov , A . Korchagin , G . PolotovskiT , an d O . Viro , Editors , Topolog y o f

Real Algebrai c Varietie s an d Relate d Topic s (TRANS2/173 )

28 L . A . Bunimovich , B . M . Gurevich , an d Ya . B . Pesin , Editors , Sinai' s Mosco w

Seminar o n Dynamica l System s (TRANS2/171 )

27 S . P . Novikov , Editor , Topic s i n Topolog y an d Mathematica l Physic s (TRANS2/170 )

26 S . G . Gindiki n an d E . B . Vinberg , Editors , Li e Group s an d Li e Algebras : E . B .

Dynkin's Semina r (TRANS2/169 )

25 V . V . Kozlov , Editor , Dynamica l System s i n Classica l Mechanic s (TRANS2/168 )

24 V . V . Lychagin , Editor , Th e Interpla y betwee n Differentia l Geometr y an d Differentia l

Equations (TRANS2/167 )

23 Yu . Ilyashenk o an d S . Yakovenko , Editors , Concernin g th e Hilber t 16t h Proble m


22 N . N . Uraltseva , Editor , Nonlinea r Evolutio n Equation s (TRANS2/164 )

Published Earlie r a s Advances i n Sovie t Mathematic s

21 V . I . Arnold , Editor , Singularitie s an d bifurcations , 199 4

20 R . L . Dobrushin , Editor , Probabilit y contribution s t o statistica l mechanics , 199 4

19 V . A . Marchenko , Editor , Spectra l operato r theor y an d relate d topics , 199 4

18 Ole g Viro , Editor , Topolog y o f manifold s an d varieties , 199 4

17 Dmi tr y Fuchs , Editor , Unconventiona l Li e algebras , 199 3

16 Serge i Gelfan d an d Simo n Gindikin , Editors , I . M . Gelfan d seminar , Part s 1 and 2 ,


15 A . T . Fomenko , Editor , Minima l surfaces , 199 3

14 Yu . S . Il'yashenko , Editor , Nonlinea r Stoke s phenomena , 199 2

13 V . P . Maslo v an d S . N . Samborskii , Editors , Idempoten t analysis , 199 2

12 R . Z . KhasminskiT , Editor , Topic s i n nonparametri c estimation , 199 2

11 B . Ya . Levin , Editor , Entir e an d subharmoni c functions , 199 2 10 A . V . Babi n an d M . I . Vishik , Editors , Propertie s o f globa l attractor s o f partia l

differential equations , 199 2

9 A . M . Vershik , Editor , Representatio n theor y an d dynamica l systems , 199 2

8 E . B . Vinberg , Editor , Li e groups , thei r discret e subgroups , an d invarian t theory , 199 2

7 M . Sh . Birman , Editor , Estimate s an d asymptotic s fo r discret e spectr a o f integra l an d

differential equations , 199 1

6 A . T . Fomenko , Editor , Topologica l classificatio n o f integrabl e systems , 199 1

5 R . A . Minlos , Editor , Many-particl e Hamiltonians : spectr a an d scattering , 199 1

4 A . A . Suslin , Editor , Algebrai c K-theory , 199 1

3 Ya . G . Sinai , Editor , Dynamica l system s an d statistica l mechanics , 199 1

2 A . A . Kirillov , Editor , Topic s i n representatio n theory , 199 1

1 V . I . Arnold , Editor , Theor y o f singularitie s an d it s applications , 199 0

Page 12: Geometry, Topology, and Mathematical Physics · physics and Solitons, geometry and topology: On the crossroad, published in the series Advances in the Mathematical Sciences, Amer.