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Q: THE IDEA OF A MENTOR IS ASSOCIATEDWITH THE INITIAL STAGE S OF ONE’S CAREER.WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS OF GETTING A MENTOR L ATER IN LIFE? A mentorship programme in the organisation focuses on both short- and long-term professional development goals.Most often, a mentor i s a person at least one level higher than the mentee in the organisa tion. A mentor plays an important role in shaping the mentee’s future in the organisa tion. During the mentorship programme, the mentor guides his/her mentee towards self- development and career growth . This also creates a safe learning environment, where the mentee feels free to discuss issues op enly. Q: WHAT ARE THE KEY FEATURES OF A GOOD MENTORSHIPPROGRAMME? It is important to plan a mentoring programme that aligns wi th the culture of the organisation as well as development needs of the employees . The mentor has to be chosen carefully based on the development plan and need. The mentor and mentee need to be explained the pros and cons of the mentori ng programme . While selecting mentors,it is important to select employees who possess the required knowledge , skills and experience that would benefit the mentees and act as positive role models with a genuine interest in developing others.These would be employees with strong interpersona l skills, who are committed and willing to set aside the time to work with a mentee. Q: DO MENTORS AND MENTEES REQUIRE ANY TRAINING IN ORDER TO MAKE THE MOST OF A MENTORSHIP PROGRAMME? WHAT SORT OF TRAINING WOULD THEY NEED? The entire mentorship programme should be designed in a way that almost negates the need for a separate training . A well-designed programme leads to the gaining of knowledge and expertise within a trusting and supportive mentoring relationship. Q: IS MENTORSHIP A LIFE-LONG  JOURNEY OR DO A FEW MONTHS SUFFICE? Yes , mentorshi p is a lifelong  journey . We seek gu idance at all stag es of life.While in an organisat ion, based on the capabili ties of the employ ee and the busin ess need, a programme is devised in a structured manner for a fruitful outcome. Q: THEY SAY THAT THERE IS SOMETHING TO LEARN FROM EVERYONE.IN VIEW OF THIS STA TEMENT,DOESN'T IT MAKE SENSE TO HAVE MULTIPLE MENTORS RATHER THAN FOCUS ON ONE PERSON? We learn from different people around us in a ll walks of life. But in a formal structure, depending on the identified key development areas,every mentee has the best chosen mentors.Ultimately , the mentee does learn from their colleagues and other managers at all levels. Q: FROM YOUR EXPERIENCE , DO MENTORS AND MENTEES CONNECT BETTER WHEN THEY SHARE SIMILAR BACKGROU NDS OR HAVE SOMETHING IN COMMON,OR IS THAT NOT A CONTRIBUTING FACTOR? It is evident that people from similar backgrounds are compatible and show better productivity. But at the same time, divers ity is equally important when choosing mentors within organisation. ankita.shreeram@ WHILE GEN Z AS PER the popular definition is still a generation in the making, a large secti on of it is under the age group from 12 to 18.They are forming their opinions and perception s of careers an d are mostly known as the ‘connected’ generation as well. The research takes the grounded theory appro ach. The key is to obtain categories with data and interpret the interlinkages and develop broad theoretic al linkages. The substant ial use of this metho d is when muc h of the resear ch or theory is not available in the field of study or whe n the study is o f unique/no t repeated incidents. 36 youngsters in the age group 14 to 18 were interviewed for the research . The approach was to understand their career aspiration as it is perceived by them. The data an alysis of interviews using the major key words and word clouds, gave a few clear themes:  Freedom: Most of the respondents felt that they would like to do a job that offered a lot of freedom. They ha d heard of compani es that do not bother about work hours, leaves , permission s, and wanted to work for some company like that.They felt that they are responsible and did not want somebody else to tell them what to do every time. They wanted to seek feedback, though,from time to time. They would require a friend at work rather t han a b oss. Many o f them believed that at one point of time, they aspired to become someone like Steve Jobs or Zuckerberg. The other heroes for them were Anna Hazare and Sachin Tendulka r. Howev er, many of them could not relate to Indian business leaders. The unconventional way: Arou nd ten of the participants mentioned about ‘doing somethi ng different’. The key for them was that they would like to spend their professional life beyond one organisation. They also mentioned about setting up on thei r own, doing something different like – becoming a ‘National Geographic photographe r’, ‘a hair dresser for celebritie s’, ‘bring rural arts to the forefront ’, ‘being a image consultan t’, etc. Interesti ngly , they are able to share things that were generall y not heard of from the previous generati on. Five of the participants also gave very conventional prospects like being a ‘doctor’,‘engineer’, ‘IAS officer’,etc. All things nice: While many of the partic ipants are still idealisti c, it was interesting to note that more than 50 per cent of the participa nts saw a ‘good life’ and ‘good money’ as drivers for choosing a career. While supportin g parents, and helping family might be so me of the values o f the pre vious generatio n, especially among the middle classes , the new ‘middle class Gen Z’, saw career as an opportunity to create their own life.Another aspect of this facet was that they wanted to be associated with ‘all things nice’ as well, which a re the symbols of a ‘good life’ – owning an ‘ Audi’,or ‘going for vacation to Europe’, and ‘having a bash’. Interestingly, they were also against people showing-off. The global edge: Another interesting aspect that we saw in the respondents is that many view their career canvas as global. They wanted to hav e a stint of educatio n abro ad, imbibe global values , and wanted to be seen as somebody who can influence at a globa l level. They did not bother much about boundaries that exist between global job markets and this might be a reflectio n of what Indi a might be tomorrow. Professional commitment: Many of the Ge n Z participants did not speak about the value o f being in an organisation for long and they never got that as a prerequisite for professional commitment. Many felt that it is important to utilise their talent wherever they are and what matters most is that they deliver on the commitment made for tha t period of time, irrespecti ve of the tenure . Risk-taking: The other significant aspect that came into the picture was that they did not want to be perceived as laid- back or unidimensional in approach.Many wanted to experiment with a couple of fields and choose what they wanted to purs ue the most. It was mostly coming from a fear that if they choose something based on other’s int erest, will they be able to sustain themselves in those fields? Many, especially , female respondents expressed that they were keen to work with NGOs. Beyond technology: It is a known fact that most of the Gen Z is well-versed with technology in mobile,computing and the information space. Interestingl y , many did not show much interest towards technology . Many felt that since everyone seems inclined towards it, it didn’t have a novelty factor . They mentioned about pursuing interesting avenues like ‘journalism’, ‘photography’, ‘working f or the UN’, ‘teaching in Af rica’, etc. - The author is associate director , People Business Zinnov,a nnounced the findings of their latest report,‘Global Roles Benchmarking Study’.The report provides an assessment of global roles across MNC Global In-house Centres (GICs) in India,with regards to depth and variety of global roles across major functions and industry verticals.The study was based on an assessment of 20+ GICs in India across key industry verticals covering a total of 115 global roles. KEY FINDINGS:  The stud y indicat es that mos t GICs hav e primarily been able to achieve either depth or variety in terms of global roles creation, but not both,wit h only ten per cent of GICs currently falling in the leadership zone;  The int ernet/so ftware in dustry continues to drive a majority of global roles from India with 59 per cent of all the global roles considered belonging to this vertical, followed by telecom/networking/storage (19 per cent) and healthcare verticals (18 per cent); Global roles are primarily limited to the top management (VP/SVP) for GICs with low depth and variety in terms of global roles creation,but increasingly spread across senior leadership (sr directors/ directors) and mid-to-senior leadership levels (engineering/ programme/project managers etc) for GICs in the leadership zone; Companies in the leadership zone also tend to have higher center-level maturity (i.e. a high level of engineering ownership) as compared to GICs in other zones. JUST ARRIVED  Dr Sandeep K Krishna n  provides a grounded theory approa ch to Gen Z, its aspirat ions and career c hoices DILEP MISRA, PRESIDENT & HEAD CORPORATE HR,JK ORGANISATION DISCUSSES THE DYNAMICS OF A CORPORA TE MENTORSHIP PROGRAMME WITH ANKITA SHREERAM 59 per cen t of all the gl oba l r ole s be lon g to the sof twar e in dus try THE PERFECT MENTOR Gen Z decoded THE TIMES OF INDIA, NEW DELHI 4 26 FEBRUARY, 2014 IMAGESBAZAAR ;] The World’ s Premier LNG Company www.qatargascornqa Q ATARGAS Change your future . Change the world. We are searching for Operations candidates for QATARGAS “Qatargas established in 1984 , pioneered the LNG Industry in Qatar. Today, Qatargas is the largest LNG producer in the world with a production capacity of 42 MTA from its seven trains , delivering safety and reliably LNG to its customers in all four corners of the world fro m its first class facilities in Qatar. As a high caliber professional you too can make a difference — — hange your future , join Qatargas ari d change the world. Position E-mail + Rover Operators LNG Process GC138O1 + Rover Operators IR [email protected] + Rover Operator SRU [email protected] + Rover Operator Utilities cu38o4@ggheew s Rover Operator CLNG —Storage and Loading GC13805@gglieewal s Senior Laboratory Technician C013806@ggheewala .com Onshore Operations Department Offshore Operations Department  Offshore based 28 days on and 28 days off rotation) single status contract GOVT.REG. NO. 000353 /BOM/PART/I000-i-/3/927/84 •WE HAVE NO SUB-AGENT - w ww . g gh e e w a l a . c o m + Senior Instrument Technician CC138O7 + Senior Operator [email protected] + Senior Laboratory Operator o1a8o9 + Senior Electrical Technician GC1381O + Senior Mechanical Technician SG13811@g gheewa Qatargas offers a secure expatriate lifestyle an international community with educational , medical and recreational facilities , competitive tax - free salaries , a full range of benefits , ncluding family or bachelor housings and generous paid annual vacation back to your country of origin. Method of Application: Email your resume in MS-Word format to Email Id given against the position , compulsorily mentioning position in subject line. For more vacancies in Qatargas & to apply online visit: ww w FREE RECRUITMENT G.GHEEWALA i  i ®  M HUSAN RESOURCES CONS uCra  rS f 1 63 2 9011412246632 H O.: 202-A , Bombay Market , Tardeo Road , Mumb al -400 034.  L’  ri 1 •F & B MANAGERS I -CATERING SUPERVISORS I •IIOUSEKEEPING SUPERVISORS I. CAMP BOSS - STOREKEEPERS I •COOKS (Chief/ Senior I South Indian / Salad •WAITRESS /HEAO WAITERS/WAITERS ROOM BOYSA i  I g  SHUTTERING CARPENTERS MASONS Attractive Salary HEAVY DUTY DRIVERS (C C C. License) R.C.C. ATn  Tl  JJ  lT rn  teIy\ SHIVKUMAR ASSOCIATES G-80  Room No. 102 , Gupta Complex , Main Vikas Marg , Laxm i Nagar , Delhi-i 10 092. Tel.: 011-22455123/125 (M) : 09818555434 // 09018133224 / / 9117475119 Email: [email protected] 1  1 Ill 1 I  ; I r FREJ  RI  C RUI[ T M E  N1ff For a UK based Co IIkTIR in QATAR —— INSULATION SUPERVISORS -10 NOS Eligibility: Any technical qualification higher secondary school with 5-7 years eap in Oil and Gas industry / ower Projects as an Insulaton supervisor . Sulsry — — QAR 3  000 - QAR 4 , 500 1’IM ININ ULATION F OREMEN -15 NOS gli g tbi flty. Hi g h school with 5 to7 ycnrs cap. in Oil and Gas industry / / ower Projects as an Insulation Forctnan.Salary Q AR 1 , 00— QAR 1 700 P M + Over  ne included Both pos itions must huve Exp. in Hot Cold Insula tion Free - Food , Accommodation  M e d c al , Ai r r i c k e t & Visa Interviews in l  Iarch Rush your CVbefo re 2nd Ma rc h  2014 engg©globa loiljobs. com , cvii tr @hot mai Tele : + 91 ii - 23246282 // 43551120 I I i _ 486  4  Ansari Road Darya Ganj, New Dethi-2. w ww . hireindians . co m Lic . B-0185/DELIPARTII000+f /8820 Urgently required for CLAY BRICK , Rockwool and Water Bottling and Beverage Plants Interviews will b e held in MIJMBAI (Muslim & Christian Candidates) ‘Purchaser- Spare Parts & Canteen Supplies ‘Production Supervisor sNeavy Equipment Mechanic (Caterpillar) •Maintenance Manager ,Ceramic Product Machine Operator ••Canteen Canteen upervisor ‘Water Bottling Machine Operator •Maintenanc e Supervisor ‘Clay Brick Machine Operators ‘Quality Control Supervisor  vJ1c fl ,,  4  II OMAN AIR Oman Ai r , the flagship company of the Sultanate of Oman , h ave vacancies for MOTIVATED , COMPETENT INDIVIDUALS to join ourteam as: SeniorAuditor Education: Graduate Degree in the following discipline (Business Studies , Finance or Management) Experience: 4 years in Internal Audit or Finance functions preferable in airline industry including 2 to 3 years of experience as an Auditor; OR Professional qualifications: Certified Internal Auditor (CIA) / / Certified Public Accountant (CPA) I Chartered Accountantetc. SeniorAudutor- Inlormalion system Education: Graduate in Computer Science (or Similar) Experience: 3 years in IT exposure to planning, developing, testing and documenting programming techniques and computer systems. Should have hands on experience in CAATs (AC L . IDEA , SQL , Oracle Business Intelligence tool etc.) and knowledge of Continuous Monitoring. Asst. Manager Internal Audit - BuslIless Analysis Education; Graduate in Computer Engineering (orSirnilar) Experience : Minimum 5 years with adequate experience I exposure in compute r r ystems , CM  s (preferably IDEA , AC L , Oracle Business Intelligence , SQL) and should have played vita l role in one or more SDLC to plan and accomplish goals. AssistantManager-oporationalAudit Education: Graduate Degree in the following discipline (Business Studies , Finance or Management) Experience : Minimum 6 years of experience in Internal Audit or Finance functions preferable in airline industry of which 2-3 years as a SeniorAudito r. Professional qualifications: - Certified Internal Auditor (CIA) I Certified PublicAccountant (CPA) CharteredAccountant etc. Senior Manager-nAudn Education; Post-graduate degree in the following discipline  I nf o rm a ti o n n echnol o gy andAs s urance . Information Technology, Compute r r Science . Management of BusinessAdministration) Experience: Minimum 10 years of experience in Internal Audit or Information Technology nduding 2 to 3 years of experience at an lnternalAudIt Managerial Post. Professional Qualification: Cerlified Information Systems Auditor (CISA), Certified Internal Auditor (CIA), Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP), Certified Information Systems Manager (CISM) or Global Information Assurance Certification (GIAC) in one or more of the above is highlydesirable With working Knowledge of Continuous Monitoring Job Location for all the above positions : MUSCAT The above positions offer the usual benefits associated with an expatriate package including tax free salary, medical , annual leave with passage , rebated travel facility etc. Interested candidates meeting the above requirements may please forward applications along with a current CV and recent passport size photograph within 10 days . to email address: omanair.audit www .omanair .com lcar eers VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT LIMITED DCCL/HR/ Vac-13/20J4/277 DUNGSAM CEMENT CORPORATION LIMITED DCCL/HR/ Vac-13/20J4/277 Dungsam Cement Corporation Limited (DCCL) invite s applications from eligible candidates interested in taking up the following position at DCCL: Position Vice President , Sa les and Marketing Employment Type : Contract basis for 3 years Re muneration Package : Consolidate package to be negotiated between Nu./Rs. 20 0 , 000 to N u./ Rs.400 , 000 per month . Thirty percent (30%) ofthe agreed remuneration shall be be inked to achievement of annual sales and marketing targets andand will be paid at the year end after assessment of targets. Employer : M/s Dungsam Cement Corporation Ltd . Industry : Cement Location Ngang lam , Pemagatshel , Bhutan For pos ition details , re fer the Terms of Reference and for further information , kindl y visit our website : www.dccLbt or contact Tashi Penjor , HRAO at Telep hone No. +975-07- 481230/17631764 Required Certified Inspectors for Turn Around Maintenance project in Dunq Quat Refinery n Vietnam for2/3 months (SHUT DOWN). AA I Inspectors I1  US 4000-4500 Per Month With free food . accommodation , ransport and medicals The ob requirementswould bethefollowing: Strong experience in Oil and Gas Refineries and Petrochemical Fields Inspectors must have valid API 510 1 570 / / 53 certifloate (other inspection certificates will be considered an advantage) Experience in at least 5Turnaround / / hut Down Projects 5 years Experience in Inspection related of in-service process Equipment , Columns , Reactor-Regenerator , Heat Exchangers , Drums , Towers , Flare  Boiler , Heater , Furnace , Air Fin Coolers , Spheres , StorageTanks Inspectors must also have adequate welding and NDT knowledge and experience. Onl y serious candidates with relevant experience can send his resume alongwit h certificatestoouremail ID: hrdl@[email protected] Shortlisted candidates will be called for f inal interview with foreign delegation in 1st week of March 2014 at our office New Delhi and sele cted candidates canjoin company on urgent basis in 1 st week of May2014. MOZAMBIQUE A A oading mining company in Mozambique are looking for their Tantalum Mining project: Process ing Plant Su perviso rs — — 5+ years experience in gravimetric concentration using wet plants , spirals , shaking tables) Mobile Fleet Supervisor — — to work alongside / / assist the mobile fleet supervisors) 3+ years to train mobile equipment operators can manage mobilefleet oading and transporting stockpiles to plant area Millwright Fifters — — + years experience electrical installations , stripping and repairing pumps and crushers Handsome salary + FoodAllowance , accommodation and 30 days leave with return air-tickets after completion of five months , duration of contract 2 years and can be extended on mutual agreed terms. Candidates with relevant experience may send resume along with experience certificates o email ID: mano ower(& Shortlisted candidates will be called orfinal nterviewat New Delhi .  International Manpowe r Resources Pvt. Ltd. IS’ A-33 , Rajouri Garden , Ring Road , New Delhi-27 so 8001:2008 IMR Tel: 011-41065108 , 25101111 GEHTIFIEU Lic. No. BO131IDELJCOM/1000+/513168/9 1 DRGANISATIIJ N

Gen z Decoded

Jun 03, 2018



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A mentorship programme inthe organisation focuses onboth short- and long-term

professional developmentgoals.Most often, a mentor is aperson at least one levelhigher than the mentee in theorganisation. A mentor playsan important role in shapingthe mentee’s future in theorganisation. During thementorship programme, thementor guides his/her menteetowards self- development andcareer growth. This alsocreates a safe learningenvironment, where thementee feels free to discussissues op enly.Q: WHAT ARE THE KEY



It is important to plan amentoring programme thataligns with the culture of theorganisation as well asdevelopment needs of theemployees. The mentor has tobe chosen carefully based on

the development plan andneed. The mentor and menteeneed to be explained the prosand cons of the mentoringprogramme. While selectingmentors,it is important toselect employees who possess

the required knowledge, skillsand experience that wouldbenefit the mentees and act aspositive role models with agenuine interest in developingothers.These would beemployees with stronginterpersonal skills, who arecommitted and willing to setaside the time to work witha mentee.







The entire mentorshipprogramme should bedesigned in a way that almostnegates the need for a separatetraining. A well-designedprogramme leads to thegaining of knowledge andexpertise within a trustingand supportive mentoring




Yes, mentorship is a lifelong journey. We seek guidance atall stages of life.While in anorganisation, based on thecapabilities of the employeeand the business need, aprogramme is devised in astructured manner for afruitful outcome.Q: THEY SAY THAT THERE IS







We learn from different peoplearound us in all walks of life.But in a formal structure,depending on the identifiedkey development areas,everymentee has the best chosen

mentors.Ultimately, thementee does learn from theircolleagues and othermanagers atall levels.Q: FROM YOUR EXPERIENCE, DO







It is evident that people fromsimilar backgrounds arecompatible and show betterproductivity. But at the sametime, diversity is equallyimportant when choosingmentors within organisation.

[email protected]

WHILE GEN Z AS PERthe popular definition is

still a generation in the making,a large section of it is under theage group from 12 to 18.They areforming their opinions andperceptions of careers and aremostly known as the ‘connected’generation as well.

The research takes thegrounded theory approach. Thekey is to obtain categories withdata and interpret theinterlinkages and develop broadtheoretical linkages. Thesubstantial use of this method iswhen much of the research ortheory is not available in the field

of study or when the study is of unique/not repeated incidents. 36youngsters in the age group 14 to18 were interviewed for theresearch. The approach was tounderstand their careeraspiration as it is perceived bythem.

The data analysis of interviewsusing the major key words and word clouds, gave a few clear themes: 

Freedom: Most of therespondents felt that they

would like to do a job that offereda lot of freedom. They had heardof companies that do not botherabout work hours, leaves,permissions, and wanted to workfor some company like that.Theyfelt that they are responsible anddid not want somebody else totell them what to do every time.They wanted to seek feedback,though,from time to time. Theywould require a friend at work

rather than a boss. Many of thembelieved that at one point of time,they aspired to become someonelike Steve Jobs or Zuckerberg.The other heroes for them were

Anna Hazare and SachinTendulkar. However, many of them could not relate to Indianbusiness leaders.

The unconventional way:Around ten of the

participants mentioned about‘doing something different’. Thekey for them was that they wouldlike to spend their professionallife beyond one organisation.They also mentioned aboutsetting up on their own, doingsomething different like – becoming a ‘National Geographicphotographer’, ‘a hair dresser for

celebrities’, ‘bring rural arts tothe forefront’, ‘being a imageconsultant’, etc. Interestingly,they are able to share things thatwere generally not heard of from

the previous generation. Five of the participants also gave veryconventional prospects like beinga ‘doctor’,‘engineer’, ‘IASofficer’,etc.

All things nice: Whilemany of the participants

are still idealistic, it wasinteresting to note that morethan 50 per cent of theparticipants saw a ‘good life’ and‘good money’ as drivers forchoosing a career. Whilesupporting parents, and helpingfamily might be some of thevalues of the previous

generation, especially among themiddle classes, the new ‘middleclass Gen Z’, saw career as anopportunity to create their ownlife.Another aspect of this facet

was that they wanted to beassociated with ‘all things nice’as well, which are the symbols of a ‘good life’ – owning an ‘Audi’,or‘going for vacation to Europe’,and ‘having a bash’. Interestingly,they were also against peopleshowing-off.The global edge: Another

interesting aspect that we saw inthe respondents is that manyview their career canvas asglobal. They wanted to have astint of education abroad, imbibeglobal values, and wanted to beseen as somebody who can

influence at a global level. Theydid not bother much aboutboundaries that exist betweenglobal job markets and this mightbe a reflection of what India

might be tomorrow.

Professional commitment:Many of the Gen Z

participants did not speak aboutthe value of being in anorganisation for long and theynever got that as a prerequisitefor professional commitment.Many felt that it is important toutilise their talent wherever theyare and what matters most is thatthey deliver on the commitmentmade for that period of time,irrespective of the tenure.

Risk-taking: The othersignificant aspect that came

into the picture was that they didnot want to be perceived as laid-

back or unidimensional inapproach.Many wanted toexperiment with a couple of fields and choose what theywanted to pursue the most. Itwas mostly coming from a fearthat if they choose somethingbased on other’s interest, willthey be able to sustainthemselves in those fields? Many,especially, female respondentsexpressed that they were keen towork with NGOs.

Beyond technology: It is aknown fact that most of the

Gen Z is well-versed withtechnology in mobile,computingand the information space.Interestingly, many did not showmuch interest towardstechnology. Many felt that sinceeveryone seems inclined towardsit, it didn’t have a novelty factor.They mentioned about pursuinginteresting avenues like‘journalism’, ‘photography’,

‘working for the UN’, ‘teachingin Africa’, etc.

- The author is associate director, People Business

Zinnov,a nnounced the findings of theirlatest report,‘Global Roles BenchmarkingStudy’.The report provides an assessmentof global roles across MNC Global In-houseCentres (GICs) in India,with regards todepth and variety of global roles acrossmajor functions and industry verticals.Thestudy was based on an assessment of 20+

GICs in India across key industry verticalscovering a total of 115 global roles.

KEY FINDINGS: The study indicates that most GICs haveprimarily been able to achieve either depthor variety in terms of global roles creation,but not both,wit h only ten per cent of GICs

currently falling in the

leadership zone; The internet/software industry continuesto drive a majority of global roles fromIndia with 59 per cent of all the globalroles considered belonging to this vertical,followed by telecom/networking/storage(19 per cent) and healthcare verticals (18per cent); Global roles are primarily limited to the

top management (VP/SVP) for GICs withlow depth and variety in terms of globalroles creation,but increasingly spreadacross senior leadership (sr directors/directors) and mid-to-senior leadershiplevels (engineering/ programme/projectmanagers etc) for GICs in the leadershipzone; Companies in the leadership zone alsotend to have higher center-level maturity(i.e. a high level of engineering ownership)as compared to GICs in other zones.


 Dr Sandeep K Krishnan provides a grounded theory approach toGen Z, its aspirations and career choices



59 per cent of all the global roles belong to the software industry


Gen Z  decoded



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producer in the world with a production capacity of 42

MTA from its seven trains , delivering safety and reliably

LNG to its customers in all four corners of the world from

its first class facilities in Qatar. As a high caliber

professionalyou too can make a difference — —hange your

future , join Qatargasarid change the world.”

Position E-mail

+ Rover Operators LNG Process GC138O1

+ Rover Operators IR [email protected]

+ Rover Operator SRU [email protected]

+ Rover Operator Utilities cu38o4@ggheew

s Rover Operator CLNG —Storage and [email protected]

s Senior Laboratory Technician [email protected]

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Offshore Operations Department

 O f f s ho re based 28 days on and 28 days off rotation) s ingle s tatus contract

GOVT.REG. NO. 000353/BOM/PART/I000-i-/3/927/84•WE HAVE NO SUB-AGENT - w ww . g gh e e w a l a . c o m

+ Senior Instrument Technician CC138O7

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Qatargas offers a secure expatriate lifestyle in an internationalcommunity with educational , medical and recreational facilities ,

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Method of Application: Email your resume in MS-Word format to EmailId given against the position, compulsorily mentioning position in

subject line. For more vacancies in Qatargas & to apply online visit:ww w


 M HUS A N RE S OURCE S CONS uCra   rS f ’16329011412246632

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teIy\ SHIVKUMAR ASSOCIATESG-80   Room No. 102 , Gupta Complex,Main Vikas Marg , Laxm i Nagar, Delhi-i 10 092.Tel.: 011-22455123/125 (M) : 09818555434 //09018133224/ /9117475119

Email: [email protected]  ‘ 1 Ill 1I  ; I




For a UK based Co IIkTIRin QATAR



Eligibility: Any technical qualification higher secondary school with 5-7 years’ eap inOil and Gas industry / ower Projects as an Insulaton supervisor.Sulsry — —QAR 3 000 - QAR4,500 1’IM

ININULATIONFOREMEN -15 NOSgligtbiflty.High school with 5 to7 ycnrs cap. inOil and Gas industry / / ower Projectsas an Insulation Forctnan.Salary QAR 1, 00— QAR 1700 P M + Over ne included

Both positions must huve Exp. in Hot Cold Insula tion

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totoour d 

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Move up in life!

Urgently required for CLAY BRICK , Rockwool and Water Bottlingand Beverage Plants

Interviews will be held in MIJMBAI (Muslim & Christian Candidates)

‘Purchaser- Spare Parts & Canteen Supplies ‘Production Supervisor

sNeavy Equipment Mechanic (Caterpillar) •Maintenance Manager

,Ceramic Product Machine Operator ••Canteen Canteenupervisor

‘Water Bottling Machine Operator •Maintenanc e Supervisor

‘Clay Brick Machine Operators ‘Quality Control Supervisor

‘Rockwool Machi ne Operator ‘Quality Control Technician

‘Diesel Engine Mechanic ‘Quarry Supervisor ‘Store Manager

•Dump Truck Driver ‘Loader Operator Store keeper

‘Plant Mechanics ‘Forklift Operator ‘Plant Electrician

‘Maintenance Assistant ‘Cook ,Welders ‘Lube Man

Walk-in with your resume on 26th Feb. 2014

Interested candidates can send heir updated resumes on 1 [email protected] mention applied pos on name on subject line

Visit our webs ite : www.g gheewala com/maimani .asp

MLP No.: 163200214122310 G G H E E W A L AVACANCIES IN LARGE NOS H U M A N R E S O U R C E S C O N S U L T A N T S G

 H.O. 202-A , Bombay Market , Tardeo Road,

iS. . ,  h., . OA T M . l  ) C0  A A 0A11 IOflC / 0 0 7

 vJ1c fl ,, 4  II


Oman Ai r, the flagship company of the Sultanate of Oman , havevacancies for MOTIVATED, C O MP E T E N T INDIVIDUALS to jo in

ourteam as:

SeniorAuditor• Education: Graduate Degree in the following discipline

(Business Studies,Finance or Management)

• Experience: 4 years in Internal Audit or Finance functionspreferable in airline industry including 2 to 3 years of experienceas an Auditor; OR Professional qualifications: Certified InternalAuditor (CIA) / /Certified Public Accountant (CPA) I CharteredAccountantetc.

SeniorAudutor- Inlormalion system• Education: Graduate in Computer Science (or Similar)

• Experience: 3 years in IT exposure to planning, developing,testing and documenting programming techniques and computersystems. Should have hands on experience in CAATs (ACL.IDEA, SQL , Oracle Business Intelligence tool etc.) andknowledge of Continuous Monitoring.

Asst.Manager Internal Audit - BuslIlessAnalysis• Education; Graduate in Computer Engineering (orSirnilar)

• Experience : Minimum 5 years with adequate experience Iexposure in compute r r ystems, CM s (pre fe rably IDEA , AC L ,Oracle Business In tel l igence ,SQL) and should have played vita l

role in one or more SDLCto plan and accomplish goals.AssistantManager-oporationalAudit

• Education: Graduate Degree in the following discipline(BusinessStudies ,Finance or Management)

• Experience : Minimum 6 years of experience in Internal Audit orFinance functions preferable in airline industry of which 2-3 yearsas a SeniorAudito r.

• Professional qualifications: - Certified Internal Auditor (CIA) ICertified PublicAccountant (CPA) CharteredAccountant etc.

Senior Manager-nAudn• Education; Post-graduate degree in the following discipline

 I nf orm ati on n echnology andAssurance . Information Technology,Compute r rScience .Management of BusinessAdministration)

• Experience: Minimum 10 years of experience in InternalAudit orInformation Technology nduding 2 to 3 years of experience at anlnternalAudIt Managerial Post.

• Professional Qualification: Cerlified Information SystemsAuditor (CISA), Certified Internal Auditor (CIA), CertifiedInformation Systems Security Professional (CISSP), CertifiedInformation Systems Manager (CISM) or Global InformationAssurance Certification (GIAC) in one or more of the above ishighlydesirable

• With working Knowledge of Continuous Monitoring

Job Location for all the above positions : MUSCAT

The above positions offer the usual benefits associated with anexpatriate package including tax free salary, medical , annual

leave w i t h passage, rebated travel facility etc.Interested candidates meeting the above requirements may

please forward applications along with a current CV and recentpassport size photograph within 10 days . to email address:omanair.audit

www .omanair .com lcareers



INegotiable salary range SAR 14000 -16000

•GENERAL PHYSICIAN :Negotiable Salary Range SAR 7000 -

  iI: ,i iiii. t’1ir 1k

Benefits Offered : urnished housing, Transportation ,30 days paid annual leave , full

medical coverage including for spouse & Monthly incentives on as per business volume.


LShop Mo I 1st floor, Oberle Tower Above COD, Bamalta Road, Mangalore 575001

Ph: 09916408277 109845162277 108242428010/ 04954015959. III}’   ii .ir  ru i


LIMITEDDCCL/HR/ Vac-13/20J4/277


Dungsam Cement Corporation Limited (DCCL) invites applications from eligible candidates interested

in taking up the following position at DCCL:

Position : Vice President , Sales and Marketing

Employment Type : Contract basis for 3 years

Remuneration Package : Consolidate package to be negotiated between Nu./Rs. 20 0 ,000 to Nu./

Rs.400 ,000 per month .Thirty percent (30%) ofthe agreed remuneration

shall be beinked to achievement of annual sales and marketing targets andand

will be paid at the year end after assessment of targets.

Employer : M/s Dungsam Cement Corporation Ltd .

Industry : Cement

Location : Nganglam , Pemagatshel , Bhutan

For position details , refer the Termsof Reference and for further information, kindly visit our website :

www.dccLbt or contact Tashi Penjor, HRAO at Telephone No. +975-07- 481230/17631764

Required Certified Inspectors for Turn Around Maintenance project inDunq Quat Refinery nVietnam for2/3 months (SHUT DOWN).

AA I Inspec tor s I1  US 4000-4500 Per Month

With free food . accommodation , ransport and medicals

The ob requirementswould bethefollowing:

• Strong experience in Oil and Gas Refineriesand Petrochemical Fields

• Inspectors must have valid API 510 1570 / / 53 certifloate (other inspectioncertificateswill be considered an advantage)

• Experience in at least 5Turnaround / / hut Down Projects

• 5 years Experience in Inspection related of in-service process Equipment,Columns, Reactor-Regenerator, Heat Exchangers, Drums,Towers, Flare  Boiler,Heater,Furnace , Air Fin Coolers,Spheres,StorageTanks

• Inspectors must also have adequate welding and NDT knowledge andexperience.

• Only serious candidates with relevant experience can send his resume

alongwith certificatestoouremail ID: hrdl@[email protected] candidates will be called for f inal interview with foreign delegationin 1st week of March 2014 at our office New Delhi and selected candidatescanjoin company on urgent basis in 1st weekofMay2014.

MOZAMBIQUEA Aoading mining company in Mozambique are looking for their Tantalum

Mining project:

• Processing Plant Supervisor s — —5+ years experience in gravimetricconcentration usingwet plants, spirals, shaking tables)

• Mobile Fleet Supervisor — — to work alongside / /assist the mobile fleetsupervisors) 3+ years to train mobile equipment operators can managemobilefleet oadingand transporting stockpiles to plant area

• Millwright Fifters — — + years experience electrical installations , strippingand repairing pumps and crushers

Handsome salary + Food Allowance,accommodation and 30 days leavewith return air-tickets after completion of five months, duration ofcontract 2 years and can be extended on mutualagreed terms.Candidates with relevant experience may send resume along with experiencecertificates o email ID: manoower(&

Shortlisted candidateswill be called orfinal nterviewat New Delhi.

  International Manpower Resources Pvt. Ltd.

IS’ A-33 , Rajouri Garden , R i n g Road , New Delhi-27 so 8001:2008

IMR Tel: 011-41065108 , 25101111 GEHTIFIEULic. No. BO131IDELJCOM/1000+/513168/9 1 DRGANISATIIJ N