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Geant4 status updates Makoto Asai (SLAC) For Geant4 Collaboration July 2002, Geant4 users’ workshop @ KEK

Geant4 status updates Makoto Asai (SLAC) For Geant4 Collaboration July 2002, Geant4 users’ workshop @ KEK.

Dec 22, 2015



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Page 1: Geant4 status updates Makoto Asai (SLAC) For Geant4 Collaboration July 2002, Geant4 users’ workshop @ KEK.

Geant4 status updates

Makoto Asai (SLAC)

For Geant4 Collaboration

July 2002, Geant4 users’ workshop @ KEK

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Geant4 Collaboration

Production cuts

Highlights of Geant4 4.0

Highlights of Geant4 4.1

Physics comparisons

Plans for Geant4 5.0

User supports

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History of Geant4

Dec. 1994 : R&D project (CERN RD44) startedDec. 1998 : Geant4 0.0 release

New Geant4 collaboration formedJun. 2001 : External reviewDec. 2001 : Geant4 4.0 release

Jan. 2002 : Patch01Feb. 2002 : Patch02

Jun. 2002 : Geant4 4.1 releaseDec. 2002 : Geant4 5.0 release (planned)

World-wide collaboration of about 150 members is responsible for maintenance, user support, and further developments.

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Collaborators also from non-member institutions, includ

ingBudker Inst. of Physics

IHEP ProtvinoMEPHI Moscow

Pittsburg University

Geant4 Collaboration

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Cuts, in kernel & user hook

No tracking cut

particles are tracked down to zero energy, range

Coherent “production cuts” for secondaries

validity range of models fully exploited

kernel can enforce consistent production cuts• yet processes can ask to override when they need to.

treatment of boundary effects (Figures)

Cuts in range rather than Energy

• Geant3 used cuts in Energy - inefficient

• significant gain in results quality vs CPU usage

User can cut in Energy, track length, TOF ..

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5cm Pb,   CO2,   Pb,    CO2

Cut: 2mm

Pb 2.5 MeV

CO2 55keV


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Results much more stable in variation of cuts

even track length

Also see shower profiles for different cuts (next slide)

between 10mm and 50 microns

Changing cuts

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Secondaries produced only if they could escape

Lead    CO2     Lead      CO2

Range < safetySecondaries CANNO

T leave Pb:

NOT produced

Range > safety

Secondaries could leave Pb: produced

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Highlights of Geant4 4.0

Release date : Dec. 18th, 2001New theoretical hadronic models

CHIPS for gamma-Nucleus, capture and intranuclear transport

Ability to reduce initialisation timeBy saving/retrieving physics processes’ table

A field can now be set to any volume or volume treeOverriding a potential global ‘default’ field

• Note that, for now, all fields must be addressed in global coordinates

G4TouchableHandleAbility to set different Cuts for different regions

In a first implementation (for urgent clients)

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Highlights of Geant4 4.0

In UIAliasing variables and loop commands‘GAG’ as plug-in version for JAS enables user to control the execution of Geant4, while taking histograms

In Visualization Completion of the ‘new’ visualization commands.The first release of the XML => DAWN file converter

Analysis - Example utilizing new AIDA interfaces, version 2.2

That includes support for tuple, cloud of points & plotter.

In addition all current fixes, and numerous improvements in functionality and physics modelling are also included.Patches (01 : Jan.2002, 02 : Feb.2002, CLHEP 1.7.5 : May 2002)

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Highlights of Geant4 4.1

Release date : Jun. 28th, 2002Configuration

Added Darwin-g++.gmk configuration file for Mac OS-X systems running with GNU g++ compiler.Removed obsolete SUN-CC4.gmk configuration file.

GlobalMore verbosity added to G4Exception.Introduced temporary patches for porting on gcc-3.1 compiler.

EventIntroduced new G4TrajectoryContainer class aggregating STL vector.New methods added to G4StackManager for easier stack manipulation.

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Highlights of Geant4 4.1

GeometryIntroduced optional 3D geometry optimisation for parameterised volumes.Introduced ability to optionally disable optimisation of hierarchies of geometry volume placements, through G4LogicalVolume.Enhanced reflection of volumes to cover all CSG and CSG-like solids.G4GeometryMessenger : added new commands to exploit more features of the G4GeomTestVolume class for detecting geometry overlaps. First release of module for importance biasing.Fix in G4Navigator for problem concerning ExitNormal with photons.

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Highlights of Geant4 4.1

Electromagnetic processes (standard)New classes (G4VXTRenergyLoss, G4GammaXTRadiator and G4RegularXTRadiator) for the description of X-ray transition radiation as continuous process.New electromagnetic process G4GammaConversionToMuons for gamma conversion into muon pairs.G4MultipleScattering: new parametrisation for angle distribution. Modified boundary algorithm and some other minor fixes. Improvements and performance optimisation.Fixes to hadron ionisation/energy-loss processes for delta-electron spectra of GenericIons.Modifications in G4PAIxSection allowing to get additional information on transverse and longitudinal excitations at atomic frequencies.Bug fix in G4GammaConversion for e+e- angular distribution.G4ComptonScattering: set LowestEnergyLimit to 1*keV.

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Highlights of Geant4 4.1

Electromagnetic processes (low energy)New more complete and detailed data files (G4LOWEN1.1 data set).Extended parameterisation of e- ionisation (24 parameters per each atomic shell) in order to have better fit to EEDL data.Updates to polarised Compton process.Provided simulation of ionisation for GenericIons.Provided simulation of Auger electrons production.

Hadronic processescross_sections :

• Included the high Q2 part of the cross-section into electro and photo nuclear reaction cross-sections, and into the equivalent photon production.

• New class for calculating projectile fragment cross-sections in ion ion reactions. Implements Physical Review C61, 034607 (2000). based on EPAX Version 2.

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Highlights of Geant4 4.1Hadronic processes (continued)

Management :• Included recoil charge state treatement in HadronicProcess.• Bug-fix affecting energy conservation for anti-protons in hydrog

ene.models/chiral_inv_phase_space :

• Included Q2!=0 for gamma and electro nuclear reactions.• Using quark-gluon string model now to simulate reactions with l

arge energy transfers.models/high_energy:

• Fix for a long standing problem in phi symmetry traced to the Cross method of G4HEVector.

models/leading_particle:• New package, steming from a partial re-implementation of the M

ARS code. • Valid for energies below 5 Gev for proton/neutron/pi+-, K+-/ ga

mma/anti_proton. The code is intrinsically leading particle biased, hence applicable for radiation background simulations.

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Highlights of Geant4 4.1


• Added G4Scintillation process to example N06.Extended:

• Created 8 new examples for importance biasing and scoring.• Created 2 new examples demonstrating event-level parallellis

m.• Introduced first version of example for importing GDML geo

metries.• Introduced first version of CMS tool for debugging geometries

overlaps.• Added example showing import of STEP CAD geometries.• Created 2 new examples showing usage of HepMC event gene

rator.• Added new EM example TestEm6 for G4GammaConversionT

oMuons process.• Migrated EM examples to use AIDA 2.2 for histogramming.

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One new development in EM standard

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One new development in EM standard

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Comparisons in 2000 - 2001

Established join projects for comparing Geant4 with experiment or test-beam data.

Results of EM comparisons: 2000-2001.

Collaboration with experiments

ATLAS (projects with data of test beams of 4 calorimeters)

BaBar (with experiment data for tracker, drift chamber)

Many results have been presented (by the experiments) at conferences & workshops eg Calor 2002, Pasadena, March.

Presentations at monthly LHC experiment-Geant4 physics comparisons meetings, e.g. June 14th, 2002.

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Plans for Geant4 5.0

Target release date : Dec. 20th, 2002

Major new features (planned)

Full set of variance reduction options

Cut per region

HETC rewrite

Picking (first implementation)

Drawing of curved trajectory

and more…

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User supports

Geant4 HyperNews


Users’ workshop

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Geant4 HyperNews, direct link from Geant4 home page

5 major categories, 18 granular categoriesControl of runs, events, tracks, particles

• Event and Track Management, Particles, Run Management Experimental Setup

• Fields: Magnetic and Otherwise, Geometry, Hits, Digitization and Pileup

General matters • Documentation and Examples, HyperNews System Announcements,

Hypernews Testing, Installation and Configuration, User Requirements

Interfaces • (Graphical) User Interfaces, Analysis, Persistency, Visualization

Physics • Electromagnetic Processes, Fast Simulation, Transportation & Others,

Hadronic Processes

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Sep.-Dec.2001 Documentation review phase I

Global structure

Cross reference

Sep.-Dec.2002 Documentation review phase II

Detail inside each chapter

Tips / FAQ compilation

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Users’ workshop


Dec. 2000

Jul. 2001

Mar. 2002

Jul. 2002


Feb. 2002


Sep. 2002