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Gazette Memorial University of Newfoundland " ohmw 21 Number 3 !Vplt mbH zr, 1m Few alternatives left New funding needed or Memorial can't cope, president warns National teaching honor for Shane O'Dea ticipa lN Ruden! mrolmmI and. JfO"" 1M • wb5la nlial number of MI.IfknII di trl cWly courso rcquirC'd for IMi' chosen ,...,..,.. M i:Jlhe o;ue "'ilh many issues at CQ\Iron <.kID" from insv m cim t opcor- .tion&l.ndOlpitalfundin"U.ysIM prc.ideol and vice- chancdlor. Dr. Harri •. The pressure on Memorial'. d!mlis- IryprosramlslCUC'inpo;lIl:umvn\l· Iy sWdcnn, a;ademic .nd .. ilhlht srreees ct o>'clc,owdina. stOP-I'P iO- IUlioru, oomprotniq and di .... ppo inl· ",",1 .. be stmcmd 00 fanOO. The reMooion. S bane O'Dea of Memoria l Uni...ersi- ly of Newfounlllllnd has been named Canadian Professor of lhe Year by the Council forlbe Ad... ancemenland Support of EdUCalion (CASE), an inler- nalionalorpnizalionofcducaliortal;n· S1iIUlions. This ycara re<.:ord4M nominations were r«ei... ed for CASE's intcmation- a1,Canaliian,IUldSl.1leProfCSoiOloflbe Ycardniplion•. OfIMnulObn-, 12 indiriduah "'ere cholocn, who, in lhoc joo,e.'c:lIirnaIions,"llIrou&hlhcil"OI.Il- S1;mdinSlcachinI5kilb,arfcettbelhcs and. careen of S1l'dmuIUldcoolribute A.swo;i.ale professor io the Depart. mmI ofElIIlish, MI. O'Dea laulill lya",ardcdoacoflbeuni... n"Sily'.rtnt Prcsidct:ll's Awards DiSlinllli.hcd Teachina· "I "'as suucred and., ddi&llIed," Mr. O'Deas.aid, dcscribilll his rcal'Iion 10 the news. " II was an honorjUSllobcnominaled,espcciaIly asilwulhcfirsttimcMcmoriaIbId submitted a nomination." CASE am.10 advance Ilrldcnlanr1iJ\ IUldsuppor1 ofedUCalion for the bmrfil mcrnbcnhipincludcs ap-- proximaldy 2.150 universities, rollqa. IUld in&pendcnl elemenlary and. S«OII- ofbudtd,professorilllworklolod. phys- OlbinadayaUCOlllribulclothcuppo:l" limit Oft 00.. IDVIy Uudml speces are .vailablo: in any particular ecorse. ") don', '" bo-' it can be any diffn- <:n1,"UOysDr. H ar ris . "Idoa',_hoto _, can cope .. ithoul • sub6lalllial ,ion of money. Without lhal, _ wiD mortoflht wn hap-- pmNIMyoar ... hereyouha'eacov- inloaparticularcourK_" Wilh lhe univcnil)'" human. physi- cal and financial resources already puohed10 lhe brink, addilll dassa is far from eMY. Fromlhepresidtnt'spoinl of view, thtprobkm ...'ith pull;nsone:. tra secucns is poInty a money problem "W ith no peojecred surplus;nlht budltl,Putt;nlonanulrasection;n one arta ...'ill lake money away flom daryschoobinlbe United States , Cana- da, Mericoand 20 0lher countries. Born ;n 51. Joltn's, Shane O'Dea r«eivedbis BAin Engl i.ltandltislory, andhisMAin Englis lt flolO Memoriai. He bcpn Itis leach;nl career in 1969 at IheCollcieof TradcswhcrehelausJtt an innovalivercportwritinSCOVrKlhat enoourqcd sludenlS 10 ana lyze con- lroversial writinp on cum:missues and. prCSC1lllhcirronclusiorulolhcirfdlo... S100mts. He used a similar approach wilh foundalion-b'd EnsJisb S100mts wbcnhejoincdtbefacullyat "'emoriaI in 1970. Forlheocll14yeanhclausJII sludenlS. Dulina;md since lhal lime he commillCl:S, incll'dinl1llc cornmillcc responsible for the rcsIruaurilll of "'cmoriaI's ftnt·year EnsJi$hprocnlO in 1985. Helwalsobcftlin"O/vedio1llc littProsranl for lhoclraininaofsradu· lIIeSiudenlSin1llc and bas bcC'nlhelUlor for the oIudenlS iothepl'Oll"anl \\ lUIc hist.ksroundisEn,lish Iitcr- Mr. O'Dea's rc:sc:arC'b inlC1"CSl is arcltilCdurai htSlOl)'.Since 1976 he has taushl a course Oft litis lopic for to.I' do. p.). some (Mher ana." Evm wilhoul sud! nlrae\pnlK. Dr. Harm6tsc;ribesllw univeni!y'sfiRanCialsilualionas"opa· IIlinc Oft very lhin itt." He poiDI..oullhlll m:mI buildilllbas been doorwfor specialized areas oflhe univn"Sily, "BlII fill' tilt core of lilt unn-n"SilY, for lilt facutlia of an. and sceece, we have done virtually IlOIh- ins."lltllaid. "The buildilll lhal acoonllnodllu:. chtmtSlry bu ilt approximaldy 20 yeanlllO,and il wasllOl <ksisned.for IhcC\lrrmtnumbn-ofSiudenISallend- illluniv«lily,oor ...asildesis,nedioac- wmmodattllltlarscr ptIVtfItqeofSlu- dml. we are findi", t'IO.... who cheese a science·based prOlram," The Arts lind AdminiSlration Build- ; nsand the Scence Buildilll,.mallerin in oriJin.l ver.ion, wert IwO of lhe buildinponlhel'lotWMemorialUniver- I. v...t"" ..... on sity campus wbm it opmtd in 1961. Much of lhe CWTtnI pressure dutinl rhe re,iaruion period falb OIl the art. and. scimcc: faculties. In lIddilioa 10 leachilllsuodem••pccializ:illl in l/wir particular diKiplinc•• Dumber oflhc dtpartlDelu. in l best IWO core faadties proridcasubstuttialscrvic:ecompontDl 10 olber academic lIICl1S of lhe Prtdir1iql llc lla mbcn Unnpccted chansc:s in lhe numbtrof pcopk rqislcrint ina sanesler, Ol"wfu in whal Sludaus wanllO lake, Tt>o'crbcr· ate Ihroulh lhemlile audnnic syslem. Thoulb nUl-year enrolment Ibis semcsleris at lbeItvclexpecledby univenilyofftcials, Dr. Harris says tbal rcsi",ralion by studenls in second year coIII' do. p. 2,

Gazette - Memorial University of'ICS,thereareindtvidu alcourlt$thatbn:omefilled,andstu· The Hon.

May 27, 2018



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Page 1: Gazette - Memorial University of'ICS,thereareindtvidu alcourlt$thatbn:omefilled,andstu· The Hon.

GazetteMemorial Universityof Newfoundland

" ohmw 21 Number 3

!V plt mbH zr,1m

Few alternatives left

New funding needed or Memorialcan't cope, president warns

National teachinghonor forShane O'Dea

T;~='::f~~~:~:ticipa lN Ruden! mrolmmI and. JfO""inlmlphaWsOll~-ha.emeanl

1M • wb5la nlial number of MI.IfknIIha.~ had di trl cWly rmo:linJ~in lhe

courso rcquirC'd for IMi' chosen,...,..,..M i:J lhe o;ue "'ilh many issues at

M~,lheshon.orlpaot inkty

CQ\Iron <.kID" from insv m cim t opcor­.tion&l.ndOlpitalfundin"U.ysIMuni~tnily·. prc.ideol and vice­chancdlor. Dr. ~ic Harri •.

The pressure on Memorial'. d!mlis­IryprosramlslCUC'inpo;lIl:umvn\l·Iy sWdcnn, a;ademic ~"mcrll' .ndadminiSlraton.~.lI6e'alinl .. ilhlhtsrreees ct o>'clc,owdina. stOP-I'P iO­

IUlioru, oomprotniq and di ....ppo inl·",",1 ..'henlho:umv~ly·.rrsour=canbe stmcmd 00 fanOO. The reMooion.

Sbane O'Dea of Memoria l Un i...ersi­ly o f New founlllllnd has been

named Canadian Professor of lhe Yearby the Council forlbe Ad...ancemenlandSupport of EdUCalion (CASE), an inler­nalionalorpnizalionofcducaliortal;n·S1iIUlions.

This ycara re<.:ord4M nominationswere r«ei...ed for CASE's intcmation­a1,Canaliian,IUldSl.1leProfCSoiOloflbeYcardniplion•. OfIMnulObn-, 12indiriduah "'ere cholocn, who, in lhocjoo,e.'c:lIirnaIions,"llIrou&hlhcil"OI.Il­S1;mdinSlcachinI5kilb,arfcettbelhcsand. careen of S1l'dmuIUldcoolributeIOlheO\erallwdfareofour~y.'·

A.swo;i.ale professor io the Depart.mmI ofElIIlish, MI. O'Dea h» laulillf~18yeantll.:IolcrnorialardwasftCCnll·

lya",ardcdoacoflbeuni...n"Sily'.rtntPrcsidct:ll's Awards f~ DiSlinllli.hcdTeachina·

"I "'as suucred and., oo...~y,

ddi&llIed," Mr. O'Deas.aid, dcscribilllhis rcal'Iion 10 the news. " II was anhonorjUSllobcnominaled,espcciaIlyasilwulhcfirsttimcMcmoriaIbIdsubmitted a nomination."

CASE am.10 advance Ilrldcnlanr1iJ\IUldsuppor1 ofedUCalion for the bmrfilof~y.lIsmcrnbcnhipincludcs ap-­proximaldy 2.150 universities, rollqa.IUld in&pendcnl elemenlary and. S«OII-

ofbudtd,professorilllworklolod. phys­icaI~a.ndthl:numb«ofcluspai­

OlbinadayaUCOlllribulclothcuppo:l"limit Oft 00.. IDVIy Uudml speces are.vailablo: in any particular ecorse.

" ) don', '" bo-' it can be any diffn­<:n1,"UOysDr. Har ris . "Idoa',_hoto_, can cope .. ithoul • sub6lalllial infu~,ion of money. Without lhal, _ wiD~,t mortoflht wn oflhinSI~1 hap-­pmNIMyoar ...hereyouha'eacov­pkofhundrtdSlucknlswho~'ISti

inloaparticularcourK_"Wilh lhe univcnil)'" human. physi­

cal and financial resources alreadypuohed10 lhe brink, addilll dassa is farfrom eMY. Fromlhepresidtnt'spoinlof view, thtprobkm ...'ith pull;nsone:.tra secucns is poInty a money problem

"W ith no peojecred surplus;nlhtbudltl,Putt;nlonanulrasection;none arta ...'ill lake money away flom

daryschoobinlbe United States , Cana­da, Mericoand 20 0lher countries .

Born ;n 51. Jo ltn 's , Shane O'Dear«eivedbis BAin Engli.ltandltislory,andhisMAin Englis lt flolO Memoriai.He bcpn Itis leach;nl career in 1969 atIheCollcieof T radcswhcrehelausJttan innovalivercportwritinSCOVrKlhatenoourqcd sludenlS 10 ana lyze con­lroversial writinp on cum:missues and.prCSC1lllhcirronclusiorulolhcirfdlo...S100mts. He used a similar approachwilh foundalion-b'd EnsJisb S100mtswbcnhejoincdtbefacullyat "'emoriaIin 1970. Forlheocll14yeanhclausJIIEnstishliltf1ltu~,ptimarilylOfirR-}ar

sludenlS. Dulina;md since lhal lime\'

commillCl:S, incll'dinl1llc cornmillccresponsible for the rcsIruaurilll of"'cmoriaI's ftnt·year EnsJi$hprocnlOin 1985. Helwalsobcftlin"O/vedio1llcf.n&IishdcpanlDCrll:"Grwhwe~

littProsranl for lhoclraininaofsradu·lIIeSiudenlSin1llc icachillJofEnslis.ltand bas bcC'nlhelUlor for the oIudenlS

iothepl'Oll"anl\\ lUIc hist.ksroundisEn,lish Iitcr­

at\l~, Mr. O'Dea's rc:sc:arC'b inlC1"CSl isarcltilCdurai htSlOl)'.Since 1976 he hastaushl a course Oft litis lopic for

to.I'do. p.).

some (Mher ana." Evm wilhoul sud!nlrae\pnlK. Dr. Harm6tsc;ribesllwuniveni!y'sfiRanCialsilualionas"opa·IIlinc Oft very lhin itt."

He poiDI..oullhlll m:mI buildilllbasbeen doorwfor specialized areas oflheunivn"Sily, "BlII fill' tilt core of liltunn-n"SilY, for lilt facutlia of an. andsceece, we have done virtually IlOIh­ins."lltllaid.

"The buildilll lhal acoonllnodllu:.chtmtSlry bu ilt approximaldy 20yeanlllO,and il wasllOl <ksisned.forIhcC\lrrmtnumbn-ofSiudenISallend­illluniv«lily,oor ...asildesis,nedioac­wmmodattllltlarscr ptIVtfItqeofSlu­dml. we are findi", t'IO.... who cheese ascience·based prOlram,"

The Arts lind AdminiSlration Build­;nsand the Scence Buildilll,.mallerinin o riJin.l ver.ion, wert IwO of lhebuildinponlhel'lotWMemorialUniver-

I. v...t"" ..... onnsalbcrnaI~kno"'letIlIC

sity campus wbm it opmtd in 1961.Much of lhe CWTtnI pressure dutinl

rhe re,iaruion period falb OIl the art.and. scimcc: faculties. In lIddilioa 10leachilllsuodem••pccializ:illl in l/wirparticular diKiplinc•• Dumber oflhcdtpartlDelu. in lbest IWO core faadtiesproridcasubstuttialscrvic:ecompontDl10 olber academic lIICl1S of

Prtdir1iqlllc lla mbcn

Unnpccted chansc:s in lhe numbtrofpcopk rqislcrint ina sanesler, Ol"wfuin whal Sludaus wanllO lake, Tt>o'crbcr·ate Ihroulh lhemlile audnnic syslem.Thoulb nUl-year enrolment Ibissemcsleris at lbeItvclexpecledbyunivenilyofftcials, Dr. Harris says tbalrcsi",ralion by studenls in second year

coIII'do. p. 2,

Page 2: Gazette - Memorial University of'ICS,thereareindtvidu alcourlt$thatbn:omefilled,andstu· The Hon.


Scout leaders sought

British universitiesgraduate guide available

Eight named toBoard of Regents

Elected membersjoin Senate ranks

dCllu"ho had bopcdto rqister in thcmmUSlfilldanaltmwi~.

Dr. Harris is familiar _ilh theproblerm facillllM &rOUP tOO,lhouptheunivenit~isunablelok«pSlllillieson how romy SludCIIlS mipll havewishcdto take any particular courseandwere unable 10 do 50.

" I have talkedto a number ut stu­dcnu .. ho have lold me thaI of the fivecourses for which lhey intended toregister,tbeyhave nOI been able to getinto a singlcone. On the wholevrhoseat the lower end of the grade point spec­trum have had the most difficull~ he­cause tho:y are last 10 regisler."

T1lcrearemmyalso .. bohavehadtotake electives 1M year and dder COUI'lCS

the'ymus:thavt:unlillllOlbcryear."Un­fortunaldy,all tMsyslemdoes rKl'Il' isti~ priorily to I Rudent .. ho has 10have lOOIIrse 10 graduate," Dr. Harris

"".He acknowledga tbe diffK'Ulliacreated whCIIthere is exceudemand forOOIIlVI. "The syslem is dnianed to di­vMletbe pie in an equilablemlnncr­but no mauer "0_ you divKIe it, lhereis not enough."

Meel tlw boan:l

The GtlUllr will profile the 2S mcmbersofthc Board of Re,enu in asetinenti­lied MCCIthe Board. The sorven·pan ser­ia bel:im in ee oc. 6iuue.

~Iemorial Uni~ersil~of Ne>ofound\andAlumni AM.ociation and 1"0 lIIude.nmembers appointed by the lioeutntant­~incouncil,malr.euptheboard.

The uni'iCl'SilY's chanallor. prnidcntandprovi<:e<hancellor~a~"·

offICio board mcmber!.Under the Act Respccting Memorial

University, the Board of Regents isresponsible for the managemenl, ad­minis tration, cont ro l of properly andrevenue, and business affairs of theunivenit~.

plied scieRCC; Dr. TerraRCCMurph ~ , hu ·

man ities; Dr. Harr y Kiefte, Dr. Sherr~

May. Dr. William McKim, Dr. H ugh G.Miller and Dr. Natbara Ricb, science;and Dr. Sudhir B. Abhyankar. SirWilfred G rmfell Collca<

T'"'O by.oc.:tions wert'bdd in 1M <:on­

SlittlCllC)'of education. Dr. Philip J.Warren_dected to fiU the vKIIICYin Iheedul:alil:Jnconstit.aencytteated bytberniJD,ation of Or. Romulo F. Mq­sino. His tmn tx pirc:sAupa .lI , I989 .Dr. Leonard Williams .. asabodcctedin I by-decl.ioIl in educallon. Or. Wil·lianu,_bofillsIMvac&I'IC')'C'I'ealedbythe resignalion of Dr. Gary Jeffery, willserve until August .ll, 1990 .

Seven students nominated by theCouncil of the Sludenls' Union willserve as student reprcscnlalives: Heathe!'TUlk, Anne Whelan, Re,jna Bruce ,Stephen Crummey, Brian Caro:y, JohnVei"band DavKI Head.

A problem thai rdltQ sp:cifKally 10ctJernislry is thal Memorial mUSldevotea wbSlantiai portion of ill SClrCC

resources to Clwmist:ry 1800, I cccrsefor lhose witb nobackpWnd. or I weakbackgrotlnd in 1M subject:. CbetnislryisnoItaught in all oflhe bigh sclKlocmofthe province, and sludmlS from theseschools, iflhe'ymust havelchemiSlrycourse, needone that starts from the be­ginning. Wilbouisuchacourse,lheywill he barred from a whole range ofpossible degree programs."Wehave~nawareforthepast

$everal yean thaI the problem wilhchcmistryhasbeenbuilding.lnourcap­ilalplan,_ha~propoIIedbuildil1!land

rcnovatlonslhalwOIIJddcalwitbtnes.eproblenu.. but the'y have nOi. 50 fll,been funded:'

flecti.. rieC1hes

T'bereuanOIhel'll'otIpofstudcnts .. OOmay bclCllin&councs. bv.t feel lheyareIlOI gCltilll what lhe'y wanl or whal.. OIIIdbc:st.lCTVetbcirpcrsonalinlernlsand goals. Acrou the whole'ICS,thereareindtvidu­alcourlt$thatbn:omefilled,andstu·

T he Hon. Bill Matti": ...... mini$ler oftheDepartmenlofCarecrOo:vdop­

mnll and Ad'llncN Studies , has an­IIOUncN a,ht new appointmCII!5 10MemorW's Beard of Rqenll.

The new board memhen are: CarlBuffClt,;J. William Finn,Carboncar; BerniceHoIIClt , Goose Bay;Or. Cindy Mills, Clarenville; BarbaraRyan , SI. John's; Geo rge Senio r,Salmonier; Grace Stapleto n, Labrador;and EstelleWall, Grand Falls. The termof offICefor each board memberathreeyears.

Char les Wbite has been reappointeduchairpcrson oftbe board for e roreeyear term.

These appointmntlSll'e IIIIOnJthe 17proviDcialaovnnmertlappointcc:s,who10000herwitb iU membcndcaed by the

s ~~~~scl~~~~ a~l~~;~ ~~~r I:;s~regularly schedu led meeting Sept. 13.Alsojoininathe ranks or Memoria)',highest academic body this month .. ereSludCIIlmembers of Smate tIOmilWedby tbe Councilor the Studcnu' Uttion.Dr. l..e!Iit HII'TU, prnideou and via­chancellorofMcmoriaItMChairp:nOllof Senate. llOIed the prnenoc of newmembers and wdcomcd lhem to tbemeet1na·

Someoftho5e wbo wert' M.lfXC:55ful intheir bid 10rcprncntlhcirronSlitUCII­cia on xlWe arc actually old hands lotthe job who have already $erved onSenate and were re~lected.

Elected for a regular three-yea r termoommencingSeptembcrl, 1988andex­piringAugust) l, 1991 were: Dr. SudirSaha,forlheoonstitucncyofbusinessadministralion; Dr. John Molpard andDr. Edward Moore,enainccrinaandap-

"Anyone woo _arau to &et intoscicnoc or ara)'Ol'le""o wants 10 tel inlOan~ of the science-based profeuiorumust ha~ chemistry. If lhe« is such IIhinaulhe key scicntt,dJmtisiry is it.Even if lhe'y arc Pili 10 do OIhersciences as their specialty,the'y needchemistry," Dr. Harri s ilK!.

Biuer d' Mo~ duIe5'"We have been conscious fora numberof year, that we were marginillyequipped 10 rope with the number ofpotential students in chemistry," he not ­ed.For some lnstnunons the sehnionis10enlarleclas$liz.e.

"We couldn't. even ifwe .. anted to, "Dr. Harrisll~l1aIly."MemoriaIbuiJd·

inp "ere~ or have been modi·fJoCd in I way lhal rcquira us to leachin smaI.Iclas.s sizes, and we have verylimiled space devOled 10 Iar~ cia»­rooms," Dr. Harris said. "This _ a

,eneralpul'pCMeful i1ratcgylha:t was.\'doped 2S ynn 110 10 help S1IMknU

wilhunevatedualionalback,roundstoadjust 10 universit~ eeucaucn."

Adding e_tra classes poses anotherproblem. Dr. Haniscxplail15,"Wehaveincrea.scdourenrolmenlSb~perhap:s60

per cent over the past years, and at thesame time we have not subsramially in­crcascdourfacully.Althemomelll weare unable 10 IUPPOri tbe Sllrr",'e hivewith the opcrllional funds we hive. Toaddtolhemffisvinuallyimpouible."

Laboralory sciences praml­­ina txln people more diffICUlt. "Thekd.ure _bod may allow you 10 kd.ureloIOOClSludntu.,if)'OUha~lballlar~

CIlO\IP, bUllhe lWure of the i.n.sIrvc·tiolland the mdhodololYofthecoufJeinlhelabissuchlhalyoumuslreslric'lil 10 a limit of JO...lS." McmoriaI'steacbina labs already are opcratina dayandniabt,

2SOOtaupll courses divided into S4subject: groups and romprWllI Idacriplion of 1M content ofell:bcourx, itt method of assnsrnntl,lenatb, Iii Ie and qualificltionawarded

· I promc of ca:h uni~y or univer ­

sit~ rollqe dcKribil1!l itt foundalionand ph~sicallocation, academic or­pnizationandsize,residenlialac­oommodation and lOcial facili t ies

• inform at ion abo ut fees,Vants andawar ds

• an index to ro urse tit les and sub ject

,=".The edilion sells II 19.5Oa copy

surfacepost frec(lli, iDdlidin. prittofbook,byainnail). lroquirell:TheAs­IIOCia.tion of Coonmoawea/tb Universi·tiel , Job n FOAer HOlIK, .l6 GordonSquare, London WCIH OPF.

lional orpnization will alsolKU'pl newmembers, five-18 ~cars, for itt Beaven,Cubs, Scouu, Venrures and Roven .

The proaram stresses the olltdoors,says Mr. Mitchdl.Telepoonc: J68...l988,or,arterOc!obcr),7.17-4)(1.l.

and a~ is hiPn lhan anlicipaled.PraIictinImrolmml isdifflCUll because1M number of $Iu&!us .. bo dedde 10COfM to university in any ya.r~on so mmy vlriabks.

"But .. lwtlwrtMreasonisIM«OII­omy,txpec!ations fortM future or oneof a hosI ofotherpoaibilitin, this yearMemorial is left with tM problem ofropinl with approximately"SO extrafull-limc:ulldergraduate$ludentsduringthe 1988 fall semester."

Co no:rnlnted demand

The degree to which lh.c nlrl demandhas focused on spccificacadcmil:arcashas emphasized lhe problem. If the ex­Ira people .. ere distribuled evo:nlythroulboullbc univcni1y's c\aw.roonu,Dr. Harris ilY1',theilll:r_ .. oukI beInsllOlioceable,bv.tthe_numberof~ClDbceomeamajorfon:eiftoo

manyoftbc:n1areiDierntedinre,isler­ina for IheillTlCOOlIn('.

ThissmJCSler,lhemoet,ipriflCaJltacaOrnUc area where demand has ea­ceeded theuniven.;ty·s resources is thechemi$lry program. Even with an txlrasection, some studenll hltve nOl beenIble 10 win a co veted place in chemis-­tr~,andwilJ have to waituntilJanuary,8«llu$ethismeansthe~ma~bebackal

universit~ for pan of the summer, the~

oouldpaythehcavypnuoflQSl sum­nKT employmem opponunitin.

In Dr. Harris'view,the problem ofexca.sdemandforchemistryCOllf'Se5hasa number of calISe. The first is simpie:more people need to do i1.

"One factor is the inaeallilll internlin scicnoc and tedtrdosY••hich isprobably rclaIed 10 the devdopmmlalaspirltiom of the provinoc and theprnr;hillloflhemcriuofscicnocindtedmoIotYlliIthcko:ylOfUlurelUCl:CSS."FinHear chemistry is a1$OI prerequi­tile for entry into I number o f theunivers ity's program s.

T~~U:~=UIl-:~liIbcd, 011 behalf of tbe UK V".ee­CbancdIon' Committee, tbe fourth edi­tionofthcBritishUnivenilie!;'CuidetoGrfldUlleStudy,tbe fOllrlb edition oftltisrompl'ehensivelllidctoallgrldu­ate courses taughl al universilin inBritain.

The auide is available in the QE 11Librar~ .

The.120 large (A" sizc) pages of th isedition now include courses in medicine,dentistrylnd vetcnnary scicnce, and inaddilion con tain:• an introduclionlO IfIdUlle studin II

British univeni t in by Adam Nevilk,former principaland~1or

of tM Univtnily of DImdcc• lmajordircctOrYoflfldUlletauaht

COWWI providina: Octaib of around

fi rS!.Macpherson Scouts is loo kina: foradulllcadersforbolh itsC!lbllldSco utprograms.

Cubs meet Monda~ evenings al SI.Andrews and Scouts Wedncsda~ atPrince of WalesColle,jale.

AIloordilllto IcadcrDon Milcllell,lheplrent-sponsored, multi-denominl·

Page 3: Gazette - Memorial University of'ICS,thereareindtvidu alcourlt$thatbn:omefilled,andstu· The Hon.

Expectations highfor 1988 Annual Fund

M o" a1's l9P A......'••4 b 1....,ItftI! CarryI"l IM .awr for tIM: .lli~nV-1J·1 jor f.lNlnW"I rff,,"anI(L.R)~ LaM Harril; t liza bti ll Rf') '..Hdo ,~.loflhc Mc...ri" U. lvrnil y Alomn l Auodatlo ll; P.lIISIll.iIIl .~1

of 1M eoaacil of St llftou' V.IoIl :.11d \ ....- Somm. c.... r of Illls Yair' . AODualr . nd (',(>...mlll~.

IDEAS seriespresents work ofMemorial's faculty

and folklorisr Dr. Peter Narvaez isprepar; RJ • docummt2ry 011 fairies inCa nada for the sprin. '89 vasoo.

CDC Radio prodIK:erJohnDoyk Jayshe is interlSled in hea.rilll from ot hermembers of the universily COOIIIIunil,witb .., for IDEAS ; he cm be reached&1737-4.216.

A Wodd of Words will bebc:ard onthe:CDC bdio oeIwork Wednesdays,Ocrober l2l:band 19th. II 100Hp.m.Ne'wfDl.lndlandlime.

univenityrq:isUv, GImoCoUinl,saysthelllll::lpectediDaeasecaobelltribul­edtoJJea.rernwnbersofmuntinJ ll u,dents. The number of new first-yearMudentsbasbttnkvdliIlloffOOl<:fthepult,,"o yean, be DOles,but DOWmoreJludents than eva- before art: mU ml llltOl beuniversity.

III 1916 Memorial w mJthenedillreadmislion requiran<:nlsandtheav er­qe mark for conlinuanoe wat raisedfrom .&5per emt 10 .so per cent , " Wehadpn:dicted that,asa result,moreM u­dents would fail to meet the: require­mentl for readmiSJion or would decideDOlto retcrn 10 IheuniversilY," Mr.Collin,sayl . However thi5 did nOl hap­pen and Ihere are over.soo more stu­dentseruolled than last year . "Studentsare meetina t lr.emore strinaent expect&·tiolUllIl l Memorial hu ICI for them:'

in. thaI private support ill essential ifMnnorial is to Mren&fbenilsposition asoneofCanada'sleadin.univenilies ,"Mr. Smilh.l&id.

A leila- of appeal from Preidenlla­lie wiD500rt be see r re all W,et&roup". A donation form is alKl con­lained in the Annuai Fund DOIir:eOl1 p.12 of this GtJutrt. For II1Cln informa­tion, rontacl the Offooeof Alumni Af­fai~ and Dtvdopmmt at 131-41S4.

T~a:e:~:'O==~:~new CDC Radio IDEA S Kria preparedby Or. WiUiam Barker of MnnorialUniversity'l OepartrnmCof Ena:lish. AWorld of Words tdb the Kory o f lheOED from its oriai,w assembly in the19thoentury to itl wrn:nt adapcatioR lOcom puter loehnolop and new idealabout EnJiish .

" We'noot laedto thinkiaa aboutor­dinarybookl likedictioft&ria,"[)r.Beta- 111)'1.. " . they ue made by pro­P'eand thcy QprftI. pertialIar' way ofIookinallltllte world."


en as weII_ iu m ... for lite ree eee­how JlIO&f&1l11 io the aer1a . He abospoke to other kUoop&phen aDd sayshe was Jl"CIIly bd ped by the editOlSofIhe Di(,io"I1'7 0/ /'I#_/ o.,,,dfll,,dEJo,fi5lt.

Th is is the fint of thrft IDEA S ser_K:i beiRJ preparerAby Mnnorial facuhyrnan bers.Or .e-q:Kealcy oflhe hiMo­ry depar!menlil worki.. oa .prOllIlDabout:lIC:CftIlD informat .... laCanada.

Fall enrolmenthigher thanpredictedA a:or diRJ to preliminary flJ\l reo

me-dbytheOffllXoIthe R_lnt, enrolmen t in Memorial ' l faU 1981semater is up by .&.7per cmt OOIer faU1981. AI of Sept. 9 there weee 12•.&Ufull and part-t ime underJJIdU.IIle lIu·denll repllered ... the 51. John 'l QIQ­

pus. RqiMration mlilliQ for the sameperiod1asl year Ihow. tOlal of 11, r70JllIIkntl.u mdi lll lhe oniversily in 51.John 'l .

Enrolment at the Sir Wilfred GrenfdlCollqe relativd yronstanlsince last yea.r,with.tOlalofWIIU·dents takinacoursn Ihi,fall I t theCorner Brook c:amp... . Rq:i stralionfi8urnfor fitst'ye&r universilycoursnal the communilYcollq:es in Lewisporteand Grand Falls are not yet available.

Enrolment Ievell 'Il'eTepredicl edtore­main about the n me ll'i last year. The

Three lealkr ,h ip lOcid ies' p ft c1ubshave beencrUl ed 10 ' ecocnize Ihmewho make an "ntra effort" in theirpfls. The lOcidies are the Charw;el1or'1AssocialesSQciety-pftsof SI,OOOor~e, Or. Pl ul G. Dnmarais. clw:lo;c:l­klr; the: PrQident'1 Circle - pfts ofS.soo-S999,Or. Us lie HarriJ, pres>omt;the CcnluryOub _pft$of SIQO.SA99,Dr. J . Dou,Jas EllDn. former rice­prni<knt,lIudmtaffai~.

"More and ~e members of the es­tendeduni,ersilycommunilyarerealiL-

A..... ,.. f\Ku Me-tal'l sa-danII

Mr. O'Dea views lite . ward as bol:b.penonaIhoaorandaoationalac­k_~oflltebi&bteadliD&

KaDdanil ... the:UDMnity. " Meroorial. a wry aood l~ aan-enny. Wealwa" bem.," he _ed.

''1''hereareaklCofaoodprofesaon... Ma!:looriaI.-bo may be unawanoftbm im~ as tCKben. ·· Mr. O'Dealaid . He bopa tbM his .ward will en­couraae~MemoriIIIfK'llltylOdoo:o­

_theirle&dlinlaccomplishmellU&IweD &I they haw doc:ummtcd their..-dt mde:avon. "I haw doDe rvaN­atiollIoimyteaehiRlandkqotearefuincordlbec:&_lfdl: il:wuimpon.&nlto do 10," be eornmmted. " Pc:rllapIOlben will say; ifbeeaa,et: Ibis award ,IOc:&Il _. "

poetry is now reflected in the aradin lJlJuideJinel used by teachers of flrst-yearEnglisll.

A Sludent recalled: "Mr . O'Dea 'sconcern for each l1udent extended be­yond the lectureslOl for hiscoUlV. Ev­ery lime he:pve back an assianmenl, he:would schedule individualappoinlnJmtsfor each student 10 meet with him,di,­l;U1oI the JJade (wh.ich would oot haveeeee indicated onthe:assianment>, dis­cusa probleml with the paper and withany other aspect of the course. Mr.O'Dea did DOlj llSl want to to:ach- hewanted h.isMudm ts to Ieam: '

oth" prOl1ams. " [t is ollr nope ." Mr .Smith said. "10 substVltiaUy increasethe oum!len of donors and the tor~

amount of 11Kp fts."TolLUilol wit h lbc annual univcnily

appeal•• fund co mm ittee has bern a­l.blishcd Wil h Verne So mers .B.Comm.(Hons)'6l . scninI as chair.Sixlemorhrnrcprelaltillff~and

Kboob. as wdl .. other ronstiuJftV:toliciuliorlFoup..wiIl.m.:llxIllliVl:l"·sily with Ieucn and penon.alQ)nlacl 10prosp«ti~~.----

--Aloq -uh tbe DOlDiDeoe'I IlC:ademic~aDdrecofd ol~lo

tbt:profeaioll. onc:oflhe ma jor (OlJ­lMkratiolll iD tbt CASE sdernoolPfOCI!S' ilthe llSliJDoayof IlWImII and~. ID IUpporl inl MI . O'Dea 'IllOmioatioa. onc:flll:llll ymcmba"notedt"- his apprOKh in lite teKlUna 01

cont'd fro m p. I.

Memorial' , Faculty of EnlJilll:<:rina.Apart fromtlli ' academic course, h.isteach.illl in tlli, areah.atbem in the pub­Iicforum ofprCKTVation.Si~th.cearly

1'n 0l h.e lr.aslIeld a varidyof executivepm ilions in h.eritq:e· relaledoraaniza·tion s, iocludi na: tile Newfoundl andHmone Trust, the Heritq: e AdvisoryCommittce of tbe Cityof St. John 'I,theSociel:yforthe:StudyofArchitCldureinCanada, and the: HiJloric Sites andMonuments Board of Canada . For hiswork be beenpvm a Commun itySCviceAward(l'n8jby Heri&qce­da and the Plonea o f PTeKrV&tioaA..... d (1981) by the Ne'wfoundlandHiJtoric Tnast.

His publicatioal iDdude a mono­p-aph, ~ DotrInfic Ardlit«tllrr 0/04dSt. ./oIlooI'I(l9'74). and IWObooks 01bu.iIdin& biIl:oriea - A Gifl 0/HmJ~(I97S)aDd Ttrr Hilloric Tco..... (197I)- for wbicb bewupriDciplaIcomribol­lor and edXor. He is tbt rtcipiaU of1NIDmlUI&nIUrdaliDIlObiI~

Oft Ne-orlOllDdlud....",....., ardlMe­tureandtbtautborolmanyartides,papm. and revXws .

Shane O'Dea

M~ial Uni~Iy'S AMual FUnd

Driv~ IS now u""".y. Tbcap.peal for fulllh , directed al alumni.facuItY."llfr,PIf""s,frimdsandoorp.OI"aaiom, is now in in K<;(lnd )'Uf ofoperationalld prOlllQ.o:s 10 be anolhct'

TM Dim;tor of 1M Of(1tt of Affain and Dc-'dopmml. KmnSmith. aid Ihal lasl:"'YUI'~ SJOO,OOOwasdonalcdthroushthcAnnwalFUlldfor suppon of KhoIanhi~. (KIIhy rncart"h and. hosl of

~n.l_ JGut*

Page 4: Gazette - Memorial University of'ICS,thereareindtvidu alcourlt$thatbn:omefilled,andstu· The Hon.

Entering students writeMathematics Inventory Test

REIMAX rHIty 1~11.lId. 726-8300REIMAX unltoadInc. 3&4-8848

Whatt'Ye1")WI" real tSale needs. get Canada's top procIuc:ersworking for)tlU.The creamof the crop. They'reat ReiMax.CaDtoday:


be U'aCkedO"er lime. comparilll lbe in­_tCK)' lea resula wilh IVada in"niversity mlilbematiCI eounes.A.oothc:r_ofin_iswhnhcr.l1l1­cknt'linvaltor)'lallICOferorrdlteswithlbehiPldIooI.maIhematicspade.

Dr . Shawyerwill~ onlhe resula

of the Mlithemlitics In vent o ry Tnt 10Ihe Senal e Comminecon Und erarad u·a te Stud ies. The depa rtm ent plans toco ntin ue Idminislerin gthe inven tor ytesllOeiitChll rOUpofincominastudenuUPf.r1 of ill p rO\lram to improvelhemat hematics suuaucn in Ne ...­foundland.

improvina tellCher edu.c.ltion in theprovintt."shesaid.

Dr . C hes ley Bro ...n. secre tary ­coo rdina tor of the comminec, estimatestha t the final repo n will con siSl of aboutISO pagn..... uh approximately lOOasInt and the remainder as appendices.

In addilion 10 public hearinp held infour provincial populalioncmtrn, dur ­in, lhe year of ilstmure lhe committeere«ived Ind analyzed '17 brid t . imer­' iewednurner~ arouPlw it hi n lhe

proviocial t)-uanofeduca1ion. aod 1111­

dent lOlltbeMemoriaJcampus. \\,thinl he Facu lty of EdllCltiocl. departmen tsw bmi ned odf -Sl.lldy doo.:ulJlC'llll lindlbere Wert re.pollSQ From Q\IC:I.tioI:l.­nairessubmitledlogrlldualeaodunder­arad studmlS. as ...dl as provincialserondar}'schoolteachenoolhtiropin­ion of tellCberedUCll.lion at Memorial.



GulI1emai.1.aodaco-ordilll1orforlrain i", and ledmolocY tTlrufer_ProcKao, IICA orrlCle in Hond uras .

Forfurther infonnalion,oonUlC1 M ,AtkillJOn, In ternalional P roar ams, E~·lension4lS6.

pn)\'ed. Tbc coocnns about achieve­ment in lloiwnily malhmwiQ affmlbe audmu and facully members oftbeIIIIIhnnaLics and ltaliltiQ doepanmcmmos1dirClC1ly.bIItlherearealsowide­spread reper CliWo ... in lbe mao y areasin which knowkd JC of malhmwico isessenl ial,

As ....ell .. leamin. ....Iw. lt uden15kno .... and don't know, Memo rilil'sDepartmenl or Mathemat ics and Stal is­lics is al lO inte rnled in the degr ec 10wh ich l heinvenlOfJ lest ean be used asa predi.ctor of Suo;nl in mat hematics.A represmlalive sampk of l1udmls will

T be bMer-Amcric:Io . ' lIIliIiUMe fIKCo­operauoo ce A.&ritu-hurt off'ia"

CanadaIw; several poIiI:iooI lIYailabitworld- .....

lbey ~: an economill positiao ...Ihi n ClA Ts e-va Prosram ; aod po­silions wilhin CI AT 's Rice Program altheC<ontro l nlCl1lKionaJdtAsricu!luf1ITropical (Cl An in Cali, Colombia.

Jill How ell (I-) Ind Milot Ha) " "' eft Im lllltll lN'rd unlilln !itud~nI5 .. ho dJ!lC:u.....r<tIh.. . Ial~ IIf Ita<"..... . .h .ndon with Dr. Made ll"" Itlrdy, (R ) du rin vbll.s 10Memori al . chi. or lhe PftSidtnlial Comallitt 10 RtI' ltw l:ch.uti .

Tbe. repor1 0f "!"!le Prnidenl ill l ~om.

mmeerc Rev.ew Teacher Edocauonis neari ngcompkt ionllnd.bouldbeint he hand~ of Memorial ' s president inla te Octo ber . 58.yslhe 8roup'schair, Dr .Madeli ne Hard y.

The com plel ion date is erose 10 thatprojeclw when lhe committee wasslruck in Seplember. 1987.Inmid-Seplember,1988.lhe~en

penon commillec mn "&li n for ~eraIdays,ils~worki", sasioas. llysOr .

Hardy, Ccmenuee member~ ha.ereached cor..,m~1 on the report'sroxommmdal ions . and the Ihird lind fi·naJ drafl is bein l edited and preparedfor printilll . Dr. Hardy.... howiDnotbo:~umilllioNewfoundlaOO ror wort 011

lhe report, found Ihallheoornmiueemembcn " ....orj.ed tOSC!her ulremdy....ell... Eachhad ..lheo~inllgoaloF

Completion date nearsfor review committee

Inter-American Institutenotes positions available

A.naI.. I. P1'olIoINI

TbcPUl'J'l*oftbelQlillObdp lbeDrptilmml of Mal bnnatia and Swil­tiel undenl.l.nd why so man y of lbe,..ldualei of lbe Newfou ndbnd andlabr.oo, hiP IChooI s)'Slntl an fail illlinlTl&lhmlalia in uni versi ty .

"Over lhe pI5I two yean. the depart­ment tlas been conducting informalstud in on the level o f mattlematicalknowled lle of enterinll students. II hasb«n our o bscf1/:;nion thatmanyentranlst udents.npecially those ...hollavetaken lhe Newfoundland and labradorhiP 1ChooI....Jnnic malbemaliapro­ararn. JhowweakDeSSe5iDbasicarilh­mnil:, al,ebra and ac:omcIfJ:' Dr.ShaW)n"II)'5. TbcinvmtCK)'tal _ ­urellevdsof~inspa;irI("COft

areas of malhmwic:l. indudilll ad4i ­tioaandsubtrllCtioaoffractionl.muJ­Liplicatioa and divilioo of fractionl.d«imals.po:rcenu.ordc:rofopcra!ions.and Ia.... of signs. The deparlmmtevaluated tbe tal very c:arefu lly to en­suretllat the matm al isappropriale forstu denlli in Newfo undla nd.

"The same Mat hema tics InventoryTe. t is beina aiven 10 all entr anlSl.udentsa t Memoria l. be they SI. John's. SirWilfred GrenFell Or fulension litu_cenn." he says. "This indudn student sretiSlered for tim-year univer sit ymall'lernatia courses allhe Grand Falband L.ewispone ClTnpuscsoflbeCmlralCommunit y CoIlece'" Abo lakiq lbeIal "'eR 511K1mumlmllIlbe Mar ineIllIlituteand tbeCabollnstiluteinSl: .Joh n·l. and tbe Bay Sl:. Gcor ae Cam ptnof lbe Walern kqiollal CommunityCollete in Stepbm.'ilIe.


The refultl will be made available to Dr.Robert Croc ker. chair oflbe Task Forceo n Mathemati ca/ Scienc:eA chievem ent .The crelilion of the task force was ae­nounced by the provincial gov ernmentin March. 1988. Its mandate it to invC$­l;ple mea ... by wlUch IlChievemmt inDtalhentaliaandlcienceinNewfound~

land and labn ldor hiP schools Indpoa«eoadary inll itulions caD be inl-

Chang ng Iobsancl haveto relocatet

I, .

..'7tIC'" . .~ ~ e:~" -. .' . .' '.j. " • ;".... 1

. • r • • 1..". !l a U . ~

T~at~O:~~~~dlrouIblheMaihc:malia. IIlVCDlOrYTeotwill provilk iJIsi&IM ialO tbe' probkmsflad by students n1tenn,lhe uoheni­Iy's flTSl-yarmatbmlatiac:ollna .

lbe diffllCUlty 10 many Sludenu ba~

with fll'l l:'yar Ill&lbenwb c:oIIna atMcrnoriaI andthchilh fllilunra!rB WI­ronunate roreveryone~.l.aY'

Or. BnoccShawya-, hcldoflbc lkpan­ment of Malhematics and Statistics. Ad­minislerin , .lhe MlIlho:mal ics lnvcn loryTt$t to allincomilll firsl-ycar studcnt lis the stan of a long-term erron to solvethe prob lem. Prelimi nary Tc,islT.t ion(i,u res show thaI 2,921 firu·ycar stu­dents TcPstcnd at Mmlo rW' s 51.John ' l campus and S02rqW.ered at SirWilfml Grmfd! Co lle&c. ' s lOOl).~ mathmwicsCO\ll'V$ haw: 3.667 0l'IUJ"Ie rePstr.lnts

1M sanata. ac:wrdilll 10 early rqi$­lrationf~.

Fromlbeaudent's point ofvn.lbcMaa:bemalia 11I_ oryTeot i:lnot a Iesl:m!he l;()nvrntional Knte: tbe resum!l.Iw: no afea on 1M Jludml's pba­mmt iDmathem.aticsoouner.andtheybavc 110cffca on and 00 not appear onthe: Iloom t's .ca<kmic record. TIleMathematics Invento ry Test is . Teco&­

niudtestil\&instrumcnllhalhu!l«nuo.ed in many ~I of Canada, andMemorial isusi:l,it u ...... y rc tak e_(I<;k of tbe~knowled&e of

nllmlll 51lK1mta. AI its name SU&JQU,

it tak es iDvallCK)'o f I 51udmc 's mal lie­IDA1i<:allrlowkdae·

[~I -J /29b-4/ J

Sa.ple questiona

t2s- ,t"6 .

Page 5: Gazette - Memorial University of'ICS,thereareindtvidu alcourlt$thatbn:omefilled,andstu· The Hon.

Illiteracy major problem in provinceLiteracy workshop at Memorial

a8edthree losi~years, He ....ill dis<:u.. Ih is year ........ellasoffn praCIica.l."'I·rje new Ian,:... arts prOl'&m OOns in- sntions for aMi.t ing in lhedtvdopmenttr aduc ed into Newf oun dland schoob of chi ldren's langu.a~ .kill~.

MI.I} Hick"')

Comidcrin .. lhed\ rredinlheIas159years.sltc'sadapl­ina: very wdl to a modem univtf'Sityenvironment.

" I la ke Ih ings mcrry ," she saY",htrshol; k of ",'hilehair bo bbi nl upanddOlOnto the rhychm of hcr laughle r.

Climbing t he Slairs 10 the ed.....,.ionbui ldin .. cafete ria she c1UIChesthe left­hand rail, obli\'iou. lo .her disruption ofdo ....n...ardtramc.Shc·~rejo:l;red lheclt-­

valo r for lhe chaoceofa lill ie e~ercise.

Sheclaim~ ~he'~ never suFfered a .is­nifica nl ac he or pain in herlifc."11,ho ..... 1can press on ," ~ h.c delerm i nes.

Thal gnes .. ithou t saying,

A I 82, Maf } Hicke, (n« Foley l ....lhe di51,nctlOn of bein. one pan­

limcstudC'n1who preda!nthc",niver.i­Iy ilsd r.

Mrs. Hickey _as born in 1906,42ynrs before Memorial URi"",,';ly .. as

"anted dqro:c-ci'iilfnrina SlalllS, 18ynn bt.fore Memorial Uniwrsity Col·Iqc - tho: uniVft'lily pr~ ­opmtd iii Goon,1t_. ~tcmoril.lUnj"enily~

lhall.hc: received htr teKhtr lrainilll.Slw:complncd htr lnillilllin I929.lhnI_e lllonioteachschoolfortilhlyarsin lhe com munllies of Blm l" Cov e.laScic,f1C'urdeLYlIand TCI'I~illt.

N"", 59 yean !aIel, lhe diminutivenctoso:narian is bKk aI bcr alma maier.OfIttrcmovcd. 10 Itam 10 leach read.inll. kill s. She'.... nI110bc l.blt lo hd p peo­pie in htr home comm unil) of TClTcn ­",,'ille d~e1op liltracy ,kills. Shebe!ieve:s lhtr e ' , . dftnand for lhe ..".. ·iQeb«auseofanup('ricotltt.hehadI....a-.nd_._hl.lfyearsqo.

Onc:dayhtrdoorbdlrana. When lhean erN lhe door.hefound.lecn..aeboy aitilllon lhe.lcps.~boyasked

her: .. y ou ....nel.leacher, nm·tyou,Mrs . Hickey' " She adno ledged thatsht hadbccn." lean'l~tllerreador

write,"lheboyconlinucd."Wouldyoulcal:h me ho w'"

~lo.ed by l he boy '. plilhl " he came

to me dc<;isio n tn refrevh her leachin,, kills. wh en she com pletes her sludicsshe vowsvrbat boy will be thc ri"l OneI call"!

"Will you teachme to read?"

~demand~ relevanl lraininl

mal n ial•. She says, " Theft i. a rea lcomplacCflC)' amo", literate people. a nd111ft, lack of respect (Qr [he illiterateIIUInif"uindfin thedifflCU ltyteachcr.have in reac hilll these who need in­S1llK'1ion"

ATecmlrqlOfIpro:p;oredforSoulhamNews in 0111._ confillTlS ~h. Gam ­berll'S observalions. 1lle SouthamRepo rt presen led a random sampk ofCaRadian~ wilh a scric's of lash and..... .oed •• lheir perforlll&JloOl:. New­

foondlandhadlbehicheslincidnlcc:offUn((ionaIillilerates-tbosewhocouldnoc perform a11as1SOperCftlI of 1MlashOOfT«lly-a1 44percml

Ms. Gambiefl says lho:acIua1 percea­lqe ~nnoc be accvraldy caku!al<~d,

and that "differem pcopk have differ­mlnm!s".Slw:mainLainslhalfvncUon­aI illilency is 1M inabililY 10 functionin your own particular social rorlle~l,

and lhaI"lho:ltlO5l Unponanl tllin& thaiatlCfllCS (from the repor1) is lhal wekn(" . wt ha.t a biI probkm".

Whik htrapproach 10 leachinll read­illlandwrililllhasbtt!1ofrJCia.llyadopIed in Nova ScoIilI schools, Ihtr tis a probltm ...,nh impkmtntalion, tina:IeaChtn lack tnininl in 1M m:ornmmd­ed mtthod~of inslr uClion .Throulh.udlwor~bopsas.lhc0T>e5

• ~h . Ga mbtrll k~ in No.1. ScoIia an dnow in NtwfoundlalKl. and ~inan

and pub lieleCl ures.Canadianuniwni·lies a rc alle mpling to Increa se Ihe lcvdo f . ....am1eSSamon .. IiIer&lepcoplt , andlhe levdofvolllnl«r alKl pro fcs.,ion ale~ptrlist inteachinglho\e ....ho are ncr.OL Marc Gl."man, profes.or of edu­calion 1.1Memorial .....ill give a free lec­lu re, , pon.ored by t he Division ofExtension Service, On Thu rsday, Sep­tembe r 22 aillte Art s and Edu cationBuildin g , Roo m E·5004, on fos leringlanguagede-. 'elopm enlin you RgchildrenKul h Ga mll<'rK

I Ihl(r~cYh:l'.all~'I,~unIOlain

pro,ml"le'l);% at an MU(' Imponant tobochprofnsionals and ~olunl«n in theflddoraduIINucalion. RulhGambf:rI.<IIf.-ulty member of the [)q>;J.nmrlll o fEducuion It Dalhousie University inHal ifax . rn:C1lllyCOnduded .. "'Ofhhophere at Memorial for hlC'fa<;y l ulOf., in·SlrlKlon and adult Nualon.

()eo,-rlopN by the f«us on LitnacyProsraJn of the Sl:1IooI or Contin,,;n.Suadiosandb.tmWn.thc"'Ofbhopo.­amined the ".~ Ian.U&JC approachloreadint-and the proo,:euapproach 10w,itill'," uid .\h. Gambc1".. TMdw.,;tcristia of adWl k:amcn ~r n­amined and dltir problmls lkfincd.and. in the contest of "~.rMr·

ceetrednesa", 'IOIutionsdiSC\lUlld.!>t.. Gamber. SI~ that litera=y

shoukl he COClSidned a proo.:essof pin·il\l meanina: from prinlN or .rillmmaleria1.andthllllheouldalrdmnboohofl~""'pbooctil:sa«'nolprw:­

ticalrorthcillito:nleadull .. howbfcC1'

Nesbitt-FriisWAMUN president

Fall linguisticscolloquia scheduled

W.B. Yeats in '30sto be topic ofPratt Lecture

WI"" 8lIl1n"

sivdythrouaboolCanada,tMUniltdStaus.Japan,lrdaDd. f_.Gmna­ay.aDdAuor:ria.lnm;ftltW«u,obeIlawmpanintbtiBlcn>al-.alQlll-­trO\'c:nyO"Utbtaetuaiburialplaoeof.....iiIiam Buder YeatS.

D T. Ann Sad d lem yer .....ho rccent·ly assumed lhe mastershIp of

Massey Collqe, Univenily o f TOlon ·10, will praent the Prall Lccturtfor19118 1.18 p.m . Monday, J October . intho: LillkThealle. 1llelilltofbtr Icc.ture is Wisdom, Macic , Scmalioo;W.B. YealSin lhe 19)01.

FonnertyprofesaorofciramaalV>c.loria CoUqe, ToronlO, Dr. Sadd­lemyulla.diRiftlllished_duwriler and lecturer.

f ormerly chairpcnoa of lhe Inler ­rllIlionaIAaociatioofOfSllMJyofAnP>lrish Uenl~, she ..... found­ina presMkm of the AsIocialioII fOfCanadiaa Tbeatre HiMory and eo­foundcfofn-trPHaloryilre-M.

She IIa ..mlm cumsivdy ODIrishIhcalre, CaPadian theatre. ud modempotU) and drama. AI P«IftII . 1M is• work 011an I.uthoriml bioIf'aphyofGeofF (Mn. Williaal BUIIorr)YtalSaodl.l*o-vol_hiaoryoflhcalreinOnlario.

Slw:briDploMemoriaIUnivcnilyronsiderabltnperimce:inltnlalional­Iy. She IIa pKYiousIy lectured ntm-

vmen arc eva """hitmor e and HdmBanfldd.

Xbolanhip comrniI tee dIairpcnon itRobinM~.

The purpose of 1M orpniutiop is to.. eIoDmeall"onJCII~edwitblbeuni~y family.andtoassist lbmilo

participate in WIiwnily and oommum­Iy life , sa)'ll Ms_Ncdlill_Friis.

cou" .. inAthaba.kan;lNo.'embtr,Dr.Vii Bubenik. Influentia l morphologyand pronominal clilia in functionalJfammar; 17 No\'Cmbief, Dr. Haro ldPaddock, Chan~ and .analion in·Wnsc~· pro nouns, and I December,Dr. ~la.rlunile Mact.:enzic, Aspec·u oflhe Fijian pronominal s)lol.em.

E::-w=~'::":s~~=:~Memorial UniVCf'ily of NewfOWldlandflK l98S-1989.

FilS! '$dnII of WAMUN isJanet Davis; ICIlXIDd vic:c-praidml , Ka­rm Lippold; K!CI"o:l&I)' . Faiza Haddan;and lftUUler is Mary Tuldl .

Proaram OCXl~mer for tbe orpniza­lion iISl;cUaWOftIl;andsorialoon-

P~:~:~~;:~::~~;'~\~,a~ :::~=:quia orrne lingllilti,os department.Allpr~ntalion'IO'illbemadeall

PrC'SClltalion~ arc as folio ...." 6 0.:.lober, Dr. John Hewso n, Person hier­archinin AllO"kianand Inuklll ul ; 20OCIobief, Dr. LnlieSaJton, O"«l di.-

Page 6: Gazette - Memorial University of'ICS,thereareindtvidu alcourlt$thatbn:omefilled,andstu· The Hon.


~ ..i1h the hish .mooI Iiaasion~lIam admi nistered b~ lhe Division o rGener al Srudies

....lIp imuuetor .. ilbtbe c.botlnst i­tUle of Applied AnI and Technolop,St . John's, letId:tinI e-tputer applica­tionsloperaiotu iJIlbealtvanc:cdlcdl ­nolop dcpanment.

Arricl andisatwork on l PhD in I n·c ient hi-eor y a t Harvard Univ ersity .

Adria n Tron son

Laura TraskLa llra M. Tl ask 1Ia, been appoi nledrq;ional crrcer for the Division of Co n­linlling Sludi n Gr and FaJisOfrlCe, er­Iecuve I Augusr .

She holds a bachelor of arl S degree(educarion) from Memor ial Uni~er.ity

o r Newfoundland and no'" iJ a pat1-timeIIld uarellud ent in the rnasler sof edu­calion progra m.

Ms. Trask has U ush l a l so:vnaJ~­1K>tuth roughoul lhe p'oMntt. In herlasIappoimnw:mw ....llw-instnlClorof a Car eer Exploration for' Womenrourw spomored by the Cerll ral New­fOl.lnd1aDd CommWlily Col~.

In ber lle'A'poAtionshe..-ill bere:pon­sible:ror lbe lia~ tod.i~ adminisuat.iollandcoordinalionofoounesorferediocen lral Newf w nd land b~ the Divisiono fConrinuilllSludin. She will a1loO as -

Adrian TronloOn hasMn appoinledasan .... istant prof essor in Memorial' .Depanmen l of Cwsics, effective Sep­lember 1.

He "'iii a member of tM lkpan"",mor C'la"ics and Ancimt H,<,lnl)'altheUni 'nYr ~ or Souttl Africa . rrom 1973until 1 9I1 ~ , .. hen he em illJ&led toC......

After a ~·car tilulor,n anciem hi"o­ry at Ha,..,ard Uni.en.n~, he lalllht inlhe~ Depanmo:nl llt CODCordiaCollqe, Mont real , un til his appoi m­mm lllt MemoriaI.

Mr. Tro oson has a bachclor', and abachelor's ...ilh hon orsdqree in lan _I llage and classics al Uni~ersil~ of Soulh

Africa. He hi a ma'ter' s in classica!lanlllage.rlOmlheUnivet,il~ofSolllh

aIso assist ....ith lhehiahschool liaiJo nprocratoadminisl:ered bytheDivilioa olGnleral StlKlies .

1riI:h Ihe Cou ncil o f the Studenu' Uft­ion IIlf11phic dniper in des ktop pub­Iishi~ .

Dr. Ross is a ....·pre:Wdcmof the Al­loOCialionorN",fwndland P,~holo­

gists; chaired I Memor ial Senate AdHoc Comm ittee on theQualilYo r St ll­dent Lif e; and pr~red num<:rousreport s ror ,o~ernment ,

....------... Clnlhia Slo­licalionsaod infonnation ofrlCft (con­!rlIC!ual). Dimion of EJlImsion Service,School of General and ConlinuilllStudies and Elllauion, dfecti~e Sep­lember 6, 19S8. 80m iDComer Brook .Wlltlmdcd Herd man Collqiale, Com ­er Brook, an,l"Memorial Universily. '-lb.Ston e holds a diplom a in computerslud ies, keyi .. Technical, SI. John 's.

Ms. Stone be,an her protessionat"'dlingcareer""ith TIll' WI'''..,.nSrar,Cor~r Brook, in 1\183, and h.asworkedas a rreetancepho!ojournalisl , suppl y­inl featW"e U1icln to NI'..jouruJhmdLifI'Slyk, St . John 's, and C/fnDdianlhW_. Tor onl O.

She has aIso ....or ked as aeoalUDC'f" h a prof nliollal theat re o:ompilllY,ac­ooun~l aod QllflPUler P'OIJIl.lllmu,

tadln"and tedJnical '*liler .lnunediate-­Iy prior 10 her appoinltDeDl. Ms. Su,-:Gtorry Porter

GerTy Porter has bem appl)intedpubli­cations and informa tion ofrlCft (oon ­Ir loC\ual ), Di\Woo of Eu m \ion Service,School of General and Co nlinll in,Sludi es and Extension , e rrecnv e Sep­lem ber6.

8orni.. SI.John·' ,healle..droGon­zap Hilh School, Sl . John ' s, andM~odal UnivenilY. After work illlwithlllldenlmediawhileinuni~ersit y,

Mr . Porter was electro presid ent(19113-M) ofCaJIlIdianUni~tyPrns ,

a na tion al cc-cper euve of Sludenlnewspapert;. Hehu ....or kedin tbeme­diaasa~erfOfT1ttr £_'t/' Ttk­

, ,,,,", a -nler for Am l ,, F_ riolfmapline. and abo has bern a desiper.

Prior 10 hisappoinlmo:nl, he"*Olked

Stephanle Feq uetS1epha nie FeqUd has been appoimC'drqioaal orflCCl"for Ibc Di vi:lioDo f Con.­tiDuinaSludies HappyVaIk)o.L.atndoI"OffICe. effective I A"Iua.

ShehoIcb • bKhdor of ..x:ial workfrom Memorial Uni~IY of New­fwndland.

Prior to her appoinlmmt SM allO(:ial ....orker with the Depa nmml ofSocial ServiI;a llt Happy Valley . Her""orklMreincludedchemicaldependen­cy oounKlIing and I sunr as I Clingrqional administrator of 1M Alcoholand Dru,OqJenderw;y Comm ission.

In her new posilion Ms. FeqUC1willbe responsible for tbeday to da y ad ­mini s tralion and coord ina t io n ofcounesofferediDLahradorbytheDi­vWoa of Contia llin, St udics.Sbc will.

Dr. Abra ham S. RossDr. Abraham S. ROSIIw bem appoimell .. head o f the Ikpart~nl of P~y_

~hololY. effective I June.Dr. Ross has a BA from ()anm outh

College; an MA from Syracu -e umver­silyanda PhD fro m the Un;ven il y ofMinncwta ... jlh a ma jor in ..xial psy­dIOJ"IY and a mino r in . tal i' t in.

Or . Ro..ocamcto "kmoriaJ in IonS~ an usociale pro r~. He had earlj

~lIulht allhe Unj "en.ily or Torolllo

(1967-7S1.Hi, mcar"he<~jnpl'ojft:lSin

.. hKbhe .... lhc principai inve.l ip tor.includes : Bygando.r IRlef\'ml ioa (eau­d.lICouncil fundi",): Effect of SludmlRes.idma on (k,.'dopmmt of IntC'fpcr­sa na! Relat ionsh ips (SSHR C) ; andL.ondintU amo n, Cal lel e Sludmu andthe A, ed (SSHRC). He hu .l so servedas proaram naluator for sUidin <pon­soro:d by the provincial and federalIXpanmenls of Justice, CElC , andHealth and WelfareC.nada.

-----------------Members named to Senate committeess===:=~~:::

a:utlea durinl the Septcmber lDM:ina.The Ile'A' com minee _ben willloeO'ea Ih~yar 1I:'ffIl, rrom September I,19S8toAUJIlSI. 3I,I 99 1

The commitree. are compo!leCl ofmem ben of lbe uni~ty communITyrepresmtali-.eofaratth.atareoon·oemed " 'ilh lhe f<.leU'of lherommittee'sinle rest,Somc'committeeposirionsareex officio, some are nominated h~ lheund<:r,radllaleand ,radllate"udenlS'cDllncils. and Olhersa re nornina led bythe Sena le 's Committ ee on Committees.

lbow.-tlo ma y be iNer ested in >erVin,on Wli-.ersiIYrom millea should ma htheir inlerest k_ n 10 the Commi Tteeon CommilTea. AI member ofeach Smale C'OII1fIIilTee is II:so a mem·ber of Smale. and it K to SeDale thatlllne oommiucn report.

The list of new eeeenutee membcn,nomiRared by the CommiTTee on Com .murees and Ipproved by Senate, ill'cludes:

- Aca demic Planning Committee:Ramanllja Chari (engineering), An dyden Otl er (hi 'l "'~ and a member of

Smare), Ra;rndra Gupta (bu , iness ad ­mi nistr a tion ) and Ma ,k Wh itmor e(physics);

- Com mitt ee 00 Scholarshir- andFinancial Aid : C'hNey SallIftUqrl­phy, Smale);- Committee on Copyri,hu: WilliamBar ker (E nglish) and Ursu la Sampal h(German and Rllssianl;- E~ecuti~e Comm il1ee of Smale: JotlnGreen (biology , Sc:nale);- Ad~io;ory Committee o n t he Book­"ore: Lenita Cart er (hll,ine,,);- Co mmillee on Il onorary Degrees and

CommilTee on Con~oatiom, AaKknI­ic Oms and Co:rnnoni.aJ: A~eril Gard·ner (En,lish) and W illia m M ilne(m,ioemTl&l :-Commilleeoo&!UCllionai Tedtnol­01)": Verma Gosse (ps~), Gror.,e

Kosk i tleamin, rnourcn, education)and Wayne RO"'e (mathemalics, SirWilfred Grenfell Co llege );- CommiTtee on Resear ch: John Harp­er (CE R R) and Grego'~ Kealey(hi'lOr));- Committee on Underg raduate~lud i C" : Wad e Loc ke (economi c, •. J

Page 7: Gazette - Memorial University of'ICS,thereareindtvidu alcourlt$thatbn:omefilled,andstu· The Hon.

Drs. Butrica, Story involved in translation project

ERASMUS: from Renaissance Latinto 20th century English

Dr.~StOfl'.~__l ot EapU.~~I.n.Irll K1l1plorH_

' . Io f..... '.n.of r.......~ ..........,_ ......~._ • ..ty.1lor~ .. C1III. S_toucllucl day . Mr. S • •• u""" of H~. I•••r.,... I• .-WI- mil •• 1M offirial ~plOl' I.... ,• .'""'001111.... CO""n-._. I. ,nn f.......c..1~,

T_ M, -wI KItoIIIrs, _ II JICH''' 6riImIo:proj_.IIwOl'- llprojtsSO'IIjE",IuII.~_I O,,"" 1OO--"'­

io" ,,,1VIwd 'If tlw P"PfUI/ tioti oj II

~srnn (llW Jlor CoII«fnI " o,h


I+ns is 1M pwbl lJll"..

S::e;~~"':'~:~:h•• bcm a ooll«lor of lhoc ....orb ofEr..mus, lhoc 16th century humanistiCholar.oncoflhc"lcadina'Khilecuof modern Ihoughl". -

A bust of Erumu'. caSI in New­foundlandclay, holds pride of placc inDr. Slory's study. as do volume aftervolume of hand'l(lmely-bo und oollc<.:­tionlofEr..mul'worb.inlbeiroriai­nalla[in

Thou gb he ;' bc>t·~nownlinarKlout_

Iidcscholarly~ir~lc.) for bi, rolc as pDcoflhrcc edil ors o f TM ~lionllry oj

• ..~",jOlJ.lldlllnd E" , lislt. Dr. Story hasal....ays mainlained an inler est: in tbeDul~h Hi> currcm role in lhelOa$,i.'eprojccl TlwCoIl«ftd WOO"ks ojUrIsnIWS (eM EJ bean lCUimon)' [0 [halintcrnl:. ln iOmCycat"I, as much asonc­Ihirdof his rC"ICI"h llmc;'dc-.oted toIMprojccl.

Dr .Story ;' onc ofliintcrnationa.liChol.n lCI"'iTII on CWE 's edilorialboard and one of I ~ on iu C"cculi'<Cf;OI11millcc .FundcdbYlheUniYCrUyofToro n[oand SSHll.C.lhe Univcrnty ofToron lO Pr.... pro jccl . beJu n in 1969.hasbm1lcnnod"oncoflhcmostim­ K ho l. r1y enterpriiCI of OUrlime" .


rnponOima and hi$ pril>l:i~ wril;n pwill M publishtd in Eftlliih.lranaWed from 1M Lalin by~ 200"",hoIan . Thus far. 19 volumes M~been publWled ; i", an rnlCfllliK IMI"';11probably not M com~ed unlil~imc early in 1M nv<1 omlUI')"

The plannina, direction and desisnoflM_ina~IUJlCf'Iiledby m~ba"ii of

lMedilorialboard.nde.\eCUli,'coom·mitt«,N1~Dr.Story. h·,'Mboard·,

role, foreum ple.lOlCtupcdilorial8uide hnn.nd'IClectlhescholanlodolhelr.n.lalions.

Aflertr.n.lalor.nd annotaloroom·plelelheir work,aboardmembcr wilhrelpon,ibilityfor.,pco;ific a~a makC$

cen.inlh<!.l lhework i' UP IO lhch;ahlIand.llldssctforthcproject.

Currenlly. Dr. StOl)" i, a....ail;nlmanuM.Tipu fOf Colloqu in 39-40. Oeceapprond . Ihc bo.rd ,cndl IhemanuJcriptlolMU of T Prc..s·oopyedilOf;lhcy OC.\I10 10 tbc prinler

Mean while. he C'VkIcoccs an aware ­new.and . ppr (l;ia[ ioa of the role playedby.not hcr Mcmorial KhoIar . (a you nac~inprofcuor ) in l hc E rl$lT\l1$

pro"".From a comct o f hi. hbr¥}' , Dr . Sin­

ry produca Tlw MIl" U!Ct"ipf T' /MJ,tiotloj Propmuu, by Dr. Jamcs BUlrica.'· you I«It thil ' " hc ..b . "It i..brillianl .nd ;mponanl uudy."

Publishedbylhc UofTf'fQ$in l9S4.Dr . Bu[rica ' ,bool on Propcn;UI•• La­u ll eJq.iK poct. u. dc , oted [l;llbe inlri ·cale problcm,of [he trlnsmi"ioo oflhelC"lofthcpocrTUanddilpla)'$.scholar-

ih ip ....h~h mak Q Dr . Butrica a ~alua­

bIc trl.rll4tor of ErasmllS in tM sma

A'_ .. odIolar·. lra .....liooI

T1Incd.a)'l .KhoIarihipcanMhiOdcnin a plain manila foldcr .lnhil bo.\li~c

orr.cein .HumanitiQt~porII')"bltild-­

ina at Mcmotial. JlImC1Bulrica",TI.RI­l.[or of Era.mus· Spiritlllllill IlndPllstonllill, Ililll his 169·page Enpiiihlran,lalionbackinloitsunivcn;ily-inucmilnilafoldcr

Double -.paced and typcd {by him)o n• •la ndar dlypcl\'riler, lhocpagc..rcmar~edinpcnwilhbjsoorrectionland

additio ns. Dr. RUlrica ', Oxford Latindictionary,lhelizcofafamily Biblc,ha.juslbccnrcturnedbyl:c1assic1ltudcnl .


u'lCdforhi'lranslalionof Erasmu.s'cJ;u..lical Lalin. Whm hc m.. t imc. he· lI con­. ull Forccllini"L~:xit:o"inthcQE II' ,rd erma lCCl ion, for . lill o f Lalin....ords he's bcm lIoc~p;Ii ,,&.

~ ll. 1'"

Page 8: Gazette - Memorial University of'ICS,thereareindtvidu alcourlt$thatbn:omefilled,andstu· The Hon.

SENATE NOTESTM rlOl rqularly IChedulecl Smale _ina of 1M 1988-89~ year loo kpIa% TlIC:5day.Xptnnbcr 0, in ESOO4of tile G. A. Hickman Buildin•.Dr.~ HarriI.,presidmlandvi=-chancrilor.wudlllir. Hebqan lhc_·

illl by wdcomiq _ memben of Smale. M,nules of the rquw _in&of MayIO and t be !pccial _ inl of ~by 17.19ll8. werc~.


by AIso . In ta' or~from l eandidalc ror an bonorary dear«

.. u rirculaied 10 Smale.Foo rSl udcnlapflC'abtoSmatcwercC0ft5idtftd. Two, OM COllCa"nilllI stu­

dent's mark and OM COllm"nilll aaldemk d isho nnty. were denied by Smate. Tw oOlherl,onccoll«Tnin. eliaibility for readm iu i(ln. and one instigated by a mcm­bc.r of the faculty appea lin, t he Execut ive Ccmm tuee of Senate's action in up­holdinll the ap~aJ ofa itudent who had marks dedu cted becau se I typ in,requir ement set by the professor was not fuJfilkd , found in favor of the studenlSco ncerned . Called into question in the latte r case was • ", ggested ambi guit y inthe resolulion limitin , tM typin, requiu-mm l for Ilu drn t work ,pa..ed by SenateJlnu uy 14, 19S6and rc. frlr med Apri18, 1986. The Senate Co mmittee on Under­,..lduate Sludia hu been as ked 10 review the rqul.llion ronom>cd.

The Exceuti~e Com minee of Sena le repon ed to the mectill&on ils determina­l>ons in a number of CtiCS conccrnina waivers of rqulalions and S1udenl appeals.

~..The mcctinl r«eived infOl"lrWion on eoersechanfesinlhe Facully of Eupnea­ill&and Applied sceece, and also appl"O~ed a rqulation cha.n~ COIXCminl En­pnccrill& 4701: En,inttrinl FIdd Sc:hool.

Senate rccei~ed informalion that the Board of Rqmts approved amendmentstn rhe ronsli rulion of rhe Facully Council, Facul ly of Ensi necrin l and Appliedsoeece.

Ans Fac ully

Sena te appro~edchan/l.a lo t he blChc1or ofarlS honon regu lat ionl i n t hesect ion

of the calendar concern in/l.the Department of Classics. Course informal ion wasalso rcccived on ClaSlliCl 4 1 00-4 1 09: S~iaI TopictinCla.. icalStudic. .

Senate appro~edachal1Je in the dausc co ncem in. academic standilll in thebachelor of am horton rqulations 10 clarify cDsIina: pract ice. The appro~ed rqu­latio n speci fICSlhat required courses are inc luded in the e&kulation of the SIU­domE's a~erlle in t he minimum num ber o f COURC'S in the honors subjccl.

PTcrcquisitedw\ICS for cou.ncs in lhc areuof behavior and tbe­ary, bumanresourcellWlqftDeDland laborrdalionsha\"Cbm:t 1Doadc.lhcrnuhofehanJinl; Bui.incss 43t)J to Busiocss4320, and Bl 101 Io B1320. S4lO1 will beoffcrcdforlbclasllimcbYlhcFacultyofB~AdminiSlrationdurinafail

scmesIer , 1988. It will be offcrcd bycorTapondcnce 10 accommodale off<ampus51udenu who ha.dplanpcd.IO include the oourw. J*I of their provams of 51udy.

~blloml.licsla"l"I"" T~

Allstudcntsenlcnn.Mcmoriaiasfirst·yearSiudenls .. ererequiredto .. rnetbeMathematics Invenlory Ta l durilllt he fall semaler re.istration period. The dataobtai ned from the in~entory tal will be used by the Dcpa n ment of Mathematicsand Stat istics to help determ ine theexaci natur e of the problem studcnt s f~ in

fint _year uni~el"Sil y mathemali cs courses. The dep artm ent doc s not intend to usethe Malhcmat ics I n~entory Test as a placement test . nd the resulls will not be partof the st udent's academic record.


Senate appro~ed a chan~ in lhe admiWon requirements of lhe Sc:hoot of Phar­macy. The panern of 1"0 yean of pre-pharmacy and three yean of phvlllaC)'.pproved II lhe _illl mlIkc. McmoriaI's Sc:hool of Pharmacy prosram ronsiJ...lenl with medicine.nd .. ilb schoob of pharmacy in lhe U.S. To be c1;,ibk foradrrW.siontolhetchool••pp1icl1.numUSIha'e a minimumof20credils .. hidl in_dude. number of required courses.

Also al'Jll'll'ed by the mcctin,wl!i. chaDJC'in the ~II& vade in lhe Sc:hoolof Pharrnaq frOlll 60 per cent to 6S per ocnl. Cllocpl in PJt,armao;y }004: Oispcm­in,. Tltiscoun.chas. pauill& lIadc of 70 per ""I and if it isfailcd.lheSiudenlmay be required 10 .. ithdr ..... The lIlCC'lina: approved the deletion of an nistin.rqulalion Ih. t...ith respect 10 other COUI"W'I in lhe pltarmacy program, if onecou rse i~ failed Ihe student i. required 10 wilhdra ..

Senate arsc received information on course changes in pharmacy.


The lIlCC'lin/l..ppro~cd rcaulat ionchanges for the ~hoolofNursing,.nd al'lOreceived information on coursc chan.cs.


Senate approved • chance in lhe dcadline date for a.ppUcalioM 10lhe MO dqrceproaram in the Sdlool of Medicine. The date ... ctt.ncedfrom Jlnuary IS inany)'l:U to one month earlier, December IS. Also approved"l!i In amcadmentlbat spcciftc:s that all appticanls CllocptlhoK in the secondyur of uni~cnil:y m~

wrilelhe MCAT prlorIOlheapp!icatiolldcadlinc.

b • • Scrip U

Scnale approved. policy respectilll S1udenl ac:cas 10 final cuminatioll acripts.Thc policy .. i11 bc included in the nCXIedition of the Digcst of Senate !NI;recs.nd Resolutions, and .... rcwmmcndcd to Senale by its Committee on Under­lIaduateStudies, The policy .i ~cs a student t he righl to sce h is or her final eum i .

na tion scripl. subjCCl to spccified con ditio ns, though lhescript is deemed 10 be- ahe property or the university and the university retains full possession and con

trol crthe scrtpe at alllimcs. Thoughtheuni~ersityrcc"llnizesthe rightof.slu.

dent 10 h.~e access 10 the acripl. the policy upholds lhe authorily .nd jud.cmcntoflheeumiDCf incvalUalion

Grad••I.. SII,dln

Smate I.pfIro'YCd achana<c in wordirtl in the rqulalions for admission 10lhe M.Sc:.prosram in compuler science. Tbc rqu.lalioll dariflCS the rqu.lalions lIO~erniD&

the admission of S1udcnu isin.closcty rclateddiscipline.

A docu men t concerni n. proposed rq ulation changes in lhe rqulatioM of lheMAdcareeprOir am in philosophy " l!i referred b<ackto the Ac. dcrnic CounciiOf lhcSc:hooIof Graduate Sludics forco nsultation .. iththeDcpartmcnlofOaMK::s.

Senate received for infor mation a liSiof spccial topics courses approved fors rrinasemes ler, 1988.

R..port ing 10

The Comminee on Senale Election s reponed 10 lhe meeting. pr~nlilllthe namesof lhos.c c1med duri"llhc 1988c1mion and those o fthc S1udents .ppointed b>'lhe Council of the Student.' UnionScnalealsoappro~edchangcsin Proocd urc for thc Scl«tion of Scna teMem­

bers 10 brinethe documcnl ill line .. ilh amended provisions of the Univcrsily Actand with curren l pr1If;Iicc.~ in the numbers of Rudenl senaton .. ere ap­proved, and lheSdloolof MusicandlheSdloolof Pharmacyha~ebec11aOdcd

10 Ihc scctiort 00 conSIilucncic:s.SenaledidllOC appr~asuUCSIioll.thatlheCoull5CllincCcntrcha~e~e

rcprncnl.liononSenale.Senale's Committee on Commillecs also U'JXX1ed 10 Senale. The names of lhe

co mmillce's IlOminecs 10 a number of oomminCC'lof Senate were ap proved. Con­sideration of. memor.ndum con«rnilllthe lj;umbcr of ....omm .ppointed 10 com­millCC'l.. as deferred unlil funhcr informat ion is a~ailable.

Co nl inuinl Sludlcs

A chang e in the regulanon s for a first ceeuncare from th e Division of Co nt inuingStudies in the Schoo l of Cont inuing and Genera l Studies and EJttens ion requ iresIhat candidates compICle .minimumof l hrce of the tOlai number of cou rscs rc­quired for • certifocate at I hi~ uni ~crsi t y .

l ·.J.rnit,MlPdals

A document from the Facully Council of Education COIXCmitlJUniversily Me­dals for Academic: EJtCdIcnoc.I5 referred 10 lhe Senate Coenemee 00 Scholar­ships and Financial AMi.

R~pnizallOfl pianAod for the area of r_ ch prompted~ 10 .-pl •

m:ommcndalion lhat lhe Senate Commitlee 00 Research cease lOcxisl. The Com­milleeon Rcscarchrccommcndcdilso.. n di.sol ul ion . A proposcd rcscarch boa rd,.. hich has rece ved thcoomminee'srccommcndationbut hw; not yet bC'cnapprovcdby Senate, duplicates most if not all of the functio n. that ha~e beenc. rried outby Ihe Senate Commuree on Research .


W.,. .o\bo'tIU, ...........accrof Mohil Oil C ad. I.1d.• is olio•• PftW'IIli... .ehcq w fOf"$14,000 10 Or . Ja -es G. Ra","", f des • • he.ll) of 8u"';_Adminl~lnlio .. . Mohil Oil is spo .....,; I mi••• room local fd In I.... <:Cnt"f". M.n.~nl 1.......... pme..1 in Ihe •· 11, 0 1 Bu";lIC'S05 Admi "I.l nti"n build-inl .The c"nl.i"uli on .. ill bc rttOlnilfdb).pl.'"minrnlloca·

lion oul,idr Ih.....m'n.rrnom.

Page 9: Gazette - Memorial University of'ICS,thereareindtvidu alcourlt$thatbn:omefilled,andstu· The Hon.

'Wild' ducks replace mallards;Burton's Pond a campus haven

Computer clinics, displaysopen to staff, faculty

DlK"kI, ClInada xnv or a IIKy'~ Burton 's Pond ' ",lld' .ltnfo",I, b..1lhey al.. ay. I..... up fo r a ffed . (L-R) Wendy 0."'1011 . Memori,", IIr<kner; slu­lients Wilier Ifamm... d, Torb lY, edUfilloll ; Glenn Je..-en , Island Cov e,blololY; Glendl UIlIe , ed" I:'IIIo., lid Slephanle Neary , l enen l art l , bolh of SI.Jnh n'. ; Coll"" Murphy , oodaJ .. ort , Bell b land.


II ..... _.--., .mw.



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Ms. Dal"1Olland IIOlDe of her maleto- wockc:rl.inu::Ddcd to ,.;qe tbc rwan as-wdl. Howewr , after sbc:-' wadcdiluodocr-ssand ~ured itbytbcDeCt,

andtbcmm"'"eftreadytol:aF il., il._sododkthalil:sec:medeasicst toQITYlbcbird aloqwithherasJbedimbediDto tbc pi<:tlql's cab .

FOI"lbc trip to tI>c HSC , tI>cnl'anrodeoaMs.Da_'slIp.Sbc~

thai:pasxnby mi&blhave bccDQn\cdto KltI _ liIalUlaa lhem from 1M.mdow of I pickup U\lCt.

ll ' l _ eay10 ip!orea rwan; DOlOIlIyiulizebul ilJdipifiI:d~

.mact 1lIaIIioa.Tho:1_ balle bel:Drnpoasibk fOl"

a,ood put of the ofT..:ampIlI iDteraI.... ti>cwacrloorip::DCIWIC. Two......boxbmalcs. "'"eftaph fromBowa!er '1,CorDer Broot, __ ,.eanqo.

The.llKlrC:advaitlifousoftl>cblrdllflf'lltootaprdimiaaryfliablloCbllf­dlill ~t. A buslnasman Ibcrc idmti­fJedil andmatalUdtl>cllllMniry, bul.• Ms..DI.__ abcuIlOl"CU'icoocthe

bird,i1I00kfliabtandmll1tledbyil·leif to Burton' , Pond .

lIS I>cU in4rpmdm1 fliabIbad .lIKIrC:


_ , .. an f1ewas far u Torbay Road .Lootilll down on 1M roadway, iI mis­toot. PlIddkof"aIa" for a pond and

""""'.Wikllife<:ame10pit-t up tbc mnaillland doc 1aIes1 Ms. DaWJOD beard, thel"' an.slll ffed. ilIpart ofl wildlife diJ­play for lhe schoolJ.

\\'llII"dl~"" "'"'"ThI! would _ peope ranm,'­fowl mlUl:haveanaviculturll pennil .Underlbat pmnit it '*OIlidAylhalcap­Iille_erto-tmUll bewinc<lippcd ....nuaUy..-d pinioned. to tcepthcm fromniall1,..-dtbUJaoillJwilc1."

MI. DaWlOlldemonItralelwilblfe..­JICSIureshoweasilydlecaplllTellhebirdandclipsilJwillJfealhers.inhibitiDaflip l.

Pinioninl .... terfowl enu.ill perform _illJ a minor opcralion . C\lllina off the ,-::"--::=--:::---,Iermi.D.a.lllqlDall ofthc: "'ina. thai part.. hich eorn:. ponc!s 10 I forearm. Theprocedu re iI do ne I I Animal Care.Facuh y of Medicine.

Lut year. lhe duckl were ea.sily cap­tured ln d caaedforlhcir lrip tolheHSC, but the lOIilll)' . wl n ",as anothermill er .

the help o f tbcCuadian Wild.Iife Serv·ice. Environment Canada.

Tho: provinoe'l populaIion of blactd....ts (I spcQa of wild d....t> .. iDdanpof beillJ h)"bridUedlhtoupin­lerbrecdm. wilh mallard d....ts. rault ­inI in a populalioa in _Itich 1M mallardp:DQ predomi...te.

Nearby loq Pond, pert of PippyPart and o ftbc uni¥Ulily, is I_iDa_fOl"Nadduds.~"'"

Iards,wilidl-.iJthis"...WftCltOdedon Burton' IPODd.oflell.IIO'wild 'andbawlll1tled"palQl)llJtbcblactducb.Tho:wildIife~ baI requnsed lhal:DCITby poadlI be IlOChd with ducbother Ihan mallardI.

"No bIkt duch "'"eft available, "Ays MI. 01...--, "10 wood d....b an00llIidered I viable ahernaliw. They_ 'Iinterbrftdwilblheblackducuand will POWDOthreaI lolbml."

"We'~ hoPIlI lO brinl recuJatiorls OIIthec:apliw rariq ofmallards," AYS Mr. Ian Goudie. wildlife bioklI:dt. EnvirorlmeDt Ca.nada.

Ioo::al compuler COlIlpanjef to diJpb ylheir Iatell. hardwan: and soft_are .

"I'bew:display.... lo bellel up ill tbcmain foyer of tMtmeineerin&lbuikI­iDa.from 9 a.m. to' p.m. may be ofinla"eIItofaeuilyand l:laff.

Funherinformationc:anbeobtainedby cillina Y~onne Rlym ond II737 _7467 .

IMD'Wilhlllow froma.nAmericanioetank, u _ ell as wilh real ice condiliooJ.

Tho: ITlIIilutefor Marine:()ynamio:s.opcraled by tbc National ReKII'chCouncil and Iocatcdonlhe McmoriaI(1IIlpus, c:onduaa raeudt rdaled !OthedniptoflhipsandofflhorelllUClllfelneeded for opention iDc.n.da', froKSlAr clic l UI I nd in o pe n . al er",orld -wide .

IMD recenl ly lij:ned a Memorand umo f Undcnw>dinc 'WilhM~.1tich

proviOa. ac.demil: IUpporlto uoi~erA­

Iy procrams sudtallhow in the FacultyofE!1Ji necrina·

\\ 'lWIlfe dI«b ~Iioe

The lhree varietielof..-ild_erfo-t an:p.nol"lPJOI"lDinilialedthilyearwilh

lheplp<:rallheConfereno;eonB«tri­eet Insulation and Dielectr icsP_.

AnENESPril:eofS200 .. asaisoa.. arded 10 AJcundra Davis for workterm I. She "'orkedundcrlhewpervi­sion of Dr. StephenJ. Jones. head oflhe~"cwd Rcsean;b S«tion al tbc

NRC' I hw ilute for -"Iarine DynamiQ ,S1.John'I. Her.orkrepon .a.entilled....Sludyof loe Pi«eSiu Dislribulionina BrokcnCNnnelofloe,

Wor t illJ 'lrith lhe lllStilule'I Arctio:"cud R~b~•• helpedcompare lhe resullJ of model. tesIJ al

Pond Apanmenll, children from lhenearby Con e Real fTe.S<.:hool CenneandSi . John'l rnKknI5 ,areall drl.nto Bunon 's Pond. TIIey'w discolIeredfm.!illJ lhe dud, s is fun. D..ds. cencand lhe sinck s",an aU linger near tbc.a1erlineorlhelwo~obsco'a­

tion d«h .. henel<erhumans appear.SiDccMs. 0....... armed 10 minllles

eartierintbcredpit-kupwilhtbcuniver­Iityc:rftlOllthedocw,tI>c_biterwanh..-bemcruiJiqinhervicinity. "Ob .him,"Ia)'lIMs.o.._. "He~ti>c

tnlCk; he coma. .. 11m he sea lhetnlCk,"

c=er~~~di:plays of bard.. are and soflware, will beaplrtof . Continuin&~Edu­

calioa (CME) evmI 011November9-10atIIle S.J . ~Buikliq.

In eonjunaion 'Wilh compula" diniabeiDa offem1 to themeinminI:commu­nily, CEE baI arJ'aDIed for a numba' of

c :::..::7:r'=:::I~u7r:The Auocillion of ProfClAonaJ En.aineen in Newfoundland (....PEN)..-dlhe Easlcm Newfoundland Enain-inaSocieIy(ENESI.

....PEN prnmIed lhe 1200 Cosaill..... ud 10 Glenn Willar for . ork lerm4.Mr.W ilIar . as ernployed by S)'SImIJEacinminI..-d ....lIIoma1ionLimited ofSI.Jobn'• .undcrlhc:supcrviNonofm­ainecrpro,i«:lI!W\ll«Gmr W,",v. .Hil repon ODDJiRed of ln~..-d

maiDlCDallCIe proo;cduralmanual for theV.'hiteRod, FaIls mini-hydro pfOj«I ~

CaledalSi. \tary'I RiwrinLabralkw.Cotin ....II<:o-aulh.oredapapo:rdurina

his work lCT1112. _tlile employed by IIIeElccuical EnciDeeriIll Division ol"lheNational R_elI CouIlCil, OIta"'l.The piper WilltnIided Eff~ of Tem­peralu~ on the GrOWlh of " entedWater Tree in Laboratory MoldedPoIyeIhylme Spc<:imens. Mr. ....u COlt­

dua ed mucb of lhe laboraIory n­perimenlaIionuncico"tbcdif«tioaof Dr.AIe1andcr T . BulinIt i. Mr. ....u "'asIwvdedlhe ENESPril:e valued al12OOfor that .. ork term. Upoq rdurniJll; toNRC for hilIlhird wock Imn dunn, lhefall~a",M UJiJlcdinpraentina

" HERE.du, h ! HE RE. docksl"Wendy [)a",SOII. prckncT,lillP it

OUIacross the widlh of Bunon's Pond.For a minulethere'lliJmce.

Tbm, wooOn of "'"OIlofkn, lhere's anlUlJwcrINoIfl'Ollltbcduc:u.buIahalf.dozm loud, diJlina honts cmanalefrnmlwobiaCanada.-mIilIilllOlllbcoUlcrlideoflhepond.

Tho:Canada 1ftK, as wellaslWOpUrof wood d\M;u,"Ud one im~wrwan,"'boloohimprobablrlarl&'.aJJt- .. hdl Adc t heir breacl is blllleredon (so to spcak ). Wmdy 0..--. f«dr.them dud: food daily. aI ' thin' times ,.. hen lhere are few people on (1IIl pus .T« hnKalJy, lhone an ",iId .aurl"",I,lhou&hlhey liwon I pond in lhe midsl:ofanllfbanllmVUJily.

But Memorial ItJIdeftu fl'OlllMWbyPatoa CoUete residenc:ft and Bunoa ' i

Co-op students winners oflocal engineering awards

Page 10: Gazette - Memorial University of'ICS,thereareindtvidu alcourlt$thatbn:omefilled,andstu· The Hon.


hnlt, "~.~"-...-rdI~_-Thc:Auof;Wi,onofUni~cr·

sitis and CoIlqa of Canada is 8dvmisillllhc r.ulinellpof forcilll &O"crnrnml.wards. A ,ood number of countries invite requeu from Canadian lI1aduale II ...elmiS. In addition, posl4oaoral and faculty marchers can request suppon>ons in PortupJ, USSR and West Gennany.

OtIleTnotes: Ar.entina may 1lOO1I join tile list of Cllnad.l', iIClIdemif; PlInncn;aradualcslOOentsm.y_kfundilllforresearchinthefoliowillioountries ....ithoutenrolli ng in a foreil" del re.::progra m - UK, India , New Zea land, Sri l anka ,Nigeria, Ghana, Sierrl leone. Information on these various opporrumnes iSl from Marian AlkinllOn. international pro. r..... (4473); or AUeC at61J-S6)·12J6.

MRC: Stipowoh1.4 DIM _, -l"bt' July ~~I" from Medicaillewan:hCouncil, just received, brinp us up 10 datCOClI doun different aspects incilldi",the addition of S61 million 10 the council's M'Ie bOOSe! by 1992 (risill& to SlUmilIioa fromC\ll'Tmlrear SI89millioP); tM~or. pea l'C'VicwidvWol'J JfoupfoUowillII t,*o-yar Iludy: and thew _ Tales in Ilipmds cHedn-ethillummer:Jludcuuhip$~loSI).mperyar:and.,..t_e_udl:nuP'idfI'(llQPlUlU


f ...... trirve_Re«m~IlllIQ{PbDinlWurllllCifnca,~·lin~nm"_illJ)lrf invilfd 10 apply for raearch lWOciateshipsll 1M Inll ilule fot: MarineDynamics and I doun OIl1fr NRC Laboralories &<;rOSS Canada. The initial apo­poinlmml is for 1....0 Y'C'ln, rfnevrablf up 10 flve yf&ll. Ibn( r(QueIIs n«d 10roch Oua....a by lllfmd of Novanbn, on forms availablf in IIIfOfra of RfSearch.

EMR - _ _ lIIIiwipli.. - The fnkra! dc:pan1Dfll1 of EtM:rI}', Mines andResources invites appIDlions for march Alppor1 in the ..ural and social Kialcaand mJinm-illJ. A four-pqt' annn 10 Ihis year's call1ietl(f list. _era! Qozmtopics of particu.Iardfparurw:nul interest. NeVI' rfq.-s, aJona with ptO&re.J Ium­maries from cunenl a....ard hoIda's. Uf du.e by Novmtbn U.

Uver f o..dl no. '""__ f..di., - Up 10 19lIS,1M TorOlllo-basoed CanadianUVft" Foundalioclannually orreeee • dozen lI'anu .nd fdlo ....ships.

After a I....Q-y(ar inl..".r\lpcionin rundillJcalUod byfinancialdifrlcullies-andnow operalinl from a """ address - 1M Icundadcn has di.. nbured luidelinesandapplicalion formlforlwocompflilionllhis fall: fSlablishmenl lI'ants. 1....0Yfan in duralion. for fully qualified scienli5lS10 begin a liver research programllnd prq>arelOsefkconlinuingsupport from MRC or oth(f a/lencics;and fellow.ships for speciatized cJinical/ex(>frimerlllll trainina.

Applicaliom are due November 1 al 1320 Yongt' Street, Suite lOt, 'rorcmc,M4T IXl; 416-%4-19S).

TIIonrit _ 1'Iw C.lUldian lung AuocWion offers l"eSQI"ch fdlo .....hipo.Dradline for I"ecC'ipc of applicaliolllll 908-7SAlbert Street, OI:ta....a is Dfcmlberl. The four..pqt'. ll-n..".., form. daled 1984. is $lin IIIf corTCCI one 10 uS(.

~mdl-n cr-t f... - Weha,e n=ntly advatisal_ opponunilies made.vaiiabk by Itw: provincial Dqll:. ofC&leet Devdopmenl.t AdvancedStudies. 1'IwJralhwe employmfnl prOJr;Unoffers ~ pel' <;mlof salary COllI for S2 ....eeks ofernploymml of lI'aduarn fTomany posI.S«OCldary pl"OIT'aIII, if lhey have benta:tivdy Sttkinl work roe Ihree monlhs. Maximum CODIribuliocl isS8lD.I.Ocalpa·lionlll Inlfll"l lion for Worn,." ...... umilar suppon, for 26 weeks or 10ngt'T,foremployment of ....omen in lr.ditiorially rnak-dorninaled jobs. Ofroceof Rf'(.rchhasinform'lion flyers and forms

Rtdltl'dw t n h a,,", _ Thf hfnch /lov(fnmenl invites...holan in m0:51di-eiplillfli10 apply for supporl for up 10 18 m<lnths of research in Fran~. DocIOral candi­dales, and those ....hocomp]fled lhede/lf«in lhtlasllhr«years.aretliaibk.

A limilar pr<>sram of posl-doaorlll aranls (c.ndidales havin, received lhcirdqm: in 1Mlast fiVfyean) is restricted 10 scicnlisll. particularly in biotechoolo­l}'.oceanography,nevrmaleriak.Arctic:lechnolo&it:s.IfJecommunigdions,COfn­PUI..".KicDcc:. pIq.rmaq- and medicine. In both c:aseI forms must be submillfd10 IIIf fIIlbaKy in OI:I.....a, byF~ u.

Abo. NalioIlaI Research Couocil is coadllClillJ iu usual COlIlpetiliot:l - dead·bne Novmlber 30 - fot:1MCanadalFr&I'ICe Scierlcf. Tfd\noIocY Q>..opn-atioaf'rosntm.c.oaabofalivf proiecuor Qpb'atOfJ misIionsQD Qualify for l!'tva ea­pmKI, and subsislmce incIudillJ family memben.

Boolon (enl in)

MQdlllanaly. i.S.E.A. ltd,S4.899

Finney-Cr.....lC'ylbiol)llUecl veo;tonA&ric.C&l*1ISl,Sll addilional

Guipe{C-CORE)FllipcrackdftectionEMR (OS$) 566,08'9.sditional

H arper (CERR)MarkflingexpcrtiS(ACOAS},}91

Hooper (bioi)Herrin, rotan kelpFA:0S47,000

Ri'enAc.Joa(earthlCi)Gr(llyjlle FrontEMR IOSSI 14,000


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Page 11: Gazette - Memorial University of'ICS,thereareindtvidu alcourlt$thatbn:omefilled,andstu· The Hon.


DR . MAR Y KENNED Y and MS.JEA N BROW N of the Division ofLeamina: Rnot.u'a:II rccmtly prcsatled~atHalifu.Atr..-oseuionsofthe

Canadian Librllry Association AnnualConferenoc thC'yprcsatled a paper en­lilledTIle Educar.iooofTc:adIer Librar·iamanda half--day ""orkshopCrttitledCooperativcProvamPlanniD&:Tbeor)and Practice.Theyahopr~edapaperlttheA5­

JOCiationforMediaandTechnolosYinEducation in Canada(AMTEC) Annu­alConfercnoe.llwastitled llLltructional[)eo.-elopmtnl: A CollCqllual Approach.Dr. Kennedy Ibo too k office 15 vice­president (prestdent-elect) of AMTECfor 1988-89.

- Some Concerns. Ms. Green ts aCanadian reprcsentlli\e on tM Board ofDircdonoftlliJintemat>onalorganiza_tion and one of its training associalCS.

DR . P .P NA RA YAN AS WA M I,ml lhematicl and slIImicl. had his co n­rributiolll 10 Frechet and (Lf) SpaceTheo ry incorporaled in t""o chapten oftM reseudt tnOnocraph El:urdkd La­caUy COn\CXSpaces(published by 1MNorth_ Holland Mathematical Studies.Vol. HI. 1987.

DR. NARA YANASW AMI preIC1lt­ed a paper Crtlitled Ott Dense Non­Barrelled SlIbspaccs II the Ad"anccdRn tarc b Worklhop on Fr echttSpaccshedin IJlan bui . TllI keyinmid­AIIJ_ , 198.8.

DR . DAVID J. HA\\'KI N. Departmentof RdiJious Sludia. prcscnled.PlIPCIenlilled JolwtnineTheolosYand fdeo­IoJicaI Commitment. the Annual Con­ference of Biblical Sludies bdd inWintbor in June. 'The tCl!loftM paperwill appear in a fonbcomin, issue ofT1wE:xposJroryT_.

PROFESSOR ERIC JESPERS. Depart­meul of and Statistics.pracnled 1M paper Graded Rinp andJaoobIon Rinp II the IntmwiooalConfcrmccoaR.adicals-Tbeoryand~beId.SmdlIi. JlIpU, JuIy

24-)(). 198.8.

AI tile recem 8th World Congreu of theIn t~nat ionaIAssociat ion for t he Scien­

tific Stu dy of Menial Retard at ion hd din Dublin, Ireland. DR. KOFI MARfO.educationaipsycltolosy, Facu lty of Edu·ca tio n. presented a pape r based on hisresearch entitled Malernal Dir«ti \ e_ncss in Interaetion . with MenfaJly Han ­dicaped Infants and Young Child ren:To""ard, R«oncept ualizatio n and NClOIReocarch Agenda .

DR. ALLAN VAIS IUS of the OceanScimca Centn and tM Facu hy ofMedicine pramttd a paper enlitledGro--th Hormone Repreucs Tramgip­tina of an AQlifreeu PrOlrin Gene inWinur Flounder at the 16lh Illlernal ion­a1c:on,reuofGmetiainTO<ODIo. ThiIpaper. ro-autboml with DR. GA RTHFLETCH ER and DR. DAVID IDLERoftMOcean Sdma:sCaMre,;'; the f,",report of specifIC sme rquIatioa byJl"O"'"Ib bonnonein any eukaryolic or­......'


dent underthe supervision of Dr. GarthFletcherallhe Ocean SciellCC1Cemre.presemed 1"·0 I'O'l~~ in Ausu.1 co­authored "ith DRS. W.S. DAVIDSON.G.L. FLETCH ER lind C.L. HEW ­one at the 41h ImClDlltionalOlnareuofCell BiololY in Montreal. emutedMolecular C10ninJ of FiJ II Metlll·lot hionein eDNA I nd l OOIlter II IheXVlt h fmem ano nal Con areu ofGmet·ics in Toront o, cnt itledWintcrF1ou nd­er Metall o th io nt in Ami no AcidSequence.

In Sep tembe r. 1988, DR. LAURENC ECRIM, Mar ine Scie nces ReJta rchLabo ratory, prcocnted . paper at t he14th Con ference of European Compara·ti\e Endoc rino lo,im hdd arthe lnn i­nneof Zoo!osY, Uni\enity ofSalzburJ,Au~t ria. The paper, entitled A Re>tiClOlof Pit uilllry LH RH Recept orSludielwa.prC5eDtedlla WorluhoponHorm one Recept orJ.

DR. V. BUBENIK . lilll uisticl . p1esenl_edlhreepapeu'lint~nationalronfCl_

ences: Inflect ion al MorpholOJ)' .ndGiticl in functional Grammar at IlleThird Int~n.tion.l Conference onFunctional Grammar (AmJltrdam.July. I 988); On t he~CODJIl1IC_

tion in Indo-Aryan Lan&UIJQ al lheTmlllSOllth AJian Lan&uqnAnal)'SilRoundl.llbielUni\enil)'ofWashiIlJlOll •

SealI!e.AulU5!.I988);andOiIitiz.alionof Pronominal ObjeclJ in Mtdje"a1Greek II 1M Third Inlmlllional Mo..­phoIocy Meetilll (Krems. AlWria . Au_1_,1988).

MS. JAN E G REEN. Depart mnu ofEdt>Calioaal Pl)'dlolosy, r«crltly tub­mitted 1"-0 r-eporb IItM Annual Meet­inp of the North American Affdia lc ofBl.iJ5ymbolia Comm unication fnttma­1ionaI. Ouercport prCIICfIled "l5euti­tied: Aupnentlli"e Comm\l.flif;:alina inNewfoundland and Labrador. She alsochaircdIICUioaon Trai niDJ forPu_euuand Professionals. and Jubtnilteda ..-mten rcportentitled BliuymboliaTrainina fo.-Pareuls and ProfeuionalJ

DR. DERE": BURyON. Departmrnl ofBioIotYandO.S.CJM.S.R.L. present·ed two papers at tM Con,reu of Ellro­pean lchtllyolo,i.t1 in Blldape1t.Hunpry. in AlIJUSI.One paper mtitledComparati\e ThcrmaI CIwa1rri1l:ic1 ofMdanophorft"l5anin,itt'dpresenta_lionintroducillll~onA...tomyand Functional.\lorp/lolocy. The JC­

rondo ro-authored .. ilh DR. MAR_GARET BURTO~. ""15 entitled TheEpidmni1of Non-lC'pl"odlleti.-e\liinlClFIounder,~ront'r1ntlmtricTI­

II .... Walbaum. An addreu by theunder-l«RW'yoftheHunprianMinQ-.Iry of Food and AgricuhureopmedrlleConl'ftS. which ""II' attended by 420participants from 32roulllries.

DR. OON DEIBEL, Ocean ScimcaCentrell.ocYBay).re.:mtlypramledapaper lithe Joinl Oceanosrapliic A$­

1mIb!y in Acapulco. Mexico.The illed SinkillJ rate and \enicalll\l$lflux of fecal D:IIIeriaJ from 1M pdqiclunatt DoIioklrll I'PfttNIuri "15pRImled in alCllion of lilt Imcmaioo­aI ADocWina fo.- 8ioIoPal Ocnnos­raphy. TIle ISJCIIIbly, beld every JUyean . "15 JpoRIOI"ed by tM ScialLifl(Comminee for Ocean Research (SCO R)of UNESCO. and"l5 IIlmdcd by 700lcierttisu from S4counnies.

Private llle - three -bedroom house ,1700 square feet de>teloped , wilh fuDat­lie Jtoraaelrea,firep lace, hud""oodnoon, I nd larse: landscaped 101. maturetrealnd pa tio d« k. l.oca ted lcss thanflve minut cs "".Ilk from un i\ crsity ,5(:hoo l" . nd Heal th Sciences Compl ex.$120,000. Telephon e: 722-6012.

"Excellors Nora" dark bay mare. 14. 1hand. with good di,pmilion and stablemannen. Schoo led ind ressage,equita·tion and jumpinJ. Approximately 14years old and looking for a young, car­in,owner. Tack box and ~rnitedtaek in­ciuded insa1e price. Call 737-898S(da)"1)or 726-0210 le~enings).

Thr~bedroom. wnny apartment. 10­cattdonquic1cul-de-loIClIeal"uni,·enj·ty Ind hos.pitals. deoorlled.Hud""ood f1ooo. pukin•. Ideal forvadualelludmtsorprofessionalcou­p1e.'SOOmonthlypl~facilities.A>ail­

able October 25. PhoneS79-21121.

Allractive.IuIC.·unnyt""o-room.uite.ccevement for uni\ersity. Partially fur­ni.h<'d••hare kilchen and balh. AC­CESS to PIANO. Suilable for one.tudentlt USOmomhly.or l""OSlu­dent. at SI7S per month. Heal i""l uded.PhoneS79·21121C\enings.

TJH 'R-"I)-\'1", OCTOB[R II

(~Ollt i. ll i.1 Mn k al t :dllca lio ll ­Me~ll'C.SpeakerDr.JoeO·Keane.

CaU131-6683 for further information.

(~_Li.lli.. M<'dklll t:d lK:llLioll_ Com­munity/Cotta~ Hos.pital TeacMfl'MC'C! in•. St. Catherine's Rene .. alCenne. Grand Falb. Call 737-6683 forfurtherinfomwion.October6-3.

1lw ia. Rtd CI'OI$Soriel:y wiDhold Ib600d doncx clinic at tM Hau:h­er Howe Dinilll HaUon October 11.12and 0. 198.8. Ctinic hounare2-i:lOp.m. each day.

"t:Il't~,J)AY . IK,OHt:R 5

(·o nlinllillll M<'dklll EdllCll.lion_Wtd_IIndtl.vtlrNoQlI-TderonferenceS)"1·lemSeries 1988/89. PedialricAlleraies-Pidallsofln~estigation.Speak~Dr.

Cliflon Joy. For furtber informationcall 137-6683.


Edito..: Marir aae-I. f..-ioa orrlCa": Sarah~......Gtapllia:UtodaI(Jiall~:keU.Voby

I'tIoIopaplry: ..... Bounoc:.JadtM.tillT~tilII: MUNPriatiJlaScrrica

Priftl ....:~.IlI.d.]IIOreLul




739·5681PA UL HEAD

htliioba': DmsioII of u--.ny ada­~~U1lrwaWIyofNewf"""IIIoIi.Sr.......5. Newf.....-...d.e-.daAtCSS7



Dircaor:ludyFOOIC:. APa

n n: GALt:1TE illlllblisIIrd fonlliPl·IJ. MaleriaI ill TH E GA Zi.Tn: _y berq:II'iIIcdoxm-a.frulywitloooll"",.

TH l'I~Sl).,\, SlPTB1 Rt:R 19

"I L' Art (;.1,", _ Chronic~ andSymbol. 5110,,-iol IIntil October lOOpt'ninlr~plion for Chronicle andSymbol ami llialk bycuralor PalrickTra~. 8 p.m.

Contin llilll M<'dinl t :dUI'1I!ioll _ An.nual Fall Aw.::ulbh. ..r"",,,<11;.,,J.a.labrador Chapree. Colleae of FamilyPhysiciamofCanada. Mee1inS to takeplace in Claren~ille. for further infor­mation call 737-6683. September29-Octobcrl.

\H :U' I::.S IH,1I . ~.:"TUtBt:R 2a

MnI .... a1SoocW1 ) - Dr . Nicl'loW Wat ·son "'ill &i~r apipel' on three m)'Kic5:Hadn.;,;h. Ullhcrinc of S~. andJulian of Nororoich. S<:inItt Buiklina.s-4OIl7(lhc.En&liohlkpart~IScmi·

nar Room). 7;JOp.m.

C_Ii••;.z ...ftIinIl U ....ioII_If·td­MSd4ytzt ....'__ TrkronfC'm'lCe5)"-

Inn smn 1988-89. RmaJ DilQW­Dialysli Update. Speakn Dr. MichadPaul. For funbc:r infomwion tall737#!08J.

eo.ti • • i"l MnIi<W U ....IiotI- Ni"nk_cd lccIurrin HiSlory of Surte')'.The Sl1rlC'fYof N•• 'a! Warran fromC1assical Falkland Con­flict.Speaker Sir James we n , KBE. sur·ckal ~i«-.dmir.1 7, !'otinislry of~fmce. London. EnPand. S p.m .•la:IurrThe:.tI~A

FRIl)AY, s t:PH:MHt:R JO

MU ~ Wnmen ', Sllldi n _ IndianWomen wruers of the Twentieth Cen·tury. Speak~ Pro f~.....r C.N. Mansala,~;,;itinsprofe»orfromBanl3lorc.prin·cipal. NMKRV Fim GradcCollcgc forWomm.S<:ien<:eBuildinJ, room 5-4087.~ p.m.

MO'U..n . s t:PH:Mll t:M 26

MC'Ii .o\rt Gall«} _ Qooi Faire~ Quo;~re?bllibilionsho"'in.unliIOc1ober

lJi~ NotI o f hlen.....~n_ A P<:J­§Qn~ Guide to Suo:nsfuJ FiuooalPlannilll. Instructor Bob Rowe, CLU,Mondays, &pIrrnNr 26-Octom 31.7-IOp.m.,f~S8S.

::=:_:= := '::u-.C6II_r ,., ..... ~.. r_s-.-.,...._

RF/M"fIi<=:,.. y ••~- '~~""~;;.8848


Page 12: Gazette - Memorial University of'ICS,thereareindtvidu alcourlt$thatbn:omefilled,andstu· The Hon.

.~Memorial University of Newfoundland~ 1988-89 Annual Fund


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8 .k '~. M,x :",. Mlne.73

EducationCeocil R()('bot ha n

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,-"' .n& Tom Hallen

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D.o~1d Moo, ..."IlAIH)'bJ

....Dr. Edmund 0­a.MlK.,8.ME."12

Patrons of the leadership Societies

...........·. CiIrlPDr.l~ H¥rn..O_C

Q MEMORIAL UNIVERSITY ANNUAL FUNDlJumni Aff~fJ.IntI~"~ l/ninoniry, St. loIm 'i, Nf Al e 557

MAI[)f1ll NAMEm .ppli


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