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GARDENING 101 - University of Texas at Austin · Permaculture • In gardening this means designing and planting gardens that operate well with the environment and do not require

Jul 06, 2018



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Page 1: GARDENING 101 - University of Texas at Austin · Permaculture • In gardening this means designing and planting gardens that operate well with the environment and do not require


Page 2: GARDENING 101 - University of Texas at Austin · Permaculture • In gardening this means designing and planting gardens that operate well with the environment and do not require





Page 3: GARDENING 101 - University of Texas at Austin · Permaculture • In gardening this means designing and planting gardens that operate well with the environment and do not require


ChoosingYourLocation•  Wherewillyourgardenbe?Home,communitygarden?

Ifyouareputtinginahomegarden,consider:•  Howmuchspacedoyouhave?•  Doyouwantadedicatedgardenspace?Areyoutryingtointegrateinto

yourexistinglandscaping?Willyoubecontainergardening?•  Willyoubeusingflatgardenbedsorraisedbeds?•  Doyouhaveenoughsuninyourchosenlocation?•  Whatwillyouneedtodotopreparethisareaforyourgarden?•  Whattoolswillyouneedtobeginyourgardenandmaintainit?•  ConsiderPermaculture!

Page 4: GARDENING 101 - University of Texas at Austin · Permaculture • In gardening this means designing and planting gardens that operate well with the environment and do not require


•  Ingardeningthismeansdesigningandplantinggardensthatoperatewellwiththeenvironmentanddonotrequirealotofenergy,timeorresourcestothrive

• Simplewaysyoucanhelpincorporatepermaculture


Page 5: GARDENING 101 - University of Texas at Austin · Permaculture • In gardening this means designing and planting gardens that operate well with the environment and do not require


Onceyou’vechosenyourspace:1.  Decideonyourgardenssizeandboarders2.  Clearthearea3.  Breakintheareaforyourflatbed,installyourraisedbedsor

placeyourcontainers4.  Ifyouareusinganypermaculturetechniquesthatrequire

installationbeforeplanting,puttheseinnow5.  Placeanyboardersorlargeinstallationsyou’dlikeinyourgarden

Page 6: GARDENING 101 - University of Texas at Austin · Permaculture • In gardening this means designing and planting gardens that operate well with the environment and do not require

PlantingYourGardenWhatcanyouplant?Youcanroughlydividetheyearintotwogrowingseasons:•  CoolWeather•  Warm(Hot!)WeatherWarmWeatherPlants:WillbeplantedafterthelastfrostoncethegroundhaswarmedforbestresultsandcanpotentiallybeharvestuntilfirstfrostCoolWeatherPlants:Willbeplantedassoonasthesummerheatbeginstobreak,andinlatewinterandcanpotentiallybeharvesteduntilthesummertemperaturesstart

Page 7: GARDENING 101 - University of Texas at Austin · Permaculture • In gardening this means designing and planting gardens that operate well with the environment and do not require

PlantingCalendars&FrostDatesToknowwhenandwhattoplant,useaVegetablePlantingGuide,knowyourfrostdatesandknowyourzone• Austin,TXPlantingZone=8b*

• FirstFrost~Dec1-10*• LastFrost~Feb21-28*

• SeveralPlantingGuidesareavailableonlineatAustinOrganicGardner’ssite:


Page 8: GARDENING 101 - University of Texas at Austin · Permaculture • In gardening this means designing and planting gardens that operate well with the environment and do not require

Plant seed unless otherwise noted

JUL AUG NOV DEC Artichoke (crowns/transplants)

JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN -------crowns--------

Asian greens (seeds or transplants) Asparagus (crowns) Beans, snap and lima Beets Broccoli (transplants) Brussels sprouts (transplants) Cabbage (transplants) Cantaloupe (muskmelon) Carrots Cauliflower (transplants) Chard, Swiss (seeds or transplants) Collards (seeds or transplants) Corn Cucumber Eggplant (transplants) Fava beans Garlic Greens, cool season Greens, warm season Kale (seeds or transplants) Kohlrabi (seeds or transplants)

Leeks (seeds/transplants) ---seed---

Lettuce (seeds or transplants) Mustard (seeds or transplants) Okra Onion, bulbing (transplants) Onion, bunching/multiplying Peas, English, snap and snow Peas, Southern Pepper (transplants) Potato, Irish Potato, sweet (slips) Pumpkin Radish Shallots Spinach (seeds or transplants) Squash, summer Squash, winter Tomatoes (transplants) Turnip Watermelon

Plants grown in winter will benefit from protection during freezing weather

Compiled by Patty G Leander, Master Gardener Vegetable Specialist

January 2012 Plants grown in late summer will benefit from shade cover during establishment

[email protected]

SEP OCT ---transplants---









Educational programs of the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service are open to all people without regard to race, color, sex, disability, religion, age or national origin. The Texas A&M System, USDA and the County Commissioners Courts of Texas cooperating.

Page 9: GARDENING 101 - University of Texas at Austin · Permaculture • In gardening this means designing and planting gardens that operate well with the environment and do not require


•  Chooseplanttypesfortheseason&whenyouwillbeplanting•  Someplantsareeasiertogrowthanothers

•  Chooseplantsyouliketoeatandknowyouwilluse•  Beawareofhowmuchyourplantwillproduce.Someplantsrequirealotofeffortforalittleyield,whileotherswillproducebountifullywithlittlework

Easy Moderate Hard




Page 10: GARDENING 101 - University of Texas at Austin · Permaculture • In gardening this means designing and planting gardens that operate well with the environment and do not require


•  Whatdoyouhavespacefor?•  Willyoubeplantingyourplantsinrows,companionplanting,squarefoot


•  PlantSpacingCharts:Rows:

Page 11: GARDENING 101 - University of Texas at Austin · Permaculture • In gardening this means designing and planting gardens that operate well with the environment and do not require


• Diagramingyourgardencanhelpyoudeterminewhatyoucanplantandhowmanyplantsandseedsyouneedbeforeplanting



Page 12: GARDENING 101 - University of Texas at Austin · Permaculture • In gardening this means designing and planting gardens that operate well with the environment and do not require


• Determineifyouwillbegettingtransplantsorseedsorboth• Chosevarietiesthatarewellsuitedtothisareaandclimate,whereyouareplantingthemandofferresistancetodisease/pestconcerns

• Getplantsandseedsfromreputablesources•  Ifbuyingtransplants,chooseonesthatlookhealthyandaren’ttoosmallorhavegrowverylargeintheirpotsandarerootboundorleggy.


ForTransplants ForSeeds

•  NaturalGardner•  Johnson'sBackyardGarden•  SunshineCommunityGardenPlantSale

•  BakersCreek•  SeedSavers•  SeedsNow

Page 13: GARDENING 101 - University of Texas at Austin · Permaculture • In gardening this means designing and planting gardens that operate well with the environment and do not require


ForTransplants ForSeeds

•  NaturalGardner•  Johnson'sBackyardGarden•  SunshineCommunityGardenPlantSale

•  BakersCreek•  SeedSavers•  SeedsNow

Page 14: GARDENING 101 - University of Texas at Austin · Permaculture • In gardening this means designing and planting gardens that operate well with the environment and do not require


Preppingyourgardenforplanting•  Turnandloosenyoursoil•  Theidealsoilisrich,lightandcrumbly•  Amendyoursoilwithlotsofrichorganicmattersuchascompost,

compostedmanure,leaves,ormulchAddingtransplantsandseeds•  Fortransplants:Diganappropriatedepthhole,carefullyremovefrom

theircontainers,gentlyloosenrootballandpackdirttightlyaround•  Forseeds:Sowattherecommendedspacinganddepth,youmayalso

choosetospreadseedsonthesurfaceandcoverwithsoil•  Thoroughlywatertransplantsandseedsonceplanted

Page 15: GARDENING 101 - University of Texas at Austin · Permaculture • In gardening this means designing and planting gardens that operate well with the environment and do not require


Page 16: GARDENING 101 - University of Texas at Austin · Permaculture • In gardening this means designing and planting gardens that operate well with the environment and do not require

CaringForYourGardenWhenFirstPlanted•  Waterregularly.Plantswillnothaveestablishedrootsystemsandwillneedtobe

keptwellwatered•  Becarefulwithfertilizeratthispoint.Youngplantsandseedlingscanbeeasily


OncePlantsareSettled•  Waterlessfrequently,onlyasneeded•  Fertilizewithcompostorotherrichorganicmatter;lessormoreoftendependingon

theplantandtherichnessofyoursoil•  Addmulchorleavesaroundthebaseofyourplants•  Youmayneedtoadjustspacingbyremovingorthinningplants•  Watchforsignsofpestsanddiseases

•  AsProductionOccurs•  Someplantswillneedtobekeptwellharvestedtoencourageproductionortoavoid

theplantgoingtoseed•  Plantcropsinsuccessionforacontinuousharvestthroughouttheseason•  Youmayneedtoadjustwatering

Page 17: GARDENING 101 - University of Texas at Austin · Permaculture • In gardening this means designing and planting gardens that operate well with the environment and do not require

CaringForYourGardenAtEndofSeason•  Preparefornextplanting•  Clearoutorturnunderplants•  Coverexposedsoilwithcompost,leavesormulch

OtherAdvice•  Payattentiontotheweather•  Youmaywanttocoverorshadeplantstoprotectthemfromcoldorintensesun•  Keepnotesofwhatworksandwhatdoesn’t•  Keeplearning!

Page 18: GARDENING 101 - University of Texas at Austin · Permaculture • In gardening this means designing and planting gardens that operate well with the environment and do not require

Troubleshooting•  Pests


•  Diseases


•  OtherPossibleProblems



Page 19: GARDENING 101 - University of Texas at Austin · Permaculture • In gardening this means designing and planting gardens that operate well with the environment and do not require
