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Receptions: 2009 Special Olympics World Winter Games 2009 Special Olympics 1 of 43 March 2009 World Winter Games Functional Area After Action Report Games Organizing Committee Receptions - Idaho After Action Report Venue Reception Manager Anita Burgess

Games Organizing Committee Receptions - Idaho … Area After Action Report Please state clearly which functional area(s)

Jul 05, 2020



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Page 1: Games Organizing Committee Receptions - Idaho … Area After Action Report Please state clearly which functional area(s)

Receptions: 2009 Special Olympics World Winter Games

2009 Special Olympics 1 of 43 March 2009

World Winter Games

Functional Area

After Action Report

Games Organizing Committee

Receptions - Idaho

After Action Report

Venue Reception Manager

Anita Burgess

Page 2: Games Organizing Committee Receptions - Idaho … Area After Action Report Please state clearly which functional area(s)

Receptions: 2009 Special Olympics World Winter Games

2009 Special Olympics 2 of 43 March 2009

World Winter Games

Functional Area

After Action Report

This After Action Report is for: GOC Receptions

Sr. Director Salle Uberuaga

Venue Reception Manager: Anita Burgess

Games Organizing Committee

Special Olympics International

1. Receptions Information

2. Key Volunteers

3. Law Enforcement Torch Run Final Leg Reception

4. Healthy Athlete Reception

5. Founders Reception

6. Families Reception load in, Recognition party for Clipped Wings and Austin Nelson

7. Families Reception

8. Volunteer Services Reception

9. GOC Reception

10. After Action Report

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Receptions: 2009 Special Olympics World Winter Games

2009 Special Olympics 3 of 43 March 2009

World Winter Games

Functional Area

After Action Report

Please state clearly which functional area(s) will be covered in the Report

and list key persons who were responsible for leading activities in this

area(s) at the 2009 SOWWG.

ALL RECEPTIONS: 2009 Special Olympics World Winter Games

Anita Burgess Venue Reception Manager

Personal Cell 208-890-0424- Home: 208-888-6618 GOC PHONE

FA Venue Contact Person Email

RTR TORCH RUN RECEPTION Cindi Raney COMMISSIONER 880-1733 [email protected]>;[email protected]

Feb 5th 6:00 to 10:00 Joy Finley SUPERVISOR 284-6299 [email protected] [email protected]>;

RTR - Bogus Creek Ranch - 7355 S. Eagle Road, Meridian Idaho #887-7880

RFR FOUNDERS RECEPTION - (All STAR -MVP) Becky Kawano COMMISSIONER 859-7540 [email protected]

Feb 7th 6:00 to 8:00 + (Depending on arrival of buses) Shelly Smith B of A SUPERVISOR 794-2349 [email protected]


RHA RHA - HEALTHY ATHLETES RECEPTION Joy Finley COMMISSIONER 284-6299 [email protected]>;[email protected]

Feb 7th 6:00 to 10:00 Cindi Raney SUPERVISOR 880-1733 [email protected]>;'Joy Finley' <[email protected]>;

RTR - Bogus Creek Ranch - 7355 S. Eagle Road, Meridian Idaho #887-7880

RFA RFA - FAMILIES RECEPTION Shelly Smith B of A COMMISSIONER 794-2349 [email protected]

Feb 12th Load in Decorate Becky Kawano COMMISSIONER 859-7540 [email protected]

Feb 13th 3:00 to 6:00

The Key Commissioners and Supervisors helping leading my teams were a tremendous

asset to our successful Events. All of my volunteers were very dedicated.

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Functional Area

After Action Report

Key Volunteers -2009 World Winter Games

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2009 Special Olympics 5 of 43 March 2009

World Winter Games

Functional Area

After Action Report

Section I – Function Overview

This Section is designed to present readers with the general statement of the function

intended and actual goals and scope of responsibility, as well as long-term impacts that

you believe were generated as a result of your operations.

TORCH RUN RECEPTION: The Law Enforcement Torch Run Final Leg for

the 2009 Special Olympics World Winter Games is made up of an international

team of 142 members, which includes 95 Law Enforcement Officer runners, 10

Special Olympics athletes and support personnel, who will serve as Guardians of

the Flame as they welcome and receive the Flame of Hope “ in Idaho

Long-Term impacts: The reception provided appreciation for the Law

Enforcement runners for their participation in the World Games in guarding the

Torch Flame. With this reception it united the GOC and the Officers and will

further inspire their participation.

FOUNDERS RECEPTION: All Star and MVP reception for VIP guests, Media

and sponsors in honor of Founder Eunice Kennedy Shriver.

Long-Term impacts: This reception provides an opportunity to give recognition

to our founders and lets speakers reflect on the goals of our Founder Eunice

Kennedy Shriver. The reception helps in fostering the unity of the sponsors,

media, guests in preserving the goals and integrity of the Special Olympics. The

founders become more connected to the project and feel the need to contribute in

the future promoting the Special Olympics well being.

HEALTHY ATHLETES RECEPTION: This includes all of those working

with the SO vision program, dental health, hearing, Fun fitness and fit feet. This

is a GOC supported program that is offered to the SO Athletes at the 2009 Games.

Long-Term impacts: The vision of helping Athletes all over the world is

recognized at this reception. It helps clinicians reflect on the importance of their

contribution to the games. In turn, it will help them continue their participation in

the games.


recognition for the Clipped Wings Flight attendants and Austin Nelson Eagle


Long-Term impacts: The set up recognition party united the volunteers in

recognizing their co workers that made the Families Reception possible.

FAMILIES RECEPTION: Reception open to all family members of SO

Athletes attending the Games.

Long-Term impacts: The unity of the family members and the GOC is a

valuable asset in the future of the games. This reception helps in letting family

members communicate with one another and share a common bond to help in

benefitting their athlete with future games.

Volunteers Reception: Reception that is given to the Volunteers for recognition

in making the games a successful event.

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Functional Area

After Action Report

Long-Term impacts: Uniting the Volunteers in and rewards for the efforts that

they have given with heartfelt participation in the World Games..

GOC RECEPTION: Reception for the Staff members of th Games Organizing


Long-Term impacts: Recognizing the hard work and dedication from the Staff,

for a job well done, to making the World games a successful event

Section II – Schedules/Timelines/Events

It will be helpful to identify the overall timeline of your area’s activities in

preparation for the Games as well as in the course of 2009 SOWWG and

after the event. In your observations please compare the intended

timelines with the actual timing of activities and focus on the gaps and

areas where time allocations prevented you from delivering the highest

quality of services.

Welcome to the Receptions!

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World Winter Games

Functional Area

After Action Report

TORCH RUN RECEPTION Hyperlink to Torch Run Photo’s

Benefits of the Torch Time Line:

The Torch Run Reception time was prepared by myself and our

commissioners and helped provide a very excellent level of quality service.

The Time line also included a time for the Volunteers to have their needs met

prior to the arrival of the guests and this worked exceptionally well.

Time Line Torch Challenges:

Buses left the venue at 8:00PM and did not return until 10:00PM. The buses

left to empty black water and refuel. Some of the guests would have preferred

to leave the venue earlier than 10:00PM.

SOI did not inform us who was speaking or of the flow of the program until

they arrived.

We did not know the time when special guests were arriving to the venue.

Bogus Creek Ranch

7355 S. Eagle Road

Meridian, Idaho

208-887 -7880

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After Action Report


In the event that Buses need to leave the venue for refueling and empting

waste tanks, our recommendation is they leave in shifts. Strongly recommend

they leave at least one bus at the venue at all times. This would help in

providing transportation in case of emergency or to transport guests that want

to leave venue earlier.

The program and speakers need to be determined prior to the event so the

Venue Managers can be prepared for the flow of the program. There is no

reason this is not placed on the time line.

The Venue Managers need to be informed of the speakers, so that they can

prepare to properly greet and be knowledgeable of their guests.

Reception Time Line:

Please insert hyperlink to Torch Run Reception Time Line.

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Receptions: 2009 Special Olympics World Winter Games

2009 Special Olympics 9 of 43 March 2009

World Winter Games

Functional Area

After Action Report

HEATLTY ATHLETES RECEPTION Hyperlink to:Healthy Athletes Reception Load inLoad outVolunteer load in load

out_files\Healthy Athletes Reception time Line Jan 28.xlsx

Benefits of the Healthy Athletes Time Line:

The Healthy Athletes Receptions time was prepared by myself and our

commissioners and helped provide a very excellent level of quality service.

The Time line also included a time for the Volunteers to have dinner prior to

the arrival of the guests and this worked exceptionally well.

Healthy Athletes Challenges:

Transportation loaded the Venue ½ hr earlier than expected.

No challenges at the Healthy Athlete Reception with reguards to

transportation after arrival. The buses were discouraged to leave the venue.

Our timeline met our expectations.

SOI did not inform us who was speaking or of the flow of the program until

they arrived.

We did not know the time when special guests were arriving to the venue

Bogus Creek Ranch

Bogus Creek Ranch

7355 S. Eagle Road

Meridian, Idaho

208-887 -7880

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Functional Area

After Action Report

Positive Changes:

Due to transportation entering the venue earlier, the food was not prepared. To

stall we had guests prepare somore’s around the camp fire. They enjoyed

preparing their treats and many had never experienced it.

On our recommendation the buses were not permitted to leave the Venue. We

could accommodate the guest’s that wanted to leave early.

The program and speakers need to be determined prior to the event so the

Venue Managers can be prepared for the flow of the program. There is no

reason this is not placed on the time line.

The Venue Managers need to be informed of the speakers so that they can

properly greet great and be knowledgeable of their guests.

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Healthy Athletes Time Line:

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After Action Report

FOUNDERS RECEPTION Hyperlink to: FOUNDERS\Founders Time line Jan 22,2009.xlsx

BSU Stueckle Sky Club

1910 University Drive

Boise Idaho 83725-1020

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2009 Special Olympics 13 of 43 March 2009

World Winter Games

Functional Area

After Action Report

Benefits of the Founders Time Line:

The Founders Reception time was prepared by myself and our commissioners

and helped provide a very excellent level of quality service.

The Reception time line provided a time for the Volunteers to have dinner

prior to the arrival of the guests and this worked exceptionally well.

TV was set up to let the volunteers watch the Opening Ceremonies.

Bus drivers were provided dinner and rest area.

Founders Challenges:

SOI failed to create a program for the reception. Program was drafted after

the guests arrived. SOI did not inform us who was speaking or of the flow of

the program.

Program was never confirmed with the MC.

We were never aware of when the All Star Guests were arriving to the venue.

Nor how many guests were arriving.

Not knowing when the guests would arrive on the buses with transportation.

After the event, we did not know the schedule that Transportation had set to

start moving guests from the venue to the hotels.

Due to legal time allotted for bus drivers we did not know which drivers were

still available nor how many buses we had to transport our guests back their


Legally, bus drivers are only allowed to work a certain number of hours. Due

to this scheduling conflict some bus drivers were pulled from duty while the

Founders Reception was going on. This created the problem of not enough

drivers available to transport our guests back to their respective hotels.

Had we been notified of this legality earlier (months earlier) we would have

been able to come up with a viable solution. As it stood, we scrambled to

ensure all guests were cared for and returned to their hotels in a timely


Transportation communication was never defined.


Program Flow needs to be placed in writing prior to the event preferably at

least two weeks prior. This way programs can be prepared for guests and for

the volunteers working the event. The volunteers will then be better equipped

to accommodate the needs of the VIP guests and the printed program can be

produced. There is no reason that the majority of guest speakers cannot be

clarified. SOI needs to be accountable as it causes unnecessary stress on the

venue Manager, Staff, Sponsors and Volunteers.

Bogus Creek Ranch

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After Action Report

Transportation needs need to be clarified in writing. There needs to be a time

line that is shared for each bus and venue in writing describing all

transportation moves. This needs to be shared will the Venue Managers.

With the help of the All Star program, we were able to accommodate

other guests to be transported to their respective hotels. Without this the

guests of the MPV program would have been stranded due to the over

scheduled bus drivers. Transportation needs to be accountable.

Bus drivers need to be scheduled appropriately for their time schedules and

they need to be scheduled for breaks and dinner.

Any volunteer working 8hrs. or more should be include in food count of


Would recommend having a Taxi list accessible, with phone numbers and


Founders Reception Time Line:

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Hyperlink to: FAMILIES\TIME LINE Families.xlsx

Families Reception


936 W Taylor

Meridian, Idaho 83642

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Receptions: 2009 Special Olympics World Winter Games

2009 Special Olympics 16 of 43 March 2009

World Winter Games

Functional Area

After Action Report

Benefits of the Families Time Line:

The Families Reception time was prepared by myself and our commissioners

and helped provide a very excellent level of quality service.

The Families time line provided a time for the Volunteers to have dinner prior

to the arrival of the guests and this worked exceptionally well.

Families Challenges:

F F & E was an unorganized mess and we were always unsure if our needs

would be met.

Not knowing when the Guest would arrive on the buses to the venue.

GOC Transportation schedules had buses arriving at 2:00 and not 3:00 that

was originally scheduled

Five buses arrived with no Guests. – Empty. Transportation left people stranded in Boise at bus stop because the left Boise

1 hr early.

Guests were uncertain if they would be transported to the Closing

Ceremonies if they took a taxi to Home Court.

Guests were uncertain if once at the Closing Ceremonies, would they be able

to connect with a bus to return to their hotels that evening.

No one knew the schedule that Transportation had set to start moving guests

from the venue to the hotels. This was never clarified in writing or completed

information given to the venue Managers or Transportation Commissioners.

Due to legal time allotted for bus drivers we did not know which drivers were

still available nor how many buses we had to transport our guests back their


Legally, bus drivers are only allowed to work a certain number of hours. Due

to this scheduling conflict some bus drivers were pulled from duty while the

Families Reception was going on. This created the problem of not enough

drivers available to transport our guests back to their respective hotels.

Had we been notified of this legality earlier (months earlier) we would have

been able to come up with a viable solution. As it stood we scrambled to

ensure all guests were cared for and returned to their hotels in a timely


Transportation communication was never defined.

Bogus Creek Ranch

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The bus drivers were appalled with the way the transportation was handled

and scheduled. The drivers choose to wait for our guests to load to take them

to the Closing Ceremonies.

Our guests were not left stranded at our venue.

Would recommend having a Taxi list accessible, with phone numbers and


Our Venue loaded out the guests in a timely and efficient manner.

Recommend that some buses are scheduled only for the Receptions. Program

Flow needs to be placed in writing prior to the event preferably at least two

weeks prior. This way programs can be prepared for guests and for the

volunteers working the event. The volunteers will then be better equipped to

accommodate the needs of the VIP guests and the printed program can be

produced. There is no reason that the majority of guest speakers cannot be

clarified. SOI needs to be accountable as cause’s unnecessary stress on the

venue Manager, Staff, Sponsors and Volunteers.

Section III – Structure and Scope of Operations

This segment should draw attention to the three key aspects:

1) the functional area’s role within the overall GOC structure including reporting and

communication chains to the senior management and dependent functions;

This area could have been streamlined. Decisions needed to be made prior to

the end of the year (08) and they were never clarified. Mainly due to SOI not

completing and clarifying our parameters so GOC could move forward.

In the receptions area we broke down the venues and scheduled our own

volunteers. Each Venue Commissioner updated our Volunteers daily with

e-mail communication.

Hyper –Link: ORG CHARTS\Jan 22,2009 ORG CHART.pptx

o We did not use the Volunteer Services, we handled internally.

o By communication on a one on one level we had a high standard of

quality service and communication with our volunteers.

2)the organizational structure of the functional area including staffing, changes in

staffing patterns and job descriptions (for at least key staff members);

This structure of the World Games was not organized.

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After Action Report

o Ceremonies team, Events, Media and Sports had an organized team

and functioned at a very high level. Logistics and Transportation

functional areas were confused to whom they needed to report too, and

were not operating as an efficient area.

I have been in management for 34 years and my feelings are the structure of

the functional areas were not clarified to its fullest. Logistics and

transportation did not have enough direction. It was far too large of a

functional area for one VP Operational and Support Services Department.

Their staff did not have enough individual direction to accomplish their tasks.

So confusion was present, and many areas floundered. Definite overload and

miss communications were present in that area throughout the games.

Definite overflow to the other functional areas that lead to additional

miscommunication, frustration and error.

o I would recommend making a spread sheet with each functional area

and listing of GOC Staff. Under each functional area, a list of the

Director, Managers and staff should be in place. This would be the

listing for phone numbers, Venue area’s and e-mails.

This non functional area (logistics, transportation) lead to a breakdown

of the FF & E and total confusion in the transportation department, even

though some of the staff were trying their best to accommodate others.

I would make a recommendation to break down the large area of

Operations and Support Systems. This was to heavy of a load for anyone

too carry.

3) extent of the functional area’s engagement with individual sports and non-sports



Section IV – Guidelines/Rules/Policies and Procedures

Please discuss the nature, key provisions and impacts of the policies and

procedures that you area put forward in writing and communicated prior

to the 2009 SOWWG. What was missing from these documents? How can

these policies and procedures be improved, if future GOCs decide to put

forward similar documents?

The template just set forward in this

“After Action Report” is in a right direction!

Recommend a template for each functional area that is compatible to all

Functional areas. Consistency is a valuable tool.

Recommend a total report accessible to each area where all functional areas

can click on each area and clarify any discrepancies.

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Recommend a start up template that requires all areas to enter the same

information on a spread sheet.

SAMPLE: Hyper link: F F &E\FF E-SCRUB Jan 14 2009 Main.xls

o Example the FF & E

a. Due to the fact each area was using a different kind of

spread sheet (created by themselves) the data

information had to be hand transferred and important

data was lost in the transfer.

b. Due to the FF & E being combined and not broken

down in functional areas items could have been

redistributed and repurposed better. This was a huge

problem due to the development team not functionally


o Volunteer Services

a. Due to Volunteer Services trying to load in all

volunteers to functional areas, this left to a

overabundance of volunteers. As a result, we had to

turn away volunteers.

b. If a listing template is provided for future games it will

be easier for the Venue Manager to know what is

required of them. It will also provide a guideline of how

many volunteers they will be needing.

Policies and procedures pertaining to Receptions, was never clarified in the

beginning. Such as signage, protocol, programs. (This information should

be given in a CD for easy access to the new Venue Manager)

Need for a Personal Training Video. o Polices concerning the protocol is vital for the performance of

the Receptions needed to be clarified. Making sure that all

guests, speakers are taken care of properly. SOI All Star guest

list was never received prior to receptions.

o Polices concerning the sponsors for signage needs to be in


o Polices concerning the speakers program needs to be in writing

and clarified.

o Speaking program should not be given to venue manager 5min

before program begins. This was due to SOI.

o Abbreviations need to be clarified in the beginning.

o FF & E, Furniture Fixtures, & Equipment.

o Transportation did not listen to the Venues. Transportation felt

the need to do their own thing, and not cater to their customers’

needs. This lead far too many problems along the way.

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Past OPS Plan’s need to be given to the Venue Manager proceeding the


o Please refer to the OPS Plan – “Operating Plan”

Hyper link:Ops Plan FINAL.doc



December 15, 2008

Salle Uberuaga

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After Action Report

Sr. Director


Receptions Manager


Founders Reception …………………………………………...…. Pg. 3

Healthy Athletes Reception …………………………………………...…. Pg. 6

Torch Run Reception …………………………………………...…. Pg. 7

Families Reception …………………………………………...…. Pg. 8

ATTACHMENTS …………………………………………...…. Pg. 9

- Attachment A - Master Vicinity Map

Master Vicinity Map 12-2-08.pdfil

- Attachment B-1 - Founders Reception BSU Key Map

FOUNDERS\Attach B-1 FR BSU Key Map.pdf

- Attachment B-2 - Founders Reception Club Level

FOUNDERS\A-104 club level revised.pdfl

- Attachment B-3 - Founders Reception Suite Level

FOUNDERS\A-105 suite level revised.pdf

- Attachment C-1 - Torch Run Bogus Site Plan

RE Torch Reception - Draft run down Load inLoad outVolunteer times_files\Bogus Site


- Attachment C-2 - Torch Run Bogus Site Plan 2

RE Torch Reception - Draft run down Load inLoad outVolunteer times_files\Bogus Site

PLAN 2.pdfl

- Attachment C-3 - Torch Run Bogus Tent

RE Torch Reception - Draft run down Load inLoad outVolunteer times_files\Bogus


- Attachment D-1 - Families Reception Home Court Site 1

FAMILIES\Home Court Building.pdf

- Attachment D-2 - Families Reception Home Court Site 2

FAMILIES\Home Court Building (2).pdf

- Attachment D-3 - Families Reception Home Crt. Building 1

FAMILIES\MAP Home Court Bus Arrival (2).pdf

- Attachment D-4 - Families Reception Home Crt. Building 2

FAMILIES\Home Court Bus Departure.pdf

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After Action Report

- Attachment D-5 - Families Reception Vicinity

FAMILIES\Home Court Building.pdf

- Attachment E-1 - Personnel Organization Chart


- Attachment E-2 - List of Personnel

On file, Attached to e-mail

- Attachment F - In-Kind Donations

Inkind Donations\IN - KINDCURRENT 020408 In-Kind Contribution Receipt.docAttached to e-

Inkind Donations\Feb 11, 09 In Kind donations.xlsxl

Founder’s Reception Date: Feb 7, 09 Time: 6:00 to 8:00 PM Place: BSU Stueckle Sky Club Address: 1910 University Drive, Boise, Idaho 83725-1020 Main Contact: Cindi Hall and Valerie Tichenor Contract: Pending Venue Maps: Dot Matrix and Volunteers: Completed

Sponsored by Bank of America- They will be wearing White shirts with logo o 30 Local B of A Volunteers

Invitations: Being made by Joannie, Evelyn o Present invitation in order to enter or have name checked-off list

Arrival of Volunteers: o Assignment listing Org Sheet – Attatched. o Time: 2:00 Set up and Decoration - See venue Map o Load in of additional tables (cocktail tables, linins) o Load in of Ice Sculptures on Main banquet tables, Made by Ice is Nice

Ice sculptures- One World Globe, One Snowflake

Arrival of Bank Of America Volunteers: o Time: 4:00 o Load to stations, has been determined on Training, and DOT matrix

Food and Beverage: o Aramark (Dining Services) BSU catering Heavy hors d’oeuvres o Wine: We have permission as of Dec. 12, to move ahead if we can get a wine

sponsors BSU will use that sponsor and deduct it from our bill.

Agri beef, (friend of mine) was interested in donating and BSU if they come on will also deduct it from our bill. Food and Beverage

Downstairs – main buffet area or areas and bar is pre-set Upstairs – main bar is set and smaller buffet table Will try to get wine donated

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After Action Report

Serve wine, beer, coke products Heavy hors d’oeuvres All items should be marked Kim will look into donated ice cream Dessert possibly served by B of A employees

Decorations: o Flowers: IN-KIND- Boise Floral is working on design, lighted arrangements. Area

florists are donating arrangements to the games. o GoBo light with World logo on Cav building o Large Balloon Arch: IN-KIND- at Elevator Doors

Transportation ---Needs to be Completed by Transportation

Venue Maps: COMPLETED o Needs at venue:

VIP Parking Lot for credentialed cars (and a system to provide car passes) Valet Parking (for a charge) for other invited guests Bus drop-off and pick-up areas for both MVP and ASF buses

o Red Flags: GOC transportation plan for MVPs from OC to the Founder’s

Check-In o FF & E: Needs at venue:

Entry tent – Procure with Event Rents for outside loading to Sky Club Red Carpet with lights and drapes inside of the entry tent – In KIND Check-in tables in the vestibule before you go up the elevator- BSU Present invitation in order to enter or have name checked-off list Divided entry for invitation in hand aisle and check-off aisle (for quicker entry) Balloon arch where elevator doors are Need a courtesy area for trouble people, Staffed with Guest Services Need staff at the Gate for entrance (ASF, MVP (soi person), local dig person,

sponsor person) Person at elevator with a counter (to count heads at the event) VIP entrance to be identified (on side of the building) Need a driver and guide holding room (possibly trophy room) – stocked with coke

product and possibly donated food for 30 to 50

Signage – Ordered from - Amy Walker o Global Sponsors/Games Sponsors standees at entrance and on/near the stage o B of A Event Sponsor signage o Welcome signs at entrance o Sign at elevator well o VIP Parking Signs o Valet Parking Signs

Flow and Music: Kim Widdess to advise on Thursday the 18th, 2008 o Harp, Piano or Guitarist at elevator on 4th Floor o Band (TBC) to play after first 20 min or main guest arrivals o Program begins at 7pm

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o Emcee = Troy McClain

Speaking Program (Needs to be completed by SOI) Special Olympics Athletes – Idaho and International:

NAME_____________ Bank of America person: NAME______________

GOC Person: NAME_____________ SOI Person: NAME_____________ Video?- Have lined up for a Video, Asked for Video from Justine Special Song or Performance? TBD

Miss Idaho to possibly perform with an athlete?

ID Group from California (High Tops)

Continue discussion around this

Stage and seating o Main stage will be on the 4th Floor o Band on stage 4th Floor o Stage donated , o Cocktail tables scattered around the room o Larger tables with seats around perimeter

Exit o At 8pm, bars and food closes o Music cuts at 8:30pm o Find out how long party can go until overtime penalties are incurred- o Need ASF and MVP bus staging areas o Staff at exit directing people to buses o Use Trophy Room for Valet Exit o Use VIP entry/exit for VIP room o Use main entrance for the rest of guest exit o Check how many VIP parking spots there are o Confirm numbers and roles of staff

Healthy Athletes Reception – Bogus Creek Outfitters

Date: Feb 7, 09 Time: 6:00 to 9:00 PM Place: Bogus Creek Ranch Address: 7355 S. Eagle Road Main Contact: Mary Beth LaVelle, Renee’ White Contract: In GOC to be signed Venue Maps: Dot Matrix and Volunteers: Completed

Sponsored by GOC Invitations: Being made by Joanne, Evelyn

o Invitation list has been created. o Who will manage list TBD (no addresses on invitations to be mailed

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Volunteer: o Volunteers check in at 3:00 o Volunteers will be feed at 3:30 o Volunteers to set up decorations o Volunteers to wait on guests o Volunteers to bus tables o Volunteers to clear area

Decorations: o Boots decorated by volunteers, rope, burlap blue table cloths

Transportation (Need for completion in writing) o Need buses for international people (Red Flag) o Kim to ask Martin what his understanding is of transportation o Ride covered wagon to event

Check-in o By invitation (TBC)

Signage: o Way finding ordered with Colby Donicht o Signage ordered from Amy Walker o Global Sponsors/Games Sponsors standees o Healthy Athletes Sponsors

Flow and Music o Cowboy boot centerpiece, Flowers, rope, and burlap o Speaking Program (Needs to be completed by SOI)

Athlete representative: NAME_______________ GOC representative: NAME_______________ SOI representative: NAME_________________ Kim to check with HA if they have other suggestions

Stage and seating o Stage in center of tent area o Podium

Food and Beverage o Cash bar o Anita will send menu

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Torch Run Reception – Bogus Creek Outfitters

Date: Feb 5, 09 Time: 6:00 to 9:00 PM Place: Bogus Creek Ranch Address: 7355 S. Eagle Road Main Contact: Mary Beth LaVelle, Renee’ White Contract: In GOC to be signed Venue Maps: Dot Matrix and Volunteers: Completed

Sponsored by GOC Invitations: Being made by Joanne, Evelyn

o Invitation list has been created. o Who will manage list TBD (no addresses on invitations to be mailed

Volunteer: o Volunteers check in at 3:00 o Volunteers will be feed at 3:30 o Volunteers to set up decorations o Volunteers to wait on guests o Volunteers to bus tables o Volunteers to clear area

Decorations: o Boots decorated by volunteers, rope, burlap blue table cloths

Transportation (Needs to be confirmed in writing by Transportation) o Need buses for international people (Red Flag) o Kim to ask Martin what his understanding is of transportation o Ride covered wagon to event

Check-in o By invitation (TBC)

Signage: o Way finding ordered with Colby Donicht o Signage ordered from Amy Walker o Global Sponsors/Games Sponsors standees o Healthy Athletes Sponsors

Flow and Music o Cowboy boot centerpiece, Flowers, rope, and burlap o Speaking Program (Needs to be completed by SOI)

Athlete representative: NAME_______________ GOC representative: NAME_______________ SOI representative: NAME_________________ Kim to check with HA if they have other suggestions

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Stage and seating o Stage in center of tent area o Podium

Food and Beverage o Cash bar o Anita will send menu

Families – YMCA Home Court in Meridian (2pm – 5pm- new time) Date:

Feb 12,13, 09 Time: 3:00 to 5:00 PM Place: YMCA Home Court Address: 936 W. Taylor St. Suite 104 Main Contact: Rhonda Bergersen, Ben Reed Contract: At GOC to be Signed Venue Maps: Dot Matrix and Volunteers: Completed Sponsored by: Clipped Wings, 70 Clipped Wings Volunteers

o They are providing their own uniforms

Volunteers o Feb 12, 09 Check in at 10:00 to Load in decorations and tables o Feb 13, 09 Check in Volunteers to work Venue o Volunteers to wear Western Outfits o Volunteers to go to designated area on Dot Matrix, Job description have been assigned. o Volunteers to help with clean up

Boy Scouts o Austin Nelson is earning his Eagle Scout award and is procuring Tent, Tables, Chairs –

IN –KINd o Austin has troop and Football team (30) are loading and unloading Tent, Tables, Chairs

Local School Children o Local Idaho School Children, 1,500 are making the inside of a tent card with notes to

families welcoming them to Idaho and descriptions of things they like about Idaho. Joanne and Evelyn have designed the outside shell of the card. The paper was donated – IN-KIND

Photo Booths o Idaho Rodeo Queens,(15) will be taking photos of Families for them to take home. The

decorations have all been IN-KIND


Recycled boots are being collected and painted by our Volunteers they will be filled with daises and on burlap cloths, rope and Potatoes will be arranged. All has been IN-KIND


o Transportation to/from event

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o Must transport Boise to Home Court to Idaho Center then home o There can there be a charge to get families to/from the event. Per Kim Widdess

Check-in o By invitation or flier or credential (TBC)

Signage: o has been ordered from Amy Walker o has been ordered from Colby Donicht o Global Sponsors/Games Sponsors standees

Flow and Music o Burlap and cowboy boot themed decorations o Tent cards with notes from youth throughout Idaho o Speaking Program (SOI NEEDS TO CLARIFY PROGRAM)

Athlete representative NAME__________________ GOC representative NAME____________________ Families representative NAME__________________ Kim to check with Families Department if they have other suggestions

o Family Photo station o High School Rodeo Queens will take pictures with the families

Stage and seating o Half round stage in middle

Food and Beverage o No alcohol o Anita will send menu o Bogus is catering the event o Catering tents outside


- Attachment A o Master Vicinity Map o Venue Location Map – Boise Area Only

- Attachment B-1

o Founders Reception BSU Key Map o Boise State University - map

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- Attachment B-2 o Founders Reception Club Level Revised o BSU Stueckle Sky Center - blueprint

- Attachment B-3

o Founders Reception Suite Level Revised o BSU Stueckle Sky Center - blueprint

- Attachment C-1

o Torch Run Bogus Site Plan o Bogus Creek Ranch - map

- Attachment C-2

o Torch Run Bogus Site Plan 2 o Bogus Creek Ranch - map

- Attachment C-3

o Torch Run Bogus Tent o Deep Water Dance Hall Event Space - tent map

- Attachment D-1

o Home Court Site 1 o Meridian YMCA Home Court - map

- Attachment D-2

o Home Court Site 2 o Meridian YMCA Home Court - map

- Attachment D-3

o Home Court Building 1 o Meridian YMCA Home Court - map

- Attachment D-4

o Home Court Building 2 o Meridian YMCA Home Court - map

- Attachment D-5

o Home Court Vicinity o Meridian YMCA Home Court - map

- Attachment E-1

o Personnel Organization Chart o Home Court Families Reception

- Attachment E-2

o List of Personnel Preferred Assigned Listing of All Receptions All Volunteers

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Kiley Volunteers All Venue Volunteers breakdown Bogus Creek Staff BSU Staff Home Court Staff Clipped Wings Volunteers B of A Volunteers Founders Reception Founders Reception Staff Torch Reception Families Reception Healthy Athletes Reception Functional Areas List Venue List

- Attachment F

o In-Kind Donations o All In-Kind Donations

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Section V – Budget The key to this Section is to discuss the overall size

expenses, revenues (if any) that were generated and reasons for variations

between planned and actual income and expenses.


Hyperlink: RE Torch Reception - Draft run down Load inLoad outVolunteer

times_files\Budget - Torch 9 28 09.xlsx


HyperlinkHealthy Athletes Reception Load inLoad outVolunteer load in load

out_files\Budget - Healthy Athletes Jan 28,09.xlsx:


Hyperlink:FOUNDERS\Budget - Founders Jan 28, 09.xlsx






Hyperlink:Receptions Cost overview Feb 18th 2009.xlsx






TORCH 5 TH $ 13,090.52 $440.52 $8,367.77

FOUNDERS 7 TH $50,802.39 $22,927.19 $23,177.19

LINEN-TORCH 7TH ? $75.00 ?

HEALTHY ATHLETES 7TH $ 24,452.77 $690.52 $11,577.77

FAMILIES 13TH $ 99,389.69 $1,473.69 $28,968.98


TOTAL $ 187,735.37 $25,606.92 $72,091.71

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Section VI – Key Interfaces

The term “interfaces” can also be interpreted as “dependencies” and can

include all other functional areas and individuals (internal to the GOC as

well as external, such as SOI and community partners), who either

provided the functional area with information, funding, volunteer support

and other resources or depended on the functional area for any financial,

informational or human resources. What worked in these relationships?

What did not work as intended? What would you structure and organize



Hyperlink: Inkind Donations\Feb 11, 09 In Kind donations.xlsx


Hyperlink: FLORISTS\Elizabeths Florists For Special Olympics.xls

Florist needs for Specail Olympics

Hyperlink: FLORISTS\FLOWER NEEDS Jan 25,2009.xlsx

What worked in these relationships?

o I was able to communicate with the local businesses because I am a small

business owner myself.

o By breaking down the ask of contributions from local business to smaller

donations. This made it possible for a small business to contribute and

participate in the 2009 Special Olympic World Winter Games.

o The development team asked a local florist for $25,000 which could not be

met. In view of that we asked each community local florist to donate one

arrangement. With this we accomplished additional goals of flowers to the

venues, by having volunteers prepare the arrangements. We then made

arrangements to purchase more flowers wholesale which satisfied our budget

and exceeded our expectations. The balloon arches were made by our


o By having local Florist deliver at one central location we could repurpose the

arrangements. An arrangement that went to the Green Room for Opening

Ceremonies later went to the Founders Reception. An arrangement that went

to the Torch Reception was later used for the Healthy Athletes Reception after

being freshened up.

o We recycled and kept the games green. To help cut costs we used old boots

and painted them in our recycling project for our arrangements. This helped

us stay in our budget and benefited our planet. The participation with the

Volunteers was exceptional.

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Volunteers donated painted decorations for Receptions. Our volunteers not only walked away

with life time memories but with lifetime friends.

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Volunteers learned to make arrangements and balloon arches to accomplish

our decorating needs in our budget.

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o A local greenhouse let us plant green plants in our containers and use the

plants for the Founders reception at no charge.

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What did not work as intended?

o The GOC development team did not procure the items needed for our

receptions, and other areas.

o Small things add up. If the development team only acquired large items not

small items the budget will be destroyed.

What would you structure and organize differently?

o I would not allow the development team to be paid on a commission of what

they procure. It removes the desire to help the GOC as a whole and it implies

that people are just taking care of their own which benefits only the person not

the organization.

o I would have fired them! If they were not capable of making the asks and

contributions of not only large donations but also small to accomplish our

needs. A development team is there to procure items for the games. Just

because the small asks did not enhance their pockets they choose not to


o I would of made asks months in advance and not the last 2 weeks to get all of

our needs met in all functional areas.

Section VII – Forms, Diagrams and Appendices

The same as pictures are rumored to save thousands of words, diagrams,

tables and charts can help you tell the story of the achievements and

lessons learnt in conjunction with 2009 SOWWG. Please, consider sharing

key visual pieces that will help Special Olympics and future GOCs in

structuring activities and operations.

Please see attached

DVD provided.

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Minimum Data Requirements for

2009 SOWWG

Functional After-Action Reports


Final budget Complete

Specific revenue sources and expenditures Complete

Breakout of revenue between cash and VIK Complete

List of companies, organizations that donated money or VIK and how much Complete

Public Relations

Awareness campaigns leading up to the WG N/A

PR events N/A

Design and look of the Games Complete

Games Website –timeline and content N/A

Posters / banners – numbers and usage Complete

Games Newspaper – numbers and distribution N/A

Delegation Services N/A

Evaluate implementation and delivery of services described in HOD Manual.

Agenda for the Head of Delegation Seminar

Agenda for the Advanced HOD meeting

Minutes from each HOD Meeting

Evaluation of the flow at the Delegation welcome center and in the airport, included luggage

handling. Evaluation of any issues.

Report of incidences at housing venues

Communication with Delegations leading up to the Games

Language Services N/A

Number of language volunteers

Number of DAL’s / Assistant DAL’s

Number of volunteers by language

Number of professional translators used

Host Town Program N/A

Number of host towns

Number of delegations pr. host town

Sample of activities

Communication with Delegations

Transition to Games time


Number of volunteers (total and break out by FA) Complete

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number of jobs Complete

Job titles Complete

Number of shifts Complete

Demographics (gender and age groups – 18 and under, 18 and over) Complete

Cost of uniforms and meals Complete

Number of training sessions and material used Complete


Number of credentials preprinted Complete

Number of reprints during games n/a

Number of day passes and upgrade passes Complete

Number of PC’s n/A

Cost of printing credentials N/A

Transportation N/A

Number of buses used for each Delegation Shuttle and Games Shuttle

Number of volunteers

Number of buses used for Opening and Closing Ceremonies

Number of motor vehicles

Occupancy of vehicles

Hours and dates of operation

Number of motor pool vehicles used per day

Accommodations / Delegation housing N/A

Number of venues

Number of beds

Number of volunteers / security needed pr. venue

Accommodation for non-delegation members N/A

Number of beds per guest, family members, media, spectator, other.

Total number of beds being used per for guests, family members, media and spectators per


Food Services Complete

Estimated quantity of food consumed per day - breakout by breakfast, lunch, dinner for


Average number of calories consumed per day

Include daily menus from all venues for Delegations

Food service for non-delegation members

Information Technology N/A

Number of computers used, breakout by function and location

Number of servers

Number of printers by venue

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Number of personnel per venue and number

Network configuration

Type of network outages model numbers of timing systems and models of scoreboards used

for each sport

Communication at Games time N/A

Total number of phones used - breakout by constituent group and function

Total minutes used – breakout by constituent group and function.

Plan for communication with Delegations at Games time

Plan for internal GOC communication

Guest Program Complete for MVP

Number of invitees

Number of registered guests – break out international vs. national

Number of Government dignitaries

Number of Celebrities

Number of Sponsors

Number of Other Guests

Number of GOC escorts provided

Number of dedicated cars

Overall budget for Guest Program – Break out costs for international vs. national guests

Number of Hospitality Centers

Types of hospitality items provided and quantity


Number of receptions organized Complete

Estimated attendees per reception Complete

Itemized cost per reception Complete

Families Program N/A

Number of registered Families – Breakout by country

Number of Family Centers

Services and items provided at Family Centers

Media N/A

Number of international media registered – break out by country

Number of national media registered – break out by type (television vs. print)

Number of media application received after the deadline

Number of impressions (include potential people)

Summary of promotional activities leading up to games

Number of press conferences held

SO awareness before and after Games

Broadcasting – numbers and channels that broadcasted from the WG

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Media Operation N/A

Number of press centers and location

Equipment at Main Press Center (number of computers, fax machines, phones, copiers)

Number of Games newspapers printed per day

Request for copies of all pictures

Non-Sports N/A

Estimated Number of attendees per non-sport event

Cost of each non-sport event

Summary of activities of each non-sport event listed in the Agreement

Sports N/A

Number of venues

Hours of operation

Number of events

Number of awards ceremonies

Number of medals and ribbons

Number of officials

Number of volunteers per venue

Sports equipment lists

Number of protests and appeals per sport

Back up plans in case of cancellations

Results and distribution of results

Medical N/A

Total number of medical incidents at the games

Total number of incidents per day

Number of incidents per 100 athletes participating

Number of incidents per sport

Number of participants per sport

Number of injuries by type and in sport they occurred

Opening / Closing Ceremonies N/a

Venue capacity




Number of spectators

Security/Safety / Risk Management N/A

Total number of incidents (damage, fighting, fire alarms, lost athletes, etc.)

Total number of incidents by type

Total number of incidents by location (sport venue, housing venue, non-sport venue, non


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Quality control


Main Operation Center N/A

Layout and location

Dates and hours of operation


Tracking of incidences

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Suggested Functional After Action Report Outline


A. Overview/Purpose

B. Goals & Objectives

1. Goals

2. Objectives

C. Overview of Services

D. Key Responsibilities

1. Pre-Games

2. Games Time

E. Legacy


A. Schedules/Timelines

1. Pre-Games

2. Games

3. Post Games

B. Events


A. GOC Overall Organizational Chart and Function’s Role Within the


1. Pre-Games

2. Games Time

B. Functional Structure

1. Pre-Games

2. Games Time

3. Job Descriptions

C. Venue Team Organizational Chart

D. Venue Team Functions

E. List of Venues

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