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Advances in Real-Time Rendering in Games

Game Worlds from Polygon Soup: Visibility, Spatial Connectivity and Rendering

Feb 23, 2016




Game Worlds from Polygon Soup: Visibility, Spatial Connectivity and Rendering. Talk Outline. Game Environment Previous Approach New Approach Implementation Demo. Halo Reach. More than pretty pixels. Path-finding Collision/Physics Visibility Spatial Connectivity Rendering. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
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Page 1: Game Worlds from Polygon Soup:  Visibility, Spatial  Connectivity  and  Rendering

Advances in Real-Time Rendering in Games

Page 2: Game Worlds from Polygon Soup:  Visibility, Spatial  Connectivity  and  Rendering

Advances in Real-Time Rendering in Games

Game Worlds from Polygon Soup: Visibility, Spatial Connectivity and Rendering

Hao Chen Ari Silvennoinen Natalya Tatarchuk

Bungie Umbra Software Bungie

Page 3: Game Worlds from Polygon Soup:  Visibility, Spatial  Connectivity  and  Rendering

Advances in Real-Time Rendering in Games

Talk Outline• Game Environment• Previous Approach• New Approach• Implementation• Demo

Page 4: Game Worlds from Polygon Soup:  Visibility, Spatial  Connectivity  and  Rendering

Advances in Real-Time Rendering in Games

Halo Reach

Page 5: Game Worlds from Polygon Soup:  Visibility, Spatial  Connectivity  and  Rendering

Advances in Real-Time Rendering in Games

More than pretty pixels• AI perception• Activation• Object Attachment• Audibility• Caching/Paging

• Path-finding• Collision/Physics• Visibility• Spatial Connectivity• Rendering

Page 6: Game Worlds from Polygon Soup:  Visibility, Spatial  Connectivity  and  Rendering

Advances in Real-Time Rendering in Games

More than pretty pixels• AI perception• Activation• Object Attachment• Audibility• Caching/Paging

• Path-finding• Collision/Physics• Visibility• Spatial Connectivity• Rendering

Page 7: Game Worlds from Polygon Soup:  Visibility, Spatial  Connectivity  and  Rendering

Advances in Real-Time Rendering in Games

Background Cells and portals Potentially Visible Sets (PVS) Occluder rasterization

Software rasterization Hardware occlusion queries GPGPU solutions

Spatial Connectivity Watershed Transform Automatic Portal Generation

Page 8: Game Worlds from Polygon Soup:  Visibility, Spatial  Connectivity  and  Rendering

Advances in Real-Time Rendering in Games

Halo Approach• Cells and portals• Watertight shell geometry• Artists manually placed portals• Build a BSP tree from shell geometry• Floodfill BSP leaves into cells• Build cell connectivity

Page 9: Game Worlds from Polygon Soup:  Visibility, Spatial  Connectivity  and  Rendering

Advances in Real-Time Rendering in Games

Pros• Unified visibility/spatial connectivity• Precise spatial decomposition• Inside/outside test• Great for indoor spaces with natural portals

Page 10: Game Worlds from Polygon Soup:  Visibility, Spatial  Connectivity  and  Rendering

Advances in Real-Time Rendering in Games

Cons• Manual portalization is non-trivial!• Watertightness is painful for content

authoring• Force early level design decision• Optimized for indoor scene only.

Page 11: Game Worlds from Polygon Soup:  Visibility, Spatial  Connectivity  and  Rendering

Advances in Real-Time Rendering in Games

Portalization Example

Page 12: Game Worlds from Polygon Soup:  Visibility, Spatial  Connectivity  and  Rendering

Advances in Real-Time Rendering in Games

Polygon Soup!

Page 13: Game Worlds from Polygon Soup:  Visibility, Spatial  Connectivity  and  Rendering

Advances in Real-Time Rendering in Games

Polygon Soup• Just pieces jammed together• No water-tightness• No manual portals• Incremental construction/fast iteration.• Allow late design changes

Page 14: Game Worlds from Polygon Soup:  Visibility, Spatial  Connectivity  and  Rendering

Advances in Real-Time Rendering in Games

General Idea

• Sub-divide the scene• Voxelize the subdivided volume• Segment the voxels into regions• Build a connectivity graph between regions• Build simplified volumes from voxel regions

Page 15: Game Worlds from Polygon Soup:  Visibility, Spatial  Connectivity  and  Rendering

Advances in Real-Time Rendering in Games

2D Example –Path Finding

Input Scene

[Recast Library: Mikko Mononen]

Page 16: Game Worlds from Polygon Soup:  Visibility, Spatial  Connectivity  and  Rendering

Advances in Real-Time Rendering in Games

2D Example –Path Finding


Page 17: Game Worlds from Polygon Soup:  Visibility, Spatial  Connectivity  and  Rendering

Advances in Real-Time Rendering in Games

2D Example –Path Finding

“Walk-able” voxels

Page 18: Game Worlds from Polygon Soup:  Visibility, Spatial  Connectivity  and  Rendering

Advances in Real-Time Rendering in Games

2D Example –Path Finding

Distance Field

Page 19: Game Worlds from Polygon Soup:  Visibility, Spatial  Connectivity  and  Rendering

Advances in Real-Time Rendering in Games

2D Example –Path Finding

2D Watershed Transform

Page 20: Game Worlds from Polygon Soup:  Visibility, Spatial  Connectivity  and  Rendering

Advances in Real-Time Rendering in Games

2D Example –Path Finding


Page 21: Game Worlds from Polygon Soup:  Visibility, Spatial  Connectivity  and  Rendering

Advances in Real-Time Rendering in Games

2D Example –Path Finding

Nav Mesh

Page 22: Game Worlds from Polygon Soup:  Visibility, Spatial  Connectivity  and  Rendering

Advances in Real-Time Rendering in Games

3D Watershed

Bungie & Zhe Jiang University

Zhefeng Wu, Xinguo Liu

Page 23: Game Worlds from Polygon Soup:  Visibility, Spatial  Connectivity  and  Rendering

Advances in Real-Time Rendering in Games

3D Watershed Transform

Page 24: Game Worlds from Polygon Soup:  Visibility, Spatial  Connectivity  and  Rendering

Advances in Real-Time Rendering in Games

Problems• 3D is considerably harder/slower• Over-segmentation (small regions)• Sensitive to scene changes• Simplified representation non-trivial• What about visibility?

Page 25: Game Worlds from Polygon Soup:  Visibility, Spatial  Connectivity  and  Rendering

Advances in Real-Time Rendering in Games

Collaboration with Umbra• Automatic portal generation

• Incremental/local updates

• CPU based solution, low latency

• Same solution for visibility and spatial connectivity

• Handle doors and elevators

• Precise around user placed portals

• Fast run time / low memory fooprint

Page 26: Game Worlds from Polygon Soup:  Visibility, Spatial  Connectivity  and  Rendering

Advances in Real-Time Rendering in Games

Umbra Solution

Polygon soup

Automatic cell and portal generation

Visibility and connectivity queries



Page 27: Game Worlds from Polygon Soup:  Visibility, Spatial  Connectivity  and  Rendering

Advances in Real-Time Rendering in Games

Preprocess Overview

Polygon soup

Automatic cell and portal generation

Visibility and connectivity queries



Page 28: Game Worlds from Polygon Soup:  Visibility, Spatial  Connectivity  and  Rendering

Advances in Real-Time Rendering in Games

Preprocess Overview Discretize the scene into voxels Determine voxel connectivity with respect to input geometry Propagate connectivity to find connected components Determine portals between local connected components

Page 29: Game Worlds from Polygon Soup:  Visibility, Spatial  Connectivity  and  Rendering

Advances in Real-Time Rendering in Games

Tile Grid Subdivide the input

geometry into tiles

Page 30: Game Worlds from Polygon Soup:  Visibility, Spatial  Connectivity  and  Rendering

Advances in Real-Time Rendering in Games

Tile Grid Subdivide the input

geometry into tiles Localizes computation Distributed computing Fast local changes

Page 31: Game Worlds from Polygon Soup:  Visibility, Spatial  Connectivity  and  Rendering

Advances in Real-Time Rendering in Games

Tile Voxelization Compute a BSP tree for

each tile

Page 32: Game Worlds from Polygon Soup:  Visibility, Spatial  Connectivity  and  Rendering

Advances in Real-Time Rendering in Games

Tile Voxelization Compute a BSP tree for

each tile Subdivide to discretization

level Skip empty space Leaf nodes = voxels

Page 33: Game Worlds from Polygon Soup:  Visibility, Spatial  Connectivity  and  Rendering

Advances in Real-Time Rendering in Games

From Voxels to Cells and Portals

Page 34: Game Worlds from Polygon Soup:  Visibility, Spatial  Connectivity  and  Rendering

Advances in Real-Time Rendering in Games

From Voxels to Cells and Portals Classify voxels Connect voxels Local connected

components represent view cells

Build portals between connected cells

Page 35: Game Worlds from Polygon Soup:  Visibility, Spatial  Connectivity  and  Rendering

Advances in Real-Time Rendering in Games

Voxel Classification Classify voxels Connect voxels Local connected

components represent view cells

Build portals between connected cells

Page 36: Game Worlds from Polygon Soup:  Visibility, Spatial  Connectivity  and  Rendering

Advances in Real-Time Rendering in Games

Voxel Connectivity Classify voxels Connect voxels Local connected

components represent view cells

Build portals between connected cells

Page 37: Game Worlds from Polygon Soup:  Visibility, Spatial  Connectivity  and  Rendering

Advances in Real-Time Rendering in Games

Voxel Connectivity Classify voxels Connect voxels Local connected

components represent view cells

Build portals between connected cells

Page 38: Game Worlds from Polygon Soup:  Visibility, Spatial  Connectivity  and  Rendering

Advances in Real-Time Rendering in Games

Voxel Connectivity Classify voxels Connect voxels Local connected

components represent view cells

Build portals between connected cells

Page 39: Game Worlds from Polygon Soup:  Visibility, Spatial  Connectivity  and  Rendering

Advances in Real-Time Rendering in Games

Voxel Connectivity Classify voxels Connect voxels Local connected

components represent view cells

Build portals between connected cells

Page 40: Game Worlds from Polygon Soup:  Visibility, Spatial  Connectivity  and  Rendering

Advances in Real-Time Rendering in Games

Voxel Connectivity Classify voxels Connect voxels Local connected

components represent view cells

Build portals between connected cells

Page 41: Game Worlds from Polygon Soup:  Visibility, Spatial  Connectivity  and  Rendering

Advances in Real-Time Rendering in Games

Cells Classify voxels Connect voxels Local connected

components represent view cells

Build portals between connected cells

Page 42: Game Worlds from Polygon Soup:  Visibility, Spatial  Connectivity  and  Rendering

Advances in Real-Time Rendering in Games

Portals Classify voxels Build voxel connections Local connected

components represent view cells

Build portals between connected cells

Page 43: Game Worlds from Polygon Soup:  Visibility, Spatial  Connectivity  and  Rendering

Advances in Real-Time Rendering in Games

Portals Classify voxels Build voxel connections Local connected

components represent view cells

Build portals between connected cells

Page 44: Game Worlds from Polygon Soup:  Visibility, Spatial  Connectivity  and  Rendering

Advances in Real-Time Rendering in Games

Cell Graph Optimize cells and portals to a runtime cell graph Runtime algorithms are graph traversals

Page 45: Game Worlds from Polygon Soup:  Visibility, Spatial  Connectivity  and  Rendering

Advances in Real-Time Rendering in Games

Cell Graph Optimize cells and portals to a runtime cell graph Runtime algorithms are graph traversals Graph structure allows limited dynamic changes

Page 46: Game Worlds from Polygon Soup:  Visibility, Spatial  Connectivity  and  Rendering

Advances in Real-Time Rendering in Games

Runtime Algorithms

Polygon soup

Automatic cell and portal generation

Visibility and connectivity queries



Page 47: Game Worlds from Polygon Soup:  Visibility, Spatial  Connectivity  and  Rendering

Advances in Real-Time Rendering in Games

Connectivity Algorithms Connectivity is encoded in the precomputed cell graph Connectivity queries are just graph traversals Examples:

Find connected region (region == set of view cells) Find shortest 3D path Intersection queries Ray casts Combinations: Ray cast -> connected region -> objects in region

Lot’s of possibilities for simulation and AI

Page 48: Game Worlds from Polygon Soup:  Visibility, Spatial  Connectivity  and  Rendering

Advances in Real-Time Rendering in Games

Visibility Algorithms Practical analytic visibility in the cell graph

Axis aligned portals enable effective algorithms

From point visibility queries From region visibility queries Volumetric visibility We can choose to be aggressive or conservative

Page 49: Game Worlds from Polygon Soup:  Visibility, Spatial  Connectivity  and  Rendering

Advances in Real-Time Rendering in Games

Potentially Visible Sets Deterministic conservative visibility Computation time is directly related to culling efficiency Every solution is useful

Sampling based visibility solvers can take long time to converge

Additional use cases: Identify visibility hotspots Cull always hidden triangles Cull always hidden lightmaps

Page 50: Game Worlds from Polygon Soup:  Visibility, Spatial  Connectivity  and  Rendering

Advances in Real-Time Rendering in Games

Portal Culling How to traverse 100K+ portals fast? Recursive algorithm does not scale

Many paths to one cell – combinatorial explosion

Rasterization based approach BSP-style front-to-back traversal Update coverage buffer on entry and exit Fast – 16 pixels at a time with 128-bit SIMD vectors

Page 51: Game Worlds from Polygon Soup:  Visibility, Spatial  Connectivity  and  Rendering

Advances in Real-Time Rendering in Games

Renderer Integration• Focus on the pipeline, not on rendering

techniques• Visibility integration with game state

extraction and rendering

Page 52: Game Worlds from Polygon Soup:  Visibility, Spatial  Connectivity  and  Rendering

Advances in Real-Time Rendering in Games

Halo Reach Game Loop

Page 53: Game Worlds from Polygon Soup:  Visibility, Spatial  Connectivity  and  Rendering

Advances in Real-Time Rendering in Games

Halo Reach Game Loop• Coarse-grain parallelism

– System on a thread

Page 54: Game Worlds from Polygon Soup:  Visibility, Spatial  Connectivity  and  Rendering

Advances in Real-Time Rendering in Games

Halo Reach Game Loop• Coarse-grain parallelism

– System on a thread

• Explicit synchronization through state mirroring

Page 55: Game Worlds from Polygon Soup:  Visibility, Spatial  Connectivity  and  Rendering

Advances in Real-Time Rendering in Games

Halo Reach Game Loop• Coarse-grain parallelism

– System on a thread

• Explicit synchronization through state mirroring

• Mostly manual load-balancing

Page 56: Game Worlds from Polygon Soup:  Visibility, Spatial  Connectivity  and  Rendering

Advances in Real-Time Rendering in Games

Halo Reach Game Loop

Simulation loop @ 30 hz

Job kernel

Render loop @ 30 hz

Audio loop

Job kernel, debug logging

Async tasks, I/O, misc.

HW Thread 0

HW Thread 1

HW Thread 2

HW Thread 3

HW Thread 4

HW Thread 5

Page 57: Game Worlds from Polygon Soup:  Visibility, Spatial  Connectivity  and  Rendering

Advances in Real-Time Rendering in Games

Halo Reach Game Loop

Simulation loop @ 30 hz

Job kernel

Render loop @ 30 hz

Audio loop

Job kernel, debug logging

Async tasks, I/O, misc.

HW Thread 0

HW Thread 1

HW Thread 2

HW Thread 3

HW Thread 4

HW Thread 5

Page 58: Game Worlds from Polygon Soup:  Visibility, Spatial  Connectivity  and  Rendering

Advances in Real-Time Rendering in Games

Halo Reach Game Loop

Simulation loop @ 30 hz

Job kernel

Render loop @ 30 hz

Audio loop

Job kernel, debug logging

Async tasks, I/O, misc.

HW Thread 0

HW Thread 1

HW Thread 2

HW Thread 3

HW Thread 4

HW Thread 5

Page 59: Game Worlds from Polygon Soup:  Visibility, Spatial  Connectivity  and  Rendering

Advances in Real-Time Rendering in Games

Halo Reach: Simulation Thread (MP)

Simulation loop: 75-100%

Job kernel: 20-30%

Render loop: 70-100%

Audio loop: 50-80%

Job kernel, debug logging: 20-30%Async tasks, socket polling, misc: 10-30% with bursts of 100% utilization

HW Thread 0

HW Thread 1

HW Thread 2

HW Thread 3

HW Thread 4

HW Thread 5

Page 60: Game Worlds from Polygon Soup:  Visibility, Spatial  Connectivity  and  Rendering

Advances in Real-Time Rendering in Games

Halo Reach: Simulation Thread (MP)

Simulation loop: 75-100%

Job kernel: 20-30%

Render loop: 70-100%

Audio loop: 50-80%

Job kernel, debug logging: 20-30%Async tasks, socket polling, misc: 10-30% with bursts of 100% utilization

HW Thread 0

HW Thread 1

HW Thread 2

HW Thread 3

HW Thread 4

HW Thread 5

Object Update

Page 61: Game Worlds from Polygon Soup:  Visibility, Spatial  Connectivity  and  Rendering

Advances in Real-Time Rendering in Games

Halo Reach: Simulation Thread (MP)

Simulation loop: 75-100%

Job kernel: 20-30%

Render loop: 70-100%

Audio loop: 50-80%

Job kernel, debug logging: 20-30%Async tasks, socket polling, misc: 10-30% with bursts of 100% utilization

HW Thread 0

HW Thread 1

HW Thread 2

HW Thread 3

HW Thread 4

HW Thread 5

Object Update Havok Update Obj move

Page 62: Game Worlds from Polygon Soup:  Visibility, Spatial  Connectivity  and  Rendering

Advances in Real-Time Rendering in Games

Halo Reach: Simulation Thread (MP)

Simulation loop: 75-100%

Job kernel: 20-30%

Render loop: 70-100%

Audio loop: 50-80%

Job kernel, debug logging: 20-30%Async tasks, socket polling, misc: 10-30% with bursts of 100% utilization

HW Thread 0

HW Thread 1

HW Thread 2

HW Thread 3

HW Thread 4

HW Thread 5

Object Update Havok Update Obj move

Page 63: Game Worlds from Polygon Soup:  Visibility, Spatial  Connectivity  and  Rendering

Advances in Real-Time Rendering in Games

Halo Reach: Simulation Thread (MP)

Simulation loop: 75-100%

Job kernel: 20-30%

Render loop: 70-100%

Audio loop: 50-80%

Job kernel, debug logging: 20-30%Async tasks, socket polling, misc: 10-30% with bursts of 100% utilization

HW Thread 0

HW Thread 1

HW Thread 2

HW Thread 3

HW Thread 4

HW Thread 5

Object Update Havok Update Obj move

Page 64: Game Worlds from Polygon Soup:  Visibility, Spatial  Connectivity  and  Rendering

Advances in Real-Time Rendering in Games

Halo Reach: Simulation Thread (MP)

Simulation loop: 75-100%

Job kernel: 20-30%

Render loop: 70-100%

Audio loop: 50-80%

Job kernel, debug logging: 20-30%Async tasks, socket polling, misc: 10-30% with bursts of 100% utilization

HW Thread 0

HW Thread 1

HW Thread 2

HW Thread 3

HW Thread 4

HW Thread 5

Object Update Havok Update Obj move

frame is published for renderinggame state


Page 65: Game Worlds from Polygon Soup:  Visibility, Spatial  Connectivity  and  Rendering

Advances in Real-Time Rendering in Games

Halo Reach: Render Thread (MP)

Simulation loop: 75-100%

Job kernel: 20-30%

Render loop: 70-100%

Audio loop: 50-80%

Job kernel, debug logging: 20-30%Async tasks, socket polling, misc: 10-30% with bursts of 100% utilization

HW Thread 0

HW Thread 1

HW Thread 2

HW Thread 3

HW Thread 4

HW Thread 5

Object Update Havok Update Obj move

Player Viewport 1 Player Viewport 2

Page 66: Game Worlds from Polygon Soup:  Visibility, Spatial  Connectivity  and  Rendering

Advances in Real-Time Rendering in Games

Halo Reach: Render Thread (MP)

Simulation loop: 75-100%

Job kernel: 20-30%

Render loop: 70-100%

Audio loop: 50-80%

Job kernel, debug logging: 20-30%Async tasks, socket polling, misc: 10-30% with bursts of 100% utilization

HW Thread 0

HW Thread 1

HW Thread 2

HW Thread 3

HW Thread 4

HW Thread 5

Object Update Havok Update Obj move

Player Viewport 1 Player Viewport 2PV1: Visib PV1: Submission PV2: Visib PV2: Submission

Page 67: Game Worlds from Polygon Soup:  Visibility, Spatial  Connectivity  and  Rendering

Advances in Real-Time Rendering in Games

Halo Reach: Thread Utilization

Simulation loop: 75-100% utilized

Job kernel: 20-30% utilized

Render loop: 70-100% utilized

Audio loop: 50-80% utilized

Job kernel, debug logging: 20-30% utilizedAsync tasks, I/O, misc: 10-30% with bursts of 100% utilization

HW Thread 0

HW Thread 1

HW Thread 2

HW Thread 3

HW Thread 4

HW Thread 5

Page 68: Game Worlds from Polygon Soup:  Visibility, Spatial  Connectivity  and  Rendering

Advances in Real-Time Rendering in Games

Halo Reach: Thread Utilization

Simulation loop: 75-100% utilized

Job kernel: 20-30% utilized

Render loop: 70-100% utilized

Audio loop: 50-80% utilized

Job kernel, debug logging: 20-30% utilizedAsync tasks, I/O, misc: 10-30% with bursts of 100% utilization

HW Thread 0

HW Thread 1

HW Thread 2

HW Thread 3

HW Thread 4

HW Thread 5

Page 69: Game Worlds from Polygon Soup:  Visibility, Spatial  Connectivity  and  Rendering

Advances in Real-Time Rendering in Games

Can We Do Better? • Observation #1: We don’t need the entire

game state for rendering

Page 70: Game Worlds from Polygon Soup:  Visibility, Spatial  Connectivity  and  Rendering

Advances in Real-Time Rendering in Games

Gamestate and Visibility• In Reach, game state extraction happens

before we do visibility – That’s why we have to copy the entire game state

– Expensive (in ms and memory footprint)

Page 71: Game Worlds from Polygon Soup:  Visibility, Spatial  Connectivity  and  Rendering

Advances in Real-Time Rendering in Games

Reduce CPU Latency • Visibility is a large chunk of CPU time on

render thread• Yet we have CPU time is under utilized

– Underutilized HW threads

– And not to mention other platforms!

Page 72: Game Worlds from Polygon Soup:  Visibility, Spatial  Connectivity  and  Rendering

Advances in Real-Time Rendering in Games

Gamestate and Visibility• But we can invert that operation• Only copy data for visible objects out of game

state– Only extract data for objects that will be rendered

Page 73: Game Worlds from Polygon Soup:  Visibility, Spatial  Connectivity  and  Rendering

Advances in Real-Time Rendering in Games

Extract Post Visibility• Better: Drive game extraction and processing based on results

of visibility – Only extract data for visible objects (both static and dynamic)

• No need to double buffer the entire game state– Only buffer game data for the per-frame transient state for visible


– Smaller memory footprint

Page 74: Game Worlds from Polygon Soup:  Visibility, Spatial  Connectivity  and  Rendering

Advances in Real-Time Rendering in Games

Better Load Balancing• Start by splitting off visibility computation into jobs per

view– This includes visibility computations for player, shadow, reflection


• Visibility jobs can have viewport-to-viewport dependencies – Can reuse results of one visibility job computation as input to


Page 75: Game Worlds from Polygon Soup:  Visibility, Spatial  Connectivity  and  Rendering

Advances in Real-Time Rendering in Games

Reducing Input Latency• Stagger visibility computation at the same time as game

object update – Start static visibility early with predictive camera early in the frame

– Start this before we do object update

Page 76: Game Worlds from Polygon Soup:  Visibility, Spatial  Connectivity  and  Rendering

Advances in Real-Time Rendering in Games

Improve CPU Latency• Run expensive CPU render operations for visible

objects only– Just make sure to run this after visibility

– These would be render-only operations (skinning, cloth sim, polygon sorting) – they do not affect game play

Page 77: Game Worlds from Polygon Soup:  Visibility, Spatial  Connectivity  and  Rendering

Advances in Real-Time Rendering in Games

An Improved Game Loop

Simulation loop: 75-100%

Job kernel: 20-30%

Render loop: 70-100%

Audio loop: 50-80%

Job kernel, debug logging: 20-30%Async tasks, socket polling, misc: 10-30% with bursts of 100% utilization

HW Thread 0

HW Thread 1

HW Thread 2

HW Thread 3

HW Thread 4

HW Thread 5

Predict camera envelope

Page 78: Game Worlds from Polygon Soup:  Visibility, Spatial  Connectivity  and  Rendering

Advances in Real-Time Rendering in Games

An Improved Game Loop

Simulation loop: 75-100%

Job kernel: 20-30%

Render loop: 70-100%

Audio loop: 50-80%

Job kernel, debug logging: 20-30%Async tasks, socket polling, misc: 10-30% with bursts of 100% utilization

HW Thread 0

HW Thread 1

HW Thread 2

HW Thread 3

HW Thread 4

HW Thread 5

Determine render views next

Page 79: Game Worlds from Polygon Soup:  Visibility, Spatial  Connectivity  and  Rendering

Advances in Real-Time Rendering in Games

An Improved Game Loop

Simulation loop: 75-100%

Job kernel: 20-30%

Render loop: 70-100%

Audio loop: 50-80%

Job kernel, debug logging: 20-30%Async tasks, socket polling, misc: 10-30% with bursts of 100% utilization

HW Thread 0

HW Thread 1

HW Thread 2

HW Thread 3

HW Thread 4

HW Thread 5

Object Update/Move

Start static objects’ (environment) visibility and broadphase dynamic objects visibility for render views as

jobs on available threads:player, shadows, etc.

Page 80: Game Worlds from Polygon Soup:  Visibility, Spatial  Connectivity  and  Rendering

Advances in Real-Time Rendering in Games

An Improved Game Loop

Simulation loop: 75-100%

Job kernel: 20-30%

Render loop: 70-100%

Audio loop: 50-80%

Job kernel, debug logging: 20-30%Async tasks, socket polling, misc: 10-30% with bursts of 100% utilization

HW Thread 0

HW Thread 1

HW Thread 2

HW Thread 3

HW Thread 4

HW Thread 5

Object Update/Move

Execute object update jobs

Page 81: Game Worlds from Polygon Soup:  Visibility, Spatial  Connectivity  and  Rendering

Advances in Real-Time Rendering in Games

An Improved Game Loop

Simulation loop: 75-100%

Job kernel: 20-30%

Render loop: 70-100%

Audio loop: 50-80%

Job kernel, debug logging: 20-30%Async tasks, socket polling, misc: 10-30% with bursts of 100% utilization

HW Thread 0

HW Thread 1

HW Thread 2

HW Thread 3

HW Thread 4

HW Thread 5

Object Update/Move

Run render prepare for static

environment rendering jobs

(bake precompiled command buffers,


Page 82: Game Worlds from Polygon Soup:  Visibility, Spatial  Connectivity  and  Rendering

Advances in Real-Time Rendering in Games

An Improved Game Loop

Simulation loop: 75-100%

Job kernel: 20-30%

Render loop: 70-100%

Audio loop: 50-80%

Job kernel, debug logging: 20-30%Async tasks, socket polling, misc: 10-30% with bursts of 100% utilization

HW Thread 0

HW Thread 1

HW Thread 2

HW Thread 3

HW Thread 4

HW Thread 5

Object Update/Move

Finalize camera (poll input)

Page 83: Game Worlds from Polygon Soup:  Visibility, Spatial  Connectivity  and  Rendering

Advances in Real-Time Rendering in Games

An Improved Game Loop

Simulation loop: 75-100%

Job kernel: 20-30%

Render loop: 70-100%

Audio loop: 50-80%

Job kernel, debug logging: 20-30%Async tasks, socket polling, misc: 10-30% with bursts of 100% utilization

HW Thread 0

HW Thread 1

HW Thread 2

HW Thread 3

HW Thread 4

HW Thread 5

Object Update/Move

Compute narrow phase dynamic objects visibility

(as jobs)

Page 84: Game Worlds from Polygon Soup:  Visibility, Spatial  Connectivity  and  Rendering

Advances in Real-Time Rendering in Games

An Improved Game Loop

Simulation loop: 75-100%

Job kernel: 20-30%

Render loop: 70-100%

Audio loop: 50-80%

Job kernel, debug logging: 20-30%Async tasks, socket polling, misc: 10-30% with bursts of 100% utilization

HW Thread 0

HW Thread 1

HW Thread 2

HW Thread 3

HW Thread 4

HW Thread 5

Object Update/Move

Preparing visible dynamic

objects and extracting game

state data for them (in jobs)

Page 85: Game Worlds from Polygon Soup:  Visibility, Spatial  Connectivity  and  Rendering

Advances in Real-Time Rendering in Games

An Improved Game Loop

Simulation loop: 75-100%

Job kernel: 20-30%

Render loop: 70-100%

Audio loop: 50-80%

Job kernel, debug logging: 20-30%Async tasks, socket polling, misc: 10-30% with bursts of 100% utilization

HW Thread 0

HW Thread 1

HW Thread 2

HW Thread 3

HW Thread 4

HW Thread 5

Object Update/Move

Execute final prepare jobs to finalize frame packet data

Page 86: Game Worlds from Polygon Soup:  Visibility, Spatial  Connectivity  and  Rendering

Advances in Real-Time Rendering in Games

An Improved Game Loop

Simulation loop: 75-100%

Job kernel: 20-30%

Render loop: 70-100%

Audio loop: 50-80%

Job kernel, debug logging: 20-30%Async tasks, socket polling, misc: 10-30% with bursts of 100% utilization

HW Thread 0

HW Thread 1

HW Thread 2

HW Thread 3

HW Thread 4

HW Thread 5

Object Update/Move \

Publish the frame for rendering

Page 87: Game Worlds from Polygon Soup:  Visibility, Spatial  Connectivity  and  Rendering

Advances in Real-Time Rendering in Games

Streamlined Submission Thread

Simulation loop: 75-100%

Job kernel: 20-30%

Render loop: 70-100%

Audio loop: 50-80%

Job kernel, debug logging: 20-30%Async tasks, socket polling, misc: 10-30% with bursts of 100% utilization

HW Thread 0

HW Thread 1

HW Thread 2

HW Thread 3

HW Thread 4

HW Thread 5

Render submission job

Object Update Havok Update Obj move

Page 88: Game Worlds from Polygon Soup:  Visibility, Spatial  Connectivity  and  Rendering

Advances in Real-Time Rendering in Games

Benefits• Decouple game-state traversal from drawing• Better CPU utilization with staggered

visibility computation– Earlier results for each frame mean reduced input


Page 89: Game Worlds from Polygon Soup:  Visibility, Spatial  Connectivity  and  Rendering

Advances in Real-Time Rendering in Games

Benefits• Decouple game-state traversal from drawing• Better CPU utilization with staggered

visibility computation• Render thread becomes a streamlined

kernel processor

Page 90: Game Worlds from Polygon Soup:  Visibility, Spatial  Connectivity  and  Rendering

Advances in Real-Time Rendering in Games

A Simple Little Job Tree

Page 91: Game Worlds from Polygon Soup:  Visibility, Spatial  Connectivity  and  Rendering

Advances in Real-Time Rendering in Games

Future Work• Predict dynamic objects visibility with

temporal bounding volume • Fixup after final camera and object positions

are known

Page 92: Game Worlds from Polygon Soup:  Visibility, Spatial  Connectivity  and  Rendering

Advances in Real-Time Rendering in Games