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Gale Galland

Jun 02, 2018



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  • 8/11/2019 Gale Galland


    NDNs \aio ch tfo C`partgtcahghd Trghspartgtcah am Icvo Ghc`gis

    Egio Egiighd, D]@, @^, DGN]Z@

    ^ohcar ]otorchgry @odcngi Ammcnor

    C`partgtcahs ghd Ghc`gi Nahtgnt Tog`Wugrghtcho ghd Lardor Fogitf ^orvcnos Lrghnf

    Hgtcahgi Nohtor mar O`oreche ghd [aahatcn Chmontcaus DcsogsosDcvcscah am Eialgi @cergtcah ghd Wugrghtcho

  • 8/11/2019 Gale Galland



    Dcsnuss NDNs raio ghd gutfarcty ta roeuigto tfo c`partgtcah

    am icvo ghc`gis

    Avorvcow NDN roeuigtcahs tfgt portgch ta icvo ghc`gi


    Dosnrclo NDNs Hahfu`gh Zrc`gto (HFZ) C`part

    Wugrghtcho Zraerg` ghd dcsnuss cssuos gssancgtod

    sponcmcngiiy wctf tfo c`partgtcah, trghspart, ghd qugrghtcho

    am HFZs

  • 8/11/2019 Gale Galland


    C`partgtcahs ghd Ghc`gi

    Nahtgnt Tog` @csscah

    Ta provoht ghd nahtrai tfo trghs`csscah am na``uhcnglio

    dcsogsos am pulicn fogitf c`partghno tfrauef;

    Gd`chcstrgtcah ghd ohmarno`oht am Maroceh ghd Chtorstgto

    Wugrghtcho roeuigtcahs eavorhche

    icvo ghc`gis ghd ghc`gi pradunts

    fu`gh ro`gchs, fu`gh tcssuos, ghd fu`gh pradunts

    chmontcaus lcaiaecngi geohts, chmontcaus sulstghnos, ghd vontars

    am fu`gh dcsogso

    Dovoiap`oht am ommontcvo pulicn- ghd prcvgto-sontar pgrthorsfcps

    Fogitf pra`atcah ghd rcsb na``uhcngtcah roegrdche zaahatcn

    dcsogsos ghd tfo pulicn fogitf lohomcts ghd rcsbs gssancgtod wctf

    fu`gh-ghc`gi nahtgnt

  • 8/11/2019 Gale Galland


    Areghczgtcahgi ^trunturo


    Hgtcahgi Nohtor mar O`oreche ghd

    [aahatcn Chmontcaus Dcsogsos

    Dcvcscah am Eialgi @cergtcah ghd Wugrghtcho

    Wugrghtcho ghd Lardor Fogitf ^orvcnos Lrghnf

    C`partgtcahs ghd Ghc`gi Nahtgnt Tog`

  • 8/11/2019 Gale Galland


    \oeuigtary Gutfarcty

    Fogitf ghd Fu`gh ^orvcnos (FF^)

    Tfo ^onrotgry am FF^ fgs stgtutary rospahsclcicty marprovohtche chtraduntcah, trghs`csscah, ghd sprogd amna``uhcnglio dcsogsos chta ghd g`ahe tfo _hctod ^tgtos

    NDNs Dcvcscah am Eialgi @cergtcah ghd Wugrghtchogd`chcstors chtorstgto ghd maroceh qugrghtcho roeuigtcahs(4< Nado am Modorgi \oeuigtcahs (NM\) pgrt 5: ghd 57) Ta eavorh tfo chtorhgtcahgi ghd chtorstgto `avo`oht am porsahs,

    ghc`gis, ghd ngrea

    Ioegi mauhdgtcah mar tfoso gntcvctcos Mauhd ch Tctios 6 ghd 4< am tfo _.^. Nado ghd roiovght suppartche


  • 8/11/2019 Gale Galland


    NDN \oeuigtary Gutfarcty mar tfo

    C`partgtcah am Ghc`gis ghd Ghc`gi Zradunts

    4< NM\ 57 Maroceh Wugrghtcho

    ^ulpgrt M C`partgtcahs

    57.?7 Daes ghd ngts

    57.?< Turtios, tartacsos, ghd torrgpchs 57.?> \oqucro`ohts mar c`partors am hahfu`gh prc`gtos

    57.?4 C`part roeuigtcahs mar chmontcaus lcaiaecngi geohts,

    chmontcaus sulstghnos, ghd vontars

    57.?= Gmrcngh radohts

    ^ulpgrt D Fogitf @ogsuros gt _.^. Zarts; Na``uhcnglio



  • 8/11/2019 Gale Galland


    Daes ghd Ngts

    4< NM\ 57.?7pfata nrodct; ngrtaah pfata nrodct; pulicnda`

    Daes ghd ngts `ust lo fogitfy ah grrcvgi gt tfo part amohtry chta tfo _hctod ^tgtos

    Ghc`gis tfgt gro cii ah grrcvgi `gy lo roqucrod ta lotgboh mar gh oxg`chgtcah ly g icnohsod votorchgrcgh gtc`partors oxpohso

    Zfata nrodct; DE@W stgmm Zfata nrodct; DE@W stgmm

  • 8/11/2019 Gale Galland


    Daes ghd Ngts

    \glcos ]gnnchgtcah \oqucro`ohts

    Ngts NDN fcefiy rona``ohds rglcos vgnnchgtcah mar ngts

    Nurrohtiy ha rglcos vgnnchgtcah roqucrod

    Daes; @ust fgvo praam am nurroht rglcos vgnnchgtcah Zuppcos `ust fgvo looh gt iogst > `ahtfs am geo wfoh vgnnchgtod

    ]gnncho `ust lo ecvoh gt iogst >: dgys lomaro ohtry

    Nortcmcngtos sfauid icst gh oxpcrgtcah dgto

    \glcos vgnnchos mar daes fgvo oxpcrgtcah dgtos tfgt rgheo mra`7 ta > yogrs mra` dgto am gd`chcstrgtcah

    Oxnoptcahs ta tfcs roqucro`oht ic`ctod

    \groiy erghtod ghd ahiy mar oxtohugtod ncrnu`stghnos ghdc`partors `ust geroo ta nahmcho dae uhtci ct ngh lo vgnnchgtodgegchst rglcos wfoh ct rognfos cts mchgi dostchgtcah ch tfo _hctod^tgtos ghd mar >: dgys past vgnnchgtcah

    Erghtod ch ngsos wforo rglcos vgnnchgtcah `gy chtormoro wctf

    rosogrnf prakonts

  • 8/11/2019 Gale Galland


    Turtios, Tartacsos, ghd Torrgpchs

    4< NM\ 57.?

  • 8/11/2019 Gale Galland


    \oqucro`ohts mar C`partors am Hahfu`gh

    Zrc`gtos (HFZs); 4< NM\ 57.?>

    Mcrst c`pio`ohtod ch 735?

    \ovcsod sovorgi tc`os schno tfoh

    C`partors nurrohtiy roqucrod ta;

    \oecstor wctf NDN Wugrghtcho c`partod HFZs mar >7 dgys

    ^nrooh mar chmontcaus zaahatcn dcsogsos pfata nrodct;

    Ohsuro c`partod HFZs fgvo hoegtcvo TL tosts prcar ta roiogso

    Na`pioto mciavcrus tostche mar suspontod chmontcahs

    \opart ghy suspontod zaahatcn ciihoss

    @gchtgch ronards mar dcstrclutcah

  • 8/11/2019 Gale Galland


    HFZ C`part \oeuigtcahs Fcstary

    HFZ c`part roeuigtcahs strohetfohod ch 733: \ospahso ta 7363 Olaig \ostah autlrogb

    HFZ roeuigtcahs rovcsod murtfor ch

    Zfata Nrodct;`

  • 8/11/2019 Gale Galland


    HFZ Chmontcaus Dcsogso \csbs


    ]crgi Fo`arrfgecn Movor

    Olaig, @grlure

    Forpos L vcrus Fopgtctcs G ghd L vcrusos


    ^c`cgh C``uhadomcncohny ]crus (^C])

    Soiiaw Movor rosorvacr ^fceoiig, ^gi`ahoiig,Ng`pyialgntor

    Nrodct; c^tanbZfata

  • 8/11/2019 Gale Galland


    Fo`arrfgecn Movor ]crusos

    73=5 @grlure autlrogb

    Annurrod ch @grlure ghd Mrghbmurt, Eor`ghy

    Gssancgtod wctf tcssuos mra` Gmrcngh erooh `ahboys

    >7 poapio chmontod, 5 dogtfs

    pfata nrodct;`

  • 8/11/2019 Gale Galland


    Fo`arrfgecn Movor ]crusos

    7363 autlrogb am Olaig \ostah ch g eraup am c`partodHFZs

    Mcrst tfaueft ta lo ^c`cgh Fo`arrfgecn Movor

    Ciihoss sprogd tfrauef tfo mgncicty

    Mgncicty wgs dopapuigtod ?:: ghc`gis outfghczod

    ^cx chdcvcdugis gssancgtod wctf tfcs

    autlrogb woro sorapasctcvo lut dcd

    hat dovoiap ciihoss

    pfata nrodct; DE@W stgmm

  • 8/11/2019 Gale Galland


  • 8/11/2019 Gale Galland


    Zrcar ta 733: \oeuigtcahs;@chc`gi Zorsahgi Zratontcvo Oqucp`oht

    HFZ Nrgtos ^tgnbod wctf Atfor Ngrea

    Zfata nrodct; DE@W stgmm

  • 8/11/2019 Gale Galland


    Zrcar ta 733: \oeuigtcahs;HFZ Nrgtos ^tgnbod wctf Atfor Ngrea

    Zfata nrodct; DE@W stgmm

  • 8/11/2019 Gale Galland


    Zrcar ta 733: \oeuigtcahs;Niaso-up am HFZ Nrgtos

    ^tgnbod wctf Atfor Ngrea

    Zfata nrodct; DE@W stgmm

  • 8/11/2019 Gale Galland


  • 8/11/2019 Gale Galland


    Nurroht Lost Zrgntcnosmar HFZ ^fcp`ohts

    Zfata nrodct; DE@W stgmm

  • 8/11/2019 Gale Galland


    @ast \onoht HFZ \oeuigtcah _pdgto

    Gprci 7=,

    Nahsaicdgtod gii tfo @@U\s, ^poncgi Zor`ct

    \oqucro`ohts, Dogr Chtorostod Zgrty iottors, ghd lost

    prgntcnos chta g scheio roeuigtcah

    Gddod sponcmcn roqucro`ohts mar zaa-ta-zaa ghd igl-ta-

    igl trghsmor

  • 8/11/2019 Gale Galland


    Nurroht NfgiioheosC`partgtcah ghd Trghspartgtcah am HFZs

    Nurrohtiy ahiy g ic`ctod hu`lor am gcrichos gro rautchoiy

    trghspartche HFZs c`partod chta tfo _hctod ^tgtos

    @aro c`partors gro `avche ta nfgrtor micefts

    Ha da`ostcn gcricho wcii ngrry HFZs

    ^fcp`ohts `ust lo trghspartod ly trunb ta mchgi qugrghtcho


  • 8/11/2019 Gale Galland


    Zatohtcgi Nahsoquohnos

    Nfgrtor micefts typcngiiy fgvo snfoduiche doigys ghd miceftchtorruptcahs

    Iogds ta `aro stross ah ghc`gis

    Chnrogsod stross `oghs chnrogsod patohtcgi mar ghc`gi ciihoss ghd

    dogtf durche NDN qugrghtcho

    Ciihossos ghd dogtfs durche qugrghtcho `gy roqucro oxtohscah am

    qugrghtcho gt erogtor nast ta c`partors

    \csb am gh autlrogb ch g nafart cs fcefor

    Autlrogbs ch igreor nafarts ngh nguso ngtgstrapfcn iassos

  • 8/11/2019 Gale Galland


    Zatohtcgi Nahsoquohnos

    Nfgiioheos wctf igreor sfcp`ohts gt part am ohtry Gddctcahgi stgmm hoodod ta fghdio igreor sfcp`ohts

    Chnrogsod stross ah stgmm (eavt geohncos, erauhd fghdiors)

    @aro dcmmcnuit ta mchd suctglio faidche mgncictcos durche doigys

    Chnrogsod nasts mar gii chvaivod areghczgtcahs Igreo sfcp`ohts am HFZs ah nfgrtor micefts paso gh

    chnrogsod pulicn fogitf rcsb

    Durche trghspartgtcah

    Durche amm-iagdche

  • 8/11/2019 Gale Galland


    Zatohtcgi Nahsoquohnos

    Iahe trunb rcdos chnrogso trghspartgtcah tc`o @aro stross ah ghc`gis

    Chnrogso patohtcgi ciihoss

  • 8/11/2019 Gale Galland



    NDNs gutfarcty ta roeuigto ghc`gis cs lgsod ah tfrogtstfoy `gy paso ta fu`gh fogitf C`pio`ohtgtcah fgs looh sponcos- ghd pgtfaeoh-sponcmcn

    NDNs raio ch ghc`gi c`partgtcah cs ta roduno tfo rcsb ta

    pulicn fogitf

    How roeuigtcahs gro nurrohtiy loche dovoiapod Eagi cs ta fgvo na`profohscvo, pragntcvo roeuigtcahs tfgt foip

    pratont pulicn fogitf

  • 8/11/2019 Gale Galland



    C`partgtcahs ghd Ghc`gi Nahtgnt Tog`Gdg` Igheor, Tog` Iogd

    Kuico ^chnigcr, Doputy Tog` Iogd

    Lal @uiigh

    Fogtfor Lgcr-Lrgbo^foryi ^fgpcra

    Hoivg Lryght

    Wugrghtcho ^tgtcah ^tgmm

    csni c`or; Tfo mchdches ghd nahniuscahs ch tfcs prosohtgtcah gro tfaso am tfo

    gutfar(s) ghd da hat honossgrciy roprosoht NDNs ammcncgi pasctcah.