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tfi f aM d iK ayM 1 THE GAINESVILLE SUN JANUARY S fi I916 p 1 < > Spring PiMhtaM In Cobre d F kr5s- AdvauM Styles In StmimaJe Rake art fttOrt Pattern M the now f Janwrjr b to taU outben exodm take lIMe tad some C uWoiubi rM C tile are trarellBff coutk- k wkk hearty sad MMjr Mother tewm hoW Mi Ices lest tell are left beblad- wMk litfUfy sidewalks to the naforta- wto taw ta rrraala What a- very NM eaaaot Ala away from wttr New York with trunks ttt wMh hrfTy slating fascinating ffeat al7 trade for rcniadoa- gaeJia walks A tmilder oa Fifth avenue bas Jat telaked one of feme gown for a kavwa society girl te tate tout X tolte ftualllar ever benutlful of white cloth and lace la prlctM faahlon with a little bolero of lace V M la tto Wrthplace of novelties Haw Tack qnkUjr sake ae et A jravac lady wfce always dora la Parts and London came Uy eoBfratalatlaf beraelt- i ere er alatte Mtal ceataae of- Fartataa cat ealjr to lad many of wanes the aaaae thug aNfel wW he my popular tea a r M alas will royal bias algid ptek la snag fahctca all 4h0 MOaat aha4ea loadaablo uat txqaltMe cotorlBaja- palAted with a deep bor ftek roata MMWted aa old taaar- HHBii of Ifty jean ago The tat etf faaWoaa ta ta tftt of aarty aprta foeda- Mi trey chanalac tiles wan a case afttfME onaMUe te pale a4 deep akajas of lamder aced plait Freach wW ho were a great tell They IB all Holiest abides tragfeaUr- oflf FH 7 hoa aeta acatter EASY TCRM- 9to toravMuiTslMttta EXCHANGE ihfcjtf fact ftrfrl rWticstars Ad Canine j T Or EITHER I PIANOS 0 Cold Storage the best by which the pro duerr of menu can have them taken of MAB05U HE tOMIAM- Uaa the most plant in C n era Florida and the procei it ihr best for We solicit and guaranty atitfaeiion Me n prepared y pro r i can alma b smoked Diamond lei Company B B UVINOSTONMifrG lne tUl Florid i THE JLiaillLA HE COMPA5V- AlarhHA FlerMa Will also put up m at the tame preeeifl orders at either place r WEEKLY LETTER t Waist i M the tile I say cola h I aft Milt WIll list lit J II I II IM fi 1 1 mea I U 1111501115 WtSdllMrtSt I rJ I fKti ORGANS IIITS FJddI 1 1M T iIeMlNI t u I neth d Bare I I PneserdRR flat I I PEW 1U- RL Rt meet i k r ants 1t a pap sad ast t d ti11111 Ay sawn t ltsblattlest slab a fliwlrsla aria tics t u Ile p1ai Sall eN sac StMae 1I lelltlr Itgdq41ak- g r Ssa trod M t a 1- V r a r tr Ll taali5LTi stet- e tic Ilat waft eslhta edit it ksa f dish a NS g r t tl A OaS x sIU wlt 35t pwsp FMIi Prices 1 FI fr iyM dad Gsall tft 1 aS 6ifK1IlMl t Aviv y Is The perfect t 1 r 1L k r a > < > + + + + Rest Cout Sjnn Good UM In tim S d by dru i U ed over then looklne alaiMt lUte a Dolly Vardeo bat leas prouounced In coloring A very rrlreable little frock could be made of cr po8 c laaported em broMtrvd Haea the embroidery done In a small odd design of bine or green Another equally asrfol soil at- tractive to any one who like smart taBBdered tlugn was a jacquard elng- bara In arsy white or blur Spring will s e tbe culmination of the silk TOgae nd hardly before mldtrlnttr is here all the newest weave will l e- dlflplnyed In tliclr heavy or soft toMs Satin nettallne n very soft cln- Inj material makes a beantl ful evening If combined with rich lore Hair lint strips In fancy silks make very ntunnlnc ivnlklng ros turn n n l ll er Is nothing more erv- Iceable for the err popnlnr hirt ttvan to I hor to atop and will stop as ns thf not cn tnme contlniiM Its useful cnppfr In shirt wnl tft there are so many steer that Is bewildering tint wa- re within reach really dHlcntety- bmlderrd one of the llmltisl pate To the girl who ran sew a vory pretty new Ides was seen In our of Mi shops this week consisting of exquisite ly trimmed batiste with mnterlnl- raoBira In It to make a shirt waist In the avernp sizes It was called the ready to mnke waist as a paper put torn was sold with It to save the extra trouble of designing lint IB embroidered tblafs there Is- Bothlag can equal some lingerie Becalamde rota that are ittrscUsp a great deal of attention The embroid- ery la machine wade but pat oa so cleverly on tine nalasook and batiste that arty careful ebaervatloa could de- tect any difference treat haadaiado work Some of tboai were fade et flc aped hatlste or laws ta pate blae or plat with dAlrate designs oa the low lag sleeves and cellar They Tango la price af tee tic white rohea oaf 912 ap tee the colored Imperfect Digestion Means less nutrition and in e ns- quftice less vitality When the liver trill to secrete bile the blood becomes loaded with bilious propertie the di Rrston becomes impaired aud the howell conctipated Herbine will rec- tify thl It Rives tone to the tom ach liver and kidney str nKihen the appetite clears and Improve the com- plexion infuse new life and vigor to the whole system 80 cross a bottle Sold by W M Biblical Professor Resigns New York Jan 2G The Rev Fran cis Gigot Professor of Biblical criti- cism and research In Dunwoodle sem- inary resigned from the Sulplcian or- der several days ago rather than sub aalt to what he believed a too zealous criticism of the Biblical works on the part of his French superiors and took with him not only tho president of tho Institution Rev James Driscoll but four other priests Seeks Pay for turned Cotton Rome Oa Jan 26 Hon V J Nun Bally has left for Washington In the latcrcst of K Peters of this city Peters has a claim before con- gress to be reimbursed for a large amount of cotton which was destroyed during ih war by the federal army at Columbus and which was the prop- erty of his father The amount In- volved Is about fZOOOOO Hero rt Lynching Dead Savannah la Jan 26 Joseph Mo Gulre the hero of tbe Statcsboro lynching Is dead McGuIro was a mem- ber of the Composite military company that went to Statesboro to prevent the lynching of murderers who wet burned When disarmed he got a fence picket and kept part of the i at bay Prisoner Wanted to Ole Cincinnati Jar 20 Tlllio Homann aged 26 who was tent to the county jail Monday to be held for th probate court tried to commit sulcido In her cell by collar her wrist w a knife She was found by the ma- tron and in the hospital She is not considered seriously hurt Chronic Constipation Cured One nhovuffer from chronic e riti- pittion i in danger of many erioun ailment Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup cur chronic conttipation it aid digestion and ttimulattM tilt liver and boweU re torltK thee natural union of these organs Commence taking it to- day end you will feel at once Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup doe not naoteate or gripe and is very to take Uefaie substitutes J V- McColIom Co pals mat frown long mat shot Johnson n fro last enl all t utr plant lJ AItI t i t rc 1ot I iIrI IIIISMI1 ALL ELSF FAILS b Tarn Raft tree M sea dr to r °° > > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ + GREAT GIFTS MADE IV FIELD Twentyfive Millions In Specific ie quests Shown in Will Chicago Jan 20 The will of thw late Mamliall Field been IIli i fur probate Specific be juostn are mode to the aspnsaie of JJO CS M Tile remainder of the estate l left in trust for the son Marshall Field Jr Nov 21 and descendant The principal of the residuary estate Is to I kept Intact until one of tits sons of Marshall Field Jr shall reach the age of 50 years The largest single bequest Is for SOOO0 0 to bo used as an endowment and building fund for the Field Columbia museum The widow la given 1000000 and to the daughter Mrs Beat tie of I am- Inptou England Jlvv WO is kft la truit Cured Lumbago A II Canman Chieagn write March 4 1903 Having been troubled with lumtmKo at different time arid trod one phieiau Bderanuther tiifii- diffireot ointment and linuiifiil save it up alt ttether S i I tnVd OIKI more and got a Kttle i f Ballard Snow Liniment whivli ct in a mot iuvtaiit relief I can iheerfull- rrcarinnenil it and my ihiiie 10 your list of utlerer S M tij W- M Johnson Disappointed Man Drank Acid Sprin tteld O Jan 2 Frank Ad klna 4rel 15 committed suicide at the Palmer house b rinlln carbolic acin He sonp Ml his mouth KO thai lli acid would turn him Adklns was taker In charge Sunday night tho hrvliij hen found In an allc with UN op n ruior In his hanu and the ntl l for he attempted to tad life ly T hlnc was pv U ed He was despon- dent bif n e hv could not set employ meat CASTOR F r ImaU anti Children DM m YM NaN Atvajs Ittjl the Fight Over Game of Pool Dallas Tex Jan 26 A special to the from Okla says that two young men Edward Kathbum and Kdxvard of Car den Okla are fatally Injured nil the lesult of a duel fought In that town Lane is severely cut about the heat and face and Kalhtiurn has severe stabs in fjls body The light began In a pool room over u EnID of pooL LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS- BONDS FOR SALE Seaed PropotsU will t e reoivei lij the Board of Public Works of the of Gainesville Florida until Monday the 5th day of February A D 1606 at 8 oclock p m fur the purchae of 16500000 of lords with the privilege of 5000000 additional bond if Uued within twelte months thereafter Dated January 1 1900 IntereM Five per cent per annum Maturity 85 boad in 15 year 40 in 25 year in 35 year Payable Principal and intermit in gold coin and psychic at the office of the Treas- urer of th City of iiinmvillf Florida Denomiuation flOrjOOO rash Au- thority Charter 5497 Law of Flori- da approved May 9 190ft find Onli- naiice of the city in piirii nce therenf approved SeplenitN Ifi V Deposit A cheek for 450CO fO Itonileii Debt Including iuellV fjnnnn if other VOrt00 J0500000 Assessed Valuation 1730787 DO De- livery at either bunk in liatnenrille Florida Right rt ervni to or nil hid W V HAMITON Secretary Hoard of Public Work iatnevville Florida NOTICE Notice i hereby jsiv n that four week after the iitiluminn I will apply to the County Judge of Alachua county for an order to 11 pill rikihl title nod intern of Juhn I Hevii e n miniir in nrnl the filloMini tritet or nf land to wit The Sec 31 in Tp P I 19 Soith and Id ner in the Nw irur f tilt X 4 if the Ni 4 of J1iinii- TliB Jitiiunry 11 IMtf- HKII IKVIIIK- iuHrditn uf J K Keville a Minor NOTUi WK ttMIUCATION- Jauuan Nitno i honi hen Uui fwilww nattcil ott r i Oit 4 aotloe of hit til make anal i n f IB uf trt i r hi uii that i r H f bo miuli1 tilt Jteir I trr amJ lUvittir at iinlno R- Id 1iV t UK- o 1UJ reiUlouce mon euiutauue M J White a f IXinale Fir W u KOIUN OX Rv er has hi I f oar b lOU carbolic bu IA lu run Lane Cit 40 bob thin lund nJ I t EI I I fill Ira1 WI loA n IU furl Ic M hIt T ItU IUIJ It He ntIIII tIc IN pros III sal und ito I JuEN II Wa I Lit7 L r idled sill Ndd his t chi f ctrl ilgaatnrf Times Neraid ity r here- of the fat t hart Irs t uflx c at tatnrr for aura tit x FchrrurlIfI14 P of I a Ur F r of xa of My 5 h lu xliar r to runtiAUUU 14 StWtb Curr3 o Id i tkru r > < > > > > < ¬ > ¬ ¬ > > ¬ > > > > > > < > < > > + ± + + + > R s CWCTIOS- tltlor the oh Mil IV anl of Auoli J 1 1 rot to rtior M itUtnoi fur n i owirrf i c lmil Hirij of eect Ir UUM rnt tevtln u ruilUtre- K 11 it in i j X jr 7 of Townbli II JUni 51 A i friitiura Section Uof II Karki I uiv 19 Jltt lir J Jl or T n ship II rtjrwei- MI Mi- X anil i uf Tii rn hui II Itan f- rti IJIM jrn II tin I V i- S W II M I l l 41 4i- VI MM r- Uttrer Tuot A so Ijit I S XI 9 II 12 S t or unite M H Leer Grant J U Wi Un J XV Smith JL Aro J I CXIe M K RU W W M- rtoe J C Il4uunvt Tb Mclinltc K- Chttty s It CMttV X Molt S H l rn u- niii XV I St f J J lUrr K S O K J X XV A Srfiwiler U U S II McCollum A l Itaiejrv- U MoriUorurryJ T Smith J XX Carter A- li Lam J K Thrtber- XuTEThr al vr tftltlon wM w resettt t tnt iwril f l jtU IrMructlon at tilt treetlnrf to l on lebruarr U- XOTICK K K IMHICATHN SIr U hcteliy ttlven tlial In eau the ir vl4in if the Ait of Cornfre f- Jiine l mtfiicd An A t for the i- itnifr ui l a tbe late of Ia Iforna Ore Min Xevuil aril XXu hiRtrton Torrltur- vf rtilfil in u lh Jtie arit Mat hv ii u t I I KtrjVMin 1- 1to r ooutttx of uKiiette iatvot florili- n ir No 11 fur te iro iuM of 4 tioti So I T Tov tis i No M- UirP No K iiiil ii TiT proof to liii tliut the un t viull i iiinri ir r u tin inr or ioin ttiii fur i I bra jr i std to r tii I i 1 Ml Infur1 trUler inl l a- tlttif vlc nl Vclnrs4la tlif Nt- Un of Muuh- Hi rit It i o K t Iottt J I Ho I DM lia iT I J ultt t of nil Ton Hu- Auj and ill irr m ililmlti aiJver eir tlie- hbtiveilrtfniMii rtii err rr iui t il to ttr theft IlalT in onite on or before of Matoli 14 XV i Retrstcr- XUTICK OK AITLICATIOX K ilt TAX DKKU tXUKIl rCTIOX ut I IMAITK- UI OK KUUtlDA Notice hereby tarn thrt M K JcHoril- lurobi rof Iax tertitloutt No Iici7util ii doted i o Ju A It ha tieil- itil ecrtiPoate ID toy ortlee a d Ila mal i- ililoatlon fur tux ilcnt to isouv III moonUinc with law nhl errtiBoute emUruee the loi- towtrw dr urli etl i ri liiv classed in Aiaohuu county Gorilla XV I of w ll i Tp In K- 5J 9i cr Se Sw Sv TI lu It I acre The aid lures MMl nt the l Mj noe of such oertldcutr In thr natuc Mr J Con tln unU Mr C Coiitmt- tnitjv jU tritrt fatc hail IK retleeniril ac- oorilltu to Jaw tax dyed wit l i ttitrton on the Ktmtuy of trlvjurr A t- XVitnrss nuy ornoia itiiMri1 nu al the IMhday of J buurx A I H WIKNUKS Cork Ilrcult Court Alaohua Co Kia- XOTICK OK AIMIICATION rU TAX DEKt fXDKII SKCTIOX OK CHXITKK 4 LAWS OK KUlllt Xotlee l herehv tree that A Sternl ur- l jroba er of Tux iVrtitkalt Xi 114 dour the 6th day ot Jun A I Y bus tileil- viU oertlneuti in niy and lias- nuue at ilojtnin for ta ilenl to i a In ai- oormtioe Salilctrtlfliulii iiraii the follow in iterii it Iminrti MI fated in- Aiachui count Kloiiila town K I Sof Sw I I aril VV 1 i of c n1 Si II of Xw ll aul I I of Xe ll MC I Tl I U I Jlf aorrv The l l iilwl M iil at the SMI lore of certincutt u tlicnaucof Wliev I llowa- nlI al t i rtil p hal hi riilpiii it a iorillt to flU iletil tvui tlnrcoti on the tthila ot Krhruiirv A l XXitiifss rtiv ortiiiai uturo anl nl this the lith cal of Jutuart A I II VVIKXiK- Sl Ork riroult Court Ajihuu Co Ka- XlHICK OK AIMIICXTIOX Killl TAX WKI fXDKIt sKCTION OK UIAITKKL- AXVS KUXtlOA Notice Is heredy clven that A O Stern purchaser of Tux CertitUate No- n5 ilatiM the lIar of July A L li o has tiieil suit eertltlcate In njv and has application for tax tleed to Issue in acoordancf with lax Salt eertltliale emhraies the follow ID Ji- vrll ed l rop rty sltuatet In Alachua K irMa tux it Xe ll of Se I I Sec 1 Tp s j acres The iutul asesseil at of the of writ certitlcatc in tle naie of J I llenrr- tniesssaUl certificate shail if leilcetcet ac conllri to lax tax deeil ls ue thereon on the lithdav ot Kehruary i i XVItress mv om sal sinature and seal this the of January A U li S H XVIKXdKs- il erk Clrult Court Aachia Co Ka- XOTICK OK AHMCATION FOIL TAX l KKt tNI Klt SKCTION OK CIIAITKII- 4v IAXVS OK KIXIIIDA Notice that Mrs M f llailer purchaser ol Tax Crrtltlcal No nateit t thin fur tits lee l tolssue In ticcorilance wltJi law Mild certiucate emhrace the ftllowlnrf descrllieil proiertv sltjated In coun ty Kortdi t wit Set of Xw 4 See I Tp M ft Ww acres The said and r fln us esseil at the date of the Issuance of suih certlticatc In tbe bow of Uatri J Ikuls said ccrtitJcate hajj t e reileemeil ue i i Kelruarv A II Vitiir s HIT orrciii irnature and seal this the sth di of Jutiumr A l M V S M VVIKNUKS pd Ijerk Circuit court AlachuM Co Kla- XOTICi FUR IMMIICXTIOX- I ml OWcc iit liainrsvi Kin lanuirv i i Notice iierchr but the t owiru namiij xttler hs tkotfce of his intinUon ti make final proof In support of Ms- i r u oo Kci ruir If i U JOHN f iriiiv of tvmRie KII lid i i i lor the st or NwivNtof of MV i v Tp I It II I He ame the foloi 101 ltnisset to prove of lionDle Kla- XV li KulllsiiX- iTICKTt l AXU DITKI UtTKKS i P K T XTKOK J JUMHiOWVIN- r Au and bmr liar thi Crcilltor and Oitri h t r of trw K iic of J Jacoii dmlui Vim are berchr Mtfleil Sal a siij estlor of le UHoitent irf Mint istalr IMS here Illiil IK W t Uf- rt or leforc toe l ik i r Jun A It Ifc ti U MASON County Judk v uIIfpIrIl elteref Ned S I r lit h 1J tor cep f three 0 II I all U I 31trU A Un 3 L aol I J II Lot 7 ti- t t j Uri brad IS I I lit I Ion rfloIlr III r I I II t lei IIIIS I the dar It t of I lot Hot lit this lot O U lIb lilW I I th dill lit rah lot I I I lit net CUUnI aid tin the lIt I ant lot 11 with 1 herrIn Itlrll III StltIlJer I In urtrr sal ilIA upplo CAt to lot 11 tItrut I c VII uil sits ttilU tfllrl lbr sat aunt a1lLl 1t D II Illlllnrd Will J ahA II Tilt lmIIITI A IIII Jude of tllh fltl Mtltsa say oltaIGAh FttlIII ICr the at tarprt 1erttuor pr ra fur prr tu r nt re Pu W d tnet for rut the turpY Id Tux nldp A11II 19t dt er t 7I 7J 71 75 and 5 teller II I rut u a 1ttntOTerati trtt a Iii Janjarr 9 1 t nti lanrr 1 Ill tlur3 lhr1er4 NUrn 11 ee N tan uu rut to err trt Fdl Ills Intl this lid 21 dot i t1N e see of hisses helm a e the date hill ha- S flier bran ax t 1 bur oils mad It I day 5 p Jhad rertltiratr rm maife 11o hue cantina lax we u the I2thdnr Sit pie atwl said Irlwt will br sonde Rrat t r Ivtlrr et Uulnc N I AieMtlrtJNN r11tr41r UrIG rU11Nttl fit 4k1 11l- W r 1 It hilt Gel lrltrt tem4ei lratrtt of r r tu r ulth ueA1r 1Mll IA t1Hkh1 n trunr eirGii or I l obi Nidrerlaitith thehnlI lounttlJud4c C nl D > > > < > > > > > > > > > > > < < > > > > > > > > < > > > > > < < ¬ > > > > > > > > > > > > > > < + ° > + + + > + + + XOTICK tH PUIIL1CATIOX once at lalnesvi i January Notice ts herein nlven that in i I paoe with the provisions of the Act of I it re of Junel entltletl An Act for sae of ttnii er lands in tbe States of M rfon Neiada and Washington Tirtitorv- exieruted to all the imliiK lnd States et of u u t 4 lfi fieorrfe M llevllii counts of llrailford State or Florida has tbte day ned In this oftlce tils sworn ut meat No W for the prchasr or tko Ne4 if of Section No SJ in No l S lUnne No j f w u oiler priMif to show that ile land valuable fur its tlmff or stote shun for a rlcuitur l purpose aMi to estuiii kj calm to uefote Iteitlstrr and R crver alialriesrliie tta or Sl t dos of Mtieh I caoes s witnesses A II Shaw t c IUI K Kshrr XattuinlK Dee u of OU Town Kla Inv and all l er ons claitu adversely eil ards err re iuespjs to t their rialto in this oitice or or before aaU- Jtst day of March lt- m W ItolllXSOX Webster I td omee at ialresvie Ivcemler li A- Xotice N hrh iven that In conip anct- wlin the pronsiois f the t of or irss j June 3 ss entlteil An url for the s e or tlml er lanils In the stntis of a Ore iron Nevada and Uashliikton Teintory M extended to a the ulilc ard States of August 4 I A Alirahan M slow of oa Town eoiiaij of laKiyet state of has this Oay flleil in this office his sworii tate tueni No tit fur ihe pircuse of ite Sw i Of VI V W Vt i- of Net f section No In Ti n hip No IOS lUrtke No K aid ni sirs pioof to show that the larnlsojkh Is tiior vn fur iu liui er or stone than fur iliuit IM po es aid toestalt sli his c 1 to sid iac4 hefore Ketflster mid Hece Vr at i rr vle Korlda on Ktda tiniiri iiay of Keiriary- He name s witiiMs I Ksher aul- ilrti Aicn It Nu iiLij Decs a uf 111 Town KM- iilHixeilcsttriicd i ius a e riiiestei to tre their Bltiirus n this otter on or 1efore said itrd dav of Kcbruart ii XV i ISOIIINSON XOTICK Koi IlIIMCXTK- iNl tiffce at ia e Ka- In etcher I y- Noti s hereto kivii thin u tt t provisions the ict o I 0itrtss of Jijtie s etitieil A at fo e tie of titnixr iinds in the s tiiNs of i iiorr i ore kon Nevada and XVisjit oti leitlto at extended to the e nd st tes I T Act of August I Klward I Klsfcer of 04 Town chants of laTivttte State of KorJa has tlds ilax nei1 in ortiie his sworn tate X i of Set of section No JJ In Township No I S KurkV No UK and wU- i ier i Hhif to snow that the ard sinnt U more vitiuahle for It limner or tone thaw tat agricultural pJiposes and to stahilsh his elalm to vild iaril before Iteklsier and 1ecelr iiafiesvllle Klorhlu on Pride the lnl dav ut Kel rum He A H thaw It C IfcitIs Nathaniel I ccs XV J Aanal of Old Town Any arMl all cainnw adeiscy the above described lands to tll their olultbs m this otrice on or lefore saUl lrd day ot Kebruary l v- p l XV i linlllXsOX Uckiter- NOTICK KOK Orrce lialnesvlie Ka- nceiiiinr I i o Notice is hereliv klven that in c arce with the pro fslorsof Art of Coi e of rnillled At it fur ue ite of niiter at ls in the states if ore Yon Nevada ad XVashlhkton Terrtor a exterdeil tn i the par ic st itrs l v Art of August I I Uiironll Thmas of Vii lefonl countv of Ainh ii s air of t irlda has thtsiiuv tted in this his orn state ueit fur the purchi e of the Si of SwiA XX f of Srtof Sec No finTl S S Hart No l K aixl uiJi oi r ppnif to show that sUkht is tunre va jaitf or Its orst itic tlali loranciuii i Jil ses sat in establish his cialru to iird Before K kl ter an l Ueceiver icsf Ki on Krfclav the ilrd dot of Kelt fun He rime as wltrese laties I C Wilanis J II Jackson C ihairos auof VIIleford Ka- Anv euitsIt Diverse v tht abovetje crllji l aie ji to the their clalnis In ilis o icc oil or IM or said lnl day of IVnruwr it lil XV KoillXsuX Ke ster- NOTICK M IlMUCATluN Lard Office at UalneMiit Kla IVccrut er I I V Notice terehy riven th t in corcpiance Its the provisions of the art of Corwtess of June s entitled An art for ILl of titular lands in the Mates of C4iforrli Urn iron XevatU and XXisiiiritttun Territoiv as extended to a i the pi c iitnl states iiv Act of August l I C Uivisof Old Town county of laKaveite Stair of Kiond ha this day nied in thlso cc Ins sworn statement 111 ioriie purcnase of tilt Se i of Xei of Sec No MlnTJwnshu No s Kane Xo I K art Oder priH f to that land Itt iiT a u bc fur timber or stone 1 Heulster oaf R of Ketmiary li He nanes rfs vkittesses K K KUher A B- Od Town Kla ant sal person caiujlnr ulvers v the tilMiveilesirTl d lands err reurstrd t rte 1MIDI of rebruary i pit XXMi ItOIHNSON KekUter- XOTICK OK AIIIICATIOX FOR TAX liKKO LNDKK sKCTION OK CHAITEB LAWS OK KlJOKIUA Notice Is hereby Chen that ureen PJ ch or of TIX Certificate No 4 dated the nth dav of A i has tlied said certificate in irv m thin for tat diL tux Said certiiUate tv Kiorida town lot itii Xw cur Main am Kirsi Sts K tad M I SJiiJVSl sal ln M f u The M d land itch asevs t the date of NfrAunsNlJlh the name ie redeeaetl ac uhdav of January A l lo the vfs l and seal thU day of Ifeverubcr A H Itrt- NOTICK or AITIICATIOXU- KKU fXUKIl Kirii o- IAXVS OK IlJHlli- xbrt r u ri X J IaCiMa t N dated Julr A v ha Hied tMfate nv bas eil to ssje ID- ticscrtiieil protMrty situ t Klorida toots is v l iTe hot h ir r assess It the ate of itiei me of Clerk Circuit Court Aluchx Co KU Lot b till alarll Hruk lIh I I b W t nr 1r tbe t t ltd II works on llULICA1IOS I ta- I I hl cIIII t and I loUr c I l t lIe tr inc l > a Pun f thl mrut S Ir punlha tilt r of xr rr at I name t i 111IIle Ins I IlL Jun I I r S tIlt I fj s i Id ti II i f f lit I I xu huN I It rr lllrui Pun rtabUb t lOll In tt a1t1tIUl ollaw SathaI aden n of their till old trd U 1 J II I aol nppJC2 In j 1trU IrI louts l hinton l CrtlJJ In rrttIt hew llott tIrtlI uD th mr 0 If Irl Irk IIrjlt to X ° CUITtR- u tIIII g TItl rttt tilb t IL I alai tr tug with nlol lrIItilh bro tn In IIAOIoIII 1 S 11 TI 1 1 lAId frtIjjh tn aIaI ac Uwrnr UO olertai sad 12 the of U U UOI IJ Nl h by y seta awe wabt 4 inure II sal Ile t l let orals Ir of of t lain 1 i I Ii lrrli utdr- t trnor iNrlne adtrrct rte 1 t I ruts i t 1 t y o 11t the r of It and y a wtnrw ice I tat arc n utc let land 1 I the and 2 t o the IMI tnt bet i re and uli let nr t hits II ltd N 7 air x IGun rt tI r h the t r inl to htralm lrfrr Flurlda nn Frli the rd day lm e tl It e o rlatmIn on sal f r r nIa 1 tt t hrurde to avanlanca with niurur Ihr fuaowlnJ I 11JsL4 1IIrhua Y a the of r hit aN b Il rnntln to bas N ul ur lal 1111IIL null 1achut Fa I YiH 1l F r- xtrr tunAii r al 7 dar 7i wild la timer y uulde NplUt hus aPrtMtano IaN em w t Ihr IaN NUd N re Yt It 1 he MrtalaI nr rrlrrn rd CUflllnylUlaNtnxdrMaLil r 1 It Uti tlitGr spy tr1 Ydh dn1 lkucatGrrl Ltt1 r r > > > > > > > > < > > > > ° > > < = + + + + + μ + +

Gainesville Daily Sun. (Gainesville, Florida) 1906-01-29 · single bequest Is for SOOO0 0 to bo used as an endowment and

Jul 23, 2020



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Page 1: Gainesville Daily Sun. (Gainesville, Florida) 1906-01-29 · single bequest Is for SOOO0 0 to bo used as an endowment and

tfi f aM d iK ayM1






Spring PiMhtaM In Cobre d F kr5s-

AdvauM Styles In StmimaJe Rake

art fttOrt Pattern

M the now f Janwrjr bto taU outben exodm take

lIMe tad some C uWoiubirM C tile are trarellBff coutk-

k wkk hearty sadMMjr Mother tewm hoW

Mi Ices lest tell are left beblad-wMk litfUfy sidewalks to the naforta-

wto taw ta rrraala What a-

very NM eaaaot Ala away fromwttr New York with trunks

ttt wMh hrfTy slating fascinatingffeat al7 trade for rcniadoa-

gaeJia walksA tmilder oa Fifth avenue bas

Jat telaked one of feme gown for akavwa society girl te tate tout

X tolte ftualllar ever benutlfulof white cloth and lace

la prlctM faahlon with alittle bolero of lace

V M la tto Wrthplace of noveltiesHaw Tack qnkUjr sake ae et

A jravac lady wfce always dorala Parts and London came

Uy eoBfratalatlaf beraelt-

iere er alatte Mtal ceataae of-

Fartataa cat ealjr to lad many ofwanes the aaaae thug

aNfel wW he my popular tea ar M alas will royal bias algid

ptek la snag fahctca all4h0 MOaat aha4ea loadaablo uat

txqaltMe cotorlBaja-palAted with a deep borftek roata MMWted aa old taaar-

HHBii of Ifty jean ago Thetat etf faaWoaa ta

ta tftt of aarty aprta foeda-Mi trey chanalac tiles wan a caseafttfME onaMUe te pale a4 deepakajas of lamder aced plait Freach

wW ho were a great tell TheyIB all Holiest abides tragfeaUr-

oflf FH 7 hoa aeta acatter


9to toravMuiTslMttta EXCHANGE

ihfcjtf fact ftrfrl rWticstars Ad Canine jT Or EITHER I


Cold Storagethe best by which the pro

duerr of menu can have them takenof

MAB05U HE tOMIAM-Uaa the most plant in C nera Florida and the procei it ihrbest for

We solicit and guarantyatitfaeiion Me n prepared

y pror i can alma b smoked

Diamond lei CompanyB B UVINOSTONMifrG lne tUl Florid



Will also put up m at the tamepreeeifl orders at either place


t Waist



Isay cola








1 1 mea




WtSdllMrtSt I

rJ I



1 1M T iIeMlNI tu


neth d

Bare I


PneserdRR flat







ikr ants

1t a



t dti11111Ay


t ltsblattlestslab afliwlrsla

ariaticst u

Ile p1aiSalleN sacStMae


Itgdq41ak-gr Ssa










Ll taali5LTi stet-

e tic Ilatwaft eslhtaedit itksa

f disha



ttlA OaSx

sIU wlt 35t pwsp

FMIi Prices1FIfr iyM dad Gsall tft


aS6ifK1IlMl t Aviv y




t1 r1L











Rest Cout Sjnn GoodUM In tim S d by dru i U

ed over then looklne alaiMt lUte aDolly Vardeo bat leas prouounced Incoloring

A very rrlreable little frock could bemade of cr po8 c laaported embroMtrvd Haea the embroidery done Ina small odd design of bine orgreen Another equally asrfol soil at-

tractive to any one who like smarttaBBdered tlugn was a jacquard elng-bara In arsy white or blur

Spring will s e tbe culmination of thesilk TOgae nd hardly before mldtrlnttris here all the newest weave will l e-

dlflplnyed In tliclr heavy or soft toMsSatin nettallne n very soft cln-Inj material makes a beantlful evening If combined withrich lore Hair lint strips In fancysilks make very ntunnlnc ivnlklng rosturn n n l ll er Is nothing more erv-

Iceable for the err popnlnr hirtttvan to I hor to atop and will stopas ns thf not cn tnme contlniiMIts useful cnppfr

In shirt wnl tft there are so manysteer that Is bewildering tint wa-re within reach really dHlcntety-bmlderrd one of the llmltislpate To the girl who ran sew a vorypretty new Ides was seen In our of Mi

shops this week consisting of exquisitely trimmed batiste with mnterlnl-raoBira In It to make a shirt waist Inthe avernp sizes It was called theready to mnke waist as a paper put

torn was sold with It to save the extratrouble of designing

lint IB embroidered tblafs there Is-

Bothlag can equal some lingerieBecalamde rota that are ittrscUsp agreat deal of attention The embroid-ery la machine wade but pat oa socleverly on tine nalasook and batistethat arty careful ebaervatloa could de-tect any difference treat haadaiadowork Some of tboai were fade et flcaped hatlste or laws ta pate blae orplat with dAlrate designs oa the lowlag sleeves and cellar They Tango laprice af tee tic white roheaoaf 912 ap tee the colored

Imperfect DigestionMeans less nutrition and in e ns-

quftice less vitality When the livertrill to secrete bile the blood becomesloaded with bilious propertie the diRrston becomes impaired aud thehowell conctipated Herbine will rec-

tify thl It Rives tone to the tomach liver and kidney str nKihen theappetite clears and Improve the com-plexion infuse new life and vigor tothe whole system 80 cross a bottleSold by W M

Biblical Professor ResignsNew York Jan 2G The Rev Fran

cis Gigot Professor of Biblical criti-cism and research In Dunwoodle sem-inary resigned from the Sulplcian or-

der several days ago rather than subaalt to what he believed a too zealouscriticism of the Biblical works on thepart of his French superiors and tookwith him not only tho president of thoInstitution Rev James Driscoll butfour other priests

Seeks Pay for turned CottonRome Oa Jan 26 Hon V J Nun

Bally has left for Washington In thelatcrcst of K Peters of this city

Peters has a claim before con-gress to be reimbursed for a largeamount of cotton which was destroyedduring ih war by the federal armyat Columbus and which was the prop-erty of his father The amount In-

volved Is about fZOOOOO

Hero rt Lynching DeadSavannah la Jan 26 Joseph Mo

Gulre the hero of tbe Statcsborolynching Is dead McGuIro was a mem-ber of the Composite military companythat went to Statesboro to preventthe lynching of murderers who wetburned When disarmed he got afence picket and kept part of the i

at bay

Prisoner Wanted to OleCincinnati Jar 20 Tlllio Homann

aged 26 who was tent to the countyjail Monday to be held for thprobate court tried to commit sulcidoIn her cell by collar her wrist wa knife She was found by the ma-tron and in the hospital She isnot considered seriously hurt

Chronic Constipation CuredOne nhovuffer from chronic e riti-

pittion i in danger of many eriounailment Orino Laxative Fruit Syrupcur chronic conttipation it aiddigestion and ttimulattM tilt liver andboweU re torltK thee natural union ofthese organs Commence taking it to-day end you will feel at onceOrino Laxative Fruit Syrup doe notnaoteate or gripe and is veryto take Uefaie substitutes J V-

McColIom Co











t utrplant

lJ AItI t i t rc 1ot I iIrI



tree Msea




° °















Twentyfive Millions In Specific iequests Shown in Will

Chicago Jan 20 The will of thw

late Mamliall Field been IIli i furprobate Specific be juostn are modeto the aspnsaie of JJO CS M Tileremainder of the estate l left in trustfor the son Marshall Field JrNov 21 and descendant

The principal of the residuary estateIs to I kept Intact until one of titssons of Marshall Field Jr shall reachthe age of 50 years The largestsingle bequest Is for SOOO0 0 to boused as an endowment and buildingfund for the Field Columbia museum

The widow la given 1000000 and tothe daughter Mrs Beat tie of I am-

Inptou England Jlvv WO is kft latruit

Cured LumbagoA II Canman Chieagn write

March 4 1903 Having been troubledwith lumtmKo at different time aridtrod one phieiau Bderanuther tiifii-diffireot ointment and linuiifiilsave it up alt ttether S i I tnVd OIKI

more and got a Kttle i f BallardSnow Liniment whivli ct in a

mot iuvtaiit relief I can iheerfull-rrcarinnenil it and my ihiiie10 your list of utlerer S M tij W-

M Johnson

Disappointed Man Drank AcidSprin tteld O Jan 2 Frank Ad

klna 4rel 15 committed suicide atthe Palmer house b rinlln carbolicacin He sonp Ml his mouth KO thailli acid would turn him Adklnswas taker In charge Sunday nighttho hrvliij hen found In anallc with UN op n ruior In his hanuand the ntl l for he attempted totad life ly T hlnc

was pv U ed He was despon-dent bif n e hv could not set employmeat

CASTORF r ImaU anti Children

DM m YM NaN Atvajs Ittjlthe

Fight Over Game of PoolDallas Tex Jan 26 A special to

the from Oklasays that two young men EdwardKathbum and Kdxvard of Carden Okla are fatally Injured nil thelesult of a duel fought In that townLane is severely cut about the heatand face and Kalhtiurn has severestabs in fjls body The light beganIn a pool room over u EnID of pooL



Seaed PropotsU will t e reoivei lijthe Board of Public Works of theof Gainesville Florida until Mondaythe 5th day of February A D 1606 at8 oclock p m fur the purchae of16500000 of lords with the privilegeof 5000000 additional bond if Uuedwithin twelte months thereafter

Dated January 1 1900 IntereMFive per cent per annum Maturity85 boad in 15 year 40 in 25year in 35 year PayablePrincipal and intermit in gold coin andpsychic at the office of the Treas-urer of th City of iiinmvillf FloridaDenomiuation flOrjOOO rash Au-thority Charter 5497 Law of Flori-da approved May 9 190ft find Onli-naiice of the city in piirii nce therenfapproved SeplenitN Ifi V DepositA cheek for 450CO fO ItonileiiDebt Including iuellV fjnnnnif other VOrt00 J0500000Assessed Valuation 1730787 DO De-livery at either bunk in liatnenrilleFlorida Right rt ervni toor nil hid W V HAMITON

Secretary Hoard of Public Workiatnevville Florida


Notice i hereby jsiv n that fourweek after the iitiluminn

I will apply to the County Judge ofAlachua county for an orderto 11 pill rikihl title nod internof Juhn I Hevii e n miniir in nrnlthe filloMini tritet or nf land towit The Sec 31 in Tp P I

19 Soith and Id ner in theNw irur f tilt X 4 if the Ni 4 of

J1iinii-TliB Jitiiunry 11 IMtf-

HKII IKVIIIK-iuHrditn uf J K Keville a Minor


JauuanNitno i honi hen Uui fwilww

nattcil ott r i Oit 4 aotloe of hittil make anal i n f IB uf trt i r hi uiithat i r H f bo miuli1 tilt JteirI trr amJ lUvittir at iinlno R-

Id 1iV tUK-

o 1UJreiUlouce mon euiutauue

MJ White a f IXinale FirW u KOIUN OX Rv er









lu run



40 bob








Ira1 WI loAn


furlIc M


He ntIIII tIc IN prosIII salund

ito I JuEN IIWa


Lit7 L r


sill Ndd

his t chi



Times Neraid






hart Irst

uflx c at tatnrrfor

auratit x

FchrrurlIfI14P of I a

Ur F r of xa of My 5 hlu

xliar r toruntiAUUU

14StWtb Curr3











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+ +





tltlor the oh Mil IV anl of Auoli J 1 1 rot to

rtior M itUtnoi furn

i owirrf i c lmil Hirij of eectIr UUM rnt tevtln u ruilUtre-

K 11 it in i jX jr 7 of Townbli II JUni 51

A i friitiura Section Uof II

Karki I uiv 19 Jltt lir J Jl or T n

ship II rtjrwei-MI Mi-

X anil i uf Tii rn hui II Itan f-

rti IJIM jrn II tin I V i-

S W II M I l l 41 4i-

VI MM r-

Uttrer TuotA so Ijit I S X I 9 II 12 S t orunite M H Leer GrantJ U Wi Un J XV Smith J L Aro J


rtoe J C Il4uunvt Tb Mclinltc K-

Chttty s It CMttV X Molt S H l rn u-

niii XV I St f J J lUrr K S OK J X XV A Srfiwiler UU S II McCollum A l Itaiejrv-U MoriUorurryJ T Smith J XX Carter A-

li Lam J K Thrtber-XuTEThr al vr tftltlon wM w resettt

t tnt iwril f l jtU IrMructlon at tilttreetlnrf to l on lebruarr U-


SIr U hcteliy ttlven tlial Ineau the ir vl4in i f the Ait of Cornfre f-

Jiine l mtfiicd An A t for the i-

itnifr ui l a tbe late of Ia Iforna OreMin Xevuil aril XXu hiRtrton Torrltur-vf rtilfil in u lh Jtie arit Mat hv

ii u t I I KtrjVMin 1-

1to r ooutttx of uKiiette iatvot florili-

n ir No 11 fur te iro iuM of4 tioti So I T Tov tis i No M-

UirP No K iiiil ii TiT proofto liii tliut the un t viull i iiinri

ir r u tin inr or ioin ttiii furi I bra jr i std to r tii I

i 1 Ml Infur1 trUler inl l a-tlttif vlc nl Vclnrs4la tlif Nt-

Un of Muuh-Hi rit It i o K t Iottt J I

Ho I DM lia iT I J ultt t of nilTon Hu-

Auj and ill irr m ililmlti aiJver eir tlie-hbtiveilrtfniMii rtii err rr iui t il to ttrtheft IlalT in onite on or before

of Matoli14 XV i Retrstcr-



Notice hereby tarn thrt M K JcHoril-lurobi rof Iax tertitloutt No Iici7util iidoted i o Ju A It ha tieil-

itil ecrtiPoate ID toy ortlee a d Ila mal i-

ililoatlon fur tux ilcnt to isouv III moonUincwith law nhl errtiBoute emUruee the loi-towtrw dr urli etl i ri liiv classed in Aiaohuucounty Gorilla

XV I of w ll i Tp In K-

5J 9i crSe Sw Sv TI lu ItI acreThe aid lures MMl nt

the l Mj noe of such oertldcutr In thr natucMr J Con tln unU Mr C Coiitmt-

tnitjv jU tritrt fatc hail IK retleeniril ac-oorilltu to Jaw tax dyed wit l i ttitrton onthe Ktmtuy of trlvjurr A t-

XVitnrss nuy ornoia itiiMri1 nu althe IMhday of J buurx A I

H WIKNUKSCork Ilrcult Court Alaohua Co Kia-


l jroba er of Tux iVrtitkalt Xi 114 dourthe 6th day ot Jun A I Y bus tileil-viU oertlneuti in niy and lias-nuue at ilojtnin for ta ilenl to i a In ai-

oormtioe Salilctrtlfliulii iiraiithe follow in iterii it Iminrti MI fated in-Aiachui count Kloiiila town

K I Sof Sw I I aril VV 1 i of c n1 Si IIof Xw ll aul I I of Xe ll MC I Tl IU I Jlf aorrv

The l l iilwl M iil atthe SMI lore of certincutt u tlicnaucofWliev


nlI al t i rtil p hal hi riilpiii it aiorillt to flU iletil tvui tlnrcoti onthe tthila ot Krhruiirv A l

XXitiifss rtiv ortiiiai uturo anl nl thisthe lith cal of Jutuart A I

II VVIKXiK-Sl Ork riroult Court Ajihuu Co Ka-


AXVS KUXtlOANotice Is heredy clven that A O Sternpurchaser of Tux CertitUate No-

n5 ilatiM the lIar of July A Lli o has tiieil suit eertltlcate In njvand has application for tax tleedto Issue in acoordancf with lax Salteertltliale emhraies the follow ID Ji-vrll ed l rop rty sltuatet In AlachuaK irMa tux it

Xe ll of Se I I Sec 1 Tp s j acresThe iutul asesseil at ofthe of writ certitlcatc in tle naie ofJ I llenrr-tniesssaUl certificate shail if leilcetcet acconllri to lax tax deeil ls ue thereon onthe lithdav ot Kehruary i i

XVItress mv om sal sinature and seal thisthe of January A U liS H XVIKXdKs-

il erk Clrult Court Aachia Co Ka-

XOTICK OK AHMCATION FOIL TAXl KKt tNI Klt SKCTION OK CIIAITKII-4v IAXVS OK KIXIIIDANotice that Mrs M f llailerpurchaser ol Tax Crrtltlcal No nateitt

thin fur tits lee l tolssue In ticcorilance wltJilaw Mild certiucate emhrace the ftllowlnrfdescrllieil proiertv sltjated In county Kortdi t witSet of Xw 4 See I Tp M ft Ww acresThe said and r fln us esseil at the date ofthe Issuance of suih certlticatc In tbe bowof Uatri J Ikuls

said ccrtitJcate hajj t e reileemeil uei i

Kelruarv A IIVitiir s HIT orrciii irnature and seal thisthe sth di of Jutiumr A l M V

S M VVIKNUKSpd Ijerk Circuit court AlachuM Co Kla-

XOTICi FUR IMMIICXTIOX-I ml OWcc iit liainrsvi Kin

lanuirv i i

Notice iierchr but the t owirunamiij xttler hs tkotfce of his intinUonti make final proof In support of Ms-

i r uoo Kci ruir If i UJOHN f iriiiv of tvmRie KII

lid i i i lor the st or NwivNtofof MV i v Tp I It II I

He ame the foloi 101 ltnisset to prove

of lionDle Kla-XV li KulllsiiX-


JUMHiOWVIN-r Au and bmr liar thi Crcilltor and Oitrih t r of trw K iic of J Jacoii dmlui

Vim are berchr Mtfleil Sal a siij estlor ofle UHoitent irf Mint istalr IMS here Illiil IKW t Uf-

rt or leforc toe l ik i r Jun A It Ifcti U MASON County Judk

vuIIfpIrIl elteref Ned

S Ir lit h 1J


three 0II I

all U


31trUA Un

3 Laol IJ II



ti-tt j Uri

brad IS



lit I IonrfloIlr







the dar

Itt of I

lot Hotlit





lIb lilW


th dill litrah

lot I






aid tin the lItI ant




1 herrIn ItlrllIII StltIlJer I

In urtrr sal ilIA upplo

CAtto lot 11 tItrut



VII uil

sits ttilU tfllrllbr sat


1t D II Illlllnrd Will JahAII

Tilt lmIIITI


IIIIJude of tllh fltlMtltsa say oltaIGAh

FttlIIIICr the at tarprt

1erttuor pr

ra fur prrtu r nt re Pu W d tnet for

rut the

turpY Id

Tux nldp


dt er t 7I 7J 71 75





u a

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t nti lanrr

1 Ill

tlur3 lhr1er4 NUrn11

ee Ntanuu

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Fdl IllsIntl

this lid 21



t1Ne see

of hisseshelm a e the date









It I


5p Jhadrertltiratr rm maife

11o hue

cantina lax we uthe I2thdnr Sit


atwl said Irlwt will br sondeRrat t r Ivtlrr et Uulnc


AieMtlrtJNN r11tr41r UrIG rU11Nttlfit 4k1 11l-

W r 1 It hiltGel



lratrtt of r r tu r ulthueA1r 1Mll IA t1Hkh1 ntrunr eirGii orIlobi Nidrerlaitith thehnlI lounttlJud4cC



> >



> >



> >














> <













>> >



> >












XOTICK tH PUIIL1CATIOXonce at lalnesvi iJanuary

Notice ts herein nlven that in i I paoewith the provisions of the Act of I it re ofJunel entltletl An Act for sae ofttnii er lands in tbe States of M

rfon Neiada and Washington Tirtitorv-exieruted to all the imliiK lnd States etof u u t 4 lfi fieorrfe M llevlliicounts of llrailford State or Florida has tbteday ned In this oftlce tils sworn utmeat No W for the prchasr or tkoNe4 if of Section No SJ in

No l S lUnne No j fw u oiler priMif to show that ile land

valuable fur its tlmff or stote shun fora rlcuitur l purpose aMi to estuiii kjcalm to uefote Iteitlstrr and Rcrver alialriesrliie tta orSl t dos of Mtieh I

caoes s witnesses A II Shaw t cIUI K Kshrr XattuinlK Dee u of OUTown Kla

Inv and all l er ons claitu adverselyeil ards err re iuespjs to ttheir rialto in this oitice or or before aaU-

Jtst day of March lt-

m W ItolllXSOX Webster

I td omee at ialresvieIvcemler li A-

Xotice N hrh iven that In conip anct-wlin the pronsiois f the t of or irss jJune 3 ss entlteil An url for the s e ortlml er lanils In the stntis of a Oreiron Nevada and Uashliikton Teintory Mextended to a the ulilc ard Statesof August 4 I A Alirahan M slow of oaTown eoiiaij of laKiyet state ofhas this Oay flleil in this office his sworii tatetueni No tit fur ihe pircuse of ite Sw i OfVI V W Vt i-

of Net f section No In Ti n hip No IOSlUrtke No K aid ni sirs pioof to showthat the larnlsojkh Is tiior vn fur iuliui er or stone than fur iliuit IMpo es aid toestalt sli his c 1 to sid iac4hefore Ketflster mid Hece Vr at i rr vleKorlda on Ktda tiniiri iiay of Keiriary-

He name s witiiMs I Ksher aul-ilrti Aicn It Nu iiLij Decs a uf111 Town KM-

iilHixeilcsttriicd i ius a e riiiestei to tretheir Bltiirus n this otter on or 1efore saiditrd dav of Kcbruartii XV i ISOIIINSON

XOTICK Koi IlIIMCXTK-iNl tiffce at ia e Ka-

In etcher I y-

Noti s hereto kivii thin utt t provisions the ict o I 0itrtss ofJijtie s etitieil A at fo e tie of

titnixr iinds in the s tiiNs of i iiorr i orekon Nevada and XVisjit oti leitlto atextended to the e nd st tes I T Actof August I Klward I Klsfcer of 04Town chants of laTivttte State of KorJahas tlds ilax nei1 in ortiie his sworn tate

X i of Set of section No JJ InTownship No I S KurkV No UK and wU-i ier i Hhif to snow that the ard sinnt Umore vitiuahle for It limner or tone thaw tatagricultural pJiposes and to stahilsh hiselalm to vild iaril before Iteklsier and 1ecelriiafiesvllle Klorhlu on Pride the lnldav ut Kel rum

He A H thaw It CIfcitIs Nathaniel I ccs XV J Aanal of OldTown

Any arMl all cainnw adeiscy theabove described lands to tlltheir olultbs m this otrice on or lefore saUl

lrd day ot Kebruary l v-

p l XV i linlllXsOX Uckiter-


Orrce lialnesvlie Ka-nceiiiinr I i o

Notice is hereliv klven that in c arcewith the pro fslorsof Art of Coi e of

rnillled At it fur ue ite ofniiter at ls in the states if oreYon Nevada ad XVashlhkton Terrtor aexterdeil tn i the par ic st itrs l v Artof August I I Uiironll Thmas of Viilefonl countv of Ainh ii s air of t irldahas thtsiiuv tted in this his orn stateueit fur the purchi e of the Si ofSwiA XX f of Srtof Sec No finTl S SHart No l K aixl uiJi oi r ppnif to showthat sUkht is tunre va jaitf or Itsorst itic tlali loranciuii i Jil sessat in establish his cialru to iird BeforeK kl ter an l Ueceiver icsf Ki onKrfclav the ilrd dot of Kelt funHe rime as wltrese laties I CWilanis J II Jackson C ihairos auofVIIleford Ka-

Anv euitsIt Diverse v thtabovetje crllji l aie ji to thetheir clalnis In ilis o icc oil or IM or said lnlday of IVnruwr itlil XV KoillXsuX Ke ster-

NOTICK M IlMUCATluNLard Office at UalneMiit Kla

IVccrut er I I V

Notice terehy riven th t in corcpianceIts the provisions of the art of Corwtess ofJune s entitled An art for ILl oftitular lands in the Mates of C4iforrli Urniron XevatU and XXisiiiritttun Territoiv asextended to a i the pi c iitnl states iiv Actof August l I C Uivisof Old Towncounty of laKaveite Stair of Kiond hathis day nied in thlso cc Ins sworn statement111 ioriie purcnase of tilt Se i of Xeiof Sec No MlnTJwnshu No s Kane Xo

I K art Oder priH f to that landItt iiT a u bc fur timber or stone

1 Heulster oaf R

of Ketmiary liHe nanes rfs vkittesses K K KUher A B-

Od Town Klaant sal person caiujlnr ulvers v thetilMiveilesirTl d lands err reurstrd t rte

1MIDIof rebruary ipit XXMi ItOIHNSON KekUter-


LAWS OK KlJOKIUANotice Is hereby Chen that ureenPJ ch or of TIX Certificate No 4 datedthe nth dav of A i has tlied saidcertificate in irv m

thin for tat diLtux Said certiiUatetv Kiorida town

lot itii Xw cur Main am Kirsi Sts K tadM

I SJiiJVSl sal ln M f uThe M d land itch asevs t the date of

NfrAunsNlJlh the name

ie redeeaetl acuhdav of January A l lo

the vfs l and seal thUday of Ifeverubcr A H Itrt-


IAXVS OK IlJHlli-xbrt r u ri X J IaCiMa

t N datedJulr A v ha HiedtMfate nv baseil to ssje ID-

ticscrtiieil protMrty situt Klorida tootsis v l iTehot h ir r assess It the ate of

itiei me of

Clerk Circuit Court Aluchx Co KU

Lot b



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