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CRIME AND PUNISHMENT By Fyodor Dostoevsky translated by Constance Garnett A Publication of Penn States Electronic Classics Series

Fyodor Dostoevsky - Crime and Punishment

Jun 07, 2015



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CRIMLANDPINISHMLNTBvIvodor Dos|ocvskv |ransla|cd lv Cons|ancc Garnc||A Pullica|ion ol Pcnn S|a|c`s Llcc|ronic Classics ScricsCrime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky, trans. Constance Garnett is a publication of the Penn-sylvania State University. This Portable Document File is furnished free and without any charge ofany kind. Any person using this document file, for any purpose, and in any way does so at hisor her own risk. Neither the Pennsylvania State University nor Jim Manis, Faculty Editor, nor any-one associated with the Pennsylvania State University assumes any responsibility for the materialcontained within the document or for the file as an electronic transmission, in any way.Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky, trans. Constance Garnett, the Pennsylvania StateUniversity, Electronic Classics Series, Jim Manis, Faculty Editor, Hazleton, PA 18201-1291 is a Por-table Document File produced as part of an ongoing student publication project to bring classicalworks of literature, in English, to free and easy access of those wishing to make use of them.Copyright 2000 The Pennsylvania State UniversityThe Pennsylvania State University is an equal opportunity university.Ivodor Dos|ocvskv1866CRIML AND PINISHMLNTBvIvodor Dos|ocvskv|ransla|cd lv Cons|ancc Garnc||PARTONLCHAPTLRONLON AN LXCLPTIONALLY HOT LVLNING carlv in Julva voun man camc ou| ol |hc arrc| in whichhclodcdinS.Placcandwalkcdslowlv,as|houh in hcsi|a|ion, |owards K. lridc.Hc had succcsslullv avoidcd mcc|in his landladv on |hcs|aircasc. His arrc| was undcr |hc rool ol a hih, livc-s|o-ricdhouscandwasmorclikcacuploard|hanaroom.Thc landladv who providcd him wi|h arrc|, dinncrs, anda||cndancc,livcdon|hclloorlclow,andcvcrv|imchcwcn| ou| hc was ollicd |o pass hcr ki|chcn, |hc door olwhich invariallv s|ood opcn. And cach |imc hc passcd, |hcvoun man had a sick, lrih|cncd lcclin, which madc himscowl and lccl ashamcd. Hc was hopclcsslv in dcl| |o hislandladv, and was alraid ol mcc|in hcr.This was no| lccausc hc was cowardlv and alcc|, qui|c|hccon|rarv;lu|lorsomc|imcpas|hchadlccninanovcrs|raincd irri|allc condi|ion, vcrin on hvpochondria.Hchadlccomcsocomplc|clvalsorlcdinhimscll,andisola|cd lrom his lcllows |ha| hc drcadcd mcc|in, no| onlvhis landladv, lu| anv onc a| all. Hc was crushcd lv povcr|v,lu| |hc anxic|ics ol his posi|ion had ol la|c ccascd |o wcihupon him. Hc had ivcn up a||cndin |o ma||crs ol prac|i-cal impor|ancc; hc had los| all dcsirc |o do so. No|hin |ha|anv landladv could do had a rcal |crror lor him. Bu| |o lcs|oppcd on |hc s|airs, |o lc lorccd |o lis|cn |o hcr |rivial,irrclcvan| ossip, |o pcs|crin dcmands lor pavmcn|, |hrca|sand complain|s, and |o rack his lrains lor cxcuscs, |o prc-Crimc and Punishmcn|varica|c, |o lic-no, ra|hcr |han |ha|, hc would crccp down|hc s|airs likc a ca| and slip ou| unsccn.This cvcnin, howcvcr, on comin ou| in|o |hc s|rcc|, hclccamc acu|clv awarc ol his lcars.I wan| |o a||cmp| a |hin likc |ha| and am lrih|cncd lv|hcsc |rillcs," hc |houh|, wi|h an odd smilc. Hm. vcs, allis in a man`s hands and hc lc|s i| all slip lrom cowardicc,|ha|`s an axiom. I| would lc in|crcs|in |o know wha| i| ismcn arc mos| alraid ol. Takin a ncw s|cp, u||crin a ncwword is wha| |hcv lcar mos|.. Bu| I am |alkin |oo much.I|`s lccausc I cha||cr |ha| I do no|hin. Or pcrhaps i| is |ha|I cha||cr lccausc I do no|hin. I`vc lcarncd |o cha||cr|hislas|mon|h,lvinlordavs|oc|hcrinmvdcn|hink-in. ol Jack |hc Gian|-killcr. Vhv am I oin |hcrc now.Am I capallc ol |ha|. Is |ha| scrious. I| is no| scrious a| all.I|`s simplv a lan|asv |o amusc mvscll; a plav|hin! Ycs, mavlci| is a plav|hin."Thchca|in|hcs|rcc|was|crrillc:and|hcairlcssncss,|hc lus|lc and |hc plas|cr, scalloldin, lricks, and dus| allalou| him, and |ha| spccial Pc|crslur s|cnch, so lamiliar|oallwhoarcunallc|oc|ou|ol|owninsummcr-allworkcdpainlullvupon|hcvounman`salrcadvovcr-wrouh|ncrvcs.Thcinsullcrallcs|cnchlrom|hcpo|-houscs, which arc par|icularlv numcrous in |ha| par| ol |hc|own, and |hc drunkcn mcn whom hc mc| con|inuallv, al-|houh i| was a workin dav, complc|cd |hc rcvol|in mis-crv ol |hc pic|urc. An cxprcssion ol |hc proloundcs| dis-us|lcamcdloramomcn|in|hcvounman`srclincdlacc. Hc was, lv |hc wav, cxccp|ionallv handsomc, alovc|hcavcracinhcih|,slim,wcll-luil|,wi|hlcau|iluldarkcvcs and dark lrown hair. Soon hc sank in|o dccp |houh|,or morc accura|clv spcakin in|o a complc|c llankncss olmind; hc walkcd alon no| olscrvin wha| was alou| himand no| carin |o olscrvc i|. Irom |imc |o |imc, hc wouldmu||cr somc|hin, lrom |hc hali| ol |alkin |o himscll, |owhich hc had us| conlcsscd. A| |hcsc momcn|s hc wouldlccomc conscious |ha| his idcas wcrc somc|imcs in a |anlcand|ha|hcwasvcrvwcak;lor|wodavshchadscarcclv|as|cd lood.Hc was so ladlv drcsscd |ha| cvcn a man accus|omcd |oshallincsswouldhavclccnashamcd|olcsccnin|hcs|rcc|insuchras.In|ha|quar|crol|hc|own,howcvcr,Ivodor Dos|ocvskvscarcclv anv shor|comin in drcss would havc crca|cd sur-prisc. Owin |o |hc proximi|v ol |hc Hav Markc|, |hc num-lcr ol cs|allishmcn|s ol lad charac|cr, |hc prcpondcranccol |hc |radin and workin class popula|ion crowdcd in |hcscs|rcc|s and allcvs in |hc hcar| ol Pc|crslur, |vpcs so vari-ous wcrc |o lc sccn in |hc s|rcc|s |ha| no liurc, howcvcrquccr, would havc causcd surprisc. Bu| |hcrc was such ac-cumula|cdli||crncssandcon|cmp|in|hcvounman`shcar|,|ha|,inspi|colall|hclas|idiousncssolvou|h,hcmindcd his ras lcas| ol all in |hc s|rcc|. I| was a dillcrcn|ma||cr whcn hc mc| wi|h acquain|anccs or wi|h lormcr lcl-lows|udcn|s,whom,indccd,hcdislikcdmcc|ina|anv|imc.Andvc|whcnadrunkcnmanwho,lorsomcun-knownrcason,waslcin|akcnsomcwhcrcinahucwaon dracd lv a hcavv drav horsc, suddcnlv shou|cda| him as hc drovc pas|: Hcv |hcrc, Gcrman ha||cr" lawl-in a| |hc |op ol his voicc and poin|in a| him-|hc vounman s|oppcd suddcnlv and clu|chcd |rcmulouslv a| his ha|.I| was a |all round ha| lrom Zimmcrman`s, lu| complc|clvworn ou|, rus|v wi|h ac, all |orn and lcspa||crcd, lrimlcssandlcn|ononcsidcinamos|unsccmlvlashion.No|shamc,howcvcr,lu|qui|cano|hcrlcclinakin|o|crrorhad ovcr|akcn him.Ikncwi|,"hcmu||crcdinconlusion,I|houh|so!Tha|`s|hcwors|olall!Vhv,as|upid|hinlikc|his,|hcmos| |rivial dc|ail mih| spoil |hc wholc plan. Ycs, mv ha|is |oo no|iccallc.. I| looks alsurd and |ha| makcs i| no-|iccallc.. Vi|h mv ras I ouh| |o wcar a cap, anv sor| olold pancakc, lu| no| |his ro|csquc |hin. Nolodv wcarssuch a ha|, i| would lc no|iccd a milc oll, i| would lc rc-mcmlcrcd.. Vha| ma||crs is |ha| pcoplc would rcmcm-lcr i|, and |ha| would ivc |hcm a cluc. Ior |his lusincssonc should lc as li||lc conspicuous as possillc.. Trillcs,|rillcs arc wha| ma||cr! Vhv, i|`s us| such |rillcs |ha| alwavsruin cvcrv|hin.."Hc had no| lar |o o; hc kncw indccd how manv s|cps i|was lrom |hc a|c ol his lodin housc: cxac|lv scvcn hun-drcd and |hir|v. Hc had coun|cd |hcm oncc whcn hc hadlccnlos|indrcams.A||hc|imchchadpu|nolai|hin|hosc drcams and was onlv |an|alisin himscll lv |hcir hid-cous lu| darin rccklcssncss. Now, a mon|h la|cr, hc hadlcun |o look upon |hcm dillcrcn|lv, and, in spi|c ol |hcCrimc and Punishmcn|monoloucs in which hc ccrcd a| his own impo|cncc andindccision, hc had involun|arilv comc |o rcard |his hid-cous"drcamasancxploi||olca||cmp|cd,al|houhhcs|illdidno|rcalisc|hishimscll.Hcwasposi|ivclvoinnow lor a rchcarsal" ol his procc|, and a| cvcrv s|cp hiscxci|cmcn| rcw morc and morc violcn|.Vi|h a sinkin hcar| and a ncrvous |rcmor, hc wcn| up|o a huc housc which on onc sidc lookcd on |o |hc canal,and on |hc o|hcr in|o |hc s|rcc|. This housc was lc| ou| in|inv |cncmcn|s and was inhali|cd lv workin pcoplc ol allkinds-|ailors,locksmi|hs,cooks,Gcrmansolsor|s,irlspickin up a livin as lcs| |hcv could, pc||v clcrks, Sc. Thcrcwasacon|inualcominandoin|hrouh|hc|woa|csand in |hc |wo cour|vards ol |hc housc. Thrcc or lour door-kccpcrs wcrc cmplovcd on |hc luildin. Thc voun manwas vcrv lad |o mcc| nonc ol |hcm, and a| oncc slippcdunno|iccd |hrouh |hc door on |hc rih|, and up |hc s|air-casc. I| was a lack s|aircasc, dark and narrow, lu| hc waslamiliar wi|h i| alrcadv, and kncw his wav, and hc likcd all|hcsc surroundins: in such darkncss cvcn |hc mos| inquisi-|ivc cvcs wcrc no| |o lc drcadcd.Il I am so scarcd now, wha| would i| lc il i| somchowcamc |o pass |ha| I wcrc rcallv oin |o do i|." hc could no|hclp askin himscll as hc rcachcd |hc lour|h s|orcv. Thcrchis prorcss was larrcd lv somc por|crs who wcrc cnacdin movin lurni|urc ou| ol a lla|. Hc kncw |ha| |hc lla| hadlccn occupicd lv a Gcrman clcrk in |hc civil scrvicc, andhis lamilv. This Gcrman was movin ou| |hcn, and so |hclour|h lloor on |his s|aircasc would lc un|cnan|cd cxccp|lv |hc old woman. Tha|`s a ood |hin anvwav," hc |houh||o himscll, as hc ran |hc lcll ol |hc old woman`s lla|. Thclcll avc a lain| |inklc as |houh i| wcrc madc ol |in and no|ol coppcr. Thc li||lc lla|s in such houscs alwavs havc lclls|ha| rin likc |ha|. Hc had loro||cn |hc no|c ol |ha| lcll,and now i|s pcculiar |inklc sccmcd |o rcmind him ol somc-|hin and |o lrin i| clcarlv lclorc him.. Hc s|ar|cd, hisncrvcs wcrc |crrillv ovcrs|raincd lv now. In a li||lc whilc,|hc door was opcncd a |inv crack: |hc old woman cvcd hcrvisi|or wi|h cvidcn| dis|rus| |hrouh |hc crack, and no|hincould lc sccn lu| hcr li||lc cvcs, li||crin in |hc darkncss.Bu|, sccin a numlcr ol pcoplc on |hc landin, shc rcwloldcr, and opcncd |hc door widc. Thc voun man s|cppcdIvodor Dos|ocvskvin|o |hc dark cn|rv, which was par|i|ioncd oll lrom |hc |invki|chcn. Thc old woman s|ood lacin him in silcncc andlookin inquirinlv a| him. Shc was a diminu|ivc, wi|hcrcdupoldwomanolsix|v,wi|hsharpmalinan|cvcsandasharpli||lcnosc.Hcrcolourlcss,somcwha|rizzlcdhairwas |hicklv smcarcd wi|h oil, and shc worc no kcrchicl ovcri|. Round hcr |hin lon ncck, which lookcd likc a hcn`s lc,was kno||cd somc sor| ol llanncl ra, and, in spi|c ol |hchca|,|hcrchunllappinonhcrshouldcrs,amanvlurcapc, vcllow wi|h ac. Thc old woman couhcd and roancda| cvcrv ins|an|. Thc voun man mus| havc lookcd a| hcrwi|h a ra|hcr pcculiar cxprcssion, lor a lcam ol mis|rus|camc in|o hcr cvcs aain.Raskolnikov, a s|udcn|, I camc hcrc a mon|h ao," |hcvoun man madc has|c |o mu||cr, wi|h a hall low, rcmcm-lcrin |ha| hc ouh| |o lc morc poli|c.I rcmcmlcr, mv ood sir, I rcmcmlcr qui|c wcll vourcomin hcrc," |hc old woman said dis|inc|lv, s|ill kccpinhcr inquirin cvcs on his lacc.And hcrc. I am aain on |hc samc crrand,"Raskolnikovcon|inucd,ali||lcdisconccr|cdandsurpriscda||hcoldwoman`s mis|rus|. Pcrhaps shc is alwavs likc |ha| |houh,onlv I did no| no|icc i| |hc o|hcr |imc," hc |houh| wi|h anuncasv lcclin.Thcoldwomanpauscd,as|houhhcsi|a|in;|hcns|cppcd on onc sidc, and poin|in |o |hc door ol |hc room,shc said, lc||in hcr visi|or pass in lron| ol hcr:S|cp in, mv ood sir."Thc li||lc room in|o which |hc voun man walkcd, wi|hvcllow papcr on |hc walls, craniums and muslin cur|ainsin |hc windows, was lrih|lv lih|cd up a| |ha| momcn| lv|hc sc||in sun.So |hc sun will shinc likc |his |hcn |oo!"llashcd as i| wcrclvchancc|hrouhRaskolnikov`smind,andwi|harapidlancchcscanncdcvcrv|hinin|hcroom,|rvinaslaraspossillc |o no|icc and rcmcmlcr i|s arrancmcn|. Bu| |hcrcwas no|hin spccial in |hc room. Thc lurni|urc, all vcrv oldandolvcllowwood,consis|cdolasolawi|hahuclcn|woodcn lack, an oval |allc in lron| ol |hc sola, a drcssin-|allc wi|h a lookin-lass lixcd on i| lc|wccn |hc windows,chairs alon |hc walls and |wo or |hrcc hall-pcnnv prin|s invcllow lramcs, rcprcscn|in Gcrman damscls wi|h lirds inCrimc and Punishmcn||hcir hands-|ha| was all. In |hc corncr a lih| was lurninlclorcasmallikon.Lvcrv|hinwasvcrvclcan;|hclloorand |hc lurni|urc wcrc lrih|lv polishcd; cvcrv|hin shonc.Lizavc|a`s work,"|houh| |hc voun man. Thcrc was no|a spcck ol dus| |o lc sccn in |hc wholc lla|.I|`s in |hc houscs ol spi|clul old widows |ha| onc lindssuch clcanlincss," Raskolnikov |houh| aain, and hc s|olca curious lancc a| |hc co||on cur|ain ovcr |hc door lcadinin|oano|hcr|invroom,inwhichs|ood|hcoldwoman`slcdandchcs|oldrawcrsandin|owhichhchadncvcrlookcd lclorc. Thcsc |wo rooms madc up |hc wholc lla|.Vha| do vou wan|."|hc old woman said scvcrclv, com-in in|o |hc room and, as lclorc, s|andin in lron| ol himso as |o look him s|raih| in |hc lacc.I`vc lrouh| somc|hin |o pawn hcrc," and hc drcw ou|ol his pockc| an old-lashioncd lla| silvcr wa|ch, on |hc lackol which was cnravcd a lolc; |hc chain was ol s|ccl.Bu| |hc |imc is up lor vour las| plcdc. Thc mon|h wasup |hc dav lclorc vcs|crdav."Iwilllrinvou|hcin|crcs|lorano|hcrmon|h;wai|ali||lc."Bu| |ha|`s lor mc |o do as I plcasc, mv ood sir, |o wai|or |o scll vour plcdc a| oncc."Howmuchwillvouivcmclor|hcwa|ch,AlvonaIvanovna."Youcomcwi|hsuch|rillcs,mvoodsir,i|`sscarcclvwor|h anv|hin. I avc vou |wo roullcs las| |imc lor vourrinandonccouldluvi|qui|cncwa|acwclcr`sloraroullc and a hall."Givc mc lour roullcs lor i|, I shall rcdccm i|, i| was mvla|hcr`s. I shall lc c||in somc moncv soon."A roullc and a hall, and in|crcs| in advancc, il vou likc!"A roullc and a hall!" cricd |hc voun man.Plcasc vourscll"-and |hc old woman handcd him lack|hc wa|ch.Thc voun man |ook i|, and was so anrv |ha| hc was on|hc poin| ol oin awav; lu| chcckcd himscll a| oncc, rc-mcmlcrin |ha| |hcrc was nowhcrc clsc hc could o, and|ha| hc had had ano|hcr olcc| also in comin.Hand i| ovcr," hc said rouhlv.Thc old woman lumllcd in hcr pockc| lor hcr kcvs, anddisappcarcd lchind |hc cur|ain in|o |hc o|hcr room. ThcIvodor Dos|ocvskvvoun man, lcl| s|andin alonc in |hc middlc ol |hc room,lis|cncd inquisi|ivclv, |hinkin. Hc could hcar hcr unlock-in |hc chcs| ol drawcrs.I| mus| lc |hc |op drawcr," hc rcllcc|cd. So shc carrics|hckcvsinapockc|on|hcrih|.Allinonclunchonas|ccl rin.. And |hcrc`s onc kcv |hcrc, |hrcc |imcs as lias all |hc o|hcrs, wi|h dccp no|chcs; |ha| can`| lc |hc kcv ol|hc chcs| ol drawcrs.|hcn |hcrc mus| lc somc o|hcr chcs|or s|ron-lox. |ha|`s wor|h knowin. S|ron-loxcs alwavshavc kcvs likc |ha|. lu| how dcradin i| all is."Thc old woman camc lack.Hcrc, sir: as wc sav |cn copccks |hc roullc a mon|h, soI mus| |akc lil|ccn copccks lrom a roullc and a hall lor |hcmon|h in advancc. Bu| lor |hc |wo roullcs I lcn| vou lc-lorc, vou owc mc now |wcn|v copccks on |hc samc rcck-onin in advancc. Tha| makcs |hir|v-livc copccks al|oc|hcr.SoImus|ivcvouaroullcandlil|ccncopcckslor|hcwa|ch. Hcrc i| is."Vha|! onlv a roullc and lil|ccn copccks now!"Jus| so."Thc voun man did no| dispu|c i| and |ook |hc moncv.Hc lookcd a| |hc old woman, and was in no hurrv |o c|awav, as |houh |hcrc was s|ill somc|hin hc wan|cd |o savor |o do, lu| hc did no| himscll qui|c know wha|.I mav lc lrinin vou somc|hin clsc in a dav or |wo,Alvona Ivanovna-a valuallc |hin-silvcr-a ciarc||c lox,assoonasIc|i|lacklromalricnd."hclrokcollinconlusion.Vcll, wc will |alk alou| i| |hcn, sir."Good-lvc-arc vou alwavs a| homc alonc, vour sis|cr isno| hcrc wi|h vou." Hc askcd hcr as casuallv as possillc ashc wcn| ou| in|o |hc passac.Vha| lusincss is shc ol vours, mv ood sir."Oh,no|hinpar|icular,Isimplvaskcd.Youarc|ooquick.. Good-dav, Alvona Ivanovna."Raskolnikov wcn| ou| in complc|c conlusion. This con-lusion lccamc morc and morc in|cnsc. As hc wcn| down|hcs|airs,hccvcns|oppcdshor|,|woor|hrcc|imcs,as|houh suddcnlv s|ruck lv somc |houh|. Vhcn hc was in|hc s|rcc| hc cricd ou|, Oh, God, how loa|hsomc i| all is!and can I, can I possillv.. No, i|`s nonscnsc, i|`s rullish!"hcaddcdrcsolu|clv.Andhowcouldsuchana|rociousCrimc and Punishmcn||hin comc in|o mv hcad. Vha| lil|hv |hins mv hcar| iscapallc ol. Ycs, lil|hv alovc all, disus|in, loa|hsomc, loa|h-somc!-and lor a wholc mon|h I`vc lccn.." Bu| no words,nocxclama|ions,couldcxprcsshisai|a|ion.Thclcclinol in|cnsc rcpulsion, which had lcun |o opprcss and |or-|urc his hcar| whilc hc was on his wav |o |hc old woman,hadlvnowrcachcdsuchapi|chandhad|akcnsuchadclini|c lorm |ha| hc did no| know wha| |o do wi|h himscll|o cscapc lrom his wrc|chcdncss. Hc walkcd alon |hc pavc-mcn| likc a drunkcn man, rcardlcss ol |hc passcrs-lv, andos|lin aains| |hcm, and onlv camc |o his scnscs whcn hcwas in |hc ncx| s|rcc|. Lookin round, hc no|iccd |ha| hcwas s|andin closc |o a |avcrn which was cn|crcd lv s|cpslcadin lrom |hc pavcmcn| |o |hc lascmcn|. A| |ha| ins|an||wo drunkcn mcn camc ou| a| |hc door, and alusin andsuppor|in onc ano|hcr, |hcv moun|cd |hc s|cps. Vi|hou|s|oppin |o |hink, Raskolnikov wcn| down |hc s|cps a| oncc.Till |ha| momcn| hc had ncvcr lccn in|o a |avcrn, lu| nowhclcl|iddvandwas|ormcn|cdlvalurnin|hirs|.Hcloncd lor a drink ol cold lccr, and a||rilu|cd his suddcnwcakncss |o |hc wan| ol lood. Hc sa| down a| a s|ickv li||lc|allc in a dark and dir|v corncr; ordcrcd somc lccr, andcacrlvdrankoll|hclirs|lasslul.A|oncchclcl|casicr;and his |houh|s lccamc clcar.All|ha|`snonscnsc,"hcsaidhopclullv,and|hcrcisno|hinini|all|oworrvalou|!I|`ssimplvphvsicaldc-rancmcn|. Jus| a lass ol lccr, a piccc ol drv lrcad-andin onc momcn| |hc lrain is s|roncr, |hc mind is clcarcrand |hc will is lirm! Phcw, how u||crlv pc||v i| all is!"Bu| in spi|c ol |his scornlul rcllcc|ion, hc was lv now look-in chccrlul as |houh hc wcrc suddcnlv sc| lrcc lrom a |cr-rillc lurdcn: and hc azcd round in a lricndlv wav a| |hc pcoplcin |hc room. Bu| cvcn a| |ha| momcn| hc had a dim lorclod-in |ha| |his happicr lramc ol mind was also no| normal.Thcrc wcrc lcw pcoplc a| |hc |imc in |hc |avcrn. Bcsidcs|hc|wodrunkcnmcnhchadmc|on|hcs|cps,aroupconsis|inolalou|livcmcnandairlwi|haconccr|inahadoncou|a||hcsamc|imc.Thcirdcpar|urclcl||hcroom quic| and ra|hcr cmp|v. Thc pcrsons s|ill in |hc |av-crn wcrc a man who appcarcd |o lc an ar|isan, drunk, lu|no| cx|rcmclv so, si||in lclorc a po| ol lccr, and his com-panion, a huc, s|ou| man wi|h a rcv lcard, in a shor| lull-Ivodor Dos|ocvskvskir|cd coa|. Hc was vcrv drunk: and had droppcd aslccpon |hc lcnch; cvcrv now and |hcn, hc lcan as |houh inhis slccp, crackin his lincrs, wi|h his arms widc apar| and|hc uppcr par| ol his lodv loundin alou| on |hc lcnch,whilc hc hummcd somc mcaninlcss rclrain, |rvin |orccall somc such lincs as |hcsc:His wilc a vcar hc londlv lovcdHis wilc a-a vcar hc-londlv lovcd."Or suddcnlv wakin up aain:Valkin alon |hc crowdcd rowHc mc| |hc onc hc uscd |o know."Bu| no onc sharcd his cnovmcn|: his silcn| companionlookcd wi|h posi|ivc hos|ili|v and mis|rus| a| all |hcsc mani-lcs|a|ions. Thcrc was ano|hcr man in |hc room who lookcdsomcwha| likc a rc|ircd ovcrnmcn| clcrk. Hc was si||inapar|, now and |hcn sippin lrom his po| and lookin rounda| |hc companv. Hc, |oo, appcarcd |o lc in somc ai|a|ion.CHAPTLRTVORASKOLNIKOVVASNOTISLDTOCROVDS,and,aswc said lclorc, hc avoidcd socic|v ol cvcrv sor|,morc cspcciallv ol la|c. Bu| now all a| oncc hc lcl|a dcsirc |o lc wi|h o|hcr pcoplc. Somc|hin ncw sccmcd|o lc |akin placc wi|hin him, and wi|h i| hc lcl| a sor| ol|hirs| lor companv. Hc was so wcarv al|cr a wholc mon|hol conccn|ra|cd wrc|chcdncss and loomv cxci|cmcn| |ha|hcloncd|orcs|,ilonlvloramomcn|,insomco|hcrworld, wha|cvcr i| mih| lc; and, in spi|c ol |hc lil|hincss ol|hc surroundins, hc was lad now |o s|av in |hc |avcrn. Thc mas|cr ol |hc cs|allishmcn| was in ano|hcr room, lu|hc lrcqucn|lv camc down somc s|cps in|o |hc main room,his aun|v, |arrcd loo|s wi|h rcd |urn-ovcr |ops comin in|ovicw cach |imc lclorc |hc rcs| ol his pcrson. Hc worc a lullcoa|andahorrillvrcasvllacksa|inwais|coa|,wi|hnocrava|, and his wholc lacc sccmcd smcarcd wi|h oil likc anironlock.A||hccoun|crs|oodalovolalou|lour|ccn,and |hcrc was ano|hcr lov somcwha| vouncr who handcdwha|cvcr was wan|cd. On |hc coun|cr lav somc sliccd cu-Crimc and Punishmcn|cumlcr, somc picccs ol dricd llack lrcad, and somc lish,choppcd up small, all smcllin vcrv lad. I| was insullcrallvclosc, and so hcavv wi|h |hc lumcs ol spiri|s |ha| livc min-u|cs in such an a|mosphcrc mih| wcll makc a man drunk. Thcrc arc chancc mcc|ins wi|h s|rancrs |ha| in|crcs| uslrom |hc lirs| momcn|, lclorc a word is spokcn. Such was|hc imprcssion madc on Raskolnikov lv |hc pcrson si||ina li||lc dis|ancc lrom him, who lookcd likc a rc|ircd clcrk.Thc voun man ol|cn rccallcd |his imprcssion al|crwards,andcvcnascrilcdi||oprcscn|imcn|.Hclookcdrcpca|-cdlva||hcclcrk,par|lvnodoul|lccausc|hcla||crwass|arin pcrsis|cn|lv a| him, olviouslv anxious |o cn|cr in|oconvcrsa|ion. A| |hc o|hcr pcrsons in |hc room, includin|hc |avcrn-kccpcr, |hc clcrk lookcd as |houh hc wcrc uscd|o |hcir companv, and wcarv ol i|, showin a shadc ol con-dcsccndincon|cmp|lor|hcmaspcrsonsols|a|ionandcul|urc inlcrior |o his own, wi|h whom i| would lc usclcsslorhim|oconvcrsc.Hcwasamanovcrlil|v,laldandrizzlcd,olmcdiumhcih|,ands|ou|lvluil|.Hislacc,lloa|cd lrom con|inual drinkin, was ol a vcllow, cvcn rccn-ish, |inc, wi|h swollcn cvclids ou| ol which kccn rcddishcvcslcamcdlikcli||lcchinks.Bu||hcrcwassomc|hinvcrv s|ranc in him; |hcrc was a lih| in his cvcs as |houholin|cnsclcclin-pcrhaps|hcrcwcrccvcn|houh|andin|cllicncc, lu| a| |hc samc |imc |hcrc was a lcam ol somc-|hin likc madncss. Hc was wcarin an old and hopclcsslvracd llack drcss coa|, wi|h all i|s lu||ons missin cxccp|onc,and|ha|onchchadlu||oncd,cvidcn|lvclinin|o|his las| |racc ol rcspcc|alili|v. A crumplcd shir| lron| cov-crcd wi|h spo|s and s|ains, pro|rudcd lrom his canvas wais|-coa|. Likc a clcrk, hc worc no lcard, nor mous|achc, lu|had lccn so lon unshavcn |ha| his chin lookcd likc a s|illrcvishlrush.And|hcrcwassomc|hinrcspcc|allcandlikc an ollicial alou| his manncr |oo. Bu| hc was rcs|lcss;hc rulllcd up his hair and lrom |imc |o |imc lc| his hcaddrop in|o his hands dccc|cdlv rcs|in his racd cllows on|hcs|aincdands|ickv|allc.A|las|hclookcds|raih|a|Raskolnikov, and said loudlv and rcsolu|clv:MavIvcn|urc,honourcdsir,|ocnacvouinpoli|cconvcrsa|ion. Iorasmuch as, |houh vour cx|crior wouldno| command rcspcc|, mv cxpcricncc admonishcs mc |ha|vou arc a man ol cduca|ion and no| accus|omcd |o drink-Ivodor Dos|ocvskvin.Ihavcalwavsrcspcc|cdcduca|ionwhcninconunc-|ionwi|hcnuincscn|imcn|s,andIamlcsidcsa|i|ularcounscllor in rank. Marmcladov-such is mv namc; |i|ularcounscllor. I makc lold |o inquirc-havc vou lccn in |hcscrvicc."No,Iams|udvin,"answcrcd|hcvounman,somc-wha|surpriscda||hcrandiloqucn|s|vlcol|hcspcakcrand also a| lcin so dircc|lv addrcsscd. In spi|c ol |hc mo-mcn|arvdcsirchchadus|lccnlcclinlorcompanvolanv sor|, on lcin ac|uallv spokcn |o hc lcl| immcdia|clvhis hali|ual irri|allc and uncasv avcrsion lor anv s|rancrwho approachcd or a||cmp|cd |o approach him.A s|udcn| |hcn, or lormcrlv a s|udcn|," cricd |hc clcrk.Jus| wha| I |houh|! I`m a man ol cxpcricncc, immcnsccxpcricncc, sir," and hc |appcd his lorchcad wi|h his lin-crsinscll-approval.You`vclccnas|udcn|orhavca|-|cndcdsomclcarncdins|i|u|ion!.Bu|allowmc.."Hco| up, s|acrcd, |ook up his u and lass, and sa| downlcsidc |hc voun man, lacin him a li||lc sidcwavs. Hc wasdrunk, lu| spokc llucn|lv and loldlv, onlv occasionallv los-in |hc |hrcad ol his scn|cnccs and drawlin his words. HcpounccduponRaskolnikovasrccdilvas|houhhc|oohad no| spokcn |o a soul lor a mon|h.Honourcd sir," hc lcan almos| wi|h solcmni|v, pov-cr|v is no| a vicc, |ha|`s a |ruc savin. Yc| I know |oo |ha|drunkcnncss is no| a vir|uc, and |ha| |ha|`s cvcn |rucr. Bu|lcarv,honourcdsir,lcarvisavicc.Inpovcr|vvoumav s|ill rc|ain vour inna|c nolili|v ol soul, lu| in lcarv-ncvcr-noonc.Iorlcarvamanisno|chascdou|olhuman socic|v wi|h a s|ick, hc is swcp| ou| wi|h a lroom,so as |o makc i| as humilia|in as possillc; and qui|c rih|,|oo, lorasmuch as in lcarv I am rcadv |o lc |hc lirs| |ohumilia|cmvscll.Hcncc|hcpo|-housc!Honourcdsir,amon|h ao Mr. Lclczia|nikov avc mv wilc a lca|in, andmv wilc is a vcrv dillcrcn| ma||cr lrom mc! Do vou undcr-s|and. Allow mc |o ask vou ano|hcr qucs|ion ou| ol simplccuriosi|v: havc vou cvcr spcn| a nih| on a hav larc, on|hc Ncva."No,Ihavcno|happcncd|o,"answcrcdRaskolnikov.Vha| do vou mcan."Vcll,I`vcus|comclromoncandi|`s|hclil|hnih|I`vc slcp| so.." Hc lillcd his lass, cmp|icd i| and pauscd.Crimc and Punishmcn|Bi|s ol hav wcrc in lac| clinin |o his clo|hcs and s|ickin|o his hair. I| sccmcd qui|c prolallc |ha| hc had no| un-drcsscd or washcd lor |hc las| livc davs. His hands, par|icu-larlv, wcrc lil|hv. Thcv wcrc la| and rcd, wi|h llack nails. His convcrsa|ion sccmcd |o cxci|c a cncral |houh lan-uidin|crcs|.Thclovsa||hccoun|crlcll|osnicrin.Thc innkccpcr camc down lrom |hc uppcr room, appar-cn|lvonpurposc|olis|cn|o|hclunnvlcllow"andsa|downa|ali||lcdis|ancc,vawninlazilv,lu|wi|hdini|v.Lvidcn|lv Marmcladov was a lamiliar liurc hcrc, and hchadmos|likclvacquircdhiswcakncsslorhih-llownspccchcs lrom |hc hali| ol lrcqucn|lv cn|crin in|o convcr-sa|ionwi|hs|rancrsolallsor|sin|hc|avcrn.Thishali|dcvclopsin|oancccssi|vinsomcdrunkards,andcspc-ciallvin|hoscwhoarclookcdal|crsharplvandkcp|inordcr a| homc. Hcncc in |hc companv ol o|hcr drinkcrs|hcv|rv|ous|ilv|hcmsclvcsandcvcnilpossillcol|ainconsidcra|ion.Iunnvlcllow!"pronounccd|hcinnkccpcr.Andwhvdon`| vou work, whv arcn`| vou a| vour du|v, il vou arc in|hc scrvicc."Vhv am I no| a| mv du|v, honourcd sir," Marmcladovwcn| on, addrcssin himscll cxclusivclv |o Raskolnikov, as|houh i| had lccn hc who pu| |ha| qucs|ion |o him. Vhvam I no| a| mv du|v. Docs no| mv hcar| achc |o |hink wha|a usclcss worm I am. A mon|h ao whcn Mr. Lclczia|nikovlca| mv wilc wi|h his own hands, and I lav drunk, didn`| Isullcr.Lxcuscmc,vounman,hasi|cvcrhappcncd|ovou. hm. wcll, |o pc|i|ion hopclcsslv lor a loan."Ycs, i| has. Bu| wha| do vou mcan lv hopclcsslv."Hopclcsslv in |hc lullcs| scnsc, whcn vou know lclorc-hand |ha| vou will c| no|hin lv i|. You know, lor ins|ancc,lclorchand wi|h posi|ivc ccr|ain|v |ha| |his man, |his mos|rcpu|allc and cxcmplarv ci|izcn, will on no considcra|ionivc vou moncv; and indccd I ask vou whv should hc. Iorhc knows ol coursc |ha| I shan`| pav i| lack. Irom compas-sion. Bu| Mr. Lclczia|nikov who kccps up wi|h modcrnidcas cxplaincd |hc o|hcr dav |ha| compassion is lorliddcnnowadavs lv scicncc i|scll, and |ha| |ha|`s wha| is donc nowin Lnland, whcrc |hcrc is poli|ical cconomv. Vhv, I askvou, should hc ivc i| |o mc. And vc| |houh I know lc-lorchand |ha| hc won`|, I sc| oll |o him and."Ivodor Dos|ocvskvVhv do vou o." pu| in Raskolnikov.Vcll, whcn onc has no onc, nowhcrc clsc onc can o!Iorcvcrvmanmus|havcsomcwhcrc|oo.Sincc|hcrcarc |imcs whcn onc alsolu|clv mus| o somcwhcrc! Vhcnmv own dauh|cr lirs| wcn| ou| wi|h a vcllow |ickc|, |hcn Ihad|oo.(lormvdauh|crhasavcllowpasspor|i,"hcaddcd in parcn|hcsis, lookin wi|h a ccr|ain uncasincss a||hcvounman.Noma||cr,sir,noma||cr!"hcwcn|onhurricdlv and wi|h apparcn| composurc whcn lo|h |hc lovsa| |hc coun|cr ullawcd and cvcn |hc innkccpcr smilcd-"No ma||cr, I am no| conloundcd lv |hc wain ol |hcirhcads;lorcvcrvoncknowscvcrv|hinalou|i|alrcadv,and all |ha| is sccrc| is madc opcn. And I acccp| i| all, no|wi|hcon|cmp|,lu|wi|hhumili|v.Solci|!Solci|!'Bc-hold |hc man!` Lxcusc mc, voun man, can vou.. No, |opu| i| morc s|ronlv and morc dis|inc|lv; no| can vou lu|darc vou, lookin upon mc, asscr| |ha| I am no| a pi." Thc voun man did no| answcr a word.Vcll," |hc ora|or lcan aain s|olidlv and wi|h cvcn in-crcascd dini|v, al|cr wai|in lor |hc lauh|cr in |hc room|o sulsidc. Vcll, so lc i|, I am a pi, lu| shc is a ladv! Ihavc |hc scmllancc ol a lcas|, lu| Ka|crina Ivanovna, mvspousc, is a pcrson ol cduca|ion and an olliccr`s dauh|cr.Gran|cd, ran|cd, I am a scoundrcl, lu| shc is a woman ola nollc hcar|, lull ol scn|imcn|s, rclincd lv cduca|ion. Andvc|. oh, il onlv shc lcl| lor mc! Honourcd sir, honourcdsir, vou know cvcrv man ouh| |o havc a| lcas| onc placcwhcrc pcoplc lccl lor him! Bu| Ka|crina Ivanovna, |houhshc is mananimous, shc is unus|.. And vc|, al|houh Ircalisc |ha| whcn shc pulls mv hair shc onlv docs i| ou| olpi|v-lor I rcpca| wi|hou| lcin ashamcd, shc pulls mv hair,voun man," hc dcclarcd wi|h rcdoullcd dini|v, hcarin|hc snicrin aain-"lu|, mv God, il shc would lu| oncc..Bu| no, no! I|`s all in vain and i|`s no usc |alkin! No usc|alkin! Ior morc |han oncc, mv wish did comc |ruc andmorc |han oncc shc has lcl| lor mc lu|. such is mv la|cand I am a lcas| lv na|urc!"Ra|hcr!" asscn|cd |hc innkccpcr vawnin. Marmcladovs|ruck his lis| rcsolu|clv on |hc |allc.Such is mv la|c! Do vou know, sir, do vou know, I havcsold hcr vcrv s|ockins lor drink. No| hcr shocs-|ha| wouldlc morc or lcss in |hc ordcr ol |hins, lu| hcr s|ockins,Crimc and Punishmcn|hcrs|ockinsIhavcsoldlordrink!HcrmohairshawlIsold lor drink, a prcscn| |o hcr lon ao, hcr own propcr|v,no| minc; and wc livc in a cold room and shc cauh| cold|his win|cr and has lcun couhin and spi||in llood |oo.Vc havc |hrcc li||lc childrcn and Ka|crina Ivanovna is a|work lrom mornin |ill nih|; shc is scrullin and clcaninandwashin|hcchildrcn,lorshc`slccnuscd|oclcanli-ncsslromachild.Bu|hcrchcs|iswcakandshchasa|cndcncv |o consump|ion and I lccl i|! Do vou supposc Idon`| lccl i|. And |hc morc I drink |hc morc I lccl i|. Tha|`swhv I drink |oo. I |rv |o lind svmpa|hv and lcclin in drink..I drink so |ha| I mav sullcr |wicc as much!" And as |houhin dcspair hc laid his hcad down on |hc |allc.Younman,"hcwcn|on,raisinhishcadaain,invour lacc I sccm |o rcad somc |roullc ol mind. Vhcn voucamc in I rcad i|, and |ha| was whv I addrcsscd vou a| oncc.Ior in unloldin |o vou |hc s|orv ol mv lilc, I do no| wish |omakcmvscllalauhin-s|ocklclorc|hcscidlclis|cncrs,who indccd know all alou| i| alrcadv, lu| I am lookin lora man ol lcclin and cduca|ion. Know |hcn |ha| mv wilcwascduca|cdinahih-classschoollor|hcdauh|crsolnollcmcn,andonlcavinshcdanccd|hcshawldancclclorc|hcovcrnorando|hcrpcrsonacslorwhichshcwas prcscn|cd wi|h a old mcdal and a ccr|ilica|c ol mcri|.Thc mcdal. wcll, |hc mcdal ol coursc was sold-lon ao,hm. lu| |hc ccr|ilica|c ol mcri| is in hcr |runk s|ill and no|lon ao shc showcd i| |o our landladv. And al|houh shcis mos| con|inuallv on lad |crms wi|h |hc landladv, vc| shcwan|cd |o |cll somc onc or o|hcr ol hcr pas| honours andol |hc happv davs |ha| arc onc. I don`| condcmn hcr lor i|,I don`| llamc hcr, lor |hc onc |hin lcl| hcr is rccollcc|ionol |hc pas|, and all |hc rcs| is dus| and ashcs. Ycs, vcs, shcis a ladv ol spiri|, proud and dc|crmincd. Shc scruls |hclloors hcrscll and has no|hin lu| llack lrcad |o ca|, lu|won`| allow hcrscll |o lc |rca|cd wi|h disrcspcc|. Tha|`s whvshcwouldno|ovcrlookMr.Lclczia|nikov`srudcncss|ohcr, and so whcn hc avc hcr a lca|in lor i|, shc |ook |ohcr lcd morc lrom |hc hur| |o hcr lcclins |han lrom |hcllows.ShcwasawidowwhcnImarricdhcr,wi|h|hrccchildrcn, onc smallcr |han |hc o|hcr. Shc marricd hcr lirs|husland,aninlan|rvolliccr,lorlovc,andranawavwi|hhim lrom hcr la|hcr`s housc. Shc was cxcccdinlv lond olIvodor Dos|ocvskvhcr husland; lu| hc avc wav |o cards, o| in|o |roullc andwi|h |ha| hc dicd. Hc uscd |o lca| hcr a| |hc cnd: and al-|houh shc paid him lack, ol which I havc au|hcn|ic docu-mcn|arv cvidcncc, |o |his dav shc spcaks ol him wi|h |carsandshc|hrowshimup|omc;andIamlad,Iamlad|ha|, |houh onlv in imaina|ion, shc should |hink ol hcr-scll as havin oncc lccn happv.. And shc was lcl| a| hisdca|h wi|h |hrcc childrcn in a wild and rcmo|c dis|ric| whcrcI happcncd |o lc a| |hc |imc; and shc was lcl| in such hopc-lcss povcr|v |ha|, al|houh I havc sccn manv ups and downsol all sor|, I don`| lccl cqual |o dcscrilin i| cvcn. Hcr rcla-|ions had all |hrown hcr oll. And shc was proud, |oo, cx-ccssivclvproud..And|hcn,honourcdsir,and|hcn,I,lcina||hc|imcawidowcr,wi|hadauh|crollour|ccnlcl| mc lv mv lirs| wilc, ollcrcd hcr mv hand, lor I couldno| lcar |hc sih| ol such sullcrin. You can udc |hc cx-|rcmi|v ol hcr calami|ics, |ha| shc, a woman ol cduca|ionand cul|urc and dis|inuishcd lamilv, should havc conscn|cd|o lc mv wilc. Bu| shc did! Vccpin and sollin and wrin-inhcrhands,shcmarricdmc!Iorshchadnowhcrc|o|urn!Dovouundcrs|and,sir,dovouundcrs|andwha|i|mcanswhcnvouhavcalsolu|clvnowhcrc|o|urn.No,|ha|voudon`|undcrs|andvc|..Andlorawholcvcar,Ipcrlormcdmvdu|icsconscicn|iouslvandlai|hlullv,anddid no| |ouch |his" (hc |appcd |hc u wi|h his lincri, lorIhavclcclins.Bu|cvcnso,Icouldno|plcaschcr;and|hcn I los| mv placc |oo, and |ha| |hrouh no laul| ol minclu| |hrouh chancs in |hc ollicc; and |hcn I did |ouch i|!.I| will lc a vcar and a hall ao soon sincc wc lound our-sclvcs a| las| al|cr manv wandcrins and numcrous calami-|ics in |his maniliccn| capi|al, adorncd wi|h innumcrallcmonumcn|s.HcrcIol|aincdasi|ua|ion..Iol|aincdi|andIlos|i|aain.Dovouundcrs|and.This|imci|was|hrouh mv own laul| I los| i|: lor mv wcakncss had comcou|.. Vc havc now par| ol a room a| Amalia IvodorovnaLippcvcchscl`s;andwha|wclivcuponandwha|wcpavourrcn|wi|h,Icouldno|sav.Thcrcarcalo|olpcoplclivin |hcrc lcsidcs oursclvcs. Dir| and disordcr, a pcrlcc|Bcdlam. hm. vcs. And mcanwhilc mv dauh|cr lv mvlirs| wilc has rown up; and wha| mv dauh|cr has had |opu| up wi|h lrom hcr s|cp-mo|hcr whils| shc was rowinup, I won`| spcak ol. Ior, |houh Ka|crina Ivanovna is lullCrimc and Punishmcn|olcncrouslcclins,shcisaspiri|cdladv,irri|allcandshor|-|cmpcrcd.. Ycs. Bu| i|`s no usc oin ovcr |ha|! Sonia,as vou mav wcll lancv, has had no cduca|ion. I did makc ancllor| lour vcars ao |o ivc hcr a coursc ol coraphv andunivcrsalhis|orv,lu|asIwasno|vcrvwcllupin|hoscsulcc|smvscllandwchadnosui|allclooks,andwha|looks wc had. hm, anv wav wc havc no| cvcn |hosc now,so all our ins|ruc|ion camc |o an cnd. Vc s|oppcd a| Cvrusol Pcrsia. Sincc shc has a||aincd vcars ol ma|uri|v, shc hasrcad o|hcr looks ol roman|ic |cndcncv and ol la|c shc hadrcadwi|hrca|in|crcs|alookshco||hrouhMr.Lclczia|nikov,Lcwcs`Phvsiolov-dovouknowi|.-andcvcn rccoun|cd cx|rac|s lrom i| |o us: and |ha|`s |hc wholcol hcr cduca|ion. And now mav I vcn|urc |o addrcss vou,honourcd sir, on mv own accoun| wi|h a priva|c qucs|ion.Do vou supposc |ha| a rcspcc|allc poor irl can carn muchlv honcs| work. No| lil|ccn lar|hins a dav can shc carn, ilshc is rcspcc|allc and has no spccial |alcn| and |ha| wi|h-ou| pu||in hcr work down lor an ins|an|! And wha|`s morc,Ivan Ivani|ch Klops|ock |hc civil counscllor-havc vou hcardolhim.-hasno||o|hisdavpaidhcrlor|hchall-dozcnlincnshir|sshcmadchimanddrovchcrrouhlvawav,s|ampin and rcvilin hcr, on |hc prc|cx| |ha| |hc shir| col-lars wcrc no| madc likc |hc pa||crn and wcrc pu| in askcw.And|hcrcarc|hcli||lconcshunrv..AndKa|crinaIvanovnawalkinupanddownandwrininhcrhands,hcr chccks llushcd rcd, as |hcv alwavs arc in |ha| discasc:'Hcrc vou livc wi|h us,` savs shc, 'vou ca| and drink and arckcp|warmandvoudono|hin|ohclp.`Andmuchshcc|s |o ca| and drink whcn |hcrc is no| a crus| lor |hc li||lconcs lor |hrcc davs! I was lvin a| |hc |imc. wcll, wha| ol i|!I was lvin drunk and I hcard mv Sonia spcakin (shc is acn|lc crca|urc wi|h a sol| li||lc voicc. lair hair and such apalc,|hinli||lclacci.Shcsaid:'Ka|crinaIvanovna,amIrcallv|odoa|hinlikc|ha|.`AndDarvaIran|sovna,awoman ol cvil charac|cr and vcrv wcll known |o |hc policc,had |wo or |hrcc |imcs |ricd |o c| a| hcr |hrouh |hc land-ladv.'Andwhvno|.`saidKa|crinaIvanovnawi|haccr,'vouarcsomc|hinmih|vprccious|olcsocarclulol!`Bu| don`| llamc hcr, don`| llamc hcr, honourcd sir, don`|llamc hcr! Shc was no| hcrscll whcn shc spokc, lu| drivcn|odis|rac|ionlvhcrillncssand|hccrvinol|hchunrvIvodor Dos|ocvskvchildrcn; and i| was said morc |o wound hcr |han anv|hinclsc.. Ior |ha|`s Ka|crina Ivanovna`s charac|cr, and whcnchildrcn crv, cvcn lrom huncr, shc lalls |o lca|in |hcm a|oncc. A| six o`clock I saw Sonia c| up, pu| on hcr kcrchicland hcr capc, and o ou| ol |hc room and alou| ninc o`clockshc camc lack. Shc walkcd s|raih| up |o Ka|crina Ivanovnaandshclaid|hir|vroullcson|hc|allclclorchcrinsi-lcncc. Shc did no| u||cr a word, shc did no| cvcn look a|hcr,shcsimplvpickcdupourlirccndrapdcdamcsshawl(wchavcashawl,madcoldrapdcdamcsi,pu|i|ovcr hcr hcad and lacc and lav down on |hc lcd wi|h hcrlacc |o |hc wall; onlv hcr li||lc shouldcrs and hcr lodv kcp|shuddcrin.. And I wcn| on lvin |hcrc, us| as lclorc..And |hcn I saw, voun man, I saw Ka|crina Ivanovna, in|hc samc silcncc o up |o Sonia`s li||lc lcd; shc was on hcrknccsall|hccvcninkissinSonia`slcc|,andwouldno|c| up, and |hcn |hcv lo|h lcll aslccp in cach o|hcr`s arms.|oc|hcr, |oc|hcr. vcs. and I. lav drunk."Marmcladov s|oppcd shor|, as |houh his voicc had lailcdhim. Thcn hc hurricdlv lillcd his lass, drank, and clcarcdhis |hroa|.Sincc |hcn, sir," hc wcn| on al|cr a lricl pausc-"Sincc|hcn, owin |o an unlor|una|c occurrcncc and |hrouh in-lorma|ionivcnlvcvil-in|cn|ioncdpcrsons-inallwhichDarvaIran|sovna|ookalcadinpar|on|hcprc|cx||ha|shc had lccn |rca|cd wi|h wan| ol rcspcc|-sincc |hcn mvdauh|cr Solva Scmvonovna has lccn lorccd |o |akc a vcl-low |ickc|, and owin |o |ha| shc is unallc |o o on livinwi|h us. Ior our landladv, Amalia Ivodorovna would no|hcaroli|(|houhshchadlackcdupDarvaIran|sovnalclorci and Mr. Lclczia|nikov |oo. hm.. All |hc |roullclc|wccnhimandKa|crinaIvanovnawasonSonia`sac-coun|. A| lirs| hc was lor makin up |o Sonia himscll and|hcn all ol a suddcn hc s|ood on his dini|v: 'how,` said hc,'can a hihlv cduca|cd man likc mc livc in |hc samc roomswi|h a irl likc |ha|.` And Ka|crina Ivanovna would no| lc|i|pass,shcs|ooduplorhcr.andso|ha|`showi|hap-pcncd. And Sonia comcs |o us now, mos|lv al|cr dark; shccomlor|sKa|crinaIvanovnaandivcshcrallshccan..Shc has a room a| |hc Kapcrnaumovs, |hc |ailors, shc lodcswi|h |hcm; Kapcrnaumov is a lamc man wi|h a clcl| pala|cand all ol his numcrous lamilv havc clcl| pala|cs |oo. AndCrimc and Punishmcn|his wilc, |oo, has a clcl| pala|c. Thcv all livc in onc room,lu| Sonia has hcr own, par|i|ioncd oll.. Hm. vcs. vcrvpoor pcoplc and all wi|h clcl| pala|cs. vcs. Thcn I o| upin |hc mornin, and pu| on mv ras, lil|cd up mv hands |ohcavcnandsc|oll|ohiscxccllcncvIvanAlanasvcvi|ch.His cxccllcncv Ivan Alanasvcvi|ch, do vou know him. No.Vcll,|hcn,i|`samanolGodvoudon`|know.Hciswax.wax lclorc |hc lacc ol |hc Lord; cvcn as wax mcl|c|h!.His cvcs wcrc dim whcn hc hcard mv s|orv. 'Marmcladov,oncc alrcadv vou havc dcccivcd mv cxpcc|a|ions. I`ll |akcvou oncc morc on mv own rcsponsilili|v`-|ha|`s wha| hcsaid, 'rcmcmlcr,` hc said, 'and now vou can o.` I kisscd|hc dus| a| his lcc|-in |houh| onlv, lor in rcali|v hc wouldno| havc allowcd mc |o do i|, lcin a s|a|csman and a manol modcrn poli|ical and cnlih|cncd idcas. I rc|urncd homc,and whcn I announccd |ha| I`d lccn |akcn lack in|o |hcscrvicc and should rcccivc a salarv, hcavcns, wha| a |o-do|hcrc was.!"Marmcladov s|oppcd aain in violcn| cxci|cmcn|. A| |ha|momcn| a wholc par|v ol rcvcllcrs alrcadv drunk camc inlrom |hc s|rcc|, and |hc sounds ol a hircd conccr|ina and|hc crackcd pipin voicc ol a child ol scvcn sinin ThcHamlc|" wcrc hcard in |hc cn|rv. Thc room was lillcd wi|hnoisc. Thc |avcrn-kccpcr and |hc lovs wcrc lusv wi|h |hcncw-comcrs. Marmcladov pavin no a||cn|ion |o |hc ncwarrivalscon|inucdhiss|orv.Hcappcarcdlvnow|olccx|rcmclv wcak, lu| as hc lccamc morc and morc drunk,hc lccamc morc and morc |alka|ivc. Thc rccollcc|ion olhis rcccn| succcss in c||in |hc si|ua|ion sccmcd |o rcvivchim, and was posi|ivclv rcllcc|cd in a sor| ol radiancc onhis lacc. Raskolnikov lis|cncd a||cn|ivclv.Tha| was livc wccks ao, sir. Ycs.. As soon as Ka|crinaIvanovna and Sonia hcard ol i|, mcrcv on us, i| was as |houhI s|cppcd in|o |hc kindom ol Hcavcn. I| uscd |o lc: voucan lic likc a lcas|, no|hin lu| alusc. Now |hcv wcrc walk-in on |ip|oc, hushin |hc childrcn. 'Scmvon Zaharovi|chis |ircd wi|h his work a| |hc ollicc, hc is rcs|in, shh!` Thcvmadc mc collcc lclorc I wcn| |o work and loilcd crcamlor mc! Thcv lcan |o c| rcal crcam lor mc, do vou hcar|ha|. And how |hcv manacd |o c| |oc|hcr |hc moncv lora dcccn| ou|li|-clcvcn roullcs, lil|v copccks, I can`| ucss.Boo|s, co||on shir|-lron|s-mos| maniliccn|, a unilorm, |hcvIvodor Dos|ocvskvo| up all in splcndid s|vlc, lor clcvcn roullcs and a hall.Thclirs|morninIcamclacklrom|hcolliccIloundKa|crinaIvanovnahadcookcd|wocourscslordinncr-soup and sal| mca| wi|h horsc radish-which wc had ncvcrdrcamcd ol |ill |hcn. Shc had no| anv drcsscs. nonc a| all,lu| shc o| hcrscll up as |houh shc wcrc oin on a visi|;andno||ha|shc`danv|hin|odoi|wi|h,shcsmar|cncdhcrscll up wi|h no|hin a| all, shc`d donc hcr hair nicclv,pu| on a clcan collar ol somc sor|, culls, and |hcrc shc was,qui|c a dillcrcn| pcrson, shc was vouncr and lc||cr look-in. Sonia, mv li||lc darlin, had onlv hclpcd wi|h moncv'lor |hc |imc,` shc said, 'i| won`| do lor mc |o comc and sccvou |oo ol|cn. Al|cr dark mavlc whcn no onc can scc.` Dovou hcar, do vou hcar. I lav down lor a nap al|cr dinncrand wha| do vou |hink: |houh Ka|crina Ivanovna had quar-rcllcd|o|hclas|dcrccwi|hourlandladvAmaliaIvodorovna onlv a wcck lclorc, shc could no| rcsis| |hcnaskinhcrin|ocollcc.Ior|wohours|hcvwcrcsi||in,whispcrin |oc|hcr. 'Scmvon Zaharovi|ch is in |hc scrviccaain, now, and rcccivin a salarv,` savs shc, 'and hc wcn|himscll |o his cxccllcncv and his cxccllcncv himscll camcou||ohim,madcall|hco|hcrswai|andlcdScmvonZaharovi|ch lv |hc hand lclorc cvcrvlodv in|o his s|udv.`Do vou hcar, do vou hcar. 'To lc surc,` savs hc, 'ScmvonZaharovi|ch, rcmcmlcrin vour pas| scrviccs,` savs hc, 'andin spi|c ol vour propcnsi|v |o |ha| loolish wcakncss, sinccvou promisc now and sincc morcovcr wc`vc o| on ladlvwi|hou| vou,` (do vou hcar, do vou hcar;i 'and so,` savs hc,'I rclv now on vour word as a cn|lcman.` And all |ha|, lc|mc |cll vou, shc has simplv madc up lor hcrscll, and no|simplv ou| ol wan|onncss, lor |hc sakc ol lrain; no, shclclicvcs i| all hcrscll, shc amuscs hcrscll wi|h hcr own lan-cics, upon mv word shc docs! And I don`| llamc hcr lor i|,no, I don`| llamc hcr!. Six davs ao whcn I lrouh| hcrmv lirs| carnins in lull-|wcn|v-|hrcc roullcs lor|v copccksal|oc|hcr-shccallcdmchcrpoppc|:'poppc|,`saidshc,'mvli||lcpoppc|.`Andwhcnwcwcrclvoursclvcs,vouundcrs|and. You would no| |hink mc a lcau|v, vou wouldno| |hink much ol mc as a husland, would vou.. Vcll,shc pinchcd mv chcck 'mv li||lc poppc|,` said shc."Marmcladov lrokc oll, |ricd |o smilc, lu| suddcnlv hischin lcan |o |wi|ch. Hc con|rollcd himscll howcvcr. ThcCrimc and Punishmcn||avcrn, |hc dcradcd appcarancc ol |hc man, |hc livc nih|sin|hchavlarc,and|hcpo|olspiri|s,andvc||hispoi-nan| lovc lor his wilc and childrcn lcwildcrcd his lis|cncr.Raskolnikov lis|cncd in|cn|lv lu| wi|h a sick scnsa|ion. Hclcl| vcxcd |ha| hc had comc hcrc.Honourcd sir, honourcd sir," cricd Marmcladov rccov-crin himscll-Oh, sir, pcrhaps all |his sccms a lauhinma||cr |o vou, as i| docs |o o|hcrs, and pcrhaps I am onlvworrvinvouwi|h|hcs|upidi|volall|hc|rivialdc|ailsolmv homc lilc, lu| i| is no| a lauhin ma||cr |o mc. Ior Ican lccl i| all.. And |hc wholc ol |ha| hcavcnlv dav ol mvlilc and |hc wholc ol |ha| cvcnin I passcd in llcc|in drcamsol how I would arranc i| all, and how I would drcss all |hcchildrcn, and how I should ivc hcr rcs|, and how I shouldrcscuc mv own dauh|cr lrom dishonour and rcs|orc hcr|o|hclosomolhcrlamilv..Andarca|dcalmorc..Qui|c cxcusallc, sir. Vcll, |hcn, sir (Marmcladov suddcnlvavc a sor| ol s|ar|, raiscd his hcad and azcd in|cn|lv a| hislis|cncri wcll, on |hc vcrv ncx| dav al|cr all |hosc drcams,|ha|is|osav,cxac|lvlivcdavsao,in|hccvcnin,lvacunnin |rick, likc a |hicl in |hc nih|, I s|olc lrom Ka|crinaIvanovna |hc kcv ol hcr lox, |ook ou| wha| was lcl| ol mvcarnins, how much i| was I havc loro||cn, and now looka| mc, all ol vou! I|`s |hc lil|h dav sincc I lcl| homc, and|hcv arc lookin lor mc |hcrc and i|`s |hc cnd ol mv cm-plovmcn|, and mv unilorm is lvin in a |avcrn on |hc Lvp-|ian lridc. I cxchancd i| lor |hc armcn|s I havc on. andi|`s |hc cnd ol cvcrv|hin!"Marmcladov s|ruck his lorchcad wi|h his lis|, clcnchcdhis |cc|h, closcd his cvcs and lcancd hcavilv wi|h his cllowon |hc |allc. Bu| a minu|c la|cr his lacc suddcnlv chancdand wi|h a ccr|ain assumcd slvncss and allcc|a|ion ol lra-vado, hc lanccd a| Raskolnikov, lauhcd and said:This mornin I wcn| |o scc Sonia, I wcn| |o ask hcr lora pick-mc-up! Hc-hc-hc!"You don`| sav shc avc i| |o vou." cricd onc ol |hc ncw-comcrs; hc shou|cd |hc words and wcn| oll in|o a ullaw.Thisvcrvquar|waslouh|wi|hhcrmoncv,"Marmcladovdcclarcd,addrcssinhimscllcxclusivclv|oRaskolnikov.Thir|vcopccksshcavcmcwi|hhcrownhands,hcrlas|,allshchad,asIsaw..Shcsaidno|hin,shc onlv lookcd a| mc wi|hou| a word.. No| on car|h, lu|Ivodor Dos|ocvskvup vondcr. |hcv ricvc ovcr mcn, |hcv wccp, lu| |hcv don`|llamc|hcm,|hcvdon`|llamc|hcm!Bu|i|hur|smorc,i|hur|s morc whcn |hcv don`| llamc! Thir|v copccks vcs! Andmavlc shc nccds |hcm now, ch. Vha| do vou |hink, mv dcarsir.Iornowshc`so||okccpuphcrappcarancc.I|cos|smoncv, |ha| smar|ncss, |ha| spccial smar|ncss, vou know. Dovou undcrs|and. And |hcrc`s poma|um, |oo, vou scc, shc mus|havc |hins; pc||icoa|s, s|archcd oncs, shocs, |oo, rcal aun|voncs |o show oll hcr loo| whcn shc has |o s|cp ovcr a puddlc.Do vou undcrs|and, sir, do vou undcrs|and wha| all |ha| smar|-ncss mcans. And hcrc I, hcr own la|hcr, hcrc I |ook |hir|vcopccks ol |ha| moncv lor a drink! And I am drinkin i|! AndI havc alrcadv drunk i|! Comc, who will havc pi|v on a manlikc mc, ch. Arc vou sorrv lor mc, sir, or no|. Tcll mc, sir, arcvou sorrv or no|. Hc-hc-hc!"Hcwouldhavclillcdhislass,lu||hcrcwasnodrinklcl|. Thc po| was cmp|v.Vha|arcvou|olcpi|icdlor."shou|cd|hc|avcrn-kccpcr who was aain ncar |hcm.Shou|s ol lauh|cr and cvcn oa|hs lollowcd. Thc lauh-|cr and |hc oa|hs camc lrom |hosc who wcrc lis|cnin andalsolrom|hoscwhohadhcardno|hinlu|wcrcsimplvlookin a| |hc liurc ol |hc discharcd ovcrnmcn| clcrk. To lc pi|icd! Vhv am I |o lc pi|icd." Marmcladov sud-dcnlv dcclaimcd, s|andin up wi|h his arm ou|s|rc|chcd, as|houh hc had lccn onlv wai|in lor |ha| qucs|ion.Vhv am I |o lc pi|icd, vou sav. Ycs! |hcrc`s no|hin |opi|v mc lor! I ouh| |o lc crucilicd, crucilicd on a cross,no| pi|icd! Crucilv mc, oh udc, crucilv mc lu| pi|v mc!And|hcnIwilloolmvscll|olccrucilicd,lori|`sno|mcrrv-makinIsccklu||carsand|rilula|ion!.Dovousupposc, vou |ha| scll, |ha| |his pin| ol vours has lccn swcc||o mc. I| was |rilula|ion I souh| a| |hc lo||om ol i|, |carsand |rilula|ion, and havc lound i|, and I havc |as|cd i|; lu|Hcwillpi|vusVhohashadpi|vonallmcn,Vhohasundcrs|ood all mcn and all |hins, Hc is |hc Onc. Hc |oois|hcudc.Hcwillcomcin|ha|davandHcwillask:'Vhcrc is |hc dauh|cr who avc hcrscll lor hcr cross, con-sump|ivc s|cp-mo|hcr and lor |hc li||lc childrcn ol ano|hcr.Vhcrc is |hc dauh|cr who had pi|v upon |hc lil|hv drunk-ard, hcr car|hlv la|hcr, undismavcd lv his lcas|lincss.` AndHcwillsav,'Comc|omc!Ihavcalrcadvlorivcn|hccCrimc and Punishmcn|oncc..Ihavclorivcn|hcconcc..Thvsinswhicharcmanv arc lorivcn |hcc lor |hou has| lovcd much..` Andhc will lorivc mv Sonia, Hc will lorivc, I know i|. I lcl| i|inmvhcar|whcnIwaswi|hhcrus|now!AndHcwilludcandwilllorivcall,|hcoodand|hccvil,|hcwiscand |hc mcck.. And whcn Hc has donc wi|h all ol |hcm,|hcnHcwillsummonus.'You|oocomclor|h,`Hcwillsav, 'Comc lor|h vc drunkards, comc lor|h, vc wcak oncs,comc lor|h, vc childrcn ol shamc!` And wc shall all comclor|h, wi|hou| shamc and shall s|and lclorc him. And Hcwill sav un|o us, 'Yc arc swinc, madc in |hc Imac ol |hcBcas| and wi|h his mark; lu| comc vc also!` And |hc wisconcs and |hosc ol undcrs|andin will sav, 'Oh Lord, whvdos| Thou rcccivc |hcsc mcn.` And Hc will sav, 'This iswhv I rcccivc |hcm, oh vc wisc, |his is whv I rcccivc |hcm,oh vc ol undcrs|andin, |ha| no| onc ol |hcm lclicvcd him-scll |o lc wor|hv ol |his.` And Hc will hold ou| His hands|ousandwcshalllalldownlclorchim.andwcshallwccp. and wc shall undcrs|and all |hins! Thcn wc shallundcrs|and all!. and all will undcrs|and, Ka|crina Ivanovnacvcn. shc will undcrs|and.. Lord, Thv kindom comc!"And hc sank down on |hc lcnch cxhaus|cd, and hclplcss,lookina|noonc,apparcn|lvolliviousolhissurround-ins and pluncd in dccp |houh|. His words had crca|cd accr|ain imprcssion; |hcrc was a momcn| ol silcncc; lu| soonlauh|cr and oa|hs wcrc hcard aain.Tha|`s his no|ion!"Talkcd himscll sillv!"A linc clcrk hc is!"And so on, and so on.Lc| us o, sir," said Marmcladov all a| oncc, raisin hishcad and addrcssin Raskolnikov-"comc alon wi|h mc.Kozcl`s housc, lookin in|o |hc vard. I`m oin |o Ka|crinaIvanovna-|imc I did."Raskolnikov had lor somc |imc lccn wan|in |o o andhchadmcan||ohclphim.Marmcladovwasmuchuns|cadicr on his lcs |han in his spccch and lcancd hcavilvon |hc voun man. Thcv had |wo or |hrcc hundrcd paccs|o o. Thc drunkcn man was morc and morc ovcrcomc lvdismav and conlusion as |hcv drcw ncarcr |hc housc.I|`s no| Ka|crina Ivanovna I am alraid ol now," hc mu|-|crcd in ai|a|ion-"and |ha| shc will lcin pullin mv hair.Ivodor Dos|ocvskvVha| docs mv hair ma||cr! Bo|hcr mv hair! Tha|`s wha| Isav!Indccdi|willlclc||crilshcdocslcinpullini|,|ha|`s no| wha| I am alraid ol. i|`s hcr cvcs I am alraid ol.vcs, hcr cvcs. |hc rcd on hcr chccks, |oo, lrih|cns mc.and hcr lrca|hin |oo.. Havc vou no|iccd how pcoplc in|ha| discasc lrca|hc. whcn |hcv arc cxci|cd. I am lrih|-cncdol|hcchildrcn`scrvin,|oo..IorilSoniahasno||akcn |hcm lood. I don`| know wha|`s happcncd! I don`|know! Bu| llows I am no| alraid ol.. Know, sir, |ha| suchllows arc no| a pain |o mc, lu| cvcn an cnovmcn|. In lac|I can`| c| on wi|hou| i|.. I|`s lc||cr so. Lc| hcr s|rikc mc,i|rclicvcshcrhcar|.i|`slc||crso.Thcrcis|hchousc.Thc housc ol Kozcl, |hc calinc| makcr. a Gcrman, wcll-|o-do. Lcad |hc wav!"Thcv wcn| in lrom |hc vard and up |o |hc lour|h s|orcv.Thc s|aircasc o| darkcr and darkcr as |hcv wcn| up. I| wasncarlvclcvcno`clockandal|houhinsummcrinPc|crs-lur |hcrc is no rcal nih|, vc| i| was qui|c dark a| |hc |op ol|hc s|airs.A rimv li||lc door a| |hc vcrv |op ol |hc s|airs s|ood aar. Avcrv poor-lookin room alou| |cn paccs lon was lih|cd uplvacandlc-cnd;|hcwholcoli|wasvisillclrom|hccn-|rancc. I| was all in disordcr, li||crcd up wi|h ras ol all sor|s,cspcciallvchildrcn`sarmcn|s.Across|hclur|hcs|corncrwass|rc|chcdaracdshcc|.Bchindi|prolallvwas|hclcd. Thcrc was no|hin in |hc room cxccp| |wo chairs and asolacovcrcdwi|hAmcricanlca|hcr,lullolholcs,lclorcwhichs|oodanolddcalki|chcn-|allc,unpain|cdandun-covcrcd. A| |hc cdc ol |hc |allc s|ood a smoldcrin |allow-candlc in an iron candlcs|ick. I| appcarcd |ha| |hc lamilv hada room |o |hcmsclvcs, no| par| ol a room, lu| |hcir roomwas prac|icallv a passac. Thc door lcadin |o |hc o|hcr rooms,or ra|hcr cuploards, in|o which Amalia Lippcvcchscl`s lla|was dividcd s|ood hall opcn, and |hcrc was shou|in, uproarand lauh|cr wi|hin. Pcoplc sccmcd |o lc plavin cards anddrinkin |ca |hcrc. Vords ol |hc mos| unccrcmonious kindllcw ou| lrom |imc |o |imc.Raskolnikov rcconiscd Ka|crina Ivanovna a| oncc. Shcwas a ra|hcr |all, slim and racclul woman, |crrillv cmaci-a|cd,wi|hmaniliccn|darklrownhairandwi|hahcc|icllushinhcrchccks.Shcwaspacinupanddowninhcrli||lc room, prcssin hcr hands aains| hcr chcs|; hcr lipsCrimc and Punishmcn|wcrc parchcd and hcr lrca|hin camc in ncrvous lrokcnasps. Hcr cvcs li||crcd as in lcvcr and lookcd alou| wi|haharshimmovallcs|arc.And|ha|consump|ivcandcx-ci|cdlaccwi|h|hclas|llickcrinlih|ol|hccandlc-cndplavin upon i| madc a sickcnin imprcssion. Shc sccmcd|oRaskolnikovalou||hir|vvcarsoldandwasccr|ainlvas|rancwilclorMarmcladov..Shchadno|hcard|hcmand did no| no|icc |hcm comin in. Shc sccmcd |o lc los|in |houh|, hcarin and sccin no|hin. Thc room was closc,lu|shchadno|opcncd|hcwindow;as|cnchrosclrom|hc s|aircasc, lu| |hc door on |o |hc s|airs was no| closcd.Irom |hc inncr rooms clouds ol |olacco smokc lloa|cd in,shc kcp| couhin, lu| did no| closc |hc door. Thc voun-cs| child, a irl ol six, was aslccp, si||in curlcd up on |hclloor wi|h hcr hcad on |hc sola. A lov a vcar oldcr s|oodcrvin and shakin in |hc corncr, prolallv hc had us| hada lca|in. Bcsidc him s|ood a irl ol ninc vcars old, |all and|hin,wcarina|hinandracdchcmiscwi|hanancicn|cashmcrc pclissc llun ovcr hcr larc shouldcrs, lon ou|-rown and larclv rcachin hcr knccs. Hcr arm, as |hin as as|ick, was round hcr lro|hcr`s ncck. Shc was |rvin |o com-lor| him, whispcrin somc|hin |o him, and doin all shccould|okccphimlromwhimpcrinaain.A||hcsamc|imc hcr larc dark cvcs, which lookcd larcr s|ill lrom |hc|hinncss ol hcr lrih|cncd lacc, wcrc wa|chin hcr mo|hcrwi|halarm.Marmcladovdidno|cn|cr|hcdoor,lu|droppcdonhisknccsin|hcvcrvdoorwav,pushinRaskolnikov in lron| ol him. Thc woman sccin a s|rancrs|oppcdindillcrcn|lvlacinhim,comin|ohcrscllloramomcn| and apparcn|lv wondcrin wha| hc had comc lor.Bu| cvidcn|lv shc dccidcd |ha| hc was oin in|o |hc ncx|room, as hc had |o pass |hrouh hcrs |o c| |hcrc. Takinnolur|hcrno|iccolhim,shcwalkcd|owards|hcou|crdoor |o closc i| and u||crcd a suddcn scrcam on sccin hcrhusland on his knccs in |hc doorwav.Ah!" shc cricd ou| in a lrcnzv, hc has comc lack! Thccriminal! |hc mons|cr!. And whcrc is |hc moncv. Vha|`sin vour pockc|, show mc! And vour clo|hcs arc all dillcr-cn|! Vhcrc arc vour clo|hcs. Vhcrc is |hc moncv! spcak!"And shc lcll |o scarchin him. Marmcladov sulmissivclvand olcdicn|lv hcld up lo|h arms |o lacili|a|c |hc scarch.No| a lar|hin was |hcrc.Ivodor Dos|ocvskvVhcrc`s |hc moncv." shc cricd-"Mcrcv on us, can hchavc drunk i| all. Thcrc wcrc |wclvc silvcr roullcs lcl| in|hcchcs|!"andinalurvshcscizcdhimlv|hchairanddracdhimin|o|hcroom.Marmcladovsccondcdhcrcllor|s lv mccklv crawlin alon on his knccs.And |his is a consola|ion |o mc! This docs no| hur| mc,lu|isaposi|ivccon-so-la-|ion,ho-nou-rcdsir,"hccallcdou|, shakcn |o and lro lv his hair and cvcn oncc s|rikin|hc round wi|h his lorchcad. Thc child aslccp on |hc lloorwokc up, and lcan |o crv. Thc lov in |hc corncr losin allcon|rol lcan |rcmllin and scrcamin and rushcd |o hissis|cr in violcn| |crror, almos| in a li|. Thc cldcs| irl wasshakin likc a lcal.Hc`sdrunki|!hc`sdrunki|all,"|hcpoorwomanscrcamcd in dcspair-"and his clo|hcs arc onc! And |hcvarc hunrv, hunrv!"-and wrinin hcr hands shc poin|cd|o |hc childrcn. Oh, accurscd lilc! And vou, arc vou no|ashamcd."-shc pounccd all a| oncc upon Raskolnikov-"lrom |hc |avcrn! Havc lccn drinkin wi|h him. You havclccn drinkin wi|h him, |oo! Go awav!"Thcvounmanwashas|cninawavwi|hou|u||crinaword. Thc inncr door was |hrown widc opcn and inquisi-|ivc laccs wcrc pccrin in a| i|. Coarsc lauhin laccs wi|hpipcs and ciarc||cs and hcads wcarin caps |hrus| |hcm-sclvcs in a| |hc doorwav. Iur|hcr in could lc sccn liurcsindrcssinownsllunopcn,incos|umcsolunsccmlvscan|incss, somc ol |hcm wi|h cards in |hcir hands. Thcvwcrcpar|icularlvdivcr|cd,whcnMarmcladov,dracdalou| lv his hair, shou|cd |ha| i| was a consola|ion |o him.Thcv cvcn lcan |o comc in|o |hc room; a| las| a sinis|crshrill ou|crv was hcard: |his camc lrom Amalia Lippcvcchsclhcrscllpushinhcrwavamons||hcmand|rvin|orc-s|orcordcral|crhcrownlashionandlor|hchundrcd|h|imc |o lrih|cn |hc poor woman lv ordcrin hcr wi|h coarscalusc |o clcar ou| ol |hc room ncx| dav. As hc wcn| ou|,Raskolnikov had |imc |o pu| his hand in|o his pockc|, |osna|ch up |hc coppcrs hc had rcccivcd in cxchanc lor hisroullc in |hc |avcrn and |o lav |hcm unno|iccd on |hc win-dow.Al|crwardson|hcs|airs,hcchancdhismindandwould havc onc lack.Vha| a s|upid |hin I`vc donc," hc |houh| |o himscll,|hcv havc Sonia and I wan| i| mvscll." Bu| rcllcc|in |ha| i|Crimc and Punishmcn|wouldlcimpossillc|o|akci|lacknowand|ha|inanvcasc hc would no| havc |akcn i|, hc dismisscd i| wi|h a wavcolhishandandwcn|lack|ohislodin.Soniawan|spoma|um |oo," hc said as hc walkcd alon |hc s|rcc|, andhclauhcdmalinan|lv-"suchsmar|ncsscos|smoncv..Hm! And mavlc Sonia hcrscll will lc lankrup| |o-dav, lor|hcrc is alwavs a risk, hun|in li amc. diin lor old.|hcn|hcvwouldalllcwi|hou|acrus||o-morrowcxccp|lormvmoncv.HurrahlorSonia!Vha|aminc|hcv`vcdu |hcrc! And |hcv`rc makin |hc mos| ol i|! Ycs, |hcv arcmakin |hc mos| ol i|! Thcv`vc wcp| ovcr i| and rown uscd|o i|. Man rows uscd |o cvcrv|hin, |hc scoundrcl!" Hc sank in|o |houh|.Andwha|ilIamwron,"hccricdsuddcnlval|cramomcn|`s |houh|. Vha| il man is no| rcallv a scoundrcl,man in cncral, I mcan, |hc wholc racc ol mankind-|hcnall |hc rcs| is prcudicc, simplv ar|ilicial |crrors and |hcrcarc no larricrs and i|`s all as i| should lc."CHAPTLRTHRLLHL VAKLD IP LATL ncx| dav al|cr a lrokcn slccp.Bu| his slccp had no| rclrcshcd him; hc wakcduplilious,irri|allc,ill-|cmpcrcd,andlookcdwi|h ha|rcd a| his room. I| was a |inv cuploard ol a roomalou| six paccs in lcn|h. I| had a povcr|v-s|rickcn appcar-ancc wi|h i|s dus|v vcllow papcr pcclin oll |hc walls, and i|was so low-pi|chcd |ha| a man ol morc |han avcrac hcih|wasilla|cascini|andlcl|cvcrvmomcn||ha|hcwouldknockhishcadaains||hcccilin.Thclurni|urcwasinkccpin wi|h |hc room: |hcrc wcrc |hrcc old chairs, ra|hcrrickc|v;apain|cd|allcin|hccorncronwhichlavalcwmanuscrip|s and looks; |hc dus| |ha| lav |hick upon |hcmshowcd |ha| |hcv had lccn lon un|ouchcd. A li clumsvsolaoccupicdalmos||hcwholcoloncwallandhall|hclloor spacc ol |hc room; i| was oncc covcrcd wi|h chin|z,lu| was now in ras and scrvcd Raskolnikov as a lcd. Ol-|cn hc wcn| |o slccp on i|, as hc was, wi|hou| undrcssin,wi|hou| shcc|s, wrappcd in his old s|udcn|`s ovcrcoa|, wi|hhis hcad on onc li||lc pillow, undcr which hc hcapcd up allIvodor Dos|ocvskv|hclincnhchad,clcananddir|v,lvwavolalols|cr.Ali||lc |allc s|ood in lron| ol |hc sola.I|wouldhavclccndillicul||osink|oalowcrclloldisordcr, lu| |o Raskolnikov in his prcscn| s|a|c ol mind|his was posi|ivclv arccallc. Hc had o| complc|clv awavlromcvcrvonc,likca|or|oiscini|sshcll,andcvcn|hcsih| ol |hc scrvan| irl who had |o wai| upon him and lookcdsomc|imcsin|ohisroommadchimwri|hcwi|hncrvousirri|a|ion.Hcwasin|hccondi|ion|ha|ovcr|akcssomcmonomaniacscn|irclvconccn|ra|cdupononc|hin.Hislandladv had lor |hc las| lor|nih| ivcn up scndin him inmcals,andhchadno|vc||houh|olcxpos|ula|inwi|hhcr, |houh hc wcn| wi|hou| his dinncr. Nas|asva, |hc cookand onlv scrvan|, was ra|hcr plcascd a| |hc lodcr`s moodandhadcn|irclvivcnupswccpinanddoinhisroom,onlv oncc a wcck or so shc would s|rav in|o his room wi|ha lroom. Shc wakcd him up |ha| dav.Gc|up,whvarcvouaslccp!"shccallcd|ohim.I|`spas|ninc,Ihavclrouh|vousomc|ca;willvouhavcacup. I should |hink vou`rc lairlv s|arvin."Raskolnikov opcncd his cvcs, s|ar|cd and rcconizcd Nas|asva.Irom|hclandladv,ch."hcaskcd,slowlvandwi|hasicklv lacc si||in up on |hc sola.Irom |hc landladv, indccd!"Shc sc| lclorc him hcr own crackcd |capo| lull ol wcakand s|alc |ca and laid |wo vcllow lumps ol suar lv |hc sidcol i|.Hcrc, Nas|asva, |akc i| plcasc," hc said, lumllin in hispockc|(lorhchadslcp|inhisclo|hcsiand|akinou|ahandlul ol coppcrs-run and luv mc a loal. And c| mc ali||lc sausac, |hc chcapcs|, a| |hc pork-lu|chcr`s."ThcloalI`lllc|chvou|hisvcrvminu|c,lu|wouldn`|voura|hcrhavcsomccallacsoupins|cadolsausac.I|`s capi|al soup, vcs|crdav`s. I savcd i| lor vou vcs|crdav,lu| vou camc in la|c. I|`s linc soup."Vhcn|hcsouphadlccnlrouh|,andhchadlcunuponi|,Nas|asvasa|downlcsidchimon|hcsolaandlcancha||in.Shcwasacoun|rvpcasan|-womanandavcrv |alka|ivc onc.PraskovvaPavlovnamcans|ocomplain|o|hcpoliccalou| vou," shc said.Hc scowlcd.Crimc and Punishmcn|To |hc policc. Vha| docs shc wan|."You don`| pav hcr moncv and vou won`| |urn ou| ol |hcroom. Tha|`s wha| shc wan|s, |o lc surc."Thc dcvil, |ha|`s |hc las| s|raw," hc mu||crcd, rindinhis |cc|h, no, |ha| would no| sui| mc. us| now. Shc is alool," hc addcd aloud. I`ll o and |alk |o hcr |o-dav."Iool shc is and no mis|akc, us| as I am. Bu| whv, il vouarc so clcvcr, do vou lic hcrc likc a sack and havc no|hin|o show lor i|. Onc |imc vou uscd |o o ou|, vou sav, |o|cach childrcn. Bu| whv is i| vou do no|hin now."I am doin." Raskolnikov lcan sullcnlv and rcluc|an|lv.Vha| arc vou doin."Vork."Vha| sor| ol work."I am |hinkin," hc answcrcd scriouslv al|cr a pausc.Nas|asvawasovcrcomcwi|hali|ollauh|cr.Shcwasivcn|olauh|crandwhcnanv|hinamuscdhcr,shclauhcdinaudillv,quivcrinandshakinallovcr|illshclcl| ill.Andhavcvoumadcmuchmoncvlvvour|hinkin."shc manacd |o ar|icula|c a| las|.Onc can`| o ou| |o ivc lcssons wi|hou| loo|s. And I`msick ol i|."Don`| quarrcl wi|h vour lrcad and lu||cr."Thcv pav so li||lc lor lcssons. Vha|`s |hc usc ol a lcwcoppcrs." hc answcrcd, rcluc|an|lv, as |houh rcplvin |ohis own |houh|.And vou wan| |o c| a lor|unc all a| oncc."Hc lookcd a| hcr s|ranclv.Ycs, I wan| a lor|unc," hc answcrcd lirmlv, al|cr a lricl pausc.Don`| lc in such a hurrv, vou qui|c lrih|cn mc! Shall Ic| vou |hc loal or no|."As vou plcasc."Ah, I loro|! A lc||cr camc lor vou vcs|crdav whcn vouwcrc ou|."A lc||cr. lor mc! lrom whom."I can`| sav. I avc |hrcc copccks ol mv own |o |hc pos|-man lor i|. Vill vou pav mc lack."Thcnlrini||omc,lorGod`ssakc,lrini|,"cricdRaskolnikov rca|lv cxci|cd-"ood God!"A minu|c la|cr |hc lc||cr was lrouh| him. Tha| was i|:lrom his mo|hcr, lrom |hc provincc ol R___. Hc |urncdIvodor Dos|ocvskvpalc whcn hc |ook i|. I| was a lon whilc sincc hc had rc-ccivcd a lc||cr, lu| ano|hcr lcclin also suddcnlv s|allcdhis hcar|.Nas|asva, lcavc mc alonc, lor oodncss` sakc; hcrc arcvour|hrcccopccks,lu|loroodncss`sakc,makchas|cand o!"Thc lc||cr was quivcrin in his hand; hc did no| wan| |oopcn i| in hcr prcscncc; hc wan|cd |o lc lcl| alonc wi|h |hislc||cr. Vhcn Nas|asva had onc ou|, hc lil|cd i| quicklv |ohis lips and kisscd i|; |hcn hc azcd in|cn|lv a| |hc addrcss,|hc small, slopin handwri|in, so dcar and lamiliar, ol |hcmo|hcrwhohadoncc|auh|him|orcadandwri|c.Hcdclavcd; hc sccmcd almos| alraid ol somc|hin. A| las| hcopcncdi|;i|wasa|hickhcavvlc||cr,wcihinovcr|woounccs, |wo larc shcc|s ol no|c papcr wcrc covcrcd wi|hvcrv small handwri|in.MvdcarRodva,"wro|chismo|hcr-"i|`s|womon|hssincc I las| had a |alk wi|h vou lv lc||cr which has dis|rcsscdmc and cvcn kcp| mc awakc a| nih|, |hinkin. Bu| I amsurc vou will no| llamc mc lor mv incvi|allc silcncc. Youknow how I lovc vou; vou arc all wc havc |o look |o, Douniaand I, vou arc our all, our onc hopc, our onc s|av. Vha| aricl i| was |o mc whcn I hcard |ha| vou had ivcn up |hcunivcrsi|vsomcmon|hsao,lorwan|olmcans|okccpvourscll and |ha| vou had los| vour lcssons and vour o|hcrwork! How could I hclp vou ou| ol mv hundrcd and |wcn|vroullcs a vcar pcnsion. Thc lil|ccn roullcs I scn| vou lourmon|hsaoIlorrowcd,asvouknow,onsccuri|volmvpcnsion, lrom Vassilv Ivanovi|ch Vahrushin a mcrchan| ol|his|own.Hcisakind-hcar|cdmanandwasalricndolvour la|hcr`s |oo. Bu| havin ivcn him |hc rih| |o rcccivc|hc pcnsion, I had |o wai| |ill |hc dcl| was paid oll and |ha|is onlv us| donc, so |ha| I`vc lccn unallc |o scnd vou anv-|hin all |his |imc. Bu| now, |hank God, I lclicvc I shall lcallc |o scnd vou somc|hin morc and in lac| wc mav con-ra|ula|coursclvcsonouroodlor|uncnow,olwhichIhas|cn|oinlormvou.In|hclirs|placc,wouldvouhavcucsscd, dcar Rodva, |ha| vour sis|cr has lccn livin wi|hmc lor |hc las| six wccks and wc shall no| lc scpara|cd in|hc lu|urc. Thank God, hcr sullcrins arc ovcr, lu| I will|cll vou cvcrv|hin in ordcr, so |ha| vou mav know us| howcvcrv|hin has happcncd and all |ha| wc havc hi|hcr|o con-Crimc and Punishmcn|ccalcd lrom vou. Vhcn vou wro|c |o mc |wo mon|hs ao|ha| vou had hcard |ha| Dounia had a rca| dcal |o pu| upwi|h in |hc Svidrirailovs` housc, whcn vou wro|c |ha| andaskcd mc |o |cll vou all alou| i|-wha| could I wri|c in an-swcr |o vou. Il I had wri||cn |hc wholc |ru|h |o vou, I darcsav vou would havc |hrown up cvcrv|hin and havc comc|o us, cvcn il vou had |o walk all |hc wav, lor I know vourcharac|crandvourlcclins,andvouwouldno|lc|voursis|cr lc insul|cd. I was in dcspair mvscll, lu| wha| could Ido. And, lcsidcs, I did no| know |hc wholc |ru|h mvscll|hcn. Vha| madc i| all so dillicul| was |ha| Dounia rcccivcda hundrcd roullcs in advancc whcn shc |ook |hc placc asovcrncss in |hcir lamilv, on condi|ion ol par| ol hcr salarvlcin dcduc|cd cvcrv mon|h, and so i| was impossillc |o|hrow up |hc si|ua|ion wi|hou| rcpavin |hc dcl|. This sum(nowIcancxplaini|all|ovou,mvprcciousRodvaishc|ook chicllv in ordcr |o scnd vou six|v roullcs, which vounccdcdso|crrillv|hcnandwhichvourcccivcdlromuslas|vcar.Vcdcccivcdvou|hcn,wri|in|ha||hismoncvcamc lrom Dounia`s savins, lu| |ha| was no| so, and nowI |cll vou all alou| i|, lccausc, |hank God, |hins havc sud-dcnlv chancd lor |hc lc||cr, and |ha| vou mav know howDounia lovcs vou and wha| a hcar| shc has. A| lirs| indccdMr. Svidriailov |rca|cd hcr vcrv rudclv and uscd |o makcdisrcspcc|lulandccrinrcmarksa||allc..Bu|Idon`|wan| |o o in|o all |hosc painlul dc|ails, so as no| |o worrvvou lor no|hin whcn i| is now all ovcr. In shor|, in spi|c ol|hc kind and cncrous lchaviour ol Marla Pc|rovna, Mr.Svidriailov`s wilc, and all |hc rcs| ol |hc houschold, Douniahad a vcrv hard |imc, cspcciallv whcn Mr. Svidriailov, rc-lapsin in|o his old rcimcn|al hali|s, was undcr |hc inllu-cncc ol Bacchus. And how do vou |hink i| was all cxplaincdla|cr on. Vould vou lclicvc |ha| |hc crazv lcllow had con-ccivcd a passion lor Dounia lrom |hc lcinnin, lu| hadconccalcd i| undcr a show ol rudcncss and con|cmp|. Pos-sillv hc was ashamcd and horrilicd himscll a| his own llih|vhopcs, considcrin his vcars and his lcin |hc la|hcr ol alamilv; and |ha| madc him anrv wi|h Dounia. And possi-llv, |oo, hc hopcd lv his rudc and snccrin lchaviour |ohidc|hc|ru|hlromo|hcrs.Bu|a|las|hclos|allcon|roland had |hc lacc |o makc Dounia an opcn and shamclulproposal, promisin hcr all sor|s ol induccmcn|s and ollcr-Ivodor Dos|ocvskvin,lcsidcs,|o|hrowupcvcrv|hinand|akchcr|oan-o|hcr cs|a|c ol his, or cvcn alroad. You can imainc all shcwcn||hrouh!Tolcavchcrsi|ua|iona|onccwasimpos-sillc no| onlv on accoun| ol |hc moncv dcl|, lu| also |osparc|hclcclinsolMarlaPc|rovna,whoscsuspicionswouldhavclccnarouscd;and|hcnDouniawouldhavclccn|hccauscolarup|urcin|hclamilv.Andi|wouldhavc mcan| a |crrillc scandal lor Dounia |oo; |ha| wouldhavclccnincvi|allc.Thcrcwcrcvariouso|hcrrcasonsowin |o which Dounia could no| hopc |o cscapc lrom |ha|awlul housc lor ano|hcr six wccks. You know Dounia, olcoursc; vou know how clcvcr shc is and wha| a s|ron willshc has. Dounia can cndurc a rca| dcal and cvcn in |hcmos|dillicul|cascsshchas|hclor|i|udc|omain|ainhcrlirmncss.Shcdidno|cvcnwri|c|omcalou|cvcrv|hinlorlcarolupsc||inmc,al|houhwcwcrccons|an|lvincommunica|ion.I|allcndcdvcrvuncxpcc|cdlv.MarlaPc|rovnaaccidcn|allvovcrhcardhcrhuslandimplorinDounia in |hc ardcn, and, pu||in qui|c a wron in|crprc-|a|ion on |hc posi|ion, |hrcw |hc llamc upon hcr, lclicvinhcr|olc|hccauscoli|all.Anawlulsccnc|ookplacclc|wccn |hcm on |hc spo| in |hc ardcn; Marla Pc|rovnawcn|solaras|os|rikcDounia,rcluscd|ohcaranv|hinandwasshou|ina|hcrlorawholchourand|hcnavcordcrs |ha| Dounia should lc packcd oll a| oncc |o mc ina plain pcasan|`s car|, in|o which |hcv llun all hcr |hins,hcr lincn and hcr clo|hcs, all pcll-mcll, wi|hou| loldin i|up and packin i|. And a hcavv showcr ol rain camc on,|oo, and Dounia, insul|cd and pu| |o shamc, had |o drivcwi|h a pcasan| in an opcn car| all |hc scvcn|ccn vcrs|s in|o|own. Onlv |hink now wha| answcr could I havc scn| |o |hclc||cr I rcccivcd lrom vou |wo mon|hs ao and wha| couldI havc wri||cn. I was in dcspair; I darcd no| wri|c |o vou|hc|ru|hlccauscvouwouldhavclccnvcrvunhappv,mor|ilicd and indinan|, and vc| wha| could vou do. Youcouldonlvpcrhapsruinvourscll,and,lcsidcs,Douniawould no| allow i|; and lill up mv lc||cr wi|h |rillcs whcn mvhcar| was so lull ol sorrow, I could no|. Ior a wholc mon|h|hc |own was lull ol ossip alou| |his scandal, and i| camc|osuchapass|ha|DouniaandIdarcdno|cvcno|ochurch on accoun| ol |hc con|cmp|uous looks, whispcrs,and cvcn rcmarks madc aloud alou| us. All our acquain-Crimc and Punishmcn||anccs avoidcd us, nolodv cvcn lowcd |o us in |hc s|rcc|,and I lcarn| |ha| somc shopmcn and clcrks wcrc in|cndin|oinsul|usinashamclulwav,smcarin|hca|csolourhousc wi|h pi|ch, so |ha| |hc landlord lcan |o |cll us wcmus| lcavc. All |his was sc| oin lv Marla Pc|rovna whomanacd |o slandcr Dounia and |hrow dir| a| hcr in cvcrvlamilv.Shcknowscvcrvoncin|hcncihlourhood,and|ha| mon|h shc was con|inuallv comin in|o |hc |own, andas shc is ra|hcr |alka|ivc and lond ol ossipin alou| hcrlamilv allairs and par|icularlv ol complainin |o all and cachol hcr husland-which is no| a| all rih|-so in a shor| |imcshc had sprcad hcr s|orv no| onlv in |hc |own, lu| ovcr |hcwholc surroundin dis|ric|. I| madc mc ill, lu| Dounialorc i| lc||cr |han I did, and il onlv vou could havc sccnhow shc cndurcd i| all and |ricd |o comlor| mc and chccrmc up! Shc is an ancl! Bu| lv God`s mcrcv, our sullcrinswcrc cu| shor|: Mr. Svidriailov rc|urncd |o his scnscs andrcpcn|cdand,prolallvlcclinsorrvlorDounia,hclaidlclorc Marla Pc|rovna a complc|c and unmis|akallc proolol Dounia`s innoccncc, in |hc lorm ol a lc||cr Dounia hadlccn lorccd |o wri|c and ivc |o him, lclorc Marla Pc|rovnacamc upon |hcm in |hc ardcn. This lc||cr, which rcmaincdinMr.Svidriailov`shandsal|crhcrdcpar|urc,shchadwri||cn|orcluscpcrsonalcxplana|ionsandsccrc|in|cr-vicws,lorwhichhcwascn|rca|inhcr.In|ha|lc||crshcrcproachcdhimwi|hrca|hca|andindina|ionlor|hclascncss ol his lchaviour in rcard |o Marla Pc|rovna, rc-mindin him |ha| hc was |hc la|hcr and hcad ol a lamilvand |cllin him how inlamous i| was ol him |o |ormcn| andmakc unhappv a dclcncclcss irl, unhappv cnouh alrcadv.Indccd, dcar Rodva, |hc lc||cr was so nollv and |ouchinlvwri||cn |ha| I sollcd whcn I rcad i| and |o |his dav I canno|rcadi|wi|hou||cars.Morcovcr,|hccvidcnccol|hcscr-van|s, |oo, clcarcd Dounia`s rcpu|a|ion; |hcv had sccn andknown a rca| dcal morc |han Mr. Svidriailov had himscllsupposcd-as indccd is alwavs |hc casc wi|h scrvan|s. MarlaPc|rovna was complc|clv |akcn alack, and 'aain crushcd`as shc said hcrscll |o us, lu| shc was complc|clv convinccdol Dounia`s innoccncc. Thc vcrv ncx| dav, lcin Sundav,shc wcn| s|raih| |o |hc Ca|hcdral, kncl| down and pravcdwi|h |cars |o Our Ladv |o ivc hcr s|rcn|h |o lcar |his ncw|rial and |o do hcr du|v. Thcn shc camc s|raih| lrom |hcIvodor Dos|ocvskvCa|hcdral |o us, |old us |hc wholc s|orv, wcp| li||crlv and,lullv pcni|cn|, shc cmlraccd Dounia and lcsouh| hcr |olorivc hcr. Thc samc mornin wi|hou| anv dclav, shc wcn|round |o all |hc houscs in |hc |own and cvcrvwhcrc, shcd-din |cars, shc asscr|cd in |hc mos| lla||crin |crms Dounia`sinnoccncc and |hc nolili|v ol hcr lcclins and hcr lchav-ior. Vha| was morc, shc showcd and rcad |o cvcrv onc |hclc||cr in Dounia`s own handwri|in |o Mr. Svidriailov andcvcn allowcd |hcm |o |akc copics ol i|-which I mus| sav I|hink was supcrlluous. In |his wav shc was lusv lor scvcraldavs in drivin alou| |hc wholc |own, lccausc somc pcoplchad |akcn ollcncc |hrouh prcccdcncc havin lccn ivcn|o o|hcrs. And |hcrclorc |hcv had |o |akc |urns, so |ha| incvcrv housc shc was cxpcc|cd lclorc shc arrivcd, and cv-crv onc kncw |ha| on such and such a dav Marla Pc|rovnawould lc rcadin |hc lc||cr in such and such a placc andpcoplc asscmllcd lor cvcrv rcadin ol i|, cvcn manv whohad hcard i| scvcral |imcs alrcadv lo|h in |hcir own houscsand in o|hcr pcoplc`s. In mv opinion a rca| dcal, a vcrvrca|dcalolall|hiswasunncccssarv;lu||ha|`sMarlaPc|rovna`s charac|cr. Anvwav shc succccdcd in complc|clvrc-cs|allishin Dounia`s rcpu|a|ion and |hc wholc inominvol |his allair rcs|cd as an indclillc disracc upon hcr hus-land, as |hc onlv pcrson |o llamc, so |ha| I rcallv lcan |olccl sorrv lor him; i| was rcallv |rca|in |hc crazv lcllow |ooharshlv.Dounia was a| oncc askcd |o ivc lcssons in scvcral lami-lics, lu| shc rcluscd. All ol a suddcn cvcrv onc lcan |o|rca| hcr wi|h markcd rcspcc| and all |his did much |o lrinalou| |hc cvcn| lv which, onc mav sav, our wholc lor|uncsarcnow|ranslormcd.Youmus|know,dcarRodva,|ha|Dounia has a sui|or and |ha| shc has alrcadv conscn|cd |omarrvhim.Ihas|cn|o|cllvouallalou||hcma||cr,and|houh i| has lccn arrancd wi|hou| askin vour conscn|, I|hink vou will no| lc aricvcd wi|h mc or wi|h vour sis|cron |ha| accoun|, lor vou will scc |ha| wc could no| wai| andpu| oll our dccision |ill wc hcard lrom vou. And vou couldno|havcudcdall|hclac|swi|hou|lcinon|hcspo|.This was how i| happcncd. Hc is alrcadv ol |hc rank ol acounscllor, Pvo|r Pc|rovi|ch Luzhin, and is dis|an|lv rcla|cd|oMarlaPc|rovna,whohaslccnvcrvac|ivcinlrinin|hc ma|ch alou|. I| lcan wi|h his cxprcssin |hrouh hcrCrimc and Punishmcn|his dcsirc |o makc our acquain|ancc. Hc was propcrlv rc-ccivcd, drank collcc wi|h us and |hc vcrv ncx| dav hc scn|us a lc||cr in which hc vcrv cour|couslv madc an ollcr andlccd lor a spccdv and dccidcd answcr. Hc is a vcrv lusvmanandisinarca|hurrv|oc||oPc|crslur,so|ha|cvcrvmomcn|isprccious|ohim.A|lirs|,olcoursc,wcwcrcrca|lvsurpriscd,asi|hadallhappcncdsoquicklvand uncxpcc|cdlv. Vc |houh| and |alkcd i| ovcr |hc wholcdav. Hc is a wcll-|o-do man, |o lc dcpcndcd upon, hc has|wo pos|s in |hc ovcrnmcn| and has alrcadv madc his lor-|unc. I| is |ruc |ha| hc is lor|v-livc vcars old, lu| hc is ol alairlv prcposscssin appcarancc and mih| s|ill lc |houh|a||rac|ivclvwomcn,andhcisal|oc|hcravcrvrcspcc|-allcandprcscn|allcman,onlvhcsccmsali||lcmoroscandsomcwha|concci|cd.Bu|possillv|ha|mavonlvlc|hcimprcssionhcmakcsa|lirs|sih|.Andlcwarc,dcarRodva, whcn hc comcs |o Pc|crslur, as hc shor|lv will do,lcwarc ol udin him |oo has|ilv and scvcrclv, as vour wavis, il |hcrc is anv|hin vou do no| likc in him a| lirs| sih|. Iivc vou |his warnin, al|houh I lccl surc |ha| hc will makca lavourallc imprcssion upon vou. Morcovcr, in ordcr |oundcrs|and anv man onc mus| lc dclilcra|c and carclul |oavoidlorminprcudiccsandmis|akcnidcas,whicharcvcrv dillicul| |o corrcc| and c| ovcr al|crwards. And Pvo|rPc|rovi|ch, udin lv manv indica|ions, is a |horouhlvcs|imallc man. A| his lirs| visi|, indccd, hc |old us |ha| hcwas a prac|ical man, lu| s|ill hc sharcs, as hc cxprcsscd i|,manv ol |hc convic|ions 'ol our mos| risin cncra|ion` andhc is an opponcn| ol all prcudiccs. Hc said a ood dcalmorc,lorhcsccmsali||lcconcci|cdandlikcs|olclis-|cncd |o, lu| |his is scarcclv a vicc. I, ol coursc, undcrs|oodvcrv li||lc ol i|, lu| Dounia cxplaincd |o mc |ha|, |houh hcis no| a man ol rca| cduca|ion, hc is clcvcr and sccms |olc ood-na|urcd. You know vour sis|cr`s charac|cr, Rodva.Shcisarcsolu|c,scnsillc,pa|icn|andcncrousirl,lu|shc has a passiona|c hcar|, as I know vcrv wcll. Ol coursc,|hcrcisnorca|lovcci|hcronhissidc,oronhcrs,lu|Dounia is a clcvcr irl and has |hc hcar| ol an ancl, andwill makc i| hcr du|v |o makc hcr husland happv who onhis sidc will makc hcr happincss his carc. Ol |ha| wc havcno ood rcason |o doul|, |houh i| mus| lc admi||cd |hcma||crhaslccnarrancdinrca|has|c.BcsidcshcisaIvodor Dos|ocvskvman ol rca| prudcncc and hc will scc, |o lc surc, ol him-scll,|ha|hisownhappincsswilllc|hcmorcsccurc,|hchappicrDouniaiswi|hhim.Andaslorsomcdclcc|solcharac|cr, lor somc hali|s and cvcn ccr|ain dillcrcnccs olopinion-which indccd arc incvi|allc cvcn in |hc happics|marriacs-Dounia has said |ha|, as rcards all |ha|, shc rc-licsonhcrscll,|ha||hcrcisno|hin|olcuncasvalou|,and |ha| shc is rcadv |o pu| up wi|h a rca| dcal, il onlv |hcirlu|urc rcla|ionship can lc an honourallc and s|raih|lor-wardonc.Hcs|ruckmc,lorins|ancc,a|lirs|,asra|hcralrup|, lu| |ha| mav wcll comc lrom his lcin an ou|spo-kcn man, and |ha| is no doul| how i| is. Ior ins|ancc, a| hissccond visi|, al|cr hc had rcccivcd Dounia`s conscn|, in |hccourscolconvcrsa|ion,hcdcclarcd|ha|lclorcmakinDounia`s acquain|ancc, hc had madc up his mind |o marrva irl ol ood rcpu|a|ion, wi|hou| dowrv and, alovc all, oncwho had cxpcricnccd povcr|v, lccausc, as hc cxplaincd, amanouh|no||olcindcl|cd|ohiswilc,lu||ha|i|islc||cr lor a wilc |o look upon hcr husland as hcr lcnclac-|or.Imus|add|ha|hccxprcsscdi|morcnicclvandpo-li|clv |han I havc donc, lor I havc loro||cn his ac|ual phrascsand onlv rcmcmlcr |hc mcanin. And, lcsidcs, i| was ol-viouslvno|saidoldcsin,lu|slippcdou|in|hchca|olconvcrsa|ion, so |ha| hc |ricd al|crwards |o corrcc| himscllandsmoo|hi|ovcr,lu|all|hcsamci|dids|rikcmcassomcwha|rudc,andIsaidsoal|crwards|oDounia.Bu|Dounia was vcxcd, and answcrcd |ha| 'words arc no| dccds,`and |ha|, ol coursc, is pcrlcc|lv |ruc. Dounia did no| slccpall nih| lclorc shc madc up hcr mind, and, |hinkin |ha| Iwasaslccp,shco|ou|ollcdandwaswalkinupanddown |hc room all nih|; a| las| shc kncl| down lclorc |hcikon and pravcd lon and lcrvcn|lv and in |hc mornin shc|old mc |ha| shc had dccidcd.Ihavcmcn|ioncdalrcadv|ha|Pvo|rPc|rovi|chisus|sc||in oll lor Pc|crslur, whcrc hc has a rca| dcal ol lusi-ncss,andhcwan|s|oopcnalcallurcau.Hchaslccnoccupicd lor manv vcars in conduc|in civil and commcr-cial li|ia|ion, and onlv |hc o|hcr dav hc won an impor|an|casc. Hc has |o lc in Pc|crslur lccausc hc has an impor-|an| casc lclorc |hc Scna|c. So, Rodva dcar, hc mav lc ol|hc rca|cs| usc |o vou, in cvcrv wav indccd, and Douniaand I havc arccd |ha| lrom |his vcrv dav vou could dcli-Crimc and Punishmcn|ni|clv cn|cr upon vour carccr and mih| considcr |ha| vourlu|urc is markcd ou| and assurcd lor vou. Oh, il onlv |hiscomcs |o pass! This would lc such a lcncli| |ha| wc couldonlvlookuponi|asaprovidcn|ialllcssin.Douniaisdrcamin ol no|hin clsc. Vc havc cvcn vcn|urcd alrcadv|o drop a lcw words on |hc sulcc| |o Pvo|r Pc|rovi|ch. Hcwas cau|ious in his answcr, and said |ha|, ol coursc, as hccould no| c| on wi|hou| a sccrc|arv, i| would lc lc||cr |olc pavin a salarv |o a rcla|ion |han |o a s|rancr, il onlv |hclormcr wcrc li||cd lor |hc du|ics (as |houh |hcrc could lcdoul| ol vour lcin li||cd!i lu| |hcn hc cxprcsscd doul|swhc|hcr vour s|udics a| |hc univcrsi|v would lcavc vou |imclorworka|hisollicc.Thcma||crdroppcdlor|hc|imc,lu| Dounia is |hinkin ol no|hin clsc now. Shc has lccnin a sor| ol lcvcr lor |hc las| lcw davs, and has alrcadv madca rcular plan lor vour lccomin in |hc cnd an associa|candcvcnapar|ncrinPvo|rPc|rovi|ch`slusincss,whichmih| wcll lc, sccin |ha| vou arc a s|udcn| ol law. I am incomplc|c arccmcn| wi|h hcr, Rodva, and sharc all hcr plansand hopcs, and |hink |hcrc is cvcrv prolalili|v ol rcalisin|hcm. And in spi|c ol Pvo|r Pc|rovi|ch`s cvasivcncss, vcrvna|ural a| prcscn|, (sincc hc docs no| know voui Dounia islirmlv pcrsuadcd |ha| shc will ain cvcrv|hin lv hcr oodinllucnccovcrhcrlu|urchusland;|hisshcisrcckoninupon. Ol coursc wc arc carclul no| |o |alk ol anv ol |hcscmorc rcmo|c plans |o Pvo|r Pc|rovi|ch, cspcciallv ol vourlccomin his par|ncr. Hc is a prac|ical man and mih| |akc|his vcrv coldlv, i| mih| all sccm |o him simplv a dav-drcam.Nor has ci|hcr Dounia or I lrca|hcd a word |o him ol |hcrca| hopcs wc havc ol his hclpin us |o pav lor vour uni-vcrsi|v s|udics; wc havc no| spokcn ol i| in |hc lirs| placc,lccausc i| will comc |o pass ol i|scll, la|cr on, and hc willno doul| wi|hou| was|in words ollcr |o do i| ol himscll,(as |houh hc could rclusc Dounia |ha|i |hc morc rcadilvsincc vou mav lv vour own cllor|s lccomc his rih| handin |hc ollicc, and rcccivc |his assis|ancc no| as a chari|v, lu|as a salarv carncd lv vour own work. Dounia wan|s |o ar-ranc i| all likc |his and I qui|c arcc wi|h hcr. And wc havcno|spokcnolourplanslorano|hcrrcason,|ha|is,lc-causc I par|icularlv wan|cd vou |o lccl on an cqual loo|inwhcn vou lirs| mcc| him. Vhcn Dounia spokc |o him wi|hcn|husiasm alou| vou, hc answcrcd |ha| onc could ncvcrIvodor Dos|ocvskvudc ol a man wi|hou| sccin him closc, lor oncscll, and|ha| hc lookcd lorward |o lormin his own opinion whcnhc makcs vour acquain|ancc. Do vou know, mv prcciousRodva, I |hink |ha| pcrhaps lor somc rcasons (no|hin |odo wi|h Pvo|r Pc|rovi|ch |houh, simplv lor mv own pcr-sonal, pcrhaps old-womanish, lancicsi I should do lc||cr|o o on livin lv mvscll, apar|, |han wi|h |hcm, al|cr |hcwcddin. I am convinccd |ha| hc will lc cncrous and dcli-ca|c cnouh |o invi|c mc and |o urc mc |o rcmain wi|h mvdauh|cr lor |hc lu|urc, and il hc has said no|hin alou| i|hi|hcr|o, i| is simplv lccausc i| has lccn |akcn lor ran|cd;lu| I shall rclusc. I havc no|iccd morc |han oncc in mv lilc|ha| huslands don`| qui|c c| on wi|h |hcir mo|hcrs-in-law,and I don`| wan| |o lc |hc lcas| li| in anv onc`s wav, and lormv own sakc, |oo, would ra|hcr lc qui|c indcpcndcn|, solon as I havc a crus| ol lrcad ol mv own, and such chil-drcn as vou and Dounia. Il possillc, I would sc||lc somc-whcrcncarvou,lor|hcmos|ovlulpicccolncws,dcarRodva, I havc kcp| lor |hc cnd ol mv lc||cr: know |hcn, mvdcarlov,|ha|wcmav,pcrhaps,lcall|oc|hcrinavcrvshor| |imc and mav cmlracc onc ano|hcr aain al|cr a scpa-ra|ionolalmos||hrccvcars!I|issc||lcdlorccr|ain|ha|Dounia and I arc |o sc| oll lor Pc|crslur, cxac|lv whcn Idon`| know, lu| vcrv, vcrv soon, possillv in a wcck. I| alldcpcnds on Pvo|r Pc|rovi|ch who will lc| us know whcn hchas had |imc |o look round him in Pc|crslur. To sui| hisown arrancmcn|s hc is anxious |o havc |hc ccrcmonv assoonaspossillc,cvcnlclorc|hclas|olOurLadv,ili|could lc manacd, or il |ha| is |oo soon |o lc rcadv, immc-dia|clv al|cr. Oh, wi|h wha| happincss I shall prcss vou |omv hcar|! Dounia is all cxci|cmcn| a| |hc ovlul |houh| olsccinvou,shcsaidoncdavinokc|ha|shcwouldlcrcadv|omarrvPvo|rPc|rovi|chlor|ha|alonc.Shcisanancl! Shc is no| wri|in anv|hin |o vou now, and has onlv|old mc |o wri|c |ha| shc has so much, so much |o |cll vou|ha| shc is no| oin |o |akc up hcr pcn now, lor a lcw lincswould |cll vou no|hin, and i| would onlv mcan upsc||inhcrscll; shc lids mc scnd vou hcr lovc and innumcrallckisscs. Bu| al|houh wc shall lc mcc|in so soon, pcrhapsI shall scnd vou as much moncv as I can in a dav or |wo.Now |ha| cvcrv onc has hcard |ha| Dounia is |o marrv Pvo|rPc|rovi|ch, mv crcdi| has suddcnlv improvcd and I knowCrimc and Punishmcn||ha| Alanasv Ivanovi|ch will |rus| mc now cvcn |o scvcn|v-livc roullcs on |hc sccuri|v ol mv pcnsion, so |ha| pcrhapsI shall lc allc |o scnd vou |wcn|v-livc or cvcn |hir|v roullcs.I would scnd vou morc, lu| I am uncasv alou| our |ravcl-lin cxpcnscs; lor |houh Pvo|r Pc|rovi|ch has lccn so kindas |o undcr|akc par| ol |hc cxpcnscs ol |hc ourncv, |ha| is|o sav, hc has |akcn upon himscll |hc convcvancc ol ourlas and li |runk (which will lc convcvcd |hrouh somcacquain|anccs ol hisi, wc mus| rcckon upon somc cxpcnscson our arrival in Pc|crslur, whcrc wc can`| lc lcl| wi|hou|a hallpcnnv, a| lcas| lor |hc lirs| lcw davs.Bu| wc havc calcula|cd i| all, Dounia and I, |o |hc las| pcnnv,and wc scc |ha| |hc ourncv will no| cos| vcrv much. I| isonlv ninc|v vcrs|s lrom us |o |hc railwav and wc havc comc|o an arccmcn| wi|h a drivcr wc know, so as |o lc in rcadi-ncss; and lrom |hcrc Dounia and I can |ravcl qui|c com-lor|allv |hird class. So |ha| I mav vcrv likclv lc allc |o scnd|ovouno||wcn|v-livc,lu||hir|vroullcs.Bu|cnouh;Ihavc covcrcd |wo shcc|s alrcadv and |hcrc is no spacc lcl|lor morc; our wholc his|orv, lu| so manv cvcn|s havc hap-pcncd! And now, mv prccious Rodva, I cmlracc vou andscndvouamo|hcr`sllcssin|illwcmcc|.LovcDouniavoursis|cr,Rodva;lovchcrasshclovcsvouandundcr-s|and |ha| shc lovcs vou lcvond cvcrv|hin, morc |han hcr-scll. Shc is an ancl and vou, Rodva, vou arc cvcrv|hin |ous-ouronchopc,ouroncconsola|ion.Ilonlvvouarchappv,wcshalllchappv.Dovous|illsavvourpravcrs,Rodva,andlclicvcin|hcmcrcvolourCrca|orandourRcdccmcr. I am alraid in mv hcar| |ha| vou mav havc lccnvisi|cd lv |hc ncw spiri| ol inlidcli|v |ha| is alroad |o-dav! Ili| is so, I prav lor vou. Rcmcmlcr, dcar lov, how in vourchildhood,whcnvourla|hcrwaslivin,vouuscd|olispvourpravcrsa|mvkncc,andhowhappvwcallwcrcin|hoscdavs.Good-lvc,|illwcmcc||hcn-Icmlraccvouwarmlv, warmlv, wi|h manv kisscs.Yours |ill dca|h1aI.I.zIu 1u.IInII."

ALMOSTIROMTHLIIRST,whilchcrcad|hclc||cr,Raskolnikov`s lacc was wc| wi|h |cars; lu| whcn hc linishcdIvodor Dos|ocvskvi|, his lacc was palc and dis|or|cd and a li||cr, wra|hlul andmalinan| smilc was on his lips. Hc laid his hcad down onhis |hrcadlarc dir|v pillow and pondcrcd, pondcrcd a lon|imc. His hcar| was lca|in violcn|lv, and his lrain was in a|urmoil. A| las| hc lcl| crampcd and s|illcd in |hc li||lc vcl-low room |ha| was likc a cuploard or a lox. His cvcs andhismindcravcdlorspacc.Hc|ookuphisha|andwcn|ou|,|his|imcwi|hou|drcadolmcc|inanvonc;hchadloro||cnhisdrcad.Hc|urncdin|hcdircc|ionol|hcVassilvcvskv Os|rov, walkin alon Vassilvcvskv Prospcc|,as |houh has|cnin on somc lusincss, lu| hc walkcd, ashis hali| was, wi|hou| no|icin his wav, mu||crin and cvcnspcakinaloud|ohimscll,|o|hcas|onishmcn|ol|hcpasscrs-lv. Manv ol |hcm |ook him |o lc drunk.CHAPTLRIOIRHIS MOTHLR`S LLTTLR had lccn a |or|urc |o him,lu| as rcards |hc chicl lac| in i|, hc had lcl| no|oncmomcn|`shcsi|a|ion,cvcnwhils|hcwasrcadin |hc lc||cr. Thc csscn|ial qucs|ion was sc||lcd, andirrcvocallvsc||lcd,inhismind:Ncvcrsuchamarriacwhilc I am alivc and Mr. Luzhin lc damncd;" Thc |hinis pcrlcc|lv clcar," hc mu||crcd |o himscll, wi|h a malinan|smilc an|icipa|in |hc |riumph ol his dccision. No, mo|hcr,no, Dounia, vou won`| dcccivc mc! and |hcn |hcv apoloisclor no| askin mv advicc and lor |akin |hc dccision wi|h-ou| mc! I darc sav! Thcv imainc i| is arrancd now andcan`| lc lrokcn oll; lu| wc will scc whc|hcr i| can or no|! Amaniliccn| cxcusc: 'Pvo|r Pc|rovi|ch is such a lusv man|ha|cvcnhiswcddinhas|olcinpos|-has|c,almos|lvcxprcss.` No, Dounia, I scc i| all and I know wha| vou wan||o sav |o mc; and I know |oo wha| vou wcrc |hinkin alou|,whcnvouwalkcdupanddownallnih|,andwha|vourpravcrs wcrc likc lclorc |hc Holv Mo|hcr ol Kazan whos|andsinmo|hcr`slcdroom.Bi||cris|hcasccn||oGolo|ha..Hm.soi|islinallvsc||lcd;vouhavcdc|cr-mincd|omarrvascnsillclusincssman,Avdo|vaRomanovna, onc who has a lor|unc (has alrcadv madc hislor|unc, |ha| is so much morc solid and imprcssivci a manwho holds |wo ovcrnmcn| pos|s and who sharcs |hc idcasol our mos| risin cncra|ion, as mo|hcr wri|cs, and whoCrimc and Punishmcn|sccms |o lc kind, as Dounia hcrscll olscrvcs. Tha| sccmslca|s cvcrv|hin! And |ha| vcrv Dounia lor |ha| vcrv 'sccms`is marrvin him! Splcndid! splcndid!.Bu| I should likc |o know whv mo|hcr has wri||cn |omc alou| 'our mos| risin cncra|ion`. Simplv as a dcscrip-|ivc |ouch, or wi|h |hc idca ol prcposscssin mc in lavourol Mr. Luzhin. Oh, |hc cunnin ol |hcm! I should likc |oknowonc|hinmorc:howlar|hcvwcrcopcnwi|honcano|hcr |ha| dav and nih| and all |his |imc sincc. Vas i|all pu| in|o words, or did lo|h undcrs|and |ha| |hcv had |hcsamc |hin a| hcar| and in |hcir minds, so |ha| |hcrc was nonccd|ospcakoli|aloud,andlc||crno||ospcakoli|.Mos| likclv i| was par|lv likc |ha|, lrom mo|hcr`s lc||cr i|`scvidcn|: hc s|ruck hcr as rudc a li||lc, and mo|hcr in hcrsimplici|v |ook hcr olscrva|ions |o Dounia. And shc wassurc |o lc vcxcd and 'answcrcd hcr anrilv.` I should |hinkso!Vhowouldno|lcancrcdwhcni|wasqui|cclcarwi|hou|anvnaivcqucs|ionsandwhcni|wasundcrs|ood|ha| i| was usclcss |o discuss i|. And whv docs shc wri|c |omc,'lovcDounia,Rodva,andshclovcsvoumorc|hanhcrscll`.Hasshcasccrc|conscicncc-pricka|sacrilicinhcr dauh|cr |o hcr son. 'You arc our onc comlor|, vouarc cvcrv|hin |o us.` Oh, mo|hcr!"Hisli||crncssrcwmorcandmorcin|cnsc,andilhchad happcncd |o mcc| Mr. Luzhin a| |hc momcn|, hc mih|havc murdcrcd him.Hm. vcs, |ha|`s |ruc," hc con|inucd, pursuin |hc whirl-in idcas |ha| chascd cach o|hcr in his lrain, i| is |ruc |ha|'i| nccds |imc and carc |o c| |o know a man,` lu| |hcrc isno mis|akc alou| Mr. Luzhin. Thc chicl |hin is hc is 'aman ol lusincss and sccms kind,` |ha| was somc|hin, wasn`|i|, |o scnd |hc las and li lox lor |hcm! A kind man, nodoul| al|cr |ha|! Bu| his lridc and hcr mo|hcr arc |o drivcinapcasan|`scar|covcrcdwi|hsackin(Iknow,Ihavclccn drivcn in i|i. No ma||cr! I| is onlv ninc|v vcrs|s and|hcn|hcvcan'|ravclvcrvcomlor|allv,|hirdclass,`lora|housand vcrs|s! Qui|c rih|, |oo. Onc mus| cu| onc`s coa|accordin |o onc`s clo|h, lu| wha| alou| vou, Mr. Luzhin.Shc is vour lridc.. And vou mus| lc awarc |ha| hcr mo|hcrhas |o raisc moncv on hcr pcnsion lor |hc ourncv. To lcsurc i|`s a ma||cr ol lusincss, a par|ncrship lor mu|ual lcn-cli|, wi|h cqual sharcs and cxpcnscs;-lood and drink pro-Ivodor Dos|ocvskvvidcd, lu| pav lor vour |olacco. Thc lusincss man has o||hc lc||cr ol |hcm, |oo. Thc luac will cos| lcss |han |hcirlarcsandvcrvlikclvolorno|hin.Howisi||ha||hcvdon`| lo|h scc all |ha|, or is i| |ha| |hcv don`| wan| |o scc.And|hcvarcplcascd,plcascd!And|o|hink|ha||hisisonlv |hc lirs| llossomin, and |ha| |hc rcal lrui|s arc |o comc!Bu| wha| rcallv ma||crs is no| |hc s|inincss, is no| |hc mcan-ncss, lu| |hc |onc ol |hc wholc |hin. Ior |ha| will lc |hc|onc al|cr marriac, i|`s a lorc|as|c ol i|. And mo|hcr |oo,whvshouldshclcsolavish.Vha|willshchavclv|hc|imcshcc|s|oPc|crslur.Thrccsilvcrroullcsor|wo'papcroncs`asshcsavs..|ha||docs shc cxpcc| |o livc upon in Pc|crslur al|crwards. Shchas hcr rcasons alrcadv lor ucssin |ha| shc could no| livcwi|hDouniaal|cr|hcmarriac,cvcnlor|hclirs|lcwmon|hs. Thc ood man has no doul| lc| slip somc|hin on|ha|sulcc|also,|houhmo|hcrwoulddcnvi|:'Ishallrclusc,` savs shc. On whom is shc rcckonin |hcn. Is shccoun|in on wha| is lcl| ol hcr hundrcd and |wcn|v roullcsolpcnsionwhcnAlanasvIvanovi|ch`sdcl|ispaid.Shckni|s woollcn shawls and cmlroidcrs culls, ruinin hcr oldcvcs. And all hcr shawls don`| add morc |han |wcn|v roullcsa vcar |o hcr hundrcd and |wcn|v, I know |ha|. So shc isluildin all hcr hopcs all |hc |imc on Mr. Luzhin`s cncr-osi|v;'hcwillollcri|olhimscll,hcwillprcssi|onmc.`You mav wai| a lon |imc lor |ha|! Tha|`s how i| alwavs iswi|h |hcsc Schillcrcsquc nollc hcar|s; |ill |hc las| momcn|cvcrv oosc is a swan wi|h |hcm, |ill |hc las| momcn|, |hcvhopc lor |hc lcs| and will scc no|hin wron, and al|houh|hcvhavcaninklinol|hco|hcrsidcol|hcpic|urc,vc||hcvwon`|lacc|hc|ru|h|ill|hcvarclorccd|o;|hcvcrv|houh| ol i| makcs |hcm shivcr; |hcv |hrus| |hc |ru|h awavwi|h lo|h hands, un|il |hc man |hcv dcck ou| in lalsc colourspu|s a lool`s cap on |hcm wi|h his own hands. I should likc|o know whc|hcr Mr. Luzhin has anv ordcrs ol mcri|; I lc|hc has |hc Anna in his lu||onholc and |ha| hc pu|s i| onwhcnhcocs|odincwi|hcon|rac|orsormcrchan|s.Hcwill lc surc |o havc i| lor his wcddin, |oo! Lnouh ol him,conlound him!Vcll,.mo|hcrIdon`|wondcra|,i|`slikchcr,Godllcsshcr,lu|howcouldDounia.Dounia,darlin,as|houh I did no| know vou! You wcrc ncarlv |wcn|v whcnCrimc and Punishmcn|I saw vou las|: I undcrs|ood vou |hcn. Mo|hcr wri|cs |ha|'Douniacanpu|upwi|harca|dcal.`Iknow|ha|vcrvwcll. I kncw |ha| |wo vcars and a hall ao, and lor |hc las||wo and a hall vcars I havc lccn |hinkin alou| i|, |hinkinol us| |ha|, |ha| 'Dounia can pu| up wi|h a rca| dcal.` Ilshc could pu| up wi|h Mr. Svidriailov and all |hc rcs| ol i|,shc ccr|ainlv can pu| up wi|h a rca| dcal. And now mo|hcrand shc havc |akcn i| in|o |hcir hcads |ha| shc can pu| upwi|h Mr. Luzhin, who propounds |hc |hcorv ol |hc supcri-ori|v ol wivcs raiscd lrom dcs|i|u|ion and owin cvcrv|hin|o |hcir husland`s loun|v-who propounds i|, |oo, almos|a| |hc lirs| in|crvicw. Gran|cd |ha| hc 'lc| i| slip,` |houh hcis a scnsillc man, (vc| mavlc i| was no| a slip a| all, lu| hcmcan||omakchimscllclcarassoonasposs