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Page 1: Futuring in the year 2100 by Glen Hiemstra,
Page 2: Futuring in the year 2100 by Glen Hiemstra,

what is your image of the future...of futuring?

Page 3: Futuring in the year 2100 by Glen Hiemstra,

To help prepare this program I polled members of the Association of Professional Futurists as to their views of futuring in 2100. What follows in several slides is a sample of responses.

Futuring in 2100 will be more experiential and participatory than it is today. We will try out possible futures in simulations on Holodecks. We, as futurists, will be the facilitators of those experiences.

Joyce  Gioia

Page 4: Futuring in the year 2100 by Glen Hiemstra,

Futuring  will  be  baked  into  human  educa7on  and  2st  century  ci7zens  will  think  in  vastly  more  sophis7cated  ways  about  long  term  implica7ons...Watsonian  power  computers  will    help  explore  complex  physical  issues...crea7ng  new  visions  of  humanity  is  not  something  we’d  willingly  hand  over  to  our  computa7onal  friends...have  learned  how  resistant  people  are  to  giving  up  power.  21st  Century  humans  will  fully  understand  the  power  of  the  future.

Joel  Barker

Page 5: Futuring in the year 2100 by Glen Hiemstra,

Our  view  of  human  nature  is  central  to  our  sense  of  what  futures  will  be  in  2100.  I  think  history  shows  that  people  are  quite  willing  to  give  up  their  power...if  in  exchange  for  greater  comfort,  leisure  and  pleasure...I  suspect  most  of  us  would  gladly  turn  over  our  liber7es  in  exchange  for  Wall-­‐E  style  pampering.

Noah  Radford

Page 6: Futuring in the year 2100 by Glen Hiemstra,

Futuring  in  2100  will  be  ex7nct  as  it  now  exists  -­‐  crude,  prima7ve,  ineffec7ve.  We’ll  have  very  sophis7cated  soOware  doing  predic7ve  analy7cs  and  nuanced  scenarios  using  big  data  in  real  7me...Humans  may  act  as  occasional  prophet  in  the  wilderness  calling  out  Black  Swans...

Lee  Shupp

Page 7: Futuring in the year 2100 by Glen Hiemstra,

In  addi7on  to  Watson-­‐type  computa7on  of  what  21st  Century  people  quaintly  called  “big  data”  the  instant  scenario-­‐izing  of  informa7on  will  be  baked  into  all  our  ac7vi7es,  in  ever  more  immersive  environments.  As  computa7on,  virtual  modeling,  visualiza7on,  gamifica7on  advance  we  are  likely  to  see  “futuring”  across  all  domains  -­‐  retail,  policy,  finance,  healthcare,  educa7on,  management,  personal  development,  child-­‐rearing,  etc.

Cecily  Sommers

Page 8: Futuring in the year 2100 by Glen Hiemstra,

What  remains  of  the  human  race  will  be  s7rring  the  embers  of  the  fire  to  see  what’s  wriWen  in  the  charred  bones  of  dinner.OR,  we’ll  be  so  deep  into  the  post-­‐silicon  bio-­‐age  that  alternate  outcomes  will  be  ar7ficially  evolved  in  sequestered  eco-­‐arenas...OR  it  will  be  a  meme  marketplace  to  see  whose  design  fic7ons  aWract  the  most  viewer-­‐aWen7on  seconds...OR  futuring  will  be  simply  another  elementary  skill...but  this  assumes  we  rescue  our  educa7onal  systems  ...which  seems  more  unlikely  than  that  we’ll  rescue  the  environment.2100  will  be  different...very  different.(And  no  I  don’t  call  what  I  do  futuring,  or  futurology.)

Wendy  Shultz

Page 9: Futuring in the year 2100 by Glen Hiemstra,

In  2100  traveling  in  space  via  light-­‐speed  vessels  is  very  commonly  affordable  to  middle-­‐class  people...Non-­‐human  occupied  vehicles  can  travel  100  LY  away.  Standard  measures  of  7me,  space,  distance  [have  evolved].In  2100  the  words  ‘past’,  ‘present’,  future’  will  be  found  in  history  books  explaining  how  previous  people  marked  their  loca7on  in  the  Universe’s  grid  system...languages  will  no  longer  have  past  tense,  present  tense  and  future  tense...instead  space  travelers  communicate  with  each  other  by  expressing  their  ‘space  grid  loca7on’  on  universe  naviga7on  maps.

June  Lo

Page 10: Futuring in the year 2100 by Glen Hiemstra,

All great paths lead us to [the] threshold, but none can guide us across the great divide--from the creature human to the co-creative human. None can guide us as to how to use the vast new powers given us by science and technology. None of us have been there yet.

Barbara Marx Hubbard 7/13/13

Page 11: Futuring in the year 2100 by Glen Hiemstra,

“If you don’t go far enough back in memory or far enough ahead in hope, your present will be impoverished.”

Edward Lindaman

Page 12: Futuring in the year 2100 by Glen Hiemstra,

“Any  student  of  the  rise  and  fall  of  cultures  cannot  fail  to  be  impressed  by  the  role  played  in  this  historical  succession  by  the  image  of  the  future.  The  rise  and  fall  of  images  precedes  or  accompanies  the  rise  and  fall  of  cultures.  As  long  as  a  society’s  image  is  posi7ve  and  flourishing,  the  flower  of  culture  is  in  full  bloom.  Once  the  image  begins  to  decay  and  lose  its  vitality,  however,  the  culture  does  not  long  survive.”

The  Image  of  the  Future,  Fred  Polak,  1961

Page 13: Futuring in the year 2100 by Glen Hiemstra,

heilbroner, visions of the future... distant past

150,000 to 300 years ago people did not imagine material conditions of future would be different

yesterday 300 years ago to 1970’s future seen as full of unimaginable possibilities for improving human

condition at all levels

today 1970’s to now future seen as dominated by large impersonal forces - science,

economics, politics, religion tied to state humans still believe future will be different, but most likely worse

Page 14: Futuring in the year 2100 by Glen Hiemstra,

everything possible today was at one time impossible.

everything impossible today may at some time in the future be possible.

Edward LindamanDirector Program Planning, Apollo

Page 15: Futuring in the year 2100 by Glen Hiemstra,

heilbroner, visions of the future... distant past

150,000 to 300 years ago people did not imagine material conditions of future would be different

yesterday 300 years ago to 1970’s future seen as full of unimaginable possibilities for improving human

condition at all levels

today 1970’s to now future seen as dominated by large impersonal forces - science,

economics, politics, religion tied to state humans still believe future will be different, but most likely worse

Page 16: Futuring in the year 2100 by Glen Hiemstra,

• will there be a 2100 for futuring?• who will do the futuring?• what might futuring look like?

Page 17: Futuring in the year 2100 by Glen Hiemstra,

survival first

Page 18: Futuring in the year 2100 by Glen Hiemstra,

Consciousness precedes reality, and not the other way around.” President Vaclav Havel Czech Republic

Page 19: Futuring in the year 2100 by Glen Hiemstra,

effective choice making…

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technology acceleration

Page 21: Futuring in the year 2100 by Glen Hiemstra,

connectivity | convergence | 3D

nano | bio | info | cogno | robo

Page 22: Futuring in the year 2100 by Glen Hiemstra,

who will future?

Page 23: Futuring in the year 2100 by Glen Hiemstra,

Marc Prensky originated “digital native” term


generations of digital natives

digital immigrants gone

Page 24: Futuring in the year 2100 by Glen Hiemstra,
Page 25: Futuring in the year 2100 by Glen Hiemstra,

...test  is  “168  7mes  faster,  26,000  7mes  less  expensive,  and  over  400  7mes  more  sensi7ve  than  the  current  standard.”  It  costs  $0.03  per  test  and  takes  five  minutes.  The  test  could  also  poten7ally  be  used  to  diagnose  ovarian  and  lung  cancer,  both  of  which  also  produce  abnormal  levels  of  mesothelin.


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Page 27: Futuring in the year 2100 by Glen Hiemstra,

what might futuring look like?

Page 28: Futuring in the year 2100 by Glen Hiemstra,

people of the screen do not accept old limitations...

Based  on:  Gerd  Leonhard

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transhuman intelligence will assist or do forecasting

Page 30: Futuring in the year 2100 by Glen Hiemstra,
Page 31: Futuring in the year 2100 by Glen Hiemstra,

futuring 2100 will involve... unlocking the power of human intelligence and

human imagination getting bandwidth to the brains of more people

linking minds getting bandwidth between more brains

living in correct uncertainty rather than incorrect certainty

connecting the future to the now applying futuring intelligence to real world needs

leveraging amazement as in The Toynbee Convector (Bradbury, 1984) people

will be thrilled to have made it and ready to go beyond

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Page 33: Futuring in the year 2100 by Glen Hiemstra,

“the future enters into us in order to transform itself in us, long before it happens.”

Rainier Maria Rilke

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thank you for your timefor more information

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