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Copyright © 1997, Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. 0166 - 2236/97/$17.00 PII: S0166-2236(97)01128-4 TINS Vol. 20, No. 10, 1997 451 R EVIEW T HE CAPACITY TO STORE INFORMATION about oneself and one’s environment is present throughout the nervous system. Thus, almost all regions of the brain store memory of one kind or another. In primates, the memory of past experience is stored largely in the neocortex – the phylogeneti- cally newest part of the cerebral cortex. The available evidence indicates that memories subsist in networks of interconnected and distributed neocortical neur- ons. The cortical substrate of memory, and of knowl- edge in general, can be viewed as the upward expan- sion of a hierarchy of neural structures with its base in the spinal cord. Every stage of that hierarchy has two major components, each devoted primarily, if not exclusively, to one of the two basic organismic func- tions, sensing and acting. The same is true for the cor- tex, which has a posterior sensory region and a frontal motor one. These store memory in both the short and the long term. The conceptual and empirical back- ground for these tenets is reviewed in this article. First a little history. The discovery of the motor cor- tex by Fritsch and Hitzig 1 initiated a long tradition of studies intended to map the physiological functions of the cerebral cortex. The use of electrical stimulation and recording methods led to ever increasing knowl- edge on the location of sensory and motor areas. Towards the end of the nineteenth century, another methodology began to develop in parallel with the physiological one: the lesion methodology. Subtly taking a theoretical position akin to phrenology, though legitimized by the scientific method, the investigators of the effects of cortical lesions in humans and animals have since then persistently attempted to localize cognitive functions, such as memory, in discrete cortical regions. The effort con- tinues to this day. In the past 50 years, the two cur- rents have tended to converge. Neuropsychologists have refined their methods to match the localizationist precision of physiologists, while the latter have ventured into the cortex of association in the expectation of local- izing memories, perceptions and attention there using the same procedures with which they had successfully identified feature detectors or minicolumns. The neuropsychologist Karl Lashley 2 was the first in modern times to recognize the futility of trying to localize memories. With his failure to locate the site of learned discriminations by selective ablations of the cortex, and with his judicious reflections thereafter, he unwittingly laid the groundwork for a distributed substrate of memory. Almost at the same time, Hebb 3 developed his famous theoretical principles of mem- ory formation at the cellular level. Friedrich Hayek 4 , an Austrian economist (Nobel Prize, 1976) with a profound interest in psychology and the brain, seems to have been the first to postu- late what is the core of this paper, namely, the idea of memory and perception represented in widely distrib- uted networks of interconnected cortical cells. Subsequently this idea has received theoretical sup- port, however tangential, from the fields of cognitive psychology, connectionism and artificial intelligence. Empirically, it is well supported by the physiological study and neuroimaging of working memory. Memory formation: from synapse to network The acquisition of memory basically consists in the modulation of synaptic contacts between nerve cells 5 , a notion first advanced by Ramón y Cajal in 1894 referring to motor memory. Memories are formed by facilitation – and selective elimination – of synaptic links between neuronal aggregates that represent discrete aspects of the environment or the inside of the body. Thus, memories are essentially associative; the information they contain is defined by neural relationships. Hebb 3 proposed that ‘two cells or systems that are repeatedly active at the same time will tend to become associated, so that activity in one facilitates activity in the other.’ This may be called the principle of syn- chronous convergence. By summation of temporally coincident inputs, neurons would become associated with one another, such that they can substitute for one another in making other cells fire. Further, con- nections between input and output neurons would be strengthened by recurrent fibers and feedback. By these associative processes cells would become inter- connected into functional units of memory, or hebbian ‘cell assemblies’. The functional importance of synchronous convergence in the mammalian cor- tex is well documented 6,7 . Network memory Joaquín M. Fuster Our thinking on the cortical organization of primate memory is undergoing a copernican change, from a neuropsychology that localizes different memories in different areas to one that views memory as a distributed property of cortical systems.We are shifting our focus from ‘systems of memory’ to the memory of systems.The same cortical systems that serve us to perceive and move in the world serve us to remember it. Our memories are networks of interconnected cortical neurons, formed by association, that contain our experiences in their connectional structure. Perceptual and motor memory networks are hierarchically organized in post-rolandic and pre-rolandic neocortex, respectively. Recall, recognition and working memory consist largely in their reactivation, also by association. Trends Neurosci. (1997) 20, 451–459 Joaquín M. Fuster is at the Brain Research Institute, School of Medicine, University of California, Los Angeles, CA 90024, USA.

Fuster - Network Memory

Jan 29, 2016




Paper of Joaquin Fuster about of the net of memory and its work.
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Copyright © 1997, Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. 0166 - 2236/97/$17.00 PII: S0166-2236(97)01128-4 TINS Vol. 20, No. 10, 1997 451


THE CAPACITY TO STORE INFORMATION aboutoneself and one’s environment is present

throughout the nervous system. Thus, almost allregions of the brain store memory of one kind oranother. In primates, the memory of past experienceis stored largely in the neocortex – the phylogeneti-cally newest part of the cerebral cortex. The availableevidence indicates that memories subsist in networksof interconnected and distributed neocortical neur-ons. The cortical substrate of memory, and of knowl-edge in general, can be viewed as the upward expan-sion of a hierarchy of neural structures with its base inthe spinal cord. Every stage of that hierarchy has twomajor components, each devoted primarily, if notexclusively, to one of the two basic organismic func-tions, sensing and acting. The same is true for the cor-tex, which has a posterior sensory region and a frontalmotor one. These store memory in both the short andthe long term. The conceptual and empirical back-ground for these tenets is reviewed in this article.

First a little history. The discovery of the motor cor-tex by Fritsch and Hitzig1 initiated a long tradition ofstudies intended to map the physiological functionsof the cerebral cortex. The use of electrical stimulationand recording methods led to ever increasing knowl-edge on the location of sensory and motor areas.Towards the end of the nineteenth century, anothermethodology began to develop in parallel with thephysiological one: the lesion methodology. Subtlytaking a theoretical position akin to phrenology,though legitimized by the scientific method, theinvestigators of the effects of cortical lesions inhumans and animals have since then persistentlyattempted to localize cognitive functions, such asmemory, in discrete cortical regions. The effort con-tinues to this day. In the past 50 years, the two cur-rents have tended to converge. Neuropsychologistshave refined their methods to match the localizationistprecision of physiologists, while the latter have venturedinto the cortex of association in the expectation of local-izing memories, perceptions and attention there usingthe same procedures with which they had successfullyidentified feature detectors or minicolumns.

The neuropsychologist Karl Lashley2 was the first inmodern times to recognize the futility of trying to

localize memories. With his failure to locate the site oflearned discriminations by selective ablations of thecortex, and with his judicious reflections thereafter,he unwittingly laid the groundwork for a distributedsubstrate of memory. Almost at the same time, Hebb3

developed his famous theoretical principles of mem-ory formation at the cellular level.

Friedrich Hayek4, an Austrian economist (NobelPrize, 1976) with a profound interest in psychologyand the brain, seems to have been the first to postu-late what is the core of this paper, namely, the idea ofmemory and perception represented in widely distrib-uted networks of interconnected cortical cells.Subsequently this idea has received theoretical sup-port, however tangential, from the fields of cognitivepsychology, connectionism and artificial intelligence.Empirically, it is well supported by the physiologicalstudy and neuroimaging of working memory.

Memory formation: from synapse to network

The acquisition of memory basically consists in themodulation of synaptic contacts between nerve cells5,a notion first advanced by Ramón y Cajal in 1894referring to motor memory. Memories are formed byfacilitation – and selective elimination – of synapticlinks between neuronal aggregates that represent discrete aspects of the environment or the inside ofthe body. Thus, memories are essentially associative;the information they contain is defined by neural relationships.

Hebb3 proposed that ‘two cells or systems that arerepeatedly active at the same time will tend to becomeassociated, so that activity in one facilitates activity inthe other.’ This may be called the principle of syn-chronous convergence. By summation of temporallycoincident inputs, neurons would become associatedwith one another, such that they can substitute forone another in making other cells fire. Further, con-nections between input and output neurons would bestrengthened by recurrent fibers and feedback. Bythese associative processes cells would become inter-connected into functional units of memory, or hebbian ‘cell assemblies’. The functional importanceof synchronous convergence in the mammalian cor-tex is well documented6,7.

Network memoryJoaquín M. Fuster

Our thinking on the cortical organization of primate memory is undergoing a copernican change,from a neuropsychology that localizes different memories in different areas to one that viewsmemory as a distributed property of cortical systems.We are shifting our focus from ‘systems ofmemory’ to the memory of systems.The same cortical systems that serve us to perceive and movein the world serve us to remember it. Our memories are networks of interconnected corticalneurons, formed by association, that contain our experiences in their connectional structure.Perceptual and motor memory networks are hierarchically organized in post-rolandic and pre-rolandic neocortex, respectively. Recall, recognition and working memory consist largely intheir reactivation, also by association.Trends Neurosci. (1997) 20, 451–459

Joaquín M. Fusteris at the BrainResearch Institute,School ofMedicine,University ofCalifornia, Los Angeles, CA 90024, USA.

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Simple sensory memories, or images, are probablyformed in cell assemblies or modules of the sensory orparasensory areas of the cortex. The neural represen-tation of our personal memories, however, can only beformed in wide expanses of the cortex of association,a neural substrate with a vast combinatorial power ofconnections across both modules and areas. For Hayek4,that wide substrate was a net or ‘map’ of cortical neuronsrepresenting in its connectional structure the associ-ations that make up the essence of any perception andmemory. Remarkably, he intuited this concept beforeanyone knew, as we now do, of the breadth and wealthof corticocortical connectivity in the primate. Further-more, according to Hayek, that system of connectionssomehow recorded (by synaptic weights?) ‘the relativefrequency with which in the history of the organismthe different groups of internal and external stimulihave acted together’. To a similar distributed construct,Edelman and Mountcastle8 later added the architectureof its associated nodes – neuronal groups or modules– and the role of re-entry (feedback) in the associationof stimuli not exactly coinciding in time.

It is reasonable to assume, as Hayek did, that mem-ory and perception share, to a large extent, the samecortical networks, neurons and connections. All memory is categorical, as is all perception. Perceivingis the classifying of objects by activation of the associa-tive nets that represent them in memory. Each newperception, or memory, is the expansion of old ones;it simply adds associations to pre-existing nets. Therelevant connectivity extends across cortical areas.That connectivity sustains the system of diffuse, over-lapping and practically infinite networks that holds

personal knowledge and experience9. In this scheme,any cell or group of cells can be part of many networksand thus many memories.

Memory networks are most likely to develop, at leastpartly, by self-organization10,11 from the bottom up,that is, from sensory or motor cortical areas towardsareas of association. They also probably develop inpart from the top down, guided by attention and priormemory stored in the association cortex; here the syn-chronous convergence would be between new inputsand inputs from old reactivated networks. In any case,networks grow on a substrate made of lateral as well asfeedforward and feedback connections (Fig. 1).

The result is a hierarchical order of memories andknowledge. Even within a network there would be ahierarchy of nets and neurons and of nets within netsdown to the neuronal group, the elementary unit ofmemory that we might call a netlet. This nesting ofnets of unlimited variety adds degrees of freedom andcomplexity to memory. At the base of the postulatedhierarchies are the neuronal assemblies that form thesimple sensory and motor memory networks. Theseare the building blocks for multisensory and complexmotor networks, which in turn give rise to the moreelaborate and idiosyncratic networks of associationcortex supporting the various categories of so-calleddeclarative (explicit), nondeclarative (implicit) andprocedural memory12,13.

The hippocampus seems to play a critical role in theformation of memory networks in association cortex.Patients with hippocampal lesions suffer from antero-grade amnesia. They have severe difficulties acquiringand consolidating new memories. Reciprocal connec-tions between the hippocampus and neocortical areasof association are essential for these processes14,15.Although the underlying cellular mechanisms are notyet clear, long-term potentiation (LTP) might beamongst them. These mechanisms may involve corti-cal glutaminergic terminals and certain types of recep-tors, for example, NMDA. The result of these might beto induce protein molecule changes in the membraneof cortical cells so as to modify their contacts and thusshape their networks. The amygdala, another tempo-ral-lobe structure that appears essential for the evalu-ation of the affective and emotional significance ofperceptions, also plays a putative role in the formationand consolidation of memories. Thus, memory networksappear to be formed in the cortex by such processes assynchronous convergence and self-organization, andunder the agency of limbic structures.

Phyletic memory

To understand the formation and topography ofmemory better, it is useful to think of the primary sen-sory and motor areas of the cortex as the repositoriesof a form of largely inborn memory that we may callphyletic memory or ‘memory of the species’. At birth,those areas already contain the essential ‘experience’of evolution in their synaptic structure, acquiredthrough interacting with the world – that is, theneural representation of the essential features of sen-sation and movement. Thus, the structure of primarysensory and motor cortices may be considered a fundof memory that the species has acquired in evolution.We can call it memory because, like personal memory,it is information that has been acquired and stored,and can be retrieved (‘recalled’) by sensory stimuli or

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Fig. 1. Diagram of memory formation and activation by sensory association. The basic net-work consists, hypothetically, of 11 groups of neurons (netlets). All known patterns of corticalconnectivity are represented: feedforward, feedback, lateral, parallel, convergent and diver-gent. Active neurons are in red. (1) Two visual inputs coincide in time; this enhances synapticefficiency at points of convergence and feedback or re-entry. (2) Passive long-term memory;marked in red are the facilitated synapses excitable by either input. (3) One of the inputs acti-vates the new network, which now has some neurons previously activated only by the otherinput. (4) A visual and a tactile input coincide. (5) Facilitated synapses (in red) which are nowpart of the new bimodal network of long-term memory. (6) The tactile stimulus activates thenetwork, which now also represents the associated visual input (the palpation of the objectconjures its visual image in addition to the tactile one). Modified from Ref. 9.

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the need to act. It is eminently adaptive, for it con-tains the long adaptive experience of the species.

Phyletic memory requires ‘rehearsal’ at the begin-ning of life, that is, the critical postnatal periods dur-ing which primary sensory and motor areas have to beactive for early development of their function. Further,there is evidence that primary sensory and motorstructures retain their plasticity into adulthood16,17.The plasticity of primary cortices after birth (as yet notfully known) and their uniform functional architec-ture across adult individuals, indicate that, in ways wedo not understand, stereotyped function and relative‘hard-wiring’ can ultimately emerge from a connectivesystem that is, to a degree, inherently ‘soft-wired’.

Phyletic memory is the foundation on which indi-vidual memory grows. The latter can be consideredthe expansion of phyletic memory into the cortex ofassociation. The primary cortices provide this cortexwith the elements of experience that, by synchronousassociation, make or facilitate synapses in the net-works of individual memory. However, there is nosharp demarcation between phyletic and individualmemory, as the two blend into each other. Any clear-cut dichotomy between them is artificial. So is thedichotomy between primary and association cortexon evolutionary, ontogenetic, hodological and func-tional grounds. The smooth gradients between thetwo cortices strengthen our rationale for consideringthem together as a source and substrate of memory.

As in evolution18, the neocortex of associationseems to undergo greater morphological developmentlater in life than do the primary sensory and motorcortices19,20. The neocortex of association, the pre-sumed substrate of most personal memory, does notreach full maturation until young adulthood andprobably retains synaptic plasticity throughout life. Inthe human cortex (Fig. 2), two developmental gradi-ents can be recognized on myelogenetic grounds, onein the posterior cortex (temporal, parietal and occipi-tal), and the other in the cortex of the frontal lobe.The former marks the development of areas mainlyinvolved in perception, the latter that of areas mainlyinvolved in movement and action. Last to develop, bymyelogenetic criteria, are the areas of association intemporal and parietal regions, and the prefrontal cor-tex in the frontal lobe21. Myelin formation is but oneindex of structural maturation, however well it corre-lates with others. Furthermore, there is further evidencethat synaptogenesis takes place at the same ontogenetictime throughout the cortex; the same is true for neuro-transmitter receptors. In any case, neither myelin sheathsnor synapses are proof of function. Axons may functionwithout myelin sheaths and synapses may be presentbut not electrochemically active.

Those two developmental gradients correspondapproximately to gradients of connection betweenareas22,23. In the posterior cortex, fibers flow mainlyfrom primary sensory areas into and through areas ofassociation cortex, though feedback connections arepresent practically every step of the way (reviewed inRef. 9). In the frontal cortex, the flow is mainly in areverse direction, that is, from associative (prefrontal)towards primary (motor) cortex, though again withfeedback, some of it through basal ganglia and thala-mus (reviewed in Ref. 21). It should be emphasizedthat in both anterior and posterior cortices feedbackaccompanies feedforward.

Following ontogenetic gradients, therefore, a sys-tem of connections is present in anterior and posteriorcortex to mediate the functional transactions betweenphyletic and individual memory, although the precisemechanisms of those transactions are yet unknown.Primary sensory areas of phyletic memory, represent-ing elementary sensory features, can thus feed infor-mation into posterior associative areas, where asso-ciations form networks of perceptual memory bytemporal coincidence. Feedback would allow thesupervised and attention-driven acquisition of newmemory. Conversely, motor feedback and so-calledefference copy of action24 would form the motormemory networks of frontal cortex. In the re-enact-ment of the motor schemes that they represent, thesenetworks guide the elementary innate acts (motorprimitives) represented in primary motor cortex andin subcortical motor structures. Viewed in this man-ner, both perceptual and motor memories derive fromphyletic memory. Both are associative, distributed andhierarchically organized.

Perceptual memory

Perceptual memory is memory acquired throughthe senses. It comprises all that is commonly under-stood as personal memory and knowledge – that is, therepresentation of events, objects, persons, animals,facts, names and concepts. There is a hierarchy of per-ceptual memories that ranges from the sensorially

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Fig. 2. Ontogenetic map of cerebral cortex in the human. Schematicaccording to Flechsig19 and modified by Von Bonin. Numbers indicatethe order of myelination of the various areas. The rolandic fissure (RF)separates the posterior (perceptual) cortex from the frontal (motor) cor-tex. Primary sensory and motor areas are marked by dark shading;association areas in white or light shading.

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concrete to the conceptually general. At the bottomare memories of elementary sensations; at the top, theabstract concepts that, although originally acquiredby sensory experience, have become independentfrom it in cognitive operations.

The hierarchy of perceptual memories is matchedand supported by a hierarchy of areas in the posteriorcortex arranged in developmental and connectionalorder (Fig. 3). In the lower stages, that hierarchy cor-responds to the neural hierarchy for processing andanalysis of sensory information. A separate hierarchyof areas has been identified for each of three majorsensory modalities – vision, touch, and audition22,23.All three converge into the polysensory associationcortex and, in addition, into limbic structures of thetemporal lobe, the hippocampus in particular. Theprocessing of gustatory and olfactory informationtakes place mainly in paralimbic cortical areas of thetemporal and frontal lobes, and their access to neo-cortical polymodal areas is still unclear.

The parasensory association areas, that is, those thatlie nearest to the sensory cortex, store sensory mem-ory in their networks. Lesion of these leads to agnosiasor recognition deficits of the corresponding sensorymodality. Microelectrode studies in the monkey showthat, during the active (working) memory of sensory

stimuli, cells in those areas are persistently activated9.Recent studies in monkeys and humans indicate thatactive perceptual memory may also involve the acti-vation of cells in primary sensory areas, perhaps bybackward projection from the association cortex25,26.That the same cortical areas serve both for storing per-ceptual memory and processing sensory informationprovides neural foundation to the intimate relationbetween perception and memory. Neural transactionswithin a common substrate help explain why memoryshapes perception, one of the fundamental principlesof psychophysics27.

Ascending the cortical hierarchy of memory (andperception), as we enter the later developing areas(lighter blue areas in the cortical map of Fig. 3), weenter the substrate for more complex and extensivenetworks of polysensory and declarative (episodic andsemantic) memory. Accordingly, as memories developfrom their sensory base, they fan upwards; theybecome broader and more diffuse, encroaching intoprogressively more widely dispersed cortical domains.At any level, different memories share componentnets and cells.

In the higher levels, the topography of memoriesbecomes obscure because of the wider distribution oftheir networks, which link scattered domains of theassociation cortex representing separate qualities,however disparate, that have been associated by ex-perience. Because these higher memories are more dif-fuse than simple sensory memories, they are in somerespects more robust. After discrete cortical lesioning,only some of their associated attributes may becomeresistant to recognition or recall (for example, thename, date, face and place).

There is evidence that declarative memories, bothepisodic and semantic, are distributed principally inthe posterior association cortex. Electrical stimulationof the surface of the posterior cortex induces a varietyof sensory and mnemonic experiences, some of whichhave the characteristics of episodic memory28,29. Further-more, retrograde amnesia can result from lesions ofthe posterior association cortex30–32. However, the idio-syncratic nature and wide distribution of episodic mem-ory networks make it difficult to define their precisecortical topography by current conventional means.

Individuality and wide distribution also make it dif-ficult to localize the subsequent form of declarativememory, that is, semantic memory, or the memory forwords, facts and categories. Human neuropsychology,however, provides ample evidence of anomias, seman-tic aphasias and categorical amnesias from lesions ofthe posterior association cortex, including Wernicke’sarea, in the posterior third of the superior temporalgyrus32–35. Thus, it is reasonable to conclude, at leasttentatively, that semantic memory is held by broadnetworks within that cortex.

There is no empirical evidence to suggest the topog-raphy of conceptual knowledge, the highest level ofthe perceptual memory hierarchy. This is understand-able, as that kind of memory probably has the mostwidespread cortical distribution, based on multipleparticular experiences and profuse cross-modal associ-ations. This widespread distribution of its networksgives it an exceptional robustness. Only massive corti-cal damage leads to the inability to retrieve and useconceptual knowledge – the ‘loss of abstract attitude’described by Kurt Goldstein36.

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Fig. 3. The hierarchies of memory. (A) Schematic diagram of the per-ceptual and motor hierarchies of memory. Overlapping triangles withvertex down (in phyletic memory) symbolize the neural substrate forupward expanding and interconnected networks. Representation ofconnectivity between different hierarchical levels of memory (blue andred arrows) and connectivity between perceptual and motor hierarchies(green arrows). (B) Brodmann’s cytoarchitectonic map of the cortexdepicting with the same color code as the scheme above the approxi-mate distribution of memory categories. Because of the associationsbetween hierarchical levels and the blending between memories of dif-ferent category (see text), the color demarcations in the map may beuseful heuristically but are unrealistically sharp. For example, whereasconceptual and semantic knowledge is solidly anchored by associationsto the posterior region marked in white, it probably extends profuselyinto light-blue areas.

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So far I have emphasized the hierarchical stackingof perceptual memory categories in progressivelyhigher and more widely distributed networks of theposterior cortex. Networks and memories of differentrank are most likely heavily interconnected with oneanother, explaining the rarity of pure amnesias of anygiven memory category. Indeed memory categoriesare intermixed. A simple example will make the point:my memory of the sight and sounds of San Francisco’scable car (sensory memory) is associated with thememory of my last visit to that city (episodic mem-ory), with the meaning of the term ‘cable car’ (seman-tic memory) and with the concept of public trans-portation (conceptual memory).

Thus, perceptual memories and their networks aremost likely nested in each other, from the lowest tothe highest, and interconnected vertically in the hier-archy (blue two-directional arrow in Fig. 3). Thereinlies another reason why memories extend in the hier-archy not only horizontally but vertically, and why agiven cell or cell group can be part of many networksor memories.

Some perceptual memory networks have motorassociations and extend into the frontal lobe, wherethey link with motor memory networks. The con-verse, of course, is also true: motor networks extendinto the posterior cortex. The reciprocal associationsbetween sensory and motor cortex are most likelymediated by the long corticocortical fibres that under-cross the rolandic (central) sulcus23. This reciprocalconnectivity between sensory and motor memory (greenarrows in Fig. 3) has obvious dynamic implications forsensory–motor integration and working memory.

Motor memory

Motor memory is the representation of motor actsand behaviors. It includes much, if not all, of what hasbeen termed procedural memory. In mammals, thelowest levels of the motor hierarchy are in the spinalcord, brain stem and cerebellum. These structuresstore the relatively simple forms of motor memory, forexample, the repertoire of reflex acts that mediatemany of the innate defensive reactions. Much of themotor memory in lower structures qualifies asphyletic, in that it is largely innate, stereotypical anddirected to the fulfilment of basic drives. It is alsoconditionable, subject to neocortical control andmodulation. As a consequence, some of those struc-tures, such as the cerebellum, are implicated in cogni-tive functions.

As first suggested by J. Hughlings Jackson, the cor-tex of the frontal lobe supports the highest levels ofthe hierarchy of motor memories (Fig. 3). At the low-est cortical level is the primary motor cortex, the pos-tulated seat of phyletic motor memory, representingand mediating elementary motor acts. These acts aredefined and determined by the contraction of specificmuscles and muscle groups. Above the primary motorcortex, following the developmental and connectivegradients of the motor hierarchy, lies the premotorcortex. In spatial and temporal coordinates, the repre-sentation and processing of movement in this cortexare more complex than in the motor cortex. Lesion37,38

and cell-recording39,40 studies indicate that premotornetworks encode motor acts and programs defined bygoal, sequence or trajectory, rather than by specificmovement or muscle group. This agrees with the well

documented participation of the premotor cortex inthe formation of at least the most elementary struc-tures of speech. The more complex and novel pro-grams of behavior and speech appear represented inthe next higher level, the prefrontal cortex.

The prefrontal cortex, conventionally consideredthe association cortex of the frontal lobe, is the high-est level of the motor hierarchy21. This position con-notes a role not only in the representation of complexactions (concepts of action, plans and programs) butin the operations for their enactment, including work-ing memory. The prefrontal cortex develops late, bothphylogenetically and ontogenetically, and receivesfiber connections from numerous subcortical and lim-bic structures, as well as from other areas of the neo-cortex. They convey to it information about internalstates and the external environment. Long fiber con-nections link reciprocally the perceptual memory net-works of the posterior cortex with the prefrontalmotor networks, thus forming perceptual–motor asso-ciations at the highest level.

Neuropsychology indicates that the networks of theprefrontal cortical areas represent the schemas of goal-directed action, commonly referred to as plans.Humans with prefrontal lesions have difficultyremembering, formulating and executing plans ofbehavior. Monkeys with similar lesions have difficultylearning tasks that require the sequencing of behav-ioral acts, especially if the acts are separated by tem-poral gaps. They are exceedingly slow in learningdelay tasks (for example, delayed response anddelayed alternation). Lesions in both monkeys andhumans point to a degree of specificity in the kind ofaction schemas that different prefrontal regions sup-port. However, regional specificity is overshadowed bythe uniformity with which all prefrontal lesionsinduce a deficit in the formation of internal represen-tations of sequential or temporally extended action(‘temporal gestalts’), and in its execution. This deficitextends also to the elaborate spoken language(reviewed in Ref. 21).

After practice, frontal representations of action maybecome relocated in lower motor structures, notablythe basal ganglia. Humans with frontal lesions cannotvoluntarily perform complex movement sequencesbut retain their ability to perform automatic ones,even though these are just as complex and their learn-ing originally required just as much wilful effort. Inthe monkey, cortical lesions may disrupt the learningof new skills but not the performance of old ones.Neuroimaging confirms the relocation evidence. Theprefrontal cortex is only activated at first in the learn-ing of certain complex sequences41. As the subject be-comes proficient, cerebellar and striatal regions becomeprogressively more active and cortical regions less so42.

Memory dynamics

At any time in our daily life, the bulk of our long-term memory is dormant and out of consciousness.Presumably, the neuronal aggregates of its networksare relatively inactive (Fig. 1B,E). A network is reacti-vated when the memory it represents is retrieved bythe associative processes of recall or recognition. Aninternal or external stimulus, whose cortical represen-tation is part of the network by prior association, willreactivate that representation and, again by associ-ation, the rest of the network. Neither the stimuli nor

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the activated memory need be conscious. Fragmentsof a network may be subconsciously activated and stilllead to the associative activation of other networkcomponents (priming).

In the reactivation of a cortical network, as in itsgeneration, the hippocampus appears to play a crucialrole. Patients with hippocampal lesions have troublenot only forming new memories but retrieving oldones. Hence they exhibit retrograde as well as antero-grade amnesia43,44. Well-learned habits, however,remain retrievable. In any event, since new memorynetworks are the expansion of old ones, and the latterare reactivated as new memory is formed, the neuralprocesses of memory formation and retrieval, and theroles of the hippocampus in them, are closely relatedif not identical.

Activated cortical networks can be studied best byelectrical methods and neuroimaging. Field-potentialresearch reveals their widespread dimensions and therole of electrical coherence in their activation45. Internalnetwork dynamics can be studied by recording the dis-charge of cortical cells in behaving monkeys. By thismeans the cells of a network can be seen activated in

the recognition and temporary retention of the mem-ory that the network represents. Such is the case inperformance of delay tasks, where memories must beretained for the bridging of time gaps in behavior. Adelay task is composed of consecutive trials, eachessentially consisting of: (1) a sensory cue; (2) a delayduring which the subject must retain that cue; and (3) amotor response that is appropriate to the cue and pro-vides evidence of its successful mnemonic retention.

In the trained animal, the cue (memorandum) atthe beginning of each trial activates an extensive net-work comprising all the neuronal representations ofperception and action associated with that cue. Bothperceptual and motor (procedural) memory are acti-vated. Thus, predictably, the cue excites cells in theposterior cortex involved in the processing of the cueand, in addition, frontal areas involved in the pro-cessing of the motor response associated with it. Forexample, if the cue is visual, cells will be activated inthe inferotemporal cortex and also in certain areas ofthe prefrontal cortex. Because the monkey has toretain the cue through a period of delay for subse-quent correct response, the network representing thecue has to stay activated during that period. Thus,inferotemporal memory cells (Fig. 4) will show acti-vation throughout that period46,47.

In addition, because the cue is a signal for prospec-tive action, it activates a prefrontal network represent-ing that action and preparing the motor apparatus forit21. Hence the sustained activation of prefrontal cellsduring the delay of all memory tasks, regardless of thesensory modality of the cue, though with some arealspecificity depending on that modality and on thenature of the motor response. In humans, prefrontalareas are activated while the memorandum is beingretained for prospective action48,49. Many neuro-psychological studies emphasize the spatial aspects ofprefrontal working memory. In our experience withneuroimaging50, prefrontal activation occurs in thehuman even if the sensory information retained inshort-term memory is nonspatially defined (Fig. 5).Prefrontal activation reflects the activation of motormemory and, by functional linkage with the posteriorcortex, the persistent activation of perceptual memoryas needed for prospective action.

Thus, working memory is the temporary, ad hoc,activation of an extensive network of short- or long-term perceptual and motor memory. The perceptualcomponent of that network would be, as any otherperceptual memory, retrievable and expandable by anew stimulus or experience. Working memory pre-sumably has the same cortical substrate as the kind ofshort-term memory traditionally considered the gate-way to long-term memory. Both fall under the cat-egory of active memory, which differs from passivelong-term memory in the state of the network, not inits cortical distribution. A corollary idea is that the cor-tical dynamics of evoking episodic memory is identi-cal to that of evoking a familiar stimulus, such as thecue in a delay task. Although that cue is represented inthe posterior cortex, the prefrontal cortex is essentialfor its retention towards prospective action. That isthe reason why this cortex is so important for thesequencing of behavior, thinking and speech. Allthree require working memory.

Before considering briefly the mechanisms of work-ing memory, we must re-emphasize its link to long-term

J. Fuster – Network memoryRE V I E W

Fig. 4. Activity of a cell in the inferotemporal cortex of a monkey in a visual memory task.(A) Trial begins with presentation of a sample color, which the animal must retain through thesubsequent delay (memory period) for proper match and choice of color at the end of the trial(sample color and its position at the time of match are changed at random). (B) Cell-firingrecords from red- and green-sample trials are separated by color in the middle third of the fig-ure (in this figure, blue substitutes for green for the benefit of deuteranopes). (C) Average fre-quency histograms. Note the elevated discharge of the cell during the memory period (16 sbetween sample and match) in red-sample trials; note also that, after the second appearanceof red (for match), and in the absence of need to memorize the color, the activity of the celldrops to pre-trial baseline level. Modified from Ref. 46.

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memory. Indeed, the red or green cue (see Fig. 4), forexample, is an old memory reactivated. It may notevoke the episodes that led to the acquisition of its mean-ing, but it certainly evokes that meaning as well as theprocedural memory of the task. It is because the monkeyhas been there before that he can perform the task.

When, as in a delay task, temporal integrationdemands the retention of old, reactivated perceptualmemory across a time gap, that retention is a jointfunction of the posterior and prefrontal cortex. Thelikely underlying mechanism is the reverberation ofactivity through recurrent circuits. Impulse re-entryexplains the sustained neuronal discharge that can beobserved in both cortices during delay periods. It hasbeen successfully modeled in artificial recurrent net-works11,51. However, recurrent activation has not yetbeen empirically identified as the local mechanism ofactive short-term memory. Other mechanisms arepossible, for example, short-term potentiation or tran-sient phosphorylation of neuroreceptors.

In the monkey performing a visual memory task,the impulse re-entry can take place through longreciprocal connections between the inferotemporaland prefrontal cortex. Thus the retention of the cuedepends on the functional integrity of both the infero-temporal and the prefrontal components of the net-work. Consequently, correct performance of the task(see Fig. 4) can be reversibly impaired by temporarilycooling either the prefrontal52 or inferotemporal53 cor-tex. Further, by cooling one of those two cortices, pre-frontal or inferotemporal, and by cell recording fromthe other, more direct evidence of re-entrant activitybetween them in visual working memory can beobtained54. Tonic influences from the prefrontal cor-tex play a role in the sustained activation of visualmemory in the inferotemporal cortex (Fig. 6).

In summary, both the evocation of old perceptualmemories and the formation of new ones seem toentail the associative activation of the vast neuronalnetworks of the posterior cortex that represent themin their connective structure. If an evoked memory isassociated with an action (for example, a manual re-sponse, a verbal response or a mental operation), thenthe activated network extends to the frontal lobe. Theneed to hold memory for prospective action leads to therecruitment of prefrontal networks. These send tonicinfluences to the posterior cortex and keep the per-ceptual network active until completion of the action.

Concluding comments

In conclusion, the empirical evidence thus far indi-cates that, in humans and nonhuman primates, mem-ory is stored in overlapping and widely distributednetworks of interconnected cortical neurons. Becausecortical connectivity can serve practically infinitepotential associations, potential networks are practi-cally infinite, and this fact confers uniqueness to thecognitive memory of a given individual.

According to the views expressed in this article,memory networks are made by simultaneous acti-vation of neuronal assemblies representing externaland internal events and inputs, including inputs fromreactivated networks of long-term memory. Networksremain open-ended throughout life, subject to expan-sion and recombination by new experience.

The networks of perceptual and motor memoryappear hierarchically organized on a foundation of

phyletic memory – that is, primary sensory and motorcortex. Hierarchical organization, however, does notimply that the various individual memories are rigidlystacked and stored in separate cortical domains.Rather, different types of memory – for example,episodic, semantic or procedural – are probably inter-linked in mixed networks that span different levels ofperceptual and motor hierarchies.

It follows from the present discussion that any at-tempt to localize different memories or types of mem-ory beyond our general outline might be fruitless.

J. Fuster – Network memory RE V I E W

Fig. 5. Results from a FDG-PET study of nonspatial working memory in humans. (A) Diagram of delayed match-to-sample (DMS) task. Each trial begins with an acoustic signal(ready), immediately succeeded by an abstract picture on a screen. After 8 s delay (memoryperiod), another picture appears, which may or may not be identical to the first. If it is, thesubject presses one button, if not, another. Pictures change at random from one trial to thenext. A control (no memory) task, immediate match-to-sample (IMS), is identical in everyrespect to the DMS task but without delay. (B) Four slices from the scan of one subject afterfluoro-deoxyglucose (FDG) uptake at rest and during performance on equal blocks of trials ofthe two tasks (IMS and DMS). Activation scale ranges from 30 (black) to 256 (red) intensity.Note intense activation of prefrontal cortex and visual areas (upper and lower portions of slices,respectively) during the DMS memory task.

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Memory is a property of the neurobiological systems itserves and inseparable from their other functions. Inthe cortex, memory can be allocated to different areasin so far as those functions can. Thus, the percep-tual–motor dichotomy of memory distribution hasvalidity inasmuch as perceptual and motor systemscan be separated. So does the parceling into sensoryand motor memories immediately above theirphyletic base. Beyond that, however, the admixture,interconnection and overlap of cortical networks sup-porting higher memories makes the cortical topogra-phy of those memories only plausible within thebounds proposed here. This degree of localization,however, is fully compatible with the appearance,after discrete cortical injury, of selective amnesias for

certain forms of semantic memory or for certainattributes of episodic memory. Within the presentframework, these amnesias are explainable as theresult of injury to certain network nodes of heavysemantic association or to those representing criticalfragments of an episodic memory.

These considerations can be extended to deal withmore conventional concepts of memory structure anddynamics. Clearly the classic terms representation, re-trieval, recall, recognition, short-term memory and long-term memory are still valid for current discourse, butneed to be neurobiologically redefined. Representation,in my view, is synonymous with network. Arguably,the smallest memory network (netlet) is the corticalcell group or module representing a simple sensory ormotor feature in the interface between the organismand its environment. From there on up, networks(representations) become larger, made of associationsbetween progressively larger numbers of nets, thesebecoming nets within nets.

All aspects of memory retrieval, including recall andrecognition, can be viewed as the activation of networkmemory, that is, the increased firing of the cortical neur-ons making up a memory network. To use Braitenberg’sterm55, the network would be ‘ignited’. It is an intriguingpossibility, however, that under certain circumstances(for example, recognition), the activation of a network(that is, the activation of the relational code that anetwork contains) takes place by rapid correlation ofelectrical activity (dendritic or action potentials) in all ofits components56. All elements of the network wouldthus be activated d’emblée, in parallel. Such a mechanismcan explain both perceptual binding and memorybinding as the associative and correlated activation ofthe very same network that perception and memoryshare. This proposition would not only agree withpsychophysics but would explain the rapid, context-dependent retrieval of rare and highly specific memories.

At any one time, however, not all elements of anactive network need be activated to the same level. In thecourse of behavior, as argued elsewhere9, much memoryprocessing can take place in parallel and out of con-sciousness. Only a limited part of a network may reach,at any given time, a level of activation consistent withconsciousness and serial processing. Obviously thatwould be the case for network components in workingmemory or under the focus of attention.

Finally, the evidence from microelectrode andimaging studies is forcing us to re-evaluate the neuralbasis of short- and long-term memory, and to seri-ously question their structural separateness. As notedabove, working memory activates extensive corticalregions. These regions include areas identified as thesubstrate for the long-term storage of what the work-ing-memory test requires the subject to retain. Thus itappears that both kinds of memory share the samesubstrate. The evidence we have obtained of func-tional interactions, in working memory, between neurons in separate cortical areas further argues for acommon and widely distributed substrate. Indeed,whatever its cortical distribution, one and the samenetwork probably serves to store a long-term memory,and to retain actively that memory for the short term.

Selected references1 Fritsch, G. and Hitzig, E. (1870) Arch. Anat. Physiol. Wiss. Med.

37, 300–332 2 Lashley, K.S. (1950) Symp. Soc. Exp. Biol. 4, 454–482

J. Fuster – Network memoryRE V I E W

Fig. 6. Effects of cooling the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex on memory cells in the infero-temporal cortex during performance of memory tasks. The prefrontal area cooled includescortex of the inferior dorsolateral convexity, reciprocally connected with inferotemporal cortex. (A) Diagrams of the monkey’s brain schematically indicating inferotemporal–prefrontal connections (arrows), inferotemporal recording microelectrode (red) and the prefrontal areareversibly depressed by cooling bilaterally to 20°C (blue). Abbreviation: CS, central sulcus.(B) Average activity of an inferotemporal cell in the memory period (delay) of the two-colortask in Fig. 3. Colors in the graph match colors of the stimuli-memoranda. The cell is persis-tently and preferentially activated during retention of green (* denotes statistically significantdeviations from pre-trial baseline). Prefrontal cooling attenuates the color differentiation duringthe delay and causes behavioral performance to drop from 100% to 59% correctness (blackbars). (C) Delayed matching with four colors and delay activity of a cell in this four-color task.Colors in the graph match memoranda. The cell is especially activated during retention of red.Prefrontal cooling abolishes that activation while the animal’s performance drops. * denotes statistically significant deviations from pre-trial baseline. Abbreviation: c, correct choice.Modified from Ref. 54.

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J. Fuster – Network memory RE V I E W

Central clocking Michael H. Hastings

The main questions in circadian neurobiology are: how many oscillators are involved;how are theirdaily oscillations generated and synchronized to the external world; and how do they signal timeof day to the organism.The suprachiasmatic nuclei of the hypothalamus (SCN) are well establishedas the principal circadian oscillator of mammals.Their 10 000 or so ‘clock’ neurones drive our overtrhythms – the daily patterning we observe in our physiology and behaviour being mirrored perfectlyby their spontaneous cycle of neuronal activity.However, they are not our only circadian oscillator,their molecular timekeeping is not understood and the ways in which they communicate with otherparts of the brain are more unusual than was previously assumed.Trends Neurosci. (1997) 20, 459–464

CIRCADIAN CLOCKS have a powerful influence onwhen we enter and leave this world, and what we

do for most of the intervening period. Spontaneousbirths are most prevalent at night1, myocardialinfarcts and strokes occur most often in the morning2,and in between these life events our behavioural andmetabolic functions change progressively and pre-dictably over the 24 h cycle. This internal temporal

programme matches us to our world and disruption ofthe programme, as seen for example in shift workers,can carry a severe penalty with poor mental andphysical performance, and diminished sense of well-being3. Equally, the ageing clock shows a progressiveloss of precision and sensitivity to light4 which mightunderlie the poor quality of sleep that is such achronic and characteristic problem for the growing

Michael H.Hastings is at theDept of Anatomy,University ofCambridge,Downing St,Cambridge, UK CB2 3DY.

AcknowledgementsI thank Eric Kandel,Larry Squire,Mortimer Mishkin,James McGaugh,Patricia Goldman-Rakic, RichardThompson andStephen Kosslyn fortheir valuablecomments andsuggestions.