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Page Two , CATSKHX MOUNTAIX NEWS Margaretville, N. Y., Thursday, August 30,1962 ONE OF THE LARGEST SNAKES on exhibition in America, is the 19 foot Anaconda recently arrived at the Catskill Game Farm from South America. Carman Wase of the Game Farm Staff, is , holding up the danger end of this huge reptile, .while Luz de Lourd^, <nie of the Girl Scouts from Mexico who attétóJed the recent Giii Scout round-up, a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Lindemann of the Cats- kill Game Farm is attempting to hold down the other en^ This big iellow is one of the large collection of snakes and other reptiles now installed in the recently opened scenic Reptile^House at th« Catskill Game Farm. W ill Your Children Get to College? To meet the ever rising costs of a college education, párents are now ^ ttin g up IntHithiy investment programs with insurance protection. MUTUAL FUNDS SIMON W. HEIMLICH, INC. 259 N. BROAD ST. ELIZABETH, N. J. (Our country home is in Oliverea). CaU COLLECT EL 4-2195 FURNITURE AUCTION I, the undersigned, have been commissioned to sell the following household goods at public auction at the Masonic Hall, ROXBÜRY, N. Y. SATURDAY, SEPT. 1 : , 10 A. M. Three-piece living room i^uite, glassware, china, dressing t¿ble, beds, desk, lamps, adding machine, coffee taHéj wash stands, rugs (6x9 and 12x12), GE TV set, radios, outdoor grill, misc. .tools, rockers, ♦ kitchenware, GE ringer, washing machine, GE 9-ft. reMgerator, clocks, chairs, captam’s chair, and many ^ t& r articles. ~ i y Terms: Cash_ ' - ÍT ■ / ' . 1Some Antiques ' George W. Tupper v ( Dial 4751, Koxbury,N.Y. ' Lunch Will Be Served by the Ladies of the Grange / Traditional slacks Style ^ for toiDrrow’s leaders, i. GULF STREAM Traditional styling in slacks looks all the neater and trimmer when it comes from famous Gulf Stream craftsmen! Tab*walstband and belt-Ioop models in solid and patterned fabrics, enriched by glints of olive, gold and black. A featured value! Baxter & W ood Clothing Co., Inc. 162 Delaware St. Walton, N. Y. The Fleischmamis News Mondáy, Aug. 27, 1962 Mrs. Rose Greene, Editor ' Phone -Flelachmanns 266 The first meeting of the fall season of the WSCS, circle 1 will be held Wednesday, Sept. 5, at the home Of Mrs. Sadie Garrison, starting at 1:30 p., m. Members should come prepared to sew. . Mr. and Mrs. George Singer of Miami Beach, Fla., who are Va- cationing here, were honored guests at a party at house Flatow on Tuesday to celebrate the birthday of Mr. Singer. Over 30 guests attended. ' Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Mills of New Hyde Park, N. J., were weekend guests of his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Win- nie, and family. His mother, Mrs. Carrie Mills, spent the sum- m ^ with her sister and family. On Saturday afternoon they mo- tOTed to Stamford to visit Mrs. Winnie’s and Mrs. Mills’ brother, Arthur Reynolds, at the Stamford nursing home. Mrs. Mills accom- j)anied her son home Simday. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kent and son, Robbie,, of Kingston were weekend guests at the home of Mrs. HoweU Birdsall. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hood of Syracuse are spending a week’s vacation with her nipther,' Mrs. Birdsall. Mrs. Crawford Lasher is spend- ing a few days at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Charles Howell, and family in Ludlowville. Mrs. Howell cariné for her mother on Sunday. * Mrs. Harper Fairbaim arid, children, Mrs. Audrey Bensle and children, Mrs. Ronald Bouton and daughter, Mrs. Mirmié Ballard of Halcott Center and Miss Harriet Ballard of 'Bedford Hills spent Wednesday at the Catskill game farm. ' Mr. and Mrs. John Wilkes and daughters, Joan and Siisan, of Southington, Conn., visited her brother, Ralph Myers, and family over the weekend. Their son, John, returned with them Suri- day. He spent the week with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Myers. Miss Leona Mead left • Monday to spend the week with Miss Etta Woolly in Milton. Miss Woolly will accompany Miss Mead here on Friday for a day’s visit. On Saturday Miss Mead will return to her home in Flushing, L. L, after spending the surnmer with her aunt, Mrs. Sadie Garrison. Marine Lt. James M. Davis, who has been home on leave for 28 days, left Tuesday morning from Idlewild for El Toro Marine base, Calif. 4 ‘Áttfiirriey and 1 ihañ- vot ’ New Yóii , . áeríts,- who are vaqátióñiñÉr ‘ to West Hurley, called on Mends in town Wednesday. Junior Pultz, chief of the Fleischmarms fire departnient, at- tended the New York state fire- mens convention at the Sheraton- TenEyck hotel in Albany on Wed- nesday. Frank Armand also at- tended. Mr. and Mrs. Rudolf Pruitt of Poughkeepsie are spending a va- cation with Mrs. Bessie Combs in Clovesville. Mrs. Pruitt is the former Mary O’Kelly of Redkill. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Teter of Delhi spent Sunday with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Merton Mayes. Mrs. George Sloven, a patient at theKingston hospital for two weeks, was discharged and re- turned home Tuesday. Mre. James Cantwell, soii, Danny, her mother, Mrs. Victor Mayes, and. granddaughter. Miss Marilyn Mayes, spent from Wed- nesday until Saturday on a sight- seeing trip to many points of interest. Among the places tiiey visited were the Coming glass works, the Finger lakes, Watkins Glen and a tour’ throu^x [a wine distillery. Mr. feind Mrs. Arthur Doyle and son, Arthur, of Walden spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs, Hi- ram Maxim- and family. They celebrated the birthday of Mr. Maxim with a family diruier, in- cluding a ^special birthday cake. Birthday greetings to Kay^ Greene’on her 15th birthday Sept.' 3; to Vicki Lyrm Ballard, daugh- ter of'Mr. and Mrs. Marion Bal- lard, on her third birthday Sept. 4; to Pamela Maxim on her 13th birthday Sept. 3; Michael Ballard on his fourth birthday Sept. 5; Calvin Wright on his nuith birth- day Sept. 5; Robert Pultz Jr. on his 16th bhrthday Sept. 7; Wayne Maxin on his 14th birthday Sept. 7; Merry Lou Fuller on her 15th birlihday Sept. 9; Frank Greene on Sept, 9. David Moore celebrated his 15th birthday at his horhe Thurs- day evening. Among guests were his grandparents, Mr. ^ d Mrs. Cecil Brezee, also an xinde and aunt, Mr. and Mré. Kermeth Johnson, of Roxbury. Mr. and Mrs. Isadore Gold- berg of East Paterson, N. J., spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs, Helen -Goldberg, ^t the Brill house. Their son. Jay, who was employed at the Su- preme Market for the sunmier, returned with them. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Green- hut left Saturday for their j^ome in Dayton, Ohio. They enjoyed a twoweek vacation with his parents, .Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Greenhut, at Brill house. Miss Anita Rivers, accompa- nied by Miss Barbara Cowan of MargaretviUe, spent the weekend with Miss Rivers’ brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Oiarles Brewer, at Hastings. They visi- ted Mrs. Diane Schlee in the Bronx. Mrs. Leon VanLoan and daugh- ters, Leona and Peggy, and -Mrs. Claj^ón Myers, son, Clayton, and grandson, Robert Fairbairn,, also Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Shoirt, George Barley and Stevie Barley attended the CobleskiU feiir on Saturday, . Merry Lou. Fuller is spending the week at Methodist Camp Ep- worth in High Falls. Postmas- ter and Mrs. James Fuller and son, Mel, and Mrs. Lelia Simon- son took Merry Lou^ to High Falls Sunday. Marilyn West is spending the week a t the camp also. The MisSes Lori and Diane Miller of Newburgh returned after spending a week with their grandparents, Mr. emd Mrs. Crawford Greene. Their mother, Mrs. George Miller, came for them on Sunday. Miss Margaret Denio of New York and Shelburne, Vt., spent the weekend with Mr, and Mrs, Theodore Vogel, Mrs, Mac Conwisar and daugh- ter, Dorma, of Brooklyn are spend- ing a vacation with her sister, Mrs. Sam Slavin, and famUy, Mr, Conwisar joined the family for ^the weekend. Warren Sla- vin accompanied him home Sun- day for the -week, Mr, and Mrs, Alfred Harris and daughter, Beurbara, of West Orange, N; J., were Monday until Wednesday guests of Dr, and Mrs. William Cohen. They also visited ■friends in Msirgaretvüle. They are former residents, of Margaretville, Scott Bouck of New York is spending a vacation with his father! Harold Bouck, and his sister, Patricia, v' Mr. and Mrs. Charles BushneU and hiá mother, Mrs, Fannie BushneU, attended the baptismal services of their graridson and great-grandson, Robert BushneU, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Bush- neU, at, the Gould Merriorial Re-, formed church in Roxbury Sun- day afternoon, Mr, and Mrs, Fred Strong and Mr. arid Mrs, Orville Fox of One- onta. visited Mrs, Sydney Flisser on Tuesday. It ^;ap- ;joi ' ~ cat charg^ oh ^Wednesday, .ahd is convalescing at the homé of his paa^ents, Mr. and Mr^. Clayton Myers, on Highmount, ' Mr^ and Mrs. Fred Voigt of Ghent visited Mrs. Sadie Garri- son and Miss Leona Mead Thurs- day. ■ Mrs. Farmie BushneU spent Friday at the Garrison home, ' Mrs, Bessie Combs spent Sat- urday evenir^g with her cousin, Mrs, Heruy KeUy, in ArkviUe, Mrs, Roman VonFabrice of Basking Ridge, N, J,, and daugh- ter, Mrs, Robert Moffett, and her daughter of Point Pleasant Beách, N. J., spent Tuesday overnight and Wednesday in town and visi- ted friends, Mrs, VonFabrice, the former Marie Goebel, spent her sunmier vacations in Fleisch- manns when a youh'g girl, Mr, and Mrs, Irving Stabbe and granddaughter of Los Ange- les are spending a few days with her brother and sister-in-law, Mr, and Mrs. Marmy Hoffman. Mr, and Mrs, Douglas Tait and family of Afton were Saturday afternoon visitors of his brother. Rev, Richard Tait, and famUy. Mr. and Mrs, Walter Norton of Massapequa, L. I.„ si>ent Mon- day with his coiisins, Mr, and Mrs, Liberty Parker. \ Mrs. ^ Cory TaUon and gr^d- daughter, Cheri Maxim^ are spending a few days at the home of Mrs. Tallon’s daughter, Mrs. Louis Breed, and famUy in Canas- tota. Mrs. T’aUon also visited relatives in Com,wáU, Ont., for a few days. Mrs. Beatrice Moore, sons, David and Richard, and Scotty CeimpbeU of Boston, Mass., were Monday overnight guests at the home of ‘Mr. euid Mrs. David Shultis in the Bronx, They spent Thursday at Freedomland. Mr, and Mrs, 'Marmy HoffmM entertained Mrs. MiUie Switzer of Brpoklyn a few days the* last week. Arthur Hoffman of Man- hattan spent the weekend with his, parents. Mrs. Williarh Kavanaugh of Massapequa, L. I., and son, Rob- ert, of Los Angeles were Friday guests of her cousins, Mr, and Mrs. Liberty iParier., Mrsr Kav- anaugh. remained for a few days; Robert visited friends and rela- tivés in MargaretviUe. They both left on Tuesday. Miss Dorothy Berman of Man- hattan is ending a few days with her mother, Mrs. Anna Ber- man. Anita Steinhardt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Steinhardt of Astoria, L, Ly who are vaca- tioning at Holiday court for the summer, entertained a group of young people at a sweet sixteen Dry Brook By Mrs. Edith .White Dry Brook, Aug, 27 Mr, and Mrs. Robert Rosa and- chUdren £uid Mrs, Hemsen, Mrs, Rosa’s great - great - grandmother, spent the weekend with Robert’s parents, 'M r, and Mrs. Albert Rosa, , Plan New Home Mr. and Mrs. Seager Fairbairn were Thursday evening dirmer guests of Péter Buffano at the Grand hotel, Mr, Buffano plans to buUd. a home on Laurel turn. Dry Brook, in the near future, M r.. and Mrs, Claude Haynes caUéd Sunday on Mr. and Mrs, MiUeik Rowe at their traUer in BedeU, Mrs, Rowe is a cousin of the late Henry Todd. Mr, and Mrs, Harold Baker spent Suriday with Mrs, Hiram Fairbairn, The official board of the Meth- odist chiu:ch wiU hold ’a business meeting at the'home of ^ s , John Haynes Sept, 4i Mr, and Mrs, AUen Fairbaim and daughters, Ldnda and Lyim, of Waverly were on their vaca- tion, They arrived here a week ago Aug, 18 and spent until Thursday with his mother, Mrs. Hazel Fairbairn. Thursday they drove to Needham Heights, Mass., to visit Mr, and Mrs, William Funari, Saturday they, returned to Dry Brook' and Sunday back to Waverly. Mr,' and Mrs, Qauáe^aynes "and Mr. ánd Mrs. ^ h n Haynes attended a play giv^ by thd chü- dren at Woojjláría camp Fpiday night. A m erican R ed Cross A ids Swim Programs Joseph Stanton of Delhi was named chairman of water safety and first aid for the Eastern Dela- ware chapter of the American Red &OSS, He has been visiting the summer camps and pools in the area, talking with directors and explaining how Red Cross can help with these activities. There are seven summer camps and community pools in the area teaching swimming and lifesaving under authorized Red Cross in- structors. One hundred boys and girls are enrolled in thei coiu^es. Charles Aitken of Delhi was named chapter chairman for mem- bership and funds.. Fowler Pinch Elected Sidney Center.—^Fowlér' Finch, chief of the Sidney fire depart- ment for 20 years, was selected second vice-president of the Fire - men’s Association of the State of New York at the association’s con- vention in Albany last week. The undersigned will offer for sale at public auction on Saturday, Septeml^r 15,1962 at 1 o’clock P. M., D.S.T. the personal property of the late Robert & Mary Miller, -located at Back Street in the Village of Andes, New Yorlc, as folIo\rá: Tables, sideboard, cliairs, dresser, desk, drop-leaf table, blanket chest, s e \^ g macliine, picture frames, few dishes, coal stove, approx. 18" bundles asplialt siding, quantity toOls, horse, buggy, 1936 2-door Chevrolet car, and otl^er items. Terms: Cash WARREN M. KEIXY Conimlssioner of F ^ lio Welfare Auctioneer: Delaware County Ed McCandilsh Delhi, New York Delhi, New York Ralph DeSilva Dur^aven, Aug. 28 Fred Fairbairn of Norfolk, Va.i Navy base spent the weekend with his parents, Mr, arid Mrs. Orson Fairbairn. A Bridal Shower Miss Ix)is ConkUn was honored a t'a surprise bridal shower given by Mrs, Norman S ^ o rd and daughter, Elizabeth, at their home on Saturday night. Miss Conk- lin is to become the bride of Richard Soules of Downsvüle on Sept. 2, Í ' birthday party Friday afternoon. The Steinhardt farftUy has spent many summers in town. Mr. Steinhardt is chef at the Breezy Hill hotel during the summer season, Mr. arid Mrs, Glen Haderup of NorthviUe spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. C. H, Haderup, and Irving burg, Fla,, was a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs.' Liberty barker on Friday. Mr. Decker a retired vice-presiderit of the Blue Coal Co., is vacationing in W;indham, Mr. and Mrs, Anthony Cinque arid son, Anthony Jr., of Astoria, L. I., and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Celentano and daughter, Marie, o f the Bronx were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore Celentano on Highmount, Miss Leona Mead spent Tues- day wdth Mr, and Mrs. Kermeth Misner and with Mrs. Johrr Beech- er in New Paltz. 60 Count “Teen” i BOB PINS Black or Brown Reg. Card 25c Card J c 600 Pages LOOSE LEAF FILLER Reg. $1,29 Special - 69c LUNCH KITS With Vacuiun Bottle Reg. $2.98 $1.94 Swingline “Tot 50” STAPLER Coniplete With 1,000 Staples in Handsome Plastic Case Reg. $1 Value Í 88c Big 10 COLOR PAINTBOX With Brush, Non-Toxic 21c Square, Holds 400 Sheets RING BINDER • Convenient Clip • Paper Lies Flat • Giant Capacity Reg. 98c Special - 63c 1500In. C^ellophane TUCK TAPE 5^ in. Wide Reg. S9c Size • 28c POSITIVELY WON’T SKIP Papermate Pen Assorted Colors ChrcHne Trim Goose Neck DESK LAMP Shades in Asst. Deigns Brass (Arm Reg.jj|.98 Value Big Can of 48 CRAYOLA Reg. 75c Steno Books - Pencil Tablets - Combs - Paste - Scissors Pencil Compasses - Erasers - Mechanical Pencils Pencil Sharpeners M a rg a re tv ille D e p t. S to re WE ARE ALWAYS HAPPY TO SEE YOU Phone 586-4214 Paul Kopper, Mgr. IT ROARS WITH FIERCE EXCITEMENT! A Univefsat-lntemational Releaso I TECHNiCQLOiy COMPUTE! UMCUT! exactly as shown in Hs advanced price roadshow ongagements W ednesday -^Thursday - Friday - Saturday A ug. 29-30-31, Sept. 1 GMIJ-CURCl THEA11RE, MargaretviUe ONE PERFORMANCE EACH EVENING at 8 :30 MATINEE SATURDAY at 2 P. M.

FURNITURE · Idlewild for El Toro Marine base, Calif. 4‘Áttfiirriey and 1 ihañ- vot ’ New Yóii ,

Feb 11, 2020



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Page 1: FURNITURE · Idlewild for El Toro Marine base, Calif. 4‘Áttfiirriey and 1 ihañ- vot ’ New Yóii ,

Page Two , CATSKHX MOUNTAIX NEWS Margaretville, N. Y., Thursday, August 30,1962

ONE OF THE LARGEST SNAKES on exhibition in America, is the 19 foot Anaconda recently arrived at the Catskill Game Farm from South America. Carman Wase of the Game Farm Staff, is

, holding up the danger end of this huge reptile, .while Luz de Lourd^, <nie of the Girl Scouts from Mexico who attétóJed the recent Giii Scout round-up, a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Lindemann of the Cats­kill Game Farm is attempting to hold down the other en^ This big iellow is one of the large collection of snakes and other reptiles now installed in the recently opened scenic Reptile^House a t th« Catskill Game Farm.

W il l Y o u r C h i ld r e n G e t t o C o l le g e ?To meet the ever rising costs of a college education, párents are now ^ t t in g up IntHithiy investment programs with insurance protection.



(Our country home is in Oliverea).CaU COLLECT EL 4-2195

FURNITURE AUCTIONI, the undersigned, have been commissioned to sell the following household goods at public auction at the Masonic Hall,


SATURDAY, SEPT. 1: , 10 A. M.

Three-piece living room i uite, glassware, china, dressing t¿ble, beds, desk, lamps, adding machine, coffee taHéj wash stands, rugs (6x9 and 12x12), GE TV set, radios, outdoor grill, misc. .tools, rockers,

♦ kitchenware, GE ringer, washing machine, GE 9-ft. reMgerator, clocks, chairs, captam’s chair, and many

^ t& r articles. ~ iy Terms: Cash_ ' - ÍT ■ / ' .

1 Some Antiques '

G e o r g e W . T u p p e r v( Dial 4751, Koxbury,N.Y. '

Lunch Will Be Served by the Ladies of the Grange /

Traditional slacks Style for toiDrrow’s leaders, i.


Traditional styling in slacks looks all the neater and trimmer when it comes from famous Gulf Stream craftsmen!

Tab*walstband and belt-Ioop models in solid and patterned fabrics, enriched

by glints of olive, gold and black.A featured value!

B a x t e r & W o o d C lo t h in g C o ., I n c .162 Delaware St. Walton, N. Y.

The Fleischmamis NewsMondáy, Aug. 27, 1962 Mrs. Rose Greene, Editor

' Phone -Flelachmanns 266

The first meeting of the fall season of the WSCS, circle 1 will be held Wednesday, Sept. 5, a t the home Of Mrs. Sadie Garrison, starting at 1:30 p., m. Members should come prepared to sew. .

Mr. and Mrs. George Singer of Miami Beach, Fla., who are Va­cationing here, were honored guests at a party a t house Flatow on Tuesday to celebrate the birthday of Mr. Singer. Over 30 guests attended. '

Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Mills of New Hyde Park, N. J., were weekend guests of his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Win­nie, and family. His mother, Mrs. Carrie Mills, spent the sum- m ^ with her sister and family. On Saturday afternoon they mo- tOTed to Stamford to visit Mrs. Winnie’s and Mrs. Mills’ brother, Arthur Reynolds, a t the Stamford nursing home. Mrs. Mills accom- j)anied her son home Simday.

Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kent and son, Robbie,, of Kingston were weekend guests at the home of Mrs. HoweU Birdsall. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hood of Syracuse are spending a week’s vacation with her nipther,' Mrs. Birdsall.

Mrs. Crawford Lasher is spend­ing a few days at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Charles Howell, and family in Ludlowville. Mrs. Howell cariné for her mother on Sunday. *

Mrs. Harper Fairbaim arid, children, Mrs. Audrey Bensle and children, Mrs. Ronald Bouton and daughter, Mrs. Mirmié Ballard of Halcott Center and Miss H arriet Ballard of 'Bedford Hills spent Wednesday a t the Catskill game farm.

' Mr. and Mrs. John Wilkes and daughters, Joan and Siisan, of Southington, Conn., visited her brother, Ralph Myers, and family over the weekend. Their son, John, returned with them Suri- day. He spent the week with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Myers.

Miss Leona Mead left • Monday to spend the week with Miss E tta Woolly in Milton. Miss Woolly will accompany Miss Mead here on Friday for a day’s visit. On Saturday Miss Mead will return to her home in Flushing, L. L, after spending the surnmer with her aunt, Mrs. Sadie Garrison.

Marine Lt. James M. Davis, who has been home on leave for 28 days, left Tuesday morning from Idlewild for El Toro Marine base, Calif.

4 ‘Áttfiirriey and 1 ihañ- vot ’ New Yóii , . áeríts,- who are vaqátióñiñÉr ‘to West Hurley, called on Mends in town Wednesday.

Junior Pultz, chief of the Fleischmarms fire departnient, a t­tended the New York state fire­mens convention a t the Sheraton- TenEyck hotel in Albany on Wed­nesday. Frank Armand also a t­tended.

Mr. and Mrs. Rudolf P ruitt of Poughkeepsie are spending a va­cation with Mrs. Bessie Combs in Clovesville. Mrs. P ruitt is the former Mary O’Kelly of Redkill.

Mr. and Mrs. Howard Teter of Delhi spent Sunday with her par­ents, Mr. and Mrs. Merton Mayes.

Mrs. George Sloven, a patient at theKingston hospital for two weeks, was discharged and re­turned home Tuesday.

Mre. James Cantwell, soii, Danny, her mother, Mrs. Victor Mayes, and. granddaughter. Miss Marilyn Mayes, spent from Wed­nesday until Saturday on a sight­seeing trip to many points of interest. Among the places tiiey visited were the Coming glass works, the Finger lakes, Watkins Glen and a tour’ throu^x [a wine distillery.

Mr. feind Mrs. A rthur Doyle and son, Arthur, of Walden spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs, Hi­ram Maxim- and family. They celebrated the birthday of Mr. Maxim with a family diruier, in­cluding a special birthday cake.

Birthday greetings to Kay^ Greene’ on her 15th birthday Sept.' 3; to Vicki Lyrm Ballard, daugh­te r of'M r. and Mrs. Marion Bal­lard, on her third birthday Sept. 4; to Pamela Maxim on her 13th birthday Sept. 3; Michael Ballard on his fourth birthday Sept. 5; Calvin Wright on his nuith birth­day Sept. 5; Robert Pultz Jr. on his 16th bhrthday Sept. 7; Wayne Maxin on his 14th birthday Sept. 7; Merry Lou Fuller on her 15th birlihday Sept. 9; Frank Greene on Sept, 9.

David Moore celebrated his 15th birthday a t his horhe Thurs­day evening. Among guests were his grandparents, Mr. ^ d Mrs. Cecil Brezee, also an xinde and aunt, Mr. and Mré. Kermeth Johnson, of Roxbury.

Mr. and Mrs. Isadore Gold­berg of East Paterson, N. J., spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs, Helen -Goldberg, ^ t the Brill house. Their son. Jay, who was employed a t the Su­preme Market for the sunmier, returned with them.

Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Green- hut left Saturday for their j^ome in Dayton, Ohio. They enjoyed a twoweek vacation with his parents, .Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Greenhut, a t Brill house.

Miss Anita Rivers, accompa­nied by Miss Barbara Cowan of MargaretviUe, spent the weekend with Miss Rivers’ brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Oiarles Brewer, a t Hastings. They visi­ted Mrs. Diane Schlee in the Bronx.

Mrs. Leon VanLoan and daugh­ters, Leona and Peggy, and -Mrs. Claj^ón Myers, son, Clayton, and grandson, Robert Fairbairn,, also Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Shoirt, George Barley and Stevie Barley attended the CobleskiU feiir on Saturday, ’ .

Merry Lou. Fuller is spending the week a t Methodist Camp Ep- worth in High Falls. Postmas­ter and Mrs. James Fuller and son, Mel, and Mrs. Lelia Simon­son took Merry Lou^ to High Falls Sunday. Marilyn West is spending the week a t the camp also.

The MisSes Lori and Diane Miller of Newburgh returned after spending a week with their grandparents, Mr. emd Mrs. Crawford Greene. Their mother, Mrs. George Miller, came for them on Sunday.

Miss Margaret Denio of New York and Shelburne, Vt., spent the weekend with Mr, and Mrs, Theodore Vogel,

Mrs, Mac Conwisar and daugh­ter, Dorma, of Brooklyn are spend­ing a vacation with her sister, Mrs. Sam Slavin, and famUy, Mr, Conwisar joined the family for ^the weekend. Warren Sla­vin accompanied him home Sun­day for the -week,

Mr, and Mrs, Alfred Harris and daughter, Beurbara, of West Orange, N; J., were Monday until Wednesday guests of Dr, and Mrs. William Cohen. They also visited ■friends in Msirgaretvüle. They are former residents, of Margaretville,

Scott Bouck of New York is spending a vacation with his father! Harold Bouck, and his sister, Patricia, v '

Mr. and Mrs. Charles BushneU and hiá mother, Mrs, Fannie BushneU, attended the baptismal services of their graridson and great-grandson, Robert BushneU, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Bush­neU, at, the Gould Merriorial Re-, formed church in Roxbury Sun­day afternoon,

Mr, and Mrs, Fred Strong and Mr. arid Mrs, Orville Fox of One- onta. visited Mrs, Sydney Flisser on Tuesday.

It ^ ;a p -;joi ' ~

catch arg ^ oh ^Wednesday, .ahd is convalescing a t the homé of his paa^ents, Mr. and Mr^. Clayton Myers, on Highmount, '

Mr and Mrs. Fred Voigt of Ghent visited Mrs. Sadie Garri­son and Miss Leona Mead Thurs­day. ■ Mrs. Farmie BushneU spent Friday a t the Garrison home, '

Mrs, Bessie Combs spent Sat­urday evenir^g with her cousin, Mrs, Heruy KeUy, in ArkviUe,

Mrs, Roman VonFabrice of Basking Ridge, N, J,, and daugh­ter, Mrs, Robert Moffett, and her daughter of Point Pleasant Beách, N. J., spent Tuesday overnight and Wednesday in town and visi­ted friends, Mrs, VonFabrice, the former Marie Goebel, spent her sunmier vacations in Fleisch- manns when a youh'g girl,

Mr, and Mrs, Irving Stabbe and granddaughter of Los Ange­les are spending a few days with her brother and sister-in-law, Mr, and Mrs. Marmy Hoffman.

Mr, and Mrs, Douglas Tait and family of Afton were Saturday afternoon visitors of his brother. Rev, Richard Tait, and famUy.

Mr. and Mrs, W alter Norton of Massapequa, L. I.„ si>ent Mon­day with his coiisins, Mr, and Mrs, Liberty Parker.

\Mrs. Cory TaUon and g r^ d -

daughter, Cheri Maxim^ are spending a few days a t the home of Mrs. Tallon’s daughter, Mrs. Louis Breed, and famUy in Canas- tota. Mrs. T’aUon also visited relatives in Com,wáU, Ont., for a few days.

Mrs. Beatrice Moore, sons, David and Richard, and Scotty CeimpbeU of Boston, Mass., were Monday overnight guests a t the home of ‘Mr. euid Mrs. David Shultis in the Bronx, They spent Thursday a t Freedomland.

Mr, and Mrs, 'Marmy HoffmM entertained Mrs. MiUie Switzer of Brpoklyn a few days the* last week. Arthur Hoffman of Man­hattan spent the weekend with his, parents.

Mrs. Williarh Kavanaugh of Massapequa, L. I., and son, Rob­ert, of Los Angeles were Friday guests of her cousins, Mr, and Mrs. Liberty iParier., Mrsr Kav­anaugh. remained for a few days; Robert visited friends and rela- tivés in MargaretviUe. They both left on Tuesday.

Miss Dorothy Berman of Man­hattan is e n d in g a few days with her mother, Mrs. Anna Ber­man.

Anita Steinhardt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Steinhardt of Astoria, L, Ly who are vaca­tioning a t Holiday court for the summer, entertained a group of young people a t a sweet sixteen

D r y B r o o kBy Mrs. Edith .White

Dry Brook, Aug, 27Mr, and Mrs. Robert Rosa and-

chUdren £uid Mrs, Hemsen, Mrs, Rosa’s great - great - grandmother, spent the weekend with Robert’s parents, 'M r, and Mrs. Albert Rosa, ,

Plan New HomeMr. and Mrs. Seager Fairbairn

were Thursday evening dirmer guests of Péter Buffano a t the Grand hotel, Mr, Buffano plans to buUd. a home on Laurel turn. Dry Brook, in the near future,

M r.. and Mrs, Claude Haynes caUéd Sunday on Mr. and Mrs, MiUeik Rowe a t their traUer in BedeU, Mrs, Rowe is a cousin of the late Henry Todd.

Mr, and Mrs, Harold Baker spent Suriday with Mrs, Hiram Fairbairn,

The official board of the Meth­odist chiu:ch wiU hold ’a business meeting a t the'home of ^ s , John Haynes Sept, 4i

Mr, and Mrs, AUen Fairbaim and daughters, Ldnda and Lyim, of Waverly were on their vaca­tion, They arrived here a week ago Aug, 18 and spent until Thursday with his mother, Mrs. Hazel Fairbairn. Thursday they drove to Needham Heights, Mass., to visit Mr, and Mrs, William Funari, Saturday they, returned to Dry Brook' and Sunday back to Waverly.

Mr,' and Mrs, Q au áe^ ay n es "and Mr. ánd Mrs. ^ h n Haynes attended a play g iv ^ by thd chü- dren at Woojjláría camp Fpiday night.

A m e r i c a n R e d C r o s s

A i d s S w i m P r o g r a m sJoseph Stanton of Delhi was

named chairman of water safety and first aid for the Eastern Dela­ware chapter of the American Red &OSS, He has been visiting the summer camps and pools in the area, talking with directors and explaining how Red Cross can help with these activities.

There are seven summer camps and community pools in the area teaching swimming and lifesaving under authorized Red Cross in­structors. One hundred boys and girls are enrolled in thei coiu^es.

Charles Aitken of Delhi was named chapter chairman for mem­bership and funds..

F o w l e r P i n c h E l e c t e dSidney Center.—^Fowlér' Finch,

chief of the Sidney fire depart­ment for 20 years, was selected second vice-president of the Fire­men’s Association of the State of New York at the association’s con­vention in Albany last week.

The undersigned will offer for sale a t public auction on

S a t u r d a y , S e p t e m l^ r 1 5 ,1 9 6 2a t 1 o’clock P. M., D.S.T.

the personal property of the late Robert & Mary Miller, -located a t Back Street in the Village of Andes, New Yorlc, as folIo\rá:

Tables, sideboard, cliairs, dresser, desk, drop-leaf table, blanket chest, s e \^ g macliine, picture frames, few dishes, coal stove, approx. 18" bundles asplialt siding, quantity toOls, horse, buggy, 1936 2-door Chevrolet car, and otl^er items.

Terms: Cash

WARREN M. KEIXY Conimlssioner of F ^ lio Welfare

Auctioneer: Delaware CountyEd McCandilsh Delhi, New YorkDelhi, New York

Ralph DeSilva

Dur^aven, Aug. 28 • Fred Fairbairn of Norfolk, Va.i

Navy base spent the weekend with his parents, Mr, arid Mrs. Orson Fairbairn.

A Bridal ShowerMiss Ix)is ConkUn was honored

a t 'a surprise bridal shower given by Mrs, Norman S ^ o r d and daughter, Elizabeth, at their home on Saturday night. Miss Conk­lin is to become the bride of Richard Soules of Downsvüle on Sept. 2, Í '

birthday party Friday afternoon. The Steinhardt farftUy has spent many summers in town. Mr. Steinhardt is chef a t the Breezy Hill hotel during the summer season,

Mr. arid Mrs, Glen Haderup of NorthviUe spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. C. H, Haderup, and

Irvingburg, Fla,, was a guest a t the home of Mr. and Mrs.' Liberty b a rk e r on Friday. Mr. Decker a retired vice-presiderit of the Blue Coal Co., is vacationing in W;indham,

Mr. and Mrs, Anthony Cinque arid son, Anthony Jr., of Astoria, L. I., and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Celentano and daughter, Marie, o f the Bronx were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore Celentano on Highmount,

Miss Leona Mead spent Tues­day wdth Mr, and Mrs. Kermeth Misner and with Mrs. Johrr Beech­er in New Paltz.

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