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Presented by Debra Askanase, Community Organizer 2.0 FirstGiving Fundraising Bootcamp: Week 2
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Presented  by  Debra  Askanase,    

Community  Organizer  2.0  

FirstGiving    Fundraising  Bootcamp:  Week  2    

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How this webinar works •  A link to the slides and a recording will be

sent after the webinar

•  If you’d like to ask a question during the webinar, you can type it in the box on the right side of your screen

•  Use the hashtag #fgwebinars to tweet about this webinar

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FirstGiving: Online Fundraising Solutions

Personal Support for your nonprofit, donors, and fundraisers Easy, tested, and secure transaction processes for the donor

Peer-to-Peer Fundraising Pages and Event Registrations Online Direct Donations

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About  the  Presenter  

Debra  Askanase,  @askdebra  Digital  Engagement  Strategist  Community  Organizer  2.0  hFp://  [email protected]  

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Fundraising  Bootcamp:  Overview  Fundraising  bootcamp:  what’s  it  all  about  

-­‐  Four  weeks  of  discussion,  learning,  and  tesMng:  -­‐  The  donate  now  buFon  -­‐  The  fundraising  landing  page  -­‐  Driving  donors  to  the  website  -­‐  The  plan  for  Giving  Tuesday!  

Plus…  Answering  your  quesMons  Peer-­‐supported  Facebook  Group  (lots  of  discussion!)  hFps://  Follow-­‐up  videos  and  content  

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Online  Fundraising  for  Nonprofits:  Facebook  Group  

Join  the  group!  hFps://  

Purpose:  discuss  your  challenges,  share  successes,  ask  quesMons  online  fundraising  

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Week  1  review:    DonaGon  BuHon  

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Six  ways  to  make  your    donate  buHon  rise  to  the  top  

•  Color  is  crucial:  30%  greater  conversion  with  red  than  grey  (Network  for  Good).  Use  color  contrast.  

•  2-­‐second  test:  can  visitors  find  it  in  2  seconds?  •  CreaMve  verbiage:  go  beyond  “Donate  Now”  with  specific  asks  

•  Incorporate  an  image  with  the  buFon  

•  Test  website  posiMoning  and  buFon  size  •  Is  the  buFon  placed  in  a  “disMnguished  area?”  

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DonaGons  through  Facebook:    hFp://  

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Facebook  donaMon  customizable  text    

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1.  Decide  on  a  Giving  Tuesday  campaign  

2.  Install  a  donaMon  buFon  (if  you  don’t  have  one),  and/or  opMmize  your  donaMon  buFon  (if  you  have  one)  

3.    Post  your  biggest  challenge  within  the  Facebook  group  

4.    Answer  someone  else’s  quesMon  within  the  Facebook    group  

Bootcamp  Challenge:  Report-­‐backs  

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Highlights  from  our  Facebook  discussion  group  

•  Helping  each  other  with  dona1on  bu4on  text,  feedback,  thoughts  

•  Sharing  what  we’re  working  on  •  Thanks  to  Big  Brother/Big  Sister  Miami,  Gallant  Few,  and  La1n  America  Working  Group  for  great  ques1ons  

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Week  2:    OpGmizing  Landing  Pages  

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OpGmized,  and  always  1-­‐click  away  

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Examples  and  ideas  DonaGon  page  opGmizaGon  

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Use  engaging  photos  

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Survey:  System  allows  for  donaGon  category  configuraGon  

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If  yes,  for  what?  

•  80  responses  •  Most  popular:  

Memory,  in  honor  of,  recurring,  monthly,  annual  

•  Other:  Project-­‐based,  specific  programs,  matching  gie  opMon,  special  occasions,  geographic  designaMons  for  funding,  sponsor  someone  or  an  event  

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Recommended  giving  levels,  mulGple  online  giving  opGons  

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Give  something  away  


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Tell  a  story  

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Types  of  donaGons    

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Show  impact,  preferred    type  of  donaGon  

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DonaGon  page  giving  opGons  

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Show  where  the  money  goes  

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Invisible  Children:  donaGon  page  

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Show  the  steps  in  the  giving  process  

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Social  sharing  +  clear  process  +  story  

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Nine  ideas  for  opGmizing  your    donaGon  page  

•  Eye-­‐catching  headline    •  Offer  different  online  giving  levels  •  Offer  different  types  of  donaMons  (in  memory  of,  in  honor  of,  etc.)  

•  Tell  a  story  •  Communicate  payment  security  •  Give  something  back  (t-­‐shirt,  sMcker)  •  Equate  giving  to  solving  a  specific  need  •  Show  where  the  money  goes  •  Include  social  sharing  buFons  

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-­‐What  is  Giving  Tuesday  and  what  is  FirstGiving  doing  for  it?*  

-­‐How  do  you  opMmize  the  donate  buFon,  page,  and  giving  levels?*  

-­‐Is  there  a  way  to  donate  through  Facebook?*  

-­‐How  should  we  effecMvely  drive  donors  to  the  website  to  donate?  

-­‐What  is  the  best  way  to  drive  donors  to  make  donaMons?  

-­‐How  many  Mmes  should  you  ask  for  donaMons?  

Most  common  quesGons  from  YOU  

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What  are  the  best  giving  levels?  

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Survey:  Recommended  giving  levels  

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Most  direct  donors  give  in  $25,  $50,  and  $100  amounts  



Total  number  of  direct  donaGons  

top  3  donaMon  amounts  

other  donaMon  amounts  

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Breakdown  of  common  donaGon  amounts  from  $101  to  $1,000  

0  2000  4000  6000  8000  10000  12000  14000  16000  

DonaGons  $101  -­‐  $1,000    





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DonaGon  giving  levels  +  impact  

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Giving  amounts  based  on  what  you  need  

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DonaGon  amount  takeaways  

•  Encourage  fundraisers  to  ask  for  specific  donaMon  amounts  of  $25,  $50,  and  $100  

•  Consider  semng  up  projects  that  can  be  funded  for  these  amounts  ($50  buys  a  week’s  worth  of  food  for  one  person)  

•  Don’t  be  afraid  to  ask  for  higher  amounts:  $200  is  the  most  popular  amount  over  $100  

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Determining  donaGon  levels  

1.  Look  at  overall  donaMon  history:  a.  Your  low-­‐level  gies:  start  slightly  higher  than  a  

majority  of  your  low-­‐level  gies  b.  Your  high-­‐level  gies:  end  slightly  higher  than  a  

majority  of  your  high-­‐level  gies  

2.  Offer  4-­‐  6  opMons  3.  Cluster  opMons  closer  together  at  the  lower  

end  4.  Always  offer  an  “other”  value  opMon    

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What  is  the  best  way  to  drive  donors  to  make  donaMons?  

How  many  Mmes  should  you  ask  for  donaMons?  What  is  your  biggest  success  thus  far?  

Follow-­‐up  from  Facebook  group  conversaMons  Check-­‐in  on  meeMng  your  bootcamp  challenge  

Week  3:  Driving  donors  to  your  giving  page!  

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Twitter: @FirstGiving

Online Fundraising blog:

Online Fundraising for Nonprofits Facebook Group:

Connect with us through our social communities!

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Interested in learning more about FirstGiving?

Contact: [email protected]

Nonprofit customer of FirstGiving with questions?

Contact: [email protected]

Thank you!