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Full Pair Work( Complete)

Apr 05, 2018



Joyce Tan
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  • 7/31/2019 Full Pair Work( Complete)


  • 7/31/2019 Full Pair Work( Complete)


    First of all for research part we manage to find around 50 keywords from Google and Yahoo.Among 50 of them out of 10 hit our top page, where which is not the first 5 but also consider onthe first page of the search engine. (Refer to Chart 1) Apart from that among 50 of them out of 10hit what we get also, which is reach what we aspect to be appear in the first page and on the top 5of first page.(Refer to Chart 2). Apart from that please refer to Appendix A for keywords.

    Chart 1: Result on Search engine page.

    Chart 2: Result on Keywords search.


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    The information that could search online basically is the wrong information or lack of information.

    This situation cause the public has the wrong perception on TARC.

    The negative image has not been improved by anyone else to correct the public.

    There is no assistant online who may give the official voice or providing the rightinformation to the public.

    Target audiences

    The target audience of this college is:

    a) SPM/STPM School Leaver (secondary school student)

    b) Foreign studentc) Student who are interested in Mass Communication course

    Consumer Insights

    Based on our research, we notice that most of the students do concern the followingreasons while choosing the right institution for studies.

    Topic Positive Comments Negative Comments1. Facilities Swimming Pool Wi-fi Gym Room CITC Library

    Swimming pool is bigenough for students to havea place to relax and also

    provide the learning sessionwhile enroll to the college.

    Wi-fi can be found at mostof the places in college andeasy to look for informationwhile in class.

    Gym room provided the basic equipment and it is

    only Rm1.50 per entry. CITC has more than 1000computers for students to doassignment.

    3-storey library with air-condition for student tostudy.

    Usually the swimming poolis closed.

    Wi-fi can be foundeverywhere but the speed of the wi-fi is very low.

    Gym room usually packedand difficult to have our own spaces.

    Although CITC has morethan 1000 computers, butmost of the websites has

    blocked and sometimes iseven packed. The security in library very

    strict and information is notthat completed.

    2. Food

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    Canteen 1 Canteen 2 Cafeteria TBR

    Canteen 1 and Canteen 2are separately to handle theamount of students.

    Canteen 2s food is healthyand cheap.

    Cafeteria provided the niceenvironment which facingwith the swimming pool for dining.

    Food in TBR provided morevariety for students and it isonly 5 minutes walks toreach.

    Canteen 1 is too far for Mass Communicationstudent to reach and it is noteasy to found.

    Canteen 2s food is lack of taste and not nice. Most of the food in

    Cafeteria is spicy and oily. Stalls in TBR are very dirty.

    3. Staff Staff in campus providecorrect information and hasthe efficiency system tohandle students problems.

    Lecturers areknowledgeable.

    Lecturers always providethe consultation time for students.

    Lecturers are taught inEnglish.

    Staff in SSSH is very rudeand did not provide rightinformation for student.

    School is failed to retain or acquires good lecturers.

    Lecture class conducted inlarge groups which will lossof concentration.

    4. Transport College bus Public bus Taxi Personal Car

    School provided college buswith affordable price andfetch student to the bus stopwhich is nearest to their house.

    Public bus with onlyRm0.50 to the area near campus per ride.

    Taxi is always providedwhen student needed.

    Students can drive own car to school with the parking

    spaces also provided in thecampus.

    The buses around campus islesser, sometimes have towait up to 45 minutes for one ride.

    The buses always block themain road to the campusand cause traffic jam.

    Students have to apply for car sticker to park in schoolwith a pay of RM100 butthe school did not provideenough parking spaces.

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    Brand imperatives

    Although TARC in an institution, but it is also represent as a brand in the industry of education.Therefore, the success of graduated student and the quality of the institution has to be highlightedin public to attract more intake students.

    First of all, the tuition fees and development fees of TARC can be highlight in the public. This is because most of the families in Malaysia are from secondary classes. The tuition fees can helpthem to minimize their burden and the TARC can be ensure to the public is their tuition feesalways is affordable.

    Second, the statistic and the news about the graduated student from TARC can get a job can behighlight among the public as we care and we understand that studies are all about a policy of future. Based on this evidence, the public will pay more confidence on the institution as they canfeel that the school has a guaranteed education.

    Next, the achievement of TARC can be shown to the public as well to allow the public understandthat our quality still maintain in a very good status and the targeted audience can have their education at TARC successfully.

    Besides of that, the news about the TARCs open day can be shown to be the public too as it willincrease the reputation and it doing a publicity to the public that our education maintain in a stablestatus.

    Lastly, we found out that the record of blood donation campaign in TARC is very famous inMalaysia too. This topic may give the perception of good image on TARC since the annual blooddonation campaign is the highlight of community service activity undertaken by TARC students.And yet, the college holds the national record of highest number of units of blood collected by theinstitution, and has earned a place in Malaysian Book of Records.

    Communication Objectives

    To create awareness among the public and grab attention from the foreign students.

    To create official voice to avoid the misunderstanding about the institution.

    To create an environment of College can be educational and fun at TARC.

    The Proposition or selling idea

    To overcome the current crisis, they are three sections of ideas can be suggest to TARC toovercome the crisis as soon as possible because the current crisis may cause the misunderstandingand incorrect perception in publics minded.

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    For the very first, Facebook is the most powerful tool to promote and sell your institution. But before that, we must ensure that there is someone who is in-charge for this section.

    For sure, the institution shall have an official Facebook pages to promote the positive image of TARC with the name of TARC SSH to aim the target audience and create the environment of Mass Communication studies with the theme of College can be education and fun!. On behalf of that, the photos and videos about every event shall be uploaded on Facebook to let the studentsknow that they have chances to learn in physically besides on mentally. And yet, photos aboutfacilities in or outside of the campus should be uploaded too such as the gym, CITC, basketballcourt, Papparich, Apple Store, Digi center, shopping mall and even the problem of living can besettle around the campus too. Especially it can target the foreign student.

    Open day campaign actually is the very first image to attract the student to visit the campus.Therefore, we suggest that the campaign can be promotes online to attract the target audience tolog on to Facebook, e-mail their basic information to register under the page to [email protected] toreceive the voucher to visit the campus and receive mystery gift.

    Besides that, advertisement online is very important as we suggest that the school can put theadvertisement on the right column of Facebook during the month of Education such Education fair will held on July or December. To avoid any exceed expenses, we suggest use the method of Paidfor Click. Once the budget has reached the limit of click, the advertisement will never appear inthe column anymore.

    Facebook plays an important role, but same goes to the TARC main websites. The TARC websitesrepresent the platform for the students to ask question and solve their problem. Therefore, statistic

    proof of TARC student can get a job in future after graduated suppose to be posted on the websitestoo to give the confidence to the students. Meanwhile, TARC will create the TARCchat (studentonline services) for the student who has enquiry to provide them more accurate information. Andyet, there shall be a click to link to Facebook TARC SSH pages.

    Besides of the two tools had provided above, others tools can be use as platform to reach thetarget audiences too. For example, is the famous websites in Malaysia as itdo have the content of music, news, advertisement online and website. It is proving that there is a

    big chance to attract more students or public to visit TARC websites and increase the click of going into the pages of TARC.

    Nowadays, Blogspot has become one of the tools to improve the images of the company or institution too as it will provide a feeling of getting closer to the targeted audiences. Therefore,stories about event, or the achievement of the institution can be posted on Blogspot often to grabthe attention from the public and let them feel that they are getting closer to the institution.

    Lastly, we suggest that the institution suppose to create an application of TARC to target the in andout of the institutions student with the advantages of keep update with the news and allow thestudents to check result with no interruption as well. It somehow like the first institution that cancheck result through using smartphones.


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    mailto:[email protected]://[email protected]://
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    As the details that had mentioned in brand imperatives, we did some research on the topic to pushthe point will be more trustable.

    First of all, the financial aids that can decrease the burden of the middle class of family. Thecollege offers the TARC College Merit Scholarship to students with 7As and above in their SPMexamination such as PTPTN loan, The Star Education Fund Scholarship and the others.

    Next, as the support from Dr. Chua Soi Lek, there was the news about TARC student can get a job.He said that whenever graduated students from TARC may get a job within 6 months. This isactually another support to the target audiences that they may have a stable future life once they

    join into TARC.

    Besides of that, the achievement of TARC students can be highlighted. We found out that theTARC students actually have a lot of chances to go for competition and gain more experiences.Therefore, this is also a support for TARC to gain more attention from the outsider.

    Lastly, we had found the Facebook page that is One Heart One Love One Life which is created by the TARC Mass Communication Diploma level of Public Relations student. They created thisevent as they are involved and doing publicity on the particular event which is collaboration withTLC (Truly Loving Company) to fulfill the golden wishes of National Cancer Society Malaysia(NCSM). Based on the information, it directly prove that the student have more chances to getinvolved to their assignment in physically. (Refer to Appendix D)

    Creative Direction

    Based on our research and the ideas that had suggested, there are some suggestions to portrait theimage of TARC to overcome the current crisis and negative image of TARC.

    For example, we can add more keywords on pages such as Google, Yahoo and others to have more

    chances to appear on the first or second page of search engine as it may reach more audienceeasily.

    Media imperatives

    Although the ideas are completed, but the time and the location to locate the information is playingan important role too to convey the message at the effective time. As what had mentioned, the timefor advertising on Facebook shall be during education month and during the peak time instead of night time.

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    Based on the overall details and research that we had found, we are fully understand the currentsituation of the institution and we had suggested a proposal that will lead to the best chance of success and put an aim to reach our targeted audiences.

    And yet, we had do a research on the consumer insight, therefore we understand the needs of theconsumer and we move on to fulfill their wishes to solve their problem and incorrect perception onthe institution. We tried our best to lead them to understand the institution too.

    Then, we strongly suggest that the ideas with 3 categories can be work out smoothly and overcomethe current situation. This proposal is realistic as the ideas that we had suggested is thecommunication way that is most direct and easiest to reach our target audience.

    The situation in this era is everyone search for information on Google and Yahoo search engine.Most of the people look for information which is appears on first or second pages. Therefore, thesuggestion that we mentioned are reliable to reach the platform for the target audiences.

    The advantages of TARC will brings a lot of benefits such as the positive image of TARC, the participation on physically event and the achievement of TARC to the targeted audiences as well tofulfill their education and decrease their burden.

    Besides that, we believe the power of Facebook can reach our target audiences as nowadays,teenagers spend more than 2 hours and above in front of the computer. The rolling on theFacebook advertisement will keep on refreshing each time they refresh their page too.

    Therefore, the proposition and selling idea are explained exhaustively for the institution as aguideline by step-by-step to lead the institution get back on the right track and build up the positiveimage among the public.

    The overall proposal is to reach the main communication objective which is creates awarenesstowards TARC and create official voice to overcome the current problem. Therefore, we believethat this proposal is an effective way for the instituition to step up to another better stage.

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    (2012) [Online]. Malaysia: Kwong Wah E-newspaper.Retrieved from: [Accessed 4th June2012]

    (2010) TAR College Holds Third Blood Donation Drive This Year [Online]. Malaysia: TARC.Retrieved from: [Accessed4th June 2012]

    (2011) Achievement & Awards [Online]. Malaysia: TARC. Retrievedfrom: [Accessed 4th June 2012]

    Admin of (2011) TAR College Open Days, 11 27 March 2011 [Online].Malaysia: Smart Edu. Retrieved from: [Accessed 4th June 2012]

    Ubi Yan, Venn Lee, Lee Marilyn and Aki Liew (2011) 1 Heart 1 Love 1 Life [Online]. Malaysia:SSSH Student. Retrievedfrom: [Accessed 4th June 2012].

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    Appendix A: List of keywords entering Google search.

    Affordable TARC Tarc minimumrequirement

    Tarc Credit count Certificate LevelStudies

    Cheap Tar College Intakes for college 2012

    Tarc diploma inhotelmanagement

    Cheapest tuitionfees in Malaysia.

    Quality Ktar Tar Kolej Tarc merits

    Form 6 Tarc College Tarc in setapak Tarc / Form 6 Tarc notrecognize

    A-Level Tunku AbdulRahman

    Tarc hotelmanagement

    Tarc got credit? Tarc or UTAR

    Loan Diploma in MassComm


    Where to studyPR in Malaysia

    Which collegehave the bestmass comm.Studies

    Ptptn Advance diploma Where to studyA-Level

    Tarc or Taylor college



    Tarc AcademicCalendar

    Degree College Best college inMalaysia

    Tarc academicand examinationregulations

    Local College Tunku Abdul

    Rahman College



    Where to study

    mass comm. InMalaysia.

    Tarc facilities and



    Tar-x E LearningSystem


    Tarc better or Segi better

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    Appendix B: Best Comments about TARC from online resources.

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    Appendix C: Bad Comments about TARC from online resources.

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    Appendix D: Samples of TARC students appear on online resources.

    Chances to involved assignment in physically.

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    Chances to get a job after graduated.

    TARC donation campaign.

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    TARC student Scholarship & Financial Aid

    Appendix E: Samples of TARC awards of SSH those students get.

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