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Target Audience: 16-30 year olds (a wider audience range). People that are interested in pop/rock music. For both males and females. Image: The image on the front cover is of Adele therefore people who read this magazine are probably interested in pop/rock music. Someone who is a fan of Adele is more likely to buy this magazine because they want to see what she has said in her interview. This image is a close up shot, mainly of Adele’s face which adds drama to the Main cover line: “Adele blows us away”, this is the main cover line, we can tell because it is linked with the main image on the front cover. The word ‘Adele’ is in upper case letters, this makes it stand out and tells people who don’t know who the image is of, who it is. Title: Q, short title makes the magazine easy to remember. The title is a letter and this makes the magazine more quirky and edgy. The colours used also make this magazine stand out as it uses a bright red and contrasting white. Cover lines: The cover lines on the front cover are mainly to do with rock music which fits in with the sort of audience that this magazine is aimed at. They also fit in with the colour scheme of the magazine (reds, whites and blacks) . They are all uppercase letters, this makes them stand out and are clear to read and see if it was to be on the shelf of a shop. Price: £3.90, this makes the magazine affordable for the target audience that it is aimed at as they should be working at this age or slightly younger readers could spend their pocket money on it. Tagline: “Discover great music”, this tagline draws us to buy the magazine as it hints to us that ‘great’ music is going to be inside. Colour: The colour that ‘Q’ magazine always tends to use is red. The connotations of the colour red are daring, dangerous and quite sexual. the way the logo is in the colour red makes it stand out more and would be more noticeable when on the shelf of a shop. The colours used also related to the target audience of the magazine as the primary colours make the magazine have a more grown Language: The language used in this magazine is quite informal, the words “stash” and “bum” in the cover lines tell me this. Chloe Martin.

Front cover music magazine research (powerpoint)

Aug 13, 2015



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Page 1: Front cover music magazine research (powerpoint)

Chloe Martin.

Target Audience: 16-30 year olds (a wider audience range). People that are interested in pop/rock music. For both

males and females.

Image: The image on the front cover is of Adele therefore people who read

this magazine are probably interested in pop/rock music. Someone who is a fan of Adele is more likely to buy this magazine because they want to see what she has said in her interview.

This image is a close up shot, mainly of Adele’s face which adds drama to the

front cover.

Main cover line: “Adele blows us away”, this is the main cover line, we can tell because it is linked with the main image on the front cover. The word ‘Adele’ is in upper case letters,

this makes it stand out and tells people who don’t know who the image is of,

who it is.

Title: Q, short title makes the magazine easy to remember. The title is

a letter and this makes the magazine more quirky and edgy. The colours used also make this magazine stand out as it uses a bright red and contrasting white.

Cover lines: The cover lines on the front cover are mainly to do with rock

music which fits in with the sort of audience that this magazine is aimed

at. They also fit in with the colour scheme of the magazine (reds, whites

and blacks) . They are all uppercase letters, this makes them stand out and are clear to read and see if it was to be

on the shelf of a shop.

Price: £3.90, this makes the magazine affordable for the target audience that it is aimed at as they should be working at this age or slightly younger readers

could spend their pocket money on it.

Tagline: “Discover great music”, this tagline draws us to buy the magazine as it hints to us that ‘great’ music is

going to be inside.

Colour: The colour that ‘Q’ magazine always tends to use is red. The

connotations of the colour red are daring, dangerous and quite sexual. the way the logo is in the colour red makes it stand out more and would be more

noticeable when on the shelf of a shop. The colours used also related to the

target audience of the magazine as the primary colours make the magazine

have a more grown up feel to it.

Language: The language used in this magazine is quite informal, the words “stash” and “bum” in the cover lines tell me this.

Page 2: Front cover music magazine research (powerpoint)

Chloe Martin.

Target Audience: 16-25 year olds. People that are interest in Rap/R’n’B/ Hip-Hop music. For both males and


Image: Nicki Minaj is on the front cover of this magazine therefore this

tells us that it is an rap/r’n’b magazine. The clothing on Nicki Minaj is ‘princess like’ implying that she is the princess of

rap. Someone who is a fan of Nicki Minaj is more likely to buy this

magazine because they want to see what she has said in her interview.

Cover lines: The other cover lines on this front cover are mainly to do with

rap/r’n’b/hip-hop music which is related to the title of the magazine. All of the cover lines font are upper case which draws attention to them. They

are all in black writing which again makes them stand out as it contrasts

with the white background.

Title: ‘VIBE’ this implies that this magazine is about r’n’b, rap and hip-hop music. This makes the magazine

seem edgy with its unusual name. This title is in upper case letters, in an

orange, bold font making it stand out especially if it was on a shop shelf.

Main cover line: “Nicki Minaj”, this is the main cover line . This does not give anything away to as what the article on

Nicki Minaj is going to be about, therefore this makes someone want to buy the magazine to find out what the article is about, especially if they are a

fan of Nicki Minaj. The name ‘Nicki Minaj’ stands out as it is in uppercase,

bold text which grabs the readers attention.


Tagline: This magazine does not have a tagline.

Colour: All of the colours used on this front cover of VIBE magazine, the

colours used are a bright orange colour with contrasting white and black. The orange stands out against the white

background and has a feel good factor to it.

Language: The language used in this magazine is informal, I can tell this because it uses slang, for example ‘kicks’ instead of shoes.

Page 3: Front cover music magazine research (powerpoint)

Chloe Martin.

Target Audience: The target audience for this magazine would be aimed at

16-25 year olds as it has a ‘young’ feel to it. The sorts of music that they

would be interested in would be the latest hits including; pop, rock, electric, country and alternative. For both males

and females.

Image: The image used on the front cover of this magazine is of Lady GaGa

and very much so contrast with the background, especially her brightly

coloured hair and make up. Because it is Lady GaGa on the front of this magazine cover it tell us that this

magazine is going to include pop music. Someone who is a fan of Lady GaGa is

more likely to buy this magazine because they want to see what she has

said in her interview.

Cover line: The main cover line of this magazine front cover is “Lady GaGa, How she writes top hits”, this tells us

that in the article based on Lady GaGa we are going to find out how she writes her songs. This encourages someone to buy the magazine as they hint to what

is going to be in the article.

Title: ‘Billboard’, this implies to me that this magazine includes the latest trend and popular music. The colours

used in the title are quite dull and therefore is less likely to stand out, however, some of the letters have

bright colours in them and this is what draws the attention to a reader.

Cover lines: The cover lines on this front cover are all to do with the types

of music that the target audience would be interested in (pop, rock, country etc.). The most important

things that may draw a reader to this magazine are in bold upper case letters, suggesting that they may feature more

inside the magazine than other features. They are in black, grey and

white writing with sort of makes them blend in with the background but this

makes the image stand out even more.


Tagline: The tagline used on this front cover is “The Music, The Money, The

Market Share”, these are all things that the target audience are interested in and again this draws the reader into

buying the magazine.

Colour: The colours used on the front cover of this magazine all fit together

well, the uses of dark coloured background and font make the more

important things stand out on this front cover, for example, Lady GaGa’s bright purple hair. This grabs the attention of the reader instantly as we are drawn to look at Lady GaGa’s hair straight away. The colours used relate to the slightly odd pop culture that Lady GaGa has.

Language: The language used in this magazine is slightly formal, however, not too formal to make you not feel at ease reading the
