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From the Imperial Forges

Apr 10, 2018



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  • 8/8/2019 From the Imperial Forges


    From The ImperIalForgesma g I c a l I T e m s F o r

    Wa r r I o r , ro g u e & ma g e

    B y co l I n ch a p m a n

    ~ s u p p l e m e n T #1 ~

  • 8/8/2019 From the Imperial Forges


    Colin Chapman

    Michael Wolf

    Colin Chapman, Michael Wolf

    The Forge Stu-dios, Pawel Dobosz and Maciej Zagorski. Usedwith permission.

    From The Imperial Forges is 2010 Colin Chapman. Some rights reserved.All contents of this document (aside from the artwork) have been licensed under a Creative Com-mons BY~NC~SA 3.0 Germany license.

    For more information check out and, Rogue & Mage is Michael Wolf

    pleasenoTe: ThIsWholeBookmayBeFreelycopIedandsharedForpersonaluse!

  • 8/8/2019 From the Imperial Forges


    This simple whitewood stave can extend or re-tract on command, shrinking so as to fit within

    the palm or growing up to 10 yards in length orany length in between. This makes it extremelyversatile; it can be easily concealed, used as abaton or staff in combat, used as a walkingstick, used for poling rafts and boats over shal-low water, or for bridging gaps shorter than itsfull extended length.The Changestave has the same traits as thestaff when used in combat.

    This gold-hilted, silvery blade is bane againstthe undead, inflicting 2d6 damage to skeletons,zombies, vampires, and their ilk.

    The most common of enchanted armors, thesesuits and shields are unusually durable andpermit the flow of arcane energies more ef-fectively. Enchanted armors and shields gain a+1 Defense bonus and reduce their Armor Pen-

    alties by 1. Roll 1d6 to determine the type, thenanother 1d6 to determine the actual armor/shield:

    roll1: Type

    1-4: Armor5-6: Shield

    roll2: acTualarmor/shIeld

    Armor1: Leather, 2: Scale, 3: Lamellar, 4: Chain, 5:

    Light Plate, 6: Heavy Plate Shield

    1-2: Small Shield, 3-5: Large Shield, 6:Tower Shield

    The most common of enchanted weapons,these blades, bows, and bludgeons are beauti-fully crafted, balanced, and powerful, provid-ing a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls. Roll1d6 to determine the type, then another 1d6 todetermine the actual weapon:

    roll1: Type

    1-3: Blade4: Bludgeon5: Bow6: Other

    roll2: acTualWeapon

    Blade - 1-4: Sword, 5: Dagger, 6: Two-

    Handed Sword Bludgeon - 1-3: Warhammer, 4-5: Mace,

    6: Two-handed Mace/Warhammer Bow - 1-4: Bow, 5-6: Longbow Other - 1-2: Axe, 3-5: Spear, 6: Two-

    Handed Axe

  • 8/8/2019 From the Imperial Forges


    The blade of this blackened sword bursts intoflame on command. It causes 1d6+1 damagewhen wreathed in fire and may set flammableenemies alight. It also provides light like a torch

    when ablaze.

    When thrown, this etched, silver-bladed speartransforms into a bolt of lightning, streakingtowards its target. Its thrown range is 40 yards

    and it inflicts 1d6+2 damage if it hits. It in-stantly returns to its wielders hand whether ithits or not.

    This cruel dagger can be commanded to dripvenom. The lethal poison does its normal dam-age and effects in addition to the damage causedby the dagger itself. The poison can only be in-voked and used once per day.

    This vial contains a yellow bubbling liquid thatimmediately eliminates any poisons and dis-eases in the drinker when quaffed.

    This fine bearskin cloak uses the bear's head asa hood and its clawed paws as a clasp. Onceper day, the wearer can invoke its power, turn-ing into a bear for one hour. The character can-not talk, cast spells, or use tools or magical itemswhile transformed, and calculates their abilitiesusing the following template:

    aTTrIBuTes: Highest of character or bear ineach case.hp: Highest of character or bear. If the charac-ter loses more HP in bear form than they natu-rally have, they will die when they turn backunless healed first.

    mana: As character.deFense: Recalculate using appropriate Attri-butes, but without armor or magical items, +2for thick fur.aTTacks: As bear.

    1d6 silver pieces may be pulled from this silkpurse each day. The coins are real.

  • 8/8/2019 From the Imperial Forges


    This wide-brimmed, pointed felt hat producesrandom things when the user reaches in andpulls something out. The cap may be used 1d6times per day, and each time it is used roll 1d6

    to see what it produces:1: A bunch of 2d6 fresh, fragrant roses.2: A collection of 2d6 colorful scarves.3: A collection of 2d6 colorful ribbons.4: A handful of confetti and glitter.5: A white dove, alive and well.6: A white rabbit, alive and well.

    This vial contains an orange bubbling potionthat enables the consumer to breathe a gout offlame on anyone in melee range. This attackuses the Rogue attribute and does 2d6 damage,possibly setting a flammable enemy alight.

    Carefully crafted from scaled dragonhide, thiscloak provides the wearer with amazing to re-sistance to the damage inflicted by all but themost intense of flames. Any fire damage thecharacter suffers is reduced by 6.

    This leather pouch contains 2d6 carved drag-on's teeth. Each tooth, when thrown on earthyground, instantly grows into a skeleton war-rior under the command of the user. A skeletonserves for one hour. A tooth can only be usedonce.

    This fine headband features an elaborate eye

    design stitched onto its front with gold thread.The wearer can see any magical objects or be-ings within 5 yards, including those hidden orusing invisibility. The headband can only beused in this manner once per day for an hour.

    This carved animal horn provides food whencommanded once per day. Enough assortedfresh fruit such as apples and grapes spills forthto serve as 2d6+4 meals, but spoils if not con-

    sumed within a day.

    This vial contains a bubbling purple fluid thatcauses anyone imbibing it to fall madly in lovewith the next species-compatible individualthey see, including their own reflection. Theeffects can be resisted with a Mage check vs.DL7, but if they are not resisted they last for1d6 hours. Someone under the influence of alove potion absolutely trusts the individual theyhave fallen in love with, cannot bear to beparted from them, spends all of their time try-ing to win their affection, will do nearly any-thing to please them, and absolutely will notattack them. However, if someone enchantedby a love potion is asked by their love to dosomething strongly counter to their normal na-ture, they can make another roll to throw offthe potions influence.

    This vial contains a bubbling green fluid thatgrants 1 fate point when quaffed. If not used,the fate point disappears after a day.

    This leather pouch contains 2d6 purple beans.When a bean is thrown on earthy ground itgrows into a thick, tangled, easily-climbedbeanstalk, as tall as is necessary for the userto reach the location they wish to climb to. For

    example, if the user wishes to reach the top ofa tall castles tower, when he throws down thebean, the stalk will grow up the tower to thetop. A bean can only be used once.

  • 8/8/2019 From the Imperial Forges


    This strange ring appears to be made of soft,artfully woven silk-like strands of goldenhair. Whenvdonned, it enables the wearer tobreathe water as easily as air, though stagnant

    or polluted water can still prove dangerous orunbreathable. Unfortunately, while the ring isdonned, the wearer cannot breathe air.

    This carved wooden flute summons a pair ofgiant rats to protect the musician when playedand invoked. The rats protect the flutist for aslong as he or she continues to play the flute,and disappearwhen the music stops or they aredestroyed. The flute can be used in this wayonce per day.

    When thrown upon the ground, this carvedwooden staff turns into a venomous snake un-der the command of the user. The snake servesfor 1d6 hours before turning back into a staff,but turns back instantly if slain. It can only beused in this manner once per day.

    Dropped into any container of water up to thesize of a large cauldron, the soup stone trans-forms it into a delicious, savory soup. It can beused to do this once per day.

    This beautiful white marble statuette of a horseis small enough to be carried in a belt pouch.When invoked, it transforms into a magnifi-cent white warhorse. It remains a warhorse for1d6 hours or until slain, returning to statuetteform. It is utterly tireless, and needs not rest norfood when active. It may only be invoked onceper day.

    These elegantly stitched leather boots sproutfluttering wings at the ankles on command,bearing the wearer aloft. The wearer can fly foran hour as swiftly as a bird of prey. When inflight, the wearer enjoys a +3 Defense bonus.The boots can only be invoked once per day.

  • 8/8/2019 From the Imperial Forges


    contains over 20 unique magical items for your WR&Mgame. These items have been designed by ENnie-nominated designer Colin Chap-man ( known for his post-apocalyptive roleplayinggame Atomic Highway!

    is a simple, lightweight roleplaying game that allows a group of players and

    a game master to experience epic adventures in a fantasy world filled with wondrousmagic. This book contains the complete game rules, including character creation, com-bat, magic, equipment and monsters, as well as a complete fantasy setting, the FallenImperium of Vaneria.




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