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1709 W. Lunt Ave. • Chicago, IL 60626 • Tel: (773)262-3170 • Fax: (773)262-2834 • E-mail: [email protected] December 20, 2020 Fourth Sunday of Advent “Where cultural diversity is a blessing.” “SEND, O LORD, HOLY APOSTLES INTO YOUR CHURCH.” “ENVÍA, SEÑOR, APÓSTOLES SANTOS A TU IGLESIA”. From December 19 th —23 rd , 2020 6:30pm – Mass (bilingual) (except on Saturday 5:00pm and Sunday 6:00pm) Mon, Dec. 21 st Sponsors: Círculo de Oración, Grupo de Parejas Tues, Dec. 22 nd Sponsors: Ministers of Communion (Spanish & English) Wed, Dec. 23 rd Sponsors: Religious Education Catechists All families are invited to be on time for Mass and to use our online registration. Christmas Eve 6:30pm – Mass (bilingual) Christmas Day 10:30am – Mass (English) 12:30pm – Mass (Spanish)

From December 19 —23 , 2020 6:30pm – Mass (bilingual ...

Jul 24, 2022



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Page 1: From December 19 —23 , 2020 6:30pm – Mass (bilingual ...

1709 W. Lunt Ave. • Chicago, IL 60626 • Tel: (773)262-3170 • Fax: (773)262-2834 • E-mail: [email protected]

December 20, 2020 Fourth Sunday of Advent

“Where cultural diversity is a blessing.”


From December 19th—23rd, 2020 6:30pm – Mass (bilingual)

(except on Saturday 5:00pm and Sunday 6:00pm) Mon, Dec. 21st Sponsors: Círculo de Oración, Grupo de Parejas Tues, Dec. 22nd Sponsors: Ministers of Communion (Spanish & English)

Wed, Dec. 23rd Sponsors: Religious Education Catechists

All families are invited to be on time for Mass and to use our online registration.

Christmas Eve 6:30pm – Mass (bilingual)

Christmas Day

10:30am – Mass (English) 12:30pm – Mass (Spanish)

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From the Pastor Del Párroco

(continued on the next page) (continúa en la siguiente página)

Fourth Sunday of Advent Dear Parishioners and Friends of Saint Jerome,

Pax Christi semper vobiscum! I wonder what your thoughts were when you heard the

story of the Annunciation at Mass today. Various artists have expressed their imagination of the scene artistically in paintings, songs, and poems. More often than not, the Annunciation scene is depicted with the expressive conversation of Mary and the Angel Gabriel that portrayed a feeling of fear, wonder, awe, and calm. For some of us who know from our readings of the biblical context of the event, we can agree why Mary would be fearful, wondering and enthralled by the message of the Angel. (Imagine being condemned for something that you did not do? In this case, a possible judgment of committing adultery, which was punishable by stoning according to the law of that time.) Mary’s disposition was unbelievably impressive. She knew how to trust in God. She was daring and bold enough to assume a decision that requires a strong belief while the mystery was being unfolded gradually, not according to her time but according to God’s time. I still wonder why this girl of an incredibly young age was able to make a leap of faith without being overthrown by emotional fear and overwhelmed by the Angel’s message. Could this be the consequence of being “full of grace?”

It sounds very speculative to claim that Mary was frightful when she said “yes” upon hearing the message of an Angel. However, I cannot deny the reality that Mary was also a human being who was never deprived of any human feelings and emotions. On the other hand, she was able to discern her decision well by asking the right questions. “How can this be, since I have no relations with a man?” Gabriel gave her an answer that summarized the mystery of the Incarnation. Mary did not understand fully the entire event, yet she did not hesitate to be available. “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. Therefore, the child to be born will be called holy, the Son of God.” As she trusted in Gabriel’s message, she declared convincedly, “Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word.” Where do we think her courage come from? Why was she able to embrace something that she did not fully understand? What made her capable of assuming a responsibility without future planning? She simply believed. She confronted her uncertainty by believing in God!

I speculate that Mary would not have this kind of faith and devotion if she did not have an encounter with God before. Her growth as a child was influenced by her parents Joachim and Anne. Mary’s encounter with the Divine was preceded by the experience of her parents. They provided her the opportunities of a divine experience. Someone offered her a possibility to meet God intimately. She was introduced to a spiritual encounter that provided her the tools of being courageous, certain, and being hopeful that God will unveil for her the mystery of

Cuarto Domingo de Adviento Estimados feligreses y amigos de San Jerónimo,

¡Pax Christi semper vobiscum! Me pregunto cuáles fueron sus pensamientos cuando

escuchó la historia de la Anunciación en la Misa de hoy. Varios artistas han expresado artísticamente su imaginación de la escena en pinturas, canciones y poemas. La mayoría de las veces, la escena de la Anunciación se representa con la conversación expresiva de María y el ángel Gabriel que mostraba un sentimiento de miedo, asombro y calma. Para algunos de nosotros que sabemos por nuestras lecturas del contexto bíblico del evento, podemos estar de acuerdo por qué María estaría temerosa, maravillada y cautivada por el mensaje del ángel. (¿Imagínese ser condenado por algo que no hizo? En este caso, un posible juicio de cometer adulterio, que se castigaba con lapidación según la ley de esa época). La disposición de María era increíblemente impresionante. Sabía confiar en Dios. Ella fue lo suficientemente atrevida y audaz como para asumir una decisión que requiere una fuerte fe mientras el misterio se desvelaba gradualmente, no según su tiempo, sino según el tiempo de Dios. Todavía me pregunto por qué esta niña de una edad increíblemente joven pudo dar un salto de fe sin ser derrocada por el miedo emocional y abrumada por el mensaje del Ángel. ¿Podría ser esto la consecuencia de estar "lleno de gracia"?

Suena muy especulativo afirmar que María estaba espantada cuando dijo "sí" al escuchar el mensaje de un ángel. Sin embargo, no puedo negar la realidad de que María también fue un ser humano que nunca se vio privada de ningún sentimiento y emoción humana. Por otro lado, pudo discernir bien su decisión al hacer las preguntas correctas. "¿Cómo podrá ser esto, puesto que yo permanezco virgen?" Gabriel le dio una respuesta que resumía el misterio de la Encarnación. María no comprendió completamente todo el evento, pero no dudó en estar disponible. “El Espíritu Santo descenderá sobre ti y el poder del Altísimo te cubrirá con su sombra. Por eso, el Santo, que va a nacer de ti, será llamado Hijo de Dios ”. Al confiar en el mensaje de Gabriel, declaró convencida: “Yo soy la esclava del Señor; cúmplase en mí lo que me has dicho”. ¿De dónde creemos que proviene su coraje? ¿Por qué fue capaz de abrazar algo que no comprendió del todo? ¿Qué la hizo capaz de asumir una responsabilidad sin planificación futura? Ella simplemente creyó. ¡Ella enfrentó su incertidumbre creyendo en Dios!

Especulo que María no tendría este tipo de fe y devoción si no hubiera tenido un encuentro con Dios antes. Su crecimiento como niña fue influenciado por sus padres Joaquín y Ana. El encuentro de María con lo Divino fue precedido por la experiencia de sus padres. Le brindaron las oportunidades de una experiencia divina. Alguien le ofreció la posibilidad de encontrarse íntimamente con Dios. Se le presentó un encuentro espiritual que le proporcionó las herramientas para ser valiente, segura y tener la esperanza de que Dios le revelará el misterio de sus obras. ¿Hemos proporcionado también a otros las

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Saturday, December 19th, 2020 5:00pm – for All Persecuted Christians Sunday, December 20th, 2020

***Parish Intentions 8:30am – †Ezequiel Jaimes 10:15am – †Joey Fabie, †Genevieve (Penny) Colleran

Monday, December 21st, 2020 6:30pm – for an End to Human Trafficking & Abortion

Tuesday, December 22nd, 2020 6:30pm – †Maria Guadalupe Cruz

Wednesday, December 23rd, 2020 6:30pm – †Fabio Quintero, †Yolanda Caballero

Thursday, December 24th, 2020 (Christmas Eve) 6:30pm – en Acción de Gracias al Niño Jesús

Friday, December 25th, 2020 (Christmas Day) 10:30am – for Vocations to the Priesthood & Religious Life 12:30pm – †José Francisco Urbano (2º aniversario)

Mass Intentions | Intenciones de las Misas Daily Readings & Saints Commemorations


Sunday (Fourth Sunday of Advent)

2 Sm 7:1-5, 8b-12, 14a, 16; Ps 89:2-5, 27, 29; Rom 16:25-27; Lk 1:26-38

Monday Sg 2:8-14 or Zep 3:14-18a; Ps 33:2-3, 11-12, 20-21; Lk 1:39-45

Tuesday 1 Sm 1:24-28; 1 Sm 2:1, 4-8abcd; Lk 1:46-56

Wednesday (St. John of Kanty)

Mal 3:1-4, 23-34; Ps 25:4-5ab, 8-10, 14; Lk 1:57-66

Thursday (The Vigil of Christmas)

2 Sm 7:1-5, 8b-12, 14a, 16; Ps 89:2-5, 27, 29; Lk 1:67-79

Friday The Nativity of the Lord (Christmas)

Is 52:7-10; Ps 98:1-6; Heb 1:1-6; Jn 1:1-18 [1-5, 9-14]

Jgs 13:2-7, 24-25a; Ps 71:3-4a, 5-6ab, 16-17; Lk 1:5-25

His works. Have we also provided others with the same possibilities?

I think this is what we are challenged to as we come closer to the celebration of Christmas. Should we be more reflective on the mysteries that we often set aside due to other priorities that take us away from the real meaning of the season? In the end, can we also make an affirmation that we have encountered God and able to claim our spiritual intimacy with the Father? Under what circumstances have we met the Lord so far? The mystery of Christmas remains to be unfolded as we prepare for the birth of the Divine Infant that was already born before we were born. So, our encounter with Him is rather ironic because before we meet Him, He has already encountered us. The point is, how are we going to make that encounter brimming with insights and experiences that are life giving and life sustaining?

Christmas is our invitation to a leap of faith that is similar to that of the Blessed Mother. To be in charge of our future is needful, but the resignation of our spirit to God is what makes our life more meaningful. Our confidence in God should be our driving force towards the fulfillment of all that we aim beyond. Christmas is our assurance that our fear is overcome by our willingness to allow God to find us by His presence. Christmas is our Good News that amid life’s chaos and confusion, our God continues to establish order according to the law of His love. Yes, Christmas is about Christ who chose to be one with us in everything but sin, so that all of us may be like Him.

I will see you on Christmas Day. I wish to celebrate the great Solemnity with all of you.

Sincerely in Christ and Mary,

mismas posibilidades? Creo que esto es lo que nos desafía a medida que nos

acercamos a la celebración de la Navidad. ¿Deberíamos ser más reflexivos sobre los misterios que a menudo dejamos de lado debido a otras prioridades que nos alejan del significado real de la temporada? Al final, ¿podemos también hacer una afirmación de que nos hemos encontrado con Dios y somos capaces de reclamar nuestra intimidad espiritual con el Padre? ¿En qué circunstancias nos hemos encontrado con el Señor hasta ahora? El misterio de la Navidad queda por desvelar mientras nos preparamos para el nacimiento del Divino Infante que ya nació antes de que nosotros naciéramos. Entonces, nuestro encuentro con Él es bastante irónico porque antes de encontrarnos con Él, Él ya nos ha encontrado. El punto es, ¿cómo vamos a hacer que ese encuentro rebosa de conocimientos y experiencias que dan vida y la sostienen?

La Navidad es nuestra invitación a un acto de fe similar al de la Santísima Madre. Estar a cargo de nuestro futuro es necesario, pero la resignación de nuestro espíritu a Dios es lo que hace que nuestra vida sea más significativa. Nuestra confianza en Dios debe ser nuestra fuerza motriz hacia el cumplimiento de todo aquello a lo que aspiramos. La Navidad es nuestra seguridad de que nuestro miedo es superado por nuestra disposición a permitir que Dios nos encuentre por Su presencia. La Navidad es nuestra Buena Nueva, que en medio del caos y la confusión de la vida, nuestro Dios continúa estableciendo el orden de acuerdo con la ley de Su amor. Sí, la Navidad se trata de Cristo que eligió ser uno con nosotros en todo menos en el pecado, para que todos podamos ser como Él.

Les veré el día de Navidad. Deseo celebrar la gran solemnidad con todos ustedes.

Sinceramente en Cristo y María,

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Guadalupe Festivities Festividades Guadalupanas

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

for Healing

Adoración por la Sanación

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Naming God: Atlas or Advent? Some years ago, when I was the pastor of a large city parish, I was having dinner with some

parishioners. At one point, one of the family members said that when it comes down to it, all religions are the same. “They all share the same purpose and goal: to help people come to God,” he said. “Yes,” I responded, “there may be some truth to that, but Christianity actually turns that around, because at the core of our belief is not so much that we come to God, but that God comes to us.”

And so, it is no wonder that Christians begin the new year of our worship cycle with a season called Advent, celebrating the coming of God. In fact, the oldest title for Jesus in the church’s liturgy is “The Coming One” or “He Who Is to Come.” Jesus reveals God as the one who takes the initiative, who breaks through the barrier between time and eternity, the divine and created world. This is the linchpin that holds together the entire Christian faith.

We need Advent to remind us why we do what we do as Christians. The Eucharist is not a celebration of what we do for God, but what God is doing for us, coming again into our lives as the people of God, nourishing us to take up the journey of discipleship together with fresh energy and commitment.

Our outreach to those in need is prompted not by sympathy or guilt, but by the desire to meet the God who has decided to be fully present to human life with all of its limitations. We are moved to be close to those who suffer by a desire to testify to Emmanuel, God-with-us. And we carry on in the face of daunting challenges, setbacks and hardships, not out of stubborn resolve to avoid defeat, but the resolve that nothing can separate us from the love of God, not even death itself.

Advent reminds us who we are and why we do what we do. It upends the myth that we are on our own when it comes to being safe and saved, that everything depends on us.

I am reminded this time of the year of a how this contrasting view of life is on full display in Midtown Manhattan. Towering over the plaza at Rockefeller Center is the 45-foot, six-and-a half-ton bronze statue of Atlas. He carries the world on his shoulders under great strain. While his legs buckle, he manages to hold the globe aloft, thus celebrating the indomitable spirit of human industry and mastery — as the savior of humanity.

Yet, just across the street in St. Patrick’s Cathedral is another statue featuring another who is holding and saving the world. It is the Christ child, cradled in his mother’s arms. He effortlessly and serenely clasps the world’s sphere in his tiny hand.

The contrast between these two competing views of human life and salvation could not be starker. The question is, what inspires us and what shapes our lives? Is it the image of humanity saving itself by organizing life around the pursuit of human productivity and material success? Or do we stand in wonder and awe, ever watchful and attentive to how, time and again, God comes to save us all, a God, as the spiritual reminds us, who has the whole world in his hands?

Which one of these two scenes inspires us, gives us hope, and which one do we believe in? Or to put it another way, what name do we give to God — Atlas or Advent?

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Manténganse conectado con nosotros por:

@StJerome Parish @St. Jerome Parish

Select: St. Jerome Church, Chicago

0.05% of ALL your qualified purchases will be donated to St. Jerome Parish.


Parish Activities Coordinator

Ezequiel Terán Assistant

Alejandra Silva

Business Manager Màire Duggan


Dianabeth Navarrete

Receptionist Jennifer Domínguez

Maintenance Custodian

Rolando Mateo-Alejandro

Bulletin Editor/ Media Coordinator

Rosie Herrera

Director of Music and Formation

Marieth Quintero

Religious Education tel. 773-262-9880


Guadalupe Ochoa Luz María Cortés Resource Advisor Marisol Reyna



Pastor Rev. Noel Reyes

Associate Pastor Rev. Joel Ricafranca, RCJ

Deacons Mr. Eliseo Ramos

Mr. Francisco Marín Mr. Fritz Jean-Pierre

Please consider signing up for automatic credit card or checking account donations. You can call the Parish Office or go to the Donation portal on the parish website Thank you.

Por favor considere inscribirse para dar su donación automáticamente con su tarjeta de crédito o cuenta de banco. Puede llamar a la Oficina Parroquial o ir a la página de donaciones en el sitio web de la parroquia Gracias.

Monday, Wednesday, Friday 9:00am—8:00pm



Saturday, Sunday 9:00am—1:00pm





*Electronic Giving Donaciones Electrónicas: • St. Jerome website sitio web de San Jerónimo • Zelle (please provide your address in the memo) Mobile: 773-372-3474 E-mail: [email protected] • phone-ins | por teléfono a la oficina parroquial

The weekend collection for December 13th will be published in the next bulletin.

La colecta del fin de semana del 13 de diciembre

será publicado en el próximo boletín.

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Weekend Masses and Devotions Schedule Horario de las Misas del fin de semana y Devociones

Saturday 4:00pm - Confessions 5:00pm - Mass (bilingual)

lunes - viernes Rosario diario a las 5:45pm

Sunday 8:30am - Mass (Spanish) 10:15am - Mass (English) 12:00pm - Mass (Spanish) 5:00pm - Exposition & Rosary for Vocations followed by Solemn Vespers 6:00pm - Mass (bilingual)

St. Jerome Gift Shop Tienda de Regalos San Jerónimo

Help support our parish with your purchase!

¡Apoye a nuestra parroquia con su compra!

The proceeds of our Raffle will be for the continuing repair of our parish buildings. Ticket sellers will be by the side exits of the church. Please help us by selling tickets to your family members, co-workers and friends. Tickets are also available at the Parish Office, or you may buy them online through our website (indicate RAFFLE).

Las ganancias de nuestra Rifa serán destinadas a la reparación continua de los edificios de nuestra parroquia. Los vendedores de boletos estarán en las salidas laterales. Por favor ayúdenos a vender boletos a sus familiares, compañeros de trabajo y amigos. Los boletos están disponibles en la Oficina Parroquial, o también puede comprar los boletos a través de nuestro sitio web (indicar RIFA).

First Prize – $1,000 Second Prize – $500 Third Prize – $250

Ten Consolation Prizes of $100 each

Raffle winners will be published in the bulletin after the final drawing. Los ganadores de la Rifa serán publicados en el boletín después del último sorteo.

Catholic Books & Gifts Hours: every Sunday,

10:00am - 2:00pm Location: Parish Center main


Libros y Regalos Católicos Horario: todos los domingos,

10:00am – 2:00pm. Ubicación: entrada principal

del Centro Parroquial