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Friends of Mercy pdf -€¦DEDICAi~\ \ ' Lovingly dedicated to the Cosmic Spirit of Mercy,' The Beloved Kwan Yin, Goddess of Mercy, The Beloved Ascended Master

Aug 27, 2018



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. \ DEDICAi~\

\ ' Lovingly dedicated to the Cosmic Spirit of Mercy,' The

Beloved Kwan Yin, Goddess of Mercy, The Beloved Ascended Master Saint Germain, Patron of a Happy Passing and all The Friends of Mercy, Ascended and unascended who, in cooper­ ative Action are lovingly assisting all Lifestreams on this Sweet Earth over the Period of Transition, when the soul leaves the flesh body.

Herewith is the invitation, the way and means whereby your energies may be incorporated in this very important service as a Friend of Mercy, who will in due time receive the Benefit you now seek for others.

You have to do something to obtain Mercy, and Forgive­ ness, as so ably Our Beloved Jesus expressed during His Min­ istry. As to Mercy Jesus said, "Blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy." As to Forgiveness, He said in the Lord's Prayer, "Forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debt­ ors." As to Love, He said, "Love thy brother as thyself," and again "Do unto others as you would like done unto you."

Finally He said: "Be ye therefore merciful as your Father in Heaven is merciful."

At this time of Cosmic Expansion, which requires the co­ operation of every embodied lifestream and every illumined lifestream who has victoriously made the change called "death", there is an urgent requirement for intelligent prayers for our departed relatives, friends, and those who have no one to pray for them, even if they are unknown to you. Accord­ ing to the Law of the Circle (Karma) all the good you do re­ turns to you with increased momentum. This important serv­ ice which you can NOW render both to the departing and departed souls will help the Cause of Freedom and will con­ tribute greatly to your own personal Ascension.

"I AM" grateful for those of you who couple professed love now with Active Service, To those who "Roll Up Their Sleeves" and tie the Energies of their worlds to the Task at hand I send My Blessings and Love!



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By Beloved Kwan Yin

"Goddess of Mercy"



Every God Virtue must first be consciously given forth by the chela before the inrushing of the greater God Power can fill his emotional, mental, etheric and physical conscious­ ness. Therefore, if you seek Mercy and Compassion for your­ selves and your loved ones, ask Me to help you to FEEL Compassion and Mercy toward any part of life (known or unknown). Our feelings so invested in you, beloved ones, makes your service a happy, buoyant and joyous one because you are always the greatest recipient of the Gifts magnetized by your own Holy Christ Self for the benefaction of all in temporary distress. Remember, Compassion is a positive Qual­ ity by which the intelligent individual cognizes a distress and calls to Us to remove the cause and core of the distress and its resultant unhappy effect. Sympathy, on the other hand, merely ties the distress into your own world, and then there are two people in distress and nothing of lasting good is accomplished.

"The more worthy any soul is, the larger is its compassion." Francis Bacon

"Wilt thou draw near the Nature of the Gods? Draw near them then in being merciful.

Sweet Mercy is nobility's true badge."

"How would you be if He who is top of Judgment Should but judge you as you are? 0 think on that

And Mercy then will breathe within your lips - Like man new made."

William Shakespeare


Beloved Friends serving the Cause of Liberation of all imprisoned life from erroneous concepts of every kind:

Beloved Ascended Master Serapis Bey, Hierarch of Luxor, has privileged us with an Address on the service of the Friends of Mercy. We give to you herewith His Blessed Instruction and Love.


By Serapis Bey (Chohan of the Fourth Ray)

"Beloved Ones of My Heart: God bless you, each and every one. I would like to bring to your remembrance the Truth that every individual upon the Planet Earth, every imprisoned Angel, every elemental (who under the super­ vision of his or her Director) has what has been called a 'soul'! This 'soul' is composed of all the emotional, mental, etheric and physical experience of each such an one from the time of embodiment upon the Earth, either to assist Her evolutions, or to learn from Her how to control the faculties of thought, speech, spoken word and action.

All above mentioned kingdoms have lived for a period in, through and around the Earth and Her Atmosphere for aeons of time. At the close of each Earth-span, it is not the physical body, but the soul of the individual, the imprisoned Angel, the unruly elemental, which must account for the use of God's gift so freely given Life during that entire Earth-span. To Whom is such an accounting rendered? To Beings of Mercy and Love known to some of us as the Lords of Karma, Who preside, in dignity, within the Temple of Karma. Karma, itself, is composed entirely of the thoughts, feelings, words and actions of each such art one (perfection produces perfec­ tion) imperfection produces, naturally, imperfection.


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Question: Do elementals have souls? Answer: Most certainly they do, as they have to learn to think, feel, and act to serve mankind in bringing produce, flower and shrub to human kind, not only for man's survival but for the hope of Eternal Life for themselves.

Question: Are the elementals' souls like mankind? Answer: No, they are more ephemeral and more apt to reflect the particular locality in which they abide (on the Earth or 'over there').

Question: If a human being lives a good Christian (or any other Faith) Life, is that one not ready immediately to enter into the Presence of His Maker? Answer: No, because what you call a 'human being' has longer than one Earth embodiment and the accummulation in the lower vehicles goes back to his or her first mis-use of God's energy. Therefore, one good life cannot always balance centuries of ill doing. (Note - see our booklet "The Divine Law of Re-Embodiment").

Question: Why should 'imprisoned Angels' require our pray­ ers, as it would seem They would immediately enter The Angelic Kingdom? Answer: Because such 'imprisoned Angels' (like human beings and elementals) have voluntarily chosen to live upon the Earth and have become enmeshed in the coils of human creation (imperfectly qualified energy). They, are, therefore, no more fit to dwell in their God-Free Kingdom than are the average human beings ready to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven or the average elemental, who has served in, through and around the planet Earth for aeons of time, is ready to become a Director in His Kingdom. Until ALL LEARN THE LESSONS OF OBEDIENCE TO GOD'S WILL, prayers for illumination and freedom are required. So be it!

When the physical vehicle is shed, the soul stands, liter­ ally naked, and - reviewing the past Earth-experience; is often sad, rebellious or filled with remorse for what 'might have been' if such a one HAD USED LIFE CONSTRUCTIVE-


LY and had, at all times, blessed life wheresoever he or she found it. These departed souls are as much in need of prayer (purification); Love (impersonal) and encouragement from those yet wearing a physical vehicle, as are individuals yet wearing a physical garment. The Scriptures must be read in the Light of this True Understanding in order to be understood and applied. This is true of all Faiths. God, in His Mercy, does hear the plea of the least of these (who are alert to such a requirement upon the part of the departed souls) and He will answer you. My Brother, Jesus, said and truly 'Ask and ye shall receive'! 'Knock and the door shall be opened unto you' (and to them)! He said, although this portion of Truth has not been recorded, as given by Him.

"In this hour, when so many individuals are passing through the change called death, and are reviewing with some distaste their past lives, it behooves the earnest and sincere chela to assist these individuals. Thus, when their time comes, someone will be praying for them, too. Isn't it a happy thought to know you can consciously, through the use of consecrated life energy literally pray (or decree) imprisoned life Free? I think so, for I practiced, long before My Own Ascension, to set imprisoned life Free. The joy, the gratitude, the Spiri­ tual impetus given the soul (so departed) helps them to face the Karmic Board bravely and, in turn, to accept their in­ dividual or collective assignments 'over there' with true grace. I give to you here, just a short prayer ( or decree if you prefer this word) for all departed souls of the human race, the im­ prisoned Angels and the long-suffering elementals too:!

Serapis Bey of Luxor (Chohan of the Fourth Ray)

Beloved Presence of God, "I AM" in them We love you - (3 times) Through their own Holy Christ Selves, We implore You to SET THEM FREE (3 times) from all imper.fections imposed upon them, and that which they, themselves, created, consciously or unconsciously, in any embodiment, back to the beginning of recorded time.


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Fill them, each one, with Your confidence, Your joy, Your gratitude for the use of life. Take them, each one, to the Ascension Temples. There, allow the Seraphim to anoint their inner vehicles with the purify­ ing essence of Crystaline Light. Then, in Thy Mercy, accompany each such an one to the very Presence of the Karmic Board. Help them to give a good accounting for their use of Life. Give to them an assignment that is a joyous one, and assist them to earn their Ascension without having to return to the Earthplane again. We thank you! It is done.

Let us remember, however, that those who have departed the Earthplane live, move and have their being in a lovely Heavenly Realm and would not desire to see or know grief upon the part of the human being still in embodiment. In fact, such grief does hamper their progress on the Spiritual Pathway Home.

Individuals, unascended, should learn now while in em­ bodiment to detach themselves, particularly mentally and emotionally, from the physical things which surround them, and the people as well. This does not mean that any earnest students should be callous or unfeeling about persons, places, conditions or things, which might either draw them through the law of attraction or repel them through adverse activities. No! It is certainly the Activity of the Ascended Ones, Whom you desire to exemplify on Earth and later in Heaven, to love impersonally.

The Law of Detachment from all on this Earth was exemplified by the simple presentation of Beloved Gautama, Lord of the World, when He was The Buddha ... "Be Happy in what is loaned to you by God, the Universal "I AM" Presence, the only Giver of Lasting Good. Train your four lower vehicles in the Law of .Detachment from specific things which one thinks he loves or otherwise, as the case may be. Then, the ever-changing world will not affect the equilibrium of your dear selves, or those you hold near and dear."


Even a home can become a gravity pull, and the earnest student as well as the orthodox dis-embodied, passing from the Earth, wants to return to it and its present occupants. This, of course, impedes the progress of the disembodied, and ofttimes causes discomfort to the family presently occupying such an abode. A simple exorcism can be performed by any layman, as follows:

In the Name of the Ascended Jesus Christ, I love you (3) ... (insert name here if you know it) Now, in love, GO BACK TO THE FATHER and be about His Business, even as we are here on Earth. So be it!

No application or exercise can become a fact for a student unless proven.


Individuals who are forced, through violence of any kind, accidents and war casualties, particularly, to leave their Earth body suddenly, are usually both confused and resentful at this change, called "death".. It is particularly true when those individuals are in the prime of life.

It is to invoke your prayers upon their behalf that I speak to you today. Since first disintegration, decay and so­ called death itself was accepted by the human race upon the Earth, the Angel of Liberation encounters the FEAR which is deeply rooted in the soul which loses its physical sheath. We, Who live to make mankind cognizant of Eternal Life, will greatly appreciate your individual and collective decrees for the removal of the cause and core of all FEAR and the permanent atom, created in the caverns beneath the Earth's Surface by those individuals who used Black Magic, to make a living entity of Death. This atom* (more powerful than any discovered by nuclear science) or created by the free will of those who desired to enslave the peoples of Earth, is fed by the grief, selfishness and fears of the people. Its permanence is about to cease, although it has lived and, in a vampire


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activity, fed and flournished upon the life energies of the be­ reaved as well as the rebellions and resentments of all who have passed through death whilst in an antagonistic, resentful or violent emotional state. As We continue, with your assist­ ance, to help you to understand how to INVOKE Our Flames and Rays into the cause and core of fear, and the entire Hierarchy directs Their Cosmic Flames and Rays into that atom (often referred to as Purgatory), it will help Us to remove the atom itself, and all its tentacles, which are pres­ ently embodied in the emotional, mental, etheric and physical consciousness of mankind, imprisoned Angels, the elemental kingdom, the animal kingdom and all imprisoned life every­ where.

Also, those souls whose rebellion at being removed from their physical bodies in any unpleasant manner, will be bathed in the Crystaline Light Substance from the Ascension Flame at Luxor, carried by the Seraphic Host to the Resurrection Temple, where they can witness immortality. Such a weight of oppression upon the living and the so-called dead will be removed PERMANENTLY. To this end, We ask your illum­ ined assistance today.


*This atom is a consciously created destructive focus and is not to be confused with the Cohesive Power of the Planet Earth Itself. SUGGESTED DECREES:

Beloved Presence of God "I AM" in us, Beloved Ascended Masters Saint Germain and Serapis Bey, and All Divine Beings Who serve on the Seventh and Fourth Rays: COME COME COME and

BLAZE (3) Your Cosmic Flames and Rays into into the cause and core of all fear and grief connected with so-called death; TRANSMUTE (3) it all and replace it with the full power of the Ascension Flame


Beloved "I AM" (3) I now command (3) Right now today (3) Right now to stay (3)

Eternally sustained, all powerfully active, ever-expanding and world enfolding until all are wholly Ascended and Free!

(same preamble as above) BLAZE (3) Your Cosmic Flames and Rays into the cause and core of the permanent atom of the entity called death; and all its tentacles presently embedded in the emotional, mental, etheric and physical consciousness of mankind, imprisoned Angels, Elemental Kingdom, An­ imal Kingdom and all life imprisoned every­ where; close in upon it NOW and TRANS­ MUTE (3) it NOW and replace it with the full power of the Ascension Flame.

Beloved "I AM" (3) I now command (3) Right now today (3) Right now to stay (3)

Beloved Friends:

Holy Mary, Mother of Jesus, has privileged us with an Address on the Service of The Friends of Mercy. We give to you herewith Her Blessed Instruction and Love.

BELOVED MOTHER MARY speaks: "It is well to remember that in this loving Service which

you have assumed, there are some ten billion lifestreams in­ volved, four billion in embodiment on the Earth at the present time. The others have either just departed this life or are awaiting to enter an Earthly garment. This relates to, the human kingdom alone.

As so many of the peoples who are departing this life, in every twenty-four hour period, have no one on Earth who


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cares for them, the impersonal Service of your prayers acts particularly to assist such 'unwanted ones' to make an easy transition from the Earth into the Heavenly Realms, where all are both wanted and loved.

The struggle through which an individual has passed, oft­ times causing pain to the body and confusion to the mind, affects the soul, which cannot, in this, which should be the most glorious experience, set their souls in order and make a happy transition. Thus, when you call for the happy passing of lifestreams from this Earth, you help these confused and pain-filled individuals to accept the blessed relief as they shed the physical garment and (thereafter your own Holy Christ Self helps to bathe the scarred soul in the purifying Rivers of Light ... called by some Purgatory, by the earlier Egyptians - the River Styx), Then the soul is allowed to rest for six months (if it so desires or requires), sleeping in the Presence of the Angelic Host until all the unpleasant memories are forgotten, so far as the past Earth-life is con­ cerned. They arise, in their Etheric Garments, render an accounting before the Karmic Board, as to the use of life in the past Earthly experience, and are assigned to particular Temples and Schoolrooms at Inner Levels; here they are taught by Beings like the Ascended Master Jesus Himself, wherein their previous error of judgment caused unhappiness and how, in the NOW, to make corrections required for a more happy expression on this Earth, if it is necessary that such ones re-embody.

Know that, as you render impersonally, this Service, you are indeed clothed in the Mantle of Mary, and I, as you should, too, always hold all peoples in the Divine Concept in Which they were created by the One God.

Silence, soft music, (when available) light and prayers should always be present when you render this Service. Thus thousands of souls, who would otherwise be 'Earth-bound' are more quickly divested of their attractions toward the Earth and Her living peoples, and they lose the fear that so often accompanies so-called death. It is neither necessary nor


expedient to know whom you are assisting. It is enough to know that somewhere, on any continent, a weary soul is quickly released from distress and given Peace.

GOD BLESS YOU! I desire to thank you, each and every one, who realize the full import of prayers for the peace­ ful departure from this Earthplane of all those who have, for a time, been embodied upon It. One day, you will see the fullness of that service which you render, and rejoice that you have been alert enough to assist all such souls in passing from the Earth without strain, stress, struggle or opposition upon their own parts or that of their families.

The soul (accumulated consciousness) created through the thoughts, feelings, words and actions of each individual throughout aeons of time, carries the FEELING most pre­ dominant in that soul, into the inner realms, and, except for the Mercy of God and the Divine Messengers Who assist Him, would re-embody again and again with similar imperfections in the aforementioned vehicles. Those of you who know this and are so kindly assisting Us to help these souls (even though they are not known to your outer consciousness at this time) render all a great service in the purification of the soul and the redemption of all destructive activities (dormant or active). Then, when great numbers of souls are quickly or suddenly removed from the Earth, We have a stockpile of your good energies to use to help them.

Mary, Mother of Jesus . . . Suggested Decree

Beloved Presence of God "I AM" and Holy Christ Self of all departing this Earthplane, every twenty-four hours! Purify their souls, "I AM" of them! Purify their souls, and raise all of them. Purify them, glorify Thy Name ! Purify and raise them, On Ascension's Flame!



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(The above, can be adapted to the nature kingdom, the animal kingdom and the various types of imprisoned life on the Earth, within the Earth, or in Its atmosphere).

In the Name of the Presence of God which "I AM," I call to you beloved Ascended Master Saint Germain, to sponsor every lifestream who passes out of the body during this twenty-four hour period: charge them with the illumination, love and blessings which they deserve. I thank you.

THE GATES OF BIRTH AND DEATH Preparation for the Passing of the Soul

Beloved Presence of God, "I AM", in the heart of this Blessed One! I bow before Your Presence and Your Au­ thority over this lifestream and I accept the Wisdom of Your Decision to take the soul Home!

I bow before the Presence of Our Lord Maha Chohan, the Holy Comforter, within this room, and I feel the Radiance of His Peace as a blanket o.f Spiritual Comfort which is the Master Control of all the energies of the soul and those who are near and dear to this heart. Only Peace-Harmony-Hap­ piness and Holiness shall manifest through this period of transition! The soul shall pass quickly and gently from the tabernacle of the flesh into the fuller freedom of God's Heart.

Blessed Maha Chohan we ask that You accept the final breath from this soul, even as You gave the first breath into its keeping at its birth.

In the Name of the God of Mercy, Beloved Jesus, and the Ascended Master Saint Germain, Who as Saint Joseph became the Patron of a happy passing, I call on the Law of Forgive­ ness for all transgressions against God's Pure Life by this soul, not only in this Earth life, but since the beginning of time. I ask the Flaming Substance of Cosmic Christ Forgive­ ness to transmute all the energies that were drawn forth through the avenues of the senses-hearing, seeing, speaking, feeling, touching-as well as the more subtle manifestations


of evil evoked through the mental, emotional and etheric bodies-which have created the chains and shackles of the soul.

I speak in the Name of the Ascended Jesus Christ to the elemental in charge of sustaining life in the physical body and bid you now cooperate with the Will of the Divine Self, graciously releasing this soul, without struggle, into the Arms of the Archangel Michael and His Angels of Deliverance!

What I have asked here today, I ask for every soul that passes from the Earth within this twenty-four hour period, and particularly for those who have no one to intercede for them! So be it!

By incorporating the statement of the Beloved Jesus, which He used so efficaciously in His Own Experience, tremendous assistance can be given:

"I AM" THE RESURRECTION AND THE LIFE (3) through all the disembodied, of the Perfection they once knew in the Heart of the Father before the world was (3) - now made manifest and sustained by Grace!

A GATES OF BIRTH PRAYER Beloved Presence of God "I AM" in us, and Beloved Archangel Gabriel, BLAZE (3) THE RESURREC­ TION FLAME in, through and around all awaiting embodiment, to bring forth the Glory of their own Holy Christ Selves. So be it! Beloved I AM."

Once, long ago, as is told in the Bible, the Earth was pure and Its peoples innocent. They dwelt in a Garden of Eden and enjoyed the beauty, opulence and perfection which God had created for them. "And God looked upon His creation and said IT IS GOOD!"

Then, mankind, endowed with the gift of free will, chose to experiment with the use of their life (disobeying the Law of God) and evil came forth from their minds, feelings, spoken words and actions. This is called by many "the fall of man."

When the "fall of man" took place, Lord Michael - seeing the travail and soul agony which would result from such dis-


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obedience to God's Law of Harmony - began to prepare for His long and loving service to God's disobedient children. He fashioned out of His Own thought a magnificent Sword of Blue Flame. He drew around Himself Legions of the Angelic Host to assist Him and He offered God His Services until the very last had been redeemed and his sins expiated and he was returned to his God Estate. God, in His infinite Mercy, accepted the kind Services of Lord Michael and His Helpers and ever since, Beloved Michael and His Angels have been serving mankind, imprisoned Angels, the elemental kingdom and every living thing, with but one thought in mind - preservation of the Spiritual Light in the soul and restoration of the desire for obedience to God's Law of Harmony on Earth and in Its Atmosphere.

By the bedside of a sick person, in the homes of those who suffer, in the great institutions where illness of mind and body are treated, there are always present the Legions of Lord Michael, helping to cut away the invisible cause and core of distress so that the soul may find Freedom and Happiness in God's Service.

At many religious services, where the actual recognition of Lord Michael is given, His Radiant Presence pours down a shower of Faith and Love and Protection upon the commun­ icants. The mere speaking of His Name draws His attention toward you and His help into your world.

When people pass from this Earthlife, they are often as deeply enmeshed in discord as when they lived in an Earthly body. Lord Michael, with His Own hands and flashing Sword of Blue Flame, cuts the bands that bind these so-called de­ ceased peoples to the loved ones on Earth and allows the soul to rise to the Throne of the Father.

In many homes, where distress, discord and impurity have emanated from the inhabitants (sometimes for centuries) the invocation to Lord Michael and His Helpers, will free those homes of all past impurity and allow the present inhabitants of that home to enjoy the beauty of the present rather than the heavy, depressing atmosphere of the past.


The secret thoughts, feelings and actions of mankind, as well as their rebellious outer expressions of discord, has created a blanket of discordantly qualified energy around the Earth. This is called the psychic or astral realm. Within it dwell many invisible spirits and elementals who prey upon the credulous minds of those peoples of Earth seeking to know the Truth about their loved ones who have passed through the veil called death or seeking to pierce the hidden "mysteries" of life beyond the veil.

His Shining Presence will and does come to anyone so temporarily caught in the psychic realm and deliverance is immediate and permanent.

Also those who are caught in the habits of dope addiction, alcoholism and various other depravities of the flesh, have an Instant Deliverer in Lord Michael if they will invite Him to help them. Sometimes the individual, so caught in psychic conditions, does not want help. It is the privilege of those who know of Lord Michael to call to Him on their behalf and He will answer them. This call (prayer) need not be made aloud, nor even in the presence of the individuals requiring assist­ ance, for the very mention of Deliverance sets up a resistance in the consciousness of the one who so needs aid.

Wisdom and discrimination upon the part of those who see the need and desire the help of Lord Michael for them­ selves and others will help them to make such a call silently or audibly when they are alone. Thus the resistance of the outer mind, which is substance heavily charged with rebellion, is avoided.

Words cannot express the manifold services of the Great Prince, Lord Michael and His Divine Helpers, but invocation of His Heavenly Presence and Aid for all who invoke Him into their own worlds or that of their loved ones (whether they are on Earth or have passed through the veil called death) will prove His Reality and Power to give such assistance. Remem­ ber, because an individual has passed through the change called "death", he or she is also in need of prayer. Make a personal Friend of Lord Michael. Opportunity will present


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itself to you every day, as you see distress and limitations about you! Thus you will truly become one of the Helpers of this Selfless One by inviting His assistance in freeing all life everywhere from discord, disease, limitation and distress.

Invocation Beloved Heavenly Father and Thy Divine Messenger,

Lord Michael! We bless Thee for Thy Presence in this universe. We In­

voke the Presence of Lord Michael and His Legions of Light into the atmosphere of Earth to cut free every soul belonging to this evolution from all substance, energy, habits, qualities, tendencies and desires which are not of God!

We invoke Thy intercession on behalf of our loved ones who live beyond the veil of death. Go to them and cut them free from all Earthly bonds of greed, hate, avarice and distress. Take them to Thy Temple of Faith and teach them true Faith in God and inculcate in their hearts a desire to obey God's Holy Will.

We invoke Thy Presence into every institution of incarcer­ ation of every kind upon the planet Earth and into every home and place of worship. Dissolve the cause and core of all distress, individual, national and planetary. Help us, we be­ seech Thee, to learn to serve with Thee in removing the psychic and astral realm that lies like a "smog" upon and around the Earth. Take all dis-embodied spirits and ele­ mentals who have not yet learned to do God's Will from the atmosphere of Earth.

We ask Thee, Lord Michael, to meet our loved ones as they pass through the veil called death, and in Thy Own loving Arms, carry them to the Throne of God Himself.

Beloved Lord Michael, help us to want to do God's Will here on Earth and hereafter. Remove the curse of "rebellion and disobedience" from all evolutions in the Earth, upon Its surface and in Its atmosphere. Thank you! Blessed Prince of the Heavenly Host! We accept Your intercession· upon our behalf and that of all life and we accept Your Friendship in our own worlds today and forever. Amen!


Prayer (The general content of the following prayer is given daily in the communal service of one of the great religions and Beloved Archangel Michael Himself has said that this daily recognition of Him by these people through the centuries is greatly responsible for His Presence and that of His Protecting Angels in the lower atmosphere of Earth.) Blessed Michael, the Archangel ! Defend us in the hour

of conflict. Be our safeguard against the wickedness and snares of both seen and unseen evil forces. Restrain them, 0 God, we humbly beseech Thee-and do Thou, 0 Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God, remove from the atmosphere of Earth all the evil spirits who roam about the wor Id seeking the ruin of souls. . . . SO BE IT !

In the Name of the Presence of God "I AM" in us we call to You, Lord Michael, Prince of the Heavenly Host to assist us to become worthy of serving with you:

To become liberators of all imprisoned life into its God­ free estate;

To cognize instantly requirement for protection of the souls of men wheresoever they may abide;

To remember daily to invoke the Presence of Your Be­ loved Self and Your God-free Angels on behalf of all those who have passed through the veil of so-called death that they may be taken quickly through the psychic and astral realm into the Ascension Temples provided in Your loving mercy and learn the Law of Love at the feet of the Ascended Masters.

To You, Beloved Lord Michael, we the children of Earth send our gratitude for your assistance and loving protection through the ages.

ARCHANGEL MICHAEL SAYS "I would ask that you make the call three times a day if

possible, for those passing through so-called death. Ask that they be taken to one of the Purifying Temples that Saint Germain and I have established in the Astral Realms, so that


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not one may descend into the terrific hell of thought and feel­ ings of their own darkened consciousness, In every twenty­ four hour period so many souls go .over, nine-tenths of whom never receive a prayer and know not of themselves what to do. Your calls for these unhappy ones would assist Us, not to mention what it would do for them."


"In the Name and by the Power of the Presence of God, "I AM", and in the Name o,f the Ascended Jesus Christ! I call to you, Beloved Archangel Michael, on behalf of the souls of all the men, women and children who are being released from the body during this twenty-four hour period.

Cut them free, instantly, from the magnetic pull of Earth, the things of Earth, and all the passions, lusts and appetites that might hold them Earthbound.

Send Thy Angels of Light to enfold them, and carry them quickly through the effluvia of the Earth's atmosphere to the realm of Light and Peace. Here prepare them through the merciful fires of Purification to stand before the Lords of Karma with their robes as white as snow .. ,. Accept the good of my own Causal Body as an offering before this Great Coun­ cil of Judgment that these souls may be taken at once to the school rooms where they may best learn the Law and re­ embody, if necessary, in harmony, to win their individual Victory in the Light.

Thank you, Oh Prince of the Heavenly Host, for your Guardian Presence among us, for your constant and watchful care of us-not only at the time of so called death, but through all our days! "Blessed be Thy Holy Name." Beloved, Dedicated Friends:

It is impossible to realize the tremendous service which you are rendering to those who have passed through so-called "death." In the physical world you do not hesitate to lend assistance to other individuals in distress, and greater by far

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is the assistance you are giving to those who have been re­ moved from the physical world, and there learning to purify

. their souls in the inner realms. You are giving them a "helping hand," and hastening the day for their appearance before the Karmic Board. For those who do not have to return to Earth, you assist in the purification of the etheric vehicle thus as­ sisting them to achieve their full Freedom to the Ascension !

SUGGESTED DECREE Beloved Presence of God "I AM" in me,

Beloved Archangel Michael and Your Ascended Legions of Light; I invoke You on behalf of the souls of all those not fully Free who have passed through the change into the inner realms: PURIFY THEIR SOULS (3) Beloved "I AM,"

" " " By Cosmic Christ Command " " " Right now today, " " " Forever to stay.

I EXPECT and I ACCEPT this manifest right now with full power, eternally sustained, all powerfully acting, until they are Ascended and Free! Beloved "I AM." Notice: November 1st is All Souls Day when prayers for the de­

ceased are offered by some churches. This suggested prayer might be used, particularly during the month of November with this special intention.

Daily Prayer For Mankind Who Are Leaving The Earth Today

Beloved Presence of God, "I AM" in the Hearts of all mankind ! Beloved Lord Michael, the Archangel of Deliver­ ance, and Your Angelic Host!

In the name of the mankind of Earth-particularly those who shall be called forth from their mortal forms this day­ I make this call! Let the Angels of Peace stand by the physi­ cal body of each soul and hold the atmosphere and feelings where such release is taking place at perfect peace! Let the aura of Sanctity abide at the solemn hour of transition, that the soul may be easily cut free from its Earthly tabernacle, and no grief nor fear nor sorrow distress it at the thresh-hold of New Freedom!


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Let the Angels of Deliverance meet each soul! Let not a life-stream belonging to our evolution pass through the veil of so called death "unattended!'.' Let each one be taken quickly to the Temples of Mercy and Forgiveness and be bathed in the purifying fires of Saint Germain's Violet Flame! Let them be prepared to enter the Halls of the Lords of Karma in dignity, and in conscious awareness, and let each one be assigned to a Schoolroom of the Masters and joyously and happily enter into the study of the Law of their own life!

I call to the Lords of Mercy and Love to enfold all those whose loved ones are about to leave this Earth, and all those whose loved ones have just left the Earth, to melt away all selfish grief and sorrow, and to fill each heart and home with happiness and gratitude for the opportunity afforded the loved one to know freedom and progress upon Life's Path! So be it!

Call to Beloved Astrea, Goddess of Purity! "Beloved Mighty Presence of God, "I AM" in me, and

Beloved Mighty Astrea ! LOCK Your Cosmic Circle and Sword of Blue Flame of thousands of suns from the Great Central Sun, in, through and around all destructive karma of those passing from the Earth this year. Close in upon it all, and TRANSMUTE (3) it all, cause, effect, record and memory, before it can act, approach or encroach upon life longer. Replace it by the Cosmic Immortal Flame in the power of the Three times Three."

(GIVE THE ABOVE 3 TIMES AND THEN CLOSE WITH-) "and the FULL POWER of the Thousand-fold Flame of the Sacred Love of the Sacred Fire, in overwhelming Cos­ mic power, a thousand times more every hour, ruling in, through and around them all and all they ever do or con­ tact, until all are Ascended and Free-Beloved "I AM!" (3)

Through the invocation of the "Goddess of Freedom" and the "Goddess of Purity," for the purification and freedom of the souls of the disembodied, tremendous assistance can be given these blessed ones, We suggest the use of the following:


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First, still yourself and then enter the Flame within your heart and send your love to your own "I AM" Presence, recog­ nizing That Presence to be the Directing Intelligence in your being and world, and then invoke the assistance of these Two Goddesses:

"Beloved Presence of God "I AM" in me and Beloved Goddess of Purity, I invoke You on behalf of the disembodied to, PURIFY (3) their souls-Beloved "I AM"

I now command, Right now today Right now to stay.

"Beloved Presence of God "I AM" in me and Beloved Goddess of Freedom, BLAZE (3) Your Cosmic Flame of Freedom in, through, and around all the disembodied and replace all imperfection with your Cosmic Freedom,

Beloved "I AM" I now command, Right now today Right now to stay,

eternally sustained, all powerfully acting, ever-expanding, world enfolding until all are Ascended and Free !" So be it! Beloved "I AM,, !

Beloved Friends of Light: GOD BLESS YOU! We are most grateful to you for your

active participation in the freeing of the departing and disem­ bodied lifestreams belonging to this Sweet Earth! Much has been accomplished by your selfless service to assist these dear ones, and in so doing you are strengthening the bonds of con­ scious cooperation with the Ascended Masters of Wisdom.

One of the important activities of this service is the recog­ nition of the fact that the body elemental of each lifestream must be taken into consideration.

One of the Seven Elohim, Beloved Hercules, speaks upon the importance of developing an affinity with the body ele­ mental, and suggests the use of the following:


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BELOVED ELOHIM HERCULES SPEAKS: "The following Decrees and information are given for your

consideration and application: Beloved Presence of God "I AM" in me, Beloved

Mighty Hercules and Holy Amazon direct the full gathered cosmic momentum of your Blue Flame and Ray into the cohesive center of every Body Elemental which is about to be or has been discarded by any human being, impris­ oned Angel or Elemental in, through and around this Earth and Its atmosphere NOW: RELEASE (3) the electrons and atoms of such Body Elementals into the Purifying Power of the Violet Transmuting Flame directed by the Ascended Master Saint Germain, and bring them IN­ STANTLY into the Ascension Temples where they may learn the Cause of their being and receive the blessing for their service to life and the soul which they animated. See that each such an one NEVER is again forced to serve any lifestream in, through and around the planet Earth but that they receive their Eternal Victory, and eventually, through the Mercy of God "I AM" and the Lords of Kar­ ma, Individualization as God Free Beings, with the free will choice to serve the Presence of God "I AM." So Be It! Beloved "I AM."

IMPORTANT: The Body Elemental which animates the physical ve­

hicles of mankind, imprisoned Angels and Elementals is very intelligent and controls the mechanism of the physi­ cal form. It is often antagonistic towards such form, as the same Body Elemental serves the same lifestream from the time of the first embodiment upon the planet Earth until the soul is transmuted into Spiritual Light and that individual attains the Ascension.

This Body Elemental has been UNTIL TODAY often forced to reanimate the physical vehicle by the Lords of Karma when such an individual took re-embodiment on the Earth.



Great love, gratitude and understanding to your own Body Elemental creates an affinity between it and the physical form and allows the lifestream to more quickly disassociate itself from the Body Elemental at the close 0f the embodiment upon the Earth.

Remember the Body Elemental beats one's own heart, activates one's nervous system and takes care of the proper functions of the organs of the physical form and is usually condemned when any portion of the physical vehicle ceases to function properly. The truth is that the destructive use of free will by the uncontrolled emotional, mental, etheric and physical vehicles of the soul create the chaos in the physical vehicle and the Body Elemental itself serves constantly to repair such damage.

We suggest the following couplet for your use: Beloved Presence of God "I AM" in me ( or them) Mighty Hercules and Holy Amazon: Bless my Body Elemental for its service to me, At the close of my Earthspan set it ever Free, Without its loving presence I should not even be. Blessed Body Elemental ASCEND THOU WITH ME!

Beloved "I AM" (3) By God's Own Hand (3) I now command (3) By Hercules' Hand (3) By Amazon's Hand (3)

And I consciously accept this done RIGHT NOW, with full power; eternally sustained, all powerfully acting, ever expanding and world enfolding until all are wholly Ascended and Free ! So Be It! Beloved "I AM" !

In the Name, Love, Wisdom, and Authority, of the Beloved Presence of God-"! AM" in me; my Beloved Holy Christ Self and Those of all mankind; in the Name of the Ascended Jesus Christ, I give loving recognition, grateful thanks, and Love to my Body Elemental and those of all manknd, and I call forth the Blessings of


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Peace and Health of God to flow through my Body Ele­ mental and those of all mankind NOW in ever-increasing Cosmic Power until Love and Peace and Health, and the Blessings and Mercy of God are in manifestation to and through all mankind everywhere! SO BE IT! In the Name of God-"I AM"!

"There is nothing manifest for you but as your AC­ ceptance in thought and feeling has made it so!"

"Your own dear Holy Christ Self will be of inesti­ mable assistance in helping you to love free the Elements that compose your present physical vehicle. It will give to you the FEELING of love for all imprisoned life. This FEELING is not the negative expression of "sympathy" but the positive expression of "compassion", for all im­ prisoned and shadow-bound life, wheresoever you witness distress. "LOVE THOU ME FREE" is the call from im­ prisoned life. Yours is the Power to do just this. Be not guilty of the sins of omission at this, your time of special opportunity! Truly set about Our Father's business and help Us to LOVE ALL LIFE FREE! I SHALL HELP YOU!"

"If man were grateful for the services of the Elements in his body, there could be no illness of body. There could be no illness of mind or emotions if the individual were grateful for the God Intelligence and substance of Feeling loaned to him by the Cosmic Creator."

Holy AEolus

Excerpt from an Address by the First Maha Chohan to the Earth

"O mankind, who seeks knowledge whereby to attain hap­ piness, know that your lesson lies within the contemplation of Love. Let Me point out to you the Love within the King­ dom of Nature, which on the evolutionary scale. lies far below the potential power of man. Nature, which mirrors so much more of God Love than you, who are pre-chosen to be the


Lords of Creation. Through the Body of Nature comes all the substance to sustain the physical bodies of all life expressions.

, Without the gifts of Nature, no food, no clothing, no physical bodies could endure for a period of more than a few short months.

"In return for Her gifts which furnish your bountiful tables, She receives back into Herself the poisonous excrement of breath and body, and finally the very decadent garments which you have worn. All this with the patience that is not of a century, but of so many countless aeons of time that it would stagger the human mind to even contemplate it.

"Can you say as much for yourselves? Are you willing to absorb the evils of each other and actively replace them with the substance of Happiness and Good? Can you do this for the matter of a month or a year-not to speak of an eternity?

"The rhythm of Nature is the constant refinement of the human race or a natural purification by the chemical action of self-conscious beings coupled with the actual throwing off, by the same chemical means, of the worn-out particles of the human body and then the renewal of the body and brain sub­ stance of the race-which is also a conscious and positive ac­ tion of Love.

"I speak of Nature today, not only to make man aware of the Love Principle that is within it, but in gratitude to the countless million intelligences engaged in the SERVICE OF MERCY and to point out to the souls of men the activity which must replace the present consciousness that refuses to lift the load or share the burden of these beings; because, until this consciousness is replaced, man cannot come under the benefi­ cent protection that the Natural Kingdom will afford in the cataclysmic changes.

"If Nature serveth you by taking the excrement of your body, the carbon monoxide of your lungs, and the decadent flesh of your garment, and with loving, gentle hands, gives you in their place the leafy green, the fragrant blossom, and the soft warm wool or gracious silk, and you cannot take the conscious or unconscious discord of your fellowman, con-


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.I sciously transmute it, and/ {,e than that, give back a gift of tolerant, forgiving, and r~:: Love, you have not earned the right to live above Nature's Kingdom, or even parallel with it.

"I speak because the hour comes when We must have in incarnation those who are at least EQUAL to the Natural King­ dom. We do not ask that they be SUPERIOR to it."


ELEMENTAL KINGDOM In the ages before the veil of maya was created shutting

out the visible, tangible Presence of the Divine Beings Who, were the Counselors of the race as well as their obedient Serv­ ants, the Angelic, Cherubic and Seraphic Hosts, the Earth was likened unto the Kingdom of Heaven. Every man, woman and child having access to these Divine Personages as well as in­ dividual contact with their own Divine "I AM" Presence, Whose directions all followed in loving, joyous cooperative obedience to God's Holy Will.

The New Golden Age, which is My joyous opportunity to bring forth on this sweet Earth, will again manifest the loving, joyous cooperation of these three kingdoms, which are even now being purified preparatory to that day when Angels, men and elementals shall serve together with ONE PURPOSE in making of this sweet Earth Freedom's Holy Star.

The Angelic Host is by Its very nature obedient to God's Holy Will; the Elemental Kingdom through the influence of its mighty Directors have served mankind long and faithfully, with little conscious recognition of such patient and constant service, However, mankind, for the most part, through the destructive use of his free will has up to this time refused to lovingly cooperate with the other two kingdoms, who have literally sustained man's spiritual, as well as physical pres­ ence here on the Earth. This day is over! The Cosmic Fiat has gone forth to the Great White Brotherhood, Who in turn have instructed Their trusted chelas to this effect that man­ kind must arise out of the dependency upon their unseen Pro-


\ tectors and Guides. The Elemental K'.\ngdom held in leash by their mighty Directors have become rebellious at the ingrati-

, tude of the beneficiaries of their services through aeons of time. The Angels, of course, are never subject to human feel­ ings and willing cooperate in rendering Their service of loving ministration to a recalcitrant race. However, as the Perman­ ent Golden Age REQUIRES the conscious cooperation of the three kingdoms to re-create the beauty indicative of the Seventh Ray, of which "I AM" the present Representative, I do impore those interested in this Cosmic Event to help Us to remove from the Elemental Kingdom all those rebellions and resentments which could cause unnecessary cataclysmic ac­ tion, to invite the Presence of the Angelic Host into their midst as living, intelligent Beings Who can assist Them in creating and sustaining a state of Listening Grace, and to, wherever discretion allows, bring to the attention of their contemporaries the beauty which will result in such loving cooperation among Angels, men and the Elemental Kingdom.

To this end I look trustingly towards My dear and earnest chelas who have vowed to serve the Cause of Spiritual Free­ dom and to help, according to their developed capacities, to prepare for this day. Thanking you for your continued service in the future, "I AM" always your loving Friend, Guru and Servant, as you continue your individual and collective en­ deavors to liberate all imprisoned life.

The Ascended Master Saint Germain


Kuthumi: Beloved ones, ponder for a moment the Truth that the

very physical vehicles which have been created in love for you in order to pass certain initiations and learn specific les­ sons in the conscious control of energy and vibration are made up of countless little Elementals who have foresworn the joy, freedom and beauty of their natural sphere, to sustain your physical structure ... not once, but for countless centuries


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of time! How much of the Earth Element, the Water Element, the Air Element and the Sacred Fire of Creation (the Immortal Victorious Three-fold Flame of Eternal Truth in each of your dear hearts) has been invested in sustaining you PRECISELY FOR SERVICE IN THIS PRESENT HOUR to the God Who made you?

Endeavor to learn to love the Elements that comprise your physical garment and see how quickly they will mirror your love, externalizing health and beauty in, through and around you, for they are VERY intelligent! Cease condemnation of those organs, muscles, nerves and cells of your body which temporarily seem to have stopped functioning perfectly. Re­ member! The fault is yours (the personality's)-not that of the dear little Elementals, who are simply mirroring your thoughts, feelings, words and actions. Their redemption can only come through your own self-conscious endeavors to love them free. When you have truly, humbly and sincerely be­ come the Master of the Elements in your own physical body you are then already qualified to become the Master of the Elements of your city, state, nation and the Planet which has been your Hostess for so long. You cannot "whip" the Ele­ mentals in your physical body into perfection but you can LOVE THEM FREE! I SHALL HELP YOU. Hilarion:

There is a SCIENCE in establishing good-will between the Elemental Kingdom and the Human Kingdom. Of course, nothing is done by the Spiritual Hierarchy without the use of actual SCIENTIFIC PRINCIPLES which never deviate from Truth. As We are speaking to chelas developed along the seven specific lines of constructive endeavor, the SCIENCE of such good-will will have seven types of constructive ex­ pression: The powerful decrees of the First Ray people; the wisdom of the Second Ray people; the love and tolerance of the Third Ray people; the purity of motive of Fourth Ray people; the consecration of energies toward a specific mani­ festation of good of the Fifth Ray people; the peaceful radia­ tion of the Sixth Ray people; and, finally, the magnificence of


ceremony which will be developed through the Seventh Ray people, incorporating songs, music, visualization, decrees, ,chants, censing and rituals which will delight all who enjoy the "fruit" of the pioneers of the Ascended Master Saint Ger­ main's New Age. EI Morya:

The Will of God has been well and constantly expressed by the Elementals but, as their very nature is to mirror that which they see and feel, much of the catastrophic conditions which have externalized since the "fall of man" are not due to the naturally obedient Elementals. Rather they are due to man-to whom the Elementals have taken the "vow of obedi­ ence", as man is the highest intelligent consciousness upon the Earth. So do they mirror mankind's chaos and confusion.

As We enter the New Golden Age, the Cosmic Law, in mercy, is about to release the Elementals from that "vow" in­ sofar as obedience to the destructive use of free-will by the people of the Earth is concerned. Unless harmony between the Elemental Kingdom and mankind is consciously established by the dear chelas, (too few in number but exceedingly earnest in endeavor), even the Directors of the Forces of the Elements can no longer protect mankind from the harried and resentful Elementals. This, of course, would cause unnecessary hard­ ships to the people of Earth and cataclysmic activities which CAN BE A VOIDED if Our loving warning is now heeded! Garner your spiritual strength, My beloved, and HELP NOW Those of Us Who are using every grant of the Cosmic Law­ every dispensation at Our command-to prevent these destruc­ tive activities. For this reason I chose you, each one and I rest IN TRUST, in your calm, poised and alert assistance in THIS HOUR! Jesus:

It was easy for Me to master the waves of the stormy sea which so appalled My .frightened disciples, because I had al­ ready become Master of all the Elements composing My inner and physical vehicles! In like manner, the so-called miracle of walking upon the water was just another manifestation of


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that Mastery. I cannot recommend too strongly to the earnest chelas that they sincerely endeavor to harmonize the Elements which compose their own vehicles. This training will stand each such an one in good stead when he or she is called upon to hold the balance for the masses of people during the time just ahead, when not only continental but planetary changes will take place.


Serapis Bey: Every Intelligence which has offered to assist the Earth is

connected to the Spirit of The Great White Brotherhood by a line of energy from this Spirit's Heart. Along this line of energy the Spirit of The Great White Brotherhood pours whatever the particular intelligence requires to assist it in constructive endeavor.

Conservation of energy and reverence for life are so great in the Realms of Perfection, that NO ONE would even think of using this energy except to fulfill the Divine Plan. In the case of well-meaning unascended beings, however, unfortu­ nately that is not always true. Thus there is provided a "shut off valve" so that if the chela were to be inharmonious, he is temporarily disconnected from this Spirit of The Great White Brotherhood and no tinge of impurity can ever enter into Its Great Presence. When the chela becomes harmonious again, this "valve" is opened and the life force of The Brotherhood flows freely to bless the earnest one seeking to do God's Will. Even little Undines, who have accepted Neptune's offer to make up the waters of the Earth, come under this Rule.

While they faithfully perform their services in the rising and falling of the tides, they too have a tiny "life line" from the Spirit of The Great White Brotherhood that flows into their little hearts. When they become discordant and floods and tidal waves ensue, the "shut off valve" disconnects them from the PEACEFUL PRESENCE OF THIS SPIRIT. This is true of the Gnomes of the Earth, the Sylphs of the Air, and


the Salamanders of the Fire Element as well. Knowing this, the conscious chela can call in emergencies dealing with dis­ turbances of Nature, for special dispensations to allow the free-will of the Forces of Nature to be set aside so that the PEACEFUL PRESENCE OF THE SPIRIT OF THE GREAT WHITE BROTHERHOOD may hold the balance so needed in these times.

It is also a great mercy to make this call for your fellow­ workers when, due to certain pressures upon them, they have "shut-off" their inflow o.f vitality from The Brotherhood. It is then, more than ever, necessary that they have the sustain­ ing Power of that Spirit. It also tends to create a greater TOL­ ERANCE in the chela's feeling world for, rather than con­ demnation, he is invoking restoration of another's peace! TRY!


The Elements of Fire, Air, Water and Earth have been initially charged by the Godhead to be obedient to the will of man, and they form the only conductors which carry sound, thought, feeling and even matter itself from place to place. The Elements are the messengers that connect and correlate a particular Universe with regard to all Its Kingdoms.

If two individuals were separated by a void from which the Four Elements had been withdrawn, those individuals could neither see each other, hear each other, feel each other nor know by any means external or internal of the presence of the other, but, by the very Law which has provided the Ele­ ments as a means of contact with the necessary members of this evolution, you will also find that the destructive human free will can likewise command them to be the unconscious conveyors of pestilence, disease and distress.

To Free the Forces of the Four Elements from the obliga­ tion of longer serving the destructive intent and purpose of man is one of the present Petitions before the Karmic Board. To become universal in its acceptance, will require a tremend-


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ous backing by the human race, but individually any life­ stream incarnate has the right and authority and full power to charge the atmosphere of a nation, a home, a municipality, a building, any expression of life .from the smallest to the greatest, with a constant rhythmic momentum of purity so that the Elements of Fire, Air, Water and Earth will not con­ sciously or unconsciously transport or nourish the presence of disease. This can also be done with regard to the Elements that make up the physical body, for, as the man is master of his form, so has he the right to be master in a greater sphere of influence.

Holy AEolus when He served as Maha Chohan also said: As the Lord of the Nature Kingdom, so far as the planet

Earth is concerned, "I AM" vitally interested in every tiny Ele­ mental who has served so long, so patiently and so diligently to help sustain the beauty as well as the actual sustenance of the physical vehicles of man. The great Directors of the Forces of the Elements are to be COMPLIMENTED for Their magnifi­ cent control of Their servants-Salamanders, Sylphs, Undines, and Gnomes. The Divine Beings (particularly Mother Mary), Who have trained the Elementals so patiently at Inner Levels to perform their services faithfully, rhythmically and constant­ ly, deserve the gratitude of all who have used, are presently using and in the future will use the planet Earth as a school­ room.

The Elementals would long since have abandoned their service to the Earth were it not for these Great Directors: Helios and Vesta (Fire); Aries and Thor (Air); Neptune and Lunara (Water); and Virgo and Pelleur (Earth). The incom­ ing Permanent Golden Age requires the cooperative activities of the Three Kingdoms which have served and are now serv­ ing the Earth: the Angelic, Human and Elemental Kingdoms. I ask a personal favor of sincere chelas with regard to assist­ ing the re-establishment of harmony between unascended mankind and the Elemental Kingdom. I know· you will be happy in such a lovely service.



In the Name and by the Power of the Violet Transmuting Flame, shall you now know freedom from the accumulation of discordant effluvia. You shall know that freedom in harmony of action. From the most developed Salamander, Sylph, Un­ dine and Gnome to the least of these, We command, in the Name of the "I AM" Presence, OBEDIENCE to the Law of Peace and Balance-the Law of loving co-operation with har­ mony in this Universe! I speak directly to all of these beings and call for their continued obedience to the Law of Harmony so that We may again create a glorious Garden of Eden upon this Earth.

Beloved beings of the Elements and your Mighty Direc­ tors! In the Name of the Elohimic Representative of the Sev­ enth Ray and the Superior of the Chohan of that Ray, I call for added assistance from Your Realms in, through and around the Earth and all Its people, as well as for the great "invisible" Realm which surrounds the planet to HOLD THE PEACE­ PEACE ON THE WATERS; PEACE ON THE LAND; PEACE IN THE AIR AND PEACE IN THE FIRE ELEMENT AS WELL-in the Name and by the Power "I AM". So be it!

DECREE FOR HUMAN AND ELEMENTAL KINGDOMS In the Name of the Beloved Presence of God "I

Presence of God "I AM" which "I AM", and through the Mag­ netic Power of the Sacred Fire vested in me and in all man­ kind:

I call and invoke the full-gathered Cosmic Momentum of the Sacred Transmuting Fire into the causes and cores of all distress imposed upon the Elemental Kingdom since the be­ ginning of time, that they may now be transmuted into Har­ mony, and that the Human and Elemental Kingdoms now and henceforth cooperate one with the other to bring about the Perfection required in accordance with the Divine Plan.

In the Name of the Beloved Presence of God "I AM" in me and in all mankind, I call and command;


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In the Name of the Beloved Maha Chohan, I call and command;

In the Name of the Human and Elemental Kingdoms and Earth's complete redemption, I call and command; AND I SO DECREE IT NOW! Beloved "I AM"!

DECREE Beloved Presence of God "I AM" in me and in all mankind,

Beloved Archangel Michael and Your Ascended Legions of Light! Come! (3) in the full power of your Cosmic Swords of Blue Flame and Purify (3) and Free the Forces of The Ele­ ments from the obligation of longer serving the destructive intent and purpose of man, nor longer consciously or uncon­ sciously transport or nourish the presence of disease through­ out the Planet Earth and throughout the four lower vehicles of mankind!

I (we) so decree it! Now! So be it! Beloved "I AM"! Saint Germain:

I do thank most sincerely Our Lord Maha Chohan and all the Chohans Who are giving to Me Their full gathered Cosmic Momentum of assistance in redeeming this sweet Earth and all imprisoned life at this time. Of course, the Violet Fire of Mercy and Compassion is one of the greatest purifying agents in this redemptive process. The loving cooperation of all un­ ascended chelas, in whom I have implicit faith and trust, is a source of great encouragement to Me.

I PROMISE you My continued assistance in the develop­ ment of whichever of the seven lines of constructive service to which you have a natural affinity. I think "I AM" most fortunate to have so many dear chelas all over the world willing, eager, capable and desirous of helping Me to bring the Permanent Golden Age to the Planet Earth!

When you stand with Me in your Robes of Freedom (hav­ ing truly earned your Ascension) you, too, will know and ex­ perience grateful hearts, because you have had the strength of Spirit, clarity of mind and constancy of feeling to endure any temporary discomforts until this sweet Earth is Freedom's Star!


BY THE BELOVED HOLY AEOLUS Oh, World, Oh World, seeking Comfort, seeking surcease

from pain, disease and death! Oh Mankind imprisoned cen­ tury after century in self-created shadows! Oh Elemental Kingdom, prisoners of the though ts and feelings of the masses. Oh, lovely Angels pinioned, bound, exiled from Home! OH, FOUR-FOOTED CREATURES THAT HAVE NO WORDS, NO POWER OF INVOCATION WITHIN YOU, NO CAPACITY FOR PRAYER, NO CONSCIOUSNESS THAT CAN REACH TO THE ETERNAL AND WHO HAVE SO FEW TO PRAY FOR YOU. Oh Great Forces of the Elements leashed by the hand of Mercy, Forces of the Sea, Forces of the Air and Forces of the Earth; Oh, Great Forces of Fire held like four great steeds by the great charioteer of Mercy.

IN THE NAME OF THE LIVING GOD, AS THE COSMIC HOLY SPIRIT I draw forth that COSMIC COMFORT, those tongues of Flame into every element, every soul, every con­ sciousness that is. LET THERE BE COMFORT! LET THERE BE THE SURCEASE OF DISTRESS.

Oh, mighty and eternal God Who has opened to Me the channel of the "Bulletin"* by which I might feed some of the energies of My very Self into those willing to read and ponder it! I thank You for those who have anchored the substance of My world into themselves, and there flows into them mighty streams of Cosmic Comfort.

Oh, mighty Angel Devas of Comfort, mighty and great Angels of Comfort, Seraphim and Cherubim of Comfort, Le­ gions of Comfort from the universal, COME FORTH NOW and BRING COMFORT TO EVERY LIFESTREAM, every one, every electron on this planet-and SO BE IT !

'"Now the avenue of My Son, the Maha Chohan.


Many of My Chelas who have a deep love and under­ standing of the ofttimes much abused members of the four­ footed kingdom have asked inwardly if these blessed animals pass through a 'second birth'. I now answer and say only


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those endowed with the privilege of passing through the chain of physical embodiments as human beings carry the Immortal Spark of the Godhead within the Airless Chamber, which is known as the Immortal Victorious Threefold Flame.

The animal kingdom evolves a soul, and at a certain point is released from re-embodiment and enters the Devic or Nature Kingdom, but they are like Angels, servants of some Intelligent God Being, Who directs them to carry love, heal­ ing, peace and protection. They have no free-will to create and utilize the Sacred Fire, unless they choose to take the responsibility of accepting the Immortal Fire into the Airless Cell and through a 'round' evolve a Soul that will provide a proper Chamber for the release of this Sacred Fire, thus earning the privilege of being co-creator with God. (You will remember that Beloved Oromasis was granted immortal­ ity by the Ascended Master, Our Beloved Saint Germain).

If some elemental or animal serves you well when you are a Lord of The Flame, 'have experienced the 'second birth', you can offer that little creature immortality. You can ap­ proach the Great Central Sun and secure a 'Spark of Life', which that creature may, or may not choose to accept. If it does not accept, it lives a life through eternity of love, peace and security, but cannot create through the use of The Sacred Fire. If it does accept, it must start on a round of birth and re-birth until it has evolved a Soul that can be judged worthy to release the Immortal Spark and thus create a new Lord of The Flame. Many have re.fused, and many have accepted this experience.

0 SUBLIME STATE OF FRIENDLINESS "Creatures without feet have my love;

And likewise those that have two feet; And those that have four feet I love;

And those, too, that have many feet. "May those without feet harm me not;

And those with two feet cause no hurt; May those with four feet harm me not;

Nor those who many feet possess:


"Let creatures all - all things that live - All beings of whatever kind

9ee nothing that will bode them ill. May naught of evil come to them."

Translated from the Culla-Vagga (V. 6)

MERCY'S PRAYER FOR OUR ANIMAL FRIENDS "O Great, Gracious and Merciful God of All! We invoke

the fullness of Thy Compassion and Mercy for our friends the animals, especially for those suffering, for those over­ worked, underfed and cruelly treated; for all wistful crea­ tures in captivity that beat against their bars; for all in pain; for all that come to the change called "death" by whatever means. We entreat for them THY TENDER MERCY! Help us to be Thy Good Friends of Mercy to them and all Thy Life evolving unto Love's Victory to and through all Thy Life everywhere.

"In the Name of Thy Holy Life everywhere present, in the Name of the Ascended Jesus Christ we ask this ! So be it done on Earth NOW!"


MERCY "May the Peace of God be upon this household! May

the Love of God be in your hearts. May the Light of God be in your souls ! May the wisdom of God be in your minds! May the Strength and Vitality of God be among the members of your household! May the Health and Well-Being of God be manifest through the bodies, the garments which you wear! May the Grace of God be in your worship ! May the Talents and Genius of God be manifest through your senses! May the fullness of the Victory of your own God Plan be manifest

'f through your souls at the close of your Earth life! "Again as We visit your homes, it begins a new pulsation

in carrying the blessings of the Sacred Fire into the orbit of lifestreams who choose to invite Us. Though at first the


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numbers be few, the pulsation thus begun shall intensify and increase in the days and years ahead until it will become the general custom again to invite and welcome the Ladies of the Kingdom Who carry within the compass of their Light Bodies those particular virtues and feelings which are re­ quired to make every man, woman and child of God, a Master in Grace, in Humility, and in Love!

"May I bless your hearts and souls, and thank you for inviting Us into your presence. May I ask that whenever the opportunity affords itself, you may encourage the children of Earth to invite Us into their homes, hearts, and feelings, for thus We set up the momentum and avail Ourselves of the opportunity to bring the Blessings which are Our Gifts to Life, into your world and experience!

Kwan Yin


OPPORTUNITY TO SERVE I stand .fore'er in the Presence

Of Justice and Freedom's worth; So humble, joyous, and grateful

To be part of Their Plan for Earth. Oh, how marvelous; Oh, how wonderful

Is opportunity to call! Oh, how marvelous; Oh, how wonderful

Is God's Eternal Love for all!

I live and move - have my being In the Heart of Mercy's Flame;

And blaze It through all I contact Or think of - in Freedom's Name.

Oh, how marvelous ! Oh, how wonderful! Grateful I shall ever be!

Oh, how marvelous! Oh, how wonderful! Life gives all OPPORTUNITY!

I'm clothed in Love's perfect Balance - Understanding of Love and Light;

Determined with all that's within me To raise Earth to Heaven's height.

Oh, how marvelous; Oh, how wonderful Is opportunity to serve.

Oh, how marvelous; Oh, how wonderful - Bringing the Light all life deserves.

And one day, bathed in the glory Of Pink Adoration's Flame,

I'll fill all space with the story - The Victory of Love - "I AM"!

Oh, how marvelous! Oh, how wonderful! This my praise shall ever be.

Oh, how marvelous! Oh, how wonderful! God's Name-"! AM"-has SET ME FREE!

Melody: "My Saviour's Love"


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Tenderly I tread through God's flower bed

On my way through the day and the night.

The dawn calls me on with Celestial Song;

And the dusk with its hush lingers on.

I live in a sea of such beauty to me

That I ponder how all this could be?

Then a petal unfolds; and so gently-I'm told

This is the way God meant it to be.

Thus I journey hence, and I pray: no offence

Shall ever again find its way through me.

For as I travel on, I can think of no song;

But of Love-grateful Love, Mercy and Go<l Peace!

A BRIDGE TO FREEDOM PUBLICATION Kings Park, Long Island, N. Y. 11754

