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River Delta Economic Region. In the week of January 14, 2013, Kokomo and Dongyang have agreed to establish a formal international relationship. Kokomo Mayor Greg Goodnight said that the relationship should benefit both communities. Ten months after signing a sister city agreement with Dongyang, a delegation from Kokomo visited China from October 15, 2013 to October 30, 2013, furthered develop ties between Dongyang and the greater Kokomo community by collaborating on strategies for business, education, and cultural partnerships for the betterment of both communities. Dongyang located about 200 kilometers south of Hangzhou. It covers an area of 1744.05 square kilometers and administers eleven towns, one county, and six sub-districts. Dongyang county was first set up in AD 195 and known as Wuning. In AD 688, the name was changed to Dongyang. The name Dongyang means “Eastern Sun”. Dongyang is home to numerous construction companies, the primary one being Zhongtian. Dongyang also produces magnets, chemicals, plastics, garments and agriculture and wooden sculptures. The reform and opening policies of the 1970s have accelerated economic growth, and the city ranks among the top 100 cities in China. In 2005, the city’s GDP reached 15.984 billion RMB yuan, earning fiscal revenue of 1.38 billion RMB yuan. Dongyang boasts a wide range of industrial sectors, led by electronic, machine building, magnetic material producing, and medical and chemical industries. Dongyang has become the largest magnetic material production and exportation base in China. It is also the third largest medical and pharmaceutical city in Zhejiang, and boasts a group of leading companies in this sphere, such as Hengdian Kanyu Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd, Zhejiang Garden Biological High-tech Co., and Zhejiang Hansheng Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. A famous local tradition in Dongyang is the “virgin boy egg”, an annual tradition in early spring time where the urine of pre-pubertal school boys preferably under 10 years is collected, then eggs boiled in the urine would be sold and eaten. In 2008, Dongyang recognized the eggs as “local intangible cultural heritage.” 11 2016 年3月11日星期五 Friday, March 11, 2016 Indy Asian American Times 文化·生活 Culture & Living 张哲瑞 联合律师事务所 Zhang & Attorney, L.P. 移民 22位资深美国执照律师 移民局行政上诉办公室前移民官加盟 十八年杰出服务品质保证 数千例成功案例 Oracle客户管理系统 客户遍布全美 国家利益豁免和特殊人才绿卡 PERM及职业移民 H、L及其他费移民签证 请将简历发送到[email protected]我们将为您提供免费评估 地址:9999 Bellaire Blvd, Suite 920 Houston, TX 77036 Email: [email protected] 电话:1-800-920-0880 传真:713-771-8368 Website: 绿卡 签证 精办 绿卡申请 免费 评估 纽约/休士顿/芝加哥/奥斯汀/洛杉矶/硅谷/西雅图七地办公 姐妹城市: 印第安纳科科莫和浙江东阳 IAAT Staff Writer/Reporter Echo Lu ( 呂曉煒) 科科莫位于印 第安纳州的霍华德 县,是印第安纳的 第13大城市。科科 莫是印第安纳科科 莫大都市统计区的 主要城市,该统计 区涵盖了霍华德县 和迪普顿县。 根据2010年人 口普查,科科莫的 人口为四万五千四 百六十八人。2012 年1月,科科莫成功兼并了城市西面和南面 七个多平方英里(18平方公里)的区域, 包括奥拓高地和印第安高地,使得城市的 人口增加到了近5.7万人。 科科莫是由当地的印第安原住民“科 科莫酋长”的名字命名的。在南北战争之 前,它与印第安纳波利斯接壤,同时通过 铁路与东面的城市相连,造就了城市的经 济可持续增加。大量天然气储量的发现使 得城市在19世纪80年代特别繁荣。刚刚起 步的汽车工业受到了这股热潮的吸引。随 后,科科莫的技术和工程产业蓬勃发展, 尤其是汽车产业。于是,当时的科科莫被 称为“拥有各种第一的城市”。 科科莫的就业很大程度上依赖于制造 业。在2008年12月,福布斯将科科莫列 为“衰落得最快的美国城市”第三名,主 要是因为汽车行业遭受的财物困难。2011 年5月,科科莫又上了福布斯排行榜,不过 这次是“最好就业的城市”,排名上升了 177位。 2011年6月,Conexus发布了一份报 告,吹捧科科莫在衰退之后“反弹迅速” ,并预测随着汽车生产量的增加将造成2% 的收入增长。 截至2013年5月份的数据统计显示, 科科莫的失业率为9%,非农业就业人数下 降了1.4%。这比全美7.6%的失业率要高。 这份报告还显示,在过去的12个月中,制 造业的就业率下降了6.9%。而政府部门的 就业率则比上一年下降了18.7%。 在地球的另一端,科科莫有一座姐妹城 市——浙江东阳。东阳是浙江省的中心城 市,也是长江三角洲经济区的一部分。 2013年1月14日那一周,科科莫和东 阳经协商达成建立正式国际友好关系的协 议。科科莫市长格雷格·古德耐先生说, 这一友好关系将使两个社区受益。 签署协议10个月后,科科莫代表团在 2013年10月15日至10月30日之间访问 了中国,进一步推进了两个社区之间在商 Kokomo is the county seat of Howard County, Indiana. It is Indiana’s 13th largest city. Kokomo is the principal city of the Kokomo, Indiana Metropolitan Statistical Area, which includes all of Howard and Tipton counties. Kokomo’s population was 45,468 at the 2010 census. On January 1, 2012, Kokomo successfully annexed more than seven square miles (18km2) on the south and west sides of the city, including Alto and Indian Heights, increasing the city’s population to nearly 57,000 people. Kokomo is named for the Native American Ma-Ko-Ko-Mo who was called “Chief Kokomo”. Before the Civil War, it was connected with Indianapolis and then the Eastern cities by railroad, which resulted in sustained growth of the city’s economics. The discovery of large natural gas reserves produced a boom in the mid-1880s. Among the business which the boom attracted was the fledgling automobile industry. A significant number of technical and engineering innovations were developed in Kokomo, particularly in automobile production, and, as a result, Kokomo became known as the “City of Firsts.” Kokomo’s employment is largely based in manufacturing. In December 2008, Kokomo was ranked third by Forbes in America’s fastest dying towns, mainly as a result of the financial difficulties of the automotive industry. In May 2011, Forces listed Kokomo again but this time as one of the “Best Cities for Jobs” after the city ascended 177 places in the rankings. In June 2011, Conexus released a report touting Kokomo’s “rapid bounce” after the recession, and predicted a rise in income of more than 2%, assuming increased automobile production. By May 2013 Kokomo’s unemployment rate was 9%, representing a 1.4% decrease in non- farm employment. It was higher than the national rate of 7.6%. The May 2013 statistics reported a 6.9% decline in manufacturing jobs over the previous 12 months. Government employment was 18.7% below the previous year. Kokomo has a sister city on the other side of the world. City of Dongyang, a city in the center of Zhejiang Province, it is part of the Yangtze Sister Cities: Kokomo, Indiana & Dongyang, Zhejiang IAAT Staff Writer/Reporter Echo Lu 呂曉煒 业,教育以及文化交流 方面的战略伙伴关系。 东阳位于杭州以南 约200公里处。占地 1744.05平方公里,管 理着11个乡镇,一个 县,和六个街道。 东阳最早建立于公元 195年,当年被称为武 宁。公元688年,武宁 变更为东阳,意为“东 方的太阳”。 东阳坐落着众多的建 筑公司,其中最主要的 一个是中天公司。东阳 还生产磁铁,化学品, 塑料,服装,农产品和 木雕。 20世纪70年代的改革 开放政策加速了东阳的经 济增长。东阳是中国百强城市之一。2005 年,全市生产总值达到159.84亿人民币, 创汇13.8亿人民币的财政收入。 东阳拥有广泛的工业领域,以电子,机 械制造,磁性材料生产,医疗,化工等行 业为主导。东阳市目前已成为中国最大的 磁性材料生产和出口基地。 当地著名的传统是“童子蛋”。每年初 春的时候收集10岁以下的男孩的尿液并用 来煮鸡蛋,煮熟的鸡蛋用来进行出售和食 用。2008年,东阳将“童子蛋”列入“地 方非物质文化遗产”名单。 浙江东阳:东阳特色沃面 面条是我国最常见的主食之一,有名的如 北京炸酱面、上海阳春面、杭州片儿川、武 汉热干面、四川担担面、山西刀削面、兰州 的拉拉面、广东云吞面等等。但是东阳特色 沃面究竟是什么面呢? 朴素之美    东阳沃面最初只是当地的老百姓把吃 剩下的菜、汤、回锅再利用,然后加入番 薯淀粉制成糊面,特点是易消化吸收,又 营养丰富,后来经过不断改良,成为了现 如今的大众化面食小吃。    貌不惊人的东阳面自成特色,因为加 入了番薯淀粉制成糊面,而有吃起来“糊 答答”的感觉,过舌难忘,在当地很受欢 迎,成了一道独有的特色面食小吃。 一碗面十种料    人们用“一碗面,十种料”来形容 东阳沃面的特色。东阳沃面使用青菜、木 耳、肉丝、河虾、肚丝、蛋丝等配料,其 中最关键的配料就是最关键的也就猪肚、 河虾。虽然技法不同,口感也有差异,但 这是当地人所喜爱的美味。   东阳沃面的美食意义,自是在审味之 外,也有着一种普世真理——无论多么高 贵与卑微,在漫长的时光岁月里,是人总 有悲欢离合,生老病死。所以言味,不必 独尊燕窝鱼翅者,以东阳沃面之法以烩 之,同样是大家心目中的一道美食。 General Managers: $48,000 + Bonus Assistant Managers: $14/hr + Bonus Service / Kitchen Crew: $9.5/hr We offer competitive pay, medical/dental insurance, bonuses, 401K with company match, discounts, paid time off, training opportunities for growth and much more! Apply Today: NOW HIRING ALL POSITIONS 科科莫被称为“首创城”(City of Firsts) ,主要是由于这里发明许多和汽车行业有关东 西。 (图片来源 浙江東陽的橫店影視城,隨便逛逛就能撞上熟悉的明星臉, 很多大制作的電影、電視劇都出自那裡。

Friday, March 11, 2016 姐妹城市:印第安纳科科莫和浙江东阳 031116.pdf2016/03/11  · 械制造,磁性材料生产,医疗,化工等行

Dec 06, 2020



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Page 1: Friday, March 11, 2016 姐妹城市:印第安纳科科莫和浙江东阳 031116.pdf2016/03/11  · 械制造,磁性材料生产,医疗,化工等行

River Delta Economic Region. In the week of January 14, 2013, Kokomo

and Dongyang have agreed to establish a formal international relationship. Kokomo Mayor Greg Goodnight said that the relationship should benefit both communities.

Ten months after signing a sister city agreement with Dongyang, a delegation from Kokomo visited China from October 15, 2013 to October 30, 2013, furthered develop ties between Dongyang and the greater Kokomo community by collaborating on strategies for business, education, and cultural partnerships for the betterment of both communities.

Dongyang located about 200 kilometers south of Hangzhou. It covers an area of 1744.05 square kilometers and administers eleven towns, one county, and six sub-districts.

Dongyang county was first set up in AD 195 and known as Wuning. In AD 688, the name was changed to Dongyang. The name Dongyang means “Eastern Sun”.

Dongyang is home to numerous construction companies, the primary one being Zhongtian. Dongyang also produces magnets, chemicals, plastics, garments and agriculture and wooden

sculptures. The reform and opening policies of the 1970s

have accelerated economic growth, and the city ranks among the top 100 cities in China. In 2005, the city’s GDP reached 15.984 billion RMB yuan, earning fiscal revenue of 1.38 billion RMB yuan.

Dongyang boasts a wide range of industrial sectors, led by electronic, machine building, magnetic material producing, and medical and chemical industries. Dongyang has become the largest magnetic material production and exportation base in China. It is also the third largest medical and pharmaceutical city in Zhejiang, and boasts a group of leading companies in this sphere, such as Hengdian Kanyu Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd, Zhejiang Garden Biological High-tech Co., and Zhejiang Hansheng Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.

A famous local tradition in Dongyang is the “virgin boy egg”, an annual tradition in early spring time where the urine of pre-pubertal school boys preferably under 10 years is collected, then eggs boiled in the urine would be sold and eaten. In 2008, Dongyang recognized the eggs as “local intangible cultural heritage.”

112016 年3月11日星期五 Friday, March 11, 2016 Indy Asian American Times文化·生活 Culture & Living

张哲瑞 联合律师事务所 Zhang & Attorney, L.P.移民


移民局行政上诉办公室前移民官加盟 十八年杰出服务品质保证

数千例成功案例 Oracle客户管理系统客户遍布全美

国家利益豁免和特殊人才绿卡 PERM及职业移民 H、L及其他费移民签证

请将简历发送到[email protected]我们将为您提供免费评估地址:9999 Bellaire Blvd, Suite 920 Houston, TX 77036Email: [email protected] 电话:1-800-920-0880 传真:713-771-8368


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姐妹城市:印第安纳科科莫和浙江东阳IAAT Staff Writer/Reporter Echo Lu (呂曉煒)











Kokomo is the county seat of Howard County, Indiana. It is Indiana’s 13th largest city. Kokomo is the principal city of the Kokomo, Indiana Metropolitan Statistical Area, which includes all of Howard and Tipton counties.

Kokomo’s population was 45,468 at the 2010 census. On January 1, 2012, Kokomo successfully annexed more than seven square miles (18km2) on the south and west sides of the city, including Alto and Indian Heights, increasing the city’s population to nearly 57,000 people.

Kokomo is named for the Native American Ma-Ko-Ko-Mo who was called “Chief Kokomo”. Before the Civil War, it was connected with Indianapolis and then the Eastern cities by railroad, which resulted in sustained growth of the city’s economics. The discovery of large natural gas reserves produced a boom in the mid-1880s. Among the business which the boom attracted was the fledgling automobile industry. A significant number of technical and engineering innovations were developed in Kokomo, particularly in automobile production, and, as a result, Kokomo became known as the “City of

Firsts.” Kokomo’s employment is largely based in

manufacturing. In December 2008, Kokomo was ranked third by Forbes in America’s fastest dying towns, mainly as a result of the financial difficulties of the automotive industry.

In May 2011, Forces listed Kokomo again but this time as one of the “Best Cities for Jobs” after the city ascended 177 places in the rankings.

In June 2011, Conexus released a report touting Kokomo’s “rapid bounce” after the recession, and predicted a rise in income of more than 2%, assuming increased automobile production.

By May 2013 Kokomo’s unemployment rate was 9%, representing a 1.4% decrease in non-farm employment. It was higher than the national rate of 7.6%. The May 2013 statistics reported a 6.9% decline in manufacturing jobs over the previous 12 months. Government employment was 18.7% below the previous year.

Kokomo has a sister city on the other side of the world. City of Dongyang, a city in the center of Zhejiang Province, it is part of the Yangtze

Sister Cities: Kokomo, Indiana & Dongyang, Zhejiang

IAAT Staff Writer/Reporter Echo Lu 呂曉煒


约2 0 0公里处。占地1744.05平方公里,管理着11个乡镇,一个县,和六个街道。东阳最早建立于公元








朴素之美     东阳沃面最初只是当地的老百姓把吃剩下的菜、汤、回锅再利用,然后加入番薯淀粉制成糊面,特点是易消化吸收,又营养丰富,后来经过不断改良,成为了现如今的大众化面食小吃。     貌不惊人的东阳面自成特色,因为加入了番薯淀粉制成糊面,而有吃起来“糊答答”的感觉,过舌难忘,在当地很受欢迎,成了一道独有的特色面食小吃。

一碗面十种料     人们用“一碗面,十种料”来形容东阳沃面的特色。东阳沃面使用青菜、木耳、肉丝、河虾、肚丝、蛋丝等配料,其中最关键的配料就是最关键的也就猪肚、河虾。虽然技法不同,口感也有差异,但

这是当地人所喜爱的美味。     东阳沃面的美食意义,自是在审味之外,也有着一种普世真理——无论多么高贵与卑微,在漫长的时光岁月里,是人总有悲欢离合,生老病死。所以言味,不必独尊燕窝鱼翅者,以东阳沃面之法以烩之,同样是大家心目中的一道美食。

General Managers: $48,000 + Bonus

Assistant Managers: $14/hr + Bonus Service / Kitchen Crew: $9.5/hr We offer competitive pay, medical/dental insurance, bonuses, 401K with company match, discounts, paid time off, training opportunities for growth and much more!

Apply Today:


科科莫被称为“首创城”(City of Firsts) ,主要是由于这里发明许多和汽车行业有关东西。 (图片来源
