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For more information about the FreeNAS ® Mini product line and a digital download of this guide, visit FreeNAS ® Mini and FreeNAS ® Mini XL Storage Device Quick Start Guide October 2016 Edition

FreeNAS Mini and FreeNAS Mini XL Storage Device Quick ... · Google Chrome, or Internet Explorer 10 or later, connected to the same switch or router as the FreeNAS® Mini or Mini

Apr 26, 2019



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Page 1: FreeNAS Mini and FreeNAS Mini XL Storage Device Quick ... · Google Chrome, or Internet Explorer 10 or later, connected to the same switch or router as the FreeNAS® Mini or Mini

For more information about the FreeNAS® Mini product line and a digital download of this guide, visit

FreeNAS® Mini and FreeNAS® Mini XL Storage Device Quick Start Guide

October 2016 Edition

Page 2: FreeNAS Mini and FreeNAS Mini XL Storage Device Quick ... · Google Chrome, or Internet Explorer 10 or later, connected to the same switch or router as the FreeNAS® Mini or Mini

Quick Start Guide

Table of Contents, Welcome ...................................................................... 1 Parts List ........................................................................................................ 2

Setting up the FreeNAS® Mini Storage Device ........................................ 2 . Installing Hard Drives .......................................................................... 3 . Plugging in the FreeNAS® Mini Storage Device ............................... 3 . FreeNAS® Mini Front Panel Layout ................................................... 4

Connecting to the FreeNAS® Mini ............................................................. 5FreeNAS® Software Setup ........................................................................... 5 1. First-time Log In ................................................................................. 5 2.InitialConfigurationWizard ............................................................. 6 3.VolumeConfiguration....................................................................... 6 4. Directory Services ............................................................................. 7 5. Shares and Permissions ................................................................... 8 6. Miscellaneous Settings ..................................................................... 9 7.CompletingtheConfiguration ....................................................... 10 8. Connecting to the Share ................................................................. 10 9. IPMI Information ............................................................................. 11

Additional Resources ................................................................................ 11

Welcome to the FreeNAS® Mini and Mini XL Storage Device Quick Start Guide. This guide demonstrates the initial setup and config-uration of the FreeNAS® Mini Storage Device with a web browser.

Directionsareincludedtoadditionalresourcesforcustomconfigur-ation and for learning more about the features provided by the FreeNAS® operating system. Follow this guide and your FreeNAS® Mini will be up and running quickly!


Page 3: FreeNAS Mini and FreeNAS Mini XL Storage Device Quick ... · Google Chrome, or Internet Explorer 10 or later, connected to the same switch or router as the FreeNAS® Mini or Mini


3 FreeNAS® Mini or Mini XL 3 Drive trays with dummy drives or hard drives 3 Drive screws 3 Power cable 3 Ethernet cable 3 Case keys 3 Quick Start Guide

When ordered with drives, they are already installed in the trays.

3 Four (Mini) or eight (Mini XL) populated drive trays.

When ordered without drives, the drive trays are already installed in the drive bays.

3 Four(Mini)oreight(MiniXL)drivetraysfilledwithdummydrives,each secured by two screws.


Setting up the FreeNAS® Mini requires a few additional things:

3 A switch or router connected to the other computers in the network.

3 A Phillips screwdriver (if installing your own hard drives).

3 AcomputerrunningamodernwebbrowsersuchasMozillaFirefox,GoogleChrome,orInternetExplorer10orlater,connectedtothe same switch or router as the FreeNAS® Mini or Mini XL. If the FreeNAS® web interface does not work properly, please use the


Page 4: FreeNAS Mini and FreeNAS Mini XL Storage Device Quick ... · Google Chrome, or Internet Explorer 10 or later, connected to the same switch or router as the FreeNAS® Mini or Mini


If drives were ordered with the FreeNAS® Mini, they have been shipped mounted in trays.

Diskless systems come with a dummy drive mounted in each tray with two screws. Remove the screws and dummy drives. User four screws per tray to mount your own storage drives. Additional screws are supplied in the included accessory kit.

Insert each tray into a drive bay until it stops, then swing the latch closed until it locks.


. Connect the Ethernet cable to the router or switch and to the bottom Gigabit LAN Port (#4 below).. Plug the power cable into the FreeNAS® Mini and an outlet.


1 Serial Port2 IPMI Lan Port3 UID Switch4 Gigabit LAN Ports 5 USB 2.0 Port6 VGA Port

1 2

6 5 4 3

1 2


Port LED Indicators

Activity/Link LED SPEED LED

Status Description Status Description

Off No Link Off 10Mbps connection

Blinking Data Activity Off 100Mbps connection

On 100Mbps connection Green 1Gbps connection



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1 8 x Tool-Less Drive Bays 2 Drive Inserted (Blue) 3 Drive Activity (Green) 4 Unit Identify 5 Network Link/Activity 6 HDD Access Indicator 7 Power Button 8 Reset Button 9 Power Indicator10 2 x USB 2.0

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


1 4 x Hot Swap, Tool-Less Drive Bays 2 Drive Inserted (Blue) 3 Drive Activity (Green) 4 Unit Identify 5 Network Link/Activity 6 HDD Access Indicator 7 Power Indicator 8 Power Button 9 2 x USB 2.010 Reset Button

1 2 3 4 56 7




Page 6: FreeNAS Mini and FreeNAS Mini XL Storage Device Quick ... · Google Chrome, or Internet Explorer 10 or later, connected to the same switch or router as the FreeNAS® Mini or Mini


The FreeNAS® Mini is compatible with the Multicast DNS service, also known as Bonjour or MDNS, and will be visible to other machines that support mDNS. The FreeNAS® adminstrative interface can be accessed by typing freenas.local in the address bar of a browser on a computer connected to the same network.

TIP: When more than one FreeNAS® device is connected to the network, mDNScanexperiencenameconflicts.Toavoidtheseproblems,give each FreeNAS® device a unique hostname like freenas1.local and freenas2.local.Aftercompletingtheinitialconfigurationwizard,thehostname can be edited by changing Network →GlobalConfiguration → Hostname.


1. First-time Log In

With the FreeNAS® Mini connected and powered on, wait one minute for it to boot, then log in to the graphical user interface with: Username: root Password: abcd1234

Figure 1: Log in to the FreeNAS® Mini Web Interface.

Warning: It is important to immediately change the administrative password to prevent unauthorized access. Click the Account icon on the top left of the web interface, then click the Users tab in the main panel. Click the root entry, then click the Modify User button on the bottom left. Enter the new password in the Password and Password confirmation fields, then click OK to apply it.


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2. Initial Configuration Wizard

Afterloggingin,awizardprovidesguidanceforconfiguringtheFreeNAS® MiniStorageDevice.Ifthewizarddoesnotstartautomatically,clickthe“top hat” Wizardiconinthetopmenubar.Thosewhowishtoconfigurethesystemmanuallycanleavethewizardatanypoint,butanysettingschangedbythewizardareonlysavedattheendoftheprocess.Someof these steps take some time to complete, so there will be a short pause beforethenextscreenofthewizardisdisplayed.


3. Volume Configuration

Theappearanceofthenextscreenvariesdependingonwhetherthestorage disks have already been formatted with ZFS. Note:Ifpre-configureddriveswererequestedwhentheFreeNAS® Mini was ordered,thewizardskipsthescreenshowninFigure3.


Figure 2: Select the Time Zone, Language, and Keyboard Layout.

Page 8: FreeNAS Mini and FreeNAS Mini XL Storage Device Quick ... · Google Chrome, or Internet Explorer 10 or later, connected to the same switch or router as the FreeNAS® Mini or Mini


4. Directory Services

If the FreeNAS®devicewillbeconnectedtoanetworkwithanexistingActive Directory, LDAP, or NIS infrastructure, select the type of directory service, enter the connection credentials, then click Next. If the network does not use a directory service, click Next to skip this step.

Figure 4: Enter Directory Service Information.

Figure 3: Name the Volume and Select a Volume Configuration.

Page 9: FreeNAS Mini and FreeNAS Mini XL Storage Device Quick ... · Google Chrome, or Internet Explorer 10 or later, connected to the same switch or router as the FreeNAS® Mini or Mini


5. Shares and Permissions

Atleastonesharemustbecreatedtobeabletostoreandsharefilesonthenetwork. Click Next to skip this step if shares will be created later.

To create a share now, enter a name and choose a Purpose. Windows shares are the most commonly used, supporting Windows, Mac OS X, most Linuxdistributions,andFreeBSDclients.

To assign an owner to the share, click Ownership, enter the name of the user who owns the share and the group who will have access to it. Put a check in the Create User and Create Groupboxestocreatetheuserandgroup. The password to be used by the new user will be requested, and the permissions for the owner, group and other users are set.

Sharesaretypicallyconfiguredtopreventusersfromaccessingfileswithoutbeing logged in. In some situations, it may be desirable to allow anyone on the network to access a share without requiring a login. This can be set by clicking Allow Guest.

When all of the desired properties have been set, click Add to add the share. When done adding shares, click Next.

Figure 5: Choose Share Name and Purpose.

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6. Miscellaneous Settings

Thewizardpresentsascreenwithadditionaloptions.EnablingConsole messages displays the message log at the bottom of the web interface. Theremainderofthesesettingsareforconfiguringtheemailalertssentbythe FreeNAS® device if there are problems or updates.

Figure 6: Log and Email Configuration.

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Figure 8: Connected to a Windows Share.

8. Connecting to the Share

To connect to a Windows share from a Windows computer, open File Explorer. In the address bar at the top, enter \\freenas.local


7. Completing the Configuration

Click Confirmforthewizardtoapplythesettingsandsavetheconfiguration.Tomodifyentries,clickReturn to Wizard to restart the wizardwithallthepreviouslyenteredvalues.

Figure 7: Save or Confirm your settings.

When prompted, enter the user name and password that were set when the share was created. If Allow Guest was set for this share, user name and password are not needed.

After connecting, the share behaves like a local folder.

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The FreeNAS®Minisupportsmanyfeaturesandconfigurationsnot mentioned in this Quick Start Guide. For complete documentation, refer to The FreeNAS® Forums provide an opportunity to interact with other FreeNAS®usersandtodiscusstheirconfigurations.Visittheforumsat

© 2016 iXsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.

FreeNAS® and the FreeNAS® logo are registered trademarks of iXsystems.

9. IPMI Information

This system supports IPMI for remote management. The default IPMI connection information is Username: adminPassword: admin

See for more information.