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THE MALONE FARMER, OCTOBER 6, 1909. Premium \wards Franklin Co. Fair 1909, PIJ VII M lA^i i O\ T N ID CLASS 14—Flowers and Plants Mi J I J M M i n i m M I I 1- \ 1 t 1 \i \\ \\ •- i I \1 \ 1 d Mi<- H I H p b n J \\ 1 -> t t \ - H P Mil Ms J Mi ^ e 1 \i 11 - 1 f U i \1 M t f K I ) \I - f M \ \\ , M X I I s \ R \ ! 1 L M f 1 J Ki - Mi ! t 1 \ A M \ \ \1 \ t n r itk ^ w t i v e IP*I^ c* San fcarrr f^ami ber Sami 11 -J M 1 \\ J M ^s M i k c liij i n d t f v t M i v d Mi 1 i f -und < \ i 1 m m e NJ ) k li M Tie In! Mi- I u «*. H » r I J M i l el i IM i r h ' , h«jl\ «• B ) t VI \\ V \ K-I e1 Burke I n/ n np f r Am \ fr U.m u- ,d I i Hu Samp e tt ntf r -- a. * <- \ Cnarr t r d r _i r i u ( JSamp *- t n pk v- 1 * M r id \\ \\ ( T a i I Samp <- f i - ^ <3 r H t Bampl*- 1 « 1 o, ( v \,r- if. Samplf < tr n<- M rt i Ii t r Bang< z 2d I F H nt Sample t u m rtr<. I F H rt ~<3 \\ \\ * c" t rt id \i)^ I 1 i ^ Sample \ <+.H.«bie c>^ «-tf-- E Hunt f«XDple s*f- ( r r ; \ «- I t H int for TAL « Mr- Un,t Kkti 1 Vet ed Ce lterrotc H - l>i t j Nette' «dk Uier t! n ^ Md L6i ,r.en L irke i Mi JJ J M jji- THI1 T DI\I<5IO\_R LG ^ Bfc>JL) Kut MJ<- h Man e\ Buike Mr B\ i ^d Sample Hunt M Sample s < , \\ Me Earnpk 1 p «->d H P Sample k ^ ~>d U n ] U ] ] in t 1 L Hi n h 1 I lr bj n t * t< i. <n i I J- H nt ] u h ? f / \\ ~d d M rl Bamplt- Sjditi I L H i I WI Hu i Malone Bu nel ^ i ( n - M«7t Km.1 2d Wm. Bt-fl " Bushtl >> - i - n t vl f u s Wertor I t i r }>, r i. i Boshel ^ted B* anv MM I JI r Bu htl ^ j burl \\ J) rr -d J hi \\ <rl ^ Bushel Sprin*? I \ ^ j ^ Xje.irnt-1 Mt n 2d M<it i lurt Bu h d s» j i n, H w»d I T Footp M railed *• u« Mi- Hf i i \ I > t <nistabie -d Mi- ii tci el) \\ neti l i l 1 i. Mi JL L, ivtn ^ M - M i- Pike Burtfc JP utiei linn i-tf 1 \.ii- j i n c -d VJ v j dllf « < ^ e fcJull < ymJtriil L LTibroidwed lrfuif. liU ktl Mr Pieced lied <j\ji t '-nk U s ii v Uui.1 -d \n«. 4 o If .Lmbioiitn J KUK Mi^ L c U 1 j 1. l h »d \li^ M L \ Utoow r Pie td lietj Qm c ton \u \ M rsfc Ii nkc -d M *.v r i f n e \I t jn eJ bed qui t not en Sir- Mar% wn .d Mrs J Mc ( dJlt \ OJnst Li <ed t k j y u t th r tiidji i r O \ L jich _a M v -- ^. iiu n ts lancv B* J Ccvei Mi- M ^ y L U •Hunt -d W \\ f \ (. 4 CLASS 16—Domestic Work. PIRbi D I \ 1^1 >\—VUA1\ St WING Plain Uin* u rj? Mr \\ Hut ctnn<! "• i vt O Ie 1 > 2d Mf- L J. K» Maine ^ Plain Mu ^ s viin^' Mi*- if <, DmxHtl. Mulorif .... l (if) 2d Mr*- L I Pal M Uc'r'i*-" 0 riain li> n rnHif, Mis M t 1 Tk<. Burke Hem' ne*>i Hem« Hem- rr flteni* me MJH Hern- H Ppeel und M<r e 1 Bet o 11 <" r 1 - J>ad H i -t t Uit< p _d 'I I :1.V. \l 1 Mr •>t t I «. o \ i -tl! J 3 > it t i ••t t \ ni i i Hi 1 M i f 1 t 1 iik \1 1 M M 1 M 1 \ 1 i j le 1 1 ; 1 J \l f i; f i 1 J I 1 \ i ! i i ! H I M 1 1 1 L J } ' 1 t 1 i J i k< t k [• t j I 1 » M \[ t -•I J i 1 i > \ ir K 1 ' f 11 1 j >»l J Mr*- * il \ ) \ t ^ _ ! Ml V-il 3 \J 1 r 1 j ,1 i J M \ Hutc' F tnnt-1 Mr- JAUH- Me nsutble Po -d <. a r t ! \ De* % \ C io Mt len ML ^ i n J J ifl In ^\ -1 ill Mi ^ ab e rs _(i "jr « ii ] ^ ii j n M , » J t J n t -d j. Mi tl \ \i • K t«- l if 1J1A, Mi M Mi Y ^ Ail <- nsta - \\ dhi rL.d s ( in t le in ble*" Vv id HI < n>tih S-- \i W \ (»r \\n J k \ - ii t K I i t Mi 1 sl 10 VJ I* s - t i Mr- i <^Hi inkets Will 1 Ki J. (|( | Mi j j ii II - bmln ^ C l r J \"rs J M * si 1 ] \ Ml//' 1 Ml ^ M J I J IH Di Mu\ \n-< I 1 I \NLOl - *• M - i K k ! 1 i 1 Mi M l t\ioia<* 1 i ll 1 - M i i M i s b 1 i J "•> \1 i M 1 M II i I> i t 1 \ s i M - N L i 1 » Mr J i I t 1 Ii 1 ^ ! L, 1 3 I imltr I M \' i Md r. <«.Pt in t i n j u 1 < I \ i V i n < \ SI COM) DI\ KfOX-KMTTIX", MO M ) KMrilMj Knit Hfh i 1 Mi -is fnim - Malnu - fO 2d Mis J < ^ m n \T^lnnp 1 f AfRtun Mrs j r 1 11 V 1 »r p MO Shawl Mis-, i ^ tl IK Manors Maloric 2 t» I J 1 I \ > , ) I \I M I i | ! 1 M ( M ! il I iH I' t M'rs \ >f n j t s :onHitl< j <} Mrs J it. ( ti II M n ckin,r I A,. M i s M i Fi s n 11- I -d Al7^ \\ Hutchins c r <n il 1( ALCOHOL 3 PER CENT. p sirailafiiig the FbodawiRegula ting U<e Stomachs ness and Rest.Contains nekter Opumi .Morphine norMiocraL NOT NARCOTIC. Aperfect Remedy forCcmsfipa- tion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea tion, So Worms ,Convuiskms.Feverish ness aadLoss or SLEEP. Facsimile Si^narure of YORK. CASTORIA For Infants and Children, The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of ELECTION NOTICE. STATE OF NEW YORK Office of the secretary of state Albany, July 24 1SW9. To the clerk of the county of Franklin. Sir:—Notice is hereby given, that, at the General Bfiection to be held in this state on the Tuesday succeeding the first Monday in November next (No- vember 2d), the following officers may be lawfully voted for, to wit:- J ustice of the the Fourth Judicial District, in the place of Chester. B. Mclaughlin, whose term of office will expire on t!ie last day of December next. A Senator for the Thirty-fourth Sen- ate District, composed of the counties of Franklin and St. La.wreu< vacancy caused by tht Ham T. O'Neil. death of Wil- ounty and District officers also to be elected for said county: One Member of Assembly. A County Clerk, in the place of Haf- vey J. Dudley. A County Treasurer, in the place of Orrin ler, th place of George H. Oli' All whose terms of office will expire on the »ast day of December next. At t,ie said General Election there will be submitted t.» the people for the purpose of voting there m, the fol- iowins proposed amenJiiieiHs to tne Constitution: AMENDMENT NUMbfcK ONE. Amending Section twelve of Article six of 1 he Constitution so that it shall read l Over i Guaranteed under Exact Copy of Wrapper. Thirty Years CASTORIA THC OCNTMin COMMNY, NEW YORK CITY. of D enty N.« p •until ecernue vears state lars the c-eive thou ins the per \ appella fourth in a and justice tiious-and f Thos e just r,rs r n of urt su; te dd; dol CfcS m s I in ex t a^e sh n i div part lion lars. hei't elc l LK lal of clu aft 1 d hold my the office of court longei ng the last dn\ er he shall be aev- Etich justice of the ali f fh sii t nf ten t ose a n n a I red •le 1 s in s sh SUl nd the doll; in t mem e fi-om the \ous\nd dol- ssisinud t* the third all e-ach re- n of tw< the presid -vim of tws. rs per ye:ir ie first an* s shall con ud :<r Kltt live add t ;ce ciitl d el d:v:sio e ivop.i ti'onai s of t ns Sl'l t no t! id ii h w n e assigned f the' first while so >se depar* provided as is pai departme tiui to or as mer bv d t its. n tl the sec." ts la-^ o tl A « fi apr ed. resp e i just ces« of such limitation, except such aa now may exist, shall absolutely void, except as herein otherwise provided. No county or city whose present indebted- ness exceeds ten per centum of the &£~ bessed valuation of its real estate sub- ject to taxation, shall be allowed to be- come indebted in any further amount until such indebtedness shall be reduc- ed within such limit. This section shall not be construed to prevent the issu- ing of certificates of indebtedness or revenue bonds issued in anticipation of the collection of taxes for amounts ac- tually contained or to, be contained in the taxes for the year when such cer- tificates or revenue bonds are issued and payable out of such taxes; nor to prevent the city of New Y/ork from is- suing bonds to be redeemed out of the tax levy for the ye«»i mxt succeeding the year of their istruti, provided that the amount of such bonds which may be issued in any one year in excess of the limitations herein contained shall not exceed one-tenth of one per centum of the assessed valuation of the real estate of said city subject to taxation. Pursuant to an order of Frederick G, Paddock, surrogate of the county ot Franklin, and according to the statute in such case made and provided, notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against 8arah " ..•eased, that they are required to ex- hibit the same with the voucher* thereof, to the undersigned, Millar I>. Shonyo, Adm., at No. M Academy St., in Malone village. In raid county, on sr before the *6th day of October next Dated April 2nd, 1909. HI1*L«UI D- SHONYO, Administrator McGLtARY & A^L^N, Attorneys for. Administrator Malone. N. Y. I«w27 Nor shall this section be led TO A Jl W J: J^d M I « tt rk t t i Si i .- . L>. i Air-- IK B 1 Mis 1 ng I d Mrs Waist anci ;s- M. Mrs. -. H. a#j Mi s Mil .>ressir .' Paj Ca=e Cuff Malone. Pin Holde is. J E. V •mi ig ke (j H. L». < e Ti Case Er^ . Mrs. Ca M. titVV Kii JCKf M ;.in A. us*-, Mrs. Mrs. H. i--ui> lie-It •kiaii l Li' lsS J ME Crof E. -d Mrs. Paike Krwin Himemade Decorated Dress Buttons 1 z.i Mrs. K. W. LavvreJice .. 1 Mrs. W. W. Smith .. .. Fanc\ Beit Mrs. o. W. Kellogg .. _d Mrs. James Carroll .. .. Handkerchief, not listed. Miss Haiuet Conley. Malone .. 26 Mrs. Jas. Brown Malone .. Fanc\ Yoke for "Waist, Mrs. E. L. .Fell Malone 1 \*.il C^st Mrs. A. P. Moses .. 26 Mrs. D. C. Wood, Burke .. Fane Sweeping Cap, Mrs. A. P. Moses, Malone _d Mrs. H. McOill. Chateau gay Dwn Bfeg Mrs. C. M. Redfield .." -d Mrs. M. J. Munger .. .. Hot Water Bag: Mrs. Jas. Carroll .. Hair Receiver Mrs. D. C. Wood .. 26 Mrs. M.- R. Reynolds .. .. Hair Pin Holder, Mrs. H. Y. Spen- cer Malone ^. -d Mrs. C. A. Bell Malone .. Handkerchief case Mrs. H. S. Due! Necktie Case Miss Janet M. Pai- mer Malone Needle Case do 2d Mrs. Parke Ernin Thread Oaee Mrs. M. E. McClary (Continued on Third Page.) MAIN, COONEY A MAIN. ATTORNEYS AiND COUNSELORS AT ,w. Offices over J. F. Duffy & Co.'s -Clothing Store, East Main St., Malone N. Y. G. H. MAIN, A. B. COONEY, H. W. MAIN. THE PEOFLJ3 OF THE STATE OF New York to Catherine Hamill, re- siding at Brasher, N. Y., Anna Gehan, re»idu;jr at Helena, . N.: Y., Margaret lu&Xitr, residing at Hjo^ansburg, N. Y., William Fitzgerald, residing at Ionia, onia County, Michigan, Katherine Barry, residing at. Racket Bridgre, N. Y., JJiizabeth Barry, residing at lllacket dg- N. i'.; James Barry, residing at iacket Bridge, K.Y.; John Barry.residlng it Oneida, N. Y.;Frank Barry,residing at » Park St., 'Greneva, N. Y., Michael H. Bai-ry. residiHg at Saranax: Lake, N. 1 Mary McCormick, residing at Nor- vood, N. Y.; - Elizabeth D. ECerocnie, -eliding at Racket River, >i. Y., consti- :uting all "the husband, wife, heirs at id next of kin of Michael Barry, ate of the town of Bombay, in the ounty of Franklin and state of New- York, deceased, send greeting: Whereas, Thomas H. I^antry. the ex- ecutor named in the last will and estament of the said Michael Barry, leceased, has lately applied to our sur- Kate of our county of Franklin to have Tne said will proven as a will f real and personal property in pur- uance of the statute in such case made tnd provided: You and each of you, ne taerefore cited and required, per- nai T . to be and appear before our aid surrogate, at his office in Malone , llaere in the county of Franklin, on he Stn day of November next, at 10 •lock in the forenoon, then and there attend the probate of said last wjll and testament. nd if any of the aforesaid persons e under the acre of twenty-one years, ey will please take notice that they e required to appear by their general -irdian, if they have one, and if they have none that they appear and appiy r the appointment of a special g-uaru- n rr in the event of their failure or g-l^ct to do so, a special truardian ill be appointed by the surrogate to r r >-ent and act for them in the pro- t liners for the probate of said will, in testimony whereof, we have hereun- to affixed the seal of our said surrogate. Witness. Frederick L ^.J G. Paddock, surrogate of said county, at the surrogate's of- fice, in Malone village, in said county, the 16th day of Sep- tember. 19W. FLORENCE BOYCE BRYANT. < rk of tthe Surrogate's Court. T IK J. MOORE. DR. FL N. PORTER, DENTIST 79 BAST MAIN ST., Mi.- lone, over Knowlton's store. Best ma- terials used. New telephone, No. 282. 4 -ney M lone Executo: N. Y. 40 w 7 Letters on Poorly Printed Stationery 60 Into the A classy looking letter bead wins atti tion and puts the recipient into a pleasant frajene of mind for the letter underneath. We Print That Kind of Stationery We Are Ready to Print Your». THE MALONE FARMER. Stevens & Turner Co., Malone, N. Y. IHICHESTER S PILLS skfo,cM VIAlIVKO BUWD PIIJL8,OT «fii years known as Be&t, Safest, Always Reliab!« SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE The Farmer and tbe three times a fQek New York World for only $1.65. iend orders to The Farmer office. BUSINESS CARDS. A. A. EDWARDS General Insurance. MAJLONE, N. Y. GEORGE J. MOORE, LAWYER, OFFICES tod ENTRANCE EAST OP People-s Bank, MaJoce, N. Y. Draw- ing Wills a specialty. MOORE A BERRY LAWYERS, R. M. MOORE, B. W. BERRY. Offices 1st door east of Court House, Malone, N. Y. elected in the third or fourth department assigned by ' the appellate division .on ignated by the governor to hold_aj 1 or special term in a judicial Tits^ t other than that in which he is elect- shall receive in addition ten dollart :»er day for expenses wliile actually to jngrag-ed in holding such term, which shall be paid by the state and charged upon the judicial district where the service is rendered. The compensation lerein provided shall be in lieu of and all other compensation to said justices for ex- penses of every kind and nature what- soever. The provisions of this section shall apply to the judges and justices iow in office and to those hereafter ilected. AMENDMENT NUMBER TWO. Amending Section four of Article seven )f the Constitution so that it shall •ead as follows: § 4. Except the debts specified in sec- tions two and three of this article, no debts shall be hereafter contracted by or in behalf of this state, unless such debt shall be authorized by law, for some single work or object, to be dis- :inctly specified .therein; and such law shall impose and provide for the collec- ;ion of a direct annual tax to pay, and sufficient to pay, the interest on such lebt as it falls due, and also to pay and discharge the principal of Buoh debt within fifty years from the time of the contracting thereof. No such law shall take effect until it shall, at a general election, have been submit- ted to the people, and have received a majority of all the votes cast for and against it at such election. On :he final passage of such bill in ei- ther house of the legislature, the ques- tion shall be taken by ayes and noes, to be duly entered on the journals hereof, and shall be: "Shall this bill pass, and ought the same to re- ceive the sanction of the people?" The legislature may at any time after the approval of such law by the people, if no debt shall have been contracted in pursuance thereof, repeal the same; and may at any time by law, forbid . the contracting of any further debt or lia- bility under such la S. A. Beman. ATTORNEY A^I) COUNSELOR, OF fice in Symonds & Allison Block, 65 West Main St., Mialone, N. Y. Ad- mitted to practice in the United States Circuit and District Courts. WALTER J. MEAR8, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. 91 East Miain St., SSalone, N. Y. WILBUR F. SMITH, Civil Engineer and Surveyor, MALONE, N. Y. HENRY FURNESS, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, MA- lone, N. Y., Office at residence No. 4 Webster St, where night calls should be made. McCLARY A ALLEN COUNSELLORS AT LAW. PEOPLE'S Bank Building, Malone N. Y. BRYANT A LAWRENCE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Office over Postoffice, 90 East Miain St., Malone, N. Y. iioney to loan. Collections so- licited. Estates settled. FRED H- BRYANT, ELLSWORTH G LAWRENCE. A W. 8HEALS, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT Law, Brushton, N. Y. All kinds of Legal Business promptly attended to at reasonable rates. WM. P. BADGER, LAWYER AND NOTARY PUBLIC with Seal. Office at Court House Malone. N. Y. Searches, Loans, Col- lections Wills. Estates settled. J." kinds of Legal Business and Papers. H. H. REYNOLDS, PHTSICIAN AND SURGEON, 1U- lone, N. Y. Office and residence No. 17 Morton St., office hours 1:00 to 3:00 and 7:00 to s:(X> P. M. Both 'Phones. FRANK BIGELOW, LAWYER, / Office over Fire Department. Pearl St., SdCalone, Nv Y. S. C. COLEMAN, D. D. S. New Block.' Corner Main and Pearl Sts. Crown and Bridge Work, Painless Extraction DR. FRANK E. TAYLOR DENTIST 163 E. Main St., Malone, N. Y A GOOD HBATING SYSTEM can be installed more economically in the summer months. Let me figure on your job. R, D. Rice. Malone. N. Y. prevent the issue of bonds to provide for the supply of water; but the term of the bonds issued to provide the sup- ply of water, in excess of the limita- tion of indebtedness fixed herein, shall not exceed twenty years, and a sink- ing fund shall be created on the issu- ing of the said bond^s for their redemp- tion, by raising annually a sum which will produce an amount equal to the sum of the principal and interest of said bonds at their maturity. All cer- tificates of indebtedness or revenue bonds issued in anticipation of tlte collection of taxes, which are not re- tired within five years after their date. of issue, and bonds issued to provide*, for the supply of water, and any debt hereafter incurred by any portion or part of a city if there shall be aiiy such debt, shall be included in ascer- taining the power of the city to beeoa<e otherwise indebted; except that debts incurred by the city of New York af- ter the first day of January, nineteen hundred and four, and debts Jneurred by any city of the second class after the first day of Jauu;u-y, nineteen hun- dred and eight, and debts incurred by any city of the third class after the first day of January, nineteen hundred and ten, to provide for the supply of water, shall not be so included: and ex- cept further that any dein hereafter incurred by the city of New York for a public improvement owned or to be owned by the city, which yields tu ihe city current net revenue, after m-ak- i ing any necessary allowance for repairs (and maintenance for which the city is liable, in excess of the interest on said debt and of the annual instalments nec- essary for its amortization may be excluded in ascertaining the power of NOTICE Pursuant to an order of Frederick 0 Paddock, surrogate of the county of ~~ anklin and according to the statute such case made and provided, notice ^ lierebv tfiven to all persons having :laims aguinst Theodocious Fenton, lat» >f Burke, in said county, deceased, that they are' required to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to the undersigned, administrators, at their res- idences or the residence of either of them, in the town of Burke, in saidl county, on or before the 18th day of )ctober next. Dated April 12, 1909. ALBERT D, FENT0N. GRACE L. WILLIAMSON. Administrators. WM. P. BADGER Attorney for Admin- istrators Maione, N. Y. 17w27. NOTICE. NOTICE—Pursuant to an order of Frederick G. Paddock, surrogate of the county of Franklin, and according to> the statute in such case made and provided, notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against John Kerry, late of Brandon, in said coun- y, deceased, that they are required to •xhibit the same with the voucher* hereof, to the undersigned, Rena A. ry, at her residence in the town of Brandon in said county, on or before the 21st day of January next. Dated July 6th, 1909. RENA A. KEjRRY* Administratrix f BADGER & SON, Attorneys M&lone* N. Y. 30w27 said city to become oth€ ise indebt- . , provided that a sinking ... its amortization shall have been estab- lished and maintained and that the indebtedness shall not be so excluded during any period of time when the revenue aforesaid shall not be sufficient to equal the said interest and amortiza- tion instalments, and except further that any indebtedness heretofore incur- red by the city of New York for any rapid transit or dock investment may be so excluded proportionately to the extent to which the current net revenue received by said city therefrom ihall meet the interest and amortiz- ation instalments thereof, provided but the tax imposed by such act, in proportion to Ufe debt and liability which may have been contracted in pursuance of such law, shall remain in force and be irre- pealable, and be annually collected, un- til the proceeds thereof shall have made the provision hereinbefore specified to pay and discharge the interest and principal of such debt and liability. The money arising from any loan or stock creating such debt or liability shall be applied to the work or object specified in the act authorizing such debt or iability, or for the payment of such debt or liability.and for no other purpose what- ever. No such law shall be submitted to be voted on within three months af- ter its passage or at any general elec- tion when any other law, or any bill shall be submitted to be voted for or against The legislature may provide ssue of bonds of the state to run for a period not exceeding fifty years in lieu of bonds heretofore author- ized but not issued and shall impose and provide for ti\e collection of a di- rect annuai-feax for the payment of the same as hereinbefore required. When any sinking fund created under this section shall equal in amount the debt for which it was created, no further di- rect tax shall be levied on account of said sinking fund, and the legislature shall reduce the tax to an amount equal to. the accruing interest on sucli debt. The legislature may from time to time alter the rate of interest to be paid upon any state debt,;, which has been or may be authorized pursu- ant to the provisions of this section, or upon any part of such debt, provided, however, that the rate of interest shall not be altered upon any part of such debt or upon any bond or other evi- dence thereof, which has been, or shall be created or issued befor such altera- tion. In <mse the legislature increase the rate of interest upon any such <iebt, or part thereof, it shall impose and provide for* the collection of a di- rect annual tax to pay and sufficient to pay the increased or altered inter- est on such debt as it falls due and also to pay and discharge the prin- cipal of such debt within fifty years from the time of the contracting there- of, and shall appropriate annually t< the sinking fund ieys in amount sufficient to pay such interest and pay and discharge the principal of such debt when it shall become due and payable. AMENDMENT NUMBER THREE. Amending Section twenty-seven b_ Article tliree of the Constitution so that it shall read as follows: § 27. The legislature shall, by general laws, confer upon the boards of super- visors of the several counties of the state such further powers of local legis- lation and administration as the legis- lature may from time to time, deem expedient, and in counties which now have, or may hereafter have, county auditors or other fiscal officers, autli ized to audit bills, account: claims or demands against legislature may confer charges, i county, ich pow- ;rs upon said auditors, or fiscal offr-- ers as the legislature may, from time to time deem expedient. AMENDMENT NUMBER FOUR. Amending Section ten of Article sig f the Constitution so that it shall read as follows: 10. No county, city, town or village shall hereafter gfve any money or prop- erty, or loan its money or credit to ui in aid of any individual, association <n corporation, or become directly cr in directly the owner of sn»ck in, oi bonds of, any association or corporation nor shall any such county, city, town (...j village be allowed to incur any indebt- edness except for county, city, town village purposes. This section shall not prevent such county, city, town viilag-e from making such provision for the aid or support of its poor as may be authorized by law. No count}- or city shall be allowed to become indebted for any purpose or in any manner to an amount, which, including existing irideUt edness. shall exceed ten per centum of the assessed valuation of the real es- tate of such county or city subject to taxation, as it appeared by'the assess- ment rolls of said county or city on the last assessment for state or county taxes prior tr the incurring of such in- debtedness; and all indebtedness In ex- that any increase incurring power of the debt the city New York which shall result from the exclusion of debts heretofore incurred shall be available only for the acquisi- tion or construction of properties to be used for rapid transit or dock pur- poses. The legislature shall prescribe the method by which and the terms and conditions under -which the amount of, any debt to be so excluded shall be determined, and no such debt shall be excluded except in accordance with the determination so prescribed. The legislature may in its discretion confer appropriate jurisdiction on the appellate division of the supreme court in the first judicial department for the pur- pose of determining the amount of any debt to be so excluded. No indebtedness f a city valid at the time of its in- ception shall thereafter become invalid by reason of the operation of any of the provisions of this section. When- ever the boundaries of any city are the same as those of a county, or when any city shall include within its boun- daries more than, one county, the power of any county wholly included within such city to become indebted shall cea»e but the debt of the county, heretofore existing, shall not, for the purpose* of this section, be reckoned as a #art of the city debt. The amount hereafter to be raised by tax for county or city pur- poses, in any county containing a city of over one hundred thousand inhabitants or any such this state, in addi- tion to providing for the principal and interest of existing debt, shall not in the aggregate exceed in any one year two per centum o4f the assessed valua- tion of the real and personal estate of such county or city, to be ascertained as prescribed in this section in respect to county or city debt. At the said General Btection there is also to be submitted to the people for the purpose of voting thereon, the following proposition or question em- bodied in Section eight of Chapter three hundred and ninety-one of the Laws of nineteen hundred and nine, herein designated as Proposition Num- *«r One: PROPOSITION NUMBER ONE. "Shall chapter three hundred ninety- one of the laws of nineteen hundred and nine, entitled 'An act making provision for issuing bonds to the amount of not to exceed seven million dollars for the improvement of the Cayuga and Seneca canals, and providing for a sub- mission of the same to the people to be voted upon at the general election to be held in the year nineteen bun- dred ami nine,' be approved?" * Given under my hand and. Seal of of- fice of the Secretary of state, at the City of Albany, (I* S) this twenty-fourth day of July, in the year one thousand nine hundred and nine. SAiMIIEL S. KOENtlG, Secretary of State. STATE OF NEW YORK FVanklin County Clerk's Office^Jss; I, H. J. Dudley, Clerk of said county, do hereby certify that I have con pared the foregoing with the origins notice of election, filed July 24th, 1909, in this office, and that the same is a correct transcript therefrom, and the whole of such original. Witness my hand and official se_ (L. S.) at Malone this 24th day of July, 19G9. H. J. mj'D'U&Y Clerk. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE Constable, in , A. Shonyo, late said county, de» NOTICE—Pursuant to an order of Frederick G. Paddock, surrogate of the county of Franklin,, and according the statute in such case made and pro- /kled, notice is hereby given to all per- sons having claims against Samuel nickey, late of Bangor, jn said county, deceased, that they are required to ex« '.bit the same, with the vouchers there- : to the undersigned, Ella B. Dickey, at her home in Bangor, in said county, on or before the 1st day of January next Dated June 23rd, 1909. ELLA B. DICKEY. Administrator. McCLARY & ALIiEN. Attorneys for Administrator. 27w27 NOTICE!—Pursuant to an order of Frederick G. Paddock, surrogate of the county of Franklin, and according to the statute in such case made and pro- vided, notice is hereby given to all per- sons having claims against Ophlr C Earle, late of Malone, in said county, deceased, they are required to ex- hibit the same, with the vouchers there- of, to the undersigned administrator* at tbe office of J. D. Earle, No. 1© Duane St., Malone, in said county, on or before the 30th day of October next. Dated April 19th, 1909. J. D. EARLE, W1L P. KARJJF. 19w27 Administrator*, NOTICR—Pursuant to an order of Frederick Q. Paddock, surrogate of the county of Franklin, and according to the statute ia such case made and provided, notice ie hereby given to all persons having claims against Franklla F. Brown late of Bangfor, in said coun- ty, deceased, that they are required to exhibit the same with the voucher* thereof, to the undersigned, Allen Mc- Elwain. one of the administrators, at his residence in Ft. Covington in said county, on or before the 13th day of November next. Dated May 10th, 1909. LtENORA BROWN Jfc A AI^LEN McBSLWAIN. 8. A. BEJOLN Administrators. Attorney for Administrators, Malone. N. Y. aw» LEQAL HOTtCEt CITATION TO PROVE WIUU The People of the state of New York to Bernard O. McMahan, residing at Mja- lone, N, y.; Phillip G. McMiahan, re- siding at Mjalone, N. T.; James H. M^- Mahan residing a t 415 West 31st St., New York city, N.- Y.; Miles MjoMa- hanfTesiding at 3019 Farrell street, Chi- casro. 111.; William Thomas, residing at 3350 PauHina Street. Chicago. 11}., con- stituting all the husband, wife, heirs at law and next of" kin of Mkry iftrUa- han, late of the town of Malone, in the county of Franklin and state of New York, deceased, send greeting:— Whereas, James H. McMahan Sr,, one of the legatees named in the last will and testament of the said Mary MteMk- han, deceased, has lately applied to our •rogale of our county or Franklin SHERIJTF'S. SALE—By Virtue of an execution issued out of the supreme court of the state of "New York, Frank- lin County to me directed and delivered, against the goods and chattels, lands and tenements of Walter L. Peterson, William Lee and Charles Bessette, I have seized and taken all the right, ti- tle and interest of said defendant Jai and to the following described prop- erty, to wit: All that tract «or parcel of land situ- ate in the town of Brighton county of Franklin and state of New York, be- ing a part of lot No. 43 in township 18, Great Tract No. 1, Macomb's purchase. Franklin county, and being cottage site- No. 54 subdivision of the northwest quarter of said lot 49, known as Eagle Bay Preserve, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a cedar stake and stones at the water's edge as the water level now stands at the northern shore of the first bay northwest of the point of land forming the west side of what is commonly called "The Notch." Said bav known as Eagle Bay being a part of the main inlet to Rainbow Lake. Said stake and stones being one chain and 22 links southwest- erly along the water's edge from a cedar Ptake and stones marking the southwesterly corner of two acres of land owned by Jennie L. Clark and des- cribed in deed to her bearing date of May 20. 1901. Running thence southwest- erly alonjr the water's edge one chain and 52 links; thence northwesterly 5 chains and 3 links to a cedar stake set near a- white pine tree blazed- on four sides; thenee running northeasterly 2 chains 27 links as the land rises ancl slopes to a point located 2 chains and 54 links northwesterly from the place of beginning; thence running southeast- erly 2 chains and 54 links to the place of beginning, containing on« half acre of land be the same more orjes's. Also a right of way across other lands now owfled by Charles Waxdner and Mav M Wardner to the road leading from Camp Pilgrim, so called, to the main highway at any and all times. The above land £. °T ned by w «»ain Lee Charles A. Wardner, Charles Bessette and Walter L- Peterson, which property I shall off»r for sale .as the law directs, on the 11th day of November, 1909. at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, at the front door of the court house, in the village of Malone county of Franklin, N. Y. Mai °ne, Dated this 25th day of September. 1909. F. s. STEKSBERGE, Sheriff •• the said will proven as a real and personal property, in pui- in such case sited and require< : appear before our his office in Ala- »ty of Frank- suance of the "made and provided: You, and each of you, are therefore personally, to be anc said surrogate, at lone village, in the Sin. on the -11th' day of October, next. at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, then and there to attend the probate vf said last will and testament. And if any of the aJore^aid person* are under the age of twenty-one year>\ they will please take notice that they are required to o.opear by their gvne';il guardian, if they have one. and u they have none, that they appear and apply for the appointment of a special guar- dian, or in'the event of their failure or neglect to do so, a special gu;irdian will be appointed by the surrogate to represent and act for them in the pro- ceedings fpr the probate of said will In testimony whereof we have here- unto affixed the seal of our said surrog-ate. Witness Fred- (L. S.) erick G. Paddock, surrogate All NOTICE. persons indebted Smith, Moira N. Y., are n and settle on or before the November, 1S09, &SSUE U the Jtf. to 1st day of FRKD M. SMITH, Moira, X. Y". NOTICE TO CRDDITORS-Pursuant fur/o^r^fihe^^ » S2K& and according to the statute m 2 case made and provided, notice 5 here- by given to all persons having claims against George Reynolds. JaU of £51- '.of said 'unty at the surro- gate's office, in Afalone vil- lage, in sfaid county, the 23rd u«:«st 1909 lage, in sfa day of Au«:«st, 1909. FRED G. PADDOCK, KELLAS & GBNA-9TAY, T ^ Ma 'ame w^- 8 ^- reQUired to * oci "" wan tne vouchers thereof *o the undersigned, Fred R. Badger,' one of the administrators of said George of e " V Kn-'-!: 3t nis , resid ence in the town ortfu. he . m said county, on or before fi ^ . v o f - M areh next. •wated August IM» isuy FRED R. BAWEB, ,, T-, T T Administrator. KELLAS & GENAWAY, Attorneys for Administrators, Mejone: X. Y. 3Sw27, NOTICE TO CREDITORS—Pursuant to an order of Frederick G. Paddock, surrogate of the county of Frankiin, and according to the statute in such case nrnde and provided, notice is here- by given to all persons having claims against David A. Rich late of BaSSr! m said county, deceased, that thev are reouired to exhibit the same, with the vouchers, thereof, to the underid Georire W. Rich administrator! residence in town of Bsngor m nald 8S2S. ^ or * th * * th ** <* S25r,*JS. Dated Awtufc Ktb, 1906, GEORGE W, RICH.

Franklin Co. Fair CASTORIA - NYS Historic · Franklin Co. Fair 1909, ... Boshel ^ted B* anv MM I JI r

Feb 06, 2018



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Page 1: Franklin Co. Fair CASTORIA - NYS Historic · Franklin Co. Fair 1909, ... Boshel ^ted B* anv MM I JI r


Premium \wards

Franklin Co. Fair1909,

P I J VII M lA^i i O \ T N I D

CLASS 14—Flowers and Plants

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CLASS 16—Domestic Work.

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psirailafiiig the FbodawiRegulating U<e Stomachs

ness and Rest.Contains nekterOpumi .Morphine norMiocraLNOT NARCOTIC.

Aperfect Remedy forCcmsfipa-tion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoeation, SoWorms ,Convuiskms.Feverishness aadLoss or SLEEP.

Facsimile Si narure of


CASTORIAFor Infants and Children,

The Kind You HaveAlways Bought

Bears theSignature



Office of the secretary of stateAlbany, July 24 1SW9.

To the clerk of the county of Franklin.Sir:—Notice is hereby given, that, at

the General Bfiection to be held inthis state on the Tuesday succeedingthe first Monday in November next (No-vember 2d), the following officers maybe lawfully voted for, to wit:-

J ustice of thethe Fourth Judicial District, in theplace of Chester. B. Mclaughlin, whoseterm of office will expire on t!ie last dayof December next.

A Senator for the Thirty-fourth Sen-ate District, composed of the countiesof Franklin and St. La.wreu<vacancy caused by thtHam T. O'Neil.

death of Wil-ounty and District officers also to be

elected for said county:One Member of Assembly.A County Clerk, in the place of Haf-

vey J. Dudley.A County Treasurer, in the place of

Orrinler, t h place of George H.

Oli'All whose terms of office will expire

on the »ast day of December next.At t,ie said General Election there

will be submitted t.» the people forthe purpose of voting there m, the fol-iowins proposed amenJiiieiHs to tneConstitution:

AMENDMENT NUMbfcK ONE.Amending Section twelve of Article six

of 1 he Constitution so that it shall readl


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ces« of such limitation, except such aanow may exist, shall b« absolutely void,except as herein otherwise provided. Nocounty or city whose present indebted-ness exceeds ten per centum of the &£~bessed valuation of its real estate sub-ject to taxation, shall be allowed to be-come indebted in any further amountuntil such indebtedness shall be reduc-ed within such limit. This section shallnot be construed to prevent the issu-ing of certificates of indebtedness orrevenue bonds issued in anticipation ofthe collection of taxes for amounts ac-tually contained or to, be contained inthe taxes for the year when such cer-tificates or revenue bonds are issuedand payable out of such taxes; nor toprevent the city of New Y/ork from is-suing bonds to be redeemed out of thetax levy for the ye«»i mxt succeedingthe year of their istruti, provided thatthe amount of such bonds which maybe issued in any one year in excess ofthe limitations herein contained shallnot exceed one-tenth of one per centumof the assessed valuation of the realestate of said city subject to taxation.

Pursuant to an order of Frederick G,Paddock, surrogate of the county otFranklin, and according to the s ta tutein such case made and provided, noticeis hereby given to all persons havingclaims against 8arah "

..•eased, that they are required to ex-hibit the same with the voucher*thereof, to the undersigned, Millar I>.Shonyo, Adm., a t No. M Academy St.,in Malone village. In raid county, onsr before the *6th day of October next

Dated April 2nd, 1909.HI1*L«UI D- SHONYO, Administrator

McGLtARY & A^L^N, Attorneys for.Administrator Malone. N. Y. I«w27

Nor shall this section be led TO

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-d Mrs. Paike KrwinHimemade Decorated Dress Buttons

1 z.i Mrs. K. W. LavvreJice ..1 Mrs. W. W. Smith .. . .

Fanc\ Beit Mrs. o. W. Kellogg .._d Mrs. James Carroll .. . .

Handkerchief, not listed. MissHaiuet Conley. Malone ..

26 Mrs. Jas. Brown Malone ..Fanc\ Yoke for "Waist, Mrs. E. L.

.Fell Malone 1\*.il C^st Mrs. A. P. Moses ..

26 Mrs. D. C. Wood, Burke . .Fane Sweeping Cap, Mrs. A. P.

Moses, Malone_d Mrs. H. McOill. Chateau gay

Dwn Bfeg Mrs. C. M. Redfield . . "-d Mrs. M. J. Munger .. . .

Hot Water Bag: Mrs. Jas. Carroll . .Hair Receiver Mrs. D. C. Wood . .

26 Mrs. M.- R. Reynolds .. . .Hair Pin Holder, Mrs. H. Y. Spen-

cer Malone ^ .-d Mrs. C. A. Bell Malone ..

Handkerchief case Mrs. H. S. Due!Necktie Case Miss Janet M. Pai-

mer MaloneNeedle Case do

2d Mrs. Parke ErninThread Oaee Mrs. M. E. McClary

(Continued on Third Page.)


,w. Offices over J. F. Duffy & Co.'s-Clothing Store, East Main St., MaloneN. Y.G. H. MAIN, A. B. COONEY,


THE PEOFLJ3 OF THE STATE OFNew York to Catherine Ham ill, re-

siding at Brasher, N. Y., Anna Gehan,re»idu;jr at Helena, . N.: Y., Margaretlu&Xitr, residing at Hjo^ansburg, N. Y.,William Fitzgerald, residing at Ionia,onia County, Michigan, Katherine

Barry, residing at. Racket Bridgre, N. Y.,JJiizabeth Barry, residing at lllacket

dg- N. i'.; James Barry, residing atiacket Bridge, K.Y.; John Barry.residlngit Oneida, N. Y.;Frank Barry,residing at» Park St., 'Greneva, N. Y., Michael

H. Bai-ry. residiHg at Saranax: Lake, N.1 Mary McCormick, residing at Nor-vood, N. Y.; - Elizabeth D. ECerocnie,-eliding at Racket River, >i. Y., consti-:uting all "the husband, wife, heirs at

id next of kin of Michael Barry,ate of the town of Bombay, in theounty of Franklin and state of New-

York, deceased, send greeting:Whereas, Thomas H. I^antry. the ex-

ecutor named in the last will andestament of the said Michael Barry,leceased, has lately applied to our sur-

Kate of our county of Franklin tohave Tne said will proven as a willf real and personal property in pur-uance of the statute in such case madetnd provided: You and each of you,ne taerefore cited and required, per-

nai T . to be and appear before ouraid surrogate, at his office in Malone, llaere in the county of Franklin, onhe Stn day of November next, at 10

•lock in the forenoon, then and thereattend the probate of said last wjll

and testament.nd if any of the aforesaid persons

e under the acre of twenty-one years,ey will please take notice that theye required to appear by their general-irdian, if they have one, and if they

have none that they appear and appiyr the appointment of a special g-uaru-n rr in the event of their failure org-l ct to do so, a special truardianill be appointed by the surrogate tor r >-ent and act for them in the pro-t liners for the probate of said will,in testimony whereof, we have hereun-

to affixed the seal of our saidsurrogate. Witness. Frederick

L .J G. Paddock, surrogate of saidcounty, at the surrogate's of-fice, in Malone village, in saidcounty, the 16th day of Sep-tember. 19W.

FLORENCE BOYCE BRYANT.< rk of tthe Surrogate's Court.T IK J. MOORE.


lone, over Knowlton's store. Best ma-terials used. New telephone, No. 282.

4 -neyM lone

Executo:N. Y. 40 w7

Letters on Poorly PrintedStationery 60 Into the

A classy looking letter bead wins attition and puts the recipient into a pleasantfrajene of mind for the letter underneath.

We Print That Kind of StationeryWe Are Ready to Print Your».

THE MALONE FARMER.Stevens & Turner Co.,

Malone, N. Y.


skfo,cMVIAlIVKO B U W D PIIJL8,OT «fii

years known as Be&t, Safest, Always Reliab!«


The Farmer and tbe three times afQek New York World for only $1.65.iend orders to The Farmer office.


A. A. EDWARDSGeneral Insurance.MAJLONE, N. Y.



People-s Bank, MaJoce, N. Y. Draw-ing Wills a specialty.



Offices 1st door east ofCourt House, Malone, N. Y.

elected in the third or fourth departmentassigned by ' the appellate division .on

ignated by the governor to hold_aj1 or special term in a judicial Tits^t other than that in which he is elect-shall receive in addition ten dollart

:»er day for expenses wliile actually tojngrag-ed in holding such term, whichshall be paid by the state and chargedupon the judicial district where theservice is rendered. The compensationlerein provided shall be in lieu of and

all other compensationto said justices for ex-

penses of every kind and nature what-soever. The provisions of this sectionshall apply to the judges and justicesiow in office and to those hereafterilected.

AMENDMENT NUMBER TWO.Amending Section four of Article seven

)f the Constitution so that it shall•ead as follows:

§ 4. Except the debts specified in sec-tions two and three of this article, nodebts shall be hereafter contracted byor in behalf of this state, unless suchdebt shall be authorized by law, forsome single work or object, to be dis-:inctly specified .therein; and such lawshall impose and provide for the collec-;ion of a direct annual tax to pay, andsufficient to pay, the interest on suchlebt as it falls due, and also to pay

and discharge the principal of Buohdebt within fifty years from the timeof the contracting thereof. No suchlaw shall take effect until it shall, ata general election, have been submit-ted to the people, and have receiveda majority of all the votes cast forand against it at such election. On:he final passage of such bill in ei-ther house of the legislature, the ques-tion shall be taken by ayes and noes,to be duly entered on the journalshereof, and shall be: "Shall this

bill pass, and ought the same to re-ceive the sanction of the people?" Thelegislature may at any time after theapproval of such law by the people, ifno debt shall have been contracted inpursuance thereof, repeal the same; andmay at any time by law, forbid . thecontracting of any further debt or lia-bility under such la


fice in Symonds & Allison Block, 65West Main St., Mialone, N. Y. Ad-mitted to practice in the United StatesCircuit and District Courts.


LAW. 91 East Miain St., SSalone, N. Y.


Civil Engineer and Surveyor,MALONE, N. Y.


lone, N. Y., Office a t residence No.4 Webster St, where night calls should

be made.


Bank Building, Malone N. Y.


Postoffice, 90 East Miain St., Malone,N. Y. iioney to loan. Collections so-licited. Estates settled.



Law, Brushton, N. Y. All kinds ofLegal Business promptly attended to

at reasonable rates.


with Seal. Office at Court HouseMalone. N. Y. Searches, Loans, Col-lections Wills. Estates settled. J."kinds of Legal Business and Papers.

H. H. REYNOLDS,PHTSICIAN AND SURGEON, 1U-lone, N. Y. Office and residence No.17 Morton St., office hours 1:00 to 3:00and 7:00 to s:(X> P. M. Both 'Phones.


LAWYER, /Office over Fire Department. PearlSt., SdCalone, Nv Y.

S. C. COLEMAN, D. D. S.New Block.' Corner Main and Pearl Sts.Crown and Bridge Work,

Painless Extraction


DENTIST163 E. Main St., Malone, N. Y

A GOOD HBATING SYSTEMcan be installed more economicallyin the summer months. Let me figureon your job. R, D. Rice. Malone. N. Y.

prevent the issue of bonds to providefor the supply of water; but the termof the bonds issued to provide the sup-ply of water, in excess of the limita-tion of indebtedness fixed herein, shallnot exceed twenty years, and a sink-ing fund shall be created on the issu-ing of the said bond s for their redemp-tion, by raising annually a sum whichwill produce an amount equal to thesum of the principal and interest ofsaid bonds at their maturity. All cer-tificates of indebtedness or revenuebonds issued in anticipation of tltecollection of taxes, which are not re-tired within five years after their date.of issue, and bonds issued to provide*,for the supply of water, and any debthereafter incurred by any portion orpart of a city if there shall be aiiysuch debt, shall be included in ascer-taining the power of the city to beeoa<eotherwise indebted; except that debtsincurred by the city of New York af-ter the first day of January, nineteenhundred and four, and debts Jneurredby any city of the second class afterthe first day of Jauu;u-y, nineteen hun-dred and eight, and debts incurred byany city of the third class after thefirst day of January, nineteen hundredand ten, to provide for the supply ofwater, shall not be so included: and ex-cept further that any dein hereafterincurred by the city of New York fora public improvement owned or to beowned by the city, which yields tuihe city current net revenue, after m-ak-

i ing any necessary allowance for repairs(and maintenance for which the city isliable, in excess of the interest on saiddebt and of the annual instalments nec-essary for its amortization may beexcluded in ascertaining the power of


Pursuant to an order of Frederick 0Paddock, surrogate of the county of~~ anklin and according to the statute

such case made and provided, notice^ lierebv tfiven to all persons having:laims aguinst Theodocious Fenton, lat»>f Burke, in said county, deceased,that they are ' required to exhibit thesame, with the vouchers thereof, to theundersigned, administrators, at their res-idences or the residence of either ofthem, in the town of Burke, in saidlcounty, on or before the 18th day of)ctober next.Dated April 12, 1909.


Administrators.WM. P. BADGER Attorney for Admin-

istrators Maione, N. Y. 17w27.


NOTICE—Pursuant to an order ofFrederick G. Paddock, surrogate of thecounty of Franklin, and according to>the statute in such case made andprovided, notice is hereby given to allpersons having claims against John W»Kerry, late of Brandon, in said coun-y, deceased, that they are required to•xhibit the same with the voucher*hereof, to the undersigned, Rena A.

ry, at her residence in the town ofBrandon in said county, on or beforethe 21st day of January next.

Dated July 6th, 1909.RENA A. KEjRRY*

Administratrix fBADGER & SON, Attorneys M&lone*N. Y. 30w27

said city to become oth€ ise indebt-. , provided that a sinking . . .its amortization shall have been estab-lished and maintained and that theindebtedness shall not be so excludedduring any period of time when therevenue aforesaid shall not be sufficientto equal the said interest and amortiza-tion instalments, and except furtherthat any indebtedness heretofore incur-red by the city of New York for anyrapid transit or dock investment maybe so excluded proportionately to theextent to which the current net revenuereceived by said city therefromihall meet the interest and amortiz-

ation instalments thereof, provided

but the taximposed by such act, in proportion toUfe debt and liability which may havebeen contracted in pursuance of suchlaw, shall remain in force and be irre-pealable, and be annually collected, un-til the proceeds thereof shall have madethe provision hereinbefore specified topay and discharge the interest andprincipal of such debt and liability. Themoney arising from any loan or stockcreating such debt or liability shall beapplied to the work or object specifiedin the act authorizing such debt oriability, or for the payment of such debt

or liability.and for no other purpose what-ever. No such law shall be submittedto be voted on within three months af-ter its passage or at any general elec-tion when any other law, or any billshall be submitted to be voted for oragainst The legislature may provide

ssue of bonds of the state torun for a period not exceeding fiftyyears in lieu of bonds heretofore author-ized but not issued and shall imposeand provide for ti\e collection of a di-rect annuai-feax for the payment of thesame as hereinbefore required. When anysinking fund created under this sectionshall equal in amount the debt forwhich it was created, no further di-rect tax shall be levied on account ofsaid sinking fund, and the legislatureshall reduce the tax to an amountequal to. the accruing interest on suclidebt. The legislature may from timeto time alter the rate of interest tobe paid upon any state debt,;, whichhas been or may be authorized pursu-ant to the provisions of this section, orupon any part of such debt, provided,however, that the rate of interest shallnot be altered upon any part of suchdebt or upon any bond or other evi-dence thereof, which has been, or shallbe created or issued befor such altera-tion. In <mse the legislature increasethe rate of interest upon any such<iebt, or part thereof, it shall imposeand provide for* the collection of a di-rect annual tax to pay and sufficientto pay the increased or altered inter-est on such debt as it falls due andalso to pay and discharge the prin-cipal of such debt within fifty yearsfrom the time of the contracting there-of, and shall appropriate annually t<the sinking fund ieys in amountsufficient to pay such interest and payand discharge the principal of such debtwhen it shall become due and payable.AMENDMENT NUMBER THREE.Amending Section twenty-seven b_

Article tliree of the Constitution sothat it shall read as follows:

§ 27. The legislature shall, by generallaws, confer upon the boards of super-visors of the several counties of thestate such further powers of local legis-lation and administration as the legis-lature may from time to time, deemexpedient, and in counties which nowhave, or may hereafter have, countyauditors or other fiscal officers, autliized to audit bills, account:claims or demands against

legislature may confer

charges,i county,ich pow-

;rs upon said auditors, or fiscal offr--ers as the legislature may, from time

to time deem expedient.AMENDMENT NUMBER FOUR.

Amending Section ten of Article sigf the Constitution so that it shall

read as follows:10. No county, city, town or village

shall hereafter gfve any money or prop-erty, or loan its money or credit to uiin aid of any individual, association <ncorporation, or become directly cr indirectly the owner of sn»ck in, oibonds of, any association or corporationnor shall any such county, city, town (...jvillage be allowed to incur any indebt-edness except for county, city, townvillage purposes. This section shallnot prevent such county, city, townviilag-e from making such provision forthe aid or support of its poor as maybe authorized by law. No count}- or cityshall be allowed to become indebted forany purpose or in any manner to anamount, which, including existing irideUtedness. shall exceed ten per centum ofthe assessed valuation of the real es-tate of such county or city subject totaxation, as it appeared by' the assess-ment rolls of said county or city onthe last assessment for state or countytaxes prior t r the incurring of such in-debtedness; and all indebtedness In ex-

that any increaseincurring power of

the debtthe city

New York which shall result from theexclusion of debts heretofore incurredshall be available only for the acquisi-tion or construction of properties tobe used for rapid transit or dock pur-poses. The legislature shall prescribethe method by which and the termsand conditions under -which the amountof, any debt to be so excluded shallbe determined, and no such debt shallbe excluded except in accordance withthe determination so prescribed. Thelegislature may in its discretion conferappropriate jurisdiction on the appellatedivision of the supreme court in thefirst judicial department for the pur-pose of determining the amount of anydebt to be so excluded. No indebtedness

f a city valid at the time of its in-ception shall thereafter become invalidby reason of the operation of any ofthe provisions of this section. When-ever the boundaries of any city arethe same as those of a county, or whenany city shall include within its boun-daries more than, one county, the powerof any county wholly included withinsuch city to become indebted shall cea»ebut the debt of the county, heretoforeexisting, shall not, for the purpose* ofthis section, be reckoned as a #art ofthe city debt. The amount hereafter tobe raised by tax for county or city pur-poses, in any county containing a cityof over one hundred thousand inhabitantsor any such this state, in addi-tion to providing for the principal andinterest of existing debt, shall not inthe aggregate exceed in any one yeartwo per centum o4f the assessed valua-tion of the real and personal estateof such county or city, to be ascertainedas prescribed in this section in respectto county or city debt.

At the said General Btection thereis also to be submitted to the peoplefor the purpose of voting thereon, thefollowing proposition or question em-bodied in Section eight of Chapterthree hundred and ninety-one of theLaws of nineteen hundred and nine,herein designated as Proposition Num-*«r One:

PROPOSITION NUMBER ONE."Shall chapter three hundred ninety-

one of the laws of nineteen hundred andnine, entitled 'An act making provisionfor issuing bonds to the amount ofnot to exceed seven million dollars forthe improvement of the Cayuga andSeneca canals, and providing for a sub-mission of the same to the people tobe voted upon at the general electionto be held in the year nineteen bun-dred ami nine,' be approved?" *

Given under my hand and. Seal of of-fice of the Secretary ofstate, at the City of Albany,

(I* S) this twenty-fourth day of July,in the year one thousand ninehundred and nine.

SAiMIIEL S. KOENtlG,Secretary of State.

STATE OF NEW YORKFVanklin County Clerk's Office^Jss;

I, H. J. Dudley, Clerk of said county,do hereby certify that I have conpared the foregoing with the originsnotice of election, filed July 24th, 1909,in this office, and that the same isa correct transcript therefrom, andthe whole of such original.

Witness my hand and official se_(L. S.) at Malone this 24th day of

July, 19G9.H. J. mj'D'U&Y Clerk.



Constable, in, A. Shonyo, latesaid county, de»

NOTICE—Pursuant to an order ofFrederick G. Paddock, surrogate of thecounty of Franklin,, and according t»the statute in such case made and pro-/kled, notice is hereby given to all per-sons having claims against Samuelnickey, late of Bangor, jn said county,deceased, that they are required to ex«

'.bit the same, with the vouchers there-: to the undersigned, Ella B. Dickey,

at her home in Bangor, in said county,on or before the 1st day of January next

Dated June 23rd, 1909.ELLA B. DICKEY. Administrator.

McCLARY & ALIiEN. Attorneys forAdministrator. 27w27

NOTICE!—Pursuant to an order ofFrederick G. Paddock, surrogate of thecounty of Franklin, and according t othe statute in such case made and pro-vided, notice is hereby given to all per-sons having claims against Ophlr CEarle, late of Malone, in said county,deceased, they are required to ex-hibit the same, with the vouchers there-of, to the undersigned administrator*at tbe office of J. D . Earle, No. 1©Duane St., Malone, in said county, onor before the 30th day of October next.

Dated April 19th, 1909.J. D. EARLE,W1L P . KARJJF.

19w27 Administrator*,

NOTICR—Pursuant to an order ofFrederick Q. Paddock, surrogate ofthe county of Franklin, and accordingto the statute ia such case made a n dprovided, notice ie hereby given to a l lpersons having claims against Frankl laF. Brown late of Bangfor, in said coun-ty, deceased, that they are required t oexhibit the same with the voucher*thereof, to the undersigned, Allen Mc-Elwain. one of the administrators, a this residence in Ft. Covington in saidcounty, on or before the 13th day ofNovember next.

Dated May 10th, 1909.LtENORA BROWN Jfc

A AI^LEN McBSLWAIN.8. A. BEJOLN Administrators.

Attorney for Administrators,Malone. N. Y. a w »


People of the state of New York toBernard O. McMahan, residing at Mja-lone, N, y.; Phillip G. McMiahan, re-siding at Mjalone, N. T.; James H. M^-Mahan residing at 415 West 31stSt., New York city, N.- Y.; Miles MjoMa-hanfTesiding at 3019 Farrell street, Chi-casro. 111.; William Thomas, residing at3350 PauHina Street. Chicago. 11}., con-stituting all the husband, wife, heirsat law and next of" kin of Mkry iftrUa-han, late of the town of Malone, inthe county of Franklin and state ofNew York, deceased, send greeting:—

Whereas, James H. McMahan Sr,, oneof the legatees named in the last willand testament of the said Mary MteMk-han, deceased, has lately applied to our

•rogale of our county or Franklin

SHERIJTF'S. SALE—By Virtue of anexecution issued out of the supreme

court of the state of "New York, Frank-lin County to me directed and delivered,against the goods and chattels, landsand tenements of Walter L. Peterson,William Lee and Charles Bessette, Ihave seized and taken all the right, ti-tle and interest of said defendant Jaiand to the following described prop-erty, to wit:

All that tract «or parcel of land situ-ate in the town of Brighton countyof Franklin and state of New York, be-ing a part of lot No. 43 in township 18,Great Tract No. 1, Macomb's purchase.Franklin county, and being cottage site-No. 54 subdivision of the northwestquarter of said lot 49, known as EagleBay Preserve, bounded and describedas follows: Beginning at a cedar stakeand stones at the water's edge as thewater level now stands at the northernshore of the first bay northwest ofthe point of land forming the west sideof what is commonly called "TheNotch." Said bav known as Eagle Baybeing a part of the main inlet toRainbow Lake. Said stake and stonesbeing one chain and 22 links southwest-erly along the water's edge from acedar Ptake and stones marking thesouthwesterly corner of two acres ofland owned by Jennie L. Clark and des-cribed in deed to her bearing date ofMay 20. 1901. Running thence southwest-erly alonjr the water's edge one chainand 52 links; thence northwesterly 5chains and 3 links to a cedar stakeset near a- white pine tree blazed- onfour sides; thenee running northeasterly2 chains 27 links as the land rises anclslopes to a point located 2 chains and54 links northwesterly from the placeof beginning; thence running southeast-erly 2 chains and 54 links to the placeof beginning, containing on« half acreof land be the same more orjes's. Alsoa right of way across other lands nowowfled by Charles Waxdner and Mav MWardner to the road leading from CampPilgrim, so called, to the main highwayat any and all times. The above land£. °T n e d b y w«»ain Lee Charles A.Wardner, Charles Bessette and WalterL- Peterson, which property I shall off»rfor sale .as the law directs, on the 11thday of November, 1909. at 10 o'clock inthe forenoon, at the front door of thecourt house, in the village of Malonecounty of Franklin, N. Y. Ma i°ne,

Dated this 25th day of September. 1909.F. s. STEKSBERGE,


•• the said will proven as areal and personal property, in pui-

in such case

sited and require<: appear before ourhis office in Ala-

»ty of Frank-

suance of the"made and provided: You, and each ofyou, are thereforepersonally, to be ancsaid surrogate, atlone village, in theSin. on the -11th' day of October, 10 o'clock in the forenoon, thenand there to attend the probate vfsaid last will and testament.

And if any of the aJore^aid person*are under the age of twenty-one year>\they will please take notice that they arerequired to o.opear by their gvne';ilguardian, if they have one. and u theyhave none, that they appear and applyfor the appointment of a special guar-dian, or in ' the event of their failureor neglect to do so, a special gu;irdianwill be appointed by the surrogate torepresent and act for them in the pro-ceedings fpr the probate of said will

In testimony whereof we have here-unto affixed the seal of oursaid surrog-ate. Witness Fred-

(L. S.) erick G. Paddock, surrogate


persons indebtedSmith, Moira N. Y., are n

and settle on or before theNovember, 1S09,


1st day of

FRKD M. SMITH,Moira, X. Y".


fur /o^r^fihe^^ » S2K&and according to the statute m 2case made and provided, notice 5 here-by given to all persons having claimsagainst George Reynolds. JaU of £ 5 1 -

'.of said 'unty at the surro-gate's office, in Afalone vil-lage, in sfaid county, the 23rdu«:«st 1909lage, in sfa

day of Au«:«st, 1909.FRED G. PADDOCK,


'ame w^- 8 ^- r e Q U i r e d t o * o c i — " " wan tne vouchers thereof *othe undersigned, Fred R. Badger,' oneof the administrators of said Georgeofe"VKn-'-!: 3 t n i s , r e s i d ence in the townor tfu. he. m said county, on or before

fi ^ . v o f -Mareh next.•wated August IM» isuy

FRED R. BAWEB,,,T-,T T Administrator.KELLAS & GENAWAY, Attorneys for

Administrators, Mejone: X. Y. 3Sw27,NOTICE TO CREDITORS—Pursuant to

an order of Frederick G. Paddock,surrogate of the county of Frankiin,and according to the statute in suchcase nrnde and provided, notice is here-by given to all persons having claimsagainst David A. Rich late of BaSSr!m said county, deceased, that thev arereouired to exhibit the same, with thevouchers, thereof, to the u n d e r i dGeorire W. Rich administrator!residence in town of Bsngor m nald

8 S 2 S . ^o r* th* *th ** <*S25r,*JS.Dated Awtufc Ktb, 1906,