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CONCRETE LIBRARY OF JSCE NO. 34, DECEMBER 1999 FRACTURE OF CONCRETE COVER - ITS EFFECT ON TENSION STIFFENING AND MODELING - (Reprinted from proceedings of J SCE, No.613/V-42, February 1999) .-» " “" -- -<2-:"=:=:=$> A 1;:-"1-I--=1:~>:-:-:1:-. ~.-:~:-.~.;. .. ".“1:Z;.;. ~.--.:.r.~.-.-__.;';... - ._ _.-.\_._~ .- 151’ F?‘-. ‘:a:€?:1;i:11"-:I:- 3;‘:-.3;3;;;"-":1; I-I I511 ‘$21: 3'3=4:-:1.-.-:i:1.~:i.-:1 1;! - :+:;:;-:-1; '~‘~'~'-*-~.-.~t-"~r~r\r¢»:»:»:-> ‘s > ' :I1‘~;' ,1 .: 31+: .-:-:-;-:-:-.:-;-:-"- 1»; 1_1:;‘;1;I;:;:;r;-r, - 113".‘ ;. I ;:_:;: !:I1?.1I:I‘I" - -- I‘ '1.-=‘l;i "?.‘€1Z71¢"E<I'13I3I3If3' I - » ;.\:;:{-[:§:§:§:§§:§t}._ ?' :-.-i I<I~- . .,.I:!:?.IL- -‘ - . '~I3I- -.,= '.1;‘<‘.1'1:.:' ‘. 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' 4.. ii YT .71,» r'.{~_c;.->*___:;:;:¢:gg:»g:;:5-=-;‘;¢-. _ ;;_:-;;‘ . g;:;_.--1;;-;; xr;¢;;;.~§:~';:-;- > *~ .‘ - _\__¢; n '__.,;, 4 i “r it "“'" 51*’ -- .-. ._ ~~ -..;_ ' ;-. i <.‘.- '- A .‘-:~.v:"~:-:~;-:»;» -I . . .:-;-: .. ' .-:2~‘-1-F:-:-:i:»:»: zi:4-2:-:-:~:-:-§;-:-:-:‘:+:~:->:-:-:~:-:-;T:-..»:- - 4 1:<:<. '»;-1-1..-:>6$::»:’<+;»:-::-;-;- 6 Q I; .- \ . l ' . -‘-7-.-.*' ‘:‘ ' ,..5;,;-s"-. _ ._-,, -#1; r-=3». -‘ <11 .-:1‘.-:~. ,->1 T'\\,‘r*-:1i‘§.Q;w_~.,~;;Y-<1.f_ ‘§§;’Z>$:. ~"=2-zr§;=¢.== Hamed SALEM Bernhard HAUKE Koichi MAEKAWA The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of insufficient concrete cover on the tension stiffness of reinforced concrete. Splitting cracks are predicted by simultaneously solving for equilibrium among radial bond stresses, softening tensile stresses of splitting concrete planes, and transverse stress on the reinforcement. The behavior of bond after splitting cracks occur is the point of the study. An analytical model is derived from the micro-bond characteristics. An experimental program was carried out to verify the proposed post-crack bond model, and the analysis is in fairly good agreement with reality Keywords: Bond-slip-strain, tension stzflenirtg, crack spacing, confining pressure, splitting crack, cover Hamed M. M. Salem is an assistant professor at the Structural Engineering Department, Cairo University, Giza, Egypt. He obtained his Ph.D. from the University of Tokyo in 1998. After obtaining his Ph.D., he worked as a JSPS post-doctoral fellow in the Concrete Laboratory, The University of Tokyo. His research interests relate to nonlinear mechanics and the constitutive laws of reinforced concrete as well as the seismic analysis of reinforced concrete. He is a member of the J SCE. Bernhard HAUKE is an engineer at HOCHTIEF AG in Frankfurt, Germany. He obtained his Ph.D. from the University of Tokyo in 1998. His research interests relate to the nonlinear mechanics of reinforced concrete and analysis of steel composite structures. He is a member of the JSCE. Koichi Maekawa is a professor at The University of Tokyo. He obtained his D.Eng. from the University of Tokyo in 1985. His research interests relate to nonlinear mechanics and the constitutive laws of reinforced concrete as well as seismic analysis of structures and concrete thermodynamics. He is a member of the JSCE. -17]-


May 19, 2023



Sehrish Rafiq
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