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Fr Christopher Writes There are times when words cannot express what we feel and when that happens we can express ourselves though symbolic actions. After the terrible events in Paris on the 13th of November the shocked and traumatised people of Paris and indeed of France expressed their reactions by lighting votive candles. For Christians the lighting of candles has always been a very powerful symbol, we remember and truly live the words of Our Lord: "I am the Light of the World." In the lighting of candles we not only pray, but our prayers become smaller symbols of the One Light of Christ. In burning candles, our prayers rise up to Heaven day and night: indeed night is turned into day. Lighting a candle is not a prayer in itself but lit as a sign of our prayer it reminds us that when we pray we make a difference. Our prayers bring God’s love into what might be a very dark situation: lighting a candle is a very powerful symbol of that. We might be tempted to think that the smallness of our prayer is insignificant compared to what we might be praying for: but when we pray we have done something which affects our material and physical world, just as lighting a candle brings physical light and warmth

Fr Christopher Writes

Dec 29, 2021



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Page 1: Fr Christopher Writes

Fr Christopher Writes

There are times when words cannot express what we feel

and when that happens we can express ourselves though

symbolic actions. After the terrible events in Paris on the

13th of November the shocked and traumatised people of

Paris and indeed of France expressed their reactions by

lighting votive candles.

For Christians the lighting of candles has always been

a very powerful symbol, we remember and truly live the

words of Our Lord: "I am the Light of the World."

In the lighting of candles we not only pray, but our prayers become

smaller symbols of the One Light of Christ. In burning candles, our

prayers rise up to Heaven day and night: indeed night is turned into day.

Lighting a candle is not a prayer in itself but lit as a sign of our prayer it

reminds us that when we pray we

make a difference. Our prayers

bring God’s love into what might

be a very dark situation: lighting

a candle is a very powerful symbol

of that.

We might be tempted to think that

the smallness of our prayer is

insignificant compared to what we

might be praying for: but when we

pray we have done something

which affects our material and

physical world, just as lighting a

candle brings physical light and


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We pray for a moment or two, but however long or short our prayer, the

candle will remain alight for much longer. Our prayers to God depend

not on the intensity of our intentions and thoughts but on the love of

God which is eternal. Our brief moments of prayer resonate in his heart

for ever.

On Sundays it is always a joy to see so many flames burning on the

votive stand, another sign that singly our prayers may seem small and

weak, but added together they make a mighty blaze.

Lighting a candle is a symbol which transcends language and indeed

faith, it expresses our unity and hope for a wold of light rather than


The candle in church for the people of France will remain until it is

completely burnt out. It might take some time, but as such it will be

a reminder of prayers and our need to pray for those whose lives will

never be the same again.

Below are some words which are to be found near a votive stand in

Salisbury Cathedral

Ligh�ng a candle is a prayer:

when we have gone, it stays alight, Kindling in the hearts and minds Of others the prayers we have

Already offered for them

And for others, for the sad,

And the sick,

And the suffering,

And prayers of thankfulness too.

Ligh�ng a candle is a parable:

Burning itself out,

It gives light to others.

Christ gave himself for others.

He calls us to give ourselves.

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Ligh�ng a candle is a symbol:

Of love and hope,

Of light and warmth.

Our world needs them all.

Lord Jesus Christ,

For the salva�on of the world you went up to the cross

To give light to the world which was in darkness;

Shed that light on us, we pray,

that we may come to your eternal light,

And, through the merits of your passion,

Enjoy life with you in heaven,

For you are alive and reigning now and for ever.



For over a year now members of the congregation have been doing the

Intercessional Prayers every other week during the Communion Service.

Many of the congregation have said that they find them stimulating and

they enjoy the way each person brings a personal touch to the prayers.

We have 7 people who do this at the moment, together with the choir

who perform 2 beautiful pieces for us, allowing us the time to lift our

own prayers to our Heavenly Father.

If you would like to join us in presenting your prayers, either on your

own or as a group, please talk to Maureen West or Carol Moore.

You need not worry about using the microphone, as Father Christopher

will show you how to use it and let you experiment with the sound

system, before you have to do a Sunday service. This takes a maximum

of 30 minutes, just to test it and see where best to stand etc.

Please give your prayers for the people currently doing the Intercessions

and consider whether you could join us.

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Holy Communion

“Remember the Lord’s Day to keep it holy.”

At Church At Home

October 367 4

Holy Baptism

“We therefore welcome you into the Lord’s family”

Nov 1st Henry Michael Palmer

Elizabeth Jane Palmer

Nov 8th Millie Rose Adams

Holy Matrimony

“May they live together in love and joy.”

Oct 24th Thomas Ian Webb & Jennifer Joanne Picozzi

Christian Funeral

“May they rest in Peace.””””

Oct 15th Dorothy Winifred Porch

Oct 29th Teresa Daisy Smith


During December there will be a table at the back of Church to leave

your cards and collect any left for you.

Thank you

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November Meeting

Once again, many Christmas Tables are going to be splendidly adorned

this year, thanks to the ladies of the Mothers Union. At our meeting in

the Hall, it was a hive of Industry - Blood, Sweat and Tears!!

Thanks to Jenny Barnett (and Tony) guiding us all during the session,

some very elegant displays were produced, much to everyone's


We were rewarded for our hard work with cups of tea, mince pies and

chocolate cookies, much enjoyed by all.

Jenny and Tony were warmly thanked for providing us with such an

enjoyable afternoon and all their help and guidance. Sally also for the

delicacies she provided.

Members were reminded of the Advent Service to be held here in St

Johns Church on 2nd December at 2pm. Gifts for the Women’s Refuge

will be collected, followed by tea in the Church Hall. Visitors will be

most welcome to join us.

8th December - Coffee & Cake, at the Old Deanery, Wells at 11am


December -

Christmas Lunch

in the Church


12:30 for 1pm.

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Can You Help

I have recently been asked, if the Church has a 'car rota' for people who

would be grateful for a lift to and from church on occasions? I realise

that there are a number of people who already provide lifts but wondered

if there are any car drivers who would be prepared to go on a rota for

other members of our congregation who may request a lift?

I am happy to initiate the drawing up of a rota but would expect the

system to run itself, as I am not able to do so.

Thank you for your consideration.

Events at Midsomer Norton Library in December

Regular FREE events for younger children:

Baby Bounce and Rhyme for under 3’s: Sing along nursery rhymes. Wednesday 2

nd December 10.30-11am.

Baby Bounce and Rhyme Christmas Special Wednesday 16

th December 10.30-11am

Children’s story time: fun stories and crafts for under 5’s. Mondays 11-11.30 am (except Bank Holiday 28



After Hours Events for adults:

Mendip Storytelling Circle - Warming stories for cold nights -

Thursday 17th December 7-8.30pm. FREE No need to book

Poetry Liaisons and our Joined-Up Writers Group both take a break in December and return in the new year

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Yet again the AGM went smoothly. All officers

were willing to continue in post and were re-

elected en bloc. The accounts were approved.

The provisional programme for 2016 was circulated. The committee have

proposed that, as we have not dined out for a number of years, we do so in

2016. This suggestion was accepted.

When the business meeting finished, we swapped favourite recipes. Pat

Daniels demonstrated hers, after which we all had tasters. One member

took a different angle on the recipe idea which she read out. The group

decided it should be shared. Here it is:

Recipe For A Happy Marriage 4 cups of Love

2 cups of Loyalty

Dash of Faith

3 cups of Kindness

4 cups of Understanding

1 cup of Friendship

5 Spoonful's of Hope

1 Barrel of Laughter

Pinch of Forgiveness (no substitutions)

Dash of Thoughtfulness (not optional)

Take love and loyalty and mix thoroughly with faith

Blend in kindness and understanding, add friendship and hope.

Sprinkle abundantly with laughter. Garnish with forgiveness and


Bake with sunshine.

Serve daily with generous helpings.

Our next meeting is the Christmas Social to be held at Sally’s on 10th De-

cember. If you were not at the AGM and intend to come to the Social,

please contact Ann or Sally for suggestions as to what you can contribute

food-wise for the evening.

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Local Churches Men’s Breakfast Group

Saturday 12th December 2015

this month is at

St John’s Church, Chilcompton

Help-yourself Breakfast from 8.00am

Start – 8.30am, Finish about 9.30am

Dr Andrew Steele Area Representative for MAF

Talks about the work of the

Missionary Aviation Fellowship

A new series of free coffee concerts begins at Wesley Methodist Hall, Paulton, on Saturday, 9th January, at 10.45-11.30am, with 'The Twentieth Century Clarinet', a recital by Neil Moore (clarinet) and Jacquelyn Bevan (piano). Concerts continue on the second Saturday of each month, the next two dates being 13th February (Palm Court Trio) and 12th March (violin & piano). Tea, coffee and cakes on sale. Donations for the concert welcomed. Details at

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“Silent night, holy night” we sing in favourite carol, yet Bethlehem was

probably not at all silent. The town was more likely in turmoil because of

Caesar’s decree that all the world should be counted. No doubt, as always,

the cloud had a silver lining, the stress of travel being balanced by old

friendships being renewed and new friendships made in the hustle and bustle

of make-shi3 quarters which others than simply the Holy Family had to put

up with.

The carol, though, refers us to the silence which does lie at the heart of

Christmas. For in all the noise and excitement our God enters our world in a

new and wonderful way as Emmanuel, God with us, God made flesh. You

might imagine that the world would shake and tremor at such a wonder, but

God enters quietly and almost unno�ced into our world, in an out of the way

corner in that busy town.

Elijah wished to hear God speak so God hid him in a cave on a mountain top.

The mountain was shaken by earthquakes, the sky was rent by lightening and

the wind howled around the mountain peak: but God was not in any of this.

Then when the earth had ceased to tremor, the sky no longer sparked and

the wind had faded away, Elijah heard the voice of God, quite than the sound

of silence.

The sound of silence is so easily missed among the noise and bustle of life.

Small wonder that the sound of silence was not heard in Bethlehem amid all

the excitement. No wonder though that it was heard by the shepherds who

were out in the silent hours of the night keeping their lonely vigil, their ears

straining to catch the sound of foxes or other animals on the prowl and who

might threaten their sheep. They heard not the bark of a fox but the flu9er-

ing beat of angel wings.

No wonder the wise men saw the word writ large in a splendid star, for they

had spent many a silent night pursuing their quiet studies, which demanded

calm and s�llness and concentra�on.

Wonderful for us if we follow their example and look for the word of love

made flesh for us now and not just in the quiet forms of bread and wine but

wherever one serves another in love.

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Christmas Charity Giving at St Johns

Over the last few seasons we have used the Green Jars to collect Small

Change during Advent and it has been decided to continue that tradition

this year. All funds collected this way will go to:-

Friends of Young Carers This is a local Charity with its headquarters in Bath. I have taken these

details from the website and if you would like more details please visit

their website.

What young carers say about how caring affects them:

"I care for my mum who uses a wheelchair. Sometimes I stay off school

to look after her and take my brother to school."

"I don’t go out with friends much because it means leaving mum on her

own in the house."

"Sometimes I feel lonely, that I am the only one and nobody understands."

"I give my mum her tea and tablets in the morning. I get upset when she

is sad and don’t want to leave her."

"Everyone in my class is going away on a trip for the weekend with

school. I can’t go because I need to stay with my dad."

There are currently over 400 young carers registered with the Young

Carers Service in this area.

So can I ask you all to support this Charity during Advent in the very

generous way you have before and to pray for the charity and the work

that it undertakes.


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Sunday 20th December

6pm Carol Service

Thursday 24th December

4pm Crib Service

Thursday 24th December

11:30pm Midnight Mass

Friday 25th December

9:30am Sung Mass


3.30 pm 3rd December

A Service for Children


Please men�on your name to Fr Christopher if you are able to help

with Chris�ngle making which will happen some�me on the

3rd of December

Page 13: Fr Christopher Writes


St John the Baptist Midsomer Norton Hire of Church Hall

The hall can be hired for £10per hour for regular or one-off bookings

There is disabled access and toilet facilities,

Along with a baby changing area.

A fully fitted kitchen, table & chairs and will fit a 15x15 bouncy castle for children's parties

Please contact: Helen Bailey 07923501966 or e-mail [email protected]

‘TELL US A FUNNY STORY’ EVENING At 69 North Road on Monday 7th December at 7pm

Hot Punch / Coffee / Light Supper / Free Raffle

Please come along and tell a funny story, beginning: A funny thing

happened to me when ……… Or select a joke from a box of

jokes. Wipe away the winter blues!

Tickets: Ralph or Chris 416343

Donations for Christian Aid

The Government has advised Christian Aid that it will

match every pound raised during the Christmas period £

for £ up to £5million! So please support this and any other

event in aid of Christian Aid and any collections in the

churches done on behalf of Christian Aid.

A big thank you to those of you who supported the Quiz Night in

October; this raised £354. Also thank you to those

who gave to the Harvest Collection at St Johns; this

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Midsomer Independent Pharmacy

Your local 100 hour Chemist

Mon – Wed : 8am – 8pm Thurs – Sun : 8am – Midnight

98 High Street, MSN - Tel: 01761 568202

Free : Prescription Collect & Deliver Service,

Page 16: Fr Christopher Writes


ROTAS for December

Coffee & Offertory Rota

Readers, Intercessions & Sides Persons Rota

Date Coffee Offertory

6th Dec Mrs H Bailey

Mrs S Brown Congregation

13th Dec Mrs P Taylor

Mrs H Hill Mothers Union

20th Dec Mrs C Moore

Mrs P Daniels Ladies Group

27th Dec Mrs J Mitchard

Mrs M West Congregation

Date Reader/Intercessions Sides person

6th Dec Gary Lewis H Pountney, K Gay

L Powell, M Small

13th Dec Jasmine Ferris

Rosie Shears

S Dryburgh, P Beal

S Blackbourn, L Hurst

20th Dec Heather Hill K Harvey, N Barnett

L Carpenter, M West

24th Dec Carol Moore J Bevan, J Martindale

J Barnett, T Barnett

25th Dec Diane Chiplin P Shellswell, A Fitch

R Broughton, S Broughton

27th Dec Beth Davies

Gary Lewis

T Marshall, M Wilton

A Broadhurst, L Broadhurst

Magazine deadline for copy is the 14th of the month

To: Mrs Linda Broadhurst, 43 Furlong Close, Midsomer Norton, BA3 2PR

Telephone: 01761 415562 Email: [email protected]