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b I ' ESTABLISHED May 10, 18)87. PLAINFIELD, N. J., URDAY, AUGIST-27, 1S87; PRICE, TWO CENTS THE DAILY ft A> ETKStSO OITKnt or PRESS. I Tm WXEU.Y Oomtrrn-nos A LIB- (XOKm.XO SCSDA OCLOCI IS THE J m POST OFFICE UTIUK BV CARB! n> ra mrn> t nn D*T— 1SD HOUOATH—AT FoCB EUIOOS: BtXT TKBOrttH AT *6.M) A Itvl, OB gB- AT 10 CtXTi A flSL gamut OOPIBJ. 2 < txis. IT VBfUIBl>. LOCI LLI, TO THE UHm|» CTTT or HEIOBBOIUNO FIELD, m SrarKBs A»D r<>WS8; A»D, POLITICALLY, j—Business will be rcsiiniclat tlr Cirion colunty Court of Special Sessions «* fcljza- h*th on the first Tuesday in Septemljer, when the panel of petit jurors for tin lfall term will lie drawn. ' . I —Mr. J. Hervcy Poane has not ye I -juc- ee.-ded In ascertaining the nai j( II,e otmerofthe lost carrier pig<>on Vhjieh sought refuge from the storm in Mjr.iA. M. Griffin's, barn a few days ago. PARTICULAR MENTION. Mr. JaniHs Smith of Klni street is from his triji on Long Island. Mr. and Mrs. Harrie Cottier, of Bn Un. N. Y.. »re guent* at Fon-e'>» Hot< Mr. E. N.jErickson and family of Ei stn-et will return from Block Nlaiji day. \ Proprietor Miller of the Netherw Reunion. The surviving iuc|iil«-is of the Uth RcL». N. J. Vols.. of thi- city, who attended tie fit-union of thf Regiment at Toms Riv«*r. yesterday, SJIV fhcy lia<l a cnjo.valie I- IX ADVAMCEX DEXOTKATIC T or TB PABTT—••• rancipua or ' ^S OBEA' OOOD TO THZ QBE. .TEST S l M B E •n j c m D ox ALL MAT-TOTS or PUBLIC oosreKx, »-r PUBLISHED OXLT rnnrn AOOOMPASIEIi BY THE XAXE OF THE WkirBB. Of OOSFIDEXCE. i It E.XDOBSIHO TBK T » l l'H ABT) Bram IKTE rr or THE COXV ADVEBTISIKO BATES r ln the Court of K|ieelal Ses*iops| ut Hotel, report* everything booming al Soimervillc yesterday a young colonel £irl convicted of stealing money was jci^iu- titil MADE U O W J O!f AFFLICU- no> AT THIS orficx. NOTICB or CBTBCH FAIBS. SOCIABUB. ' L«c- CABOH <>r TkASKS, LODGE BCWLITIOIS. DUSTED mjtted to the State Industrial Scho< sh}' arrives at the age of 1Myears. \ ' j—There'is said to be an<d<sa- lo<jin near the;depot at Dunellen li<||uor and beer is sold o[>euly. On wro is alleged to have come fron pl»iee, drunk, ; nearly lost his I if. W. L. AJCD ii. L. pmonuETOBL J. A. DBMAI FoBCZ. PCBUBUB* fcfc A NEW DEPARTURE. 1 «/new Today THE PKI HH makes i ure, and hereafter each issue will |he njat- tempting to cross the railroad trai-kj a fci r days ago. j •—A serious runaway accident ik jre- po led to have taken place near the Jack- son School House, Terrill Road, aj (jay or two ago. The horse, became enod at tfie cam. and running away the driver out, dislocating one shoulders. The wagon was wrwked. -We at* creditably informed tha£ ^he wilowof the late David Squires, whjo has tw i small children, one an Infant onjv six 111 Rev. Mr. Burdick of New Market preach in thf- Congregational church morrow luoiiuing. Mr. and Mrs. George Taylor of Netl hi-re | wood haw rHiinic.l from their Sumj njan ; <iuting at Seii (int. ! Mr. and S|rs. Peter Dunn of W.-st F street retunied home yesterday f: Southold. LVmg Island. Rev. J. Bi Cleaver of this city preach in ithe Presbyterian church. Dunellen to-morrow morning. Mrs. W. Af-Schutt and three samis, A Louis and \Vill, of Duer street. N< Plainfleld. ah- at Asbury Park. Dr. Vincent and W. D. Bridge, i their iamilick will return to this city f Chautauquaj on Monday, the 2!Hh ins | The family of Mr. W. E. Lowil of venue haye arrived home after lnj| finio. The i-iti/«*n~ showed their appiv- < uKion of ilic cvi-iit by <|ei-oratin)j tli«"ir houses ami |ilaces of business with bunt- inK and tla«s. Atnuit *>• of the survivors of the Reffiment were present | the notables prese mamler of th<- 1-ttl t'nited States Senator Rufus an'l Congressman Hui lianan. who maij adilresses which were loudly ehci The Fourteenth Regiment was must ^nto seivh-e at Trenton, AUK. 2»i. l*;-2 .went at once to the front were pr»*serit. Amoi}^ •••nt wns the old coiji- :li, CW-ii. W. L. Truaji, f his illy PRESS POINTERS. —The Y. M. C Stiger' her heartfelt thanks for their nei» to one in great need. ] --An ingenious e«>ntrlvance, (r Sowerville this afternoon. s ' \ —Old railroad i wn say that travel; wfu never so heavy ai It has been this season. ,—A band of Irii* bag-pipers were about A. hall elub pUy lit 8h "pe of a telephone Is being experiment- the city "melody." this morning —The next Qmrterly Meeting of the Society of Friencls in this city will lie ' Mrs. Janjes Tiffany and Miss J i Kliker of EW-ton. Pa., are visiting at : residence ofj J. T. Case, Vine street, Nt Plainfleld. j I ed with on the Holly farm near tb») fj»ir j Then' wilj lie but one: sen ice inTri^ ' grounds. The instrument is entirely iwijh-',Reformetl church to-morrow. R«v. (KH{ oui batteries and is stretched from! ^he ; J. Van Xeste of Catsklll, N. Y., willprei hehnery to a house, about_one luijej dtis- ' iu the ruomjng. tailt. It is said that the slightest sioimd > Dr. M. B.jLoiig of Park avenue hasfj is transmitted over the wire so as ^> fbe | t n>dueed elieetrieity into his house, i distinctly heard at the other end.'; ijhe ; has hwatedja brilliant incandescent I experiment is made with a view of plUcing in front of bis office door. >|| held in February, 1888. —An Ohio love' shot his sweetheart be- cause she refused to kiss him. Our girls do not require M y such extreme modes of persuasion. —Special Offlcej- Noel is on the alert for unlicensed peddl TH. This morning warned another >ne of his dangers In jieddllng without a license. —The last excu rslon of the season from this ctty, will ot cur on Tuesday neirt, when the Creseen t Avenue Sunday and it* friends wi —The shipmen th.| instrument on the market, at a f cheaper rate than that asked for th. «s fn.Jch i «sk of the telephone. —The case of Frank HollcnU-ck wiio j wait) charged with unlawfully ha\iig;in hi« possession two beer boxes and a soda j water bottle belonging to Charles Or -a^er of | North Plainfleld. was called li-f^re JuitiO Nash at two o'clock this ^ftjer- The plaintiff identUied the articles 1- sekj ary K | for a K(J Burn8 o f t h e l>elonging to him. and the de claimed that the boxes wen' in th whlen he moved there. The bottl 1 exeunt U» Asbury Park, j » iU - *•* M }. 8t h i s ho11 ^ h >" " |«t''f r ; of peftcties from Boued Hiiji wife and brother-in-law i't hisi statement. Justice Nash r>"i Br.H.kforthej^tweekmakea tot*l j.f lu ., l p c i g | o n u n t i l M(>nd4 •>,li»i baskets, ami were sent as followh:, I _ r • August 1». i'U bankets: 20th. 14 ; 524 ; ->3d. 230:24th . :»71: 25th. ?<Xi. Of t 10»; liaskets w<-nt Ut Newark. 2»>Kto Phila- delphia and the n maiii<ler to New York, •n while angling in the deid —Some flsherm Hackensack Rl' bridges ytwterda bodv of a man A Fish Story. Ex-Councilman I>iv>>{and er between hi Miked on the the Irutting near the tiattk. si< j x-Mnjrshal aver, of North l'lainlicld. <|Ui<jtly stojle away t<i a stn>am <if water ne Or-en Itrook tanks y<-s|«-nl»y afttirfiofin. bent on wiuniug the l«-|t from ••> Kncktellow, who in turn came in i of it from Freeholder Vandtir|.M4-k. The bodv was badly decomposed atid Tltey cast their lines in the running lookjiM as rf some*; days. Iforgue in Jersey had It been was City. in the water taken to S|x ft.r and after several f"iil+ the <-x-M ih- Blajckwell's Island, is th for a few days of the family of Daly of Chatham street, North Plain Rev. Dr. K. P. Ketchaiu. pastor of First Pieslijyterian church, offieiatvd| the Seventjh Day Baptist Church morning, inthe absence of the pas^ R«'v. Dr. Lewis. Mr. Oeoijge Hartfelder a former dent inthe! Borough, Viut latterly residl at Savannujh, Georgiu, has returned the North j»n iu*count of an atta«-k ' the chills 4'"1 fever. Services I in the Park Avenue Bar Church tofmorrow. Preaching by liastor. R.jv. Asa R. Dilts, at ln;4.-. a. and 7 ;4-~> pi m. Moriiing te\t: "And t| laughed HSiu to" \ Miss Majrla Ti.iohcy and Mis- Mai Burns, of S<iuth Se»-ond street left to< for Harleiu. N. Y.. win:.-*? thev intend njd gaged at Manaissas They wen' eti- (iap. Wai>pii|g Statioi Heights, Culpep|M-r. Bristow Station. Kelly's Font, Brandy Station. Locust Grove, Mine Run. Wilderness. Spott-sy|- Vania, Po River. North Anna River, Ha^- OVer Court House, Cold Harlior.Monacacy, Winchester, Fisher's Hill, Cedar -Creel;. Petersburg, and wero present at Lees Surrender. An idea of their fighting qualities may be found In the fact that <>f 0 engaged at Monavacy only two offlcei» id ninety-four men respondeci t<i riill-ca I after the battle. No regiment in tlie se •- Vice has a more honorable record. The next re-union is to be held at AsburV Park. Aug. 20th, 1KK8. The survivors c»f the 14th, who went from Plainfleld to at- tend yesterday's re-union were, Sergearjt £. P. Thorn, ChriB Pope, AlonzoTownle^, A bram King and Thomas Clark, the latter iscrving as Oen. Truaxs' orderly durinii the war. He was recognized at once by his old commander, who warmly grvete Him. caiMlidate i ha> past 'inal«* who was i>ap- i Central a\enue. r«-- Ruilroad Company •Fall MM1_V found at morning. Is New Company Organized- Articles of incorporation were tile d i * office of the County Clerk at Elizabet yeaterday, orgauizlag the "Culia Mai ganese Company." The principal part 1 Um business of said company within thi State 16 to be transacted in Plaintlcii The objects for which the company i formed are: A general mining and d What "The Frist" Woird, Like to Know. Who st..|e that panof taffv ' When the fin' alarm Ix.xes will l>- lo- cated on'thc -trect^' •Vv'ho wi.l I.e tiie: s for Sheiifr tl.i- F«il'- . Who eat the moat era I it, at a pla- the S.-coiid Ward <jn Thursday .\enii What farmers Wulci melon patcl not suffered from a-aiils within the wivk? The name of the T U/..-.I in it bath tub oi cently? Why the Central ilm* not get up an excursion to the of Babylon?" ; Whether the d**ei>mpos«'d liound Iir.Hik. Weilnesday that of "Winkle" Conoxer? The names of Uii* iio.HIIUIUS who de- , light in making themselves obnoxious to residents in the vuinity of the city Park? I Who sold rumto the young men who It'carne drunk on Thursday night- and ' wrecked a i"lKi rig lielonging to Morris ; Higgins? j i ! When th<' Hoard of Fire CVmimissioners ! ;• will take the matter in hand and offer a , { . subsiantial rewaixl for the arrest andcon- i ' vli-tion of the fire liu«? i 4 el What portion of the expense incurred In . macudumi/ing Enst Fifth street from Park a\euue to Richmoiid strtNM. was Iwirne by the projierty owners? What has Ucouit of -the husband of a West Front street belle, who unceremoni- ously took his leave-, along with his wife's ' money, a short time since? Whether the controversy has ever been jE PRESS SPECIAL SER JEN^ACEMENT WITH INDIANS I ' ~~ .i:\jwii<u> Si'iciviiH. Col.. Aug. Her just in from Mi-ekerandt ipr ie|Kirts an engagement . a-iff CendalIn posse of fifty-five i-i, ^Mirti-d by KKI cavalry «n one side >f KKt Ctes under Colorow on Nine Indians were carried men and the from fl-ld deaii. Deputy 81 eriff and the Sheriff's posse, several others of his he troops were seriously wo ind- j Thk- fighting began Thursday n yearly-, upon the arrival of Sheriff ten- ?ft forces to the support of the troupsj | see ie of the battle is at Wolf ^j-(ijie miles down the White I^lver |j Meeker. The engagement was m Indjan fashion, from behlnh all protection that rocks, gullies w<Kild give, and it lasted until after ursday. Another engagement VsM eire<'ted Friday morning. SCOTCH PLAINS ITEMS. Mr. and u dii- s foi- iyelopiuent business, except s<i far a Ridden by the law s of this Slate. Totiil •amount of capital; (150,000. divided int 1,500 shares at S1U0 each. The compan Will begin operations with Fo lowing are tjie nances of the stocklKildcnf. together with their resilience and number jiff s h a r e s held by each: Edward r!. [Woodward. Plainfleld, 4"I<1 shares ; Nelsoii Botsford, NewYork City. 450 shares; l&iehard A. Caul.Iwell. N.;w York City, 3(i) ; J. Te >'ul>n. 3'«>. ! Sat Water Day. Today is known l>otli "fiir n Wide " r . | stay until [Monday, when they will go Qilouge, I). I., for a few w.-eks. vajtcr rshal The Vi Percv C. < im| rovements are made in the. publ North Plalnflflil. i- roadway at the Notifh, through the efforts fare to secure ni, <rusher at that point, is doing a long- i &* Brakely, <.f Dunellen, dress<»d iM?e<le«l s e n i e e by making the roadway i wound. { The paUen^wipt recover, j iciNinunodating for the. •' I I wider and niort travelling public. —The Reform <lub will «Mstlug me4 k ting Be*. hold an to-morrow night, of formerly a Chap ain in the Army, a whose war ntun will take charge is un inten-sting of the devotional e*£r- ises and deliver on address. The Ri gentleiuuri is well ers. who will be Mr. William H. spoken at Keforn Hall sions, is unnounci'd to s|H-uk. —A drive over known as Johnst mountains Itack, that the' tile cillltriMrtors ! Only the Westen its -tliCpCsL JKlillt s.-t the I lion •-Imp u^hfare in The decoiupi toria kennels, of hi of thiseitv is the which owner. jfl^s<*olored folks day at Florida (Iroic, an l^ir several hour-tbi» niorning tlmre wa i st*-iidy outjMiuring of colored ciiiubri. ilul dusky dum.-^'lt' from, all x> lgtosjilt water. Every coiicciv^l.le IIIIMI r trnus|iortatiou. fjroin the l>o;ird,wap. i> the carry-iill. w^is brought into us* !;•! it is said that Ii buggy with a singl i'l'ing eoMtai.K'd a whole family of fou i'i':i an I a dog. Tlie event of the da -ill lie a clam bake, and liow the festh es will disappear when Ssomo of tl p»» ouu ni \*~i r ^ r » ' • • » ! . i'"ii7 m»" * .x-J»O 1 .--mini . . _ , i£t% <M* l ., . . . . . . . ; 11 1 1 , 1 , r nH'cntlv .m-urponite*! thi) entin'Scarsdile35'rgeiitl.'iueii of leisure from tin- citv la s succeeded in landing a filial I ifass. -. i la.h [ ,".L •» 1 . •• u . . L*&?& , ••• 1 .* •. i .. , . . J . •'. J,, . - keiini'l of hiastiffs. Incliidini; Hilderbiitt..vt:ti<-n toiiLjin-s uroinid theni. IeNMihon he afterward threw luie| t<i rii^n. The . ' , , , ,., .'- : , , , - 1, 1 I . a , «t 1 Reguia. Regina second. IMI\\ Horellv".; I'.uiiiuiinicatioiis botween hen- aiid tl .a! <>x.iet spot was marked,:und the two Ifrh- ? . , , '-, "•' _ * ... .. I , 7 . and other :liot«'d "logs. a- ptliovc are cut off, cousequeiitlv !»T ai h ennen will n-turn next»c«i.-i.n. ! ! • " -. ,, , , .' , . ' , - ; . > the pi iof! El-Councilman Love, it: is sai<l, was isc- Mr. Jaspei 1 Wils.1^1, who. in blnsUngi t ie j verely injured while wjalking alo;i K the rcK-ky sides of th? mountainous thorough- »»nk on his return h.lmf A bass juinp.-d aerial for his stotie ! out of the water and bit! him on IM, (eg. he ('apt. Hand t.nik a stage loud Boy ii toll Beach on Thursday, and aim the party jwits LaVere, the i'l<iwii, v was perched on top of the stage and f tounded tbe natives along the.road by i j queer antics and<puaiut sayings, , . Mr. Wmj. D. Murray. President.of tg A New Grand Army Port. j Association will lead the young mei .i -, Arrangements an> making for tbje !«»r- meeting ft the Y. M. C. A. Room's TIT i « aIllzJlUon - or a " <w(ira f" 1 Ar '"- V f'f* ln I Monday evening next. Topic: "Watcl n P ; this city, and a meeting for the puj-pjme | Mark 1; , ..^ Memliers are eamestly on Thursday Evening. Mf. | N . | known to old I'lainfie iflad to listen to impwin. who has on former oc id I Riinyon was chosen as chairman an<) I>r. i Titsworth was secretary. Several jcOm- mittees were ap|Miinte<l and after trans- acting some important lousiness the juect- i ing adjourne<l, subjei't tji a call lijl the j chair. The new post will start out [Mfith a to . and j»l of twenty-six (jharter menibfrs, ipplicatiou for a charter has alfefcdy the macadamizes! n>itl 111 Drive, 01 of North top of tt riaiiificli •rk was well done J 'numlierof years ail end of the "Drivc,'^ commencing at Somi^ shows, my serious damage frill f the past Summer. hrtavy rains p amount of money judiciti)usly S|H tvou|,l put Hint jiortlon of this cleg; decent and pa«isal| .ed remain- of u were found in II • lip at the Centra! loud coal piers it Eli/-al»thp..rt y«-st^ - lay iifternooii. ami is believed to I ImJIy.of eli-vcn-vi-ar-old Minnie Lowth«j(r who-,1! disap|H'urJiiit-e in NOM-IIIIHT U|H • aiis<-il siic.l -"••in g«.iiig l'lnlip Duckernini made. Garden Party Extensive timing. at Metherwood. g'for a grand garden party to; l»- held Htj the the illld f.ith- Ki "f inatt<r ille to of in residence of Mr. Jume- iViithony iit ^ erwixkl on the aftcruooij and evenin ._ Tliurwlay, Si-ptemU-r Tin. The ladii NetherwiMMl who ha\i charge will leave uotliin runt the success of tl ni-eipts will lie d<-\ot fund of the Netherw KiiiVhaiiel. An <jn|in' brass bund will fuiiii-h i excellent niiihi''. ujiidcrt.iking. ] 'flic I to the | M(. i Anthony'^ |x-ned f<>( - j - • Opened. nsaliou. Sue was dint-tion of the rivijij. , a mute, was arrestiil of iiliductiiig her. He w|> ij-l.-a.-tcd uiidei \>ail. Nothing but th trunk of the IMMIJ art<l one limb M'liiaili -\ fragment of af dress and a gaiter idcntilicd by Mini ie's friends. and during that day tensive kennels will spectiou. Bids Bids for the cnstniction bridge near William S|«-nce.' iu Washington Valli-v. and en*ction of a stone culviirt iit Holmes' hill, were opened at Hotel yesterday ufteriKKui. The ,-on for the new bridge WHS awarded to ] Colthar, for *l4 r i. and Itavid D. Sin re«-eived the contract ifor building .-tone culvert for j>T4.'i)i of u „ refi< ls,! f.,tj i the fo«ti t IVinl I ruct Ml- i ' bring son*; young men with them. Rev. Ri S. H..Iiiies. Registrar <.f I C. L. S. C|, who hasU'cn suiiiimMing w his family ut Chautainpia left there t week andj Is now enjoying a short vail tion in the Adirondack^,, after which will join ! his wife at Williamsj>ort, I and rcturii to this city about tlie mid of Scptenlber. It was Miss Ella, not Miss .leiinic KiiCU) that reti<rnetl home from a two weelsj|? outing utiltiM-ky Hill and other |ioints |& interest in Somerset County tjhis wc||i Mi-s Jeiiliie an.f her brother "Ran" w ill start on Monuay nioining f.n a SuiiiinOr vacation jit Ocean (irove. -1<.|.|.i111_' at I ll<* Rllsscll H.ill . ?! The fiiijeriil of the late Mrs. Wjiunl; widow'••rj.lolni I.. Winan-. !•-• -.-;l—.i. 1.«fcfc place f|ol(l the 1. - i d . Hi ,. ,,f 1,,.| -,,, n-i law, Mr. -i. II Martiii.on -hi. k~.m ;i\.-nu North Pliiinliild. yesterday iiifteiiiiK.i Rev. .1. Bj ViniMcter officiated, and at tlji close of jtbe service the |.'lllilill~ »c taken to Mount Horel. f,, r jnterioeut. Mr. Th.jma- K.||..r. Forcuaii or No Kng. Co.. iretiirned frmu Iu- two week visit at MJ'stic Island, where ne has IK-I pructicing.jday and ni^ht at -hoii.ting .la bats, with-the )i.'|«s that lie miy. in tli' future. doWll tlie "x-UttLT gUll.' While hi has Ix-en engaged in his sly woi*,k. a in: Smith guiiiluis- IM-I-U made which makes much iM'llier pattern thmi tl -cutt< gun." L'^ig oud. "toimport in detail the day's pn lieedings. J . i § -!•»••• | ^'Meeting of the City Rep. Ei. Com. . M The City Republican Executive Ion liiittee held a iini-tilig in the Republieu \ issiH-iation r<Hini«- on East Front stre<'(, ^Thursday evening. Present—Messrs. ^. . Dunham. N. Riinyon, W. R. C«idint*- m, J. B. Coward, GIMI. M. Stiles, ('. Mj. i^ro<ldanl and one cither gentleman. M i 1. M. <i<xldard acted as Chairman of thj Jjici'ting. and Mr. -I. B. Cowuril wa. Jtlioseii Secretary. The following ofllcei •<-re elected : l'ri'rtident, C'.'M. (ioiiduni ice-President, (leorge M. Stiles; Secr< Jury. Joseph li. Coward; Treasurer. Oi- ille T. Waring. The meeting adjournc 1 iibject to a 1 'nll bythe Chairman. Somerset County Freeho ders. A . onimittcf of three from the Sum. I ;J#' Cojinty Board of Chosen Freeholder |Si''t a similar committee from the I'liio P|oun1y lioanl, on the ground MoinLi f id aMiirde.l to .Joaconi (i: Todd the cm act for liuilding a IM-W platform briilg) 3JJ! f e i - r s p a i i . If. feet b<-t ween t lie ; uall- •jjScar (lin-rrier's Hotel. The consider.itio gjii- sj:l7.:..i. The whole Hnnnl fr..i Hjjiniersi't ('••iinty met the Mo-ccr Count rd at Stoiitsbui-g on U'.'dne-diiv. an I UsIllUltioll with r<'f>'l'elice I lilie bridge at t hat pla.-. Open t ir Concert. - Zoua\e Hand ol Eli/.al ..-t ii. liti ii^'.-d by the Miller Bros-., pi. of Laing> Hotel, to giM-^ilgriin I conceit in front of thai hotel, o iciiing. Si'pt. Jd. This I .;l inI i {$}. i.m-iluil accoiiipiitnied Drake s/iluave tiieir trip to Califiirnia si'ieral nionth Tlie entries for tin- U-iidi sh«)w a ' coming State Fair lire coming in; ver •oiiragingly. Mr. V. C. «»lil,of this cit; me —i-tit in twei|ty-si\ entries yesterday settled over the ball game between "Josh " Allen's club, the "Centrals," the •Twilighters,"<>f Sc<itch Plains? What has become of Yincennece Paler- mo., who deserted his family after cruelly tieating Erably Stewart and his wife, the old coujilc living in Stiger's Alley a few weeks ago? Who it was that accidentally stepped into and crushed the silk hat In a North avenue apartment house a few evening's since, and which of the young ladies was the most frightened at the time? When that sidewalk on the south side of Seventh street near Plainfleld avenue ' will be repaired and the board walk on Central avenue between Seventh and Eighth streets torn away? When these questions are answered T H E PHEHS will give its readers some val- uable information - - - | Concerning Incendiarism. j Tlu: Bound Brook I'hruuuU, in its issue j today, says: " i "The Plainfleld /Vr** expresses the | opinion that acts of incendiarism in that, city will soon reach a climax. Hasn't the I cimiax already l>*cn reached? In any | other town than PlBinfleld when- three or I four tin's: a week destroy thousands of dollars' worth of pro|H'rty the good citi- zens would privntrly form a vigilance committee and pint".- the entire city under close siiivi'illiince for a few nights. The lire-bugs could sooii U- caught and trente.I to a dose of their itwn medicine, and after a few fresli-roaste<t bodies had IH-CII found in the ruins the tire department could haw a rest- for sonic, time. " All'efforts to cut<ih the alleged tire-bugs have proved unavailing, notwithstanding the fact, however, that large rewards luiw been offered by the Board of Fire Inderwriters and by * private citizens. Probably un effeetiial remedy would be '• for the owner of each barn U> keep a pack i of trained dogs about them at night. ; Eifie Ellsler. * Announced for the opening of the sea- son at Music Hall next Thursday is the appeanm New Y.vj-k company in "Woman Against Woman, "aplay in which MissEflie Ellsler has duplicated the wonderful success she attained when she ilclightcd nearly every theatre goer iti the laud as "Hazel Kirke." Eflle Ellsler s name has always been iudentitied with all that is pure, and lofti- est in the artistic World, as the Chicago Hi rali I in « recent criticism said of her: ••One finds pleasiirt! in pruising so consci- entious an artiste. She pos.-csses charms jieculiarly her im'ii. Her pathos appeals irresistibly to the hardest breast, and her comedy is of the kind that makes the heart lau^h. Sin.» ifr of the pure type of womanly woman which should furnish en tertainment for oijr mothers, our wives, our sister- midour :sweet hearts. Would the -tai;.' had molivlike Miss F.IUIer." eni wae men and hat Our Neighbor* are Doing •or«p Stelges is improving his the .addition of another s *>ry |b>ber t Jahn Is doing a line buslnef s In tins; nith's line, receiving the pat ron- 1 ( eserves. n»me of Prince Brown's deco mmd was "Tah-hoo." Only ow to "pronounce it. >hn Cook is running his stone un full time, and: has more or lera 4t jgres.'4it than he can, supply. w arch bridge on "Midwaj ompleted, under the Immet late I of William Johnson, the ting horse belonging to H irry scaped from the pasture leld the Harry, look out for ihoster. era is Whitenack lost one of his >eet t his week, bydeath, which git atly 'er » with his success as a compt tent anil reliable teamster * "PHK PKBBS is now dell vered regulaj ly tf> <Ju^ reelUents-slnce carrier Boulston has as|pme4 charge of the route, New Bub- *c*>er8 are being added to the list d lily val lable hunting dog belongin [ to c Prii ice Brown was shot by some mls- nt c n Thursday night. The dog ho h lund breed and was highly, p: ized i owner. Javid Totten of New Providence |a|^ th it; week, hooked on to amoltrter jk bt sts In the Possalc Rivor, near ri<)e ice. w hie h defied his skill to 1 ind. [tacl Ie was destroyed and David I iad« itnwood Stone Crushing Comp i George Kyte is tlie Presi< ent, up for the first time yestei lay, fit is^ expecti'd that the works wi Ipcrujtion ).y Monday. The facilitiisof will enable the Compan to CJhas, i r. Dtiniel Allen has recently 1 be< own^rof a valuable I ? t team of Itro' nit fifteen tons un hour. Mr. inev is the efficient Suiierintenden - i bee ime >t ten •h h • purchased for about $30. B e is i ly s«>en seated in Roulston's si ele*- |wag.)n. speeding down the road. 1 Vltb (ful nursing and an extra fee4 e ' e ry it inthought the animals will bee >me ch poat«Ml tief<ire the opening] of L'inluit. The horses have a lull next Thursday evening i ; ljl r - TJioUlas Paff Is constructing a n »vel ice of Eflie Ellsler and her »<| r ^ t whjk-h he intends to use forj fte ting utjWisef*. On' the running geair agonize is building an arrangement o<i-sh«(iied in appearance and W: ter- ig |t on; the bottom, so that when i he iv'ip* at |a stream of water, the adjusted and floated on tjie d i of the water. It is to be used f ir purpose—that of a wagon I ody lalsoj a lioat. He has not applied iit<tr(t on his own novel completed he will name tkorik." ! WESTFIELD. qrounds in front of the M. E. tli g ih I have been greatly Improve* by? ivini; the front fence and shrubl oryj githe lawn and the layingof ijnicit to th" street A s.-:-i sollic gold o Race for s of four Iji. \,- Medals. i rac-i-s fur hand- iie^ will lie held this af- ternoon on the Boulevard, between Wa-, \crly and Elizalictji. under the direction of the Ild.-rian Cycling Club. ..f |<<-rgeii Point. The races' will lie run oxer a course one mile in Lj-ngtli. and the winner of t h e U s t t w o heats out of three will lie pi-i'seiitcil bv ('apt.'(i -.• W. Vati-s, the President of the organization, with a gold medal. For the. wheelman who makes the IM-SI time oxer the course I'. S. Tlllli- soll, the captain of the dub. lias offered another medal. This prize is. however, open to competition on the last Saturday of i-ai'li month. The races are open to dub niemliers only; the first heat lieing scheduled to !»• slahed at :» ;Wi o'cliN-k. 'clock yesterday uflernoojn d Iii the n^iir of the d\ve ju Broad s»tnM't, o«-cupic<l by rton. was discovered t<i lie Onflroi lay-mow. The tire departr ient[ n-sponiled t<i the alarm and MILS I extinguishing the tire aft>|rj th»* •ecu burned off. Mr. horse, carriage and harndsi larnj. which together with the hajy wifs fully insured. His loss Id of! one ton of hay. a •of I he harness; the I f^-om the barn. T I U. Mr. Wm. H. Moon', which Insiired ; l o s s $:tO0. il is suptx «H1, . « h > J .... ,...L.i it_. m ii I . . . ! . * _ . h t|ii>i|iari^ caught lire from the sparks; which wus burning in an aid in close proximity t<i iflu' Little Giant gut first Wi a hay cutter rest worn The building h '<>., N o . 1, '<<:, third. second and Etn one be arv can for creation, it " los- thij n and *>n- and re- be- wart ad" this ter,' / I SF I Established May io, 1887. The B b u acDnsa Bn«DA or Tmi rmu ALIWt in 1* BRPD> (tin IMI- » A5D Holidays—at Form O’CLOCK is the ; rraxoox: a ext thboiou AT THE POST omce LfTULED BY CAUjtX AT smeLE conn, l ( kxtx. SS.UO A YRlB. OB 10 CEXTB A IT j—Business* m ill Is* resumed at t!i*- I 'i|un county Court (>f Special Sessions at El(za- M** 1 on the first Tuesday in September, wljien the panel of petit jurors for tlx tall tetni mill be drawn. 1 I •—Mr. 3. Heaver Doane has not ye I ,(1C- I eeixJed in ascertaining the name of the 4 i Owner of the lost carrier pip>on which Locally, to the Ixtebbetb or MXight refuge from the storm in >^r A. CITY or mistriKLD, its scbi bbs abi> I M.' (iriffln’s l*m a few days ago. rowx»; aso. Politically, i . , ID THE ADTAXCEn|cXT or THE PRINCIPLES or P In * ( OUrt <sf S|>ecial Sessiops; at Pabty—“'xe obeatbit ^ojmerville yesterday a young colored girl | i rollvicted of stealing money was < om- TH1 DEHOCBATIC GOOD TO THE Sb4tDIT Xl'XBE W. Is AID T t. A. A New the city “melody.” this I « Mr i \ aily Tress. PARTICULAR MENTION. Mr. Jamqs Smith of Kim •*tr»** k T i- iHji-lfc; from hid tri|* on Long Island. Mr. anti Mrs. Harrit* <’oUi«*r. «*f Br«f l\n. X. V.. nr* 1 at F«»nt*^ Hotel Mr. E. N.jErifkson and family of Eigjl street will h'tum from BI<M-k day. S Proprietor Miller of the Nctherx*! Hotel, report* everything booming ad the hotel. Rev. Mr. Btirtliek of New Market public Oomcouf. 4O0OMPANI CD BY tHF. NAME OP THE nutted to the State Industrial Sehooj until preach in th}* Congregational church S hi .inTiD os all MATTKBftor s jjj. arrives at the agi* of 1H years. morrow moifning. > M*T PUBLISH EI> OBLY WHEN \ ' ! j writes. !—Thereto said to Is* an unlicensed |sa- Mr. and Mrs. (reorge Taylor of NetHp Ebdorbibo the Tbith 1 loon near the depot at Dunellen mhi»re | wood have returned front their SunttiP ahd Hobebt Intent or the Oommcbicatiow. liquor and l>eer is oold openly. One] nian outing at Sek Girt. *" to ** ’• * * MADE KBOWB OB this orncE. Notices or Chtbth . who APPLICA j I « place. all**g**d to have eomc fron§ the drunk, nearly lost his life |iTat- Faibs. Sociables. ' Lie- J tempting to cross the railroad truyk T Mr. and Mrs. Peter Dunn of West F street returned home yt*sterday f Southold. Long Island. mm, CABBuor T^abes. Lqdqe RESoLmora. j fey days ago. j j | R# . v j R ! cleaver of this eit I I | *—A serious runaway accident i ire- preach in jthc Presbyterian elm r ; ported to have taken place near the Jack- Dumdlen tomorrow morning. iH 1 School House, Terrill Road, a| day Mrs. W. Ai-Sehutt and three «>u* -4-~ I or |tw° The horse la-came fright- aIld ^iU, of I)uer street. Maxaoixo Emma, j «*»H •* th <* *nd running away threw | i Mnillfl ,. K ,, a(v ut As ,, urv Park . 1 the driver out, dislocating one , of his . i ... if.. I)r. \ incept and \\. D. Bridgi their iamiliefe. will return to this city FuftCE. DEPARTURE. sb J, i Today The Pkihk makes *f new depart- ure, and hereafter each issue will be printed on pure whitepaper. This change Is actuated at the urgent solicitation of many of our read »rs, who claim that their eyesight is impaited by reading the print on tinted paper ai night. wag< »u one was (•adly •ulders. The wr eeked. —We are credital widow of the late David S<r two small children, one an infant on|y sis nxfnths old. is in very destitute circum- stances, and for the past few days has i sutwdsted on dry bread alone. Thl>s<j Who , are charitably disposed can leave articles J at iher residence, Stiger's Alley, ajifl Jie- eeive her heartfelt thanks f»tr t heir A iml- ness to one in great nee.1. - An ingenious contrivance. In the A. 1*11 club play kt rth *l H of a telephone is Is'ing ex[s-ri?ictit- ed with on the Holly farm near th*i fpir r IS 1 S ; uner tne oatue. .v Chautauqua! oil Monday, the 2!Kh ins® ! . .. ly informed that the ! F vice has a more ho •avid S.,uiivs. will has 1 h ‘‘ fa,,,ll >' of Mr " E L,,w '' " f Uf J :««*t re-union Is to Reunion. N. J. \olrt.. of thi- pity, who artA*iid^<l t^<* t*t-union of tin* Rogimont at Toms Riv«*r. yestonlay. *n\ ft|i*y lia«l a im»st fVijoyalAc tinio. Th** sh^»w»**l th« ir appre- ciation «tin* ovpnl l»y flot oratiiig tiuer Jkhisos and pla«*t*H of bu-ino^s with bind- ing and flags. .VlnHit :t«»n of the‘siitvix of-s of th«* Rogimont wore pr**s**nt. Amorig the notables pr»*M*nt was tin* old coiji- mandcr of th«» 14lli, Gen. W. L. Truak. t’nited Stat«*s Senator Rufus Rl<xlg«*tt, a? and ('on^nssinaii Burhanan. who ma<|*‘ -j ad«lr*‘HH#*s which were loudly cheqrof. The Fourt«s*nth Regiment was mustonjtl into set vice at Tivnton, Aug. 2<>, 18t'2.aiid % .went at once to the front. They wen* eli- | gageil at Manassas Gap, Wnppinjg Heights, Cul[M*pjM*r. Bi ist«»w Station. Kelly's Ford. Rrandy St^ition. Lot* u it ft MGrove, Mine Run, Wilderness, SpotLs^- |f! vania, Po River, North Anna River, Han- over Court House, Colt! Hari>or. Moila<*a<*r. Winchester, Fisher’s Hill, Cedar Cn*ei. Petersburg, and were pres«*nt at Le»*|s NtiltlT Surrender. An idea of their fightii^: f_ <)ualiti«*s may be found in the fact that <>f 1>5U engaged at Monae-aey only two office is ~ .. jijhI ninety-four men responded to n»lJ-<*all <S II S :uft4»r the liattle. No regiment in the sc|-- norable record. Tl^‘ t»e held at Asbury a ft**r iPf^Pfirk. Amr 2flth. 1KS8. The hiirvivons i f Ikixck will t,H* lo- What "The Friss” Wou Like to Know. W ho sto|»* that pan of taffy? When tf••• tin* alum cated oi/thc -tn et> t ^V’ho wid be tin*. >uc for She!iff tl.i- Fttj? ho rat the moit eraN at a plaei tin- Sorond Ward dn Thurs<lay ev«*ning? What farmer s Watermelon ’patch ha> raids Hithin tin* past PRESS SPECIAL SERVICE. rs—lul i-aiiilidate in IH vrilW: PRESS POINTERS. —The Y. M. C Soirerville this afternoon —Old railroad i nen say that travel was never so heavy ai it has been this season .—A band of Irii.h bag-pipers were about morning discoursing There Bill but one serv ice in Trii I grounds. The instrument is entirely with- ] Reformed church t.snjorrow. Rev. ( ou| batU*Hes and is stretched fried the J. Van Nestb of Catskill, N. Y hebnery to a house. about_one mild ills- iu the morning, taiit. It is said that the slightest sieaiil i l avenue have arrive. 1 home after j*'V| 1‘ark, Aug. 20th, IKWs. absence of sjeveral weeks from the citijg | jthe 14th, who went from Plainfield tt Miss Mary L. Runyon, the elocuti.ndt* 1 itenii yesterday's re-union B-ere. Sergeai t was in townjtoday. visiting her parents*. P. Thorn, Chris P.q>c, AlonzoTownley, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Runyon of 1^1^ iAbram King and Thomas Clark, the lattur avenue. ! i. ^ s»*rving as Gen. Truaxs' orderly during Sirs. Janies Tiffany and Sliss J^itfe the war He was recognized at once Slikerof Eiiton. Pa., are visiting at jj|„| his old commander, who warmly residence of; J. T. Case, Vine street, Xiiftlt j l'l'» I lainili Id. 5* c omDan y Organized Articles of incorporation were filed ij 'ffthy office of the County Clerk ut Elizabctji the “Cuba Maij- Dr. M. B.iLongof Park avenue ha is transmitted over the wire so as t<> |be | treduced electricity into his liouse. distinctly heard at the other eud. ) The has located |a brilliant incandescent —The next Qujarterly Meeting of the | experiment is made with a view of pljn ing i D front of bis office door. will Is* i th>* instrument on the market, at a imich Cheaper iwU* than that for th.j ^vftiarj* at BlalckweH’s Island, is of the telephone. J .V . - . i -j—The case of Frank Hollenlss-k who Society of Friencs in this city held in February, 1888. —An Ohio love shot his sweetheart be- cause she refused to kiss him. Our girls do not require any such extreme modes of persuasion. —Special Officer Noel is on the alert for unlicensed peddl *rs. This morning bo warned another me of his danger in ]s*ddling without a license, —The last excu rsion of the season from this city, will occur on Tuesday next, B-hen the Crescent Avenue Sunday School and its friends wi II excuH to Asbury Park. Superintendent Bums of the penit the gu^ for a few days of the family of Pati Daly of Chat hum street, North Plaint Rev. Dr. |K. P. Ketchaiu, pastor of was charged with unlawfully having in his |Kissession two beer Is.xes and a f*dda! Fi re l p.'esbfterlan chprch, officiated l^PWing are water botUe belonging to Charles CHjader ^ ^ n%h D>v BapUst Church together wi of i North Plainfield, was called D-for.- . . j , . . .. jsLds : i ' j , 1 morning, iff tlie atisence of the pasuor^ in- justice Nash at two d'< lock this >ft* r- R)-v D i>B-is. H ^Toodward. Plainfleld. 430 shares; Kelaob no|w. The plaintiff identified the articles nil the defesd*"* 1 " r as belonging to him. claimed that the boxes Bere in tic r nt whjen he moved there. The said, Bas left at his house hv bottl a [Si 3 , Hi* wife and brother-in-law corrols.rat« ' -The shipment)* of peai-Hes from Bound hi J stat ,. mwit . j urtl< 4 Nash re lii- decision until Monthly. 1 Brook for the |>a.*t wts*k make a ttital i.f 2,li*i baskets, anil wen* sent as follow^: August 19, 4.’f4 bankets; 20th. 14; 22ud, 524 ; 23d. 1230; 24th. 371; 25th. 533. Of theis.* IOC liaskets went Mi Newark. 2t*8 to Phila- delphia and the remainder to New York. K X lie ntjer. dent in tii at Savann; the North on account the chills gild fever. Service*jin the Park Avenue Church tufmorrow. Preaching ENGAGEMENT WITH INDIANS 1 ' i Mill Sl-ltIMiK. Col.. Aug. £ i^'W-ter ju-t iii from Meeker and l lie A 'hitp JoVrr r'*[sirts an engagement ls*t Cecil iff vrndali's jmissc of fifty-five men sirted by 100 cavalry on one side and nd if 100 Ctes under Colorow on ir. Nine Indians B’ere carried 3 field dead. Deputy Si •f. of the Sheriff's posse, ii ami several cithers of his a riff (if, I he troops were seriously wo •idj' 1 The fighting tiegan Thursday non- ing carl p, upon the arrival of Sheriff ien- ijaffs forces to the support of the troopsj ! Tiif sc*' ie of the battle is at Wolf Cieek, morning, is , thusty-fiye miles down the White l iver tri itii Alfeker. The engagement was l.a[e . re- |ri<es wifKild give, and it lasted until (,fter Tjhursday. Another engager lent cted Friday morning. the 'null eriff was men ind- L SCOTCH PLAINS ITEMS. Our Neighbors are Doings tjhd itinsjnith's line, receiving the pat ron- 'hc jpg—— will prvaHi; yesterday, organizing tlilh l-H* | gunes«* Coni|iany." The principal part df ithe business of said company within A$i<£ 'State i6 to be transacted in Plaint! V The objects for which the company ir- A general mining and dt- j^yelopment business, except so far as foi- jt,J biililen by the laws of this State. Tots I i-kS amount of capital, $150,000. divided int.> 11,500 shares at $100 each. The coinpani' (gfarili begin opvrationa with $150,000. Fo - tjie nances of the stockholders!, with their residence and iiumber Hqf sliares held by each: Edward K. attack Sa't Water Day. SI Toilav is known Isitli ''far ami Wide IiapUf-t*.. I iv j [Mistor. Rev. Asa R. Dills, at 1< and 7 :45 pi m. Morning text; laughed Illini to scorn." (45 •And t( tA Fish Story. -Coun<*ilman Love; and ex-Majr-Jial ver. of North Plainfield, quietly i stole away to a stream of water iiejir the -Some fishermen while angling in the Grj*en Brook tanks vesierday afteriioim. Hackensack Ri' er tietween the two bebt on winning the l~dt from eY-MuJ bridges yestenlar Jtnoked on the deinl Kijckiellow. who in turti came in pksHi-s- g ll<>UK ,,, ji bmly of‘a man limiting near the baido ^ °f it fr«-,» Freeh,i.ler VMikkUkd ^ kM f whi) .„ u The biMjy WHS badly deeompo8«l a.i.l Tl^-y c^t their lines .n|l.e running W-^. r p ,. r ,. v X,, 1>f thill ,. itv ,, ( , Vvll ,. r . *JL iV ui v . as if had h*B*n in tiw* wat«*r ft»r and afU*r ?*ev«*ral foulf th** •x-Mdrshal * . .[ . . A “cl , . . . 0 N. 1 ».«... . it- i r m*«ntly imH*rponit4Nl tho <»ntin*>K*arsflp«‘5|*i ^Mitl somi^ (lavs. It was tak«*n to ** su<*«**M»ded in landing » small l»ass, , ,* i ' , .... . p T m r . ... T I . j , | t. » : konmd of fiiasuffs, im ludin^ Hihh rbii MorKu«‘ in Jersey City. - : In* afterward threw t*a« k to ri|»en. | T*»«‘ X1 . , . , ... * J J ' r Retina. Retina s«‘i*oiid. I*adv E1 !§|aseolored folks day at Fl«»rida Groie. an 1 niilw ^ !M V, * ra l thN inorniiiff th«re wa~ >r~ steady outpouring of u«*I«»red ^‘^|iind du^ky daiur»*N Ur«»ni lhi-.« ity. all to *salt water. Kvery •*• uieeivaMe tin»d. Miss Majrui Toohey and Mis* Mai^.|L, ir 1niI ,A|Kirtati,.„, limn, the l~,aril,wag,*1 Bums, of (south Second street left to&vlL, ti ariy-all. wps l.nnighl into u*i . that II l*»»r?^:y with ii sinjil ^"^iprin^ 4*oBtained a whole family of four- I.. fora few week^. g ^t^en ant a «lo^. Tin* «*\ent of the dair j jc. til for Harlerii, N. V.. where? they intend it i* ^uid | or stay until jMonday, when they will ^“^‘^Kprin^ « Uks-ided itnbrovementA an* lieing <*xhct spot was marked,;and the two ffidi- t [ lor (noted dogs made in the public madway at the Xotoh, erjnen will return totheiplace next season. North Plainfield, through the efforts of Exj-Councilman Love, it is said. wa(s Isi*- Mr. Jaspef Wilson, who. in blasting;4e j veWy injured while w|alkiug alopi the rocky sides <rf the mountainousthomugh- 1 '“' >< on his return home. A bass juiup-d fare to secure material for his stone out of the water and bit him on the leg. crusher at that joint, is doing a long- Dr. Brakely, of Dnnellen. dn-ssed the needed service t: y making the roadway wound. ( The patient wi^I recover, wider and more xcconnnodating for the travelling public. —Th, esting meeting ItisiiiorroB- A New Crand Army Po*t. . , ... . , . , i Arrangements ure miking for tde lor-' meeting it the Y. M. C. A. Rooms Reform (j lull will hold an intfr- . f?Itll i zat i.m.o f a hew (iralid Army Pie-t in | Momlav efening next. Topic : “Watch;*- . V.-J, , l- n-F i H*****^. for ,h * P“W r> I Mark 13:®. Mem I i*rs an* earnestly i- Ret. Witliam <f. of .ashinglo . if" j was held on Thursday1-vening. Mj*. i N. f)U „s t ed t<i Is- present themselves uiiil formerlj a Cha|i ain in the Arnj. M , Runyon was chosen as chairman ami |)r. bring somie young men with them. wbw4 war recorc is an Interesting oAe. j Titewor th was secretary. Several Wm-; J . . . . , ,ik will take charge of the devotional -Xfr- mlttBe> we app ln te,l and after tjrans-' of tW eises and deliver an address. The lt4v. a( . u wm) . lmportant ,i utllnesa the *; L '. S ' C !' wholutslsum suu.menng w# gentlefnan is well known U, old PIainfiejd- u ^ u j> ,. a ^ ^ ' h.s family at Chautauqua b ft then* tl|i ers. who will Is* glad to listen to !#». I ..d„ „.A i_H.u I week and) is now enjoying a short vaif Mr. William H. Sampson, B-ho lias nl^ a dog ii eluiu ami Imw tin* f«*>ti\ t i will <liH»ap|Hi*ar wii«*n !>«*m«j «»f tin uifii of l«Mhiuv“ from tlii-' city la, »4*ir t4»iiKu»*?A an>ou<l th«*ni. IVMphoi 1 tin ar Capt. Hind U»k a stage load i»vor |i®b»U5 t«4iTport in detail tin- day * l Boynton B«*ach on Tiiurwlay, ami aimi^;^''*‘ < ^ ,, *T s - th«* party was LaV«*r»\ tin* flown, was |M*n*iii‘<i on top of tin* sta^»? and *pj th«* natives along the,road by i|&S queer antU*s and «iuaint savings. a* 1 " gr rJissmuation r«M»mf on Last l ront stn Mr. Wiq. D. Murray, President of life Ass^M iatiojn will leatl the youiig ore^e'«^6mmunhati«*ns between lo re ami ii 'llCirove are cut off. eoxisequenllv wv .'Meeting of the City Rep. Ex. Com. CMty Republican Exeeutivt* (on: ||^iitt4‘e iiehi a meeting in tin* ltepublieaii not ssuffen*tl from w****k ? Tin* name of the female who wji- tized in a i»atli tiilion Central a\enu« etMltlv? ^ hy tin* ('entral Railroad Company d«*»K not get up an excursion to the “Fall of Babylon?** \\ bother the dtH*i>ni|H»«*«*d ImhIv foiin<l at B«>und Br«H»k. Wednesday that of ** Winkie Com»\»*r? Kn|Bi 31ft*kt?r. The engagement was icon* The name.- of th** hoodlums who m Indian fashion, from behIn I all , light in making themselves obnoxious toi that rocks, gullies and residents in the vii initv of the eitv Park i Who sold ruin to tin* young men who i lieeanie drunk on Thursday night; and j ^ wnrked a rig Isdonging to Morris Higgins? j 1 When the Board of Fire Commissioners 1 will take tin* matter in hand and offer a j substantial reward for the arrest and con- j 1 Su;1 8es is improving his rests viition nf the fire ijugf Ideate iiy the addition of another s»ry What puition of the expense incurrt*d in 8 f IDe ' . macadamizing East Fifth street from Park ! i |h?bent Jahn is doing a fine buslneis in a\enu«* to Richmoii<i stiXH*t, was lx>rn« by the property owners? - deserves. What lias I*•, •>mi* of tin* husband of a j : ««•* "j 81 "'' (,f Prince Brown'n deeeiaed West Front street tiellc, who uneeremoni- i 4 a f* ne was “Tah-hoo. Only Pt iaeo nusly t<Kik his leave, along with his wire s money, a short time since? Whether the controversy lias ever been" settled over the bail game between Mr. “Josh " Allen's club, the “Centrals," and the “Twiliglitors,'"«>f Scotch Plains? What has become of Yincennece Paler- mo., who deserted his family after cruelly ticating Embly Stx*Wart and his Bife, the old couple living iri Stiger's Alley a few weeks ago? Who it was that accidentally stepped into and crushed the silk hat in a North avenue apartment house a few evening's since, and which of the young ladies was the most frightened at the time? When that sidewalk on the south side of Seventh street bear Plainfield avenue j will be repaired and the board walk on Central avenue between Seventh and Eighth streets tom away? When these questions are answered The PitEKS will give its readers some val- uable information Is leld Un- best has Bub- Concerning Incendiarism. Tlie Bound Brook t'hruuu-U-, in its issue In s* in the Passaic River, near New today, says; "The Plainfield /Vi s* expresses the | , opinion that acts of incendiarism in that , Profile ice, which defied his skill to land, city will soon reach a climax. Hasn't the i 0i^fctacl le was destroyed and David nado j fi-^vea '. | T^n- I an wood Stone Crushing Company, ^ dile i George Kyte is the Presit ent, ^tiSamei up for the first time yesterlayi, ^jiujfit is expected that the works will be hi f|j«'i'Ution bv Monday. The facilitipsof fjihfiWiujks will enable the Compan; out fifteen tons ar, hour. Mr. C lias. fliH*neV:is the efficient Superintenden j |jfr. Duniel .Allen has recently ; bedame l^ii V (owner of a valuable i?i team of tro jsh h purchased for about $30. B tjters e is post twenty-six Jir. william n. nani|ison. who ua* , a t< < f .-[s.keti at Heform Hall on former oetja- an(| , ppli( . at i (>ll f( sions, is aiinouneod to s|»-ak. j been made. 1 —A drive over the liiaeiiilaliiizeil roail known as Jolinst III Drive, on top of the mountains Iwick of Ntirth Plainfield -how, that the work was well done 1 y th s iiiiuiIht of years aj|i Only the Westeri eml of the “Drive," at it, 'teejs-st jmlint eoiuiuenciiig at Som<| - i-i-t ,treet, show , any serious damage filial tlie heavy mills of tin* |ia,t Sumltcr -mall amoUiit of money judicl.ijtisly -.p-'il ivouid putThat portion of this elegal thoroughfare iu a decent and passaljlit ,lin|»*. Tt,,. ilecompi ised remains of a gill were found in a slip at the Central Rail load coal pier* at Elizals-thpnrt M*,tei lay afti-rnimin. anil is believed to Is* tjh IsJlv.of eleven-year-old Minnie Lowtin#!. \\Ini,i| disai>lH-uiance ill Novemlipr liw*t nsation. Stic was las : a mute, was arrested ,ii-su$piek»ji of ajlsliicting her. lie w| w|i*aii*d under luiih Nothing but th trunk of the IhhIc and one limh ivinaili \ (ragmeht of a dress and a gaiter i) harter me Wbi rs. hursilay evening. Present—Messrs. P. . Dunham. N. Runyon, W. R. Coding- m, J. B. Coward, Geo. M. Stiles; C. M . sldanl and one other gentleman. Mi M. Gialdard ach'd as Chairman of th lei'ting, and Mr. J. B. Ciiwaril was khliosen Secretary. The following officers Wen* elected : President, ( . M. Goddard iei'-Presiilent. (ieorge M. Stiles ; Seen - ry. Joseph B. CoWard; Treasurer, Oi - j^llle T. Waring. The meeting adjourne 1 uliject to a i-all hy the Chairman. >r a charter has already au.-s il smili Carden Party at -Netherwood. j f Extensive arrantf»*ment* an* makiii^:f**r a hTraml pardon juirty t<» h*‘bl atj ilio j r**sid«nc*** of Mr. Jit mo* Anthony at f»«?tb- erwood on the afteni«Mnj ami «*venii|Ki of Thtirwlay, SeptemlN*r Ttn. Thu ladi« NetherwfMHl who ha\*j tb«* matte ehar^»» will leave nothing nmlone to rant tin* sueve** «»f tla* ismlertakin^. rm'ipts will in* devot«|i| t<i the < fiiml of th«* Netl»erw“MMl4«*ha|»»'l. An « iirasrt band will furni-ii and during that day Mr tensive kennels will In* Hpectlon. Bids Opened. Bids for tlie eoiiMrtu tioii' of u f Ijew bridge near William S|«rnrer's re$H|ejn*e in Washington Valley, and ali*<» {oij lie* Somerset County I'oniinittfM* of three *Xrell«*nt A n tin my o|*en.Ml f, w^ar- The i'l2an nfire mm-ir. »*x- •lU’i Rus-sdl ifoii^-. Tile of the lute MI- Wimu widow of j John I.. WillHIIs. lleceil-cd. tisflf phn-i* from lie- re-idenie nf her law, Mr. II. Mart iii. on Jaek-oti a\euu North Plainfield, yesterday njft.-niiMiijB Rev. J. Bj Van Meter offii *iat«*tl. ami at t e|i»s* of jliie servii-e the remain, werajl taken to ^1'unit HorUti f«,r iiiternieiit. ill Mr. Tlnjnia, Keller. Foreman of No Eng. Co., ; returned from lii* two wi*ck visit at MJstie Island, where he has Im*i praetieingi'iay and ni“iii at shmiiting claj Holmes'hill, were ope lied at Denil^r, liats, with'the hopes that lie may. in l hi Hotel yesterday afternoon. Tin* cpnjriu t future, iloivn the “si*atter gun. While h| for tlu* new bridge B-ns liwarded to j-jiac has lsa*u engaged in his s|\ wor.k. a in: Coltliar, for &145. and Ifavid D. Smalley Smith gun/iia, U*en made \iliicli makes ri*ei*ived the contnut for liuildipti kin* much l**iticr pattern than tin- “-catti tion in tip* Ailirondaeks, aftiw whiidi Ky* will join ! his wife at Williauisipnrt, P& and n*turn to this city almut tin* miili(Jt cl of Sc[iteiijls>r. || \ It was >Iiss Ella, not Mis, Jennie Dudfi T-t Ciqinty Bourd of Ch< that returned home from a two wi*ck|f [pji'-t a similar 'coin ml tbs outing ntjRocky Hill and other |»oints Hf Himiity Board, on the interest in Somerset County tjliis B'eejp' !j^|id awarded to Joaquin G: Todd the eoif. Miss Jeiihie atiif her brother "Kan » Ui Stiet for building«i new platform bridg start oil Mommy morning for a SututiiK pt fm*rs|iiiii. Is feet between tin- Bid vaeation jit < >eean t;rove. ~to|q,iii“ at lli^ ® ar Guerrier's Hotel. The m.nsiddrati Freeho ders. from th** Soin*-r- »k«*ii Fr*‘»*hoM»*r from tin*, rnioli ground M*»mLi;’ Boa n t fr*u j M.*n **i C* »uut •ti W«*dii**-d«iv. an with n*f**i **ii«** t lilif bridg** at that pia*** Open * ir Concert. k*-’- Zoimw*' Band «»f Eli/al»**th. ha - *ii «*ngag*Ml by tin* Millrl* |»n - i**t*»r> *«f Laing'k H*»tH, t" givo-a gran Mj'on air * , *»inM*it in front of that h*»t«*l. <• ida\ «*\**ning. Spjit. 2*1. '1'his band i o om* t hat uoo<>ili|4u;iiiod DrakoV Zquax tlioirtrip t*» ralifornia -«*x**ral iii«»nth . *$"' 1 h«* «Mitri« k H for tiio U'lu h >h*;w a m»* ooming Stato Fair an* failing i n x»*r ^**ouragiiigly. Mr. 1*. (’. Old,of this riP jfg'ta* —**?it in txv«*ut\--si\ontriosyosU'nlay Hasn't th* flimax aliY*ady I*e«*n roaoh«*fi? In any | «»tln*r town than Plainfiohi whon* three or I four tin's n week flostroy thousands of *1*»llars* Worth of pr°| H *rty the good eiti- /.»*ns \v»mid prixatrly f«»rm a vigilanoo **«>mniitt«‘o and pine*' th»* ontiro **ity un*i**r * I * >s« * surveillance fora f**w nights. Tin* tiro-bugs could s*M»ii 1h* caught and treated t** a *i*»s4* «»f their Own inodioino. and after a few fleMI-roasted 1 mh 1 h*s had Ih*vii found in tin* ruins tin* lire department could haxe a rest for soldo, time." All effort-*-' to catjh the alleged fire-bugs have proved unavailing, notwithstanding tin* faet, however, that large n*wan Is luixe been offered by th** Board of Fire Tnderwriters and by * private citizens. ^m$|wag[)n. speeding down the ro^d. 1 1Tith Frobabfy an effectual remedy would I** 4aifrfiil nursing and an extra fee4 e *ery f**r the own«*r of ea*h ham to k«^ep a pack (Jajjlit iH thought the animals will became of train***! d**gs about them at night. 4 ^jtcii **»atetl t»efore tij** opening] of Eifie blister. t Announce*! tor tlie opening of the sea- | son at Music Halt dext Thursday evening i is th** appearance of Effi** Eilsler and her * New York company in “Woman Against Woman," a play in which Miss Effie Elisler lias duplicat**d the Wonderful su<***ess she attained when slip delighted nearly every th«*atre g*x*r in tin* land as “Hazel Kirke.** fr«^qiu*ni ly s«'en seated in Rotilston’s si ;ele- the ciri, uit. The hoi-ses have a record— .! ii|>atir g. ; Mr- T lolila.. Puff is constructing! a n jvi r i;lfl wh ich he intends to use for tls ling •sea. On' the running geair I'agon'he is building an arrangenent l-shajied in appearance and I wi .ter. sHt on] the bottom, so that when ! hej •*j$H at {a str*»ani of water, the ls>at C* 'ill - . 1 . , Edi** Ellsler s naun* has always i>een l)** ^easily adjusted and floated on the indentifled with all tiiat is pun*, ami lofti- of trie w'ater. est in th** artisti** World, as th** Chicago IbniUl in a recent criticism said of her : “One finds pleiiMini in praising so consci- entious an artiste. She j»ossosBes charms peculiarly her own, H**r pathos ap[H*als irr*»sistibly t*» th«* hardest breast, and her comedy is of the kind tiiat makes the heart laugh. She is of th«* pure type of womanly woman which should furnish on tertninmeiit for oijjr mothers, our wives, our !-ist«*i*- ami «*ur sweethearts. Would tie* stug«* ha*l more.lik** Miss Elisler." sur- It is to be used for a ijody for doMrie purpose—that of a wagort 4n&jals*ji a l»oat. He has not applied 4 BabH^t on his own novel creation. Wlftn completed he will name it “Mos- liajfekorik.” ] 3J, 1 WESTFIELD. jie grounds in front of the M i ll [have been greatly improve; >v irip; tlie mint fence and shruut ^nj0i[ig tin- lawn and the laying of |]u(jyTTieiit to til" street o Race for Medals. ! 2 :T> o'clock yesterday afternoon A s. :i*-s of four lji« \cir race* for hand- l|utt’lc>i'ited In the rear of the d\yel some gold 11« (•Iii*-ji| will be held this af-, "" Broad street, occupied by t**rm*on *»ntli«* Bohlevanl. lietwoen Wa- V‘S BaJ^ton. was dis**ov*»r**<i to lie On xcrly ami Kli/aln'tli. uml«*r tii nf tin* Il*l«*iian tVcling Club, l'oint. Tin* races will Im* course *»nc mil** in Length, ami *»f th*,* I***st txvo heats **ut of three xxill Ih* presented by Capt. .George W. Yates, tlu* President of the organization, with a gold medal. For the. wheelman who make- the Ih*—t till!** oxer the eoill'se P. S. Tillli- son, th** eaptain of the **lub. lias offer***I aunt her medal, Thi- prize is. however, open to coiu)H‘tiUop on tlie la of piii'h month. l'h«* races ur** ojmmi to I'luh mcmU*rs *mly, the first heat l»eing seh«**lul«**l t.*» Ih* '-tart***l at M :3J) *»'**hH*k. I direction of Berg«*n v .ir‘ ini ox**r a tin* xxinner r| N wJ his h liay-uioxv. The tire departr lent a|'tl;.- r**spoml«*d to th** alarm and i»d in extinguishing the fire aft*jr jiadj 1 h“4*ii burned off. Mr. I^a -, , carriage and hameUi t !“i!* Hr, T iOff^thcr with the hajy w* ° l 1 ? 1 - s ib*^*‘d fy-oin th** barn. The building l|n^e‘l tj» Mr. Wm. H. M<x»n% which t ju sue-* th«* •ton i^ and ion- ami r«»- be- wan Tnsiurcd ; loss it Is supposed •ami caught fire from the sj>arksj < f a a<!- thet Little Giant got first xvdt<*r, hf “T '••‘J iii-'iJini, Akin ,jsfc»d oil one ton of hay. a hay cutte^- ifitpoOhc harness; the rest weiY> t Saturday l^'ifch Map which was burning in ah jaiqjng yani iu close proximity ti I d! SI If... T it* I.. HrL jne Co., No. 1, file <;o.. third. second and Em knows how to pronounce it. Jdjr. John Cook is running his sione cracker on full time, and; has more orders St pres-' at than he can supply. \ TJie n •«• arch bridge on “Midwaj Mifiy 'completed, under the lmme* iate ijupervit ion of William Johnson, the con- i-iwtor. i Aj tro ting horse belonging to Harry i,n»!ey, »scaped from the pasture C#|erdi,y. Harry, Look out for ' d i laster. omas Whitenaek lost one of his t his week, by death, which greatly ’erfs with his success as a competent reliable teamster Press is now delivered regulady tp euT resi lents'since carrier Boulston charge of the route, New Scribe rs are being added to the list daily, ii valuable hunting dog beiongin; { to (Prince Brown was shot by some knis- nt on Thursday night. The dog (ie hound breed and was highly, pi ized i iik’ner. 1 Totten of New Providence one veek, hooked on to a mobster ar* can E. by •ire ,

fP|oun1y lioanl, on the ground MoinLi · b I ' ESTABLISHED May 10, 18)87. PLAINFIELD , N. J. URDAY, AUGIST-27, 1S87; PRICE, TWO CENTS THE DAILY ft A> ETKStSO OITKnt or PRESS. I Tm

Jul 26, 2020



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Page 1: fP|oun1y lioanl, on the ground MoinLi · b I ' ESTABLISHED May 10, 18)87. PLAINFIELD , N. J. URDAY, AUGIST-27, 1S87; PRICE, TWO CENTS THE DAILY ft A> ETKStSO OITKnt or PRESS. I Tm

b I


ESTABLISHED May 10, 18)87. PLAINFIELD, N. J., U R D A Y , A U G I S T - 2 7 , 1S87; PRICE, TWO CENTS




n> ra mrn> t n n D*T—1SD HOUOATH—AT FoCBEUIOOS: BtXT TKBOrttH

AT *6.M) A I t v l , OB gB-AT 10 CtXTi A f l S L

gamut OOPIBJ. 2 < txis .




j—Business will be rcsiiniclat t lr Cirioncolunty Court of Special Sessions «* fcljza-h*th on the first Tuesday in Septemljer,when the panel of petit jurors for tin • lfallterm will lie drawn. ' . I

—Mr. J. Hervcy Poane has not ye I -juc-ee.-ded In ascertaining the nai j( II,eotmerofthe lost carrier pig<>on Vhjiehsought refuge from the storm in Mjr.iA.M. Griffin's, barn a few days ago.


Mr. JaniHs Smith of Klni street isfrom his triji on Long Island.

Mr. and Mrs. Harrie Cottier, of BnUn. N. Y.. »re guent* at Fon-e'>» Hot<

Mr. E. N.jErickson and family of Eistn-et will return from Block Nlaijiday. \

Proprietor Miller of the Netherw

Reunion.The surviving iuc|iil«-is of the Uth RcL».

N. J. Vols.. of thi- city, who attended t i efit-union of thf Regiment at Toms Riv«*r.yesterday, SJIV fhcy lia<l a cnjo.valie I-


T or T BP A B T T — • • •

rancipua or' S OBEA'






r l n the Court of K|ieelal Ses*iops| ut Hotel, report* everything booming alSoimervillc yesterday a young colonel £irlconvicted of stealing money was jci^iu-





mjtted to the State Industrial Scho<sh}' arrives at the age of 1M years.

• \ '

j—There'is said to be an<d<sa-lo<jin near the;depot at Dunellenli<||uor and beer is sold o[>euly. Onwro is alleged to have come fronpl»iee, drunk, ; nearly lost his I if.

W. L. AJCD i i . L .


J. A. D B M A I



1 «/newToday THE PKI HH makes iure, and hereafter each issue will


tempting to cross the railroad trai-kj afci r days ago. j

•—A serious runaway accident ik jre-po led to have taken place near the Jack-son School House, Terrill Road, aj (jayor two ago. The horse, becameenod at tfie cam. and running awaythe driver out, dislocating oneshoulders. The wagon waswrwked.

- W e at* creditably informed tha£ hewilowof the late David Squires, whjo hastw i small children, one an Infant onjv six


Rev. Mr. Burdick of New Marketpreach in thf- Congregational churchmorrow luoiiuing.

Mr. and Mrs. George Taylor of Netlhi-re | wood haw rHiinic.l from their Sumjnjan ; <iuting at Seii (int.

! Mr. and S|rs. Peter Dunn of W.-st Fstreet retunied home yesterday f:Southold. LVmg Island.

Rev. J. Bi Cleaver of this citypreach in ithe Presbyterian church.Dunellen to-morrow morning.

Mrs. W. Af-Schutt and three samis, ALouis and \Vill, of Duer street. N<Plainfleld. ah- at Asbury Park.

Dr. Vincent and W. D. Bridge, itheir iamilick will return to this city fChautauquaj on Monday, the 2!Hh ins |

The family of Mr. W. E. Lowil ofvenue haye arrived home after lnj|

finio. The i-iti/«*n~ showed their appiv-< uKion of ilic cvi-iit by <|ei-oratin)j tli«"irhouses ami |ilaces of business with bunt-inK and tla«s. Atnuit *>• of the survivorsof the Reffiment were present |the notables presemamler of th<- 1-ttlt'nited States Senator Rufusan'l Congressman Hui lianan. who maijadilresses which were loudly ehciThe Fourteenth Regiment was must^nto seivh-e at Trenton, AUK. 2»i. l*;-2.went at once to the front

were pr»*serit. Amoi}^•••nt wns the old coiji-:li, CW-ii. W. L. Truaji,

f hisilly


—The Y. M. C

Stiger'her heartfelt thanks for their

nei» to one in great need. ]--An ingenious e«>ntrlvance, (r

Sowerville this afternoon. s ' \—Old railroad i wn say that travel; wfu

never so heavy ai It has been this season.,—A band of Irii* bag-pipers were about

A. hall elub pUy lit 8 h"pe of a telephone Is being experiment-

the city"melody."

this morning

—The next Qmrterly Meeting of theSociety of Friencls in this city will lie

' Mrs. Janjes Tiffany and Miss Ji Kliker of EW-ton. Pa., are visiting at: residence ofj J. T. Case, Vine street, NtPlainfleld. j

I ed with on the Holly farm near tb») fj»ir j Then' wilj lie but one: sen ice in Tri^' grounds. The instrument is entirely iwijh- ', Reformetl church to-morrow. R«v. (KH{oui batteries and is stretched from! ^he ; J. Van Xeste of Catsklll, N. Y., willpreihehnery to a house, about_one luijej dtis- ' iu the ruomjng.tailt. It is said that the slightest sioimd > Dr. M. B.jLoiig of Park avenue hasfjis transmitted over the wire so as > fbe | tn>dueed elieetrieity into his house, idistinctly heard at the other end.'; ijhe ; has hwatedja brilliant incandescent Iexperiment is made with a view of plUcing in front of bis office door.


held in February, 1888.—An Ohio love' shot his sweetheart be-

cause she refused to kiss him. Our girlsdo not require M y such extreme modesof persuasion.

—Special Offlcej- Noel is on the alert forunlicensed peddl TH. This morningwarned another >ne of his dangers Injieddllng without a license.

—The last excu rslon of the season fromthis ctty, will ot cur on Tuesday neirt,when the Creseen t Avenue Sundayand it* friends wi

—The shipmen

th.| instrument on the market, at a fcheaper rate than that asked for th. «s

fn.Jch i« s k

of the telephone.—The case of Frank HollcnU-ck wiio j

wait) charged with unlawfully ha\iig;inhi« possession two beer boxes and a soda jwater bottle belonging to Charles Or -a^erof | North Plainfleld. was called li-f^reJuitiO Nash at two o'clock this ftjer-

The plaintiff identUied the articles


s e k j a r y

K | for a

K ( J B u r n 8 o f t h e

l>elonging to him. and the declaimed that the boxes wen' in thwhlen he moved there. The bottl

1 exeunt U» Asbury Park, j » i U - *•* M}.8t h i s h o 1 1 ^ h>" " |«t''f r;

of peftcties from Boued Hiiji wife and brother-in-lawi'thisi statement. Justice Nash r>"iBr.H.kforthej^tweekmakea tot*l j.f l u . , l p c i g | o n u n t i l M ( > n d 4

•>,li»i baskets, ami were sent as followh:, I _ r •August 1». i'U bankets: 20th. 14 ;524 ; ->3d. 230:24th . :»71: 25th. ?<Xi. Of t10»; liaskets w<-nt Ut Newark. 2»>K to Phila-delphia and the n maiii<ler to New York,

•n while angling in the


—Some flshermHackensack Rl'bridges ytwterdabodv of a man

A Fish Story.Ex-Councilman I>iv>>{and

er between.° hi Miked on


Irutting near the tiattk. si<


aver, of North l'lainlicld. <|Ui<jtlystojle away t<i a stn>am <if water neOr-en Itrook tanks y<-s|«-nl»y afttirfiofin.bent on wiuniug the l«-|t from ••>Kncktellow, who in turn came in

i of it from Freeholder Vandtir|.M4-k.The bodv was badly decomposed atid Tltey cast their lines in the runninglookjiM as rfsome*; days.Iforgue in Jersey



in the watertaken to S|x

ft.r and after several f"iil+ the <-x-M


Blajckwell's Island, is thfor a few days of the family ofDaly of Chatham street, North Plain

Rev. Dr. K. P. Ketchaiu. pastor ofFirst Pieslijyterian church, offieiatvd|the Seventjh Day Baptist Churchmorning, in the absence of the pas^R«'v. Dr. Lewis.

Mr. Oeoijge Hartfelder a formerdent in the! Borough, Viut latterly residlat Savannujh, Georgiu, has returnedthe North j»n iu*count of an atta«-k 'the chills 4'"1 fever.

Services I in the Park Avenue BarChurch tofmorrow. Preaching byliastor. R.jv. Asa R. Dilts, at ln;4.-. a.and 7 ;4-~> pi m. Moriiing t e \ t : "And t |laughed HSiu to" \

Miss Majrla Ti.iohcy and Mis- MaiBurns, of S<iuth Se»-ond street left to<for Harleiu. N. Y.. win:.-*? thev intend


gaged at ManaissasThey wen' eti-

(iap. Wai>pii|gStatioiHeights, Culpep|M-r. Bristow Station.

Kelly's Font, Brandy Station. LocustGrove, Mine Run. Wilderness. Spott-sy|-Vania, Po River. North Anna River, Ha^-OVer Court House, Cold Harlior.Monacacy,Winchester, Fisher's Hill, Cedar -Creel;.Petersburg, and wero present at LeesSurrender. An idea of their fightingqualities may be found In the fact that <>f

0 engaged at Monavacy only two offlcei»id ninety-four men respondeci t<i riill-ca I

after the battle. No regiment in tlie se •-Vice has a more honorable record. Thenext re-union is to be held at AsburVPark. Aug. 20th, 1KK8. The survivors c»fthe 14th, who went from Plainfleld to at-tend yesterday's re-union were, Sergearjt£. P. Thorn, ChriB Pope, AlonzoTownle^,

A bra m King and Thomas Clark, the latteriscrving as Oen. Truaxs' orderly duriniithe war. He was recognized at once byhis old commander, who warmly grveteHim.


i ha>past

'inal«* who was i>ap-i Central a\enue. r«--

Ruilroad Company•Fall

MM1_V found atmorning. Is

New Company Organized-Articles of incorporation were tile d i* office of the County Clerk at Elizabet

yeaterday, orgauizlag the "Culia Maiganese Company." The principal part 1Um business of said company within thiState 16 to be transacted in PlaintlciiThe objects for which the company iformed are: A general mining and d

What "The Frist" Woird, Like to Know.Who st..|e that pan of taffv 'When the fin' alarm Ix.xes will l>- lo-

cated on'thc -trect^'•Vv'ho wi.l I.e tiie: s

for Sheiifr tl.i- F«il'-. Who eat the moat era I it, at a pla-the S.-coiid Ward <jn Thursday . \enii

What farmers Wulci melon patclnot suffered from a-aiils within thewivk?

The name of the TU/..-.I in it bath tub oicently?

Why the Centralilm* not get up an excursion to theof Babylon?" ;

Whether the d**ei>mpos«'dliound Iir.Hik. Weilnesdaythat of "Winkle" Conoxer?

The names of Uii* iio.HIIUIUS who de-, light in making themselves obnoxious toresidents in the vuinity of the city Park?

I Who sold rum to the young men whoIt'carne drunk on Thursday night- and

' wrecked a i"lKi rig lielonging to Morris ;Higgins? j i !

When th<' Hoard of Fire CVmimissioners ! ;•will take the matter in hand and offer a , { .subsiantial rewaixl for the arrest and con- i 'vli-tion of the fire liu«? i 4 e l

What portion of the expense incurred In. macudumi/ing Enst Fifth street from Parka\euue to Richmoiid strtNM. was Iwirneby the projierty owners?

What has Ucouit of -the husband of aWest Front street belle, who unceremoni-ously took his leave-, along with his wife's

' money, a short time since?

Whether the controversy has ever been


I ' ~~.i:\jwii<u> Si'iciviiH. Col.. Aug.

Her just in from Mi-ekerandtipr ie|Kirts an engagement

. a-iff CendalIn posse of fifty-fivei-i, ^Mirti-d by KKI cavalry «n one side

>f KKt Ctes under Colorow onNine Indians were carried


fromfl-ld deaii. Deputy 81 eriff

andthe Sheriff's posse,

several others of hishe troops were seriously wo ind-

j Thk- fighting began Thursday nyearly-, upon the arrival of Sheriff ten-?ft forces to the support of the troupsj| see ie of the battle is at Wolf^j-(ijie miles down the White I^lver|j Meeker. The engagement was

m Indjan fashion, from behlnh allprotection that rocks, gulliesw<Kild give, and it lasted until after

ursday. Another engagementVsM eire<'ted Friday morning.



u dii-s foi-iyelopiuent business, except s<i far a

Ridden by the law s of this Slate. Totiil•amount of capital; (150,000. divided int1,500 shares at S1U0 each. The companWill begin operations with Folowing are tjie nances of the stocklKildcnf.together with their resilience and numberjiff shares held by each: Edward r!.[Woodward. Plainfleld, 4"I<1 shares ; Nelsoii

Botsford, New York City. 450 shares;l&iehard A. Caul.Iwell. N.;w York City, 3(i)

; J. Te >'ul>n. 3'«>. !

Sat Water Day.Today is known l>otli "fiir n Wide

"r.| stay until [Monday, when they will goQilouge, I). I., for a few w.-eks.


The ViPercv C. <

im| rovements aremade in the. publNorth Plalnflflil.

i- roadway at the Notifh,through the efforts

fare to secure ni,<rusher at that point, is doing a long- i &* Brakely, <.f Dunellen, dress<»diM?e<le«l seniee by making the roadway i wound. {The paUen^wipt recover, j

iciNinunodating for the.•' I I

wider and niorttravelling public.

—The Reform <lub will«Mstlug me4ktingBe*.

hold anto-morrow night,

offormerly a Chap ain in the Army, awhose war n t u nwill take charge

is un inten-stingof the devotional e*£r-

ises and deliver on address. The Rigentleiuuri is wellers. who will beMr. William H.spoken at Keforn Hallsions, is unnounci'd to s|H-uk.

—A drive overknown as Johnstmountains, that the 'tile cillltriMrtors !Only the Westeni t s -tliCpCsL JKlillts.-tthe

I lion•-Imp

u^hfare in

The decoiupi

toria kennels, ofhi of thiseitv is the


jfl s<*olored folks day at Florida (Iroic, anl ir several hour-tbi» niorning tlmre wai st*-iidy outjMiuring of colored ciiiubri.ilul dusky dum.-^'lt' from, all x>

lgtosjilt water. Every coiicciv^l.le IIIIMI• r trnus|iortatiou. fjroin the l>o;ird,wap.i> the carry-iill. w is brought into us*!;•! it is said that Ii buggy with a singli'l'ing eoMtai.K'd a whole family of foui'i':i an I a dog. Tlie event of the da-ill lie a clam bake, and liow the festh

es will disappear when Ssomo of tlp»» o u u n i \*~i r ^ r » ' • • » ! . i ' " i i 7 m » " * . x - J » O 1 . - - m i n i . . _ , i£t% <M* • l . , .

. . . . . . ; 11 1 1 , 1 , r nH'cntlv .m-urponite*! thi) entin'Scarsdile35'rgei i t l . ' iuei i of le isure from t in - citv las s u c c e e d e d in landing a filial I ifass. -. i l a . h [ , " . L •» 1 . •• u . . L*&?& , ••• 1 .*

• . i . . , . . J . •'. J , , . - keiini'l of hiastiffs. Incliidini; Hilderbiitt..vt:ti<-n toiiLjin-s uroinid theni. IeNMihonhe afterward threw luie| t<i rii^n. The . ' , , , ,., .'- : , , ,- 1, 1 I . a , «t 1 Reguia. Regina second. IMI\\ Horellv".; I'.uiiiuiinicatioiis botween hen- aiid tl.a! <>x.iet spot was marked,:und the two Ifrh- ? . , , '-, "•' _* ... .. I , 7 . and other :liot«'d "logs. a- ptliovc are cut off, cousequeiitlv !»T aih ennen will n-turn next»c«i.-i.n. ! ! • " • -. , , , , .' , . ' , - ;.> the piiof! El-Councilman Love, it: is sai<l, was isc-

Mr. Jaspei1 Wils.1 1, who. in blnsUngi t ie j verely injured while wjalking alo;iK thercK-ky sides of th? mountainous thorough- »»nk on his return h.lmf A bass juinp.-d

aerial for his stotie ! out of the water and bit! him on IM, (eg.he

('apt. Hand t.nik a stage loudBoy ii toll Beach on Thursday, and aimthe party jwits LaVere, the i'l<iwii, vwas perched on top of the stage and


tounded tbe natives along the.road by ij queer antics and <puaiut sayings,

, . Mr. Wmj. D. Murray. President.of tgA New Grand Army Port. j Association will lead the young mei

.i -, Arrangements an> making for tbje !«»r- meeting f t the Y. M. C. A. Room'sTIT i « a I l l z J l U o n - o r a " < w (iraf"1 Ar'"-V f'f* l n I Monday evening next. Topic: "Watcl

n P ; this city, and a meeting for the puj-pjme | M a r k 1;, ..^ Memliers are eamestlyon Thursday Evening. Mf. | N . |

known to old I'lainfieiflad to listen toimpwin. who has

on former oc

id IRiinyon was chosen as chairman an<) I>r.i Titsworth was secretary. Several jcOm-

mittees were ap|Miinte<l and after trans-acting some important lousiness the juect-

i ing adjourne<l, subjei't tji a call lijl thej chair. The new post will start out [Mfitha to

. andj»l of twenty-six (jharter menibfrs,ipplicatiou for a charter has alfefcdy

the macadamizes! n>itl111 Drive, 01of North

top of ttriaiiificli

• •rk was well done J'numlierof years ailend of the "Drivc,'^commencing at Somi^

shows, my serious damage frillf the past Summer.hrtavy rains p

amount of money judiciti)usly S|Htvou|,l put Hint jiortlon of this cleg;

decent and pa«isal|

.ed remain- of uwere found in II • lip at the Centra!loud coal piers it Eli/-al»thp..rt y«-st^ -• lay iifternooii. ami is believed to IImJIy.of eli-vcn-vi-ar-old Minnie Lowth«j(rwho-,1! disap|H'urJiiit-e in NOM-IIIIHT U|H• aiis<-il siic.l-"••in g«.iiigl'lnlip Duckernini


Garden PartyExtensive timing.

at Metherwood.g'for

a grand garden party to; l»- held Htj the

thei l l l d

f.ith-Ki "f

inatt<rille to


residence of Mr. Jume- iViithony iit ^erwixkl on the aftcruooij and evenin

._ Tliurwlay, Si-ptemU-r Tin. The ladiiNetherwiMMl who ha\icharge will leave uotliinrunt the success of tlni-eipts will lie d<-\otfund of the Netherw KiiiVhaiiel. An <jn|in'brass bund will fuiiii-h i excellent niiihi''.

ujiidcrt.iking. ] 'flicI to the


iAnthony'^|x-ned f<>(

• - j - •Opened.

nsaliou. Sue wasdint-tion of the rivijij.

, a mute, was arrestiilof iiliductiiig her. He w|>

ij-l.-a.-tcd uiidei \>ail. Nothing but thtrunk of the IMMIJ art<l one limb M'liiaili-\ fragment of af dress and a gaiteridcntilicd by Mini ie's friends.

and during that daytensive kennels willspectiou.

BidsBids for the cnstnict ion

bridge near William S|«-nce.'iu Washington Valli-v. anden*ction of a stone culviirt iitHolmes' hill, were opened atHotel yesterday ufteriKKui. The ,-onfor the new bridge WHS awarded to ]Colthar, for *l4ri. and Itavid D. Sinre«-eived the contract ifor building.-tone culvert for j>T4.'i)i

of u„ refi<ls,! f.,tj ithe fo«tit IVinl



M l -

i 'bring son*; y o u n g men with t h e m .

Rev. Ri S. H..Iiiies. Regis trar <.f IC. L. S. C|, w h o h a s U ' c n suiiiimMing whis family ut Chautainpia left there tweek andj Is now enjoying a short vailtion in the Adirondack^,, after whichwill join ! his wife at Williamsj>ort, Iand rcturii to th i s city about tlie midof Scptenlber.

It w a s Miss Ella, not Miss .leiinic KiiCU)that reti<rnetl home from a t w o weelsj|?out ing utiltiM-ky Hill and other | ioints |&interest in Somerset County tjhis w c | | iMi-s Jeiiliie an.f her brother "Ran" w illstart on Monuay n io in ing f.n a SuiiiinOrvacation jit Ocean ( irove . -1<.|.|.i111_' at I ll<*Rllsscl l H.ill — . ?!

The fiiijeriil of the late Mrs. Wj iun l ;widow'••rj.lolni I.. Winan- . • !•-• -.-;l—.i. 1.«fcfcplace f|ol(l the 1. - id. Hi ,. ,,f 1,,.| -,,,n-i

law, Mr. -i. II Marti i i .on -hi. k~.m ;i\.-nuNorth Pli i inli i ld. yes terday iiifteiiiiK.iRev. .1. Bj ViniMcter officiated, and at tljic lose of jtbe service the |.'lllilill~ » ctaken to Mount Horel. f,,r jnterioeut.

Mr. Th.jma- K.||..r. Forcuaii or NoKng. Co.. iretiirned frmu Iu- two weekvisit at MJ'stic Island, where ne has IK-Ipructicing.jday and ni^ht at -hoii.ting . l abats , wi th- the ) i . ' |«s that lie m i y . in tli'future. doWll tlie "x-UttLT gUll.' While hi

h a s Ix-en engaged in his sly woi*,k. a in:Smith guiiiluis- IM-I-U made which makesmuch iM'llier pattern thmi tl -cutt<gun." L'^ig oud.

"toimport in detail the day's pnlieedings. J . i§ - ! • » • • • |^'Meeting of the City Rep. Ei. Com.

. M The City Republican Executive Ionliiittee held a iini-tilig in the Republieu\ issiH-iation r<Hini«- on East Front stre<'(,^Thursday evening. Present—Messrs. ^.

. Dunham. N. Riinyon, W. R. C«idint*-m, J. B. Coward, GIMI. M. Stiles, ('. Mj.

i^ro<ldanl and one cither gentleman. Mi 1. M. <i<xldard acted as Chairman of thjJjici'ting. and Mr. -I. B. Cowuril wa.Jtlioseii Secretary. The following ofllcei

•<-re elected : l'ri'rtident, C'.'M. (ioiiduniice-President, (leorge M. Stiles; Secr<

Jury. Joseph li. Coward; Treasurer. Oi-ille T. Waring. The meeting adjournc 1iibject to a 1'nll by the Chairman.

Somerset County Freeho ders.• A . o n i m i t t c f of t h r e e from the S u m . I

;J#' Cojinty B o a r d of Chosen F r e e h o l d e r|Si''t a s i m i l a r c o m m i t t e e from t h e I' l i ioP |oun1y l i o a n l , on t h e g r o u n d MoinLi

f id aMiirde.l t o .Joaconi ( i : T o d d the cmact for l iu i ld ing a IM-W pla t form briilg)

3JJ! f e i - r s p a i i . If. feet b<-t w e e n t lie ; u all-•jjScar ( l in-rrier's H o t e l . The c o n s i d e r . i t i og j i i - sj:l7.:..i. T h e w h o l e Hnnnl fr..iHjjiniersi't ('••iinty met the Mo-ccr Count

rd at Sto i i t sbui -g on U' . 'dne-di iv . an I

UsIllUltioll with r<'f>'l'elice Ililie br idge at t hat pla.-.

• •Open t ir Concert.

- Z o u a \ e Hand ol Eli/.al ..-t ii. litiii^'.-d by the Miller Bros-., pi.of L a i n g > Hotel , to giM-^ilgriin Iconcei t in front of thai hotel, oic i i ing . Si'pt. Jd. T h i s I .;l in I i

{$}. i.m-iluil accoiiipiitnied Drake s / i l u a v etiieir trip to Califiirnia s i ' ieral nionth

Tlie entr ies for tin- U-iidi sh«)w a' coming State Fair lire coming in; ver•oiiragingly. Mr. V. C. «»lil,of this cit;

m e —i-tit in twe i | t y - s i \ entr ies yes terday

settled over the ball game between"Josh " Allen's club, the "Centrals,"the •Twilighters,"<>f Sc<itch Plains?

What has become of Yincennece Paler-mo., who deserted his family after cruellytieating Erably Stewart and his wife, theold coujilc living in Stiger's Alley a fewweeks ago?

Who it was that accidentally steppedinto and crushed the silk hat In a Northavenue apartment house a few evening'ssince, and which of the young ladies wasthe most frightened at the time?

When that sidewalk on the south sideof Seventh street near Plainfleld avenue

' will be repaired and the board walk onCentral avenue between Seventh andEighth streets torn away?

When these questions are answeredT H E PHEHS will give its readers some val-uable information

- • - - |Concerning Incendiarism. j

Tlu: Bound Brook I'hruuuU, in its issue jtoday, says: " i

"The Plainfleld /Vr** expresses the |opinion that acts of incendiarism in that,city will soon reach a climax. Hasn't the Icimiax already l>*cn reached? In any |other town than PlBinfleld when- three or Ifour tin's: a week destroy thousands ofdollars' worth of pro|H'rty the good citi-zens would privntrly form a vigilancecommittee and pint".- the entire city underclose siiivi'illiince for a few nights. Thelire-bugs could sooii U- caught and trente.Ito a dose of their itwn medicine, and aftera few fresli-roaste<t bodies had IH-CII foundin the ruins the tire department couldhaw a rest- for sonic, time. "

All'efforts to cut<ih the alleged tire-bugshave proved unavailing, notwithstandingthe fact, however, that large rewardsluiw been offered by the Board of FireInderwriters and by * private citizens.Probably un effeetiial remedy would be '•for the owner of each barn U> keep a pack iof trained dogs about them at night.

; Eifie Ellsler.* Announced for the opening of the sea-son at Music Hall next Thursdayis the appeanmNew Y.vj-k company in "Woman AgainstWoman, "aplay in which MissEflie Ellslerhas duplicated the wonderful success sheattained when she ilclightcd nearly everytheatre goer iti the laud as "Hazel Kirke."Eflle Ellsler s name has always beeniudentitied with all that is pure, and lofti-est in the artistic World, as the ChicagoHi rali I in « recent criticism said of her:••One finds pleasiirt! in pruising so consci-entious an artiste. She pos.-csses charmsjieculiarly her im'ii. Her pathos appealsirresistibly to the hardest breast, and hercomedy is of the kind that makes theheart lau^h. Sin.» ifr of the pure type ofwomanly woman which should furnish entertainment for oijr mothers, our wives,our sister- mid our :sweet hearts. Wouldthe -tai;.' had molivlike Miss F.IUIer."

e n i



hat Our Neighbor* are Doing

•or«p Stelges is improving histhe .addition of another s *>ry

|b>ber t Jahn Is doing a line buslnef s Intins; nith's line, receiving the pat ron-

1 ( eserves.

n»me of Prince Brown's deco mmdwas "Tah-hoo." Onlyow to "pronounce it.>hn Cook is running his stoneun full time, and: has more or lera

4t jgres.'4it than he can, supply.w arch bridge on "Midwajompleted, under the Immet late

I of William Johnson, the

ting horse belonging to H irryscaped from the pasture leld

theHarry, look out forihoster.

era is Whitenack lost one of his >eett his week, by death, which git atly

'er » with his success as a compt tentanil reliable teamster* "PHK PKBBS is now dell vered regulaj ly tf><Ju reelUents-slnce carrier Boulston hasas|pme4 charge of the route, New Bub-*c*>er8 are being added to the list d lily

val lable hunting dog belongin [ toc Prii ice Brown was shot by some mls-nt c n Thursday night. The dog

ho h lund breed and was highly, p: izedi owner.

Javid Totten of New Providence|a| th it; week, hooked on to amoltrter

jk bt sts In the Possalc Rivor, nearri<)e ice. w hie h defied his skill to 1 ind.[tacl Ie was destroyed and David I iad«

itnwood Stone Crushing Compi George Kyte is tlie Presi< ent,up for the first time yestei lay,

fit is expecti'd that the works wiIpcrujtion ).y Monday. The facilitiisof

will enable the Compan toCJhas,

ir. Dtiniel Allen has recently 1be<own^rof a valuable I ?t team of Itro'

nit fifteen tons un hour. Mr.inev is the efficient Suiierintenden

- i •

bee ime>t t e n

•h h • purchased for about $30. B e isi ly s«>en seated in Roulston's si ele*-

|wag.)n. speeding down the road. 1 Vltb(ful nursing and an extra fee4 e 'eryit in thought the animals will bee >mech poat«Ml tief<ire the opening] ofL'inluit. The horses have a

lull next Thursday evening i ; ljlr- TJioUlas Paff Is constructing a n »velice of Eflie Ellsler and her »<|r^t whjk-h he intends to use forj fte ting

utjWisef*. On' the running geairagonize is building an arrangemento<i-sh«(iied in appearance and W: ter-ig |t on; the bottom, so that when i heiv'ip* at |a stream of water, the

adjusted and floated on tjiedi of the water. It is to be used f ir

purpose—that of a wagon I odylalsoj a lioat. He has not appliediit<tr(t on his own novel

completed he will nametkorik."


qrounds in front of the M. E.tli g ih I have been greatly Improve* by?

ivini; the front fence and shrubl oryjgithe lawn and the layingof

ijnicit to th" street

A s.-:-isollic gold

o Race fors o f f o u r Iji. \ , -

Medals.i rac-i-s fur hand-

iie^ will lie held t h i s af-ternoon on t h e B o u l e v a r d , b e t w e e n Wa- ,\ c r l y and Elizal ictj i . u n d e r t h e d irec t ionof t h e Ild.-rian Cyc l ing Club. ..f |<<-rgeiiPo int . T h e races ' will lie run o x e r ac o u r s e o n e mi le in Lj-ngtli. and the w i n n e rof t h e U s t t w o h e a t s out of t h r e e w i l l lie

p i - i ' s e i i t c i l b v ( ' a p t . ' ( i - . • W . V a t i - s , t h e

President of the organization, with a goldmedal. For the. wheelman who makesthe IM-SI t ime oxer the course I'. S. Tlllli-soll, the captain of the d u b . lias offered

another medal. This prize is. however,open to competition on the last Saturdayof i-ai'li month. The races are open todub niemliers only; the first heat lieingscheduled to !»• slahed at :» ;Wi o'cliN-k.

'clock yesterday uflernoojnd Iii the n iir of the d\ve

ju Broad s»tnM't, o«-cupic<l byrton. was discovered t<i lie Onflroilay-mow. The tire departr ient[

n-sponiled t<i the alarm and MILSI extinguishing the tire aft>|rj th»*

•ecu burned off., carriage and harndsi

larnj. which together with the hajywifs fully insured. His loss

Id of! one ton of hay. a•of I he harness; the

I f -om the barn. TI U. Mr. Wm. H. Moon', which

Insiired ; loss $:tO0. i l is suptx «H1,. « h > J . . . . , . . . L . i i t _ . m ii I . . . ! . * _ . ht|ii>i|iari^ caught lire from the sparks;

which wus burning in anaid in close proximity t<i

iflu' Little Giant gut first Wi

a hay cutterrest worn

The buildingh

'<>., N o . 1,'<<:, third.

second and Etn




forcreation,it " los-

t h i j






Established May io, 1887.

The B b u

acDnsa Bn«DA

or Tmi rmu ALIWt in 1* BRPD> (tin IMI-

» A5D Holidays—at Form O’CLOCK is the ; rraxoox: a ext thboiou

AT THE POST omce LfTULED BY CAUjtX AT smeLE conn, l ( kxtx.



j—Business* m ill Is* resumed at t!i*- I 'i|un county Court (>f Special Sessions at El(za- M**1 on the first Tuesday in September, wljien the panel of petit jurors for tlx■ tall tetni mill be drawn. 1

I •—Mr. 3. Heaver Doane has not ye I ,(1C- I eeixJed in ascertaining the name of the

4 i Owner of the lost carrier pip>on which Locally, to the Ixtebbetb or MXight refuge from the storm in >^r A.

CITY or mistriKLD, its scbi bbs abi> I M.' (iriffln’s l*m a few days ago. rowx»; aso. Politically, i . ,

ID THE ADTAXCEn|cXT or THE PRINCIPLES or PIn *■ ( OUrt <sf S|>ecial Sessiops; at Pabty—“'xe obeatbit ^ojmerville yesterday a young colored girl

| i rollvicted of stealing money was < om- TH1 DEHOCBATIC GOOD TO THE Sb4tDIT Xl'XBE


t. A.

A New

the city “melody.”


I « Mr

i \


Mr. Jamqs Smith of Kim •*tr»**kT i- iHji-lfc; from hid tri|* on Long Island.

Mr. anti Mrs. Harrit* <’oUi«*r. «*f Br«f l\n. X. V.. nr*1 at F«»nt*^ Hotel

Mr. E. N.jErifkson and family of Eigjl street will h'tum from BI<M-k day. S

Proprietor Miller of the Nctherx*! Hotel, report* everything booming ad the hotel.

Rev. Mr. Btirtliek of New Market

public Oomcouf. 4O0OMP A NI CD BY tHF. NAME OP THE

nutted to the State Industrial Sehooj until preach in th}* Congregational church S hi .inTiD os all MATTKBftor sjjj. arrives at the agi* of 1H years. morrow moifning. > M*T PUBLISH EI> OBLY WHEN \ ' ! j ‘

writes. !—Thereto said to Is* an unlicensed |sa- Mr. and Mrs. (reorge Taylor of NetHp i« Ebdorbibo the Tbith 1 loon near the depot at Dunellen mhi»re | wood have returned front their SunttiP

ahd Hobebt Intent or the Oommcbicatiow. liquor and l>eer is oold openly. One] nian outing at Sek Girt. *" to ** ’• * * MADE KBOWB OB

this orncE. Notices or Chtbth . who APPLICA j I

« place. all**g**d to have eomc fron§ the

drunk, nearly lost his life |iTat- Faibs. Sociables. ' Lie- J tempting to cross the railroad truykT

Mr. and Mrs. Peter Dunn of West F street returned home yt*sterday f Southold. Long Island.

mm, CABBuor T^abes. Lqdqe RESoLmora. j fey days ago. j j | R#.v j R! cleaver of this eit I I | *—A serious runaway accident i ire- preach in jthc Presbyterian elm r ; ported to have taken place near the Jack- Dumdlen tomorrow morning.

iH1 School House, Terrill Road, a| day Mrs. W. Ai-Sehutt and three «>u* — -4-~ I or|tw° The horse la-came fright- aIld ^iU, of I)uer street. Maxaoixo Emma, j «*»H •* th<* *nd running away threw | iMnillfl,.K,, a(v ut As,,urv Park. 1 the driver out, dislocating one , of his . i ... if.. I)r. \ incept and \\. D. Bridgi

their iamiliefe. will return to this city




i Today The Pkihk makes *f new depart-

ure, and hereafter each issue will be printed on pure whitepaper. This change Is actuated at the urgent solicitation of many of our read »rs, who claim that their eyesight is impaited by reading the print on tinted paper ai night.

wag< »u one

was (•adly •ulders. The wr eeked.

—We are credital widow of the late David S<r — two small children, one an infant on|y sis nxfnths old. is in very destitute circum- stances, and for the past few days has i sutwdsted on dry bread alone. Thl>s<j Who , are charitably disposed can leave articles J at iher residence, Stiger's Alley, ajifl Jie- eeive her heartfelt thanks f»tr t heir A iml- ness to one in great nee.1.

- An ingenious contrivance. In the A. 1*11 club play kt rth*lH‘ of a telephone is Is'ing ex[s-ri?ictit-

ed with on the Holly farm near th*i fpir

r IS1 S ; uner tne oatue. .v Chautauqua! oil Monday, the 2!Kh ins® ! „ „ . ..

ly informed that the ! „ F vice has a more ho •avid S.,uiivs. will has 1 h‘‘ fa,,,ll>' of Mr " E L,,w'' "f Uf J :««*t re-union Is to


N. J. \olrt.. of thi- pity, who artA*iid^<l t^<* t*t-union of tin* Rogimont at Toms Riv«*r. yestonlay. *n\ ft|i*y lia«l a im»st fVijoyalAc tinio. Th** sh^»w»**l th« ir appre- ciation «tin* ovpnl l»y flot oratiiig tiuer Jkhisos and pla«*t*H of bu-ino^s with bind- ing and flags. .VlnHit :t«»n of the‘siitvix of-s of th«* Rogimont wore pr**s**nt. Amorig the notables pr»*M*nt was tin* old coiji- mandcr of th«» 14lli, Gen. W. L. Truak. t’nited Stat«*s Senator Rufus Rl<xlg«*tt,

a? and ('on^nssinaii Burhanan. who ma<|*‘ -j ad«lr*‘HH#*s which were loudly cheqrof.

The Fourt«s*nth Regiment was mustonjtl into set vice at Tivnton, Aug. 2<>, 18t'2.aiid

% .went at once to the front. They wen* eli- | gageil at Manassas Gap, Wnppinjg

Heights, Cul[M*pjM*r. Bi ist«»w Station. Kelly's Ford. Rrandy St^ition. Lot* u it

■ft MGrove, Mine Run, Wilderness, SpotLs^- |f! vania, Po River, North Anna River, Han-

over Court House, Colt! Hari>or. Moila<*a<*r. Winchester, Fisher’s Hill, Cedar Cn*ei. Petersburg, and were pres«*nt at Le»*|s

NtiltlT Surrender. An idea of their fightii^: f_ <)ualiti«*s may be found in the fact that <>f

1>5U engaged at Monae-aey only two office is ~ .. jijhI ninety-four men responded to n»lJ-<*all

<SIIS :uft4»r the liattle. No regiment in the sc|-- norable record. Tl^‘

t»e held at Asbury aft**r iPf^Pfirk. Amr 2flth. 1KS8. The hiirvivons i f

Ikixck will t,H* lo-

What "The Friss” Wou Like to Know. W ho sto|»* that pan of taffy? When tf••• tin* alum

cated oi/thc -tn et> t ^V’ho wid be tin*. >uc

for She!iff tl.i- Fttj? ho rat the moit eraN at a plaei

tin- Sorond Ward dn Thurs<lay ev«*ning? What farmer s Watermelon ’patch ha>

raids Hithin tin* past


rs—lul i-aiiilidate


IH vrilW:


—The Y. M. C Soirerville this afternoon

—Old railroad i nen say that travel was never so heavy ai it has been this season

.—A band of Irii.h bag-pipers were about morning discoursing

There Bill !»■ but one serv ice in Trii I grounds. The instrument is entirely with- ] Reformed church t.snjorrow. Rev. ( ou| batU*Hes and is stretched fried the J. Van Nestb of Catskill, N. Y hebnery to a house. about_one mild ills- iu the morning, taiit. It is said that the slightest sieaiil i

l avenue have arrive. 1 home after j*'V| 1‘ark, Aug. 20th, IKWs. absence of sjeveral weeks from the citijg | jthe 14th, who went from Plainfield tt

Miss Mary L. Runyon, the elocuti.ndt*1 itenii yesterday's re-union B-ere. Sergeai t was in townjtoday. visiting her parents*. P. Thorn, Chris P.q>c, AlonzoTownley, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Runyon of 1^1^ iAbram King and Thomas Clark, the lattur avenue. ! i. ^ s»*rving as Gen. Truaxs' orderly during

Sirs. Janies Tiffany and Sliss J^itfe the war He was recognized at once Slikerof Eiiton. Pa., are visiting at jj|„| his old commander, who warmly residence of; J. T. Case, Vine street, Xiiftlt j l'l'» I lainili Id. 5* comDany Organized

Articles of incorporation were filed ij 'ffthy office of the County Clerk ut Elizabctji

the “Cuba Maij-

Dr. M. B.iLongof Park avenue ha is transmitted over the wire so as t<> |be | treduced electricity into his liouse. distinctly heard at the other eud. ) The has located |a brilliant incandescent

—The next Qujarterly Meeting of the | experiment is made with a view of pljn ing iD front of bis office door. will Is* i th>* instrument on the market, at a imich

Cheaper iwU* than that for th.j ^vftiarj* at BlalckweH’s Island, is of the telephone. J .V . - . i

-j—The case of Frank Hollenlss-k ■ who

Society of Friencs in this city held in February, 1888.

—An Ohio love ■ shot his sweetheart be- cause she refused to kiss him. Our girls do not require any such extreme modes of persuasion.

—Special Officer Noel is on the alert for unlicensed peddl *rs. This morning bo warned another me of his danger in ]s*ddling without a license,

—The last excu rsion of the season from this city, will occur on Tuesday next, B-hen the Crescent Avenue Sunday School and its friends wi II excuH to Asbury Park.

Superintendent Bums of the penit the gu^

for a few days of the family of Pati Daly of Chat hum street, North Plaint

Rev. Dr. |K. P. Ketchaiu, pastor of was charged with unlawfully having in his |Kissession two beer Is.xes and a f*dda! Firel p.'esbfterlan chprch, ‘ officiated l^PWing are water botUe belonging to Charles CHjader ^ ^n%h D>v BapUst Church together wi of i North Plainfield, was called D-for.- . . j , . . .. jsLds:i ' j “ , 1 morning, iff tlie atisence of the pasuor^ in- justice Nash at two d'< lock this >ft* r- R)-v D i>B-is. H ^Toodward. Plainfleld. 430 shares; Kelaob no|w. The plaintiff identified the articles

nil the defesd*"* 1 "r as belonging to him. claimed that the boxes Bere in tic rnt

whjen he moved there. The said, Bas left at his house hv

bottl ■ a [Si

3 , Hi* wife and brother-in-law corrols.rat« ' -The shipment)* of peai-Hes from Bound hiJ stat,.mwit. jurtl<4 Nash re

lii- decision until Monthly. 1 Brook for the |>a.*t wts*k make a ttital i.f 2,li*i baskets, anil wen* sent as follow^: August 19, 4.’f4 bankets; 20th. 14; 22ud, 524 ; 23d. 1230; 24th. 371; 25th. 533. Of theis.* IOC liaskets went Mi Newark. 2t*8 to Phila- delphia and the remainder to New York. K


lie ntjer.

dent in tii at Savann; the North on account the chills gild fever.

Service*jin the Park Avenue Church tufmorrow. Preaching

ENGAGEMENT WITH INDIANS 1 ' i Mill Sl-ltIMiK. Col.. Aug. ■£ i^'W-ter ju-t iii from Meeker and l lie A 'hitp ■JoVrr r'*[sirts an engagement ls*t Cecil ’ ’ iff vrndali's jmissc of fifty-five men

sirted by 100 cavalry on one side and nd if 100 Ctes under Colorow on ir. Nine Indians B’ere carried

3 field dead. Deputy Si •f. of the Sheriff's posse, ii ami several cithers of his

a riff (if, I he troops were seriously wo •idj'1 The fighting tiegan Thursday non- ing carl p, upon the arrival of Sheriff ien- ijaffs forces to the support of the troopsj

! Tiif sc*' ie of the battle is at Wolf Cieek, morning, is , thusty-fiye miles down the White l iver

tri itii Alfeker. The engagement was

l.a[e . re-

|ri<es wifKild give, and it lasted until (,fter ■ Tjhursday. Another engager lent

cted Friday morning.

the 'null eriff was men ind-



Our Neighbors are Doings

tjhd itinsjnith's line, receiving the pat ron- 'hc jpg——

will prvaHi; yesterday, organizing

tlilh l-H*

| gunes«* Coni|iany." The principal part df ithe business of said company within

A$i<£ 'State i6 to be transacted in Plaint! V The objects for which the company ir-

A general mining and dt- j^yelopment business, except so far as foi-

jt,J biililen by the laws of this State. Tots I i-kS amount of capital, $150,000. divided int.>

11,500 shares at $100 each. The coinpani' (gfarili begin opvrationa with $150,000. Fo -

tjie nances of the stockholders!, with their residence and iiumber

Hqf sliares held by each: Edward K.

attack Sa't Water Day.

SI Toilav is known Isitli ''far ami Wide IiapUf-t*.. I iv j

[Mistor. Rev. Asa R. Dills, at 1< and 7 :45 pi m. Morning text; laughed Illini to scorn."

(45 •And t( tA Fish Story.

-Coun<*ilman Love; and ex-Majr-Jial ver. of North Plainfield, quietly

i stole away to a stream of water iiejir the -Some fishermen while angling in the Grj*en Brook tanks vesierday afteriioim.

Hackensack Ri' er tietween the two bebt on winning the l~dt from eY-MuJ bridges yestenlar Jtnoked on the deinl Kijckiellow. who in turti came in pksHi-s- gll<>UK,,, ji bmly of‘a man limiting near the baido ^ °f it fr«-,» Freeh,i.ler VMikkUkd ^ kM „f whi).„ u The biMjy WHS badly deeompo8«l a.i.l Tl^-y c^t their lines .n|l.e running W-^. r p,.r,.v X,, 1>f thill ,.itv ,, (,Vvll,.r. *JLiVuiv.

as if had h*B*n in tiw* wat«*r ft»r and afU*r ?*ev«*ral foulf th** ♦•x-Mdrshal * . .[ . . A “cl , . . . 0 N. 1 ».«... . it- i r m*«ntly imH*rponit4Nl tho <»ntin*>K*arsflp«‘5|*i ^Mitl somi^ (lavs. It was tak«*n to ** su<*«**M»ded in landing » small l»ass, , ,* i ' , .... . p • Tm r . ... T I . j , | t. » : konmd of fiiasuffs, im ludin^ Hihh rbii MorKu«‘ in Jersey City. - : In* afterward threw t*a« k to ri|»en. | T*»«‘ X1 . , . , ... * J J ■ ' r Retina. Retina s«‘i*oiid. I*adv E1

!§|aseolored folks day at Fl«»rida Groie. an 1

niilw ^ !M V,*ral thN inorniiiff th«re wa~ >r~ steady outpouring of u«*I«»red ^‘^|iind du^ky daiur»*N Ur«»ni lhi-.« ity. all

to *salt water. Kvery •*• uieeivaMe tin»d. Miss Majrui Toohey and Mis* Mai^.|L,ir 1niI,A|Kirtati,.„, limn, the l~,aril,wag,*1

Bums, of (south Second street left to&vlL, ti ariy-all. wps l.nnighl into u*i . that II l*»»r?^:y with ii sinjil

^"^iprin^ 4*oBtained a whole family of four- I.. fora few week^. g ^t^en ant a «lo^. Tin* «*\ent of the dair

j jc. til for Harlerii, N. V.. where? they intend it i* ^uid

|or stay until jMonday, when they will ^“^‘^Kprin^ «

Uks-ided itnbrovementA an* lieing <*xhct spot was marked,;and the two ffidi- „t[lor (noted dogs made in the public madway at the Xotoh, erjnen will return totheiplace next season. North Plainfield, through the efforts of Exj-Councilman Love, it is said. wa(s Isi*- Mr. Jaspef Wilson, who. in blasting;4e j veWy injured while w|alkiug alopi the rocky sides <rf the mountainousthomugh- 1'“'■>< on his return home. A bass juiup-d fare to secure material for his stone out of the water and bit him on the leg. crusher at that joint, is doing a long- Dr. Brakely, of Dnnellen. dn-ssed the needed service t: y making the roadway wound. (The patient wi^I recover, wider and more xcconnnodating for the travelling public.

—Th, esting meeting ItisiiiorroB-

A New Crand Army Po*t. „ . , ... . , . , i Arrangements ure miking for tde lor-' meeting it the Y. M. C. A. Rooms Reform (j lull will hold an intfr- . f?Itllizati.m.of a hew (iralid Army Pie-t in | Momlav efening next. Topic : “Watch;*-

„ . V.-J, , l- n-F i H*****^. for ,h* P“Wr>— I Mark 13:®. Mem I i*rs an* earnestly i- Ret. Witliam <f. of .ashinglo . if" j was held on Thursday1-vening. Mj*. i N. f)U„sted t<i Is- present themselves uiiil formerlj a Cha|i ain in the Arnj. M • , Runyon was chosen as chairman ami |)r. bring somie young men with them. wbw4 war recorc is an Interesting oAe. j Titeworth was secretary. Several Wm-; „ J ‘ . . „ . . , ,ik will take charge of the devotional -Xfr- mlttBe> we„ app„lnte,l and after tjrans-' of tW eises and deliver an address. The lt4v. a(.u wm). lmportant ,iutllnesa the *; L'.S' C !' wholutslsum suu.menng w# gentlefnan is well known U, old PIainfiejd- u ^u j> „ ,.a„ ^ ^ ' h.s family at Chautauqua b ft then* tl|i ers. who will Is* glad to listen to !#». I ..d„ „.A i_H.u I week and) is now enjoying a short vaif Mr. William H. Sampson, B-ho lias nl^

a dog ii eluiu ami Imw tin* f«*>ti\ t ■i will <liH»ap|Hi*ar wii«*n !>«*m«j «»f tin uifii of l«Mhiuv“ from tlii-' city la,

»4*ir t4»iiKu»*?A an>ou<l th«*ni. IVMphoi 1 tin


Capt. Hind U»k a stage load i»vor |i®b»U5 t«4iTport in detail tin- day * l Boynton B«*ach on Tiiurwlay, ami aimi^;^''*‘<^,,*Ts- th«* party was LaV«*r»\ tin* flown, was |M*n*iii‘<i on top of tin* sta^»? and *pj

th«* natives along the,road by i|&S queer antU*s and «iuaint savings. a* 1 " gr rJissmuation r«M»mf on Last l ront stn

Mr. Wiq. D. Murray, President of life Ass^M iatiojn will leatl the youiig

ore^e'«^6mmunhati«*ns between lo re ami ii 'llCirove are cut off. eoxisequenllv wv

.'Meeting of the City Rep. Ex. Com. CMty Republican Exeeutivt* (on:

||^iitt4‘e iiehi a meeting in tin* ltepublieaii

not ssuffen*tl from w****k ?

Tin* name of the female who wji- tized in a i»atli tiilion Central a\enu« etMltlv?

^ hy tin* ('entral Railroad Company d«*»K not get up an excursion to the “Fall of Babylon?**

\\ bother the dtH*i>ni|H»«*«*d ImhIv foiin<l at B«>und Br«H»k. Wednesday that of ** Winkie ’ Com»\»*r? Kn|Bi 31ft*kt?r. The engagement was icon*

The name.- of th** hoodlums who m Indian fashion, from behIn I all , light in making themselves obnoxious toi that rocks, gullies and residents in the vii initv of the eitv Park ‘

i Who sold ruin to tin* young men who i lieeanie drunk on Thursday night; and j ^ wnrked a rig Isdonging to Morris Higgins? j 1

When the Board of Fire Commissioners 1

will take tin* matter in hand and offer a j substantial reward for the arrest and con- j 1 Su;18es is improving his rests viition nf the fire ijugf Ideate iiy the addition of another s»ry

What puition of the expense incurrt*d in 8fIDe' . macadamizing East Fifth street from Park ! i |h?bent Jahn is doing a fine buslneis in a\enu«* to Richmoii<i stiXH*t, was lx>rn« by the property owners? - deserves.

What lias I*•,■•>mi* of tin* husband of a j : ««•* "j81"'' (,f Prince Brown'n deeeiaed West Front street tiellc, who uneeremoni- i 4af*ne was “Tah-hoo. Only Pt iaeo nusly t<Kik his leave, along with his wire s money, a short time since?

Whether the controversy lias ever been" settled over the bail game between Mr. “Josh " Allen's club, the “Centrals," and the “Twiliglitors,'"«>f Scotch Plains?

What has become of Yincennece Paler- mo., who deserted his family after cruelly ticating Embly Stx*Wart and his Bife, the old couple living iri Stiger's Alley a few weeks ago?

Who it was that accidentally stepped into and crushed the silk hat in a North avenue apartment house a few evening's since, and which of the young ladies was the most frightened at the time?

When that sidewalk on the south side of Seventh street bear Plainfield avenue

j will be repaired and the board walk on Central avenue between Seventh and Eighth streets tom away?

When these questions are answered The PitEKS will give its readers some val- uable information


leld Un-


has Bub-

Concerning Incendiarism. Tlie Bound Brook t'hruuu-U-, in its issue

In s* in the Passaic River, near New today, says;

"The Plainfield /Vi s* expresses the | , opinion that acts of incendiarism in that , Profile ice, which defied his skill to land, city will soon reach a climax. Hasn't the i 0i^fctacl le was destroyed and David nado

j fi-^vea '. | T^n- I an wood Stone Crushing Company,

^ dile i George Kyte is the Presit ent, ^tiSamei up for the first time yesterlayi, ^jiujfit is expected that the works will be hi f|j«'i'Ution bv Monday. The facilitipsof fjihfiWiujks will enable the Compan;

out fifteen tons ar, hour. Mr. C lias. fliH*neV:is the efficient Superintenden j |jfr. Duniel .Allen has recently ;bedame l^ii


(owner of a valuable i?i team of tro jsh h ■ purchased for about $30. B

tjters e is

post twenty-six Jir. william n. nani|ison. who ua* , a t< < f

.-[s.keti at Heform Hall on former oetja- an(| ,ppli(.ati(>ll f( sions, is aiinouneod to s|»-ak. j been made. 1

—A drive over the liiaeiiilaliiizeil roail known as Jolinst III Drive, on top of the mountains Iwick of Ntirth Plainfield -how, that the work was well done 1 y th s iiiiuiIht of years aj|i Only the Westeri eml of the “Drive," at it, 'teejs-st jmlint eoiuiuenciiig at Som<| -■ i-i-t ,treet, show , any serious damage filial tlie heavy mills of tin* |ia,t Sumltcr -mall amoUiit of money judicl.ijtisly -.p-'il ivouid putThat portion of this elegal thoroughfare iu a decent and passaljlit ,lin|»*.

Tt,,. ilecompi ised remains of a gill were found in a slip at the Central Rail load coal pier* at Elizals-thpnrt M*,tei lay afti-rnimin. anil is believed to Is* tjh IsJlv.of eleven-year-old Minnie Low tin#!. \\Ini,i| disai>lH-uiance ill Novemlipr liw*t

nsation. Stic was las:

a mute, was arrested • ,ii-su$piek»ji of ajlsliicting her. lie w| w|i*aii*d under luiih Nothing but th

• trunk of the IhhIc and one limh ivinaili \ (ragmeht of a dress and a gaiter i)

harter me Wbi rs.

hursilay evening. Present—Messrs. P. . Dunham. N. Runyon, W. R. Coding- m, J. B. Coward, Geo. M. Stiles; C. M . sldanl and one other gentleman. Mi M. Gialdard ach'd as Chairman of th

lei'ting, and Mr. J. B. Ciiwaril was khliosen Secretary. The following officers Wen* elected : President, ( . M. Goddard

iei'-Presiilent. (ieorge M. Stiles ; Seen - ry. Joseph B. CoWard; Treasurer, Oi -

j^llle T. Waring. The meeting adjourne 1 uliject to a i-all hy the Chairman.

>r a charter has already

• au.-s il smili

Carden Party at -Netherwood. j f Extensive arrantf»*ment* an* makiii^:f**r

a hTraml pardon juirty t<» U» h*‘bl atj ilio j r**sid«nc*** of Mr. Jit mo* Anthony at f»«?tb- erwood on the afteni«Mnj ami «*venii|Ki of Thtirwlay, SeptemlN*r Ttn. Thu ladi« NetherwfMHl who ha\*j tb«* matte ehar^»» will leave nothing nmlone to rant tin* sueve** «»f tla* ismlertakin^. rm'ipts will in* devot«|i| t<i the < fiiml of th«* Netl»erw“MMl4«*ha|»»'l. An « iirasrt band will furni-ii and during that day Mr tensive kennels will In* Hpectlon.

Bids Opened. Bids for tlie eoiiMrtu tioii' of u f Ijew

bridge near William S|«rnrer's re$H|ejn*e in Washington Valley, and ali*<» {oij lie*

Somerset County I'oniinittfM* of three

*Xrell«*nt A n tin my

o|*en.Ml f,

w^ar- The

i'l2an nfire

mm-ir. »*x-

•lU’i Rus-sdl ifoii^-.

Tile of the lute MI- Wimu widow of j John I.. WillHIIs. lleceil-cd. tisflf phn-i* from lie- re-idenie nf her law, Mr. II. Mart iii. on Jaek-oti a\euu North Plainfield, yesterday njft.-niiMiijB Rev. J. Bj Van Meter offii *iat«*tl. ami at t e|i»s* of jliie servii-e the remain, werajl taken to ^1'unit HorUti f«,r iiiternieiit. ill

Mr. Tlnjnia, Keller. Foreman of No Eng. Co., ; returned from lii* two wi*ck visit at MJstie Island, where he has Im*i praetieingi'iay and ni“iii at shmiiting claj

Holmes'hill, were ope lied at Denil^r, liats, with'the hopes that lie may. in l hi Hotel yesterday afternoon. Tin* cpnjriu t future, iloivn the “si*atter gun. While h| for tlu* new bridge B-ns liwarded to j-jiac has lsa*u engaged in his s|\ wor.k. a in: Coltliar, for &145. and Ifavid D. Smalley Smith gun/iia, U*en made \iliicli makes ri*ei*ived the contnut for liuildipti kin* much l**iticr pattern than tin- “-catti

tion in tip* Ailirondaeks, aftiw whiidi Ky* will join ! his wife at Williauisipnrt, P& and n*turn to this city almut tin* miili(Jt cl of Sc[iteiijls>r. || \

It was >Iiss Ella, not Mis, Jennie Dudfi T-t Ciqinty Bourd of Ch< that returned home from a two wi*ck|f [pji'-t a similar 'coin ml tbs outing ntjRocky Hill and other |»oints Hf Himiity Board, on the interest in Somerset County tjliis B'eejp' !j^|id awarded to Joaquin G: Todd the eoif. Miss Jeiihie atiif her brother "Kan » Ui Stiet for building«i new platform bridg start oil Mommy morning for a SututiiK pt fm*rs|iiiii. Is feet between tin- Bid vaeation jit < >eean t;rove. ~to|q,iii“ at lli^ ® ar Guerrier's Hotel. The m.nsiddrati

Freeho ders. from th** Soin*-r- »k«*ii Fr*‘»*hoM»*r • from tin*, rnioli ground M*»mLi;’

Boa n t fr*u j M.*n **i C* »uut

•ti W«*dii**-d«iv. an with n*f**i **ii«** t

lilif bridg** at that pia*** ♦

Open * ir Concert. k*-’- Zoimw*' Band «»f Eli/al»**th. ha -

♦ *ii «*ngag*Ml by tin* Millrl* |»n - i**t*»r> *«f Laing'k H*»tH, t" givo-a gran

Mj'on air *,*»inM*it in front of that h*»t«*l. <• ida\ «*\**ning. Spjit. 2*1. '1'his band i o om* t hat uoo<>ili|4u;iiiod DrakoV Zquax tlioirtrip t*» ralifornia -«*x**ral iii«»nth

. *$"' 1 h«* «Mitri«kH for tiio U'lu h >h*;w a

m»* ooming Stato Fair an* failing i n x»*r ^**ouragiiigly. Mr. 1*. (’. Old,of this riP jfg'ta* —**?it in txv«*ut\--si\ontriosyosU'nlay

Hasn't th* flimax aliY*ady I*e«*n roaoh«*fi? In any | «»tln*r town than Plainfiohi whon* three or I four tin's n week flostroy thousands of *1*»llars* Worth of pr°|H*rty the good eiti- /.»*ns \v»mid prixatrly f«»rm a vigilanoo **«>mniitt«‘o and pine*' th»* ontiro **ity un*i**r * • I * >s« * surveillance fora f**w nights. Tin* tiro-bugs could s*M»ii 1h* caught and treated t** a *i*»s4* «»f their Own inodioino. and after a few fleMI-roasted 1 mh 1 h*s had Ih*vii found in tin* ruins tin* lire department could haxe a rest for soldo, time."

All effort-*-' to catjh the alleged fire-bugs have proved unavailing, notwithstanding tin* faet, however, that large n* wan Is luixe been offered by th** Board of Fire Tnderwriters and by * private citizens. ^m$|wag[)n. speeding down the ro^d. 11Tith Frobabfy an effectual remedy would I** 4aifrfiil nursing and an extra fee4 e *ery f**r the own«*r of ea*h ham to k«^ep a pack (Jajjlit iH thought the animals will became of train***! d**gs about them at night. 4 ^jtcii **»atetl t»efore tij** opening] of

Eifie blister. t Announce*! tor tlie opening of the sea- | son at Music Halt dext Thursday evening i is th** appearance of Effi** Eilsler and her * New York company in “Woman Against Woman," a play in which Miss Effie Elisler lias duplicat**d the Wonderful su<***ess she attained when slip delighted nearly every th«*atre g*x*r in tin* land as “Hazel Kirke.**

fr«^qiu*ni ly s«'en seated in Rotilston’s si ;ele-

the ciri, uit. The hoi-ses have a record—

.! ii|>atir g. ; Mr- T lolila.. Puff is constructing! a n jvi r i;lfl wh ich he intends to use for tls ling

•sea. On' the running geair I'agon'he is building an arrangenent

l-shajied in appearance and I wi .ter. sHt on] the bottom, so that when ! hej •*j$H at {a str*»ani of water, the ls>at C* 'ill - . 1 . , Edi** Ellsler s naun* has always i>een l)** ^easily adjusted and floated on the

indentifled with all tiiat is pun*, ami lofti- of trie w'ater. est in th** artisti** World, as th** Chicago IbniUl in a recent criticism said of her : “One finds pleiiMini in praising so consci- entious an artiste. She j»ossosBes charms peculiarly her own, H**r pathos ap[H*als irr*»sistibly t*» th«* hardest breast, and her comedy is of the kind tiiat makes the heart laugh. She is of th«* pure type of womanly woman which should furnish on tertninmeiit for oijjr mothers, our wives, our !-ist«*i*- ami «*ur sweethearts. Would tie* stug«* ha*l more.lik** Miss Elisler."

sur- It is to be used for a

ijody for

doMrie purpose—that of a wagort 4n&jals*ji a l»oat. He has not applied 4 BabH^t on his own novel creation. Wlftn completed he will name it “Mos- liajfekorik.” ] 3J, 1 •


jie grounds in front of the M i ll [have been greatly improve; >v irip; tlie mint fence and shruut

^nj0i[ig tin- lawn and the laying of |]u(jyTTieiit to til" street

o Race for Medals. ! 2 :T> o'clock yesterday afternoon A s. :i*-s of four lji« \cir race* for hand- l|utt’lc>i'ited In the rear of the d\yel

some gold 11«■(•Iii*-ji| will be held this af-, "" Broad street, occupied by t**rm*on *»ntli«* Bohlevanl. lietwoen Wa- V‘S BaJ^ton. was dis**ov*»r**<i to lie On xcrly ami Kli/aln'tli. uml«*r tii nf tin* Il*l«*iian tVcling Club, l'oint. Tin* races will Im* course *»nc mil** in Length, ami *»f th*,* I***st txvo heats **ut of three xxill Ih* presented by Capt. .George W. Yates, tlu* President of the organization, with a gold medal. For the. wheelman who make- the Ih*—t till!** oxer the eoill'se P. S. Tillli- son, th** eaptain of the **lub. lias offer***I aunt her medal, Thi- prize is. however, open to coiu)H‘tiUop on tlie la of piii'h month. l'h«* races ur** ojmmi to I'luh mcmU*rs *mly, the first heat l»eing seh«**lul«**l t.*» Ih* '-tart***l at M :3J) *»'**hH*k.


direction of Berg«*n‘

ini ox**r a tin* xxinner r|NwJ his h

liay-uioxv. The tire departr lent a|'tl;.- r**spoml«*d to th** alarm and i»d in extinguishing the fire aft*jr jiadj 1 h“4*ii burned off. Mr. I^a

-, , carriage and hameUi t!“i!*Hr,T iOff^thcr with the hajy w* °

l1?1 -s ib*^*‘d fy-oin th** barn. The building l|n^e‘l tj» Mr. Wm. H. M<x»n% which

t ju

sue-* th«*

•ton i^

and ion- ami

r«»- be-

wan Tnsiurcd ; loss it Is supposed •ami caught fire from the sj>arksj < f a

a<!- thet

Little Giant got first xvdt<*r,

hf “T • '••‘J iii-'iJini, Akin ,jsfc»d oil one ton of hay. a hay cutte^- ifitpoOhc harness; the rest weiY>

t Saturday l^'ifch Map which was burning in ah jaiqjng yani iu close proximity ti I d! SI If... T it* I.. HrL

jne Co., No. 1, file <;o.. third.

second and Em

knows how to pronounce it. • Jdjr. John Cook is running his sione cracker on full time, and; has more orders St pres-' at than he can supply. \ TJie n •«• arch bridge on “Midwaj Mifiy 'completed, under the lmme* iate ijupervit ion of ■William Johnson, the con- i-iwtor. i Aj tro ting horse belonging to Harry i,n»!ey, »scaped from the pasture C#|erdi,y. Harry, Look out for ' d i laster.

omas Whitenaek lost one of his t his week, by death, which greatly

’erfs with his success as a competent reliable teamster

Press is now delivered regulady tp euT resi lents'since carrier Boulston

charge of the route, New Scribe rs are being added to the list daily,

ii valuable hunting dog beiongin; { to (Prince Brown was shot by some knis-

nt on Thursday night. The dog (ie hound breed and was highly, pi ized

i iik’ner. 1 Totten of New Providence one

veek, hooked on to a mobster

ar* can

E. by



Page 2: fP|oun1y lioanl, on the ground MoinLi · b I ' ESTABLISHED May 10, 18)87. PLAINFIELD , N. J. URDAY, AUGIST-27, 1S87; PRICE, TWO CENTS THE DAILY ft A> ETKStSO OITKnt or PRESS. I Tm

' • f •



H * a d » d lljr •> I n - r c r i i i n u - i n l n r r » M M

rr Ihr rr~.«-

IWM. " '•

•JT;—The pro-their state

vifry har-•essipn. Th>;re

'u« no I prevailed

Vote r rm* . ir-.l-To

IM>.IIIAI 4'At».e«t «*l

ii.i(.iil'<H N Y., AUd).jhibiujmist* ' closedeon vent ion alter anonKius two day'swere! no natures t|the eonvcntn-n. as th-re visatrifei aid the best .r i|•throurbuur.

There was u *.ree^e*in tlJe meeting of thecommfttce on ii'immatiousj t:ut t'he public,

he Kev Dr. D.:hat Ihere wasnation for sec-

icil on severali of tue commit t«wj and he declined

de, of Brooklyn,:lor's nomma-

Icnciv ibut little about it. iC Hunt.n,-:oti IKUI leu me,!some rtppOHilnm to lu» n*mretary; of suite, and be eal

lo head the ticket. KW >t favorable to the d

IWas nolion. ILit w|ouid be inwi«e. hkclergy (nan at the bead of it

The member" of the jitnitteei one of whom «•««'agreed with him. Dr.said, was Just tl.e ninn this name wait presented towould carry the convetiliowere wure. ton, that be «r<icandidate before tue |>eopl

In tttts connection the faethat wben tlie itev. Or. (J.ber of assembly in Brooir. cjCalboll. ri <t* added in [urged the p.u|iie fr- m the

•aid. to put aic ticket.>nituai>ii£ crtm-

f'Hthulic, IIM-nl'nzlon. tneywanted, ami if

ho delegates liely storm. They

^ilil bu a stronir

him at the (tolls. The c«jtn milieu finallydecided to place the doctor's name al thahead oPtbe ticket, which vf.i< reported asfollows:

Kor neeretar.v of »ta'.e. tkii" Kev. Dr. P.C. Hunting-Ion, of Ui^an;! lor state comptrolier,*;. B. U;lrln'i»k. olj <'urllaud; for•tale treasurer. \ \ W. hifiith. of l'niigh-kecpsic:; for u'I"rne.\ -izeiMason, of Wes'licid. <*haufor stare i'n^niiier and suiGray, ojf I'lster county.

Thcrii WHS no op|>c*iMoiiti*.u, and'the aui::ma*i*»ti*The different uiunks .11 t'he|

outof lUtt u«nai pn.hibitioithree. Of t! ese. one calie-tax women, and the oilfollows: ;

For il.prohibit.i>u of IIimnortani. relorni; that»afe*\y ol Workers in thelabor sheulil lo secured b;relating to child lalwr anilglu-atioii should be strictltheir 'pruvisions extendHarm?* bank* and Integratablisbeil; thai a . just *.sharing between employershould becucouraiwl: thaneat of: co-operative bin: 11by laboring; turn lie promo;IslaUoc: thai tliffer«»ii«-e«rewards of labor should tx:tration; that equal » axesbe paid alike to men and vare opnoncd to the holdingof land for speculativeIndividual or corporation. aj>d demand thatthe public land l« reservedl.ars; that such franch 1^railroads, stare routes, f<•nmpantcs shou.'d be dis|individual or company thai

me* an*l gas•sett of to thewould agree lo

serve tho eomnMiDity at tb t i&nrest rate*dder; that all.hat they own', and that the

|>ulJ be reduced

and not t.i the highest bmen should pay taxes onand not anon wbal theylegal interest of this state soto A per cent.

mentionedi for mam-



severalmi and

eral. Silas W.aucfua county;eyor. John li.

in the conven-nere indorsed.Platform calledn. They were.stamp except

for enfranchi*.i ,tvo were as

%(• demand theas the most

|he heai.h andorformanee oflaw; that laws

compulsory ed-y enforced" ami

; that postals sticmM be es-lem uf profitanu employesthe cstablish-s enTe'-prtses1

d liy 'vise len'-elatini; to theicltled by art>t

br e<iual work(omen; that wef large traits

by any

NOT MARCH UNDER IT.U.A^t,BssMiU>IMts«r m thaOvttar• jt Avoid! Mr. Ctevelaad-s, W. Va-, Aug. ST.— Tha un-

rorhng of a large banner in front of tbeIkiihj % W i t office In honor of tbe annualreunion I»T ibe Society of the Army ofWest Vir^ .i». in progress during tbe pastfour day* almost brought on a serious rowTbe buiiner tiore a large |>ortrait of Presi-dent <,and. with Ibc sentiment "GodBicMI the I'l-esidei.t, Commander-in-Chiefof the Army bind Navy M A telegram wassent from this city to the Fittsburg VU-\MMHehi describing this bauncr. and intimat-ing tbat it had been hung out as an insultto the (.rand Army of the Republic, andwith ii view of provoking trouble.

Iwfa thousand veteran* arrived in thecity Crotn Piti sburir, in a conditou of greatexcitiment o'er the •<; jrum. When theprofusion stur'ed over tho line of marchthis Reeling had Icon spread broadcastamoiijg the man.. |K>S|* II the City, andUircajl* were ma•:•• to tear i!own the ban-ner. J Finally it wan resolved not to marchundef it, and as the va.ious posis'eanje upto thf batiucr they turned as'le and tiledalong'tho putter wito trailing lags, amidcheer* from sjymputh zers in Ihe crowd ofspectators which tilled the street for?<iuafe» in a solid mass. The dotlging ofthe gainer rient on. and the excitementg rewj as democrats whu had heardof th« trouble begun lo crowd around fromotherjparts of the eitv.

Th*4 last organization to approach thebanner was encampment No..- I of thounion veteran legiou of 1'itfsUi'irif. Itswur«J: up the strcot '_i>n strong. Jicaded bya banjl of forty piei-es. flag-staff-* ••reel,and Went squarely under lue banner, themembers raisiin^ tne:r hats in salute, whilethe h^ssos of the U. A. IC men and theirs> ni|«athizers lilted the air. The cheers ofthe democrats drowned th.- hisses, ami thethrong seemod fora moment tu be on theverg«4 Of a no". Epithets were liereelyburlejl back and forth. but the affair Wasstopped short of violence

Tb<| city is much excited and threatshare IKVI: ciatle lo tour down the banner.


nor actual set-as for street

.1Arid; ttoailr, tnali as prooljs

Borvioney til the republican!f1 t h

of tbe »'ib-,nd democratic

|>art1c* to the rum iiowetf, we cite tne(allure of the republiran rtarty for fourroufceca ive ieuis tu fumil its p.eUwn tosiibnni <o tho pfeople a | i-nnstitutionjl

t>y tlie rpcentmus bill, thaby hi.'h licensejeer au.l wine,

shameless. to bribe citizens. ;>i|d Hie Ives pool

peptudment and the passagdislature nf tho maoda

jg o d

Mitoney excise biil, the Croijbill avowedly to popularizenud the Vedder tax bill

bill by an application of th|cIjiplc, thus legalizing xambl

I the gainbiei- tus*|>rotttsneer t>ill, thus increasing tof the saloon by music amsimilar acts of party leadertatlvcs. I I

The voluntary cotitribiitn]puign futr'l amounted loV~*i(4.21X1 I;. , . .1 ul !!,;- l a f lyear* ajru.In cbnversatior. with aunnifc.of the V:uiers nf theI hat v. nild conductpaign on a broud

ana tbe Cantori« enticements

mi,-, and by

pI lie assuramf? that

mure votesnational.i (I a

couvenim' >\x

i,?nt ot the I'nneJ Maloitliat 'Ui'J will iiol'l the bav.;ain in Hint yea' , uinl t|vote ^UlVttiHiS! b. 'lot biet!will be principally Iromit rtjr. they saj


lan andthey enjihis fait


ns lo the cam-as a^auiHtntittti l ; \o

e<>rro>*|Kindent•arty ilei-iar«lLcir lull cuio-tiiat they hadlid IMIII nearlylan m |H>4 A

• held' in INS>

il be ii4niet] for

A IIIIOII l aliiir t'an*llil:.ti.< -«tr|2^ in \ i

H'.i!?.:.i.i.-t iti.E, Ana.labor pursy mep licieubout(nuch tuiiv. but they' arc ypitch in to llt-iiry fiejnp.! vlime CUUK-S. 'there ik K let-tion Hiuoiia thrui breallse•ttvjrdtvl ;he.r lomin.ttei-E'yra«'Uiii-couvt-nti*m of tlitidi they liiivetlelcrin.iiiidi vengeance.

Orviile I'icstou <>f ttiis v..fbor p<M-tv> <aiidi(lato fi*!ate. .has ;*tinailli<*eil 11 vigorous i ativa>i ulfollow (Jenr Tj | from p.;u-make •pceclies ap|iealinL-to steer«. ear of the land ta

Beside hi-uciiimuUuiK. toread u series of poems wcomposing. Tlie lirsi slathese mies catne int.* thersspondenl by nitre Jitvidirue farmer ha toiled at bisWhile the honest swt-ut d

brouxh : ': iA Weorfite did ,ux. :Him to pay double taix.But he said: **rui |uiyuigt

licence prin-a an*l sharing

}hk Ujtmg by the Mlllloa. ',SA, III., AUR J7.-Within the p u t

two or three days tbe Hsh in many of tbestreams in this region have died by tbemillion, and the few that arc Icrt are rapidlydying.; Tbe buiks of the (ialcna riverbranches are lined with dead hsh of ailsizes and varieties, from the liny minnowto th< mammoth cat and sturpeon. AtBuncombe, Wis, a few miles from thisplace, idead ii«h are so numerous on thebanks'that the stench arising from them isalmost, unbearaole. At l,an<-a*ter. Wis.,the scOueon the river bank beggars descrip-tion. Upward of fifty wagon loads of deadHsh beint in sight. There are manytheories afloat as to tho cause. One is thatthe recent rains bave tilled tne water withmud, *o that the hsh have been unaole tobreathe, and. struggling to tho surface for

i-« died

l l l i


! knife.! face ai -'ar. 4JH.»r Ji ran ii£

A Krnlal llrrrnfr.»!.<>, AMg. -7i — Hay ton l"rick,au «x-

I h d ih

They elami i her inance of iwKcriat their total

T!i« recruitsihe republican, i (Tic sb

1 m tue

; if his

CAMPAIGNh*> will f i g h t

is charircd with aggravatedWhile drunk he H'iarreled with

in* wi(e, wuoui be attacked witd a longitabbmg her in.The ba*-k. urm, side,

neck, besiile* cutting off tier lefts Mrsi L'rick leil »cu*eless, to tbel-ick's mother, hearing tbe noise,

L'nejk seeinir Ms mother Stabbedlie abdomen1 intiietihg a deep gush,

mil titan ran into tii-j adjonnnz roomsi H-cupif<i by Henry Ihoinpson and wife.

Vhl Thompson, eutiinjr him inand arm. and cutting his wifeThen, frightened by the cries

victims, he crawled under the be«l,4u*l v4as soon after wan! airostedi Mrs.

!l'rick't aule-lttorteiii "tatomeut \r&4 ' r"

— Tlie union•ro i.ol sayingtut;* rea*l.\- to

li-'u the propern^ *>f iiKligua-n.e treatmentlil'een ul the

i:e<irf:e party,retaliate wiuh

la^e.. th%c umotiHe.-r.-tar.v of

">" i -l leaking»Jate.. l i e wi l l1" p/arc HII.I

|> Hi- f a r m e r sM'.i« k.

|r i'i-u4t<in tvil!

icli he is n o wi/.a ot on..- ofanJ-4 of a c o r -it. Hero it i s ; _p l o u g b ;• I'; >--1 iWini I m

upon I•IHCHtij

•-fan I:cn I'i

a convict t'ibe publi*- street'.n «ra< Hi

junie a

i thel-vay <»r^oinir outniiio of the ; prison.s t ss pticl.aril Hilliarn. an;ex-tuardcaused

m of |. both and i-l.inneii tho legalof jOO for capturing an *1sca|tednut this suit is djisinissnd. i

l'i»ri«•*! y x <>ii-t'<>at l»rill. 1

WILKK«IIAKI:E. Ana:. *2T.—Miner GcqritcEyere, a iserroan, uged .10 years, and aman of luinily. was kilurd to-.lav m tbe(Jr.ylord sli»)H\.<'r t»e Kingston ( oai com-pany at Plymouth. H-: \ w:u» us.tit; a drill•ix feet lon^' and an iucli aJi.I a h.Tlf in dU-meter. While i>otiujiiiig fhe |>4wd<;r vig-orously it ignited i»y In,;.oiran.1 thn drillpassed entirely tlintujth his righl breast,killing him. j - •' -

J. .MJMB IIM> A r r l i b . » l i . . | , - , l i a n a .

CHIIAI.I'. Au| . 37'. — Archbishop Kechau,of Chicago, has. declineil-t-o i»i^n the comingnational convention of (i'prman Calholuson the ground that he h:h other engage-ments, and f.;e projector!-* nf the m-licmo

- rc^ar.J this a-* evident'*- That ho is un-friendly -t*i the rxuventitin Tha invitationWas designed lu lores the archbishop'shand. ]

'•auilaj.The tl.towaiiHie r;$tippleWi«t.;

I Ijauduon hi

^ work.In 111

: l^ngH• tea.hi

( won I

n i»„!*.. On! . Aut. -.T.-The !

( 1

oved him to dii njncli at ho

rhr 4'«»l»m«lo ItM.lriiiatl Wr^«-ii,

.'i-:n, Auj;. '-'"• — When th*-- train1 on tbePacific road was \rrpcked. beeaus.*of the bridge over the San \ *:reek

away, yestttrdav. a \ yountf

KLiiiona partw a s ru^lii.vl a w a y , y e d a v .ji.ian n iincil Coaddcr . w h o wa-i ^alin^ a

a^^ ear,uu n ek badly'Ulc about the.hoad and with hm chest

i ide oijtho from einl of the ba,'uwas fifuu! near the bank of the en


liujnNo ix pLuNriKLD p<»rr orricm rokI wr .u EJ»l)l>0 Ai'iirxT Jfi. tS8T. i

l l r t . i n , V M S lrl.-y. It.-l»3e.-*-MU» ;lt.i<«. r^K-r K*-ln«r. AuimT.ltr»lri-.trfll.Mliiiil.MUs Lnrkln. Ma> Missinivi- Dt-nver : MHIIIIII. L*>r*.|tn

iwn-l . l 'Mllr . M.'l-HUt-hlln. .l.-lin. Win .1 Mill. r. 4..hil M D

litra. J..s.|.|i ; F.-.U.I.-.-. AIIIIH N Ml«» :Uauium. Mr , I'arlUiiii.iii. Walter

I. John H Ir v/iilnn. Kltll*'Mini.Want. SlarKarel Mbu>

•nm-slllntj for JW>.VI- pleas** M J adrortlwM.

Wi L. FORCE. Postmaster, i


NKW T'lKK MAILH. |K—>*.*«• an*t lo . i i i a. m . : f ind 5.30 p . m .I»F—7.:m. 9 .* l , ljl.44 « . n i . : 2.3D. S.30 p . ni .MIMERVILLK. fclSTOS, KTC.. StAILM. ;

K— N.ill it. ni . aA'l 4..iO p. 111.

IVK—' » . m . (>n*l f>.l« p. n i .HI >PAV MAILH.

>-.- a t ">.lo H. III. ixn*-*- ..|—-ii l i . . I I I u.utj H. m .i n . in Mai l .-J..W-S a t 7 p. n i . i

jl f-.r W«xr*-iivll |ec|. .H*-«Tu«^*dajr. Thurnjdajr innfl kntunlny at 1J m !

'.»M 1 offli-r ..|»^ii» a^ ' M. ni . a n d *-1»HI«*S a l 7.aop. in} sniur<l»7H .-1. .K*-!« u i p. m . O|*«*n «*ver]r '

i i i n t i l H . w i p . n i . . t * ' " w t i T » , . f l*«-k b i i x m . Ifr . .ptt-r . .m. -e tt|M-n f r . .m ** a . m . t*> s p . nt. j

Furniture i










All Goods Marked in Plain Figures.


BED-ROOM SUITSfiefej W. L. FUIU'E, P>ietmasu>r.

WANTS AND OFFERS.\ntlt UIHUT this hrartwg, nv oent /or each

' f, 'Ork inssrtvm. I : ;

TWO IUKIVS Ht'lTABLE FoB-mitkln^: "t-nlrHlly I.Hiiitl, mu-t IM?n-m. s- Ml:t II Hwiwv . . Hun.


$16.009 6.00$ 7.00$ 3.50

uikenphast Shoo



FOR $2.50.• ythllitf f.-r HIP ! I iii thl- i-llr.

.Ni ..the H ^gle last |iithe lab^rUeorge :"mense mlast ffflldacy farwas ove * lkept it Hoperativwith a jit. It tsou towhich Mfu



ts <^l>takn Control i*l . .

irlftlldtic S o r e ,

eec lJecllnes.

27.-Theo -ge men ha

:it t*i get control of theevening newspaper, and thei Were def.-aled by an im-rity. The l^mtrr wa« startedto I tiefp (ieorge's candi-

ayejr, but after the campaignsnJL-taiistscaptured it und have

sin(**3 The newnpaper is a co-licurd. and vv*;ry labor manI'.j'ilar purchase! a share in

live shares to unable a |MT-I v oii-e iii running the paper,

in debt severa. months

LOROW ASKS FOR PEACE.l i im *tf Colorado T.tlk« \ritt.

Ihr < hirfl.tln.

[>*T*Aii;;. - 7. '— A*-tini: se*-r«it aryof thtjlntenor Muitirow bus r.-t-eived a -its.|ialch| from (Joverjmr Adams of (o'oradostatinjr that Colnrow has expresse.1 a wil-lingnqH* to return! to Ins reservation, butthat lie is desirous of having a talk wiLhrej'reieiltatives of the government. Tb«goverhor udrtetl that lie ^ oiH tl a |»eaeefiil.seltleinent of the mat lei v»ut<^tKS|>eeililyreached, and suggested that some actionbe taken. ;

Aft«V conference with the aecretary ofwar. Mr Mutdrow; sent a dispatch statingthat (<eueral (.'rook and Indian AgentByrnflfhad been directed to prcoe«;.l to Gar-Held founty and there confer with tbeIndiank \

j KU.IITIN'i BF.I.CX.<iLEj.woonf i-KiSus. CoL. Aug. 37. — Bern-

stein, iwho lives about four m.lcs belowMeekor. is just in. \ battle bas takenplace pctwecu Kheriff Kendall's men and<:olord\v'» band of Lie Indians. DeputySheriff Jack Ward is killed and several arewounded Several Indians are reportedkilled.! Several were seeu to fall and to becarried off. So far as known the tight wasstopped by darkness, and it is thought it is»'ni"«i certain to be resumed.




Tho sex-Mlmt , having learned that thoCreorgeiGt?*tJlbu<li made up their minds tocapture jha&.'W^r in the Interest of Ueorge.they t'atjiejyd iii great numbers at Clareo-

.*. ... elect a presideut anddon


jH. BENNETT,,Siu-.,,i«r t. H II. Htdiman



MT(»NF. WAli. ~ i t .if <l..ul. | . .

j Ir.liJT-T KH

f l r l^ . lh . BKITTlSs HKTEL. St-.ieb

TIK.H liF.HIIHNi.. TO MVKE AKItANOE, '. H i s ..r bonr.l. j f..i tli<- Full mid Wiuu-r

le-. al ii first-.-lnj.s h"iis«-. .'iiii. mak»- appl i - ,

i« ii.-w ! l~-st In PlainnVlil . f i ve !

walk fn-lu «ii-|« -t.**. --S. " ^Inln*


mniTjN I

L 1- . - _>lj K'Al.E—TWO SXAI.L Hot >l-i* EMVIIKR

TllF'iIX'RK I t l i n K iVtt— • i . i . . _--J. i

.F.l.TIES IN (\UICI \ ( .F> ATU**1IA> * UV-lcs. .>s. j.i mi.) j : ••• -tt-is-t. H-ilwl

M;F.NTI.EMF.X;<AN UF. Aflth p.<W«nl<1 at !\


(OS and 0R6ANS.



Froitg and Vegetables in their Season.| 42 PARK AVENUE,


Ueorg*.convenliaimovl tftu'Thenwereraising t}ispecial


who was ousted from Ihebe it a socialist, was

[lan^mous choice for chairman,w members, alt socialists.[i. spite of thd Gcorgiics

of order that it was a

tyideijable discussion ; and shortA - ~ Ibe'meeliog prjoceeded tu

tes to fill John [HcMack-4>resi.leut. A socialist in|

the rear-o| the I ul) said:JoI n^ute J

He is wetl I liedshould b<! tl % rca

Thore \v fe sut th f


! • 1 '

Fill) SALK--A HE4ONU-HANU. TWOHOHHE, .•j'.'.rl.-ss- | In B*- -I ..pier. S.,1.1

• •li.|»I>. f.r «»iit ..f usv. Apply s. B. WHKM.KB,,ifrw.--I Farm. 1-^alnn.l.J. N. J. 6-O-lt

i MAI.L PI-EASAJT ROOM TO LET WITHt l|.>Hnl. I^s*»ll..n jn*-ar >1**IK.I. Terms reason-

HI'II-.'Private family. iApply. THIsOrKltt—mlOU

jtMSIIEU BoOMf<TO LET TO GENTLEMEN!»)th ..r with.-in l>|ar<ll al S'... 16 W. 8^.-..nd

"ti+-t MKH. HA>> *M HTAATS ravlotr

|F0R 30 DATS,


A. ifviLLETT,

;,!„/ f,, , r f* r,ty_-


•ami Most, the anarchist .0 occupy the chair. He1 head of our mjovetnent."

ik'ht cheers in responsi,but ihB tfr4l' mjass of people protested-Mcinrich SKjaonek. serretur y of the Inter-national <fi|fuiti|t hereui>o|)'Dder Jona-ibers refut.claimed h

: illegal \| -speech iiji action, aiiiij more thaii

P. & ^ \ < resi<rnati§n^mvas kiot nL , O . ' ••Wlier^ Igitl'-jlhey


SA1.E— THJE IX)T SOfTH-EiST OOB!CD|iliukson HTijiiuejand 8<>mrrse< sirrot, abooli-t -*-|UAr*-. F..r i>n<-*. nntl terms apply t«iii.i.v HRIM.. Ar<'tjt> undstoritifp Wan»hous*>,

'•> t*> 123 E. «t | i xtn-w, N. V. elty.—t

lie. 6 Park Avenue,

•jr*- sn.I w**ll -*4fl* -ted stock 01M) TUt'THS. LADIES'. MI 88 KB1


Prom th£B»ST MANUFACTURERS,'fi .»•

T" whl.-li w <SlH» Hi- attention of all 8ho»Uaym, f^ly confident ..r I—Ing able

*•. b--th in WVALITIA xu PBICE. mjlOU

HEPT.) • THU|RSDAY1 i [4 <>l-nlue " ' th* 8.-.i~'ii





•Theoft he sothat it \\

ire workers' union wasin nomination by Alexan a

Jnited labor party jiaine a candidate, as theyihf whole proceeding wasI^uhuscher made a loni;

nui)ciiition of the socialists*ndeij with: '-Tlii* is nothing

•ps.' A rumpus was then••e jilr McMackin's written


all cried.stgobblel it up.


Refrigerators, Ice Cream Freezers, Water' Coofers. Hammocks, General Hard-i w|are and House Furnishings.

! lOmylj

otherwiseseat stooj*: JohnHawkes. jmated bi|approveii

Esii|| i l t*y * l*"»w«|rfuJ r..mpaiiy. tinder ih*

n|Aii*nctrni-nt <-f Mr. Man KUw,.|>r»wntlnjcjFjfntik H»rvi-y'!« jNjwt-rful l>«<ni»*»iti*: 8t»»ry

Receiver's Sale of Jewelry.

Th*- -'H-t ShlWr will M-II al |-til.Hc-|Hu.-t|.iii »lthe st..r^ ifg. Ip.Tnll.'r, v.i E. Pr..uf st . thin rltr.

Tuesday Evening. Aug. 30th,nl 7 <>V|.«'k^hl$Hh«- J.-mvlr>- <-"litalli*-<l In

• st..r>-. .'..ii»j»llt<i ,.f o o l d nn.l Sl lvff Wht.Brs.-el.-ls. W ' S ^ «'h»rm», ( ' l « k s . *-t.:


i. THT OUR :


StorlX-ar^'-. An)'



AVareiwius.. W. H Y . - n U I X r , ! a l . l nu l t l i . - i l



f*—. l-'uriiii i ir** E. F ' U r t h

ark. Ji\.-iiu.-- 7-Wt-tl



c and Sporting Goods.UU TO

33 Park AvenueFOR

Musical InstrumentsAXD

Sporting Goods.

Winchester Repeating Shot Gun,$20.


Children's Wagons and Carts.

A. M YANDERBEEK & CO.'S.i parrrmutrit to A. Vanderbrek. i

Pljainfield, N. J.

Tlie (Jeorjreites claimedtu proceed without the

.but k'hairmun block decideJhe io;e for Mr. JlcMackin'smeqtch. '247: Anarchist Most

.">; Crowe, Clays anded l hoi- men. were also nom-

l|efiisjed to run. Tbo meeting( I p<il)cy of the Lraitrr, which

is denoutjjei [g (Seorge. The George menprotested^ v ittiiix t avail. They will nowstart tlie |A"fn.'ng HUtiitlanl, with I»r. Mc-• ilynn an4 l-ytirv fJeorge at the helm.

Kylvantfc ! | . Wd'eet, the democrat whomthe uuiledj ly|ior I arty Humiliated at Syra-cuse for s|aj» engineer and surveyor, de-clines to }-u|{ *»n| t*iat ticket. Mr. Hweetlives at WhKe Plains He said:-

"The nojnfgatioi \vas made witbont myknowledytJdjSor consent, and I do notknow wlfyi£i v as nominated. I knownothing at§c@, thej labor party; nevor tookany lm r i ^n jiheir councils; neverconsulted ( Wilh i them or they withme. I w$Ml noi a candidate for thenomination, ||ld n*>t seek It, do not want it.and wllln4jt£bceptit. I received yesterdaytbe offlcialjinatltic»tlou of my nomination."

Mr. M\v<j*tf*aid f hat be had not replied tothe notice?bjtit hejshould send In his letterof declina(io£ nest weak. He bad been

iy tjnro pr three democratico urged him to stand, but heth<}ir sincerity, and should

called u|x}npoliticians^bad no faUh

0 M Lajl


- K i , i : | i - n « i n - n i » . i i i f - i . — m v ! . . * • • • | . m y . . u r

^-iiai'f .-r f-.r l(nni<-*iiit.- .-r f t i tun- u ^ ' .I'rlSl I--II1.- Kr.-. a l lit I. S l n i w ' « j l - i r j . - »i7..-^H-; ial l . | *1 i«l. ; •

i\ l>rls«ni-r Knjoyliiirl.liM.rtri

Jrri4ji:si>Nvii.i.r.. Ind.. Aug. 27. —IVatden; Patten '*>f llie Southern Indiana Jibniten-

y. ivas before the mayor chared witha|>|>ear at liberty

S The eotivict inHbMingsw.orth,! the

ling treasurer of Kilox *-oiiiif.y. \Var-Ilten was liucU jl"i! Although Hol-i>rlh had bcuu senTenc<-d ti) three

; *ytars'£ haf-d labor, l'atf)!] had for somn



lip l

• -«• K ti.-r.-h>' ji•Mil*.

* i t - - t i n - l . \ i M i y . - i - w l t l i l n

i t ) - " f r i i i l i K t l . M m i l H i . -| s h i | . . . r N . r t h j p l n l i i H . I .I t t i n t i l . . - F i r * -

f In -aid district,l>.iyal>l

l i t f 4>l-l >'.v Hi.' Mill .Iii" a i i ' j s .,r tii.- .1. Inn ,u ,• i i v K . wil l u - r*-tIIrnf-r Hi l l . .n m i d S..IH.-II 'It [ W.





i li. I'l. Anir.'JltliJ

|f..r t h e y. a r IwT. nr.' u . . »Hint If ih*- itald t a \ . - s 1M->' ..r Mi-ptt-mlo-r n . - l t . Un-i t s , w i l d thtilr r-'-|«-.'tlv,-I t>. -lust i.-i'H ,if t|,.- lv a . -<.•••I i i . t i . s f . - r | . p . s . , . n -

M.CI.fJiK.Tn ii-iinT

I- t

01 Maaafactnreri': Rtauute of

Victoria IiiAMis,2 to 9 Yard UagtU, at


Worth 20c.

, One Lot of Ladle*'

Fast lack Split Feet StockingsI AT 5 CENfTS,t Real Value 50c.i


Headqijartefs for Pirst-Class Goods.

pay no attikngjion l|o their advice« %—!

! Kx-Vmuumcssaaini Gibson Jailed.

I l'nARLE.|r<|i. wi Va., Aug. 27 —The feel-j log cjiu»ed(by-Judgci Mc<«iunis having ex-t"ongressn{aQ:Mef(innis arrested, fined and

! Jailed last. HEednflsday for contempt ofI court runs|h||b InCaJpell county, but is in

favor of UibwfMi. fl'he gentlemen have not| been on ?n£ddjermh fgr some time. Gibsoni had -cxitic^ejf thejeourt in rather severe, terms at t(e|j<>tel ,m Barboursville by say-ing he 101161 flint prtit justice for bis client.

1 It is <-laini*d}l'at tlie judge decided then to: set even i.rttlj[-bis < ti#my. A writ of errorwill likely |b«grai ted. and when Gibson itj free manla^iiid i is believed tbat trouble

; will arise | f -k mi ch more serious nature,[•ibson ronji-^ froth a Hghting family andJudge MclJiitHis alko is known to be fear-ess Kii'jii'!? ari endeavoring to haveIbe affair |eftled iitlioul lurther trouble.


ta<i- was rowed last cloning.|utor hail been lumpy all diy, but•» evening calmed down, ami when

T-e was i>uli*--I tiicru ivas-scaj-cely aon it. The meii started totethe.r.who ttir pii'l'ni!< thirty-ljour toir's thirty, sfmii li;*.d half »i lenifth1; liut (Jan.lain nettled down tn

fnVerhaule.) iV'jise. an-l trua leadingthe tliri-e-qjiai-t^r mile by liveAfter that \Vi»-e; started to lain

, and passed lum a the mile; \Vfs«ubi(sii 1 wnlcn^thi. n slow time, al

Alter the ra*-i- n i l«-i-al putW >vasp for Ihe ioser : :

• •Nd . 8i


21 W | $ f FRONT STREET.1 S,i(rt;,^t/,i-i ID \\'m. II.YoorhttH.)

and r.t s badly crushed, l ie was taken tolus fatj.:ier's residence in this city, ami died

j at nr>oli. The body *<r the engineer, Mua-j tcrsp^l. was burned under the engijie.



Worsteds, \ \

! Notions,

I 1st

Vi JAMES C. FIELD,•*& tit

f siniw'iH Piiarm*wy


B i T i m r l j -<f k«>yi i"MH. ,

.M«i f iE«? | | i -•< rk n D I M - a-*- ' i t n i ' t




w i t h "f WitiiHJS: Kr.'ii.-h I.•<• 1 r.-ain u r e f r e s h i n gd r i n k . '%r*) |Hudar<l H » . t li.-,-r f.,r i j u e n . h l n gt h e t l i l r s E ; I > M u | . s jin- .-. .iital I In ( H a n sT n n k x . RB|! W I- nmd. - n . . n i Pur. - F r u i t J u l e e s .P ' - r s t f n l t j I t i S rtl.-ii irlven i m i - H i m l l i l K p l i y s l -rlHiis I'rtjf f ill - I ! - . Phai-i i in, -v . . ,»- i , S u n d a y sf r o m : ^ g . .

9 a. n^^jt p. m.; 4 to 6; 7 to 9 p. m.ForiUuKaisix'nslng nf medicine* only.

! : i . '. ( • I

. . . Ik . - k i . •• i , I j U J ' i i .

BOSTON. IAISK '4 ~ Edward F Uoane,the missH'^am' of the American hoard atI'oiiate. in|hj||<'ar4ilino Islands, who was

thr^e or four weeks ago andg the! H|>anmh aut'icrilies onjat h*j had Incited the nativesjo their governor, lias been

intelligence has just beenK*Jv. IJr. Smith, secre-thj' foreign l-oard.

It is "thmjpgj ,'1'ajt nil 1« not well yet withMr. KotinoJ Sllis n^*i.elates l"ur there is agloomy prd.s|»ct fi r their mission.1 " Spaiuwill iKiiorf |>ur riirhls," they say, "andserfd awa.vltlj^ Scljolars. and in this waybreak up

imprisoni tie .pretext l10 tlisloyaljyrt'leusctirorei




»i..Ble i>ed4l 6fa» wredeon. leavfnifjllie k-e»unharmed* ^ I

I l.jrl>l>'inc'> Work.

Ich.. j Anjf. 27 —During lastmitliis vicinity tbe house

uumj wasstruck by lightningin al|mr>st every part withouttin'gjany of Mioel^ht personsng s|ipper at the time. The

stnjk'ered the rafters andtorf, tore off the clapboards,

u rli the mof ami eausod^je plhstenng to fall. Kvery

hjStwoiparlors was destroyed.| overturned, while a

wrenched from tho tnolo-t » t o f I h i ' i n f . t r u m e n t


in^ ani Summer Goods!

I qiote no Prices, bat 1 am SellingFirst-Class Goods Cneaper than any housein this City.



Store open erenlngs. Do not payprices at another store.

Trxus to 'faf? m Ckndldatn lor l>o»rk««p«r

W»"iiiN|T(i|N,, Ajtie. ">.—Texas will havea candidate ijor jdoorkec[<c*- of the nexthouse !n t|i-J|ersoii of William 11 Nicholsof Ualvest^ujjpt piiesent an inspector in thecustwni s(*Jrv ?.v there, lie is a businesman of priSn§H<"|ic(| at home anu will havec o r d i a l s u t||>^ft i t j i the rai-n. T h e ot tier c a n - .

d i d a t e s at .* t ^ f i t a i n l l o n a l d s o n ot T e n n c s -

' 11,-unibeiit, and >' ' " "

ns in Every Department.

Trouble to Show Ooods.


hiite«l ! . . -n.

t tu> tislunJIJeveiiy.. l^iv .was nineljy-Jjre5'ears a 'years \v;later toboard areMoses Laajki|crew of tiljt i

U|*iM*«4Ml tO III* l l r * IH ll**tl.uj;- -*•—TII-? ovv.i.;rs ofer I.J-da T I'rowell, of

her up lor lo»t. Sheis burden, built nineand for the first threetho West Indies, and

, It. is believed all onIS lie was in charge of CapU

of bsuva Scotia, and had an L'?:C. Tbe vessel was in—


v, n





H«d»ii i>r •• rw«jm«< -.1 Vote I*re*i:« ml—To Cn

ilrnlMl < otiiml «>f 1KHH. N Y., Am

t i

tubiuynisi* con vein* ron altor .BODlO'.S IWO dij’1

were no feature* the convention. an th-ro w •trife^nt ihu best ef throughout.

Thej*t* wa» oreczePm the meeting of the committee on tionnnations knew tt'Ut tittle it bout it, C. Hunt?ngtim had leUrnct

27.;—The ?>ro- tiiotr state

vrfry liar- ie*slpn. There

Charm; erizc a* no, factional ec!;ng prevailed

fome opposition to Jus nooiination for sec- retary of ftteilc. and lie ra member^ of the committee to head the ticket. K P ] Was not favorable to the U lion.

It Would



clergyman at 4tie head of jt member** of the heti.nai'ng com-

tnittee one of wtiom was with him. I)r. H

said, was just the man the.’ wanted, and if


WOULD NOT MARCH UNDER IT. U. A. B. Mta N>u> l»«*our la th* Gutter

ta Avoid Mr. drrrlaad'i Portrait.

I nrrrNiNHl t*r llir l*r.*.|-

fcut t’lie public Die Kcv l)r. D. :1ml there was

WiEEL.xai W. Va., Aog 27 —The un- furlmg of a large banner in front of the Doiti office in honor of the annual reunion of the Society of the Army of West Virfc .ik. in progress during the past four days almost brought on a serious row The thinner lliore a large portrait of Presi- dentk'h ve.and, with the sentiment “God Dietthe President, Com roanderv in-CIi »ef of the Army land Navy."* A telegram was sent from thijs city to the Bittsburg DU- jMifr/if describing this banner, and intimat- ing that it had been hung out as an insult to the Grand Army of the Republic, and with'* view of provoking trouble.

Two thousand veterans arrived in the s'burg, in a oonditon of great fertile u : gram. When t tie

city from Pit excitement o

lied on several and he declined

] dc, of Brooklyn, nrtor’s nomina-

this feeling among the

be unwise, he -aid. to put a ic ticket.

Catholic, dis- LiuCnzlon. they

the delegates he

for main- county several

tits clectio. and iltar to support

his name was presented to would carry the con ventioi by storm. Th wereihjre. too. that tie would be a strong candidate before me pcoph .

In this connection the fact was mentioned that when the Rev. Dr. O.ijn ran ber of assembly in Broomf Catholic ri *ts added in urged the p oj»ie from the him at the polls. The coirmiulte* tinaiiy decided tp place the doctors name at the head oftlke ticket, which ifa* reported as folio tvs

For secretary of state, tkio Rev. Dr. D. C. Huntington, of Oiban; lor staid comi*- troller, C. B. Hitohcm k. ol Curliabd; for state treasurer; U W. Ft nth. of Rough keepsie: for a*:.»rne\-goi oral. Silas W Mason, of West lie id. (Tiauf anefua county for state engineer and surveyor, John G, Gray, oif V later county.

There was no opposition in the conven- th>u, and'the nomma*ions were indorsed The different punk* ;n the plat form called out considerable di*cu**ii m. They were of tUa usuai prohibition stamp except three. Of these, one calie l for enfranchis- ing women, and the ovhqr ,wo were as follow.: .

For the whge-earaers *re demand the prohibit <*u of the liquor iriffle as the most important -reform; that the health ami •af^ytd workers tu the | erformutice of labor should U- secured b> law ; that laws relating to child lalx)r and compulsory ed- ucation should be strict! ' enforced and their 'provisions extended; that postal savings bunks and telegrap is should be es- tablished ; that a.just system of, profit sharing between employer and employes should bo encouraged: that the establish ■tent of: co-operative busim s* enterprises by laboring men be promo.* d by wise h islatloc: that differenrei relating to ttie rewards of labor should t*; seined by artn tration; that equal wages I n* equal* work t>e paid alike to men and women; that we arc opposed to the holding *>f large trai ls of land for speculative purposes by any tndtvidnal or corporation, aid demand that the public land lie reserved for actual sel- lers; that such franchise as for .street railroads, stage routes, f« rries and gas •ompanics should be disp »setl of to the Individual or company that would agree to serve tho community at tbs lowest rati and hot to the highest Odder; that ali men should pay taxes on vhat they own and not upon what they owe. and that the

bill avowedly to popularize beer and wine, nnd the V odder tax bill, a shame less uttempl to bribe citizens, ai d the Ives |»ooi bill by an application of the licence prin- ciple, thus legalizing gambl ng anti sharing with the gambler tits profits, and the Cantor neer bill, thus increasing t ie enticements of the saloon by hiusic am song, and by similar acts of party leader}* and represen- tatives. |

The voluntary contributions to the cam- paign fund amounted toCkCiMVV. as against 14*200 id v»! wt the lu»*l on vent m»ii two years ago In .conversation with a cbrrps|»ondent tmm6,of the ’carter* **f the *arty declared that they v mtd paign on a broad the assurance that lU,ooo mure votes national conv ird a candit

conduct tthcir fall cam dan ami that they had they could noil nearly h:» fall hun in hM. A

uhi will Is* held' in lsss ill In* ii« meU for prcsi-

cnl of the t*mi*»l Klaici. They claim that they will hol{i the ha unce of power

and that their total l^)i bled: The. recruit*

> lilt's uvonlui tatr lw

uuain in Ilia: jea vt>to T»lll"mrtno»' bi (Till be |<rinci|>al4v ■t r:y. liny ,»t

COLOROW ASKS FOR PEACE. <.oT«*ru<»r .tdmiu of i *»l«*ra«l*» T.«lk<* \ntli

tlir Cliicft.’tln. WkMijiXf.Tovp'Aug. Sc. i-Acting secret ary

of tha Interior Muidrow has rccoiV«Hi a sis- imtcli! from Governor Adams of fo'orado stating that i'olorbw has expressed a wil- lingness to return; to his reservation, but that lie iis desirous of having a talk with represecitatives of the government. The goverhor addetl that 1ic=4h^ih'i! a peaceful seltlelnenl of the matter wm«uy^r^^sjiecdiIv reach Oil. and suggested that sbme action be taken.

After conference with the secretary of war. Mr. Muklrow sent a dispatch stating that General Crook and Indian Agent Byrnc^had been directed lo preceded to Gar- field pounty and there confer with the Indians.

ru*nt»N« BtarN. Glek woopHphi^os, CoL. Aug. 27. — Bern-

stein, Kvho lives about four ni.lcs below Mcekur. is just in. A battle has taken place between HherilT Kendall’s men and Golorqw’s bund of Ute Indians. Deputy Fherift Jack Ward is killed and several are wounded. Several Indians are reported killed.}. Several were seeu to fall and to be carried off. So far us known the fight was stopped by darkness, and it is thought it is

certain to be resumed.

fish Dying by the Million. Uai.$na, 111., Aug. 27.—Within the past

legal interest of this state sh >ulJ be reduced j two or three days the fish in many of the to 5 per cent.

And; finally, that as proofs of the anb- servioncy of the republican and democratic parties to the rum power, we cite tne failure of the republican party for four rouseca ive years; to fulti 1 its pledge to subnm 4o tho people a constitutional amendment and the passam by me recent legislature of tho mauui mus bill, tne {place, | dead fish are so numerous on tho Mooney excise bid, the bmnki lhat the .tench ari.,nK from them I,

** 1 almost unbearaolc. At Lancaster, Wis.,

streams in this region have died by the millioii. and the few that are left are rapidly dying.i The banks of the Galena river branc.t^s are lined with dead fish of all sizes and varieties, from the tiny minnow to the mammoth cat ami sturgeon. At Buncombe, Wis., a few miles from this

the segue on the river bank beggars descrip- tion, Upward of fifty wagon loads of dead fish being in sight. There are many theories afloat as to thccause. One is that the recent rains have tilled tne water with

\ mud, $o that the tish have been unaole to breatlie. and. struggling to the surface for *•* ^j*-c died 1

I* * A Krntffl Itcvc-nge. t Aug. 27v—Dayton Urick, an ex-

COiiviti, is charged with aggravated assault. While drunk he quarreled with ins wile* whom he attacked with a long knife, ^tabbing her in.the back. arm. side, face add neck, beside* cutting off her left ?ar. .is Mrs. Urick tetl senseless to the lii»or t kick’s mother, hearing the noise, rati ini t rick seeing mother stabbed her in iUe abdomen1 lnfltctihg a deep gush, inti tlien ran into ti»«j adjoining rooms jccupifd by Henry Thbrhpson and wife, trick filtacHed Thompson, cutting him in

from ipe repuhiicaq t the sh|qidcr and arm. and' cutting his wife * :ti tne |vn*|. Then, frightened by the cries

IT WILL BE A POETIC l\ t il:on

CAMPAIGN Fight i.abor CaMiltdatf u im will

(•rnrgii in \ t-ra**. H»ir\*.li/*viii.e, Aug. 7—The union

labor pa**:y men hereabout- aro hot saying JDUcb now, but they are getting ready to pitch in to Henry Gejirgc when the pr»q»cr lime coin***. There ih a feeling of indigna- tion among them becaUHCjof the treatment Recorded ;he«rcommittee « I liDceu at tne Syracuse conventmn of tin Conrpo party, sodi they havedeierm.ned t > rctanalo with a vengeance.

Orviiie Ric»t<*u of Uii* vi age. the union ..fbor piWtv’s candidate frr secretary or State, ha* an nan need Inin .ion d making I vigorotis «auvus* m* tin* sfatc Jte will follow Creorge, from p ac< to place an I make speeches appealing b th■' farmer* lo steer a ear of the land ta ch>n k.

Beside Sf/eeciimaking. Mr IVeston nril! read a series of (Hieliis irtiicla he is now composing. Ti»e first stan/.a of-one of these odes came into the 1 and* of a cor- respondent by mere duvide it. Hero it is : Tne farmer ho toiled lit hi* Rlough ; While the honest sweat dr »pp** l Iriun his

brough; A Georgite fl^il ,iix. | Him to pay double tax. But he sad; **rm pay mg topium

»f hisiuictims. lie crawled under the beil. j 4ud v^as soon afterward arrested; Mrs i Crick Van te-dnortem “tatomeut wns * lifHteni I 11 i

Tli- OisiiriA.

<«audaLr lace '1 lio \^ater hu<l

III in l^ngtlA •U*adtl.

|':«*r(-«*<l y * **i»-Foot Drill. 1 Wilkk-babke, A««. 27.—Miner (icgnic

Eyere, a Ccrman, ii^'C‘1 no year., ami a man of family, wa* kilurd to-day in the (ir.ylord *iojH’,.of twe K n.’idnii l oai com- 'ton

,.any at Plymouth. H ■ (v:w n^ nj- a drill I4:(rd. six feet lono and an inch and a.half in ilia- meter. While lajmiiilni* |Uie |>fltrd<;r vip- , orously it ignited by f rictiou und the drill passed entirely 1Uniugh hrs right breast, killing him.


y<»rciffg I lie Aritbbialiii|i'i Hand. CmtapOb Auf. 27. \ rchbishon Feehau,

of Chicago, has <ieclined~*ooi*-n the coming italional convention of German Cat-holies on the ground that he Inks other engage- ments, and the projectors of tho schemo regard tliis a« evidence that lie is un- friendly to the convention Tho invitation

i.tun named Coadder, who was stealing a *t ide o* was f< kind near the bank of the creek badly ► cu'lde and ri his fal ler's residence in this city, and died

was designed ban*)

to lores) the arch bishop's

terMMt (van burned under the engitie.

LIST OF ADVERTISED LETTERS. .L nrji^xxiso ix pmNrield p,*rr orfici

wkkk Exmxh Arum ». 1 mn.

I'rlMfrell. Minnie Ml**s 1»; vy. Denver “• iinreni, CM Mrn

an, Win J r*. J***M*pli

U*u|i»u. Mr H4.' Ward. John H 4r

Irh*y. K«*lHar. Auupr lii'- Larklu. May MIhh Malum. Mcloiughlli). John Mllh-r. John M I> PphaIpp, Anna N Ml» Partingpill. Walter I^illlin, Kltth* Minn

War*!. Margaret M^*j* p.T*4'iiH calling f«»r alV-ve please sajr a«|rertlse.|.

FORCE. Postmaster.







TILT WITH SOCIAL- Results in defeat.



(> Com ml ol ..... t tft ' HodailHtic Sucm.n cMr. Swere Decline*.


procession started over the lino of march had been spread broadcast

inan . f»osts u the Ctt3', and j turcais were made to tear down the ban-

ner. i Finally it was resolved not to march undel it, and as the various posts'eame up to the banuer they turned as- 1** And fileil alon^ thc gutter wito trailing hags, amid cheers from fljympath zer* in the crowd of

; spectator* which filled the street for squajrcs in a solid mass. The dodging of the hai ncr vent on. and the excitement g row as democrats Who had heard of tbd trouble b«*gan to crowd around from otherjparts of the city.

Thd iast organization to approach the banner was encampment No..* 1 of tho uuioii veteran legion of Pittsburg. It up the street 2*Mi strong. Jicaded by a band of forty piece*. Ilag-*t4iff* erect, and ttent squarely under the banner, the member* raising tiie>r hats in salute, while the hb**os of the G. A* It- inen and their s\ ni|utilizers rilled tho air. The cheer* of the demoerats drowned th** h:s*cs, aud the throng seemed fora moment to lie on the verg*i of a no’. Kpithct* were fiercely hurled back ami forth, but the affair was stopiicd short of violence.

The yity is much excited an«l threats have ibOcii made to tear down the banner.

sew York mail*. (}i>k*K—».iM» and 10.Uii n. ni.: *2.00 and 5.30 p. m. j It ill TF—7.30. 9/20. 11.45 ». ni. : *2.30, 5.30 p. m. \ f SOMF.BV1LLE, feAirroN, FTC.. MAILS.

i|i.i|*K—H.isi a. ni. and 4/10 p. in. UVK—9/20 a. m. and 6.10 p. ni.

HI Nf»AV MAILS. !%•*• at ’*.10 a. in •*|*«*i» fr**m 9.00 a. nt. JO a. m. Mall at 7 p. ni. il f**r WiUT»*or1ljp<’l'"K,«Tm^idaf, Thursday 2 fa

an 1 Saturday at 1'2 r*. >4 Offliv oiriiA a j T a. ru. and rlufic* at 7.30

p. pi.j Saturdays i*h*jw*s at *.<■» p in. 0|*cn «*very nfng until H.30 p. m., t«* Mwn.-rs ..f I«s*k b*»****.

i»#-y <*nter iqn-n fr*»m * a. m. P» 5 p. nx. urelays t.. 4 p. in ;

W. L. FORCE, P**stmnsu*r. ! Ha

w .-II

ANTEIi-TWo Rooms SFITaULF. FOR dr**ssu>aktng: o-ntrally (•M-aii’d; must l*«*

r%*nt. Ad»li»s» Mus. ii H.\UMS<<. Lum» •"[ :


»»tti II*



1 d!




| ' 0RK. Aur. 27— The the He(jyy|«Oeorge men haJ^jt^-hrmrltlrue- (?!e last hi^it le get control of the Trader the labpfjeve^iing ne\v»pai>er, anJ the Ueorpe n»n Were defcaied by an im- tnen»e ftiijority. The bndrr wa


EVERYTHING NEW. Wimkenpliast Shoe

FOR $2.50.



DOdi Marked in Plain Figures. if |l

; Thai ...

last ftdlp to dacy foy liayc was ove£ tjj’ kept it frvqi operatives ‘rt with a spajjp


nythlng f**r the .TO<i'U**y t-ver pr* • i□•*•**! in this rliy. ’ I

it. it ta son to )|at| 0 which Vfu^Hr,.(»jo in debt severa.

WANTS AND OFFERS. riifmrnts umirr this knuiituj, » -Ich inserttnm.

nw amt for rack

M SUITS $16.00 $ 6.00 $ 7.00



* $ 3.50



IlisTi I.ASS STOjXF. U.UinV; Ifli fur saJi . als<> *mti «»f d**ut*l«* fuirness. Pro ** f 0-U,ii). HkittiN S IIuTF.L. si owii Plain*.

1 i n-*J7«I| GOOD AI|TlfX LF.-ilKIN.. TO MIKE A It It \ NO L

nts <>r ts*ar«l. | for the Fall and Wini«*r nl)i-. at a first-«‘la^s h..u**»-. cau- rnak** appll-

dh n«»v. bM*atli>n Ih-sI In P|alnflel<l. n>»* nt «uH«-^* walk fr«»ru Addr*-»f •*s." Plain-

d 5N J | H-il-d ltus


ENvriRR H-25-tf »It sale-TWO SMALL Hot >K*

t Tun ‘IS »RF. OKU IVF.LTIESIN i’Ailtltl \i»E> KTli..JlA> A RV- aits*'N‘s. •_**.» and j: >..iu«*rs**t *£lwl

' wim.knti emkn; < an i»r. accommodated with g**.d-siz#-d y*-oirand »H-ard ai '21 §»*•«*>» f


and 0R6ANS.

I[. H. ISKXNETT, \Sunrs$nr to'H. H. Hackman




Fruits and Vegetables in their Season. 42 PARK AVENUE,


help George's cundi- but after tho campaign

soerajislscaptured it and have sinpe. The newspaper is a co-

il. and every labor man ar purchasei a share in

liVe shares to unable a jper- ice m running the paper,

.. . ruon ths *?■ f If J ho scr’MIisD , having learned that tho

GeorgeiteiC^had made up their minds to capture |hin the interest of George, they gutiie^d in great numbers at Claren- don halk qalled to elect a president and chairmui).

Ueorg«| I^lock, who was ousied from the ronventipr^ jbeciVuse ho is a socialist, was almost tk'i?Unanunous choice for chairman. Then eigjfitayn n .*w members, all socialists, were el|cnd, n. spile of the Georgites raising poirt of order that it was u *l»ecial njjc|^ing.*l

After fo^ideijable discussion and short )t‘P i • h — rfi :iw» lid ! t H a - m Hu I I ft „ iiru(„nii,l I


F'H'lJ sal •f.-.rl.-,




r,-a np.

HFJtOXU-HAKIJ. TWO BOBME, -*w»|r. In g<-**i order H*»ld

for want *.f u«*i*. Apply s li. WHElLElj Farm. PiaiiitL ld. N. J. 6-2-2 if A. ifviLLETT,


fi'V+lx Ihr’irC^rit tn any part qf thr r,fy S-2-tf


P. Laire & Co.

A ^ i- ((MALI, PLEASANT ROOM TO I.KT WITH ■nrd. G--atlon !n.»ar d»*|*«»t. T^rms r**as**n- 6 Park Avenue, . \ Private family. {Apply. This OFFICE. — inlOif RMSHF.D RlHJMH TO LET To GENTLEMEN

wltli ..r wltfioul btjsnl) at >»«•. 16 W. 8**r*»nd *trv*-t. Maw. HaxnaH staatk.—mylotf

rg»* and wt*ll-s^lei*ted st«»ck of ND YorTH’S, LADIES’. MI88E8’ 8

>4 SALE—THjE I/>T SOTTH EAST CORNER >fjA«‘ks*»n av«iiue>*nd 84«m**rm*K street, about lik»4r. )*t H-juan*. For |»rl« e and t«*rms apply M

0*‘|1 KiLLY BRnei.. jtndft’* andKMraffe Warehouse, prom thd i»|isi to 1*23 E. 44th strife. N. Y.clty —my»tf


Refrigerators. IceCream Freezers, Water Coolers. Hammocks, General Hard-

ware and House Furnishings. lOmyly


To which Ituy*»|


Ills ih** att**nU*«n »»f all Shoe |ly confident of t***lng able

no*-. tn grALITY AM* PBICE. mylOtf


.r»pi*f Op**nlug of thi 8*-a«*n Engagein«*m of


Receivt of Jewelry,


Th** ?*iil*t th** stoi put>lh'|*urtl«>fi at Front Si , this city.

Tuesd^f Evening, Aug. 30th, Si»| jMkrt*-*! by a powerful C«.nipaiiy, under th«*

tijsiiagement «*f Mr. ; Man- Klaw. pr»-««-iiiing i at 7 * Fjjaiik Harvey'i* pvjwerful I>**me*tlr 8i*»ry «*tor** \ j Bra*'


r» i el-on -«l. at ti-tidl places, Moiplay. Aug. :

he J. welry coiitaiiiwl f Oold and silver Ml

Charm**, Cl**ck*. et«r • INCENT Ur. NASH. Rer

-*aid clle*w.

■her « 26 .14



Music and Sporting Goods.

38 Park Avenue

Musjcal Instruments







Stoiiii' WanTooms.

Larz-\ Air}| Sli’*. W. II Yt-tiUlated ajt.d Huisthed In KIi>i-i’1*h, Style.

Sporting Goods.

Wlnckster Repeating Shot Gen,


Idren’s Wagons and Carts.

A. M. VANDERBEEK & CO.’S. i, stu'rrtouyrt* to A. Vatulrrbetk. <


■ peech-r^jai^n?. ! the'meeting prjoceeded to nominatif o^0nlidkae» to fill John ! McMuctt- In's seat J>rem.Jent. A socialist in the rear’of the l all said:

“I notmnifce Jo iunu Most, the anarchist . He is well 01 ted to occupy the chair. He should b<^ tke rea ! head of our movement."

There sight cheers in responses but the qrrql^t man* of people protested- Heinrich ic i. secret,ar y of the Inter- national ;‘fi|fintL re workers’ union was

j thereupoji *|ape*. ip nomination by Alexan . der doiui ^he Jmted labor party mem. her* refiL«g to iiame a candidate, as they claimed ^l'4§ ‘ fh » whole proceeding was illegal ‘M5t I^ubuscher made a long

, speech ir| ffrnunciation of the socialists* i action. ar|dnide< with: ••Tills is nothing

more thaii jjcircjus.* A rumpus was then ra.seii h«c;||se dr McMackin’s written

i resignati^n^svas kiot read. ••Wherj’ all cried ‘•The ro^'Atptersjgobble 1 it up,” •*... •

of the so«fuij^1 s j The (ieorgeites claimed j that it w&s*iplegij 1 to proceed without the

resignatu|n^but k hairman Block decided he vote for Mr. Mc.Mackin’s meijieh. 247; Anarchist Most

rdolia Crowe, Clays and ed liabor men. were also nom- fused to run. The meeting policy of the Leader, which George. The George men

it tip 11 avail. They will now /o'my •Standard, with I)r. Me- »nry George at the helm.

Sylvanifw ||. Sweet, the democrat whom the united l$|jor party nominated at Syra- cuse for s|atop engineer and surveyor, de- clines to rtn ttim ticket. Mr. Sweet lives at WjjhMjje Plains He said:-

“The nojnftjaiiop Was made without my knowledg^dgor consent, and I do not know wlftygi \|as nominated. I know nothing att'the labor party; never took any pur| fin their councils; never consulted i jfith ; them or they with

not a candidate for the l niit seek it, do not want it.

pt it. I received yesterday Ideation of my nomination.” aid that he had not replied to t hejshould send in his letter

next week. He had been

othenvisq seat stooil: m John Hawke*. Jn|j mated bqh approved jlH is denouijci|j prot#»stei1^ \y start the j/.jl Glynn an4

me. 1 wm nominatio^, 1 and will

| the official^i Mr. HwcBt]

the noticed 1 of declma called u|»onr5)y two or three democratic politician*' \jftio urged him to stand, but he had no faith Jp thijir sincerity, and should pay no attipniijon tjo their advice.

I f—l K»-rin|rm*un Uit>*on .lalled.

CiiAKLF.%T(Ji. w[ Va., Aug. 27 —The feel-

Plainfield, N. J.



T|i -Win • r wa* in-11 ft*- l

• at • •in rriai


Would Vou Believe [ I’r«»prl*’i**r i»f Kj-rnp's Bai-anl glv**»* Tti -

Scjiurnt*' • f hot lit** aMrayiyfarly ‘t Tliihnc.

mi: 1

f ad l^dK w«.ul*l i»n»v|- rulnyn- IfiLli'5' Ilalsam

t a i*rrfi**-t «-ur*-i fprI’.nlgh- aii«J ail Threat z tr«ju)*lf*. ^l«*u will *«*•• Dir fxrHIent id hf*i In y«»ur

r«Hiin T-*r liunnsliat** **r futur** u****. f l-dtlf Fr***’ at iK. I Shaw'*,,

lid f 1

'•r i ’arrlag*—. FurnJnirf. S|«- • m*. N*». - E. F 'urih ?*ir***-

1 Park a\••nu** 7-HO-tf !ghn.

Ing causediby*Judge Mctvinnis having Congressnfa^:McGinnis arrested, fined and Jailed last. W|edn0»day for contempt of


0n« Lot oi Kaiinfactnrara' Ream ant* ei

\ ictoria hnvus,

2 to 9 Yard Length*, at

10 CENTS A YARD, Worth 20c.

J court runsj;h|gh in Cabell county, but is in favor of uft>piti. The gentlemen have not been on go^d-'jermk f§r some time. Gibson

I had ■ critic^e^Tthe icourt in rather severie i terms at t^c^iotel ,in Harboursville by say- ing he cou6l jf^ot g^i justice for bis client. It is claimed jit at rhe judge decided theu to get even wNt^ his f rismy. A writ of error will likely Ib^grar ted, and when Gibson is i free mania **"< >4 •» believed that trouble will arise Ini niorO serious nature. Caibsoti conjjo^Ar frorji a fighting family and Judge aj^o is known to be fcar-

‘ are endeavoring to have ileii VLithoui further trouble.


J udgo >•<*<glints « ess Fruyiifc ai the affair fettled

aflfF taking thj* Ilr*i do****. lN>n l*n***iir«- a l**-day t*»

I*arg*- CAN^

■\ "A rrisonvr KnJoyiiig l,ll»rrtjrl

JrrAifisMNVii.LF^ Ind.. Aug. 27. — Waiden l*attcr|‘of tile SouThern Indiana |**niten- tiary, |vHs before the mayor charged with allowlftg a convict to a|q»ear at. liberty Upon |be public street*. The corivict in questiftn wa* S|».*n<'<»r HblIingsw.orth,i the ''faulting treasurer of ICiinx county. War- d'll rotten was tined jd.vj Although Hol-

, n^gswxirlh had been Hciitenccti lb three ‘Hpars':: hard labor, Pa’tOn had for some time ajimved him to dii n|uch as he hke<1 m the gray <»!f jgoing outside of the prison. Hilliaru. an r\.guard caused UkCiar^bsl of both and cilaitned ipo legal ipwardl of ?si*> for capturing an dscajied o/’ivici, but this suit is dismissed








One Lot of Ladies’

Fast Black Split Feet Stockings >

at -j:> CENTS.

ry (Duane ICeleaseil. Bo-ton,|A^g. *j|7' — Edward F. Doane,

\ t- ii.-r.-nx a

fir** limn* * r in** i r.»*;il— >*11> <.f N**rtli r.i.xpf in -aid district,

• ind pnyatah*: and Und i*y Hi*’ i (t It *1 a • 4-* • *f tin- d. Iliniu*- ■t. alii I** h’lurn* Ijntun and HinII* Id. Aug. jolt

ll'iiwd.iiujliilir Kmr. On! , Aug. 27.-The Wise-

was rowed last eVoning. been lumpy all d^y, but

lowatfcs evcninst calmed down, and when 1 he i;U’f* was i>ull«-J mere was-scarcely a i ipplcjon it. 'i he men started together.

w*»o was ptpiing thirty-noar to (>autha.r,s thirty, noun had half a j length 0,1 him; but Gaudaui Hot tied d^wnfo tvofk.iDVcrhaiuhHl iVjinC. iin l was leading

Ihe threi»-q)iarli»r mile by liv*» After that Wi*-e siarted to gain

and passed him ajt the mile: \Vs© abifiit I vvulcngthi. hi slow time, at

After the ra«f n li»K»iul p for the io**er

j ■n t< • th«- i •• x | nypr* with in : ly -d I’lalrdh ld and th«* PlHli.fl. Id Pint ll»«- Fir*-

'••r th** y*-ar Ik*7. an* u-*w that if I||«- said tAX*‘* Is* : y "f s* pt* tiLU r n* \i. lli»> ; with tluilr r»’*|M’*’tlv«* ] I to hif*t!.-.-i4 of th* P« a*’i* j

S* •nn rf>*-t ••oiint !«•** f..r pro<**»*’u- McCLI’JiK. .Tr»-»L**ur*T. | hmT. j j H-'jn. in I I



-NO 8-

purse was

P A R K A V E N U E.

Real Value 50c.


I5 O P E j S !


Headquarters for First-Class Goods. \ myioyl

he missiojaj Peru ate. in|hi arVested ><|i imprisoueel t he prei to disloy re lease*i T1 received ?bjf| tary«»»T.'# ;

; It is nhotjpftj Mr. Doanoj gloomy pr<|s will ignorft serfd away|t break up


FRONT STREET. * In Wm. H.Voorht'pn.)


MES C. FIELD, f SIiaw’h Pliarmaey

RRPIN RANDOLPH. run-fly **f U«*yn**l<lH.

Alwl ck a fl!>«•



hr <'«»lorM*l«» ll.allrttwd \Vr»*« k, iJr.Aug. 27. —When the trani on the

tu ion j Pacific road was wrecked. tc«-aus«* a part Bo f the bridge over tlic San ^ creek was ira«lw?J away, yestordav. a [ young

Fancy Goods,

tho front end of the baggage car.

about the.head and with Lih chest is bad!a* crushed. He was taken to

at nooii. The body of the engineer. Mas-



i iisto \



with • drink the thir*£K Tank*, ar P**r**^n dan* |- fn»m

ERBERT SYRUP, Fr.-n-’h In- i r.’Hin ;»'r«*fre*hlng udnrd li*M»t u,.«*r f..r quenching *>rup* nr*- -ntaltn-d la <Jla«s made fi.*in pur** Fruit Juices.

!tl**n given i.» im|m.muling physl- 11■ ’ii—. Pharma* v *.|n*ii Sundays


i p. m.; 4 to 6; 7 to 9 p. m. Ilsiiensing of medicines only.




In Spring anl Summer Goods

in this

high pr




,* of fhe American board at 1'arhlino Islands, who was thrive or four weeks ago and the; Spanish authorities on

jat he had incited the natives o tlvcir governor, has been s intelligence ha* just been

Kc v. Dr. Smith, secre- thl* foreign hoard.

,that nil is not well yet with is associates l°ar there is a ct ltjr their mission. “Spain r rights," they say, “and kcl olars. and in this way

miss ons."

Lightning"* Work.


ii.. Aug. 27.—During last (this vicinity the house

hum wasstruck by lightning in aljmost every part without •tingjany of tho eight persons

Ing shipper at the time. The ^ shiivered the rafters and fntcrji, tore off the clapboards, jirouph the roof and caused

t^ie plh^tering to fall. Every picture 111 ^hjptwoiparlors was destroyed. One bedMli^aB waf* overturned, while “

evening s *pl of VV. (i fc|e ami shatteje seriously ;tff< who were electric Him Joists into made hole* nearly alE t

single |>ed^I deoil, leuvIn unharmed.;

is drenched from tho inolo- the rest of The instr ument

if* Vi

I qoote no Prices, bnt 1 am Selling First-Class Goods Cheaper than any honse


a ('fendldate f*»r Doorkeeper Wa^iiiN|ti8n.. Ahig. *>.—Texas will have

a candidate jaor |doorkeef>er of the next house in tne jjersofi of William H Nichols of Gal vest Jujapt piicscnt an inspector in the custwm si^rvSr** t^iere. He 1* a busines man of priTjn§|epc«| at home ami will have cordial »uip<ift in It he race. The other can- illdatt** ar-i (*j|f)taifi Donaldson of Tennes- see. the iS*eitnt kiicumbent, and •" Hurst «d f i&*si|pu.

Store open eTenings. Do not pay ces at another store.

ns in Every Department.

histcen ^rii£ ^ii|^hhi»iI to he Drowned. B**-r"Nnt^SsH. Aug. 27.—The owtiers of

the flsliinj «eiiooi^or Lyd:a T Crowell, of Beverly, ti|i\yL givjon her up for lost. She was nmotjy-Bre ^ous burden, built nine years ago it&ssek, and for the first three

to Trouble to Show Goods.

years \vas5 Mn tj» the West Indies, and later lo ifclLankb H is believed all on board are Bile was iu charge of CapL Moses I/ukkiix. of [Nova Scotia, and had “


crew of bured.


mf;G. The vessel was in-

Page 3: fP|oun1y lioanl, on the ground MoinLi · b I ' ESTABLISHED May 10, 18)87. PLAINFIELD , N. J. URDAY, AUGIST-27, 1S87; PRICE, TWO CENTS THE DAILY ft A> ETKStSO OITKnt or PRESS. I Tm

13 ' • • f -V. I'



i£>•*••>••'• Winilag-H»

Oanrnmmi- l lMlr ' i Italia

ilia Mown From Kurupo.

1»M>ON. Aue ST.—Tlio house of com

>l»nn-aU |

CLEVELAND'S ST. LOUISre.l<l^nt anU III* Wlr.llfoialu Thar* Tlirc* nrnja. ! ;

t*T. l^oris. Mo., Aug. 2T.—It is definitelyaattled that president and Mrs. C"levei«ndwill be the guests of mayo.- and Mrs. Fran-cis from Saturday evening. O.rt. 1. the timeof their arrival, until the following Mondaymorning, when the Brst public receritiipnwill be given at tbe Lindell or Houlternhotel.

. K. McbLrRE, 'W1

I ^Attorneyat-Law. > g; R l a t i o n j n N e w York-FootMaster In CtoaD.-erjr Notary Publlr. Cm-•• . ;L ^ , et.«.t

sloiier <»if Detain. ' .-.-; LJDOrTy ©XrcfJT.Oflleesj Jtyrlb.Ave iue. Opposite Depot. :/-

i mr-»

1 » > I H » . AUK •<- — ins nouse 01 com- mi«.,«« c- t i_ ~

nonswa* crowded with . l i n g e r * , pu blip d"%°nn {- * T""7 " V T ^Interest m the divm.on on Mr. Gladstone-. ? r a n , "

ttI"JflTe.n^r P»«*». J«« w f * of, _ „ ,„_ _ _ _ ; i "rand avenue, and the president and Wife

±T"* J " ! _ ™ ^ .WI" to l»--mit.ed to enjoy a quiet Sab&tb

'. B.•notion being Inteher*, loo, Ihcro wbut this chiefly arr«a to how certain unionism will vote ratherthan from any dou

The cour«e of *t

as a fooling of anxicljj.He from tbe uncertainty

for Jaysit.v ton jrrcail

been a suurcc of curioiy per*,, us well its B

matter of miuli t>|>c< uiaiion. :ind a creatmany be'*. Ut(te aon tho turn of the!ton and Mr. Cham >erlai:i.Anomalous rclatiot s with One another, sup-port the government, but the latter doeji |• o with many qua!~~ The continued UitorUin with Mr. 'during t ie past vrcjek ba« attracted a great<leal of attention aid provokedlil« criticism of thi-ration in thus

attack npon thethe enemy for torin* or surrender. And

Chamberlain would becharge aetunst Mr.groundless, howevhate faith that he

liberal partythenotmaking terms<ompanions.

Mr Trevelyan> a

r, as all who know I.nilwould openly return to

ment's proclamation was a masterlya great impression upoiiral wavering unionists,

ment, and createdtbe minds of seve g ,which, however, vas removed by the suO/-?equont able speech or Lord liarliugtoo,

best.Remains of a tilrl'a Ho.IT Fuand.! :

BI.IZABETHI-OBT. Aug. '.'T. —Tb« docpni-Mr. George O. Trcvelyan, resuming th* j P"»ed remains of a girl wen- found ii a^ t e on Mr. Gladstone's motion, said tKa ! B"P •< 'be Central railroad coal piers, jajnd

who was also at h

l s

tary returns showhad been committhe house should-statistics qf Irishcase here and anc


believed to be the body of llyearj-iklbill on hearsay evidereci,: Minn"* Low!her, whose disappearance 'in•niand upon parlianieii- | Soverober, last caused such a sensatjujii.

She was last seon going in the directiofiiofthe river. Philip Dackonnan a mule, ]ivasarrested on suspicion of abducting her.He WHS released under bail. NothingIbut

her there was i.ot sufli- ' the trunk of the body and oue limb reojajn.

lale government did not ask parliament topass their crimesbut based their d.

ing that graveo i l

lyau denied that tlfelyau ened hat tlfe \of the league increasAl I tilled by Minnie s friuuds.

cient. Mr. Trev<general o|>erationicrime.

"Let the House understand," said Trey*- jlyan, "if the government's proclamation (ssanctioned, every Irishman belonging;the league who re:<*omniand of tue g(to be punished asthat that liabilityjudicial procecdiu

uses to leave it at thevernracnt will be liable

common criminal, anilill not depend Vworthy the nam<

He conrplained that the statement of SirBalfour injustineiaction were onlyleaving uo tune in•cnaracter.

A stirring *|>cectwliodelared bis readiness to go to prison 'rather than reno

c. the league at ttiibidding.lieoplelories.

Thus h<how to nieet the tyranny of thje i- OOT. Barton's pnysiiians

! ! death within a week.Mr. I'arnell did

taken. Mr. Clad

' or the governmen-—y' estimate setting thje number at sixty.

tbe list came tbeeight, the vote standingninety-four ayesseventy-two noes.

The result was» cbeerfn 1 nes* by t

era. At intervalsdrowned by theby tbe 1'arnellite

L«SIx>N. Aug 27

man is alire and 'suffered the slighhis wound oince itany signs of hydra

his physicians andnot to the inert!

system, but manjthe coachman will yet «u<-cumb

LnxiwN, Auir. 21lin that a froili a

as uu rftiproached the imi«from 8t- Poternbufired a revolvermissed the czar, bhis coat. The •suffering from ne

Au>rIlfracorribe, whileday, turned" backwl.ich 'in i fallenvtruck by a **V

iwere twentyi-one

ance was ten mithose who werel>y small boat^, tjdruuncd; and up•lave not beon rcc

l.utv't >'»iK'isiHiCT. N. Y

said be saw in tb.JPomt. to-day.

If they desire It. Itj is expected that theywill attend service at the Hecond Presby-terian church in the morning, and if afttee-

t>t of the result. . : ,01,, tothenj a drive in tho suburban parks : f ACK.soS Ik OoDIXOTOS..i-oral lend mi: unionist^ w l M „„ ukon in the afternoon. jl J ~J „ .

Arcl>*• (Tin avenue




Boott, Shoe*, Rubbers, etc., !

Somerset hireei, N.,rth



f..r ev.-rytx.dy. \'o.PlalnflHd. u « « i» 1


EI.l>. S. -I

Time Table ls EMect June 27, 1887.PLAIJIKIKL.O* AH» MltW VOBK.

ave Plain nVI.l :I.'J7. .VI:I. A.M. ~.(H. ".:«!. T.vj'•n, 1U.-I7. 1UIK. 114-2. a . m . 12.3:1

» . » . r,:m, V.M. .i si, II..V>.«, KXI, K.««l, ».5J,rji. 1.1A. J.'.T. :i..'»l. HI'.. S.:IOt V.M. ti Si, H..V>. T.uri,.-W. 'J.1M. 11.|«, |>. rn. Kuiujmy—:i.'/T, Hoi. x .',7t:Et l l : « l-i7 3»o 516 J * 'a. in. ,

p. m.»ve NVw v. .rk fr>>m !>•••<<•(

5 1 6 .

.4.1K1,I.UO, 7..'Hi. H.M. v im, 1U.1.1, l l .oo a iu. , I.On 1 :u>

s.Wi. ' .I ' . . :<•*>. 5.*.-

tl The programme of tho public entert^|n-inenl has not been .ierfoeted. but it (i rill

7 , mcludo visits to tlie exposition, UtrUndd .mail, have been laifl 1 veiled pro|.hefs ball, the |>rr-»:.lettialvoles. Kord Hartini- p a r t y leaving at tho ilos« of th.'

; of their ; Tuesday nigut, for Chicago.I t . >.•• A • • va I

:i' ' *rt \ nil

bnobbing of Mr. Cham- j'revelyau iu th«> lobbies



Hotter. Mr. OIMTI? will N..t lakel"l»rr, ana Hottt Arr Hnppr-

WA-.IHM.TOX, Aug. 27.—The rei>on

be appointed commissioner ot mtefpalrevenue in place or Mr. Miller, to re^fen,

Mr Miller is to resign. A letter has >Kenreceived from him, in which liu state* <tlathe has recovered his health, and wil!*b^:athis desk in a few days. Ue i* much iau-

b his former political

ttack upon the govern-

s dangerously llL . ;Mr. Oberiy has expressed uo dissatisfac-

tion with the work of the civil servicecommission, but, as he Is a poor man, wouldvery probably accept ftcongeuu'l plaee.Jtowhich a higher salary is attached. ;

He contended' tabulate 1 and


crime. To mention orte

fraifinenl of a dress and a gaiter is Ill b M

TOMS KTVKK. X. .1. AUK. i7. — Thfunion of the Fourteenth regiment.


tion of the govern xelktVgiven last night, ttiuis

which to examiue thefr

j Jersey volunteers is in progress lnlthisf town atul lias aitracte.1 an imni.-nse cj-^wd• of sp<;cta;ors. Am. n - thy prumliienl! persons here are ISeneral John. C. Fre-{ mont and Kepresenlativcs Buchanan ahd| Fhelps. svThe survivors of the reirinitjn1

• UT»i in number arc pura.iing the streelsja.'nd; from every available point Hags are, HyuiKj nre bunting displayed. The Kourkaduth

was made by '.XI H i l New Jersey took part in more than twenty

. ' -_J[l : engagements in the war of the rebellidnl

nee his membership ingovern menl'.s desiKiticwould show tbe Irish

. i •~~~ \ !


lot speak and a vote was 'Hone's motion was d»- i n M e l t

The stx-ieiy of tbe army at West Virgaoiais elected Major-Uen. Brook president^

feated by a larger majority than cither' lie Judge Daniel Goodwin,' wbo has haent , Judg D a n l G o o d i n , who ha baenexpected, th« common ; f*Hed the Nestor of tbe Michigan Bencp,: is

W b n ! dlauLmajority was seventy. The Spanish government has acqujrBd•ding one hundred anil f ' r r 1 t

1o ^ o n t b e ited "*• 'I"0™'. 1 |<»r

.«^ twn I , , , . . I«H .nrt Assab o«y: •• .two hundredLounsbury. of Connecticut, ian-

~ ~ . . < > M «ri,h »ni™.f-Ji nonnces that he will call no special setflbnreceived with animated o f t n e i P g m i a t u r e . ^ He goTernment support-

tbeir clamor was almostderisive noises made

i, who sought In everyway to express their derisive defiance ofthe ministers.

ONE TAfCEN, HE OTHER LEFTTIM THcoant Illod from a r»x 1MI», ftfetl •

>choi»u Lives.

A Swede named Charles Hweczy traskilled by a Shore line train at Hton.v Crfeek,Conn., last night. j ;

Jatnes D Pish, the ex-presldeat of jtB*defunct Marine bank, who is a res Id en : bfAuburn, has entirely recovered Lis atefailing health.

King Kalakaua Is an Inveterate UD1 uc-cesssful poker player Adventurers fromHan Francisco find him an eaoy and profit-able Victim

William Montgomery, who fatally shot'—The death of Viscount rlona Kittson In Owen county. Ky.. tkree

Dooeraile from by Irophobla draws atten-tion to M. Pasteur s system of treatmentfor rabies. Lord Doneraile and his coapti>-man were bitten I y a rabid fo% last Jan-uary and were both treated by M. PasteurDelthor showedtoms alter tbe trsktment. and the

»ll to-day, nuv T havinfelest inconvenience frrimwas bealed.or exhibite<|phobia tendencies f I

Lord Donorajle s attack X>l n .'1 rophobikand consequent d<ath are attributed by

friends Io his 1lency of M Pasteur'

(wrtons contend tbi

< in 7»n<iot the (zitr;—It is re|«»rtcd in Bditempt to kill the rtir

wan nrade e*n t h e '.flth inst . A iithi'i-^t, dior of tbe iruards.•ia! earn.i(r« on a j'g to Krastio s«io atjiiltwice. Th.; first sh4tt tbo scuonJ perforated

zarina has since beejnvous prostrution.

In f lte T h x i r n s .

IT.—The pleasure yack t•ailing in the Thames t>to recover a boat hookVerboard, when sbe vti BII uiid capsized. Therplorsons ..n board all ii<f

whom were thrown in the water. Assi:liiiutes in arriviiii.', anil

tilt afloat weru rescue •!t twelve [Kjrsons wea this time their botli%'ered

Aug. -T. -A (1-therms n Tne ball stru.'k the old mini ju»t ab<» Hu.ison, nea»- Harnejr;

' which seemedhim to be eigbtee"h or twenty feet in lengtIts bead protrudud trom the water three

„ feet. Ft Had a larirc horn growing at a poiwhere its none might have been, and cathat reminded thje fisherman of an elChant.


tiorl fund has bt'erForeman Tutor,toen'itTim CotlgbUn, tbo•with the ru*|Kmsi

Crmiroa.1 di-u'ttr. :Until his guilt < r 11

wnrth Disaster.v'Vii. Au,-.|-.'t. -A |., .j started by (! rand I 111.if the railway sec 1,01to necurca fair tri-il ft fM>rtiuii fin einun clnirgfiil

) sustain his fami.' f

ofarnings <it Rc-a.iii

of July 1

_ ' councils in Fr:m«*e :o participate in acongness in Paris. The government 1|ens ttie meetinir.

The old C'artwright fetid, wbiecause 1 so iiuirh blooitslieut incount[v, IV*. Va., has • brok<'n out

'artwntlit was ste of Frank Jones

t, 'heart, and tie died instanfly.

Yesttinlay John Cain front of the housho niiide lliH home, whun tio was tire 1 1 ponw-ith ia rifle by somn unknown ivrton.

vu theI

Christian Hoth,-aged 2liyrars. a n eriberi f a prominent faiiiily'i i>f (Iranicbjirg,Hockland county, ls missiliig. Much alfirmis felt by the family. Hejwent away f -om!iom« a week agr> /in an excursion and jhasnot been bear-d from since. Ho ba.t iton-siderabtn money with him, and ;t is eatred

w ishe hn» mot ' foul pliiv. Hef?ruicd and not 171 -.....l hnalttr.

Seven Jlorcfoii families na vr sett!^d ifiearMedicine Hat. Nort Invest territ.have i n i a t c t i t o tti>> a u t | i i > r i t i e s i b ;do not propose to carry nut Hie prof their religion, at | in us lar a-,rving nuire 'b in 01.. wife l.s .

' therefore not

llr.u.1 KarAu.'. 27.'-!l1ii» Jug were *447.l/.tl in

The statement f.ijreight months sbov net earnings of f>7Ttif

n ex.-ess of t lose oX tbe same eightmonths ago.


The gjoverujin.'nl wi l . tbeie

«elccjinm1 'he new a r r i v e sLittle I'ete. a Clnnamat). has hoc

victed in San K rancisco (if l iv ingHe n '''1' > • ' " ' »f a oowerful

Iu v „ ! ioc.tttk- of Chinese highbinders win.. . *-V.Ji spent|large amounts of ihoney In I

'. • enst-j I'fte has defeated tho etn — - -n-tli-B In many <ras«s involving t il{ie»«iriminals. Certain |>ojilicians

icted witk him. aad bi» nOBV.iibom-hat «urnrt»ijs


n I in If



N.itarl<-» Publlr. c .mCimer Park avenue aij

r \ L JESIKISS. JI. D.i j

I < Homoeopathitt•r 11. l}r. s..uth.i M East From stree

T K i l t , m.: 1 I"mjlX

near Peace.j (Im.-e»—7p. m.; 7 to 8 p. m. :'


i Counselor at Law.Supreme i-..urt iv.mml«l,.ner. and

M«.-u-r In Ctan.-err. N.itary PuMlr. : .Ufllci- q..ruer Front'and s..mers«t wtc ^

; i my-'t'K

7.:m.'>tl'.. 'J.:tn, 10.311, 12.11(1 p. 111inidHy--l.ini. H.45, II.IIII. a. m.. 1'i.iio. iu. f AMI NKWAKK. :ive pialiill .-ld *>.4:i. «.:KI, ~.<ri, ':.**, s irj. M.411•VJ, 111,.17. 11.iw. 11. U. a. in , U.:ci. 1.2I, i.i:,

:.f>7, 3..11. s.25, .">..">i. '•.-...'.. ~.<n, M.4I.. U.1M; 11.1t;111. Sunday—" •>". lu.JS, 11.32. a. m.J, 1.27,

:«). 6 IB, 7.2K. tf.aa, p. m. jve S e w a r k —* jn, 7.S4. H.aj, s i r . . iu.:i3,. 11.mi,m., I.O.1, l.-'ti. 2.40. :*-4u. i.mi, 4.3.*i, 5.116. .1.:15,

p.5o. «i.2ll. 7.10, 7..1.1, s.211,'.i.4<l. p . m . . 12.UU uljfhlTluiiday—11.511, a. ni., 12.211, l.t.1, 4.1U, 5.:16, n.1.1,|.. m.Lswnjfer*. for N.-»ark .-hanide e a r s at) AM) HiOfKBYILLE.kave Plalnl le l . l .". 111, 7.14. M.:IS, J,-JI, n . :



BottlerEip..r». IJI«.Tn f Mil.rauk.-

deal.-r In liulnnenn' I' and Bas»' Ale Llnd. 11Javenue. N.,rth PlalnHeld. S. J. (Jniers l.y mailB..X lx«i. .it}-, will rtje.-iv.. prompt attention

\ mylKtf


House Painter.Ile>ld.-n<-e, 12 North m t All w .rk (uirHUtmd.

n Krron-I'hllHilelpII l>«-f»«l—Oilier l i u n i n .

!j[Kw JV'.OHK Aug. -It.—Had the Uu DMg yesterday they would have lied PI ilav5b,ia liu third place. Uu', they did 1'taKojivon with four less hits thun wire

aitou; to .New York K.e«fe pile ledwdivjbul was miserably support kl.B Vijirk made nine errors, uvery >ne

y. ( for <t momentary ratllo of b»ago4 in tlie 4iinlti lumng tbo h<

mwi \vju;d have been shut out.fhiiago'i ..0 -i 0 8 •) 0 0 d (JJe f Yc|rk 1) 11 11 o ii 'I 0 0' "^se, bits—Chicago :,. New York

|ied i uns -CUCA^O 1. Errors -CUlc¥» YorK 9.fill LA | .K l . I ' l l IA.


Fjulmat*-* myloyl

Au;. 17 - It vri»» i)otro t'ejf n j i n i h • n i a r l . i h e y Uitvi-14 n o dI n Jljul 1'n^r I. ttic>. v.'l.i.e m e .1*1*.

.ar t . iau 11 11: .!_• wi l l* Uooy

T1 11U -'

0 0u u

Soda Water,

with r^al FruliSyrupH, patronize Miller's Pbar"1*7. No. Hi. E. Front street. m y ] . tr

^-jl'hiladuipui.1, •»:, i.liaijj ikuil Lou way.




/"•• E. JOHNSON,

90 Park Avenue, Cor. 6th St.•a unt i l Id A. II 5 till 7 I'


M a w, « :>5p 1 , ^ 7 :K) - -,-j_ „ 1 5'4i£ *'• 1" '"^ 11-1.1. a. 111.. rX-if), 2.1X1, :l.-j.1,,r1a.:l2. K.IS, K.«I, p m. Mini.lay —«.:io, 11.11S, a .m.f' il.oo, 4..I.1. 7.tMl, *..->». p. m. :

: PI.A1M-IKI.U AID pAMT.l.V. ;Lrave p ia innei i i 5.111, V.12, '.".'ji(a. m. ,, 2.1«

jSU-M. 5.1«, 6.3K, p . m . ' SuudaJ—6.111. a. ni . , 6.43J

J4»KV,- Eattton fl.5.1, H.S7. a. m. . 12.40. 4.IS. fr.OO, p> In Sunday—7.1.1. a. 111.,, \K m. ;


O! late nrm of SlIKPHrRD, JOHXSOS * OODOVN.

CARPENTER and BUILDER.j om.-e adjoining City Hotel, on Second sir*!.

5ASUHN.II.IS, Au;;ii»i '-7 — icdiuuapblW( with 11 hits. 0 ruin and 4 er.-Ar*.

1 niiim, 111 hi tit, 4 ru.i», Ii crrbrm,, lSi»i i-j and Uiiuiau.

!'oi;K, Aug "i7.—'lne summary oti:i:es yesieru'uy is us follow*: Ht' h; •

11. Hulinnore __,nal

near Park avenue, PLAINF1ELD. Kesldeucu, 1.".

Sulphur and Vapor Batht,followed byja thopmgh rubbing with al.v.hF..r men ..aiyl Hours s u< 11 a. m.: It. . 3 p.H. HOBSIKHJ IS W. M street, Plalnfleld. N.K.-fern t.. I>r(<. Probasc... Endleott, FWtt». T.llnson. Judge Suydam and T. 8. Armatroug.

I ; 5-27

A.\ • !

x. itrjxvox k sos.Undertakers and Embalmers.

.V* Park Av.-tui.t. Telel.hone Call No. ; 40. IUd.-n.e. 48 Mlidiix.ll Aire. Trk-phou* Cilll No. 37.

Office of Hillside Cemetery.A. M. k u n y n . Klmer E. Buayon.

I ; j my9i:

LF.AVt FLAINniXD :a. ni.—For Easton. Allemown, ; 4K«'a.

u.'b ('hunk.: ''"IHarriet.uri; andi n

n. Lake UopaUout;. fie-., dally, liu'lu.llnijn.lajn.14, a. m—For Fl*, a. ni—ForHlKh Uri<liceBran.-h,R<h6oley«iinlaln. Lake Hopittong, Easlon, Wind lian,I Maucb Chunk. ; :

21, a m.—For FlemluKioii, E*.-.i..n. Alleiitownidlug*. Uarrlsliur^:. Mai|.-ti Ctiunk. Williams

in, Tama.|iia. Nautl.'oke, I'pi^r 1J1I1I1.-I1Ikesharr.-. H**raiitoii. A:.-. :

..- n, p. in.—For Fl.-nilnjrioli. E^stoii 4il..nrowr.|Kha'lliif*. H.irrlst.urt;. Mau.-n Cli&ink,


] FJuneral Director*.

an«i Pra.-tl.Vil ;Elnl .almers. <>ffl.*e. V a r e r ^and Ke^ldeij.-e !>... U E. Fn.Dt s treet . Te leph.-all No. 4-4. i..L.I. ('. FOKli. JO)-9tf ODO, M. HTILE

j . ... i . .- -

P H O A « L A N 1 > ' 81i City Express.

Op|H.slte th«j l>*|»'t. North Ave.. Plalnhel.l. NBatrffag.-, Fujrnlture and: Fn-lght e..nveye.i t->front tbe I>^-|»ll !•• all p a n s of the

14. p. 111—For K.-1M011. Wind Hap. i lau . -hlink, Tama.4ua. sliaiii->klu, Urif ton, Wllken-rre, He iau lou , i . - . '

i 16, (. i n — F o r Fleni lnrMii , High Brlian.-h. S.'h'-'ley'i- M o u n t a i n . B«k.- Uopm,-.,!

2. p. m . - F I T .:IK, p. m—For Eji-l.ti. All.-iit. wn,' rrlnburg, Mauch ('hunk. kc. ;

A 8PECIALTT.-S» myllnf


Tin and Copoersmith,S.0I.I1 Plains. iFanw.ilHli S. I. Hoofing. Stovean.I Heater work. Tloware. and allkinds of sheet metal w.rk. Ttir tmil ami the.-li.-a|"-r.l Smoke ay.t Vi-iilllatloii r«|». K>-palr-Ilig pr tuptly utteiididto. 7-22-lf.





Dozen. ! l l

l^quis It; >ieiropolil*.ii b; L.ouis»Vilie|)ri|)lciyji u, Cincinnati 11. BaltimoreJVll|letlri '1. Cleveland 1. lnleroatulej^ue-ISuffaiu U. Hamilton ii; Eiyrac l»aj , jj'ilkt4-barru 7; Jersey Cltj! 13, Scr m-jJfllglU. I '

§e S i n York management bas 001 ghreleise of 'lilcoii.u and ili.rj.liy. J01 sejr's c|-ack Lailery. Price, «>i,uuil. I'he1

flofeey City» have also cold ti u.r Ural b is»ju.Mn, O'Until, to tbe Metroponutus. ff-ict



ji S


' 1 ily In N«.|ileiuber.

tA«iits<;T<iN. Aug. J7 —1 ho member1-*: interstate Coii.ioCrce. t-ommisr*.ou

w^,rk. niter .lieu- >itin.mer vacat

tun iuip<u Un.i i.cii'iiii; 111 liiii.uiid.?pt.| 1. '1 he i-u-*- Is li.^L u! liie lioAHlat\\' railroad a^a.nsl tbe UolLoWeilt and other , \o« Knglaiid ronvillves ulie_'oil Vi-naiiou ui Inu itbi i' lul l . seen.11 ol live la.v 111 c

iilipn if or IreiKiit Iroiu the west Co




hours. Plaream .uable r it^s.

boxes] and


Var.1 and ..fnVe 8..uth arfj." p. o. Boi |4«7. TlI—M quality At s.reeue.1 coal at the Lowest HarkPrlem, for ICaah. Bcfwkrr's rertl|lu>ra t.salv. i • mri


Coal Dealer.

K. f~LOW

Picture fraxrmt.of all kinds St Xew York prices. Htudlo W WeFront stm-tj : Strainers for drawing andpainting. { i -; m


Cjarjpenter and Builder,:ll (iran.l»l.-# »»-enue, Sorth Plalnfleld. NP. O. B..I l»«7i. »*-Htalr building and cabinwork a itpecialtj. ; «i.(.

months ago. is trying to starve himself todeath in jail at l.ouisvillo.

Warden l'atten of the southern Imr anapenit*inti«pr. who allnwetl f ho cmiviet ealTreasurer,vvorlli lu .i|>|«_'.ir iit lib-ertv on the puolu- sireets, lias been ! njned

fis' , : ;Pet<"r Russoll, asie-l 13. son of Jj.

Knsseil, Ims distinguished himself at,1 Mar-ble hoad neck by rowing out a mile utd ahalf durinir a heavy storm and resicijithe occupant of a capsized dory.

f Prof. H. Ii. Widuey and I.ulu Hnyii-js, nI l()-year-old dausrhtor of Uenry HaynjeRj ofj Kxcelsior. were drowned yestenlii.v in

1 ' Lake Mirinctonka, near St. 1'aul. ! Hrijr* Wildncy lost his life while endearomnffto' rescue the irirl and bi> own two childb-e.ii.

I A race nar is in progress in liornke. ' county. Ark. Six whiles and four b:Ufks

have oeen killed. A numlM-r 'if tuejlatter! are under arrt-st. a,mi a moo of lOU negroes

has been organized to rescue them, j j

Therp is a difference of fMt between) theFirrtt National bank of Chicago utid thesub-treasury winch bids fair to' enlist theservices of tbe treasury department) atWashington ;IH arbitrator. '1 he differencearose from a shortage; of lour $11) )>ilisfrom a fl.lO) package. I j

1 John <J LocltwniKl. who said he [rda acoinnieri'ial travi¥!!*T Irniii Sun Frai|cijico,was arrested in Buffalo yesterday i/ltaiired

1 with Bt>>aliiisr several toundrol dollars: »orlli of J-'WoJry from Willium Kn«;,[Jr.,

of Neiv York at the Uenes.-e hotel. li*<-k-wood has. forwarded thejewely to V\ lifiigo.bui it! was recovered at the express oltlco.

A conflict is iraminoht betwpinlthoFrench government and tho Paris mjiTii-cipal council, growing out of the fusilier's

: decree annulling the latter's resotu^iooi toInvite dele-rates from all the iiHilnqipal

g. andlirbal-


Painter*' Supplies, Wall Papers, 4c..Paoe|r. Haneing A Specialty.

I No. 6 North Avenue. my»

Bookseller arid Stationer.No. 7 Park Avenue.

A full lln\e l.f C'r.Hjurt, ': Baby Carrlagif,UBIIK. Bal«, kc.

BOmrD BROOK ROUTE.ave Plnlnfleld for P h i l a d e l p h i a a n d Trputon,

22. ft. 111. H.14. M.4.1. 11.44. a. m . . 2.16. :. 3.35",• rjr. HAT, p. m. Huuday—•\ ,ri ,b.l tr' .u.35,a. ni.,20, p. ni. i • 7

BKTIIKMNU—LEAVE PIlILiUKl.PUIAnth and Oreeu •tr.t-tfl, H.30*. 9,m. 1]nil. :a. ra.,.15, 3.44, 5.15., 12 uu, p. m. Sunday—M.SO,

I. m., 5.30. li .«>. p. in. ;[j ..m Third and Berks stir-em, « .»• , 90S,I ».3e. a. m.. l.mi. s m . VOu, 6.uu. p. m. ttun-

lay—B.15, a. m., 4.3", p. m.

Long Branch, Ocean Grove, *c.ave plalutlHl.l :i.!~. K «i , 11.o«. ;a. m.J

Jl. J 2.1, 3">1. 5.2... >.M. p. iu. Hundayn ( ix .x>.-eaii Grove) H..17, a. ni., J.:m p ni.

Stationery, etc.,than NVw York price*, at 1. H. Allen's,

The Book Seller and Stationer,No. XI EAST FKOST ST.. 10m; '




. . _ , hearing at Kullund, the c}ntS»ion kill go to t ii la to , and u^vi.i b!"lj» lbe|e on ricpt. 7. From ChicagoIvfji go \o Now York city, arriving t ier*

ut tbi; middle of isept ember, aud,return to Washington. i

J. POPE & CO,f

I N S U R A N C E A C E N T S .

Ko. s E FBO!«T STBXTT. my lot 1

; Itoulefl MHA.mlL- h i i n o n .t\$rvf IIAVEN, : \ U » . '27.—Great commo

iiiaj I'oeerj caused among ibe Knights i u np-Lf'iif IU;.S .n.v by i he refusal of limnl'<$tymaiiuer Lyuian Johnson of New Ua

maudery, No. 'J. to issuu a i-jll forbis ' to turn but to the lunerugeljrabtree, wfbicn occur re I ytslerilajr

Joflnson's reasons are that Crabi -eejiajl'belopigod to Hiram Lodge, which i

Morels' points with tbe Urand LsMlge..'rttbtref bad belonged to tbe knitjhts

years, and had beld the offloeni commander f*r two years.

are Trenton, Warren aud Tucker airewl*. l.W,>.10»,, 11.3s, a. m.. l,M. 4.15,;,r 40, p. ra. Hunday—l.'JS, VAti.VM), a. m., a is]J. m. :

ilnneld p&Mvnip>n> by trains marked* ah+ngt-am at Bt.uud Br.M.k. : :H. OLUAIHES, D e l l Sup'I. ;

B. P. BALDWIN, Ofm'l Paaa. A(rat

4 D. CCOOI k BRO(,


for BIslMtl.


The Crocer.Cr. 8..merset and Chatham Btr

-' North Plaldnrld. X. I.

fVE.ST E M ) (1IAL VAKDii : ;

HETFIELD BROS.,,Proprietors.!a l e r s In al l klinl> ..f ("OAL. E»t lmnt .» | to p a n i c . le^lr lax t<> lay lli r . .a l .l e e s —No. IMPnrk a v e n u e iln.l Sottth H.-.-.IH.I Stn U -South S.M-..n.| 7*tr.-^t. near p . . t i ers : Pr.-»»• rl i- -«-'.'-.-rl . i :

LTKK L. HFTrir.LI'. *J..H> M HfrrriKLK



Lumber and Coal Merchants,


P L A I M F I E L D .

A1I Lun»«r and U a s u XXmm.-%»

i j

I '





F . A - ""I

Tovlslous. Fl.ur. Fwdi. drain. Hayjaw. A-.-. V.-|r.-uil.les. * t . | N.>. 76 Ea«t.3d 8t.jilers Ollverr.l Fr>* of charge to auy part of)

cny or North Plainn-l.l, ; :.Bllipm i i

i n ^ r » t f


s Sharkey.


>. » W. HTBEET.

1 1 - - I .

l < . 1

c H,\S, KtlllKL,

•!-. I'.


Mason and Builder.i PlainII. I.I an.Ll





FRED'K COOMBS, Proprietor.- I j



• ' If ^ . |



Lumber and Masons' Materials,


l l ' F ^ V E U BU08., :

House and Sign Painting, Craining, Etc.4WPAPEK HANii lXO A M I K U . S O M I X I S O - K s




N. Y., Aug. 27.-Thein reirard to the failure o(

( 4 ) ^ » | Nstlonsl Bank of Danwllte, liitr-|)i j i ton county, put t btd look oa ib lOsy|he ld»y | of the suspension, there wjjera!f»«J«rdee|«t tbe county seat, Ueneseo, mbrvitfaWs fri»«j James Faulkner, president et-«h€j|daffnet bank, as follows: Twd «€ilipOOefch to John Hyland, and onej of|l0],|00 to the Wads worths. There Jraa£e4grdedi yesterday a mortgage of M^Wt(rqtji Fajulkner to Hylaod.

! Shot Uowo la th« Itarh.J : | | R O K ^ > , Aug. 27— The body of Will amprJ««Btm»n, tba Toronto agent ol the ( hl-<)aan Masonic Insurance association, waa{oatid lying on tho sidewalk on Duff«Jfi4»iti»»l [with.a bullet hole above jthejeifcear, ^nd bis pockets rifled of eve ry-jilim* Valuable. hrieiitman, wbo ' .-aaIbJ^t 45!years of age, and leaves a widow- **tthrep children, left home at 9 o'clbck

oveiiiiiK to visit friends. The poj.eetlifck beiwas waylaid and killed by riot- ;a 6 t ^ ' I • i

F n s n i e n M«>ti«*y Out of m

TF.KS, N. Y., Aug. 2T.—EnterpjruvYork burglars are aitctiding . toin Putnam county Frighte ied

Vc,~=.v«^s of tbo Putnam '''.is b^ beqii, drawing out tbe.r uiuney for

the iburglars may broait in. One laywedk t6O,miO was banded over Ibe

k'sc6unters. More or less of the mo ley— hidden away in old trunk*.

r Keport.

,.~- . AUK. •!'• » a. m-—Indu„ hours covenni? t;.istern Pennsylval IJ,! Jersey. New York un I New Eogla III

r. north w o t winds, slight cbat gasnperiilure.



I i .

j . '

Furniture and Freight Enpress.

'il luy ,-J.I-.- wii 11

i .i" I

He|.|. S . JJ All **.«- - l l | |iv.- prompt (iit.-iitl..n ni) |

1>lCHAKll |)AV.

4-4 ._




Livery Stables.North Av... . .pp. Depot.: <«rrlai;.-s t.i m e e t a l l

trnlns . All kl i i . l - ..f T(in. . . . i i i . . . lay. ..r nllthlFamily million s|»-|altjr. T.-l.-ph..nn fall 131

j ; ' mystf

n TUOUN), j I

Noi 2 Park Ave., 2d Floor.l » r tii'l Sli.^-t tr ,II Worker

Alfenlt for thr "Alilh.iiiyV S(,.,.l ] . l H l , . Funia.-efll^.lh Hrl.-k S.1 IIII.I l'ort*l.l-|. I lrlek-sft IPi tmps . si

i :

i — *"•

! Furniture' Eipre»».|.-> W.-^i FiV-nt s t r . - i . ; 1

Triueks. Kutt-f.'Mtloii ( ruar i i , , . .^ , .• •IT.I > • a n y jpart ..f t h e Cul led HI.f4u.lj Fur i i l lure lH.Ui..|tt iuui *.,ld

^ «ime-


.. op|

>».ifi~-l- ..:. ^_I.i^_^__i|

FlorhrtSortb. . Xorth A«j<i., w a r D»p«>t, ilalB.

X. 1. A lar»» »VtcUi of Beddlnfi Plant* at

•jj-:.l, -I. -Ai . i i ' >^.^L.





|~-n f..r Summer (nest*. Katf!-—S'iJBu |^rday: fin an.t $1.'|.. rw.«-k. The:H.wart.n

Ui-iKli Is ;

AN OLD FISHING GROUND,ne of the IM-KI in Hie Stiiu*. Kltli .-rinfn will

nil Hi.- r.-.|ul>.lleH f..r iNhii.jj.—4i4>Ot>I'I'.V BOATS, (with H»nhi |;* | JKIsh- :

Inc Tiirkl.-, Billt. et.-. • •

A FINE SANDY BEACHlarffe H.ittilnk' ll'.UHe* an<1 till i


III re. i ; . . , . | , h . - . u r.r lil.r»e». t(. /i.- .jinlitl.- part ies .IrlvlllT.- down r.T III.- djly.

wllli ho^il.-r In alt.-iMl;tli<->-.i I--.- ;cr . -am. s...l;i. ciiTHrs aiii<l :

MIII . m l n m . T » w.i.i j ;at ibe »iaiid lit j i

the hotel . I '.-

Randolph's, 12 W. Front street.

New Coods. Latest Styles, Best Materialsat Reduced Prices.


i •


lSu.-.esi«..r to Van Sl.-kle * Terry.V Dealer of

Fresh and Salt Meats,«'t.-. <iaitte In »«-a-".ii. N'.. M North a v e n u e .PlHlllIleld, N .1 Te |e | , | i one No. lirj. l l r . l e n,-ailed for and prompt ly ,i, VI1 t.ll l- payable to n>.. ! mylotr

T"\AVID W. KIS(i'9

Fish Market,Somerset s treet , ( formerly o .n. lu. - led by AndrewH u d I A full l ine or frrjli Flxb every day. Allkin.]-, of Frui t s . Vein-tables, etc. (J|«-ir ni s l i• >'e|.H-k every n i . r n l i i g . A trial ..f . u r ir l»sollrlu^l . • .;•* it



PURE SPRING WATER ICE.I)»-ltver.-.l dally to any part of the d t v ni il.<-


j Orders recolvisl at HhnrirUi'" Sh.s-St/.re. P 0

up In the ll.ti-l for the a«*• wlKhinj; r.-rn-nhmetits. waueiidiui.,.. The p |

•naire of th- p.ll.11"-. Pams, a'Mrew.

xl|e« wfshlnit t.. *••

JOHN P. TURNER, Pr4p'r, !

, warf B d

.* JntaacabMg lu/vart Aid <m


Furniture Dealer.11 East Front street. Parlor, Dlnlnj-r-.m an.lted-inom Furniture. A Lar(« Stuck at » wTork price*. Call and See for yourselves S-23-tI

I U I 4U*~*. .

!e»e-T-Market dull. Factory—New V v,». 1| <al-ic.; wc.t--m. tut, HtuUVito. Cre na-iNoWi ork. part skl-n*. *aK>3. ii,'»— M.n.-i dub. P.-«,h — Kistorn. fir tfk11 re; j Cintdun, nr.ui. 16:; western. Hi |sv

August 41. —Monoy on Call

Closini ClosjniYCklerday. To-


ivtr.. cooSTUCK .M \rcKKT.

Iclock—A ouiel frelln-/ setfe.lark'lt dimni; tlie u'lorn<K>n.

ththat fe.. the furthest n

r bin In uorr;lU rr.ilil



tnniru'i Warning— He I'milrmiii I ha »l—Haaly'a Halanre-AII

tlia S«»i From Kurope. Loxiios. Aue 27.—The house of eom-

tnons was crowded with *irungerK, public

bers. loo, I hero wja» a feohnif of anxiety, but thiscliiedy an so from the uncertainty as to how certain unionists will vote rather than from any doubt of the result.

The course of several lead on; unionists -ha^ for some lays been a source of curios liytofc ercal it: aty persi.ns, as tveil as a matter of miu-ii S| Ci ulatloii. and a irrrai many beta, laiye and small, liave been laid on tho turn of tholr votesi l.ord Hartini- . „ , . , party leaving at the close of the !a" 'it|on ton and Mr. I ham rerlahi, ur-stjlte of their Tuesday nigut, for Chicago (! anomalous relations with one another, sup-


Happy. }i

port the gorernmdnL but the latter does so with many qua

The continued hobnobbing of Mr. Cham- berlain with Mr. 'Trevelyan m the lobbies during fie past wtek ba« attracted a great steal of attention and provoked considera- ble criticism of tbu Birmingham man's dis- cretion in thus leaving himself o)<en to attack ujhui the charge of trealiug with the enemy for lerins of surrender. And a charge against Mr Chamberlain would bo groundless, however, as all who know hup have fallli that he would openly return to hl_ , , . , Hh— «■ *\r~, — “.-s •"!' is-,S4 not| stoop to unquestionable methods Of '

Rfinitliiii «*f a Girl's El.IZ-A HETHl'ORT, Aug.

posed iremains of a girl

HoiIt Found.! 27.—Tbe werc fou ml ilu

making terms with his former political companions.

Mr Trevelyan’*-attack upon the govern- ment's proclamation was a masterly argu- ment, and created a crest impression upon the minds of several wavering unionist*, j which, however, ras removed by the sub- sequent able speech of .Lord Uartington, who wa* also at h is best.

Mr. George O. 1'revelj'an, resuming this debate on Mr. Gladstone's motion, said the *lip 'A® Central railroad coal piers, ‘arul late government did not a«k parliament to ,s believed to be the body of 11-yean-Old pass their crimes bill on hearsay cvidenc^, Minnie Lowther, whose disappearance tin but based their demand upon purliameti- i November last caused such a sensation. Xary returns showing that grave outrage* She vvas l;l*1 seen going in the direcltotijof had been commit ed. He contended thijt th« river. Philip Dackorman a mute, Was the house should see ■ tabulate 1 and onl^’ arrested on suspicion of abducting per. statistics Qf Irish crime. To mention orte He was reicaseu under bail. Nolhiugibul case here and ancther there was not sufBl- 1110 trunk of the body and one liinb retujuin. cient. Mr. Trevelyan denied that the A fragment of a dress and a gaiter m Idem- general operation; of the league increased ! Minnie’s friends, crime.

“Let the House 3tidersland." saidTrevi- Jyan, “if the goveraiment's proclamation |s sanctioned, every Irishman belonging: tjo the league who rcl uses to leave it at ine command of the gc vernroent will be liable I to be punished as a common criminal, and

the ministers.


CLEVELAND'S ST. LOUIS VISIT. Tl*« rrwklcnt and Ilia Wife KxpecrteU to

Thar* Three Days. Ht. Lon*. Mo., Anr. 27.—It is definitely

settled that president and Mrs. Cleveiimd will be the guests of mayor and Mrs. Fran- cis from Saturday evening. Oct. 1, the flme of their arrival, until the following Monday morning, when the first public receritjion will be given at the Lindell or Southern hotel. (jgg

Mayor Francis has a very pretty rest- dence on Vaudeventer place. Just west; of Grand avenue, and the president and iyiTe

Professional (Tards.


Attorney-at-Law. Manter in dhancery Notary Public. CV*i

mlfttdoner tk IWxls. OlScesj North Ar** m*. Opposite pepit-

B. Ftmr.^TFi. 4 a .

Interest m the division on Mr. Gladstone's „otlo. being Intense. Among the

^ B they desire it. Ilia expected that ihejr will attend nor vice ul the Hecond Pre|by. terian church in the morning, and if agree- able to them a drive in the suburban parka will be taken in the afternoon.

The programme of the public eutertjijn- rnent has not been .icrfocted. but it kvill include viait, to the exposition, fairjgnd veiled prophet's ball, tbe prrs'dejitiat

rth nvcuui' PLAIN F

intral Railroad ofkwJwj

ation in New York—Foot o‘ Liberty Street.

Time Table In Efiecl Jnne 27, 1887. FL.tlXPIKL.D AKI> NEW rum.

Arcl litect, fIMxwitf dfp.l

l|EI.I», N. 4

JACKSON x <X>DINGTON, : Counsellors-at-Law,

MasUTH In d’hiincery. N<|tartF8 Public. <%*mm! h|«.|htn <-f Dr*-d*. vl«- Second *tr**pt.

Ctinier Park avenue an* myl'ifl


Henrr. Sir. Oiwrly Will and liotli A

Wa-giinotox, Aug. 27. —The rei»orT Mint Civil St^rvic-c Commissioner Oberly i*j; to be appointed commissioner of intcfpal rovejiue in place of Mr. Miller, to resign, lacks for its basis ttje essential fact that Mr. Miller is to resign. A letter has l^en received from him, in which lie states ^tial he lias recovered his health, and wil'_ bp at his desk in a few days. He 1*


Homoeopathist ®j* (Hucee**w.r th I)r. South.) 58 East Front wiree|jjj near peace.-! Office Hours—7 to 9 a. m.: 1 t" p. m.: 7 toK p. m. royl*

»ve Plainfield 4.27, 5.41. 8.4*2. 7.02. 7.;*). 7.59 j.02, 8.23, H.40. 9.5*2, 10.47, 11.08. 11.4*2, a m. 12 :1:1 <’21. 2.25, 2.57. 4.51. 5.25. 5.40, 5.54. 8 42. 8.55, 7 (12, J.48, 9.18, 11.16, p. in. Suiulay —4.27, Nil. M..V7, <0.43, 11.42 a. in., l.*27, 3.»U, 5.16. 7 20, 7.28 1.23 p. in.

sv«* NVw V<»rk Troni Lll»**riy Street. 4.00, 1.00, 7.30, h.:uj, ».iS), 10.15. 1 Loo a. in., l.Oo. l.:*o, i.lio. 4-40-JA5, 4 1P(| iu, 5.15, 5.00, 5.45 1.00, 6.30^1.00, 7.:9i,*hl15, pi. si, 12.11O p. Ill Sunday—4.on, 8.45, IMm. a. in.., m., i.»W, 5.40, 6.30, ‘4-.SI. 12.0*1. p. in.

PLAIN Kl KLIJ AXU NKWAHK. avf Plnin(l«*l«l 5.44. 6,:r2. 7.»r2. 7.:*u. h irj. h.4U,

1.5*2. 10.47. 11.UH. 11.42. m. in . 1*2.33. 1.2f, 2.25 1.(57, 3.51, 5.26, 5.5*. «l.*5. 7.i>2, 8.46, 2.18,: 11.16 m. Sunday—8 57. 10.33, 11.42, a. nil 1.27

L:S». ft 16, 7.28. 0.33, p. Hi. sve Newark—6.‘20, 7.44. 8.35, 0.05, 10.35; 11.00,

.. 1.05, 1.35. 2.40. 4.40. 4.00. 4.45. 5Mb. 5.:i5, 1.50. 6.20. 7.10, 7.-45. 8,*2l|a 0.441. p. Hi.. 12.00 ulglit. jtuinlay—8.50, a. Hi., 12.20, 1.45, 4.10, 5.:i6, 0.15,


s dangerously ilL * : Mr. Obenjr has expressed uo dissatisfac-

tion with the work or the civil service commission, but, as he is a poor man, wquid very probably accept acongemgi plarfj to which a higher salary is attached.

^BAIG A. jMAUSH. Counselor at Law.

Supreme <*«.ikrt tVmmlssioner. H.dl«*lt.*r ai^( Ma-ier in Ctan-f-ry. Notary Publle.

Office Corner Fn»nt and Somerset st». niyOtf | 1 ■ -r

JJII. PLATjr. ' 90 Park Avenue, Cor. 6th St.

Office IB ufs until 10 .1 u. 5 till r « myotf]

^ P WHEELER, Boots, Shoes, Rubbers, etc.,

f*»r **v«Tyhody. No. 69 Aomerset ntre«*t, N -rth Plainfield. Correct Htylef.. L-.w Prleen. c„*m\ GihmIs. 6-29-If

[.''RANK LINKE. Bottler

fd Ball&ntlue’n Export, Imager Beer. Ale and P*»ri»T. Philip Ih*«i'n Milwaukee Beer, at d dealer In Guinne**' porter and Baf.^' Ale. Lind. n. avenue. North Plainfield. N. j orders by mail B*«x 144ft, <*Uy, will receive prompt attention


II. C. DRAKE. House Painter.


Sulphur and Vapor Batht, followed by [a thorough rubbing with aleob.i For men t.alyt Hours 8 to 11 a. m.; f t*» 3 l>. H. Hokxish; 25 W. 2d street, Plainfield. N. Refers to Dri*. Pro banco, Endfcott, FClttn. To Uhson, Judge Suydam and T. 8. Armstrong. 5-2'


Undertakers and Embalmers- AS Park Avi-BuH. T. l.-I.hou.- Call So. ; 40. K<-- il'Mii f. 4k Miiilta.,11 Av.- T.-Iophon-Call So. HT.^

Office..; HiUMdetvm««Ty. A. M. I'.uny->n. Elmer E. Kuuyon.


that that liability will not dnpenU upon any judicial procecdunr worthy the name."

He complained that the statement of Jilt. Balfour m Justiflci tion of the government's* action were only given last night, thus leaving nn tune in which to examiue they cnaracter.

A stirring s|>cect was made by Mr. Healjr, who delared his readiness to go to prison rather than renounce his membership in

O the league at thn government's despotic bidding. Thus hn would show the Irish people bow to ireet the tyranny of the lories.

Mr. Parnell did hot speak and n rote taken. Mr. Glad itoue's motion was de feated by a larger majority than cither be or tbe government expected, the common

- estimate setting lli; number at sixty. When the list catne the majority was seventy eight, the vote standing one hundred ninety-four ayes and two hundred and »eventy-two noes. _ The result was received with animated

a cheerfulness by t le government support- ers. At Intervals their clamor was almost drowned by tbe derisiv,e noises by tbe Parneliite >, who sought in every

IIif Fourteen* ii X«*w .Jer«*y Vtiluiui ) j 4- Toms River. S. .1. Aug. J7. — The | re-

union of the Foil r too nth regiment. New Jersey volunteers is in progress in this town arul has attracted an immense c^iwd of spectators. Atn ng the proniillenl piersons here are General John. t\ ^re- niont ami Kcpresenlatives Buchanan and Phelps. «Xh<* survivors of the rcgiiaqnt *JS0 in number are parading the slreelsjanh from every available point flags arefljmig are bunting displayed. The Four|touinth New Jersey took part in more than twenty engagements in the war of the rebellion;

pV)RD a STILES. j Funeral Directors.

hh«1 Prartl-jal lEiiilmliner#. Ofllce, W»rcp--i ftii«l R«*»*i4l«-ii<-** S’**. 14 E. Fr«>ntstreeL T«*h*ph" .•all N" 44 : OEO. C. FORfi.

f<»r NVsark fluni|j»*rxn*8i Ellifetwth PLAIXriF.LP AND Hi (MF.RVI LLE.

|av»* PlalnfiHil 5.l*», 7.14. 8.:i2, Hen, 11.40; a. m. 216; 3.35, 4.44. 5.16. 5.31, 6.03.MB.3H. 7.IIJ, 7.:i*

j.OM, 8.17,9.2*4, 11.45, p in Sunday—0.10, 10.14 ni., 2.45. ft.14. 6.43. 10.45, p. Hi.

|av.-S"m«-rvUli'6.05, 6.:*ft, 7.*Jo, 7.:», 7.5.7, 8.15, *1-25, 10.15, 11.15. h. in.. 12.56, 2.0O, 4.2-1, 5.00, 6-32. 8.15, h.40, p. m. Hun day—m.:*o, 11.o5, a.

, 4.5*1, 7.00, 8.59. p. m. PLAINFIELD AND JEAHToN.

|av»* Plaintt«*ld 5.10. V.32. ».21i a. m., 2.08, 2.16, l.:*4, 5.16, 6..*8, p. ni.' Sunday—5.10, a. m.,6.44,

m. j^avt* Eanton 6.55, m,57. a. ni., 12.40. 4.15. 7.00, p.

Sunday—7.15, a. in., 7.00, in. WESTWARD CONNECTIONS.

LEAVE PLAIN riELD 6.10, a. ni.— For Eanion. A(ll*»iit<»wn, /R«*ad

Harrlnburg and 51au<b Chunk, <**«n filing hi High Bridge for H« h<M.u.y w 31"un jin. Lake H*«patcoug. etc*., daily. Including |ndayn.

' 14, a. in. —Ff^r Flernliigton. ^.:t*2. a. ni. —F<>r High BridgeBranrh, S<-h<>4»ley"k hunlalu. Lake H"patc<oig, Eaob*n, Wind Gap * Id Mauch Chunk. '21, a iu.—For Flemtugtoii, Ek«t*»n, Alien town

fading. Harrisburg. Mnindi Chunk. William** Ifri, Tamatpia. Nantli*. .ke. lTp|»er Ijehlgli llke»l»arr»*. HcrantoU, A«*.

i|i.i*. p. m.—F’*»r Flenilngt'«u. Ek*t.-n.Allentown fading. Harrl»t>urg. Mfim h Chunk, xc. . .:t4. p. in.—For Eau*ton. Wind Gap, Mau<*h (*wnk. Tama4*ua. Slmfiioklu, L>rlflon, Wllke«- |rre, Brian ton, ^.16, p in —For FleniingUiik. High Bridge |anrh. Sch<Mil<>)*'e Mountain, bftkr H -pairong

• >n. &r. >.02, p. m — For Fl»*piingt*»n.

!|6 :*h, p. m. —For Ea-ton. All«*nt. wn. Reading (trrlaburg. Mauch chunk. <tc.

Ml >^t f OEO. M STILE

p HOAGl|n<>'8


I Gov. Bartett's physicians

death within a week. Tbe society of the army at West Virginia

has elected Major-Gen. Brook president]. Judge I>aniel Goodwin,' who has been

railed the Nestor of the Michigan Bencji, is dead. ]

The Spanish government has acquired territory on tbe I ted Hea littoral, ijeiar Assab bay j.

Gov.- Lounabury. of Connecticut, [an- nounces that he will call no special setflon of the legislature.

A Swede named Charles Bweczy Was killed by a Shore line train at Stony Creek, Conn., last night.

City Express. Opposite tlu| IHp't. North Av«».. Plninflrld. N. Baggagt*. Fiiriilturt* ami Fn lght ronv**y*»d to from the Dfpil P> all part* of th«* City, at i hours. Plaii*»t« removed, txtxeil and shipped i r»*aH..nabl»* rhtes. myy


Yard and oflty*#* South ar«. ' p. O. B«>x 1467. Tl b***t quality .if rtcrecued coal at the Lowest Marks ' >r 'Cash. Bowkrr’s Fertilisers f^T


^ E. FLO •K

Long Branch, Ocean Grove, &c. v»* Plainfield 3.27, 8.92. 8 4P. 11.uh. h.

.21. 2 25 , 4.51, 5.25 . 5.54. p. *U- HUOdays (t-KM-pl Gn»vej 8.57, a. ni., 3.;ki p m BOUND BROOK BOUTE.

ave PlainfiHd for PhilfniplpUia and Trpnton, Mh.22. 6.10, 8,14. ‘4.45. 11 44. a. in . 2.16, ] 3.35*, f§|h.irii*, h. 17, p. ni. Sunday—;l,22, 5. in*, 9.45,a. in.. ||b. 2u, p. ni.

HKTirBNINO— LEAVE PHILADELPHIA nth ami Grwu str«*cDj, 8.;i0*. 9.:», 11.uo, :a. m., •n|i.lft, 3.4ft, ft. 15. 12.00, p. in. ftuuday—8.30, .. m., 5.30, p. HI. m Third ami B^rks strata, 8.29*, 9.05,

0.35, a. m.. l.oo. ft.Oo, 6.uu. p. m. Hun- lay—s. is. a. m.,, p. m.

irav«* Trentou, Warren and Tu**k»*r str»***Ls, 1.25, 10.10, 11.35, a. m.. 1,54. 4.15; ft.50,

Hunday—1.25, 9.18, 9.40, a. id., 6.15^

Picture Frames.


- , - . ^ 7 j James D Fish, tho cx-prettdeat of [tfee way to express ttjeir derisive deflance df defonct Marine bank, who is a resident of Auburn, has entirely recovered Lis late failing health.

King Kulakaua is an inveterate uncic- cesssful poker player. Adventurers f(*om San Francisco hiul him an easy and pr^>Dt- able victim.

I » u^ciiuiru **'»«^* William Montgomery, who fatally #h©t' LbxiHjx. Auif.27 —The death of ViacoUBt Iona Kitfann In Owen county, Ky.. thrue

Doneraile from by irophobia ilrawt atten- I «»• ■' lr> ln“ to slarTU lunj*elf 10

tion to M. Pasteur s system of treatment

TMe Viscount Bird from ■ Fox Bile, tthllr the t’ouclimiin Llret.

for rabies. l.ord Doneraile and his coach- man were bitten by a rabid foft last Jan- uary and wore both treated by M. Pasteur. Neither showed |any unfavorable symp- toms alter the treatment, and the coach- man Is alive and Will to-day. never havinjc suffered the slightest inconvenience from his wound since it was healed,or exhibited any signs of hydrophobia tendencies

Lord Douoraile's attack jof n.vd rophotiiji and consequent death are attributed by his physicians and friends to hi* aire, ahfl not to the Inefficiency of M Pasteur'i*

system, but many persons cont-nd that the coachman will yet succumb ,

Sr Ixixr,

death in juil at laouibVillo. Warden Fatten of the southern I rut

penitantiarr. who nllmvf*.! tho convict Treasurer HolliMgsWorth to appear at erty on the publii

Peter Russell,

ana ex

jlib- st reels, hu» »>een ' fSned

«ge*l 13. son of 1J.

^ Alleged Attembi tu siiool the London’. Aug. 21.—It is reported in Borf-

lin that a fresh a tempt to kill was made on the ;9th mst. A guised as au offlier of tne gu l>reached the impe tuI carriage on a journey from Potersbu *g to Krasuo s<*io anil fired a revolver twice. The first shxn missed the czar, b it tho second perforated his co»L Tho czarina lias since bee|n Huffcring from nervous prostration.

of all kinds at New York prices. Studio 28 We Front street* Strainers for drawing and patutlng.

£1 MELSEp. Carpenter and Builder,

31 Graiidrle* avenue. North Plainfield, N , P. O. Box 1V>7. g^Stalr-bulldlng and cahln^ work a HjH*<*fcilty. 6-13-f

swai.m; L • } f Painters' Supplies, Wall Papers. &c.

Paudr Hanging A Specialty. : No. 6 North Avenue. ni

’.40, p. m. tn.

ninfield paertengere by trains marked* change rar* at Bound Br*«>k.

H. OLHAI SEN, Geo*I Sup't. H. P. BALDWIN, Gen'l Pass. Agent

RNOLD, ^ The Croeer.

0>r. S*-merset and Chatham Streets, Xc.rth puirifleld. S. f.



V HETFIELD BROS.,(Proprietors. Malers In all kinds of COAL* Estimates prompt |fumlrdi«rd to [■artlee desiring t** lay Iti Coal es —No. 18 pfirk avenue and Sotith Seedml HI lrd*--South HeH’ond Street, near Potter's' Pres» “,rk*« -s.|fr».T| Dm.TI H L. H F fFIF.LD. John M HftFielu

IK to

liruu nrd in (lie Thames. Loxijon', Auz. :!T. —The iiloanure

Kti.seil, Iim* ili«iinurui«hed hiraAcir atj Mar blelidad neck by rowm? out a mile ui half during a heavy storin and rescuing the occupant of a capsized dory.

Prof. H. G. Widney and Lulu Hayiids, a 10-year-old daughter of Henry Hay new «»f Excelsior. were drowned yesterday, jin Iaiiko Minnetonka, near St. Paul. iVof. Wildaey lost his life while endcavortn rescue the girl and bis own two rhildjreii.

A race war is in progress in ijornke county. Ark. Six whites and lour blocks have iieeti kiile«J. A number of the la are under arrest, a^nd a mob of 10U n has been organized to rescue them.

There is a difference off-40 betwebnjthe hicago uijd the

fair tfi enlist the depart niQii^ at

Washingtonian arbitrator. The difference arose from a shortage of four £lj|) bills from A 11.000 package.

John <*. Lockwood, who said he Was a commercial traveller from San Fraijci ico, was arrested in Buffalo yesterday charged with stealing several hundred doJWirs worth or Jewelry from William Kiiik. Jr., of New Ynrk at the Genesee hotel.J I. Vek- wopd has forwarded thejewely tot 'ftieigo. but iti was recovered at the express**! olllco.

A conflict is iinrnineht betwe4ujthe


M. “71 Bookseller and Stationer.

f. ! No. 7 Park Avenue. 1 i A full lld*» i<t Crr»quet, Baby Carrlag****, Ba?

Balls, Bats, jkr. myvlj

Residence, 12 North ave. All w-.rk guaranu<««d. Kstirnah** fnrnlsli*vi. mylOyl

j- I*DK :

Soda Water, w**h r»*al Fruit Syrups, patronize ftflller’s Phar ma«*y. No. Hi E. Front street. inyH tf

^ E. JOHNSON, (or lat»* firm of Shepherd, Johnson t Godon n.

CARPENTER and BUILDER. Office adjoining City [Hotel, *>n Second strtst.

near Par| avenue, PLAINFIELD. R<*sldeuc«, 15 Eitsi Second street.


noBERT JAHN. Tin and Copoersmith,

S>-ot. t, Plains, iFariw<iiKl) N. J. R<H.flng. Stove and Heater work. Purnps. Tinware, and all kinds of sheet metal w -rk. Ttie ty.*Ht and the .h.-aj-st Smoke ayd Ventilation Caps. Ke pair- ing pron»4»tly attended t.7-22-tf*


Photographers, 15 E. FRONT STREET

Our ve'by best cabinet photo s, S3,50 per Dozen. myloyl

J^I Stationery, etc.,

L.-.. Uian New Y..rk pri,-*-.. at J. H. Allen's,

The Book Seller and Stationer, N... ill EAST FRONT ST., lOmy

J C. POPE r f


No. 6 E. Front strxxt.

*^ D. COOK A BRO.,

Lumber and Coal Merchants, OOBNEB PARK AVENt E aVd RAILROAD,

PLAINFIELD. »#“A11 Luraler and Coal I'sdeb Uoteb.^S ALFBF.n D. mox. mflOyl BOBEXT H. OOGK.




oviHlotia. Flour. Fe<*d., drain. Baled Hayj Yaw. A«*. Vegetables, Xt-i No. 76 East.4<l St.* filers Deliver***! Fr«**» «»f (liarge to any part off u City or North Plainfield,

*Jt s Sharkey. J. H. Bllmm rhjr9tf

ru;u in nerv m II the ctir There“ difference of ft. . ... . .,1 First National bank of Lh mhi i'*t, dis- sU|,.treasury winch bids fai Ziiards, services of tin* treasury d

natter ^Ki-oes Jh ^ A-

yacflt Ilfracombe, while uillins? iu the Thame, tt> day, turnerf back, to recover u boat book French government and tho I'ans ;

:m lm- wUch ha i fitllen rverboard, when nhc whs ci|>al council, crnivinc out of the former s struck by a «qw ill And'capaifted. Ther^ decree annullinir the latter's n-aolukion to were twentr-oiio [lorsoos un board all i»f Invltd dclejalos from all tVio undi.i ipal 3 counted * in Franco to participate in a g.^and

congress in Paris. The government ihrpat- v*hom were throwln in the water. Ansisjl- nce was ten minutes in arriviusr, and

I those who were t till afloat were rescucfi by smail,l>oats, but twelve iKirsons were drowned, and up to this time their bod j is have oo’t been recovered


jens the meeting. The old Cartwright feml.s whiefi has

’caused so much bloodshM in Mahon county, VV. Va., has • broken out uj. ain. Yestilrday John (’art wright was sTimiing in frr»nt of the house* of Frank Jones

v-no-nt. r ho mile hi* home, when lie was fire I i pon OlCH 1 SMr Uit..t tA' limn IK >»r|«. - „ „„L-n„ivn 0,*r inn. IV Udnixii t. N. Y Auk. ■-‘7. -A fl-tlierman

said he saw in tho Hudson, nea** Barneglt JPoint. to-day. something which seemed t|o him to be eighteen or twenty feet in length.

- Its head protruded from tho water throe n foot. It had a larg^ horn growing at a poi j where its nose ni gbt have been, and eats that, reminded Dhant.

ttiie fisherman of

worth IMSamfer. •va. AUK-lst. -A |«. | slart«*d by Grand 1 mJjl

if the railway section- to secure a fair trul f«ir section foreman chargtijl



The 4 ham Ckoar Rajpiir**.

tion fend has U***n Foreman Tutor, men’s association, Tim Cough Lin, the with the res|K»Tisibility of the < halswortjk

-raj i road di**a- icjr. ini fo sustain his farui.j)r until liis gUiil < r i iiidaence is proved.'

with a nfie by sonm unknown OerH* The ball struck the old muti just abrve the heart, anil he died instantly.

Christian Both, aged SliyearK. a nonfiber • f a prominent family'; of OranucbfJrg, Rockland county. Is missing Much alarm is felt by the family. He]went away from home a week ago nn an excursion and has not been heard from since. Ho had Con- siderable money with hint, and it is eajred he hits met with foul pljiv. He wrs do- formed and not m g»»*»d health.

Seven Mornsm families ha vr settled

Hearting |{»iilr«»art Kurnmss


Auj. 27.‘-I Tho Ju aril mgs of Keadii g were f447JfJ*J iu * Xce-ik

of tho.**e|nf July IHsR The statement t.ijr eight months show* net earnings of £1.7.TJ^ 43*2 in exivti OX Hose of the same eight months ago.

Medicine Hat. Northwest territory. A hey have int miatod to the autfiprit ics lh; t hoy do not pr]ii|K»se to carry put the l»n wiples of their religion, at l**ast in as far ;i^ mar rving more oi wRi* is comer iinl. The rioverdment wil* therefore not m< lest them. The Northwestern papri*4. ipavo wclcotiHHl the new arrivals

Git tie Pete, a (/hinamurj. has been Con- victed in Sail Framhscn <»f giving lie i4 thy a2<‘ut of a inowerflul sepret ioc.etv of Chinese highbin*b*rs whd hjavo <*l»ent|large amounts of money in b,H

Tense. Pete has defeated the endu of justice In many cafees involving Uhih«iss mnnnals. t'ertam politicians iivtays

?ted with him. and hi# oocv.ct*o-i»; some- •hat nurp.rtsiw*.

. 1


Jjo. ft w. FltoNT Hr hr. FT. t I

my 10

J'HEopnhp *»R \Y, Masorr

m-j.i. 1 irniit u\ i'll ii lv UI.1KI..1

and Builder. ••i.} i»<-t«v>-«*n Plaiiian<

I*. *1. Il i,\ 450. J.iMilulg proinp h -*»'*■>• I

C * HAS, KEljliEI.,

Furniture and Freight Express.



I’ll paper and wixixjw shades at new YORK PRIUEH.


House and Sign Painting. Craining, Etc. 43-PAPER HANGING AND KaLSOMININO-fc»


16 ^ ELAST FRONT STREET. D. WEAVER. (p.«». Box :wi.] P. WEAVER rnylOU



P. o II,.x . j. jl’Iainfli'M, N. J. All g.H.d- shlM»H h, «*ar»* Will I r»-»t*K«* l-riuit HtD*utl^n. rii>-4t|



Iewauen house. m f 7


Randolph's, 12 W. Front street. New Coods, Latest Styles, Best Materials


my lot! .

J. W. VAn sickle.


North Av. t ruins. All Family riding a s|**«*lalty

2«w o|m*h for Suminer guesjts. p 'lay . flu and $12 iu rvr.s-k.

B«-ach 18 Rate's—$2^ft*» js*r


Livery Stables. ■ •pp. Depot.; c«rrlHK.-« t.| meet all kinds .g Turn-out?, day .-r nights

TH**|dioii*} fall 1211 my9tf

. iear


Till, p |i[HT Agenll for lh t*lth Brl.-k S Pi>m|»s. Sink t hi* ak’as.

2 Park Ave., 2d Floor. And Sh««#*t Iron Worker, als*. S*d**::

••Anthony* sfi***| Plat** FuriiM<* x and porfehlf. Hrl. k-set Range am! I4 ad;l*ipr.*.r*sl fort

myiitr ;H i . ;


15 West FO TrmjtM. Hal {"duett •*r»*d h* any

Furniture 111 StnH-t./ loirge Jumh-CoTenxll guaraiitessl. <».s-ls del It-4 j* part ••! tin* frilled state**. H»s*.,nd.:

ught and «m»M. mj-Vyi;


field. N. J. A Low Prlres.

f I •


opt, North Aye., near Depot, iPlain- Floriit

lartfe et.K-k of Beldlnf Plante at. | ) mj-Sf

-; l(

AN OLD FISHING GROUND, on** of tin* l>es! in th** Sint**. Flijdiernifn will

g find all tin* requisites r..^- HmIiln(g—<»OOD it DRY BOATS, (with awnings) (Fish-

ing Tackle, Balt. et«*. |

A FINE SANDY BEACH large Bathing Houses andiall

NEW FLANNEL SUITS ijjjhlr**. Goo«| sh«*d8 for hors**#, tf- a«- •>rntn*• ||date partleH driving down for tin- day. ||. | with liosth-r In attendant**-u 1«*«*

< r**am. S*»«la. *'lgars ami Mineral Waters s<9*1

at th** stand In i the hotel.

I AND ICE CREAM ROOM jd up In the Hotel for the a**<*drum"ballon

wishing r»-fr»*s!m*«*nts. with |H.|itp wall i.ln aUemlanee. The proprietor |s..||i*(ts the >>nage *,f th** publle, Parties wishing t*» s*

• r»M.riiH, address JOHN P. TURNER, Pr^p r,

n3 " SFWAREN, N. J Ininncnting L'T*** SaM on tAf l*rnms't.

(Successor t«. Van Slekle A Terry.t D«*al**r In all kinds of

Fresh and Salt Meats, etc. Ganae in season. No. 10 North avenue. Plainfield, N. J. Telephone No. lirj Order? called for and promptly delivered. All bills pay aide t*> nw*. mylotf

jy\VID W KING'S Fish Market,

Somerset street, (formerly conducted by Andrew HufT.l A full line of Fmh Fish every day. All kinds of Fruits, Vegetables, etc. Ojs*i! at six o'clock every morning. A trial of ..ur goo*ls solicited. 6-4 tf


PURE SPRINC WATER ICE. Delivered dally to any part of the city at the

lowest market price. Order# received at Hherwln's Mh'*e 8n»re P 0

B*»x‘486. myl«Mf

J> R. FAIRCHILD. Furniture Dealer.

11 East Front street. Parlor, Dlnlng-r**>ni and Be<l-r»s)m Furniture. A Large Stock at New York price*. Call and $ee for jounelre#.—S-23-if

York L«»e* on Krror#— l*tilla<lelpl^la*# Defeat — Other Games.

Yj»hk Aug. *27.—Hud the Gu nt« yesjlerdiiy they would have tied Fijil#' hia |iu third place, liu*. they didn't gojvvon with four ie#s hit* than v

itouj to New York Keefe pitched idlyj but was miserably support kl.

Y^rk made rime error#, every one C°^y. fiiut for a mom**ntiry rattle of .h« i‘ti|fugo4 iu the 4imth jumng tho h« me te«Mh wufuld have Ueeu shut out. ghtlago'i 0 i 0 A •) 0 0 0 i iej^ Y'c|rk 0 o ») 0 •» «i 0 0 i IJise Juts—Chicago 5: New York ^la||ied buus— Cuicago'i. Errors -Chic

^pw York 9. ? fJfclLA |»KI.I'II I;

frtjm in • » cuMy To that l 'Mg iiii^|Lilt.e Uelter

* 1

my 10$ l






Lumber and Masons' Materials,

Office AND Yard—SOUTH SECOND 8T. 1


Aug. tart, they

It was Dotrc it’s havi-ig no d

t aacy. v/hi.e the Fhu ie* t.iau u li:iug with Lou-

Fhjauleibhia .. .i 0 0 1 *» 0 0 0 H^oil l o 1 4 U J 0 0 0 ; l|^se Itiis -i’hxladelpina, *»; lie’.roit.

4-5 -X 'J.

i ickgo

-I -i il

|lr||;j a^—ji’hiladoipnia, 4 : Docro.l, 4 F.icU- y aud Lou way

|asu?noi<jn. August ‘J7 — lcdiuuap >lis J with U .hits, 0 run-* and 4 ernrs. |hin» 'on, 10 hits, 4 r'uaa, 1- errprs. h.eTs, Bo,) io and Gnmau.

Yoke, Aug *27.—Tne summaril of Jr gabies yesterday is as follow#: jut.

1 •, b; Louisi'ilieR 11, jUr»|)kiv i U; Cincinnati 11, HalUtnore; 1M; ^Vl^Eetic 7. Cleveland 1. In teruati<fnal league — ^iuflalo 14. iiamulou fi; Syracuse

’i'iikc[?0arre 7; Jersey City Id, ttcrkii- t-)tihu. j i Ikje New York rnunagement has bought jh^rele4-se of '1 ilcomu and Murphy, Jocsey JCi^f's c*i*ack Latiery. Price, c-Lo00. jlhe Jejjtoey itily* have also sold tl c.r first bjaso ?n.^u, O'pneii, to the Metropoatuus. Hid ^loj'known.


TRAVE(.S. New llarh heo^fn Kusinesn In

& | t ity in .Nejit**tuber. JVa.*ii|nc;to\. Aug. J7. — 1 he member i ol

jthjp iniursiale dun.n.erce comnitss.ou vill Jn^fin \vj rk. alter .heir fcnit.mer vacut on, cAvmi anjiuipoi Lti.i i.earing in Kut.aud. Vt, i’M l8!|it.j 1 *1 he cu.m* is tual of lue lio tou ^iigd AHlany railroad aga.nst the Lotion Hi^4 Lo\^*‘it, and other >ov\ England ro kis, ti.^ inv.jives alleged vioiuliou oi' top * Jug iitfij sb<Tt hau» section »*1 lire lu.v in c »ui-> J J|iilipu [for treigut lrom the west to tlia ^e^poar^- i. lifter |.lie hearing at Rutland, the cpm- pis'ssion kvill go to Lh cago, and Deg la h< ur- jjnjHji Lbefe on {Sept. 7. From Chicago t icy ivm go Now York city, arriving tl ere jtugutthie middle of September, aud tiieo i i>V*nbi3| return to Wanhinglon.

! S' i : ! ■ Vfj ! I)enlp«i Honor#. j»i*w Haven, Aug. *J7.—Great commoJioD 'H’Deeri caused among the Knight* lonp- |c|)f this city by i he refusal of Emit ent limaii jer Lyman Johnson of New Ha ren imaudery, No. 2, to issue a call for tbe ihts ! to turn Out to the funeru of

ieoyife (jrabtroo, wjtucn occurred ytsterjJay io^l Johnson’s reasons are that Crabtree iajL beloDKod to Hiram Lodge, which is at Words’ points with the Grand Lodge. Mr. Jrkf&tree bad belonged to tbe knights for fhjjny years, and hod held the office ol

n^Ufient commander fdr two y ears.

j j frorld.* for lllmMtr. j f .jjfoCBlj''™'*, K- Y., Aug. 27.—The (jufjlopments io regard to the failure of

National Bank of DanTllle, liiv- Inikton county, put a had look on iti J On |be>;day| Of the auspenslon, there were redorde*! at tbe county aoat, Ueneseo, rooru ttaffea from James Faulkner, pretidenj of jti«. defend bank, aa follows: Two ot jUfreoefch to John Hyland, and one of |l4^00 to the Wadsworths. There was £eforded yesterday a mortgage of 1^0,000 (rqlii Fablkner to Hyland, i if ’ > “ Shot Down in the Dark. | * T^RONjro, Aug. 27.—The body of William pr^8tm$u, the Toronto agent of the Obi- ^ago Mokonic Insurance association. Was fotjed lying on the sidewalk on Duffi^ria ]ti«set with.a bullet hole above jtho

gar, jand his pockets rifled of every- Valuable. Prieatman, who waa

)^t 45iyears of age, and leaves a widow three children, left home at 9 o’cli>ck evcpiug to visit friends. The

lk he was waylaid and killed by hfOt- fr i '■ !rgl:«r# Frigliieu Money Out of a Hi ^jtEW^TEHs, N. Y., Aug. 27.—Enterriris- RlicW York burglars are attending! to ftlnesa in Putnam county. Frightened i)sitoi*s of tho Putnam ugs bank

au (-p bedn drawing out thc.i money |fot |ei x the burglars may break in. Oneway yi 9 wetjk f60,0d0 was handed over j*he |>ai ik’s counters. More or less of tho money

now hidden away in old trunks. I ~ ] I 4 4 T ; \V earner Report. ? V jkSHi sruTOX, Auk- 87.6 a. m. — lnJ,^^ttpa» IcrM hours coven ns hi.isiern Pennsjrlvudl i,

* Jersey. New Y’ork an 1 New Kngl.iill: fa ^reatjier. northwest winds, slight char fc fifoperuture. \ I* ] i \ NEW YORK MARKETS. ] Ydnx August 25. —Money on Call inf I rer f»*nt. J 8 BONDS. |i|: i 11* - £ *j a 14n, con. i « J 1 VD7^*eg K 4 ^ Ifttfi. con f l I STtH’K M \RKKT.

Yee ojclock—a quiet fe«*hn,r

Yb juirk-jt during the u'lorniKin. Ui Joven# nt** in the i rie«- Lo-.’k'i. those that ft-., the t on t »«• r bound, but In no ln.ttmu

v tin- break made go«*«l, . | * ijsi NO Pill CEL

Closin; Ye»t**r»l.»v


sett'e.l dvet and g-adual

jf must ; of fiirthe'-t redov-

noting T o-vl;fty. r. -v .14»

atral l>'iil • fL* A iiddsou a; W.

. 1 '1

Lifijpr.’rI L-Ae Shor<* A .V as i MitUigan Central 9l'l4>ur1 J**41'1 he •• N. Y & Nt* * hua'. .. N.jf^L'eu^r *1 L. \% cent. A Hud NorSn v*e'lerQ

{•r4Jon Navigation. ’uehic Mad heiaing. j 6 oC« ls.a9d ; i JHauL {... ..... 4 n;<!n 1*^ jille ..

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C^fene-r-Market dull. Factory—New Ybrk e»n«|ii»lar. ll^al'Jc.; we»D*m. fiat, loainfto. Cr A-*^»NewiYork. part skims. 8;iK)3. ♦Ij —Eastern, fir Ok

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Page 4: fP|oun1y lioanl, on the ground MoinLi · b I ' ESTABLISHED May 10, 18)87. PLAINFIELD , N. J. URDAY, AUGIST-27, 1S87; PRICE, TWO CENTS THE DAILY ft A> ETKStSO OITKnt or PRESS. I Tm

•ralfj ' W?%fF~lF?'?T?-ys;


A' Galveoloa F1«berut^n'« «Jue«;r MatHighly Anconipll*«l l'ft«.

Of all the qoner character* that ever ex-isted in (falvextou Fisbeopian Urown is thequeerest, says the X<»r*. FKbermanKrown ha« bin habitat ujK>n Kiihn's nbarf,where he rk» oat a miserable exigence IJVcatching ami *ellinn crali*. He is a* darkas a M(M>r, and weara old and •diabliy gar-roem>. Ye*UT<lay, the tide hod recededto all unusual degree, leaving lK«t< <•(every description binb and dry onground. Around Kuurt'< wharf thewater was i<aTticularly_- | w , but Fisher-man Brown w m n l to lik* it. In the slipwhich the wharf company had cut out. forerecting dry docks Bro-vnl had pulled hisboaf«and wax eagerly |H>erin^ over itngunwale into the slu^^itb-rujiuin^ water.AR noon a« he «aw a reporter who hap-

penwd to be in that locali'1«> tell n-bat be knew allformation oozed fiioni himattar of ro«e«, and' he grew quite enthusi-astic. !

"Oh. about crab*," be mid. presently, a*he-drew up a net; "not nany understandthe wavs of cralm. Crab*like people, and many times have I seen acrab tell another crab whftt t« do. Whenthe water is smooth and icreen and theday overflowing with sunshine, then ixthe time I watch the little creatures. Ipull them up in my net and wait totee what- they will do. Sometime*1 haul up half a dozen of differentsize*, and they act junt like people: theyare greedy and selfish. The big sea-crabsgive the little crab* a sound trouncing forbeing in the way, ami then the big cralmclaw at each other around the meat. Theyact so human like that I am much amused.rrab«, sir. are divided into many families.There is the blue-claw family, the streaked-tack family, the brown-backed family amithe green-back family. Von do not oftensee those of the streak-back family tribe in(ialreston water*, but many are caughtaround Padre Island down the coast. I«peak only of crabs to be found in the.Gulf and bar. A* for other crabs, theyabound in many water*. ] have seen mencatch many crab* as large as an ostrich.Ah'. you, smile, but I apeak in truth. Ontbe Japanese coast the crabs look likehuge: birds running over the sand. Theyromei up on tbe sand dunes just like tur-tles, and run away with the speed of thewind when any one approaches them. Howthey fight!; Their bodies: are small, battheir lejr* are long and tough, and ifcaught they catch you with their legs lijcea grappling-iron. They have vicious littlegreen eyes, and they look at yon like aserpent. When off the Japanese coast onetime we all pat to shore and made a greatchase after tbe big crabs. Tbe only waywe could catch 'em was to break their legsby sweeping them with a big stick or cat-lass, and even then they'd show fight.

"I have long studied the habits of crabsin Galveston waters, and 1 know 'em well.They know me, too, for soinetimes I makepets of my crab*. You no believe dat?Come: I show you." j

Leading tbe reporter to Ihe stern of the1-oat the browned fisherman lifted a clothfrom the stem and revealed a small tankin which several crabs were swimmingaround. The tank had hole* bored throughThe bottom, letting in a constant supply offresh water.

"Now you watch what l| do," said Fish-erman Brown. j

He took a small stick and beat a tattooupon the stern of tbe boat, the white ad-dressing the crabs as though they werehuman beings and giving each a name."Come up, my beauties, tasrs is a gentle-man come to ase yoo," a* aid, which mumfollowed by sach exclamations as: "Dositt« afraid. Tbe pot's an* ready, yet, nei-ther is the pnrchaaar." AfUr asjch ex-clamation of this character a* would re-name his tattoo vigorously. Whether itwas from the effect of hi» adjuration orfrom a desire of their own is not known,but the crabs were not long in heeding hisinvitation, and began to lisa to the sur-face and paddle across fro n side to side."Now." said Fisherman Itrown, "you seeme make a crab mind." Taking up an or-dinary fishing-line with • inker attached,he inspended it over the back of

tbe crab* andhearty, sink."

said ' "Sink, myThe crab had

t, bat as soon a«the voice win heard it immediately sankand sent up a number o ' bubbles. Thisteemed to please Fisbeman Brown to

been paddling lazily aboi

surprising degree, ax heand chuckled to himself. Presently hepicked np two pieces of lines one |K»lishedsmooth on one side, andcalling the crabs to dinnthe difference in the tatt to and the stonesound," said Brown, "an d they come uyquickly when they hear th t jquickly when they hearik h ik h ll

qy y , justlike chickens when callec." First takinga handful of shrimp cut irBrown began to pound thi

- very vigorously. The stoi es made a harshand seating kind of noise,a great change to take | lace in the tank.

Where a moment bef .re all bad beenljutet, there was now g-eat commotion.The crabs came up in a. tx dy and snappedand clawed viciously a; each other intheir endeavors to get a good position.They would attempt to clof the tank, bat would fateach time, owing to tbe ]slippery. laughing quittly. FishermanBrown then threw the hato h is queer pets, and theof evolutions and revolutiEach crab made a grabshrimp, and a general mewas not quite enoughand a pitched battle tookttuence among the hardsba strange thing to look IK

I it was a scenems in the water,

for a piece ofe ensued. There

to go around,place in conse-'II pets. It was

iiiealhthe waterand see two or more crali« backing awavat each other^for the possession of a pieceof shrimp. They would cthe surface, but never let•.crimp was demolished <the victory. It would ceitiunly -win thatf i sherman Brown had tile <-raos prettvwell trained, but how he managed to dothis with crafts will remai: i a mystery.

"Ah! tbe crab ih. a nolle animal," saidFisherman .Brown, with a si^b, as he read-justed tbe doth on the st<rn of the Umt:"and people ought not tofor they are not likethey eat dead people wli liance. Imt do not tbe teople eat thejn

i a much abuseda!so? Yes. sir. The crabnnimal, but they have th<• hip is v rei-keil.tney have a rich fwith the rulers of the watot.


After saving this Krowideep meditation, wutrltin;*I.way as tbe sun sank to re: it Ijelow a fiery

And in tbi** mileft him—and his queer era

lufigo a City of I'

Chicago will cons unit1 «> ]>iex from tbe pie inanucuthing about tbe vast qu,(be regular bakers, and inLome* where tbe baking is• r«ident domestics. Truljtilting !«• .pit.

one had trained

ir days v.*hen a. the time whentatu the ocean

relapsed intothe water slide

us.the report

T*:, IT..n;- 1*17

acturies, to saytitities made by

t le thousands ofall done by the

are a pia-

v Brown beganMlt era In. In-like the precious

have their taste*


Brtif HUtory of Son" socialistic Kxperi-' ments in the Htate of Iowa.

Icarian community near Corning,Ia..!has. according to tbe Sioux City Juur-milj, practically dissolved. The troublewait that the youiisrst members Would notnot I brook the restraints ini|>o*ed by thelaw» and rules of the society. The old menwerf kticklttrs. and too rigid in their inter-pretation, and the young men reliele<l.The society bad its origin in France, an*Isettled in a Iiody at Xauvoo,; III., butmoved to the present location in ISM, l>e-fortti the organization of this section intocounties. The founder was EtienneCabet.Thei!s«>ciety, unlike most other communistic1HK1|<«. has no religious forms, believingthat the essence • of religion exists ratherin practice than in creed, the ineml>ers re-cardin.4 Sunday as a day of amusement.Although atheist*, the principal feature oftbe jtcarian scheme is the one text of tbeNew Testament which underlies: all com-imrsjiHtic experience, to tw found in| Actsii.. 4». •*•'•: "And all that believml w«|re ti>-pctber. and had all things in coriimon:and!s<>ld their jKmsessioiis and gtxids andparted them to all men, as every man had

need.1*For i

rew in the line

id that was for•r. "Thev know

the stones, just" Fi

to minute pieces,stones together

but they caused

mb up the sidesback exhaustedtanks being too

dful of 'shrimp

inch and rise togo until tbe


^nspifationists. at Amain

«• cruel to them,pie? Tis trueien they get

nearly a generation as time is; meas-nre4 >h the life of man the Icarians dwelthapj)ilv and contented. Their pro|ierty. afarm of three thousand acres, was ownedin cciinmon. A council of the oldest mencon<roled affairs and designated the workeach JHTSOU Was to perform. There was lit-tle association for many years with theoutside world. Tbe language spoken wasFrench and the old men were sUiw in get-ting] knowledge of English. As alreadyintimated, tbe young people who havegroan up since coming here were anxiousfor iiore jirogressive methods and ideas.Of ci>ur«e the elders opposed any innova-tion of changes in plans or policy, ahd'thedifferences of opinion culminated severalyears ago in a division of property, the oldmerfllxTs leaylng the homestead to thechildren, •wh'fte the elders betook them-selves to a nek location a half mile dis-tant! from the original nest. Tbe youngpeople in tbe old borne keptthe J old name. "The Icarian torn-munSty." and the old peoplecalled their split off "Tbe New Icarians."TheJatter in their new location built afterthe 41'! plan of grouping their cottagesaroujnd a square, in tbe center of whichwas! a large building used for lecture,amuhement, dining and cooking purposes.They Ix-lieve in tbe sacredness of tbe mar-riage relation, and each family bas its owpbomk but all eat together in the centraldining room. The elders took with them totheiif new borne a large library and a finecollection of instruments for scientific ex-periments. Among tbe older memberswer<t men of profound learning, and in theearlier days of their life here the lectureJ " was the scene of many a fine exposi-

at scientific subjects. Many of them,possessed histrionic talent, and Sun-

pvening was usually given up to tbe

talltion.too,dayjierf«>rmance of some theatrical play.

Fojr several years they printed a littleweekly pajwr upon type brought fromFrance. Icaria stands upon a pretty emi-nence three miles east of this place, southof tbe railroad track, and in plain view ofthe cjar windows. This is in Adams Coun-ty, in the southwestern part of tbe State.The chief occupation of the Icarians isagriculture, in which they hare been mod-erately successful, While thrifty.careful,economical and industrious, they do notthink that the sole aim of life i« to j workhard ami hoard up money. They ' havesome highly ethereal ideas, wbicb, indee<l.if they could be made to work, wuuld bringa niiiie-nnial period to mankind. They be-lievw that tbe man who lire* quietly andcalmly, developing bis mental and moralfacu|tie«, and emancipating himself fromtne.jhaiK-r cares and demands of "tbeworltl. the flesh and the devil," does Wiselyand Well, however poor he may lie. Whenthe lj>ng time quiet and peaceful commu-nity) became twain there was a [mem-bership vf one hundred and nftv ormore. Young and ambitious members»ittajdrew every once in a while, the. com-munity paying tbem a stipend from the

! cominon treasury, and oft* they went to tryI life pn the American plan of "every man

for himself and the devil take the hindmo*f." ijVhen the split took place tbe

: older heads took away forty or fifty )>er-sonsi most of them white-haired, venerableold people, whose very appearaiKy ieem»to prove that the claim they make of livinga lieiter and more advanced life than thoseof t^e world around them is not altogethergroundless. They are proverbial for tlieirpoliteness and demeanor to each other andto those with whom they come in coiitact.The!young colony is anxious to sell itslan<| add go to California, where a j goodmany of its members are already living.Wltfcin a few years at the most this re-m^r^alile experiment in communistic lifeHill jive only in history. j

has one other communal society.

j SMART OLD FARMER. Iftprr of a (iranaW Who Knew Whl«hi . Eml at the Klrf>hant Had the Tall.) Darwin Davis, jan old-faHbioned and*ell-to-do fanner fit the neighboring town<jf Norwich, tells the New York Timm of arecent interview with a couple of affable(grangers, as follows: "The other day aman called at my bouse and wanted to buy4 farm. He said bts name was Dr. Milesarid that he lived ill Kutland, Vt., and thatI e wanted the farm for bis sist.-r, a richCalifornia widowj. who wanted tofettle down With her childrenih this • part j of the country.His sister, ho. saidj, had a pile of money,4nd be ini|Uired if I the hanks were Houndt round here. I ti>ld him I did not knowMuch about any of the luaulis except tfc«(Id Norwich Bank, land I considered thatI oori enough to ke^p monev in. He. saidr iv farm hn<l l>een j-ecomnieniled t<i him as

' just the olic he waiited, and lie hnd called1 tn look at it. So thjp doctor nnd I startedjiff tip the road tii Ionic over rhe larm.* 1'retty SOOH we «f>iV overtnken by a well-dressed and glit>-s|>jikeii voiinc fellow in itlmg;gy. who bailed us and inquired

. Ijuw far it wajs li«-fi>r«j the road' tkirned to the j left. I ; gave himtpe information j he wanted, and heriot out of the tmggy and •raine up to Us,and tiegah talking *l«>iit a big advertisingfjcheme he was working among tbe farm-ers for a firm in Hef- Orleans; Ho said he

• was from New Orleans, and was a nephewqf General BeaureKfc-rd, l>ut he didn't goihto the army because he wasn't b(g enoughat that time. Then be said if we bad timetp spare he'd show Us a new game of drawtttat was all tho go down in NewOrleans: so be; pulled out fourqards, three witfj black spots andc ne with red splits, and ' he shuffledt iem up, and turned them over, facedownward. The game wan, hie said, to paysi quarter and draw^ and if you drawed therfcd card and showed five dollars, then yonsot five dollar*. He wan'edrasto try it,jiist for the fun of tbe thing, and see whatojnr luck would M. I Dr. Mile*drawed andgot the red card flr»t draw, and then ItHed and got tbe red card the same way.'IBeauregard said we had Extraordinarylhck, but he'd bet ai one thousand dollarsajfrainst five dollars in earnest that wecouldn't both of u» draw the red card•fcain the first ! time we tried it.Dr. Miles took the bet and drawed.ajnd sure enough be trot the redcWrd. and then I drawed: and I gotit. too., Beauregard said he wouldn't playqo more draw with such lucky men as we#ere—he'd lost enough. But his firmapwayn told him to t« honorable and dojjist as agreed, and a* he had lost one thou-sand dollars he'd pajy it, provided that wecpuld »how that we ] were responsible andhbnorable and hail One thousand dollars toplay with in case We lost that amount.Then be pulled out ja big roll of bills andcommenced counting out the one thousanddpllars. Dr. Miles *aiif he hadnt got soirtuch money with him and offered a checkoh the Kutland j bank. but Beur*-gard said be must show the cash. Then thedoctor proposed that I should go to thejiorwich hank and| get the one thousanddpllars in^ bring it'ithere and: show it, andhp would Rive me half tbe one thousanddollars he had won. "About this time Ibegan to see a nigger in the wood pile, andtbe more I thought about it tbe bigger thatdju-fcy got to be. Kp I said to Beauregard:'Young man, you might just as well puttfcat money back {in your pocket, for Idon't want it. I've ttoen the elephant and'Iknow wbicb end bill tail is on.' Withtfcat Beauregard got mad and jumpedinto his buggy and rode away. Dr. Mileaand I started hack toward my bouse, andoil tbe way I told \ him thai I thoughtBjraurejtard.was trying to play a confidence|r|tine on n», and that he bad a hand in it.' f by. Davis,' said be, 'how can you think•4* IJielong to the. I'reshytorian Church

in Kutland. and ; our minister don't al-,us to handle cards.' Pretty man Dr.•^ went away, and that's the last l'vaird aliout his baying my farm."

RDWARE,I Plumbing, |

STEAM AND GAS FITTING,ron and Heater Work.




i\ 0 T I (tilEl!


'• I

separate meter

jf thr gas so used, sc

irhe!use of coal. We-


, Paint*, Oils, VarnishesiiGlass, Color, etc. j


K. K. i

,davH i

Ai attends

PARK AVENUE. ? „ „ !

>LDSr PHARMACY.and Ni>rth Avenues, near

E l l l

hi»{heHt jfrade» of Drum* and'jiititainuble are uwd in thisvjl neither liuy nnr H-II "CHEAP

ifiuKDAY HOURS.i|a»' Pharmacy in open on Sun-It dii-pensiiiK <>f Medicines and


" - S t i i l ; 3 t « 6 : » to 9.alw'ays in



It, and i

,'S QUEEN BREAD! tried. A»k your grocer for

ry our unequalled


ljf latter is genuine except bear-

i;vuriety of Cake made out of

miokCul [>a«t favors w.'*>li,-It theiitKjil gitronatfe of t>ur friends.

J. VilSllI,. H. A. TOEHL.\ iuylliiu3

We would call the attention of our patjr^s toi the Gas Cooking'

Stoves made by the American MeterjjCbpipafiy. We have nc>

hesitation in saying that these Stoves pferlcjrm all th« operations

of cooking in the most satisfactory m^n(jir : 'j1 fact for broiling-

and baking they are more efficient |h |o thi best coal range.

We offer these stoves to our consumers it edst—that is 25 per-

cent, less than jthe list price -and Will ii *

for each stove and make special rates:

that the cost will compare favorably

also rent the Stoves on moderate te'rfrij;' A i kitchen may be

kept comparatively cool and comfortfebjc in Warm weather by


using a Gas Stove, for it is evident thaf 6 soon as a meal is

cooked the gas may be turned off and* t|^ St(>ve will cool rap-

idly. A number of the Stoves are alrea^Jr in iuse in Plainfield,

and w^Jiear nothing but good reports ijr qi thfcm. Yoq are in-

vited to inspect the Stoves at the Cot^ipfny> Offlce, corner of

Fourth and'Washington streets. Any |o |« desiring to test the

capacity of a Stove may bring article^ |& be: cooked, and the

gas for such tests will be furnished witl|ou| charge,


l U

The Piainfielo Electrftj Light Co.OFFICE 35 and 37 NORTH AVENUE, Opposite R, R. Station.



-4LIGHTING STATION--Mac8?on Avenue











Class Market,•und a run line or all kinds of

Smoked Meats. Special atten-lultry, Veimahlea and su<ca In tlte city ve Intend u>

,r u |W*nlble with New Y->rkKr solicit a <-all that we maydo M-II CHEAPER than anyone

; | Telephone So. 30. 5 25-tf;H | i


N 0

ll1IOUH>8 can Ije wirinl without defacement to frailtxi»tlTig gas fitting ciui \x- nx-il. 5 IS

; : « . 5



The Plainfield Electrit Light Co. keep awiiiiiK at ro»t.

wirenien, anil do ai

4do* id o | jdj i



3d do. 7 00j 3d do. 6 001 4th do. 5 00 doj i*' 5th do. 4 00 do.; J|«6th do. 3 00 do,-

7th do. 2 00 dojAnd all additional Lamps at $2 Olj

E S :

antium eaeh.

n fo\jdtv. This society, however, in jrich,

itri ppssettsions covering Home 2.*>.<KK> acrenof lahil. with a population ezc-ee<linK I,'**',divided into seven villages. The peopleengage1 varioiiKly in manufacturing amifarming. They have several woolenj sawand?grist mill* and tanneries and theirKIXH1,« are staple article* in the market.Each family has its bound, like! tbeIcarians, ami all cook and eat together incentrals. At the table, however, the i menand tromen are Reparated "to present sillyconversation and trifling conduct." Atthe neaid of the organization is a supposed by the members to speakby ttie direct "inspiration of God." Hencetheir name. They came from Germany toNew York State in 1*42. and to Iowa in lKVi.The liociety owes its foundation to an ig-norant Servant maid, who fur many yearswas tbe 4'inHpired oracle" of Amana. Tbename Amana is taken from the Kongo!Kolo^non, iv.. K Though a woman foundedthe society and is considered the ''oracle"tlirongb whom come the commands of God,> *-t tjhe women .of tbe community ar* re-'|iiireil to work bard, dress plainly,; andavoid aNKOciation with mankiud, .notwitli-Maniliim which there, are marriu^eK andiiii' b ilomestic niinhirt and happiness.Onenf »heir leading writers ad\'ise» limento - J \ from intercourse with women ja» avcryj <^an^»-roiis. magnetic and. magicalnre.J \.\inusiin..|its generally ai-e forl.i.l-il-ii^vrn |ihotographs and pictures! arenot fclloued. Their rules of daily liftj arever>| strict and si-vere. enjoining alwti-nen^e. ]M-nit<<ii<'c ami deep devotion, ^"hissooitty is suci'-ssfiil, Knancially. toi saythe leant. The •..•nilwrs are KoodVjttytis,payUhwir tnx.-s. «voi<i litii:atiori. anil, if

they find hu].|i ,< HI voinplviui; i i t htheii ripi.l rules ..1 i:t.verninent. wboi can*ay I hem nay!-

. I ! No HapplneMM inThJ> keenest sorrows of the »oi;M afe in

the homes of ]>eopie of nftlin'iire. who'areM> much envied lryl:«i ' who stru^cje indaily, toil for brekd: but if tbe -kH..ti,ii.s ofthe i»onte» of tbe honest sons of lal>or duulilbe oonipared with the skeletons ofj thehomes of tbe rich both would learn thatthere i« no happiness in i<lI«-ik«->-,; u u

wealth liut tbe content of industry


Urn .^nmlutc of th<t Cur Vl«-hnl«« and Ik• \ French; Traveler.\ The I'rar Nicholas is tbe suliject of* the

: • follovring anecdote,jwhich is Touched for:«i authentic by Aurelian Scholl: Tbe Czar,jn 'turning from pay jug an early visit to•nie of hi< daughters, noticed at the dooro a hotel a young nan with a cigar in binn outh. Nicholas cpuld not tolerate the

!; smell of tobacco. "JVou are a foreigner,j:sjrV he asked. "Vps, (Jeneral," was tbe.irfply: "I have just j arrived from Paris."|"jThen you are unwjare that smoking in•tie street< of St. Hetemhurg: in forbidden.

. p iwarn you lest you^ ignorance get you intifouble." -'Thanks. General." And the

threw awaiy his cigar. Hut ifwas not allowed, neither was it

permitted to addro*s tbe Emperor, and'scarcely had* the latter paused out of Right: wjhen two police officers approached tbeI traveler, and he was soon on his way tothe station, where be remained nntil ten in

= tl|e evening in the Society of tbe thieves:ahd drunkards who had been arrested theprevious night. When tbe superintendent

: questioned him he told hi» story: bow anofficer in General's Uniform who was passring bad advised him to throw away his

:cl|gar, and that he bad at. once done so."And you didn't know who tbe General

;wlas»" "I don't knj>w." The official set• the Frenchman at |il>erty, and made hi*j report to tbe chief j of the third section.The latter, thinking: the adventure-mighthive some unpleasant political con*

j*9V|uence—that the Frenchman might lodgelajcotnplaint with bis Ambassador, andit<jat he (tbe chief) might be blamed for tbeniftjon of his subordinated—decided toiiiiforni the Kmpeiror of what hadfhippened. His Majesty seemed annoyed,I P'Go Hnd the trajveler," be or«lered, "I|w|sh to express to hjm, personally, my re-jgtet for tbe outrage tjo which' be has beenjsijhjeoted." When an officer in uniform

j v»aine to his hotel the Frenchman bad vis-•"--*-- of Siberia, and )>egan to regret bitter*

_ e extension of the incandescent lines will ae 9 lade at once, and an addition4 i j p y i k i i p p p I; __ti.. »,. 14— . . • a*-^t • i~

SOMERSET STREET, . , • A- . , s . u . u

§ ! tog| completed concurrently with tho exteour, Feed, Baled Hay, E t c j ! Sfe Orescent Avenue Ohurph : The Company's ^ffl^i-. o^po it*1! the Depot;

i 4 Priyate 8how Parlors at Grej'n's Funiitun-Ston-.J | | - \

^l | |>BrRY 4 BONNY FLOUR.


w than New York Pric

,; made to capacity of Station. jRhe Company are now making contracts for llgjitjnjf. iij OI-I|<T to have the wlr-

tensipnH.^ '} \also

. . . — .*' Show Parlors at r»re*>n'ft Furniture Store} i _ '

i ii



at prices.

_ ^ =Vqu DepoeleTelephoc

Branchcall SO I

- rojMOtf j

Iy North avenue. T*»lp[»h<ni« i 1

hers « i l l r»-,*«»lT« i-n>m|it attention. !

Joh|m. Thickstun,DEALEB IH







TARD- I BtT0«t a id Maaiami


Electric Motors;




H. FORCE Proprietor.


Trai Blent GueBtii taken at Be»tx>uable Ratcn.





j ;1 ii«>ti

lp>|havinK yielded to jiis desire to'visit "tb«1 jeifipire of the norta." He. was only re-! f*j>reil to bin usual equanimity when Nich'I jolf s explained to bili( the cauKe of his tin-i J.ij-a-ant advelitur«.{ "ForHet this littlej )nj>utulerstaiidinK." jaddeil the Kni|HTor,I Vend it you remain J ny time! in Hussiait

It icive me pleasure! to prove to you thatSv • are not as uncivilized as we may seem

lie." "Nine,, yourl Majesty is so kind.**>lied the traveler, "jinay I iiiake om- rv

| intesty "What is t:-" "That if yourM»j.-,tv vhciiil.l meet !me a^airi you wouldB(ft notice n|e." j ;

H ! I " " •' 'Ke>ult of KmUifg Had *i«»l.Paris c<irres|KJndent o£_tiie /*<«////

telegraphs: "A'death is; re(M>rt.-.l ,',ta grazier named 1'on^arede from eating a.«t^ak taken from an ojx Ijeiouj DK to himW$icb had died of ljl(x>d |»ii»oiiiiix fromthf stin« of a venomous fly.; Fomaredebajd a t-rass farm at Klon{ue. nenr I.u Helve,H^died six hours LiS.-r havnijr t steu the•t^ak. Decom|>oKitio|i was *q rapid thattjht mayor ot his i^inrniiiie jud^i*! well toauthorize bis Imrial juitiiiu 'ho tune•ctibed by law.

ut " i i r 1 m ni.-n^«> lin»- . f • "i



We Fiimisb Electric Motors—FOB

P. THORN,No. 17 Park Avenue,







IBeers, ic .


Goods!delivered to any part of the city freeI!"


of charge. niylOyl

3R GRADESiHEJaing's Hotel!



- l | JfH()T|E('TEl) 11Y OVER—


B. MILLER & BRO.,and si), i I

ro. in f r Fall BI-H k. i FRON

5 *j« - i i iE r. s.

• i f • • -




ED BROS.,A S T F R O N T S T . A First-Class Family Resort

to Make Estimates\





f ii I!

■ 'H J • A ?


A' Galvr.loa FI»bmiuo-ii B»l Highly .\c-».mpll Pci*.

Of all the queer characters that ever ex- isted in Galveston Fisherman BroWu is the queerest, says the .Ye?-’*. Fisherman Brown ha* his habitat upon Kuhn’s wharf, where he ekes out a miserable existence bv catching anil selling oralis. He is as dark as a Moor, ami wears olil and shabby gar- ments. Yesterday , the tide had receded to an unusual degree, leaving lioats of every description high and <Irv on ground. Around Kuhn's wharf the water was juirticularly- low, but Fisher- man Brown seemed to lik* it. Iu the slip which the wharf company had cut out. for erecting dry docks Brown! had pulled his boat, and was eagerly jieering over its gunwale into tbe>luggi*l^-runuing water. As soon as he saw a re|iortir who hap- pened to lie in that locality Brown liegan to tell wbat he knew alsmt cralis. In- formation oozed fiisn hint like the precious attar of roses, and he gretw quite enthnsi- astic.

"Oh. about crabs,” he skid, presently, as he drew up a net.- “not many understand the ways of cralis. Crabs have their tastes like people, and many times have 1 seen a crab tell another crab what to do. When the watfr is smooth and green and the (lay overflowing with sunshine, then is the time I watch the little creatures. I pull them up in my net and wait to see wbat- they will <|o. Sometimes I haul up half a dozen of different sizes, and they act just like people: they are greedy and selfish. ' Tpe big sea-crabs give the little crate a sound trouncing for lieing in the way, and then the big cralis claw at each other around! the meat. Thev act so human like that I am much amused. Crabs, sir, are divided into many families. There is the blue-claw family, the streaked- back family, the brown-backed family ami the green-back family. Y’ou do not often see those of the streak-back family tribe in Galveston waters, but many are caught around Padre Island ibiwn the coast. I speak only of crabs to lie found in tbe Gulf and bar. As for other crabs, they abound in many waters. 1 hare seen men Catch many crabs as large as an ostrich. Ah! yon,smile, but I speak in truth. On tbe Japanese coast the crabs look like huge: birds running over the sand. They come up on the sand dunes just like tur- tles, and run away with the speed of the wind when any one approaches them. How thevflght! Their bodies are small, but their legs are long and tough, and if caught they catch you with their legs Ijjte a grappling-iron. They have vicious little green eyes, and they look at yon like a serpent. When off the Japanese coast one time we all put to shore and made a great chase after the big crabs. The only way we could catch ’em was to break their legs by sweeping them with a big stick or cut- lass, and even then they’d show fight.

“1 have long studied the habits of crabs in Galveston waters, and know ’em well. They know me, too, for sometimes I make pets of my crabs. You no believe dat’ Come: I show- you.”

Leading the reporter to the stern of tbe hoet the browned fisherman lifted a cloth from the stern and revealed a small tank in which several crabs were swimming around. The tank had hole* bored through the bottom, letting in n constant supply of fresh water.

“Now yon watch what I do,” said Fish- erman Brown.

He took n small stick and bent a tattoo upon the stern of the beat the while ad- dressing the crabs as th? Sigh they human beings and giving each “Come up, my beauties, there is man come to see you,” ha Said, which was followed by such exclamations aa: “Don’t be afraid. The pot's not ready, yet, nei- ther ia the purchaser.” After such ex- clamation of this character he would re- sume hie tattoo vigorously. Whether it was from tbe effect of hi* adjuration or from a desire of their own is not known, but the crabs were not long in heeding his invitation, nnd began to : ise to the ■ ar- ts ce and paddle across from side to side. “Sow,” said Fisherman I town, “you see me make a crab mind.” Taking up an or- dinary fishing-line with i inker attached, be suspended it over the back of the crabs and said “Rink, my hearty, sink.” The crab had been paddling lazily shot t, but as soon as the voice was heard it ir imediately sank and sent up a nninber o ’ bubbles. This seemed to please Fisherman Brown to a surprising decree, as he drew in the line and chuckled to himself. Presently he picked np two pieces of lines one polished smooth on one side, and ssid that was for caliing the cralis to dinn sr. “They know the difference in the tatt ki and the stone sound,” said Brown, “an d they come up quickly when they hear the stones, just like chickens when callec.” First taking a handful of shrimp cut ii to minute pieces, Brown began to jiound th stones together very vigorously. The stores made a harsh andsp-ating kind of noise, but they caused a great change to take j lace in the tank.

Where a moment bef ire all had been quiet, there was now g-eat commotion. The crabs came up in a. b< dy and snapped and clawed viciously a; each other in their endeavors to get a good position. They would attempt to cl mb up the sides of the tank, but would fal back exhausted each time, owing to tbe planks being too slippery. I-aughing quhtly. Fisherman Brown then threw the ha ldful of shrimp to his queer pets, and the t it was a scene of evolutions and revoluti ms in the water. Each crab made a gral: for a piece of shrimp, and a general me ee ensued. There was not quite enough to go around and a pitched bottle took place in conse- quence among the hardsh -II pets. It was a strange thing to look la m ath the water and see two or more cralis hacking awav at each other for the poss. salon of a piece of shrimp. They would clinch and rise to the surface, but never let go until tbe shrimp was demolished o- one had grained the Victory. It would ceitianly seem that Fisherman Brown had t ie cralis prettv well trained, but how he managed to do this with cralis will remain a mystery.

“Ah! the crab is. a noli e animat,” sold Fisherman Brown, with a sigh, as he read- justed the cloth on the sts ru of the ls>at: “and people ought not to Is- cruel to them, for they are not like people? Tis true they eat dead people wl ten they get a chancy. but do not the jeople eat them also? Yes, sir. The crab ii a much abused animal, but they have tin ir days when a ship is wrecked. That is the time when tney have a rich teas’. lieitatU the with the rulers of the water.

After saving this Brow i relapsed into deep meditation, watebin;

nrief History of Some Socialistic Experi- ments In the State of Iow a.

The Irarian community near Corning# Ia.. ha«. according to the Sioux City -fttur- noU\ practically <li**olve«l. The trouble

that the youngest ra«*mt**r* would not not | brook the restraint* im|K**4ed by the lawi* ami rules of the society. The obi men weij* Ktickhtrs and too rigid in their inter- pretation.. and the young nn*n rebeled. Thtfiipciety had its origin in France, ami settled in a body at Nauvoo, III., but moV«*d to the present location in 1834, Ike- fore the organization of this section into counties. The founder was Etienne Cal»et. The; sbeietv, unlike most other communistic 1hm1|«*s has no religious forms, believing that the essence of religion exists rather in practice than in creed, the members re- garding Sunday as a day of amusement. Although atheists, the principal feature of the Iciarian scheme is the one text of the Ncwf Testament which underlies: all coin-

experience, to Ike found in.; Acts ii., 4b 4*’»: “And all that Ikclieved were tie get Her, and had all things in j common: and;s^ld their-possessions and goods and X»arted them to all men, as every man had

1 . J For nearly a generation as time is meas-

ured lh the life of man the Icnrians dwelt happily and contented. Their property, a farm of three thousand acres, was owned in common. A council of the oldest men confrdled affairs and designated the w<*rk each jkersou w as to perform. There was lit- tle Hssociation for many years with the outside world. The language spoken w as French and the old men were sl*»w in get- ting' knowledge of English. As already intimated, the young people who have groH n np since coming here were anxious for ttiore j»rogre**ive methods and ideas. Of ct>urse the elders opj>osed any in nova- tionjof changes in plans or policy, nnd'the differences of opinion culminate*! several veaifs ago in a division of projicrty, the old members leaving the homestead to the children, *wkirte the elders betook them- selves to a n«*w location a half mile dis- tant! from the original nest. The young people in the old home kept the j old name. “The Icarian I’om- munSty,” and the old people called their split off “The New Icarian*.” The fatter in their new location built after the Qld plan of grouping their cottages annind a square, iu the center of which was! a large building used for lecture, amusement, dining and cooking purposes. They believe in the sacredness of the mar- riage relation, and each family has its owp home* but all eat together in tbe central dinibg room. The elders took with them to theiij new home a large library and a tine collection of instruments for scientific ex- periment*. Among the older members werci men of profound learning, and in the earlier days of their life here the lecture iiall yas the scene of many a fine exposi- tion bf scientific subjects. Many of them, too, possessed histrionic talent, and Sun- day jevening was usually given up to the performance of some theatrical play.

Fof several years they printed a little weekly pajkcr upon type brought from France. Icaria stands upon a pretty emi- nence three miles east of this place, south of tbfe railroad track, and in plain view of the qar windows. This is in Adams Coun- ty. in tbe southwestern part of the State. The chief occupation of the Icarians is agriculture, in which they have been mod- erately successful, While thrifty.careful, economical and industrious, they do not think that the sole aim of life is to work hard and hoard up money. They have some highly ethereal ideas, which, indeed. If they could be made to work, would bring a millennial period to mankind. They be- lieve* that the man who lives quietly and ca 1 mily. developing hi* mental and moral faculties, and emancipating himself from the. Imser cares and demands of “the worljl, the flesh and the devil,” d«ke* ^ii*Hy and Well, however poor he may be. When the ibng time quiet and peaceful commu- nity' tiecame twain there was a mem- bership vf one hundred and fifty or more. . Young and ambitious members withdrew every once in a while, the com- munity payiug them a stipend from the common treasury, and off they went to try life ^n the American plan of “every man for himself and the devil take the hind- mosi.” jVhen the split t«kok place the oldei* heads took aw ay forty <»r fifty jker- sonsl most of them white-haired, venerable old |>eople, whose very appearand teem* toptove that the claim they make of living a 1 *efter and more advanced life than those of th** world around them is not altogether groundless. They are proverbial for, their politeness and demeanor to each other and to those with whom they come in contact. The i young colony i is anxious to s»|ll its land and go to California, where a good many of its members are already lijving. Within a few years at the most this re- markable experiment in communistic life w til live only iu history. ®J»Wa has one other communal society, th«| Inspirationists. at Amana, in Iowa County. This society, however, is rich, its possessions covering some SSTi.OOO acres of lahd, with a population exceeding J ,500, divided into seven villages. The people engage variously in manufacturing and farming. They have several woolen, saw ami grist mills and tanneries, and their gtko«|s are staple articles in the market. Each family has its house, like the Icarians, and all cook and eat together in centrals. At the table, however, the men and Women are separated “to prevent silly conversation and trifling conduct.” At the head of the organization is a woman

SMART OLD FARMER. |torr of a Ciranger Who Knew Which

Kml of the Elephant Had the Tall.

n way as the sun sank to red below a fiery i.onzon. And in this mi left him—and his queer cm

«l*l the rej>orter bs.

lufi Chicago a City of

Chicago w ill consume 0 pies from tbe pie riianu^ nothing about the vast qu. the regular bakers and in Lome* where the baking is resident domestics. Trqlj uiting peopie.


the water slide

t i

K9 ter*, ing 1jv<7 actories, to say titles made by e thousands of all done by the

we are a pia-

No Happinr** In The keenest sorrows of the woifld afe in

the homes of people of affluence, who' are so much envied l»y t’toMe who struggle in daily toil for bread: but if the skeletons «,f the honies of the honest sons of lateor could be compared with the skeleton* of homes of the rich both would learn there is no happiness in idleness wealth but the content of industry.

; Darwin 'Davis, jail old-fashioned and well-to-do farmer cif the neighlxiring town qf Norwich, tells the New York Times of a iWent interview with a couple of affable fjtrangers, a* follojws: “The other day a ipan called at my bouse and wanted to buy 4 farm. Hie said b>s name was Dr. Miles and that he lived iti Rutland, Vt., and that he wanted the farm for his sister, a rich California widow, who wanted to Settle down With her children ih this • part j of the country. Pin sister, ho- sai<|, had a pile of money, lind he inquired if the banks were sound around here. I told him I did not know ibuch alsmt any of the lianks except tho

Id Norwich Hank«iand I considered that ood enough to k^P raonev in. He said y farm had l>een Vecomrtienjled to him as ist the otic he waiited, and He had called !! tt> look at it. So tlije doctor nnd 1 started

off np the road l<*>k ov^r rhe farm, pretty soon we seijo overtaken by h well- dressed and ghb-s(>j)ken young fellow in a

* buggy, who bailed u* and inquired fiow- far it wain before the road tkirned to the | left. I . gave him

! tiie information i lie wunted, and he got out of the buggy nndo*nme up to us, and ktegaii talking alstut a big advertising

! Scheme he was wording among the fnrra- ers for a firm in NeW Orleans. He said he

j was from New ( h lejans, and was a nephew qf General Beauregard, but he didn*t go ihto the atmy because he wasn’t big enough at that time. Theri he $Aifl if we had time tn spare he’d show us a new game of draw tjhat was all the go down in New

! (^rleans: so be; pulled out four qards, three with black sjiots and tine with red s|g»t*. and he shuffled them up, and turped them over, face downward. The game was, he said, pi pay a quarter and draw, and if you dr a wed the rpd card and showed five dollars, then von got five dollars. He wanted- us to try it, jiust for the fun ojf the thing, and see what dur luck would l»e. ;I>r. MiJeedrawed and got the red card first draw-1., and then I tried and got the rvd card the same way.

| ‘tBeauregard said *ve had extraordinary I luck, but he’d bet uif one thousand dollars

against five dollar* in earnest that we couldn’t l*oth of up draw the red card S^ain the first j time wp tried it.

r. Miles took the l»et and drawed, and sure enough he got the red card, and then £ drawed and I got


w ho/is supposed by the members to speak by the direct “inspiration of God.” Hence theii| name. They came from Germany to New York State in 1K42. and to Iow a in lK*»tt. The Society owes its foundation to an ig- norant servant maid, who for many years was the “inspired oracle” of Amana. The name Amana is taken from the Song ot Solofnnn. iv., 8. Though a woman founded the Society and is considered the “oracle” through whom come the commands of God, >et the women of the community are re- quif-yd to work hard, dress plainly, and avoid association with mankind, notwith- standing w hich there, are marriages and nm* domestic comfort and happiness. Gu»*;of jtheir leading writers advise* men to-fl\ from intercourse w ith women as a v«*r-V? dangerous, magnetic and : magical fire.” Amusements generally art* fofbid- d»-ii z etjen photograph* nnd picture*! are not allowed. Their rules of daily lifq are Vt rM and severe, enjoining n|>*ti- nenee. j|K*nit«‘Uce and deep devotion. This socitty i* successful, financially, to sav the least. The «Mernt*ers are gotslicitixelis, payithtrir taxes, avoid litigation, and. if tbev find hnppiue** in -complyiqg with thei^ rigid rule* of government, who can MV them navf

Arn Anrololr <»f the f'mr Nicholas and a French! Traveler.

]The I ’zar Nicholas! fs the sal»ject the fallowing anecdote,jwhich is vouched for a* authentic by Aurelian Scholl: Thef’zar, returning from paying an early visit to • die of hi* daughters, noticed at the door of a hotel a young man with a cigar in his mouth. Nicholas could not tolerate the

!; s^nell of tobacco. “You are a foreigner, j; sjr?” he a*ked. “YK General,” w as the I’Ffply: “1 have just arrived from Paris.” |j‘*jThen youlare unware that smoking in

the street* of St. Petersburg, i* forbidden. ,^J1 Swam you lest your ignorance get you in ' trouble.” “Thanks. General.” And the

Parisian threw away his cigar. But if smoking was not allowed, neither was it permitted to addross the Emperor, and

j scarcely had the latter passed out of sight wihen two police officers approached tbe traveler, and he was soon on his way to tlje station, where be remained until ten in tfie evening in the society of the "thieves afid drunkards w ho had been arrested the previous night. When the superintendent questioned him he told his story; how an officer in General’s uniform who was pass- ing had advised him to throw away hia cigar, and that he had at. once done so. “And you didn’t know who the General w^as>” “I don’t knhw.” The official set t^e Frenchman at liberty, and made hit report to the chief of the third section. Tfie latter, thinking! the adventure might have some unpleasant political con*

:*qquence—that the Frenchman might lodge a (complaint with bis Amltassador, and that he (the chief) njight be blamed for tbe action of his subordinates—decided to iniform the Emperor of what had happened. His Majesty scented annoyed,

!“Go find the traveler,” he ordered, “I I wish to express to him, personally, my re- ! uret for the outrage io which be has l>een subjected.” When an officer in uniform •dine to hi* hotel th|* Frenchman had vis-

'ii«4i* of Sil>«ria. niul liegan to regret bitter- ly having yielded to bis desire to* visit “tba jeippire of the north.” He was onlv re-


• S' •i }

* . ’




Shflet Iron and Heater Work.

x o t i (Me !

STEAM We would call the attention of our pa^rqu


A. M. GRIFFEN, 3. -{ 13 EAST FRONT ST. ■ s

.. .... ARAMS.

I i! 1ft. . . f

II MaoLESALE AND BET AIL Wall Papers, Paints, Oils, Varnishes,

u Glass, Color, etc.

ftrQr>s to' the Gas Cookings i 5 ^ :

Stoves made by the American Meterjjcj^npafiy. We have nc hesitation in saying that these Stoves pfcrlpxm all the operations, of cooking in the most satisfactory m^nfler; in fact for broiling and baki'ng they are more efficient !h|»* ,h* bes* coal range. We offer these stoves to our consumer^ jit cost—that is 25 per

f' 2 4 cent, less than the list price -and Will furoish a separate meter for each stove and make special rates fjpf the gas so used, sc that the cost will compare favorably wijit^lth e:use of coal. We also rent the Stoves on moderate terlrij:' A kitchen may be kept comparatively cool and comfort^l^e in Warm weather by using j Gas Stove, for it is evident thaf soion as a meal is



cooked the gas may be turned off ancj tjj^ Stove will cool rap- idly. |A number of the Stoves are alreatfji in juse in Plainfield, and w^Jjear nothing but good reports them. Yoq are in- vited to inspect the Stoves at the Cocnp«ny $ Office, corner of

<f 5 & jTg Fourth and Washington streets. Any rone desiring to test the capacity of a Stove may bring article^ be! cooked, and the

rZj.r.'il to his usual r.; ! ’ilfs explained to bini .pi*a*ant adventuru. ! in -understanding.” ; **an«l ilf you remain | w It give me pleasure

are not a* uncivil ! fo In*.” “Since your | |*e >lied the traveler, * quest:-” “What is

1 Mg jest V should meet notice n|e.”

the that


Kesult of Fating |ta«l Ileal. Tl»«- Bari* correspondent «»f-^tue Ihiiltf

AW a telegraph*: “Aldeath isj rc|M>rU-d of a grazier named Imured*- from eating a steak taken from un qx l^elongang to him

bad died of lilood }eii»oning from thf nting «*f a venofnous fiy, Bornaredo had a grass farm at Fprque. near'La Selve. Hq diwl *ix hour* Lljtur having » xten the •teak. Decomposition was* *q rapid that th«* mayor of hi* c >mimme judg»*I well to authorize hia burial [within *he turn #c#ibe<l by law.

•i I 1

REYNOLDS’ PHARMACY. CuiSllIk and North Avrnum, n,*ar

R. R Slmhm iKrtal.lish.-d lsl'.M , Onff highosl grades of Drugs ami

Cheiiii. als fl.tainal.le are 11s.1l In this neither buy nor sell “Cheap


gas for such tests will be furnished witl^o^j charge,


j i^, too. % Beauregard Raid he wouldn’t play nio more draw- with *uch lucky men a* we

, *tere—he’d lo*t enough. But hi* firm ! alwavR told him tb l*e honorable and do

jtiftt a* agreed, and a* he bad lost one thou- *kmd dollars he’d pay it, provided that we

! cpuld show that we j were res|>on*ihle and hionorable and had One thousand dollars to

! play w ith in case we lost that amount. Then he pulled out a big roll of bills and commenced! counting out the one thousand dollars. I)r. Miles saiif he hadn’t got no njuch money with him and offered a check op the Rutland bank. but Beure- gprd said he must show the cash. Then the doctor proposed that 1 should go to the Jforwich bank and. get the one thousand dollars and bring it'there and show it, and hp would give me half the one thousand dollar* he had won. “About this time I t»hgan to sfe a nigger in the wood pile, and t^e more I thought about it tbe bigger that d^rky got to be. So I said to Beauregard: ’Young man, vou might just as well put

! that money lack in your |>ocket, for 1 i don’t want it. I’ve seen the elephant and'( | kkow which end bin tail ia on.* With 1 tiat Beauregard got mad and jumped

into hi. buggy and irode away. Dr. Mile* ajid 1 started bark toward my bouse, and on the way I told him that I thought HSeauregard.was trying to play a confidence game on me, and that he bad a hand in it.

1,‘iVhy, Da via,’ said be, “how can you think . s^? I J»-l. >ng to the Presbyterian Church J ui> in Rutland, and ; onr minister don't al-

low .us to handle cards.* Pretty soon lir. Mile*, went away, and that’s the last I’ve

, hpard alsjut hi* buying my farm.”

k Pharmacy le op.<n on Sun- dlH[M-ueing of M.Niicine» and

r NO Other Traffic. ura—0 to 1; 3 to 6 : 7 to i*.

to red Diisponisor al Ways In inylOtf

VOEHL’S queen bread Sho|ii(Jj!|)o tried. Ask your grocer for

it, and 41h4jry our unequalled NEW ENCLAND BREAD.

None oCfthk latter is genuine except bear- 1 Ing ourphMl.

Al.^a^iraricty of Cake made out of the lH*.*t hi^t**rials.

The Plainfield Electric Light Co.


OFFICE--35 and 37 NORTH AVENUE; Opposite R. R. Station. itirLFORD'H REAL i>.TATE:AjiyM T I






Tnafekljil for past favors we solicit the continual ^itronage of our friends.

L. H. A. VOEHL. fj myl0m3




Fir#l Glass Market,

Jouses can Is* wiresl without defacement t< listing gas fitting can be us**d. H


h atKl*ccilinirs.

wiring at co*t.

•Si Whkrc r«a b#:f"un<1 a full Iln* of all kinds of Fr«ah. ftad 8inok«l Meats. Bpeclal att^n- tl«*n glT^| (i) Pviultry. Vegetables and Fish. Having tjtt* Uwgest stt>ck In tike city we Intend U> m*kj|*ete .jbesr a* |*« -elMe with New Y**rk Market We solicit a call that we may c«»nviin'Miaft-we do sell CHEAPER than anyone ID PlainTelephone N<». *. 5 25 tf

“H The Plainfield El«** tnc Light Co. keep a btaffr<.»fiexpert wiremen, and do al


s'. |.l. heyniger.



j[ SOMERSET STREET, |our. Feed, Baled Hay, Etc.



DOMESTIC RATES: 1st Lamp, $8 00 Per AnNjtm. 2d do. 7 00 do.; jl \ 3d do. 6 00 do. \ % 4th do. 5 Oo do.- j? 5th d<’. 4 00 do.- 14 6th do. 3 00 do.* }» 7th do. 2 00 do. |i

And all additional Lamps at t‘2 0(1 [ip^- aniium each. I if :

1 s ? I ] l|he extension of the Incandesceut lines will ^e ^aad.- at once, and an addition

made to capacity of Station. The Company are now making contracts fpr lighting, ill order to have the wir-

ing? completed concurrently with the extensions, r Sfc Crescent Avenue Churph : The Company's ■. opposite the Depot: also

Priiat«‘ Show Parlors at Green's Furniture Store.S i j.





t* at |H>iPular prices.

! Hotel Nethenvoc)d.


Branch call 30

VENIRNT RESORTS. FOR TERMS ADDRESS No. V North avenue. Telephone . F ler, Will atteuti.-n. FRANK E. MILLER.

^ A BpeciXl ATTENTION (UYEN to driving,


Electric Motors:

John A. Thickstun,







Wore electric rail- Than all others

JAMES H. FORCE .Proprietor. j l i



BX|5rE!STOISrEl Trai^B lent Guests taken at Reasonable Rate*.

We Futnlsb Electric Motors

•u & TARO- -Cit.klH street ud ■mdlson »ve-

% yfc myiotf 1 %

- la I 9 We Wdi •• .*iit inmien«M* lin** f


1 2 « — FOR A By*. ^leOtric- system and full— -OUT MTS OF j GENERATORS, MOTORS,—


No. 17 Park Avenue,



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Goods!delivered to any part of the city free of charge. mj-iayi

thEr||ove|iheai>. i s DEROROUXD- —OK jW^fiF.U'fc CONDUCTORS, AND—



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Eaing’s Hotel!




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Are to Make Estimates

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A First-Class Family Resort. mylOtf

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