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fpm t SfaiSAdl S)t 0s*#S> 14 -fcsMnr. InA. R J. Bo* II. Oct. 1*. IUO I hid vraierara NarousaM*.oeutd to ilMt two nights to a w A and wetljr _walk. Wfa was a trardaa to •«. « I W M appatlta at slT A en* recommended Faster Kotntc'c. 3?i?H8. "Si.,*^ C *«M **wi* tee* SsST 2K& »• newt mm f <*i*t£*,- «»«*]•« .Willi Marroiisa*** «} this, **a X-il.aiw^^t^ Plirf* A Valuable Book wt Her- ^ - — _TT"™?^ r^**»W B W BtSSf ^SBBjBJSsawSfw PfwS*» . S3^2^2SSeS»«** K««PU« K?EB> 00„ OMMW, III, JOi LAfca Street l»>l>«B»ti«Hl|>»imi,«tirH. Um «w. H»Mi eJifttttj. a** M. a.FUumery Drag Co. ir5 N. Clintoni FOP Mess Women sod Children. GASH or CKJCDIT G *«£et^R 4§~«i^j»aitJttVt*| * The Cvmb€tla*d IfflEAT H. P. SCHEUTZ0W. Prop. Dealer In Choice Meats and Poultry Vegetables hi Season Bell Phone 8046-R M»in Rochester Phone 1878 PUOUJ t>> American Prom, AMOCIKXIOQ Nabla Selanee This. There la a sctenco that la called njaei taonlos, which ta trying to get Itself la troduced Into our public apuools. We .!»» BO. to an4hjajdHJce..©nlMtea-*4p^^ .«. m . *~ J.. •„ » „ . ^..„A„U»..* ... », wWU> onfc j toW » >anrwl<|a , 1 g onti tj*,«tlij j snember right otf the feat ftrappeats t ^ m f ^ u i p s r S g - wSfcf£|1' $$ggftg; d hang*.: ^E.«oBCT*^ti6B -*8§se mow -6 »wded both flaps c»n bejfa*tene*$n, r horttontal position. Then, tofttM^j having an open space bftneat,b, tbja t*j We hat%j««bliift b g l t b ^ i t l i i t wM» There ar* drawer* for alt the <ee*lou| utensihi except Urge pots and pans, ibatj&i r^:nt*^.*nd; fJiejf'SIT" Are always witbla reach? so thiat -ahey apt lens* t h e table and>thfe ctU»D6«ICrW"a W W p£ tUe'#Jfc; There are also slides Just below tlio top at botb ends, like the sliding boardi tn a desk, ana these are handy tor tint bread or cake on,' 1 I North St*«*a*t i* 1 " 56 * Q°° T •Moving oa the gridiron v* »u W M M I jtJtiU a«iwo D ujtpo U one molMklo •^ra^ jrlor whoao pliylns iteada out abore all •'otbera. Ho U Oaptaln Mercer It li tfeubtXal it ther* U i (aster b«ck field BID ta football ton today than the QnHtara* fullback. Ue smrtt quickly aada^ta uphl»»pe«<l woskdertully. Be tBCTMsed hit ralna to tbe team asearly 00 par cent Ly >B«attrlB«; the itrmifbt |«sai Paona i«U Ball Phase M* mm ta wtrdtog off tteaciew. Uacctr doM t&te bottar than act? mto Penn- •yltiBla ttir had except BUI S«Qto back of tin 1808 «4e<tB RYAN & MclKTEE UNDERTAKERS 103 Main St. West The Bart Remedy iKftsm's Co8|h Syrop 2k Geo. Hahn PrescriptkHi Drqggkt 561 State Street to work something In thla miyawi "When wa> Unwrtn bornFi^ka tb* teacher. " I -f-f-forget.'" mhlnea'the pnpll. "Naturally yon do Go at It Tlfht ( "How many masea are tBerVIn TO? tbology?' , -Nine." H Rl<ht Now aooble that number." Twre*"nine's clghtoen." "Bight afulo, ^MalOply It \>i lOft^ "ElS^teen'fitoadp"" ' "Good' Add ilit- number mused to that' "Eighteen hundred and nine.'* "Aha! Thafa when Lincoln vro bora. Why don't you learn the aclen title way of getting at these thtnfa?" A* said ixt the flrat place. It'e a noble science, but we'd ratner remem- ber dates.—Cleveland Plain Dealer. mix ELIZAIETI mam turn VOICE CDLTVM AMB 64GfbbtSt For Pure Alts Wines and Liquor! SoadlToor ordars to MittfieirrSeTTis Co •B »TATir ••!• l ^->»»' Phrro— I07i tmr Any Neglect of d GARBAGE -Toilactloii *6*1MUIT> Prompt Atti-ul GOKSK REDtiatON CO. r W o f fsltsStraet KsmelTM BeU 17S9 .rasa Je)^fiiyji^N^s^ia_SasjeGMlMll ' TBe^atsoapteta o£ a loceiaaiful betaKtt- ball t e * a this jrear at FenoiylvaaU are ttmmiUy brt«ht aOl but OSM of last jmWa Ire bin retamea former Oaptais Kirk* belni Use only loti. Oaptaia Wilton. Tuner. PKrce, Jour dtt, Kacmjti and Kennedy latere a •trong team, and (be arood materlil 'from last year'e £mtnuan team seemi [to prptnls* capable me* ef serond [string" man. > The comturadT-* chine** for a ctiatn- plonihlp are felt at Penn to bV encour- aging. All (he other roll«g*f Ibivo lott imab and acme wth bar* to build up 'oew taami, whOe PennsyiTatui's ret- !«ran team, the only Bn to acojv a »lo- 'tory oT«r Olumbta lo Kmw Ynrlt last 'yaar, rensalm aTBoat Inlttt on* will be backed up br a likelj tqoad af]subttK tute*. Sea* of Uieae are Graham, who idayod oo U* ettBog UarTsrtord Ojnao- mar actwol Ore; Bullitt and Paxaou. who were on Dclaneey*a team lait •year, and Blabe*. who played two [ysart oa the Hantrom achool team. 1*he first game will be pliyed on DK ft A l l Alene. "Phwat ahr y* doln* nerer said the policeman to the old- woman peddling apple* ta the corridor* of the state capltol "Don't ye know peddlers ato aot allowed in beraT' "Plase. sor. «o' Tm only trjjn', V aake an benest UrtaV "Well. If thoCe U»' case fo aheal Cure an* ye won't ttare any cotnpiti- ttosr-xapTMBtSM^U " "7 . OlyMpte Team Miy t»— Itar*. According to the Olympic rules, only lathletaaaeao are nattirallaeed are eligi- ble tpjrffcpTMcnt the couatry they wish to compete for In tlio Oljrmplc games THE ECOWOMCAL DRWi^TOW.^^"^ l ^ n 11 ^ ^»« * r » ^^ M n _ , , jathletee who are unable to iport, their Cut HQtea OP tverythinq coxatiy'* colore in the 19X2 claa*e* be- Por^Ba.ndcold.trrKo.easc j g » J *" ^ ^ S « & S t auid Coo Wilih. mm! The Ahearn brother* wore the col- H. R. Cmmut, 182 W. flQf\ 17-ri r*>*v»f JP. Pr*. V** ot 3oim Dnll » * n)J Wafah atrusgled uOw- JCiUgOrt 01 L0» in behalf of Canada at the lnt O&tn- COAL. Pnndpal Office and Vard.Telephtme agj 306 Exchange Street French Olive Off Fifty Cents a Pint J. K. Post Drag Co. 17 Main SLE. 4>ic games, which were beld In Lon don In 1906. Dan Ahetrn tm the Amer- ican running hop, atep end jump champion and record bolder. Tim J Ahearn is the senior champion run- ning broad and hop, atep »nd Jump chajtnpion of the Metropolitan associa- tion. Walib to a renowned bammer thwwer. •> firilliii Mmrs ffiffff Diliurirs Smn^rttry CartingCoS Pooa»^>» »**g. Staea St. Kotvaot* / Beth Phones Phonee ta$r CHAS. H- LAMB FisH^tifD OYSTER DEPOT 7IFmtJt. t -Xetfthil'a Kin In Rina, Leon Ketchel. brother of the late Stanley Ketchel la tee laCeat ispiRuit PIUtlsaMsa'©w bttnora In the boring world. He, » ,a " B "a«Ul*< w -eigha iSi pound» attd la ssald to hate' an eicAllent chance In the lightwelslit SCHalon. [nee he began training: tie ha* had oty flg*U as an amateur and two professional bouts. Ifcslng only one Of the twen^r-two. and that on a fout He la said to hare the old time atuQ Ibtt mode hit nffforthnat* oMlier f»^ mens «nd can hit, hard. RitlmtK, 1 . Y. Japan ts Send Team te Japan ta tebe tepreeentw and Held team at; the 01*r next year. 0i a. mot* jb§ Jnoir way to find out the beet nsea vrm. t^rit^n«eVtbftJfqMn the an .would aend t feim» and the fi tfcwul* not getny to be enfedoa*] BMtwir~es; ptofpnutk by SIIW ec 4jKSil]M|RSalbe|e wasHsKet|ajsjs)g isnaa; ••*•*•«, j^r- „ Olym;>ios. | '"• ateswli Die; )PTfJMs^^w ^be aaiMiunceuieR& ^0eeAni Exeues. Of the diplomatic circles Is a de- lightful woman whose English is still French. She was urging: am officer el the nary to attend a ball, the InrlU tloo to which be had already declined "1 cant." he protested. "I naye horned my bridges behind me." "Oh." she replied, "l wfll lend you some of Henri's."—Success. Didn't Blame Him. The professor h»d Just stated a toy pothetlcal case. "Oar patient." he concluded, "gaffe* walk* lame. Now, young; man, what would .yon do4tVsacb"e case?" **WbjMer-why. sir. V& wait Ume. too," TtpBed the somewhat mjttlUed medical student.—Exchange. Classified. iflobn." exclaimed the Inebriated prjnwr* wife, "When you come hopi# In thaf condition at this jmseejal; hour I hardly know what to call you.' " 'Afs awrlght. m'dcar,*\calcilea the Winter. "Jus' put mo In the 'too late to chuaUy' department/''—Youngatowp Telegram. J Jd*««. ha* tome eingnlar "Tonnclelgh Ideas." <Wn»t»for Instanced ^•il. he says It la miati to profit by other peoplo's experience after they're been at all the trouble and expense of collecting: it-"-Bo»ton Transcript Got a Start. "Got a job at last, bare you. Dick eyT" "Yep SfoUar a week." "What iclhd of wafltr "Scrapia' the wads o* igamjiitji .the backs o* the furniture in a eecdudhand store."—Chicago 'Tribune , ' The Old D*y», "Once I could have bought the slfe of Chicago for 9400 ID Mexican snon- ey." .•' *=! know how it Is. old chap. I #1*8 6 chance to buy a beefsteak once lor M cent* a pouna."-WasMngtott. Her- ald.' . •-*• ^ Los* Thalf r>**deAu '', "AH men are bom free and eqftal" Jssid the philosopner \ . • ' -;i know," said the awttet of-ita* person. "But some of 'em get marjied )efteTwara?*-Detroit Prei IPreajr,.; Net Aiweyfc-. _l! abe-r-re discovered oae'A!«f t-j^-4jiiartfath*t?' ' /"• " -^; 'i«Tie^teiat;wben ama'adyes Us wife £* not necessarily a widow-'^Biltlmor* iAinetlcan. " \ . " Seek te ttsatity. 'V' ' «* We te dreama l» fraugtrt with oaweai / Susakfaut. lake, a mo$ *laed«ueaa of cab! cat it In about six or eight plDcea wash. Harrea*eWjSori^liflg"wit5 ready, put the cabbage In. add a aroJill pinch 9f .aoda, let bod until tender; «»n tiki* -ike kettle, ^tandAl-M, the elnkand let cold -wettirnm orer tttiij- tU you can put your/'haad| Into'It; then squeeie all the water o«t ot tbo cabbaft, jhMcb«o»)t 8|*. 1 - -. \ 1 Hare a'xrjUi^pW^H'tnMWTfe'f).^ a amairt*bl**poottful of lard In i t of iou. cut tt «p na*-«!Hlf-fry^ll, : .aMfwWft.' Add. a t«bl^W>9»nfuI jfJftnftjiO,t*; tttfc-tj^-a^-ttr^b^*^ withh«'-watet-<>r-tw* : »tock^*alt peroer-t»--ta*t«r 'tVetlc -sstrbiW'UTr •«[' fit. mlautes, then aerre. ."•-.»..-, v * .. *' Clsaning Tiae, 1 Bra»s.-"WaKh tn warm-soapwi , U»f woolen cloth .tp'poirs'b Isc^uei brasa; dean wltb"c|otB%«t iaat^bof. Copper.—ttollab * J | I o t r»neiat>$i which salt .has been dU»olvea:'flnIih off with an oil to pollnb. Kickel—Cover with thin paste made of emery uc^er^idttii t|rpeiiapia jind sweet oil in equal parts. " s St«i.~T» remo»e riwr apW tuleU paste of eaner'y,j»t(|er^j)n^»d^iri% e^kl parts sweet oil and Wrpeutltte-, flnttb by rubblnr "with _woolen ,cietb and a dry powder Bronxe^-Wish l a . soapsuda aadjaBi- motda. dry ^bd poftsb.iiHtl ^1 .<* jpjtV sft\n; rnb with soft cloth. >'• '>.**. l)ramj.—Flush with (oat-ouncee-cWo- ride of lime dls«o}»c'd in a gallon of water. --<M ^ f . _ -r fllblet tttwr . t Pal theirfl>lf|«*of ^ilHt do»Kj!^fjj in .two quarts of ceW Wrtff in *iste» pan *nd briar th«ai tovi MlteCS^k slowly two hours, then take ibeni cul and cut into small piecW,''*f^»#n|CB PBithem..h*^b.lB^ilM^a^a 3 w tneF*7reV«lled: nmffiti&fflH tab!e*rKX>nfuI» of nour etlrred ln ; cj»ld;'waiter, iSeaswii wflth stjtt-'itjl). p*WrT-*«l put 16 twtf-dtwices oif.ifeits tefc A^ld the 'beaten ywk*' ^# tfi$ *«lii Ser^ehdt.' "' ' Lemen Frosted Hie* P«ddlng One ,te«taip of well.wasliea ric^ boiled soft. Put to dish, add rind ot lemon,- six tablMpooUfuJa of sugar, plncn of salt, p>lks-of two eggs beateh In one pint of miifc. ^BSk&JIH lliW^w*^brfh**fwSt|n»W» wBilfes- vtttse rwar -wg*; tm, mtffil pe*defed *^«*r -arid {jut SvkdM «l* leinon. Spread over pU«ajn|f*|# cola and browa the frosting In oven. r 4*J^ Walnut Sandwierjes, A sandwich w<M<sa f|tsa*»-|%tnff pral«. p -hi«d# Ot ••muMgit&H*^ chease.and English •waintft*- KBntiei tBeVhread'-liubtly, theh §t*M% ea'ch afi«« a" layer- of .eim^{Wm «tgith_-of «a> io'^i xmw^m^ir^ leje^ ot twi» -cut: 'mts-pi^mfM epiwrxerrof in inc]h |B J«ieM„^..., iiiSir *»& w:fym$#9l&* slice* together.^ j. <•/:*. ,l*gr l^ice three <&&§!» ffl'M4 M~, tt&, Rouble BoJIeh $d<l 0mM,m\ €l 41 i&iSgfr'i '|B»|ew,aMMs^-a^<fe-. ^ > s*j.|Ti'«"S" A: * 1 | >, '*'''f*^i t y^ i '|||-|i i | | a 4M"\Ya»r»sli*«Qfi :'Madia*k : l M&mm max^mmrmxamssmmimwmme^mm i-*---,«ga»vai.- **•' 1 AND SI Id i M . J, r >' lOrfy^^^aM^si ;WtX»NCS3r7*v|ife l t mB^mmmmm^Bm&mmBssm^msssms^mim^^iWn •».••? • t a i n s »«»' ; '< etfio*-'*irf ; 't%'.. tbe) 'swibi' whb '»i •sew ajnesnw J rr **.a*t *f ONLY 4 c . W ST FINEST FKJENi T" I"'- T>I\ r 5 T T 1'" v JLiUril^/lt/JL/ K3 i -4 \ 'vP SS^53^efcSS ii.:V. \ f\f if f.i £ .4* Iffitjffi^ ^^ ••JLH >r^'f$s ; i 1 ^ ^ " **<*ri^**tf\f 1 V ^ . .aisA'* ^

fpmt -*. Sea* of Uieae are Graham, who idayo d oo U* ettBog UarTsrtor Ojnao-mar actwol

Nov 06, 2019



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Page 1: fpmt -*. Sea* of Uieae are Graham, who idayo d oo U* ettBog UarTsrtor Ojnao-mar actwol


SfaiSAdl S)t 0s*#S> 1 4 -fcsMnr. InA. R J. Bo* II. Oct. 1*. IUO

I hid v r a i e r a r a NarousaM*.oeutd to i l M t two nights to a w A and wetljr _walk. Wfa was a trardaa to

• « . « I W M appatlta at s lT A en* recommended Faster Kotntc'c.

3?i?H8. "Si.,*^ C*«M **wi* tee*

SsST 2K& »• newt mm f <*i*t£*,-

«»«*]•« .Willi Marroiisa*** «} this,

* * a X - i l . a i w ^ ^ t ^

P l i r f * A Valuable Book wt Her-^ - — _ T T " ™ ? ^ r^**»W B W BtSSf SBBjBJSsawSfw PfwS*»

. S3^2^2SSeS»«** K««PU« K?EB> 0 0 „ O M M W , III, JOi LAfca S t r e e t

l » > l > « B » t i « H l | > » i m i , « t i r H . U m « w . H»Mi eJifttttj. a** M.

a.FUumery Drag Co. ir5 N. Clintoni

F O P Mess Women s o d Children.

GASH or CKJCDIT G * « £ e t ^ R 4§~«i^j»aitJttVt*| *

The Cvmb€tla*d IfflEAT

H. P. SCHEUTZ0W. Prop. Dealer In

Choice Meats and Poultry

Vegetables hi Season Bell Phone 8046-R M»in Rochester Phone 1878

PUOUJ t>> American Prom, AMOCIKXIOQ

Nabla Selanee This. There la a sctenco that la called njaei

taonlos, which ta trying to get Itself la troduced Into our public apuools. We

. ! » » BO. to an4hjajdHJce..©nlMtea-*4p^^ .«.m. *~ J.. •„ » „ . ^..„A„U»..* . . . » , wWU> onfc jtoW»>anrwl<|a,1gonti tj*,«tlij j

snember right otf the feat ftrappeats t ^ m f ^ u i p s r S g - wSfcf£|1' $$ggftg;d

hang*.: ^E.«oBCT* ti6B -*8§se mow -6 »wded both flaps c»n bejfa*tene*$n, r horttontal position. Then, tofttM^j having an open space bftneat,b, tbja t*j We hat%j««bliift b g l t b ^ i t l i i t wM»

There ar* drawer* for alt the <ee*lou| utensihi except Urge pots and pans, ibatj&i r^ :n t*^ .*nd; fJiejf'SIT" Are always witbla reach? so thiat -ahey

apt lens* the table and>thfe ctU»D6«ICrW"a W W p£ tUe'#Jfc; There are also slides Just below tlio top at botb ends, like the sliding boardi tn a desk, ana these are handy tor tint bread or cake on,'

1 I N o r t h S t*«*a*t i*1"56 * Q°°T •Moving oa the gridiron v* » u W M M I jtJtiU a«iwoD ujtpo U one molMklo • ra

jrlor whoao pliylns iteada out abore all •'otbera. Ho U Oaptaln Mercer It li tfeubtXal it ther* U i (aster b«ck field B I D ta football ton today than the QnHtara* fullback. Ue smrtt quickly aada^ta uphl»»pe«<l woskdertully. Be tBCTMsed hit ralna to tbe team asearly 00 par cent Ly >B«attrlB«; the itrmifbt

|«sai Paona i«U Ball Phase M* mm ta wtrdtog off tteaciew. Uacctr doM t&te bottar than act? mto Penn-•yltiBla ttir had except BUI S«Qto back of tin 1808 «4e<tB


The Bart Remedy

iKftsm's Co8|h Syrop 2k Geo. Hahn

PrescriptkHi Drqggkt 561 State Street

to work something In thla miyawi "When wa> Unwrtn bornFi^ka tb*

teacher. " I -f-f-forget.'" mhlnea'the pnpll. "Naturally yon do Go at It Tlfht

("How many masea are tBerVIn TO? tbology?'

, -Nine." HRl<ht Now aooble that number." Twre*"nine's clghtoen." "Bight afulo, ^MalOply It \>i lOft "ElS^teen'fitoadp"" ' "Good' Add ilit- number mused to

that' "Eighteen hundred and nine.'* "Aha! Thafa when Lincoln vro

bora. Why don't you learn the aclen title way of getting at these thtnfa?"

A* w« said ixt the flrat place. It'e a noble science, but we'd ratner remem­ber dates.—Cleveland Plain Dealer.



For Pure Alts Wines and Liquor!

SoadlToor ordars to

MittfieirrSeTTis Co • B » T A T i r ••!•

l ->»»' Phrro— I07i

tmr Any Neglect of d

GARBAGE -Toilactloii * 6 * 1 M U I T > P r o m p t A t t i - u l

GOKSK REDtiatON CO. r W o f fsltsStraet

KsmelTM BeU 17S9

.rasa Je) fiiyji N s ia_SasjeGMlMll ' TBe atsoapteta o£ a loceiaaiful betaKtt-

ball te*a this jrear at FenoiylvaaU are ttmmiUy brt«ht aOl but OSM of last jmWa Ire b i n retamea former Oaptais Kirk* belni Use only loti. Oaptaia Wilton. Tuner. PKrce, Jour dtt, Kacmjti and Kennedy latere a •trong team, and (be arood materlil 'from last year'e £mtnuan team seemi [to prptnls* • capable me* ef serond [string" man. > The comturadT-* chine** for a ctiatn-plonihlp are felt at Penn to bV encour­aging. All (he other roll«g*f Ibivo lott

imab and acme wth bar* to build up 'oew taami, whOe PennsyiTatui's ret-!«ran team, the only Bn t o acojv a »lo-'tory oT«r Olumbta lo Kmw Ynrlt last 'yaar, rensalm aTBoat Inlttt on* will be backed up br a likelj tqoad af]subttK tute*. Sea* of Uieae are Graham, who idayod oo U* ettBog UarTsrtord Ojnao-mar actwol Ore; Bullitt and Paxaou. who were on Dclaneey*a team lait

•year, and Blabe*. who played two [ysart oa the Hantrom achool team. 1*he first game will be pliyed on D K ft

A l l Alene. "Phwat ahr y* doln* nerer said the

policeman to the old- woman peddling apple* ta the corridor* of the state capltol "Don't ye know peddlers ato aot allowed in beraT'

"Plase. sor. «o' Tm only trjjn', V aake an benest UrtaV

"Well. If thoCe U»' case fo aheal Cure an* ye won't ttare any cotnpiti-ttosr-xapTMBtSM^U " " 7

. OlyMpte Team Miy t»— Itar*. According to the Olympic rules, only

lathletaaaeao are nattirallaeed are eligi­ble tpjrffcpTMcnt the couatry they wish to compete for In tlio Oljrmplc games

THE ECOWOMCAL DRWi^TOW.^^"^ l ^ n 1 1^ ^»« *r» ^ ^ M n _ , , ja th le tee who are unable t o iport, the ir Cut HQtea OP tverythinq coxatiy'* colore in the 19X2 claa*e* be-

Por^Ba.ndcold.trrKo.easc j g » J * " ^ ^ S « & S t auid Coo Wilih. mm! The Ahearn brother* wore the col-

H. R. Cmmut, 182 W.

flQf\ 17-ri r*>*v»f JP. Pr*. V** ot 3oim Dnll» *n)J Wafah atrusgled u O w - J C i U g O r t 01 L 0 » in behalf of Canada at the lnt O&tn-

COAL. P n n d p a l Office and Vard.Telephtme agj

306 Exchange Street

French Olive Off Fifty Cents a Pint

J. K. Post Drag Co. 17 Main SLE.

4>ic games, which were beld In Lon don In 1906. Dan Ahetrn tm the Amer­ican running hop, atep end jump champion and record bolder. Tim J Ahearn is the senior champion run­ning broad and hop, atep »nd Jump chajtnpion of the Metropolitan associa­tion. Walib to a renowned bammer thwwer. •>

firilliii Mmrs ffiffff Diliurirs

Smn^rttry CartingCoS Pooa» >» »**g. Staea St. Kotvaot*

/ Beth Phones Phonee ta$r



t -Xetfthil'a Kin In Rina, Leon Ketchel. brother of the late

Stanley Ketchel la tee laCeat ispiRuit PIUtlsaMsa'©w bttnora In the boring world. He, »,a"B"a«Ul*<w-eigha iSi pound» attd la ssald to hate'

an eicAllent chance In the lightwelslit SCHalon.

[nee he began training: tie ha* had oty flg*U as an amateur and two

professional bouts. Ifcslng only one Of the twen^r-two. and that on a fout He la said to hare the old time atuQ Ibtt mode hit nffforthnat* oMlier f»^ mens «nd can hit, hard.

RitlmtK, 1 . Y.

Japan t s Send Team te Japan ta tebe tepreeentw

and Held team at; the 01*r next year. 0i a. mot* jb§ Jnoir way to find out the beet nsea vrm. t^rit^n«eVtbftJfqMn the an .would aend t feim» and the fi tfcwul* not getny to be enfedoa*] BMtwir~es; ptofpnutk by SIIW ec 4jKSil]M|RSalbe|e wasHsKet|ajsjs)g isnaa; • • * • * • « , j^r- „

Olym;>ios. | '"• ateswli


)PTfJMs w ^be aaiMiunceuieR& 0eeAni

H» Exeues. Of the diplomatic circles Is a de­

lightful woman whose English is still French. She was urging: am officer el the nary to attend a ball, the InrlU tloo to which be had already declined

"1 cant." he protested. "I naye horned my bridges behind me."

"Oh." she replied, "l wfll lend you some of Henri's."—Success.

Didn't Blame Him. The professor h»d Just stated a toy

pothetlcal case. "Oar patient." he concluded, "gaffe*

walk* lame. Now, young; man, what would .yon do4tVsacb"e case?"

**WbjMer-why. sir. V& wait Ume. too," TtpBed the somewhat mjttlUed medical student.—Exchange.

Classified. iflobn." exclaimed the Inebriated

prjnwr* wife, "When you come hopi# In thaf condition at this jmseejal; hour I hardly know what to call you.'

" 'Afs awrlght. m'dcar,*\calcilea the Winter. "Jus' put mo In the 'too late to chuaUy' department/''—Youngatowp Telegram. J

Jd*««. ha* tome eingnlar "Tonnclelgh

Ideas." <Wn»t»for Instanced

•il. he says It la miati to profit by other peoplo's experience after they're been at all the trouble and expense of collecting: it-"-Bo»ton Transcript

Got a Start. "Got a job at last, bare you. Dick

eyT" "Yep SfoUar a week." "What iclhd of wafltr "Scrapia' the wads o* igamjiitji .the

backs o* the furniture in a eecdudhand store."—Chicago 'Tribune , '

The Old D*y», "Once I could have bought the slfe

of Chicago for 9400 ID Mexican snon-e y . " • .• ' •

*=! know how it Is. old chap. I #1*8 6 chance to buy a beefsteak once lor M cent* a pouna."-WasMngtott. Her­ald.' .

•-*• ^

Los* Thalf r>**deAu '', "AH men are bom free and eqftal"

Jssid the philosopner \ . • ' -;i know," said the awttet of-ita*

person. "But some of 'em get marjied )efteTwara?*-Detroit Prei IPreajr,.;

Net Aiweyfc-. _l! abe-r-re discovered oae'A!«f

t-j^-4jiiartfath*t?' ' /"• " - ; 'i«Tie^teiat;wben ama'adyes Us wife £* not necessarily a widow-'^Biltlmor* iAinetlcan. " \ . "

Seek t e ttsatity. 'V' ' «* We te dreama l» fraugtrt with oaweai


Susakfaut. lake, a mo$ *laed«ueaa of cab!

cat it In about six or eight plDcea wash. Harrea*eWjSori^liflg"wit5 ready, put the cabbage In. add a aroJill pinch 9f .aoda, let bod until tender; «»n tiki* -ike kettle, tandAl-M, the elnkand let cold -wettirnm orer tttiij-tU you can put your/'haad| Into'It; then squeeie all the water o«t o t tbo cabbaft, jhMcb«o»)t 8|*. 1 - -. \ 1

Hare a'xrjUi^pW^H'tnMWTfe'f).^ a amairt*bl**poottful of lard In i t of

iou. cut tt «p na*-«!Hlf-fry ll,:.aMfwWft.' Add. a t«bl W>9»nfuI jfJftnftjiO,t*; tttfc-tj^-a^-ttr^b^*^ withh«'-watet-<>r-tw*:»tock^*alt peroer-t»--ta*t«r 'tVetlc -sstrbiW'UTr •«[' fit. mlautes, then aerre. ."•-.»..-,v

* .. *' Clsaning Tiae, 1

Bra»s.-"WaKh tn warm-soapwi , U»f woolen cloth .tp'poirs'b Isc^uei brasa; dean wltb"c|otB%«t iaat^bof.

Copper.—ttollab * J | I o t r»neiat>$i which salt .has been dU»olvea:'flnIih off with an oil to pollnb.

Kickel—Cover with thin paste made of emery uc^er^idttii t|rpeiiapia jind sweet oil in equal parts. " s

St«i.~T» remo»e riwr apW tuleU paste of eaner'y,j»t(|er^j)n^»d^iri% e^kl parts sweet oil and Wrpeutltte-, flnttb by rubblnr "with _woolen ,cietb and a dry powder

Bronxe^-Wish la . soapsuda aadjaBi-motda. dry ^bd poftsb.iiHtl ^1 .<* jpjtV sft\n; rnb with soft cloth. >'• '>.**.

l)ramj.—Flush with (oat-ouncee-cWo-ride of lime dls«o}»c'd in a gallon of water. --<M

^ • f. _ -r fllblet tttwr . t

Pal theirfl>lf|«*of ^ilHt do»Kj!^fjj in .two quarts of ceW Wrtff in *iste» pan *nd briar th«ai tovi MlteCS^k slowly two hours, then take ibeni cul and cut into small piecW,''*f^»#n|CB PBithem..h*^b.lB^ilM^a^a3w tneF*7reV«lled: nmffiti&fflH tab!e*rKX>nfuI» of nour etlrred ln;cj»ld;'waiter, iSeaswii wflth stjtt-'itjl). p*WrT-*«l put 16 twtf-dtwices oif.ifeits tefc A ld the 'beaten ywk*' # tfi$ *«lii Ser^ehdt.' "' '

Lemen Frosted Hie* P«ddlng One ,te«taip of well.wasliea ric^

boiled soft. Put to dish, add rind ot lemon,- six tablMpooUfuJa of sugar, plncn of salt, p>lks-of two eggs beateh In one pint of miifc. ^BSk&JIH l l i W ^ w * ^ b r f h * * f w S t | n » W » wBilfes- vtttse rwar -wg*; tm, mtffil pe*defed *^«*r -arid {jut SvkdM «l* leinon. Spread over pU«ajn | f* |# cola and browa the frosting In oven.

r 4 * J ^ Walnut Sandwierjes,

A sandwich w<M<sa f|tsa*»-|%tnff pral«. p -hi«d# Ot ••muMgit&H*^ chease.and English •waintft*- KBntiei tBeVhread'-liubtly, theh §t*M% ea'ch afi«« a" layer- of .eim^{Wm

«tgith_-of «a> io' i xmw^m^ir^ leje^ ot twi» -cut: 'mts-pi^mfM epiwrxerrof i n inc]h | B J«ieM„^...,

iiiSir *»& w:fym$#9l&* slice* together.^ j . <•/:*. ,l*gr

l^ice three <&&§!» ffl'M4 M~, tt&, Rouble BoJIeh $d<l 0mM,m\



i&iSgfr'i ' |B» |ew,aMMs^-a^<fe- .


|>,'*'''f*^ity^i'|||-|ii | | a 4M"\Ya»r»sli*«Qfi :'Madia*k:l

M&mm max^mmrmxamssmmimwmme^mm i-*---,«ga»vai.-

**•' 1

AND SI Id i M . J,r>'





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