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Flash Panorama Player Userguide version 2.2 Overview Files description Simple Tutorial Using parameters Using plugins Hotspots plugin Embed to HTML Flash version detection Offline panoramas Examples For technical support please visit our forum. To register click here . Flash Panorama Player is customizable panorama engine. The panorama engine is built on Adobe Flash Player, the world's most pervasive software platform. Benefits No Flash experience is required. You can create your panorama exhibitions using simple text editor. Full multiplatform support. Works the same for Windows , Mac and Linux. Understands jpg, png, gif , swf and mov file formats. Supports QTVR files , separate cube faces, cube stripes, spherical and cylindrical images. Can be used to create both online and offline applications. Can be converted to standalone application. Can be embedded to any HTML or Flash site (Flash site should be compiled as Actionscript 3 application). The panorama player is fully customizable, you can change scores of parameters, you can draw your own controls and buttons. Using Actionscript you can write new plugins for the player, create new transition effect, load the player to other Flash/Flex/AIR applications. All Flash Panorama Player updates (including panorama engine updates and new plugins) are free for Flash Panorama Player customers.
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Page 1: Fp p Tutorial

Flash Panorama PlayerUserguide version 2.2Overview

Files description

Simple Tutorial

Using parameters

Using plugins

Hotspots plugin

Embed to HTML

Flash version detection

Offline panoramas

ExamplesFor technical support please visit ourforum. To register click here.

Flash Panorama Player is customizable panorama engine.

The panorama engine is built on Adobe Flash Player, the world's mostpervasive software platform.


No Flash experience is required. You can create your panorama exhibitionsusing simple text editor.

Full multiplatform support. Works the same for Windows, Mac and Linux.

Understands jpg, png, gif, swf and mov file formats.

Supports QTVR files, separate cube faces, cube stripes, spherical andcylindrical images.

Can be used to create both online and offline applications. Can beconverted to standalone application.

Can be embedded to any HTML or Flash site (Flash site should becompiled as Actionscript 3 application).

The panorama player is fully customizable, you can change scores ofparameters, you can draw your own controls and buttons.

Using Actionscript you can write new plugins for the player, create newtransition effect, load the player to other Flash/Flex/AIR applications.

All Flash Panorama Player updates (including panorama engine updatesand new plugins) are free for Flash Panorama Player customers.

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Flash version detection

Now it's the time to take care of visitors who haven't Adobe Flash Player 9 (or higher).

1. Look into the plugins folder from Flash Panorama Player package and copy the file namedshow_pano.swf to your working directory.

HTML-less variant

2. Use show_pano.swf?movie=nature.swf link instead of nature.swf (pass the movie parameter - themovie name you want to load after Flash version check).


If you don't like the additional parameter in URL, there is another way to simplify the link: show_pano.swfcan define the movie parameter automatically (taking the second word of the detector movie name).

3. So, to make a separate Flash Player checker for the panorama, just change the name of the player toshow_[pano name].swf.

For nature.swf we have change the detector name from show_pano.swf to show_nature.swf:

Actually, it doesn't matter what the first word is in the version detector name. You can change it as you wish:go_nature.swf or panorama_nature.swf (the file nature.swf will be loaded anyway).

How does the Flash version detector works?

First of all, users who have Flash Player 9 or higher will see nothing unusual, nature.swf will load to thebrowser and after the panorama pictures preloading it will start to play.

But users with Flash Player higher then 6.0.65 (about 97% of computers in Internet) but less then 9.0.0 willsee in the center of the movie window:

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(Flash Player determines version for the page content)

And then:

Pressing Yes user starts Express Install (quick automatic Flash Player update).

Whole process performs without leaving the page, inside the Flash movie window:

The weight of the update package is about 1 Mb (less then ordinary good quality panorama).

The process is done in minutes, new window with your movie will open automatically (the old window withoverdue Flash Plugin object should be closed, user got the alert notification to close the window):

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This process looks the same for all browsers and for all operation systems (benefit of the cross-platformtechnology).

And this process performs only once if user hasn't the Flash Player 9.

HTML variant

2. Use SWFObject (add this code to your HTML file):

<script type="text/javascript" src="swfobject.js"></script><div id="flashcontent"> This content requires Adobe Flash Player 9 plugin. Please, visit <ahref=""></a> and install it. </div> <script type="text/javascript">var so = new SWFObject("show_pano.swf", "pano", "100%", "100%", "6.0.65", "#999999"); so.addVariable("movie", "nature.swf");so.addVariable("redirect", window.location);so.write("flashcontent");</script>

Main points:

1. Set version 6.0.65 for the new SWFObject creation.

2. Pass movie parameter to point to the Flash Panorama Player application usingso.addVariable("movie", "nature.swf"); function.

3. Pass redirect parameter URL to open new window after ExpressInstall complete. window.locationmeans that new window will use the current page URL.


show_pano.swf and ExpressInstall works here exactly the same way as for HTML-less variant. Only onedifference: if user has very old plugin (less then 6.0.65 version, without possibility of ExpressInstall, or has noFlash Player at all), he will see the default HTML content instead of the Flash Player window:

This content requires Adobe Flash Player 9 plugin. Please, visit and install it.

You can change this default message in the code snippet above.

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Embed to HTML

You can embed the Flash Panorama Player to the web page as any other regular Flash movie.

There is only one piece of subtlety: you should notice that the Flash Panorama Player window has nopredefined sizes, the player works ok for any window size and for any dimensions ratio. So, just use as manysize for your panorama on your page as you have. You can use the movie window size specified in percentsif you want to create a flexible page design, the Flash Panorama Player handles the dynamic size changescorrect as well.

Use SWFObject

The best practice to embed Flash content for today is SWFObject, small javascript written by Geoff Stearns(if you are not using it still, download it right now from here:

Benefits of SWFObject:

1. Easy to use.

2. No problems with the ActiveX initialization in Internet Explorer.

3. Generates valid HTML or XHTML 1.0 documents.

Typical html code snippet:

<script type="text/javascript" src="swfobject.js"></script><div id="flashcontent"> This text is replaced by the Flash movie. </div> <script type="text/javascript">var so = new SWFObject("nature.swf", "pano", "550", "400", "9", "#666666"); so.write("flashcontent");</script>

This code will create a fixed size window (550x400) for the Flash Panorama Player and load nature.swfmovie.

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Be sure you have all files accessible for your HTML page:

You can make a window with a free horizontal size:

var so = new SWFObject("nature.swf", "pano", "100%", "400", "9", "#666666"); (change your browser window size to understand how itworks).

The same with a vertical flexibility:

var so = new SWFObject("nature.swf", "pano", "550", "100%", "9", "#666666");

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Both dimensions to 100%:

var so = new SWFObject("nature.swf", "pano", "100%", "100%", "9", "#666666");

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Files description

The Flash Panorama Player package includes:

1. License.txt - product license, read it once.

2. WhatsNew.txt - main changes for this version.

3. pano.swf - main application file, Flash Panorama Player.

4. pano0.swf - the same as pano.swf?panoType=cube0.

5. panoStripe.swf - the same as pano.swf?panoType=stripe.

6. Examples.htm - examples starting page.

7. Tutorials.htm - tutorial starting page.

8. plugins folder contains all currently available plugins.

9. tutorials folder contains current tutorial set.

Watch the blog ( to handle last updates and examples.

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Hotspots ExternalInterface API

ExternalInterface provides the possibility to control Flash Panorama Player from any other Flash applicationon the same HTML page (inside or outside the panorama application) or using Javascript commands.

Required HTML environment (doesn't work for direct swf links or for standalone offline panoramas).

Allows synchronous communication.

Available for Flash 8 and 9.

API Functions

getParams(listOfParams:Array, returnSlot:String, functionName:String); - function to send a query witha list of intresting parameters; values of parameters will be returned to your application with anotherLocalConnection call."window.document['"+movieName+"']."+ExternalInterfaceID+"PanoSet","pano.panKey", -2);

setParams(listOfParams:Array, listOfValues:Array); - function to set parameters

Example: pan"window.document['"+movieName+"']."+ExternalInterfaceID+"PanoGet","pano.pan");

execute(commandLine:String, scope:String="global"); - function to execute Hotspots script fragment"window.document['"+movieName+"']."+ExternalInterfaceID+"PanoExecute","pano.saturation+=2,1000,elastic,onDone");

You can find working example and the source (ExternalTest.fla) file in examples folder of your FlashPanorama Player package.

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Hotspots LocalConnection API

LocalConnection interface provides the possibility to control Flash Panorama Player from any other Flashapplication on the same machine (the control application can be loaded as a hotspot or a plugin inside thepanorama, can be a different movie on the same page or can be a different movie in another browser page orframe).

No synchronous communication, has a limit for data transfer.

Available for Flash 6,7,8 and 9.

API Functions

getSlot(dumpSlot: String); - subservient function to get the active API slot.

getParams(listOfParams:Array, returnSlot:String, functionName:String); - function to send a query witha list of intresting parameters; values of parameters will be returned to your application with anotherLocalConnection call.

Example: _lc.send(masterSlot, "getParams", ["pano.pan", "pano.tilt"], slaveSlot, "callback");

setParams(listOfParams:Array, listOfValues:Array); - function to set parameters

Example: _lc.send(masterSlot, "setParams", ["pano.pan", "pano.tilt"], [10, 20]);

execute(commandLine:String, scope:String="global"); - function to execute Hotspots script fragment

Example: _lc.send(masterSlot, "execute", "pano.pan=10;pano.tilt=20;");

You can find working example and the source (controller.fla) file in examples folder of your FlashPanorama Player package.

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Hotspots plugin allows to add hotspots to your panorama.

Also it provides a possibility to programme events, motion tweens, external calls and new panorama loadings to make various interactionsin your panorama application.

How to read this tutorial? It's big, yes. But don't be afraid, mostly it is a description of properties. You do not need it all right now. Irecommend to read at first the second chapter (Syntax of Hotspots parameters) to understand the main principles. It's enough tounderstand how to add new hotspots to the XML file. All static properties of these hotspots you can edit later using Editor plugin. Also Irecommend to read the last chapter (Debug panorama application) and to install the Flash debugger to understand what's going on withyour panorama application at runtime.

Later you can return to this tutorial to get new properties extending your panoramas functionality.

Key features

Syntax of Hotspots parameters

1. Introduction

2. Objects (global, pano, spot, box and external)3. Functions

4. Assignments and motion tweens

Parameters description

1. Filters (visual effect)

hue, saturation, brightness, contrast, tint, blur, sharpness, bevel, glow, shadow.

2. Global object parameters

Numerical: timer.

String: LocalConnectionID, ExternalInterfaceID, disableReloading.

Events: onStart, onNewPano, onTransitionStart, onTransitionEnd, onActivate, onDeactivate, onEnterFullscreen,onExitFullscreen, onLoad, onOver, onOut, onPress, onRelease, onClick.

Build-in functions: openUrl, loadPano, fullscreen, javascript:.3. Pano object parameters

Numerical: timer, pan, tilt, zoom, hfov, vfov, segments, sensitivity, keySensitivity, friction, threshold, pan_v, tilt_v,zoom_v, panKey, tiltKey, zoomKey.

String: behaviour, qualityMotion, qualityStatic, leash, disableKeys, disableWheel, disableControls, disableTilt,disablePan.

Events: onPress, onRelease, onKeyPress.

4. Spot object parameters

Numerical: timer, depth, pan, tilt, scale, scaleX, scaleY, rotation, alpha, staticX, staticY, alignX, alignY, salignX, salignY,soundVolume, soundRadius, soundPan.

String: id, url, linked, unlinked, visible, scaleable, static, opaqueBackground, blendMode, smoothing, pixelSnapping,align, salign, cacheAsBitmap, buttonMode, blockMouse, useHandCursor, enableSoundPanning.

Events: onLoad, onOver, onOut, onPress, onRelease, onClick.

5. Box object parameters

Numerical: timer, depth, pan, tilt, distance, rotationX, rotationY, rotationZ, scale, scaleX, scaleY, rotation, alpha, staticX,staticY, alignX, alignY, salignX, salignY, refreshRate, shrink, segments, segmentsX, segmentsY, soundVolume,soundRadius, soundPan.

String: id, url, linked, unlinked, visible, distorted, orientation, scaleable, static, opaqueBackground, blendMode,smoothing, pixelSnapping, align, salign, cacheAsBitmap, buttonMode, blockMouse, useHandCursor,enableSoundPanning.

Events: onLoad, onOver, onOut, onPress, onRelease, onClick.

Debug panorama application

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Key features1. Hotspot objects can load external images (jpg, png or gif) or Flash movies (swf files compiled for 1-9 Flash Player version). It's

possible to load external Flash applications and streaming audio/video content. See spot url property for more info.

2. Hotspots plugin supports "distorted" hotspots (box object) to place images, videos and Flash applications directly to panoramaimage. Hotspots script gives you a possibility to control these objects in 3D space at runtime.

3. All parameters described by Hotspots XML can be changed using internal script at runtime; you can change parameters instantly oruse motion tweens, you can change functions themselves, you can call functions and run effects one by one using onDone andonInterrupt events, you can change parameters of external plugins (like Limits and Autorotation).

4. It is possible to load new panorama images with loadPano command, you can control transition effect, new panorama position, newborders and autorotation setting, and you can make even your own custom transition effects (see onTransitionStart example).

5. linked parameter is a simple way to set a configuration of hotspots for every panorama in a panorama tour. Just point the linkedpanorama name and hotspots will be automatically loaded/unloaded depends on current panorama image.

6. You can apply various Flash visual effects to panorama application as a whole and use them separately to the panorama image andfor every hotspot. Current version of Hotspots plugin provides 9 visual effects: hue, saturation, brightness, contrast, tint, blur,bevel, glow and shadow.

7. You can debug your panorama application.

Syntax of Hotspots parametersIntroduction

Use Hotspots plugins as simple as any other Flash Panorama Player plugin (Using plugins tutorial), just add new layer with hotspots.swffile and create new section <hotspots></hotspots> to pass parameters :

<?xml version="1.0" ?><panorama> <parameters> layer_5 = hotspots.swf </parameters> <hotspots> </hotspots> </panorama>

Place configuration XML codeinside <hotspots></hotspots> section, for example:

<?xml version="1.0" ?><panorama> <parameters> layer_5 = hotspots.swf </parameters> <hotspots> <global onLoad="alpha=0; alpha=1,1000" > <pano pan="100" tilt="-10" /> <spot id="spot_id" url="logo.png" pan="0" tilt="-90" onClick="openUrl(" /> <spot id="pic1" url="picture1.jpg" pan="0" tilt="0" onClick="loadPano(nextPano.swf)" /> </global> </hotspots> </panorama>

Syntax of the configuration XML code:

<global> <pano /> <spot /> <box /> <box /> <box /> </global>

<global></global> is the main tag, attributes of global give access to global parameters and functions.

Create single <pano> tag between <global> and </global> to have access to panorama properties (optional).

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Create any number of <box> and <spot> tags between <global> and </global>. Each tag generates one hotspot object (distorted or notdistorted).

Attributes of tags <global>, <pano>, <spot>, <box> can be either a variable:

url="myPicture.jpg" and visible="0"

or a function:

onClick="openUrl(" and myFunction="pan=100; anotherMyFunction()"

Functions can contain one or more variable assignments and other function calls.

Divide commands inside the function using ";" or line feed to make the code more readable:

<spot id="123"

onClick=" pan = 100, 1000 tilt = 20, 1000 loadPano(new.swf)"/>

All insignificant white spaces are ignored.

All variables and function names are not case sensitive, so this is a correct string:



Hotspots plugin have 5 types of objects: global, pano, spot, box and external. They have different set of parameters.

Global object defined by global tag in the XML file:

<global onLoad="alpha=0; alpha=1,1000" >

There is only one global object in your panorama application.

Use global prefix to address global object parameters:

<spot url="invertButton.jpg" onClick="global.saturation=-1" /> (invert all colors for the application on this spot click)

Pano object is predefined by pano tag in the XML file:

<pano pan="100" tilt="-10" />

There is one pano object at the application start, two pano objects after loadPano command; and then after a transition effect there is onlyone pano object again (the previous panorama is unloading from the memory).

All loaded panoramas get properties from pano tag. This example makes all panoramas loaded with loadPano to use leash=freeparameter (old and new panoramas have independent pan, tilt and zoom) and to increase contrast by 50%:

<pano leash="free" contrast="0.5" />

Use pano prefix to address the main panorama object, use pano2 prefix to access new loaded panorama:

<global onTransitionStart="pano2.saturation=1" onTransitionEnd="pano2.saturation=0,500" > (shows loaded panorama as black andwhite picture, appears colors back after a transition effect)

Spot object is a simple type of hotspots in Hotspots plugin.

Spot object attaches to the panorama in a single point (align point) and has no distortions during panorama transition. This provides goodredraw performance.

Also spot object can be statically aligned to the panorama window (static parameter) instead of panorama surface (to make navigationcontrols).

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<spot id="spot_id" url="logo.png" pan="0" tilt="-90" onClick="openUrl(" /><spot id="pic1" url="picture1.jpg" pan="0" tilt="0" onClick="loadPano(nextPano.swf)" />

You can have any number of spots in your application.

Use id of the spot to address the spot object:

<spot id="pic1" url="picture1.jpg" pan="10" onClick="pic2.scale+=5,300" /><spot id="pic2" url="picture2.jpg" pan="20" onClick="pic1.scale+=5,300" />

Box object is another type of hotspots in Hotspots plugin. It allows adding distorted (wrapped) hotspots on the panorama surface.

Most of parameter for the box object is the same as for the spot object. Additional parameters control the position of distorted hotspots invirtual 3D space of the panorama.

Also box object has a special parameter distorted. It is equal to 1 by default, setting of this parameter to 0 makes the object to turn into aspot object. For example, if you load a Flash application with some interactive elements, you can't interact with them while the hotspot is indistorted mode (because the distorted hotspot is only a picture, a screenshot of your application). But you can switch the application modebetween interactive/distorted using, say, onClick event:

<box id="app" url="calendar" rotationX="45" onClick="distorted+=1" />

Use Editor plugin to set up your distorted hotspot over the panorama. You can superpose your hotspot with any flat surface inside thepanorama image.

<box id="video" url="files/flvPlayer.swf?file=../flv/myVideo.flv" pan="10" refreshRate="20" />

If you have distorted video or distorted animation loaded, do not forget about refreshRate parameter.

Another sublte thing here: if you are using flvPlayer plugin, be careful with path to file, it should be relative to flvPlayer.swf path (notpano.swf).

And the last one: if you have some animation or video in swf file, place it aligned to left-top corner of the stage and set definite width andheight:

<box id="anim1" url="a1.swf" pan="10" refreshRate="20" width="300" height="200" />

(by default the player tries to get width and heigth measuring the width and height of the first frame of the movie).

Notice, there are some types of objects you can't use as a distorted hotspot because of security restrictions:

1. You can't distort images and swf applications loaded from another domain if you have no cross-domain permissions to that site. Forexample, you can't distort videos (but you still can use it as spot objects). But you can load and distort images(using special cross-domain gate:

2. You can't distort realtime streaming videos played from Flash Media Server or Adobe Flash Video Streaming Service. But you can loadand distort flv videos loaded using http protocol without any problem.

External object is a special object to address external plugins

Use external.[plugin name].[plugin parameter]=[value].

Borders plugin and Autorotator plugin support this interface:

<spot url="picture1.jpg" onClick="external.borders.pan_min=-40;external.borders.pan_max=40;" /> (sends new pan_min andpan_max to Borders plugin)<spot url="picture2.jpg" onClick="external.borders.autorotator+=1;" /> (disables/enables Autorotator plugin on click)

External plugin should be loader before you can change its properties.


Functions give a possibility to organize a complex functionality:

<spot url="picture1.jpg" static="1" onOver="makeBigger();" onOut="restorePosition();restoreSize();"onPress="makeBigger();goDown()" onRelease="restorePosition()" goDown="staticY+=5" makeBigger="scale+=0.1"restorePosition="staticX=0" restoreSize="scale=1" />

You can set any number of functions for any object. Use unique function names for your own functions (like moveToTheNextHotspot and

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showNavigationButtons) or use one of predefined event identifiers (onClick, onLoad, onTransitionStart) if you want your function becalled with some event.

To execute commands stored in the function, use [function name](). To call function described in another object, use [objectname].[function name]():

<spot id="spot1" url="1.jpg" onClick="spot2.onClick(); spot3.hideMe(); global.deactivate()" />

The scope of the function (where commands will find parameters and other functions) is a called object:

<spot id="pic1" url="picture1.jpg" pan="10" onClick="pic2.scaleIt()" /><spot id="pic2" url="picture2.jpg" pan="20" scaleIt="scale=2" /> (changes scale of pic2 spot, equivalent to pic2.scale=2)

The only exception is "function by default". If Hotpots engine can't find a function for the called object, it tries to call it on the global object,but the scope of function is a first called object (this feature allows to determine the behaviour for all panorama spots with only severalstrings):

<global onClick="visible=0" ><spot id="pic1" url="picture1.jpg" pan="10" /> (this spot has no onClick so when you click it, the function global.onClick() fires withscope of pic1. I.e. visible=0 means pic1.visible=0. It makes the spot invisible). <spot id="pic2" url="picture2.jpg" pan="20" /><spot id="pic3" url="picture3.jpg" pan="30" onClick="" /> (this spot has onClick function (do nothing) and doesn't call global onClick)</global>

You can change functions at runtime:

<spot id="pic1" url="picture1.jpg" /><spot url="pic2.jpg" onClick="pic1.onClick=myFunc1()" /> (sets onClick="myFunc1()" for pic1 spot) <spot url="pic3.jpg" onClick="pic1.onClick=" /> (removes pic1.onClick)<spot url="pic2.jpg" onClick="global.onDeactivate = saturation=-1;" />

To set a pack of command runtime, use a separate function:

<global function1="saturation=-1;brightness=0.3;" ><spot url="pic2.jpg" onClick="global.onDeactivate = function1()" />

Assignments and motion tweens

The assignment in Hotspots plugin is a special command used to change parameters of objects instantly or with some continuous effect(motion tween).

Assignments can change only variables. Don't try to change the value of a function. All functions are statically defined.

Simple assignment: [name]=[value]. Can be used to change any variable of any object:

onClick="blendMode = hardlight" (set blendMode to hardLight for onClick function)

Relative assignment: [name]+=[value], [name]-=[value], [name]*=[value], [name]/=[value]. Can be used to change any numericvariable:

onClick="pan += 10" (increases pan value by 10)

onRelease="pano.pan+=10;pano.tilt-=5;" (increases panorama pan by 10, decreases panorama tilt by 10)

myFunction=" saturation+=0.1; brightness+=0.1; scale*=5; (increases scale by a factor of 5) "

Relative assignment works with string parameters as well if they can take "0" and "1" values (visible, scaleable, buttonMode, disableTiltand so on):

onClick="scaleable+=1" (if scaleable=1 it sets scaleable=0; if scaleable=0 it sets scaleable=1)

Assignments with a motion tween: [name]=[value],[time in milliseconds],[type of tween function],[done function name],[interruptfunction name]. Works with only numerical variables:

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onClick="pano.pan+=200,10000,elastic,myDone,myInterrupt" (increases panorama pan by 200 during 10 seconds using elastic motiontween; call myDone function when motion tween is done, call myInterrupt if motion tween was interrupted).

onDeactivate="saturation=-1,1000" (change saturation from current value to -1(black and white) during 1 second using default smoothmotion tween type)

onActivate="saturation=0,1000,,,myInterrupt" (change saturation to 0 (default) during 1 second using default smooth motion tween type;call myInterrupt if motion tween was interrupted)

Type of tween can be regular, smooth, strong, easyIn, easyOut, elastic or bounce. Default value is smooth.

Done function executes if motion tween is finished. This is a way to make a sequence of actions one by one. You can use your ownfunctions:

<spot url="img.jpg" onOver="scale=2,500,smooth,buttonTremor" buttonTremor="scale=1.8,500,bounce" onOut="scale=1,300" / >

<spot onClick="pan+=10,1000,regular,onClick" / > (this spot will move horizontally without end after user click it).

<spot onClick="pano.pan+=10,1000,regular,onClick" / > (this will start panorama rotation after user click it).

Parameters descriptionFilters (visual effect)

hue, saturation, brightness, contrast, tint, blur, sharpness, bevel, glow, shadow.

Filters are special parameters for all types of objects. You can apply filter the same way: global.tint=1 or pano.tint=1 or spot1.tint=0.

Some filters have additional subparameters, for example, tintColor to set color of tint parameter: global.tint=1;global.tintColor=#0000FF.

Filters as shadow and glow are invisible for pano and global objects in common case but can be applied anyway.

Filter sharpen is not recommended for pano and global (too slow).

Filters blur, hue, saturation, contrast and tint applying to global object change the view of all objects on in the panorama player includinghotspots and all loaded plugins.

Use Editor plugin to play with filters.

hue changes hue value

hue=1 (moves colors to a half of color cycle)

Default value is 0.

saturation changes hue

saturation=1 (makes colors of this hotspot twice saturated)

saturation=-1 (makes this hotspot black and white)

saturation=-2 (inverts colors of this hotspot)

Default value is 0.

brightness changes brightness

brightness=1 (gives maximal brightness)

brightness=-1 (gives minimal brightness)

Default value is 0.

contrast changes contrast value

contrast=1 (gives more contrast)

contrast=-1 (gives less contrast)

contrast=-2 (inverts the image)

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Default value is 0.

tint applies tint effect

tint=1 (full tint effect)

Default value is 0.

Additional parameter: tintColor (sets the color for tint in hexadecimal format).

Applies sepia effect on focus lost:

<global tintColor="#ac7a33" onDeacticate="tint=1,1000" onActivate="tint=0,400" onEnterFullscreen="onActivate">

blur applies blur effect

It changes blurX and blurY parameters.

blur=10 (applies blur filter with radius 10)

Default value is 0.

Additional blur parameters: blurX (changes horizontal component of blur [0..255]), blurY (changes vertical component of blur [0..255]),blurQuality (changes blur quality, number of blur steps in fact: [1..15]).

Creates "depth of field" effect for the spot:

<spot id="front" url="front.jpg" blur="8" blurQuality="2" onOver="blur=0,300;pano.blur=4,300"onOut="blur=8,300;pano.blur=0,300" />

bevel applies bevel effect

bevel=1 (adds a bevel with moderate intensity)

Default value is 0.

Additional bevel parameters: bevelDistance (changes bevel distance [-32..32]), bevelAngle (changes angle for bevel effect [-180..180]),bevelHighlightColor (set bevel highlight color in hexadecimal format), bevelShadowColor (set bevel shadow color in hexadecimal format),bevelHighlightAlpha (alpha effect for highlight color [0..1]), bevelShadowAlpha (alpha effect for shadow color [0..1]), bevelBlur (blureffect for bevel [0..255]), bevelBlurX (horizontal blur effect for bevel [0..255]), bevelBlurY (vertical blur effect for bevel [0..255]),bevelQuality (bevel quality, number of blur steps in fact: [1..15]), bevelType (type of bevel effect: inner, outer or full), bevelKnockout(bevel knockout mode: 1 or 0).

Creates button with bevel effect:

<spot id="button" url="pic.jpg" bevel="1" bevelDistance="6" />

glow creates glow effect

glow=3 (adds noticeable glow effect)

Default value is 0.

Additional glow parameters: glowColor (sets glow color in hexadecimal format), glowAlpha (alpha effect for glow [0..1]), glowBlur (blureffect for glow [0..255]), glowBlurX (horizontal blur effect for glow [0..255]), glowBlurY (vertical blur effect for glow [0..255]), glowQuality(glow quality, number of blur steps in fact: [1..15]), glowInner (glow inner mode: 1 or 0), glowKnockout (glow knockout mode: 1 or 0).

Creates a dynamic effect (picture is blinking with red glow effect when you roll over it):

<box url="icon1.png" pan="10" glowBlur="30" segments="4" glowUp="glow=1.6,400,easyin,glowDown"glowDown="glow=1,300,easyout,glowUp" onOver="glowUp()" onOut="glow=0,500" />

shadow adds a shadow to the object

shadow=1 (adds slight shadow below the object)

Default value is 0.

Additional shadow parameters: shadowColor (sets shadow color in hexadecimal format), shadowDistance (changes shadow distance [-

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256..256]), shadowAngle (changes angle for shadow effect [-180..180]), shadowAlpha (alpha effect for shadow [0..1]), shadowBlur (blureffect for shadow [0..255]), shadowBlurX (horizontal blur effect for shadow [0..255]), shadowBlurY (vertical blur effect for shadow[0..255]), shadowQuality (shadow quality, number of blur steps in fact: [1..15]), shadowInner (shadow inner mode: 1 or 0),shadowKnockout (shadow knockout mode: 1 or 0), shadowHideObject (shadow hideObject mode: 1 or 0).

Creates a button with shadow (when you press the button, it reaches it's shadow increasing 3D effect):

<spot url="button.png" static="1" shadow="2" shadowBlur="10" shadowDistance="10"onPress="y+=4;shadowDistance=3;shadowBlur=4" onRelease="y-=4;shadowDistance=10;shadowBlur=10" />

Global object parametersNumerical: timer.

String: LocalConnectionID, ExternalInterfaceID, disableReloading.

Events: onStart, onNewPano, onTransitionStart, onTransitionEnd, onActivate, onDeactivate, onEnterFullscreen,onExitFullscreen, onLoad, onOver, onOut, onPress, onRelease, onClick.

Build-in functions: openUrl, loadPano, fullscreen, javascript:.

timer is a variable linked to no one appearance object

Use it for your own needs, for example, to create pauses between actions:

onClick="scale=5; timer+=1,10000,,scaleBack" scaleBack="scale=1" (increase the scale of the object to 5 and scales it back to 1 after10 seconds)

Default value is 0.

LocalConnectionID identifier of the LocalConnection API

LocalConnection interface provides the possibility to control Flash Panorama Player from any other Flash application on the same machine(the control application can be loaded as a hotspot or a plugin inside the panorama, can be a different movie on the same page or can be adifferent movie in another browser page or frame).

No synchronous communication, has a limit for data transfer.

Available for Flash 6,7,8 and 9.

Read more about LocalConnection API functions here.

ExternalInterfaceID identifier of the ExternalInterface API

ExternalInterface provides the possibility to control Flash Panorama Player from any other Flash application on the same HTML page(inside or outside the panorama application) or using Javascript commands.

Required HTML environment (doesn't work for direct swf links or for standalone offline panoramas).

Allows synchronous communication.

Available for Flash 8 and 9.

Read more about ExternalInterface functions here.

disableReloading disables Hotspots reloading

This parameter defines the behaviour of Hotspots plugin on new XML file.

If disableReloading=0 (default), all hotspots and global parameters will be reloaded.

If disableReloading=1, <hotspots></hotspots> section in XML file will be ignored.

onStart event, fires when Hotspots plugin is just loaded

<global onStart="pano.saturation=1,1000" > (increases the pano saturation in the beginning)

onNewPano event, fires when pano2 object created and new panorama starts to load

<global onNewPano="pano2.tilt=90" > (set camera of every loaded pano to zenith)

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onTransitionStart event, fires when the next panorama is loaded and transition effect starts

This example demonstrates how to make your own transition effect (the first panorama goes to blur, then the second one appears from theblur effect):

<global onTransitionStart="pano2.blur=128;pano.blur=128,500" onTransitionEnd="pano2.blur=0,500"><spot url="next.png" onClick="loadPano(panorama2.swf,1000,none);" /> </global>

onTransitionEnd event, fires when transition effect is over

This example demonstrates another transition effect (the first panorama goes to white, and then the second one appears from the light):

<global onTransitionStart="pano2.brightness=1;pano.brightness=1,800" onTransitionEnd="pano2.brightness=0,1000"><spot url="next.png" onClick="loadPano(panorama2.swf,1000,none);" /> </global>

onActivate event, fires when panorama gets the keyboard focus

This example demonstrates "old photo effect" for the panorama if it's out of focus:

<global onDeActivate="saturation=- 1,400;brightness=0.4,400;" onActivate="saturation=0,400;brightness=0,400;" >

onDeactivate event, fires when panorama looses the keyboard focus

Note, panorama looses the keyboard focus when you switch to fullscreen mode in browser (for security restriction user has no keyboardcontrol in fullscreen mode; there is no problem for offline application). Update the previous example to avoid applying the effect in fullscreenmode:

<global onDeActivate="saturation=- 1,400;brightness=0.4,400;" onActivate="saturation=0,400;brightness=0,400;"onEnterFullscreen="onActivate()">

onEnterFullscreen event, fires when panorama enters the fullscreen mode

In this example the color of a button is changing depends on fullscreen mode:

<global onEnterFullscreen="full_btn.hue=0.5,1000" onExitFullscreen="full_btn.hue=0,1000" ><spot id="full_btn" static="1" salign="RT" align="RT" url="full.jpg" onClick="fullscreen()" /></global>

onEnterFullscreen event, fires when panorama exits the fullscreen mode

This is an example how to organize two buttons: "enter fullscreen" and "exit fullscreen":

<global onEnterFullscreen="enterButton.visible=0;exitButton.visible=1;"onExitFullscreen="enterButton.visible=1;exitButton.visible=0;" ><spot id="enterButton" static="1" salign="RT" align="RT" url="full.jpg" onClick="fullscreen()" /><spot id="exitButton" static="1" salign="RT" align="RT" url="fullOut.jpg" visible="0" onClick="fullscreen()" /></global>

onLoad event, fires for loaded spot object if spot hasn't it's own onLoad function

This function allows to apply the single onLoad effect for all spots in the application.

<global onLoad="alpha=0;alpha=1,1000" > (create onLoad effect: alpha transition from 0 to 1) <spot id="pic1" url="picture1.jpg" pan="10" /> (this spot will appear slowly after loading)<spot id="pic2" url="picture2.jpg" pan="20" /> (this spot will appear slowly after loading)<spot id="pic3" url="picture3.jpg" pan="30" onLoad="" /> (this spot appears at once so it has it's own onLoad function disablingglobal.onLoad)

onOver event, fires for spot object on mouse over if spot hasn't it's own onOver function

This function allows to apply the single onOver effect for all spots in the application.

onOut event, fires for spot object on mouse out if spot hasn't it's own onOut function

This function allows to apply the single onOut effect for all spots in the application.

<global onOver="scale=1.2,600,elastic;depth+=20" onOut="scale=1,300;depth=0" >

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onPress event, fires for spot object on mouse press if spot hasn't it's own onPress function

This function allows to apply the single onPress effect for all spots in the application.

onRelease event, fires for spot object on mouse release if spot hasn't it's own onRelease function

This function allows to apply the single onRelease effect for all spots in the application.

<global onPress="staticX+=1;staticY+=2" onRelease="staticX-=1;staticY-=2" >

onClick event, fires for spot object on mouse click if spot hasn't it's own onClick function

This function allows to apply the single onClick effect for all spots in the application.

<global onClick="openUrl(http://you_forgot_onClick_event_for_this_button/)" >

openUrl opens new web URL

syntax: openUrl([url],[target])

[url] is target URL,[target] (optional) is target window, default value is "_blank", use "_self" to open url in the same window.

onClick="openUrl(" (opens in the new window on mouse click)

loadPano loads new panorama images and appear them after loading.

loadPano([panorama], [time for transition effect], [transition effect])

[panorama] new panorama description,[time for transition effect] (optional) is time for effect duration is milliseconds, default value is 1000.[transition effect] (optional) is effect for panorama to appear (none, fade, stripes, coverDown and visible), default value is fade.

visible transition effect allows to watch the loading panorama during the loading process (you can use it together with loaderStreamed andloaderBandwidth properties). Set transition time to 0 for visible effect.

The first argument of loadPano accepts string of parameters:

loadPano(panoName=nature) (loads panorama nature, nature_f.jpg, nature_r and so on by default)

loadPano(panoName=nature&panoType=mov) (loads panorama nature with type mov, i.e. file; if you have the same panotype for all panoramas in tour, you can omit this parameter, it will be took from the previous panorama)

loadPano(panoName=nature&pan=100&tilt=-10) (loads panorama with initial pan=100 and tilt=-10)

loadPano(panoName=panoramas/nature) (will load images panoramas/nature_f.jpg, panoramas/nature_r.jpg. This is a way to loadimages from any relative or absolute path.

loadPano(panoName=panoramas/nature&panoSuffixes=1.png|2.png|3.png|4.png|5.png|6.png, 3000, stripes) (will loadpanoramas/nature1.png, panoramas/nature2.png and so on using strips transition effect 3 seconds long)

It supports old format loading:

loadPano(nature.swf) (the same as loadPano(panoName=nature) command)

loadPano(nature.swf?pan=100) (the same as loadPano(panoName=nature&pan=100) command)

By default, no XML file be loaded, use direct indication if you want to load new parameters file:

loadPano(panoName=panoramas/nature&xml_file=nature.xml) (loads panorama with a new parameters file)

This action applies new panorama parameters from XML file, new limits parameters (if your file contains <limits></limits> section), newautorotation parameter (<autorotator></autorotator>). Section <hotspots></hotspots> will be reload by default as well (all hotspots andglobal parameters will be unloaded and new <hotspots></hotspots> XML will be placed). You can disable reloading of<hotspots></hotspots> parameters using global.disableReloading=1 (it is useful if you have the same hotspots set for all panoramas intour and arbitrary tour's entry point).

fullscreen opens the panorama window fullscreen if Flash Player is in window mode, or changes the fullscreen mode back to normal view ifplayer is in fullscreen mode.

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Syntax: fullscreen([url])

[url] is an optional parameter to open a new browser window if the fullscreen feature is unsupported (Flash Player with version less then9,0,18,60 and greater then

onClick="fullscreen()" switches screen mode, does nothing if Flash Player doesn't support fullscreen mode

onClick="fullscreen(pano/myPano.swf)" switches screen mode, if Flash Player doesn't support fullscreen mode it opens a new browserwindow with indicated url ("pano/myPano.swf")

onClick="fullscreen(-)" switches screen mode, if Flash Player doesn't support fullscreen mode it opens a new browser window withcurrent document URL (window.location)

There is some words about security restrictions. Current version of Flash Player disables keyboard events for fullscreen mode in browser.Also Flash Player can switch to fullscreen mode only if user clicks mouse inside the Flash Player window, so don't use fullscreen commandwith onLoad event or with onOver event, attach it only to the onClick event.

javascript: runs javascript commands

You can use it to open new popup windows (a way to avoid popup blockers) and to run any external Javascript functions:


Pano object parametersNumerical: timer, pan, tilt, zoom, hfov, vfov, segments, sensitivity, keySensitivity, friction, threshold, pan_v, tilt_v, zoom_v,panKey, tiltKey, zoomKey.

String: behaviour, qualityMotion, qualityStatic, leash, disableKeys, disableWheel, disableControls, disableTilt, disablePan.

Events: onPress, onRelease, onKeyPress.

timer is a free variable

Use it for your own needs, for example, to create pauses between actions:

onKeyPress="keyspot.scale=5; timer+=1,10000,,scaleBack" scaleBack="scale=1" (increase the scale of the object to 5 and scales itback to 1 after 10 seconds)

Default value is 0.

pan sets pan of panorama.

<spot id="spot12" onDone="" onInterrupt="" onClick="pano.pan=180,5000,smooth,spot12.onDone,spot12.onInterrupt" /> willrotate the panorama to pan=180 smoothly, during 5 second; will call onDone function on motion tween end or call onInterrupt if motion wasinterrupted (user moved the panorama with mouse/keyboard or another command changed panorama pan).

tilt sets tilt of panorama.

<spot url="1.jpg" onClick="pano.tilt=-90" /> (sets the panorama position directly to nadir)

zoom sets panorama zoom factor.

<spot onClick="pano.zoom+=3,2000" /> (increases the panorama zoom factor by 2 slowly, during 2 seconds)

hfov sets panorama horizontal field of view.

<spot onClick="pano.hfov=90" /> (sets horizontal FOV to 90)

Changing hfov you are changing zoom and vfov as well.

vfov sets panorama vertical field of view.

<spot onClick="pano.vfov=90" /> (sets vertical FOV to 90)

Changing vfov you are changing zoom and hfov as well.

segments changes panorama segmentation quality

<pano segments="30" onPress="segments=10" onRelease="segments=30" /> (sets low segmentation quality 10 when user drag the

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panorama to increase motion smoothness, sets best segmentation quality 30 when drag operation is done)

sensitivity changes mouse sensitivity

<spot url="up.jpg" onClick="pano.sensitivity+=5" /> (increases mouse sensitivity by 5 on click)<spot url="down.jpg" onClick="pano.sensitivity-=5" /> (decreases mouse sensitivity by 5 on click)

keySensitivity changes keyboard sensitivity

<global onStart="pano.keySensitivity=50" /> (sets keySensitivity to 50 on application start)

friction changes friction coefficient

<global onTransitionStart="pano.friction=0.5" onTransitionEnd="pano.friction=0.9" /> (increases the friction while transition effect isin process to slow down the panorama motion and make tranition effect more smooth)

threshold changes threshold value of panorama

<global onStart="pano.threshold=0.000000001" /> (sets threshold to 0.000000001)

pan_v changes panning speed of panorama

<global onStart="pano.pan_v=0.1" /> (gives a horizontal push to the panorama at start)

tilt_v changes tilting speed of panorama

<spot url="up.jpg" onClick="pano.tilt_v+=0.1" /> (increases vertical speed on click)

zoom_v changes zooming speed of panorama

<spot url="go1.jpg" onClick="stopPano();goPoint1()" stopPano="pano.pan_v=0;pano.tilt_v=0;pano.zoom_v=0;"goPoint1="pano.pan=140,3000;pano.tilt=50,3100" /> (stops the panorama motion before make a smooth transition to point {140,50} toavoid motion tween interruption).

panKey emulates key press for panorama

panKey=1 is equivalent of pressing right key button, panKey=-1 is the same to left button press.

<spot url="right.jpg" onPress="pano.panKey=2" onRelease="pano.panKey=0" /> (emulates right key press but with double speed)

tiltKey emulates key press for panorama

panKey=1 is equivalent of pressing right key button, panKey=-1 is the same to left button press.

<spot url="diag.jpg" onPress="pano.panKey=1;pano.tiltKey=1;" onRelease="pano.panKey=0;pano.tiltKey=0" /> (makes a diagonalbutton, to move the panorama to right-top direction)

zoomKey emulates key press for panorama

panKey=1 is equivalent of pressing right key button, panKey=-1 is the same as left button press.

<spot url="zoomin.jpg" onPress="pano.zoomKey=3,1000" onRelease="pano.zoomKey=0" /> (emulates zoom in button but withsmooth factor acceleration)

behaviour changes panorama behaviour

<spot onClick="pano.behaviour=0"/> (changes the panorama behaviour to the simple "press and drag" mode)

qualityMotion changes antialiasing quality when panorama is moving

Note, qualityMotion param applies only if the panorama is moved by internal engine (on mouse/keyboard interaction and on pan_v, tilt_v,zoom_v, panKey, tiltKey, zoomKey changes). But if you move it changing pan/tilt values directly (pano.pan=40,1000) panorama stays inqualityStatic mode.

qualityStatic changes antialiasing quality when panorama stills

<spot url="go1.jpg" onClick="stopPano(); pano.qualityStatic=low; goPoint1()"stopPano="pano.pan_v=0;pano.tilt_v=0;pano.zoom_v=0;" goPoint1="pano.pan=140,3000;pano.tilt=50,3100" /> (stops the panoramamotion and change the antialiasing quality to low before make a transition to point {140,50}; provides the most smooth and quick motiontween).

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leash is a special parameter to set type of link between old and new loaded panoramas

This parameter determines how panorama positions interact after the new panorama is loaded (using loadPano command) and before theprevious panorama will be removed.

Possible values:

lock - the new panorama has the same pan/tilt/zoom parameter

follow - the new panorama has it's own pan/tilt/zoom but all changes of pan/tilt/zoom during a transition effect change new panoparameters.

free - pan/tilt/zoom calculates independently for both panoramas

Default value is lock.

Use lock if you want to load the panorama pixel-to-pixel with previous one (transition from a preview to full size panorama, panoramas withequivalent set of hotspots and the like), use follow or free if you want to be sure that your new panorama will be loaded with it's own initialpan/tilt/zoom.

<pano leash="follow" /> (sets follow type of leash between panoramas for all loadPano commands)<spot url="pano2.jpg" onClick="pano.leash=free;loadPano(pano2.swf)" (sets leash parameter to free before loading pano2.swf)

disableKeys disables/enables keyboard events for panorama engine

<pano disableKeys="1" /> (disables keyboard interaction for panorama)<spot url="enable.gif" onClick="disableKeys=0" /> (enables keyboard interaction for panorama on this spot click)

disableWheel disables/enables mouse wheel support for panorama engine

<pano disableWheel="1" /> (disables mouse wheel for panorama)<spot url="enable.gif" onClick="disableWheel=0" /> (enables mouse wheel for panorama on this spot click)

disableControls disables/enables mouse and keyboard support for panorama engine

<spot url="go1.jpg" onClick="stopPano(); pano.qualityStatic=low; pano.disableControls=1; goPoint1()"stopPano="pano.pan_v=0;pano.tilt_v=0;pano.zoom_v=0;" goPoint1="pano.pan=140,3000;pano.tilt=50,3100,,enableControls"enableControls="pano.disableControls=0;" /> (stops the panorama motion and change the antialiasing quality to low before make atransition to point {140,50}, set disableControls=1 to be sure that user can't interrupt the motion tween, restore controls after transition isdone).

disableTilt disables/enables mouse wheel support for panorama engine

<pano disableTilt="1" /> (disables tilt for the panorama)

disablePan disables/enables mouse wheel support for panorama engine

<pano disablePan="1" /> (disables pan for the panorama)

onPress event, fires on panorama press

It fires when user starts to drag the panorama. This event fires as well when user press the spot with default values of buttonMode andblockMouse (spots are transparent for panorama drag event by default). Use buttonMode="0" or buttonMode="1" and blockMouse="1"together to prevent panorama drag through the spot object.

<pano onPress="saturation=2" onRelease="saturation=0" /> (saturate colors of the panorama on drag)

onRelease event, fires on panorama release

It fires when user finish to drag the panorama.

<pano onRelease="friction=1;pan_v*=-0.5,100,bounce; tilt_v*=-0.5,100,bounce,restoreFriction;" restoreFriction="friction=0.9" />(make some funny "repulsion" effect on release event)

onKeyPress event, fires when one of keyboard control button is pressed

It ignores buttons except panorama control buttons (left, right, up,down, zoomin, zoomout, home and hold). This can be used to track thekeyboard activity.

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This example demonstrates how to organize some complex automatic motion through the set of panorama points and restart it every timeon user inactivity:

<global onStart="pano.goTimer()" (starts wait timer on the beginning) <pano onRelease="goTimer()" (restarts wait timer when user stops to drag the panorama)onKeyPress="goTimer()" (restarts wait timer when user stops to drag the panorama)goTimer="timer+=1,20000,,go1; qualityStatic=medium" (waits 20 seconds of keyboard and mouse inactivity, call function go1 after that )

go1="pan=100,1900;tilt=-20,2000,,pause1; qualityStatic=low" (moves to the first point on the panorama, use low quality to make it moresmooth, call pause1 on motion done)pause1="timer+=1,1000,,go2; qualityStatic=medium" (restores quality, makes a pause before next point transition, then call go2 function) go2="pan=150,1900;tilt=0,2000,,pause2; qualityStatic=low" (moves to the second point on the panorama) onPress="timer=0" (stops timer if user presses left mouse button on the panorama) />

Make as many as you want points (go1, go2, go3 and so on) to make an arbitrary motion path, last function can call go1 function to closethe trip and make it infinite until user clicks a mouse button or press one of the keyboard control button.

Spot object parametersNumerical: timer, depth, pan, tilt, scale, scaleX, scaleY, rotation, alpha, staticX, staticY, alignX, alignY, salignX, salignY,soundVolume, soundRadius, soundPan.

String: id, url, linked, unlinked, visible, scaleable, static, opaqueBackground, blendMode, smoothing, pixelSnapping, align,salign, cacheAsBitmap, buttonMode, blockMouse, useHandCursor, enableSoundPanning.

Events: onLoad, onOver, onOut, onPress, onRelease, onClick.

timer is a free variable

Use it for your own needs, for example, to create pauses between actions:

<spot url="me" onPress="scale=5; timer+=1,10000,,scaleBack" scaleBack="scale=1" /> (increase the scale of the object to 5 andscales it back to 1 after 10 seconds)

Default value is 0.

depth z-index of hotspot

This parameter accepts any number, including not integer and negative values. Default value is number of spot tag in the XML file. Hotspotwith bigger number of depth appears above any hotspot with lesser number. If hotspots have the same depth value, they arranged in orderof taking this depth.

<spot url="img.jpg" onClick="depth=-1;" /> (moves this hotspot to the bottom relative to default hotspot values)

<global onOver="scale=1.05,600,elastic;depth=1000" onOut="scale=1,300;depth=0" > (makes default behaviour for all hotspots in theapplication: on mouse roll over increase the hotspot a little and move it at the top)

pan horizontal position of hotspot in degrees.

Possible values: [-180, 180]. All other values will be reduced to this interval. Default value is 0.

<spot url="1.jpg" pan="10" onClick="pan=20,1000" /> (sets the initial pan position of hotspot to 10, move it to pan=20 on click)

tilt vertical position of hotspot in degrees.

Possible values: [-90, 90]. All other values will be reduced to this range. Default value is 0.

<spot url="1.jpg" tilt="-10" onClick="tilt=-20" /> (sets the initial tilt position of hotspot to -10, move it to tilt=-20 on click)

scale scale factor of hotspot

scale=1 is original size of the hotspot image, scale=-1 makes horizontal flip and vertical flip. Default value is 1. Changing scale changesscaleX and scaleX parameters.

scaleX horizontal scale factor

scaleX=1 is original size of the hotspot image, scaleX=-1 makes horizontal flip. Default value is 1.

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<spot url="spot.jpg" scaleX="0.5" onClick="scaleX=2,300,bounce;" /> (sets the initial scaleX value to 0.5, defines quick (300milliseconds) bounce effect increased the horizontal scale to 2 on mouse click)

scaleY vertical scale factor

scaleY=1 is original size of the hotspot image, scaleY=-1 makes vertical flip. Default value is 1.

<spot url="spot.jpg" scaleY="0.5" onClick="scaleY=2,300,bounce;" /> (sets the initial scaleY value to 0.5, defines quick (300milliseconds) bounce effect increased the vertical scale to 2 on mouse click)

rotation rotation of hotspot image in degrees

Possible values: [-180, 180]. All other values will be reduced to this range. Default value is 0.

<spot url="1.jpg" onClick="rotation=1080,3000,regular" /> (rotates the hotspot 3 times clockwise in 3 seconds with constant velocity)

alpha coefficient of transparency

Valid values are 0 (fully transparent) to 1 (fully opaque). Default value is 1. Hotspot objects with alpha set to 0 can take mouse events, eventhough they are invisible.

<spot url="1.jpg" onClick="alpha=0,3000" /> (makes slow fade out on click)

staticX X position of hotspot relative to alignment point, works together with static parameter

It determines the distance between the center point of hotspot and the window alignment point in pixels. Use it to make some margins forstatically aligned hotspots.

Default value is 0.

<spot url="1.jpg" static="1" align="RB" salign="RB" staticX="-4" staticY="-4" /> (aligns the hotspot to the right-bottom corner with 4pixels indent)

staticY Y position of hotspot relative to alignment point, works together with static parameter

It determines the distance between the center point of hotspot and the window alignment point in pixels. Use it to make some margins forstatically aligned hotspots.

Default value is 0.

<spot url="1.jpg" static="1" staticY="100" /> (aligns the hotspot to 100 pixels below the center of the panorama)

alignX horizontal alignment

Can be used to change the hotspot align point with motion tween or to set the hotspot align point to any custom position.

Setting of align property changes alignX value (L gives 0, C gives -0.5, R gives -1).

<spot url="me.jpg" id="s2" onOver="s1.rotation=160, 1500, elastic; s1.alignX=-0.1,3000, elastic;" onOut="s1.rotation=0, 1000,elastic; s1.alignX=-0.5,3000, elastic;" /> (makes some funny diving-like motion for hotspot s1 using roll over event of the hotspot s2)

alignY vertical alignment

Can be used to change the hotspot align point with motion tween or to set the hotspot align point to any custom position.

Setting of align property changes alignY value (T gives 0, M gives -0.5, B gives -1).

<spot url="me.jpg" alignX="-2" alignY="-2" /> (sets the hotspot align point outside of object)

salignX horizontal window alignment, works together with static parameter

Can be used to change the window align point with motion tween or to set the window align point to any custom position.

Setting of salign property changes salignX value (L gives -0.5, C gives 0, R gives 0.5).

<spot url="me.jpg" static="1" salign="RB" align="RB" onClick="alignX=0,1000;alignY=-1,1000;salignX=0.5,1000;salignY=0.5,1000;" /> (moves static hotspot object form the right-bottom corner to the left-bottom corner onmouse click)

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salignY vertical window alignment, works together with static parameter

Can be used to change the window align point with motion tween or to set the window align point to any custom position.

Setting of salign property changes salignY value (T gives -0.5, M gives 0, B gives 0.5).

<spot url="me.jpg" id="s1" static="1" salignX="-0.25" salignX="-0.25" /> (places hotspot object to 1/4 from the panorama window left-top corner)

soundVolume sound level of hotspot

Changes the sound level of swf application, loaded inside the hotspot.

<spot url="sound.swf" soundVolume="0" onClick="soundVolume=1,1000" /> (fades in the sound level for sound.swf on click event)

Default value is 1.

Note, soundVolume can't change the sound effect of dynamic sounds (attachSound() function in Flash). If you have a dynamic sound, youneed to organize a transfer of Flash soundTransform object from hotspot movie to your dynamic sound, check plugins/flvplayer.fla (FlashCS3 file format) for this functionality.

soundRadius sound radius of hotspot

Sets the sound radius of swf application, loaded inside the hotspot.

Default value is 360 (means that sound has the same level for any panorama position). If soundRadius is equal, say, 90, it means thatsound has full level if the hotspot is just in front of you, the sound has 50% volume if the corner between front and hotspot is 45 degrees,and the sound level is 0% if the corner is more then 90 degrees (sound radius value).

<spot url="sound.swf" soundRadius="200" /> (optimal value for a single sound on the panorama is a little more 180: maximal near thehotspot and subtle in opposite side)

Note, soundRadius can't change the sound effect of dynamic sounds (attachSound() function in Flash). If you have a dynamic sound, youneed to organize a transfer of Flash soundTransform object from hotspot movie to your dynamic sound, check plugins/flvplayer.fla (FlashCS3 file format) for this functionality.

soundPan sound pan of hotspot

Changes the sound pan (right speaker/left speaker ratio) of swf application sounds, loaded inside the hotspot.

<spot url="sound.swf" static="1" salign="RB" align="RB" soundPan="0.9" /> (sets the sound pan to 0.9 - right speaker ispredominant)

Default value is 0.

This value is ignored if enableSoundPanning parameter is equal to 1.

Note, soundPan can't change the sound effect of dynamic sounds (attachSound() function in Flash). If you have a dynamic sound, youneed to organize a transfer of Flash soundTransform object from hotspot movie to your dynamic sound, check plugins/flvplayer.fla (FlashCS3 file format) for this functionality.

id identifier of the hotspot

identifier can contain any Latin symbols and numbers. Use different identifiers for hotspots, do not use reserved identifiers pano, pano2 andglobal. Id parameter is not case sensitive.

<spot id="123abc" url="myImage.jpg" /> (gives 123abc identifier to this hotspot)

<spot url="myImage.jpg" /> (you can omit id parameter in spot tag, it will be generated automatically, but in this case you will not be ableto address this hotspot from other objects)

<spot id="spot10" url="spot.jpg" onClick="id=spot55" /> (id can be changed dynamically)

<spot url="spot.jpg" onClick="id=" /> (assigning empty string value to the hotspot id unloads the hotspot completely)

url absolute or relative path to image or any Flash movie

This parameter specifies an external file to be loaded inside a hotspot object. It can be an image in jpg, gif or png format or a swf Flashmovie of any version of Flash Player).

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<spot url="images/spot1.png" /> (loads an image images/spot1.png)

<spot url="" /> (loads a Flash movie using absolute path)

<spot id="video" url="" scaleable="1" scale="0.5" /> (loads external stream video inside ahotspot)

Simple swf movies (videos, animations, simple presentations) can be loaded inside Flash Panorama Player without any problem. Thecapacity for work of a complex external Flash application within Flash Panorama Player environment depends on the applicationarchitecture. Correctly programmed Flash application can be loaded and shown ok with a high probability.

<spot url="spot1.jpg" onClick="url=spot2.jpg" /> (can be used to reload external file dynamically)

<spot url="spot1.jpg" onClick="url=" /> (set url to empty string to unload external file)

linked list of panoramas where hotspot is loaded

This is the way to organize automatic loading/unloading for hotspot images depends of loaded panorama image.

<spot url="spot1.png" linked="nature" /> (this hotspot is loaded for panorama with panoName=hall only)

<spot url="spot1.png" linked="nature|wood|snow" /> (use | as a separator to specify more then one linked panorama images)

When linked name is different from the current panoName, a hotspot object doesn't load image, doesn't take processor time, takes only afew kilobytes in memory, but you can address any parameter of the hotspot object.

Hotspots which are not linked to new loaded panorama unload which transition effect start, hotspots which are linked to new panoramaimage start loading images (url parameter) just after transition effect end.

Default value is empty string (hotspot image is loaded for any panorama image).

This is an example how to use linked parameter to implement a simple virtual tour with different sets of hotspots for every location:

<global onLoad="alpha=0;alpha=1,1000"><pano leash="follow" /><spot id="logo" url="logo.swf" static="1" salign="RB" align="RB" onClick="openUrl(" /><spot id="lobby1" url="arrow.jpg" linked="lobby" onClick="loadMovie(hall.swf);" /><spot id="lobby2" url="arrow.jpg" linked="lobby" onClick="loadMovie(kitchen.swf);" /><spot id="hall1" url="arrow.jpg" linked="hall" onClick="loadMovie(balcony.swf);" /><spot id="hall2" url="arrow.jpg" linked="hall" onClick="loadMovie(lobby.swf?pan=180);" /><spot id="kitchen" url="arrow.jpg" linked="kitchen" onClick="loadMovie(lobby.swf?pan=-90);" /><spot id="balcony" url="arrow.jpg" linked="balcony" onClick="loadMovie(hall.swf?pan=120);" /></global>

Hotspots lobby1 and lobby2 have parameter linked="lobby" so they will be loaded at start and stay loaded until user clicks one of thesehotspots. Hotspots hall1 and hall2 linked to hall.swf panorama. The first hotspot hall1 guides to new place balcony.swf, the second oneguides back to lobby.swf but with some additional rotation: lobby.swf?pan=180 to make a feeling that we are entering from the oppositeside. Hotspots kitchen and balcony works analogously. Hotspot logo has no linked parameter and therefore it is visible for all locations.

Note, if you are using some complex panoName: loadPano(?panoName=panos/home/lobby), specify the full path in linked parameter:linked="panos/home/lobby".

unlinked list of panoramas where hotspot is not loaded

This parameter supplement linked param. Specify all panorama names separated with "|" and they will be automatically unloaded forindicated panoramas:

<spot url="spot1.png" unlinked="nature|snow" /> (this hotspot is not loaded for panoramas with panoName=nature andpanoName=snow)

visible visibility of hotspot

This parameter determines whether or not the hotspot is visible.

Correct values are 0 and 1. Default value is 1. You can't click hotspot with visible=0.

<spot url="spot1.jpg" onClick="visible=0" /> (hides hotspot)

<spot url="spot1.jpg" onClick="anotherSpot.visible+=1" /> (switches visibility of hotspot anotherSpot)

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scaleable enables hotspot scaling on panorama zoom in/zoom out

Correct values are 0 and 1.

Default value is 0, hotspot with default scaleable is independent of panorama window size and panorama zoom. Only scaleX and scaleYcan change its dimensions. In otherwise scaleable=1 makes the hotspot to be sensitive to zoom factor and panorama window resize, insuch a way the hotspot looks always proportional to objects on the panorama image.

<spot url="spot.jpg" onClick="scaleable+=1" /> (switches scaleable mode on click)

static makes hotspot attached to the panorama window

Correct values are 0 and 1.

Default value is 0. Set this parameter to 1 to attach a hotspot to the panorama window instead of the panorama sphere surface.

<spot url="spot.jpg" static="1" /> (defines a static hotspot)

opaqueBackground specifies whether hotspot is opaque with certain background color

Set this parameter to any color to replace the alpha-channel of the object with the specified color. This can improve rendering performance.

Default value is empty string.

<spot url="icon.png" opaqueBackground="#FF0000" onClick="opaqueBackground=" /> (defines a static hotspot, restorestransparency of the hotspot background on mouse click)

blendMode blending mode for hotspot object

It provides Flash Player blending modes support. Possible values list:

Normal applies color normally, with no interaction with the base colors.

Layer blends colors normally but pre-composites the blend object at 100% opacity prior to blending. This prevents subclips of the blendobject from bleeding through one another.

Darken replaces only the areas that are lighter than the blend color. Areas darker than the blend color don't change.

Multiply multiplies the base color by the blend color, resulting in darker colors.

Lighten replaces only pixels that are darker than the blend color. Areas lighter than the blend color don't change.

Screen multiplies the inverse of the blend color by the base color, resulting in a bleaching effect.

Overlay multiplies or screens the colors, depending on the base colors.

Hard light multiplies or screens the colors, depending on the blend mode color. The effect is similar to shining a spotlight on the object.

Difference subtracts either the blend color from the base color or the base color from the blend color, depending on which has the greaterbrightness value. The effect is similar to a color negative.

Invert inverts the base color.

Alpha applies an alpha mask.

Erase removes all base color pixels, including those in the background image.

Default value is "normal".

<spot url="spot.jpg" onClick="blendMode=invert" /> (changes blending mode of hotspot to invert)

smoothing enables image smoothing, working with only image files

If value is 1 the image is smoothed when it is scaled and rotated. If value is 0 (default) the image is not smoothed when scaled. Smoothingis realizing when antialiasing quality mode is greater then low.

<spot url="spot.jpg" smoothing="1" /> (adds smoothing property to the hotspot)

pixelSnapping enables image snapping, working with only image files

It controls whether or not the image is snapped to the nearest pixel.

Possible values:

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never - no pixel snapping occurs.

always - the image is always snapped to the nearest pixel, independent of transformation.

auto (default) - the image is snapped to the nearest pixel if it is drawn with no rotation or skew and it is drawn at a scale factor of 99.9% to100.1%. If these conditions are satisfied, the bitmap image is drawn at 100% scale, snapped to the nearest pixel. Internally, this valueallows the image to be drawn as fast as possible using the vector renderer.

<spot pixelSnapping="never" /> (disables pixel snapping for the hotspot)

align hotspot alignment

Determines the point attached to the panorama (and point of rotation as well).

Accepts two letters in any combinations: L(left), C(center), R(right), T(top), M(middle), B(bottom)

Default value is CM (center of the hotspot)

<spot align="rb" /> (aligns the hotspot object to right-bottom point)

salign window alignment, works together with static parameter

Accepts two letters in any combinations: L(left), C(center), R(right), T(top), M(middle), B(bottom)

Default value is CM (center of the panorama window)

<spot align="rb" salign="rb" /> (aligns the hotspot object to place the right-bottom point of the hotspot to the right-bottom corner of thepanorama window)

cacheAsBitmap caches a hotspot object as a bitmap image

Correct values are 0 and 1.

Default value is 1 (cached).

The cacheAsBitmap property is best used with objects that have mostly static content and do not scale and rotate frequently. With suchmovie clips, cacheAsBitmap can lead to performance increases when the movie clip is translated. If the hotspot object contains dynamiccontent (external video, animation and so on) cachedAsBitmap=0 can be faster for redrawing than default value.

<spot url="myVideo.swf" cacheAsBitmap="0" /> (disables the bitmap caching for this external movie)

buttonMode makes hotspot sensitive to mouse events

Correct values are 0 and 1.

Default value is 1 (hotspot objects can work with the mouse).

<spot url="spot.jpg" buttonMode="0" /> (disables mouse events for this hotspot)

blockMouse blocks mouse events for hotspot object, works together with buttonMode=1

Correct values are 0 and 1.

Default value is 0 (you can drag the panorama pressing the hotspot object).

<spot url="spot.jpg" blockMouse="1" /> (disables panorama interaction trough this hotspot)

useHandCursor enables mouse hand cursor, works together with buttonMode=1

Default value is 1 (hotspot objects changes mouse pointer to hand cursor).

<spot url="spot.jpg" buttonMode="0" /> (disables hand cursor for this hotspot)

enableSoundPanning enables sound pan changing on panorama motion

Default value is 0 (no panning effect).

<spot url="music.swf" enableSoundPanning="1" /> (enables panning effect for this hotspot)

Note, enableSoundPanning can't change the sound effect of dynamic sounds (attachSound() function in Flash). If you have a dynamicsound, you need to organize a transfer of Flash soundTransform object from hotspot movie to your dynamic sound, check

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plugins/flvplayer.fla (Flash CS3 file format) for this functionality.

onLoad event, fires when hotspot external file loading is complete

<spot url="spot.jpg" onLoad="alpha=0;alpha=1,1000" /> (fades in loaded hotspot)

onOver event, fires on mouse over

<spot url="spot.jpg" onOver="rotation+=90,800" /> (rotates the hotspot by 90 degrees for every mouse roll over)

onOut event, fires on mouse out

<spot url="spot.jpg" onOver="rotation+=90,800" onOut="rotation-=90,800" /> (rotates the hotspot by 90 degrees for every mouse rollover, rotates the hotspot by -90 for every mouse roll out)

onPress event, fires on mouse press

<spot url="up.jpg" onPress="pano.brightness+=0.05" /> (increases panorama brightness by 5 for every mouse press)

onRelease event, fires on mouse release

<spot url="spot.jpg" onPress="pano.panKey=2,500,,,shortClick" onRelease="pano.panKey=0" shortClick="pano.pan_v=0.1" />(emulates right key button: moves panorama smoothly for a long button press and makes a quick panorama shift for short clicks)

onClick event, fires on mouse click

<spot url="spot.jpg" onClick="openUrl(" /> (opens new URL on click)

Box object parametersNumerical: timer, depth, pan, tilt, distance, rotationX, rotationY, rotationZ, scale, scaleX, scaleY, rotation, alpha, staticX,staticY, alignX, alignY, salignX, salignY, refreshRate, shrink, segments, segmentsX, segmentsY, soundVolume,soundRadius, soundPan.

String: id, url, linked, unlinked, visible, distorted, orientation, scaleable, static, opaqueBackground, blendMode,smoothing, pixelSnapping, align, salign, cacheAsBitmap, buttonMode, blockMouse, useHandCursor,enableSoundPanning.

Events: onLoad, onOver, onOut, onPress, onRelease, onClick.

timer is a free variable

Use it for your own needs, for example, to create pauses between actions:

<box url="me" onPress="scale=5; timer+=1,10000,,scaleBack" scaleBack="scale=1" /> (increase the scale of the object to 5 andscales it back to 1 after 10 seconds)

Default value is 0.

depth z-index of hotspot

This parameter accepts any number, including not integer and negative values. Default value is number of box tag in the XML file. Hotspotwith bigger number of depth appears above any hotspot with lesser number. If hotspots have the same depth value, they arranged in orderof taking this depth.

<box url="img.jpg" onClick="depth=-1;" /> (moves this hotspot to the bottom relative to default hotspot values)

<global onOver="scale=1.05,600,elastic;depth=1000" onOut="scale=1,300;depth=0" > (makes default behaviour for all hotspots in theapplication: on mouse roll over increase the hotspot a little and move it at the top)

pan horizontal position of hotspot in degrees

Possible values: [-180, 180]. All other values will be reduced to this interval. Default value is 0.

<box url="1.jpg" pan="10" onClick="pan=20,1000" /> (sets the initial pan position of hotspot to 10, move it to pan=20 on click)

tilt vertical position of hotspot in degrees

Possible values: [-90, 90]. All other values will be reduced to this range. Default value is 0.

<box url="1.jpg" tilt="-10" onClick="tilt=-20" /> (sets the initial tilt position of hotspot to -10, move it to tilt=-20 on click)

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distance distance to hotspot in virtual 3D space

Default value is 1.

Together with pan and tilt it defines the position of the hotspot's center point in 3D space.

<box url="1.jpg" pan="10" tilt="-10" distance="3" />

rotationX rotation by axis X in degrees

Together with rotationY, rotationZ and orientation it defines the 3D orientation in virtual 3D space.

Possible values: [-180, 180]. Default value is 0.

rotationY rotation by axis Y in degrees

Together with rotationX, rotationZ and orientation it defines the 3D orientation in virtual 3D space.

Possible values: [-180, 180]. Default value is 0.

rotationZ rotation by axis Z in degrees

Together with rotationX, rotationY and orientation it defines the 3D orientation in virtual 3D space.

Possible values: [-180, 180]. Default value is 0.

scale scale factor of hotspot

scale=1 is original size of the hotspot image, scale=-1 makes horizontal flip and vertical flip. Default value is 1. Changing scale changesscaleX and scaleX parameters.

scaleX horizontal scale factor

scaleX=1 is original size of the hotspot image, scaleX=-1 makes horizontal flip. Default value is 1.

<box url="box.jpg" scaleX="0.5" onClick="scaleX=2,300,bounce;" /> (sets the initial scaleX value to 0.5, defines quick (300milliseconds) bounce effect increased the horizontal scale to 2 on mouse click)

scaleY vertical scale factor

scaleY=1 is original size of the hotspot image, scaleY=-1 makes vertical flip. Default value is 1.

<box url="box.jpg" scaleY="0.5" onClick="scaleY=2,300,bounce;" /> (sets the initial scaleY value to 0.5, defines quick (300milliseconds) bounce effect increased the vertical scale to 2 on mouse click)

rotation rotation of hotspot image in degrees

Possible values: [-180, 180]. All other values will be reduced to this range. Default value is 0.

<box url="1.jpg" onClick="rotation=1080,3000,regular" /> (rotates the hotspot 3 times clockwise in 3 seconds with constant velocity)

alpha coefficient of transparency

Valid values are 0 (fully transparent) to 1 (fully opaque). Default value is 1. hotspot objects with alpha set to 0 can take mouse events, eventhough they are invisible.

<box url="1.jpg" onClick="alpha=0,3000" /> (makes slow fade out on click)

staticX X position of hotspot relative to alignment point, works together with static parameter

It determines the distance between the center point of hotspot and the window alignment point in pixels. Use it to make some margins forstatically aligned hotspots.

Default value is 0.

<box url="1.jpg" static="1" align="RB" salign="RB" staticX="-4" staticY="-4" /> (aligns the hotspot to the right-bottom corner with 4pixels indent)

staticY Y position of hotspot relative to alignment point, works together with static parameter

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It determines the distance between the center point of hotspot and the window alignment point in pixels. Use it to make some margins forstatically aligned hotspots.

Default value is 0.

<box url="1.jpg" static="1" staticY="100" /> (aligns the hotspot to 100 pixels below the center of the panorama)

alignX horizontal alignment

Can be used to change the hotspot align point with motion tween or to set the hotspot align point to any custom position.

Setting of align property changes alignX value (L gives 0, C gives -0.5, R gives -1).

<box url="me.jpg" id="s2" onOver="s1.rotation=160, 1500, elastic; s1.alignX=-0.1,3000, elastic;" onOut="s1.rotation=0, 1000,elastic; s1.alignX=-0.5,3000, elastic;" /> (makes some funny diving-like motion for hotspot s1 using roll over event of the hotspot s2)

alignY vertical alignment

Can be used to change the hotspot align point with motion tween or to set the hotspot align point to any custom position.

Setting of align property changes alignY value (T gives 0, M gives -0.5, B gives -1).

<box url="me.jpg" alignX="-2" alignY="-2" /> (sets the hotspot align point outside of object)

salignX horizontal window alignment, works together with static parameter

Can be used to change the window align point with motion tween or to set the window align point to any custom position.

Setting of salign property changes salignX value (L gives -0.5, C gives 0, R gives 0.5).

<box url="me.jpg" static="1" salign="RB" align="RB" onClick="alignX=0,1000;alignY=-1,1000;salignX=0.5,1000;salignY=0.5,1000;"/> (moves static hotspot object form the right-bottom corner to the left-bottom corner on mouse click)

salignY vertical window alignment, works together with static parameter

Can be used to change the window align point with motion tween or to set the window align point to any custom position.

Setting of salign property changes salignY value (T gives -0.5, M gives 0, B gives 0.5).

<box url="me.jpg" id="s1" static="1" salignX="-0.25" salignX="-0.25" /> (places hotspot object to 1/4 from the panorama window left-top corner)

refreshRate refresh rate for distorted hotspot update

The number defines how many times in second the picture for distorted hotspot is refreshed.

Possible values is 0 and more.

Default value is 0.

<box url="me.jpg" pan="45" orientation="front" /> (do not set refreshRate for static images, there is nothing to update)

<box url="me.swf" pan="45" refreshRate="0.5" /> (for slow animation in swf file, use slow refreshRate. Value 0.5 means one refresh in 2seconds)

<box url="flvplayer?file=me.flv" pan="45" refreshRate="20" /> (use refreshRate in compliance with video refresh rate)

<box url="flvplayer?file=me.flv" pan="45" refreshRate="20" onClick="distorted=0;refreshRate=0" /> (when you switch a hotspot inlive mode there is a sense to remove refreshRate)

shrink quality reduce factor for distorted image

Possible values is 1 and more.

Default value is 1 (no quality reduce).

Use this value if you have a big hotspot image mapped to a small area, this can increase performance noticeable (i.e. if you have, say,800x600 image, but image area on the panorama is about 100 pixels width, use shrink=8)

<box url="photo.jpg" shrink="8" onOver="scale=4;shrink=1" onOut="scale=1;shrink=8" /> (you can change shrink parameter at

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runtime against to hotspot size)

segments distorted hotspot segmentation

Changes segmentsX and segmentsY values.

Possible values is 1 and more.

Default value is 2.

Similar to pano.segments: greater value gives more quality picture of hotspot, lesser value provides more performance.

<box url="photo.jpg" segmentsX="6" segmentsY="4" />

segmentsX distorted hotspot segmentation by horizontal

Possible values is 1 and more.

Default value is 2.

Similar to pano.segments: greater value gives more quality picture of hotspot, lesser value provides more performance.

<box url="photo.jpg" segmentsX="6" segmentsY="4" />

segmentsY distorted hotspot segmentation by horizontal

Possible values is 1 and more.

Default value is 2.

Similar to pano.segments: greater value gives more quality picture of hotspot, lesser value provides more performance.

<box url="photo.jpg" segmentsX="6" segmentsY="4" />

soundVolume sound level of hotspot

Changes the sound level of swf application, loaded inside the hotspot.

<box url="sound.swf" soundVolume="0" onClick="soundVolume=1,1000" /> (fades in the sound level for sound.swf on click event)

Default value is 1.

Note, soundVolume can't change the sound level of dynamic sounds (attachSound() function in Flash). If you have a dynamic sound, youneed to organize a transfer of Flash soundTransform object from hotspot movie to dynamic sound, check plugins/flvplayer.fla (Flash CS3file format) for this functionality.

soundRadius sound radius of hotspot

Sets the sound radius of swf application, loaded inside the hotspot.

Default value is 360 (means that sound has the same level for any panorama position). If soundRadius is equal, say, 90, it means thatsound has full level if the hotspot is just in front of you, the sound has 50% volume if the corner between front and hotspot is 45 degrees,and the sound level is 0% if the corner is more then 90 degrees (sound radius value).

<box url="sound.swf" soundRadius="200" /> (optimal value for a single sound on the panorama is a little more 180: maximal near thehotspot and subtle in opposite side)

Note, soundRadius can't change the sound level of dynamic sounds (attachSound() function in Flash). If you have a dynamic sound, youneed to organize a transfer of Flash soundTransform object from hotspot movie to dynamic sound, check plugins/flvplayer.fla (Flash CS3file format) for this functionality.

soundPan sound pan of hotspot

Changes the sound pan (right speaker/left speaker ratio) of swf application sounds, loaded inside the hotspot.

<box url="sound.swf" static="1" salign="RB" align="RB" soundPan="0.9" /> (sets the sound pan to 0.9 - right speaker is predominant)

Default value is 0.

This value is ignored if enableSoundPanning parameter is equal to 1.

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Note, soundPan can't change the sound level of dynamic sounds (attachSound() function in Flash). If you have a dynamic sound, you needto organize a transfer of Flash soundTransform object from hotspot movie to dynamic sound, check plugins/flvplayer.fla (Flash CS3 fileformat) for this functionality.

id identifier of the hotspot

identifier can contain any Latin symbols and numbers. Use different identifiers for hotspots, do not use reserved identifiers pano, pano2 andglobal. Id parameter is not case sensitive.

<box id="123abc" url="myImage.jpg" /> (gives 123abc identifier to this hotspot)

<box url="myImage.jpg" /> (you can omit id parameter in hotspot tag, it will be generated automatically, but in this case you will not beable to address this hotspot from other objects)

<box id="box10" url="box.jpg" onClick="id=spot55" /> (id can be changed dynamically)

<box url="box.jpg" onClick="id=" /> (assigning empty string value to the hotspot id unloads the hotspot completely)

url absolute or relative path to image or any Flash movie

This parameter specifies an external file to be loaded inside a hotspot object. It can be an image in jpg, gif or png format or a swf Flashmovie of any version of Flash Player).

<box url="images/spot1.png" /> (loads an image images/spot1.png)

<box url="" /> (loads a Flash movie using absolute path)

<box id="video" url="" scaleable="1" scale="0.5" /> (loads external stream video inside ahotspot)

Simple swf movies (videos, animations, simple presentations) can be loaded inside Flash Panorama Player without any problem. Thecapacity for work of a complex external Flash application within Flash Panorama Player environment depends on the applicationarchitecture. Correctly programmed Flash application can be loaded and shown ok with a high probability.

<box url="box1.jpg" onClick="url=spot2.jpg" /> (can be used to reload external file dynamically)

<box url="box1.jpg" onClick="url=" /> (set url to empty string to unload external file)

linked list of panoramas where hotspot is loaded

This is the way to organize automatic loading/unloading for hotspot images depends of loaded panorama image.

<box url="box1.png" linked="nature" /> (this hotspot is loaded for panorama with panoName=hall only)

<box url="box1.png" linked="nature|wood|snow" /> (use | as a separator to specify more then one linked panorama images)

When linked name is different from the current panoName, a hotspot object doesn't load image, doesn't take processor time, takes only afew kilobytes in memory, but you can address any parameter of the hotspot object.

Spots which are not linked to new loaded panorama unload which transition effect start, hotspots which are linked to new panorama imagestart loading images (url parameter) just after transition effect end.

Default value is empty string (spot image is loaded for any panorama image).

This is an example how to use linked parameter to implement a simple virtual tour with different sets of hotspots for every location:

<global onLoad="alpha=0;alpha=1,1000"><pano leash="follow" /><box id="logo" url="logo.swf" static="1" salign="RB" align="RB" onClick="openUrl(" /><box id="lobby1" url="arrow.jpg" linked="lobby" onClick="loadMovie(hall.swf);" /><box id="lobby2" url="arrow.jpg" linked="lobby" onClick="loadMovie(kitchen.swf);" /><box id="hall1" url="arrow.jpg" linked="hall" onClick="loadMovie(balcony.swf);" /><box id="hall2" url="arrow.jpg" linked="hall" onClick="loadMovie(lobby.swf?pan=180);" /><box id="kitchen" url="arrow.jpg" linked="kitchen" onClick="loadMovie(lobby.swf?pan=-90);" /><box id="balcony" url="arrow.jpg" linked="balcony" onClick="loadMovie(hall.swf?pan=120);" /></global>

Spots lobby1 and lobby2 have parameter linked="lobby" so they will be loaded at start and stay loaded until user clicks one of these

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hotspots. Hotspots hall1 and hall2 linked to hall.swf panorama. The first hotspot hall1 guides to new place balcony.swf, the second oneguides back to lobby.swf but with some additional rotation: lobby.swf?pan=180 to make a feeling that we are entering from the oppositeside. Hotspots kitchen and balcony works analogously. Hotspot logo has no linked parameter and therefore it is visible for all locations.

Note, if you are using some complex panoName: loadPano(?panoName=panos/home/lobby), specify the full path in linked parameter:linked="panos/home/lobby".

unlinked list of panoramas where hotspot is not loaded

This parameter supplement linked param. Specify all panorama names separated with "|" and they will be automatically unloaded forindicated panoramas:

<box url="box1.png" unlinked="nature|snow" /> (this hotspot is not loaded for panoramas with panoName=nature andpanoName=snow)

visible visibility of hotspot

This parameter determines whether or not the hotspot is visible.

Correct values are 0 and 1. Default value is 1. You can't click hotspot with visible=0.

<box url="box1.jpg" onClick="visible=0" /> (hides hotspot)

<box url="box1.jpg" onClick="anotherSpot.visible+=1" /> (switches visibility of hotspot anotherSpot)

distorted enables distortions of box object

This parameter determines whether or not the hotspot is distorted.

Value 1 means that hotspot is distorted and can be placed in virtual 3D in any position.

Value 0 means that hotspot is not distorted (its behaviour is equivalent to spot object). You can interact with swf applications in this mode.

Default value is 1.

<box url="app.swf" onClick="distorted=0" /> (changes the default distorted value to 0 on mouse click)

orientation defines the basic orientation of hotspot

Possible values:

cylinder - hotspot stays parallel to vertical cylinder surface around the panorama (hotspot looks smaller with tilt deviation).

sphere - hotspot stays parallel to panorama sphere surface (always the same size and always in front of observer)

front - hotspot stays parallel to front (back) side of panorama cube.

back - hotspot stays parallel to back (front) side of panorama cube.

left - hotspot stays parallel to left (right) side of panorama cube.

right - hotspot stays parallel to right (left) side of panorama cube.

up - hotspot stays parallel to top (bottom) side of panorama cube.

down - hotspot stays parallel to bottom (top) side of panorama cube.

Default value is cylinder.

This property is useful if you want to place several elements on the same surface or to make some motion across this surface.

For example, if you want to place several images on the wall parallel to front side of panorama cube, place the first image to the wall andfind the appropriate scale for it:

<box url="img1.jpg" pan="0" tilt="10" orientation="front" scale="0.4" />

Now you can place other images on the same surface changing only pan and tilt values (remoteness will be calculated automatically formost natural look):

<box url="img2.jpg" pan="20" tilt="10" orientation="front" scale="0.4" />

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<box url="img3.jpg" pan="-20" tilt="10" orientation="front" scale="0.4" /><box url="img4.jpg" pan="40" tilt="5" orientation="front" scale="0.4" />

You can adjust the orientation of the hotspot using rotationX, rotationY and rotationZ parameters. For example if you want to tilt down thepicture on the wall a little:

<box url="img4.jpg" pan="40" tilt="5" orientation="front" rotationY="10" scale="0.4" />

The best way to understand the relations between orientation, rotationX, rotationY, rotationZ and distance parameters is to play withthem in Editor plugin.

scaleable enables hotspot scaling on panorama zoom in/zoom out

Correct values are 0 and 1.

Default value is 0, hotspot with default scaleable is independent of panorama window size and panorama zoom. Only scaleX and scaleYcan change its dimensions. In otherwise scaleable=1 makes the hotspot to be sensitive to zoom factor and panorama window resize, insuch a way the hotspot looks always proportional to objects on the panorama image.

<box url="box.jpg" onClick="scaleable+=1" /> (switches scaleable mode on click)

static makes hotspot attached to the panorama window

Correct values are 0 and 1.

Default value is 0. Set this parameter to 1 to attach a hotspot to the panorama window instead of the panorama sphere surface.

<box url="box.jpg" static="1" /> (defines a static hotspot)

opaqueBackground specifies whether hotspot is opaque with certain background color

Set this parameter to any color to replace the alpha-channel of the object with the specified color. This can improve rendering performance.

Default value is empty string.

<box url="icon.png" opaqueBackground="#FF0000" onClick="opaqueBackground=" /> (defines a static hotspot, restorestransparency of the hotspot background on mouse click)

blendMode blending mode for hotspot object

It provides Flash Player blending modes support. Possible values list:

Normal applies color normally, with no interaction with the base colors.

Layer blends colors normally but pre-composites the blend object at 100% opacity prior to blending. This prevents subclips of the blendobject from bleeding through one another.

Darken replaces only the areas that are lighter than the blend color. Areas darker than the blend color don't change.

Multiply multiplies the base color by the blend color, resulting in darker colors.

Lighten replaces only pixels that are darker than the blend color. Areas lighter than the blend color don't change.

Screen multiplies the inverse of the blend color by the base color, resulting in a bleaching effect.

Overlay multiplies or screens the colors, depending on the base colors.

Hard light multiplies or screens the colors, depending on the blend mode color. The effect is similar to shining a spotlight on the object.

Difference subtracts either the blend color from the base color or the base color from the blend color, depending on which has the greaterbrightness value. The effect is similar to a color negative.

Invert inverts the base color.

Alpha applies an alpha mask.

Erase removes all base color pixels, including those in the background image.

Default value is "normal".

<box url="box.jpg" onClick="blendMode=invert" /> (changes blending mode of hotspot to invert)

smoothing enables image smoothing

If value is 1 the image is smoothed when it is scaled and rotated. If value is 0 (default) the image is not smoothed when scaled. Smoothing

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is realizing when antialiasing quality mode is greater then low.

<box url="box.jpg" smoothing="1" /> (adds smoothing property to the hotspot)

pixelSnapping enables image snapping, working with only image files

It controls whether or not the image is snapped to the nearest pixel.

Possible values:

never - no pixel snapping occurs.

always - the image is always snapped to the nearest pixel, independent of transformation.

auto (default) - the image is snapped to the nearest pixel if it is drawn with no rotation or skew and it is drawn at a scale factor of 99.9% to100.1%. If these conditions are satisfied, the bitmap image is drawn at 100% scale, snapped to the nearest pixel. Internally, this valueallows the image to be drawn as fast as possible using the vector renderer.

<box pixelSnapping="never" /> (disables pixel snapping for the hotspot)

align hotspot alignment

Determines the point attached to the panorama (and point of rotation as well).

Accepts two letters in any combinations: L(left), C(center), R(right), T(top), M(middle), B(bottom)

Default value is CM (center of the hotspot)

<box align="rb" /> (aligns the hotspot object to right-bottom point)

salign window alignment, works together with static parameter

Accepts two letters in any combinations: L(left), C(center), R(right), T(top), M(middle), B(bottom)

Default value is CM (center of the panorama window)

<box align="rb" salign="rb" /> (aligns the hotspot object to place the right-bottom point of the hotspot to the right-bottom corner of thepanorama window)

cacheAsBitmap caches a hotspot object as a bitmap image

Correct values are 0 and 1.

Default value is 1 (cached).

The cacheAsBitmap property is best used with objects that have mostly static content and do not scale and rotate frequently. With suchmovie clips, cacheAsBitmap can lead to performance increases when the movie clip is translated. If the hotspot object contains dynamiccontent (external video, animation and so on) cachedAsBitmap=0 can be faster for redrawing than default value.

<box url="myVideo.swf" cacheAsBitmap="0" /> (disables the bitmap caching for this external movie)

buttonMode makes hotspot sensitive to mouse events

Correct values are 0 and 1.

Default value is 1 (spot objects can work with the mouse).

<box url="box.jpg" buttonMode="0" /> (disables mouse events for this hotspot)

blockMouse blocks mouse events for hotspot object, works together with buttonMode=1

Correct values are 0 and 1.

Default value is 0 (you can drag the panorama pressing the hotspot object).

<box url="box.jpg" blockMouse="1" /> (disables panorama interaction trough this hotspot)

useHandCursor enables mouse hand cursor, works together with buttonMode=1

Default value is 1 (spot objects changes mouse pointer to hand cursor).

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<box url="box.jpg" buttonMode="0" /> (disables hand cursor for this hotspot)

enableSoundPanning enables sound pan changing on panorama motion

Default value is 0 (no panning effect).

<box url="music.swf" enableSoundPanning="1" /> (enables panning effect for this hotspot)

Note, enableSoundPanning can't change the sound effect of dynamic sounds (attachSound() function in Flash). If you have a dynamicsound, you need to organize a transfer of Flash soundTransform object from hotspot movie to your dynamic sound, checkplugins/flvplayer.fla (Flash CS3 file format) for this functionality.

onLoad event, fires when hotspot external file loading is complete

<box url="box.jpg" onLoad="alpha=0;alpha=1,1000" /> (fades in loaded hotspot)

onOver event, fires on mouse over

<box url="box.jpg" onOver="rotation+=90,800" /> (rotates the hotspot by 90 degrees for every mouse roll over)

onOut event, fires on mouse out

<box url="box.jpg" onOver="rotation+=90,800" onOut="rotation-=90,800" /> (rotates the hotspot by 90 degrees for every mouse rollover, rotates the hotspot by -90 for every mouse roll out)

onPress event, fires on mouse press

<box url="up.jpg" onPress="pano.brightness+=0.05" /> (increases panorama brightness by 5 for every mouse press)

onRelease event, fires on mouse release

<box url="box.jpg" onPress="pano.panKey=2,500,,,shortClick" onRelease="pano.panKey=0" shortClick="pano.pan_v=0.1" />(emulates right key button: moves panorama smoothly for a long button press and makes a quick panorama shift for short clicks)

onClick event, fires on mouse click

<box url="box.jpg" onClick="openUrl(" /> (opens new URL on click)

Debug panorama application

Using Hotspots plugin, you are able to create complex panorama applications with involved functionality. And if you read to this chapter ofHotspots manual, you the man, who can do it for sure. ;) Therefore this time to talk about debug possibilities of Flash Panorama Player.

The simplest step you can do if your application is not working properly is to open your XML param file in any browser that can parse XMLfiles (use Firefox or IE, for example). This can help you to find simple syntax errors like unclosed tags or lost quotation marks.

If the application still bugs or you became involved in various criss-cross events, function calls and panorama reloadings, you need arealtime debugger to control the application in action.

1. Download debug version of Flash Player for your Firefox browser:

2. Install Flash Tracer Firefox plugin by Alessandro Crugnola:

3. Open Flash Tracer panel in Firefox (Alt-A)

4. Follow instructions to set path to flashlog.txt if it's not working by default.

Now you can see panorama runtime log in Flash Tracer panel:

Load layer 5: autorotator.swf Load layer 10: loadMeter.swf Load layer 1: borders.swf Load layer 2: hotspots.swf Load layer 4: menu_fullscreen.swfExecute sp1: alpha= 0.1, 3000, regular Execute sp1: alpha=1,1000, elastic Execute global: saturation=0,400 Execute global: brightness=0,400

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Execute go2: loadPano(snow.swf,500,fade) Load 0: snow_f.jpg Load 1: snow_r.jpg Load 2: snow_b.jpg Load 3: snow_l.jpg Load 4: snow_u.jpg Load 5: snow_d.jpg Execute go2: pano.leash=lock

You can find easy wrong paths to external images, not working functions, wrong addresses and so on.

If you are unable to use Firefox and Flash Tracer for some reasons, you can debug your panorama application anyway:

1. Install debug Flash Player for your system. There are all possible installers for PC, Mac, Linux, including offline Flash contentdebuggers (projectors):

2. Find flashlog.txt (debug Flash Player log) and discover it manually.

If you are totally surrendered trying to make your panorama application to work, or you found Flash Panorama Player bug, welcome tosupport forum, we will try to help you. To register click here.

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Offline panoramas

Now we are ready to create an offline presentation.

1. Download Flash Player 9 Standalone player (projector) for your OS from here:

2. Run the Standalone Player and open your main panorama file (drag it to the Standalone Player window). Iused nature.swf:

3. Now choose in the player menu: File -> Create Projector:

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4. Save the executable file to your working directory.

5. Now let's collect all needed files:

I have six images (cube faces), autorotator.swf to make panorama to rotate automatically,SAFullscreen.swf plugin (a simple plugin to open Standalone Player window fullscreen - take it from theplugins folder), nature.xml with params and Nature.exe - standalone variant of the Flash Panorama Player.I do not need any other files.

6. nature.xml contains:

<?xml version="1.0" ?> <panorama>

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<parameters> layer_1=SAFullscreen.swf layer_2=autorotator.swf </parameters></panorama>

One last step: I'm going to create an autorun file (for Windows). I want to burn my panorama to CD and Iwant to make it starts to show the panorama when I insert this disc into the CD-ROM drive.

7. Create new text file and rename it to autorun.inf:

Copy this text to the file:

[autorun] open=Nature.exeicon=Nature.exe,0

8. Now you can burn it to CD and have fun.

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Flash Panorama Player is customizable panorama engine.

The panorama engine is built on Adobe Flash Player, the world's most pervasive software platform.


No Flash experience is required. You can create your panorama exhibitions using simple text editor.

Full multiplatform support. Works the same for Windows, Mac and Linux.

Understands jpg, png, gif, swf and mov file formats.

Supports QTVR files, separate cube faces, cube stripes, spherical and cylindrical images.

Can be used to create both online and offline applications. Can be converted to standalone application.

Can be embedded to any HTML or Flash site (Flash site should be compiled as Actionscript 3 application).

The panorama player is fully customizable, you can change scores of parameters, you can draw your owncontrols and buttons.

Using Actionscript you can write new plugins for the player, create new transition effect, load the player toother Flash/Flex/AIR applications.

All Flash Panorama Player updates (including panorama engine updates and new plugins) are free forFlash Panorama Player customers.

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Using parameters

How to pass parameters to the player

1. Query string

2. Flashvars

3. SWFObject

4. Additional XML file

5. Embedded XML file

Parameters description

1. Image loader params (panoName, panoType, panoSuffixes, image_f, image_r, image_b, image_l, image_u, image_d, loaderTextColor,loaderBackColor, transparentBack, loaderText, loaderTextDenied, loaderTextFailed, loaderAttempts, loaderConsecutive,loaderStreamed, loaderBandwidth, policyFile, allowDomain, disableLoading)

2. Visualization params (segments, shrink, qualityMotion, qualityStatic, zoomMax, zoomMin, zoomHome, panHome, tiltHome, zoom, pan,tilt, hfov, vfov, ratio, frameRate)

3. Controller params (behaviour, sensitivity, keySensitivity, friction, threshold, keys, disableKeys, disableTilt, disablePan, disableWheel,disableControls)

4. Plugins loader (layer_N parameter).

How to pass parameters to the playerQuery string

Query string format is simple: player_name.swf?param1=value1&param2=value2&param3=value3

Use player name (swf name), then question-mark "?", then all needed parameters divided by ampersand "&"

For example: This gives a panorama from the simple tutorial withinitial point of view in the sky (80 degrees above the horizon) with magnification (zoom factor is 2).

This gives you a possibility to run panoramas without any additional HTML or XML files.

It works as well for HTML code:

<PARAM NAME=movie VALUE="pano.swf?panoName=folder/mypano">


The same as query string but using a special property in OBJECT/EMBED tag:

<object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000"codebase=",0,0,0" width="550" height="400" id="pano1"align="middle"> <param name="allowScriptAccess" value="sameDomain" /> <param name="movie" value="pano.swf" /> <param name="quality" value="high" /> <param name="bgcolor" value="#ffffff" /> <param name="flashvars" value="panHome=180&tiltHome=-20" /> <embed src="pano.swf" quality="high" bgcolor="#ffffff" flashvars="panHome=180&tiltHome=-20" width="550" height="400" name="mymovie"align="middle" allowScriptAccess="sameDomain" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="" /> </object>

Read more about using Flashvars property here:


More reliable way to embed a Flash movie in html is SWFObject.

It uses a special function addVariable to pass parameters to the Flash movie:

<script type="text/javascript">var so = new SWFObject("pano.swf", "mypano", "600", "400", "9", "#FFFFFF");so.addParam("allowFullScreen","true");so.addParam("allowScriptAccess","sameDomain");so.addVariable("panoName", "images/pano1");so.addVariable("sensitivity", "50");so.addVariable("keySensitivity", "50");

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or if you are using Flash version detector plugin:

<script type="text/javascript">var so = new SWFObject("show_pano.swf", "mypano", "600", "400", "6.0.65", "#FFFFFF");so.addParam("allowFullScreen","true");so.addParam("allowScriptAccess","sameDomain");so.addVariable("movie", "pano.swf");so.addVariable("panoName", "images/pano1");so.addVariable("sensitivity", "50");so.addVariable("keySensitivity", "50");so.addVariable("redirect", window.location);so.write("flashcontent");</script>

Additional XML file

You can create a special file with all parameters you want to pass to the player.

This is the most universal way, works online and offline. Also it allows to pass parameters to plugins (for example, to change default parameters ofAutorotation or to describe hotspots for Hotspots plugin).

The default name of this file is [player_name].xml. This means that in the example above the player nature.swf tries to load nature.xml data file beforeit will try to load panorama images. You can set your own name using a special variable xml_file: (note: always use & as a terminating symbol of URL because some browsers fail while processing the URL with ".xml" at the end).

Syntax of the XML file is simple:

<?xml version = '1.0'?><panorama> <parameters> tiltHome=80 zoomHome=2 </parameters></panorama>

Specify all your parameters between <?xml version = '1.0'?><panorama><parameters> and </parameters></panorama>. Use line feed or ";" as aseparator.

To pass additional parameters for Flash Panorama Player plugins, use corresponding tags after <parameters></parameters> tag:

<?xml version="1.0" ?><panorama> <parameters> tiltHome = 80 zoomHome = 2 layer_1 = fps.swf layer_2 = autorotator.swf layer_3 = limits.swf layer_4 = hotspots.swf </parameters> <autorotator> speed = -0.1 interval = 30 pause = 1000 quality = low </autorotator> <limits> pan_min = -40 pan_max = 40 tilt_min = -10 tilt_max = 80 </limits> <hotspots> <global> <box url="flvPlayer.swf?file=myVideo.flv" pan="10" refreshRate="20" /> </global> </hotspots> </panorama>

Here is a template file with all possible params: template.xml. Remove unused param lines and change values to create your own Flash Panorama Player

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param file.

Embedded XML file

This is a way to use XML file parameters without creation the separate XML file. It's useful if you want to create server side to generate the whole page withall panorama parameters or if you would prefer to keep the panorama settings in static HTML files.

Define the special parameter xml_text and place XML text into it instead of separate XML file:

1. With query string: pano.swf?xml_text=<?xml version = '1.0'?><panorama><parameters> panoName=panoramas/mypano; layer_1=fps.swf; panHome=10;</parameters></panorama>

2. With flashvars: <param name="flashvars" value="xml_text=<?xml version = '1.0'?><panorama><parameters> panoName=panoramas/mypano;layer_1=fps.swf; panHome=10; </parameters></panorama>" />

3. With swfObject: so.addVariable("xml_text", "<?xml version = '1.0'?><panorama><parameters> panoName=panoramas/mypano; layer_1=fps.swf;panHome=10; </parameters></panorama>");

Note, all variants contains no line feeds, all text should be formatted in the single line. So replace all significant line feeds to ";". Be careful with internalquotation marks if you have them: <hotspots><global onClick="pan+=10"></global></hotspots>. Placing this string to flashvars or Javascript, be sureyou didn't break the formatting. As a variant, you can replace internal quotation marks to apostrophes: so.addVariable("xml_text", "<hotspots><globalonClick='pan+=10'></global></hotspots> />");

Placing XML text directly to HTML makes the editing process more complex (because of the single line formatting). Using Javascript you can format itgratifying to the eye:

var xml="<?xml version = '1.0'?>"


xml+="panoName=panoramas/mypano;"xml+=" layer_1=fps.swf;"xml+="panHome=10;"


so.addVariable("xml_text", xml);

Parameters descriptionImage loader params

panoName sets the panorama identifier

This is a panorama identifier. It determines the path to panorama images.

panoName=myPano tells the player to load images myPano_f.jpg, myPano_r.jpg, myPano_b.jpg, myPano_l.jpg, myPano_u.jpg, myPano_d.jpg.

It can contain a path to the panorama (panoName=images/pano/mypano, panoName=../path2/mypano).

Default value (if you started the player without panoName parameter) is the name of swf file without ".swf" (nature.swf -> nature).

panoType sets the panorama type

It provides the panorama type for the player. It also determines the default suffixes for panorama images. Possible values:

cube (default) will load cube faces with suffixes: _f.jpg, _r.jpg, _b.jpg, _l.jpg, _u.jpg, _d.jpg.

cube0 will load cube faces with suffixes: _0.jpg, _1.jpg, _2.jpg, _3.jpg, _4.jpg, _5.jpg.

cube1 will load cube faces with suffixes: _1.jpg, _2.jpg, _3.jpg, _4.jpg, _5.jpg, _6.jpg.

stripe will load one image with suffix: .jpg. Will convert it to 6 cube faces after loading.

cylinder will load one image with suffix: .jpg. Will convert it to 6 cube faces after loading using spherical/cylindrical projection. Requires cylConverter.swfplugin.

mov will load QTVR file with suffix: .mov. Requires movDecode.swf plugin. Requires cylConverter.swf plugin as well for cylindrical QTVR panoramas.

panoSuffixes sets the suffixes to derive image URLs

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Can contain from 1 to 6 suffixes (empty suffixes disable image loading).

Example: panoSuffixes=_0.png|_1.png|_2.png|_3.png|_4.png|_5.png

This will load [panoName]_0.png, [panoName]_1.png and so on.

image_f sets front side image URLimage_r sets right side image URLimage_b sets back side image URLimage_l sets left side image URLimage_u sets up side image URLimage_d sets down side image URL

This is an alternative way to set image URLs.

Use empty string to disable image loading (image_r=&image_l=&).

Example: image_f=http://mysite/pano/image1.jpg

Default values are calculated from panoName and panoSuffixes params.

loaderTextColor sets the text color for image preloader.

Default value is #FFFFFF (white).

loaderBackColor sets the background color for image preloader

Default value depends on security sandbox of Flash Player. "Remote" mode (Flash Player on a web site) gives dark gray background #282828,"localWithFile" gives red background #880000, "localWithNetwork" gives yellow #888800, "localTrusted" (inside any exe application) gives greenbackground #008800.

transparentBack sets the transparent background color for panorama images and image preloader

Can be used together with .png panorama images, working this parameter with other image types is not guaranteed.

It can be used if the player is embedded application or you are using wmode=transparent.

loaderText sets the text template for loader

All special symbols inside the template should be URL-encoded.

Use empty string to make the default loader invisible. You need it if you want to use external loader like glassMeter.swf plugin.

Text template can contain variables $0-$7. They will be replaced with actual info during the loading process: $0 - text color (described in loaderTextColorparameter), $1 - loaded for front side image in percents, $2 - loaded for right side, $3 - back, $4 - left, $5 - up, $6 - down, $7 - loaded total for all images.

Default value is <font face='Arial' size='30' color='#$0'>loading: $7</font>. Encoded version looks like:loaderText=%3Cfont%20face%3D%27Arial%27%20size%3D%2730%27%20color%3D%27%23%240%27%3Eloading%3A%20%247%3C%2Ffont%3E

Encode/decoder for loader text is here:

loaderTextDenied sets the text message if image loading failed

All special symbols inside the message should be URL-encoded.

Default value is failed.

loaderTextFailed sets the text message if image is inaccessible for security reasons

All special symbols inside the message should be URL-encoded.

Default value is denied.

loaderAttempts sets the number of attempts to load an image

It protects the player against incomplete images (slow or overladen server can return "load complete" when only a part of image was loaded). If the imageis broken or incomplete, the player will try to reload it once again.

Default value is 3.

loaderConsecutive is used to disable simultaneous image loading

Use loaderConsecutive=1 for XML to make loader to load images one after another.

It's used to reduce the server load.

Default value is 0.

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loaderStreamed is used to turn on the streamed mode for image loading

Use loaderStreamed=1 to set streamed mode. Panorama images will appear as far as loaded.

Not recommended to use this property together with big cylindrical and spherical images.

Default value is 0.

loaderBandwidth is used to restrict the maximum speed of loading

This param is useful to test your panoramas offline. You can set this value for online panoramas just for effect as well. Also some types of panoramas (likeQTVR panoramas) load smoothly with this setting.

Example: loaderBandwidth=150 restricts the loading speed to 150Kb/s (equivalent to T1 connection).

Default value is 0 (no bandwidth restrictions).

policyFile is used to load the policy file before the images

Use it to place the player file to the one domain and to load panorama images from another one.

Read this document to get to know more about Flash Player 9 security:

Default value is empty string (no policy file be loaded).

allowDomain adds trusted domain for the player

This parameter can be used if you want to have access to player's objects and variables outside it's own security sandbox.

This parameter is for Actionscript developers.

disableLoading is used to disable image loading at all

Can be used, for example, if you want to load a panorama preview only at start.

Default value is 0.

Visualization params

segments defines the number of pieces for each image

segments=25 means that each image will be divided into 25*25=625 pieces (6*625=3750 polygons for panorama in total) which could be rotated in 3Dspace.

This param determine the quality of the panorama rendering (the more pieces the image is divided, the better quality the panorama is).

On the other hand this parameter affects to panorama rotation speed and smoothness.

segments=10 provides low interpolation quality (straight lines on the panorama may look wavy) but it requires less processor power and therefore itproduces a fast and smooth rotation even for slow and old computers.

segments=20 provides good interpolation quality and smooth enough motion.

segments=30 provides the best image quality, use it for quality and fullscreen panoramas. Can be slow for weak computers.

segments=40 and more is for quality gourmets.

Default value is 20. Minimal value is 10.

shrink makes dynamic resolution reduction for panorama images

This feature allows to save RAM and run big panoramas on slow computers.

shrink=3 means that resolution of loaded images will be divided by 3. It reduces the required RAM by a factor of 9.

Default value is 1 (no shrinking).

qualityMotion determines the antialiasing value when user drags the panoramaqualityStatic determines the antialiasing value if user does not move the panorama

Possible values: low (no antialiasing), medium, high and best (maximal smoothing).

Use qualityMotion=low to make the panorama motion quick and smooth, use qualityStatic=medium to avoid cogged lines in the static position, usequalityStatic=high or best for big and quality panoramas with many small details.

Default value for qualityStatic is medium; default value for qualityMotion is low.

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zoomMax sets the maximum value of the zoom factor

Default value is 2. Minimal value is 0.45.

zoomMin set the minimal value of the zoom factor

Default value is 0.45. Minimal value is 0.45.

zoomHome sets an initial value of the zoom factor

This param is applied to zoom factor at start or when the key "Home" is pressed.

The param value should be inside the interval [zoomMin, zoomMax].

Default value is 1. Minimal value is 0.45.

panHome sets an initial value of the pan factor

This param is applied to the panorama position at start or when the key "Home" is pressed.

The value is set in degrees. panHome=90 means that the initial point of view is towards the center of the right side of the cube.

Default value is 0. Possible values: [0, 360].

tiltHome sets an initial value of the tilt factor

This param is applied to the panorama position at start or when the key "Home" is pressed.

The value is set in degrees. tiltHome=50 means the initial point of view is towards 50 degrees above the horizon.

Default value is 0. Possible values: [-90, 90].

zoom sets the current value of zoom factor

The same as zoomHome, but changes only current zoom value.

pan sets an initial value of pan

The same as panHome, but changes only current pan value.

tilt sets an initial value of tilt

The same as tiltHome, but changes only current tilt value.

hfov sets an initial value of hfov

This is another way to set zoom factor. When you change this value, vfov and zoom are changing accordingly.

The minimal value is equivalent to zoom=0.4 (about 137 degrees).

vfov sets an initial value of vfov

This is another way to set zoom factor. When you change this value, hfov and zoom are changing accordingly.

The minimal value is equivalent to zoom=0.4 (about 124 degrees for ratio=1.3333).

ratio sets the preferred ratio

Default value is 1.3333 (=4/3). This means that hfov is the same for all window's ratios (width/height) more than 4/3, and vfov is the same for all windows'ratios (width/height) less than 4/3. User sees the maximum panorama area if the windows's ratio and the player's ratio are equal.

frameRate defines the frame rate

This parameter sets the base frame rate for Flash Player.

It is useful if you want to load some Flash animation inside the panorama player, say, with native frameRate 12 (Flash Player can't use different framerates inside a single Flash application).

Avoid using frameRate less than 8, it can reduce the speed of the panorama image rendering.

Controller params

behaviour determines how panorama interacts with the mouse movements

behaviour=0 means you can simply drag your panorama,

behaviour=1 gives a smooth motion when the user holds and shifts your mouse,

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behaviour=2 provides a smooth motion with inertia effects. Inertia effects apply to all keyboards movements as well.

Use behaviour=-1 to disable any interaction.

Default value is 2.

sensitivity sets the mouse sensitivity

Default value is 10 (slow and smooth movement).

keySensitivity sets the sensitivity for keyboard movement

Default value is 10 (slow and smooth movement).

friction sets the coefficient of deceleration for panorama motion (works together with behaviour=2)

friction=1 prevents any inertia effects.

friction=0 means no friction, move panorama once and it will move infinitely.

Default value is 0.9.

threshold sets the threshold of motion speed (works together with behaviour=2)

This parameter determines the order of values when motion calculations stops and panorama goes to the static mode.

Default value is 0.0000001.

keys can change the keyboard codes for active buttons

Use "|" to separate code numbers. order of codes is: "right key|left key|up key|down key|zoom in key|zoom out key||home key|hold key".

Default value is 39|37|38|40|16|17|36|32.

disableKeys is used to disable the keyboard events

Use disableKeys=1 if you want to disable the keyboard support.

Default value is 0.

disableTilt is used to forbid to tilt the panorama

Use disableTilt=1 if you want to restrict the panorama vertical rotation.

Default value is 0.

disablePan is used to forbid to panning the panorama

Use disablePan=1 if you want to restrict the panorama horizontal rotation.

Default value is 0.

disableWheel is used to disable the mouse wheel for zoom navigation

Use disableWheel=1 if you want to disable the mouse wheel actions.

Default value is 0.

disableControls is used to disable mouse and keyboard interaction with a panorama

Use disableControls=1 to deactivate both mouse and keyboard.

Default value is 0.

Plugins loader

layer_1, layer_2, layer_3 and so on are used for loading of external modules

Any number of external plugins can be attached to the panorama. Read Using plugins tutorial to learn more about this technique.

Example: layer_1=autorotator.swf

Plugin with the greater layer number appears higher in the player window.

All plugins are loading before the panorama images.

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Using plugins

Plugins are external modules in swf format to extend functionality of the Flash Panorama Player.

How to add a plugin

1. Open the example we built in the Simple tutorial and create the new file: nature.xml.

Hint: you can do right-click, select in the context menu new -> Text Document and then rename it tonature.xml.

2. Now open this empty file in Notepad (or use any other text or XML editor), write these lines:

<?xml version = '1.0'?><panorama> <parameters> layer_1 = fps.swf </parameters></panorama>

You can read about the xml data format in this tutorial: Using parameters.

3. Save the file.

4. Copy file fps.swf from the plugins folder of the Flash Panorama Player package to your workingdirectory, like this:

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5. Now run nature.swf, you can see something new in the top-left corner of the panorama:

fps.swf is very simple plugin showing frames-per-second counter, just a small tool to test performance of thepanorama.

Using Autorotator plugin

6. Add to the working directory one more file from the Flash Panorama Player plugins folder:autorotator.swf. This is a module to panning your panorama automatically.

7. Change nature.xml file like this:

<?xml version="1.0" ?><panorama> <parameters> layer_1 = fps.swf layer_2 = autorotator.swf </parameters> <autorotator> speed = -0.1 interval = 30 pause = 1000 quality = low </autorotator> </panorama>

8. And do not forget to save it.

Param name layer_2 means that Autorotator plugin will be loaded to the layer number 2, you can use any

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unique number.

Tag <autorotator> provides the possibility to customize autorotation settings. You can change parametersspeed (speed of rotation in degrees), interval (redrawing interval in milliseconds), pause (time of inactivity inmillisecond after which autorotation begins) and quality (antialiasing mode: low, medium, high or best).

9. Now you can run nature.swf application again.

Using Borders plugin

10. Open the Flash Panorama Player plugins folder again and copy to the working directory the fileborders.swf.

This plugin provides a possibility to restrict pan and tilt ranges (for cylindrical and other partial panoramas).

11. Now change nature.xml data file like this:

<?xml version="1.0" ?><panorama> <parameters> layer_1 = fps.swf layer_2 = autorotator.swf layer_3 = borders.swf </parameters> <autorotator> speed = -0.1 interval = 30 pause = 1000 quality = low </autorotator> <borders> pan_min = -40 pan_max = 40 tilt_min = -10 tilt_max = 80 </borders> </panorama>

12. Save the XML file.

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13. Run nature.swf once again.

Now you can move the panorama only within the limits: from -40 till 40 degrees by horizontal and from -10 till80 degrees by vertical.

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Simple tutorial

1. Extract files from the Flash Panorama Player package:

2. Copy the file pano.swf to a new folder.

3. Copy your panorama files (cube faces, equirectangular images) to the same folder:

Notice: file names have standard format [pano name][side suffix].jpg (most of stitcher programs using it),where [pano name] is a panorama name and the [side suffix] can be one of the following: _f - front side,_r - right, _l - left, _b - back, _u - up, _d - down.

If your files have the other widespread name format with _0, _1, _2, _3, _4, _5 suffixes, use pano0.swf fileinstead. Use panoStripe.swf if you have a single image with six cube faces within ("stripe" format).

4. Now rename pano.swf player file to [pano name].swf. For example, the panorama name is "nature", sothe player name should be nature.swf:

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Actually, this is it. We linked panorama pictures with the Flash Panorama Player application with only severalclicks!

5. Double click nature.swf or drag it to your favourite browser:

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Your browser should have Adobe Flash Player 9 plugin installed. This is the only requirement. Right-click theflash movie to check your player version.

How does it work?

The idea is simple. If the player application does not get any external parameters, it tries to load defaultimages (their names are composed of the player name and the side suffixes: _f, _r, _b, _l, _u, _d). Allappearance params take on a default values. This default system makes the usage of the Flash PanoramaPlayer fast and easy.

6. The last step. Now we need a couple of clicks more to publish the panorama to the Internet

Copy images and the player file to your web hosting (by ftp protocol or any other way known to you):

7. Now make a direct link to the swf file:

It works despite the fact that we have not written any HTML code line and param value! This is why the FlashPanorama Player is very simple to use.

The advantage of this HTML-less method is its simplicity – there is no problem with HTML, Javascript andother codes.

One more benefit to recommend this technique is user care:

no noisy pop-ups,

no forced full screen (user can open his window as wide as he wants, the Flash Panorama Player isoptimized for the dynamic window resize and can occupy any available area)

no hidden links (user can add this link to favorites or send it to a friend).

Continue to read the tutorials to get to know:

how to pass additional parameters to Flash Panorama Player,

how to show your panorama if the user has an old version of Flash Player,

how to add hotspots and create interactive virtual tours,

how to embed the panorama to your HTML or Flash web-site,

how to create offline panoramas using Flash Panorama Player.

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Use XML param file

The Flash Panorama Player has two ways to get additional parameters:

1. Query string variables.

2. Use additional XML file.

Query string variables

Format is: player_name.swf?param1=value1&param2=value2&param3=value3

For example: This gives a panoramafrom the simple tutorial with initial point of view in the sky (80 degrees above the horizon).

You can send several parameters at once:

Additional XML file

You can create a special file with all parameters you want to pass to the player.

Default name of this file is [player_name].xml. This means that in the example above the player nature.swftries to load nature.xml data file before it will try to load panorama images. You can change this defaultname using a special variable xml_file: (note: always use & as a terminating symbol of URL because some browsers fail whileprocessing the URL with ".xml" at the end).

Syntax of the XML file is very simple:

<?xml version = '1.0'?><params><param name="zoomHome" value="0.45" /><param name="panHome" value="40" /><param name="tiltHome" value="80" /></params>

This XML code snippet is absolutely equivalent to the previous example with the query string: ?tiltHome=80&panHome=40&zoomHome=0.45

You can use both methods at the same time. In this case the identical parameters from the query string willbe rewritten with parameters from XML file.

Here is a template file with all possible params: template.xml. Remove unused param lines and changevalues to create your own Flash Panorama Player param file.

Parameters description

image_f sets front side image URLimage_r sets right side image URLimage_b sets back side image URL

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image_l sets left side image URLimage_u sets up side image URLimage_d sets down side image URL

To set path to panorama images use relative or absolute URLs: <param name="image_d"value="http://mysite/pano/image1.jpg" />

Default values are [player_name]_f.jpg, [player_name]_r.jpg, and so on...

segments defines the number of pieces for each image.

segments=20 means that each image will be divided into 20*20=400 pieces which could be rotated in 3Dspace. This param determine the quality of the panorama rendering (the more pieces the image is divided,the better quality the panorama is) and speed of the panorama manipulations (less images lead to quickerand smoother motion).

Default value is 20. Minimal value is 10.

mouseBehaviour determines how panorama interacts with the mouse movements.

mouseBehaviour=0 means you can simply drag your panorama, mouseBehaviour=1 gives a smooth motionwhen the user holds and shifts your mouse, mouseBehaviour=3 ignores your mouse drag (this parameter isused for extensions and can implement additional mouse behaviours).

Default value is 0.

qualityStatic determines the antialiasing value if the user does not touch the panorama.qualityMotion determines the antialiasing value when the user drags the panorama.

Possible values: "low" (no antialiasing), "medium", "high" and "best" (maximal smoothing).

Use qualityMotion="low" to make the panorama motion quick and smooth, use qualityStatic="medium" toavoid cogged lines, use qualityStatic="high"or "best" for big and quality panoramas with many small details(the image is not so sharpen like with "medium" value, but moire effects are less noticeable).

Default value for qualityStatic is "medium", default value for qualityMotion is "low".

loaderTextColor is a loader text color.

Default value is "#FFFFFF" (white)

loaderBackColor is a loader background color.

Default value depends on security mode of the Flash Player. "Remote" mode (Flash Player on a web site)gives gray background, "localWithFile" gives red background, "localWithNetwork" gives yellow,"localTrusted" gives green background.

zoomMax sets the maximum value of the zoom factor.

Default value is 2. Minimal value is 0.45.

zoomMin set the minimal value of the zoom factor.

Default value is 0.45. Minimal value is 0.45.

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zoomHome sets an initial value of the zoom factor.

This param is applied to zoom factor when all images downloaded or the key "Home" is pressed.

Default value is 1. Minimal value is 0.45.

The param value should be inside the interval [zoomMin, zoomMax].

panHome sets an initial value of the pan factor.

This param is applied to the panorama position when all images downloaded or the key "Home" is pressed.

Default value is 0. Possible values: [0, 360].

The value is set in degrees. panHome=90 means that the initial point of view is towards the center of theright side of the cube.

tiltHome sets an initial value of the tilt factor.

This param is applied to the panorama position when all images downloaded or the key "Home" is pressed.

Default value is 0. Possible values: [-90, 90].

The value is set in degrees. tiltHome=50 means the initial point of view is towards 50 degrees above thehorizon.

disableTilt is used to forbid to tilt the panorama with the mouse.

Use disableTilt=1 if you want to restrict the panorama vertical rotation.

Default value is 0.

disablePan is used to forbid to panning the panorama with the mouse.

Use disablePan=1 if you want to restrict the panorama horizontal rotation.

Default value is 0.

disableWheel is used to disable the mouse wheel for zoom navigation.

Use disableWheel=1 if you want to disable the mouse wheel actions.

Default value is 0.

disableKeys is used to disable the keyboard events.

Use disableKeys=1 if you want to disable the keyboard support.

Default value is 0.

disableControls is used to disable any interaction with a panorama.

Use disableControls=1 to deactivate both mouse and keyboard.

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Default value is 0.

layer_1, layer_2, layer_3 and so on, are used for loading of external modules.

Any number of external plugins can be attached with the help of these parameters. Read Using plaginstutorial to learn more about this technique.

Example: <param name="layer_1" value="autorotator.swf" />

Plugin with the greater layer number appears higher in the player window.

policyFile is used to load the policy file before the images.

Use it to place the player file to the one domain and to load panorama images from another.

Read this document to get to know more about Flash Player 9 security: