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Fourth Sunday of Easter | Cuarto Domingo de Pascua

Nov 10, 2021



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Page 1: Fourth Sunday of Easter | Cuarto Domingo de Pascua
Page 2: Fourth Sunday of Easter | Cuarto Domingo de Pascua

Fourth Sunday of Easter | Cuarto Domingo de Pascua

Acts 2: 14, 36-41 1Peter 2: 20-25 John 10: 1-10


TUES, May 9

WED, May 10

THURS, May 11

FRI, May 12

SAT, May 13

SUN, May 14


FR– Father Raymond , FP– Father Pius

† - R.I.P , T – Thanksgiving, BD– Birthday, B– Blessings Ann.- Wedding Anniversary, H- Health

7:30am Miguela Serrano † FR 5:00pm Rosemary Hisoler (T) FP

7:30am Elvira Piedad Pascual de Garzona†FP 5:00pm Tony Martinez † FR

7:30am Jose Isabel Najera (H) FP 5:00pm Jack & Marilyn Jean Sweeny † FR 7:00pm Maria de la Paz Hernandez † FR

7:30am Marino y Loreto Felix † FP 5:00pm Alfredo Estigoy †FR

8:00am Azucena Aldana † FR 5:00pm Aileen Rentar (H) FP

7:30am Sahagun Family FP 5:00pm Roberta Myers † FR

6:30am Mass for Our Parishioners FR 8:00am Mothers Day Novena FR 9:45am Romolo Arago † FP 11:15am Emilio Abilita † FP

12:45pm Gabriel Rangel Jr. † FR 5:00pm Maria & Beatriz (Mothers Day) FP 7:00pm Norberta Rodriguez (H) FP


First Reading Acts 2: 14, 36-41 All peoples called by God will receive the gift of the Spirit if they repent and are baptized.

Psalm Psalm 23 The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want. Second Reading 1 Peter 2: 20-25 Once we were like stray-ing sheep; but now we have been returned to the shepherd, our guardian.

Gospel John 10: 1-10 The shepherd leads the sheep out into pastures of abundant life.

The English translation of the Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved.

† Maria Bedolla & Jose Ricardo Sahagun †




Mass Collection Total

5pm- Vigil $ 1, 281.00

6:30 am $ 2, 402.00

8:00 am $ 2, 636.00

9:45 am $ 1, 927.00

11:15 am $ 1, 824.00

12:45 pm $ 1, 847.00

5:00 pm $ 1, 274.00

7:00 pm $ 1, 155.00

Grand Total

$ 14,498.04

Coin $ 151.21

WEEKLY COLLECTION/COLECTA SEMANAL April 29/30 In order to maintain our services, meet our expenses, and restore savings, the parish needs an average of $22,000.00 in its weekly collection. Thank you for sharing what God has given you with our parish. Con el fin de mantener nuestros servicios, cumplir con nuestros gastos, y restaurar el ahorro, la parroquia necesita un promedio de $ 22,000.00 en su colección semanal. Gracias por compartir lo que Dios le ha dado con nuestra Parroquia.

Thank you to all of those who have already done their pledge to Togeth-er in Mission. This Together in Mis-sion thermometer will help us keep track of how we are doing with our Parish Goal, pledges, and the amount that has already been paid.

Gracias a todos los que ya han he-cho su promesa monetaria a la cam-paña de Juntos en Misión. Este ter-mómetro nos ayudara a visualizar nuestro progreso al alcanzar nuestra meta en cuanto a las cantidad ya hemos pagado y la cantidad que ya hemos prometido pagar.


Total Payment Given: $ 49,582.00 Total amount pledged: $ 75,566.00

Parish Goal: $ 59,700.00

$ 47, 760.00 $ 35, 820.00 $ 23, 880.00 $ 11, 940.00

Page 3: Fourth Sunday of Easter | Cuarto Domingo de Pascua

La Historia de Fatima El siguiente relato de la Historia de Fátima se basa en el folleto "Lucia Speaks - El Mensaje de Fátima", una versión condensada de las Me-morias de la Hermana Lucia - publicada por el Apostolado Mundial de Fátima-Estados Unidos. Durante la Primera Guerra Mundial, el Papa Benedicto XV hizo repetidas peticiones por la paz, y finalmente en mayo de 1917, hizo un llamado directo a la Santísima Madre para interceder por la paz en el mundo. Poco más de una semana des-pués, Nuestra Señora comenzó a aparecer en Fátima, Portugal, con tres niños pastores, Lucia dos Santos, de 10 años, y sus primos Fran-cisco y Jacinta Marto (hermanos) de ocho y siete años. En ese mo-mento, Fátima era un pequeño pueblo a unos 70 kilómetros al norte de Lisboa.

El Ángel de Portugal Sin embargo, fue en la primavera del año anterior de 1916 cuando los niños tuvieron su primer encuentro sobrenatural como medio de pre-pararlos para sus reuniones con la Reina del Cielo. Al ver a las ovejas un día vieron a un joven deslumbrante y bello, aparentemente hecho de luz, que les dijo que era el Ángel de la Paz. Les invitó a orar con él. Más tarde, en el verano, el ángel volvió a aparecer a los niños y los animó a orar y hacer sacrificios como una forma de lograr la paz en su país. En el otoño, los niños volvieron a ver al Ángel mientras cuidaban de las ovejas. Él apareció delante de ellos sosteniendo un cáliz en sus manos, sobre el cual estaba suspendido una hostia de la cual caían gotas de sangre en el cáliz. El ángel dejó el cáliz suspendido en el aire y se postró delante de él en oración. Luego dio la hostia a Lucia para que comiera, y dejo que Francisco y Jacinta bebieran del cáliz dicien-do: "Tomen y beban el Cuerpo y la Sangre de Jesucristo, horriblemen-te indignado por los hombres ingratos. Reparen sus crímenes y con-suelen a su Dios." Luego se postró de nuevo en oración antes de desaparecer. Los niños no le dijeron a nadie acerca de estas visitas del Ángel, sintiendo una necesidad interior de callar estos aconteci-mientos. El 13 de mayo de 1917, los tres niños llevaron sus rebaños a pastar en la pequeña área conocida como la Cova da Iria. Después del almuerzo y el rosario, de repente vieron un relámpago brillante de algo parecido a un rayo, seguido rápidamente por otro destello en el cielo azul claro. Levantaron la vista para ver, en palabras de Lucia, "una dama, vestida de blanco, más brillante que el sol, irradiando una luz más clara e intensa que una copa de cristal llena de agua encendida iluminada por la luz del sol". Los niños quedaron allí sorprendidos, Bañada por la luz que rodeaba la aparición mientras la Dama sonreía y decía: "No ten-gas miedo, no te haré daño." Lucía, como la mayor, le preguntó de dónde venía. La Señora señaló el cielo y dijo: "Vengo del cielo." Lucía entonces le preguntó qué quería. He venido a pedirle que venga aquí por seis meses el día 13 del mes a esta misma hora. Después diré quién soy y qué deseo. Y volveré aquí una séptima vez. Lucía entonces preguntó si iban al cielo y se le dijo que sí, ella y Ja-cinta irían al cielo, pero Francisco tendría que decir muchos rosarios primero. La Señora dijo entonces: "¿Estás dispuesto a ofrecerte a Dios ya soportar todos los sufrimientos que Él quiere para enviarte como un acto de reparación para la conversión de los pecadores?" Lucía, como portavoz de los tres, estuvo de acuerdo. "Entonces vas a tener mucho que sufrir, pero la gracia de Dios será tu consuelo." Lucía contó que en el mismo momento en que dijo estas palabras, la Señora abrió sus manos y emitió una "luz" sobre los niños que les permitió verse en Dios. La Señora terminó con una petición: "Di el Rosario todos los días para traer la paz al mundo y el fin de la guerra." Con eso ella comenzó a levantarse en el aire, moviéndose hacia el este hasta que desapareció.

Continua en la Siguiente Pagina…

The Story of Fatima

The following account of the Story of Fatima is based on the booklet, “Lucia Speaks – The Message of Fatima,” – a condensed version of Sister Lucia’s Memoirs – published by The World Apostolate of Fatima-USA. During World War I, Pope Benedict XV made repeated but forlorn pleas for peace, and finally in May 1917, made a direct appeal to the Blessed Mother to intercede for peace in the world. Just over a week later, Our Lady began to appear at Fatima, Portugal to three shepherd children, Lucia dos Santos, age 10, and her cousins Francisco and Jacinta Marto (siblings), ages eight and seven. At the time, Fatima was a small village about 70 miles north of Lisbon.

The Angel of Portugal However, it was in the spring of the previous year, 1916, that the chil-dren had their first supernatural encounter as a means of preparing them for their meetings with the Queen of Heaven. As they were look-ing after the sheep one day they saw a dazzlingly beautiful young man, seemingly made of light, who told them he was the Angel of Peace. He invited them to pray with him. Later on in the summer, the Angel again appeared to the children and encouraged them to pray and make sacrifices as a way of drawing down peace on their country. In the autumn, the children again saw the Angel as they were looking after the sheep. He appeared before them holding a chalice in his hands, above which was suspended a host from which drops of blood were falling into the chalice. The Angel left the chalice suspended in the air and prostrated himself before it in prayer. He then gave the host to Lucia to eat, and let Francisco and Jacinta drink from the chal-ice while saying: “Take and drink the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ, horribly outraged by ungrateful men. Repair their crimes and console your God.” Then he prostrated himself again in prayer before disap-pearing. The children did not tell anyone about these visits of the An-gel, feeling an interior necessity to keep quiet about these events.

May 13, 1917, the three children took their flocks out to pasture in the small area known as the Cova da Iria. After lunch and the rosary they suddenly saw a bright flash of something like lightning, followed quick-ly by another flash in the clear blue sky. They looked up to see, in Lucia’s words, “a lady, clothed in white, brighter than the sun, radiating a light more clear and intense than a crystal cup filled with sparkling water lit by burning sunlight.” The chil-dren stood there amazed, bathed in the light that surrounded the ap-parition as the Lady smiled and said: “Do not be afraid, I will not harm you.” Lucia, as the oldest, asked her where she came from. The Lady pointed to the sky and said: “I come from heaven.” Lucia then asked her what she wanted. “I have come to ask you to come here for six months on the 13th day of the month at this same hour. Later I shall say who I am and what I desire. And I shall return here yet a seventh time.” Lucia then asked if they would go to heaven and was told yes, she and Jacinta would go to heaven, but Francisco would need to say many rosaries first. The Lady then said: “Are you willing to offer yourselves to God and bear all the sufferings He wills to send you as an act of reparation for the conversion of sinners?” Lucia, as spokesman for all three, readily agreed. “Then you are going to have much to suffer, but the grace of God will be your comfort.”

Lucia recounted that at the same moment as she said these words the Lady opened her hands and streamed a “light” on the children which allowed them to see themselves in God. The Lady finished with a re-quest: “Say the Rosary every day to bring peace to the world and the end of the war.” With that she began to rise into the air, moving to-wards the east until she disappeared.

Continued on Next Page...

Page 4: Fourth Sunday of Easter | Cuarto Domingo de Pascua



For further information, please contact the rectory or H. Richard Closson, Director, Trust and Estate Pro-

grams at (213) 637-7472 or e-mail at [email protected]

Our correct legal title is:

The Roman Catholic Archbishop of Los Angeles, A Corporation Sol For the benefit of: ST. JOHN OF


Volunteers for the office Needed!

We need volunteers for our front office! answering/directing calls, filing, data imputing.

Call us during business hours for more info!

8AM - 5PM (not from 12pm - 1pm) 562) 863-5721

Second Collection May 6 & 7.

There will be a second collection for the Cardinal McIn-tyre Fund. This Fund helps families in our parish commu-nity receive emergency help and are going through a cri-sis situation. For more information about this fund please visit the archdiocese information page at

Segunda Colecta Mayo 6 y 7 Tendremos una segunda colecta para el fondo de Caridad Cardinal McIntyre. Estas donaciones van directamente hacia la ayuda de familias en situaciones de crisis que necesitan ayuda de emergencia. Para mas información sobre este fondo por favor visite la pagina de información del arquidiócesis:

Wedding Banns

Tiffany Urega &

Ruben Guardado


The children got together and tried to think of ways they could make sacrifices as the Lady had asked, resolving to go without lunch and to pray the full rosary. Francisco and Jacinta received more support from their parents than Lucia, but the attitudes of the local inhabitants ranged from skepticism to utter contempt, and the children thereby suffered many insults. They would have much to suffer, just as the Lady had told them.

June 13, 1917. About fifty people turned up at the Cova da Iria on June 13 as the three children assembled near the Holm oak tree where the Lady had appeared. The children then saw a flash of light followed immediately by the apparition of Mary as she spoke to Lucia: “I want you to come on the 13th of next month, to pray the Rosary every day, and to learn to read. Later, I will tell you what I want.” Lucia asked Mary to take them to heaven and was reassured in this way: “I will take Jacinta and Francisco shortly, but you will stay here for some time to come. Jesus wants to use you to make me known and loved. He wishes to establish devotion to my Immaculate Heart throughout the world. I promise salvation to whoever embraces it. These souls will be dear to God, like flowers put by me to adorn his throne.” This last sentence is found in a letter written in 1927 by Sr. Lucia to her confessor.

Lucia was sad at the first part of this reply and asked: “Am I to stay here alone?” Mary replied: “No, my daughter. Are you suffering a great deal? Don’t lose heart. I will never forsake you. My Immaculate Heart will be your refuge and the way that will lead you to God.”

One of the witnesses to this apparition, Maria Carreira, described how Lucia then cried out and pointed as Mary departed. She herself heard a noise like “a rocket a long way off,” and looked to see a small cloud a few inches over the tree rise and move slowly towards the east until it disappeared. The crowd of pilgrims then returned to Fatima where they reported the amazing things they had seen, thus ensuring that there were between two and three thousand people present for the July apparition.

Los niños se reunieron y trataron de pensar en maneras de hacer sacrificios como la Señora le había pedido, resolviéndose a ir sin almuerzo ya rezar el rosario completo. Francisco y Jacinta recibieron más apoyo de sus padres que Lucía, pero las actitudes de los habi-tantes locales iban desde el escepticismo hasta el desprecio total, y los niños sufrieron así muchos insultos. Tendrían mucho que sufrir, tal como la Señora les había dicho.

13 de junio de 1917. Cerca de cincuenta personas se presentaron en la Cova da Iria el 13 de junio, cuando los tres niños se reunieron cerca del roble donde la Señora había aparecido. Los niños vieron entonces un destello de luz seguido inmediatamente por la aparición de María mientras hablaba con Lucía: "Quiero que vengas el día 13 del mes que viene, a rezar el Rosario todos los días y a aprender a leer. Más tarde, te diré lo que quiero. Lucía pidió a María que los llevara al cielo y se tranquilizó de esta manera: "Tomaré a Jacinta y Francisco en breve, pero permanecerás aquí por algún tiempo. Jesús quiere usarte para hacerme conocer y amar. Él desea establecer devoción a mi Corazón Inmaculado en todo el mundo. Prometo la salvación a quien la abrace. Estas almas serán queridas a Dios, como las flores que yo pongo para adornar su trono ". Esta última frase se encuentra en una carta escrita en 1927 por Sor Lucía a su confesor. Lucia se entristeció en la primera parte de esta respuesta y preguntó: "¿Debo quedarme aquí sola?" María respondió: "No, hija mía. ¿Estás sufriendo mucho? No pierda el cora-zón. Nunca te abandonaré. Mi Inmaculado Corazón será tu refugio y el camino que te llevará a Dios ". Uno de los testigos de esta aparición, María Carreira, describió cómo Lucia gritó y señaló cuando María se marchó. Ella misma oyó un ruido como "un cohete muy lejos", y miró para ver una pequeña nube a unos cuantos centímetros sobre el árbol y moverse lentamente hacia el este hasta que desapareció. La multitud de peregrinos regre-só a Fátima, donde informaron de las cosas asombrosas que habían visto, asegurando así que había entre dos y tres mil personas pre-sentes para la aparición de julio.

Page 5: Fourth Sunday of Easter | Cuarto Domingo de Pascua

ReligiousEducationOf iceOficina de Educación Religiosa

Of iceHours - Horarios de Oficina PARENTS OF CONFIRMATION STUDENTS: Every Sunday your students are given flyers for THEMSELVES & YOU. Please take note of IM-PORTANT DATES:

Students: Available Service Hours Your students’ willingness to serve like Jesus did

is what gets their service hours done! DON’T FORGET there are hours available with our priests during the week to help beautify our church, Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays after 4pm. Please notify Carolann 562 843-8809 if you intend to come so she can inform the priests of your volunteer help. Please bring your notebooks for us to sign off your service hours.

The Service Hour & Youth Night papers due date for C2 students is March

26th NO ACCEPTIONS. C1 students must turn in their service hours and Youth Night papers by

April 23rd.


C2 PARENTS: Your Child Must continue to attend class. Confirmation Classes are still not over. Attendance policy is still to be respected in order to re-ceive your confirmation certificate.


Thank you to all of those who showed up for the Year 1 Ritual and Interviews. Please support your child by helping the sponsors turn in their Sponsor Paper Work.

Confirmation Parents of 2015-2016: YOU asked me to understand your financial situations last year. We set up payments and you’ve not kept your part of the commitment. YOUR balances are now 10 months overdue. The church depends on its parishioners TO BE HONEST & TO MEET THEIR COMMITTMENTS. WE DID OUR PART AS A DEPARTMENT BY TEACHING YOUR STUDENTS. IN GOOD CONSCIENCE, PLEASE pay your debt to your PARISH. Thank you. CAROLANN DOYAL, CONFIRMATION COORDINATOR

Our Rosary intentions this month are for all parishioners & families who are strug-gling to deal with finances. We also include the struggling college students trying to finish their semesters, hold on! We continue to pray for our sick, homeless, hungry & those in personal loss, may you find peace and solutions to your bur-dens. We ask our Parishioners to walk in wisdom, love, care and mercy for and with each other. PLEASE KEEP OUR JUSTIN, GUILLERMO and LUIS MIGUEL IN PRAYER AS THEY WALK THEIR THEOLOGICAL JOURNEY. God asks that we serve each other in community. Prayer is the greatest way. Be grateful for eve-rything you have been blessed with. In Christs name we pray, Carolann & the SJOG Confirmation/Youth Ministry Teams

Sunday&MondayDomingo y Lunes


Wednesday-FridayMiercoles a Viernes


Closed Cerrado

12:00pm to 9:00 pm

10:00am to 7:00 pm

9:00am to 4:00 pm

REGISTRATIONS have now started for both First Communion and Confirmation. Bellow are the Registration Fees:

REGISTRACIONES ya han comenzado para la primera comunión y la confirmación. Los siguientes son los precios de registración:

Registration Fee: $70.00 (non-refundable after 10/14/17)

Parish Contribution: $30.00 (per family & non-refundable)

Service Hours: $25.00 (per family /non-refundable after 10/14/17)

Total: $ 125.00

Additional fees: Confirmation year 1 Retreat - $60 / child

Confirmation year 2 retreat - $ 235.00/ child Year 2 retreat fee includes:

- Retreat (3 day off site retreat) - Confirmation Gown (rental)

- Confirmation Certificate - Confirmation Ceremony Photo

Did you know that The Religious Education de-partment offers clases for special needs children? To inquire, you may call the CCD office at 562-863-5721 ext. 231 or 235

Sabia usted que la oficina de educación religiosa ofrece clases para niños con necesidades espe-ciales? Llame a la oficina de Educación Religiosa para mas información. Llame al 562-863-5721 ext. 235 or 231

Page 6: Fourth Sunday of Easter | Cuarto Domingo de Pascua

WE NEED CATECHISTS Do you hear that? God is calling you! Come make a

difference in the future of our Catholic Church.

We need Confirmation teachers to work with our youth and confirmation ministry. We also need catechists for

our first communion programs.

Requirements: VIRTUS training and Finger Printing.

Call the Religious Ed office for more info.

Upcoming Virtus Trainings!

5/22/17 -ENGLISH

St Gregory the Great Catholic Church (Whittier) Keeping the Promise Alive, Recertification Only 6:30pm Register by calling: 562-941-0115

5/23/17 –ESPAÑOL

St. John of God Catholic Church (Norwalk) Protegiendo a los Niños de Dios para Adultos 6:00 pm Register by calling: 562-863-5721

5/31/17 –ENGLISH

St. John of God Catholic Church (Norwalk) Protecting God’s Children for Adults 6:00pm Register by calling: 562-863-5721

DID YOU KNOW? Stress can affect the children around you Everyone has stress, whether it is a bad day at work, car trou-ble, or simply too many things to do. It is important to learn how to manage your stress – for your own sake and for the children around you. Too much stress can make it hard to parent effec-tively. After a while, your children may show signs of stress, too. To learn more about how to identify and cope with stress, vis-i t h t tps: / / t ic les/st ress/st ress-management.htm.

¿SABÍA USTED? El estrés puede afectar a los niños a su alrededor Todo el mundo tiene estrés, ya sea por un mal día en el trabajo, problemas con el automóvil, o simplemente demasiadas cosas que hacer. Es importante aprender a manejar su estrés, por su propio bien y por los niños que le rodean. Demasiado estrés puede hacer que sea difícil la crianza de los hijos con efectividad. Después de un tiempo, sus hijos pueden también mostrar signos de es-trés. Para obtener más información sobre cómo identificar y hacer frente al estrés, visite

Page 7: Fourth Sunday of Easter | Cuarto Domingo de Pascua

Flores de Mayo In Celebration of the month of May in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary, our Parish Community is having the "Flores de Mayo" starting May 1, this week. We will have the praying of the Holy Rosary for World Peace, a 5-7 minutes

Marian Talk, and a Floral Offering from the people every at 6:00 pm. We will also have a Marian Procession on May 13 after the 5pm Mass mark-ing the 100th Anniversary of the Marian apparition at Fatima. And to culmi-

nate the month long spiritual celebration, we will have a procession on May 31- with all the people bringing their Marian Images.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - En la celebración del mes de mayo en honor a la Santísima Virgen María, nuestra Co-munidad Parroquial tendrá las "Flores de Mayo" a partir del 1 de mayo, esta semana.

Tendremos la oración del Santo Rosario por la Paz Mundial, una Charla Mariana de 5-7 minutos, y una ofrenda floral de la gente cada día a las 6:00 pm.

También tendremos una Procesión Mariana el 13 de mayo después de la Misa de las 5pm que marca el 100 ° Aniversario de la Aparición Mariana en Fátima. Y para culminar

la celebración espiritual de un mes de duración, tendremos una procesión el 31 de mayo, con toda la gente trayendo sus imágenes marianas.