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Four Pictures of Prophecy, And the Great Dictator to Come - Ernest Angley (1990)

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  • 8/8/2019 Four Pictures of Prophecy, And the Great Dictator to Come - Ernest Angley (1990)


    March 1990

    Topics:Antichrist, Prophecy

    Volume 3 A Boo k on Bible Prophecy

    by Ernest An gley

    Through Daniel, God gave amazing prophecies. He told of world

    kingdoms to come, the last to be headed by the Antichrist in the

    period of Great Tribulation. Much of Daniel's prophecy has

    already been fulfilled, and all of it will be fulfilled.

    In the second booklet in this series on Bible prophecy, I discussed

    Daniel's four pictures of prophecy of world kingdoms. The

    prophecies are so important to us today, that I have set aside a

    third booklet to review and elaborate further on them. TheGentile age is spelled out, including the world powers that will

    operate. Eight kingdoms in all are mentioned in Bible prophecy. Six have fallen and two more are

    yet to come.

    The first picture is found in the second chapter of Daniel, an image: Head of gold; breast and arms

    of silver; belly and thighs of brass; legs of iron; feet, part iron and part clay. This image depicts all

    the nations that will hold world power from the time of Daniel and includes the very end when

    Christ will set up His Kingdom.

    The head of gold in this first world picture represents the third world kingdom of Babylon, a

    continuation of the world-power system set up by Lucifer to dethrone and destroy all faith in God,

    to wipe all holy living from the face of the Earth. The image's chest and arms of silver represent the

    fourth kingdom Medo-Persiatwo nations, one stronger than the other, ruling together. The belly

    and thighs represent Greece under Alexander the Great, kingdom five. Then came the sixth

    kingdom, the Roman Empire's legs of iron corresponding to the divided Eastern and Western

    kingdoms, with the feet and toes representing the revived Roman Empire yet to come in the

    seventh kingdom. The Roman kingdom will be revived according to the Word of God, the ten toes

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    representing ten nations from the territory Rome once occupied. Nations from the EU will help

    bring about world dominion. Five individual toes on each foot indicate separation, so evidently

    there will be a division between the ten nations, just as there was an Eastern and Western division

    in the original Roman empire. What this kingdom will eventually be called we don't know; we just

    know it as the revived Roman Empire, that the nations represented by the ten toes are coming to

    power in our day just as God said they would in His Holy Word. The EU is getting ready to take its

    brief place in infamy.

    The eighth kingdom is that of the Antichrist. Evidence of him is everywhere on the Earth today as

    he moves to bring about his tyranny in the Tribulation Period. The Antichrist's kingdom will be

    destroyed after seven years by the stone hewed out of the mountain, Jesus Christ, the last aspect of

    Nebuchadnezzar's dream.

    The second picture of prophecy found in the fourth chapter of Daniel is the great tree of power.

    Daniel interprets this as representing Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon who after growing very

    powerful in the world was to be cut down with only a stump left until, after seven years, he

    acknowledges God as supreme.

    Belshazzar's feast and the handwriting on the wall comprise the third picture, the handwriting of

    Babylon's downfall and the rise of the Medo-Persians.

    Contained in the seventh chapter of Daniel is the fourth picture, the four beasts, again representing

    four world empires. Follow these four pictures, and you will find four related prophecies.

    We read in the seventh chapter of Daniel: In the first year of Belshaz zar king of Babylon

    Daniel had a dream and v isions of his head u pon his bed: then he wrote the dream,

    and told the sum of the matters. Daniel spake and said, I saw in my vision by night,

    and be hold, the four w inds of the heaven strove u pon the great sea (Daniel 7:1,2). In

    prophecy, the sea represents nations. The four winds of heaven represent the Spirit of God moving

    not upon water, but upon a sea of humanity, a sea of nations. And fou r great beasts [four

    kingdoms] came u p from the sea, diverse one from another (verse 3). Here we have the

    fourth picture painted by the Spirit of God, revealing to Daniel world kingdoms. God carefully

    presented prophecies of world kingdoms four different times in this short book to show us how

    essential it is to understand about these kingdoms, to identify them and to recognize the two that

    are forming today.

    The first [beast, the kingdom of Babylon]wa s like a lion, and had e agle's wings: I beheld

    till the wings thereof were p lucked, and it was lifted u p from the earth, and m ade

    stand up on the feet as a man, and a man's heart was given to it (Daniel 7:4). The two

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    wings of the lion of Babylon represent the speed with which she carried out her conquest. When

    the wings were plucked out, the power of Babylon was taken away, lifted up from the Earth and

    finally destroyed.

    And beh old another beast [Medo-Persia], a second, like to a bear, an d it raised u p itselfon on e side, and it had three ribs in the m outh of it betwee n the teeth of it: and they

    said thus u nto it, Arise, devou r mu ch flesh (Daniel 7:5). The bear with three ribs in its

    mouth represents the kingdom of the Medes and Persians. The bear raising higher on one side

    represents the Persian kingdom, greater in power than the Medes. The three ribs in the teeth of

    the bear signified that he had destroyed three kingdoms before him.

    Daniel 7:6, tells of the third beast in the form of a leopard, symbolizing the Grecian army underAlexander the Great:And after this I behe ld, and lo another , like a leopard [Greece],

    which had u pon the back of it four wings of a fowl; the beast had also four heads; and

    dominion w as given to it. Again the four wings on the back stand for swiftness, speed. Quickly

    Alexander conquered, but he didn't rule very long. Still a young man, Alexander lost his life, and

    then after some shuffling and intrigue, four of his generals took over, the four heads. The generals

    governed until Greece was defeated by the Romans.

    After this I saw in the n ight visions, and behold a fourth be ast [Roman Empire],

    dreadfu l and terrible, and strong excee dingly; and it had great iron teeth (Daniel 7:7).

    Now we are back to the iron representing the Roman Empire. The dominion of the Roman

    Empire, interrupted for many, many years, will be revived in the last days. It devoured and

    brake in pieces, and stamped the residue w ith the feet of it: and it was diverse from all

    the beasts that were b efore it; and it had ten horn s. Here again are the ten nations coming

    forth, the ten horns corresponding to the ten toes of the image in Daniel 2, and sometimes

    represented by ten crowns. It all refers to a confederation of ten kingdoms of our day, ten nations

    that will take world control. The ten horns of this beast, the ten kingdoms, are a world dominatingform of the evil influence and power, the spirit of which has existed since the tower of Babel. This

    evil influence will rage uncontrollably during the Tribulation Period as the Antichrist rules

    worldwide for seven years. Such great power will be exerted that the time will come when no one

    can buy or sell without the mark of the beast, the Antichrist. Taking that mark will be the same as

    selling your soul to the devil, for it means worshiping the Antichrist. It's incredible to think that

    this coming world takeover could really happen in our day, but it will.

    The first Roman Empire treated the Christians horribly, put them into arenas with wild beasts,

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    crucified them. Thousands were killed. On a visit to Rome, I sat in the Colosseum, pondering the

    horror of Christian martyrs being slaughtered by wild animals. I went to the catacombs, a fearful

    place where easily one could become lost and never found again. An intricate network of passages

    remains in which the early Christians were forced to hide away. What a great price has been paid

    for our liberty in the Gospel!

    The Roman territory was like an empire ruled by the devil himself. This is the kingdom that is

    going to be revived. As it grows stronger, it will be woe, woe to the inhabitants of the Earth.

    These great beasts, which are four, are four kings, which shall arise ou t of the earth.

    Bu t the saints of the most High shall take the kingdom and po ssess the kingdom for

    ever, even for ever and ever (Daniel 7:17,18).

    The events of today are laying the groundwork for the ten nations that will ultimately make up the

    seventh world system. According to the 1957 Treaty of Rome, member countries set forth a timetable in which to establish a common market. This time table was met in 1969. We don't know at

    this writing which nations will make up the final membership; there will be some jockeying back

    and forth until the number settles at ten. God's prophecies say ten horns, ten crowns, ten


    Just as surely as the ancient world systems came to power, the Antichrist will come to power. Just

    as Babylon fellthe Medes, the Persians, Greeks and the Romansthe Antichrist's kingdom will

    fall, also. Great distress is ahead for the nations, with chaos exploding everywhere. Jesus tells us in

    Luke 21:25 that in the last days there shall be upon the earth distress of nations, w ithperplexity, the sea and the wave s roaring. The sea, remember, is the nations. They can't get

    along, can't agree. Even within our own nation, disagreements are rampant; our nation is divided.

    The only hope I see for mankind is being ready to get out of here, to be taken up with Jesus at His

    second coming.

    As the EU nations come together, the world will soon see the little horn of prophecy, the

    Antichrist. He is no doubt on planet Earth today. I feel he was born in the late sixties, for the Earth

    has never been the same since that time. Something evil happened then; it was a takeover by

    Lucifer. The spirit of the devil has destroyed many of our youth through suicide, drugs, and

    alcohol. Homes have been broken up. The unbelief in God, the unrest on the Earth is terrible to

    behold. Having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof is prevalent.

    Not only is the EU coming together now, but also the world church, founded on apostasy and made

    up of many denominations. Influential religious leaders have left God out of their programs: but

    while they are forming the world church, God's people are coming together in the spirit of unity,

    faith and love; redemption draweth nigh for the Children of God. Pure and clean living is required,

    believing in the blood of Jesus, the miracles of Jesus and the power of the Holy Ghost, the power to

    cast out devils, the power of God to heal the sick, and the greatness of God today. Many church

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    leaders have robbed Jesus of His glory, stripped Him of His power as they present a helpless

    Christ, one whose works they strive to take over themselves. Religion has become just a form

    rather than the reality of trusting in God's saving grace through the blood of Jesus. It's time for us

    to be alert, to wake up, to know the hour in which we live.

    The Gentile dispensation will end with the second coming of Jesus when the Bride of Christ is

    taken from the Earth. Just as the Bible calls the Holy Land the glorious land, the devout Gentile

    body of Christ is called the glorious church. In a moment, in a twinkling of an eye she will be

    changed, caught away to be with the Lord forever. The Holy Spirit is here now to get a Gentile

    Bride ready for Jesus.

    In midair, Jesus is coming after His Children, the glorious church without spot or wrinkle. I

    Thessalonians 4:14-17 tells us, For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so

    them also which sleep in Jesu s will God bring with him. For this we say un to you by

    the word of the Lord, that we w hich are alive and remain u nto the coming of the Lord

    shall not preven t them w hich are asleep. For the Lord himself shall descend from

    heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and w ith the trump of God: and

    the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then w e w hich are alive and re main shall be cau ght

    up together with them in the clouds, to mee t the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever

    be with the Lord. A voice will go forth so loud that the dead in Christ will come out of their

    graves, and we that are alive will be instantly changed.

    Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, b ut w e shall all be changed , In a

    mome nt, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trum p: for the trumpe t shall sound,and the de ad shall be raised incorru ptible, and we shall be changed (I Corinthians

    15:51,52). The Rapture will close the Gentile age and usher in seven years of Great Tribulation,

    culminating in the battle of Armageddon.

    The Bible tells us that in the latter days the North countries will come by storm to cover Israel like a

    cloud, to take a spoil, and to take a prey. But God's fury will rise against them. In Ezekiel 39:2 we

    read that God says:And I w ill turn thee back, and leave bu t the sixth part of thee. Only

    one sixth of the invading army will be left alive. The devastation will be so great thatit shall come

    to pass in that day, that I will give u nto Gog [the leader of the North counties] a place there

    of graves in Israel, the valley of the passengers on the east of the sea: an d it shall stop

    the noses of the passengers: and there shall they bu ry Gog and all his multitude : and

    they shall call it The valley of Hamon -gog. And sev en m onth s shall the hou se of Israel

    be b urying of them, that they may cleanse the land (Ezekiel 39:11,12).

    The spirit of the devil is working through Russia's leaders, the spirit of Antichrist. Russia does not

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    want peace. Russia wants to rule the world, to be the world power; but her destiny is written in the

    Word of God. She is on her way to the graves of Israel.

    Other nations are aligning with Russia. This is just a part of their separating from usit's according

    to the Word of God. Many want us to reach out to Russia, to sign arms agreements; but if we do,

    we will be taking the spirit of the Antichrist for an ally. There will be no peace with Russia. The

    more agreeable she seems, the more deadly she becomes; for nations, believing her cries of peace,

    will be destroyed with her in Israel.

    In studying prophecy you will notice that Israel, according to the Bible, is the geographic center of

    the world. When God talks of the kings of the North, of the South, of the East, He is using Israel as

    the focal point. Israel is God's land.

    Why would anyone ever believe that peace is coming through Russia? As long as you let the devil

    fool you, deceive you by listening to those who are going to "bring peace to the Earth," you will not

    be ready for the coming of the Lord. There will be no lasting peace until Jesus the Prince of Peace

    comes to set up His Kingdom. Until that time, the peace that men embrace will be false. Don'tyield to the peace of the world. It has no substance.

    It's amazing how quickly the nations are changing, turning from the United States. Most of those

    nations wouldn't be in existence today if it weren't for the United States. We have given and given,

    sacrificed foreign aid, billions of dollars to help other countries; and they spit in our face. They got

    what they wanted, and they are finished with us. Had it not been for the United States, Hitler

    would have swallowed Europe and who knows what else. He was going fast; he would have sweptthem all in. Some people thought he was the Antichrist; no, but he was a good representative, a

    good type and shadow.

    World War II brought other types and shadows of the Tribulation Period, the rationing books, for

    example. One couldn't buy food, gasoline or other commodities without a ration stampa type and

    shadow of the mark of the beast.

    Again I say that one day people will not be able to buy or sell without the mark of the beast, the

    mark of the number of his name, 666. You will become like a demon from hell if you take that

    mark. What will you do? Refuse the mark and starve to death? Unless you have Jesus in yourheart, you still wouldn't go to heaven.

    It's going to be hard to find God in the Tribulation Period. There is just one flight out, the Rapture.

    If you miss it, you will be in the Great Tribulation, to die, be killed or somehow live through while

    enduring incredible suffering. Seven yearswhat torture, what torment, what judgment of God will

    be rained downed on the beast and those who worship him! The Earth has never seen the wrath of

    God the way it will be poured out then. The Book of Revelation is the most fearful book of the

    whole Bible.

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    I considered the horns and, behold, there came u p amon g them another little horn

    before w hom there w ere three of the first horns plucked u p by the roots: and be hold,

    in this horn w ere eyes like the eyes of man, and a mou th speaking great things (Daniel

    7:8). The little horn is the Antichrist. Keep in mind that three of the ten hornsor three of the

    nationsare plucked up by their roots. The Antichrist will overthrow them.

    Then I wou ld know the truth of the fourth beast, which was diverse from all the

    others, exceeding dread ful, whose teeth w ere of iron, and his nails of brass; which

    devou red, brake in pieces, and stamped the residue w ith his feet; And of the ten

    horns that were in his head, and of the other which came u p, and before w hom three

    fell. [Again Daniel tells of the three fallen nations out of the confederation of ten.] Even of that

    horn that had eyes, and a mou th that spake very great things, whose look was more

    stout than his fellows. I beheld, and the same horn m ade w ar with the saints, and

    prevailed against them; Until the Ancient of days came, and jud gmen t was

    given And the ten horn s out of this kingdom are ten kings that shall arise: and

    another shall rise after them ; and he shall be diverse from the first, and he shall

    subd ue thre e kings. And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall

    we ar ou t the saints of the m ost High, and think to chan ge times and laws (Daniel

    7:19-22,24,25). Now Daniel is speaking of the Antichrist who will seek to change times, laws, to

    destroy the calendar and everything that refers to God and Christ. It will be a great takeover by


    As Daniel saw a little horn rising and uprooting three hornsthe Antichrist taking over three

    nations out of the tenthe other seven nations, filled with fear, were weakened until they gave

    their power to him, to the beast, the Antichrist. The visions of the Tribulation Period that Daniel

    saw were so terrible that at one time he said this about them,And I Daniel fainted, and w as

    sick certain days; afterw ard I rose u p, and did the king's bu siness; and I w as

    astonished at the vision, but non e un derstood it (Daniel 8:27). If just seeing those visions

    made Daniel ill for days, think how actually living through them will be!

    John the Revelator, in describing the Antichrist, tells us an amazing fact:And I saw one of his

    heads as it were w oun ded to death; and his deadly wou nd w as healed: and all the

    world won dered after the beast (Revelation 13:3). People will be saying, "Who is like thebeast? He was dead and yet he lives!" How will people look upon a world leader whom they think

    has been killed and then raised from the dead to continue his leadership? He will lie in statethen

    suddenly stand up before the people. Think how many multitudes will worship him, declare him to

    be divine, great. "Look, look! He was dead, and he has resurrected himself! Wounded to death,

    and yet he lives!"

    The world is ready even now for anything the devil has to offer. Only the Word of God and belief in

    it are protection against the devil. The Word is your protection, your safety.

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    II Timothy 3:1-7, describes this hour: This kno w also, that in the last days per ilous times

    shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selvesHaving a form of godliness,

    bu t denying the power there ofEver learning, and nev er able to come to the

    know ledge of the truth. Unfortunately, education is no protection from the power of the devil.

    He is wiser than educators, and he fills minds with selfishness, hypocrisy and greed. There is

    deliverance for those who want it, but many minds do not want to be delivered; they have been

    taken over by the devil.

    After the Rapture, the Antichrist moves in. The little horn, the Antichrist, will make a covenant

    with the Jews for one week, or for seven years. Daniel 7:8 shows us how this little horn will push

    up, subduing the three kingdoms out of the ten and how the other seven will bow and give their

    power to him to keep from being destroyed. Nothing stops the Antichrist at this time. And

    through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall

    magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many(Daniel 8:25). I say again,

    the peace the nations are talking about today is not the real peace of God, but a false peace, a peace

    that cannot last.

    The Antichrist will make a covenant with the Jewish people, and for the first three-and-a-half years

    they will think he really is the Messiah, the Redeemer, the Promised One. They will be a happy,

    happy people. But then, in the middle of the week of seven years, the covenant will be broken as

    the Antichrist sets himself up in the temple of God as God. The eyes of the Jews will be opened at

    last, and the people will flee into the wilderness where God will provide a place of protection to

    hide them.

    Some biblical scholars say God will hide the Jews in Jordanian Petra, but I don't believe it. I have

    been to Petra, the city hewn out of rock. When God gets ready to hide someone He doesn't have to

    put them into canyons. God doesn't use man's methods or ideas: He uses miraculous means that

    defy the logic of man. God, remember, protected Israel with a pillar of fire by night and a cloud by

    day. In whatever way God decides to protect the Jews, it will be through His miracle hand. The

    Jews could be ten feet away from the Antichrist and he would not be able to touch them.

    And I looked, and, lo, a Lamb stood on the mou nt Sion, and w ith him an hun dred

    forty and four thou sand, having his Father's name written in their foreheads. Andthey sung as it were a n ew son g before the throne, and b efore the four beasts, and the

    elders: and no man could learn that song bu t the hundre d and forty and four

    thousand, which we re redeemed from the earth (Revelation 14:1,3). The 144,000 Jews who

    will be sealed with the seal of the Living God are not meant to be preachers or soul winners. One

    modern writer claims they will bring multitudes into the Kingdom. The Bible does not say that.

    The Bible plainly tells us what is going to happen to the 144,000 Jews. These are they which

    follow the Lamb whithersoever he goeth. These we re redeem ed from among men,

    being the firstfruits u nto God an d to the Lamb (Revelation 14:4). God has a special plan. If

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    you want to learn what God is revealing about prophecy, you must study the Bible carefully. In this

    hour God is giving knowledge, a great, beautiful revelation to His people so they can understand all

    that He told Daniel and realize what is happening today.

    The spirit of Babylon will be destroyed. How God has hated that spirit! It began when the devilconvinced man to join in with him, and is thriving yet today. The godlessness of the Antichrist has

    been and will be in all the world kingdoms; part of this system includes cults and the occult.

    Universities give more and more credibility to the psychic, Eastern mysticism, astrology, and

    witchcraft. The occult grows stronger each day as the world prepares to accept the kingdom of the

    Antichrist. Much of the occult appears innocent. Astrology charts in the daily papers seem

    harmless to many who follow them; but astrology is part of Lucifer's plan, under his direction. It

    was the devil's crowd who called astrologers the wise men of the kingdom. If no biblical reasons

    existed other than those found in the book of Daniel to shun astrology it would be enough.

    Astrology was practiced during the time of the building of the tower of Babel; all these thousands ofyears it has been with us. Today in ever greater ways, it is popular because we are coming to the

    end of the age. Let now the astrologers, the stargazers, the m onthly prognosticators,

    stand up, and save thee from these things that shall come upon thee . Behold, they

    shall be as stu bble; the fire shall burn them; they shall not deliver the mselves from

    the pow er of the flame (Isaiah 47:13,14).

    Lukewarm Christians may accept astrology, even rely on it; but they are reaching for the devil, and

    he gladly draws them to his bosom. Your destiny is not written in the stars, but in Calvary through

    the blood of Jesus. Stars, planets do not influence you at birth. Your born-again experience is what

    counts. Jesus said,Verily, verily, I say unto the e, Except a man be b orn again, he cann ot

    see the kingdom of God (John 3:3). How you give your life to God determines your future.

    While all come into this world with the opportunity to yield to God, the devil deceives everyone he

    can. He has deceived many about astrology. If you have experimented with astrology for fun, you

    have toyed with the devil's "play-prettys."

    It's almost midnight now; the majority of Christians are asleep. They don't know the hour in which

    they live; they have no idea what this end-time hour is all about. Many are stirred for a moment,

    but they find reality too unsettling, and they go back to their old paths, scoffing at the truth. The

    lukewarmness of churches is a part of that spirit.

    God doesn't force the light upon people; He just makes it available. You can douse the light of God

    or you can use it. If you use the light of God, your path will be plain and the Holy Ghost can

    prepare you for the coming of Jesus. If you don't use the light of God, you will believe the devil

    when he whispers that sin is innocent, harmlesseven noble. In the past it seems that those who

    didn't serve God at least clung to good morals. No longer. Even Christians are affected by the

    laxity of the hour.

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    Dare to be a Daniel; stand up and be counted. If your children are doing wrong, stand against it; if

    you don't, you will lose them. I'm glad my parents stood for God. They gave us the truth, told us

    what was sin and what was righteous, what would happen if we went to the left, and what would

    happen if we went to the right. They didn't spare us. They warned us about unholy living, about

    sin. Night and day we were taught righteousness and holiness. This is the hour of opening your

    eyes to what is happening on the Earth as the age fast draws to a close.

    After being hidden away during the seven years Tribulation, the Children of God are coming back

    for the Perfect Age; the Bible says so. Can you read the handwriting on the wall? You must have

    God's intelligence from His Holy Word. What does the handwriting say to you today? Lift up your

    eyes and ask for God's intelligence to know what God is saying; look to God for understanding. Let

    God help you come to Him. You don't know when the hand will write that final message to you, the

    message that will seal your doom. Don't deceive yourself; the hand is writing.

    If the hand were to write for you today, would it mean eternal death? Read the handwriting that

    tells of Jesus' soon coming. Know the hour in which you live, know that the Antichrist is getting

    ready to make his appearance. The handwriting on the wall today says:Therefore be ye also

    ready: for in su ch an hou r as ye think n ot the Son of man cometh (Matthew 24:44).

    Through the handwriting on the wall of our hearts, the voice of the Lord comes to us:So likew ise

    ye, whe n ye shall see all these things, know that it [the Rapture and the Tribulation Period]

    is near, even at the doors (Matthew 24:33). We read more of the signs of the times,No w

    learn a p arable of the fig tree [the fig tree represents the Jewish nation]; When his branch is

    yet tender, and p utteth forth leaves, ye know that summ er is nigh (Matthew 24:32). Thefig tree, the Jewish nation, is in bloom. Again we read the handwriting on the wall for our day:

    This genera tion shall not pa ss, till all these things be fulfilled (Matthew 24:34). What

    generation was Jesus referring to here? The generation that would be on the face of the Earth

    when the Jews became a nation once again, the generation that was here in 1948.

    I behe ld till the thrones w ere cast dow n, and the Ancient of days did sit. Daniel has

    traveled all the way through civilization in this vision, to our day and beyond, to the end of the age.

    And the An cient of days did sit, whose garmen t was w hite as snow, and the hair of his

    head like the pu re w ool: his throne w as like the fiery flame, and his whe els as burn ingfire (Daniel 7:9). The Ancient of Daysthe Lordwill sit in judgment at the defeat of the

    Antichrist's kingdom.

    We who have been born new look at the handwriting on the wall without sorrow, without regrets

    but with great jubilation, realizing that we are the Rapture generation. We know that Jesus will

    come in our day. Our very spirits cry with John the Revelator: Even so, come, Lord Jesus

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    (Revelation 22:20). Through the Holy Spirit living and dwelling on the inside of us, we make that

    cry because as we look down, we see garments spotless, washed in the blood of Jesus. We're pure,

    clean, holy, walking in the fear and love of Almighty God. We're ready to take our flight at any

    time. We know we will be changed in a moment, in a twinkling of an eye, caught away to be with

    the Lord forever.

    If that thought sends fear into you, then move into the arms of God until the handwriting on the

    wall becomes clear to you, until all fear is gone, until you know that the handwriting isn't against

    you but for you, that no judgment awaits you in that message. Why? Because you met Calvary one

    day; your judgment took place when you accepted Jesus into your heart, and you were pardoned.

    The Lord said you're free for all time and eternity as long as you do not sin again. You are not

    going to stand before the judgment seat of Christ for your sins, for they have been washed away in

    the blood of Jesus. You will see the judgment of rewards, but not judgment for your sins.

    I love the handwriting on the wall for this hour; I love what it is saying to the born-again Christians

    today. I love it because I know who is writing, I know the words are the truth of God that I can

    embrace. As I look at all that is taking place in the world today, as I see Jews moving back to theHoly Land, I'm trying to convince everyone possible to move toward Rapture ground. The Spirit of

    God is drawing the Jews to Israel, but many will never leave America until they think their Messiah

    has come. Then there won't be enough planes flying into Israel to take all that want to go; however,

    it will be the Antichrist whom they see first.

    Read the handwriting. Isn't it glorious! But when you turn and read the message for those who

    have failed and disobeyed God, those who are walking in the night, the handwriting on the wall

    spells death. All we can do is cry out the truth; how tragic that so many do not want to hear it!

    Thus saith the Lord: My people in this hour must have my compassion. My people in this hour

    must have my love. My people in this hour must have my faith. My people must love

    righteousness and holiness. My people must love all the lost.

    When you came to me, saith the Lord, and you accepted the sacrifice of my Son, you accepted His

    blood, you accepted the responsibility to love all of the lost. You must love the lost. You must

    compel them to come to me through your great love that I have given to you. You must stand for

    all that I have given to you, all of my truths. You must put on all of my a rmor; you must not back

    down. You must not be critical. You must stretch forth hands of love and say, "Come to Jesus!

    Come to Jesus!" You must cry, "He is ready to deliver you! He is ready to set you free! He is

    ready to hold you up with a mighty hand! Come!" And cry to the weak, "Come and my Lord will

    make you strong! Come! My Lord will set you free. There's liberty and freedom! "

    And my Son came and brought liberty and freedom to all peoples. No one was left out. And in

    this final hour, men, women, boys and girls are receiving their final calls, saith the Lord. And

    those calls must be given with all of my love, with all of my compassion, with all of my mercy.

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    And I will bring multitudes into the Kingdom through the obedience of my people, saith the Lord.

    FOUR PICTURES OF PROPHECY AND THE GREAT DICTATOR TO COME, All rights reserved. Copyright 1990 Ernest Angley.

    All literature available on this page is owned exclusively by Ernest Angley Ministries and is available for your personal, noncommercial use

    only. You may freely download, print or distribute this literature without prior permission, as long as it is NOT altered and is distributed in

    its entirety.

    1999-2010. Ernest Angley Ministries. All Rights Reserved.

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