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The Call of Home

FoSP 2009 Programme

Apr 14, 2017



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Page 1: FoSP 2009 Programme

The Call of Home

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We earmark 50p of every ticket sold (and donations collected at various other events) to support two Projects:

The Refugee Survival TrustWorking to support destitute refugees and asylum seekers

The Festival Volunteer Peace ProgrammeFor our local and international volunteers at the festival, a programme of events,

groupwork and outings designed to build confidence, knowledge and connectedness.


Thursday 29 – Saturday 31 October 2009

A two day journey into the concept of ‘The Kingdom of God’ (or ‘Buddha mind’) from Christian

and Buddhist perspectives, at the Holy Isle Centre (off Lamlash, Arran)

If interested contact [email protected] or ring 0131 221 2271

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Contents4 Special Events 6 Conversations 14 Film 15 Performance Events

22 Spiritual Practices 26 Exhibitions 29 Workshops

32 Festival Diary 34 Booking Information

The Festival of Spirituality and Peace is a not-for-profit organisation dedicated to supporting those with a practical vision for peace. Each year we will partner with a humanitarian cause and 50p from each ticket sold will go directly to support their work. This year we will split all money raised in this way between our International Youth Peace Programme and the Refugee Survival Trust.

Astronaut Rusty Schweikart was on the Apollo mission which looked down on the earth for the first time, and he tried to describe the experience:

”You look down there and you can’t imagine how many borders and boundaries you crossed again and again and again. And you don’t even see ‘em. At that wake-up scene – the Mideast – you know there are hundreds of people killing each other over some imaginary line that you can’t see. From where you see it, the thing is whole, and it’s so beautiful. And you wish you could take one from each side in hand and say, ‘Look at it from this perspective. Look at that. What’s important?’ “

With a wider perspective and an enlarged vision we can see ourselves as a common humanity in a shared home. Indeed, the extent to which we do grasp this reality will

determine whether we live at peace or not in the difficult decades ahead.

This festival is for all who wish to work virally to infect the world with the antidote to violence, war and fear of the other. The role you play is unique and important and part of the whole – so come, let us all meet and work together.

Pax, salaam, shalom. Donald Reid, Director, on behalf of the FoSP team

In 1947, after the devastation of war, the Edinburgh International Festival was conceived to ‘provide a platform for the flowering of the human spirit’. The Festival of Spirituality and Peace seeks to reawaken the

heart of the festival for people who, after 9/11, want to work together for a peaceful future.

Welcome to the Festival of Spirituality and Peace

Scottish Episcopal Church

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Special events at the Festival of Spirituality and Peace 2009

Sunday 9 August, 9am – 10.15am

This silent walking meditation is an open event. It will be led by lay members of the Edinburgh Sangha of the Community of Interbeing, who follow the practice and teachings of Zen Buddhist Master, Thich Nhat Hanh. Before the walk begins there will be a brief introduction to mindful walking as meditation practice. Children are welcome when accompanied by adults. Starting at the mural at St John’s – venue 127 – and returning by 10.15am in time for the morning service.

COME HOME TO LAUGHTER £4 (pay on arrival)Laughter workshops with Nottingham Laughter Club’s Jo EadieMondays Tuesdays and Thursdays, 11am in the chapel at St John’s (venue 127)

Do you ever feel the yearning to go back to the more playful frame of mind that we all knew as children? Learn how to rediscover your innate capacity for joy by sharing the sound of laughter with others. Every Monday, Tuesday and Thursday during the Festival, each

session lasts approximately one hour. There’s no need to book, just turn up and laugh.

For more information visit call Jo on: 07816439510.


 LAUNCH EVENT THE CALL OF HOME FREESunday 9 August, 6pm – 7pm at St John’s (venue 127)

During the next three weeks we will look at various aspects of what makes us feel at home or where the longings of our hearts call us. Join us in our celebratory opening event featuring words, music and dance – including guests Hardeep Singh Kohli, performance poet Elspeth Murray, concert pianist Aleksander Kudajczyk, Ragamala dancers, St John’s Choir and others.

Followed by informal reception (until 8.30pm) with various festival artists and contributors present. Come mingle and celebrate! ALL WELCOME.

The Power of Pure Thoughts: FREEAn Interactive presentation with the Brahma Kumaris Youth GroupTuesday 11 August, 2pm - 3pm at St John’s (venue 127)

Thoughts can give happiness or sorrow and are influenced by many external factors leading to a roller coaster of emotions. When free of negative influences, we can experience the power of pure thoughts and peace in the mind.

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Special events at the Festival of Spirituality and Peace 2009

We are pleased to welcome these guests who will be preaching at services at St John’s:

John Bell preaching on 23 Aug @ 10.30am

Naim Ateek preaching on 23 Aug @ 6pm

James MacMillan preaching on 30 Aug @ 10.30am


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FINDING YOUR VOICE FREESunday 23 August, 12.30pm – 1.30pm at St John’s (venue 127)

An interactive discussion on using voice and sound to help, encourage and heal people. With John Bell, church musician and writer; Margery Bray who has devoted her life to caring for abused children and is currently using vibrational therapy or singing to heal traumatised children in Georgia; and Harriet Buchan (who played the long-suffering wife Jean in Taggart, the TV crimes series set in Glasgow) who now runs her own voice workshops as a form of therapy for people in a similar situation to Jean’s.

She says ‘you cannot sing and be sad’.


Wednesday 26 August, 4pm at St John’s (venue 127)

The Japanese Tea Ceremony, “Cha-no-Yu : Way of Tea”, originated in 16th Century Japan. The 4 principles of the Tea Ceremony are Harmony, Respect, Purity and Tran-

quillity. It synthesizes the Arts of elegant Kimono, flower arrangement, calligraphy, pottery, and philosophy into a way of

life. Mio Shapley, a qualified professor of Urasenke, warmly invites you to come and share a cup of tea and simplicity.

CLOSING EVENT COMING HOME £5/FREESunday 30 August, 8pm – 9.30pm at St John’s (venue 127)

At the end of the Festival we bring together the many strands in words, music, dance and story representing our aspirations for the world and our commitment to making it a home for all. With various festival performers and a surprise guest speaker – and, of course, a hearty rendition of ‘Auld Lang Syne’.

Free to all who have participated in FoSP events (please produce a ticket stub).

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WOMEN, ISLAM AND LIBERATION FREESaturday 8 August, 3.30pm - 5pm at Edinburgh Central Mosque (venue 48)

Farkhanda Chaudhry explains the position of Muslim women in societies and illustrates how they negotiate faith expectations in their personal and civic spheres.

Farkhanda is the first Muslim women Justice of the Peace in Scotland.She has led in the field of equalities, human rights and community development. Over the years she has developed and delivered training at an international level.

KEYNOTE: SCOTLAND THE WHAT? £7 (£5)Monday 10 August, 2pm – 3.15pm at St John’s (venue 127)

An ancient nation now part of a larger state. A warm but quarrelsome people. Hospitable and sectarian. Parochial and internationalist. Religious and pagan. Jekyll and Hyde? Ten years on from devolution Lord David Steel, first presiding officer of the new Scottish Parliament and political ‘wise man’, Revd Kathy Galloway, former leader of the Iona Community and John Loughton, winner of Big Brother Celebrity Hijack 2008, youngest ever chairperson of the Scottish youth Parliament and a member of the Commission for Scottish Devolution, discuss Scotland – her people, her soul, her creativity and ingenuity and… her dark side.

KEYNOTE: GOD, THE POET AND THE DEVIL £7 (£5)Monday 10 August, 5.45pm – 7pm at St John’s (venue 127)

Robert Burns famously wrote: “O wad some pow’r the giftie gie us, tae see oursel’s as ithers see us.” How did he himself see the religious

and other leaders of his day and the religion and politics they peddled? What has the satirical, insightful, subversive all-too-

human bard got to say which is relevant still? With Donald Smith, director of the Scottish Storytelling Centre and author of God, the Poet and the Devil in conversation with Robyn Marsack, director of the Scottish Poetry Library.

KEYNOTE: THE GLOBAL QUEST FOR MEANING £7 (£5)Tuesday 11 August, 5.45pm – 7pm at St John’s (venue 127)

While some would contest that spirituality is an innate human faculty, Ursula King offers a global vision of the quest for meaning and fulfilment and the potential of spirituality for personal and social transformation. How is spirituality lived out? How is it caught and taught? Does it really make a difference to people’s lives? Can it change the world as we know it? In conversation with Elizabeth Templeton, lover of God and neighbour and eminent Scottish theologian.





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HOW THE CHILDREN OF VENEZUELA ARE TEACHING SCOTLAND HOW TO PLAY £5 (£3.50)Wednesday 12 August, 12.30pm – 1.30pm at St John’s (venue 127)

Richard Holloway and Nicola Killean will talk about the revolutionary music education system, El Sistema, that has transformed the lives of hundreds of thousands of children in Venezuela (including the now world-famous Gustavo Dudamel) and their work in bringing it to Raploch in Stirling. They will also show a short film of their work.

In collaboration with Sistema Scotland

IS GOD DISABLED? FREEWednesday 12 August, 2.15pm – 3.15pm at St John’s (venue 127)

Christians see Christ as fully human and yet as a figure who knows our limitations. How can we recast our theological views on disability so that we liberate people with disability – our largest minority? – from views that merely add to their social disadvantage? Why do we think that disability is a problem to be solved rather than a way of life to be valued and lived out? Where is God in disability? Could it be that God is disabled? With John Swinton, a registered nurse and theologian at the Centre for Spirituality, Health and Disability in Aberdeen and Philip Conway, founder of Cool2Care, an organisation that brings together families of disabled children with people who want to care for them.

IS JESUS THE SON OF GOD? FREEFriday 14 August, 7pm - 8.30 pm at Edinburgh Central Mosque (venue 48)

British writer Idris Tawfiq was a Roman Catholic priest before becoming a Muslim nine years ago. In this talk, he will explain how he has come to reconcile his former beliefs with what he believes today as a Muslim and why, in his opinion,

Jesus came to be regarded as a god by Christians.

“PEACE! PEACE!” THEY CRY, BUT THERE IS NO PEACE £5 (£3.50)Saturday 15 August, 10.45am – 11.45am at St John’s (venue 127)

In Northern Ireland the Good Friday agreement has seen former foes come into government and a cessation of violence described as peace. What is the relationship between political change and movement towards peace in the hearts and minds of people? And how fragile is the settlement? What are the police to do while the politicians negotiate or do nothing? Bob, formerly an officer in the Royal Ulster Constabulary talks candidly about his feelings with Bishop David Chillingworth whose career in the ministry of the Church of Ireland was consistently focussed on issues of conflict and reconciliation.

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DO I KEN YER FAITHER? £5 (£3.50)Saturday 15 August, 12.30pm – 1.30pm at St John’s (venue 127)

Three famous Asian Scots - writer, presenter and comedian Hardeep Singh Kohli, Suhayl Saadi (author of Psychoraag and Joseph’s Box) and Atta Yaqub (star of the film Ae Fond Kiss) – talk about their experience of growing up in Scotland and pursuing their chosen paths and reveal the places where art and life can enthuse us all!

WHOSE HOLY LAND? ISLAM’S VIEW ON JERUSALEM FREESunday 16 August, 3.30pm - 5.30pm at Edinburgh Central Mosque (venue 48)

Jerusalem and the Holy Land are at the heart of the three monotheistic religions; Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Khalid El-Awaisi and Idris Tawfiq explore Islamicjerusalem’s rich history and explain why the Holy Land is significant to Muslims.

Khalid El-Awaisi is the Director of the Centre for Islamicjerusalem Studies at Al-Maktoum Institute – University of Aberdeen. His latest book is “Geographical Dimensions of Islamicjerusalem”.Idris Tawfiq is the author of eight books about Islam, his latest being “Looking for Peace in the Land of the Prophets”.

KEYNOTE: PREVENTING VIOLENT EXTREMISM £7 (£5)Monday 17 August, 2pm – 3.15pm at St John’s (venue 127)

The UK and Scottish Governments have stepped up efforts to prevent violent extremism. But what is the best way of tackling it - and what are its causes? Politicised Muslims? Foreign policy? How can we build a common home for all UK citizens and residents which is secure? A discussion with Nick Croft, Scottish Preventing Violent Extremism Unit, Professor David Miller, Strathclyde University and Osama Saeed, Scottish-Islamic Foundation.

KEYNOTE: CONVERSION: DAMNED IF YOU DO, DAMNED IF YOU DON’T £7 (£5)Monday 17 August, 5.45pm – 7pm at St John’s (venue 127)

In a world where the religions intermingle it is more and more likely there will be converts between them – whether through marriage or not. Are believers free to convert? Will this increase understanding or be itself a cause of conflict? Idris Tawfiq, a Muslim writer (formerly a Catholic priest) discusses this with Ravinder Kaur Nijjar (Sikh faith), Rabbi David Rose and Olav Fykse Tveit from Norway (where Muslims and Christians have agreed a joint declaration on the freedom of religion and the right to conversion).

Sponsored by the Edinburgh Inter-Faith Association in its 20th year.






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KEYNOTE: FINDING THE DESERT IN THE CITY? £7 (£5)Tuesday 18 August, 5.45pm – 7pm at St John’s (venue 127)

Now that over half the population of the world lives in cities, Philip Sheldrake, a prolific author on spirituality, and Riccardo Marini, Edinburgh City’s design leader help us to explore how spirituality and place inter-relate, particularly with reference to the cities. Both cities and spirituality can be places of escape, of isolation as well as of freedom. How do we experience cities and how can we design them as places which nourish the soul? In conversation with Revd Stuart MacQuarrie, chaplain of the University of Glasgow and practical man of the world.

WHAT IS SCHOOL FOR? FREEWednesday 19 August, 12.30pm – 1.30pm at St John’s (venue 127)

Rudolf Steiner’s spiritual picture of human development has given rise to many practical expressions, amongst them Ruskin Mill where Aonghus Gordon discovered that when young people with learning difficulties worked with craftspeople in natural environments on real-life, purposeful tasks, their personal, emotional, social skills and health improved dramatically. Cathy Bache, influenced by the teachings of Thich Nhat Hanh founded the Secret Garden Outdoor Nursery in Fife to offer children an opportunity to develop curiosity and learning through engagement with nature, the seasons and the elements. In discussion with Sebastian Tombs, director of Architecture and Design Scotland and a longstanding follower of the Steiner’s thinking.

Please see our linked exhibition on Steiner Education (from Tuesday 18 to Sunday 23 August) mounted by the Edinburgh Steiner School. In collaboration with the Anthroposophical Society.

WHAT IS UNIVERSITY FOR? FREEWednesday 19 August, 2.15pm – 3.15pm at St John’s (venue 127)

Recent decades have seen enormous changes in university education. From grants to top-up fees, ivory towers to ‘knowledge transfer’, and with an ever-growing number of students, the role of Higher Education in our society is a subject of constant debate. Fiona Hyslop MSP Minister for Education, Sir John Arbuthnott, former principal of the University of Strathclyde and Salters Sterling, former Academic Secretary of Trinity College Dublin, discuss the influence of government policy and corporate sponsorship on

academic freedom and ask: what is the role of university education in modern society? Facilitated by Revd Di Williams, Chaplain at the University of Edinburgh.

Sponsored by the Student Christian Movement.







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THATCHERISM IN A COLD CLIMATE £5 (£3.50)Saturday 22 August, 10.45am – 11.45am at St John’s (venue 127)

Thirty years since her election, much has been written commemorating Margaret Thatcher’s premiership. Notoriously the object of hostility in Scotland, have the passing years changed our perspective on her legacy? David Torrance, author of We in Scotland: Thatcherism in a Cold Climate in discussion with the Revd Dr Norman Shanks, former civil servant and convener of the Church and Nation Committee of the Church of Scotland for a four-year term from the 1988 General Assembly when she preached her ‘Sermon on the Mound’.

STORIES YOU CAN BELIEVE IN £5 (£3.50)Saturday 22 August, 12.30pm – 1.30pm at St John’s (venue 127)

Michael Morpurgo, famous childrens’ author and former Children’s Laureate and Linda Bandelier from the Scottish Storytelling Centre discuss how children and young people form their views of the world and the narrative for their lives. In an age when the Bible and other sacred texts are less known, have books and films provided an alternative treasure of stories telling the great truths about good and evil, light and dark. Michael Morpurgo will also read from his forthcoming book The Kites are Flying (to be published in November 2009).

FASTING IN RAMADAN: Exploring the significance of an age old rite in today’s world FREE Sunday 23 August, 3.30pm - 5.00pm at Edinburgh Central Mosque (venue 48)

An interactive discussion with Professor Aziz Sheikh marking the beginning of the month of Ramadan.

Aziz is professor of Primary Care Research and Development (Division of Community Health Sciences at the University of Edinburgh). His personal and professional experience will allow him to shed both a practical and spiritual light on the concept of Ramadan.




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KEYNOTE: THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL? £7 (£5)Monday 24 August, 2pm – 3.15pm at St John’s (venue 127)

Money scandals in high finance and in politics have rocked our economy and our political system to the core. After decades of ‘greed is good’ and the pursuit of money, what remains when we are disillusioned? Is this a crisis or an opportunity? Can a materialist society re-centre itself on other values? With two authoritative figures who saw it coming: Vincent Cable MP, author of The Storm and Nic Marks, from the New Economics Foundation.

KEYNOTE: LIVING TOGETHER £7 (£5)Monday 24 August, 5.45pm – 7pm at St John’s (venue 127)

Can different peoples occupy the same homeland peaceably? Revd Naim Ateek is a Palestinian Anglican priest and an Arab citizen of Israel. He discusses with Dr George Wilkes, a Jewish academic and the founder of the Religion and Ethics in War and Peace-Making Programme at the University of Cambridge, whether it is possible for the people of Israel / Palestine to share a home.

KEYNOTE: EASTERN SPIRITUALITY… IN THE WEST £7 (£5)Tuesday 25 August, 5.45pm – 7pm at St John’s (venue 127)

Buddhism is an eastern religion which has enormous appeal in western countries. Why? And can westerners, part of an angst-ridden impatient culture, really adapt to a religious tradition from such a different culture? Rob Nairn, a world famous Buddhist teacher discusses this with Anne Donovan, author of Buddha da! (about a working man in Glasgow who perplexes his family and friends by embracing Buddhism).

TOXIC CHILDHOOD.... £5 (£3.50)Wednesday 26 August, 12.30pm – 1.30pm at St John’s (venue 127)

A discussion on how modern life is damaging our children with Sue Palmer, author of the best-selling book Toxic Childhood and John Frank, Professor of Public Health. Britain’s teenagers have more problems than those in any other country in Europe.

So what is going wrong?

Why is there such an increase in childhood depression?

Why are behavioural problems on the increase?

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TOXIC CHILDHOOD....…AND WHAT WE CAN DO ABOUT IT £5 (£3.50)Wednesday 26 August, 2.15pm – 3.15pm at St John’s (venue 127)

Rob Nairn, an internationally renowned Buddhist teacher and author talks about the possibilities of using traditional techniques of mindfulness

to offer people with significant mental or behavioural problems a path to a higher level of contentment and fulfilment in life. In conversation with

Carol Craig, author of The Scots’ Crisis of Confidence and director of the Centre for Confidence and Wellbeing.

In collaboration with Mindfulness Scotland.

ON CREATIVITY £5 (£3.50)Saturday 29 August, 10.45am – 11.45am at St John’s (venue 127)

Through a career in television and the arts, John Tusa has met and interviewed some of the leading creative minds of our time. Here he discusses with Charlie Miller, hairdressing luminary and spiritual nomad, what makes for creativity and how new things are brought to be.

THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS £5 (£3.50)Saturday 29 August, 12.30pm – 1.30pm at St John’s (venue 127)

We welcome back Abbot Christopher Jamison of Worth Abbey (where the documentary ‘The Monastery’ was filmed) who turns to the monastic tradition to seek answers to the questions: what does it mean to be happy? Where do we find true happiness? In the credit-crunched world of today how can we be fulfilled? In conversation with Phil Hanlon, Professor of Public Health at the University of Glasgow. PAGE 12

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SECULARISM – A POSITIVE ANSWER? £5 (£3.50)Saturday 29 August, 2.15pm – 3.15pm at St John’s s (venue 127)

Religion is often described as the cause of conflict and oppression. If this is so, can a secular state provide a safer home for people of all religions - and none? With Revd Naim Ateek a Palestinian Christian who is the founder and head of the Sabeel Ecumenical Liberation Theology Centre in Jerusalem and Revd Ewan Aitken who, as an ordained minister and local councillor straddles both worlds.

MARGARET ATWOOD £9 (£7) Sunday 30 August, 3.30pm – 4.30pm at St John’s (venue 127)

Margaret Atwood in Edinburgh is always memorable but this year we have a very special event for the Book Festival. To launch her new novel, The Year of the Flood, Margaret Atwood has created a unique event of performance, music and song to be presented in the inspiring surroundings of St John’s Church on Princes Street. Come and join us as we step outside the gardens for what will be the highlight of 2009.

An Edinburgh International Book Festival event in partnership with the Festival of Spirituality and Peace* book through the Book Festival box office or



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• ROUND TABLE DIALOGUES •With so many eminent visitors attending the Festival of Spirituality and Peace 2009,

there will be several invitation-only Round Table Dialogues on issues such as:

• Israel / Palestine •• Toxic / detoxing childhood •

• Conversion •• The purpose of education •

• Homelessness •• Faith and politics •

• Religion and belief and human rights •• The Golden Rule •

• Disability •• The Climate Change challenge to faith •

If you are a practitioner in any of these fields and would like to attend, please see for more details or contact the director,

Donald Reid on 0131 221 2271

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THE WAR REQUIEM £6.50 (£4.90)Friday 21 August, 8.45pm at Edinburgh Filmhouse, Lothian Road

In 1989, Derek Jarman (1942-1994), producer Don Boyd, performer Tilda Swinton and others made The War Requiem, a film of Benjamin Britten’s acclaimed opera. It depicted soldiers like Siegrie Sassoon and Wilfred Owen who were treated in Craiglockhart War Hospital, Edinburgh for “shell shock” by the famous W H R Rivers. In 1997, the Rivers Centre was established at the Royal Edinburgh Hospital near Craiglockhart, as Scotland’s leading provider of treatment for what is now called traumatic stress.

In 2009, the War Requiem was beautifully, digitally restored. This very special screening of the restored film, which we hope will be attended by Tilda Swinton and Don Boyd, is a tribute to a chain of inspiring people beginning with W H Rivers and ending with the current staff and veterans of the Rivers Centre (also called The Edinburgh Centre for Traumatic Stress).

SCOTTISH SHORTS £6.50 (£4.90)Friday 28 August, 6.00pm at Edinburgh Filmhouse, Lothian Road

The remarkable classic short films Gasman, Portrait of Ga and Neighbours are all, in some way, about war and peace. The pacifist Neighbours won an Oscar and Picasso called it the best film ever made. Portrait of Ga is an exquisite little film in which the director seems to touch her granny. Gasman is one of Lynne Ramsay’s remarkably poetic movies about the distance between people.

The selection is completed by Small Deaths, Lynne Ramsey’s debut film, and winner of the jury prize for best short film at the 1996 Cannes Film Festival, and Margaret Tait’s offbeat, poetic and affectionate portrait of the famous Scottish bard, Portrait of Hugh McDiarmid.

To book: or 0131 228 2688

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YATHRA (JOURNEY) presented by Ragamala Dance £12 (£10)Monday 10 – Sunday 23 August (except Thursdays), 7.30pm at St John’s (venue 127)

Ragamala Dance have won critical acclaim all over the world for their breathtaking con-temporary presentation of Bharatanatyam (the ancient dance form of Southern India). Following their highly successful 2008 Fringe appearance, Ragamala return with the Eu-

ropean premiere of Yathra (Journey), exploring the intricacies of the human journey from the dawn of birth to the twilight of life. Yathra is an original composition by

renowned New-Delhi-based soloists and composers Shubhendra Rao on the Sitar and Saskia Rao on her Indian Cello, both performing live.

“The performers are masters of their art. A once-in-a-lifetime experience.” (The Fringe Review).

UHAMBO presented by Umkhathi Theatre Works £10 (£8)Monday 10 – Saturday 15 August, 4pm at St John’s (venue 127)

Join one of Zimbabwe’s premiere theatre companies as they take you on a journey through the inspiring music and traditions of Southern Africa’s tribal communities. Uhambo tells the story of a young man leaving home on a journey of love as he tries to raise the labola (dowry) he requires to marry the king’s daughter. Music, dance and theatre combine to capture the spirit of Africa and the joy of love.

With the kind support of the Aberdeen International Youth Festival.

RENDITION MONOLOGUES £8 (£5)Monday 17 August - Sunday 23 August, 4pm at St John’s (venue 127)

Presented by iceandfire theatre (

Scripted by Christine Bacon. Original score by Michael Edwards

This documentary play, accompanied by a live score, weaves together first-hand accounts of four men who have been victims of “extraordinary rendition”, the CIA’s practice of transferring people to prisons for interrogation as terror suspects in countries where there is a known risk of torture.

“You are in a land where there are no laws. Do you know what that means? We can bury you or keep you in this prison for 20 years and nobody on earth would ever know”.

Post-show discussions after each show. Supported by Reprieve.

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COMING HOME: SUSANNE OLBRICH AND MARGOT HENDERSON £8 (£5)Saturday 15 August, 5.45pm – 7pm at St John’s (venue 127)

At the heart of all our yearnings is the desire to come home. Weaving together piano music, poetry, story and song we invite the audience home to themselves and to the present moment. Susanne’s work as a composer and pianist forms a unique contemporary blend of jazz, classical and other influences. Margot recites her own poetry and that of Thay, Tagore and Rumi. Coming home is an experience which is light-hearted, uplifting, meditative and thought-provoking.

NEWFANGLED FOLK: DAVID FERRARD AND KIM EDGAR IN CONCERT£10 (£8)Saturday 15 August, 9.30pm at St John’s (venue 127)

Two of Scotland’s brightest emerging songwriters collaborate for an evening of compelling storytelling. Meaningful lyrics fused with strong creative melodies and emotive harmonies. Their 2008 debut albums were each named ‘Album Of The Week’ by BBC Radio Scotland’s Iain Anderson.

“Sweet, crystal vocals” Glasgow Evening Times; “very moving, literate, allusive and expressively sung.” ✸ ✸ ✸ ✸ ✸ Scotland On Sunday.

DON’T WANT TO LIVE ON THE MOON £8 (£5)Performance poetry by Elspeth Murray and Richard MedringtonSundays 16, 23 and 30 August, 2pm at St John’s (venue 127)

Home is an eternal poetic theme. Listen to Richard Medrington and Elspeth Murray, “two of Scotland’s most entertaining performers and poets” (Scottish Poetry Library) as they present a selection of their own and others’ poetry around this evocative subject. With musical guests handpicked from the very best of Edinburgh’s festival talent.

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ALEKSANDER KUDAJCZYK: CHOPIN RECITAL £10 (£8)Saturday 22 August, 6pm – 7pm (venue 127)

Aleksander Kudajczyk, a graduate of the Music Academy in Lodz, Poland, made Scotland his home in 2006. He enthralled the world’s media when his virtuoso playing was overheard at the Glasgow University Chapel. He is now playing to sell-out audiences around Scotland and abroad, as well as teaching and inspiring future pianists. It is 160 years since Chopin’s death. In his memory, Aleksander is playing a Chopin Recital including the composer’s patriotic Polonaise in A flat major and Fantasy in F and rounding off with some of his aristocratic waltzes.

BODEGA: LIVE £10 (£8)Saturday 22 and Sunday 23 August, 9.30pm at St John’s (venue 127)

Formed in 2005, Scottish sensations Bodega were quick to attract recognition winning the much coveted BBC Radio 2 Young Folk Musicians of the Year Award 2006. Since then, Bodega have toured extensively taking their unique and modern brand of traditional Scottish and Celtic music to a growing army of fans both here in Scotland and overseas. The Festival of Spirituality and Peace is very proud to welcome Bodega to this year’s Festival for two very special performances. This is your chance to see some of Scotland’s most exciting young musicians performing in one of Edinburgh’s most beautiful churches.

“Collectively, they may just be the future of traditional music”. (Jack Evans)

Waverley Care Presents:

THE ARMED MAN: A MASS FOR PEACEConducted by Christopher Bell, pianist Stephen DoughtySoloists: Alison Beck, Morag Campbell, Mike Towers £10 (£8)Sunday 23 August, 6pm at Erskine Stewart’s Melville Performing Arts Centre

Christopher Bell conducts a massed choir of 300 singers for this one-off performance of Karl Jenkins’ compelling work. Initially dedicated to the victims of the Kosovo conflict, “The Armed Man” combines text from the Latin mass; a muezzin’s ‘call to prayer’; a fifteenth-century French song and words by Tennyson and Kipling.

To join the chorus as a singer (afternoon rehearsal) please contact Waverley Care directly on 0131 226 2206 ([email protected]). Singers’ tickets £12.50 (£9.50)

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TAIKO DOJO DRUMFEST £12 (£10)Monday 24 August - Saturday 29 August (except Thursday 27th), 7.30pm at St John’s (venue 127)

A mesmerising display of exhilarating rhythms, martial choreography & high energy from the rising stars of taiko, trained at the Mugen Taiko Dojo, the UK’s premier training centre for this thrilling art form, which has made its home here in central Scotland. For more information on all the performances, activities & groups based at the Dojo, go to

Leading up to the Festival of Spirituality and Peace, the Mugen Taiko Dojo will be running a series of Taiko workshops at St John’s Church. The workshops begin on Wednesday 24th of June and culminate with performances during the Festival. For more in-formation contact the Mugen Taiko Dojo on: 01357 522 008 or email: [email protected]

COME HOME TO THE PLANET: PAUL BAKER-HERNÁNDEZ £8 (£5)Thursday 27 August, 4pm at St John’s (venue 127)

Still playing the guitar he fashioned from rubbish in Nunraw Abbey 40 years ago, Paul shares songs and stories, wonderful people and projects for peace through eco-justice and beauty from his ‘career’ invading Balmoral, playing for 300,000 (plus a Pope) in Glasgow, fighting death squads in LA, revolting in Nicaragua, and much more.

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THE SCOTTISH WORLD: BILLY KAY WITH ROD PATERSON, £12 (£10) DEREK HOY AND NORMAN CHALMERSSaturday 29 August, 4pm at St John’s (venue 127)

Billy Kay, charismatic and eloquent, writer, broadcaster and author of The Scottish World, is one of the great chroniclers of Scottish culture. In this special musical evening, with the legendary talents of Scottish traditional musicians Rod Paterson, Norman Chalmers and Derek Hoy – members of Jock Tamson’s Bairns - Billy and the Bairns celebrate in music, story and song the incredible influence of the Scottish diaspora in far flung countries of the world.

Among the highlights which have captivated audiences at several Scottish festivals are: the French romantic love song with a Scottish setting, “Garçon Malheureux”; the hymn “Alteren’s Sacrament” by 17th century Norwegian poet Petter Dass, son of Peter Dundas from Dundee, translated back into Dass’s ither mither tongue, Scots, and movingly sung by Paterson; the North East song from the Peninsular War, “The Forfar Sojer”; songs of exile like “The Sun Rises Bright in France” and the Scots Canadian classic written by a Border shepherd, “The Scarboro Settlers Lament.”


Thursday 3 September, 7.30pm at St John’s (venue 127)

Music with a distinctly Scottish flavour, ranging from early sacred music from the time of Mary, Queen of Scots, MacMillan’s monumental Mass and in contrast some

rather lighter folk songs! Followed by a glass of wine!

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RANGANIKA, ISLAND OF DANCE ( £10 (£8 conc/£5 child)7-9, 11-16, 18-23, 25-30 August, 4.30pm at St George’s West (venue 157)

Sri Lanka’s back in town! The pulsating rhythm of traditional drums. The vibrancy of young dancers in striking indigenous costumes, performing trance like rituals with fire and devil masks. All combine to produce mesmerising show.

CREOLE CHOIR OF CUBA £15 (£12 conc/£5 child)7-31 August, 6pm at St George’s West (venue 157)

Undiscovered voices of the Caribbean. Extraordinary voices, exquisite harmonies, thrilling percussion, spectacular evening of music and dance. The sensational choir preserves musical treasures from Haiti, Dominica, Cuba, Brazil and sings today’s sizzling latin hits. ‘The Latin Soweto!’

A TOWN CALLED ADDIS £12 (£10 conc/£5 child)7-26 August, 7.20pm at St George’s West (venue 157)

Azmari songs, Ethiojazz, 70s Reggae to 90s Afropop, from the music halls and nightclubs of Addis Ababa. Count Dubulah transports you with his 9-piece collective direct from Ethiopia. Dance into the African night.

✸ ✸ ✸ ✸ ✸ (Independent)

MERCY MADONNA OF MALAWI £12 (£10 conc/£5 child)7-31 August, 3pm at St George’s West (venue 157)

African dance musical. The true story of the girl Madonna left behind goes beyond the tabloids. A

modern day African ‘Annie’. The moral maze when celebrity and poverty collide. ‘...

an emotional rollercoaster.

Unmissable’ (Malawi Times)

To book: 0844 4771000

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CAPOEIRA KNIGHTS: THE BOYS FROM BRAZIL £15 (£12 conc/£5 child)*7-31 August, 9pm at St George’s West (venue 157)

The award-winning six packs return. ‘Spectacular dance show ... packed with muscle, backflips, blistering samba beats ... a big hunk of upbeat Brazilian soul. ‘A jaw-dropping performance’ (Scotsman). A Capoeira explosion. Brazilliant!

*except 28 – 30 Aug £18 (£14 / £7 child)

THE CHURCH OF SALSA 12-13,19-20,26-27 August, 10.30pm £5

14-15,21-22,28-29 August, 10.30pm £10

at St George’s West (venue 157)

World’s hottest latin club featuring live music from legendary Cuban band Sonora la Calle and the sensational Sister Samba from Brazil. Dance the night away to the sensational sounds of salsa, samba, afro-reggae. Everybody fiesta!

Please note, there are cheaper preview performances for most of the World events on Thursday 6 August.

SAMBA SENE AND DIWAN £15 (£12 conc/£5 child) 27-31 August, 7.20pm at St George’s West (venue 127)

World party music with Senegalese soul. Afrobeats, jazzy grooves, impassioned vocals by charismatic singer Samba Sene, infectious guitar licks, sassy horns, pinch of ska and

irresistible dance grooves. ‘Smooth African funk’ (Skinny). ‘African party central’ (Herald).

To book: 0844 4771000

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A MINUTE OF SILENCE FOR PEACE FREEDaily, 1pm – 1.01pm, everywhere

Every day at 1pm you are invited to take a minute to reflect on the need for peace in the world... Wherever you are, stop and reflect. This event is included in the Edinburgh Fringe, to encourage people to stand for peace, wherever they are.

MINDFULNESS@LUNCHTIME FREETuesdays 4 and 11 August, 12.15pm - 2pm at St Mark’s Unitarian Church (venue 125)

Stop for a while, come and find peace and mindfulness@lunchtime - guided sitting and walking meditation, enjoying our food together, mindfully in silence, and ending with a short silent meditation, returning to the world refreshed! Mindfulness is gently bringing our attention to the present moment, invoking our inherent capacity for healing and renewal. Please bring your own lunch.

Jointly organised by the Community of Interbeing and Unitarians in Edinburgh.

INTER-FAITH PRAYERS & MEDITATIONS FOR PEACE FREEWednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, 5.30pm – 6.30pm at St John’s (venue 127)

Come nourish your heart! Enjoy an oasis of stillness and sanctuary to encourage peace and harmony for us all. Join us in any or all of these ways to reflect.

Taizé music and silence (Wednesdays 12, 19 and 26 August )

Dances of Universal Peace Chants from different faith traditions(Thursdays 13, 20 and 27 August)

Time for Rest and Silence(Fridays 14, 21 and 28 August)

HEALING FREEThursdays 13, 20, 27 August, 1.45pm-3.30pm in chapel at St John’s (venue 127)

Need a quiet time out of the busy rush of the Festival and Fringe? Why not come for a healing? Available for those of all faiths and none, it is given by members of the National Federation of Spiritual Healers (NFSH). Relaxing, gentle and safe. Try it for yourself. The healing is free, but donations towards Festival costs would be gratefully appreciated.


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Mon 10 Martin Aelred (voice)

Tue 11 Theresa Steward (piano) and Kirstin Anderson (voice)

Wed 12 Sacred Sounds by Mio and friends (harp and sound)

Thu 13 Clarelynn Rose (guitar and baroque lute) and Julie Bell (Taizé chants)

Fri 14 Ben Kearsley (classical guitar)

Mon 17 Theresa Steward (piano) and Kirstin Anderson (voice)

Tue 18 Sacred Sounds by Mio and friends (harp and sound)

Wed 19 Norman Lamont (voice/sound loops/chants)

Thu 20 Clarelynn Rose (guitar and baroque lute) and Julie Bell (Taizé chants)

Fri 21 Ben Kearsley (classical guitar)

Mon 24 Norman Lamont (voice/sound loops/chants)

Tue 25 Martin Aelred (voice)

Wed 26 Paul Baker-Hernandez (guitar and voice)

Thu 27 Clarelynn Rose (guitar and baroque lute) and Julie Bell (Taizé chants)

Fri 28 Ben Kearsley (classical guitar)

SACRED SPACE FREEWeekdays, 9.30pm – 10.30pm at St John’s (venue 127)

Experience the stillness and mystery of our beautiful, candle-lit church. Music and silence in the midst of a busy festival.Spend an hour with some of Edinburgh’s finest musicians in one of its finest buildings.


EDINBURGH LABYRINTH - path for reflection (venue 87)

Take a moment out of the busyness of the Festival and walk the beautiful labyrinth in George Square Gardens. It is open 7am-7pm during the Festival. For details of guided walks see

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The Choir of St John’s choir is one of the LEADING church choirs in Edinburgh. They invite you to enjoy the riches of church music, both traditional and contemporary, at services in August:

CHORAL MATINSSundays, 9.30am at St John’s (venue 127)

Featuring music by Purcell, Mendlessohn and Haydn in their anniversary years, Howells, Dove and Stanford.

CHORAL EUCHARISTSSundays, 10.30am at St John’s (venue 127)

With settings of the Mass by Mendelssohn, Carver, the Iona Community and John Bell and James MacMillan (Mass for Westminster Cathedral). Please note that John Bell and James MacMillan will be speaking about music and liturgy in the services on 23 and 30 August respectively.

CHORAL EVENSONGSundays, 6pm at St John’s (venue 127)

With contemporary music and words (9 August) and music ranging from Purcell, the Golden Age of Gibbons and Byrd, early Scottish composers John Angus and David Peebles to Stanford.

Please see separate leaflet for the full listing of music at St John’s and see page 19 for a concert listing.


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A JOURNEY TO THE QURANSaturday 15 August, 3.30pm - 5pm at Edinburgh Central Mosque (venue 48)

The Quran! A unique revelation with an eternal and universal message, it contains guidance on all aspects of life. Quranic words remain unaltered, guiding Muslims today as it did over 1,400 years ago. Its beautiful recitation and eloquent language provides its audience with a heart-rending experience.

Sheikh Ahmed Saad (Bridges Foundation), who will be reciting, graduated from the prestigious Al-Azhar University in Cairo and is now the Imam of North London Central Mosque.

MIDDAY MEDITATION with Ani Rinchen Khandro DONATIONSFriday 28 August, 12pm St John’s Church Chapel (venue 127)

If you’re suffering with Festival burn-out or simply want to learn how meditation can help you become less stressed, more relaxed and ‘at home’ in your mind why not pop along to this one-off lunch time session.

Tibetan Buddhist nun Ani Rinchen Khandro will give simple mindfulness meditation instruction for use in your daily life. You don’t need to be a Buddhist or a meditator, but just a human being wanting to improve your quality of life from the inside out.

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ART ON THE OUTSIDE FREEFriday 8 August - Monday 31 August at St John’s Church (venue 127)

St John’s has become famous over the last 26 years for its murals commenting incisively – and often controversially - on topical issues. View – and comment on – the festival mural unveiled on Friday 8 August (see There will also be a second mural planned by the youth programme of the Festival of Spirituality and Peace, painted later in the month.

Saturday 1 – Monday 31 August, 12noon – 6pm (Fridays 2pm – 6pm) at Edinburgh Central Mosque (venue 48)

The city’s largest mosque is host once again to this popular exhibition, a unique experience of Islamic art and knowledge. Friendly guides are on hand to answer your questions. Admission, literature and refreshments are free.

See for full details and listings

HOPE-INTO-HOMES: INTERFAITH IN ACTION FREESaturday 1 – Monday 31 August, 9am – 1pm and 2pm – 5pm (Sundays 12noon – 3pm) at St Mary’s Cathedral (venue 91)

For three years, a group from Edinburgh have shown that people of different faiths (or no faith) can work together to make a difference. They have chosen to do this by going to build houses alongside people in need in various parts of the world. Trips have taken place to Kyrgyzstan and Malawi, with group members also going to build in Chile and Hungary. This exhibition documents the work involved, from initial fund-raising here in Edinburgh, through the actual building process, to the handover of the house to its new owner.

JOY OF CREATION An exhibition of Quilts FREE A Feast of beauty and colour Saturday 1 – Monday 31 August, 9am – 1pm and 2pm – 5pm (Sundays 12.00 – 3pm) at St Mary’s Cathedral (venue 91)

Quilters from Edinburgh showcase their skills and creativity in a collection of both traditional and modern quilts. The creation of beauty through colour, texture and design enriches our lives with inner peace, healing and friendship.

2008 festival mural with arun gandhi

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CHILDREN IN CONFLICT An exhibition by John Keane for Christian Aid FREESaturday 8 August – Sunday 23 August, 9am – 5pm at St John’s (venue 127)

In 2006 renowned war artist John Keane visited Angola with Christian Aid. The resulting pictures form the centre piece of this traveling exhibition, which explores the effect the long conflict had on children throughout Angola, and the work of Christian Aid partners rehabilitating them back into their own communities.

CHRISTIAN AID ECO VILLAGE EXHIBITION FREESaturday 8 August – Monday 31 August, 9am – 5pm at St John’s (venue 127)

Climate change is already affecting the poorest of the poor; their homes, their work, their livelihood. This exhibition depicts how Christian Aid is working with partners in the developing world to find new ways of living and working to combat climate change, and suggests how people living in Scotland can take simple steps to reduce their own carbon footprint. In St John’s Gardens.

MANY FAMILIES, ONE CLAN FREESaturday 8 August – Monday 31 August, 9am – 5pm at St John’s (venue 127)

An exhibition of photographs of the families of children attending Dalry Primary School in Edinburgh. Dalry School is a special place which proudly celebrates its community of 30 or more nationalities and languages. As (possibly) the most diverse school in Edinburgh, if not in Scotland, it declares: we are many families, but one clan! In St John’s hall/gallery.

All the photographs were taken by the children (with the help of a local photographer) and the exhibition also tells – in words – the stories of some of those families and what brought them to Scotland.

SOLIDARITY FREESaturday 8 August – Monday 31 August, 9am – 5pm at St John’s (venue 127)

A collaborative wall hanging in English and Farsi created by 65 people from Aberdeenshire using the medium of felt and recycled blanket. Its purpose is to raise awareness about the women of Iran’s One Million Signatures petition for legal equality. At the centre of the piece is the moving poem about their campaign written by activist Nafiseh Azad, surrounded by signatures endorsing the petition. In St John’s side chapel.

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SCOTS PROVERBS - ANCIENT WISDOM FREE9-30 August, 10am – 4pm, Undercroft Café at St Andrew’s and St George’s (venue 111)

Where people in former times faced life’s hardship and challenges these Proverbs helped them hold tight to important values. Our ‘Guid Scots Tongue’ features on the walls of the Stairwell and Chapel of the Undercroft. Visitors are invited to add their comments in a book of the selected Proverbs.

‘Hungir is aye guid kitchen‘ (Hunger can compensate for any menu)‘Monie a pikkil maks a mukkil’ (Look after the pennies and the pounds will look after themselves!)

SHEILA MULLEN - PAINTING OF BIBLE STORIES FREE9-30 August, 10am – 4pm, Undercroft Café at St Andrew’s and St George’s (venue 111)

In the Undercroft a collection of expressive paintings of bible stories. Sheila Mullen trained at the Glasgow School of Art and has spent the last 25 years painting voraciously and has exhibited nationally and internationally. As well as biblical themes she has inspiration in the border ballads, its reivers, the poems of Burns and McDermid. A collection of her pictures can be seen at

STEINER EXHIBITION ON STEINER EDUCATION FREETuesday 18 to Sunday 23 August, 9am -5pm at St John’s (venue 127)

An exhibition of children’s work from the kindergarten to the upper school. UK Government-funded research, suggests that mainstream education in Britain could learn lessons from Steiner schools – this exhibition sets out those key aspects of the Steiner approach.

JERUSALEM DISPOSSESSED FREEMonday 24 – Monday 31 August, 9am – 5pm at St John’s (venue 127)

The work of an independent collective of photographers who believe in the power of photography to create change through awareness. These striking images document the dark side of Jerusalem where hundreds of thousands of people are living in shadow, with identity defined by forces they cannot control, unwanted in their own homeland, afraid of being expelled while they are just asking to live peacefully with dignity and equality in their own city.

RETURN TO ZION FREEMonday 24 – Monday 31 August, 9am – 5pm at St John’s (venue 127)

For centuries Jews have longed to return to the Land of Israel, their ancestral home. The concept of Exile and Return is basic to Jewish thought and practice. Throughout the generations Jews made the often dangerous journey to settle in the Land. With the rise of modern political Zionism in the 19th century and the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948, this dream became a concrete possibility. Millions of Jews have since returned home. Among them are Jews from the small community in Edinburgh. In 2007, during the year of their 70th birthdays, many returned to Edinburgh for a reunion, thus closing a circle. This photographic exhibition tells some of their story. Using their own images and occasionally words, it tells how they returned home to Zion, a small part of the wider story of the Jewish people in the 20th century.


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THE SACRED ART OF THE PEN IN ISLAM: FROM PAST TO PRESENT FREESunday 9 August, 7pm- 8.30pm at Edinburgh Central Mosque (venue 48)

This presentation will highlight the beauty and principles of this traditional Arabic art form and its modern aspects. By Soraya Syed Sanders.

Soraya is a renowned artist who spent seven years studying the art and received the “Ijazah” (Islamic Calligraphy Diploma) in Istanbul, Turkey. She attended the Arts Foundation at Central St. Martin’s, London and graduated in 2001 from The Prince’s School of Traditional Arts, London.

AN INTRODUCTION TO THE PRACTICE AND STUDY OF ISLAMIC CALLIGRAPHY (WORKSHOP) FREESunday 9 August 2pm – 5.30pm and Monday 10 August, 1pm – 4.30pmat Edinburgh Central Mosque (venue 48)

Learn about the basics of Islamic calligraphy and the principles of geometric proportions that govern the letter forms. Create a beautiful unique artwork using traditional tools, inks and materials. This one-day workshop will offer you a rare opportunity to discover the art of Islamic calligraphy.

Cost £25 per person; Register by email: [email protected] or at the Exhibition. Booking in advance is essential to ensure a place.

3-DAY COURSE: CONVERSATIONAL ARABIC FREEMonday 17 – Wednesday 19 August, 2pm - 5pm at Edinburgh Central Mosque (venue 48)

Get to grips with one of the world’s most important languages in these classes aimed at beginners.Cost £25, register by email ([email protected]) or at the Exhibition.Booking in advance is essential to ensure a place.


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SPIRITUALITY, DISCERNMENT & CHOICE FREEAn evening of reflection with Philip SheldrakeWednesday 19 August, 5.30 pm at Scottish Churches House, Dunblane

Spirituality in the great world faiths, including Christianity, focuses on “practical wisdom” to live by. Wisdom particularly concerns learning how to choose well. Increasing our range of choices is not enough. We also need a sense of meaning and direction. This event focuses on spirituality-as-wisdom, on our desires and longings and on how we may come to recognise and choose what is life-enhancing.

NO FUTURE WITHOUT FORGIVENESS £20A day of reflection with Naim AteekWednesday 26 August, 10.30am – 4pm at Scottish Churches House, Dunblane

For reconciliation to occur, the essential ingredients of truth, justice, forgiveness, mercy, spiritual cour-age, integrity and peace need to be summoned up. But how do we change, grow into a “new humanity”, transforming the pain rather than merely transmit it to others? How do we refuse to be an enemy? How do we find the courage to forgive …?

For booking and information ring 01786 823 588 or e-mail: [email protected]

AT HOME IN BODY AND MINDSaturday 29 and Sunday 30 at Kagyu Samye Dzong, Edinburgh (28 Great King Street)

In the year of Scottish homecoming what could be more apt than discovering how to feel truly relaxed and at home in body and mind. This one-off weekend health event is a great opportunity to experience the mental and physical health benefits of qigong, meditation and a wide range of taster therapies:

Introduction to Qigong and Meditation with Ani Rinchen Khandro

Saturday 29 August 11am - 4pm. Course Fee £20

Expert guidance on how to relax, refresh and re-energise body, mind and spirit through simple qigong exercises and meditations for use in everyday life.

Special Therapy Taster Sessions with fully qualified therapists

Sunday August 30th 11am - 4pm. Half hour session £15 or two for £25

Experienced therapists offering a range of great value taster sessions including: Head & Body Massage, Shiatsu, Reflexology,Thai Massage, Crystal Healing, Reiki, Core Process Psychotherapy and more.

For more information visit: To book a session email: [email protected]

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Have you visited these other Festival activities at St John’s (venue 127) ?


An absolute must if you like buying contemporary work from the makers, artists and designers. Over 80 exhibitors, changing at weekends.


During the Festival, visit our special Fair Trade Marquee, filled with an enticing array of hand crafted products, supporting communities across

the globe. Delicious fair trade foods and drinks for you to sample.


For coffee and cake, hot drinks and food and to meet other festival goers come to the Cafés at St John’s; accessed from both from Lothian Rd and Princes St.


An information network for groups across Scotland, both faith-based and secular, concerned for peace, ecological responsibility and justice.


A charitable, ecumenical bookshop with an inclusive ethos. Stocks a wide range of specially crafted cards, candles and gifts.

Organised by Creative Space at St John’s and The Edinburgh Inter-Faith Association

We are a not-for-profit organisation and try to keep ticket costs as low as possible and ensure some free events. If you would like to donate to the festival or support our developing work please contact us on:

0131 221 2277 or [email protected].

Thank you. 31

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Sunday 9th August

9am – 10.15am (starting outside the café at St John’s (p4)


2pm – 5.20pm at Edinburgh Central Mosque (p29)


6pm – 7pm at St John’s (p4)LAUNCH EVENT: THE CALL OF HOME

7pm – 8.30pm at Edinburgh Central Mosque (p29)THE SACRED ART OF THE PEN IN ISLAM: FROM PAST TO PRESENT

Monday 10th August

11am in the chapel at St John’s (p4)COME HOME TO LAUGHTER

1pm – 4.30pm at Edinburgh Central Mosque (p29)INTRODUCTION TO ISLAMIC CALLIGRAPHY (WORKSHOP)

2pm - 3.15pm at St John’s (p6)KEYNOTE: SCOTLAND THE WHAT?

4pm at St John’s (p15)UMKATHI THEATRE WORKS presents UHAMBO

5.45pm – 7pm at St John’s (p6)KEYNOTE: GOD, THE POET AND THE DEVIL

7.30pm at St John’s (p15)YATHRA (JOURNEY) presented by RAGMALA DANCE

9.30pm – 10.30pm at St John’s (p23)SACRED SPACE

Tuesday 11th August

11am in the chapel at St John’s (p4)COME HOME TO LAUGHTER

12.15pm to 2pm at St Mark’s Unitarian Church (p22)MINDFULNESS AT LUNCHTIME

2pm – 3pm at St John’s (p4)THE POWER OF PURE THOUGHTS

4pm at St John’s (p15)UMKATHI THEATRE WORKS presents UHAMBO

5.45pm – 7pm at St John’s (p6)KEYNOTE: THE GLOBAL QUEST FOR MEANING

7.30pm at St John’s (p15)YATHRA (JOURNEY) presented by RAGMALA DANCE

9.30pm – 10.30pm at St John’s (p23)SACRED SPACE

Wednesday 12th August

12.30pm – 1.30pm at St John’s (p7)HOW THE CHILDREN OF VENEZUELA ARE TEACHING SCOTLAND HOW TO PLAY (Sistema Scotland)

2.15pm – 3.15pm at St John’s (p7)IS GOD DISABLED?

4pm at St John’s (p15)UMKATHI THEATRE WORKS presents UHAMBO


7.30pm at St John’s (p15)YATHRA (JOURNEY) presented by RAGMALA DANCE

9.30pm – 10.30pm at St John’s (p23)SACRED SPACE

Thursday 13th August

11am in the chapel at St John’s (p4)COME HOME TO LAUGHTER

1.45pm-3.30pm chapel at St John’s (p22)HEALING

4pm at St John’s (p15)UMKATHI THEATRE WORKS presents UHAMBO


9.30pm – 10.30pm at St John’s (p23)SACRED SPACE

Friday 14th August

4pm at St John’s (p15)UMKATHI THEATRE WORKS presents UHAMBO


7pm – 8.30pm at Edinburgh Central Mosque (p7)IS JESUS THE SON OF GOD?

7.30pm at St John’s (p15)YATHRA (JOURNEY) presented by RAGMALA DANCE

9.30pm – 10.30pm at St John’s (p23)SACRED SPACE

Saturday 15th August

10.45am – 11.45am at St John’s (p7)“PEACE! PEACE! THEY CRY, BUT THERE IS NO PEACE”

12.30pm – 1.30pm at St John’s (p8)DO I KEN YER FAITHER?

3.30pm – 5pm at Edinburgh Central Mosque (p25)A JOURNEY TO THE QURAN

4pm at St John’s (p15)UMKATHI THEATRE WORKS presents UHAMBO


7.30pm at St John’s (p15)YATHRA (JOURNEY) presented by RAGMALA DANCE


Sunday 16th August

12.30pm – 1.30pm at St John’s (p5)FINDING YOUR VOICE

2pm at St John’s (p16)DON’T WANT TO LIVE ON THE MOON

3.30pm – 5.30pm at Edinburgh Central Mosque (p8)WHOSE HOLY LAND: ISLAM’S VIEW ON JERUSALEM

7.30pm at St John’s (p15)YATHRA (JOURNEY) presented by RAGMALA DANCE

Monday 17th August

11am in the chapel at St John’s (p4)COME HOME TO LAUGHTER


4pm at St John’s (p15)RENDITION MONOLOGUES


7.30pm at St John’s (p15)YATHRA (JOURNEY) presented by RAGMALA DANCE

8.45pm at Edinburgh Filmhouse (p14)THE WAR REQUIEM

9.30pm – 10.30pm at St John’s (p23)SACRED SPACE

Tuesday 18th August

11am in the chapel at St John’s (p4)COME HOME TO LAUGHTER

4pm at St John’s (p15)RENDITION MONOLOGUES

5.45pm – 7pm at St John’s (p9)KEYNOTE: FINDING THE DESERT IN THE CITY?

7.30pm at St John’s (p15)YATHRA (JOURNEY) presented by RAGMALA DANCE

9.30pm – 10.30pm at St John’s (p23)SACRED SPACE

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Wednesday 19th August

12.30pm – 1.30pm at St John’s (p9)WHAT IS SCHOOL FOR?

2.15pm – 3.15pm at St John’s (p9)WHAT IS UNIVERSITY FOR?

4pm at St John’s (p15)RENDITION MONOLOGUES


7.30pm at St John’s (p15)YATHRA (JOURNEY) presented by RAGMALA DANCE

9.30pm – 10.30pm at St John’s (p?23)SACRED SPACE

Thursday 20th August

11am in the chapel at St John’s (p4)COME HOME TO LAUGHTER

1.45pm – 3.30pm chapel at St John’s (p22)HEALING

4pm at St John’s (p15)RENDITION MONOLOGUES


9.30pm – 10.30pm at St John’s (p23)SACRED SPACE

Friday 21st August

4pm at St John’s (p15)RENDITION MONOLOGUES


7.30pm at St John’s (p15)YATHRA (JOURNEY) presented by RAGMALA DANCE

9.30pm – 10.30pm at St John’s (p23)SACRED SPACE

Saturday 22nd August

10.45am – 11.45am at St John’s (p10)THATCHERISM IN A COLD CLIMATE

12.30pm – 1.30pm at St John’s (p10)STORIES YOU CAN BELIEVE IN

4pm at St John’s (p15)RENDITION MONOLOGUES


7.30pm at St John’s (p15)YATHRA (JOURNEY) presented by RAGMALA DANCE

9.30pm at St John’s (p17)BODEGA: LIVE

Sunday 23rd August

2pm at St John’s (p16)DON’T WANT TO LIVE ON THE MOON

3.30pm – 5.00pm at Edinburgh Central Mosque (p10)FASTING IN RAMADAN

4pm at St John’s (p15)RENDITION MONOLOGUES

6pm at Erskine Stewart’s Melville Performing Arts Centre (p17)THE ARMED MAN: A MASS FOR PEACE

7.30pm at St John’s (p15)YATHRA (JOURNEY) presented by RAGMALA DANCE

9.30pm at St John’s (p17)BODEGA: LIVE

Monday 24th August

11am in the chapel at St John’s (p4)COME HOME TO LAUGHTER

2pm – 3.15pm at St John’s (p11)KEYNOTE: THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL?

5.45pm – 7pm at St John’s (p11)KEYNOTE: LIVING TOGETHER

7.30pm at St John’s (p18)TAIKO DOJO DRUMFEST

9.30pm – 10.30pm at St John’s (p23)SACRED SPACE

Tuesday 25th August

11am in the chapel at St John’s (p4)COME HOME TO LAUGHTER


7.30pm at St John’s (p18)TAIKO DOJO DRUMFEST

9.30pm – 10.30pm at St John’s (p23)SACRED SPACE

Wednesday 26th August

12.30pm – 1.30pm at St John’s (p11)TOXIC CHILDHOOD….

2.15pm – 3.15pm at St John’s (p12)…. TOXIC CHILDHOOD AND WHAT WE CAN DO ABOUT IT

4pm at St John’s (p5)JAPANESE TEA CEREMONY


7.30pm at St John’s (p18)TAIKO DOJO DRUMFEST

9.30pm – 10.30pm at St John’s (p23)SACRED SPACE

Thursday 27th August

11am in the chapel at St John’s (p4)COME HOME TO LAUGHTER

1.45pm – 3.30pm chapel at St John’s (p22)HEALING



9.30pm – 10.30pm at St John’s (p23)SACRED SPACE

Friday 28th August

12pm in the chapel of St John’s (p25)MIDDAY MEDITATION


6.00pm at Edinburgh Filmhouse (p14)SCOTTISH SHORTS

7.30pm at St John’s (p18)TAIKO DOJO DRUMFEST

9.30pm – 10.30pm at St John’s (p23)SACRED SPACE

Saturday 29th August

10.45am – 11.45am at St John’s (p12)ON CREATIVITY

12.30pm – 1.30pm at St John’s (p12)THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS

2.15pm – 3.15pm at St John’s (p13)SECULARISM – A POSITIVE ANSWER?


7.30pm at St John’s (p18)TAIKO DOJO DRUMFEST

Sunday 30th August

2pm at St John’s (p16)DON’T WANT TO LIVE ON THE MOON

3.30pm – 4.30pm at St John’s (p13)MARGARET ATWOOD

8pm – 9.30pm at St John’s (p5)CLOSING EVENT - COMING HOME

Page 34: FoSP 2009 Programme


Most Festival Events can be booked in advance online, by phone or in person at:

Hub Tickets, The Hub, Castlehill

Phone: 0131 473 2000

Website: or at the door.

No booking required for FREE events. For bookings at partner festival programmes:


Edinburgh International Book

The World @ St George’s West

Islam Festival Edinburgh seewww.islamfestival.comB





• F Edinburgh Filmhouse

• 48 Edinburgh Central Mosque

• 87 George Square

• 91 St Mary’s Cathedral

• 111 St Andrew’s and St George’s

• 125 St Mark’s

• 127 St John’s

• 157 St George’s West

Kagyu Samhe Dzong (28 Great King St)

Erskine Stewart’s Melville Performing Arts Centre (Queensferry Rd)

INFORMATIONFor further information see

the Festival of Spirituality and Peace Information Point

at St John’s Church (venue 127)

or the Festival Information line: 0131 221 2277


Page 35: FoSP 2009 Programme

St John’s Cornerstone Bookshopindependent, inclusive and ecumenical charitable bookshop

Mon-Sat: 10.00-17.30

Books, cards and gifts

We can order any book (including non-religious titles,

hard to find and second-hand)

We post worldwide

15% student discount (full-time)

St John’s Church Terrace, Princes Street EDINBURGH, EH2 4BJPhone:+44 (0)131 229

UK distributors of Seasons of the Spirit and a supplier of Living the Questions

Page 36: FoSP 2009 Programme

Cornerstone Café @ St John’s

Hot and cold food and drink in a unique setting. Come and relax with other festival goers.

@ St John’s, Princes StreetOpen 10.00am - 10.00pmWe serve fabulous soup, cakes and drinks.

We source ingredients from local, small scale and/or ethical suppliers.

Drop in for a cappuccino and pastry or a bowl of soup. All welcome!

• Homemade Soups • House Salad • Innovative Patisseries• Vegetarian options • Organic Fair Trade •