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Inside this issue: Spanish Club 2 French Club cont’d 2 Maestro for a Day 2 Las Clases de Español 3 The ESL Classroom 3 Chinese Club 4 Deutsch Klassen! 4 ing took place in the food lab, where one team of stu- dents whipped up some delicious madeleines (little seashell-shaped sponge cakes) while another flipped crêpes Guided by a dedi- cated and talented group of upperclass- men, this year’s French Club has been reinvigorated by our enthusiastic first year students. A record crowd attended the showing of Persepolis , an animated film in French about the ex- periences of an Ira- nian girl during the Iranian Revolution. The following meet- A Renaissance for French Club This year the Latin students have been busy learning mythology, history, and grammar. Re- cently in class we worked on a Hallow- een project in which they had to find information about a mythologi- cal beast and then draw pictures of the beast they chose. They then had to label all of the body parts of the beast in Latin and write a de- scription of why that figure is his- torically significant. Also this year, Latin club has been pretty active. We have met every Thursday since the beginning of school and we are planning to do many exciting things to spread the word about the ancient world. Currently we are discussing hav- ing a bake sale to raise funds for our future projects. Foreign Language at CCHS Latin I & II Carbondale Community High School November 2008 Volume 4, Issue 1 Cont’d on p..2

Foreign Language at CCHS

Dec 18, 2021



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Page 1: Foreign Language at CCHS

Inside this issue:

Spanish Club 2

French Club cont’d 2

Maestro for a Day 2

Las Clases de Español 3

The ESL Classroom 3

Chinese Club 4

Deutsch Klassen! 4

ing took place in

the food lab, where

one team of stu-

dents whipped up

some delicious

madeleines (little


sponge cakes) while

another flipped crêpes

Guided by a dedi-

cated and talented

group of upperclass-

men, this year’s

French Club has been

reinvigorated by our

enthusiastic first year

students. A record

crowd attended the

showing of Persepolis,

an animated film in

French about the ex-

periences of an Ira-

nian girl during the

Iranian Revolution.

The following meet-

A Renaissance for French Club

This year the

Latin students have

been busy learning

mythology, history,

and grammar. Re-

cently in class we

worked on a Hallow-

een project in

which they had to

find information

about a mythologi-

cal beast and then

draw pictures of

the beast they

chose. They then

had to label all of

the body parts of

the beast in Latin

and write a de-

scription of why

that figure is his-

torically significant.

Also this year,

Latin club has been

pretty active. We

have met every

Thursday since the

beginning of school

and we are planning

to do many

exciting things to

spread the word

about the ancient

world. Currently we

are discussing hav-

ing a bake sale to

raise funds for our

future projects.

Foreign Language at


Latin I & II

Car b o n d a l e Co m m u n i t y

H i g h Sch o o l

November 2008

Volume 4, Issue 1

Cont’d on p..2

Page 2: Foreign Language at CCHS

Clues for this chasse au trésor

(treasure hunt), which led par-

ticipants all over the high school

building, were created and writ-

ten in French by Allison White,

Jeremiah Monk, Jourdin

Batchelor and Michael Dennis.

Travel plans are in the works

for this spring and summer. A

trip to Chicago is scheduled for

the first weekend in April. As of

this writing, we have

Mr. Taylor’s Honors III stu-

dents are learning advanced

grammar lessons from each other

by creating a powerpoint on a

given grammar point, then pre-

senting it to the class. One day of

research in the Computer Lab is

given to the students to prepare

for their topic. They enjoy the

fresh, creative and interesting

ways of presenting the material

from their peers. After each pres-

entation, the topic is summarized

and questions are answered. Eve-

ryone gets a turn to be El Maes-

tro or La Maestra (the teacher)

for a day.

5 students and 4 adults regis-

tered for the 8-day trip to Paris in

June through EF Tours.

and then filled them with straw-

berries, bananas and Nutella. At

the Halloween-themed program,

our young

gourmads further demonstrated

their appreciation of

culinary treats by hunting for

prize baskets that included Le

Petit Ecolier ( a popular French

cookie known as The Little

Schoolboy) and bonbons saveur

de café (coffee-flavored candies).

The Spanish Club started off

the year by helping at the conces-

sion stand during football season

as planned at their initial meet-


In September they hosted an

authentic dessert-tasting meeting

which was well attended by the

busy members. There were sev-

eral dishes represented by many

Spanish-speaking countries rang-

ing from arroz con leche (rice

with milk) to empanadas (a pas-

try similar to a turnover).

In early

October they

decided to

make maracas

out of gords.

The process is

lengthy, but

easy: cut off the

end, carve, let

dry, fill with

rice, beans, or corn, and shake.

Other activities in the plan-

ning stage include a Christmas

fiesta, a piñata-making lesson for

the International Festival in

February, a yard sale in November,

and a sampling of some Mexican

cuisine at a date to be announced.

Spanish Club

Maestro for a Day

French Club cont’d.

Foreign Language at CCHS Page 2

Page 3: Foreign Language at CCHS

Quizzing your friends with

picture dictionary is a fun way to


Mrs. Taylors’ students work

diligently to finish their in class

activities reinforcing the lesson of

the day. .

Spanish I students work

individually and in groups to

learn their new vocabulary.

They are using the internet to assist in learning, listening, and comprehension .

They have learned to make power points for their content classes.

Students in this classroom have many challenges to overcome but the first one is the language and to that end, they are making a good use of technology.

They are writing short essays.

Las Clases de Español

The ESL Classroom

Page 3 Volume 4, Issue 1

My name is Miguel and I

come to United States of

America 2 years ago. My

first days in the school

were boring because learn-

ing my new words with the

teacher who taught English.

We learned some words by

using them. Also, I have a

friend whose name is Travis

who helped a lot with my as-

signments as well as the

language. Now I understand

much of what I speak.

Page 4: Foreign Language at CCHS

German II students have been learn-

ing about the geography of Germany

and popular vacation spots. For prac-

tice with “praeterium”, simple past

tense, they wrote letters telling about

their vacations. German III/IV stu-

dents have, been writing weekly journal

entries. One student per week must

write his or her entry about the adven-

tures of Bernhard, der deutsche Bär,

the German teddy bear. That student

takes Bernhard home over the week-

end and to whatever activities he par-

ticipates in, and writes about them.

German Club held an Octoberfest

picnic to which students brought Ger-

man style food, and a Halloween party,

which included a prize for the best

costume. The next event will be a St.

Deutsch Klassen!

Nicholas Eve party on December 5th .

The club also sponsored a contest for a

new t-shirt design. The designs of

both Sarah Bartholomew and Amy

Young were chosen and will be used on

the new shirts.

German I students have learned to

describe their families, among other

things. Each student made a

“Stammbaum”, family tree, and pre-

sented it to the class. They were

graded on both their written and oral


Our Chinese Club is in its second year bringing together students interested in

Chinese culture.

Chinese club offers activities such as

Culture, "Zhongguo diany-

ing" (Chinese movies),

"Shufa" (Chinese calligraphy),

Chinese snacks, and Chinese holidays

such as celebrating the Moon Festival.

Some fundraising activities also occur.

The club has had a steady turn out of

enthusiastic students, many from Chi-

nese one, two and three classes. Cur-

rently, the Chinese Club is busy rais-

ing funds and getting ready for the

International Festival and "Xin-Nian-

Hao" (Chinese New Year) which is not

far off.

Travis Soliday (Ta-Wei) Vice President of Chinese Club

Chinese Club — "Ni Hao!"

C a rb o n d a l e Co m m u n i t y H i g h S c h o o l

Second year students: Learning how to make

"Char fan" (fried rice), Cantonese style.

Students showing their Moon Festival lanterns.

Students celebrated the festival by tasting Moon

Cake and drinking "Cha” (Chinese tea).

Learning "shufa" (Chinese

calligraphy). One has to sit

up straight, hold the pen in a

vertical position and have a

clear mind to do calligraphy.