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Force of Nature -- Golf -- 2010 11 00 -- BOGUS Organic Golf Course -- The DISMAL FAILURE of EcoLand -- MODIFIED -- PDF -- 300 Dpi

Apr 09, 2018



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  • 8/8/2019 Force of Nature -- Golf -- 2010 11 00 -- BOGUS Organic Golf Course -- The DISMAL FAILURE of EcoLand -- MODIFIED


  • 8/8/2019 Force of Nature -- Golf -- 2010 11 00 -- BOGUS Organic Golf Course -- The DISMAL FAILURE of EcoLand -- MODIFIED


    The Modern Golf Industry

    must scientifically define terms like




    are using BOGUS Organic and

    Pesticide Free GolfCourses

    to advance their conspiracy

    to prohibit pest control products

    The Modern Golf Industrymust publically discredit

    BOGUS terms like



    Golf Industry Trade Associations

    must establish policies

    for EXPELLING clubs

    that use these terms

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    Organic Golf Course

    in East Asia

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    EcoLand Golf Course

    Socalled Organic Golf Course

    that alleged being PesticideFreeonly when it is CONVENIENT !

    November 2010

    KCTV News and The Je ju Dai ly

    Is land o f Je ju , Prov ince in South Korea

    Selected and adapted excerp ts

    BOGUS PesticideFree EcoLand

    In 2009, EcoLand Gol f Club UNWISELY established itself as a pesticidefree golf

    course that did NOT use agricultural chemicals .

    The MISGUIDED pesticidefree policy ofEcoLand Gol f Club delighted local Pro-hibitionLunaticTerrorists.

    Seemingly, and erroneously, EcoLand Gol f Club was changing the stereotypethat golf courses need to be damaging to the environment. [ ? !? ! ]

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    PesticideFree Golf Courses Tend To Have

    LowQuality LowEnd GarbageDump Playing Conditions

    Nobody Wants to Play Golf in a Garbage Dump

    In fact , go l f courses actua l ly beaut i fy and improve the envi ronmenta l cond i -t ions, especia l ly when us ing pest cont ro l products .

    ProhibitionLunaticTerrorists used pesticidefree EcoLand Gol f Club as a shining beacon of light in the hope of creating COERCION, TERROR, and IN-TIMIDATION against other golf clubs in the region.

    By the end of 2010 , there were already more than FORTY golf courses on theIs land o f Je ju , and many other golf courses were either under construction orin the planning stages.

    ProhibitionLunaticTerrorists pointed out that pesticidefree EcoLand Gol fClub also reduced the cost of upkeep on the course, and so green fees were low the seemingly perfect example of how being green, can also be good forbusiness. [ ? !? ! ]

    It is clearly evident that these Lunatics had absolutelyNO education, training,or expertise in matters concerning Golf Course Management their opinionsare TOTALLY IGNORANT and UTTERLY USELESS.

    Overa l l , pest ic idef ree go l f courses tend to produce LowQual i ty LowEndGarbageDump Play ing Condi t ions nobody wants to p lay go l f in a gar-bage dump Pest ic idef ree is NOT economica l ly v iab le .

    By summer 2010, the put t ing greens were DYING at EcoLand Gol f Club.

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    Golf Courses are the Main Cause of GroundWater Pollution

    EnvironmentalTerror on the Island of Jeju

    EcoLand Gol f Club is located on the Is land o f Je ju , which is the only specialautonomous province of South Korea , situated on and coterminous with thecountrys largest island. The island has a population exceeding 550,000.

    Je ju lies in the Korea St ra i t , southwest ofJeo l lanamdo Prov ince, of which itwas a part before it became a separate province in 1946 .

    Je ju Government Officals PROHIBITED the EcoLand Gol f Club from using ag-ricultural chemicals under the pretext that the land is located within a spe-cial type of local forest known as Gotjawal .

    Got jawal Forest is a naturallyformed forest located on the middle slopes ofHal la Mounta in .

    Parts ofGot jawal Forest have already been developed some parts ofGot- jawal Forest are now golf courses.

    Other tourist sites are also being planned in or nearGot jawal Forest .

    Groundwater used by the golf courses has been the subject of NEEDLESS ,SENSELESS , and MALICIOUS debate from ProhibitionLunaticTerrorists.

    Local ProhibitionLunaticTerrorists FALSELY and FRAUDULENTLY ALLEGED thatthe golf courses are the main cause of groundwater exhaustion and pollution.

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    PesticideFree Putting Greens

    are DEAD Putting Greens

    The DISMAL FAILURE of PesticideFree Policy

    EcoLand Gol f Club is yet another example of a pesticidefree golf course thatresulted in DISMAL FA IL URE.

    EcoLand Gol f Club had been MISINFORMED that they could avoid using pestcontrol products by using native grasses which were allegedly more resil-ient to disease when compared to bentgrass, which was in use at most other

    nearby golf courses.

    Previous to November 2010, EcoLand Gol f Club was mismanaged because ofits reliance on a BOGUS Green Alternative to conventional pest control prod-ucts, in the form of some UTTERLY USELESS microorganism treatment provided by an UNETHICAL LYING AVARICIOUS FORPROFIT LUNATIC SUPPLIER.

    Although it had not presumably used a conventional pest control product sinceits foundation in 2009, the EcoLand Gol f Club recently sought permissionfrom the government to use agricultural chemicals .

    CARNAGE Caused by PesticideFree Policy

    By summer 2010, the put t ing greens were DYING at EcoLand Gol f Club.

    Dur ing the summer o f 2010 , the putting greens atEcoLand Gol f Club were af-flicted by damaging and fatal pests.

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    Without Pest Control Products, Golf Course Turf

    Will Be Damaged and Killed by Deadly Pest Outbreaks

    The grass was NOT able to survive, and some greens became dir t patches the ONLY defence against the total collapse of the putting greens was the use ofpest control products the use of pest control products to protect the puttinggreens from DEATH was determined to be a totally reasonable course of action.

    EcoLand STOPPED Being PesticideFree

    Although it had not presumably used pest control products since its founda-tion in 2009, EcoLand Gol f Club sought permission from the government touse agricultural chemicals .

    EcoLand Gol f Club merely wanted to spray agricultural chemicals on theputting greens only, which represented 2.7 per cent of the surface of the golfcourse.

    EcoLand Gol f Club sought permission to use pest control products after it wasunable to manage the put t ing greens due to damaging and deadly d isease


    The request was REJECTED by the government that even prohibited EcoLandGol f Club from using agricultural chemicals forANOTHER two years.

    The put t ing greens wi l l cont inue to DIE at EcoLand Gol f Club.

    Overa l l , pest ic idef ree po l ic ies leads go l f courses to look l ike garbagedumps nobody wants to p lay go l f in a garbage dump.

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    Pesticide-Free Havens of Envi ronmentalTerror

    Make Investors Take Their Money ELSEWHERE

    PesticideFree Policy is BAD for Local Investment

    ProhibitionLunaticTerrorists and their EnvironmentalTerrorOrganizationsattempted to COERCE, TERRORIZE , and INTIMIDATE EcoLand Gol f Club to eitherCLOSE ITS DOORS FOREVER , or remain open with LOWQUALITY LOWENDGARBAGEDUMP PLAYING CONDITIONS .

    Moreover, the Lunatics were inflicting FURTHER UNNECESSARY AND MALI -

    CIOUS CARNAGE on the local community

    the Is land o f Je ju is now aHA-VEN forEnvironmenta lTerror activity companies and investors will SHUN the community, and GO ELSEWHERE !

    Because o f Envi ronmenta lTerror , the Is land o f Je ju wi l l no longer benef i tf rom ANY addi t iona l investment for new go l f course fac i l i t ies.

    Thats it. Game over. No more golf courses.

    Businesses abhor operating in markets made UNSTABLE byTERRORISM, whe-ther it is Political or Environmental.

    Consequently, investors are TERRIFIED at the prospect of investing hundredsof millions of dollars on the planning, development, construction, and man-agement of new golf course facilities on the UNSTABLE Is land o f Je ju , which isnow aHAVEN forEnvironmenta lTerror activity.

    Organic and Pest ic ideFree Gol f Courses are a D ISMAL FAILURE.

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  • 8/8/2019 Force of Nature -- Golf -- 2010 11 00 -- BOGUS Organic Golf Course -- The DISMAL FAILURE of EcoLand -- MODIFIED


    Virtually All OrganicandPesticideFree

    Golf Courses Are BOGUS

    OrganicandPesticideFreeGolfCourses are simply daydreaming in the Outer Limits.


    There are NO industry standards for socalled OrganicandPesticideFreeGolfCourses.

    OrganicandPesticideFreeGolfCourses are BOGUS.

    BOGUSOrganicandPesticideFreeGolfCourses are promoted by people with UNVERIFI-


    BOGUSOrganicandPesticideFreeGolfCourses are promoted by people who falsely al-lege success, and who are likely concocting LIES, MISCONCEPTIONS, and DECEPTIONS fortheir own twisted personal interests.

    BOGUSOrganicandPesticideFreeGolfCourses cannot be adequately maintained withLEGAL Green Alternatives to conventional pest control products.

    Green Alternatives are not viable, efficacious, or economical.

    BOGUSOrganicandPesticideFreeGolfCourses use ILLEGAL Green Alternatives, such asbeet juice, copper sulphate, microorganisms, and neem oil.

    BOGUSOrganicandPesticideFreeGolfCourses use conventional pest control products... WHEN IT SUITS THEM !

    They will apply pest control products when golfers are not present on the golf course, andwhen the golf course is closed.


    represent a MAJOR THREAT to the Modern Golf Industry

    Any trend that embraces BOGUSOrganicandPesticideFreeGolfCourses will NEVERprovide ANY protection against ProhibitionLunaticTerrorists seeking to ANNIHILATE theModern Golf Industry.

    ProhibitionLunaticTerrorists are using BOGUSOrganicandPesticideFreeGolfCoursesin order to ADVANCE THEIR CONSPIRACY TO PROHIBIT CONVENTIONAL PEST CONTROLPRODUCTS.

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    ProhibitionLunaticTerrorists DEMAND the NEEDLESS, SENSELESS, and MALICIOUS prohi-

    bition of ALL pest control products, despite the fact that they are FEDERALLY LEGAL andSCIENTIFICALLY SAFE.

    ProhibitionLunaticTerrorists argue that BOGUSOrganicandPesticideFreeGolfCour-ses are innovative industry leaders. [ ?!?! ]

    If they can do it, why cant everybody else ?!?!

    BOGUSOrganicandPesticideFreeGolfCourses represent a MAJOR THREAT to the Mod-ern Golf Industry.

    ProhibitionLunaticTerrorists argue that


    are innovative industry leaders [ ?!?! ]

    If they can do it, why cant everybody else ?!?!

    ProhibitionLunaticTerrorists Speak OUT

    about PesticideFreeGolfCourses

    Any trend that supports BOGUSOrganicandPesticideFreeGolfCourses will NEVER appease ProhibitionLunaticTerrorists.


    According to CANADIANCANCERSOCIETY and its ProhibitionTerroristAllies

    The[ British Columbia ] coalition of health and environmental groups[ that includes Ca-nadian Association of Physicians for the Environment, CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY, DavidSuzuki Foundation, and Toxic Free Canada ] has recommended provincial legislation thatbans the use and sale of pesticides used to improve the appearance of lawns and gardens,including a requirement for GOLF COURSES TO PHASEOUT PESTICIDES.

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    According to DAVID SUZUKI FOUNDATION, an EnvironmentalTerrorOrganization

    [ The Ontario prohibition ] authorizes EXCEPTIONS for GOLF COURSES and other pre-scribed uses that could be exploited as loopholes these clauses should be DELETED or

    TIGHTLY CONSTRAINED. There are at least two PESTICIDEFREE GOLF COURSES operatingin Canada[ ... ] Provincial policy should encourage Ontario operators to FOLLOW IN THEFOOTSTEPS of these INDUSTRY LEADERS, and conform to similar standards to reduce theirenvironmental impact. [ Wrong ! ]

    Sorry David. There are NO industry leaders for ORGANIC golf courses.

    According to PESTICIDE FREE BC, another EnvironmentalTerrorOrganization

    Why should golf courses and other " turf " facilities ( our school and sports fields ) con-tinue to use chemicals that are known to harm our children, pets and the environment ?Turf facilities DO NOT NEED CHEMICALS TO MAINTAIN THEIR GREENS. [ Wrong ! ]

    According to PESTICIDE FREE ONTARIO, an EnvironmentalTerrorOrganization

    With a set time frame and prescribed regulations, GOLF COURSES SHOULD BECOMEPESTICIDEFREE. There are SEVERAL EXAMPLES of organic or pesticidefree golf coursesin Canada. [ Wrong ! ]

    According to ONTARIO NEW DEMOCRATIC PARTY ( NDP ), the POLITICAL SHIELD for theEnvironmentalTerrorMovement, that has supported the banning of pest control products,and has expressed another of its misinformed views concerning the Golf Industry

    While MORE AND MORE GOLF COURSES IN CANADA ARE GOING PESTICIDEFREE, thevast majority of Ontarios 800 golf courses still use pesticides. [ Wrong ! ]


    Where are the

    OrganicandPesticideFreeGolfCourses ?!?!

    In recent years, an infinitesimally small number of RENEGADE golf clubs have suspiciouslyclaimed that they are ORGANIC and PESTICIDEFREE.

    There are approximately two thousand golf courses across Canada.

    There are THREE known socalled BOGUSOrganicandPesticideFreeGolfCourses inCanada

    x BOGUS Blackburn Meadows Golf Club For sale and in receivership.

    x BOGUS Brigadoon Golf Course Allegations are QUESTIONABLE and UNVERIFIABLE.

    x BOGUS Granby River Golf Course For sale and in receivership.

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    Any trend favouring BOGUSOrganicandPesticideFreeGolfCourseswill DRIVE GOLFERS OUT and


    Reason Why OrganicandPesticideFree


    BOGUSOrganicandPesticideFreeGolfCourses are UNABLE to provide HIGHENDPLAYINGCONDITIONS.


    The Modern Golf Industry MUST provide players with HIGHENDPLAYINGCONDITIONS inorder to remain competitive in the marketplace.

    HIGHENDPLAYINGCONDITIONS are necessary to the game and business of golf, other-wise the Modern Golf Industry will face ECONOMIC HARDSHIP BY DRIVING GOLFERS OUT.

    BOGUSOrganicandPesticideFreeGolfCourses are NOT economically viable businesses.

    The Modern Golf Industry cannot afford to lose business because of UNBEARABLE AND DE-STRUCTIVE PEST PROBLEMS AND DISORDERS that disrupt playing conditions.

    If forced to be PesticideFree, Modern Golf Industry will NOT be able to afford the high costof labour needed to manually remove millions of pests.

    Any trend favouring BOGUSOrganicandPesticideFreeGolfCourses will lead to ECO-NOMIC HARDSHIP and BANKRUPTCY for the Modern Golf Industry.

    Reason Why OrganicandPesticideFreeGolf Courses are BOGUS NUMBER OF PLAYERS


    Most 18hole golf courses are subject to a BRUTAL 30,000 to 50,000 rounds of golf per year.

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    Many golf courses have wear problems due to player traffic and golf cars that are far be-yond their original design tolerances.


    Reason Why OrganicandPesticideFree


    BOGUSOrganicandPesticideFreeGolfCourses are UNABLE TO WITHSTAND WEATHEREXTREMES, such as heat, drought, and cold.

    Most courses are exposed to BRUTAL EXTREMES IN WEATHER CONDITIONS.

    Extreme intemperate climates will KILL turfgrasses.

    The vast majority of golf courses are not located in temperate climates.

    Most turfgrasses growing on the golf course have difficulties tolerating intense heat anddrought stress during the summer months, and severe cold temperatures in winter.


    Any trend favouring BOGUSOrganicandPesticideFreeGolfCourses will lead to DEADGRASS for the Modern Golf Industry.

    Any trend favouring BOGUSOrganicandPesticideFreeGolfCourses


    What Must Be Done With

    BOGUS OrganicandPesticideFreeGolf Courses

    Any trend favouring BOGUSOrganicandPesticideFreeGolfCourses SUPPORTS PROHI-BITIONTERRORISM, and the goals of EnvironmentalTerrorOrganizations.

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    Any trend that embraces BOGUSOrganicandPesticideFreeGolfCourses will drain theresources of the Modern Golf Industry that would otherwise be used to develop legitimate

    turf management practices that provide HIGHENDPLAYINGCONDITIONS, and that willkeep playing customers SATISFIED.

    Moreover, the presence of any such trend SUPPORTS PROHIBITIONTERRORISM.

    ProhibitionLunaticTerrorists argue that BOGUSOrganicandPesticideFreeGolfCourses are innovative industry leaders. [ ?!?! ]

    If they can do it, why cant everybody else ?!?!

    BOGUSOrganicandPesticideFreeGolfCourses represent a MAJOR THREAT to the Mod-ern Golf Industry.

    The Modern Golf Industry must scientifically define terms like ORGANICGOLFCOURSE andPESTICIDEFREEGOLFCOURSE.

    The Modern Golf Industry must publically discredit BOGUS terms like ORGANICGOLFCOURSE and PESTICIDEFREEGOLFCOURSE.

    Golf Industry Trade Associations must establish policies for EXPELLING clubs using termslike ORGANICGOLFCOURSE and PESTICIDEFREEGOLFCOURSE.

    Can the Golf Industry Use

    Green Alternatives ?!?!

    No !

    There are NO viable, efficacious, or economical Green Alternatives to replace conventionalpest control products.

    Green Alternatives

    Are BOGUS

    Virtually all Green Alternatives are BOGUS, displaying negative characteristics such as the


    BOGUS Green Alternatives are ALMOST TOTALLY INEFFECTIVE except under specific cir-cumstances

    BOGUS Green Alternatives require EXTREMELYHIGHINPUTS OF ACTIVE INGREDIENTsince they will otherwise be less effective

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    BOGUS Green Alternatives are PROHIBITED in some jurisdictions because of concernsabout safety

    BOGUS Green Alternatives are STUNNINGLY MORE EXPENSIVE to use when compared toconventional pest control products

    BOGUS Green Alternatives are supplied by the same ForProfitEnviroTerrorBusinesses that sought the PROHIBITIONTERRORISM policies against conventional pestcontrol products

    BOGUS Green Alternatives have negative sideeffects like PHYTOTOXICITY ( adverselyaffects plant growth ) or CORROSION or RODENTATTRACTION or REPULSIVE ODOUR

    BOGUS Green Alternatives require MORE PERSONAL PROTECTION for the user

    Green Alternatives are NOT SAFER, NOT BETTER, and NOT MORE EFFECTIVE

    Organic Golf Courses are promoted by the SAME people who advocate for Integrated PestManagement, which is ANOTHER BOGUS form of pest management.

    Organic Golf Courses are promoted by people having NO adequate expertise, training, orbackground, in these matters !

    BOGUS Green Alternatives


    Overall, Green Alternatives are a DISMAL FAILURE since they merely SUPPRESS or INHIBITpests of turf, and require an excessive number of repeat applications, often with EX-TREMELYHIGHINPUTS OF ACTIVE INGREDIENT.

    On the other hand, conventional pest control products FULLY and EFFECTIVELY CONTROLpests, without the need for excessively repeating applications, or without using exorbitantquantities of active ingredient.

    Can the Golf Industry Defend Itselfwith Integrated Pest Management ?!?!

    No !

    Integrated Pest Management is a FAILURE and a WASTE OF TIME AND MONEY for the GolfIndustry.

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    Using it accomplishes virtually nothing in terms of resolving the public affairs issues con-cerning the prohibition of pest control products.

    Nor does Integrated Pest Management effectively and consistently control the pests of es-tablished turf and ornamental plants at best, it MAY provide some LIMITED IMPROVE-MENT towards the efficiency and effectiveness of conventional pest control products.

    Integrated Pest Management

    Is a BOGUS and a FAILED Practice

    Integrated Pest Management is an INEFFECTIVE management strategy for CONTROLLINGthe damaging pests of established turfgrasses, as well as trees and shrubs.

    In the Golf Industry, misguided trade association leaders appear to be more worried about

    protocols for the implementation of the INEFFECTIVE Integrated Pest Management ratherthan focus on what its playing customers really want ... HIGHQUALITY PLAYING CONDI-TIONS, and NOT just SUITABLE playing conditions.

    Moreover, the Golf Industry has been ridiculously inconsistent in defining parameters forplaying surfaces.


    Sadly, the Golf Industry has embarked on a LUDICROUS and ILLFATED campaign to


    This is TRULY IDIOTIC !

    The Golfers are THE BOSSES of the Golf Industry.

    Many Golf Course Superintendents often forget that they are EMPLOYEES, and NEED TO DOWHAT THEY ARE TOLD.


    The Golf Industry must MEET the expectations of its BOSSES by developing and publishingGOLF MAINTENANCE PROTOCOLS and PERFORMANCE STANDARDS that are EXPECTED byplaying customers.

    Moreover, the Golf Industry is in a VULNERABLE position regarding pest control products.

    Both the Golf Industry and the Modern Professional Lawn Care Industry use the SAME in-gredients that are needed to control insect and weed pests.

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    In fact, Professional Lawn Care maintenance requires LESS PESTICIDEINPUTS than GolfCourse turf.

    In most jurisdictions, the Golf Industry enjoys the benefits from a Prohibition Exception

    Status despite the fact that it uses the VERY SAME INGREDIENTS employed in ProfessionalLawn Care maintenance this Exception Status will be SHORTLIVED !

    Integrated Pest Management


    Unfortunately, Integrated Pest Management is a FAILED PUBLIC RELATIONS STRATEGY.

    The Professional Lawn Care Industry used Integrated Pest Management, and FAILED to de-

    fend itself from PROHIBITIONTERRORISM.

    Furthermore, it will be increasingly difficult for the Golf Industry to defend its ExceptionStatus on the need for highquality playing conditions, especially since ALL pest controlproducts, including those used on the golf course, represent a perceived threat to healthand environment.

    Even the socalled FERTILIZERREDUCTIONSTRATEGIES have been NEEDLESS as well asDISASTROUS for the Golf Industry.

    Integrated Pest Management is a DISMAL FAILURE and a WASTE OF TIME AND MONEY forthe Golf Industry.

    Golf Industry Trade Associations

    SUPPORT ProhibitionTerrorism

    PROHIBITIONTERRORISM DESTROYED the Modern Professional Lawn Care Industry.

    A grade of FAILURE must be given to LandsCAPE Ontario, a trade association that SUP-PORTS PROHIBITIONTERRORISM.


    The Golf Industry is NEXT !

    ProhibitionLunaticTerrorists are NO LONGER intimidated by the obviously weak and impo-tent Golf Industry.

    The Golf Industry EXCEPTION STATUS will be REVOKED.

    The Golf Industry Trade Associations with their EnviroManiac Leaders and DecisionMakershave FAILED their members.

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    Here are examples of those who have FAILED the Golf Industry, so far ...

    x FAILURE Canadian Golf Superintendents Association ( CGSA )

    x FAILURE Golf Canada ( Royal Canadian Golf Association, RCGA )

    x FAILURE National Golf Course Owners Association Canada ( NGCOA )


    A Grade of FAILURE for

    Golf Canada ( RCGA )

    The highest grade of FAILURE must be given to LOATHSOME and RIDICULOUS Golf Canada

    for its programs that PROVIDE FINANCIAL SUPPORT to EnvironmentalTerrorOrganizationsthat are CONSPIRING to PROHIBIT pest control products.

    The LOATHSOME and RIDICULOUS Golf Canada is supplying MILLIONS OF DOLLARS to En-vironmentalTerrorOrganizations that conspire towards the needless, senseless, and mali-cious prohibition of pest control products that are federally legal, scientifically safe, and to-tally irreplaceable.

    ProhibitionLunaticTerrorists have TERRORIZED the Professional Lawn Care Industry ...

    ... and ProhibitionLunaticTerrorists plan to TERRORIZE the Golf Industry NEXT !

    Golf Canada financially supports EnvironmentalTerrorOrganizations.

    Golf Canada must immediately STOP ALL FINANCIAL SUPPORT of ProhibitionLunaticTerrorists.

    Golf Canada must TERMINATE ALL RELATIONSHIPS with EnvironmentalTerrorOrganiza-tions like the Contemptible and Radical CanadianCancerSociety, WorldWildlifeFund, andothers.

    Golf Canada and the ENTIRE Golf Industry must SUSPEND ALL CHARITABLE TOURNAMENTSAND PROGRAMS that provide financial donations and support to EnvironmentalTerrorOrganizations like the Contemptible and Radical CanadianCancerSociety, WorldWildlifeFund, and others.

    As long as Golf Canada and the ENTIRE Golf Industry continue to finance ProhibitionLunaticTerrorists, these VERMIN will benefit from safe, secure, guaranteed, and wellpaying enviroterrorjobs that will allow them to coerce, intimidate, and alarm GovernmentOfficials into prohibiting pest control products on a NATIONAL basis.

    Golf is NEXT !

    ProhibitionLunaticTerrorists will TERRORIZE the Golf Industry NEXT !

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  • 8/8/2019 Force of Nature -- Golf -- 2010 11 00 -- BOGUS Organic Golf Course -- The DISMAL FAILURE of EcoLand -- MODIFIED


    Virtually All Organic and

    PesticideFree Golf Courses

    are BOGUS

    They represent a MAJOR THREAT

    to the Modern Golf Industry

    This EnviroVermin must be eradicated

    from the Modern Golf Industry

    Rat them out !

    WARNING Regardless of its Exception Status in many jurisdictions, the Modern Golf In-dustry faces some huge challenges because of its HIGH DEGREE OF VULNERABILITY con-cerning several public affairs issues.

    In order to successfully deter the malicious prohibition efforts of ProhibitionLunaticTerrorists, the GOLF INDUSTRY must immediately address the following sixteen critical is-sues.

    1. The GOLF INDUSTRY must CEASE focusing on the INEFFECTIVE Integrated Pest Man-agement ( IPM ) strategies as the solution to its public affairs problems. Unfortunately, IN-TEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT has been DESIGNED and DOCTORED to be applicable to theAGRICULTURE INDUSTRY, and NOT the Green Space Industry.

    2. The GOLF INDUSTRY must publicly DIVULGE to the public ALL scientific information thatascertains that its chemicals are definitely MINIMUMRISK or REDUCEDRISK.

    3. The GOLF INDUSTRY must publicly DENOUNCE the socalled Green Alternatives to con-ventional pest control products as BOGUS, and the biologicalnaturalorganic methods, asalmost INEFFECTIVE and NONEXISTENT. Many of the BOGUS Green Alternatives are sup-plied by the very EnvironmentalTerrorOrganizations that seek NEEDLESS, SENSELESS,and MALICIOUS PROHIBITIONTERRORISM policies.

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    4. The GOLF INDUSTRY must CREATE a FULLY TRANSPARENT database for righttoknowinformation concerning its chemicals.

    5. The GOLF INDUSTRY must directly and actively SUPPORT LITIGATION launched againstthose ProhibitionLunaticTerrorists who have conspired to prohibit FEDERALLY LEGAL,SCIENTIFICALLY SAFE, TOTALLY IRREPLACEABLE, and ABSOLUTELY INDISPENSABLE pestcontrol products, and cease being a mere casual observer.

    6. The GOLF INDUSTRY must explain why some of its chemicals are prohibited by other na-tions, but not in Canada, and cease its wasteful WAGTHEDOG policies on irrelevant issuessuch as SAVING QUINTOZENE.

    7. The GOLF INDUSTRY must VIGOROUSLY EMBARK on a massive PUBLIC RELATIONSCAMPAIGN to stop the proposed scheme by ProhibitionLunaticTerrorists and NATIONALDEMOCRATIC PARTY OF CANADA threatening a NATIONAL prohibition of pest control prod-ucts. NDP is the political shield for the EnvironmentalTerrorMovement.

    8. The GOLF INDUSTRY must review and justify its current and extensive array of chemi-cals.

    9. The GOLF INDUSTRY must plan for the INEVITABLE and TOTAL REVOCATION of its EX-CEPTION STATUS in most jurisdictions across Canada, in two to four years. The GOLF IN-DUSTRY will lose many or ALL of its valued and necessary pest control products.

    10. The GOLF INDUSTRY must provide the public with scientific information supporting theidea that its innovative management practices MAY SLIGHTLY reduce the use of pest controlproducts.

    11. The GOLF INDUSTRY must develop and publish GOLF MAINTENANCE PROTOCOLS andPERFORMANCE STANDARDS that are EXPECTED by its playing customers. So far, the GOLFINDUSTRY has been ridiculously inconsistent in defining SUITABLE PLAYING SURFACES. Ifit does not do so, laypeople such as the ProhibitionLunaticTerrorists will step in and de-sign these standards and protocols for the industry. The GOLF INDUSTRY appears to bemore worried about a set of protocols for the implementation of the INEFFECTIVE INTE-GRATED PEST MANAGEMENT rather than focus on what its playing customers really want ...highquality playing conditions.

    12. The GOLF INDUSTRY must SCIENTIFICALLY DEFINE and PUBLICALLY DISCREDIT theBOGUS terms ORGANICGOLFCOURSE and PESTICIDEFREEGOLFCOURSE, and estab-lish policies for expelling clubs using these INACCURATE and MISLEADING terms from itstrade associations.

    13. The GOLF INDUSTRY must STRONGLY ADDRESS and DISCREDIT the misconceptionsconcerning IMIDACLOPRID, CHLOROTHALONIL, 2,4D, and other chemicals.

    14. The GOLF INDUSTRY must TERMINATE all relationships with EnvironmentalTerrorOrganizations like ContemptibleCANADIANCANCERSOCIETY, WORLD WILDLIFE FUND,and others. All related charitable tournaments that provide financial donations and supportto these EnvironmentalTerrorOrganizations must be SUSPENDED and REDIRECTED.

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    15. The GOLF INDUSTRY must OPPOSE the LOATHSOME and RIDICULOUS Golf Canada( formerly RCGA ) that raises millions of dollars for the Contemptible and Radical CanadianCancerSociety, an EnvironmentalTerrorOrganization that MALICIOUSLY SQUANDERS thisPROFIT in its CONSPIRACY to PROHIBIT pest control products that are FEDERALLY LEGAL,SCIENTIFICALLY SAFE, TOTALLY IRREPLACEABLE, and ABSOLUTELY INDISPENSABLE.

    16. The GOLF INDUSTRY must openly and financially SUPPORT POLITICAL CANDIDATESwho oppose any prohibition of pest control products.

    The Modern Golf Industry

    must scientifically define terms like




    are using BOGUS Organic and

    Pesticide Free GolfCourses

    to advance their conspiracy

    to prohibit pest control products

    The Modern Golf Industry

    must publically discredit

    BOGUS terms like



    Golf Industry Trade Associations

    must establish policies

    for EXPELLING clubsthat use these terms

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    Force Of Nature presents THE WHOLE TRUTH FROM AN INDEPENDENT PERSPECTIVE from National Organization Respond-

    ing Against HUJE that seek to harm the Green Space Industry (NORAHG). It is a series of Reports destined for the GreenSpace Industry, the Environmental Terror Movement, Governments, and the Media, nationwide across Canada, the United

    States, and overseas. The information presented in Force Of Nature has been developed for the education and entertain-ment of the reader by providing a sequence of historical events WITH COMMENTARY. The neutrality of these Reportsmight be disputed. Dont thank us. Its a public service. And we are glad to do it.

    HUJE are identified on the basis of their statements, activities, affiliations, and whereabouts. Even though each Enviro Ma-niac Culprit is a misguided adversary, each still deserves our respect. The use of the terms Maniac, Culprit, Terrorist, or

    Basterd are not accusations of any legal wrong doing. Force Of Nature is simply holding Enviro Maniac Activists account-able for conspiring to change public policies that TERRORIZE, HARM, and THREATEN the Green Space Industry.

    HUJE is a term used to describe Enviro Maniac Activists that routinely concoct FEAR MONGERING, FRAUDULENT LIES, MIS-CONCEPTIONS, COERCION, THREATS, DECEPTIONS, TERROR, and PARANOID CONSPIRACIES that are DESIGNED to SCAM

    and DECEIVE the public into believing there is some IMAGINARY DANGER with conventional pest control products. HUJEalso SCAM and DECEIVE Government Officials into the NEEDLESS, SENSELESS, and MALICIOUS CONSPIRACY to PROHIBIT


    HUJE have created LOSS OF REVENUES, BUSINESS FAILURES, BANKRUPTCY, and UNEMPLOYMENT, inflicting DESPAIR andDESTITUTION for THOUSANDS of hapless victims throughout the Green Space Industry. The DEPRAVED INDIFFERENCE ofManiac Culprit Terrorist Basterd HUJE is viewed as a form of TERROR, HARM, and THREAT against the Green Space Indus-


    This Report provides NO guarantee regarding accuracy or completeness. In no event shall Force Of Nature be liable forany incidental or consequential damages, lost profits, or any indirect damages. Force Of Nature is TOTALLY INDEPENDENTof any trade association or business operating within the Green Space Industry. The events, characters, companies, and

    organizations, depicted in this Report are not always fictitious. Any similarity to actual persons, living or dead, may not becoincidental. All information, excerpts, and pictures contained in this Report were found somewhere on the Internet, andmay be considered in the public domain, serving one of the following purposes archive, education, promotion, publicity,

    or press release.

    Force Of Nature, and its various incarnations, is the brainchild of William H. Gathercole and his colleagues. Mr. Gathercoleis a principal FOUNDER of the Modern Professional Lawn Care Industry in BOTH Ontario and Quebec. He holds a degree inHorticulture from the UNIVERSITY OF GUELPH, and another pure and applied science degree from McGILL UNIVERSITY.

    He has worked in virtually all aspects of the Green Space Industry, including GOLF, PROFESSIONAL LAWN CARE, andCHEMICAL INDUSTRY, and has served in environmental compliance, government negotiations, public affairs, and work-

    place safety. Mr. Gathercole has supervised, consulted, programmed, and/or overseen the successful and safe executionof HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of pest control applications in the urban landscape. He has trained, instructed, and con-sulted with THOUSANDS of turf managers and technicians. Mr. Gathercole has also been an agricultural agronomist. For

    many years, Mr. Gathercole was a contributing columnist for TURF & Recreation Magazine, Canadas Turf and Grounds

    Maintenance Authority.

    Mr. Gathercole and his colleagues have followed the evolution of ENVIRONMENTAL TERRORISM for over a quarter century.

    For FIFTEEN YEARS, the strategies designed and implemented by Mr. Gathercole and his colleagues guaranteed the control

    of the VERMIN OF ENVIRONMENTAL TERROR for the entire Modern Green Space Industry across Canada. Their involve-ment in Environmental Issues reached a fevered pitch in the 1990s, when he orchestrated, with his colleagues, legal actionagainst the Forces of Environmental Evil in the Town of Hudson, Quebec.

    Today, Mr. Gathercole is the ONLY TRUE RELIABLE WITNESS of the Hudson Affair. Mr. Gathercole is personally credited for

    crafting the Golf Industry Exception Status that endures to this day. He is also the creator of the signs that are now used

    for posting after application. His vast knowledge of our long journey with Environmental Issues is UNDENIABLE hope-fully ! Mr. Gathercole is now retired, although his name continues to appear as FOUNDER of Force Of Nature.

    THE LIBRARY OF REPORTS A LOOK AT Technical Information for the Green Space Industry Agriculture BeeColony Collapse Disorder BOGUS Green Alternatives BRITISH COLUMBIA Prohibition Terror Conspiracy CAL-

    GARY (Alberta) Enviro Terror STOPPED Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment Canadian CancerSociety Canadian Environmental Law Association CARNAGE caused by PROHIBITION TERRORISM CONSE-

    QUENCES of PROHIBITION TERRORISM Cottam & Ghost Writers Culprits Who Conspired to Prohibit David Su-zuki Foundation Dating Services for Enviro Maniacs DDT and Politicized Science Environmental Terrorists UN-MASKED Enviro PROFIT Accumulated by Greedy & Avaricious Enviro Maniacs Environmental Terror Organizations

    Environmental Terror That NEVER Ends Famous Quotations FERTILIZER Enviro Terror Global Warming GOLF INDUSTRY Looming Shipwreck & Collision Course Green Space Industry Health Canada HEROES Speak-

    ing Out Against Enviro Terror History of the Environmental Terror Movement June Irwin, the Clown of JUNK SCI-ENCE Landscape Trades CAPITULATE In VIOLATION of Federal Law Lying Sacks of (Enviro Maniac) CWAP Myth Busting NATIONAL Prohibition Terror Conspiracy Needless Hysteria NEW BRUNSWICK Prohibition Terror

    Conspiracy NOVA SCOTIA Prohibition Terror Conspiracy ONTARIO Haven for Environmental Terror OrganicFertilizers Paranoid Theories Paul Tukey, The Bin Laden of Environmental Terror Pests and Disorders of Or-namental Plants Pests and Disorders of Turfgrasses Pesticide Free BC Pesticide Q & A (Questions & Answers)

    Positive Waves (The Green Space Industry Responds with Outstanding and Innovative Ideas) TWISTED Precaution-ary Principle PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND Prohibition Terror Conspiracy QUEBEC Prohibition Terror Conspiracy

    RACHEL CARSON, the Queen of JUNK SCIENCE SASKATCHEWAN Prohibition Terror Infestation Satire, Laughs &

    Insanity TERROR Talk & Weasel Words The 9/11 Era of Environmental Terror THE AVENGERS The FAIL-URE of Integrated Pest Management The FAILURE of Pesticide Free Parks The Industry STRIKES BACK Against En-

    vironmental Terror The MISCONCEPTIONS About Cancer The National Annihilation of the Modern Green Space In-

    dustry The Wisdom of Bill Bell The Wisdom of Drysdale The Wisdom of Health Canada The Wisdom of

    Hepworth The Wisdom of Holland The Wisdom of Lowes The Wisdom of Mains The Wisdom of Milloy The Wisdom of the Solomons The Wisdom of Whelan Update Using Children, Pets, & Death as WEAPONS OFULTIMATE TERROR U.S. Prohibition Terror Conspiracy 2,4D Warning

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