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This is an unofficial publication. It is intended to supplement official information published by the Boy Scouts of America. Any conflict between information in this and in official publications of the Boy Scouts of America should be resolved in favor of the official publications. GUIDELINES & HELPFUL HINTS FOR UNIT LEADERS LIFE to EAGLE GUIDEBOOK Longs Peak Council Boy Scouts of America March 2018

FOR UNIT LEADERS...requirements and expectations for the Eagle Scout Service Projects, and the Eagle Scout Rank Application and the processing of the application. Both the Eagle Scout

Apr 06, 2020



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Page 1: FOR UNIT LEADERS...requirements and expectations for the Eagle Scout Service Projects, and the Eagle Scout Rank Application and the processing of the application. Both the Eagle Scout

This is an unofficial publication. It is intended to supplementofficial information published by the Boy Scouts of America.Any conflict between information in this and in officialpublications of the Boy Scouts of America should be resolved infavor of the official publications.




Longs Peak CouncilBoy Scouts of America

March 2018

Page 2: FOR UNIT LEADERS...requirements and expectations for the Eagle Scout Service Projects, and the Eagle Scout Rank Application and the processing of the application. Both the Eagle Scout
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This booklet is designed specifically to provide supplementary guidance and helpful hintsto unit leaders (Scoutmasters, Coaches, Advisors, Skippers, unit Advancement Chairs,unit Life to Eagle Advisors, and Project Coaches) working with Life Scouts on the trail toEagle. While the Eagle Scout Candidate’s Guidebook, intended for use by the EagleCandidate, focuses on the specifics of carrying out the Eagle Scout service project andboard of review, this document provides an overview and additional details of all thesteps from Life Scout to Eagle Scout to include some thoughts on the Eagle Scout Courtof Honor.

Both Scouts and adult leaders are invited to offer suggestions for improving theseguidelines. Please contact the Longs Peak Council Advancement CommitteeChairperson.

This document has been paginated so that it can be printed on both sides of paper in bookform with even numbered pages on the left side and odd numbered pages on the rightside.

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Summary of Changes from Previous Revision

Section / Page Number Summary of Change

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Table of Contents

Preface.................................................................................................................................. i

Summary of Changes from Previous Revision................................................................... ii

Table of Contents............................................................................................................... iii

Section 1 – Introduction...................................................................................................... 1

Section 2 – The Eagle Scout Service Project...................................................................... 4

Examples of Past Eagle Projects..................................................................................... 8

Section 3 – Other Requirements for Eagle Scout Rank...................................................... 9

Section 4 – The Eagle Scout Rank Application................................................................ 11

Section 5 – The Eagle Scout Rank Board of Review ....................................................... 13

Letters of Recommendation.......................................................................................... 13

Scheduling the Eagle Board of Review ........................................................................ 13

Eagle Board of Review Procedures .............................................................................. 14

Disputed Circumstances & Appeals ............................................................................. 16

Section 6 – Eagle Scout Court of Honor........................................................................... 17

Section 7 – Other Resources and References ................................................................... 19

General Information...................................................................................................... 19

Eagle Projects ............................................................................................................... 19

Eagle Award Ceremonies ............................................................................................. 19

Scholarships for Eagles................................................................................................. 19

Forms and Guides ......................................................................................................... 19

Letters of Recommendation Requirements............................................................... 21

Guidelines for Eagle Letters of Recommendation.................................................... 23

Eagle Scout Board of Review Procedures ................................................................ 25

Sample Questions for Eagle Board of Review.......................................................... 27

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Section 1 – Introduction

The Eagle Scout Rank advancement process is notably different than the other rank advancementlevels. Therefore, it is highly recommended that each unit identify an adult leader to serve as aLife to Eagle Advisor. The Life to Eagle Advisor should be thoroughly familiar with the BSAGuide to Advancement, individual Eagle Scout Rank advancement requirements, therequirements and expectations for the Eagle Scout Service Projects, and the Eagle Scout RankApplication and the processing of the application. Both the Eagle Scout Service Project and thecompletion of the Eagle Scout Rank Application provide unit leaders with significant andlasting teaching opportunities.

The Guide to Advancement highly recommends the use of “Project Coaches” to advise, review,and mentor Eagle Scout candidates in the development and planning of their service project, andservice project workbook. [see Guide to Advancement, section] The project coach couldbe the Life to Eagle Advisor or another adult with experience in the area associated with aspecific Eagle project or experience in project management.

The unit should provide each Eagle Scout candidate with a copy of the Eagle Scout Candidate’sGuidebook and strongly encourage the use of the Guidebook. The Guidebook provides the Scoutspecifics on the process, steps involved, and information required in the planning, organization,and completion of an Eagle Scout Service Project, the Eagle Scout Rank Application, and theEagle Scout Board of Review.

There are 7 requirements for the rank of Eagle Scout. The first 6 requirements for the rank mustbe completed PRIOR to the Scout’s 18th birthday! The seventh requirement, the Eagle Board ofReview, may be conducted up to 3 months after the Scout’s 18th birthday. Any delay past the 3month period must be because of extenuating circumstances and be explained in writing toCouncil/National, through the District, who will determine if an extension is warranted.

The requirements for Eagle Rank are:

Requirement #1: Be active in your troop, team, crew, or ship for aperiod of at least six months after you have achieved the rank of LifeScout (the date of the scout’s Life Board of Review).

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Requirement #2: Demonstrate that you live by the principles of theScout Oath and Law in your daily life, as evidenced by characterrecommendations.

Requirement #3: Earn a total of 21 merit badges (13 required and 8elective).

Requirement #4: While a Life Scout, serve actively for a period ofsix months in one or more positions of responsibility in your unit afterachieving Life Scout Rank. (Specific eligible positions ofresponsibility are listed on the Eagle Scout Rank application.)

Requirement #5: While a Life Scout, plan, develop, and giveleadership to others in a service project helpful to any religiousinstitution, any school, or your community. (The project must benefitan organization other than Boy Scouting.) A project proposal must beapproved by the organization benefiting from the effort, your unitleader and unit committee, and the council or district before you start.You must use the Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook, No. 512-927, in meeting this requirement.

Requirement #6: While a Life Scout, participate in a unit leaderconference.

Requirement #7: Successfully complete an Eagle Scout Board ofReview. In preparation for your board of review, prepare and attachto your Eagle Scout Rank Application a statement of your ambitionsand life purpose and a listing of positions held in your religiousinstitution, school, camp, community, or other organizations duringwhich you demonstrated leadership skills. Include honors and awardsreceived during this service.

The figure on page 4 shows the process for completing the requirements to earn Eagle ScoutRank. You can see that it basically is a three-track process. Once a Scout has successfullycompleted the Life Scout Board of Review, he may begin work on any or all of the tracks,including the Eagle Scout Service Project. Therefore, it is possible to complete all requirementsfor Eagle Scout in just six months from the date of the Life Scout Board of Review. (NOTE: ifthere are less than six months from the date of the Life Scout board of review until the Scout’s18th birthday, the Scout is not eligible for the Eagle Scout Rank and the Scout should beinformed of this at his Life Scout board of review!)

More specific hints and guidelines are discussed in the sections following. Section 2 specificallyaddresses the Eagle Scout Service Project (requirement #5); however, you should refer the Scoutto the Council’s Eagle Scout Candidate’s Guidebook for specific guidance in the planning andexecution of his service project, the completion of his Eagle Scout Rank Application, and hisEagle Board of Review. Section 3 discusses the other five requirements (requirements #1-4, &

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#6). Section 4 addresses the completion of the Eagle Scout Rank Application. Section 5addresses the steps to be followed prior to the Board of Review (requirement #7). It alsodescribes responsibilities of the unit’s adult leadership. Should the Board of Review not pass anEagle Scout candidate, the appeal process is described. Section 6 includes some comments onthe Eagle Courts of Honor. Section 7 includes other resources and references.

All of the requirements #1 through #6 must be completed before the Scout reaches his 18th

birthday! If you foresee that a Scout will be unable to complete the requirements for the Eaglerank prior to his 18th birthday due to no fault or choice of the Scout, the Scout may apply for alimited time extension. The request must be made in writing to the National Boy ScoutCommittee through the your District and the Longs Peak Council. The request must showsufficient evidence and detail the extenuating circumstance that prevents the Scout fromcompleting the requirements prior to their 18th birthday. Extenuating circumstances aredefined as conditions or situations that are totally beyond the control of the Scout!

A Boy Scout, Varsity Scout, or male Venturer or Sea Scout with a disability may earn theEagle Scout Rank and may continue working toward rank advancement after he is 18 years old.If a Scout has a permanent physical or mental disability, the unit leader and the Scout’s parentsshould contact their District Advancement Committee Chairperson early in the process todiscuss the situation and the procedures that are applicable.

See the Guide to Advancement section for additional information and guidance.

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Section 2 – The Eagle Scout Service Project

The service project not only provides a Scout the opportunity to practice and hone theirleadership skills but an opportunity to learn how to expand a broad statement of a projectdescription into an executable statement of the work that includes the defining of the goals of theproject, the development of a project proposal and detailed final plan, and detailed coordinationwith adults in other organizations and businesses. The project proposal and detailed final planshould include a statement of the tasks required to complete each step of the project, an estimateof the time required to complete the project, a schedule, a list materials and resources (e.g.,supplies, people, tools) required and where/how they will obtained, a cost estimate, and a safetyplan per the Guide to Safe Scouting. The development of a project proposal and detailedfinal plan, as well as the final project report, provides significant teaching opportunities forunit leaders.

The project MUST be of REAL VALUE benefiting the environment, the community, or areligious group, school, or other worthy group (e.g., IRS 501(c)(3) qualified, worthy communityinstitution). [see Guide to Advancement, section]

It cannot: Be a job or service normally rendered as routine labor; Be performed for a business or individual; Be of a commercial nature; Be a fundraiser (although fundraising is permitted for securing materials or supplies

needed to carry out your project); Be shared by any other Scout as an Eagle project; Be of benefit to your Scout unit, the Longs Peak Council, or any other BSA activity.

The latest version of the Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook, BSA Number 512-927, must beused to document the service project and contain all the required signatures. Either download acopy or use the ‘fill-in & save’ pdf version (recommended) available from either the Longs PeakCouncil web site ( or from the National Council website (

The service project workbook has three primary sections – 1) the Eagle Scout Service ProjectProposal; 2) the Eagle Scout Service Project Plan; and, 3) the Eagle Scout Service ProjectReport. The last two pages of the workbook, titled Navigating the Eagle Scout Service Project,Information for Project Beneficiaries, should be provided to the project beneficiary by the Scout.These two pages provide guidelines to the beneficiary for such things as safety, fundraising,permits, and final approval; and define responsibilities for them and the Scout.

The workbook documentation should be clear as to: Who will benefit from the project and how they will benefit; What the goals of the project are and how success will be measured;

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What tasks need to be accomplished to complete the project successfully; What the schedule is for planning and executing the project, and how long it will take; How many people will be recruited to help carry out the project and where they will be

recruited, and if people with specific skills or experience are needed; What resources, materials, supplies, tools, and permits are required to accomplish the

project, and how and where they will be obtained; How leadership will be provided; What the estimated cost of the project is and how funds will be obtained to cover the cost

of the project; What project phases (e.g., tasks) need to be accomplished to complete the project

successfully; How many total service hours (estimated) are required to fulfill this project; What is the time schedule for carrying out the project; How the project logistics will be managed; How the safety of those carrying out the project will be ensured.

The unit leadership should ensure all the project proposal aspects of the project are developedand documented in the Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook before approving the project.Upon obtaining all the necessary approvals and signatures to include the approval of the District,the Scout can begin developing the detailed project plan.

The project plan should be shared with the project beneficiary to ensure they have the samevision for the project. BSA recommends that the beneficiary ask the Scout to document theproject plan in the Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook and share it with them (and the ProjectCoach, if there is one).

There are no specific requirements about the type of project or how big a project is required [seeGuide to Advancement section]. However, all projects should provide elements ofcomplexity and challenge to each Scout.

The Council Advancement Committee does have several concerns about the types of projects tobe accomplished as Eagle Scout Service Projects.

First, the project effort should be appropriate to a youth project. Proposed construction oflarge sheds or garages will be carefully reviewed by the District as perhaps being beyondscope of an Eagle project.

Second, safety will always be examined from the perspective of both the type of projectand who will be doing the work in approving projects. For example, if a proposed projectis to construct a large bridge for a park, especially one that will be used by motorizedvehicles of any size, a structural engineer must review the plans to make certain thedesign is safe. Such a project is also questionable as to be out of scope for a youthproject. The Guide to Safe Scouting should be a resource used for determining whatactivities/tasks are appropriate for youth versus adults.

Third, projects to conduct a collection drive, such as for clothing or eyeglasses or food,should be tied to a goal to be achieved, such as XX pounds of clothes or food, or YYitems of whatever is to be collected. This goal should be discussed with and agreed upon

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by the benefiting organization. The Scout should be able to discuss the method used todetermine the goal established, and have a back-up plan to achieve the goal in case theinitial effort falls short of the established goal. Satisfactory completion of such a projectmay require repeated collection drives until the agreed upon goal is achieved. [seeGuide to Advancement section]

There should be minimal “out of pocket” expenses by anyone associated with these projects. Ifthe materials are not to be provided by the benefiting organization, unit leadership shouldprovide guidance and approval to contact merchants for donation of needed materials. Or, theScout can organize a fundraiser to pay for the project’s materials. An Eagle Scout Service ProjectFundraising Application must be complete and approved by the beneficiary, unit leader, and theCouncil/District except for contributions from the candidate, his parents or relatives, his unit orits chartered organization, parents or members of his unit, or the beneficiary. Fundraising(requesting donations from businesses and other organizations) provide opportunities for theScout to exercise and demonstrate leadership.

After the Scout has completed the project proposal and documented it in the project workbook,approvals should be obtained. Approval and signatures from each of the following are requiredBEFORE the Scout can start work on the project:

The benefiting organization (approval and signature). Unit leader (Scoutmaster, Coach, Advisor, Skipper) (approval and signature). Unit committee (approval and signature). A member of the District Advancement Committee (approval and signature). This

signature must be last in order. The project MAY NOT begin prior to approval by thisrepresentative!

If a significant change to a project is necessary after the project is approved, a revised proposalmust be submitted for approval through the District Advancement Committee representative.What constitutes a significant change is hard to define. If in doubt, contact the Districtrepresentative who signed the original project proposal for a definitive answer.

Upon completion of the project, the Scout must complete the Project Report section of hisproject workbook (an after-action report) on the project and address how he demonstratedleadership and directed others. Once a Scout has completed his project and completed theproject report for the workbook, he must obtain final approval and signatures of projectcompletion from the benefiting organization and the unit leader.

When meeting with the District Eagle Advancement Committee, the Scout should wear theirfull scout uniform.

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Examples of Past Eagle Projects

Voting Booths: I made three voting booths for our town hall in Topsham, Vermont. One ofthem was a booth for handicapped voters.

Youth Protection and Identification Program: I provided parents and children withinformation to prevent abductions. I also provided a place for parents to fingerprint andvideo tape their child in case they ever need to file a missing child report.

Community Bicycle Registration: The number of bicycle thefts in our area was rising, so Iworked with the Police to develop a card file where people could register their bikes. Forthree Saturdays we put on a bike safety and registration fair.

Built a Playground: There is a home for orphans in our neighborhood. I organized aconstruction project and built a playground in their backyard for the kids.

Tiger Shelter at Wildlife Preserve: The tiger shelters at a local animal preserve were fallingapart, so I organized a project to rebuild the shelters over the cages!

Picnic Tables for Park: We built new picnic tables for the park's pavilions.

Bicycle Racks for Baseball Complex: The grass was torn up at our baseball diamondbecause kids kept dumping their bikes on the ground. I got a construction company to donatethe materials, and built a cement bike rack on the edge of the field.

Restore Storage Shed at Neighborhood Park: The shed at our neighborhood park had beenignored for a long time. I got our troop and neighborhood together to repair it.

Cemetery Directory: I catalogued all of the gravestones in our city cemetery. Then Iworked with the troop to put together a cemetery kiosk where visitors could look at a largemap and find the graves they wanted to visit.

Repainted Bleachers: Our baseball park was in pretty sad shape, so my project was to stripthe old paint away and then repaint four sets of bleachers and the four-team dugouts.

Toy Drive: For Christmas, I organized a toy drive with a thrift store in town. All the toyswere donated to foster homes and orphanages.

Flag Pole: Our school's flagpole was really old, so I got a company to donate the cement andpole for a new one. My troop helped put it in.

Area Trail Maintenance: A public trail was in need of some improvements so I put in twograde-level steps to prevent erosion. I also cleaned the trail and leveled it in places.

Collected and repaired used toys: The toys were given to a home for children withdisabilities.

Prepared plans for a footbridge on a trail in a national forest: Worked with rangers tolearn the skills necessary to build the structure, gathered materials and tools, and thendirected a Scout work group to do the construction.

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Section 3 – Other Requirements for Eagle Scout Rank

The other two tracks on the Eagle Trail described in the process chart in Section 1 are equallyimportant as is the Leadership Service Project.

Term of Service (Requirement #1). Serve at least 6 months active membership in a unitsince the date you passed your Life Scout Board of Review. [For the definition of “Active”refer to the Guide to Advancement, section There may be reasons why a Scout mustdrop out of a unit, such as moving from one locality to another. The time “dropped” does notcounted as part of the 6 months. Count the time spent in grade as a Life Scout before the Scouthad to drop and continue counting from the time he re-registers and resumes Scouting. (“Unit”means Troop, Team, Crew, or Ship and service term may include membership in a combinationof unit types.)]

Demonstrate Scout Spirit (Requirement #2). Demonstration Scout Spirit by living theScout Oath and Scout Law in your daily. [see Guide to Advancement section In additionto demonstration Scout Spirit during unit activities, this is attested to by references listed by theScout on the Eagle Scout Rank Application and by letters of recommendation written to theDistrict Eagle Advancement Representative for the Eagle Board of Review. Note: if the Scoutdoes not have a religious leader, his parents’ or legal guardians’ names must be inserted in therow for a Religious reference on the Eagle Scout Rank Application, in addition to the row aboveit.]

Merit Badges (Requirement #3). Earned a total of the 21 merit badges. [This is 10 more thanearned to achieve the rank of Life Scout for a total of 11 Eagle required and 10 elective. If aScout is 17 years of age, he needs to start all merit badges in time to complete them before heturn 18! Remember, some merit badges have terms of completion from 84 to 91 days.]

Position of Responsibility (Requirement #4). Serve actively for a period of 6 months inone or more positions of responsibility within your unit after achieving Life Scout Rank. [Thesepositions for all types of Scout units are listed on the second page of the Eagle Scout RankApplication.]

Unit Leader Conference (Requirement #6). Take part in a unit leader conference(Scoutmaster, Coach, Advisor, or Skipper).

Statement of Ambitions and Life Purpose (prior to Requirement #7). In preparation foryour board of review, prepare and attach to your Eagle Scout Rank Application a statement ofyour ambitions and life purpose, and a listing of positions held in your religious institution,school, camp, community, or other organizations during which you demonstrated leadershipskills. Include honors and awards received during this service.

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Section 4 – The Eagle Scout Rank Application

The completion of the Eagle Scout Rank Application provides the opportunity for the Scout topresent them self on paper much like they will with a job application. The Scout shouldunderstand that like a job application, the rank application represents them in their absences andthat people will draw conclusions and/or impressions from the rank application. The completionof the rank application is another teaching opportunity for unit leaders.

The Scout can start working on their rank application any time after their Life Scout board ofreview. In fact, it is a good idea to be working on the rank application while working tocomplete the advancement requirements, not waiting until the last minute.

The current version of the Eagle Scout Rank Application (form number 512-728) must be used.Recommend the Scout use the pdf ‘fill-in & save’ version of the application. The form can bedownloaded from the Longs Peak Council web site ( Printing iton both sides of one sheet of paper and in color, if possible, is highly recommended.

Following are guidelines to observe while completing the application:

1. Type all information using the ‘fill-in & save’ version (recommended) or print in ink ifusing a hardcopy. If printed, use block characters and make sure each letter is legible anddistinct.

2. All dates must show month, day, and year. For example, the date July 8, 2003 should beinserted as 07 (for July), 08 (for day), and 03 (for year).

3. Use full name (this is the name that will be on your Eagle certificate).

4. Fill out address completely. Only the state may be abbreviated. Make sure the unit type(Troop, Team, Crew, or Ship) and number is clearly identified.

5. The dates requested are very important. The Council office will check the applicationagainst records the unit submitted to Council. The following are sources for completingthe top part of your application:

Unit computerized records (such as Scoutbook© or TroopMaster) Membership cards Transfer records from a previous unit Advancement Reports (BSA form #34403A) Internet Advancement report or from Council office

6. In completing Requirement #2, list of references, there must be an entry for each line. Ifthe Scout has no formal religious leader, this entry should be the parent(s) or guardian(s).If the Scout does not have an employer reference, enter “N/A” in this line for “notapplicable.”

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7. In Requirement #3, list of merit badges, enter the dates as shown on either the unit’scomputerized records or on the Scout’s merit badge blue card as the completion date. Forbadges 7, 8, and 10 cross out inapplicable badges so that the badge being claimed isclearly shown. The consistency of dates for merit badge completion is a commonproblem for Eagle Scout Rank applications. In addition to the sources stated in item 5above, valid sources are:

Blue merit badge application cards signed by the merit badge counselor. The datea merit badge is earned is the date the Merit Badge Counselor signs the blue meritbadge card.

Rank requirements signed in the Scout’s Boy Scout Handbook Internet Advancement report or from Council office

8. After completion of Requirement #6, a unit leader conference, the Scout is to prepare awritten statement of ambitions and life purpose, and a listing of positions held in areligious institution, school, camp, community, or other organizations during which theScout demonstrated leadership skills. (It is recommended that the Scout review hisstatement of ambitions and life purpose with the unit leader during the unit leaderconference so the unit leader can advise as necessary.)

9. The Scout must certify correctness of the application by signing and dating theappropriate blanks on the second page of the application.

10. Unit approval, signatures/dates from the unit leader and the unit committee chair.

The completed application is then submitted to Council Headquarters for certification. Thecompleted application along with the statement of ambitions and life purpose and otherinformation can be either mailed or taken to the Council office in Greeley or taken to theScout Store in Loveland. The mailing address for the Council office is:

Longs Peak CouncilBoy Scouts of AmericaP.O. Box 1166Greeley, CO 80632-1166

While the Eagle Scout Rank application does not have to be submitted to council before theScout’s 18th birthday, requirements #1 through #6 do have to be completed prior to their 18th

birthday and the Scout should sign and date their application certifying that this is true. Theunit leader and committee chair should sign and date the application as soon as possible afterthe Scout has completed all the requirements, #1-6. The application should be submitted tocouncil promptly.

Once the application is certified, it will be mailed to the District Eagle Advancement Chair.

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Section 5 – The Eagle Scout Rank Board of Review

The Eagle Scout candidate with the assistance of the unit committee is responsible for preparingfor and scheduling the Board of Review. There are two basic steps: 1) soliciting letters ofrecommendation attesting to the Scout’s adherence to the Scout Oath and Law in his everydaylife, and 2) scheduling, recruiting board members, and arranging the Eagle Board of Review.[see Guide to Advancement section]

Letters of Recommendation

A minimum of four (4) letters of recommendation are required for the Board of Review – onefrom the candidate’s parents or legal guardian, and three (3) from non-relatives. See Section 7,Letters of Recommendation Requirements and Guidelines for Eagle Letters of Recommendation,for specific guidelines on who can write the letters and on the focus for the letters.

Letters of recommendation are usually requested from the individuals listed in Requirement 2 onthe Eagle Scout Rank Application. The candidate should have contacted those individuals andrequested permission before including their names on the application. The unit leadership shouldwork with the Scout to request the letters of recommendation. The references should mail theirletter of recommendation to the District Eagle Advancement representative.

Once the Council certified application and the minimum number letters of recommendation arereceived by the District Eagle Advancement representative, the candidate will be notified andauthorized to begin scheduling, recruiting board members, and arranging his Eagle Board ofReview.

A board of review must not be denied or postponed due to unresponsive references.

Scheduling the Eagle Board of Review

The Eagle Board of Review may be conducted up to three months after the Scout’s 18th birthday.If a Scout cannot schedule his Board of Review within the first three months after his 18th

birthday, the timeframe may be extended with permission from Council for another three months(for a total of six months after his 18th birthday). To do this a statement from an adult leader(unit leader or unit committee chairperson) requesting an extension and explaining the reason forthe delay must be attached to the Eagle Scout Rank Application and sent to the Longs PeakCouncil through the District Advancement Committee. An example of a satisfactory reasonwould be due to the candidate going off to college and who could not return home until the endof the semester. Upon Council approval, a Board of Review may be conducted up to six monthsafter the 18th birthday.

After six months have passed since a Scout’s 18th birthday, a Board of Review may not beconducted until after the Scout, his parent or guardian, the unit leader, or a unit committeemember has petitioned the National Advancement Program Team for authority to do so. Therequest must explain the reason for the delay. The petition must be accompanied with a copy of

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the Eagle Scout Rank Application. All petitions must be processed through the DistrictAdvancement Committee and the Longs Peak Council. If the National Advancement ProgramTeam approves the petition, a Board of Review must be conducted promptly. Approvals are notautomatic!

Eagle Board of Review Procedures

As stated above, the District places the Eagle Scout Board of Review in the hands of the EagleScout candidate and his unit; members of the District Eagle Advancement Committee will assistas necessary. The following are the National Council guidelines regarding the Eagle Board ofReview:

It must be composed of at least three and not more than six members, one ofwhom must be a representative from the District Eagle AdvancementCommittee.

It may NOT include the unit leader (Scoutmaster, Coach, Advisor, or Skipper) orany registered unit assistant leaders. However, unit leaders may introduce thecandidate to the board and remain in the room but does not participate. Unitcommittee members are good candidates.

It may NOT include any relatives of the Eagle Scout candidate. Each member must be 21 years of age or older. It may include individuals not associated with Scouting but who are leaders in

the community, the sponsoring institution, businesses, or education; or arepresentative of the Scout’s project beneficiary. These individuals must have anunderstanding of the importance and purpose of the Eagle Board of Review.

The following activities are the responsibility of the Eagle Scout candidate and their unitcommittee to oversee or complete:

1. Scheduling the Eagle Board of Review. The Eagle Scout candidate in coordination withhis unit committee is responsible for assembling the board in coordination with theDistrict Eagle Advancement representative and his unit committee.

2. The unit and Eagle Scout candidate will establish a date for the Eagle Board to meet incoordination with the District Eagle Advancement representative based on the availabilityof the participants. This date must be after the District Eagle Advancement Committeehas received the candidate’s certified Eagle Scout Rank application from Council and allthe required letters of recommendation. [Note: the Eagle Board of Review cannot berefused because of the lack of letters of recommendation.]

3. The Eagle Scout candidate should be working with the unit committee to determine whowill serve on the board. The board should consist of at least one, preferably two,members from the unit committee representing the unit (e.g., committee chair,advancement chair, Life to Eagle advisor), and one member from the community thatknows the candidate well (e.g., family friend, neighbor, teacher, employer).

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4. The District Eagle Advancement Committee representative will act as the chair supportedby the unit committee.

5. The Board conducts its review of the candidate:

The Board should assemble 30 minutes prior to meeting with the candidate. The candidate’s unit leader should introduce him to the board members and may

remain in the room, but does not participate in the board activities. The unitleader may be called on to clarify a point in question but does not speak unlessrequested by the board.

There is no set of questions that an Eagle Scout candidate should be asked(although examples for consideration are included in Section 7).

Because of the importance of the Eagle Scout Service Project, the Board shouldreview the project. Questions that may be addressed are:

Did the candidate demonstrate leadership of others? Did the candidate indeed direct the project rather than do all the work

them self? Was the project of real value to the benefiting organization? Did the project follow the approved plan as signed by the beneficiary,

unit leadership, and the District Eagle Advancement Committeemember, or were unapproved modifications needed to bring it to itscompletion?

The Board is to review the candidate on the overall aspect of both thecandidate’s Scouting experience and how they live their everyday life bythe Scout Oath and Law. It is not to review the candidate on Scout skills.It should not be an interrogation. This is the highest award that a Scoutmay achieve – one that is continually associated with an individualthroughout his lifetime – so, consequentially, a thorough discussion of hissuccesses and experiences in Scouting should be considered. The Boardmust be assured that the candidate fulfills the spirit of the Scout Oath andLaw and is representative of the overall good character associated withScouting.

After the review (which should take approximately 30-45 minutes), the candidateand the unit leader leave the room while the board members discuss theacceptability of the candidate as an Eagle Scout.

The decision to award the candidate the rank of Eagle Scout must beunanimous!

The candidate is recalled and informed of the decision.

6. If the Board approves the award of Eagle Scout Rank: The Board members and the District Eagle Advancement Committee

representative sign and date the Eagle Scout Rank Application under Requirement#7.

The completed Eagle Scout Rank Application is sent to the Longs Peak Councilheadquarters for further processing (it is recommended copies of all materials beretained by the unit).

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The written references are to be destroyed by the District Eagle AdvancementCommittee representative.

7. If, during the course of the Board of Review, any member, including the Scout, feels thatthe Scout is not properly prepared to successfully pass, they may ask for a recess. Duringthis recess the members will discuss their concerns and, again, at the request of any of themembers, call for an adjournment. The Board Chair will immediately council the Scoutand provide, in writing, a list of concerns to be addressed. When the Scout corrects thedeficient areas, they may ask the District Eagle Advancement representative toreschedule the Board of Review.

8. If the Board does not approve the award of Eagle Scout Rank: The Board shall inform the Scout orally as to the reasons why they are denied the

rank at this time. A discussion with them should be held as to how they may meetthe requirements within a given period.

The Board Chair shall promptly follow-up with a written letter to the Scoutconfirming the Board’s decision and the agreements reached with them on theaction(s) necessary for advancement. The letter will include the name of theDistrict Advancement Committee Chairperson in case the Scout wishes to start aformal appeal process. Copies of this letter are to be sent to the DistrictAdvancement Committee Chairperson.

The District Eagle Advancement Committee representative shall retain alldocumentation, including the confidential letters of reference until such time asthe issue is resolved.

Disputed Circumstances & Appeals

Two sets of circumstances may lead to disputed circumstances or to the appeal of a decision.

First, if the unit leader or unit committee does not recommend the Scout for a board of review, orif the unit leader or unit committee does not sign the Eagle Scout Rank Application, the Scout orhis parents/guardian may request a board of review under disputed circumstances. [see Guide toAdvancement, section]

Second, if the Eagle Board of Review does not recommend the applicant for advancement toEagle Scout Rank, the decision may be appealed by the Scout or his parents/guardians in writingto the Longs Peak Council Advancement Committee. [see Guide to Advancement, section8.0.4.0]

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Section 6 – Eagle Scout Court of Honor

When a Scout earns the Eagle Scout Rank, he deserves special recognition. The Eagle ceremonymay not be conducted until the National Council, has approved the action of the Eagle Board ofReview.

Scouts and parents should understand this one fact: this is the Scout’s award and ceremony. TheScout’s views deserve to be honored. If a Scout wish to participate in a group ceremony with hispeers, then by all means do so. But, if he wants single recognition, make sure the unit adultleaders know his desires.

There are a number of resources available for planning and conducting appropriate Eagle ScoutRank Courts of Honor. Start with Troop Program Resources, BSA publication number 33588.

A number of special recognitions are available to a new Eagle Scout for presentation at his Courtof Honor.

Commendation letters may be requested from dignitaries who are loyal to the principlesof Scouting. The website provided by lists many of them, along withsample request formats. It is recommended that requests be made only to those who mayhave a special meaning to the Scout being honored. Refer to

All of the military services have special recognitions for new Eagle Scouts. See theseand others on this web site:

Other resources are listed in Section 7.

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Section 7 – Other Resources and References

General Information

Eagle Projects


Eagle Award Ceremonies

Scholarships for Eagles

Forms and Guides

References were made in the text to a number of forms and guides. These are included in thefollowing pages for your assistance.

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Letters of Recommendation Requirements

The final step in your quest for the rank of Eagle Scout is participation in an Eagle Scout Boardof Review. For the BOR, you need a minimum of four letters of recommendation, one from yourparents/guardians and at least three others from adults (over the age of 21) that know you wellbut are not relatives. Work with your unit committee to request these letters. You should providea copy of the “Guidelines for Eagle Letters of Recommendation” to each person asked to write aletter of recommendation.

The members of the Board of Review will review these Letters of Recommendation.

The letters from the other adults besides your parents/guardians could be from any combinationof the following persons:

1. Religious leader2. Teacher, coach3. Employer, if you have or had one4. Other unrelated adults that know you well such as family friends, neighbors, etc.

Other than your parents/guardians, the adults you ask to write a Letter of Recommendationcannot be related to you; in other words, your uncle, brother-in-law, grandfather, cousin, etc.cannot be used for these letters. The religious leader and teacher do not have to be working withyou presently. In other words, you can solicit a letter from a school teacher or a Sunday Schoolteacher from years ago. If you have not been employed, you can skip this person. To avoid anydelay in your BOR, it is recommended that letters be solicited from at least four adults (notcounting your parents/guardians) in case a letter is lost or an adult forgets to write a letter.

For simplicity, it is recommended that you use this same list of people as your references on theEagle Scout Rank application.

The Letters of Recommendation should be mailed to your District Eagle Advancementrepresentative by US Mail. Please ask the individuals writing your letters to reference your nameon the envelope of transmittal under their return address.

You can start to solicit these letters at any time.

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Guidelines for Eagle Letters of RecommendationLongs Peak Council, Boy Scouts of America

Eagle Scout Candidate: _______________________________________.

The Scout named is an applicant for the Eagle Scout rank, which is the highest rank in BoyScouting. Before the award of Eagle Scout Rank is approved, a Board of Review consisting ofadult Scouters and community members must be thoroughly convinced that the applicant hasmade a sincere effort to live the Scout Oath and Scout Law, and to demonstrate Scout Spirit andparticipation.

The Board of Review would appreciate a statement from you giving your frank opinion of theapplicant’s conduct, leadership ability, and the extent to which he exemplifies the principles ofthe Scout Oath and Law in his personal life. The following type of information would be of useto the Board of Review in its deliberations:

How you came to know this young man and how long you have known him.

The Scout Law requires this young man to be: Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly,Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean, and Reverent. Outlineany observations you may have concerning how he has kept this Law.

The Scout Oath or Promise is “On my honor, I will do my best to do my duty to Godand my country, and to obey the Scout Law; To help other people at all times; Tokeep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight.” How has he keptthis promise?

One of the goals of the Boy Scout program is to help boys grow into fine young men. Theprogram helps the boy learn important skills such as communication, leadership, teamwork,personal hygiene, and camping while having fun. The program rewards the boy and helpshim gain self-confidence as he sees his skills improve and as he helps others improve theirskills. Outline any observations you may have concerning this goal.

Another important goal of the Boy Scout program is to help boys become good citizens. Doyou feel this young man is a good citizen?

You letter will remain confidential and will be reviewed only by the members of the Board ofReview.

Thank you in advance for your letter on behalf of the applicant and for your support of the Boy Scout program.

Please return your letter to the name and address noted below and please reference the Scout’s full name

either on the envelope under your return address label or within your letter.

PLEASE MAIL YOUR LETTER TO:District Eagle Advancement representative name, address, & telephone number

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Eagle Scout Board of Review Procedures

1. You and I will coordinate on the date and time of your Eagle Board of Review. Unless anextension has been requested and granted by Council, your Board of Review must occur nolater than three months after your 18th birthday.

2. Your Board of Review will consist of a minimum of three and a maximum of six adults: the Eagle Board Chair (from the District Eagle Advancement Committee); possibly one other member of the District Staff (invited by the Eagle Board Chair); at least one, preferably two, members from your unit committee (such as the committee

chair, advancement chair, or Life to Eagle representative); and one person invited by you who knows you well such as a family friend, neighbor, teacher,

or employer.

All board members must be over the age of 21 and cannot be members of your family, arelative, the Scoutmaster, Coach, or Advisor, or any of their assistants.

3. It is your responsibility to coordinate with your unit committee on inviting the people toserve on your Eagle Board of Review.

4. You will need to work with your unit to arrange for the location and a room for the Board ofReview. It is recommended that the Board of Review be conducted at your unit’s meetingplace.

5. You must appear in uniform. You may also wear your OA sash or merit badge sash, if youdesires.

6. You must bring your completed Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook and you should alsobring your Scout Handbook.

7. The total time for the board is about one to one and a half hours. You will meet with theboard for about 30 to 45 minutes. Your Scoutmaster/Coach/Advisor/Skipper or one of theirassistants may introduce you to the board.

8. Prior to meeting with you, the board will review your letters of recommendation, Eagle ScoutService Project Workbook, Eagle Scout Rank application, statement of ambitions and lifepurpose, and Scout Handbook.

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Sample Questions for Eagle Board of Review

Tell us about your Eagle Service Project.

How did you thank your volunteers?

Who did the project help? How has it helped? How did you provide leadership?

Of all the merit badges you earned, which was the most meaningful? Why?

Of all the merit badges you earned, which did you find the most difficult or challenging?Why?

Have any of your merit badge studies been of help in determining your future career?

What are your plans for the future? How has Scouting helped you to prepare for yourfuture? How?

What do you like best about Scouting? Why?

Is there anything you would change about the Scouting program? Why?

Now that you have completed your work for Eagle Scout rank, what are you going to dofor Scouting?

Tell us about your activities outside of Scouting. (Church, school, clubs, athletics)

What makes an Eagle Scout different from other youth?

As you remember the Scout Oath, what does it mean to you?

What is does duty to God mean to you and how have you demonstrated your duty to Godsince your Life board of review?

What is does duty to your Country mean to you and how have you demonstrated yourduty to Country since your Life board of review?

What is your duty to Self?

You did not make it all the way to Eagle on your own. Tell us about some of the peoplewho helped you and how they helped.

How do you plan to give back to those who helped you?

Of all the parts of the Scout Law, which part is the most (or least) important? Why?

Which of your Scouting experiences was most memorable?

If you could do one thing differently in your Scouting experiences, what would it be?

What does it mean to be an Eagle Scout?

How can you pass on the skills you learned in Scouting?

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